General Microbiology
General Microbiology
General Microbiology
Total = 70 Marks
I. Multiple Choice
1.Sterilization techniques was introduced by:
a.Louis Pasteur b.Robert Koch
c.Antony Van Leewenhock d.Alexander Fleming
2.All of the following vaccines are developed by Louis Pasteur except:
a.Small Pox b.Cholera
c.Rabies d. Anthrax
3.-------------Bacteria has their peptidoglycan layer
a. Gram +veb. Gram -ve
c. Both 1&2d. None of the above
4.Generation time of bacteria is-----------------
a. 20 hrsb. 20 mins
c. 20 secd. All of the above
5.Which of the following objective of compound Microscope is used for the study of stained
Preparation of bacteria
a. Low Powerb. High Power
c. Oil Immersiond. All the above
6.The process by which, an article, surface or medium is made free from all living micro-
organisms including spores.
7.One of the first chemicals to be used for disinfection
a. Ethylene oxide.b.Formaldehyde gas
c.Phenol.d.Benzoyl peroxide
8.The optimum temperature at which most of pathogenic bacteria grow best is called
a. Thermophilic b. Psychrophillic
c. Mesophilic d. Capnophilic
9.Which among the following is an example of dry heat sterilisation
a. Inspissation b. Tyndallisation
b. Hot air oven d. Autoclaving
10.Which type of radiation is used in Cold sterilization
a.Gamma rays b. X rays
c. Infra red rays d. UV rays
11.Which of the following is an example of anaerobic medium
a. MacConkey agar b. Thioglycollate medium
c. Blood agar d. Sabourauds Dextrose agar
Short Answer
Short notes
1. Robert Koch
2. Bacterial growth curve.
3. Flagella.
4. Pasteurization.
5. Methods of anaerobic cultivation.
Short Essay
1. Antibiotic Sensitivity Test
2. Classify culture media and describe in detail anaerobic culture methods.
1. Describe the morphology of a bacterial cell with the help of a neat diagram and
mention the functions of various appendages.
2. Define Sterilization. Discuss about physical methods of sterilization.
Short notes
1. Define immunity.
2. Define hapten. Give examples.
3. Diagrammatic representation of IgG.
Short Essay
1. Active immunity
2. Antigens
3. Sources of infection.
Short answer
1. What is MRSA?
2. Name the non-suppurative complications of Streptococcus pyogenes.
3. Describe the morphology of Corynebacterium diphtheriae.
4. Define zoonosis with examples.
5. Nagler’s reaction.
6. What is significant bacteriuria?
7. Name four organisms causing UTI.
8. TCBS.
9. DOTS.
10. VDRL.
Short notes
1. Coagulase test.
2. Laboratory diagnosis of Neisseria meningitidis.
3. Elek’stoxigenicity test.
4. Prophylaxis of tetanus.
5. Pathogenesis of bacillary dysentery.
6. Classification of Vibrio.
7. Lab diagnosis of pulmonary tuberculosis.
8. Laboratory diagnosis of syphilis.
Short Essay
1. Describe the morphology, pathogenesis and laboratory diagnosis of Treponema
2. Describe in detail the classification of Shigella, pathogenesis and laboratory diagnosis
of Shigella dysenteriae.
1. Classify Streptococci. Write in detail the pathogenesis, clinical features, laboratory
diagnosis and treatment of Streptococcus pyogenes.
2. Enumerate the Mycobacteria. Describe the morphology, pathogenesis & laboratory
diagnosis of Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Add a note on BCG vaccine.
Short answer
1. Mention differences between bacteria and viruses.
2. Name 4 RNA viruses.
3. What is pulse polio immunization?
4. MMR vaccine.
5. Dengue Haemorrhagic fever.
6. What is hydrophobia?
8. What are retroviruses?
Short notes
1. Herpes simplex virus.
2. Cultivation of virus.
3. Mumps virus.
4. Dengue virus.
5. Prophylaxis of rabies.
Short Essay
1. Classify Hepatitis viruses. Describe the morphology, pathogenesis, laboratory
diagnosis of Hepatitis B virus infection.
2. Describe the morphology, pathogenesis, lab diagnosis and prophylaxis of Rabies
1. Classify Human Herpes viruses. Describe the pathogenesis and laboratory diagnosis
of Herpes simplex.
2. Describe the structure, pathogenesis, clinical features and lab diagnosis of human
immunodeficiency virus infection.
Short answer
1. What are the functions of KOH in direct microscopy?
2. Antifungal agents.
3. List the fungi causing opportunistic mycoses
4. Otomycoses
Short notes
1. Laboratory diagnosis of fungal infection.
2. Candida albicans.
3. Cryptococcus neoformans.
Short Essay
1. Classify superficial mycoses & write in detail about dermatophytes.
2. Name the opportunistic fungal infection .Describe in detail the pathogenesis & lab
diagnosis of candidiasis
Short answer
1. Draw a neat labelled diagram of Giardia lamblia.
2. Pathogenesis of Blackwater fever.
3. Clinical features in Malaria.
4. Enumerate the differences betweenTaeniasaginata& Taeniasolium?
5. Casoni’s test
6. Name the intestinal nematodes?
7. NIH swab
Short notes
1. Giardiasis
2. Prophylaxis of Malaria
3. Laboratory diagnosis of Taenia solium infection with a note on prophylaxis
4. Laboratory diagnosis of Ascaris lumbricoides.
5. Larva migrans
Short Essay
1. Discuss the morphology, life cycle, pathogenicity and laboratory diagnosis of
Entamoeba histolytica.
2. Describe the morphology, life cycle, and pathogenesis and laboratory diagnosis of
Taenia saginata?
1. Classify Sporozoa. Describe the life cycle, pathogenesis & laboratory diagnosis of
Plasmodium falciparum.
2. Describe the morphology, life cycle, pathogenesis , clinical features and laboratory
diagnosis ofAscaris lumbricoides?