Pump Handbook 2024

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All you need to know...
Second edition 2023
The information provided in this handbook is
given in good faith, but Alfa Laval is not able
to accept any responsibility for the accuracy
of its content, or any consequences that may
arise from the use of the information supplied
or materials described.
if Pumps
are the

Alfa Laval is an acknowledged market

leader in pumping technology, supplying
centrifugal and positive displacements
pumps worldwide to the dairy, food,
beverage and pharmaceutical industries.

1.0 Introduction 3.0 Pump Selection

Gives a short introduction to the Pump Handbook. Gives an overview of the pump technologies available
from Alfa Laval.
1.0 Introduction 6
1.1 What is a Pump? 8 3.0 Pump Selection 46
3.1 General Application Guide 48
3.2 Pumps for Sanitary Applications 52
3.3 ALiCE Configuration Tool 54
2.0 Terminology and Theory
Explains the terminology and theory of pumping
4.0 Pump Description
2.0 Terminology & Theory 12
Gives a description of Alfa Laval pump ranges.
2.1 Product/Fluid Data 14
2.1.1 Rheology 14 4.0 Pump Description 56
2.1.2 Viscosity 14 4.1 Centrifugal Pumps 56
2.1.3 Density 18 4.1.1 General 56
2.1.4 Specific Weight 19 4.1.2 Principle of Operation 58
2.1.5 Specific Gravity 19 4.1.3 Design 58
2.1.6 Temperature 20 4.1.4 Pump Range 62
2.1.7 Flow Characteristics 20 4.2 Rotary Lobe Pumps 71
2.1.8 Vapour Pressure 25 4.2.1 General 71
2.1.9 Fluids Containing Solids 25 4.2.2 Principle of Operation 71
2.2 Performance Data 26 4.2.3 Pump Range 72
2.2.1 Capacity (Flow Rate) 26 4.3 Circumferential Piston Pumps 76
2.2.2 Pressure 26 4.3.1 General 76
2.2.3 Cavitation 37 4.3.2 Principle of Operation 76
2.2.4 Net Positive Suction Head (NPSH) 38 4.4 Twin Screw Pumps 79
2.2.5 Pressure ‘Shocks’ (Water Hammer) 43 4.4.1 General 79
4.4.2 Principle of Operation 79

2 Alfa Laval Pump Handbook

5.0 Pump Materials of Construction 7.0 Pump Sizing
Describes the materials, used in the construction of Describes how to size an Alfa Laval pump from
the Alfa Laval pump portfolio. product/fluid and performance data given.

5.0 Pump Materials of Construction 82 7.0 Pump Sizing 116

5.1 Main Components 82 7.1 General Information Required 118
5.2 Stainless Steel 88 7.2 Power 119
5.3 Stainless Steel Surfaces 90 7.2.1 Hydraulic Power 119
5.4 Elastomers 92 7.2.2 Required Power 120
7.2.3 Torque 121
7.2.4 Efficiency 122

6.0 Pump Sealing 7.3 Centrifugal Pumps 125

Describes the principle of pump sealing and illustrates 7.3.1 Flow Curve 125
the different sealing arrangements used on Alfa Laval 7.3.2 Flow Control 130
pump ranges.
7.3.3 Alternative Pump Installations
6.0 Pump Sealing 94 Pumps Coupled in Series 133

6.1 Mechanical Seals 98 7.4 Worked Examples – Centrifugal

Pump Sizing (Metric units) 136
6.2 Mechanical Seal Types 109
7.4.1 Example 1 136
7.4.2 Example 2 142
7.4.3 Example 3 146
7.5 Worked Examples – Centrifugal
Pump Sizing (US units) 149
7.5.1 Example 1 149
7.5.2 Example 2 154
7.5.3 Example 3 158
7.6 Positive displacement Pumps 161
7.6.1 Slip 161
7.6.2 Initial Suction Line Sizing 164
7.6.3 Performance Curve 164
7.6.4 Pumps fitted with Bi-lobe Rotors
(Stainless Steel) 180
7.6.5 Pumps fitted with Bi-lobe Rotors
(Non Galling Alloy) 180
7.6.6 Pumps with Electropolished
Surface Finish 181
7.6.7 Guidelines for Solids Handling 182
7.6.8 Guidelines for Pumping Shear
Sensitive Media 185
7.7 Worked Examples – Positive
Displacement Pump Sizing (Metric units) 186
7.8 Worked Examples – Positive
Displacement Pump Sizing (US units) 206

