Road Closures Packages For RC #41

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1.1.1 Work covered by contract documents

A. Project Identification: The “EXCAVATION OF ROAD CROSSING 41” project comprises the
construction, completion and maintenance during the defects liability period of an Excavation &
Backfilling located In SJTP Tank Farm Area.


2.1 Scope of Work

This section covers trenching and backfilling work and shall include the necessary clearing,
grubbing and preparation of the site; removal and disposal of all debris; excavation and trenching
as required; the handling, storage, transportation and disposal of all excavated material; all
necessary sheeting, shoring and protection work; preparation of subgrades; pumping and
dewatering as necessary or required; protection of adjacent property; backfilling; pipe
embedment; surfacing and grading; and other related work.

2.2 Site Preparation

A. Prior to commencing any excavation work, the Contractor shall establish a horizontal and vertical
survey, record existing ground elevations and stake the location of trenches to be excavated.

B. The Contractor shall prepare the site for construction by clearing, removing and disposing of all
items not indicated on the Drawings to remain or so defined by the Engineer.

C. The Contractor shall obtain relevant excavation and road cutting permits as required to
commencing work.

i) Existing Subsurface Structures and Utilities

For all works required to deal with existing sub surfaces and utilities refer to General Section of
these Specifications.

ii) Clearing, Grubbing and Grading

A. The Contractor shall perform the clearing and grubbing (if any), of top soil consisting mainly of
loose soil, vegetable and organic matters, drift sand, unsuitable soil and rubbish by scarifying the
areas to be excavated and sidewalks to a minimum depth of 300 mm from the natural ground
level. All materials resulting from the above operations shall be removed from the site, loaded
and transported and off loaded, spread and leveled to approve dumps as directed by the
B. The Contractor shall include for grading the route to provide access for his equipment and
personnel, executing all cuttings to remove the high point of rises in terrain and in all respects
prepare the route for pipe laying operations, all in accordance with the requirements of good
pipeline construction practice.
2.3 Setting-Out

The Contractor shall stake-out the work as shown on the Drawings and secure the Engineer’s
Approval of his stake-out before proceeding with construction. If, in the opinion of the Engineer,
modification of the line or grade is advisable before or after stake-out, the Engineer will issue
detailed instructions in writing to the Contractor for such modification and the Contractor shall
revise the stake-out for further approval in accordance with the relevant Clause of the Conditions
of Contract.

2.4 Excavation

A. The Contractor shall perform all excavation true to lines, widths and depths shown on the
Drawings or to such further lines, depths or dimensions as may be directed by the Engineer.

B. Excavation work will be done in all kinds of soils.

i) Excavation to reduce levels.

A. Wherever shown on the drawings, the Contractor shall reduce the ground level on the trench site,
prior to commencement of trench excavation. Before starting excavation for reducing of levels
the Contractor shall move the marking of the alignment to such a distance that the marks will not
be destroyed and will not interfere with the execution of the work.
B. Excavation for reducing levels shall be done to the lines and levels shown on the drawings.
Where the depth of excavation is not so shown it shall be done to a line parallel to the trench
bottom in the section concerned.

ii) Storing of Suitable Excavated Material

During excavation, materials suitable for backfill and fill will be stockpiled on site at sufficient
distance from the sides of the excavation to avoid over-loading and prevent cave-ins.

iii) Disposal of Unsuitable and Surplus Excavated Material

Upon the order of the Engineer, all unsuitable and surplus materials shall be immediately
removed, loaded and transported off Site area by the Contractor to approved dumps at the
Contractors expenses, and he shall abide by the relevant local regulations.

