SSC Je 2024 English Answer Key Compilation - Byrm
SSC Je 2024 English Answer Key Compilation - Byrm
SSC Je 2024 English Answer Key Compilation - Byrm
Ans 1. 4
2. 6
3. 8
4. 10
Q.2 In a certain code language, ‘BEAR’ is coded as ‘9715’ and ‘RUST ’ is
coded as ‘8962’. What is the code for ‘R’ in that language?
Ans 1. 9
2. 6
3. 5
4. 8
Q.3 Select the set in which the numbers are related in the same way as
are the numbers of the following sets.
(NOT E : Operations should be performed on the whole numbers,
without breaking down the numbers into its constituent digits. E.g.
13 – Operations on 13 such as adding/deleting/multiplying etc. to 13
can be performed. Breaking down 13 into 1 and 3 and then
performing mathematical operations on 1 and 3 is not allowed.)
(6, 24, 12)
(7, 36, 13)
Ans 1. (11, 106, 5)
2. (9, 66, 15)
3. (5, 12, 18)
4. (8, 49, 12)
SSC Updates (Kannada): @the_target100 RankMitra: @RankMitra
Q.4 Select the correct mirror image of the given figure when the mirror
is placed at OG as shown below.
Ans 1.
Q.6 Select the set in which the numbers are related in the same way as
are the numbers of the following sets.
(NOT E: Operations should be performed on the whole numbers,
without breaking down the numbers into its constituent digits. E.g.
13 – Operations on 13 such as adding/subtracting/multiplying etc. to
13 can be performed. Breaking down 13 into 1 and 3 and then
performing mathematical operations on 1 and 3 is not allowed.)
(4, 32, 8)
(9, 54, 6)
Ans 1. (9, 106, 12)
2. (8, 89, 17)
3. (13, 62, 4)
4. (7, 77, 11)
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Q.7 What should come in place of the question mark (?) in the given
series based on the English alphabetical order?
Ans 1. US P
2. P S U
3. P US
4. UP S
Q.8 What will come in the place of the question mark ‘?’ in the following
equation, if ‘+’ and ‘–’ are interchanged and ‘×’ and ‘÷’ are
4 − 8 ÷ 12 + 16 × 2 = ?
Ans 1. 92
2. 94
3. 90
4. 86
Q.9 What should come in place of the question mark (?) in the given
series based on the English alphabetical order?
Ans 1. S O U
2. S NV
3. R MU
4. T LW
Q.10 In the following number-pairs, the second number is obtained by
applying certain mathematical operations to the first number. Select
the set in which the numbers are related in the same way as are the
numbers of the following sets.
(NOT E: Operations should be performed on the whole numbers,
without breaking down the numbers into its constituent digits. E.g.,
13 – Operations on 13 such as adding/subtracting/multiplying etc. to
13 can be performed. Breaking down 13 into 1 and 3 and then
performing mathematical operations on 1 and 3 is not allowed.)
(36, 75)
(42, 87)
Ans 1. (36, 77)
2. (48, 100)
3. (45, 93)
4. (47, 99)
Ans 1. 75
2. 72
3. 69
4. 67
SSC Updates (Kannada): @the_target100 RankMitra: @RankMitra
Q.12 Select the option figure that will replace the question mark (?) in the
figure given below to complete the pattern.
Ans 1.
Large : Big
Ans 1. Same : Alike
2. Far : Near
3. First : Last
4. D emolish : R epair
Ans 1.
Ans 1. GHU
2. T F Y
3. JD Y
4. JD N
Q.22 What should come in place of the question mark (?) in the given
series based on the English alphabetical order?
Ans 1. ZAC
2. ZAD
3. YB E
4. YB D
Q.23 What should come in place of ‘?’ in the given series?
743, 648, 553, 458, 363, ?
Ans 1. 275
2. 246
3. 253
4. 268
Q.24 5 is related to 67 following a certain logic. Following the same logic,
7 is related to 93. To which of the following is 11 related following
the same logic?
(NOT E: Operations should be performed on the whole numbers,
without breaking down the numbers into their constituent digits.
E.g. 13 – Operations on 13 such as adding / subtracting /multiplying
to 13 can be performed. Breaking down 13 into 1 and 3 and then
performing mathematical operations on 1 and 3 is not allowed.)
Ans 1. 145
2. 144
3. 146
4. 148
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Q.25 What should come in place of the question mark (?) in the given
series based on the English alphabetical order?
Q.26 Santhosh starts from his home and drives 5 km towards the east. He
then takes a right turn, drives 8 km, turns left, and drives 3 km. He
then takes a right turn and drives 5 km and turns left, then drives 3
km to reach his office.
In which direction is the office with respect to his home?
(All turns are 90° turns only, unless specified.)
Ans 1. South-east
2. North-east
3. West
4. North
Q.27 NRMJ is related to PTOL in a certain way based on the English
alphabetical order. In the same way, QUPM is related to SWRO. To
which of the following is T XSP related, following the same logic?
Ans 1. VZUR
2. VZR U
3. ZVR U
Q.28 In a group of five friends, each has a different age. Sony is younger
than Ramesh. Mohan is younger than Chand. Only two people are
older than Chand. Sita is younger than Mohan. Who is the second
youngest in the group?
Ans 1. C hand
2. Sony
3. Sita
4. Mohan
Q.29 Which of the following numbers will replace the question mark (?) in
the given series?
225, 200, 183, 174, ?, 168
Ans 1. 168
2. 170
3. 167
4. 169
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Q.30 Select the option figure in which the given figure is embedded as its
part (rotation is NOT allowed).
Ans 1.
Q.31 In a certain code language, ‘we are friends’ is written as ‘aj er kl’
and ‘friends are forever’ is written as ‘er aj pu’. How is ‘forever’
written in the given language?
Ans 1. pu
2. er
3. kl
4. aj
SSC Updates (Kannada): @the_target100 RankMitra: @RankMitra
Q.32 Select the option in which the given figure is embedded (rotation is
NOT allowed).
Ans 1.
Q.33 If ‘A’ stands for ‘+’, ‘B’ stands for ‘−’, ‘C’ stands for ‘×’and ‘D’ stands
for ‘÷’, what will be come in place of question mark (?) in the
following equation?
35 C 4 D 7 B 10 A 2 = ?
Ans 1. 8
2. 10
3. 13
4. 12
SSC Updates (Kannada): @the_target100 RankMitra: @RankMitra
Q.34 Read the given statements and conclusions carefully. Assuming that
the information given in the statements is true, even if it appears to
be at variance with commonly known facts, decide which of the given
conclusion(s) logically follow(s) from the statements.
Statement: Some ceilings are skies. Some skies are blue.
Conclusion 1: Some ceilings are blue.
Conclusion 2: Some skies are not blue.
Ans 1. O nly conclusion 2 follows
2. Neither conclusion 1 nor 2 follows
3. Both conclusion 1 and 2 follow
4. O nly conclusion 1 follows
Horse : Mare
Ans 1. D rone : D uck
2. Peacock : Vixen
3. Buck : D oe
4. Fox : Goose
Q.37 IK 3 is related to EO 7 in a certain way. In the same way, YO 5 is
related to US 9. To which of the following is ZU 5 related, following
the same logic?
Ans 1. W V 7
2. VW 7
3. VY 9
4. VX 9
Q.38 L, M, N, D, E, F and G are sitting around a circular table facing the
center (not necessarily in the same order). Only three people sit
between F and N when counted from the left of F. Only three people
sit between L and E when counted from the left of L. Only three
people sit between G and D when counted from the left of G. D sits
to the immediate left of N. M is not an immediate neighbour of E.
Who sits third to the right of M?
Ans 1. E
2. F
3. D
4. G
Q.39 What will come in the place of the question mark (?) in the following
equation, if ‘+’ and ‘−’ are interchanged and ‘×’ and ‘÷’ are
82 + 52 ÷ 26 × 13 − 4 = ?
Ans 1. −68
2. 9
3. 36
4. −18
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Q.40 T he position(s) of how many letters will remain unchanged if each of
the letters in the word ACQUIRE is arranged in the English
alphabetical order?
Ans 1. Two
2. O ne
3. Zero
4. Three
Q.41 Select the option in which the numbers share the same relationship
as that shared by the given number triads.
(NOT E: Operations should be performed on the whole number,
without breaking down the numbers into its constituent digits. E.g.
13- Operations on 13 such as adding/subtracting/multiplying etc. to
13 can be performed. Breaking down 13 into 1 and 3 and then
performing mathematical operations on 1 and 3 is NOT allowed.)
Ans 1. 1-4-12
2. 4-8-12
3. 5-25-100
4. 3-12-48
Q.42 11 is related to 77 following a certain logic. Following the same
logic, 16 is related to 112. To which of
the following is 21 related, following the same logic?
(NOT E: Operations should be performed on the whole numbers,
without breaking down the numbers
into its constituent digits. E.g. 13 – Operations on 13 such as
adding/subtracting/multiplying etc. to 13 can
be performed. Breaking down 13 into 1 and 3 and then performing
mathematical operations on 1 and 3
is not allowed.)
Ans 1. 145
2. 147
3. 149
4. 151
Q.43 A dice has its faces marked by numbers 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9. Two
positions of the same dice are shown below. Which of the given
statements follows?
I) T he sum of face 9 and the face opposite to it is a multiple of 3.
II) Face 8 has a prime number as its opposite face.
Q.46 Read the given statements and conclusions carefully. You have to
take the given statements to be true even if they seem to be at
variance from commonly known facts. You have to decide which
conclusion/s logically follow/s from the given statements.
Statements: All kites are rocks. All rocks are lakes. All lakes are
(I) All rocks are planets.
(II) At least some lakes are kites.
Ans 1. O nly conclusion (I) follows.
2. Both conclusions (I) and (II) follow.
3. O nly conclusion (II) follows.
4. Neither conclusion (I) nor (II) follows.
Q.47 In a certain code language, ‘DEFAULT ’ is coded as ‘DT LUAFE’ and
‘BROUGHT ’ is coded as ‘BT HGUOR’. What is the code for
‘FANTASY’ in the given language?
Ans 1. F YS AT NA
Q.48 In a certain code language,
‘A + B’ means ‘A is the mother of B’,
‘A − B’ means ‘A is the brother of B’,
‘A × B’ means ‘A is the sister of B’, and
‘A ÷ B’ means ‘A is the husband of B’.
How is L related to R if ‘N − S ÷ L × M + Q − R’?
Ans 1. Mother ’s mother
2. Mother
3. Father ’s sister
4. Mother ’s sister
Q.49 Kirti starts from point A and walks 1 km towards east. She takes a
right turn and walks 2 km. She then takes a left turn and walks 3 km.
She takes a right turn and walks 4 km. She takes a left turn and
walks 5 km. She takes a final left turn and walks 6 km to reach a
point B. How far (shortest distance) and towards which direction
should she walk in order to reach point A again? (All turns are 90
degree turns only unless specified otherwise.)
Ans 1. 9 km west
2. 8 km west
3. 6 km west
4. 7 km west
SSC Updates (Kannada): @the_target100 RankMitra: @RankMitra
Q.50 A, B, C, D, P, Q, and R are sitting around a circular table, facing the
centre (not necessarily in the same order). Only D sits between B
and C when counted from the left of B. P sits fourth to the right of
D.R is an immediate neighbour of both P and C.Q is not an
immediate neighbour of P.
How many people are sitting between D and A when counted from
the left of A?
Ans 1. O ne
2. Two
3. Four
4. Three
Ans 1. C nidaria
2. Platyhelminthes
3. Mollusca
4. Porifera
Q.2 Which of the following statements is true?
Ans 1. F2
2. Alt + E
3. Shift + Enter
4. C trl + S
Q.9 T he Parsi reform movement Rahnumai Mazdayasna Sabha was
founded in which year?
Ans 1. 1841
2. 1851
3. 1855
4. 1849
Q.10 According to Census of India 2011, what is the percentage of Hindu
population in India?
Ans 1. 79.8%
2. 84.1%
3. 75.6%
4. 72.7%
Q.11 Besides the cell organelles, there are various types of non-living
components within a cell, which are known as:
Ans 1. C ytoplasmic Inclusion
2. Plasmodesmata
3. Tubules
4. Microfibrils
Q.12 Who sworn in as a member of the Union Public Service Commission
in September 2023?
Ans 1. Suman Sharma
2. D inesh D asa
3. Preeti Sudan
4. Bidyut Behari Swain
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Q.13 Who was the first Sultan of the Sultanate period who arranged for
the translation of Hindu scriptures from Sanskrit to Persian?
Ans 1. Sikandar Khan Lodi
2. Firoz Shah Tughlaq
3. Muhammad bin Tughluq
4. Alauddin Khilji
2. Kelp forest
3. C oral reef
4. Taiga
Q.42 What does the 'Print Range' option allow you to specify while
printing a document?
Ans 1. Number of copies to print
2. Specific area or range of pages to print
3. Paper size and type
4. Printer settings
Q.43 Which of the following organisations was established in 1906?
Ans 1. Akhil Bharat Hindu Mahasabha
2. All India Muslim League
3. Servants of India Society
4. Parsi R eligious R eform Association
Q.44 According to Census of India 2011,India’s population accounts for
_______ of the world’s population.
Ans 1. 15.5%
2. 17.5%
3. 19.3%
4. 21.7%
Q.45 Which element is a transition metal in Group 9 of the periodic table?
Ans 1. Iron (Fe)
2. C opper (C u)
3. Nickel (Ni)
4. C obalt (C o)
Q.46 According to Agricultural Statistics at a Glance 2022, Government of
India, which state produced 44.48% groundnut of India during the
year 2021-2022?
Ans 1. R ajasthan
2. Tamil Nadu
3. Maharashtra
4. Gujarat
Q.47 Which of the following Articles of the Indian Constitution is related
to the Directive Principles of State Policy?
Ans 1. Articles 11-50
2. Articles 25-55
3. Articles 36-51
4. Articles 50-101
Q.48 In which year did Rudolf Virchow develop his ideas by publishing his
famous formula 'Omnis cellula-e cellula', which became a part of the
foundation of cell theory?
Ans 1. 1830
2. 1855
3. 1890
4. 1902
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Q.49 What is u in the equation s = ut + ½ at
2 , which represents the
position-time relation?
Ans 1. Uniform acceleration
2. Initial velocity
3. Speed of the object
4. C hange in momentum
Q.50 What is the most common factor for the yellowing of the Taj Mahal
gradually over the years?
Ans 1. Acid rain
2. C arbon monoxide present in air
3. Marble turns yellow with time
4. Marble reacts with nitrogen in air
Q.12 As per the Environment Protection Act, 1986, what are the permitted
noise limits (in decibel) for the silence zone during day time and
night time?
Ans 1. 60 and 50, respectively
2. 50 and 60, respectively
3. 50 and 40, respectively
4. 40 and 30, respectively
Q.13 In the case of Atterberg limits of a soil, the shrinkage index of the
soil will be equal to :
Ans 1. the difference between the liquid limit and shrinkage limit
2. the sum of shrinkage ratio and flow index
3. the difference between the plastic limit and shrinkage limit
4. the difference between the liquid limit and plastic limit
Q.14 In the estimation of minimum radius of horizontal circular curve on
non-urban highways following IRC : 73 - 1980, using the equation
R= v 2 /(g(e + f)) , the notation ‘f ’ represents _________.
Ans 1. W idth of roadway
2. Vehicle speed
3. Superelevation ratio
4. C o-efficient of side friction between vehicle tyres and pavement
Q.15 How does the age of concrete affect its compressive strength?,
consider the age limit as 28 days with continued curing.
Ans 1. Age of concrete doesnot affect the compressive strength of
2. C ompressive strength increases as the age of concrete increases
3. C ompressive strength decreases upto an age 7 days and continues
to decrease on further curing
4. C ompressive strength increases upto an age 14 days and
continues to decrease on further curing
Q.16 For a semicircular plate of diameter ‘D’ and radius ‘R’, with ‘y’ as the
vertical axis passing through the diameter and ‘x’ as the horizontal
axis passing through the diameter, the moment of inertia about the y
axis will be:
Ans 1.
Q.19 In a sieve analysis of soil, the total weight of soil taken was 500 g.
T he mass of soil retained over 4.75 mm sieve was 100 g, mass
retained over 2 mm sieve was 150 g, and the mass retained over 425-
micron sieve was 200 g. T he effective size of the soil will be:
Ans 1. 75 microns
2. 425 microns
3. 4.75 mm
4. 2 mm
Q.20 An abstract of estimated cost is prepared after obtaining the cost of
each individual item of work and then adding them all together. T his
estimated cost is increased by 5% to account for any unforeseen
expenses, which are referred to as:
Ans 1. work charged establishment
2. departmental charges
3. contingencies
4. overhead charges
Q.21 In regard to the resection method of plane table survey, the term
‘resector’ refers to the _____________.
Ans 1. rays drawn from the known location of the station to the un-plotted
location of the points
2. rays drawn from the un-plotted location of the station to the known
location of the points
3. rays drawn from the un-plotted location of the station to the un-
plotted location of the points
4. rays drawn from the known location of the station to the known
location of the points
Q.22 T he fineness of a cement sample is determined by using _________
Ans 1. Blaine’s air permeability
2. Le C hatelier
3. slump cone
4. universal testing
Q.23 Which of the given condition is ensured in RC members due to the
proper bond between reinforcing steel and surrounding concrete?
Ans 1. Force compatibility
2. Bending compatibility
3. Stress compatibility
4. Strain compatibility
Q.24 If the water table reaches the ground level, the unit weight of soil
for bearing capacity calculation is taken as:
Ans 1. bulk unit weight
2. saturated unit weight
3. submerged unit weight
4. dry unit weight
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Q.25 For an irrigation project, Culturable Command area (CCA) =
Ans 1. C ulturable C ommand Area (C C A) = Gross C ommand Area (GC A)
2. C ulturable C ommand Area (C C A) = Gross C ommand Area (GC A)
+ Unculturable area
3. C ulturable C ommand Area (C C A) = Gross C ommand Area (GC A)
− Unculturable area
4. C ulturable C ommand Area (C C A) = Unculturable area − Gross
C ommand Area (GC A)
2. B and C
3. A and D
4. A and C
Q.29 In a circular tube of diameter 100 mm and length 15 m with laminar
flow, the Darcy friction factor is estimated to be 0.05. Calculate the
Reynolds number.
Ans 1. 2500
2. 1000
3. 1280
4. 900
Q.30 In plywood, three or more veneers in odd numbers are placed one
above the other with the direction of grains of successive layers at
________ to each other.
Ans 1. 30°
2. 90°
3. 60°
4. 45°
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Q.31 What is the function of a non-return valve?
Ans 1. Blocks the flow of fluid in all directions in a pipe flow system
2. Allows flow of liquid in a direction opposite to the pumping direction
of liquid
3. Allow the flow of liquid in one direction and prevents it from flowing
back in opposite direction in a pipe flow system
4. Allow the flow of liquid in both upward and downward direction in a
pipe flow system
Q.43 Estimate the quantity of plastering required to plaster both the face
of a wall of 5 m long, 4m high and 30 cm thickness, Ignore thickness
faces of wall
Ans 1. 20 sq. m
2. 24 sq. m
3. 40 sq. m
4. 50 sq. m
Q.44 A diamond intersection on the road is a type of:
Ans 1. T intersection
2. Grade separated intersection
3. At grade intersection
4. Four way stop
Q.45 T he integration constant C1 used in Macaulay’s method of anlaysis
is obtained by applying_______ to the integrated(1st integral)
differential equation of given beam elastic curve.
Ans 1. Partial Factor of safety
2. boundary condition for deflection
3. boundary condition for slope
4. Load factor
Q.46 Sodium clay can be used in the core of earthen dams because it has
_________ .
Ans 1. low permeability
2. high permeability
3. low porosity
4. high strength
Q.47 Calculate the net area of the tension member consists a drilled hole
of diameter 22 mm to place a M20 bolt. Take thickness of the tension
member as 10 mm and gross area 1000 mm2 .
Ans 1. 550 mm2
2. 1000 mm2
3. 780 mm2
4. 680 mm2
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Ans 1. 60
2. 24
3. 2.5
4. 12.67
Q.49 T he process that uses reclamation of saline soil, in which
agricultural land is flooded with water to a depth of about 20-30 cm,
is known as ____________.
Ans 1. surface drainage
2. leaching
3. washing
4. sub-surface drainage
Q.50 Which process of cement manufacturing is commonly used in modern
cement plants?
Ans 1. D ry or wet process based on structural element the cement is used
2. D ry process
3. D ry or wet process based on setting time requirement of cement
4. Wet process
Q.51 Select the option that is appropriate regarding the following two
statements labelled Assertion and Reason.
Assertion: T he main disadvantage of drip irrigation is requirement
for a high initial investment.
Reason: Drip irrigation requires regular flushing and supervision.
Ans 1. Both Assertion and R eason are false.
2. Both Assertion and R eason are true, but R eason is not the correct
explanation of Assertion.
3. Assertion is true, but R eason is false.
4. Both Assertion and R eason are true and R eason is the correct
explanation of Assertion.
Q.52 Select the option that is appropriate regarding the following two
statements labelled Assertion and Reason.
Assertion: Due to the inherent nature of various parameters
involved in the process, the yield from a catchment is a random
Reason: T he yield from a catchment is the end-product of various
processes such as precipitation, infiltration and evapotranspiration
operating on the catchment.
Ans 1. Assertion is true, but R eason is false.
2. Both Assertion and R eason are true and R eason is the correct
explanation of Assertion.
3. Both Assertion and R eason are true, but R eason is not the correct
explanation of Assertion.
4. Both Assertion and R eason are false.
SSC Updates (Kannada): @the_target100 RankMitra: @RankMitra
Q.53 Which property of borosilicate glass makes it suitable for thermal
shock resistance ?
Ans 1. Low density
2. High refractive index
3. Low thermal expansion coefficient.
4. High transparency
Q.54 Match the following flood control works with their functions.
Q.73 During the alignment of a road by using direct ranging, the surveyor
raises both the hands above his head and then, brings them down as
a signal for his assistant. T he correct action taken by his assistant
would be __________.
Ans 1. moving the ranging rod backward along the same line
2. Lift the ranging rod above the knee level
3. considering that the ranging rod is at correct position
4. moving the ranging rod forward along the same line
Q.74 Which of the following statements is INCORRECT ?
Ans 1. Flocculation is a chemical technique that is directed towards the
destabilisation of charged particles and the coagulation promotes the
agglomeration of stabilised particles.
2. Filters purify water through the following four different processes:
mechanical straining, flocculation and sedimentation, biological
metabolism and electrolyte charges charging.
3. Activated carbon is a de-chlorinating agent.
4. In plain sedimentation tanks, the removal of particles is independent
of the depth of the sedimentation tank.
Q.75 T he soil component with particles passing through 4.75 mm IS sieve
but retained on 75 micron IS sieve, is known as _______.
Ans 1. residue
2. sand
3. cobble
4. mud
Q.76 Which of the following statements are correct with respect to Mohr-
Coulomb failure criteria on soils.
I: Mohr failure envelope is approximated as straight line but in
actual, it is curved.
II: Mohr failure envelope is approximated as a curved line but in
actual, it is straight.
III: T he Mohr circle drawn for soil cannot cross the Mohr failure
IV. Cohesion c and angle of internal friction φ are fundamental
properties of soil and are independent of testing conditions.
Ans 1. II and III
2. I and IV
3. I and III
4. II and IV
Q.77 In triangulation, the point at which astronomical observations for the
azimuth and the longitude are made by use of Laplace equation is
called __________.
Ans 1. Laplace station
2. subsidiary station
3. base station
4. base line
SSC Updates (Kannada): @the_target100 RankMitra: @RankMitra
Q.78 Which of the following methods is used for designing a turnout
taking off from a staright railway track?
Ans 1. Westergaard’s method
2. C oles method
3. R ankine’s method
4. C oulomb’s method
Q.79 For construction of WBM roads, which of the following is the correct
sequence of operation after spreading the crushed aggregate?
Ans 1. D ry rolling, wet rolling, application of binding material, filling voids
with screening
2. Filling voids with screening, application of binding material, dry
rolling, wet rolling
3. D ry rolling, filling voids with screening, wet rolling, application of
binding material
4. Wet rolling, application of binding material, dry rolling, filling voids
with screening
Q.85 In order to have exactly zero tensile stress at one extreme fibre of a
solid circular section (dia - D) subjected to combined direct
(compressive) and bending stresses, a normal point load is needed
to be placed ________.
Ans 1. at a radial distance D /4 from the centre
2. at a radial distance D /6 from the centre
3. at a radial distance D /3 from the centre
4. beyond a distance of 3D /8 measured towards the core from the
Q.86 A tank has height and width as 4m and 3m, respectively. Determine
the total water force, in kN, acting on the bottom of the tank when it
is completely filled with water. Take density of water as 1000 kg/m3
and acceleration due to gravity as 9.81 m/sec2 (Take the length of
tank as 3m.)
Ans 1. 351.26
2. 345.13
3. 400.57
4. 353.16
Q.87 Calculate the volume of earthwork between two sections 40 m apart,
if the mid sectional area between the sections is 15 m2 .
Ans 1. 750 m3
2. 500 m3
3. 450 m3
4. 600 m3
Q.88 If a steel column is designed for its stability, then the slenderness
ratio is defined as the:
Ans 1. ratio of the least lateral dimension to the length
2. ratio of the length to the maximum lateral dimension
3. ratio of the length to the least lateral dimension
4. ratio of the length to the depth
Q.89 Select the INCORRECT statement regarding purification of water.
Ans 1. Type-1 settling involves Stock’s law.
2. Screening is done before plain sedimentation.
3. Sedimentation aided with coagulation is better than plain
4. Plain sedimentation is also known as type-2 settling.
SSC Updates (Kannada): @the_target100 RankMitra: @RankMitra
Q.90 Which of the following statements about sanitary landfilling is
Ans 1. In the sanitary landfilling, filling of refuse is actually carried out by
dividing the entire landfill area into smaller portions called cells.
2. R efuse is dumped into a low-lying area.
3. Waste is stabilised by the aerobic process alone.
4. Another name of sanitary landfilling is controlled tipping.
Q.91 Which of the following is NOT the remedial measure to prevent
water hammer through pipes?
