1-2 & 3 Introduction 6th Edition Chapter PMBOOK

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• Job orEquivalent

• Project ManagementExperience

• Expectations & goals from the course

• Building Professionalism in Project Management
• Project ManagementInstitute
• Not for Profit Professional Association
• Established in 1969 by5volunteers
• Global Organization headquartered in Pennsylvania, USA
• With morethan 650,000 membersworldwide
• 280 Charted Chapters
• Local Chapter – http://www.pmi-ksa.org
• Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Chapter
• Project ManagementInstitute
• 11 Globally Recognized Standards
• 8 Specialized Certifications
• Registration of Training Providers (REPs)

J. Gordon Davis, PhD E. A. “Ned” Engman Susan Gallagher Eric Jenett James R. Snyder

TheProject Management Bodyof Knowledge
(PMBOK)Guide provides andpromotes a
commonlexicon for discussing, writing, and
applying project management.
ThePMBOKGuide is developed byPMI,and
uses this document as a foundational project
management reference for its professional
development programs.

 Certified Associates in Project Management(CAPM)®
 Project Management Professionals (PMP)®
 Program Management Professionals (PgMP)®
 Portfolio Management Professionals (PfMP)®
 PMI®Risk Management Professional (PMI-RMP)®
 PMI®Scheduling Professional (PMI-SP)®
 PMI-Agile Certified Practitioner (PMI-ACP)®
 PMI Professional in Business Analysis (PMI-PBA®)

 Introduced in 1984

 DemonstratedExperience
 DemonstratedEducation
 Pass theExamination
 Agreeto Abide bythe Codeof ProfessionalConduct


Eligibility forPMP®
Category1 Category2
 Baccalaureate degree  High school diploma
 4,500 hours in five process groups  7,500 hours in five processgroups
within 8 years prior to application within 8 years prior to application
 Minimum36 unique months of  Minimum60 unique months of
project management/project project management/project
experience within 8 years prior to experience within 8 years prior to
application application
 35 hours projectmanagement  35 hours projectmanagement
education education


PMP®Credential ProcessTimeline


PMP®Examformat Process group Percentage of Number of

Initiation 13% 26

Planning 24% 48

Execution 31% 62

Monitoring & 25% 50

Closing 7% 14

Total 100% 200


If youexperience manyof the following problems onyourprojects

1. Cost or schedule overruns
2. Unrealistic schedules
3. Changing scope of work or schedules
4. Poor communication andincreased conflict
5. Running out of time near the end of the project
6. Unsatisfactory quality
7. LowMorale
8. People onthe team are unsure what needs to be done
9. Excessive rework andovertime
10. Toomanyproject meetings

TheProject ManagementFramework

TheProject ManagementFramework


AProject is a temporary endeavor undertaken to create a unique product, service,

or result. Thetemporary nature of Project indicates definite start andenddate.
Auniqueservice or a capability to performa
service (e.g., a business function that supports Projects are undertakentypically toaddress:-
ordistribution) • Market demand
Is Progressively Elaborated. • Strategic opportunity/Business need
Distinguishing characteristics of eachunique • Customer request
projectwill beprogressively detailed as theproject
• Technological advancement
is betterunderstood.
***Progressivelymeans“proceedinginsteps;continuing • Legalrequirements
steadily byincrements”,while elaborated means“worked • Social cause


 Aproject:

 Has a uniquepurpose

 Istemporary

 Is developed using progressive elaboration

 Requires resources, often from various areas

 Should havea primary customer or sponsor

 Theproject sponsor usually provides the direction andfunding for the project

 Involvesuncertainty


Projects Operations
• Toattain its objectives andterminate • Tosustain thebusiness
• Create owncharter, organization, and goals • Semi permanentcharter, organization, and goals
• Catalyst forchange • Maintain status quo
• Unique product orservices • Standard product orservices
• Heterogeneousteams • Homogeneousteams
• Ongoing
• Start andenddate
Examples Examples
• Producing a News letter • Responding to customersrequests
• Writing andpublishing abook • Writing a letter to aProspect
• Implementing a LAN • Hooking upa Printer to a computer
• Hiring a sales man • Meeting with anemployee
• Arrange for aconference • Attending aconference
• Openingfor a new shop • Openingthe shop
• Producing the annualreport • Writing a progress updatememo