i) Removal of Pavement
The Contractor shall remove pavement and road surfaces as a part of the trench excavation, and
the volume removed shall depend upon the width of trench specified for the installation of the
pipe and the width and length of the pavement area required to be removed for the installation of
valves, fittings, valve chambers, thrust blocks, manholes, or other structures. The width of
pavement removed along the normal trench for the installation of the pipe shall not exceed the top
width of the trench specified by more than 200 mm on each side of the trench. The widths and
lengths of the area of pavement removed for the installation of valves, fittings, valve chambers,
thrust blocks, manholes, or other structures shall not exceed the maximum linear dimensions of
such structures by more than 300 mm on each side. Wherever, in the opinion of the Engineer,
existing conditions make it necessary or advisable to remove additional pavement, the Contractor
shall remove it as directed by the Engineer but shall receive no extra compensation therefore. The
Contractor shall use such methods, either drilling or chipping, as will assure the breaking of the
pavement along straight lines. The cut must be sharp and approximately vertical. The Engineer’s
representative may require that the pavement be cut with asphalt cut machine without extra
compensation to the Contractor.

ii) Restoration of Damaged Surfaces and Property

If any pavement, trees, shrubbery, fences, poles, or other property and surface structures have
been damaged, removed, or disturbed by the Contractor, whether deliberately or through failure
to carry out the requirements of the contract documents, state laws, municipal ordinances, or the
specific direction of the Engineer or through failure to employ usual and reasonable safeguards,
such property and surface structures shall be replaced or repaired at the expense of the Contractor.
If the Employer specifies that the replacements or repairs shall be made by the Contractor, he
shall replace or repair and restore the structures to a condition equal to that before the work began
and to the approval of the Engineer and shall furnish all incidental labor and materials.

100m shall be the maximum length of open trench within urban areas and 500m in rural areas.

A. Hand excavation must be applied where existing cables, water mains, sewers, etc., cross or are in
the main roads where traffic is likely to be unreasonably dislocated by use of machine or where
instructed by the Engineer. In other places hand or machine excavating may be employed at the
discretion of Contractor.

i) Types of Trench Excavation

1. Common and Sand Excavation.
When excavating in ordinary soil or sand the Contractor shall take all precautions to prevent
slides caused by material placed alongside the trench or for any other reason.
Wherever the danger of slides exists, the Contractor shall slope the trench walls, install supports,
bracing, etc., and shall make all other arrangements which may be necessary to prevent slides.

ii) Alignment and Minimum Cover

A. The alignment of each pipeline shall be fixed and determined from offset stakes. Horizontal
alignment of pipes and the maximum joint deflection used in connection therewith shall be in
conformity with requirements of the section covering installation of pipe.
B. Pipe grades or elevations are not definitely fixed by the Contract Drawings, trenches shall be
excavated to a depth sufficient to provide a minimum depth of backfill cover over the top of the
pipe of 700mm for diameters less than 150mm or as mentioned in the bill of quantities. Greater
pipe cover depths may be necessary at certain locations, the locations and depths will be determined
by the Engineer, and will be followed by the Contractor. Measurement of pipe cover depth shall be
made vertically from the outside top of pipe to finish ground or pavement surface elevation except
where future surface elevations are indicated on the Drawings. Where there is no adequate
minimum cover, concrete encasement will be used as hereinafter and as shown on the Drawings
and as directed by the Engineer.

iii) Excavation in Confined Areas.

In confined areas, where the passage of excavating equipment is impossible, or where the Engineer
deems to use of such equipment impracticable or undesirable for any reason whatsoever, trench
excavation shall be done by hand. All requirements specified above for common or sand excavation
shall also apply to trench excavation by hand.
Direct the flow of rainwater into the natural drain courses and away from the pipeline trench.
A. Where the pipeline crosses natural drainage channels, an opening in the backfill shall be made to
avoid interference with normal drainage of the surrounding land.
B. Backfilling shall be done so as not to spoil the road or disrupt its continuity.
Where the pipes are laid the backfilling of trenches shall be done as follows:

A. Soft Backfill (surrounding the pipe) shall consist of fine aggregates from an approved source. This
material shall be placed 200 mm below the invert level up to 200 mm over the crown of the pipe
and for the full width of the trench, or to the depths specified in the Bill of Quantities.
B. Final Backfill for the remainder of the trench shall be by using well graded approved backfill
material. (as specified herein after in paragraphs 2.9( i , ii ))
The trench shall be filled to the level of the natural adjacent ground level in layers not exceeding
200 mm, wetted and compacted by rolling, tamping to 90 percent of maximum dry density. If
rolling is employed, it shall be by use of a suitable roller or tractor, being careful to compact the
fill throughout the full width of the trench.