Alfa Laval Pump Handbook 3


8.0 Pump Specification Options 9.0 Motors

Gives descriptions of the various specification options Describes electric motors, including information on
available for the Alfa Laval pump ranges. motor, methods of starting, motors for hazardous
environments and speed control.
8.0 Pump Specification Options 226
8.1 228 9.0 Motors 254
Centrifugal Pumps
8.1.1 228 9.1 Output Power 258
Port Connections
8.1.2 9.2 Rated Speed 259
Heated/Cooled Pump Casing 230
8.1.3 Drainable Pump Casing 230 9.3 Voltage 261

8.1.4 Clear Impeller Flow 231 9.4 Cooling 262

8.1.5 Inducer 231 9.5 Insulation and Thermal Rating 263

8.1.6 Motor 231 9.6 Protection 264

8.1.7 Legs 232 9.6.1 Basic UL/CSA/Nema Enclosure Types 264

8.1.8 Other Centrifugal Pump 9.7 Methods of Starting 266

Specification Options 232 9.8 Motors for Hazardous Environments 268
8.2 Positive Displacement Pumps 233 9.9 Energy Efficient Motors 271
8.2.1 Rotor Form 233 9.9.1 Minimum Energy Efficiency Regulations Circumferential Piston Pumps 234 (MEPs) 271 Rotary Lobe Pumps 234 9.10 Speed Control 273 Twin Screw Pumps 237 9.11 Motor Sizing Values 275

8.2.2 Clearances 238 9.11.1 Torque 275

9.11.2 Speed/Frequency 276
8.2.3 Port Connections 240
9.11.3 Torque/Frequency 276
8.2.4 Rectangular Inlet 243
8.2.5 Heated/Cooled Pump Casing 245 Circumferential Piston Pumps 246 Rotary Lobe Pumps 246 10 Cleaning Guidelines Twin Screw Pumps 247 Provides cleaning guidelines for use in processes
utilising CIP systems.
8.2.6 Pump Overload Protection 247
8.2.7 Surface hardening 250 10 Cleaning Guidelines 282 Rotary lobe pumps 250 10.1 CIP (Clean-In-Place) 282 Twin Screw pumps 250
8.2.8 Ancillaries 250
8.3 Q-doc 252 11 Compliance
8.4 Alfa Laval Condition Monitor 253 Describes some of the international standards and
guidelines applicable to Alfa Laval pump ranges.

11 Compliance 288
11.1 Compliance with International
Standards and Guidelines 288

4 Alfa Laval Pump Handbook

12 Installation Guide 14 Technical Data
Covers guidelines relating to pump installation, system Includes a summary of nomenclature and formulas
design and pipework layout. used in this handbook.

12 Installation Guide 300 14 Technical Data 324

12.1 General 300 14.1 Nomenclature 326
12.1.1 System Design 302 14.2 Formulas 327
12.1.2 Pipework 303 14.3 Conversion tables 333
12.1.3 Weight 303 14.3.1 Length 333
12.1.4 Electrical Supply 303 14.3.2 Volume 333
12.2 Flow Direction 304 14.3.3 Volumetric Capacity 333
12.2.1 Centrifugal Pumps 304 14.3.4 Mass Capacity 334
12.2.2 Rotary Lobe & Circumferential 14.3.5 Pressure/Head 334
Piston Pumps 305 14.3.6 Force 334
12.2.3 Twin Screw Pumps 306 14.3.7 Torque 334
12.3 Baseplate Foundations 307 14.3.8 Power 335
12.4 Coupling Alignment 309 14.3.9 Density 335
12.5 Considerations for 14.3.10 Viscosity Conversion Table 336
LKH Prime Centrifugal Pump 310
14.3.11 Temperature Conversion Table 338
12.6 Pre-start Checklist 312
14.4 Water Vapour Pressure Table 340
12.6.1 Fastenings 312
14.5 Pressure Drop Curve for
100 m ISO/DIN Tube 341
14.6 Velocity 342
13 Troubleshooting 14.7 Equivalent Tube Length Table 343
Offers possible causes and solutions to most common 14.7.1 ISO Tube Metric for Water at 2 m/s 343
14.7.2 ISO Tube Feet for Water at 6 ft/s 349
13 Troubleshooting 314 14.7.3 DIN Tube Metric for Water at 2 m/s 355
13.1 General 314 14.8 Moody Diagram 362
13.2 Common Problems 317 14.9 Initial Suction Line Sizing 363
13.2.1 Loss of Flow 317 14.10 Elastomer Compatibility Guide 364
13.2.2 Loss of Suction 317
13.2.3 Low Discharge Pressure 318
13.2.4 Excessive Noise or Vibration 318 15 Glossary of Terms
13.2.5 Excessive Power 318 Explains the various terms found in this handbook.
13.2.6 Rapid Pump Wear 318
15 Glossary of Terms 370
13.2.7 Seal Leakage 319
13.3 Problem Solving Table 320

Alfa Laval Pump Handbook 5

1.0 Introduction

This chapter gives a short introduction

of the Pump Handbook.