Ans 1. Installing water hammer arrestors
2. D rain your pipes and refill them to create new air chambers
3. C reating vacuum by closing valve
4. Tighten mounting straps to hold pipes in place
Q.92 Which of the given option provides the effective width of an
isolated T- beam of RCC as per IS 456-2000? Assume - bf =effective
width of flange, I 0 = distance between points of zero moments in the
beam, bw = breadth of the web, Df = thickness of flange and b =
actual width of the flange.
Ans 1.
Q.93 When the instrument is stationed near point P, the staff readings at
point P and Q are 1.800 m and 2.600 m, respectively. When the
instrument is stationed near point Q, the staff readings at P and Q
are 1.500 m and 2.400 m, respectively. R.L. of point P is 100 m. Find
the R.L. of point Q.
Ans 1. 98.5 m
2. 97.4 m
3. 100.85 m
4. 99.15 m
Q.94 As per IRC standards, an octagon with white border and red
background is a ___________ sign.
Ans 1. accident prone area
2. no parking
3. stop
4. yield
Q.95 If the whole circle bearing of a line is zero degrees, then the
reduced bearing of the line is in the ______ direction.
Ans 1. south
2. north
3. west
4. east
SSC Updates (Kannada): @the_target100 RankMitra: @RankMitra
Q.96 T he maximum water-cement ratios for plain cement concrete and
reinforced cement concrete under severe exposure conditions are
___and ____respectively. Consider the aggregates are normal
weight with 20 mm nominal maximum size.
Ans 1. 0.45; 0.45
2. 0.50; 0.45
3. 0.40; 0.40
4. 0.60; 0.50
Q.97 Find the effective length of an isolated cantilever RCC beam as per
IS 456-2000, where the length from the free end to the face of
support is 1 m, the effective depth of the beam, is 400 mm and the
width of support is 300 mm.
Ans 1. 1.3 m
2. 1.15 m
3. 1.4 m
4. 1.2 m
Q.98 What is the interval at which expansion and contraction joints are
provided in India for smooth interface laid in winter?
Ans 1. 90 to 120 metres
2. 80 to 90 metres
3. 120 to 140 metres
4. 50 to 60 metres
Q.99 T he mean depth is calculated by ________ the depths of two
consecutive sections.
Ans 1. adding
2. averaging
3. multiplying
4. subtract
Q.100 If a device consists of one inlet and one outlet and the volume flow
rates at the inlet and at the outlet are equal, then the flow through
the device:
Ans 1. is not necessarily steady
2. must be steady
3. must be laminar
4. must be uniform
SSC Updates (Kannada): @the_target100 RankMitra: @RankMitra
Ans 1.
Q.7 What should come in place of the question mark (?) in the given
11, 18, 25, 32, 39, ?
Ans 1. 44
2. 45
3. 46
4. 43
Q.8 A, B, C, D, E, F, and G are sitting around a circular table, facing
away from the centre (not necessarily in the same order). Only 3
people sit between B and D when counted from the left of D. B sits
second to the left of E. G sits to the immediate right of C. A is not an
immediate neighbour of D.
Who is sitting to the immediate right of E?
Ans 1. B
2. D
3. A
4. F
Q.9 What should come in place of the question mark (?) in the given
series based on the English alphabetical order?
Ans 1. K JN
2. K JM
3. LJM
4. LK N
Q.10 What should come in place of the question mark (?) in the given
series based on the English alphabetical order?
Ans 1. E IM
2. GK L
3. F JM
4. F IL
SSC Updates (Kannada): @the_target100 RankMitra: @RankMitra
Q.11 What should come in place of the question mark (?) in the given
series based on the English alphabetical order?
Ans 1. JMO
2. JO M
3. O JM
4. O MJ
Q.12 What will come in the place of ‘?’ in the following equation, if ‘+’ and
‘ – ‘ are interchanged and ‘×’ and ‘÷’ are interchanged?
10 ÷ 8 × 4 – 6 + 2 = ?
Ans 1. 22
2. 24
3. 28
4. 26
Q.13 In a certain code language,
‘A + B’ means ‘A is the wife of B’,
‘A − B’ means ‘A is the father of B’,
‘A × B’ means ‘A is the sister of B’, and
‘A ÷ B’ means ‘A is the mother of B’.
How is Q related to Y if ‘Q + K − T × D ÷ Y’?
Ans 1. Father
2. Mother ’s mother
3. Mother ’s brother
4. Father ’s father
Q.14 What should come in place of the question mark (?) in the given
series based on the English alphabetical order?
Ans 1. IK G
2. HJG
3. HP J
4. IK H
Q.15 ‘AC 2’ is related to ‘DF 8’ in a certain way based on the English
alphabetical and numerical order. In the same way, ‘IK 5’ is related
to ‘LN 125’. To which of the following is ‘PR 7’ related following the
same logic?
Ans 1. S U 343
2. R U 343
3. T U 216
4. S U 216
Q.16 What will come in place of the question mark (?) in the following
equation if ‘+’ and ‘×’ are interchanged and ‘–’ and ‘÷’,interchanged
4 + 11 × 48 – 6 ÷ 3 = ?
Ans 1. 49
2. 53
3. 46
4. 51
Q.17 DCHE is related to HFPJ in a certain way based on the English
alphabetical order. In the same way, CABF is related to FBDL. To
which of the following is FIHE related, following the same logic?
Ans 1. P R LJ
2. LR P J
3. P LR J
4. LP R G
SSC Updates (Kannada): @the_target100 RankMitra: @RankMitra
Q.18 14 is related to 54 following a certain logic. Following the same
logic, 9 is related to 24. To which of the following is 21 related
following the same logic?
(NOT E: Operations should be performed on the whole numbers,
without breaking down the numbers into their constituent digits.
E.g. 13 – Operations on 13 such as adding / subtracting /multiplying
to 13 can be performed. Breaking down 13 into 1 and 3 and then
performing mathematical operations on 1 and 3 is not allowed.)
Ans 1. 96
2. 90
3. 89
4. 99
Q.19 In a certain code language, ‘HOPE’ is coded as ‘7395’ and ‘OURS’ is
coded as ‘6582’.
What is the code for ‘O’ in the given code language?
Ans 1. 6
2. 7
3. 9
4. 5
Q.20 If A means +, B means −, C means × and D means ÷, then what will
come in place of the question mark (?) in the following equation?
21 D 7 C 4 A 10 B 13 = ?
Ans 1. 8
2. 9
3. 11
4. 10
Ans 1.
SSC Updates (Kannada): @the_target100 RankMitra: @RankMitra
Q.23 In a certain code language, ‘GROW’ is coded as ‘5397’ and ‘WILD’ is
coded as ‘6942’.
What is the code for ‘W’ in the given code language?
Ans 1. 9
2. 6
3. 7
4. 2
Q.24 Select the option in which the numbers share the same relationship
as that shared by the given pairs of numbers.
100 : 90
70 : 60
(NOT E: Operations should be performed on the whole number,
without breaking down the numbers into its constituent digits. E.g.
13- Operations on 13 such as adding/subtracting/multiplying etc. to
13 can be performed. Breaking down 13 into 1 and 3 and then
performing mathematical operations on 1 and 3 is NOT allowed.)
Ans 1. 90 : 70
2. 150 : 145
3. 130 : 110
4. 130 : 120
Q.25 Read the given statements and conclusions carefully. Assuming that
the information given in the statements is true, even if it appears to
be at variance with commonly known facts, decide which of the given
conclusions logically follow(s) from the statements.
All parrots are rats.
Some rats are lambs.
No lamb is a horse.
(I) All rats are horses.
(II) Some lambs are parrots.
Ans 1. Both conclusions (I) and (II) follow
2. Neither conclusion (I) nor (II) follows
3. O nly conclusion (I) follows
4. O nly conclusion (II) follows
Q.26 Select the set in which the numbers are related in the same way as
are the numbers of the following sets.
(NOT E : Operations should be performed on the whole numbers,
without breaking down the numbers into its constituent digits. E.g.
13 – Operations on 13 such as adding /subtracting /multiplying etc.
to 13 can be performed. Breaking down 13 into 1 and 3 and then
performing mathematical operations on 1 and 3 is not allowed)
(9, 100, 90)
(11, 120, 110)
Ans 1. (13, 260, 130)
2. (14, 164, 154)
3. (15, 130, 120)
4. (12, 130, 120)
SSC Updates (Kannada): @the_target100 RankMitra: @RankMitra
Q.27 T his question consists of a pair of words which have a certain
relationship to each other. Select the pair which has the same
Brazil : Real
Ans 1. Kenya : Yen
2. C uba : Euro
3. Indonesia : R ial
4. Malaysia : R inggit
Q.28 What should come in place of the question mark (?) in the given
18, 30, 42, 54, 66, ?
Ans 1. 78
2. 82
3. 73
4. 70
Q.29 Select the figure from the options that can replace the question
mark (?) and complete the given pattern.
Ans 1.
SSC Updates (Kannada): @the_target100 RankMitra: @RankMitra
Q.30 DGFB is related to EFGA in a certain way based on the English
alphabetical order. In the same way, EGHC is related to FFIB. To
which of the following is FDHB related, following the same logic?
Ans 1. GC AS
2. GC AO
3. GC E R
4. GC IA
Q.31 Select the option in which the given figure is embedded (rotation is
NOT allowed).
Ans 1.
Ans 1. 7
2. 10
3. 9
4. 8
SSC Updates (Kannada): @the_target100 RankMitra: @RankMitra
Q.33 In a certain code language,
‘A + B’ means ‘A is the mother of B’,
‘A − B’ means ‘A is the brother of B’,
‘A × B’ means ‘A is the sister of B’, and
‘A ÷ B’ means ‘A is the husband of B’.
How is H related to E if ‘A − B ÷ H + C × D + E’?
Ans 1. Mother ’s sister
2. Mother ’s mother
3. Mother
4. D aughter
Q.34 Select the option figure in which the given figure is embedded as its
part (rotation is NOT allowed).
Ans 1.
Q.35 Six babies Ria, Sia, Tia, Urja, Vani and Winnie are born one after the
other but not necessarily in the same order. All of them were born in
different cities. Only two babies were born before the one who was
born in Raipur. Only one baby was born between Sia, who was born
in Delhi and the baby born in Raipur. Tia was born before Urja and
just after the baby born in Haridwar. Tia was not born in Raipur. Ria
was born in Bhopal and just before Vani. Tia is born immediately
before the baby born in Ballia. Winnie was not born in Pune.
Who was born just after Sia and in which city?
Ans 1. Urja, R aipur
2. R ia, Bhopal
3. Vani, R aipur
4. Tia, Pune
Q.36 Arrange the following words in which they appear in an English
dictionary and select the correct option.
1. Helical
2. Helium
3. Heighten
4. Hellenic
5. Heiress
Ans 1. 41352
2. 35124
3. 53412
4. 43152
SSC Updates (Kannada): @the_target100 RankMitra: @RankMitra
Q.37 2 is related to 26 following a certain logic. Following the same logic,
4 is related to 52. To which of the following is 7 related following the
same logic?
4. 91
Q.38 18 is related to 162 following a certain logic. Following the same
logic, 16 is related to 144. To which of the following is 25 related to
following the same logic?
Greece : Athens
Ans 1. Ireland : D ublin
2. Indonesia : Tehran
3. Norway : Muscat
4. Jordan : Tokyo
Q.43 Manoj starts from his home and drives 4 km towards the north. He
then takes a left turn, drives 5 km, turns right, and drives 9 km. He
then takes a left turn and drives 3 km and turns left then drives 5 km
to reach his office.
In which direction is the office with respect to his home?
(All turns are 90° turns only, unless specified.)
Ans 1. North-east
2. West
3. South-east
4. North-west
Q.44 Select the triad in which the numbers are related to each other in
the same way as are the numbers of the given triads.
(NOT E: Operations should be performed on the whole numbers,
without breaking down the numbers into its constituent digits. E.g.
13 – Operations on 13 such as adding /deleting/multiplying etc. to 13
can be performed. Breaking down 13 into 1 and 3 and then
performing mathematical operations on 1 and 3 is not allowed.)
(12, 9, 96)
(14, 7, 84)
Ans 1. (17, 12, 170)
2. (15, 8, 130)
3. (10, 12, 120)
4. (18, 11, 180)
Q.45 PTOS is related to NRMQ in a certain way based on the English
alphabetical order. In the same way, JNIM is related to HLGK. To
which of the following is MQLP related, following the same logic?
Ans 1. O K NJ
2. O K JN
3. K O NJ
4. K O JN
Q.46 Sandeep starts walking towards the north from a point and walks 30
m. He turns to the right and walks 30 m. He turns to the left and
walks 20 m. He turns to the left and walks 30 m. Finally, he turns to
the left and walks 30 m. How far is he now from the starting point?
(All turns are 90 degrees turns only unless specified.)
Ans 1. 30 m
2. 10 m
3. 15 m
4. 20 m
SSC Updates (Kannada): @the_target100 RankMitra: @RankMitra
Q.47 T he position(s) of how many letters will remain unchanged if each of
the letters in the word HARDEST is arranged in the English
alphabetical order?
Ans 1. Two
2. Three
3. Zero
4. O ne
Q.48 Select the figure that is embedded as a part of the main figure (X).
(Rotation is NOT allowed.)
Ans 1.
Ans 1. D UE
2. C D E
3. P O E
4. D O E
Q.50 What should come in place of the question mark (?) in the given
series based on the English alphabetical order?
Ans 1. W HI
2. T E S
3. Q D U
4. UGT
Q.24 Which of the following does NOT affect the changes in the states of
A) Changing the kinetic energy in the particles of the matter
B) Changing the temperature of the matter
C) Changing the pressure on the matter
D) Changing the colour of the matter
Ans 1. D
2. C
3. B
4. A
Q.25 Why is it safer for our hands to use a wooden spoon while cooking in
a hot pan instead of using a metallic spoon?
Ans 1. Wood is a good conductor of heat and helps in cooking.
2. Wood adds nice flavours to the food being cooked.
3. Wood is an insulator and does not heat up.
4. Wood helps the food cook faster.
Q.26 Which of the following is the domestic first-class cricket
championship in India?
Ans 1. D urand C up
2. R anji Trophy
3. Thomas C up
4. Santosh Trophy
Q.27 Where is the headquarters of the National Remote Sensing Centre
Ans 1. Hyderabad
2. Bhubaneshwar
3. Bhopal
4. Lucknow
Q.28 Certain grass-eating animals complete the digestion of food in two
processes. First, they swallow partially digested food and then they
regurgitate and chew upon that food again. What are such animals
known as?
Ans 1. Heterotrophs
2. R egurgitates
3. Autotrophs
4. R uminants
Q.29 Which of the following are NOT contents of soil?
Ans 1. Bacteria and fungi
2. Grains of stones
3. Steroids
4. Minerals
SSC Updates (Kannada): @the_target100 RankMitra: @RankMitra
Q.30 In which of the following countries was the revolutionary Ghadar
Party formed?
Ans 1. Germany
2. England
3. The US
4. Switzerland
Q.31 Which agency supported the Bihar State Rural Livelihoods Mission
(Jeevika) in developing digital financial services?
Ans 1. S B I
2. R B I
3. S ID B I
4. S E B I
Q.32 ________, a woman educated at home at Poona, published a book,
Stripurushtulna, criticising the social differences between men and
Ans 1. Pandita R amabai
2. Savitribai Phule
3. Tarabai Shinde
4. Kadambini D evi
Q.33 In which of the following Olympic Games did Dipa Karmakar
Ans 1. R io 2016
2. London 2012
3. Athens 2004
4. Beijing 2008
Q.34 Which ministry introduced the Press and Registration of Periodicals
(PRP) Bill in Rajya Sabha on 1 August 2023?
Ans 1. Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology
2. Ministry of C ommerce and Industry
3. Ministry of Information and Broadcasting
4. Ministry of C orporate Affairs
Q.35 According to Census of India 2011, which state/union territory has
the second highest sex ratio?
Ans 1. C handigarh
2. Tamil Nadu
3. Puducherry
4. Himachal Pradesh
Q.36 T he ________ Health Card Scheme was launched by the Government
of India in the year 2014-15.
Ans 1. Soil
2. Forest
3. Water
4. Mineral
Q.37 Which directive principle was added by the 97th Amendment Act
Ans 1. O rganisation of village panchayats
2. Promotion of co-operative societies
3. Separation of judiciary from executive
4. Uniform civil code for the citizens
SSC Updates (Kannada): @the_target100 RankMitra: @RankMitra
Q.38 Who among the following became the first woman Chief Executive
and Chairperson of the Railway Board on 1 September 2023?
Ans 1. Maria Kalavathy
2. Surekha Bhosale
3. Jaya Varma Sinha
4. Kabitha Mathur
Ans 1. fraternity
2. republic
3. democratic
4. integrity
Q.22 Which of the following factors will NOT affect the selection of an
Ans 1. Q uality factor
2. C urrent rating
3. D ielectric constant
4. Power loss
Q.31 When is the error under testing of energy meter directly obtained?
Ans 1. The meter under test and the rotating substandard meter constants
are same.
2. The meter under test and the rotating substandard meter constants
are 1.
3. The meter under test and the rotating substandard meter constants
are zero.
4. The meter under test and the rotating substandard meter constants
are different.
Q.32 Which of the following statements is correct about inert gas metal
arc welding?
Ans 1. In this method, concentration of heat is easily possible.
2. In this method, flux is required.
3. This method is particularly suitable for welding heavy metals.
4. In this method, concentration of heat is difficult.
SSC Updates (Kannada): @the_target100 RankMitra: @RankMitra
Q.33 T he back EMF in a DC motor opposes the supply voltage. T his is
explained by _________________.
Ans 1. Faraday’s laws of electromagnetic induction
2. Fleming’s right hand rule
3. Fleming’s left hand rule
4. Lenz’s law
2. I2 R t joules
3. I2 R /t joules
4. IR 2 /t joules
Ans 1.
Ans 1.
4. magnetising force
Q.60 During the tender in estimation and costing, the guarantee of the
tenderer to deposit the required security and enter in to the
required agreement on intimation of the acceptance of his tender is
called ________.
Ans 1. earned money
2. valid money
3. deposit money
4. earnest money
SSC Updates (Kannada): @the_target100 RankMitra: @RankMitra
Q.61 Two coupled inductors L1 = 8H and L2 = 32H have coefficient of
coupling K = 0.4. T he mutual inductance between them is
Ans 1. 102.4 H
2. 40 H
3. 6.4 H
4. 64 H
SSC Updates (Kannada): @the_target100 RankMitra: @RankMitra
Q.68 In case of installations in commercial buildings, evenly distributed
lights can be obtained by the use of lenses, which reduces
Ans 1. decoration
2. colour
3. spot light
4. brightness
2. molecular theory
3. left-hand rule
4. right-hand rule
SSC Updates (Kannada): @the_target100 RankMitra: @RankMitra
Q.75 Select the correct statement for a medium overhead transmission
Ans 1. Load current is directly proportional to the load power factor.
2. Load current is inversely proportional to the square of load power
3. Load current is directly proportional to the square of load power
4. Load current is inversely proportional to the load power factor.
Q.76 In magnetism, the measure of the ease with which magnetic flux can
pass through a material is called _____.
Ans 1. permeance
2. reluctance
3. MMF
4. flux density
Q.77 What is the function of the pressure spring in a three-phase energy
Ans 1. It maintains a constant pressure between the aluminium discs and
the disc spindles.
2. It provides deflection torque to the moving member.
3. It provides mechanical support.
4. It moves the aluminium discs in response to the torque generated
by the magnetic field.
Q.78 A coil of inductance 10 H and resistance 40 ohm is connected in
series with a capacitance and supplied by a source of variable
frequency. If the maximum current is found at frequency 1000
rad/sec, then Q-factor of the circuit will be _________.
Ans 1. 200
2. 25
3. 100
4. 250
Q.79 What is the formula for calculating the magnitude of the mechanical
force experienced by a current-carrying conductor perpendicular to
the magnetic field, where B = magnetic flux density, I = Current and
L = Length of the conductor?
Ans 1.
Ans 1. 1 A
2. 5 A
3. 10 A
4. -1 A
Q.91 T he operating point of a transistor known as _______.
Ans 1. active point
2. cut-off point
3. quiescent point
4. threshold point
SSC Updates (Kannada): @the_target100 RankMitra: @RankMitra
Q.92 Which of the following represents the value of parameters A and D
for a transmission line in end condenser method?
Ans 1. A = 1 + YZ, D = 1
2. A = 1 − ZY; D = 1 + ZY
3. A = 1; D = 1 + ZY
4. A = 1 + ZY; D = 1 + ZY
Q.93 In thermal power plant, the fire tube and water tube boilers are
classified based on
Ans 1. the combustion product formation
Ans 1. 15
2. 16
3. 14
4. 18
Q.2 In a certain code language, ‘KNOT ’ is coded as ‘3618’ and ‘NOT E’ is
coded as ‘6438’. What is the code for ‘E’ in the given code
Ans 1. 6
2. 1
3. 4
4. 3
Q.3 Read the given statements and conclusions carefully. Assuming that
the information given in the statements is true, even if it appears to
be at variance with commonly known facts, decide which of the given
conclusions logically follow(s) from the statements.
Statements: Some machines are shrugs. All machines are bins. No
shrug is a cloth.
Conclusion (I): No cloth is a machine.
Conclusion (II): At least some shrugs are bins.
Ans 1. O nly conclusion (II) follows
2. O nly conclusion (I) follows
3. Both conclusions (I) and (II) follow
4. Neither conclusion (I) nor (II) follows
Q.4 What will come in the place of the question mark (?) in the following
equation, if ‘+’ and ‘−’ are interchanged and ‘×’ and ‘÷’ are
61 − 45 × 15 + 5 ÷ 9 = ?
Ans 1. 4
2. 14
3. 19
4. 9
Q.5 What should come in place of the question mark (?) in the given
series based on the English alphabetical order?
Ans 1. O Q T
2. O Q S
3. P Q S
4. P Q T
SSC Updates (Kannada): @the_target100 RankMitra: @RankMitra
Q.6 Select the correct mirror image of the given figure when the mirror
is placed at MN as shown below.
Ans 1.
Q.7 Anil starts from point A and drives 7 km towards the east. He then
takes a left turn, drives 3 km, turns left, and drives 9 km. He then
takes a right turn and drives 3 km. He takes a final right turn, drives
2 km, and stops at point P.
How far (shortest distance) and towards which direction should he
drive in order to reach point A again?
(All turns are 90° turns only, unless specified.)
Ans 1. 8 km towards the east
2. 6 km towards the south
3. 9 km towards the east
4. 6 km towards the west
Q.8 In a certain code language, ‘CAFE’ is coded as ‘3795’ and ‘FIND’ is
coded as ‘8634’.
What is the code for ‘F’ in the given code language?
Ans 1. 3
2. 4
3. 8
4. 9
Q.9 What should come in place of ‘?’ in the given series?
147, 206, 124, 183, 101, 160, ?
Ans 1. 40
2. 56
3. 78
4. 61
Q.10 T his question consists of a pair of words that have a certain
relationship to each other. Select the pair that has the same
(T he words must be considered as meaningful English words and
must not be related to each other based on the number of
letters/number of consonants/vowels in the word.)
Pressure : Pascal
Ans 1. Electric Potential : Volt
2. Sound : Watt
3. Frequency : O hm
4. Force : C andela
SSC Updates (Kannada): @the_target100 RankMitra: @RankMitra
Q.11 What will come in the place of the question mark (?) in the following
equation, if ‘+’ and ‘−’ are interchanged and ‘×’ and ‘÷’ are
20 − 2 ÷ 4 × 2 + 6 =?
Ans 1. 20
2. 14
3. 22
4. 18
40 B 6 C 7 A 30 D 5 = ?
Ans 1. 2
2. 5
3. 4
4. 3
Q.16 CJHF and HOMK are related to each other in a certain way based
on the English alphabetical order. In the same way, SZXV and XECA
are related to each other. Which of the following is related to DLT R,
following the same logic?
Ans 1. K Q YX
2. IQ YX
3. K Q YW
4. IQ YW
SSC Updates (Kannada): @the_target100 RankMitra: @RankMitra
Q.17 Select the correct option that indicates the arrangement of the
following words in a logical and meaningful order.
1. Eiffel Tower
2. Europe
3. Paris
4. Earth
5. France
Ans 1. 4, 1, 2, 5, 3
2. 4, 2, 5, 3, 1
3. 4, 5, 3, 1, 2
4. 4, 2, 1, 3, 5
Q.23 Select the option in which the given figure is embedded (rotation is
NOT allowed).
Ans 1.
Q.24 Suresh starts from his home and drives 5 km towards the south. He
then takes a left turn, drives 6 km, turns left, and drives 9 km. He
then takes a left turn and drives 3 km and turns left, then drives 7
km to reach his office.
In which direction is the office with respect to his home?
(All turns are 90° turns only, unless specified.)
Ans 1. North-west
2. North-east
3. South-east
4. West
SSC Updates (Kannada): @the_target100 RankMitra: @RankMitra
Q.25 What should come in place of ? in the given series based on the
English alphabetical order?
Ans 1. MF X
2. O GY
3. ME X
4. NHZ
Q.26 Select the option in which the numbers share the same relationship
as that shared by the given pairs of numbers.
5 : 101
10 : 201
(NOT E: Operations should be performed on the whole number,
without breaking down the numbers into its constituent digits. E.g.
13- Operations on 13 such as adding/subtracting/multiplying etc. to
13 can be performed. Breaking down 13 into 1 and 3 and then
performing mathematical operations on 1 and 3 is NOT allowed.)
Ans 1. 8 : 140
2. 7 : 50
3. 6 : 121
4. 6 : 120
Q.27 Select the set in which the numbers are related in the same way as
are the numbers of the following sets.
(NOT E: Operations should be performed on the whole numbers,
without breaking down the numbers into its constituent digits. E.g.
13 – Operations on 13 such as adding/subtracting/multiplying etc. to
13 can be performed. Breaking down 13 into 1 and 3 and then
performing mathematical operations on 1 and 3 is not allowed.)
(17, 68, 8)
(16, 72, 9)
Ans 1. (13, 78, 5)
2. (10, 105, 21)
3. (25, 140, 12)
4. (11, 109, 13)
Q.28 6 is related to 76 following a certain logic. Following the same logic,
8 is related to 102. To which of the following is 15 related following
the same logic?
(NOT E: Operations should be performed on the whole numbers,
without breaking down the numbers into their constituent digits.