iii) Backfilling of Trenches with Excessive Slopes

A. On trenches with slopes exceeding 15 percent, a 300 mm wide, stone partitions shall be built
across the trench every 10 meters length.
B. These partitions shall be done constructed over the first stage of the backfill up to the natural
ground level, and shall exceed the trench width with 200 mm from each side inside the ground.

iv)Restoring Trench Surface

A. Where the trench occurs adjacent to paved streets, in shoulders, sidewalks, or in cross-country
areas, the contractor shall thoroughly consolidate the backfill and shall maintain the surface as the
work progress. If settlement takes place, he shall immediately deposit additional fill to restore the
level of the ground. In some areas it may be necessary to remove excess materials during the
clean-up process, so that the ground may be restored to its original level and condition.
B. The surface of any driveway or any other area which is disturbed by the trench excavation and
which is not a part of the paved road shall be restored by the contractor to a condition at least
Equal to that existing before work began.
C. All road surfaces shall be broomed and hose-cleaned immediately after backfilling. Dust control
measures shall be employed at all times.

2.5 Material Used in Backfill

i) General
A. Backfill and fill material shall be suitable excavated material, natural or processed mineral soils
obtained from off-site sources, or graded crushed stones or gravel.
B. Backfill and fill material shall be free from all organic material, trash, snow, ice, frozen soil, or
other objectionable material which can’t be properly compacted. Soft, wet, plastic soils which
may be expensive, clay soils having a natural in-place water content in excess of 30 percent, soil
containing more than 5 percent(by weight) fibrous organic material, and soil having a plasticity
index greater than 30 shall be considered unsuitable for use as backfill and fill material.
C. Backfill and fill material shall have a maximum of one percent expansion when testing is
performed on a sample remolded to 95 percent of maximum dry density at a two percent below
optimum moisture content under a 490 kg/m2 surcharge.
ii) Common Backfill Material
A. Common Backfill or fill material shall not contain Granite blocks, broken concrete, masonry
rubble, asphalt pavement, or any material larger than 150 mm in any dimension provided that this
material is not more than 25 percent of the backfill or fill material.
B. Common Fill shall have physical properties, as approved by the engineer, such that it can be
readily spread and compacted.

iii) Selected Backfill Material

Selected Backfill and Fill material shall conform to the requirements of common Backfill except
that the material shall not contain any materials larger than 50 mm in its largest dimension provided
that this material is not more than 20 percent of the Backfill or fill material.

iv) Structural Fill

Structural Fill shall be gravel, sandy gravel, or gravelly sand. Material shall have a plasticity
index of less than 15 and shall conform to the gradation limits shown in table 2.1 below:
Table 2.1
Sieve Size Percent Finer By Weight
150 mm 100
No. 4 20 - 70
No. 40 5 - 35
No. 200 0–7

v) Crushed Stones
Crushed stones shall be sound durable stone, angular in shape, and free of foreign material,
structural defects and chemical decay. Crushed stones shall be of a maximum dimension of 50 mm
and a minimum of 12 mm measured in any direction.

2.6 Quality Assurance

Laboratory Testing
A. At least seven days prior to the placement of any Backfill or Fill material, the contractor shall
deliver a representative sample of the proposed material weighing at least 22 Kg to an approved
soils testing laboratory to perform:
i- Grain size analyses of the samples to determine their suitability for use as Backfill or Fill
material in accordance to the material requirements specified in section 2.11
ii- The appropriate Proctor analysis to determine the maximum dry densities required for
compaction testing as specified in the contract documents.
B. The test results and determinations of suitability shall be delivered to the engineer no later than
three days prior to the placement of Backfill or Fill materials.

Barricades With blinker light

Work place

RC -41

75 m 45 m 45 m

Flagger 60 m

75 m

Lay out For Encroachment in two way lane


Flagger Signage

Men at Work Signage

Road Closed Signage

Stop Signage

Backfilling of Trenches in or Adjacent to Streets.

