PBD For Bicol International Airport V1

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1. Description

This item shall consist of removing topsoil, transporting and depositing it in stockpiles
and replacing and spreading it where indicated on the Plans or where directed by the

2. Construction Requirement

The areas from which stripping of topsoil may be required shall be indicated on the
Plans. The Contractor shall move topsoil from such portion in these areas to
such depth as the “Engineer” may require. No stripping of topsoil of any
designated area shall be less than 150mm in depth. The topsoil removed shall
be transported, deposited in stockpiles at locations approved by the “Engineer” and
or spread and compacted with a light roller where indicated on the Plans or where
directed by the “Engineer”.

3. Measurement and Payment

The quantity to be paid for, shall be the area required for removing and
accepting by the “Engineer” for payment.

The area determined as provided above shall be paid for at the Contract unit price for
the pay item shown in the Bill of Quantities. Price and payment shall constitute full
compensation for all cost obtaining and preparing stockpile areas, double
handling spreading and compacting on slopes as well as flat areas, including
labor, equipment, and incidentals necessary to complete this item.

Payment will be made under:


SPL – 1 Stripping sq.m


This item shall consist of excavation, removing and satisfactorily disposing of all materials
within the limits of the work required to conduct the purpose in accordance with these
specifications and in conformity with the dimensions and typical section shown on the plans
and with the lines and grades established by the Engineer. All suitable material taken from
excavation shall be used in the formation of embankment, sub-grade, and back filling as
indicated on the plans or as directed by the Engineer. When the volume of the excavation
exceeds that required to construct the embankments to the grades indicated, the excess shall
be used to grade the areas of ultimate development or constructing the fill to the grades
indicated, the deficiency shall be supplied from borrow sources at locations within the
authorized areas.

All material excavated shall be defined as “Unclassified Excavation” unless, in the proposal
form, prices are asked and bids are taken for “Solid Rock Excavation” and “Common
Excavation”. “Unclassified Excavation” shall include all excavation performed under this
item regardless of the material encountered. “Solid Rock Excavation” when provided in the
proposal shall include all solid rock in ledges, in bedded deposits, in unstratified masses, and
conglomerate deposits which are firmly cemented they present all the characteristics of solid
rock and which cannot be removed without drilling and blasting. All boulders contain a
volume of more than 0.5 cubic meter will be classified as “Solid Rock Excavation”,
“Common Excavation”, when provided in the proposal, shall include all solid excavation not
included in “Solid Rock Excavation”. Frozen condition of any of the different classified
materials taken from excavation does not constitute a basis for a calm for higher classification
or for extra work on the part of the contractor.


102.3.1 General
The rough excavation shall be carried to the necessary depth to obtain the specified
depth of sub-grade classification shown on the plans. Likewise, on embankments, the
depth of sub-grade densification shall be as shown on the plans. Should the
Contractor, through negligence or other fault, excavate below the designated lines, he
shall replace the excavation with approved materials, in an approved material, in an
approved manner and condition at his own expense. The Engineer shall have
complete control over the excavation, moving, placing, and disposition of all material
and shall determine the suitability of material to be placed in embankments. All
material determined unsuitable should be disposed of in waste areas or as directed.
Topsoil shall not be used in fills or in sub-grades should be disposed of in waste areas
or as directed. The Contractor shall inform and satisfy himself to as to the character,
quantity and distribution of all materials to be excavated. No payment will be made
for any excavated material, which is used for purpose other than those designated. All

spoil areas shall be leveled to a uniform line and section and shall present a neat
appearance before project acceptance.

Those areas outside the pavement in which the top layer of soil material becomes
compacted due to hauling or to any other activity of the contractor, shall be scarified
and disc harrowed or plowed to a depth of 100 mm, as directed, to loosen and
pulverized the soil. It is necessary to interrupt existing surface drainage, conduits,
utilities, or similar underground structure, or parts thereof, the contractor shall be
responsible for and shall take all necessary precautions to protect and preserve or
provide temporary services. When such facilities are encountered, the contractor shall
notify the Engineer, who shall arrange for their removal, if necessary. The contractor
at his own expense, satisfactorily repair all damage to such facilities or structures
which may result from any at his operations during the period of the contract.

102.3.2 Excavation
Excavation shall be performed as indicated on the contract plans to the lines, grades,
and elevation shown or as directed by the Engineer, and shall be made so that the
requirements for formation of embankment can be followed. No excavation or
stripping shall be started until the Engineer shall have taken cross-sectional elevations
and measurement of the existing ground surface, and has staked out the proposed
work. All material encountered within the limits indicated shall be removed and
disposed as of directed. When directed, temporary drains and drainage ditches shall
be installed to intercept or divert surface water, which may affect the work. When
selected grading is specified or required as indicated on the plans, the placed in the
embankment and pavement sub-grades as determined from the solid profile and soil
characteristics. This material shall be deposited within the designated areas as shown
on the plans or as directed by the Engineer. If, at the time of excavation, it is possible
to place any material in its proper section of the permanent construction, it shall be
stockpiled in approved areas for later use. Rock, shale, hardpan, loose rock, boulders,
or other material unsatisfactory for sub-grades, intermediate areas or any areas
intended for turning shall be excavated to a minimum depth of 300 mm, or to depth
specified by the Engineer, below the contemplated surface of the sub-grade or the
designated grades. Muck, peat, matted roots, or other suitable material for sub-grade
foundation, shall be removed to the depth specified, to provide a satisfactory
foundation. Unsatisfactory materials shall be disposed at locations designated by the
Engineer. All materials excavated shall be paid at the contract unit price per cubic
meter for “Unclassified Excavation”, “Common Excavation”, or Solid Rock
Excavation”, as the case maybe, when classification for the last two items is provided
in the proposal. The portion so excavated shall be refilled with suitable selected
material is specified, obtained from the grading operations or borrow area and
thoroughly compacted by rolling. The necessary refilling will constitute a part of the
embankment. Where trenching out is done to provide for a course of pavement, the
depth thus created shall be ditched at frequent intervals to provide adequate drainage.
The contractor shall make the grade to avoid haul will not be permitted. The right is
reserve to make minor adjustment or revisions in lines or grades, if found necessary,
as the work progresses due to discrepancies in the plans or to obtain satisfactory
construction. Over-break including slides, is that portion of any material displaced or
loosen beyond the finish work as planned or authorized by the Engineer. The
Engineer shall determine if the displaced of such material was unavoidable and his

decision shall be final. All over-break shall be removed by the contractor and
disposed as directed; however, payment will not be made under for the removal and
disposal of over-break which the Engineer determines as avoidable. Unavoidable
over-break will be classified as ‘Unclassified Excavation”, except when the contract
provides for the classification of “Common Excavation”, or “Solid Rock Excavation”,
in which case unavoidable over-breakage from slides will be classified as such.

The removal of existing structures and utilities required to permit orderly progress of
work will be accomplished by local agencies, unless otherwise shown on the plans.
All existing foundations shall be excavated for at least 60 mm below the top of the
sub-grade and the material disposed as directed.

All foundations thus excavated shall be backfill with suitable material and compacted.
In cut areas, the sub-grade under areas to be paved shall be compacted to the depths
and to the densities at optimum moisture as shown on the plans or as specified in the
specification, or when not otherwise shown or specified, to a minimum depth of
150mm and to a density of not less than 95%, for cohesive soils, and 100% for non-
cohesive soils, the maximum density at optimum moisture as determined by the
compaction control tests specified in ASTM D698 / D1557. Any suitable materials
encountered shall be removed and paid for as specified. No payment or measurement
for payment will be made for suitable materials remove, manipulated and replaced in
order to obtain density. Any removal, manipulation, aeration, replacement, and re-
compaction of suitable materials necessary to obtain the required density shall be
considered as incidental to the excavation and embankment operation, and shall be
performed by the contractor at no additional cost to the project. Stones or rock
fragments larger than 100mm in their greatest dimension will not be permitted in the
top 150mm of the sub-grade. The finished grading operations conforming to the
typical cross-section shall be completed and maintained at least 300 meters ahead of
the paving operations. In cuts, all loose or protruding rocks on the back slope shall be
barred loose or otherwise removed to line or finished grade of slope. All cut and fill
slopes shall be uniformly dressed to the slopes, cross section, and alignment shown on
the plans or as directed by the Engineer.

Blasting when necessary will be permitted only when proper precautions are taken for
the protection and safety of all persons, the work, and the property. All damage done
to the work or property shall be repaired at the contractor’s expense. All operations of
the contractor in connection with the transportation, storage, and use of explosives
shall be approved by the Engineer. Any approval given will not relieve the contractor
of his responsibility in blasting operations.

102.3.3 Borrow Excavation

When provided for in the proposal, borrow excavation shall consist of excavation
made from borrow areas within the limits of the property outside the normal grading
limits, or the property from which borrow may be obtained will be designated.
Borrow Excavation shall be made only at these designated locations within the
horizontal and vertical limits as staked or as directed. On completion of the borrow

operations, the borrow area shall be finished to a neat and uniform grade acceptable to
the Engineer.

When borrow sources are outside the boundaries it shall be the Contractor’s
responsibility to locate and obtain the supply, subject to the approval of the Engineer.
The Contractor shall notify the Engineer, sufficiently in advance of the beginning of
excavation, so necessary measurements and test can be made. All objectionable
material shall be disposed of as directed. All borrow pits shall be opened up
immediately to expose the vertical face of various product. Borrow pits shall be
excavated to regular lines to permit accurate measurement and shall be drained and
left in a neat and presentable condition with all slopes dressed uniformly.

The borrow excavation shall be handled and placed as specified in these specifications
for excavation.

103.2.4 Ditch Excavation

Ditch excavation shall consist of excavating for drainage ditches such as intercepting,
inlet or outlet, temporary levee construction, or any other type as designed or as
shown on the plans. The work shall be performed in the proper sequence with the
other construction. The location of all ditches or levees shall be established on the
ground. All satisfactory material shall be placed in fills; unsatisfactory material shall
be placed in spoil areas or as directed. Waste or surplus material shall be disposed of
as shown on the plans or as directed. Intercepting ditches shall be constructed prior to
the starting of adjacent excavation operations. All necessary handwork shall be
performed to secure a finish true to line, elevation, and cross section, as designated.
Ditches constructed on the project shall be maintained to the required cross-section
and shall be kept free from debris or obstructions until the project is accepted. Where
necessary, sufficient openings shall be provided through spoil banks to permit
drainage from adjacent lands. Unless otherwise specified, no separate payment will be
made for ditch excavation other than for the material removed which will be paid for
at the unit price for “Unclassified Excavation,” “Common Excavation,” or “Solid
Rock Excavation,” or as the case may be, if the proposal includes classification of
these excavated materials.


Payment shall be made at the contract unit price per cubic meter for “Unclassified, Common,
Solid Rock and Borrow Excavation.” This price shall be full compensation for furnishing all
materials, labor, equipment, tools and incidentals necessary to complete the Item.

Pay Item Description Unit

Item 102 (1) Unclassified Excavation cu.m.

Item 102 (2) Common Excavation cu.m.
Item 102 (3) Solid Rock Excavation cu.m.



This work shall consist of construction of embankment and other areas of fill by
furnishing, placing, compacting and shaping suitable materials of acceptable quality
obtained from approved sources in accordance with this specification and to the lines,
grades and dimensions and cross-sections shown in the drawing or as required by the
Engineer. Unless otherwise stated, the term “embankment “shall include all areas of


Embankment shall be constructed of suitable materials with a minimum California

Bearing Ratio (CBR) rating of 8.0 %.


Embankment areas shall be cleared and grubbed in accordance with the requirements
in Item 100. All depressions or holes below the ground surface, whether caused by
grubbing or otherwise shall be backfilled with suitable material and compacted to
ground surface before the construction of the embankment will be permitted to start.

Immediately prior to the placing of the fill materials, the entire area upon which the
embankment is to be placed, except where limited by rocks, shall be scarified and
broken by means of 150 mm. Scarifying shall be done approximately parallel to the
axis of fill. All roots, debris, large stones, or objectionable material that would cause
interference with the compaction of the foundation or fill shall be removed from the
area and disposed of as directed. A thin layer (approximately 75 mm) of the fill
material shall be spread over the scarified foundation and the whole area compacted
as required in the specifications.

Where embankments are to place on natural slopes steeper than 3:1, horizontal
benches shall be constructed as shown on the plans or as directed by the Engineer.
Suitable excavated material shall be incorporated in embankments. Payment will be
made for the material excavated at the unit price for excavation.

No direct payment shall be made for the work performed under this section. The
necessary clearing and grubbing and the quantity removed or used will be paid for
under the respective item of work.


All vegetation such as brush, heavy sods, heavy growth of grass, decayed vegetable
matter, rubbish, and any other unsuitable material within the area upon which
embankment is to be placed shall be stripped or otherwise removed before the
embankment is started, and in no case shall such objectionable material be allowed in
or under the embankment. No direct payment will be made for stripping. The
quantity removed and disposed of shall be paid for at the contract unit price per cubic
meter for “Unclassified Excavation”, or for “Common Excavation”, when the latter
classification is provided for in the proposal.


The surface of the existing ground shall be compacted to a depth of 150 mm to the
requirements of Table 105-A. This work shall comply with the requirements for
compaction of earthwork.


Soil Type Classification Test Method for Minimum Relative

according to AASHTO Determining
(% Compaction )

M – 125

A–1 AASHTO T 180 95 %

A-2–4 ( 4.54 kg rammer )

A-2–5 Method D


A - 2 –6 AASHTO T 99

A–2–7 ( 2.50 kg rammer )

A–4 Method D 100 %





1. Embankment shall be formed of satisfactory materials placed in successive

horizontal layers of not more than 200 mm in loose depth for full width of the

2. The grading operations shall be conducted, and the various soil strata shall be
placed, to produce a soil structure as shown on the typical cross-section or as
directed. All materials entering the embankment shall be reasonably free of
organic matter such as leaves, grass, roots, and other objectionable material. Soil,
granular material, shale, and any other material permitted for use in embankment
shall be spread successive layers as specified.

3. Operations on earthwork shall be suspended at any time when satisfactory results

cannot be obtained because of rain, freezing weather, or other unsatisfactory
conditions of the field. The contractor shall drag, blade, or slope the embankment
to provide proper surface drainage.

4. The material in the layers shall be of the proper moisture content before rolling to
obtain the prescribed compaction. Wetting or drying of the material and
manipulation when necessary to secure a uniform moisture content throughout the
layer shall be required. Should the material be too wet to permit proper
compaction of rolling, all work on portions of the embankment affected shall be
suspended until the material has dried to the required moisture content.

5. Materials of different characteristics shall not be mixed and the Contractor shall
carry out selection, processing or stockpiling as necessary. Each layer shall
contain only one type of material.

6. Embankments in or over swamps or in water shall be placed as shown in the

drawings or as specified in the Special Specification or as instructed by the

7. Except as otherwise specified, rock embankments shall be constructed in

successive layers not more than 0.5 meter deep for the full width of the cross-
section. When the rock necessitates a greater depth of layer and the height of the
fill will permit, the layer depth may be increased as necessary, not to exceed 1
meter. Each layer shall be constructed by starting at the one end of the section of
embankment under construction and dumping the rock on top of the layer being
constructed then pushing ahead with crawler dozer weighing not less than 15T in
such manner that the larger rock will be placed on the ground or proceeding layer
and the voids between the larger stones will be filled with small stones and spalls

by this operation. The surface of the layer shall be blended with fine material and
sealed by watering so that all voids on the surface are completely filled.

8. The maximum dimension of any rock shall be less than the depth of the
embankment layer. All oversized rock which; is suitable for the construction shall
be broken to the required dimension and used in embankment construction or
placed at the points of embankment where the layer is of greater depth. No
additional payment for this work will be allowed. Where excavated rock in
wasted, the contractor shall at his own expense, replace the rock wasted with other
suitable materials.