E.g. 13 – Operations on 13 such as adding / subtracting /multiplying
to 13 can be performed. Breaking down 13 into 1 and 3 and then
performing mathematical operations on 1 and 3 is not allowed.)
Ans 1. 198
2. 193
3. 190
4. 197
Q.29 In a certain code language,
‘A + B’ means ‘A is the brother of B’,
‘A − B’ means ‘A is the husband of B’,
‘A × B’ means ‘A is the sister of B’ and
‘A ÷ B’ means ‘A is the mother of B’.
How is B related to T if ‘B + D − G ÷ P × T ’?
Ans 1. Father ’s brother
2. Sister
3. Mother ’s brother
4. Sister ’s daughter
SSC Updates (Kannada): @the_target100 RankMitra: @RankMitra
Q.30 What should come in place of the question mark (?) in the given
23, 26, 31, 38, 49, ?
Ans 1. 59
2. 62
3. 60
4. 61
Ans 1.
SSC Updates (Kannada): @the_target100 RankMitra: @RankMitra
Q.33 What will come in place of the question mark (?) in the following
equation if ‘+’ and ‘÷’ are interchanged and ‘×’ and ‘−’ are
84 + 12 × 9 ÷ 13 – 21 = ?
Ans 1. 271
2. 259
3. 264
4. 273
Q.34 What should come in place of the question mark (?) in the given
series based on the English alphabetical order?
Ans 1. XP L
2. XP M
3. YQ L
4. YP L
Q.35 In a certain code language, ‘CARE’ is coded as ‘3195’ and ‘HARE’ is
coded as ‘9341’.
What is the code for ‘H’ in that language?
Ans 1. 5
2. 9
3. 1
4. 4
Q.36 What should come in place of the question mark (?) in the given
series based on the English alphabetical order?
Ans 1. YHL
2. XGO
3. T D L
4. UB I
SSC Updates (Kannada): @the_target100 RankMitra: @RankMitra
Q.37 Select the option figure that will replace the question mark (?) in the
figure given below to complete the pattern.
Ans 1.
Q.38 Read the given statements and conclusions carefully. Assuming that
the information given in the statements is true, even if it appears to
be at variance with commonly known facts, decide which of the given
conclusions logically follow(s) from the statements.
Statements: All roads are speed-breakers. No speed-breaker is a
Conclusion 1: Some roads are homes.
Conclusion 2: Some homes are speed-breakers.
Ans 1. Both conclusion (1) and conclusion (2) follow
2. O nly conclusion (2) follows
3. O nly conclusion (1) follows
4. None of the conclusions follow
Q.39 What should come in place of the question mark (?) in the given
series based on the English alphabetical order?
Ans 1. VB GT
2. VB E O
3. VO E D
4. VO B E
SSC Updates (Kannada): @the_target100 RankMitra: @RankMitra
Q.40 Select the option in which the given figure is embedded (rotation is
NOT allowed).
Ans 1.
Q.41 Six friends Abby, Bunny, Chan, Dolly, Emma and Fanny have
different weights. Dolly’s weight is an odd number. Dolly is heavier
than Emma but not the heaviest. Chan is heavier than Fanny but
lighter than Dolly. Chan is not heavier than Emma but is heavier
than Fanny and Abby. Abby’s weight is not an odd number. T he
lightest weight is 45 kilograms and the heaviest weight is 80
If Chan weighs 68 kilograms, which of the following can be the
possible weight of Dolly (in kilograms)?
Ans 1. 71
2. 72
3. 66
4. 65
SSC Updates (Kannada): @the_target100 RankMitra: @RankMitra
Q.42 Q, R, S, T, U, and V are sitting around a circular table, facing the
centre (not necessarily in the same order) . S sits second to the left
of R. Q sits third to the right of S. T is not an immediate neighbour
of S. U sits to the immediate left of S.
How many people are sitting between U and R when counted from
the right of R?
Ans 1. O ne
2. Zero
3. Two
4. Three
Q.43 Select the option in which the given figure is embedded (rotation is
NOT allowed).
Ans 1.
Q.39 If ‘G’, ‘M’ and ‘R’ represent the universal gravitation constant, mass
of the earth and radius of the earth, respectively, then which of the
following is the correct expression for the acceleration due to
gravity (g) on the surface of the earth?
Ans 1. GM2 /R
2. GM/R 2
3. GM/R
4. GMR 2
Q.46 Which of the following states has the largest legislative assembly (in
terms of number of members) in the country as on 30th September
Ans 1. R ajasthan
2. Tamil Nadu
3. Madhya Pradesh
4. Uttar Pradesh
Q.47 Which white powder, ubiquitous in modern kitchens, combines with
acid to produce carbon dioxide?
Ans 1. Sodium phosphate
2. Sodium fluoride
3. Sodium nitrate
4. Sodium bicarbonate
Q.48 Which of the following Hindustani ragas corresponds to the
‘Mohanam Ragam’ of Carnatic music?
Ans 1. Bhoop
2. Bagkauns
3. Aadi
4. Zilla
Q.49 Who among the following was one of the co-founders of the Swaraj
Party within the Congress to argue for a return to council politics?
Ans 1. R abindranath Tagore
2. C hittaranjan D as
3. Gopal Krishna Gokhale
4. Mahatma Gandhi
Q.50 Karnam Malleshwari won a bronze medal at which Olympic games?
Ans 1. 2000 Sydney
2. 2004 Athens
3. 2008 Beijing
4. 2012 London
3. aluminium
4. brass
SSC Updates (Kannada): @the_target100 RankMitra: @RankMitra
Q.3 In a single stationary blade type rotary compressor, a blade is set
into the slot of a cylinder in such a manner that it always maintains
contact with the roller by means of:
Ans 1. spring
2. cam and follower
3. centrifugal force
4. gravity
Q.4 Which of the following statements is true about the Carnot cycle?
Ans 1. It is a reversible cycle.
2. The efficiency of the C arnot cycle is always less than that of any
other heat engine operating between the same two temperatures.
Ans 1.
2. vertical line
3. curved line
4. inclined straight line with a positive slope
SSC Updates (Kannada): @the_target100 RankMitra: @RankMitra
Q.16 Which of the following are fire tube boilers?
Ans 1. Benson boilers
2. Loeffler boilers
3. Scotch-marine boilers
4. Stirling boilers
Q.32 T he pressure at any point in a fluid at rest has the same magnitude
in all the directions. T his fact is known as _________ .
Ans 1. the pressure law
2. Bernoulli’s law
3. Newton’s law
4. Pascal’s law
Q.33 T he correct relationship between the coefficient of friction (µ) and
:the angle of friction (ɸ) is
Ans 1. µ = sin ɸ
2. µ = cot ɸ
3. µ = tan ɸ
4. µ = cos ɸ
Q.34 In the study of flow of fluid in pipes, total energy line is also known
as _______________.
Ans 1. energy gradient line
2. hydraulic gradient line
3. pressure line
4. piezometric head line
Q.35 Mention the sequence of points that mild steel material undergoes
failure by referring to the stress strain diagram.
Ans 1. Elastic D eformation, Yielding, Strain Hardening, Necking,Fracture
2. Yielding, Elastic D eformation, Strain Hardening, Necking,Fracture
3. Yielding, Elastic D eformation, Necking, Strain Hardening,Fracture
4. Elastic D eformation, Strain Hardening, Yielding, Necking,Fracture
Q.36 In which of the following turbines, the ends of the blades are welded
to disks to form a cage like a hamster cage and instead of the bars,
the turbine has the trough-shaped steel blades?
Ans 1. Francis turbine
2. Kaplan turbine
3. C ross-flow turbine
4. Pelton turbine
Q.37 Sulphur dioxide refrigerant can be designated as:
Ans 1. R -744
2. R -764
3. R -727
4. R -729
SSC Updates (Kannada): @the_target100 RankMitra: @RankMitra
Q.38 Which of the following methods is NOT used for the leakage
detection of CFC refrigerants?
Ans 1. Soap solution
2. Halide torch
3. Burning candle
4. Electronic leak detection device
Q.77 Which of the following types of cast iron is the hardest among all?
Ans 1. D uctile cast iron
2. Brittle cast iron
3. W hite cast iron
Q.84 Which of the following expressions gives the area of flow for a
Kaplan turbine?
Where, D = diameter, B = width of vane, D0 = outer diameter of
runner, D b = diameter of hub
Ans 1.
Q.85 In a side milling cutter, the angle between the cleared flank of the
blade and a tangent to the periphery in a diametral plane passing
through the cutting edge is called ________.
Ans 1. peripheral relief angle
2. face relief angle
3. peripheral clearance angle
4. face clearance angle
Q.86 In a vapour absorption refrigeration system, heating, cooling and
refrigeration take place at the temperatures of 100°C, 20°C and -5°C,
respectively. Find the maximum C.O.P. of the system.
Ans 1. 1.5
2. 1.8
3. 2.7
4. 2.3
Q.87 According to the second law of thermodynamics, work is said to be
__________ and heat is said to be __________.
Ans 1. low-grade energy; low-grade energy
2. high-grade energy; low-grade energy
3. high-grade energy; high-grade energy
4. low-grade energy; high-grade energy
Q.88 What is the purpose of a pattern in the casting pattern procedure?
Ans 1. To clean the mould before casting
2. To create the mould cavity
3. To pour molten metal into the mould cavity
4. To remove the casting from the mould
Q.89 What will be the average pressure in plate clutch when the axial
force is 4 kN. T he inside radius of the contact surface is 50 mm and
the outside radius is 100 mm. Assume uniform wear.
Ans 1. 0.17 N/mm2
2. 0.17 N/m2
3. 1.7 N/mm2
4. 17 N/mm2
SSC Updates (Kannada): @the_target100 RankMitra: @RankMitra
Q.90 In a P-V diagram, if pV = Constant, then the process is called
Ans 1. adiabatic process
2. constant-pressure process
3. isothermal process
4. constant-volume process
Q.91 A quick return motion mechanism used in shaper machine
Ans 1. C omplete return stroke as quickly as possible
2. Maximize the time of forward stroke
3. C omplete cutting stroke as quickly as possible
4. R educe the motion of the machine
Q.92 What is the SI unit of surface tension?
Ans 1.
SSC Updates (Kannada): @the_target100 RankMitra: @RankMitra
Ans 1. 8
2. 10
3. 9
4. 7
Q.3 Read the given statements and conclusions carefully. You have to
take the given statements to be true even if they seem to be at
variance from commonly known facts. You have to decide which
conclusion(s) logically follow(s) from the given statements.
• Some curlers are serums.
• Some curlers are oils.
Conclusion (I): No oil is a serum.
Conclusion (II): All oils are serums.
Ans 1. O nly C onclusion (I) follows
2. O nly C onclusion (II) follows
3. Neither C onclusion (I) nor (II) follows
4. Both C onclusions (I) and (II) follow
Q.4 What should come in place of the question mark (?) in the given
series based on the English alphabetical order?
Ans 1. K GN
2. LIO
3. MJP
4. NLQ
Q.5 What should come in place of the question mark (?) in the given
6, 15, 34, 63, 102, ?
Ans 1. 151
2. 113
3. 131
4. 105
SSC Updates (Kannada): @the_target100 RankMitra: @RankMitra
Q.6 What should come in place of ? in the given series based on the
English alphabetical order?
Ans 1. Q ZP
2. RYP
3. S YO
4. Q XO
Ans 1. ε
2. γ
3. μ
4. σ
Q.8 OJNL is related to NIMK in a certain way based on the English
alphabetical order. In the same way, LGKI is related to KFJH. To
which of the following is IDHF related, following the same logic?
Ans 1. HC GE
2. HC E G
3. HE GC
4. HE C G
Q.9 In a certain code language, ‘GAT E’ is coded as ‘3579’ and ‘T HIN’ is
coded as ‘4236’. What is the code for ‘T ’ in that language?
Ans 1. 2
2. 3
3. 4
4. 7
Q.10 T he position(s) of how many letters will remain unchanged if each of
the letters in the word CLANGED is arranged in the English
alphabetical order?
Ans 1. Two
2. O ne
3. Three
4. Four
Q.11 What should come in place of the question mark (?) in the given
28, 29, 27, 30, 26, ?
Ans 1. 24
2. 31
3. 32
4. 25
SSC Updates (Kannada): @the_target100 RankMitra: @RankMitra
Q.12 In a certain code language, ‘FRIAR’ is coded as ‘20’ and
‘FREEDOM’ is coded as ‘28’. What is the code for ‘FARROW’ in the
given language?
Ans 1. 18
2. 22
3. 17
4. 24
Q.13 What will come in the place of the question mark (?) in the following
equation, if ‘+’ and ‘÷’ are interchanged and ‘×’ and ‘−’ are
19 × 6 ÷ 10 − 2 + 1 = ?
Ans 1. 28
2. 48
3. 36
4. 33
Q.14 SUWY is related to ZXVT in a certain way based on the English
alphabetical order. In the same way, JLNP is related to QOMK. To
which of the following is ACEG related, following the same logic?
Ans 1. HF D B
2. F HB D
3. B D F H
4. D HB F
Q.15 Select the triad in which the numbers are related to each other in
the same way as are the numbers of the given triads.
(NOT E: Operations should be performed on the whole numbers,
without breaking down the numbers into its constituent digits. E.g.
13 – Operations on 13 such as adding /deleting /multiplying etc. to 13
can be performed. Breaking down 13 into 1 and 3 and then
performing mathematical operations on 1 and 3 is not allowed.)
(279, 246, 213)
(184, 151, 118)
Ans 1. (194, 151, 108)
2. (169, 132, 103)
3. (225, 196, 123)
4. (176, 145, 119)
Q.16 M, O, N, S, T, E, and R are sitting around a circular table, facing the
centre (not necessarily in the same order). O sits to the immediate
right of M. M sits second to the right of S. E sits third to the left of
S. T sits second to the right of R.
Who are the immediate neighbours of N?
Ans 1. E and R
2. R and M
3. S and T
4. E and O
Q.17 If ‘A’ stands for ‘÷’, ‘B’ stands for ‘×’, ‘C’ stands for ‘+’ and ‘D’
stands for ‘−', what will come in place of the question mark ‘?’ in the
following equation?
28 B 4 D 20 A 5 C 8 = ?
Ans 1. 117
2. 116
3. 122
4. 119
SSC Updates (Kannada): @the_target100 RankMitra: @RankMitra
Q.18 T he position(s) of how many letters will remain unchanged if each of
the letters in the word ‘ALIMONY’ is arranged in the English
alphabetical order?
Ans 1. Four
2. Two
3. Three
4. None
Q.19 What should come in place of the question mark (?) in the given
series based on the English alphabetical order?
Ans 1. YLH
2. ULH
3. YLG
4. ULG
Q.20 Select the option that indicates the correct arrangement of the
given words in a logical and meaningful order.
1. Asia
2. Guwahati
3. North Eastern Indian State
4. South Asia
5. Assam
Ans 1. 2, 5, 3, 4, 1
2. 5, 3, 2, 4, 1
3. 5, 2, 3, 4, 1
4. 2, 5, 3, 1, 4
Q.21 17 is related to 237 following a certain logic. Following the same
logic, 9 is related to 125. To which of the following is 12 related
following the same logic?
(NOT E: Operations should be performed on the whole numbers,
without breaking down the numbers into their constituent digits.
E.g. 13 – Operations on 13 such as adding / subtracting /multiplying
to 13 can be performed. Breaking down 13 into 1 and 3 and then
performing mathematical operations on 1 and 3 is not allowed.)
Ans 1. 166
2. 132
3. 167
4. 179
SSC Updates (Kannada): @the_target100 RankMitra: @RankMitra
Q.22 Select the option figure that can replace the question mark (?) in
the figure given below to complete the pattern.
Ans 1.
Q.23 What should come in place of the question mark (?) in the given
series based on the English alphabetical order?
Ans 1. E XQ
2. C S L
3. D Q M
4. E YQ
Q.24 Six babies Ria, Sia, Tia, Urja, Vani and Winnie are born one after the
other but not necessarily in the same order. All of them were born in
different cities. Only two babies were born before the one who was
born in Raipur. Only one baby was born between Sia, who was born
in Delhi and the baby born in Raipur. Tia was born before Urja and
just after the baby born in Haridwar. Tia was not born in Raipur. Ria
was born in Bhopal and just before Vani. Tia was born immediately
before the baby born in Ballia. Winnie was not born in Pune.
Where was Winnie born?
Ans 1. Ballia
2. Haridwar
3. D elhi
4. Pune
SSC Updates (Kannada): @the_target100 RankMitra: @RankMitra
Q.25 In the following number-pairs, the second number is obtained by
applying certain mathematical operations to the first number. Select
the set in which the numbers are related in the same way as are the
numbers of the following sets.
(NOT E: Operations should be performed on the whole numbers,
without breaking down the numbers into its constituent digits. E.g.,
13 – Operations on 13 such as adding/subtracting/multiplying etc. to
13 can be performed. Breaking down 13 into 1 and 3 and then
performing mathematical operations on 1 and 3 is not allowed.)
(15, 55)
(12, 43)
1. Adult
2. Infant
3. Adolescent
4. Old age
5. Toddler
Ans 1. 2, 5, 3, 1, 4
2. 2, 1, 5, 4, 3
3. 5, 1, 3, 2, 4
4. 4, 1, 3, 2, 5
SSC Updates (Kannada): @the_target100 RankMitra: @RankMitra
Q.30 Select the correct mirror image of the given figure when the mirror
is placed at MN as shown below.
Ans 1.
Tranquil : Violent
Ans 1. Vigilant : Alert
2. W icked : Vicious
3. Timid : Bold
4. Zeal : Eagerness
SSC Updates (Kannada): @the_target100 RankMitra: @RankMitra
Q.32 Select the option in which the given figure is embedded (rotation is
NOT allowed).
Ans 1.
Q.33 Select the option in which the numbers share the same relationship
as that shared by the given pairs of numbers.
2 : 16
3 : 81
(NOT E: Operations should be performed on the whole number,
without breaking down the numbers into its constituent digits. E.g.
13- Operations on 13 such as adding/subtracting/multiplying etc. to
13 can be performed. Breaking down 13 into 1 and 3 and then
performing mathematical operations on 1 and 3 is NOT allowed.)
Ans 1. 4 : 64
2. 4 : 256
3. 2 : 32
4. 6 : 216
SSC Updates (Kannada): @the_target100 RankMitra: @RankMitra
Q.34 In a certain code language,
‘M × N’ means ‘M is the daughter of N’,
‘M + N’ means ‘M is the father of N’,
‘M % N’ means ‘M is the mother of N’, and
‘M − N’ means ‘M is the brother of N’.
How is P related to K if ‘P % Q + R − T × K’?
Ans 1. Son’s wife
2. Husband’s mother
3. Mother ’s sister
4. Brother ’s wife
Q.35 Select the option in which the given figure is embedded (rotation is
NOT allowed).
Ans 1.
Q.36 BHJL and CJMP are related to each other in a certain way based on
the English alphabetical order. In the same way, CIKM and DKNQ
are related to each other. Which of the following is related to DJLN,
following the same logic?
Ans 1. E LO R
2. O E R L
3. E O LR
4. O E LR
SSC Updates (Kannada): @the_target100 RankMitra: @RankMitra
Q.37 Anil starts from point A and drives 6 km towards the east. He then
takes a left turn, drives 2 km, turns right, and drives 3 km. He then
takes a right turn and drives 5 km. He takes a final right turn, drives
9 km, and stops at point P.
How far (shortest distance) and towards which direction should he
drive in order to reach point A again?
(All turns are 90° turns only, unless specified.)
Ans 1.
SSC Updates (Kannada): @the_target100 RankMitra: @RankMitra
Q.47 What should come in place of the question mark (?) in the given
series based on the English alphabetical order?
Ans 1. ULD
2. VLE
3. ULE
4. W LD
2. Granite
3. Q uartz
4. Marble
SSC Updates (Kannada): @the_target100 RankMitra: @RankMitra
Q.2 All India Padma Shri Mohd. Shahid Invitational Prize Money Men's
Hockey Tournament 2023 was organised in _________, Uttar
Ans 1. Kanpur
2. Lucknow
3. Varanasi
4. Gorakhpur
Q.11 Basanti Bisht, a Padma Shri awardee, is an Indian folk singer from
which of the following states?
Ans 1. R ajasthan
2. Punjab
3. Maharashtra
4. Uttarakhand
Q.12 T he Malwa Plateau is located in which of the following states?
Ans 1. Jharkhand
2. Tamil Nadu
3. Madhya Pradesh
4. Karnataka
Q.13 Which of the following princely states was annexed by the East India
Company in the year 1852 AD under the Doctrine of Lapse?
Ans 1. Udaipur
2. Nagpur
3. Sambalpur
4. Satara
Q.14 A man started working in a factory where he needed to deal with
steam and boiling water regularly. On the first day, his doctor
warned him to be more careful of the steam because burns caused
by steam can be more severe than that of hot water. What is the
reason behind this?
Ans 1. Steam cannot be seen
2. Steam is odourless
3. Steam has more latent heat of vaporisation
4. Steam can remain stuck to the body
Q.15 Which of the following is NOT a part of the Directive Principles of
State Policy of the Constitution of India?
Ans 1. Protection and improvement of environment and safeguarding of
forests and wildlife
2. Protection of monuments and places and objects of national
3. Provision for early childhood care and education to children below
the age of six years
Q.18 Which of the following bills was introduced in the Rajya Sabha by
the Ministry of Law and Justice on 10 August 2023?
Ans 1. The C hief Election C ommissioner and other Election
C ommissioners (Appointment C onditions of Service and Term of O ffice)
Bill, 2023
2. The Bharatiya Nyaya Sanhita Bill, 2023
3. The D igital Personal D ata Protection Bill, 2023
4. The R epealing and Amending Bill, 2023
Q.19 In may 2023, ____________, the Comptroller and Auditor General of
India (CAG), has been re-elected as the External Auditor of the
World Health Organization (WHO) for a four-year term from 2024 to
Ans 1. Kailasavadivoo Sivan
2. Sushil C handra
3. K K Venugopal
4. G C Murmu
Q.20 Soy milk is produced from:
Ans 1. cow
2. goat
3. buffalo
4. soyabeans
Q.21 Which piece in a chess game can move in an ‘L’ shape – two squares
vertically and one horizontally, and vice versa?
Ans 1. Knight
2. Bishop
3. Q ueen
4. R ook
Q.22 According to ‘Basic Animal Husbandry Statistics 2023’, which state
has the highest production of Milk during the year 2022-2023?
Ans 1. R ajasthan
2. Gujarat
3. Uttar Pradesh
4. Maharashtra
Q.23 Identify whether the following statements are true (T ) or false (F)
with respect to the weather conditions of a place and select the
correct option.
A. It refers to change in temperature over a few years.
B. It depends on the elevation of the area.
C. It refers to temperature fluctuation within a day.
Ans 1. T T T
2. F F F
3. F T T
4. T T F
SSC Updates (Kannada): @the_target100 RankMitra: @RankMitra
Q.24 Who discovered the staining technique called 'Black Reaction',
which was capable of revealing neurons in their entirety?
Ans 1. R obert R emak
2. Albert Kolliker
3. C amillo Golgi
4. Jacques Loeb
Q.25 According to Census of India 2011, which state recorded the highest
literacy rate in India?
Ans 1. Kerala
2. Goa
3. Punjab
4. Mizoram
Q.26 Who among the following was the governor of Telangana as the end
of 2023?
Ans 1. Tamilisai Soundararajan
2. Kalraj Mishra
3. Ganesh Lal
4. Baby R ani Maurya
Q.27 What specialised nerve cells does the phylum Cnidaria have to
capture and stun prey such as water fleas and plankton?
Ans 1. collar cell
2. stinging cell
3. flame cell
4. chief cell
Q.28 _______________ was announced as part of the Atma Nirbhar Bharat
Package in 2020 with the objective to help businesses including MSMEs to
meet their operational liabilities and resume businesses in view of the
distress caused by the COVID-19 crisis, by providing Member Lending
Institutions (MLIs), 100 percent guarantee against any losses suffered by
them due to non-repayment of the ECLGS funding by borrowers.'
Ans 1. Emergency C redit Line Guarantee Scheme
2. Mission Karmayogi
3. Sahakar Pragya Yojana
4. Stand-up India
Q.29 In 1946, BN Rao was formally appointed as _____________ to the
core drafting Committee of the Indian Constitution.
Ans 1. C onstitutional Advisor
2. C hief D raftsman
3. Vice-C hairman
4. Anglo-Indian R epresentative
Q.30 What is the full form of 'CC' in the context of email?
Ans 1. C ommon C opy
2. C arbon C opy
3. C onfidential C opy
4. C opy C ommunication
Q.31 In which plant tissue does photosynthesis primarily occur?
Ans 1. Xylem
2. Phloem
3. Mesophyll
4. Epidermis
SSC Updates (Kannada): @the_target100 RankMitra: @RankMitra
Q.32 Ajit Pawar, who took oath as the Deputy Chief Minister of
Maharashtra on 2 July 2023, belongs to which political party?
Ans 1.
Q.10 Continuity equation used for fluid flowing through pipes is based on
principle of _______
Ans 1. C onservation of energy
2. C onservation of momentum
3. C onservation of mass
4. C onservation of energy and momentum
Q.11 Automatic rain gauges are in the form of a pen mounted on a clock-
driven chart and can give a permanent, automatic rainfall record.
Which of the following is an example of automatic rain gauge?
Ans 1. Hygrometer
2. Hydrometer
3. Symon’s rain gauge
4. Float type rain gauge
Q.12 A T-section is designated by ISNT 150 @ 223.7 N/m. What are the
meanings of 150 and 223.7?
Ans 1. It is 150 mm thick and the self-weight is 223.7 kg per metre length.
2. It is 150 mm deep and the self-weight is 223.7 N per metre length.
3. It is 150 mm thick and the self-weight is 223.7 N per metre length.
4. It is 150 mm deep and the self-weight is 223.7 kg per metre length.
Q.13 Which of the following is an INCORRECT feature of the auto level
instrument, used for levelling?
Ans 1. R eadings on the staff are taken manually.
2. Initially, the instrument should be levelled roughly by using foot
3. The auto level works on the compensator mechanism.
4. R eadings on the staff are taken automatically.
SSC Updates (Kannada): @the_target100 RankMitra: @RankMitra
Q.14 Estimate the flow cross sectional area in a triangular channel with 5
m depth, and side slope 2H:1V.