Where the pipes are laid in or adjacent to streets, the backfilling of trenches will be done as

A. Soft Backfill shall be done as specified above in paragraph

B. Final Backfill for the remainder of the trench shall be by using well graded approved backfill

C. The selected backfill shall be up evenly on all sides, in layers not exceeding 200 mm
measured before compaction, thoroughly wetted and compacted by rolling, tamping, or
vibrating with mechanical compacting suitable equipment or hand tamping, to 95 percent of
maximum dry density. The materials in this case being spread and compacted in layers not more
than 150 mm in thickness. If necessary, sprinkling shall be employed in conjunction with

D. The top 200mm sub-base for pavement replacement, shall consist of one layer of approved
base course material, wetted and compacted to 95 percent of maximum dry density.

Corporate & Regulatory Compliance

 Apply G.I. 2.100. Work permits are required in all restricted areas as well as in other areas designated by the manager or his
delegate of Saudi Aramco Department who has the authority over the roadway or the paved area. Work permit issuance is the
responsibility of the Saudi Aramco department initiating the closure/crossing and roadway proponent shall counter sign.
 Concrete New Jersey barriers shall be used only in case of deep excavations along the roadway otherwise plastic New Jersey
barriers or standard red plastic barrels shall be used.
 Underground utilities, which must cross an existing roadway or paved area, should cross at right angles to the flow of traffic if
design and construction make it technically feasible. However, Thrust boring shall be performed to install utilities in all major
roads (public & facilities). Thrust boring or open cut to be performed to install utilities in all minor roads, low traffic roads or
remote area roads where speed is less than 80Km/h.
 Utilities to be located within Plants will require approval of the manager of the affected Plant.
 100m shall be the maximum length of open trench within urban areas and 500m in rural areas.
 In all major roads (public & facilities) a distance of 30 meters from the edge of Saudi Aramco Road has to be clear from: fences,
signs, power poles, underground utilities, any other fixed objects, or any type of right-of-way encroachment. In all minor roads,
or low traffic roads with speed less than 80 Km/h a minimum distance of 10 meters from the edge of Saudi Aramco Road has to
be clear from: fences, signs, power poles, underground utilities, any other fixed objects, or any type of right-of-way
encroachment Any deviation from above shall require the approval of T&ESD Manager. Furthermore, spacing of signs may be
reduced in areas of lower speeds (less than 60 KPH) or at areas where the required spacing could not be met. Also, spacing of
signs will be adjusted to fit community and/or plant street systems.
 Hand excavation must be applied where existing cables, water mains, sewers, etc., cross or are in the main roads where traffic is
likely to be unreasonably dislocated by use of machine or where instructed by the Engineer. In other places hand or machine
excavating may be employed at the discretion of Contractor.
 In confined areas, where the passage of excavating equipment is impossible, or where the Engineer deems to use of such
equipment impracticable or undesirable for any reason whatsoever, trench excavation shall be done by hand. All requirements
specified above for common or sand excavation shall also apply to trench excavation by hand.
 Avoid interference with normal drainage of the surrounding land.
 Backfilling shall be done so it does not spoil the road or disrupt its continuity.
 Prior to commencing any excavation work, the Contractor shall establish a horizontal and vertical survey, record existing ground
elevations and stake the location of trenches to be excavated.
 Signs for long-term projects (30 days and more): will be post mounted in the ground using breakaway base. However, signs shall
be made of reflective sheeting conforming to latest Ministry of Transport and Saudi Aramco standards.
 Excavations must be barricaded or otherwise protected to ensure the safety of pedestrians.
 During excavation, materials suitable for backfill and fill will be stockpiled on site at sufficient distance from the sides of the
excavation to avoid over-loading and prevent cave-ins.
 Detours lasting 30 days and more must be paved with road marking and provided with all necessary informative and traffic
regulatory signs.
 Road Closure areas shall be fully illuminated and lighted during night time.
Rc -41

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