6 Alfa Laval Pump Handbook

1.0 Introduction

Alfa Laval Pump Handbook 7

1.0 Introduction


Fig. 1.1a Typical pump installation

1.1 What is a Pump?

There are many different definitions of this but at Alfa
Laval we believe this is best described as:

‘A machine used for the purpose of trans-

ferring quantities of fluids and/or gases,
from one place to another’
This is illustrated above transferring fluid from tank A to
spray nozzles B.

Pump types generally fall into two main categories

- Rotodynamic and Positive Displacement, of which
there are many forms as shown in Fig. 1.1b on the
following pages.

The Rotodynamic pump transfers rotating mechanical

energy into kinetic energy in the form of fluid velocity
and pressure. The Centrifugal and Liquid Ring pumps
are types of rotodynamic pumps, which utilise centrifu-
gal force to transfer the fluid being pumped.

The Rotary Lobe pump is a type of positive displace-

ment pump, which directly displaces the pumped fluid
from pump inlet to outlet in discrete volumes.

8 Alfa Laval Pump Handbook

1.0 Introduction

Alfa Laval Pump Handbook 9

1.0 Introduction

Pump Classifications



Rotor Reciprocating

Multi-Rotor Single Rotor Diaphragm Plunger

Screw Piston Simplex

Circumferential Archimedean
Piston Screw


Internal External Peristaltic

Rotary Lobe Vane

Alfa Laval Progressing

Rotary Lobe Cavity
Fig. 1.1b Pump classifications

10 Alfa Laval Pump Handbook

1.0 Introduction

Multi-Stage Single Stage

End Suction Double Entry


Rubber Lined



Alfa Laval
Centrifugal and
Liquid Ring

Alfa Laval Pump Handbook 11

2.0 Terminology and Theory

This chapter explains the terminology and

theory of pumping applications, including
explanations of rheology, flow characteristics,
pressure and NPSH.

In order to select a pump two types of data are


• Product/Fluid data which includes viscosity,

density/specific gravity, temperature, flow
characteristics, vapour pressure and solids

• Performance data which includes capacity

or flow rate, and inlet/discharge pressure/head

Different fluids have varying characteristics and are

usually pumped under different conditions. It is
therefore very important to know all relevant product
and performance data before selecting a pump.

12 Alfa Laval Pump Handbook

2.0 Terminology and Theory
Terminology and

Alfa Laval Pump Handbook 13

2.0 Terminology and Theory

2.1 Product/Fluid Data

2.1.1 Rheology Kinematic Viscosity
The science of fluid flow is termed ‘Rheology’ and This is a measure of how resistive the flow of a fluid is
one of its most important aspects is viscosity which is under the influence of gravity. Kinematic viscometers
defined below. usually use the force of gravity to cause the fluid to
flow through a calibrated orifice, while timing its flow.
2.1.2 Viscosity The SI unit of kinematic viscosity is (mm2/s) in the so-
called MKS (metre, kilogram, second) system, while in
The viscosity of a fluid can be regarded as a measure
the CGS (centimetres, grams, seconds) system this is
of how resistive the fluid is to flow. It is comparable
expressed as 1 centistoke (cSt), where 1 mm2/s = 1
to the friction of solid bodies and causes a retarding
cSt. Water at 1 atmosphere and 20° C (68° F) has the
force. This retarding force transforms the kinetic
value of 1 mm2/s = 1 cSt. Kinematic viscosity is usually
energy of the fluid into thermal energy.
designated by the symbol ν.
The ease with which a fluid pours is an indication of its
viscosity. For example, cold oil has a high viscosity and Relationship between Absolute and Kinematic
pours very slowly, whereas water has a relatively low Viscosity
viscosity and pours quite readily. High viscosity fluids Absolute and Kinematic viscosity are related by:
require greater shearing forces than low viscosity fluids
at a given shear rate. It follows therefore that viscosity ν=µ
affects the magnitude of energy loss in a flowing fluid. ρ

Two basic viscosity parameters are commonly used, Where ρ is the fluid density (see section 2.1.3)
absolute (or dynamic) viscosity and kinematic viscosity.
In the CGS system this translates to:
Absolute (or Dynamic) Viscosity
This is a measure of how resistive the flow of a fluid is Kinematic Viscosity (cSt) = Absolute Viscosity (cP)
between two layers of fluid in motion. A value can be Specific Gravity
obtained directly from a rotational viscometer which
measures the force needed to rotate a spindle in the or
fluid. The SI unit of absolute viscosity is mPas in the
so-called MKS (metre, kilogram, second) system, while Absolute Viscosity (cP) =
in the CGS (centimetres, grams, seconds) system this Kinematic Viscosity (cSt) x SG
is expressed as 1 centipoise (cP) where 1 mPas = 1
cP. Water at 1 atmosphere and 20° C (68° F) has the A viscosity conversion table is included in section
value of 1 mPas or 1 cP. Absolute viscosity is usually 14.3.10.
designated by the symbol µ.