• Theapplication of knowledge, skills, tools andtechnique to project activities to meet project


• Project Management is accomplished through the application andintegration of the processes

such as
• Initiating
• Planning
• Executing
• Monitoring andControlling
• Closing

Skills Knowledge Tools and Project

Techniques Activities

• TheProject Manager is the person responsible for accomplishing the project

• Managing a project includes:
• Identifyingrequirements.
• Establishing clear andachievableobjectives.
• Balancing the competing demandof quality, scope, time and cost.
• Adapting the specifications, plans, andapproach to the different
concerns andexpectations of the variousstakeholders.

• Project managers strive to meet the competing constraint bybalancing

project scope, time, cost, quality, risk andresources.

2. Time

 Everyproject is constrained in different waysbyits:

Scope: What work will be done as part of the project? What unique product, service,
or result does the customer or sponsor expect from the project?
Time: Howlong should it take to complete the project? What is the project’s schedule?
Budget: What should it cost to complete the project? What is the project’sbudget?
Quality: This meansthat often “quality” is contractuallydefined,
mandatory to deliver
Resources: Projects are fighting against each other for resources shared across
projects Howto manageit through out the project effectively
Risk: This meanshowto managethe risk effecting the project, if
anyabove constraints change.
 It is the project manager’sdutyto balance these six often competinggoals.
Strategic Portfolio

• Portfolio Management
• ProgramManagement
• Projects andStrategic Planning Program

• Project ManagementOffice

Subproject Project
Aportfolio is a collection of projects, programs, sub-portfolio and
operations that are grouped/managed together to facilitate effective
managementof that work to meet strategic business objectives.

Portfolio managers help their organizations makewise investment

decisions byhelping to select andanalyze projects from a strategic

Theprojects orprogramsin the portfolio maynot

necessarily beinterdependent ordirectly related.

 “Agroup of related projects managedin a coordinated wayto obtain benefits and

control not available from managing them individually.”*

 Aprogrammanagerprovides leadership anddirection for the project managers

heading the projects within theprogram.



Economies of Scale

• Projects are meansof organizing activities that cannot be addressed within the
organizations normal operational limits.

• Projects are typically authorized as a result of one or moreof the following

strategic considerations:
• AMarketDemand
• AnOrganizationalNeed
• ACustomerRequest
• ATechnologicalAdvancement
• ALegalRequirement
• Social need
Projects Programs Portfolios
Projects havedefined Havea larger scope and Portfolios havea business
objectives. Scope is provide moresignificant scope that changes withthe
progressively elaborated benefits strategic goals of theorg
throughout the life cycle

Project managers expect Theprogrammanagermust Portfolio managers

change andimplement expect change from inside continually monitor changes
processes to keepchange andoutside the programand in the broad environment
managedandcontrolled be prepared to manageit

Project manages Programmanagers develop Portfolio managescreate and

progressively elaborate high the overall programplan and maintain necessary
level information into create high level plans to processes and
detailed plans throughoutthe guide detailed planning at the communication relative to
endof the componentlevel the aggregateportfolio
project life cycle
Projects Programs Portfolios
Project managers manage Programmanagers manage Portfolio managers may
the project team to meetthe the programstaff andthe manageor coordinate
project managers ;they portfolio managementstaff
project objectives
provide vision andoverall
Success is measured by Success is measured bythe Success is measured in
product andproject quality , degree to which the program terms of aggregate
timelines , budget satisfies the needs and performance of portfolio
compliance, anddegree of benefits for which it was components
customer satisfaction undertaken
Project managers monitor and Program managers monitor the Portfolio managers monitor
Monitoring control the work of producing the progress of programcomponents aggregate performance andvalue
products , services , results that to ensure the overall goals , indicators
the project was undertaken to schedules, budget& benefits of
produce the programwill bemet
• Projects are frequently divided into moremanageable components or