The contractor may use any type of earth moving compaction and watering equipment
he may desire or has at his disposal, provided the equipment is in a satisfactory
condition and of such capacity that the construction schedule can be maintained as
planned by the Contractor and as approved by the “Engineer” in accordance with the
total calendar days in the contract period. The Contractor shall furnish, operate and
maintain such equipment as necessary to control uniform density, layer, section and
smoothness of grade.


On the areas to be paved, the specified depth in cut areas and the top of embankment
shall be compacted to the density specified. When completed, the “Engineer” shall
true to lines, grades and cross-section shown on the plans or as direct the surface.
After all drains, structures, ducts, and other underground appurtenances along the
edges or under the pavement have been completed, the sub-grade shall be compacted
to the depth specified at not less than 95% density for cohesive soils and 100% for
non-cohesive soils, as determined by the compaction control tests specified in FAA T
611. Any irregularities or depressions that developed under rolling shall be corrected
by loosing the material at these places and adding, removing or replacing material
until the surface is smooth and uniform. Any portion of the area, which is not
accessible to a roller, shall be compacted to the required density by approved
mechanical tampers. The material shall be sprinkled with water during rolling or
tampering, when directed by the “Engineer”.

All soft and yielding material and material, which will not be compacted readily when
rolled or tampered, shall be removed as directed by the “Engineer” and replaced with
suitable material. After grading operations are completed, all loose stones larger than
50mm in their greatest dimensions shall be removed from the surface of all proposed
graded paving areas and disposed of as directed by the “Engineer”.

At all times, the top of the sub-grade shall be kept in such condition that it will drain
readily and effectively. In handling materials, tools and equipment, the Contractor

shall protect the sub-grade from damage by 7 laying planks when directed and take
other precautions as needed. In no case will vehicles be allowed to travel in a single
track. If ruts are formed, the sub-grade shall be reshaped and rolled. Storage or any
stockpiling of materials on the top of the sub-grade will not be permitted. Until sub-
grade has been checked and approved, no sub-base, base surface course, or pavement
shall be laid thereon.

104.9 HAUL

No payment will be made separately or directed for haul or any part of the work. All
hauling will be considered as necessary and incidental work and its cost shall be
considered by the Contractor and included in the contract unit price for the pay items
of work involved.


In those areas upon which a sub-base or base course is to be placed, the top of the
sub-grade shall be of such smoothness that when tested with a 5-meter straight-edge
applied parallel and at right angles to the center lines, it shall not show any deviation
in excess of 12.5 mm. Any deviation in excess of these amounts shall be corrected by
loosening, adding, or removing materials, reshaping and re-compacting by sprinkling
and rolling.

On landing strips, intermediate and other designated areas, the surface shall be of such
smoothness that it will not vary more than 30 mm from true grade as established by
grade hubs. Any deviation in excess of this amount shall be corrected by loosening,
adding or removing materials and reshaping.

104.11 TOPSOIL

When topsoil is specified or required, as shown on the plans, it shall be salvaged from
stripping or other grading operations. The topsoil shall meet the requirements of
Item-101 or shall be approved by the Engineer. If, at the time of excavation or
stripping, the topsoil cannot be placed in its proper place and final section of finished
construction, the materials shall be stockpiled within 15 meters of pavement areas and
shall not be placed on areas which subsequently will require any excavation or

Upon completion of grading operations as specified, topsoil shall be handled and

placed as directed, or as required in Item-101. The Engineer shall set grade for
grading operation in both cut and fill so that the topsoil will be placed at the finished
plan elevation.

No direct payment will be made for topsoil as such under Item-105. The quantity
replaced or stockpiled shall be paid for at the contract unit price per cubic meter for
latter classification is provided in the proposal.

When stockpiling of topsoil and later re-handling of such material is directed by the
Engineer to produce the specified soil structure, the material so re-handled shall be
paid for at the contract unit price for placing and compaction per cubic meter of
classification is provided in the proposal.


The quantities for compacting existing ground below embankment shall be the area of
the base of the embankment at original ground level, compacted and accepted by the

The quantities for breaking up or scarifying existing pavement shall be the surface
area of the pavement to be broken up or scarified and accepted by the Engineer.


The quantities, determined as provided above, shall be paid for at the appropriate
contract unit price for each of the particular pay items shown in the Bill of Quantities
which price and payment shall be full compensation for all the costs of furnishing,
placing, compacting and shaping material from any source in embankments and other
areas of fill including all labor, equipment, tools and incidentals necessary to
complete this Item.

Item 104 (1) Common Embankment cu.m.

Placing and Compaction of Common

Item 104 ( 1.1) cu.m.

Item 104 (2) Selected Embankment cu.m.

Placing and Compaction of Selected

Item 104 (2.1) cu.m.


This Item shall consist of the furnishing and placing of rip-rap with or without grout
as the case may be, with or without filter backing, furnished and constructed in
accordance with this Specification and to the lines and grades and dimensions shown
on the Plans.


505.2.1 STONES
Stones for rip-rap shall consist of rock as nearly rectangular in section as is
practical, except that rip-rap of Class A may consist of round natural stones.
The stones shall be sound, tough, durable, dense, resistant to the action of air
and water, and suitable in all respects for the purpose intended.

Stones for rip-rap shall be one of the following classes as shown on the Plans
or determined by the Engineer.

Class A - Stones ranging from a minimum of 15 kg to a minimum of 25 kg

with at least 50 percent of the stones weighing more than 20 kg.

Class B - Stones ranging from a minimum of 30 kg to maximum of 70 kg

with at least 50 percent of the weighing more than 50 kg.

Class C - Stones ranging from a minimum of 60 kg to a maximum of 100 kg

with at least 50 percent of the stones weighing more than 80 kg.

Class D - Stones ranging from a minimum of 100 kg to a maximum of 200 kg

with at least 50 percent of the stones weighing more than 150 kg.

Sound pieces of broken concrete obtained from the removal of the approval of
the Engineer.


Where required, the rip-rap shall be placed on a filter layer to prevent fine
embankment materials to be washed out through the voids of the face stones.
The grading of the filter material shall be as specified on the Plans, or in the
Special Provisions. If not so specified, it will be required that D15 of the filter
is at least 4 times the size D85 for the embankment material, here D15 percent
and D85 percent, respectively, passing (by mass) in a grain size analysis. Fine
aggregate passing grading requirements for Item 405, Structural Concrete, will
satisfy foregoing requirements.

505.2.3 MORTAR

Mortar for grouted rip-rap shall consist of sand, cement and water conforming
to the requirements given under Item 405, Structural Concrete, mixed in the
proportion of one part cement to three parts sand by volume, and sufficient
water to produce a thick but fluid mortar.


The rip-rap shall be placed on a filter layer to prevent fine embankment

material to be washed out through the voids of the face stones. The grading of
the filter material shall be as specified on the Plans. If not specified, it will be
required that D15 of the filter is at least 4 times as large as D15 for the
underlying embankment materials, and not more than 4 times the size D85 for
the embankment material, where D15 and D85 are the particle diameters
corresponding to 15 percent and 85 percent, respectively, passing (by weight)
in a grain size analysis.


505.3.1 Excavation
The bed for rip-rap shall be excavated to the required depths and properly
compacted, trimmed and shaped. The riprap shall be founded in a toe trench
dug below the depth of scour as shown on the Plans or as ordered by the
Engineer. The toe trench shall be filled with stone of the same class as that
specified for the rip-rap, unless otherwise specified.

505.3.2 Placing
Stones placed below the water line shall be distributed so that the minimum
thickness of the rip-rap is not less than specified. Stones above the water line
shall be placed by or individually by machines. They shall be laid with close,
broken joints and shall be firmly bedded into the slope and against the
adjoining stones. Each stone shall be laid with its longest axis perpendicular to
the slope in close contact with each adjacent stone. The rip-rap shall be
thoroughly rammed into place as construction progresses and the finished
surfaces shall present an even, tight surface. Interstices between stones shall
be filled with small broken fragments rammed into place.

Unless otherwise provided, rip-rap shall have the following minimum

thickness, measured perpendicular to the slope:

Class A - 300 mm
Class B - 500 mm
Class C - 60 mm
Class D - 800 mm

The surface of rip-rap shall not vary from the theoretical surface by more than
100mm at any point.

505.3.3 Grouting
When grouted riprap is specified, stones shall be placed by hand,
or individually by machine as specified for riprap place above the water line.

The spaces between the stones shall then filled with cement mortar as
specified in Subsection 504.2.3, Mortar. Sufficient mortar shall be used to
completely fill all voids, except that the face surface of the stones shall be left

Grout shall be placed from bottom to top of the surface swept with a stiff
broom. After grouting is completed, the surface shall be cured as specified in
Item 405, Structural Concrete for a period of at least three days.


The quantities to be measured for payment shall be the number of cubic meters of rip-
rap or grouted rip-rap, as the case may be, including stones placed in the toe trench
laid in position and accepted.

Filter layer of the granular material, when required shall be measured separately by
the cubic meter in place and accepted.

The computation of the quantities will be based on the volume within the limiting
dimensions designated on the Plans or as determined by the Engineer.


The quantities measured as provided above shall be paid for at the contract unit price,
respectively, for each of the pay item listed below and shown in the Bid Schedule,
which price and payment shall be full compensation for excavation and preparation of
the bed, for furnishing and placing all materials including backfill, and all labor,
equipment, tools and incidentals necessary to complete the item.

Payment will be made under:


505 (1) Riprap, Class A Cubic meter
505 (2) Riprap, Class B Cubic meter
505 (3) Riprap, Class C Cubic meter
505 (4) Riprap, Class D Cubic meter
505 (5) Grouted Rip-rap,Class A Cubic meter
505 (6) Grouted Rip-rap,Class B Cubic meter
505 (7) Grouted Rip-rap,Class C Cubic meter
505 (8) Grouted Rip-rap,Class D Cubic meter
505 (9) Filter layer of granular Cubic meter



This Section includes all cast-in-place and pre-cast concrete and related works
required under these Specifications, except Portland Cement Concrete Pavement.


Concrete shall consist of mixture of Portland Cement, fine aggregate, coarse

aggregate, admixtures when specified, and water mixed in the proportions specified or
approved by the Engineer.

The following publications of the issued, listed below, but referred to thereafter by
basic designation only, form a part of this Specification to the extent indicated by the
reference thereto:

405.2.1 American Concrete Institute (ACI), Standard:

ACI 211.1 Recommended Practice for Selecting Proportions for Structural

ACI 214 Recommended Practice for Evaluation of Compressive Test
Results of Field Concrete.
ACI 305 Recommended Practice for Hot Weather Converting
ACI 315 Manual of Standard Practice for Detailing Concrete Structure
ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Reinforced Concrete, with

405.2.2 American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) Publications:

A 82 Cold-Drawn Steel Wire for Concrete Reinforcement

A 185 Welded Steel Wire Fabric Concrete Reinforcement
A 615 Deformed and Plain Billet-Steel Bars for Concrete
A 616 Rail-Steel Deformed and Plain Bars for Concrete
A 617 Axle-Steel Deformed and Plain Bars for
C 31 Making and Curing Concrete Test Specimens in the field
C 33 Concrete Aggregate
C 39 Compressive Strength of Cylindrical Concrete Specimens
C 42 Drilled Cores and Sawed Beams of Concrete, obtaining
C 94 Ready-Mixed Concrete
C 143 Slump of Portland Cement Concrete
C 150 Portland Cement
C 171 Sheet Materials for Curing Concrete
C 172 Sampling Fresh Concrete in the ASTM Publication

C 173 Air Content of Freshly Mixed Concrete by the Volumetric
C 192 Making and Curing Concrete Test Specimens in the Laboratory
C 231 Air Content of Freshly Mixed Concrete by the Pressure Method
C 260 Air-Entraining Admixture for Concrete
C 309 Liquid Membrane-Forming Compounds for Curing Concrete
C 494 Chemical Admixture for Concrete
C 1751 Preformed Expansion Joint Fillers for Concrete Paving and
Structural Construction. (Non-extruding and Resilient
Bituminous Types)

405.2.3 American Welding Society (AWS)

Welding Reinforcing Steel, Metal Inserts and Connections in Reinforced

Concrete Construction.

405.2.4 Philippine Standard (PS) 681 – 04 .02, 1975

DSB 275 Steel Bars for Concrete Reinforcement


Refer to General and Special Requirements of the Contract.

Test Reports and Certificates shall be furnished for approval before delivery of
certified or test materials to the Project Site.



Concrete of the various classes indicated and as required under other sections, and
unless specified in the plan shall be proportioned and mixed for the following

Specified Compressive
Size of Aggregate
Class Strength
28 days f’c = kg/sq.cm.
A-A 25 420
A 40 240
B 40 210
C 50 175
Seal 25 240

In addition to the above, the maximum permissible water-cement ratio by weight shall
not be greater than 0.55 unless otherwise the Engineer.

405.4.2 USAGE

Concrete of the various classes to be used shall be as follows:

a. Class A-A concrete: For pre-stressed concrete structures and members.

b. Class A concrete: For pre-cast structure, superstructures and heavily

reinforced substructures which include slabs beams, walls, girders,
columns, arch ribs, box culverts, reinforce abutments, retaining walls,
reinforced footings and foundation of buildings.

c. Class B concrete: Footings, pedestals, foundation of equipment,

retaining wall, curb, slab on grade, pipe bedding gravity walls,
unreinforced or with only a small amount of reinforcement.

d. Class C concrete: Leveling concrete.

e. Class Seal: Concrete deposited in water

405.4.3 Additives acceptable to the Engineer shall be used for all reinforced concrete
structures exposed to salt water action.


405.5.1 CEMENT

Except when specifically approved by the Engineer only one brand of cement
shall be used for any individual structure. In determining the approved mix,
only Portland Cement shall be used.

a. Portland Cement: ASTM C 150, Type I

b. High-Early Strength Portland Cement Type III may be used for pre-cast
concrete. Cement Type III shall conform to ASTM C 150 with a tricalcium
aluminate limited to 8 percent.


Shall conform to the following:

a. Air-Entraining Admixtures: ASTM C 260

b. Admixture other than air-entraining agent shall conform to ASTM C 494.
c. Admixture containing chloride ions, or other ions producing deleterious
effects, shall not be used.


a. Coarse Aggregates: Conforming to ASTM C 33 and having nominal sizes

passing 38.0 mm to 19.00 mm, 19.0 mm to 9.5 mm to No. 4 sieve. The
material shall be well graded between the limits indicated and individually
stocked piled. It shall be the Contractor’s responsibility to blend the

materials to meet the gradation requirements for various type of concrete
as specified herein.

a.1 Nominal sizes for combined gradation shall be as follows:

Table 405.1 - Grading Requirements for Coarse Aggregate

Sieve Designation Mass Percent Passing for

Standard Alternate Class Class Class Class Class
Mm B C A A-A Seal
63 2½“ 100
50 2“ 95-100 100
37.50 1½“ 95-100 100
25 1“ 35-70 90-100 100
19.0 ¾” 35-70 90-100 100
12.5 ½“ 10-30 25-60 90-100
9.5 3/8 “ 10-30 20-55 40-70
4.75 No. 4 0.5 0.5 0.10 0.10 0.15

The measured cement content shall be within plus ( + ) or minus ( - ) 2

mass percent of the design cement content.

b. Fine aggregate: ASTM 33 except for gradation which has been revised to
meet local conditions. Unless otherwise required by the Engineer, grading
of fine aggregate shall be as follows:

ASTM Sieve By Weight Passing

9.5 mm ( 3/8”) 100
No. 4 90-100
No. 8 80-100
No. 16 50-90
No. 30 25-60
No. 50 10-30
No. 100 2-10

b.1 Grading of fine aggregate shall be reasonably uniform and fineness

modulus thereof shall not vary more than 0.2 from that of the representative
sample on which mix proportions of concrete are based.

b.2 Due care shall be taken to prevent segregation.