Ans 1. 50 m2
2. 60 m2
3. 40 m2
4. 80 m2
Ans 1. 13.45 cm
2. 12.33 cm
3. 14.46 cm
4. 11.28 cm
Q.18 Which of the following steel reinforcement does not act as a shear
reinforcement in RCC beams?
Ans 1. Bent up portion of longitudinal steel
2. Stirrups perpendicular to beam axis
3. Stirrups inclined (at 45") to beam axis
4. Tension steel parallel to the beam axis
Q.19 As per IS standards on method of measurement of building and civil
engineering works, the dimensions have to be measured to the
nearest ________.
Ans 1. 0.001 m
2. 0.01 m
3. 1.0 m
4. 0.1 m
SSC Updates (Kannada): @the_target100 RankMitra: @RankMitra
Q.20 Select the option that is appropriate regarding the following two
statements labelled Assertion and Reason.
Assertion: Piping below the weir can be prevented by providing an
impervious floor of sufficient length so that the path of percolation
is increased and the exit gradient is decreased.
Reason: If the exit gradient is less than a certain critical value, the
soil starts boiling and is washed away by percolating water.
Ans 1. Assertion is true, but R eason is false.
2. Both Assertion and R eason are false.
3. Both Assertion and R eason are true, but R eason is not the correct
explanation of Assertion.
4. Both Assertion and R eason are true and R eason is the correct
explanation of Assertion.
Q.21 A revised estimate should be accompanied by __________.
Ans 1. an administrative sanction
2. an abstract of bill
3. a comparative statement
4. a technical sanction
Q.22 _____is that branch of science which deals with behaviour of the
fluids(liquids or gases) at rest as well as in motion.
Ans 1. Fluid mechanics
2. Hydrostatics
3. Hydrokinetics
4. Hydrokinematics
Q.23 Calculate the effective length of a steel column of length 3 m that is
effectively held in position at both ends and restrained in rotation at
one end?
Ans 1. 2.4 m
2. 1.4 m
3. 3.4 m
4. 1 m
Q.24 All the voids of soil layer get filled with water after a heavy storm,
upto a depth of 1 m from the surface. If the soil is dry below the
depth of 1 m, the condition of soil upto the depth of 1 m below the
surface is :
Ans 1. saturated
2. submerged
3. dry
4. capillary saturated
Q.25 When the staff reading increases between two consecutive points,
the difference between the readings shall be recorded in
____column in case of levelling by rise and fall method.
Ans 1. R .L.
2. H.I.
3. Fall
4. R ise
Q.26 Select the correct statement while designing a singly reinforced
beam in the limit state method.
Ans 1. Under reinforced beams have brittle failure.
2. A designer may have multiple solutions.
3. O nly over reinforced beams are designed.
4. Under reinforced beams have minimum cross section area.
SSC Updates (Kannada): @the_target100 RankMitra: @RankMitra
Q.27 Which of the following is NOT a secondary treatment unit in
wastewater treatment ?
Ans 1. trickling filter
2. Imhoff tank
3. aerated lagoon
4. aeration tank
Ans 1.
Q.33 Which of the following is NOT a reason for minor head loss in pipe
Ans 1. loss due to friction
2. loss due to an exit of the pipe
3. loss due to a bend in the pipe
4. loss due to an entrance of the pipe
Q.34 Which of the following is NOT a bio-pesticide that helps in reducing
soil pollution?
Ans 1. Endosulphan
2. Azadirachta indica
3. Trichogramma
4. Bacillus thuringiensis
Q.35 A cantilever beam AB of length ‘l’ is subjected to a downward load
‘P’ at its free end and an upward load ‘P’ at a distance of ‘x’ from the
free end. T he shear force will be ________.
Ans 1. equal to P, between the two point loads
2. equal to 2P, only at the free end
3. equal to P/2, only at the free end
4. equal to 2P, between the two point loads
Q.36 Which of the following factors contribute(s) to reducing soil
I: Treating the water courses (drainage line treatment)
II: Gabion structure
III: Use of microbial pesticides
Ans 1. O nly I
2. All of I, II and III
3. O nly I and III
4. O nly I and II
Q.37 T he value of adopted ruling gradient on a highway road is 1 in 200.
Calculate the percentage of ruling gradient provided on the road.
Ans 1. 0.5%
2. 1%
3. 2.5%
4. 5%
SSC Updates (Kannada): @the_target100 RankMitra: @RankMitra
Q.38 Which types of trees grow inwards and fibrous mass is seen in their
longitudinal sections?
Ans 1. C onifers
2. D eciduous
3. Exogenous trees
4. Endogenous trees
Q.39 Which of the following defects in timber occurs due to the faulty
method of seasoning of timber?
Ans 1. Wet rot
2. Burl
3. Honeycombing
4. Shakes
Q.40 T he stadia method used in tacheometric surveys generally refers to
measurements taken with a ___________.
Ans 1. tacheometer with fixed stadia hair
2. tacheometer with variable stadia hair
3. fixed elvation of point
4. fixed staff reading
Q.41 As per IS 456 : 2000, the limiting value for neutral axis depth
measured from extreme fibre of a singly reinforced RCC beam with
rectangular cross section is___. Consider the grade of steel as Fe-
500 and ‘d’ is effective depth of beam section.
Ans 1. 0.53 d
2. 0.46 d
3. 0.44 d
4. 0.48 d
Q.42 In the context of vehicular characteristics and efficiency of brakes,
braking distance is:
Ans 1. directly proportional to design coefficient of friction
2. directly proportional to speed of vehicle
3. inversely proportional to speed of vehicle
4. inversely proportional to design coefficient of friction
Q.43 Net positive suction head(NPSH), which plays an important role in
the proper selection of pumps is given by ______
Ans 1. the product of Suction head and the liquids vapor head
2. the sum of Suction head and the liquids vapor head
3. the difference between Suction head and the liquids vapor head
4. the ratio of Suction head and the liquids vapor head
Q.44 During construction of roads, a feature that facilitates drainage of
the pavement laterally is called ________.
Ans 1. camber
2. shoulder
3. median
4. kerbs
SSC Updates (Kannada): @the_target100 RankMitra: @RankMitra
Q.45 A sample of soil failed a triaxial test under a deviator stress of 200
kN/m2 when the confining pressure was 100 kN/m2 . If, for the
sample, the confining pressure had been 200 kN/m2 , what would
have been the deviator stress at failure?
(Assume Φ = 0.)
Ans 1. 400 kN/m2
2. 500 kN/m2
3. 200 kN/m2
4. 100 kN/m2
2. D rip irrigation
3. Border strip irrigation
4. Furrow
Q.65 Select the option that is appropriate regarding the following two
statements labelled Assertion and Reason.
Assertion: In urban areas, roofing on built-up areas, concrete and
asphalts surfaces are major factors that inhibit infiltration and
surface retention.
Reason: T he presence of pervious surface areas decreases
infiltration and initial losses and leads to consequent increase in the
effective rainfall.
Ans 1. Both Assertion and R eason are false.
2. Both Assertion and R eason are true and R eason is the correct
explanation of Assertion.
3. Both Assertion and R eason are true, but R eason is not the correct
explanation of Assertion.
4. Assertion is true, but R eason is false.
Q.66 As per IS 456:2000, the maximum compressive strain at highly
compressed fiber in RCC column subjected to bending and axial
compression is given by: (Consider no tension in the section).
Ans 1. 0.002 − 0.75 × (strain at the least compressed extreme fiber)
2. 0.002 + 0.75 × (strain at the least compressed extreme fiber)
3. 0.0035 + 0.75 × (strain at the least compressed extreme fiber)
4. 0.0035 − 0.75 × (strain at the least compressed extreme fiber)
SSC Updates (Kannada): @the_target100 RankMitra: @RankMitra
Q.67 In which type of the finish is the booster or chisel used to make non-
continuous parallel marks on the stone surface? T hese marks may
be horizontal, inclined, or vertical.
Ans 1. D ragged or combed finish
2. R ubbed finish
3. Hammer dressed finish
4. Furrowed finish dressing of stones
Q.76 Which of the following statements are correct with respect to grain
size distribution curve?
I: T he grain size distribution curve, having a horizontal line (parallel
to x-axis) for some distance, shows poorly graded soil.
II: T he grain size distribution curve, having a horizontal line
(parallel to x-axis) for some distance, shows gap graded soil.
III: If the value of Cu (coefficient of uniformity) is large, it shows the
presence of wide range of size of particles.
IV: If the value of Cu (coefficient of uniformity) is large, it shows the
presence of narrow range of size of particles.
Ans 1. I and III
2. II and IV
3. II and III
4. I and IV
Q.77 Which estimate is prepared for administrative approval and
technical sanction?
Ans 1. Supplementary estimate
2. C omplete estimate
3. D etailed estimate
4. R evised estimate
Q.78 T he value of dynamic gauge (G) used to calculate the super
elevation is ____ for broad gauge railway tracks.
Ans 1. 1900 mm
2. 1650 mm
3. 1750 mm
4. 1550 mm
Q.79 As per IS 13311 (part 1), the natural frequency of transducers for a
path length of more than 1500 mm is _________.
Ans 1. greater than or equal to 10 kHz
2. greater than or equal to 20 kHz
3. less than 5 kHz
4. greater than or equal to 50 kHz
Q.80 Which property of timber makes it resistant to corrosion and rust?
Ans 1. Non-metallic composition
2. High strength
3. Low density
4. High moisture absorption
SSC Updates (Kannada): @the_target100 RankMitra: @RankMitra
Q.81 Identify whether the following statements about sanitary landfill are
true or false.
Statement I: T here is continuous evolution of foul gases near the
fill side.
Statement II: During rainy season, leachate may come out of the
Statement III: T he method requires further treatments for
Ans 1. Statement I is true, but Statements II and III are false
2. Statements I and III are true, but Statement II is false
3. Statements I and II are false and Statement III is true
4. Statements I and II are true, but Statement III is false
Q.85 As per Kennedy’s theory, the ratio of the mean velocity ‘V’ to the
critical velocity ‘VO’ is known as the critical velocity ratio. It is
denoted by ‘m’. If m > 1, ___________ will occur.
Ans 1. scouring
2. both scouring and silting
3. silting
4. neither scouring nor silting
Q.86 What is the application of geotechnical engineering in highway
pavement design ?
Ans 1. Analysis of stability of the camber slope
2. D esigning of the footing for rigid pavements
3. D esigning the thickness of flexible pavements
4. D etermination of traffic load
Q.87 Which of the following is a limitation of lightweight concrete when
compared to conventional type concrete?
Ans 1. R educed density
2. Enhanced thermal property
3. Increased permeability
4. Higher fire resistance
SSC Updates (Kannada): @the_target100 RankMitra: @RankMitra
Q.88 What would be the average flow per hour (litre/hour) water
consumption if 5000 litres is used per day?
Ans 1. 400
2. 500
3. 100
4. 208.33
Ans 1.
SSC Updates (Kannada): @the_target100 RankMitra: @RankMitra
Q.99 Match the following.
Ans 1.
SSC Updates (Kannada): @the_target100 RankMitra: @RankMitra
Q.5 Select the correct mirror image of the given figure when the mirror
is placed at MN as shown below.
Ans 1.
Q.6 What should come in place of the question mark (?) in the given
series based on the English alphabetical order?
Ans 1. XZR
2. UW M
3. XYP
4. W VN
Q.7 What should come in place of the question mark (?) in the given
series based on the English alphabetical order?
Ans 1. MLI
2. NMK
3. NMJ
4. MLK
Q.8 Seven friends S, Q, K, P, E, C and N have different ages. S is older
than N but younger than E. K is older than P. Q is younger than E. C
is younger than K. N is older than P. C is older than P. K is younger
than Q. Which among them is the oldest?
Ans 1. N
2. Q
3. K
4. E
Q.9 What should come in place of the question mark (?) in the given
44, 48, 52, 56, 60, 64, ?
Ans 1. 72
2. 66
3. 70
4. 68
SSC Updates (Kannada): @the_target100 RankMitra: @RankMitra
Q.10 Select the set in which the numbers are related in the same way as
are the numbers of the following sets.
(NOT E: Operations should be performed on the whole numbers,
without breaking down the numbers into its constituent digits. E.g.
13 – Operations on 13 such as adding/subtracting/multiplying etc. to
13 can be performed. Breaking down 13 into 1 and 3 and then
performing mathematical operations on 1 and 3 is not allowed.)
(16, 9, 14)
(33, 11, 44)
Ans 1. V
2. S
3. W
4. T
Q.12 What will come in place of the question mark (?) in the following
equation if ‘+’ and ‘–’ are interchanged and ‘×’ and ‘÷’ are
55 × 5 – 3 ÷ 6 + 12 = ?
Ans 1. 17
2. 15
3. 13
4. 21
Q.13 ‘TOUR’ is related to ‘VQWT ’ in a certain way based on the English
alphabetical order. In the same way, ‘QLRO’ is related to ‘SNT Q’. To
which of the following is ‘MHNK’ related following the same logic?
Ans 1. JO MP
2. JO P M
3. O JP M
4. O JMP
Q.14 ‘UV 4’ is related to ‘WX 16’ in a certain way based on the English
alphabetical and numerical order. In the same way, ‘PQ 3’ is related
to ‘RS 9’. To which of the following is ‘AB 5’ related following the
same logic?
Ans 1. C D 10
2. C D 25
3. AC 25
4. C E 25
SSC Updates (Kannada): @the_target100 RankMitra: @RankMitra
Q.15 What will come in place of the question mark (?) in the following
equation if ‘+’ and ‘−’ are interchanged and ‘×’ and ‘÷’ are
4 ÷ 5 + 21 × 3 − 2= ?
Ans 1. 14
2. 17
3. 15
4. 12
Pressure : Pascal
Ans 1. Electric C urrent : Kelvin
2. Work : Joule
3. Momentum : Newton
4. Force : Watt
Q.18 ए क िन त कू ट भाषा म ,
A @ B का अथ है 'A, B की माँ है '
A – B का अथ है 'A, B का भाई है '
A % B का अथ है 'A, B का प ु है '
A ÷ B का अथ है 'A, B का िप ता है '
उप रोक् त के आ धार प र , यिद ‘E % F ÷ G – H @ M’ है , तो E का M से क् या स ं बं ध है ?
Ans 1. भाई
2. नाना
3. मामा
4. िपता
Q.19 152 is related to 19 following a certain logic. Following the same
logic, 232 is related to 29. To which of the following is 392 related,
following the same logic?
(NOT E: Operations should be performed on the whole numbers,
without breaking down the numbers into its constituent digits. E.g.
13 – Operations on 13 such as adding/deleting/multiplying etc. to 13
can be performed. Breaking down 13 into 1 and 3 and then
performing mathematical operations on 1 and 3 is not allowed.)
Ans 1. 46
2. 47
3. 48
4. 49
SSC Updates (Kannada): @the_target100 RankMitra: @RankMitra
Q.20 What should come in place of the question mark (?) in the following
Ans 1.
Q.23 Read the given statements and conclusions carefully. Assuming that
the information given in the statements is true, even if it appears to
be at variance with commonly known facts, decide which of the given
conclusions logically follow(s) from the statements.
Statements: Some phones are tablets. Some tablets are laptops.
Conclusion 1: Some laptops are phones.
Conclusion 2: No phone is a laptop.
Ans 1. O nly conclusion (2) follows
2. None of the conclusions follow
3. Both conclusion (1) and conclusion (2) follow
4. O nly conclusion (1) follows
SSC Updates (Kannada): @the_target100 RankMitra: @RankMitra
Ans 1. 14
2. 12
3. 11
4. 13
Q.25 Select the correct mirror image of the given figure when the mirror
is placed at OG as shown below.
Ans 1.
Ans 1.
Q.33 What should come in place of the question mark (?) in the given
series based on the English alphabetical order?
Ans 1. YW N
2. ZUM
3. XVJ
4. YO U
Q.34 What should come in place of the question mark (?) in the given
series based on the English alphabetical order?
Ans 1. GLN
2. GLR
3. F LR
4. F MR
SSC Updates (Kannada): @the_target100 RankMitra: @RankMitra
Ans 1. 1
2. 3
3. 4
4. 5
Q.36 P, Q, R, S, T, U and V are sitting around a circular table facing the
centre (not necessarily in the same order). P is sitting to the
immediate left of V. R is sitting to the immediate right of T. U is
sitting to the immediate left of P and immediate right of S. Q is
sitting to the immediate left of S. T is sitting to the immediate right
of V. Who is sitting to the immediate left of Q?
Ans 1. V
2. R
3. P
4. U
Q.37 ए क िन त कू ट भाषा म ,
‘A + B’ का अथ है िक 'A, B का प ित है ',
‘A − B’ का अथ है िक 'A, B की प ी है ',
'A × B' का अथ है िक 'A, B का िप ता है ', औ र
'A ÷ B' का अथ है िक 'A, B की बह न है '
यिद 'P − Q × R ÷ S + T ' है , तो P का T से क् या स ं बं ध है ?
Ans 1. प ु - वध ु
2. सास
3. भाभी
4. दादी
Q.38 In a certain code language, ‘BOIL’ is coded as ‘6428’ and ‘LEAD’ is
coded as ‘9671’. What is the code for ‘L’ in that language?
Ans 1. 6
2. 8
3. 1
4. 9
Q.39 CEG is related to KMO in a certain way based on the English
alphabetical order. In the same way, GIK is related to OQS. To which
of the following is MOQ related, following the same logic?
Ans 1. UW Y
2. IK M
3. B D F
4. LNP
Q.40 PTOS is related to NRMQ in a certain way based on the English
alphabetical order. In the same way, JNIM is related to HLGK. To
which of the following is QUPT related, following the same logic?
Ans 1. O S R N
2. S O NR
3. S O R N
4. O S NR
SSC Updates (Kannada): @the_target100 RankMitra: @RankMitra
Q.41 What should come in place of the question mark (?) in the given
series based on the English alphabetical order?
Ans 1. IMVE
2. IVE B
4. IK JU
Q.42 Select the correct option that indicates the arrangement of the
following words in a logical and meaningful order.
1. State
2. Village
3. District
4. Nation
5. House
Ans 1. 4, 1, 3, 2, 5
2. 4, 5, 2, 3, 1
3. 4, 3, 5, 1, 2
4. 4, 2, 1, 5, 3
Q.43 Select the correct option that indicates the arrangement of the
following words in a logical and meaningful order (in terms of food
1. Grass
2. Grasshopper
3. Frog
4. Snake
5. Eagle
Ans 1. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
2. 2, 3, 4, 5, 1
3. 3, 4, 5, 2, 1
4. 2, 4, 3, 1, 5
Q.44 What should come in place of the question mark (?) in the given
series based on the English alphabetical order
Ans 1. YAD
2. ZAD
3. ZB D
4. YB D
Q.45 T he position(s) of how many letters will remain unchanged if each of
the letters in the word PLANKED is arranged in the English
alphabetical order?
Ans 1. Three
2. Zero
3. Two
4. O ne
SSC Updates (Kannada): @the_target100 RankMitra: @RankMitra
Q.46 Read the given statements and conclusions carefully. You have to
take the given statements to be true even if they seem to be at
variance from commonly known facts. You have to decide which
conclusion/s logically follow/s from the given statements.
Statements: All plants are rocks. All rocks are lakes. No lake is a
(I) No rock is a kite.
Q.47 In a certain code language, ‘he is right’ is coded as ‘ab yo km’ and
‘right now here’ is coded as ‘km gh bd’. How is ‘right’ coded in the
given language?
Ans 1. gh
2. ab
3. yo
4. km
Q.48 PUQT is related to RWSV in a certain way based on the English
alphabetical order. In the same way, SXT W is related to UZVY. To
which of the following is KPLO related, following the same logic?
Ans 1. NR MQ
2. MR NP
3. MR NQ
4. NR Q M
Q.49 Select the option in which the numbers share the same relationship
as that shared by the given number triads.
(NOT E: Operations should be performed on the whole number,
without breaking down the numbers into its constituent digits. E.g.
13- Operations on 13 such as adding/subtracting/multiplying etc. to
13 can be performed. Breaking down 13 into 1 and 3 and then
performing mathematical operations on 1 and 3 is NOT allowed.)
Ans 1. 30-28-26
2. 20-16-12
3. 21-16-14
4. 25-21-19
SSC Updates (Kannada): @the_target100 RankMitra: @RankMitra
Q.50 In a certain code language, ‘DYO’ is coded as ‘44’ and ‘PDX’ is
coded as ‘44’. What is the code for ‘ZMB’ in the given language?
Ans 1. 48
2. 41
3. 56
4. 52
4. Lake
Q.7 Which of the following fe ature s was borrowe d by the Constitution of
India from Ire land?
Ans 1. Separation of Powers
2. D irective Principles of State Policy
3. Fundamental R ights
4. Amendment Method
SSC Updates (Kannada): @the_target100 RankMitra: @RankMitra
Q.8 भू खलन को क म क रने के लए िन न ल खत म से कौन - से क दम उठाए जा स क ते ह ?
A. िच ि त भू खलन - वण े म ब त य को बसाने से बच ना चािह ए
B. अनाव यक वृ ए वं वन प ित य को काट ना चािह ए
C. मज बूत दी वार बनानी चािह ए
D. िन माण से बच ने के लए ज ल िन कासी व था का िन माण न ह क रना चािह ए
Ans 1. के वल B और D
2. B, C और D
3. A और C
4. A और B
4. 6
SSC Updates (Kannada): @the_target100 RankMitra: @RankMitra
Q.30 What is the process by which one organism captures and consumes
another organism called?
Ans 1. Mutualism
2. C ompetition
3. Predation
4. Parasitism
2. O nly 1, 2 and 3
3. O nly 1, 2 and 4
4. O nly 2, 3 and 4
SSC Updates (Kannada): @the_target100 RankMitra: @RankMitra
Q.36 Sangeet Natak Akademi awardee, Prabhat Sarma from Assam was an
eminent player of which of the following musical instruments?
Ans 1. Tabla
2. Sarod
3. Flute
4. Sarangi
Q.37 Which of the following sentence/s is/are NOT correct?
i. T he detailed estimates of revenue receipts are usually presented in
the finance bill.
ii. Non-tax revenue of the central government mainly consists of taxes
imposed on goods imported into and exported out of India.
iii. Revenue receipts are redeemable.
Ans 1. O nly i
2. i and ii
3. ii and iii
4. i and iii
Q.38 Who was re-appointed as the Solicitor General of India for a term of
three years starting from 1 July 2023?
Ans 1. Suryaprakash V R aju
2. Tushar Mehta
3. C hetan Sharma
4. Vikramjit Banerjee
Q.39 In dravidian style of temples the main temple tower is known as
___________ .
Ans 1. shikhara
2. mandapa
3. gopuram
4. vimana
Q.40 Mahatma Gandhi gave the slogan of ‘Do or Die’ during the
Ans 1. Non-C ooperation Movement
2. Q uit India Movement
3. Kheda Satyagraha
4. C hamparan Satyagraha
Q.41 Which system of India is based on the Westminster model?
Ans 1. Indian Parliamentary system
2. Welfare State system
3. Federal system
4. Strong C entre system
Q.42 How many items did the Swaran Singh Committee recommend to be
incorporated in the Constitution of India as duties of the Indian
Ans 1. 8
2. 10
3. 12
4. 6
SSC Updates (Kannada): @the_target100 RankMitra: @RankMitra
Q.43 If the meat is cooked above 140°C, which of the following reactions
Ans 1. C aramelisation
2. O xidation reaction
3. Emulsification
4. Maillard reaction
Q.44 Who was the chairman of the task force on the production and
promotion of biofertilizers constituted by NIT I Aayog in 2021?
Ans 1. Prof. R amesh C hand
2. Prof. Suresh Pal
3. Prof. Vijay P Sharma
4. Prof. Gopal Naik
Q.45 Which of the following statements about the Rajasthan Minimum
Guaranteed Income Bill 2023 is INCORRECT ?
Ans 1. The bill promises 125 days of work a year for all families in the
2. The bill guarantees a minimum pension of ₹1,000 per month to the
elderly, specially abled, widows and single women.
3. The minimum pension under the bill will increase by 15% every
4. The bill offers free education to all residents of R ajasthan.
Q.46 Mango shower is a term used for __________________.
Ans 1. monsoon showers
2. pre-monsoon showers
3. post-monsoon showers
4. winter showers
Q.47 Which months are known for the season of retreating monsoon in
Ans 1. March and April
2. O ctober and November
3. May and June
4. January and February
Q.48 Which of the following fundamental rights has been amended as a
constitutional right in the form of Article 300A in the new Chapter IV
Part XII of the Indian Constitution?
Ans 1. C ultural and Educational R ights
2. R ight to Freedom of R eligion
3. R ight against Exploitation
4. R ight to Property
Q.49 Match the following.
A Propene 1 Unsaturated 3 carbon chains with double
B Propyne 2 Unsaturated 3 carbon chains with triple
C Propane 3 Saturated 3 carbon bonds
Ans 1. A-3, B-1, C -2
2. A-1, B-2, C -3
3. A-3, B-2, C -1
4. A-2, B-1, C -3
SSC Updates (Kannada): @the_target100 RankMitra: @RankMitra
Q.50 Boron is the only metalloid of which group of the periodic table?
Ans 1. Group 10
2. Group 16
3. Group 5
4. Group 13
Q.3 Laminated wood offers several advantages over solid wood. Which
of the following is NOT an advantage of laminated wood?
Ans 1. Since laminated wood is glued, wood of only large dimensions can
be used, which increases the amount of waste.
2. Individual boards, which are used in laminated wood due to their
relative thinness, can be properly dried without checking (cracking) and
defects, such as knots, can be removed.
3. Structures can be designed with laminated wood based on the
required strength and low-grade wood can be positioned accordingly.
4. It can be used to fabricate large members that are impossible to be
made from solid wood.
Q.4 Which property of concrete makes it advantageous for construction
of bridges?
Ans 1. Low tensile strength
2. Low durability
3. High compressive strength
4. Low thermal conductivity
Q.5 A direct runoff hydrograph of triangular shape, caused by a storm,
has a time base of 100 hours and the peak flow of 50 cumec
occurring at 30 hours from the start. If the catchment area is 150
km2 , the rainfall excess of the storm was _____________.