• Subproject are often contracted to anexternal

enterprise or to another functional unit in the
performing organization.
• Subprojects can be referred to as projects and
Adepartment that centralizes the management of projects.
APMOusually takes one of threeroles:

• Project Support: Provide project managementguidance

to project managers in businessunits.
• Project Management Process/Methodology: Develop and
implement a consistent andstandardized process.
• Training: Conduct training programsor collect
requirements for anoutside company.
• Program Management Application: Applying skills,
knowledge, tools & technique to meet project
requirement andobtain benefits. Controls will not be
available individually managingprojects.
• Homefor project managers:Maintain a centralized
office fromwhich project managers are loaned out to
work onprojects.
• Internal consulting and mentoring: Advise employees
about best practices.
• Project managementsoftware tools: Select and
maintain project managementtools for use by
• Portfolio management:Establish a staff of program
managers whocan managemultiple projects that are
related, such as infrastructure technologies, desktop
applications andso on, andallocate resources
APrimary function of PMOis to support project managers in a selection of ways
which mayinclude, but are not limited to :

• Managing shared resources across all the projects administered bythePMO

• Identifying anddeveloping project managementmethodology, practices &
• Coaching, mentoring , training andoversight
• Monitoring compliance with project management standard policies, procedures ,
andtemplates via project audits.
• Developing andmanaging project policies, procedures, templates, andother
shared documentation ( organizational process assets);and
• Cocoordinating communication across projects
• Resolving issues andchange management within a shared governancestructure.
• Manage the interdependencies between
• Help provide resources
• Terminateprojects
• Help gather lessons learned andmake
themavailable to other projects
• Provide templates
• Provide guidance
• Provide enterprise project management
• Be moreheavily involved during project
initiating than later in the project
• Therole of the PMOmust be clearly
• All those whoare in the PMOmust be
PMP certified (Mandatory)
• Thecommitment of executive
management is required.
• ThePMOwill not improve yourproject
performance without the use of proper
project management processes and
technique, so professional project
management must beencouraged.
• Project managerfocuses onthe specified project
objectives , while the PMOmanagesmajorprogramscope
changes which maybe seen as potential opportunities to
better achieve businessobjectives

• Theproject managercontrols the assigned project

resources to best meet project objectives while the PMO
optimizes the use of shared organizational resources
across all theprojects

• Theproject managermanagesthe constraints of the

individual projects while the PMOmanagesthe
methodologies , standards , overall risk/opportunity and
interdependencies amongprojects at the enterpriselevel
• Supportive PMO’s:Plays a supportive role in
providing templates, best practices andtraining.

• Controlling PMO’s:Help project managers to

adopt best frame work and methodologies.

• Directive PMO’s: Takes control over the project

directly andmanagethem.Thecontrol provided
themwill berelatively high.
Change in the business operation maybe focusing for dedicated project. However
operations are considered out of project scope.

But both operation andproject can intersect with various

point during project life cyclelike,

• At each project closing

• Until end of product life cycle

Operations management is the area of management concerned with ongoing

productions goods and service delivered.
Operation Management is different from Project Management, while Project
Managers haveto take great consideration onoperational stakeholders
needs andtheir requirements.

Operational stakeholders should be involved in all the project phase, since to

avoid future issues.

Operational stakeholders needs andrequirements should addressed in the

stakeholder register andtheir influence (positive/negative) influence should
addressed in risk management plan.
Few examples of Operational Stakeholders.
1.Plant operators
2.Line Managers
3.Line Supervisors
4.Training Managers
5.Help desk staffs
6.Plant maintenancemanagers
Organizational Project Management (OPM) and Strategies

Anorganization administrates the

strategic objective, direction and
performance parameters. This strategic
direction provides clear goal, purpose
andexpectation andaligned with
business objectives.