405.5.4 WATER

The water used in concrete, mortar and grout shall be free from objectionable
quantities of silt, organic matter, alkali, salts and other impurities.


a. Dowels for anchoring mechanical items to concrete shall be of

manufacturer’s standard and of types required to engage with the anchors
to be provided and installed therein under other sections of these
Specifications and shall be subject to the approval of the Engineer.

b. Slots shall be dovetail-type, of not lighter than 24-gauge zinc-coated steel,

with filler that prevents concrete or water from entering and that can be
easily removed or punctured for installing anchors.

c. Inserts for suspended ceilings: Wire inserts for attachment of wire hangers
for suspended ceilings shall not be lighter than 7-gauge zinc-coated steel
wire. When flat iron or steel hangers are to be used zinc-coated inserts of
the same section shall be set in the concrete.

d. Inserts for bolt hangers shall be of malleable iron or of cast of wrought

steel. Inserts for bolt hangers shall either be threaded or slotted as required
by the types of hanger to be used. Threaded inserts shall have integral lugs
to prevent turning.


a. Impervious Sheet Materials: ASTM C 171, type optional except that

polyethylene film, of used, shall be white opaque.

b. Burlap of commercial quality, non-staining type, consisting of 2 layers


c. Inserts for suspended ceilings: Wire inserts for attachment of wire hangers
for suspended ceilings not be lighter than 7-gauge zinc-coated steel wire.
When flat iron or steel hangers are to be used zinc-coated inserts to the
same section shall be set in the concrete.

d. Inserts for bolt hangers shall be of malleable iron or of cast of wrought

steel. Inserts for bolt hangers shall either be treated or slotted as required
by the types of hanger to be used. Threaded inserts shall have integral lugs
to prevent turning.


Coatings and Ties are specified under 405.5.14, Form work of this

Deformed Bars conforming to PS 681-04.02 (DSB 275); 1975 First Revision,
or conforming to Bar Reinforcement of Item 401-Reinforcing Steel.

a. Mesh Reinforcement conforming to JIS G 3551 or equivalent.

Preformed joint filler conforming to ASTM 17521, type and class suitable for
the use intended.


a. Asphalt-saturated waterproof reinforced draft paper.

b. Polyethylene sheeting shall not be less than 0.2 mm nominal thickness.


Copper conforming to ASTM B 370, 567 gms weight: or stainless steel
conforming to ASTM A 167, type 304 L, finish 2D or equivalent, annealed
0.94 mm nominal thickness.


Testing except as otherwise specified herein, shall be performed by an approved
testing agency as proposed by the Contractor and approved by the Engineer at no
additional cost to the Government.

Cement: Sampled either at the mill or at the site of the work and tested by an
approved independent commercial national testing laboratory at no
additional cost to the Government. Certified copies of laboratory test
reports shall be furnished for each lot of cement and shall include all test
data, results, and certificates that the sampling and testing procedures are
in conformance with the Specifications. No cement shall be used until
notice has been given by the Engineer that the test results are satisfactory.
Cement that has been stored, other than in bins at the mills, for more than
3 months after delivery to the Site shall be retreated before use. Cement
delivered at the Site and later found under test to be unsuitable shall not be
incorporated into the permanent works.

Aggregate: Tested as prescribed in ASTM


Reinforcement: Certified copies of mill certificate of tests shall accompany

deliveries of steel bar reinforcement. If requested by the Engineer
additional testing of the materials shall be made at the Contractor’s

Concrete Tests: Provide for test purposes, one set of the test specimens taken
under the instruction of the Engineer from each 75 cu. m. or fraction
thereof of each class of concrete placed or at least one set of test specimens
shall be provided for each class of concrete placed in each 8-hour shift.
Each shall consist of three test specimens, and shall be made from a
separate batch. Samples shall be secured in conformance with ASTM
C172. Test specimen shall be made, cured, and packed for shipment in
accordance with ASTM C31. Cylinders will be tested by and at the
expense of the Contractor in accordance with ASTM C39. Test specimens
will be evaluated separately, by the Engineer for meeting strength level
requirements for each with CONCRETE QUALITY of ACI 318. The
standard age of test shall be 28 days, but 7 days tests may be used, with the
permission of the Engineer, provided that the relation between the 7-day
and 28-day strengths on the concrete is established by tests for the
materials and proportions used. When samples fail to conform to the
requirements for strength, the Engineer shall have the right to order a
change in the proportions of the concrete mix for the remaining portions of
the work at no additional cost to the Government.

Test of Hardened Concrete in or Removed from the Structure: When the

result of the strength tests of the control specimens indicates in the
concrete as placed does not meet the Specifications requirements or where
there is other evidence that the quality of the concrete is below the
specification requirements, test on core of in-place concrete shall be made
in conformance with ASTM C 42.

a. Core specimens shall be obtained by the Contractor and shall be tested.

Any deficiency shall be corrected; if the Contractor elects, he may
submit a proposal for approval that a load test is made. If the proposal
is approved, the Contractor and the test results evaluated by the
Engineer in conformance with 20 of ACI 318 shall make the load test.
The cost of the load tests shall be borne by the Contractor. If any
concrete shows evidence of failure during the load test or fails the load
test as evaluated the deficiency shall be corrected in a manner
approved by the Engineer at no additional cost to the Government.

Admixtures: All admixtures shall be tested and those that have been
in storage at the project Site for longer than 6 months shall not be used
until proved by retest to be satisfactory.

a. Air-Entraining Admixtures: Tested for conformance to the referenced

specification under which it is furnished. The testing shall be
conducted with cement and aggregate proposed for the project.

b. Other admixtures if approved, tested for conformance to the referenced

specifications under which it is furnished. The testing shall be
conducted with cement and aggregate proposed for the Project.


Storage accommodation for concrete materials shall be subject to approval and shall
afford easy access for inspection and identification of each shipment in accordance
with test reports.

Cement: Immediate upon receipt at the Site, the Cement shall be stored separately
in a dry weather tight, properly ventilated structure, with of adequate
provisions for prevention or absorption of moisture. Cement bags should
not be stacked more than 13 bags high. The cement most likely to have
been exposed to moisture or stored in bags for more than 3 months shall
not be used unless proven by test to be in good condition.

Aggregate: Stored to assure good drainage, to preclude inclusion of foreign matter,

and to preserve the gradation.


Forms: Designed, constructed, and maintained so as to ensure that, after

removal, the finished concrete members will have true surfaces, free of offset, waving
or bulges, and will conform accurately to the indicated shapes, dimensions, lines,
elevation, and positions in the plan. Form surfaces that will be contact with concrete
shall be thoroughly cleaned before each use.

405.8.1 DESIGN
Studs and wale shall be spaced to prevent deflection of form materials. Forms
and joints shall be sufficiently tight to prevent leakage of grout and cement
paste during placing of concrete. Juncture of formwork panels shall occur at
vertical control joints, and construction joints. Forms placed on successive
units for continuous surfaces shall be fitted in accurate alignment to assure
smooth completed surface free from irregularities and signs of discontinuity.
Temporary opening shall be arranged to wall and where otherwise required to
facilitate cleaning and inspection. Forms shall be readily removable without
impact, shock, or damage to the concrete.


Form surfaces that will be in contact with concrete shall be of materials that is
non-reactive with concrete and that will produce concrete surfaces equivalent
in smoothness and appearance to that produced by new 1.2 x 2.4 meters
plywood panels approved by the Engineer. Smaller size panels shall be used
only where required by opening on the above architectural lines or joints, with
each area less than 1.2 meters wide formed with single panel accurately cut to
the required dimensions. Cut surfaces shall be smooth and treated with form
coating. Panel joints that will being contact with concrete shall be smooth and
free of offset. Form materials with defects that will impair the texture and
appearance of finish surfaces shall not be used. Form lining, if used, shall be
installed over solid backing. Column forms shall be made with a minimum
number of joints.


Form surfaces that will be in contact with concrete shall be sound, tight
lumber or other material producing equivalent finish.


Before constructing structural formwork, sample concrete panel for exposed or
painted concrete shall be constructed and approved for smooth finish specified
The panel shall not be less than 1.8 meter long by 1.2 meter high. Concrete
shall be of the approved design mix. Forms shall include a typical joint
between form panels. Sample panels shall show tie-hole patching and smooth
finish. Sample panels shall be constructed at approved locations, not as part of
the structure, and shall be protected from construction operations, weather,
and other damage until acceptance of the completed concrete work. The
approved sample panel shall be representative of the smooth concrete finish
required in the work.

405.8.5 Form Ties shall be factory-fabricated, removable or snap-off metal ties of
design that it will not allow form deflection and will not spall concrete upon
removal. Solid backing shall be provided for each tie. Ties shall be fitted
with devices that will leave holes in the concrete surface no less than 9 mm
nor more than 2.5 mm in diameter and of depth not less than 25 mm.

The portions of the tie remaining in the concrete after removal of the exterior
parts shall not project beyond the surface of the concrete and shall be at least
38 mm back from any surface of the concrete that will be exposed, painted,
damp-proofed, water-proofed, or receive direct applications of plaster. Bolts
and rods that are to be completely withdrawn shall be coated with a non-
staining bond breaker.

External corners of columns, girders, beams, foundation wall projecting
beyond overlaying masonry, and other external corners that will be exposed
shall be chamfered, beveled or rounded, not less than 19 mm, by molding in
the forms unless the drawings specifically state that chamfering is to be

405.8.7 COATINGS
Forms for exposed surfaces shall be coated with form oil or form-release agent
before reinforcement is placed. The coating shall be a commercial
formulation of satisfactory and proven performance that will not bond with,
stain, or adversely affect concrete surfaces, and will not impair subsequent
treatment of concrete surfaces depending upon or adhesion nor impede the
wetting of surfaces to be cured with water or curing compounds. The coating
shall be used as recommended in the manufacturer’s printed or written
instructions. Forms for unexposed surfaces may be wet with water in lieu of
coating immediately before placing of concrete. Surplus coating on form
surfaces and coating on reinforcement steel and construction joints shall be
removed before placing concrete.

405.8.8 Removal of forms shall be in a manner to insure complete safety of the

structure after the following conditions have been met. Where structural as a
whole is supported on shores, forms for beam and girder sides, columns, and
similar vertical structural members may be removed after 24 hours, provided
concrete is sufficiently hard not to be injured thereby.

Supporting forms of shoring shall not be removed until structural members

have acquired sufficient strength to support safely their own weight and any
construction and/or storage load to which they may be subjected, but in no
case shall they be removed in less than 7 days, nor shall forms used for curing
be removed before expiration of curing period except as specified in paragraph
CURING. Care shall be taken to avoid spalling the concrete surface or
damaging concrete edges. Wood forms shall be completely removed.

a. Control Tests: Results of suitable control tests will be used as evidence that
concrete has attained sufficient strength to permit removal of supporting forms.
Cylinders required for control tests shall be provided in addition to those
otherwise required by the specifications. Test specimens shall be removed from

molds at end of 24 hours and stored near to the structure as possible at points of
sampling, shall receive insofar as practicable the same protection from the
elements during curing as given in those portions of the structure which they
represent, and shall not be removed form the structure for transmittal to the
laboratory prior to expiration of three-fourths of the proposed period before
removal of forms. Supporting forms or shoring shall not be removed until
control-test specimens have attained strength of at least 15.68 Mpa. The newly
unsupported portions of the structure shall not be subject to heavy construction or
material loading.

b. Tie-Rods to be entirely remove from the wall shall be loosened 24 hours after
concrete is placed, and form ties, except for a sufficient number to hold forms in
place, may be removed at that time. Ties wholly withdrawn from wall shall be
pulled toward the face that will be concealed from view in the permanent work.


Fabricated to shapes and dimensions shown and shall be placed where
indicated. Reinforcement shall be of loose or flaky rust and mill scale, or
coating, and any other substance that would reduce or destroy the bond.
Reinforcing steel reduce in section shall not be used. After any substantial
delay in the work, previously placed reinforcing steel for future binding shall
be inspected and cleaned. Reinforcing steel shall not be bent or straightened
in a manner injurious to the steel or concrete. Bars with kinks or bends not
shown on the Drawing shall not be placed. The use of heat to bend or
straighten reinforcing steel shall not be permitted. Bars shall removed as
necessary to avoid interference with other reinforcing steel, conduits, or
embedded items.

If bars are move more than one bar diameter, the resulting arrangement of bars
including additional bars necessary to meet structural requirement shall be
approved before concrete is places. In slabs, beams, and girders, reinforcing
steel shall not be spliced at points of maximum stress unless otherwise
indicated. Unless otherwise shown on the Drawing, laps or splices shall be 40
times the reinforcing bar diameter.

405.9.2 The nominal dimensions and unit weights of bar designation shall be in
accordance with the following table:

Nominal Sectional Unit Weight
Nominal Diameter Perimeter
Area (sq.mm) (Kg/m)
6 mm 18.8 28.27 0.222
10 mm 31.4 78.54 0.616
12 mm 37.7 113.10 0.888
16 mm 50.3 201.10 1.579
20 mm 62.8 314.2 2.466
25 mm 78.5 490.9 3.854

28 mm 88.0 615.7 4.833
32 mm 100.5 804.2 6.313
36 mm 113.1 1017.9 7.991
40 mm 125.7 1256.6 9.864
50 mm 157.1 1963.5 15.413

405.9.3 Wire-mesh reinforcement shall be continuous between crack control joints in

slabs on grade and shall be continuous between expansion joints in other slabs.
Laps shall be at least one full mesh plus 50 mm staggered to avoid continuous
lap in either direction, and securely wired or clipped with standard clips.

405.9.4 Dowels in slabs on grade shall be installed at right angles to construction

joints and expansion joints. Dowels shall be accurately aligned parallel to the
finished surface, and shall be rigidly held in place and supported during
placing of the concrete. One end of dowels shall be oiled or greased.

405.9.5 Tie bard on grade shall be placed at right angles to construction joints. Tie
bars shall be accurately aligned parallel to the finished surface, and shall be
rigidly held in place and supported during placing of the concrete.

405.9.6 Supports shall be provided in conformance with ACI 315 and ACI 318 unless
otherwise indicated or specified. Wire ties, when used, shall be a 16-gauge
black annealed wire and shall have end pointing away from the form.

a. For slabs on grade: Reinforcement shall be supported on pre-cast structure

units spaced at intervals required by size of reinforcement used, to keep
reinforcement the minimum height specified or indicated above the
underside of slab or footing.

b. For slabs other than on grade: Supports for which any portion will be less
than 25 mm concrete surface that will be exposed to view or painted shall
be plastic-coated steel conforming to ACI 315, stainless steel, pre-cast
concrete units, or plastic. Pre-cast concrete units shall be wedge-shaped,
not larger than 9 cm, and of thickness equal to that indicated for concrete
protection of reinforcement. The pre-cast units shall have cast-in
galvanized tie wire booked at top for anchorage and shall blend with
concrete surfaces after finishing is completed.

c. Concrete shall be of the same quality as for slabs, but with coarse
aggregate reduced. Plastic supports shall be of strength and spaced so as
not to be deformed weight to which it is subjected.

405.9.7 Welding of reinforcing bars shall only be permitted where shown; all welding
shown shall be performed in accordance with AWS D 12.1

405.9.8 Exposed reinforcement bars, dowels and plates lm13 intended for bonding
with future extensions shall be protected from corrosion.

405.9.9 Concrete Protection for Reinforcement

a. The minimum concrete cover of reinforcement shall be as indicated on the

Drawings and as shown in the table below.

b. Tolerance for Concrete Cover of Reinforcing Steel other than Tendons.

