Loksabhaquestions Annex 1715 AU502
Loksabhaquestions Annex 1715 AU502
Loksabhaquestions Annex 1715 AU502
Will the Minister of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare कृिष एवं िकसान क याण मं ी
be pleased to state;
(a) whether there will be a further slow down in farm sector growth in the second half which
could weaken rural demand and accentuate food price pressures and if so, the details
(b) whether with kharif crop yields dropping, foodgrain output is set-to hit a four year low and
rabi crop sowing significantly lagging last year’s levels by mid December, 2023 and if so,
the details thereof; and
(c) whether the decline in the output of most crops by larger than the fall in their area sown,
reflecting a contraction in yields and if so, the details thereof?
(a) to (c) As per the estimates of Gross Domestic Product for the Second Quarter (July-
September) of the FY 2023-2024 released by NSO, MoSPI, the details of GVA growth during
April- June, 2023(Q1) and July- September, 2023(Q2) are as below:
7.8 3.5
Q1 (April-June)
7.4 1.2
Q2(July- September)
The area sown and yield of various crops has been fluctuating over the years and depends
on various factors such as weather conditions, rainfall situation, irrigation facilities, inter-crop
profitability, soil conditions and expectation of better remuneration from other competing crops
etc. Further, the Second Advance Estimates covering both kharif and rabi crops is usually
released during February, hence it is too early to comment upon the rabi crop sowing. However,
as per weekly report of Crop Weather Watch Group (CWWG) as on 02.02.2024 area coverage
under rabi crops is 709.29 lakh hectares in comparison to 648.33 lakh hectares normal area.
The area, production and yield of kharif crops from 2019-20 to 2023-24 is at Annexure.
Each year the Government of India announces Minimum Support Prices (MSPs)
for 22 mandated agricultural crops. Further, the Union Budget for 2018-19 had announced the
pre-determined principle to keep MSPs at levels of one and half times of the cost of production.
Accordingly, Government had increased MSPs for all mandated Kharif, Rabi and other
Commercial crops with a minimum return of 50 percent over all India weighted average cost of
production from year 2018-19 onwards.
Annexure referred to in reply to part (a) to (c) of Lok Sabha Unstarred Q No. 502 Due for reply on 06.02.2024
All India: Crop-wise Area, Production & Yield (Kharif)