Project Management objectives should

be aligned with top level business
direction, if anychanges and there
should be realignment in project
objective also.
• Theproject life cycle is the agglomeration of all phases in theproject

All projects are divided into phases, andall projects, large or small, have a
similar life cycle structure.: Starting the project , organizing andpreparing ,
carrying out the project work andclosing the project
At a minimum,project will have a beginning or initiation phase, an
intermediate phase or phases, andanendingphase.

 Each phase has a defined endpoint

Construction: Feasibility >Planning >Design >Production >Turnover >Startup

ITProject: Requirement >Design > Program >Test >Implement
Typical Project Cost andStaffing Level Across the Project LifeCycle
Project Phases andthe Project Life Cycle
 Aproject life cycle is a collection of project phases thatdefines:
 What work will be performed in each phase
 What deliverables will be produced andwhen
 Whois involved in eachphase
 Howmanagementwill control andapprove work produced in each phase

 Adeliverable is a product or service produced or provided as part of a project

Project phases evolve through the life cycle in a series of phases sequences
called handoffs, or technical transfers. Theendof one phase sequence typically
marks the beginning of the next.

Thecompletion of onephase does not automatically

signals the beginningof nextphase.
Youwill recognize phase completion because each phase has a specific
deliverable, or multiple deliverables, that marks the endof the phase.

Adeliverable is anoutput that mustbeproduced,

reviewed,andapprovedto bring the phase orproject to completion.
Deliverable is atangible, verifiable workproduct.

AGuideto the PMBOKstates that phase endingreviews arealsoknown

byanewother names:Phase Exits, Phase Gates, State Gates orKill Points.
Typical Construction LifeCycle Full Operation


Percentage Complete


Feasibility Planning & Production Turnover and

Designing Start-up
Software DevelopmentProject
Phase to PhaseRelationships:

There are 2 basic type of phase to phase relationships,

1.Sequential Relationship:Insequential relationship onephase will

start whenpervious phase will complete.

2.Overlapping Relationship: Inoverlapping relationship onephase will

start prior to the pervious phasecompletion.
Predictive LifeCycle:
Predictive Life cycle also called fully plan-driven. Predictive Life cycleare preferred
whenthe product to be delivered is wellunderstood.
Iterative andIncrementallife cycle:
This life cycle intentionally repeat the project activities untilthe project team well
understood theproduct.
Iterations develops the product through repeated cycles. Andincrements add
functionality to theproducts.
AdaptiveLife Cycle:
Adaptive life cycle are also knownas agile or change-driven method. These method
intends to respond to high level changes andongoing stakeholderinvolvement.
Adaptive method also iterative andincremental, but the iterations are veryrapid
with fixed cost andtime.
Whatis aprocess?
• AProcess is a set of interrelated actions andactivities that are performed to
achieve a pre-specified set of products, results, or services.

• Project Processes are performed byProjectTeam

 Project ManagementProcess :Ensure the effective flow of the project
throughout its existence . Theyencompasses the tools andtechniques involved in
applying the skills andcapabilities described in the knowledgeareas
 Product-Oriented Process :Specify andcreate the project’s product . Product
oriented processes are typically defined bythe project life cycle andvarybythe
application area . Thescope of the project cannot be defined without some basic
understanding of howto create the specified product .
Project Management Process



Project Management Business Documents
Project Management Business Documents

Benefit-cost Netpresent
ratio(BCR) value(NPV)

Payback Return on
period investment
of return
Project Selectionmethods
Benefit measurementmethods

A.Scoring Models
B.Benefit/Cost ratios
D.Discounted cash flow
E. Net Present Value
F. Internal rate of return.
Project Selectionmethods

A)Scoring Models or weighted scoring models

• Weighted scoring models are quite simple.

• Theproject selection committee should decide on
the criteria that will be used onthe scoring model
• For example:Profit potential, marketability of the
product or service, the ability of the companyto quickly
andeasily produce the product or service, andso on
• Each of these criteria is assigned a weight,
depending onthe importance of the criteria to the
project committee.
• More important criteria should carry a higher weight
than the less important criteria.
Project Selectionmethods

A) Scoring Models or
weighted scoring
Weighted Scoring
Project Selectionmethods

B)Benefit CostRatio

• Compares the benefits to the cost of differentprojects

• BCR>1,benefits are greater than the cost

• BCR=1,benefits andcosts aresame
• BCR<1,Costs are greater than the benefits.