Minimum Cover Maximum Variation

7.5 cm. Or more 9 mm
less than 7.5 cm. 6 mm


405.10.1 Trial design batches and testing to meet requirements of the classes of
concrete specified shall be the responsibility of the Contractor. The design
mix shall be of consistencies specified hereafter in Test for Slump, unit
weight, and air content shall be performed in the field under the presence of
the Engineer.

405.10.2 Entrained-Air Content: Air-entrainment shall be produced by adding an air

entraining agent at the mixer. Air Content in concrete by volume shall be
maintained at 5 to 7 percent, as determined by ASTM C 231.

405.10.3 Concrete Proportioning: Samples of approved aggregate shall be obtained in

accordance with the requirements of ASTM D 75. Samples of materials other
than aggregate shall be representative of those proposed for the project and
shall be accompanied by the manufacturer’s test reports indicating compliance
with applicable specified requirements. Trial mixes having proportions,
consistencies and air content suitable for the work shall be made based on ACI
Standard 211.1 using at least three different water-cement ratios which will
produce a range of strength encompassing those required for the work. Trial
mix shall be designed for maximum permitted slump and air content. The
temperature of concrete in each trial batch shall be reported. For each water-
cement ratio at least three test cylinders for each test age shall be made and
cured in accordance with ASTM C 39. From these test results, a curve shall
be plotted showing the relationship water-cement ratio and strength.

405.10.4 Average Strength: For each portion of the structure, proportions shall be
selected so that the maximum permitted water-cement ration is no exceeded
and so as to produce an average strength to exceed the specified strength fc’
by the amount indicated below. Where production facility has a standard
deviation, record determined in accordance with ACI 214, based on 30
consecutive strength tests of similar mixture proportions as proposed it shall
be used in selecting average strength.

The average strength used as the basis for selecting proportions shall exceed
the specified strength fc’ by at least:

1. 30 kg/sq. cm. If standard deviation is less than 20 kg/sq. cm.

2. 40 kg/sq. cm. If standard deviation is 20 to 30 kg/sq. cm.

3. 50 kg/sq. cm. If standard deviation is 30 to 40 kg/sq. cm.

4. 60 kg/sq. cm. If standard deviation is 40 to 50 kg/sq. cm.

5. If the standard deviation exceeds 50 kg. Sq. cm. Or if a standard deviation

record is not available, proportions shall be selected to produce an average
strength of at least 70 kg/sq. cm. Greater than the specified strength.

405.10.5 Corrective additions to remedy deficiencies in aggregate gradation shall be

used only on written approval of the Engineer.

405.10.6 Slump: Tests shall be made in conformance with ASTM C 143, and unless
otherwise specified by the Engineer slump shall be within the following limits:

Structural Element Slump for Vibrated Concrete

Minimum Maximum
Pre-cast Concrete 5 cm 7 cm
Wall, column and grade
beam, 25cm maximum 5 cm 7 cm
All other concrete 5 cm 10 cm
Lean Concrete 10 cm 20 cm


405.11.1 The Contractor shall provide a semi-automatic or better batching plant and
concrete mixing equipment having a sufficient capacity to satisfy concrete
placement requirements.


a. Arrangement: Separate bins or compartment shall provide for each size or

classification of aggregate and for bulk Portland cement. The compartments
shall be of ample size and so constructed that the materials will be maintained
separately so that the flow of each material into its batcher is stopped
automatically when the designated weight has been reached.

b. Aggregates may be weighed in separate weigh batches with individual

scales, or cumulatively on one weigh batcher with one scale. Bulk cement
shall be weighed on a separate scale in a separate weigh batcher. Water may
be measured by weight or by volume. If measured by weight, it shall not be
weighed cumulatively with another ingredient. Batching controls shall be so
interlocked that the charging mechanism cannot be opened until the scales
have returned to zero. These requirements can be satisfied when actuated by
one or more starting mechanism.
A semi-automatic batcher control shall start the weighing operation of each
material and stop automatically when the designated weight of each material
has been reached and interlocked in such a manner that the discharge device

cannot be actuated until the indicated material is within the applicable to
tolerance. The plant shall be arranged so as to facilitate the inspection of all
operations at all times. Suitable facilities shall be provided for obtaining
representative samples of aggregate from each of the bin of compartments for
test purposes. Delivery of materials from the batching equipment shall be
within the following limits of accuracy.

Materials Percent
Cement 1
Water 1
Aggregate 2
Admixtures 3

c. Water Bather and dispenser for Admixtures: Equipment for batching water
and admixtures shall be provided at the batching plant or included with the
paving mixer or truck mixers as required for the type of plant used.

c.1 Water Batchers: A suitable water measuring device shall be provided

which will be capable of measuring the mixing water within the specified
requirements for each batch. The mechanism for delivering water to the
mixers shall be such that leakage will not occur when the values are closed.

The filling and discharge valves for the water batcher shall be so interlocked
that the discharge valve cannot be opened before the filling valve is fully

c.2 Dispensers: An accurate mechanical device for measuring and dispensing

each admixture shall be provided. Each device shall be capable of ready
adjustment to permit varying of the quantity of admixture to be batched. Each
dispenser shall be interlocked with the batching and discharging operations of
the water so that each admixture is separately batched and discharge
automatically in a manner to obtain uniform distribution throughout the batch
in the specified mixing period. When use of truck mixers makes this
requirement impracticable, the admixture dispenser shall be interlocked with
the sand batcher. Admixtures will not be combined prior to introduction into
water or sand.

d. Moisture Control: The plant shall be capable ready adjustment to

compensate for the varying moisture contents of the aggregate, and to
change the weights of the materials being batched. An electric moisture meter
shall be provided for measurement of moisture content in the fine aggregate.
The sensing element shall be arranged so that the measurement is made near
the batcher charging gate of the sand bin or in the sand batcher.

e. Scales: Adequate facilities shall be provided for the accurate

measurement and control of each of the material entering each batch of
concrete. The weighing equipment shall conform to the applicable
requirements of National Bureau of Standard Handbook 44 or other
international standard for scale except that the accuracy shall be within 0.2
percent of scale capacity. The Contractor shall provide standard test weights
and any other auxiliary equipment required for checking the operating

performance of each scale or other measuring device. Each weighing unit shall
include visible springless dial which shall indicate the scale load at all stages of
the weighing operation, or shall include a beam scale with a beam balance
indicator which will show the scale in balance at zero load and at any beam
setting. The indicator shall have an over and under travel equal to at least 5
percent of the capacity of the beam. The weighing equipment shall be
arranged so that the plant operator can conveniently observed all dials or

f. Recorders:

f.1 An accurate recorder or recorders shall produce a graphical or digital record

of the scale reading after each of the aggregates and cementing materials have
been batched prior to delivery to the mixer and after the batchers have been
discharged (return to zero reference). The weights or volume of water and
admixtures shall also be recorded if batched at a central batching plant.

f.2 The recorder shall be housed in a cabinet which shall be capable of being

f.3 The charts or tapes shall clearly indicate the different types of mixes used
by stamped letters, numerals, colored ink or by other suitable means.

f.4 The charts or tapes shall be so marked that variations in batch weights of
each type of mix can be readily observed.

f.5 The charts of tapes shall show time of day (stamped or pre-printed) at
intervals of not more than 15 minutes

f.6 The recorded charts or tapes shall become the property of the PMO.

f.7 The recorders shall be placed in a position. Convenient for observation by

the plant operator and the PMO.

f.8 All weighing, indicating, recording and control equipment shall be

sufficiently protected against exposures to dust, moisture and vibration so that
there is no interference with proper operation of the equipment.

f.9 The recorded weights or volumes when compared to the weights or

volumes actually batched shall be within the following limits of accuracy.

Materials Percent
Cement 2
Water 2
Aggregate 4
Admixtures 6


Stationary mixers, truck mixers, or paving mixers of approved design. The
mixers shall have a rated capacity of at least 0.76 cu. m. of mixed concrete,
and shall not be charged in excess of the capacity recommended by the

manufacturer. Mixers shall be capable of combining the material into a
uniform mixture and of discharging this mixture without segregation.
Stationary and paving mixers if used shall be provided with an acceptable
device to lock the discharge mechanism until the required mixing time has
elapsed. The mixing plant shall include device for automatically counting the
total number of batches of concrete mixed. The mixers shall be operated at
the drum or mixing blade speed designated by the manufacturer on the name
plate. The mixing period specified herein are predicated on proper control of
the speed of rotation of the mixer drum or blades, and on proper introduction
of the materials into the mixer. The acceptability of truck mixers will be
determined by uniformity tests as required by ASTM C 94, the mixing time
for stationary or paving mixers will be increased when such increase is
necessary to secure the required uniformity and consistency of the concrete.
Excessive over-mixing requiring additions of water will not be permitted. The
mixers and mixer drums shall be maintained unsatisfactory operating
condition and mixer shall be kept free of hardened concrete. Mixer blades
shall be replaced when worn more than 10 percent of their dept. Should any
mixer at any time produce unsatisfactory results, its use shall be promptly
discontinued until it is repaired.

a. Stationary Mixers: The mixing time for each batch after all solid materials
are in the mixer, provided that all of the mixing water is introduced before
one-fourth of the mixing time has elapsed, shall be one minute for mixers
having a capacity of 0.76 cu. m. and for mixers of larger capacities the mixing
time shall be increased by 15 second for each additional 0.76 cu. m. or fraction
thereof concrete mixed. When stationary mixer is used for partial mixing of
the concrete (shrink mixed) the mixing time in the stationary mixer may be
reduced to the minimum necessary to item the ingredients (about 30 seconds).

b. Truck Mixers: Conform to the requirements of ASTM C94 including

requirements or uniformity of concrete. When a truck mixer is used either for
complete mixing (transit mixed) or to finish the partial mixing done in a
stationary mixer, in absence of uniformity test data, each batch of concrete
shall be mixed not less than 70 nor more than 100 revolutions of the drum at
the rate of rotation designated by the manufacturer of the equipment as mixing
speed and at the capacity designated in ASTM C94. If the batch is at least
0.38 cu. m. less than the rated capacity, in the absence of uniformity test data,
the number of revolutions at mixing speed may be reduced to not less than 50.
Any additional mixing shall be done at the speed designated by the
manufacturer of the equipment at agitating speed. Each truck shall be
equipped with two counters from which it shall be possible to determine the
number of revolutions at mixing speed and the number of revolutions at
agitating speed.

c. Vehicles used in transporting materials from the batching plant to the

mixers shall have bodies or compartments of adequate capacity to carry the
materials and to deliver each batch, separate and intact to the mixer. Bulk
cement shall be transported from the batching plant to the mixers in separate
closed boxes or compartments, or shall be transported, mixed with the
aggregates or placed between layers of aggregates in batch trucks having
windproof and rain-proof covers as weather conditions require. Concrete

containing batched cement and aggregates shall be placed within the time
specified in paragraph: Time interval between mixing and placing under
paragraph PLACING CONCRETE. Serially numbered tickets shall be
provided for each delivery of batched cement and aggregates and before
discharging any batch in mixer. Tickets shall be stamped by time clock to
show date and time the loading of each truck was completed. One ticket shall
be given to the Engineer before discharging any batch into the mixer.

d. Paving Mixers used at the site of the work: For paving use, paving mixers
shall be equipped with boom and bottom-drum bucket to handle the concrete
from the mixer to the form. The bucket shall be of adequate size to handle the
complete batch of concrete mixed, and the boom shall be of sufficient length
to permit discharge of the concrete into its final position in the form. Paving
mixers may be either single compartment drum or multiple compartment drum

A sled or box of suitable size shall be attached to the mixer under the bucket
so as to catch any spillage of concrete that may occur when the mixer if
discharging into the bucket. For use other than paving, the boom is not
required; the mixer may discharge directly into the bucket to be used for final
placement. Multiple compartment drum paving mixers shall be properly
synchronized, and the mixing time shall be determined by including the time
required to transfer the concrete between compartment of the drum.

If no uniformity test data are available, the mixing time for each; batch, after
all solid materials are in the mixer drum, provided that all the mixing water is
introduced before one-fourth of the mixing time has elapsed, shall be 1 minute
for mixers having a capacity of 0.76 cu. m. and for mixers of larger capacities,
the minimum mixing times shall be increased 15 seconds for each additional
0.76 cu. m. or fraction thereof of concrete mixed.

e. Sampling: Provide suitable facilities and labor for obtaining representative

samples of concrete for the Contractor’s quality control and the Employer’s
quality assurance testing. The Contractor shall furnish all necessary platform,
tools, and equipment for obtaining samples.

405.12 JOINTS

405.12.1 No reinforcement, corner protection angles or other fixed metal items shall
be run continuous through joints containing expansion-joint filler, through
crack-control joints in slabs on grade and vertical surfaces.

405.12.2 Pre-molded Expansion Joint Filler

a. Joints with Joint Sealant: At expansion joints in concrete slabs to be

exposed, and at the other joints indicated to receive joint sealant, pre-molded
expansion-joint filler strips shall be installed at the proper level below the
elevation with a slightly tapered, dressed-and-oiled wood strip temporarily
secured to the top thereof to form a groove, when surface dry, shall be cleaned
of foreign matter, loose particles, and concrete protrusions, then filled
approximately flush with joint sealant so as to be slightly concave after dying.

b. Finish of concrete at joints: Edges of exposed concrete slabs along
expansion joints shall be nearly finished with a slightly rounded edging tool.

405.12.3 Construction Joints: Unless otherwise specified herein, all construction

joints shall be subjected to approval of the Engineer. Concrete shall be placed
continuously so that the unit will be monolithic in construction. Fresh
concrete may be placed against adjoining units, provided the set concrete is
sufficiently hard not to be injured thereby. Joints not indicated shall be made
and located in a manner not to impair strength and appearance of the structure.
Placement of concrete shall be at such rate that surfaces of concrete no carried
to joint levels will not have attained initial set before additional concrete is
placed thereon. Lifts shall terminate at such levels as are indicated or as to
conform structural requirements as directed. If horizontal construction joints
are required, a strip of 25 mm square-edge lumber, beveled to facilitate
removal shall be tacked to the inside of the forms at the construction joint.
Concrete shall be placed to a point 25 mm above the underside of the strip.
The strip shall be removed 1 hour after the concrete has been placed, any
irregularities in the joint line shall be leveled off with a wood float, and all
laitance removed. Prior to placing and additional concrete, horizontal
construction joints shall be prepared as specified in “BONDING”.

405.12.3 Crack-control joints in slabs on grade are specified in paragraph. SLAB ON


405.12.4 Water stops shall be installed so as to form a continuous water-tight

diaphragm. Adequate provision shall be made to support and completely
protect the water stops during the progress of the work. Joints and splices
shall made as follows:

Copper shall be soldered or blazed. When stainless steel is used, splicers,

shall be lapped and welded, and brazing shall be in conformance with the
manufacturer’s recommendations.


405.13.1 Slots: Adequate inserts shall be provided for anchoring members at

openings. Slots and dowels shall be provided for anchoring ends and tops of
masonry partitions abutting concrete.

405.13.2 Inserts for hangers for piping and mechanical fixtures and their installation
shall be as specified under “PLUMBING”.


Hardened concrete, debris and foreign materials shall remove from interior of forms
and from inner surface of mixing and conveying equipment. Reinforcement shall be
secured in position, and shall be inspected, and approved before placing concrete.
Runways shall be provided for wheeled concrete-handling equipment; such
equipment shall not be supported on reinforcement.