Ans 1. 6.8 cm
2. 5.6 cm
3. 7.2 cm
4. 6 cm
Q.6 In the direct shear test conducted on soils, a proving ring is used to
Ans 1. measure the magnitude of shear load
2. measure vertical strain
3. measure horizontal stress
4. measure horizontal strain
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Q.7 For a project, which of the following estimate is accorded sanction
in a Technical sanction ?
Ans 1. Preliminary estimate
2. Abstract estimate
3. Approximate estimate
4. D etailed estimate
Q.8 Select the option that is appropriate regarding the following two
statements pertaining to lining of canals, labelled as Assertion and
Assertion: T he expenditure on lining depends on the availability of
construction materials and transportation charges.
Reason: To reduce the expenditure on lining, materials which are
available in the vicinity of the project should be utilised.
Ans 1. Both Assertion and R eason are false.
2. Assertion is true, but R eason is false.
3. Both Assertion and R eason are true, but R eason is not the correct
explanation of Assertion.
4. Both Assertion and R eason are true and R eason is the correct
explanation of Assertion.
Q.9 A soil has a liquid limit of 40% and its plasticity index is 10%. T he
percentage passing through a 4.75 mm sieve is 60% and the
percentage passing through a 75 micron sieve is 45%. T he soil can
be classified as:
Ans 1. S M-S C
2. GM
3. GC
4. S M
Q.10 Find the correct statement regarding the assumption of limit state
design under compression member as per IS 456:2000.
Ans 1. The minimum compressive strain in concrete in axial compression
is 0.002.
2. The maximum compressive strain in concrete in axial compression
is 0.02.
3. The minimum compressive strain in concrete in axial compression
is 0.0002.
4. The maximum compressive strain in concrete in axial compression
is 0.002.
Q.11 In the case of preliminary estimate prepared per unit basis, the
service units to be considered for a school and hospital are
respectively ___________.
Ans 1. bench and bed
2. classroom and bed
3. classroom and ward
4. bench and ward
Q.12 A catchment area of 10 km2 has recorded a rainfall of 25 mm/h.
Assuming a runoff co-efficient of 0.3, the peak discharge from the
catchment using the rational method is ________.
Ans 1. 20.83 cumec
2. 18.36 cumec
3. 26.56 cumec
4. 24.6 cumec
SSC Updates (Kannada): @the_target100 RankMitra: @RankMitra
Q.13 Which of the following statements represent(s) advantages of the
separate system of sewerage?
Statement I: T he load on treatment units becomes less.
Statement II: Sewers are large in diameter.
Statement III: Maintenance costs are reasonable.
Ans 1. O nly III
2. O nly I
3. O nly II and III
4. O nly II
Q.14 Which of the following options serves all the three objectives
mentioned below?
I: To promote human health
II: To provide a cleaner environment
III: To break the cycle of diseases
Ans 1. D rainage system
2. Scavenging system
3. Sanitary system
4. D istribution system
Q.15 In case of absorption test on burnt clay building bricks as per IS
3495 (part 2);1992, bricks shall be soaked in cold water for a duration
of______ .
Ans 1. 24 hours
2. 16 hours
3. 9 hours
4. 12 hours
Q.16 Which of the following methods of transportation of concrete is
useful for transporting the concrete to a relatively greater distance
from batching plant?
Ans 1. Pump and pipe line
2. Transit mixer
SSC Updates (Kannada): @the_target100 RankMitra: @RankMitra
Q.19 Identify the INCORRECT statement regarding ready-mix concrete
(RMC). Consider that ordinary Portland cement is used for making
Ans 1. The mix design of R MC is tailor made to suit the placing methods
of the contractor.
2. R eady-mix concrete in wet condition is transported by using a
transit mixer from the batching plant to the construction site.
3. R eady-mix concrete increases the speed of construction.
Q.20 T he loss of life is maximum if the flood water suddenly enters the
inhabited areas at night. T he loss of life during the floods is
considered as _____________ loss.
Ans 1. huge and tangible
2. measurable
3. tangible
4. intangible
Q.21 Which of the following is/are the objectives of road sign?
i. Promote road safety
ii. Promote efficient movement of vehicles
iii. Increase design speed
iv. Calculate traffic volume
v. Provide warning for safe movement
Ans 1. i, ii, iii and v
2. O nly i, ii and v
3. Both iii and v
4. O nly i
Q.22 As per IS 456 : 2000, the design strength of a short axially loaded
compression member is expressed as _______. Where,
f y=characteristic strength of the compression reinforcement,
Asc =area of longitudinal reinforcement for
columns, f ck =characteristic compressive strensth of the concrete,
Ac =Area of concrete.
Ans 1.
Q.26 __________ are popularly known as white ants, though they are in no
way related to ants.
Ans 1. Termites
2. Bacteria
3. Flies
4. Viruses
Q.27 Which of the following term is used to express the process of water
coming out from the concrete and accumulate at the surface of
concrete during compaction?
Ans 1. Efflorescence
2. Seepage
3. Bleeding
4. Permeability
Q.28 Which of the following statements about the Noise Pollution
(Regulation and Control) Rules, 2000, under the Environment
Protection Act, 1986, is INCORRECT ?
Ans 1. There are three categories of zones.
2. D ay time shall mean the period from 6.00 a.m. to 10.00 p.m.
3. The day time and night time limits of noise in commercial areas are
75 dB and 70 dB, respectively.
4. Silence zone is an area comprising not less than 100 m around
hospitals, etc.
Q.29 In the laboratory determination of California Bearing Ratio (CBR)
test on soils as per IS : 2720(Part 16) – 1987, the CBR values are
usually reported for penetration values of :
Ans 1. 5.0 mm, 7.5 mm
2. 1.5 mm, 2.5 mm
3. 2.5 mm, 5.0 mm
4. 3.5 mm, 5.0 mm
Q.30 When pipes of different diameters are connected in series from end
to end to form a pipe line, the total head loss developed is equal
Ans 1. sum of major head losses in each pipe
2. Sum of local head losses only
3. Zero
4. Sum of local head losses and major head losses in each pipe
Q.31 T he canal fall with a combination of a convex curve and a concave
curve, which is provided for carrying the canal water from a higher
level to a lower level, is known as ____________.
Ans 1. rapid fall
2. ogee fall
3. stepped fall
4. sarda fall
SSC Updates (Kannada): @the_target100 RankMitra: @RankMitra
Q.32 As per IS 1077:1992, the size of standard modular burn clay building
bricks is___
Ans 1. 19 cm × 9 cm × 9 cm
2. 25 cm × 19 cm × 9 cm
3. 19 cm × 18 cm × 18 cm
4. 22 cm × 15 cm × 10 cm
Q.36 Which of the following property of water makes the raindrops to form
roughly spherical structure?
Ans 1. air resistance
2. atmospheric pressure
3. surface tension
4. Acceleration due to gravity
Q.37 Which of the following statements about soil pollution is
Ans 1. The area treatment method to prevent soil erosion involves treating
the natural water courses.
2. Irrigation water can cause salinisation of soil.
3. In temperate regions, D D T has a half-life of 10–15 years.
4. Storing surplus rainwater by constructing bunds, ponds, etc.
belongs to the category of area treatment method.
Q.38 Which of the given procedures should be followed before applying
paint onto different components of a building?
i) Chalking
ii) Flaking
iii) Removing blisters
iv) Surface wetting
Ans 1. (i), (ii) and (iii)
2. (ii) and (iii)
3. O nly (i)
4. All of (i), (ii), (iii) and (iv)
SSC Updates (Kannada): @the_target100 RankMitra: @RankMitra
Q.39 Select the option that is appropriate regarding the following two
statements labelled Assertion and Reason.
Assertion: Proper deep ploughing, which is done by tractors,
requires overall less quality of water and hence, the duty is high.
Reason: Ploughing should be done properly and deeply so that the
moisture-retaining capacity of the soil is increased.
Ans 1. Both Assertion and R eason are false.
2. Both Assertion and R eason are true, but R eason is not the correct
explanation of Assertion.
3. Assertion is true, but R eason is false.
4. Both Assertion and R eason are true and R eason is the correct
explanation of Assertion.
Q.40 Which of the following is the hazardous waste produced by
petroleum refining industries?
Ans 1. Tarry residues
2. C yanide-containing sludge
3. Lead ash
4. Spent clay-containing oil
Q.41 Calculate the design stress for a steel grade Fe-415 after applying
necessary factor of safety, in case of design of RCC members in
accordance with limit state design.
Ans 1. 435 N/mm2
2. 217.5 N/mm2
3. 415 N/mm2
4. 361.05 N/mm2
Ans 1. O nly I
2. I, II and III
3. O nly III
4. O nly I and II
Q.50 Which of the following indicates a preliminary stage of dead knot,
where the fibres of knot are not firmly held in the surrounding
Ans 1. D ead knot
2. R ound knot
3. Loose knot
4. Tight knot
Q.51 For a given open channel, if the Chezy's coefficient (C) is
decreased, then how will it affect the discharge (Q) of the flow?
Ans 1. Q will increase
2. Q will decrease
3. Q will remain constant
4. Q will become zero
SSC Updates (Kannada): @the_target100 RankMitra: @RankMitra
Q.52 A school building of 15 classrooms is to be constructed and the cost
of construction of the school in terms of per classroom is ₹1,50,000.
Calculate the approximate cost of the proposed school building.
Ans 1. ₹30,00,000
2. ₹42,50,000
3. ₹22,50,000
4. ₹20,00,000
Q.53 Identify the canal regulation structure, used for closing the supply
to the downstream of the parent canal during repairs.
Ans 1. cross regulator
2. stream regulator
3. head regulator
4. distributary regulator
Q.54 Which of the following is/are the main advantage of using a dumpy
level in surveying?
i) Simple to use
ii) Provides accurate level of reading
iii) Can be used at night, without light
Ans 1. Both i and ii
2. O nly ii
3. O nly i
4. O nly iii
Q.55 Following IS : 2502-1963, determine the approximate total length of
bar of 6 mm diameter, measured along centre line, for the stirrup
shown in Figure. (Note : Take the given stirrup dimensions in Figure
as internal).
Ans 1. 0.884 m
2. 0.448 m
3. 0.848 m
4. 0.440 m
Q.56 T he soil has a liquid limit of 50 %. Following the A-line, in the
plasticity chart as per IS : 1498 – 1970, the corresponding plastic
limit is :
Ans 1. 28.1%
2. Insufficient data
3. 25%
4. 21.9%
Q.57 Which of the following statements regarding the vertical circle of a
theodolite is correct?
Ans 1. Both the graduation circle and the Vernier scale move with the
2. The Vernier scale is fixed, but the graduation circle moves with the
3. Both the graduation circle and the Vernier scale are fixed, while the
telescope moves.
4. The graduation circle is fixed, but the Vernier scale moves with the
SSC Updates (Kannada): @the_target100 RankMitra: @RankMitra
Q.58 T he following are different factors that affect the diurnal variation in
magnetic declination. T he condition which may result in the
maximum variation is _______________.
Ans 1. at the Equator during winter
2. at the Magnetic Poles during winter
3. at the Equator during summer
4. at the Magnetic Poles during summer
Q.59 Which of the piles is used for compacting loose granular soil?
Ans 1. End bearing piles
2. Tension piles
3. C ompaction piles
4. Friction piles
Q.60 Which of the following methods make use of infra-red lamp In the
determination of water content of soils ?
Ans 1. Torsional balance method
2. C alcium carbide method
3. Alcohol method
4. Pycnometer method
Q.61 A rectangular RCC beam section having a width of 200 mm and
depth of 300 mm is subjected to a factored shear force of 60 kN.
Determine the nominal shear stress acting in the section if the
effective cover is 50 mm and grade of concrete is M 20 and the
grade of steel is Fe 415.
Ans 1. 1.4 N/mm2
2. 1.2 N/mm2
3. 1 N/mm2
4. 0.86 N/mm2
Q.62 T he effective length ratio ‘K’ for a column in frame with no sideway
is limited between:
Ans 1. 0 and 0.5
2. 0.25 and 0.5
3. 0 and 1.0
4. 0.5 and 1.0
Q.63 Timber which are slow and difficult to season free from defects, are
classified as based upon their behaviour to cracking and splitting
during normal air-seasoning practice.
Ans 1. Moderate refractory
2. High refractory
3. Low refractory
4. Null refractory
Q.64 T he right limb of height h2 in the simple u tube manometer
containing mercury is open to atmosphere, while the left limb of
height h1 is connected to pipe in which a liquid of specific gravity 1
is flowing with uniform speed with h1 < h2 . T his condition gives
_____________ kind of pressure.
Ans 1. atmospheric pressure
2. positive gauge pressure
3. absolute pressure
4. negative gauge pressure
SSC Updates (Kannada): @the_target100 RankMitra: @RankMitra
Q.65 Linear strains along X, Y and Z directions in an object with
homogenous material are given as 0.05, 0.10 and 0.10, respectively.
T he size of the object before deformation was 20 cm × 10 cm × 10
cm. Determine the volumetric strain and change in volume of the
material after deformation.
Ans 5 mm3
1. Volumetric strain = 0.25, change in volume = 5 × 10
2. Volumetric strain = 0.25, change in volume = 500 mm
4 mm3
3. Volumetric strain = 0.3, change in volume = 60 × 10
4. Volumetric strain = 0.7, change in volume = 1400 cm
Q.68 If the velocity of the fluid does NOT change with respect to time,
the flow is said to be a/an:
Ans 1. non-uniform flow
2. steady flow
3. unsteady flow
4. uniform flow
Q.69 In which type of dressing of stone are about 1 cm vertical or
horizontal grooves sunk with a chisel having its shape as a hollow
Ans 1. R eticulated finish
2. Punched dressing
3. C lose picked and fine tooling
4. Boasted or droved finish
Q.70 Which of the following is not a functional charecteristics of kerbs
used in road construction?
Ans 1. Presents a more finished appearance
2. acts as a boundary between the pavement and the footpath.
Ans 1.
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Q.76 Which of the following stress distribution diagrams represents the
condition where the intensity of direct stress is less than the
intensity of bending stress?
Where σmin is minimum resultant stress and σmax is maximum
resultant stress.
Ans 1.
Q.88 Which of the following methods used for finding the slope and
deflection of beams is also called the ‘method of singularity
Ans 1. Moment area method
2. C onjugate beam method
3. Macaulay’s method
4. Mohr ’s Theorem method
Q.89 Which of the following estimates mostly resembles a detailed
estimate ?
Ans 1. R ough estimate
2. Q uantity estimate
3. Item rate estimate
4. Annual maintenance estimate
Q.90 Which of the following statements about the secondary treatment of
sewage is INCORRECT ?
Ans 1. Secondary treatment methods are broadly divided into filtration and
activated sludge process.
2. Activated sludge is biologically active.
3. Primary treatment of sewage is not essential for efficient working
of contact beds.
4. O xidation of organic matter occurs in trickling filters under aerobic
Q.91 Which of the following statements is correct about measurement of
the vertical angle while using a total station?
Ans 1. It is usually measured as a zenith angle.
2. An electronic digital theodolite is not able to measure the vertical
3. It is measured relative to the horizontal direction.
4. It is measured from the instrument north in the horizontal plane.
Q.94 Among the following factors that can cause an error during distance
measurement in chaining, the compensating error is caused by
Ans 1. bad ranging
2. variation in temperature
3. sag in chain
4. careless holding and marking
Q.95 As per IS 2770(part I), the load at failure in a pull out test was found
to be 180 kN. Calculate the bond strength if the bar diameter is 20
mm and its embedded length into concrete is 300 mm.
Ans 1.
SSC Updates (Kannada): @the_target100 RankMitra: @RankMitra
Q.99 Assuming the stress block diagram of the rectangular concrete beam
section as per IS 456-2000, the depth of the centre of compressive
force measured from the neutral axis is given by: (Assuming X u as
the depth of neutral axis from top compression fiber)
Ans 1. 0.36 Xu
2. 0.58 Xu
3. 0.42 Xu
4. 0.67 Xu
Ans 1.
Q.9 Select the figure from the options that can replace the question
mark (?) and complete the given pattern.
Ans 1.
Q.10 Read the given statements and conclusions carefully. Assuming that
the information given in the statements is true, even if it appears to
be at variance with commonly known facts, decide which of the given
conclusions logically follow(s) from the statements.
Some peacocks are robins.
All robins are sparrows.
All sparrows are owls.
(I) No owl is a peacock.
(II) All sparrows are peacocks.
Ans 1. Neither conclusion (I) nor (II) follows
2. O nly conclusion (II) follows
3. Both conclusions (I) and (II) follow
4. O nly conclusion (I) follows
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Q.11 Select the correct mirror image of the given figure when the mirror
is placed at MN as shown below.
Ans 1.
Ans 1.
Q.20 Select the set in which the numbers are related in the same way as
are the numbers of the following sets.
(NOT E: Operations should be performed on the whole numbers,
without breaking down the numbers into its constituent digits. E.g.,
13 – Operations on 13 such as adding/subtracting/multiplying etc. to
13 can be performed. Breaking down 13 into 1 and 3 and then
performing mathematical operations on 1 and 3 is not allowed.)
(12, 216, 6)
(17, 408, 8)
Ans 1. (8, 86, 12)
2. (19, 190, 5)
3. (14, 210, 5)
4. (11, 220, 5)
Q.21 What should come in place of the question mark (?) in the given
series based on the English alphabetical order?
Ans 1. MHQ
2. NHQ
3. NO P
4. MNQ
Q.22 What should come in place of the two question marks (?) in the
given series in the same order?
42, 43, 47, 56, ? , 97 , ?
Ans 1. 72, 133
2. 74, 135
3. 71, 132
4. 70, 131
Q.23 What should come in place of the question mark (?) in the given
series based on the English alphabetical order?
Ans 1. MD E
2. O D C
3. NC B
4. P ZD
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Q.24 23 is related to 69 following a certain logic. Following the same
logic, 41 is related to 123. To which of the following is 52 related
following the same logic?
(NOT E: Operations should be performed on the whole numbers,
without breaking down the numbers into its constituent digits. E.g.
13 – Operations on 13 such as adding /subtracting /multiplying etc.
to 13 can be performed. Breaking down 13 into 1 and 3 and then
performing mathematical operations on 1 and 3 is not allowed.)
Ans 1. 126
2. 136
3. 146
4. 156
Ans 1. 6
2. 7
3. 8
4. 9
Q.26 In a certain code language, ‘oh my god’ is written as ‘jk sr qw’, and
‘god is good’ is written as ‘dk zx sr’. How is ‘god’ written in that
Ans 1. sr
2. dk
3. qw
4. jk
Q.27 Select the correct option that indicates the arrangement of the
following words in a logical and meaningful order.
1. Running
2. Crawling
3. Cycling
4. Walking
5. Driving
Ans 1. 2, 5, 3, 1, 4
2. 2, 3, 4, 5, 1
3. 2, 1, 5, 4, 3
4. 2, 4, 1, 3, 5
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Q.28 18 is related to 126 following a certain logic. Following the same
logic, 28 is related to 196. To which of the following is 48 related,
following the same logic?
(NOT E: Operations should be performed on the whole numbers,
without breaking down the numbers into its constituent digits. E.g.
13 – Operations on 13 such as adding/deleting/multiplying etc. to 13
can be performed. Breaking down 13 into 1 and 3 and then
performing mathematical operations on 1 and 3 is not allowed.)
Ans 1. 380
2. 320
3. 336
4. 366
Ans 1.
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Q.31 Select the option in which the given figure is embedded (rotation is
NOT allowed).
Ans 1.
Q.34 Select the option in which the numbers share the same relationship
as that shared by the given number triads.
(NOT E: Operations should be performed on the whole number,
without breaking down the numbers into its constituent digits. E.g.
13- Operations on 13 such as adding/subtracting/multiplying etc. to
13 can be performed. Breaking down 13 into 1 and 3 and then
performing mathematical operations on 1 and 3 is NOT allowed.)
Ans 1. 98-95-92
2. 100-94-90
3. 120-116-105
4. 64-54-50
Q.35 What will come in the place of the question mark (?) in the following
equation, if ‘+’ and ‘×’ are interchanged and ‘÷’ and ‘−’ are
18 − 6 + 3 × 20 ÷ 9 = ?
Ans 1. 18
2. 6
3. 12
4. 20
Q.36 E, F, G, H, I, J and K are sitting around a circular table with their
backs facing the centre (not necessarily in the same order). J is
sitting to the immediate left of G. K is sitting to the immediate right
of E. H is sitting to the immediate right of K. I is sitting to the
immediate right of H and immediate left of F. F is sitting to the
immediate left of J. Who is an immediate neighbour of both E and J?
Ans 1. H
2. F
3. G
4. K
Q.37 Vikram walked 10 m towards the north. T hen he turned right and
walked 20 m. T hen he turned right and walked 25 m. T hen he turned
left and walked 5 m. In what direction is he facing?
Ans 1. South
2. East
3. West
4. North
SSC Updates (Kannada): @the_target100 RankMitra: @RankMitra
Q.38 Read the given statements and conclusions carefully. Assuming that
the information given in the statements is true, even if it appears to
be at variance with commonly known facts, decide which of the given
conclusions logically follow(s) from the statements.
Statements: Some bowls are spoons. All spoons are plates.
Conclusion 1: Some spoons are bowls.
Conclusion 2: Some bowls are plates.
Ans 1. None of the conclusions follow
2. O nly conclusion (2) follows
3. Both conclusions (1) and (2) follow
4. O nly conclusion (1) follows
Q.32 Which of the following are the features of the Parliamentary form of
1) T he President is the nominal or de jure executive.
2) T he Prime Minister is the titular executive.
3) T he President is the head of state.
4) T he Prime Minister is the head of government.
Ans 1. O nly 1, 3 and 4
2. O nly 1, 2 and 3
3. O nly 1, 2 and 4
4. O nly 2, 3 and 4
Q.33 Which freedom is protected by Article 19(d) of the Constitution?
Ans 1. Freedom to reside and settle in any part of India
2. Freedom to move freely throughout the territory of India
3. Freedom to assemble peacefully
4. Freedom of speech and expression
Q.34 Which of the following is a function of the cytoskeleton?
Ans 1. Protein synthesis
2. C ell division
3. AT P production
4. C ell support and shape
4. D C bus bar
Q.7 Which of the following types of installations is NOT a part of NEC
(National Electrical Code)?
Ans 1. Sports buildings
2. Agriculture premises
3. Medical establishments
4. Traction
Q.8 In regard to estimation and costing of public lighting, which of the
following should be adequate to provide visibility that guarantees
for the user the maximum safety and sufficient visual comfort?
Ans 1. Limitations of glare
2. O ptical guidance
3. Uniformity of luminance
4. Level of luminance
Q.9 Select the correct statement regarding coal-fired boilers.
Ans 1. Water-tube boilers are more efficient than fire-tube boilers.
2. Fire-tube boilers are typically used for high-pressure applications.
3. Fire-tube boilers have higher thermal efficiency compared to water-
tube boilers.
4. Water-tube boilers are less expensive compared to fire-tube
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Q.10 As per the principles of estimation and costing, if the quantity of
materials required for work is not ready, then the minimum order
quantity required shall be requested in the __________.
Ans 1. purchase enquiry
2. purchase order
3. comparative statement
4. tender enquiry
Ans 1.
Ans 1. 20V
2. 10V
3. 30V
4. 40V
Q.14 T he speed-torque characteristics of which motor whose speed falls
when there is increase in load torque is suitable to the application?
Ans 1. D C series motor
2. D C shunt motor
3. D C differential compound motor
4. D C compound motor
SSC Updates (Kannada): @the_target100 RankMitra: @RankMitra
Q.15 In any electric circuit, if i1 and i3 are incoming currents and i2 and i4
are outgoing currents from a node, then according to KCL which is
the correct answer?
Ans 1. i1+i2=i3+i4
2. i4-i1=i2+i3
3. i1+i3=i2+i4
4. i1-i2=i3-i4
Ans 1. 1000 W
2. 1024 W
3. 3456 W
4. 1536 W
Q.22 Which of the following coefficients provides the relationship
between the electric field intensity and the transmitted wave to the
incident wave in the medium of origin?
Ans 1. Free space
2. Field reflection
3. Signal attenuation
4. Fresnel reflection
Q.23 Lissajous patterns on a CRO has ten vertical maximum values and
eight horizontal maximum values. T he frequency of the horizontal
input is 1000 Hz. Determine the frequency of the vertical input?
Ans 1. 1344 Hz
2. 1000 Hz
3. 800 Hz
4. 1256 Hz
Q.24 In a metal oxide semiconductor FET, the metal oxide layer acts as
a/an _____.
Ans 1. gate
2. electric field
3. capacitor
4. dielectric
Q.25 In a drive system, which requires a high starting torque, which of
the following electric motors is more suitable?
Ans 1. Synchronous motor
2. D ouble cage induction motor
3. D C cumulative compound motor
4. D C Series motor
Q.26 T he thermal efficiency of a steam plant is defined as ________.
Ans 1. the ratio of heat of combustion of coal to the heat equivalent of
electrical output
2. the ratio of heat equivalent of mechanical energy transmitted to the
turbine shaft to the
heat of combustion of coal
3. the ratio of heat equivalent of electrical output to the heat of
combustion of coal
4. the ratio of heat of combustion of coal to the heat equivalent of
mechanical energy transmitted to the turbine shaft
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Q.27 If two identical 2 A, 2 Ω Norton equivalent circuits are connected in
parallel with like polarity connected to like polarity, the combined
Norton equivalent circuit is:
Ans 1. 0 A, 1 Ω
2. 4 A, 4 Ω
3. 2 A, 4 Ω
4. 4 A, 1 Ω
Q.30 An electrical network contains only one loop and no other mesh.
How many KVL equations can be formed for the circuit?
Ans 1. 4
2. 1
3. 2
4. 3
Q.31 T he consumer associated with the ring main distribution scheme
experiences ______ as compared to the radial distribution scheme.
Ans 1. less reliable power supply
2. unity power factoralways
3. no copper loss
4. less voltage fluctuations
Q.32 Which of the following statements about the hysteresis loop of
magnetic materials is correct?
Ans 1. The area of the hysteresis loop of a hard material is greater than
that of the soft material.
2. The area of the hysteresis loop of a hard material as well as a soft
material is not dependent on temperature.
3. The hysteresis loops of hard and soft materials are of the same
4. The area of the hysteresis loop of a hard material is less than that
of the soft material.