• If BCRof project Ais 5.3 andthe BCRof Project Bis 2.6, then
which project would you select?
• Project A,with higherBCR
Project Selectionmethods

Payback period is the length of time it takes the companyto get back
the initial cost of producing the product orservice.
• Theinitial investment onour project is BD200,000 with expected
cash inflows of BD25,000 per quarter every quarter for the first
two years, andBD50,000 per quarter from thereon. What is the
payback period of the project.

Cash Inflows = BD25,000 x4 (quarters in a year) = BD100,000/Year
Year1 inflows = BD100,000
Year 2inflows = BD100,000
Total= BD200,000, Payback is reached in2years.
Project Selectionmethods

Payback Example -2
• Project Apayback period =10months
•Project Bpayback period = 20 months.
Which project would youchoose? Project A

Ignorescash time valueof
flows after money.
the payback
Project Selectionmethods

E) Net Present Value(NPV)

• ThePresent value of the total benefits (income or revenue) less
the costs
• NPVallows to calculate the accurate value of theproject
• If NPVcalculation >0, then accept theproject
• If NPVcalculation <0,then reject the project.
• Formula is complicated.
• NPV assumes reinvestment at the cost ofcapital
• Whencomparing two projects, the project with the greater NPVis
typically better than with thelowest.
Project Selectionmethods

E) Net Present Value(NPV)

TheNPVworks as follows

 Calculate the project’s cash flow for time unit. (Typically quarters or years)

 Calculate each time unit total into Present value

 Sum the present value of each timeunit

 Subtract the investment for the project.

 Thefinal value is the NPV

Project Selectionmethods

E) Net Present Value(NPV)

Project Selectionmethods

E) Net Present Value(NPV)


Project Awill be chosen over ProjectB

Project Selectionmethods

F) Internal Rate of Return(IRR)

• Therate at which the project inflows andproject outflows are equal.
• Most difficult method
• Trial & errormethod
• Projects with higher IRRvalue areprofitable
• IRRis the discount rate whenNPV=0.
• AnIRRExample.

• Project A with anIRRof 28 , or

• Project Bwith anIRR of 12 ;
which one would youprefer. Answer: Project A
Project Selectionmethods

F) Internal Rate ofReturn(IRR)

That’s the endof
Project SelectionMethods

• Based onPlan-do-check-act cycle
(as defined byShewhart andmodified byDeming)
Theapplication of the project managementprocesses
to a project is iterative andmanyprocesses are
repeated andrevised during the Project.

Initiating = Start thecycle

Planning = Plan
Executing = Do
Monitoring & Controlling = Check andAct
Closing = Ends theCycle
• Theproject life cycle describes what work youneed to do, the
project managementprocess describes what youneedto doto
managethe project.

• Initiating
• Planning
• Executing
• Monitoring & Controlling
• Closing
Theprocesses frequently overlap during the life of theproject.
Single PhaseProject
Multi PhaseProject
Multi Phase Project(Overlapping)
Mapping the Process Groups to the KnowledgeAreas
Youcan mapthe mainactivities of each PM process groupinto
the Tenknowledge areas using the PMBOK®Guide 2017

Note that there are activities from eachknowledge area under

the planning andmonitoring andcontrolling process groups

All initiating activities are part of the projectintegration

managementknowledge area
Project Management Knowledge Areas
The49 project managementprocesses identified in PMBOK6th edition are further groupedin to separate 10
knowledge areas. AKnowledge area represent a set of concepts, terms andactivities that makeupa
professional/project field andother area of specialization. These 10 knowledge areas are used onmost projects
andmost time. These 10 knowledge areas are,

1.Project IntegrationManagement
2.Project ScopeManagement
3.Project ScheduleManagement
4.Project CostManagement
5.Project QualityManagement
6.Project ResourcesManagement
7.Project CommunicationsManagement
8.Project RiskManagement
9.Project ProcurementManagement
10.Project StakeholdersManagement.
Project Management Data And Information
Throughout the project life cycle, a significant amountof data andinformation is collected, analyzed,
documented andtransformed in to various format to the Project team andstakeholders. These data’s are
continuously collected, analyzed during project execution. Thebelow 3 types will provide a clear guidelines and
avoid miscommunication to project team.