405.15.1 Concrete shall be handled from mixer to transport to place of final deposit in
a continuous manner, as rapidly as practicable and without segregation of loss
of ingredient until the approved unit of work is completed. Placing will not be
permitted when the sun, heat wind or limitations of facilities furnished by the
Contractor prevent proper finishing and curing of the concrete. Concrete shall
be placed in the forms, as close as possible in final position, in uniform
approximately horizontal layers not over 400 mm deep. Forms splashed with
concrete and reinforcement splashed with concrete of form coating shall be
cleaned in advance of placing of subsequent lifts. Concrete shall not be
allowed to drop freely more than 1.5 m. in unexposed work nor more than 1.0
m in exposed work; where greater drops are required, tremie or other approved
means shall be employed. The discharge of the tremies shall be controlled so
that the concrete may be effectively compacted into horizontal layers no more
than 400 mm thick, and the spacing of the tremies shall be such that
segregation does not occur. Concrete to receive other construction shall be
screeded to the proper level to avoid excessive shimming or grouting.
Conduits and pipes shall not be embedded in concrete unless specifically

405.15.2 Time Interval between Mixing and Placing: Concrete mix in stationary
mixers and transported by non-agitating equipment shall be placed in the
forms within 45 minutes from the tie ingredients are charged into the mixing
drum. Concrete transported in truck mixers or truck agitators shall be
delivered to the site of work discharge in the forms within 45 minutes from the
time that ingredients are discharge into the mixing drum. Concrete shall be
placed in the forms within 15 minutes after discharge from the mixer at the job

405.15.3 Hot Weather Requirements: Temperature of concrete during the period of

mixing transport and or placing shall not be permitted to rise above 16 degree
celsius. Any batch of concrete which had reached a temperature greater that
35 degree celcius any time in the aforesaid period shall not be placed but shall
be rejected, and shall not thereafter be used in any part of the permanent

a. Control Procedures: Provide water cooler facilities and procedures to

control or reduce the temperature of cement, aggregates and mixing handling
equipment to such temperature that, at all times during mixing, transporting,
handling and placing, the temperature of the concrete shall not be greater than
36 degree celsius.

b. Cold Joints and Shrinkage: Where cold joints tend to form or where
surfaces and dry too rapidly or plastic shrinkage cracks ten to appear, concrete
shall be kept moist by fog sprays and other approved means, applied shortly
after placement, and before finishing.

c. Supplementary Precautions: When the aforementioned precautions are not

sufficient to satisfy the requirements herein above, they shall be supplemented

by restricting work to evening or night. Procedure shall conform to American
Concrete Institute Standard ACI 305.

405.15.4 Earth-foundation placement: Concrete footings, exterior slabs and exterior

foundations receiving equipment to machinery shall be placed upon
undisturbed surfaces conforming to Section EXCAVATION FILLING, AND
BACKFILLING. The surfaces shall be clean free from mud and water.
Waterproof paper, polythylene sheeting of nominal 0.4mm minimum
thickness shall be laid over dry or impervious surfaces receiving concrete.
Such material is of a type specified for curing concrete except that the
polythylene sheet may be other than white. The concrete footings and exterior
slabs and foundation may be placed directly over impervious surfaces that are
thoroughly moistened by not muddy at the time concrete is placed.

405.15.5 Conveying Concrete by Chute, Conveyor or Pump: chute, conveyor, or

pump may convey Concrete if approved in writing. In requesting approval,
the Conctractor shall submit his entire plan of operation from time of
discharge of concrete from the mixer to final placement in the forms, and the
steps to be taken to prevent the formation of cold joints, in case the
transporting of concrete by chute, conveyors and pump shall be capable of
expeditiously placing concrete at the rate most advantageous to good
workmanship. Approval will not be given for chutes of conveyors requiring
changes in the concrete materials or design mix for efficient operation.

a. Chutes and Conveyors: Chutes shall be of steel or steel lined wood, round
in cross section rigid in construction, and protected from overflow. Conveyors
shall be designed and operated and chute sections shall be set to assure a
uniform flow of concrete from mixer to final place of deposit without
segregation or ingredients, loss of mortar, or change of slump. The discharge
portions of each chute or convey shall be provide with a device to prevent
segregation. The chute and conveyor shall be thoroughly cleaned before and
after each run. Waste material and flushing water shall be discharged outside
the forms.

b. When using tilted chutes, the inclination should not be flatter than (1)
vertical and two (2) horizontal. From the outlet/mouth of the chute to the
concrete surface the maximum allowable height shall be 1.50m.

c. Pumps shall be operated and maintained so that a continuous stream of

concrete is delivered into the forms without air pocket. segregation or change
in slump. When pumping is completed concrete remaining in the pipeline
shall be ejected, and wasted without contamination of concrete already placed.
After each operation, equipment shall be thoroughly cleaned and the flushing
water shall be splashed outside the forms.

405.15.6 Placing concrete through reinforcement: Where congestion of the steel or

other conditions will make placing or compactions of concrete difficult, a
layer of mortar shall be first deposited in forms to a depth of approximately 25

Mortar proportions shall be the same as the concrete minus the coarse


405.16.1 Immediately after placing, each layer of concrete vibrator supplemented by

hand spading, rodding, and tamping. Tappings or other external vibration of
forms will not be permitted unless specifically approved by the Engineer.
Vibrators shall not be used to transport concrete inside forms. Internal
vibrators submerged in concrete shall maintain speed of not less than 7,000
impulses per minute. The vibrating equipment shall be at all times being
adequate in number of units and power to properly consolidate all concrete.

405.16.2 Spare units shall be on hand as necessary to ensure such adequacy. Duration
of vibrating equipment shall be limited to time necessary to produce
satisfactory consolidation without causing objectionable segregation. The
vibrator shall not be inserted into lower coursed that have begun to set.

Vibrators shall be applied at uniformly spaced points not further apart than the
visible effectiveness of the machine.

405.17 BONDING

Before depositing new concrete on or against concrete that has set, the surfaces of the
set concrete shall be thoroughly cleaned so as to expose the coarse aggregate and be
free of laitance, coatings, foreign matter and loose particles. Forms shall be re-
tightened. The cleaned surfaces shall be moistened, but shall be without free water
when concrete is placed.


405.18.1 Capillary water barrier or sub-grade shall conform. Section EXCAVATION


405.18.2 Vapor Barrier: Immediately prior to placing concrete, the capillary water
barrier or sub-grade under slabs within the building shall be covered with a
vapor barrier. Punctures and tears shall be patched. Edges shall be lapped not
less than 100 mm and end joints shall be lapped not less than 150 mm. Edges
and lapped joints shall be sealed with a pressure sensitive tape, not less than
50 mm wide, compatible with the membrane.

405.18.3 Concrete shall be compacted, screeded to grade, and prepared for the
finish. Concrete shall be placed continuously so that each unit of operation
will be monolithic in construction. Concrete shall be placed in alternate
check-board pattern termination at crack-control joints and with construction
joints or may be placed in alternative paving lanes as limited by expansion and
contraction joints and with construction joints or provide panels of size
specified. Crack-control joints shall be expansion, contraction, or construction

joints. Joints not shown shall be located at column centerlines and at
intermediate intervals so that such panel shall not be more than 55 square
meter in area. Panels shall be approximately square with dimension of one
side not more than 7.5 meter. Forms shall remain in place for at least 12 hours
after concrete placement.

405.18.4 Construction joints may be formed by the insertion of hard-pressed

fiberboard strips inserted in the plastic concrete or may be cut with an
approved concrete-sawing matching after the concrete has set. Unless
otherwise indicated or directed, the joints shall be 3 mm wide and depth equal
to approximately `1/4 of the slab thickness or of the maximum size of the
coarse aggregated whichever is greater.

a. Fiberboard joints: Fiberboard strips shall be of the required dimensions and

as long as practicable. After the first floating, the concrete shall be grooved
with a total at the desired joint locations to a depth approximately equal to the
width of the strip. The strip shall be inserted in the groove, using a U-shape
device of sheet metal fitted over the top of the strip to maintain true alignment
until the top edge of the strip is flush with the surface of the slab.

b. When the concrete has set sufficiently to retain the strip, the sheet metal
device shall be withdrawn. The slab shall be floated and finished as specified,
using an edging tool on each side of the inserted joint strip where slabs will be
left exposed to view.

405.18.5 Sealing: Concrete joints, where sawed or formed, 13 m. shall be filled with
joint sealant except where floor covering is required.


405.19.1 Preparation: After being plumbed and properly positioned, base plates shall
be provided with full bearing with damp-pack bedding mortar, except where
expansive grout is indicated. The space between the top of concrete or
masonry bearing surfaces and the bottom of the plate shall be approximately
1/24 of the width of the plate, but not less than 13 mm for plates less than 30
cm wide. Concrete surfaces shall be rough clean free of oil, grease, and
laitance, and shall be damp. Metal surfaces shall be clean and free of oil,
grease and rust.

405.19.2 Mortar: Damp-pack bedding mortar shall consist of one-part Portland

cement and 2.5 parts of fine aggregates, suitable to the work required,
proportioned by weight and not more than 17 liters of water per bag of
cement. The space between the top of the plate shall be packed with the
bedding mortar by tamping or ramming with a bar or rod until the voids are
completely filled.

405.19.3 Expansive Grout: Grout shall derive its expansive proper ties from the
liberation of gas into the mixture during and after mixing. Thi9s includes
typically, and chemical reaction of metallic aluminum with alkali hydroxides
in solution which causes the evolution of hydrogen gas. Expansion of such
materials may be expected to continue after the gas liberating mechanism has

been exhausted or until the mixture has solidified to such an extent that the
tendency for the evolving gas to expand is effectively registered by the
stiffness of the grout.

a. When tested as provided for herein, and expansive grout shall meet the
following performance requirements:
Expansion, 28 days, % max…………..0.40
min……….…. 0.03

b. It will be the Contractor’s responsibility to supply the necessary

manufacturer’s certificates.


405.20.1 Within 12 hours after forms are removed, surface defects shall be remedied
as specified herein. Temperature of the concrete, ambient air and mortar
during remedial work including curing shall be above 10 deg, celsius. Fine
and loose material shall be removed. Honeycomb, aggregate pockets, voids
over 13 mm in diameter, and holes left by the rods or bolts shall be cut out to
solid concrete, reamed, thoroughly wetted brush-coated with neat cement
grout, and filled with mortar. Mortar shall be a stiff mix of 1 part portland
cement to not more than 2 parts fine aggregate passing the No. 16 mesh sieve,
and minimum amount of water. The color of the mortar shall be match the
adjoining concrete color. Mortar shall be thoroughly compacted in place.
Holes passing entirely through walls shall be completely filled from the inside
face by forcing mortar through to the outside face. Holes which do not pass
entirely through wall shall be packed full. Patchwork shall be finished flush
and in the same plane adjacent surfaces. Exposed patchwork shall be finish to
match adjoining surfaces in texture and color. Patchwork shall be damp cured
for 72 hours. Ambient temperature shall be not less than 10 deg. Celsius.
Dusting of finish surfaces with dry material or adding water to concrete
surfaces will not be permitted.


405.21.1 Slabs Receiving Concrete Paving: After concrete is placed and consolidated
slab shall be screeded or struck off. No further finish is required.

405.21.2 Smooth Finish: Required only where specified; screed concrete and float to
required level with no coarse aggregate visible. After surface moisture has
disappeared and laitance has been remove, the surface shall be finished by
float and steel trowel.

405.21.3 Broom Finish: Required for paving, stairs and landing; the concrete shall be
screeded and floated to required finish level with no coarse aggregate visible.
After the surface shall be float finished to an even, smooth finish. The floated
surfaces shall be broomed with a fiber bristle brush in a direction transverse to
the direction of the main traffic.

405.21.4 Tolerance: Smooth and broom finished surfaces shall be true to plane with
no deviation in excess of 3 mm in any direction when tested with a 3 m
straight edge.


405.22.1 Within 12 hours after forms are removed, surface defects shall be remedied
as specified herein. Honeycomb, aggregate, pockets, voids over 12 mm in
diameter, and holes left by the rods or bolts shall be cut out to solid concrete,
reamed, thoroughly wetted, brush-coated with neat cement grout, and filled
with mortar. Mortar shall be a stiff mix of 1 part Portland cement to not more
than 2 parts fine aggregate passing the No. 16 mesh sieve, and minimum
amount of water using white Portland cement for all or part of the cement so
that when dry, the color of the mortar shall match the adjoining concrete color.
Mortar shall be thoroughly compacted in place. Holes passing entirely
through walls shall be completely filled from the inside face by forcing mortar
through to the outside face. Holes that do not pass entirely through the wall
shall be packed full. Patch-work shall be damp-cured for 72 hours.
Protruding portions of bar supports shall be ground flush with concrete
surfaces that will be exposed, painted, or plastered directly.

405.22.2 Smooth Finish: After the above operations have been completed, smooth
finish shall be given to interior and exterior concrete surfaces that are to be
painted or exposed to view. Smooth finish shall consist of thoroughly wetting
and then brush-coating the surfaces with cement grout composed by volume of
1-part Portland cement to not more than 2 parts fine aggregate passing the No.
30 mesh sieve and mixed with water to the consistency of thick paint. White
Portland cement shall be used for all or part of the cement, proportioned by the
trial mixes, so that the final color of grout when dry, will be approximately the
same as the color of the surrounding concrete. Grout shall be cork or wood-
floated to fill all pits and air bubbles; and surfaces rubbed with burlap to
remove any visible grout film. The grout shall be kept damp by means of fog
spray during the setting period. The finish of any area shall be completed in
the same day and the limits of a finished area shall be made at natural breaks
in the finished surfaces.

405.22.3 Rough Slab Finish: Slab to receive fill and setting beds shall be screeded
with straight-edges to bring the surface to the required finish plane with no
aggregates visible.

405.22.4 Broom finish shall be given to a exterior surfaces except concrete stair
treads, entrances, and landings for buildings. The concrete shall be screeded
and floated to the required finish level with no coarse aggregate visible. After
the surface moisture has disappeared and laitance has been remove, surfaces
shall be steel-troweled to an even, smooth finish. The troweled surfaces shall
be broomed with a fiber-bristle brush in a direction transverse to that of the
main traffic.

405.23 CURING

405.23.1 Concrete shall be protected against moisture rapid temperature change,

mechanical injury from rain of flowing water, for a minimum period of time
given below:

Type I Cement 7 days

405.23.2 Concrete shall be maintained in a moist condition at temperature above 10

degree Celsius throughout the specified curing period and until remedial work
is started under paragraph FINISHES OF CONCRETE. Curing activities shall
be started as soon as free water has disappeared from the surface of the
concrete after placing and finishing. Formed under surface shall moist cure
with forms in place for the full curing period, by other approve means. Curing
shall be accomplished by any of the following methods or combination
thereof, as approved.

405.23.3 Moist Curing: Unformed surfaces shall be covered with burlap or mats,
wetted before placing and overlapped at least 150 mm. Burlap or mats shall
be kept continually wet and in intimate contact with the surface. Where
formed shall be kept continually wet. If the forms are removed before the end
of the curing period, curing shall be continued on unformed surfaces, using
suitable materials.

