Gecc 108 (Activity 1)

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Course/Year/Section: BEED-2 Date:

ACTIVITY N0. 2 TABULATION- Fill in the boxes using the concepts learned. Answer
briefly. (40 points)

No. Philosopher Short Philosophy Perspective About the Self

1 SOCRATES Greek “Know Thyself”  The key of self-discovery is
philosopher. The meditation. Know the self means
founding figure a person who can think, reflect
of Western and know what is right.
2 PLATO Ancient Greek “I am the wisest man  Plato believes in the presence of
philosopher. The alive. For I know one a soul which he called “psyche”
author of thing, and that is, that consisting of three elements
philosophical I know nothing.” (REASON. PHYSICAL
works of
influence. PASSION)

3 ST. St. Augustine “The inner self which  The self involves the exploration
AUGUSTINE was born Nov. is known the capacity of the soul, mind, and
13,354 for thought and consciousness, and the shifting
possession of an emphasis between interiority and
intellect.” exteriority.

4 JOHN A British “Before we can  The self is comparable to an

LOCKED Philosopher. analyze the world empty space (tabula rasa) where
Founder of the and our success to it, everyday experiences contribute
school of we have to know to knowledge. The self is
thought “British about ourselves. It is consciousness.
Empiricism” once we understand
our cognitive
capabilities that can
suitably direct our
researches into the
No. Philosopher Short Philosophy Perspective About the Self
5 RENE A French “If you would be a  According to him everything
DESCRATES Philosopher. real seeker after must be subjected to doubt
The founder of truth, it is necessary “Cogito ergo sum” as “I think
modern that at least once in therefore I am” means that there
Philosophy. your life you doubt, should be the doubting I first
as far as possible, all then all other existence (God,
things: universe, events) become certain

6 DAVID Scottish “A wise man  The self is just a bundle or

HUME Philosopher proportions his belief collection of different
to the evidence” perceptions. To Hume, there is
no self.

7 IMMANUEL German “All our knowledge  The self is always transcendental.

KANT Philosopher begins with the The self is not in the body,
senses proceeds then instead it is outside the body and
to the understanding, qualities of the body.
and ends with
8 SIGMUND Psychologist. “Human behavior is  There are two selves (ONE
FRUED Frued founded influenced by UNCONCIOUS and ONE
the school of unconscious CONCIOUS)
psychoanalysis memories, thoughts
and urges.”
9 GILBERT Analytic “I discover that there  The self Is how you behave. The
RYLE Philosopher. are other minds in view that the self is defines by
Ryle introduced understanding what observable behavior.
the ‘Linguistic other people say and
Analysis’ do”
10 PAUL American “The couple thus  The self is not a fixed entity, but
Philosopher. introduced Eliminate rather a constantly changing,
Introduced a Materialism” process that emerges from the
simple identity activity of the brain.
formula (mental
=brain states.
11 MAURICE Philosophy of “There is no mystery  The self is embodied
MERLEAU- Ponty known as in the body. subjectivity. The division
PONTY Phenomenology between mind and body is a
of Perception. product of confused thinking.

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