WorkPerformance Data: Theraw observations andmeasurements identified during activities
performed to carry out the project work. (e.g. start dates andfinish dates)

WorkPerformance Information: Theperformance data’s are collected through various controlling

processes, analyzed in context andintegrated based onrelationships across onareas. (e.g. forecasted ETC)

WorkPerformance Reports: Thephysical/electronic representation of work performance information

complied in project documents intend to raise issues & generatedecision.
Project Managers andtheir teams are advised to carefully consider
addressing each process andits constituent inputs and outputs.

Theproject managerand project team are responsible for determining which

processes within each process group are appropriate for the project you're workingon.
This is calledTailoring.

Organizational Influences on
Project Management & Project LifeCycle.
Project and Project Management takes in broader environment than the project itself.

This section address thefollowing,

• Organizational Systems
• Organizational Process Assets
• Enterprise EnvironmentFactors
There are three main ways in which organizational factors influence projectmanagement:

1-Culture – Agood project managershould be cognizant of the organizational culture,

working styles in anorganization, andwhois influential in facilitating work.

2-Organizational Process Assets (OPA)– This would include process, policies,

templates, metrics, historical data, project knowledge, domain expertise, communication,
control procedures andmore.(Note that organizational maturity has significant impact on

3-Organization structure – This refers to howemployees are organized.

There are four types of organizational structures:
1.Specialized functional divisions/departments e.g. finance, research, marketing, engineering, IT etc.,
each with their respective functionalmanagers
2.Functional managercontrols budget
3. Onesupervisor for eachemployee
4.Little or noresource availability for projects
5.Project team could be comprised of membersacross departments
6.Part time or noproject administration staff
7.Project coordination happens at functional managerlevel
Organization is divided into project teams each with its project managerwhoworks with high degreeof
independence andauthority.

1.Almost all resources work onprojects

2.Project managercontrols budget
3.Project staff reports to projectmanager
4.Full time project administrationstaff
5.Project coordination happens within the project team

• This model is a mix of functional andprojectized andhas three variants – weak matrix, balanced
matrix, andstrong matrix.
• All resources havetwo managers– functional andproject.
• Project manager’sauthority increases fromweak to strong matrix while functional manager’s
authority decreases fromweak to strong matrix. Authority is equally shared in balanced matrix.


• This is mixof abovemodels with different parts of organization structured differently as perbusiness
• Project Expediter: Acts as project staff and communications coordinator. Aproject expediter cannot
makeorenforce decisions – typically found in functional orweak matrix wherethere is someproject
structure butfunctional manageris morepowerful.
• Project Coordinator: Similar to project expeditor with some limited power to makedecisions. Typically
reportsto ahighermanager– typically foundin weakmatrix organizations.
• Managerof projectmanagersis typically seenin strongmatrixorcomposite organizations.
Functional Organization – KeyPoints
• Theorganization is grouped byareas of specialization within different functionalareas.
• Projects generally occur within a single department.
• Information required from other department will be routed through departmental heads.
• Teammemberscomplete project work in addition to normal departmentwork.

Easier Management of specialists People place moreemphasis ontheir functional
specialty to the detriment of theproject
Teammembersreport to only onesupervisor
Nocareer path in project management
Similar resources are centralized, the companyis
groupedbyspecialists Project managerhas little or noauthority

Clearly defined career paths in areas of work

Projectized Organization – KeyPoints
• Theentire companyis organized byprojects.
• Theproject managerhas control of projects.
• Personnel are assigned andreport to a project manager.
• Teammemberscomplete only project work andwhenits over they don't have HOME.
• Communication generally occurs only within the project.