405.23.4 Impervious sheet Curing: All surfaces shall be thoroughly wetted with a
fine spray of water and be completely covered with waterproof paper,
polythylene sheeting or with polythylene coated burlap having the burlap
thoroughly water saturated before placing. Covering shall be laid with light-
colored side up. Covering shall be lapped not less than 300 mm and securely
weighted down or shall be lapped not less than 100 mm and taped to form a
continuous cover with completely closed joints. Sheets shall be weighted to
prevent displacement or billowing from winds. Covering shall be folded down
over exposed edges of slabs and secured by approved means. Sheets shall be
immediately repaired or replaced if tears or holes appear during the curing

405.23.5 Membrane-forming Curing Compound: Before applying curing compound,

tops of joints that are to receive sealant shall be tightly closed with temporary
material to prevent entry of the compound and to prevent moisture loss during
the curing period. The compound shall be applied on damp surfaces as soon
as the moisture film has disappeared. The curing compound shall be applied
by power spraying using a spray nozzle equipped with a wind guard. The
compound shall be applied in a two-coat, continuous operation at a coverage
of not more than 10 sq. m. per liter for each coat. When application is made
by hand sprayers the second coat shall be applied in a direction approximately
at right angles to the direction of the first coat, the compound shall form a
uniform, continuous, adherent film that shall not check, crack, or peel and
shall be free from pinholes or other imperfections. Surfaces subjected to rain
fall within 3 hours after compound has been applied, or surface damaged by
subsequent construction operations within the curing period, shall be
immediately re-sprayed at the rate specified above. Membrane forming curing

compound shall not be used on surface that depends on adhesion of bonding to
the concrete. Membrane forming curing compound shall not use on surfaces
that are maintained at curing temperature with free steam. Where membrane-
forming curing compounds are permitted, permanently exposed surfaces shall
be cured by use of a non-pigmented membrane-forming curing compound
containing a fugitive dye. Where non-pigmented type curing compounds are
used, the concrete surface shall be shaded from the direct rays of the sun for
the curing period. Surfaces coated with curing compound shall be kept free of
foot and vehicular traffic, and from other courses of abrasion and
contamination during the curing period.


Required over slabs for floor finished other than concrete are covered under other
sections of these specifications in which the floor finish is specified.


The quality of structural concrete to be paid for will be the final quantity placed and
accepted in the completed structure. No deduction will be made for the volume
occupied by pipe less than 100 mm (4 inches) in diameter or by reinforcing steel,
anchors, conduits, weep holes, or expansion joint materials.


The accepted quantities, measured as prescribed in Section 405.25, shall be paid for at
the contract unit price for each of the pay items listed below, that is included in the
Bill of Quantities. Payment shall constitute full compensation for furnishing, placing
and finishing concrete including all labor, equipment, tools and incidentals necessary
to complete the work prescribed in this item.

Payment will be under:

Item No. Description Unit of Measurement

405 (1) Concrete Class A-A Cu. m.
405 (2) Concrete Class A Cu. m.
405 (3) Concrete Class B Cu. m.
405 (4) Concrete Class C Cu. m.
405 (5) Seal Concrete Cu. m.





The Work under this Section shall include complete demolition work
timbering, clearing, grubbing, scalping, obliteration of roadways, clean up and
disposal of all debris and other objectionable matter and grading work as
directed by the Construction Officer.


Demolition in work shall consist of complete removal/demolition of the

existing office and other obstruction.

Timbering shall consist of felling and disposal of all trees specifically

indicated to be removed. No timbering shall be done until each tree to be
removed has been physically marked for removal by the Construction Officer.
Trees marked for removal shall be felled in such a manner as not to injure
other trees, fences, wires, buildings and facilities which are to remain. All
damage to remaining trees, plants or facilities resulting from such timbering
shall be repaired by the Contractor at no additional cost to the Government.
All resulting stumps shall be left clean and free from sharp protuberances and
shall not extend more than 30 cm above ground surface.

Cleaning shall consist of the removal and disposal of all stumps, vines, bush,
grass, roots, vegetation, fences, rocks, masonry and debris within the limits
and rights-of-way of the project.

Disposal of non-combustible waste shall be accomplished by removal from

job-site by the Construction Officer. In no case shall the Construction Officer,
prior to commencement of operation, or permission from the property owner,
such permission to include the site location, method of disposal and any
restrictions or conditions that may form part of the agreement between the
Contractor and the Owner. The Contractor shall save the Government from
any claim arising or resulting from such disposal operations.

Burning shall be accomplished at site without damage to nearby trees,

buildings or other facilities by flames, smoke or ash. All applicable
regulations shall be complied with such burning. Permission by the
Construction Officer to accomplish burning shall not be construed as to relieve
the Contractor of determining and complying with such regulations. All fires

shall be kept under constant and adequate attendance and fire control measures
and devices shall be sufficient in quantity to control all blazes. In the event
that conditions are unsuitable for burning waste, at the option of the
Contractor, combustible material may be disposed by other means, provided
that prior approval of the Construction Officer is obtained.

The grading work shall be done after clearing the site of stumps, roots, grass,
etc. Grading work shall be general smoothening the ground surface of the site
such as covering holes left by stumps, etc. and leveling sharp and steep grades.



Work under this section shall be subject to the requirements of applicable

paragraphs of the General Conditions of Contract.


This work includes labor, materials, and equipment necessary for excavating
and grading as required in the Drawings and as specified herein. This, in
general, includes cleaning and removal of grass, trees, and loose stones, and
excavation for foundations, footings, septic vault, and rough and finish


Backfill material shall be of the materials approved by the Construction

Officer, and Embankments shall be constructed of suitable materials, in
consonance with the following definitions:

a. Suitable Material – Material which is acceptable in accordance with the

Contract and which can be compacted in the manner specified in this Item.
It can be common material or rock. Selected Borrow, for topping – soil of
such gradation that all particles will pass a sieve with 75 mm (3 inches)
square openings and not more than 15 mass percent will pass the 0.075
mm (No. 200) sieve, as determined by ASTM C136. The material shall
have a plasticity index of not more than 6 and a liquid limit of not more
than 30 as determined by ASTM D 4318.
b. Unsuitable Material – Material other than suitable materials such as:
b.1 Materials containing detrimental quantities of organic materials, such
as grass, roots and sewerage.
b.2 Organic soils such as peat and muck.
b.3 Soils with liquid limit exceeding 80 and/or plasticity index exceeding
b.4 Soils with a natural water content exceeding 100%.
b.5 Soils with very low natural density, 800 kg/m3 or lower.
b.6 Soils that cannot be properly compacted as determined by the
Construction Officer/Engineer.


The Contractor shall stake cut lines and corners. He shall build batter
boards and shall locate first and second floor lines in relation to existing
grades. Lines and levels shall be approved by the Construction Officer or
his representative before excavation is started.
The Contractor shall construct two permanent benchmarks of previously
known elevations near the site of construction for purpose of determining
any settlement that may occur during the construction.

Excavation shall be executed in a careful manner to proper depths. No
excavation shall be carried below elevations indicated on Drawings unless
made necessary by existing conditions. Claims for extras will not be
allowed for excavations not authorized by the Construction Officer.
Excavated materials shall be transported to and placed in fill areas within
work limits. Unsatisfactory materials encountered within established
subgrades as shown or 0.30m below grade shall be replaced with
satisfactory materials as specified.
Surplus excavated materials not required for fill or embankment shall be
disposed of in designated waste or spoil areas. Unsatisfactory excavated
materials shall be disposed in designated waste or spoil areas. Excavated
materials shall be performed to provide proper drainage at all times.
Materials required for fill, in excess of that produced by excavation within
the grading limits, shall be excavated from approved borrow areas.
Excavation shall be left clean and clear of loose material.


Contractor shall do everything necessary for keeping water out of
excavations and away from building during construction.

Backfill shall be installed against foundation walls in not more than 2” or
50mm. Backfill shall be carefully tamped. Debris shall not be used for

Finish grading shall include areas with limits shown on plot plan. Grades
shall be reformed to easy contours in accordance with Drawings.


Whenever the Scope of Work includes soil poisoning, the work shall include
furnishing of labor, materials, and equipment to complete all poisoning works.

Soil Poisons, Soil poisons shall be water-based emulsions.

Any of the following may be used:
1. Chlordane - 1% Concentration
2. Benzene Hexachloride - 0.8% Gamma Isomer Concentration
3. Dieldrin - 0.5% Concentration
4. Aldrin - 0.5% Concentration
5. Heptachlor - 0.5% Concentration


A sample of the concentrated toxicant shall be tested.
At least two samples of working solution shall be tested for every 10,000
square feet or 1,000 square meters of treated area.

Samples shall be submitted, analyzed and tested by an approved testing

laboratory. Tests shall be paid for by the Contractor. The results shall be
submitted to the Construction Officer.


Chemicals shall be delivered to the job site in factory sealed containers
with the manufacturer’s brand and name clearly marked.

Chemicals shall be stored, handled, and applied in accordance with the

directions in the manufacturer’s label.


A general survey and through examination of the entire premises shall be
undertaken in order to fully understand all existing conditions and to
determine the location and existence of subterranean termite colonies.

Soil poison working solution shall be applied by means of pressure spray,
soil injector, or when specified by direct pouring.

Live termite mounds found within the premises shall be exterminated by

destroying the mounds and/or introducing soil poison working solution
into mounds.
Soil poisoning work shall not begin until all preparations for slab
placement have been completed.

Soil poisons shall not be applied when soil of fill is excessively wet or
immediately after heavy rains to avoid surface flow of soil poison solution
from the application site.

After grading and leveling the soil in the ground, gravel bed shall be set
preparatory to the pouring of concrete at every 10.76 sq.ft. (Square Meter)
floor footing area shall be flooded or soaked with soil poison working

Every 3.28 linear feet (linear meter) of excavation for footing retaining
wall and other foundation work shall be thoroughly drenched and saturated
with soil poison working solution before pouring of concrete.

The solution shall be applied to all areas immediately below expansion

joints, control joints and all areas where slab will be penetrated by pipe
and other construction features.

Masonry wall resting on grades shall have their voids treated with 1 gallon
of soil poison working solution per 5 linear feet (1.52 linear meter) of wall.
Poison shall be poured directly into below spaces.
Prior to landscaping of lawn, every linear meter of building perimeter and
of three-meter width shall be saturated with soil poison working solution.

Earth fill shall be treated thoroughly. As soon as fill is compacted and

leveled, every one square meter area shall be drenched with soil poison
working solution.

Upon completion and acceptance of the work, the Owner shall be
furnished with a written guarantee stating that termite control is guaranteed
for a period of 10 years and that regular inspections are to be done by the
guarantor to ensure the quality of their work.



The Contractor shall furnish all labor, materials, equipment and incidentals
necessary for the supply, delivery and placement of topsoil and sodding, and
shall maintain all planted areas up to the termination of Contract.
All exposed areas and unpaved within the limits of the perimeter fence shall
be final graded with topsoil and sodded as specified herein except where noted
otherwise on the Drawings.


The contractor shall submit to the Construction Officer for approval

representative samples of topsoil to be used prior to any topsoil haulage.
Topsoil delivered to the site that is in the opinion of the Construction Officer
as inferior to the approved submitted samples shall be removed and disposed
of offsite at no cost to the Owner.
The Construction Officer may request submittal of sod samples for approval
or may elect to inspect the place of sod procurement.



Topsoil shall be natural fertile soil containing a large amount of humus or
organic matter, add shall be representative of soils in the locally capable of
supporting a luxuriant plant growth.

The topsoil shall be reasonably free from clay, brush, weeds, roots, general
debris, stones and any objects larger than 25mm in diameter.


Weed eradicator and soil fumigant shall be sodium methyl ditch carbonate
for eradication of weeds, geminating weed seeds, fungi, insects and soil
pests. Strength or dosage application shall be as recommended by the
manufacturer. Soluble fertilizer shall be standard.

Soluble fertilizer shall be standard commercial complete fertilizer
containing nitrogen, phosphorus, and potash in 10-10-10 to 10-12-10
percent by weight minimum ratio, respectively, and shall be readily
soluble in water.

Urea fertilizer shall be standard Fertilizer commercial type, and shall
conform to the following specification:

Total nitrogen ------------- 38 percent minimum

A.I. value ------------------- 47-55 percent

Urea nitrogen ------------- 5 percent maximum
Particle size ----------------All material shall pass 10-mesh sieve
Less than 1 percent may be retained.

Sod shall consist of a heavy thickly matted growth of living grass that is
relatively dormant during the dry season, but capable of renewed growth
thereafter. Sod shall be free of weeds or undesirable plants, large stones,
or other objects larger than 25mm in diameter. When the sod is procured
grass height shall not exceed 120mm. And there shall be sufficient soil
adhering to the roots to support grass growth.


After areas to be topsoil have been Preparation cleared, grubbed and/or
brought to grades shown on the Drawings, but prior to dumping and
spreading of the topsoil, the entire area shall be inspected and approved by
the Construction Officer. All areas found excessively compacted.
Irrespective of the cause shall be loosened to a depth of at least 150mm to
permit bonding with the topsoil.


b.1 Placing
Topsoil shall not be placed when the surged is excessively wet,
extremely dry, or where the areas have not been finally graded. The
topsoil shall be dumped in piles uniformly spaced and shall be spread
evenly over the entire area to provide a minimum depth of 150mm.
Low spots, pockets or ridges in the surface that will cause the
accumulation or pounding of water shall be filled and regraded to a
uniform slope as indicated on the Drawings.
b.2 Cleanup
After the topsoil has been spread and graded as required the surface
shall be raked clear of all large stones, roots and other loose material
which shall be gathered and disposed of offsite. Topsoil and other
extraneous material spilled on paved areas shall be promptly swept up
and removed.

b.3 Compaction
Topsoil shall be compacted with alight roller to a depth of about
100mm. Any erosion, irregularity of grade, or damage to the surface of
the topsoil shall be repaired to the satisfaction of the Construction
Officer prior to any sodding work.

b.4 Weed Eradication and Soil Fumigation

Topsoil shall be maintained in a moistened condition by fine spraying
without pudding or erosion to the desired depth for a period of five (5)
to seven (7) days. This is to stimulate the germination of weed seeds.
Weed eradicator and soil fumigant shall then be applied at the rate of
one (1) liter to 55-110 liters of water for every 10 square meters.

b.5 Pre-Fertilization
Not less than 15 days after the applicant of the weed eradicator and soil
fumigant, soluble fertilizer shall be uniformly spread at a rate of 2
kilograms of 10-10-10 fertilizer per 100 square meters of topsoil.
After spreading, the pre-fertilizer shall be kept well moistened without
puddles or erosion until the fertilizer has been dissolved. Pre-
fertilization shall be applied to all areas prepared for sodding.

Sod shall be cut into squares or into rectangular sections. Rectangular
sections may vary in length but shall be of equal width and of a size that
will permit lifting and rolling without breaking. Care shall be exercised to
retain native soil on the roots during the process of stripping, transporting
and planting. Dumping from vehicles will not be permitted. During
delivery and while in stacks, sod shall be kept moist. Sod damaged by
handling or by other causes will be rejected.

The surface of the area to be sodded shall be loosened and brought to a

reasonably fine texture to a depth of approximately 20mm. The bed upon
which the sod is to be placed shall be moistened to the loosened depth, if

not naturally, sufficiently moist, and the sod shall be placed thereon within
24 hours after having been out.

Sod shall be laid smoothly, edge to edge with staggered joints. Sod shall
be pressed firmly into contact with the bed so as to eliminate all air
pockets, provide a true and even surface and ensure knitting without
displacement of the sod or determination of the surfaces of sodded areas.

Unless otherwise required the sod on slopes shall be laid horizontally

beginning at the bottom of the slopes and working upwards when placing
sod occur checks or similar constructions, the length of the strips shall be
laid at right angles to the direction of flow of the water. On all slopes
steeper than one vertical to three horizontal the sod shall be pegged with
stakes, 200-300mm in length, spaced as required by the nature of the soil
and the steepness of slope. Stakes shall be driven flush with the bottom of
grass blades.

After the sodding operation has been completed, the areas shall be rolled
lightly to obtain an even surface free from depressions and high points.
Edges shall be trimmed and true to line and grade indicated on the

After placing and rolling, the sodded areas shall be soaked with water to a
depth at about 50mm and thereafter shall be watered as required to
establish and maintain plant growth.
Any area that becomes guilded or otherwise damaged shall be repaired to
the satisfaction of the Construction Officer.

Thirty days after sodding, urea fertilizer shall be applied uniformly at a

rate of 5 kilograms of fertilizer per 100 square meters of area. After
application, the area shall be kept well moistened.