Q.33 Lambert's Cosine Law describes the relationship between
Ans 1. illumination and the angle of light incidence on a surface
2. total lumen on the work plane and lumen emitted by lamp
3. illumination and the distance of light it travels
4. the wavelength of light and its speed in a medium
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Ans 1. 6.67 V
2. 7.67 V
3. 8.50 V
4. 7.50 V
Q.35 Which of the following statements is true regarding the setting of an
earth fault relay?
Ans 1. The setting should always be equal to the rated full-load current of
the line.
2. The setting does not depend upon the rated full-load current of the
3. The setting should always be greater than the rated full-load current
of the line.
4. The setting should always be less than the rated full-load current of
the line.
Q.36 Which of the following statements about equivalent circuit with core
losses of single-phase motor is/are true?
1. T he current drawn by the induction motor when it is not coupled
to the driven equipment is called no load current of the motor.
2. T he no load current produces the magnetic field in the motor.
Ans 1. Both 1 and 2 are true
2. O nly 1 is true
3. O nly 2 is true
4. Both 1 and 2 are not true
Q.37 Which of the following statements are true regarding parts of a
(i) T he thickness of laminations varies from 0.35 mm to 0.5 mm.
(ii) T he material used for breather is blue in colour when it is damp
and whitish pink when dry.
(iii) For a constant input voltage, the output voltage can be varied
over a small range by providing few tapings.
Ans 1. (i) and (iii)
2. (i), (ii) and (iii)
3. (i) and (ii)
4. (ii) and (iii)
Q.38 Rotor current frequency = Fractional slip × ________
Ans 1. E MF
2. Supply frequency
3. R otor speed
4. No. of poles
Q.39 T he average demand of a plant is 55 MW. Find the maximum energy
that can be produced if the plant is running at full load according to
the operating schedule. T he plant use factor is 60%.
Ans 1. 92 MW h
2. 2200 MW h
3. 792 MW h
4. 33 MW h
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Q.40 In a single-phase induction motor core loss is neglected. T he
exciting branch is only consisting of:
Ans 1. exciting reactance
2. no load resistance
3. load resistance
4. load reactance
Ans 1.
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Q.53 In an electrostatic instrument, the sensitivity can be increased by
Ans 1. increasing the area of the plates
2. increasing the distance between the plates
3. using a phase-shifting capacitor
4. using a magnetic damping mechanism
Ans 1. 10 H
2. 8 mH
3. 0.08 H
4. 8 H
Q.61 T he value of T hevenin’s voltage across terminal a - b will be
_________ .
Ans 1. 0 V
2. 50 V
3. 62 V
4. 12 V
Q.62 Choose the correct alternative regarding an electric iron.
Ans 1. Magnesium oxide powder is used for insulation purposes of the
heating element.
2. Halogen bulbs are used in an electric iron.
3. The heating element is made up of C hromium.
4. The thermostat used in an electric iron makes use of a single metal
Q.63 A lamp of 80 watt with efficiency of 80% of watt/CP is suspended,
T he illumination at a point on a working plane directly below the
lamp is 25 lumens/m2 . Determine the height at which the lamp is
Ans 1. 1.6 meters
2. 3.2 meters
3. 4 meters
4. 2 meters
Q.64 A DC source of EMF E volts and internal resistance R ohms is
connected to a variable load and it is adjusted such that the load
absorbs maximum power from the source. T he current drawn from
the source is:
Ans 1.
Q.67 In an electrical circuit, the sum of EMFs of all the sources met on
the way plus the voltage drops in the resistances must be zero. T his
can be explained by ____.
Ans 1. Kirchhoff’s current law
2. Laplace’s law
3. Kirchhoff’s voltage law
4. O hm’s law
Q.68 T he magnetic flux through a 150 turns coil increases at the rate of
0.08 wb/s. What is the induced EMF between the ends of the coil?
Ans 1. 20 volts
2. 24 volts
3. 12 volts
4. 120 volts
Q.69 Which of the following types of cooling is employed in small and
medium distribution transformers?
Ans 1. O il filled water cooled
2. Water filled self-cooled
3. Water filled oil cooled
4. O il filled self-cooled
Q.70 In regard to estimation and costing, the accurate estimate in which
the quantity of each item of work is calculated is called ___________.
Ans 1. rough estimate
2. detailed estimate
3. supplementary estimate
4. approximate estimate
Q.71 T he connections of three-phase energy metre for measuring three-
phase power, three wire energy is similar to the connections of
Ans 1. two wattmeter for power measurement
2. three wattmeter for voltage measurement
3. two wattmeter for voltage measurement
4. three wattmeter for power measurement
Q.72 Power measured using 2 wattmeter method from a three-phase
balanced/unbalanced load where line voltage = VP, Line current =
VL, Phase voltage = VP and Phase current = IP is given by:
Ans 1.
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Q.73 In case of a p-n junction diode, the change in temperature due to
heating ________.
Ans 1. affects the entire V-I characteristics of the p-n junction diode
2. causes no change in the resistance of the p-n junction diode
3. affects only the reverse resistance of the p-n junction diode
4. affects only the forward resistance of the p-n junction diode
Q.74 Which of the following is NOT correct with reference to full load
testing of a single-phase transformer?
Ans 1. This test is used to determine temperature rise and efficiency of the
2. This test is used to determine voltage regulation of the
3. In Sumpner ’s test, two identical transformers are taken, in which
primary windings are connected in parallel whereas secondary windings
are connected in series.
4. In Sumpner ’s test, two identical transformers are taken, in which
primary windings are connected in parallel whereas secondary windings
are connected in series but in phase opposition.
Q.75 In electric power, if a body makes N rpm and the torque acting is T
newton-meter, then work done per minute will be ______.
Ans 1. m×g joules
2. mgh joules
3. (2πNT)/60 joules
4. 2πNT joules
Q.76 Two identical coils A and B have 400 turns placed such that 60% of
flux produced by one coil links with the other. If a current of 10A
flowing in coil A produces a flux of 20 mWb in it, find the mutual
inductance between coil A and B.
Ans 1. 480 H
2. 100 H
3. 0.48 H
4. 10 H
Q.77 An induction motor can be treated as a transformer with
Ans 1. open circuited secondary winding
2. short circuited secondary winding
3. short circuited primary winding
4. open circuited primary winding
Q.78 What is the drawback of a Permanent Magnet Moving Coil (PMMC)
Ans 1. Low torque / weight ratio
2. High power consumption
3. Absence of effective and efficient current damping
4. R elatively high-cost as compared to moving iron instruments
Q.79 A 415 V, 3-phase voltage is applied to a balanced star connected
purely resistive load of 10 Ω. What is the ratio of reactive power to
active power?
Ans 1. 100
2. 1
3. Infinity
4. 0
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Q.80 A 400V, 3-phase, star-connected synchronous motor has armature
current of 200A at effective resistance of 0.04 OHMS. T he short-
circuit load loss at half-full load is _________.
Ans 1. 2000W
2. 2100 W
3. 1200 W
4. 1000W
Q.81 Stability factors are defined as the rate of change of _____ with
respect to the ____, keeping both the base current and the current
gain β constant.
Ans 1. collector base leakage current; collector current
2. collector current; collector base leakage current
3. emitter current; collector base leakage current
4. collector base leakage current; emitter current
Q.82 T he polar form of a vector is 10∠ 30. What is the rectangular form of
this vector?
Ans 1.
Ans 1.
Ans 1.
Q.7 Read the given statements and conclusions carefully. Assuming that
the information given in the statements is true, even if it appears to
be at variance with commonly known facts, decide which of the given
conclusions logically follow(s) from the statements.
Statements: Some bikes are trucks. All trucks are planes.
Conclusion 1: Some bikes are planes.
Conclusion 2: No truck is a bike.
Ans 1. None of the conclusions follow
2. O nly conclusion (1) follows
3. O nly conclusion (2) follows
4. Both conclusion (1) and conclusion (2) follow
Q.8 What will come in place of the question mark (?) in the following
equation if ‘÷’ and ‘×’ are interchanged?
39 + 27 ÷ 108 × 9 – 16 = ?
Ans 1. 347
2. 342
3. 339
4. 351
Q.9 QT RU is related to SVT W in a certain way based on the English
alphabetical order. In the same way, T WUX is related to VYWZ. To
which of the following is LOMP related, following the same logic?
Ans 1. Q NO R
2. NQ R O
3. NQ O R
4. Q NR O
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Q.10 Select the figure from the options that can replace the question
mark (?) and complete the given pattern.
Ans 1.
Q.11 What will come in place of the question mark (?) in the following
equation if ‘+’ and ‘–’ are interchanged and ‘×’ and ‘÷’ are
13 ÷ 2 – 15 + 120 × 4 = ?
Ans 1. 11
2. 15
3. 13
4. 7
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Q.12 In a certain code language, ‘don’t worry you’ is coded as ‘ab kl gy’
and ‘you have no’ is coded as ‘gy ad mn’. How is ‘you’ coded in the
given language?
Ans 1. ab
2. gy
3. mn
4. kl
Q.13 What should come in place of the question mark (?) in the given
16, 25, 34, 43, 52, ?
Ans 1. 62
2. 69
3. 61
4. 60
Q.14 Select the correct option that indicates the arrangement of the
following words in a logical and meaningful order.
1. Root
2. Branch
3. Twig
4. Trunk
5. Leaf
Ans 1. 1, 3, 4, 5, 2
2. 1, 5, 3, 2, 4
3. 1, 2, 5, 4, 3
4. 1, 4, 2, 3, 5
Q.15 What should come in place of the question mark (?) in the given
series based on the English alphabetical order?
Ans 1. UC N
2. VB N
3. Q B N
4. R B M
Ans 1. 10
2. 7
3. 9
4. 8
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Q.17 L, A, N, T, E, R, and S are sitting around a circular table, facing the
centre (not necessarily in the same order). L sits third to the right of
E. E sits second to the right of T. S sits third to the left T. N sits
third to the left of A.
Who is sitting to the immediate left of A?
Ans 1. T
2. E
3. N
4. L
Q.18 In a certain code language, ‘RICE’ is coded as ‘5379’ and ‘COLD’ is
coded as ‘8432’.
What is the code for ‘C’ in the given code language?
Ans 1. 4
2. 5
3. 3
4. 2
Q.19 MILK is related to OLPL in a certain way based on the English
alphabetical order. In the same way, T ILE is related to VLPF. To
which of the following is STAR related, following the same logic?
Ans 1. UW E S
2. VW F S
3. UW F S
4. VW E S
Q.20 OT NQ is related to SXRU in a certain way based on the English
alphabetical order. In the same way, JOIL is related to NSMP. To
which of the following is MRLO related, following the same logic?
Ans 1. VQ P S
2. Q VS P
3. Q VP S
4. VQ S P
Q.21 ZX 9 is related to ML 3 in a certain way. In the same way, VT 12 is
related to KJ 4. To which of the following is RP 15 related, following
the same logic?
Ans 1. HR 8
2. JH 6
3. IH 5
4. HE 7
Q.22 What should come in place of the question mark (?) in the given
series based on the English alphabetical order?
Ans 1. HGK
2. HK L
3. JK L
4. GK M
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Q.23 Select the set in which the numbers are related in the same way as
are the numbers of the following sets.
(NOT E : Operations should be performed on the whole numbers,
without breaking down the numbers into its constituent digits. E.g.
13 – Operations on 13 such as adding /subtracting /multiplying etc.
to 13 can be performed. Breaking down 13 into 1 and 3 and then
performing mathematical operations on 1 and 3 is not allowed)
(5, 20)
(10, 90)
Ans 1. (6, 24)
2. (7, 49)
3. (9, 72)
4. (8, 40)
Q.24 Read the given statements and conclusions carefully. You have to
take the given statements to be true even if they seem to be at
variance from commonly known facts. You have to decide which
conclusion/s logically follow/s from the given statements.
Statements: All lions are tigers. All lions are pigeons. All tigers are
(I) All pigeons are apes.
Q.28 Select the option in which the given figure is embedded (rotation is
NOT allowed).
Ans 1.
Q.29 What should come in place of the question mark (?) in the given
series based on the English alphabetical order?
Ans 1. AUQ
2. AUP
3. B UQ
4. AT Q
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Q.30 ‘JK 2’ is related to ‘MN 12’ in a certain way based on the English
alphabetical and numerical order. In the same way, ‘IJ 25’ is related
to ‘LM 150’. To which of the following is ‘RS 24’ related following
the same logic?
Ans 1. UV 169
2. T V 194
3. T V 169
4. UV 144
Q.31 Ajay starts from his home and drives 5 km towards the south. He
then takes a left turn, drives 6 km, turns right, and drives 4 km. He
then takes a left turn and drives 5 km and reached his office.
In which direction is the office with respect to his home?
(All turns are 90° turns only, unless specified.)
Ans 1. North-east
2. South-east
3. North-west
4. South-west
Q.32 Which numbers should come in place of the two question marks ‘?’
in the same sequence to make the series logically complete?
2, 3, 5, 8, 13, ?, 34, ?
Ans 1. 19, 53
2. 22, 56
3. 20, 54
4. 21, 55
Q.33 SX 27 is related to ZE 9 in a certain way. In the same way, KP 72 is
related to RW 24. To which of the following is FK 3 related, following
the same logic?
Ans 1. MR 1
2. NS 1
3. MP 9
4. NT 9
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Q.34 Select the option in which the given figure is embedded (rotation is
NOT allowed).
Ans 1.
Q.43 Select the option that indicates the arrangement of the following
words in meaningful and logical order.
1. Doctor
2. Cure
3. Accident
4. Injury
5. Medicine
Ans 1. 1, 3, 2, 4, 5
2. 2, 1, 5, 4, 3
3. 3, 4, 1, 5, 2
4. 4, 1, 3, 2, 5
Q.44 What should come in place of the question mark (?) in the given
82, 83, 80, 81, 78, ?
Ans 1. 79
2. 81
3. 76
4. 77
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Q.45 Select the correct mirror image of the given figure when the mirror
is placed at MN as shown below.
Ans 1.
Q.4 What is the term for the process of water loss from plant leaves
through tiny openings called stomata?
Ans 1. R espiration
2. Transpiration
3. Germination
4. Photosynthesis
Q.5 In which of the following cities of India was the s1t Mayor’s Trophy
International Grandmaster Chess Tournament - 2023 organised?
Ans 1. Panaji
2. Patna
3. Indore
4. C hennai
Q.6 According to the Preamble, what does the promotion of fraternity
Ans 1. Allows all to profess, preach and practice any religion
2. Thought, expression, belief, faith and worship
3. Economic opportunities
4. Unity and integrity of the nation
Q.7 Which of the following pairs is correctly matched?
Ans 1. Kabaddi – 9 players in a team
2. C ricket – 11 players in a team
3. Football – 13 players in a team
4. Hockey – 10 players in a team
Q.8 In 2001, Eric A Cornell along with which two scientists received the
Nobel Prize in Physics for achieving 'Bose-Einstein Condensation'?
Ans 1. Sergei W inogradsky and Arieh Warshel
2. Wolfgang Ketterle and C arl E W ieman
3. W illiam C rookes and Gemma Stephenson
4. Frank W ilczek and Harold Urey
Q.9 ____________ assumed the charge as Registrar General & Census
Commissioner of India with effect from November 1, 2022.
Ans 1. Amit Shah
2. Mritunjay Kumar Narayan
3. D r. C C handramouli
4. Piyush Goyal
Q.10 What is the name of the scheme under which the Government of
India has planned to provide skill training for 2 crore women as
announced in August 2023?
Ans 1. Ladli Beti
2. Sudarshna Scheme
3. Lakhpati D idi
4. Meri Behan
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Q.11 What percentage of women were nominated to the panel of Vice-
Chairpersons in the Upper House on 20 July 2023?
Ans 1. 15%
2. 25%
3. 50%
4. 75%
Ans 1. O xidation
2. Precipitation
3. Neutralisation
4. C ombustion
Q.20 Since the attraction between molecules of gas is very low, what
benefit do we get from this property of gas?
Ans 1. C ompressed and stored in smaller cylinders
2. Burns easily
3. D oes not move from one place to another
4. D oes not change their shape easily
Q.21 T he ________ is famous for ‘Karewa’ formations.
Ans 1. Thar D esert
2. R ann of Kutch
3. C oromandel C oast
4. Kashmir Himalayas
Q.22 What is the chemical formula for ammonia?
Ans 1. NaC l
2. NH3
3. H2 O
4. C O 2
Q.23 Manish Desai was in the news for taking charge of which post in the
Press Information Bureau in September 2023?
Ans 1. Principal D irector General
2. D eputy D irector
3. Additional D irector General
4. Joint D irector
Q.24 Who among the following was an Anglo-Indian teacher of the Hindu
college of Calcutta to initiate the Young Bengal Movement?
Ans 1. Henry C olbert
2. Henry Vivian D erozio
3. D avid Hare
4. C harles wilkins
Q.25 Which of the following is a green alga found in vast masses of a
variety of marine and fresh waters?
Ans 1. Porphyra
2. Gelidium
3. Sargassum
4. C ladophora
Q.26 T he Assam Darrang and Lakhimpur Districts (Assimilation of Laws
on State Subjects) (Repealing) Act, 2022, received the Governor’s
assent in _____.
Ans 1. April 2023
2. January 2023
3. March 2023
4. February 2023
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Q.27 When did the new judicial system of setting up two courts (Criminal
and civil) in each district start?
Ans 1. 1756 C .E.
2. 1773 C .E.
3. 1774 C .E.
4. 1772 C .E.
Q.28 Which keyboard shortcut can be used to Print the Microsoft Word
Ans 1. C trl + P
2. C trl + S
3. C trl + V
4. C trl + Z
Q.29 One characteristic of viruses is that they do not show any signs of
life unless they enter a living host and start multiplying using the
host’s cell. What is the main reason behind this?
Ans 1. They camouflage themselves as non-living to find a host.
2. They lack cell membrane and other organelles.
3. They lack D NA.
4. They need heat of the hosts body to multiply.
Q.30 What is the reason behind the Indian peninsular region not showing
drastic change during winters and having a moderate temperature?
Ans 1. moderating Influence of dense human population
2. moderating Influence of heavy monsoon
3. moderating Influence of the sea
4. moderating Influence of plateaus
Q.31 Sahil Sarabhai is standing in the middle. On one side, his wife
Monisha is pulling him with a force of 100 N eastward, whereas his
mother, Maya is pulling him with a force of 150 N westward. What will
be the net force on Sahil and towards whom will he move in the end
if at all?
Ans 1. 50N, Monisha
2. 250N, will not move
3. 50N, Maya
4. −50N, Maya
Q.32 Most seawater has about how much salt in every 1,000 g
(about a litre ) of water?
Ans 1. 100 g
2. 200 g
3. 15 g
4. 35 g
Q.33 Hemant Chauhan, who received the Padma Shri in 2023, is
associated with:
Ans 1. Bengali music
2. Gujarati music
3. Kannada music
4. Telugu music
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Q.34 Which of the following is the third largest ocean in the world and is
present on the southern side of Asia?
Ans 1. Southern O cean
2. Indian O cean
3. Pacific O cean
4. Bay of Bengal
Ans 1. 0.4 E I
2. 0.3 E I
3. 0.9 E I
4. 0.6 E I
Q.23 T he capacity of doing work by a skilled labour in the form of quantity
of work per day is known as ________.
Ans 1. lift work
2. outturn work
3. standard work
4. extra work
Q.24 T he following is the data sheet from a levelling book. T he
INCORRECT option is _______.
Q.27 Which of the following is NOT the main criterion for selection of
hydraulic pumps?
Ans 1. Pressure at inlet and outlet of the pump
2. Viscocity of fluid to be pumped
3. Flow rate requirement
4. atmospheric pressure
Q.28 Select the option that is appropriate regarding the following two
statements labelled Assertion and Reason.
Assertion: A cross regulator is provided on the main canal at the
downstream side of the take-off to head up the water level and to
enable the off-taking channel to draw the required amount of water.
Reason: During the periods of low discharges in the parent channel,
the cross regulator raises the water level of the upstream and feeds
the off-take channel.
Ans 1. Both Assertion and R eason are true and R eason is the correct
explanation of Assertion.
2. Both Assertion and R eason are false.
3. Both Assertion and R eason are true, but R eason is not the correct
explanation of Assertion.
4. Assertion is true, but R eason is false.
Q.29 ______ determines the thickness of plywood board.
Ans 1. plie length
2. number of plie layers
3. plie width
4. plie area
Q.30 Timber can be treated to make it fire-resistant by which of the
following processes?
Ans 1. Seasoning process
2. C oating with tar paint
3. Applying creosote oil into timber
4. Soaking it in ammonium sulphate
Q.31 What do the three Rs in the 3R Principle stand for?
Ans 1. R educe, R euse, R ecover
2. R educe, R euse, R ecycle
3. R educe, R ecover, R ecycle
4. R ecover, R euse, R ecycle
Ans 1. Both Assertion and R eason are true and R eason is the correct
explanation of Assertion.
2. Both Assertion and R eason are true, but R eason is not the correct
explanation of Assertion.
3. Both Assertion and R eason are false.
4. Assertion is true, but R eason is false.
Q.34 For a given soil sample, with increase in compaction effort, the
Optimum Moisture Content (OMC) ……………. (Assume all other
factors remain the same)
Ans 1. first increases and then, decreases
2. D ecreases
3. first decreases and then, increases
4. Increases
Q.35 In a falling head test, the initial head level is 100 cm and the head
level after 100 seconds is 10 cm. T he area of cross-section of stand-
pipe is 10 cm2 , and the area of cross-section of soil sample is 100
cm2 . Find the permeability of soil sample if the length of sample is
20 cm.
Ans 1. 2.3 cm/s
2. 0.023 cm/s
3. 4.6 cm/s
4. 0.046 cm/s
Q.36 Which of the following statements is INCORRECT ?
Ans 1. A cavity type tube well draws water from the bottom as well as from
the sides of the well.
2. The natural outflow of groundwater at the Earth’s surface is said to
form a spring.
3. Surface sources of water are generally contaminated and cannot be
used without treatment.
4. Infiltration well is a sub-surface source of water.
Q.37 Which of the following statements about carbon credits is
Ans 1. The carbon credit system makes emissions a commodity.
2. C arbon credits are created when greenhouse gases rise above a
3. C arbon credits correspond to a determined tradable quantity of
greenhouse gas emissions.
4. C arbon credits are used in signatory countries to the Kyoto
SSC Updates (Kannada): @the_target100 RankMitra: @RankMitra
Q.38 Which type of lime is commonly used in soil stabilisation to improve
the engineering properties of clay soils and enhance their load-
bearing capacity?
Ans 1. D olomitic lime
2. Hydrated lime or Q uicklime
3. Fat lime
4. Slaked lime
Q.53 In the case design of an axially loaded short RCC column, the
meaning of axial loading refers to:
Ans 1. uniform compressive strain distribution across the cross section
2. non-uniform compressive strain distribution across the cross
3. non-uniform tensile strain distribution across the cross section
4. uniform tensile strain distribution across the cross section
Q.54 Which of the following laws states that the compressive strength of
hardened concrete is inversely proportional to the water-cement
ratio, when the concrete mix is of workable consistency?
Ans 1. Archimede’s Law
2. Abram’s Law
3. C oulomb's Law
4. Avogadro's Law
Q.55 Which of the following compounds gives rapid hardening with an
early gain in strength with a higher heat of hydration in OPC
Ans 1. C 3 A
2. C 3 S
3. C 4 AF
4. C 2 S
SSC Updates (Kannada): @the_target100 RankMitra: @RankMitra
Q.56 T he value of nominal shear stress for beam of varying depth is
given by ________.
Ans 1.
4. R eynolds number
Q.59 Which of the following tools is used to check the difference in cross
levels or the superelevation in a highaway?
Ans 1. C ow bar
2. C anne-a-boule
3. C ant board
4. C ant bar
Q.60 Which of the following scenario explains the term ‘skid’ experienced
by vehicles?
Ans 1. O ccurs when a wheel revolves more than the corresponding
longitudinal movement.
2. O ccurs when driving wheel of a vehicle rapidly accelerates from
stationary position.
3. O ccurs when path travelled along road surface is more than
circumferential movement of the wheels due to their rotation.
4. It occurs when the roads surface is rough and develop sufficient
frictional resistance
Q.61 As per IS 800:2007, the slenderness ratio (λ) of a steel member is
given by______.Where, L=Effective length of member, r=Radius of
gyration of member.
Ans 1. λ = L × r
2. λ = L − r
3. λ = L / r
4. λ = L + r
SSC Updates (Kannada): @the_target100 RankMitra: @RankMitra
Q.62 What are the latitude and the departure of a 300 m traverse line with
a bearing of 240°?
Ans 1.
Q.72 How much deduction should be made in the hollows of blocks during
a hollow concrete block wall construction?
Ans 1. No deduction
2. All openings
3. Half of the openings
4. W idth deduction
Q.73 T he formal acceptance of the proposal of a work by the concerned
department is known as ___________.
Ans 1. proposal approval
2. preliminary approval
3. administrative approval
4. technical approval
Q.74 Using plinth area method, estimate the construction cost of a
building having plinth area of 15 m2 , if the plinth area rate is
Rs.2000/- per m2 .
Ans 1. ₹15,000
2. ₹30,000
3. ₹25,000
4. ₹20,000
SSC Updates (Kannada): @the_target100 RankMitra: @RankMitra
Q.75 An oil of mass density 800 kg/m3 is contained in a vessel. Calculate
the height of water required to develop an equivalent hydrostatic
pressure as that developed by oil of height 30 m. Take acceleration
due to gravity as 9.81 m/sec2
Ans 1. 42 m
2. 23 m
3. 32 m
4. 24 m
3. Emulsified asphalt
4. C utback asphalt
SSC Updates (Kannada): @the_target100 RankMitra: @RankMitra
Q.81 During the calibration of a rectangular suppressed weir in a 40 cm
crest width laboratory channel, the discharge passing over the weir
was measured volumetrically. What is the coefficient of discharge of
the weir if it was found to pass a discharge of 0.025 m3 /sec under
the head of 0.1 m?