Efficient projectorganization No“home”whenproject is completed
Loyalty to theproject Lack of professionalism indisciplines
Moreeffective communications than functional Duplication of facilities andjobfunctions
Less efficient use odresources
WeakMatrix Organization
WeakMatrix Organization – KeyPoints
• Teammembersreports to FunctionalManager
• Teammembersdo project work in addition to normal departmental work
• Power rests with functionalmanager
• Project Manager plays a role of:
• Project Expediter: Cannot take decision.
Staff assistant andCommunicationcoordinator.
• Project Coordinator: Similar to Project Expeditor
except has some power to take decision.
Balanced MatrixOrganization
Balanced Matrix Organization – KeyPoints
• TwoBosses
• Teammembersreports to Project Manager andFunctional Manager
• Teammembersdo project work in addition to normal departmental work
• Power is shared between the functional andproject manager
Strong Matrix Organization
Composite MatrixOrganization
• Project Manager is havingfull power.
Strong Matrix Organization – KeyPoints
Organizational Process Assets includes Polices, Procedures, guidelines andvarious corporate
knowledge data base bythe performingorganization.

Theycan group into two categories:

A.Processes andProcedures
B. Corporate KnowledgeBase

A.Processes andProcedures.
1.Guidelines andcriteria for tailoring the organization standard processes andprocedures.
2.Polices (health polices, safetypolices)
3.Templates (Risk register, WBS)

B. Corporate Knowledge Database.

1.Configuration Knowledgedatabase
2.Financial Database information like labor hours, budget andincurred cost.
3.Historical information andlesson learned files. (project documents, project files)
Organizational Process Assets Include anyor all process related assets from anyor all of the
organizations involved in the project that can be used to influence the project’s success

Organizational Process Assets

Completed Schedules ,
Processes and Procedures
risk data , & earned value data

Corporate Knowledge Base

Enterprise environmentfactors are so important that they can enhance or reduce the project management
options andpositively or negatively impact the project success. These are veryimportant inputs in case of
project planning. Youmust know the organizational culture, norms,andpolicies for yourproject success. Below
are some examples of the enterprise environmentalfactors:

Organizational culture, processes, andinfra-structure

Product standards (as a project manageryoushould know this obviously)
Quality standards – important one toknow
Market standards andconditions
Codes of conduct
Reviews and training records
Work authorization systems
Political unrest
Organizational communication channels
Risk databases
Project managementinformation systems (PMIS) – Automation tools like scheduletool
TheProject Manageris the person assigned bythe performing organization to lead team to meet project
objective. Therole of project manageris distinct from the functional /operation manager.Dependinguponthe
organizational structures the project managermayreport to the functional manageror hewill lead the project
andreport to programor portfolio manager.

Responsibility andCompetencies of the Project Manager

Project Manageris responsible to satisfy different needs like,
Individual needs
Stake holderneeds

Nowproject managerjob is morestrategic, howeverapplying skills, knowledge andtools for effective project
managementwill not be sufficient andheshould possess the following competencies

Project Manager’s
Sphere of Influence
Project Manager accomplishes work through project team and other stakeholders. He needs to
balance his different skill sets. The most important skill should be project manager’s
interpersonal skills such as,

1. Leadership
2. Team Building
3. Motivation
4. Conflict Resolutions
5. Problem Solving
6. Motivation
7. Mentoring
8. Negotiation
9. Communication
10. Presentation Skills
11. Decision Making
12. Coaching
 Technical project management. PMI Talent Triangle®
Theknowledge, skills, andbehaviors related focuses on three key skill sets:
to specific domains of project, program,
andportfolio management. The
technical aspects of performing one’srole.
 Leadership.
Theknowledge, skills, andbehaviors needed
to guide, motivate, anddirect a
team, to help an organization achieve its
 Strategic and business management.
Theknowledge of andexpertise in the
industry andorganization that enhanced
performance andbetter delivers business

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