The Contractor shall maintain the sodded area as required and as directed
by the Construction Officer up to the date of completion of the Contract.
Maintenance shall include watering, fertilizing, weeding, cutting, repairing
and replacement.

The Contractor is expected to turn over the site with a heavy, uniform,
grass cover free of weeds of any other objectionable plant growth.

Any area that becomes guilded or otherwise damaged shall be repaired to

the satisfaction of the Construction Officer. Areas where sodding does not
provide a satisfactory growth shall be replaced with new topsoil and
sodding as required.

The sodded areas shall be routinely watered as required.

Sodded areas shall be protected against vehicular/pedestrian traffic or

other construction activity by means of barricades shall remain in place
until final acceptance.



Whenever Concrete Culvert Pipes are indicated in the Plans, this work shall
consist of furnishing reinforced and non-reinforced concrete culvert pipes of
the sizes and dimensions indicated on the drawings, conforming to the
specifications and the directions of the Construction Officer.


The fabrication of the pipes shall conform to the specification of ASHO

Designation M 170. The Construction Officer reserves the right to inspect and
test the pipes delivered for use in the work. Defects that are discovered after
acceptance of delivery of the pipes but before installation of the pipe shall be
cause for rejection without additional cost to the Government. Mortar for pipe
joints shall be composed of one (1) part Portland cement and two (2) parts
sand, and shall conform to the requirements of item RC 100: Plain and
Reinforced Concrete.


Trenching for concrete culvert pipes shall conform to, and shall be payable
under, item EX 100: Excavation. The pipe trench shall be excavated to the
depth, grade and width established by the Construction Officer. In material
considered satisfactory by the Construction Officer, the pipes may be laid
directly on the trench bed shaped to the form of the pipes for at least 10 per
centum of their outside diameters. In rock or hardpan and other material
considered unsatisfactory by the Construction Officer, the trench bed shall be
excavated 30 centimeters deeper and the required selected or granular material
shall be laid to bed the pipes. In preparing the pipe bed, recesses for pipe bells
shall be provided. Pockets of unsuitable material shall be removed and
replaced with approved selected or granular material.

Pipes shall be carefully laid, with hubs up-graded, ends fully and closely joint,
true to the lines and grades required. After one length of pipe is laid, the lower
portion of the hub shall be primed with mortar on the inside sufficient enough
to bring the inner surfaces of the next pipe flushed and even those of the
previous one. The remainder of the joint on the inside shall then be filled with
mortar and then struck off to a smooth finish. The outside of the joint shall
also be filled with mortar, and excess mortar shall be used to form a bead all
around the outside of the joint. After the initial set of the outside mortar, it
shall be protected from air and sun by thoroughly wetted burlap or earth.

The pipes shall be tested for undue settlement and for water tightness of joints,
before backfilling the trench. Unsatisfactorily work shall be corrected without
additional cost to the Government. Backfilling shall conform to, and shall be
payable under, item BF 100: Filling and Backfilling. The mortar joints shall
have set sufficiently prior to backfilling. Backfilling shall be brought up, in
uniform 15-centimeter layer on both side and over the line of pipes, to the

finished grade. Compaction shall be accompanied by sprinkling with water to
obtain at least 95% relative compaction.


For purposes of progress payments, concrete pipes installed complete in place

in accordance with drawings, these specifications, or as directed by the
Construction Officer shall be paid for the total length in linear meters
according to size and kind, measured along the axis of the pipes.

The quantities measured as provided above and accepted for payment shall be
paid for the purposes of progress payments only at the unit price per linear
meter of the kind and size of concrete pipes, in which price and payments shall
constitute full compensation for furnishing or manufacturing of the pipes, for
hauling and installing, for bedding and jointing, and for all other headwalls
and other structures are excluded from the payment prescribed herein. Final
payment shall not exceed the total amount for this work item shown in the
Proposal Schedule.

When the Proposal Schedule does not provide separate payment for work
herein specified, full compensation therefore shall be considered as included
in the lump sum contract price for Exterior Drainage System within the
purview of items PS 100.



Whenever Roadways and Paving are called for in the Plans, the Contractor
shall furnish all labor, materials, equipment and incidentals for the
construction of new pavement, sidewalks, gutters and curbs, and for the
restoration of existing pavement, sidewalks, gutters and curbs, as shown on the
Drawings and as specified herein. The Construction Officer may direct the
Contractor to excavate and repave additional areas to those indicated.


Except as otherwise specified herein, materials and construction shall be in

accordance with the “Republic of the Philippines, Department of Public
Highways, General Specifications for Roads and Bridges, 1976.”

ASTM D1559 Resistance to Plastic Flow of Bituminous Mixture Using

Marshall Apparatus.


Granular subbase and base course materials shall be as specified under Items
300, 301, and 302 of the General Specifications. Grading requirements shall
be as follows:

Sub-base Standard Sieve Size Percent Passing

75.00 mm 100
37.50 mm 80 - 100
9.50 mm 45 - 100
4.75 mm 30 - 85
2.00 mm 15 - 65
0.425 mm 5 - 35
0.075 mm 0 - 15

Base Standard Sieve Size Percent Passing

25.00 mm 100
19.00 mm 75 - 100
7.75 mm 40 - 60
2.00 mm 25 - 45
0.425 mm 2 - 25
0.075 mm 5 - 12

Concrete shall meet the requirements for structural concrete.

For asphalt concrete, under Item 401 of General Specifications, aggregate

grading shall be Class B. Test specimens of the job-mix formula shall be
prepared and tested in accordance with the design procedures given for the
Marshall Method of Mix design, and shall meet the requirements given below
when tested in accordance with ASTM D1559.

Marshall Stability N 3300 min

Flow, 0.25 mm 8 - 46
Percent voids in total mix 3-5
Use 75-blows/end compaction

The job-mix formula shall be submitted for the Construction Officer’s

approval that may change the aggregate grading and bitumen content to
improve the quality of the mix.

For Gravel surfacing material, under Item0 407 of General Specifications 1

grading requirements shall be as follows:
Standard Sieve Size Percent Passing
25.00 mm 100
19.00 mm 85 - 100
9.50 mm 60 - 100
4.75 mm 50 - 85
2.00 mm 40 - 70
0.425 mm 25 - 45
0.075 mm 10 - 25

Following clearing, grubbing and preparation stripping of topsoil the
subgrade shall be prepared by sprinkling and rolling with a steel roller
until the subgrade is completed to 90 percent of optimum. Subgrade in cut

areas shall be scarified to a depth of 0.15 m and recompacted at a moisture
content slightly above the optimum.

Areas that require common fill to raise to sub-grade elevations shown on

the Drawings shall be filled except that no lift shall be thicker than 150

Where existing sub-grade materials have been disturbed, or are in the

opinion of the Construction Officer unsuitable for subgrade, the materials
shall be removed as directed and shall be replaced with common fill and
shall be compacted.

No subbase material for new restored pavement shall be placed until the
Construction Officer has inspected and approved the subgrade.


Aggregate Base Course shall be placed and compacted as shown on the
Drawings, and as required in - Aggregate Base Course.

The finish base course shall not vary more than 1.5 centimeters above or
below the set grade at any point. Any area that does not conform to the
grading requirements shall be reworked and recompacted.


See - Portland Cement Concrete Pavement.

All sidewalks disturbed during the course of the work shall be restored to
their original condition. New sidewalks shall be 21 Map concrete.

New concrete pavement shall be in accordance with - Concrete of the

General Specifications.

Concrete pavement to be removed shall be up to vent lines cut by an

abrasion saw. Where existing reinforcing steel is removed it shall be
replaced with equivalent steel bars.
Concrete curbs and gutters shall be constructed as indicated on plans. All
exposed concrete edges shall be finished with an edging tool having a 1-
cm radius.



Whenever indicated in the plans, this work shall consist of concrete curb or
combined curb and gutter, constructed at the locations and to the dimensions,
shape shown on the drawings and specified herein or as directed by the
Construction Officer.


Concrete shall be of the class of strength shown on the drawings and shall
conform to the requirements of Plain and Reinforced Concrete. Pre-molded
filler for expansion joints shall conform to the specifications of AASHO M-33
and poured filler for intermediate construction joints shall be of mixed asphalt
and mineral filler or mixed asphalt and rubber filler conforming to the
specifications of AASHO M-89, with asphalt having a penetration (77 F,
100gr., 5 specs.) within the range of 30 to 50 and a softening point of not less
o o
than the range of 30 to 50 and a softening point of not less than 90 C (200 F).
Steel reinforcement, if any, shall conform to the specifications of ASTM
Designation: A615, Grade 40.


Formwork for concrete placing shall be constructed upon the prepared base
previously completed in accordance with the requirements of Aggregate Base
Course. Forms shall be smooth on the side placed next to the concrete and
shall have a true smooth upper edge. The depth of forms for back of curbs
shall be equal to the full depth of the curb, and the depths of the face of the
forms for curbs shall be equal to the full-face height of the curb. Forms shall
be rigid enough to withstand the pressure of fresh concrete without distortion,
and shall be thoroughly cleaned and coated with form oil to prevent adherence
of concrete. Setting of forms shall conform to the required dimensions and to
the alignment and grade shown on the drawings. Stakes shall be positioned to
hold the form rigidly in place and clamps, spreaders, and braces shall be
additionally placed where necessary to enhance rigidly in the forms. Benders
or thin plank forms cleaned together may be used on curves, grade changes, or
for curb returns. In constructing curbs, entrances shall be provided for
driveways, with dimensions shown on the drawings or designated by the
Construction Officer. Dowels and reinforcements shall be of the size, shape
and spacing shown on the drawings.

The curb and gutter shall be constructed in uniform segments not more than 5
meters in length, except where shorter segments are required to coincide with
the location of weakened plane or contraction joints in the adjacent concrete
pavement, or for closure, but no segment shall be less than 2 meters long. The
poured joint shall be formed by sheet templates that will give the required
joint thickness and that are cut to the cross-section of the curb or the combined
curb or gutter. The templates are set carefully normal to the line of curb and
to plane of gutter and held firmly in place until the concrete has set sufficiently
to hold its shape. They are removed shortly after the curb face form is
removed, but before all the other forms are removed. Expansion joints shall
be formed with pre-molded joint maternal, likewise placed normal to line or
curb and to plane of gutter, cut and shaped to the cross-section of the curb and
gutter, and positioned at locations shown on the drawings.

Concrete shall be placed and consolidated in the forms without segregation.

Prior to the removal of the forms, the surface of concrete shall be shaped true
to grace by means of a straight edge float preferably 3 meters long, operated
longitudinally over the surface of the concrete. For clamps and braces shall

have been so positioned as not to interfere with the operation of this float.
Immediately after the removal of the front curb forms, the face of the curb
shall be floated and trowelled smooth. No plastering will be permitted and the
finishing shall be accomplished by simply floating the green concrete,
accompanied by careful wetting. Minor defects shall be repaired with mortar
containing one part Portland cement and two parts of fine aggregate. Corners
and edges shall be rounded to the radii shown on the drawings. Surface
irregularities in excess of 6 millimeters in 3 meters shall be considered as
cause for rejection of segment, which shall be removed and replaced without
additional cost to the government.

Removal of the rest of the forms may be done after 24 hours that the concrete
is placed, but proper protection shall be made by the Contractor to prevent
injury or damage to the finished concrete. After finishing and sufficient
hardening to the concrete curb or the combined concrete curb and gutter,
curing shall be immediately done by any method specified under Plain and
Reinforced Concrete. Backfilling next to the curb shall be performed and paid
for under the provisions of Filling and Backfilling.


For purposes of progress payments, the quantity to be paid for shall be the
total length in linear meters of concrete curb and gutter, completed and
measured in place. Measurement shall be made along the face of the curb,
whether the portion being measured is straight or curved. No deductions shall
be made for flattening of curbs at entrances.
The quantity of curb or combined curb and gutter as measured above shall be
paid for purposes of progress payments only at the unit price bid per linear
meter, in which price and payment shall constitute full compensation for all
materials, labor, plant, equipment, tools and incidentals necessary to complete
the work. Inclusive of form work, concrete placing, finishing, shaping, curing,
joining, etc. Final payment shall not exceed the total amount for this work
item as shown in the Proposal Schedule.


See Scope of work A. Construction of Open Canal Item 405 Concrete Works.


See Scope of work B. Construction of 60m Concrete Box Culvert SPL-3 Reblocking of
Demolished Pavement.



A. Scope of Work

This section shall include the mobilization and demobilization of Contractor's plant,
equipment, materials and employee to the site; construction/ rental and maintenance
of Engineer's staff house, and service vehicle in compliance with the contract
requirements during the entire project duration.

This section shall include the furnishing of labor, materials, transportation, tools,
supplies, plant, equipment and appurtenances to complete satisfactorily the
construction of the proposed project.

B. Mobilization and Demobilization

The Contractor upon receipt of the Notice-to-Proceed shall immediately mobilize and
transport his plant, equipment, materials and labor forces to the site and demobilize or
remove the same at the completion of project and level/ clear the site acceptable to the
Engineer and the Owner.

Mobilization and Demobilization are incidental to other items of work and will not be
measured for payment.

C. Facilities for the Engineer’s Staff House

A.1Staff House for the Engineer (DOTr–PMO)

During the performance of the contract, the Contractor shall provide and maintain
field office for the Engineer and Engineer’s representative within the site of the
work at designated location indicated on the Drawings while the work is in

The Contractor shall also maintain the existing staff house of the Engineer and
shall also provide and maintain a separate office on rental basis for the Engineer’s
Representative at location approved by the Engineer during the entire duration of
the contract.

Construction shanties, sheds and temporary facilities provided as required for the
Contractor's convenience shall be maintained in good condition and neat
appearance including finishes as required by the Engineer.

The field office for the Engineer/Engineer’s representative shall be constructed all
in accordance with the Standard Specification and design shown on the approved

The building shall have the floor area prescribed on the Plans and shall have a 24-
hour security services and shall strictly comply with the provisions of Batas
Pambansa 344 (Accessibility Law) and the Building National Code.

All facilities to be provided by the Contractor shall conform to the best standard
for the required types. The facilities provided by the Contractor including utilities
and communication facilities shall revert to the Government including office
equipment, furniture, etc. upon completion of the Project.

The Contractor shall be responsible for raising the ground (if necessary), the
grading and provision of drainage facilities in the vicinity of the facility with
suitable access walkways, seeding and sodding of the ground as directed and
approved by the Engineer. Also, the Contractor shall provide a parking area at the
compound near the building and a satisfactory access road to the parking area. The
Contractor shall be responsible for the maintenance and protection of all facilities
to be provided during the entire duration of the Contract including provision of
adequate stock of all expendable items, such as light bulbs, light tubes, laboratory
equipment and supplies, etc., at all times to ensure proper and continuous
functioning of all the Engineer’s facilities.

The buildings shall be provided with air-conditioning system, complete with all
standard accessories which will operate on a 220 volt, 60 cycle, 3-phase current at
the location and quantity/capacity reflected per approved Plans which can cool
and dehumidify the air.

It shall be understood that if the Contractor cannot provide the articles as

described or intends to supply equivalent substitutes, the Engineer may execute
their availability and the Contractor shall pay therefore as certified by the
Engineer or the Engineer shall have the right to deduct the sums from any money
which is due or which will become due to the Contractor.

A.2Temporary Light and Power

The Contractor shall provide and maintain temporary electrical service including
installation of temporary power and lighting within the construction site and
facilities constructed thereat.

The electrical services shall be adequate in capacity to supply power to

construction tools and equipment without over-loading the temporary facilities
and shall be made available to supply power, lighting and construction operations
of all trades. All temporary equipment and wiring for power and lighting shall be
in accordance with the applicable provisions of the local governing codes. At the
completion of the construction work, all temporary wiring, lighting, equipment
and devices shall be removed.