Ans 1. C d = 0.75
2. C d = 0.66
3. C d = 0.89
4. C d = 0.92
Q.82 If the load on an RCC lintel due to the wall above it is in the form of
a triangular portion, then the angle subtended by a triangle at either
end of the lintel shall be:
Ans 1. 50 degrees each
2. 60 degrees each
3. 30 degrees each
4. 40 degrees each
Q.83 As per the Indian standard code (2470 - 1985, Part 1), the minimum
width of the septic tank assumed for design purpose is
Ans 1. 125 cm
2. 75 cm
3. 100 cm
4. 50 cm
Q.84 T he sound pressure is measured in:
Ans 1. hertz
2. N/m2
3. decibel
4. watt
Q.85 Calculate the effective depth of a cantilever beam of span 2.5m,
based on the provisions given on ‘effective depth ratios for spans
up to 10m’ in IS 456 : 2000
Ans 1. 357.14 mm
2. 250 mm
3. 457 mm
4. 500 mm
Q.86 Which of the following is an efficient method of levelling that should
be adopted to measure the elevation of two points when the
distance between them is NOT within the visible range of the level?
Ans 1. Profile levelling
2. R eciprocal levelling
3. D ifferential levelling
4. Block levelling
SSC Updates (Kannada): @the_target100 RankMitra: @RankMitra
Q.87 Find the quantity of brickwork for underground septic tank shown in
the given figure.
Ans 1. 7.895 m3
2. 10.641 m3
3. 6.415 m3
4. 9.673 m3
Q.88 Select the option that is appropriate regarding the following two
statements labelled Assertion and Reason.
Assertion: T he season wherein crops are sown by the beginning of
south west monsoon and harvested in autumn is called Kharif
Reason: T he Kharif season ranges from October to March.
Ans 1. Both Assertion and R eason are false.
2. Both Assertion and R eason are true and R eason is the correct
explanation of Assertion.
3. Assertion is true, but R eason is false.
4. Both Assertion and R eason are true, but R eason is not the correct
explanation of Assertion.
SSC Updates (Kannada): @the_target100 RankMitra: @RankMitra
Q.89 When an economical canal cross-section is formed partly in cutting
and partly in filling, such that the quantity of earth in cutting is equal
to the quantity of earth in filling, the depth of cutting under that
situation is known as __________ .
Ans 1. Balancing depth
2. Uniform depth
3. C ritical depth
4. Economical depth
Q.90 As per Euler’s theory, for which of the following end conditions is
the longest effective length of a column obtained?
Ans 1. W hen one end of the column is fixed and the other end is hinged
2. W hen one end of the column is fixed and the other end is free
3. W hen both the ends of the column are fixed
4. W hen both the ends of the column are hinged
Q.91 What are fixed time traffic signals?
Ans 1. Signals that change timing based on traffic flow
2. Signals that adjust timing based on weather conditions
3. Signals that are manually controlled by a traffic officer
4. Signals that have a fixed duration for each phase
Q.92 Which of the following precautions need to be adopted for
concreting in sub-zero temperature?
(i) Pre-heating of materials of concrete
(ii) Economical heating of materials of concrete
(iii) Admixtures of anti-freezing materials
(iv) Electrical heating of concrete mass
Ans 1. (i), (ii), (iii), and (iv)
2. O nly (i)
3. O nly (i), (ii), (iii)
4. O nly (i) and (ii)
Q.93 Identify the correct methods of surface preparation used for joining
old and new concrete to each other.
iii)Removal of surface by grinding
Ans 1. O nly i
2. O nly ii
3. All of i, ii and iii
4. O nly i and ii
Q.94 A high steep camber is NOT desirable to:
Ans 1. prevent entry of water into bituminous pavement layers
2. transverse tilt and skid of vehicle
3. prevent the entry of surface water into subgrade soil
4. remove rain water from pavement surface
Q.95 As per Indian Road Congress, what is the design speed adopted for
Indian Expressways?, Consider the nature of terrain is ‘Plain’ and
Cross slope of ground is less than 10%.
Ans 1. 80 km/h
2. 120 km/h
3. 100 km/h
4. 60 km/h
SSC Updates (Kannada): @the_target100 RankMitra: @RankMitra
Q.96 Which of the following is correct expression to find the hypotenusal
allowance used to compute horizontal distance on a sloping
ground?, where Ɵ=Angle of sloped ground
Ans 1. Measured length on sloped ground(1-cosƟ )
2. Measured length on sloped ground(1-cosƟ 2)
3. Measured length on sloped ground(1-SecƟ )2
4. Measured length on sloped ground(SecƟ -1)
2. Y
3. L
4. R
Q.3 What should come in place of the question mark (?) in the given
series based on the English alphabetical order?
Ans 1. VP T
2. VT P
3. P T V
4. P VT
Q.4 What should come in place of the question mark (?) in the given
series based on the English alphabetical order?
Ans 1. B S Q
2. AT Q
3. AT P
4. B T Q
Q.5 What should come in place of the question mark (?) in the given
14, 19, 29, 44, 64, ?
Ans 1. 84
2. 82
3. 88
4. 89
Q.6 GKHL is related to IMJN in a certain way based on the English
alphabetical order. In the same way, KOLP is related to MQNR. To
which of the following is NROS related, following the same logic?
Ans 1. T P UQ
2. P T UQ
3. P T Q U
4. T P Q U
SSC Updates (Kannada): @the_target100 RankMitra: @RankMitra
Q.7 What should come in place of the question mark (?) in the given
series based on the English alphabetical order?
Ans 1. NR P
2. K MP
3. LO R
4. K NP
Q.8 Select the correct mirror image of the given figure when the mirror
is placed at MN as shown below.
Ans 1.
Q.9 Aishwarya starts from her office in north direction. She turns to her
left then to her right and finally after walking some more, she turns
to her left. In which direction is she facing now?
Ans 1. North
2. East
3. South
4. West
Q.10 In a certain code language, ‘BANISH’ is coded as ‘9’ and
‘AMORPHOUS’ is coded as ‘12’. What is the code for ‘AMNEST Y’ in
the given language?
Ans 1. 11
2. 9
3. 16
4. 10
SSC Updates (Kannada): @the_target100 RankMitra: @RankMitra
Q.11 Select the option figure that will replace the question mark (?) in the
figure given below to complete the pattern.
Ans 1.
Q.12 In a certain code language, ‘he was good’ is coded as ‘ik bu oy’ and
‘was she there’ is coded as ‘bu ha no’. How is ‘was’ coded in the
given language?
Ans 1. ha
2. bu
3. no
4. ik
SSC Updates (Kannada): @the_target100 RankMitra: @RankMitra
Q.13 T he position of how many letters will remain unchanged if each of
the letters in the word CLOSURE is arranged in the English
alphabetical order?
Ans 1. O ne
2. Two
3. Three
4. Four
Ans 1.
Ans 1. 155
2. 159
3. 158
4. 150
Statements: Some horses are rocks. Some rocks are leaves. No rock
is a tree.
(I) No horse is a tree.
(II) At least some leaves are trees.
Ans 1. O nly conclusion (II) follows.
2. Both conclusions (I) and (II) follow.
Ans 1.
SSC Updates (Kannada): @the_target100 RankMitra: @RankMitra
Q.26 Select the correct option that indicates the arrangement of the
following words in a logical and meaningful order.
1. School
2. Graduation
3. Birth
4. Doctorate
5. Under-graduation
Ans 1. 3, 1, 5, 2, 4
2. 1, 5, 3, 2, 4
3. 4, 1, 3, 2, 5
4. 3, 5, 1, 4, 2
Q.32 Read the given statements and conclusions carefully. Assuming that
the information given in the statements is true, even if it appears to
be at variance with commonly known facts, decide which of the given
conclusion(s) logically follow(s) from the statements.
Statements: Some pens are red. All red are blue.
Conclusion 1: All pens are blue.
Conclusion 2: Some pens are not red.
Ans 1. Neither conclusion 1 nor 2 follows
2. Both conclusion 1 and 2 follow
3. O nly conclusion 2 follows
4. O nly conclusion 1 follows
Q.33 If A means +, B means –, C means × and D means ÷, then what will
come in place of the question mark (?) in the following equation?
21 A 18 D 2 B 3 C 5 = ?
Ans 1. 16
2. 15
3. 17
4. 14
Q.34 What should come in place of the question mark (?) in the given
25, 30, 40, 55, 75, ?
Ans 1. 90
2. 95
3. 100
4. 105
Q.35 What should come in place of the question mark (?) in the given
series based on the English alphabetical order?
Ans 1. JIS
2. IJQ
3. JP S
4. K K P
Q.36 Select the set in which the numbers are related in the same way as
are the numbers of the following sets.
(NOT E: Operations should be performed on the whole numbers,
without breaking down the numbers into its constituent digits. E.g.
13 – Operations on 13 such as adding/subtracting/multiplying etc. to
13 can be performed. Breaking down 13 into 1 and 3 and then
performing mathematical operations on 1 and 3 is not allowed.)
(120, 96, 54)
(108, 84, 42)
Ans 1. (124, 100, 58)
2. (116, 92, 62)
3. (92, 68, 40)
4. (128, 96, 60)
SSC Updates (Kannada): @the_target100 RankMitra: @RankMitra
Q.37 Select the word-pair that best represents a similar relationship to
the one expressed in the pair of words given below.
(T he words must be considered as meaningful English words and
must not be related to each other based on the number of
letters/number of consonants/vowels in the word.)
Cockroach : Nymph
Ans 1. Sheep : Fawn
2. Swan : C ygnet
3. Bear : Foal
4. Horse : C hick
Q.38 Select the option in which the numbers share the same relationship
as that shared by the given pairs of numbers.
100 : 20
60 : 12
(NOT E: Operations should be performed on the whole number,
without breaking down the numbers into its constituent digits. E.g.
13- Operations on 13 such as adding/subtracting/multiplying etc. to
13 can be performed. Breaking down 13 into 1 and 3 and then
performing mathematical operations on 1 and 3 is NOT allowed.)
Ans 1. 120 : 12
2. 144 : 12
3. 54 : 6
4. 45 : 9
Q.39 T ILE is related to VLNH in a certain way based on the English
alphabetical order. In the same way, RAMP is related to T DOS. To
which of the following is SORT related, following the same logic?
Ans 1. VRT V
2. URT W
3. VRT W
4. URT V
Q.40 What should come in place of the question mark (?) in the given
series based on the English alphabetical order?
Ans 1. Q T Y
2. Q S X
3. P T X
4. P T Y
Q.41 KSNJ is related to MUPL in a certain way based on the English
alphabetical order. In the same way, NVQM is related to PXSO. To
which of the following is EMHD related, following the same logic?
Ans 1. GO JF
2. GO F J
3. O GJF
4. O GF J
Q.42 What will come in place of the question mark (?) in the following
equation if ‘+’ and ‘–’ are interchanged and ‘×’ and ‘÷’ are
20 × 5 – 13 + 3 ÷ 4 = ?
Ans 1. 10
2. 12
3. 5
4. 7
SSC Updates (Kannada): @the_target100 RankMitra: @RankMitra
Q.43 Select the option figure in which the given figure is embedded as its
part (rotation is NOT allowed).
Ans 1.
Q.44 What should come in place of the question mark (?) in the given
series based on the English alphabetical order?
Ans 1. S GM
2. S MG
3. GMS
4. GS M
Q.45 Rahul walked 20 m towards the north. T hen he turned right and
walked 20 m. T hen he turned right and walked 10 m. He then turned
right and walked 10 m. In what direction is he headed?
Ans 1. East
2. West
3. North
4. South
Q.46 HGCA is related to LKGE in a certain way based on the English
alphabetical order. In the same way, BKOM is related to FOSQ. To
which of the following is NSJD related, following the same logic?
Ans 1. HS R D
2. RW NH
3. P LNH
4. LP RY
SSC Updates (Kannada): @the_target100 RankMitra: @RankMitra
Ans 1. 18
2. 14
3. 12
4. 16
Q.48 Select the set in which the numbers are related in the same way as
are the numbers of the following sets.
(NOT E: Operations should be performed on the whole numbers,
without breaking down the numbers into its constituent digits. E.g.
13 – Operations on 13 such as adding/subtracting/multiplying etc. to
13 can be performed. Breaking down 13 into 1 and 3 and then
performing mathematical operations on 1 and 3 is not allowed.)
(12, 8, 28)
(34, 9, 52)
Ans 1. (15, 25, 60)
2. (54, 13, 70)
3. (49, 12, 71)
4. (62, 11, 84)
Q.49 Select the figure from the options that can replace the question
mark (?) and complete the given pattern.
Ans 1.
SSC Updates (Kannada): @the_target100 RankMitra: @RankMitra
Q.50 42 is related to 21 following a certain logic. Following the same
logic, 26 is related to 13. To which of the following is 68 related
following the same logic?
(NOT E: Operations should be performed on the whole numbers,
without breaking down the numbers into its constituent digits. E.g.
13 – Operations on 13 such as adding /subtracting /multiplying etc.
to 13 can be performed. Breaking down 13 into 1 and 3 and then
performing mathematical operations on 1 and 3 is not allowed.)
Ans 1. 30
2. 32
3. 34
4. 36
2. R obert Hooke
Q.7 Which word has been substituted for the words 'Unity of the Nation'
in the 42nd Amendment Act of the Preamble of the Constitution of
Ans 1. Unity and honesty of the nation
2. Unity and equity of the nation
3. Unity and integrity of the nation
4. Unity and morality of the nation
Q.8 Based on which committee recommendations, RBI introduced a
comprehensive regulatory framework for NBFC-MFIs?
Ans 1. Gadgil committee
2. Malegam committee
3. Kelkar committee
4. R angarajan committee
Q.9 Which M iniste r le d the Indian de le gation in the me e ting of the digital
and te chnology ministe rs of G7 countrie s he ld in Japan on 29 and 30
April 2023?
Ans 1. Ashwini Vaishnaw
2. Ajay Bhatt
3. Bhupendra Yadav
4. Sarbananda Sonowal
Q.10 According to Census of India 2011, which state recorded negative
population growth rate?
Ans 1. Manipur
2. Nagaland
3. Sikkim
4. Kerala
Q.11 When was the First Five-Year Plan of India launched?
Ans 1. 1950
2. 1951
3. 1956
4. 1961
Q.12 After realising the deadly effects of depleting the ozone layer, under
which programme was the decision taken to ban the usage of CFC?
Ans 1. United Nations D evelopment Programme
2. Natural State Environmental Programme
3. United Nations Environment Programme
4. Federal Energy Management Programme
SSC Updates (Kannada): @the_target100 RankMitra: @RankMitra
Q.13 Who marked the historic moment by unveiling the 'Yashobhoomi'
convention centre in Delhi in September 2023?
Ans 1. Arvind Kejriwal
2. D harmendra Pradhan
3. Narendra Modi
4. D roupadi Murmu
Q.16 Who along with Barry Marshall, was awarded the Nobel Prize in
Physiology or Medicine in 2005 for discovering that stomach ulcer is
an infectious disease caused by bacteria?
Ans 1. Jean Paul Vuillemin
2. R obert Koch
3. Gabriel Pouchet
4. R obin Warren
Q.17 In 2023, who among the following individuals served as the governor
of Telangana?
Ans 1. Ganesh Lal
2. Tamilisai Soundararajan
3. Kalraj Mishra
4. Baby R ani Maurya
Q.18 Which of the following is NOT included while estimating National
I.Goods sold by street hawkers
II.Services of housewives
III.Production of vegetable in kitchen garden
Ans 1. O nly I and II
2. O nly III
3. O nly II and III
4. All I, II and III
Q.19 Who composed the music for the film Kashmir ki Kali?
Ans 1. Naushad
2. Hemant Kumar
3. O P Nayyar
4. Salil C howdhury
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Q.20 T he largest river system of Rajasthan is _________________.
Ans 1. Tapi
2. Luni
3. Bhima
4. Kaveri
Q.21 When two nuclei fuse together forming one nucleus during cell
fusion, it is known as:
Ans 1. synkaryon
2. eukaryon
3. heterokaryon
4. syncytium
Q.22 Which Nationalist Democratic Progressive Party (NDPP) leader was
sworn in as the fifth Chief Minister of Nagaland in March 2023?
Ans 1. Wanweiroy Kharlukhi
2. C hingwang Konyak
3. Tokheho Yepthomi
4. Neiphiu R io
Q.23 Before starting a 5 day and 5 night excursion, Mr. Patel provided all
his students with battery powered flash lights. He also gave them
some extra batteries to use as spare. T hen Mr. Patel asked them
whether they know how the batteries will produce electricity and
help them. What do you think the correct answer to his question is?
Ans 1. Electricity is produced by the chemicals stored in the battery
2. Electricity is produced by friction between the battery and the flash
2. Formation of Sandstone
3. Formation of Limestone
4. Formation of Slate
3. Tropical R egion
4. Sea Beach
Q.47 Which of the following sports events was NEVER hosted by India?
Ans 1. O lympics
2. C ommonwealth Games
3. IC C Men World C up C ricket
4. Asian Games
Q.48 Which of the following states has launched the ‘Mo Ghara’ or ‘My
Home’ scheme, with an aim to transform kutcha houses into pucca
Ans 1. C hhattisgarh
2. West Bengal
3. O disha
4. Jharkhand
Q.49 Food digested in the stomach passes through the intestines so that
the blood vessels can absorb essential nutrients for the functioning
and growth of the body. What is this process known as?
Ans 1. Transmission
2. Assimilation
3. Transfusion
4. Integration
SSC Updates (Kannada): @the_target100 RankMitra: @RankMitra
Q.50 A low pitched but louder sound has ______.
Ans 1. lower frequency and higher amplitude
2. higher frequency and lower amplitude
3. lower frequency and lower amplitude
4. higher frequency and higher amplitude
Ans 1. 4 Ω
2. 8.4 Ω
3. 4.8 Ω
4. 40 Ω
Q.2 A capacitor of capacitive reactance 5Ω is connected across a 220V,
50Hz supply. Calculate the maximum current drawn by the capacitor.
Ans 1.
Ans 1. 1
2. zero
3. 0.8
4. 0.6
Ans 1. 90 H
2. 66 H
3. 81 H
4. 60 H
SSC Updates (Kannada): @the_target100 RankMitra: @RankMitra
Q.12 If R1 = 1 Ω; R2 = 2 Ω,; R3 = 3 Ω,; R2 and R3 are connected in
parallel and the combination is in series with R1, then the total
resistance will be ______.
Ans 1. 2.8 Ω
2. 1.2 Ω
3. 2.2 Ω
4. 1.5 Ω
SSC Updates (Kannada): @the_target100 RankMitra: @RankMitra
Q.26 In electromagnetism, the magnetic field set up by a steady current
density is described by ____________.
Ans 1. Lenz’s law
2. Laplace’s law
3. Faraday’s law
4. O hm’s law
Q.41 Which of the following statements are correct about the errors in
PMMC instruments?
I. T he swamping resistance is included in series with the moving
coil to reduce errors.
II. T he swamping resistance is included in parallel with the moving
coil to reduce errors.
III. Errors are caused by weakening of the permanent magnet due to
IV. Errors are caused by weakening of the spring due to aging and
Ans 1. O nly II, III and IV
2. O nly I, III and IV
3. O nly III and IV
4. O nly I and III
Q.42 Which of the following statements is FALSE in the context of the
characteristics of synchronous motors?
Ans 1. They have constant speed operation.
2. They are made in large sizes.
3. Synchronous motors have high power factor correction.
4. They have low operating efficiency.
Q.43 A 6-pole, 250 V wave connected shunt motor running at 955 rpm has
1200 armature conductors and useful flux/pole of 10m Wb. T he
armature and field resistance are 0.5 Ω and 250 Ω, respectively. If
the motor draws 20 A from the supply mains, then the value of torque
developed by the motor is _____.
Ans 1. 57.9 N-m
2. 62.3 N-m
3. 45.6 N-m
4. 65.8 N-m
Q.44 What is the armature-circuit-resistance speed control method for DC
Ans 1. Variation of field flux
2. Variation of resistance in the armature circuit
3. Variation of resistance in the field circuit
4. Variation of armature terminal voltage
Q.45 A light source with a candle worth of power produces ________.
Ans 1. one lumen / watt
2. one lumen / meter
3. one lumen / radian
4. one lumen / steradian
SSC Updates (Kannada): @the_target100 RankMitra: @RankMitra
Q.46 T he wattmeter method is used to measure power in a three-phase
load. T he wattmeter readings are 200 W and −35 W. Find the
respective values of active power and reactive power.
Ans 1.
SSC Updates (Kannada): @the_target100 RankMitra: @RankMitra
Q.53 How much energy in “kilowatt hours” is consumed in operating ten
100-watt bulbs for 20 hours per day in a month (30 days)?
Ans 1. 5000 kilowatt-hours
2. 10000 kilowatt-hours
3. 600000 kilowatt-hours
4. 600 kilowatt-hours
3. 81.6%
4. 60%
Q.61 Which of the following is NOT broadly classified as a part of
Ans 1. D igesicides
2. Fungicides
3. Herbicides
4. Insecticides
Q.62 T he plant capacity factor is related to ________.
Ans 1. plant operating frequency
2. plant resistance
3. plant reactance
4. plant impedance
Q.63 Which of the following is a pure resistive device?
Ans 1. Transformer
2. Motor
3. Generator
4. Heater
Q.64 As per the general principles of estimating, whenever practicable, it
is advantageous to execute the work only after __________.
Ans 1. tenders are invited
Ans 1. 0 mA
2. infinite
3. 30 mA
4. 20 mA
Q.70 At steady-state characteristics of a DC series motor, which of the
following statements are correct?
I) T he speed-torque relationship of a DC series motor is non-linear.
II) Both the armature current and the field current of a DC series
motor decrease with increasing load torque.
III) T he efficiency of a DC series motor is generally higher
compared to DC shunt motor.
IV) T he efficiency of a DC series motor is generally lower compared
to DC shunt motor.
Ans 1. Statements I, II and III correct
2. O nly statements I and IV are correct
3. O nly statements I and III are correct
4. Statements I, II and IV are correct
Q.71 T he ratio of the mean spherical candle power to the mean horizontal
candle power is called ________.
Ans 1. reduction factor
2. lamp efficiency
3. utilization factor
4. beam factor
SSC Updates (Kannada): @the_target100 RankMitra: @RankMitra
Q.72 Which crop is primarily used to produce biomass alcohol fuel or
ethanol in India?
Ans 1. R ice
2. C orn
3. Sugarcane
4. W heat
Q.80 In an induction motor if the rotor is locked, then the rotor frequency
of the induction motor will be:
Ans 1. zero
2. equal to supply frequency
3. more than supply frequency
4. less than supply frequency
Q.81 If the power factor of 500 KVA, 21 KW, 3-phase star connected
alternator is increased from its initial value, then the efficiency of
the synchronous generator will _______.
Ans 1. remain constant
2. increase
3. become zero
4. decrease
Q.82 A T hevenin equivalent source comprises of which of the following
Ans 1. A single current source in series with a resistance
2. A single voltage source in parallel with a resistance
3. A single voltage source in series with a resistance
4. A single current source in parallel with a resistance
Q.83 At light load power factor of induction motors is ________.
Ans 1. 1
2. 0.2 to 0.4
3. 0.8 to 0.9
4. 0
SSC Updates (Kannada): @the_target100 RankMitra: @RankMitra
Q.84 Which of the following is/are true regarding the significance of the
‘barrier’ in the rotor of a synchronous reluctance motor?
1. It prevents the rotor from rotating at synchronous speed.
2. It helps to reduce eddy current losses in the rotor.
3. It increases the magnetic flux density in the rotor.
4. It improves the torque characteristics of the motor.
Ans 1. O nly 2
2. Both 2 and 4
3. O nly 1 and 4
4. Both 1 and 3
Q.91 Cold reserve is the reserve capacity of the plant in ________ but
NOT in ________.
Ans 1. operation, operation
2. service, operation
3. service, service
4. operation, service
Q.92 T he current reverser in the earth tester converts __________.
Ans 1. D C to AC
2. AC to AC
3. D C to D C
4. AC to D C
Q.93 Eight capacitors of the same value are connected in series. T heir
equivalent capacitance is 200µF, the capacitance of each capacitor
is _________.
Ans 1. 160 µF
2. 25 µF
3. 16 µF
4. 16 × 10-4 F
Mycology : Fungi
Ans 1. O rnithology : Eggs
2. Entomology : Birds
3. Seismology : Earthquakes
4. Paedology : Planets
Q.2 What should come in place of the question mark (?) in the given
series based on the English alphabetical order?
Ans 1. UD P
2. W C R
3. UF R
4. VE Q
Ans 1. MXT
2. MNT
3. MUT
4. MVT
Q.4 In a certain code language,
A + B means ‘A is the sister of B’
A # B means ‘A is the brother of B’
A × B means ‘A is the wife of B’
A @ B means ‘A is the father of B’
Based on the above, how is E related to M if ‘E # F × H @ G + M’?
Ans 1. Mother ’s brother
2. Father
3. Brother
4. Mother ’s father
Q.5 What should come in place of ‘?’ in the given series?
394, 465, 536, 607, 678, ?
Ans 1. 749
2. 768
3. 756
4. 736
SSC Updates (Kannada): @the_target100 RankMitra: @RankMitra
Q.6 T his question consists of a pair of words which have a certain
relationship to each other. Select the pair which has the same
(T he words must be considered as meaningful English words and
must not be related to each other based on the number of
letters/number of consonants/vowels in the word.)
Altimeter : Altitudes
Ans 1. Protractor : Light
2. Fathometer : Presure
3. Taseometer : W ind
4. Hygrometer : Humidity
Ans 1.
SSC Updates (Kannada): @the_target100 RankMitra: @RankMitra
Q.9 What will come in the place of the question mark (?) in the following
equation, if ‘+’ and ‘÷’ are interchanged and ‘×’ and ‘−’ are
10 + 2 − 10 ÷ 5 × 10 =?
Ans 1. 32
2. 35
3. 40
4. 45
Ans 1. 12
2. 14
3. 13
4. 11
Q.17 142 is related to 92 following a certain logic. Following the same
logic, 255 is related to 205. To which of the following is 457 related
following the same logic?
Ans 1.
Q.23 What should come in place of the question mark (?) in the given
series based on the English alphabetical order?
Ans 1. VUZ
2. VZU
3. UZV
4. UVZ
Q.24 Select the set in which the numbers are related in the same way as
are the numbers of the following sets.
(NOT E: Operations should be performed on the whole numbers,
without breaking down the numbers into its constituent digits. E.g.
13 – Operations on 13 such as adding/subtracting/multiplying etc. to
13 can be performed. Breaking down 13 into 1 and 3 and then
performing mathematical operations on 1 and 3 is not allowed.)