A.3Temporary Toilets
The Contractor shall provide and maintain in sanitary condition enclosed toilets
for the use of all construction personnel located within the contract limits,
complete with fixtures, water and sewer connections and all appurtenances.
Installation shall be in accordance with all applicable codes and regulations of the

local authorities having jurisdiction thereof. Upon completion of the work,
temporary toilet and their appurtenances shall be removed.

A.4Temporary Water Service

The Contractor shall provide and maintain temporary water supply service,
complete with necessary connections and appurtenances. Installed water supply
lines shall be used as a source of water for construction purposes subject to the
approval of the Engineer. The Contractor shall pay the cost of operation,
maintenance and restoration of the water system.

All temporary water service including equipment and piping shall be removed
upon completion of the work and all worn out and damaged parts of the
permanent system shall be replaced and restored in first class condition equal to


The Contractor shall provide sufficient security in the construction site to prevent
illegal entry or work damaged during nights; holidays and other period when work
is not executed; and during working hours. The Contractor shall take ample
precautions against fire by keeping away flammable materials, and ensure that
such materials are properly handled and stored. Fires shall not be allowed within
the area of construction, except when permitted by the Engineer.

A.6Disposal Area

The proposed location of disposal area shall be at the site designated by the
Engineer. It is the responsibility of the Contractor to disposed off site all
construction debris and be considered in the preparation of his proposal.

D. Service Vehicle for the Engineer

The Contractor shall provide within ten (10) calendar days after notice to commence
work of service vehicle of at least 2020 model, air-con, in good running condition and
updated registration driven by a competent qualified and experienced driver for the
exclusive use of the Engineer.

The vehicles shall comply in all respects with all relevant Philippine national or local
laws, statutes and regulations. All vehicles shall carry or be fitted with the accessories
as may be prescribed by laws and have comprehensive insurance.
The Contractor shall maintain the vehicles in good running condition and shall be
supplied with appropriate fuel, lubricants and servicing driver at all times as well as
minor repair at all times at his own expense. Provide the minimum liters of fuel per
day indicate on the Specifications - Scope of Work under the Temporary Facilities.

He shall provide equivalent substitute vehicles when taken out of service for
maintenance, repair or any other reason. Unless otherwise specified, the vehicles shall
at the end of the contract become the property of the Procuring Entity.

E. Measurement and Payment

A.1Staff House for the Engineer

Maintenance of Staff House for the Engineer

The maintenance of staff house for the Engineer shall include provision of water
and electricity 24 hours daily and shall be paid for from the date the Engineer’s
representative’s occupancy reckoned from the commencement of the Works until
completion of the contract. Unit of measurement and payment is “Month”.

A.2Service Vehicle for the Engineer

Payment of the service vehicle for the Engineer shall be on a rental basis
(“Vehicle-Daily”) from the date the Contractor is supplied with each type of
vehicle until the completion of the Project.


Payment shall be made under the following pay items included in the Bill of
Quantities. Such payments shall be full compensation for furnishing, maintaining
and insuring against loss of the facilities and equipment specified including
removal and restoration of the site(s). The requirement that ownership of facilities
shall revert to the government shall not apply if such facilities are provided on
rental basis under terms approved by the Procuring Entity.

For all work executed or goods, materials, or services supplied by the Contractor
under lump sum items, the quantities as determined above shall be paid for at the
appropriate contract lump sum unit price as indicated in the Bid Schedule.

Temporary Facilities
SPL– 4 (Staff House and Service l.s.


See Scope of work C. General Requirements SPL-5 Provision of Office Supplies,
Consumables, Equipment and Appliances.


This Section includes mobilization, demobilization, assembly and disassembly of

equipment including incidentals necessary to complete the work.


a. The Contractor shall mobilize and put into operation all equipment to undertake
the Contract.

b. Mobilization shall include the transferring to the job-sites of all equipment,

supplies and materials, personnel, and all items necessary for the execution and
completion of the work, and shall also include the setting up of all equipment,
instruments and all other plants until rendered operable, subject to the
confirmation of the Engineer.

c. Sufficient supply of spares for the equipment and plants shall be carried on
board the towing/carrying vessels. Equipment/plants encountering breakdowns
must be repaired on site by the most expeditious method possible at no cost to
DOTr. In the event that the equipment/plants call for major repair works that
cannot be undertaken at the site, the Contractor shall replace such equipment /
plants with equal or better performance capacity at no additional mobilization
costs to DOTr and the Contractor shall not be entitled to any time extension.

Demobilization upon request of the Contractor and approved by the Engineer, shall
include the following:

a. The dismantling, preparation and loading for removal and shipment of all
Contractor's equipment and personnel at each site after completion of the works.

b. Transportation of all the above equipment and materials from each site to the
Contractor's home station or somewhere else outside the sites.

c. Removal of all supplementary markers furnished and installed by the

Contractor, provided that the Engineer has not taken the option to retain the

d. The clean- up of the Site and the removal of materials, debris, waste, etc.,
and making good damages or temporary alterations.


Payment for this item includes the expenses incurred by the Contractor for moving-in
of minimum major equipment and/or plant required for the project and moving out of
the same after final acceptance of the work including cleaning-up. A list of equipment
showing the detailed cost for its mobilization and demobilization works shall be
included in the bid amount for this item.


See Scope of work C. General Requirements SPL-7 Project Billboard.



In compliance with Section 17 of DOLE D.O. No. 13, the implementation of construction
safety shall be considered in all stages of project procurement (design, estimate, and
construction) and its cost shall be integrated to the overall project cost under Pay Item "SPL-
Construction Safety and Health" as a lump sum amount, to be quantified in the detailed
estimate. Likewise, all requirements, provisions, and instructions pertaining to the
implementation of Construction Safety and Health in every project shall be included in the
project bidding documents specifically under the Instructions to Bidders. Further considering
industry practices and applicable government requirements, the following guidelines are
hereby issued to all concerned:

As used herein, the terms below shall be defined as follows:

A.1 Occupational Safety and Health - As defined is the:

1. Promotion and maintenance of the highest degree of physical, mental, and

social well-being of workers in all occupation;
2. Prevention among its workers of any departures from health caused by
their working conditions;
3. Protection among workers in their employment from risk usually from
factors adverse to health; and,
4. Placing and maintenance of worker in an environment adopted to his/her
psychological ability.

A.2 Occupational Safety and Health Standard (OSHS)

By the powers vested in the Department of Labor and Employment under

Article 162 of the Labor Code of the Philippines, the Occupational Safety and
Health Standards (OSHS) was promulgated for the guidance and compliance
of all concerned with the main objective of protecting every workingman
against the dangers of injury, sickness or death through safe and healthful
working conditions, thereby assuring the conservation of valuable manpower
resources and the preservation of loss or damage to lives and properties,
consistent with national development goals and with the State's commitment
for the development of every worker as a complete human being.

Likewise, further described as: rules and regulations implementing Article 162
(Safety and Health Standards), Book IV, Title I, P. 0.442; set of mandatory
OSH standards which codifies all safety orders being enforced prior to its
promulgation; and - contains administrative requirements, general safety and
health rules, technical safety regulations, and other measures to eliminate or
reduce OSH hazards in the work place.

A.3 Construction Safety and Health Standards - shall mean Rule 1410,
Construction Safety and other relevant rules of the Occupational Safety and
Health Standards (as amended) of the Department of Labor and Employment

A.4 Construction Safety and Health Program - refers to a set of detailed rules to
cover the processes and practices that should be utilized in a specific
construction site in conformity with the OSHS including the personnel
responsible and the penalties for violations thereof.

A.5 Construction Safety and Health Officer - refers to safety personnel or any
employee/worker trained by his employer to implement occupational safety
and health programs in accordance with the provisions of DOLE D.O. No. 13
and the Occupational Safety and Health Standards (OSHS).

A.6 Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) and Devices - are equipment and
devices designed to protect employees from workplace injuries or illness
resulting from contact with chemical, radiological, physical, electrical,
mechanical, or other workplace hazards. It also includes variety of devices and
garments such as face shields, safety glasses, hard hats, safety shoes, goggles,
coveralls, gloves, vests, earplugs, respirators, safety harness and lifelines.

The purpose of these guidelines is to establish a uniform methodology in estimating
the required resources (manpower and equipment) for the implementation of
Construction Safety and Health Standards in the workplace in compliance with the
provisions of DOLE D.O. No. 13.

The minimum construction safety and health requirements for project shall be
prepared during the detailed engineering stage.

In order to establish a uniform basis for estimating the required quantity of resources
(manpower and equipment) for a project the following methodology shall be used.

C.1 Construction Safety and Health Program (CSHP)

Section 5 of the DOLE D.O. NO.13 provides that every construction project
shall have a suitable Construction Safety and Health Program (CSHP).

For the purpose of these guidelines, all projects regardless of amount, funding
source and mode of implementation shall comply with the minimum safety
and health requirements.

The contractor's proposed CSHP shall be in accordance with DOLE D.O. No.
13, series of 1998 and its Procedural Guidelines to be submitted as part of the
first envelope (Technical Proposal) during the bidding process and later the
winning bidder shall submit the same for approval of the DPWH authority,
subject to concurrence by DOLE-BWC.

For project to be implemented by administration, a CSHP shall also be

prepared by the DPWH Implementing Office in accordance with the
requirements of DOLE D. O. No. 13, s. of 1998 and likewise it shall also be

submitted to DPWH authority for approval and thereafter to be concurred also
by the DOLE-BWC.

The required Construction Safety and Health Program (CSHP) for specific
project shall include but not limited to the following:

1. Composition of the Safety and Health personnel responsible for the proper
implementation of CSHP;
2. Specific safety policies which shall be undertaken in the construction site,
including frequency of and persons responsible for conducting toolbox and
gang meetings;
3. Penalties and sanctions for violations of the Construction Safety and
Health Program;
4. Frequency, content and persons responsible for orienting, instructing and
training all workers at the site with regard to the Construction Safety and
Health Program which they operate; and
5. The manner of disposing waste arising from the construction.

C.2 Construction Safety and Health Organization

To ensure that the Construction Safety and Health Program are observed and
implemented at the project site, at the start of D.O. No. 56 s. 2005
construction, each site shall have an established construction safety and health
organization composed of the following personnel:

1. Safety Engineer/Officer
Section 7.1 of D.O. NO.13 states that "The general contractor must
provide for a full time Officer, who shall be assigned as the General
Construction Safety and Health Officer to oversee full time the overall
management of the Construction Safety and Health Program".

Section 7.2 states that " The general contractor must provide for additional
Construction Safety and Health Officer/s in accordance with the
requirements for Safety Man / Officer of Rule 1033, Training and
Personnel Complement, as amended by DOLE D.O. No. 16 depending on
the total number of personnel assigned to the construction project site, to
oversee the effective compliance with the Construction Safety and Health
Program at the site, under the direct supervision of the General
Construction Safety and Health Officer".

For the purpose of these guidelines, and as recommended by DOLE, for

every construction project with 100 and above workers, an accredited
safety officer by DOLE-BWC shall be employed. Only the cost for the
Construction Safety and Health Officer, whether on full time or part time
basis, actually assigned at the construction site shall be included in the cost

On the part of the government, the implementing office shall designate as

part of their project staff a Safety Engineer who shall be responsible for
ensuring compliance with the pertinent DOLE Guidelines as well as the
DPWH Guidelines on Occupational Safety and Health during the
execution of the construction. The counterpart safety and health officer of

the contractor shall closely coordinate and report to the government Safety

2. Health Personnel
Rule 1412.01 of OSHS states that "at every construction site there shall be
an organized and maintained medical and dental health service and
personnel' conforming with Rule 1960 Occupational Health Services.

For the purpose of these guidelines only the medical and dental
practitioners actually assigned in the project site and as required on the
above stated Rule shall be included in the total cost of safety.

Manpower rates shall be based on the prevailing rates of such

professionals in the area which is found favorable to the government.

Employment period shall be based on the approved project duration and

shall be adjusted correspondingly as the duration increases/decreases.

3. Personal Protective Equipment and Devices (PPE)

Section 6 (Personal Protective Equipment) of D. O. No. 13 guidelines
states that "every employer shall, at his own expense, furnish his workers
with protective equipment for eyes, face, hands and feet, lifeline, safety
belt/harness, protective shields and barriers whenever necessary by reason
of the hazardous work process or environment, chemical or radiological or
other mechanical irritants of hazards capable of causing injury or
impairment in the function of any part of the body through absorption,
inhalation or physical agent".

All Personal Protective Equipment and Devices shall be in accordance

with the requirement of the Occupational Safety and Health Standards
(OSHS) and should pass the test conducted and/or standards sets by the
Occupational Safety and Health Center (OSHC).

For General Construction Work the required Basic PPEs for all workers
shall be Safety Helmet, Safety Gloves and Safety Shoes. Specialty PPEs
shall be provided to workers in addition to or in lieu of the corresponding
basic PPE as the work or activity requires.

4. Signages and Barricades

Construction Safety Signages and Barricades shall be provided as a
precaution and to advice the workers and the general public of the hazards
existing in the worksite.

For road construction signages and barricades, it shall be in accordance

with or in compliance to Department Circular No.9, Series of 2004 (Re:
Road Safety Manuals and Handbooks) particularly on the 'Road Works
Safety Manual.

5. Facilities

Section 16 of DOLE D.O. NO.13 requires that the employer shall provide
the following welfare facilities in order to ensure humane working

a. adequate supply of safe drinking water;

b. adequate sanitary and washing facilities;
c. suitable living accommodation for workers, and as may be applicable,
for their families; and
d. separate sanitary, washing and sleeping facilities for men and women

For the purpose of these guidelines, facilities related to construction safety and health
shall be in accordance with OSH Standards and the manner of costing shall be based
on previously approved guidelines of the Department, duly quantified as a separate
pay item.


Section 13 of DOLE D.O. No. 13 requires that the contractor shall provide
continuing construction safety and health training to all technical personnel
under his employ.

In consideration of the cost involved of providing the necessary safety
equipment and manpower for an effective implementation of safety in the
workplace, and in compliance with DOLE D.O. No. 13, with safety as a
separate pay item, the following shall be used as a guide:

a. Personal Protective Equipment

The PPEs shall be provided by the Constructor, and its cost shall be duly
quantified and made part of the overall cost of safety and health (SPL).
The use of PPEs shall conform to Rule 1080, Personal Protective
Equipment and Devices of OSHS.

b. Clinical Materials and Equipment

Clinical materials and equipment such as medicines, beds and linens, other
related accessories shall be to the account of the Constructors
implementing the project and shall be in accordance with Rule 1960,
Occupational Health Services of OSHS.

c. Signages and Barricades

The quantities and cost of signages and barricades necessary for a specific
item of work shall be quantified and made part of that particular pay item
of work.

For general signages and barricades not included in specific pay item of
work but necessary for promoting safety in and around the construction

site, the quantities and cost shall be a separate pay item and included in the
overall cost of safety and health (SPL).

d. Facilities
Facilities such as portable toilets, waste disposal, sanitary and washing
facilities, convenient dwellings and office, adequate lighting, and other
facilities related to construction safety and health shall be in accordance
with OSH Standards and previously approved guidelines of the
Department and shall be quantified and the cost thereof be made a separate
pay item under "Facilities for the Engineers" and "Other General
Requirements" as required in the DPWH Standard Specifications.

e. Salaries/wages of Health and Safety Personnel

Labor cost for the medical and safety personnel actually assigned in the
field shall be included in the overall cost of safety and health (SPL).
Duration of employment shall be based on project duration of the
particular project.

f. Safety and Health Training

Cost associated for the provision of basic and continuing construction
safety and health training to all safety and technical personnel shall be
made part of the indirect/overhead cost of the project.

SPL-8 Safety and Health l.s.


See Scope of work C. General Requirements SPL-9 Permits and Clearances.

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