(45, 23, 73)
(19, 27, 51)
Ans 1. (31, 17, 48)
2. (12, 19, 30)
3. (22, 29, 52)
4. (16, 14, 35)
SSC Updates (Kannada): @the_target100 RankMitra: @RankMitra
Q.25 15 is related to 230 following a certain logic. Following the same
logic, 4 is related to 65. To which of the following is 12 related
following the same logic?
(NOT E: Operations should be performed on the whole numbers,
without breaking down the numbers into their constituent digits.
E.g. 13 – Operations on 13 such as adding / subtracting /multiplying
to 13 can be performed. Breaking down 13 into 1 and 3 and then
performing mathematical operations on 1 and 3 is not allowed.)
Ans 1. 187
2. 186
3. 185
4. 180
Q.26 Select the option figure in which the given figure is embedded as its
part (rotation is NOT allowed).
Ans 1.
Q.27 What should come in place of the question mark (?) in the given
series based on the English alphabetical order
Ans 1. YAC
2. ZAC
3. YB C
4. ZB C
SSC Updates (Kannada): @the_target100 RankMitra: @RankMitra
Q.28 Select the option in which the given figure is embedded (rotation is
NOT allowed).
Ans 1.
Q.29 What should come in place of the question mark (?) in the given
series based on the English alphabetical order?
Ans 1. NML
2. MNK
3. NMK
4. MNL
Q.30 Madan starts from point A and drives 4 km towards the South. He
then takes a left turn and drives 5 km. he then takes a right turn and
drives 2 km. He then takes another right turn and drives 3 km. He
takes a final right turn and drives 6 km to reach point B. How far
(shortest distance) and towards which direction should he drive to
reach Point A again? (All turns are 90 degrees turns only unless
Ans 1. 2 km West
2. 2 km East
3. 3 km West
4. 3 km East
SSC Updates (Kannada): @the_target100 RankMitra: @RankMitra
Q.31 Select the correct mirror image of the given figure when the mirror
is placed at MN as shown below.
Ans 1.
Q.32 What will come in place of the question mark (?) in the following
equation if ‘+’ and ‘÷’ are interchanged and ‘×’ and ‘−’ are
21 ÷ 15 × 52 + 13 – 7 = ?
Ans 1. 8
2. 7
3. 12
4. 10
Q.33 What should come in place of the question mark (?) in the given
2, 5, 13, 28, 52, 87, ?
Ans 1. 130
2. 107
3. 135
4. 98
Q.34 Jennifer starts from Point D and drives 3 km towards the north. She
then takes a left turn and drives 10 km. She then takes another left
turn and drives 6 km. She takes one more left turn and drives 5 km.
She then takes a right turn and drives 3 km. She takes a final left
turn and drives 5 km to reach point E. How far (shortest distance)
and towards which direction should she drive in order to reach
Point D again? (All turns are 90 degree turns only, unless specified)
Ans 1. 5 km East
2. 6 km North
3. 5 km North
4. 3 km North
SSC Updates (Kannada): @the_target100 RankMitra: @RankMitra
Q.35 Select the figure from the options that can replace the question
mark (?) and complete the given pattern.
Ans 1.
Q.36 Six friends Abby, Bunny, Chan, Dolly, Emma and Fanny have
different weights. Dolly’s weight is an odd number. Dolly is heavier
than Emma but not the heaviest. Chan is heavier than Fanny but
lighter than Dolly. Chan is not heavier than Emma but is heavier
than Fanny and Abby. Abby’s weight is not an odd number. T he
lightest weight is 45 kilograms and the heaviest weight is 80
Who is the heaviest person in the group?
Ans 1. C han
2. Bunny
3. Emma
4. Abby
SSC Updates (Kannada): @the_target100 RankMitra: @RankMitra
Q.37 LQNR is related to PURV in a certain way based on the English
alphabetical order. In the same way, OT QU is related to SXUY. To
which of the following is GLIM related, following the same logic?
Ans 1. P K MQ
2. K P MQ
3. P Q MK
4. Q P MK
Q.44 Select the option that indicates the arrangement of the following
words in meaningful and logical order.
1. Word
2. Paragraph
3. Sentence
4. Letter
5. Phrase
Ans 1. 1, 3, 2, 4, 5
2. 2, 1, 5, 4, 3
3. 5, 1, 3, 2, 4
4. 4, 1, 5, 3, 2
Q.45 In the following number-pairs, the second number is obtained by
applying certain mathematical operations to the first number. Select
the set in which the numbers are related in the same way as are the
numbers of the following sets.
(NOT E: Operations should be performed on the whole numbers,
without breaking down the numbers into its constituent digits. E.g.,
13 – Operations on 13 such as adding/subtracting/multiplying etc. to
13 can be performed. Breaking down 13 into 1 and 3 and then
performing mathematical operations on 1 and 3 is not allowed.)
(6, 34)
(8, 46)
Ans 1. (7, 38)
2. (10, 58)
3. (12, 76)
4. (4, 24)
Q.46 Read the given statements and conclusions carefully. Assuming that
the information given in the statements is true, even if it appears to
be at variance with commonly known facts, decide which of the given
conclusions logically follow(s) from the statements.
Statements: All frames are rocks. All rocks are clips. All clips are
Conclusion (I): All frames are towels.
Conclusion (II): At least some clips are frames.
Ans 1. O nly conclusion (I) follows
2. O nly conclusion (II) follows
3. Neither conclusion (I) nor (II) follows
4. Both conclusions (I) and (II) follow
SSC Updates (Kannada): @the_target100 RankMitra: @RankMitra
Q.47 In a certain code language, ‘FLEW’ is coded as ‘8462’ and ‘LORD’ is
coded as ‘9736’.
What is the code for ‘L’ in the given code language?
Ans 1. 6
2. 4
3. 9
4. 7
Q.48 Select the set in which the numbers are related in the same way as
are the numbers of the following sets.
(NOT E: Operations should be performed on the whole numbers,
without breaking down the numbers into its constituent digits. E.g.
13 – Operations on 13 such as adding /deleting /multiplying etc. to 13
can be performed. Breaking down 13 into 1 and 3 and then
performing mathematical operations on 1 and 3 is not allowed.)
(9, 576, 8)
(7, 252, 6)
Ans 1. (15, 210, 7)
2. (10, 40, 2)
3. (8, 650, 10)
4. (4, 82, 5)
Q.49 In a certain code language, ‘SANG’ is coded as ‘3618’, and ‘RANG’
is coded as ‘6438’. What is the code for ‘S’ in that language?
Ans 1. 1
2. 8
3. 3
4. 6
Q.50 If ‘A’ stands for ‘÷’, ‘B’ stands for ‘×’, ‘C’ stands for ‘+’ and ‘D’
stands for ‘−‘, what will come in place of the question mark ‘?’ in the
following equation?
10 B 2 D 15 A 3 C 7 = ?
Ans 1. 22
2. 20
3. 21
4. 24
3. Sodium hydroxide
4. Sodium chlorate
SSC Updates (Kannada): @the_target100 RankMitra: @RankMitra
Q.3 Which of the following values is subtracted from the numerical value
of temperature expressed in Kelvin to obtain the temperature in
degrees Celsius?
Ans 1. 293
2. 253
3. 313
4. 273
Q.4 During which years did Khalji dynasty ruled over Delhi?
Ans 1. 1290 - 1320
2. 1320 - 1414
3. 1451 - 1526
4. 1414 - 1451
Q.5 Who was elected as the 16th Speaker of the Himachal Pradesh
Legislative Assembly in January 2023?
Ans 1. Jai R am Thakur
2. Kuldeep Singh Pathania
3. Anurag Thakur
4. Suresh Bhardwaj
Q.6 Which of the following sentences is/are correct?
i. According to the Census of India 2011, the total population of India
is 141 crores.
ii. Between 1911 and 1921, there was a negative rate of growth of
India’s population.
iii. Between 1901 and 1951, the average annual growth of India’s
population did not exceed 1.33%.
Ans 1. O nly i and ii
2. O nly i and iii
3. O nly i
4. O nly ii and iii
Q.7 How do estuaries serve as critical habitats for various species?
Ans 1. Estuaries have no ecological significance.
2. Estuaries provide breeding grounds and nurseries for marine
3. Estuaries contribute to desertification.
4. Estuaries are only important for recreational activities.
Q.8 Narmada Bachao Andolan (Save Narmada Movement) is a/an
Ans 1. Social movement
2. government initiative
3. forest conservation movement
4. project of Jal Shakti Ministry
Q.9 Which of the following bacterial infections often affects the lungs?
Ans 1. Tuberculosis
2. Influenza
3. Meningitis
4. Herpes
SSC Updates (Kannada): @the_target100 RankMitra: @RankMitra
Q.10 Which Chief Justice of India was sworn in as the acting President of
India on 20thJuly 1969?
Ans 1. Justice Harilal Jekisundas Kania
2. Justice M Patanjali Sastri
3. Justice Sudhi Ranjan Das
4. Justice Mohammad Hidayatullah
Q.11 Who among the following musicians received the Padma Bhushan
Award 2022 for his contributions in the field of art?
Ans 1. Madan Singh C hauhan
2. C hhannulal Mishra
3. R ashid Khan
4. Manilal Nag
Q.12 You grew a small plant in a planter. On maturity, you observed that
the plant has green stem, very few branches and the stem is so soft
that you could easily break it with your hands. Under which category
will you put this plant?
Ans 1. Tree
2. C reeper
3. Shrub
4. Herb
Q.13 Which organelle contains enzymes for digesting cellular waste and
foreign materials?
Ans 1. Nucleus
2. Mitochondrion
3. Lysosome
4. Vacuole
Q.14 Who said “a cherry that will drop into our mouth one day” about the
kingdom of Awadh?
Ans 1. Lord Mountbatten
2. Lord C urzon
3. Lord Lytton
4. Lord D alhousie
Q.15 Olympic medalist Vijender Singh belongs to which State of India?
Ans 1. Punjab
2. D elhi
3. Haryana
4. Maharashtra
Q.16 Who was the leader of the temple entry movement in 1930 at Kalaram
temple, Nashik?
Ans 1. Swami Achhutanand
2. NG R anga
3. Mahatma Gandhi
4. D r. B R Ambedkar
Q.17 Private income minus tax payment minus non-tax payment will give
us the estimate for ______.
Ans 1. private income
2. national income
3. gross income
4. personal disposable income
SSC Updates (Kannada): @the_target100 RankMitra: @RankMitra
Q.18 Which of the following articles of the Constitution of India provides
measures to ensure the enforcement of Fundamental Rights?
Ans 1. Article 19
2. Article 14
3. Article 32
4. Article 29
3. Tornado
4. C yclone
SSC Updates (Kannada): @the_target100 RankMitra: @RankMitra
Q.33 Name the first Finance Minister of independent India, whose statue
was inaugurated by the Union Textiles Minister in Coimbatore .
Ans 1. R K Shanmugam C hetty
2. C D D eshmukh
3. T T Krishnamachari
4. Sachindra C haudhuri
Ans 1. D iabetes
2. Angina
3. Acromegaly
4. Goiter
Q.40 Sange Meel Se Mulaqat is a documentary on the life of
_______________, directed by Gautam Ghosh.
Ans 1. Pandit Biswajit R oy C howdhury
2. Pandit Bismillah Khan
3. Pandit R am Narayan
4. Pandit Bhimsen Joshi
SSC Updates (Kannada): @the_target100 RankMitra: @RankMitra
Q.41 Which of the following Ministers introduced the Central Goods and
Services Tax (Amendment) Bill 2023 and the Integrated Goods and
Services Tax (Amendment) Bill 2023 in the Lok Sabha?
Ans 1. Nirmala Sitharaman
2. Harpal Singh
3. Bikram Keshari Arukha
4. Manohar Lal Khattar
Ans 1. Hexapoda
2. C helicerata
3. Myriapoda
4. C rustacea
Q.43 T he particles that form the main part of the nucleus of an atom are
together known as:
Ans 1. ions
2. nucleons
3. electrons
4. isotopes
Q.44 Which of the following committees was responsible for making
recommendations that led to the 42nd Constitutional Amendment for
the declaration of Fundamental Duties?
Ans 1. Swaran Singh C ommittee
2. Abid Hussain C ommittee
3. Khusro C ommittee
4. R aja C helliah C ommittee
Q.45 Which are the two major branches of the southwest monsoon in
Ans 1. The Arabian Sea branch and the Tibetan plateau branch
2. The Arabian Sea branch and the Bay of Bengal branch
3. The Himalayan Mountain branch and the Gulf of Mannar branch
4. The Tibetan plateau branch and the Bay of Bengal branch
Q.46 Identify the INCORRECT pair (railway zone and headquarters) from
the following.
Ans 1. C entral R ailway Zone – Kolkata
2. South-East C entral R ailway Zone – Bilaspur
3. South Western R ailway Zone – Hubli
4. North Western R ailway Zone – Jaipur
Q.47 Who introduced the Anusandhan National Research Foundation Bill,
2023, in the Lok Sabha?
Ans 1. D r. Jitender Singh
2. Gopal R ai
3. Imran Hussain
4. Piyush Goyal
SSC Updates (Kannada): @the_target100 RankMitra: @RankMitra
Q.48 Which of the following places receives rainfall from the Bay of
Bengal branch of southwest monsoon?
Ans 1. Panaji
2. Surat
3. R atnagiri
4. Kolkata
Q.12 What is the main benefit of double volute casing over single volute
casing of a centrifugal pump?
Ans 1. R adial load balancing
2. Less power requirement
3. High efficiency
4. High discharge
Q.13 Which of the following gas combination is commonly used in oxyfuel-
gas welding?
Ans 1. O xygen and Nitrogen
2. O xygen and C O2
3. O xygen and H2
4. O xygen and acetylene
Q.14 T he casting process that employs a permanent metal or ceramic
mould, is ________.
Ans 1. investment casting
2. sand casting
3. die casting
4. centrifugal casting
Q.15 For measurement of dryness fraction of steam, use of a separating
calorimeter is suitable _______.
Ans 1. for any condition of steam
2. when dryness fraction is greater than 1
3. when dryness fraction is less than 0.95
4. when dryness fraction is greater than 0.95
Q.16 T he conventional depth of a cut considered in the parting operation
using a lathe is ________.
Ans 1. 1 mm to 2 mm
2. 3 mm to 10 mm
3. 12 mm to 16 mm
4. 20 mm to 25 mm
Q.17 Which of the following statements is true about hit and miss
Ans 1. In this method of governing, none of the cycles should be idle
throughout the running of engine.
2. It increases the efficiency of engine.
3. This method of governing requires higher weight of flywheel.
4. It is a suitable governing method for heavy IC engines.
Q.18 What will be the value of the axial thrust on a wheel when there is
no blade friction?
Ans 1. Maximum
2. Minimum
3. Equal to the tangential force on the blade
4. Zero
SSC Updates (Kannada): @the_target100 RankMitra: @RankMitra
Q.19 Which of the following statements is correct about the location of
centre of pressure?
Ans 1. C entre of pressure coincides with the centre of gravity of the
vertically immersed surface.
2. C entre of pressure may lie at any location irrespective of the centre
of gravity of the vertically immersed surface.
3. C entre of pressure lies below the centre of gravity of the vertically
immersed surface.
4. C entre of pressure lies above the centre of gravity of the vertically
immersed surface.
Q.20 Which of the following is NOT an example of Newtonian fluid?
Ans 1. Air
2. Kerosene
3. Water
4. Printer's ink
Q.21 A closed system undergoes a cycle consisting of two processes.
Process 1-2 is an isothermal expansion whereas Process 2-1 is an
isentropic compression. According to the first law of
thermodynamics, which of the following statements is true for this
Ans 1. Work done during Process 2-1 is zero.
2. Work done during Process 1-2 is zero.
3. Heat transfer during Process 2-1 is zero.
4. Heat transfer during Process 1-2 is zero.
Q.22 For the H-S diagram of a vapour compression refrigeration cycle,
the specific enthalpy of the refrigerant coming out from the
compressor ________.
Ans 1. decreases
2. remains constant
3. may increase or decrease
4. increases
Q.23 In a Hartnell governor, if a spring of greater stiffness is used, then
the governor will be:
Ans 1. insensitive
2. Isochronous
3. less sensitive
4. more sensitive
Q.24 A cantilever beam of length 2 m is subjected to a point load of 3 kN
at a distance of 2 m and is subjected to a UDL of 3 kN/m for a total
distance of 1.5 m from the fixed end. Calculate the shear force and
bending moment at the fixed end.
Ans 1. −5.75 kN, −5.545 kN-m
2. −7.5 kN, −9.375 kN-m
3. −10 kN, 15.254 kN-m
4. −12.5 kN, −8.547 kN-m
Q.25 In which of the following areas is supercharging NOT so important?
Ans 1. R acing cars
2. Marine and automotive engines where weight and space are
3. D omestic bikes
4. Engines working at high altitudes
SSC Updates (Kannada): @the_target100 RankMitra: @RankMitra
Q.26 T he heat rejection in Stirling cycle takes place at:
Ans 1. constant enthalpy
2. constant pressure
3. constant volume
4. constant temperature
Q.27 T he distance of the centre of pressure from the free surface of the
liquid is independent of the:
Ans 1. depth of the centre of gravity from the free surface
2. moment of inertia about the centre of gravity
3. density of liquid
4. area exposed to the liquid
Q.28 T he overall efficiency of the turbine is given by:
Ans 1. overall efficiency = mechanical efficiency2 / hydraulic efficiency2
2. overall efficiency = mechanical efficiency /hydraulic efficiency
3. overall efficiency = hydraulic efficiency / mechanical efficiency
4. overall efficiency = hydraulic efficiency × mechanical efficiency
Q.29 In actual air-conditioning applications, the heat rejection factor
depends upon the:
Ans 1. evaporator temperature
2. evaporator and condenser temperatures
3. rate of flow
4. condenser temperature
Q.30 Which of the following statements best describes the second law of
thermodynamics in relation to cyclic heat and work processes?
Ans 1. In a cyclic process, the net heat transfer is always less than the net
work done.
2. In a cyclic process, the net work output can be equal to, greater
than or less than the net heat input, depending on the efficiency of the
3. In a cyclic process, the net heat transfer is equal to the net work
4. In a cyclic process, the net heat transfer is always greater than the
net work done.
Q.31 T he distance of centre of pressure from free surface of liquid is
independent of:
Ans 1. the distance of C .G. from free surface of liquid
2. the surface area
3. the density of liquid
4. the moment of inertia
Q.32 Isochronism in a governor is desirable when _____.
Ans 1. the engine operates at low speeds
2. the engine operates at high speeds
3. one speed is desired under one load
4. the engine is just getting started
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Q.33 Calculate the polar moment of inertia and the maximum torque
transmitted by a solid shaft of diameter 100 mm and length 1.0 m. Let
the angle of twist be 2° and the modulus of rigidity, G = 80 GPa.
Ans 1.
4. The velocity of flow at the outlet to the moving blade is less than
that of flow at the inlet to the moving blade.
Q.35 Which part of the arc welding element/equipment is consumable?
Ans 1. Electrical cables
2. Electrode holder
3. AC /D C transformer
4. Electrode
Q.36 In a boiler test, the water supplied to a boiler per hour is 2250 kg.
T he mass of water in the boiler at the end of the one hour is found
to be less than that at commencement by 250 kg. T he coal burnt per
hour is 250 kg. What will be the actual evaporation per kg of the fuel
burnt of the boiler?
Ans 1. 2500 kg
2. 8 kg
3. 250 kg
4. 10 kg
Q.37 T he heat transfer during constant pressure heating of a gas in a
cylinder containing a sliding piston is equal to _______.
Ans 1. zero
2. the change in internal energy
3. the work done by the piston
4. the change in enthalpy
Q.38 T he manometric head of a centrifugal pump is independent of which
of the following factors?
Ans 1. Frictional head loss in suction pipe
2. Frictional losses in bearings
3. Frictional head loss in delivery pipe
4. Loss of head in impeller and casing
Q.39 When pressure is measured above the atmospheric pressure, it is
termed as:
Ans 1. vacuum pressure
2. absolute pressure
3. gauge pressure
4. stagnation pressure
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Q.40 T he brake power of an engine can be measured by using a rope
brake dynamometer. It is given by the expression: (Where, ‘D’ is
diameter of the brake drum; ‘W’ is the weight and ‘S’ is the spring
scale reading, ‘N’ Speed in rpm)
Ans 1. D N (W − S)
2. D N (W + S)
3. πD N (W + S)
4. πD N (W − S)
Q.48 For the laminar flow through circular pipes, shear stress distribution
across a section is _________ .
Ans 1. cubic
2. logarithmic
3. linear
4. parabolic
Q.49 T he mist lubrication system is generally used for _____.
Ans 1. air refrigeration cycle engine
2. gas engine
3. four stroke cycle engine
4. two stroke cycle engine
Q.50 In the vapour compression refrigeration cycle with dry saturated
vapour after compression, the entropy at the end of compression is
the same as the _________.
Ans 1. entropy at the end of evaporation
2. entropy at the end of condensation
3. entropy at the end of expansion
4. entropy at the start of expansion
Q.51 Which of the following is NOT a frequent pattern-making process in
Ans 1. Sweep pattern
2. Investment pattern
3. Match plate pattern
4. Welding pattern
Q.52 Which of the following statements is true about quantity governing?
Ans 1. The compression ratio varies with charge supplied.
2. The mixture strength remains the same with variation in the speed
of the engine.
3. This method is mostly preferred for diesel engines.
4. D ue to quantity governing, the engine efficiency is altered.
Q.53 When a system is undergoing constant volume process, then heat
transfer is equal to:
Ans 1. change in internal energy
2. change in entropy
3. work transfer
4. change in enthalpy
Q.54 Which of the following impellers are best suited to medium sized
pumps with a small amount of soft solids?
Ans 1. C losed impellers
2. O pen impellers
3. Semi-open impellers
4. Semi-closed impellers
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Q.55 Which of the following does NOT indicate that the refrigeration
plant has to be charged with the refrigerant?
Ans 1. Short cycling of compressor
2. R eduction in the efficiency of the plant
3. High suction pressure
4. D ifficult to maintain temperature of rooms and holds
Q.56 If N is the speed of the compressor in RPM, then what will be the
isentropic power for a double acting compressor? Where W = work
required by the compressor.
Ans 1. W N/2
2. W N
3. 2W N/60
4. W N/60
Q.57 A sample of an ideal gas is compressed isothermally from volume of
4 l to 2 l. If the initial pressure is 2 atm, what is the final pressure?
Ans 1. 4 atm
2. 1 atm
3. 2 atm
4. 8 atm
Q.58 In a hot working process, metals are deformed _________.
Ans 1. at their recrystallisation temperature
Q.76 When the compressor and motor operate on the same shaft and are
enclosed in a common casing, they are known as ___________.
Ans 1. hermetic sealed compressors
2. reciprocating compressors
3. axial compressors
4. centrifugal compressors
Q.77 Name the welding defect in which we observe a long and continuous
visual separation line between the base metal and the heat affected
Ans 1. Undercut
2. Lamellar tearing
3. Incomplete fusion
4. Hot cracking
Q.78 Which of the following statements is true about an SI engine in
comparison to a CI engine?
Ans 1. The operating speed is very high.
2. The air-fuel ratio is high.
3. The compression ratio is comparatively high.
4. The cost of running is comparatively low.
Q.79 In the process of brazing, the filler metal is drawn into the joint by
means of ________.
Ans 1. High diffusion
2. C apillary action
3. Surface tension
4. Low viscosity
Q.80 Which of the following statements is INCORRECT about no slip
boundary condition?
Ans 1. D uring no slip condition the fluid velocity at all fluid–solid
boundaries is equal to that of the solid boundary.
2. In case of the no slip boundary condition at a fixed solid boundary,
the fluid will have zero velocity.
3. In case of the no slip boundary condition at a fixed solid boundary,
the fluid will have some velocity relative to the boundary.
4. The no slip condition can be defined for viscous flows.
Q.81 T he volumetric efficiency of a single-stage reciprocating air
compressor is the ratio of the:
Ans 1. displacement of the compressor to the free air delivered
2. swept volume to the effective swept volume
3. swept volume to the clearance volume
4. free air delivered to the displacement of the compressor
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Q.82 A complex geometry is placed in the X-Y plane. If the geometry is
found to be symmetrical about the Y-axis, then which of the
following is correct to calculate the centre of gravity?
Ans 1. X co-ordinate is zero
2. Z co-ordinate is a non-zero value
3. X co-ordinate is a non-zero value
4. Y co-ordinate is zero
Q.83 Which of the following statements is true about the fuel feed pump
used for diesel engines?
Ans 1. W hen the plunger of the feed pump is lifted upwards, the inlet valve
remains open. Therefore, it is not suitable to inject fuel at that time.
2. It is a centrifugal type pump.
3. The plunger of the fuel feed pump is actuated by the governor.
4. It is a spring-loaded, plunger type reciprocating pump.
Q.84 Carbon steel contains a carbon percentage of about 0.21%. T he
possible type of carbon steel is ___________________ .
Ans 1. mild steel
2. stainless steel
3. alloy steel
4. medium carbon steel
Q.85 T he surging phenomenon in a centrifugal compressor occurs when
the refrigeration load decreases to below:
Ans 1. 55% of the rated capacity
2. 45% of the rated capacity
3. 65% of the rated capacity
4. 35% of the rated capacity
Q.86 When the fluid pressure is measured above the absolute zero
pressure, the measured pressure is known as _________ .
Ans 1. vacuum pressure
2. atmospheric pressure
3. absolute pressure
4. gauge pressure
Q.87 A cyclic heat engine takes 40 kJ of heat from a 100°C temperature
reservoir. If it gives 40 kJ of work, then which of the following
statements is correct?
Ans 1. The engine violates the Kelvin Planck’s statement
2. The engine violates the 1st law of thermodynamics.
3. The engine violates the C lausius statement.
4. The engine violates 1st law of thermodynamics as well as Kelvin
Planck’s statement.
Q.88 Variation of power input with speed at constant discharge in case of
a centrifugal pump is _______________.
Ans 1. linear
2. cubic
3. logarithmic
4. parabolic
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Q.89 T he process that involves passage of a higher-pressure fluid
through a narrow constriction is called:
Ans 1. polytropic process
2. throttling process
3. hyperbolic process
4. free expansion process