14 Alfa Laval Pump Handbook

2.0 Terminology and Theory

Temperature Shear Rate

Fig. 2.1.2a Viscosity variation with Fig. 2.1.2b Newtonian fluids

Viscosity Variation with Temperature Newtonian Fluids

Temperature can have a significant effect on viscosity In some fluids the viscosity is constant regardless of
and a viscosity figure given for pump selection pur- the shear forces applied to the layers of fluid. These
poses without fluid temperature is often meaningless fluids are named Newtonian fluids. At a constant tem-
- viscosity should always be quoted at the pumping perature, the viscosity is constant with change in shear
temperature (Fig 2.1.2a). Generally, viscosity falls with rate or agitation (Fig. 2.1.2b).
increasing temperature and more significantly, it in-
creases with falling temperature. In a pumping system Typical fluids are:
it can be advantageous to increase the temperature of • Water
a highly viscous fluid to ease flow.
• Beer

• Hydrocarbons

• Milk

• Mineral Oils

• Resins

• Syrups

Alfa Laval Pump Handbook 15

2.0 Terminology and Theory


Shear Rate
Fig. 2.1.2c Viscosity against Shear Rate

Non-Newtonian Fluids
Most empirical and test data for pumps and piping
systems has been developed using Newtonian fluids
It is not always obvious which type of
across a wide range of viscosities. However, there are
many fluids which do not follow this linear law, these
viscous behaviour a fluid will exhibit, and
fluids are named Non-Newtonian fluids (Fig. 2.1.2c). consideration must be given to the shear
rate that will exist in the pump under
When working with Non-Newtonian fluids, we use pumping conditions. It is not unusual
Effective Viscosity to represent the viscous character- to find the effective viscosity as little as
istics of the fluid as though it was Newtonian at that
1% of the value measured by standard
given set of conditions (shear rate, temperature). This
effective viscosity is then used in calculations, charts,
graphs, and ‘handbook’ information.



Typical Shear
Rate in Pumping

Shear Rate Shear Rate

Fig. 2.1.2d Viscosity against Shear Rate Fig. 2.1.2e Pseudoplastic fluids

Types of Non-Newtonian Fluids Pseudoplastic Fluids

There are a number of different types of Non- Viscosity decreases as shear rate increases, but initial
Newtonian fluids, each with different characteristics. viscosity may be so high as to prevent start of flow in a
Effective viscosity at set conditions will be different, normal pumping system (Fig. 2.1.2e).
depending on the fluid being pumped (Fig. 2.1.2d). This
can be better understood by looking at the behaviour Typical fluids are:
of viscous fluids with changes in shear rate as follows:
• Blood

• Emulsions

• Gums

• Lotions

• Soap

• Toothpaste

• Yeast
16 Alfa Laval Pump Handbook
2.0 Terminology and Theory

Shear Rate Time
Fig. 2.1.2f Dilatant fluids Fig. 2.1.2g Thixotropic fluids

Dilatant Fluids Thixotropic Fluids

Viscosity increases as shear rate increases (Fig. 2.1.2f). Viscosity decreases with time under shear conditions.
After shear ceases, the viscosity will return to its origi-
Typical fluids are: nal value - the time for recovery will vary with different
fluids (Fig. 2.1.2g).
• Clay Slurries

• Paper Coatings Typical fluids are:

• Cosmetic Creams

• Dairy Creams

• Greases

• Stabilised Yoghurt


Time Time
Fig. 2.1.2h Anti-thixotropic fluids Fig. 2.1.2i Rheomalactic fluids

Anti-thixotropic Fluids Rheomalactic Fluids

Viscosity increases with time under shear conditions. Viscosity decreases with time under shear conditions
After shear ceases, the viscosity will return to its origi- but does not recover (Fig. 2.1.2i). Fluid structure is
nal value - the time for recovery will vary with different irreversibly destroyed.
fluids (Fig. 2.1.2h). As the name suggests anti-thixo-
tropic fluids have opposite rheological characteristics Typical fluids are:
to thixotropic fluids.
• Natural Rubber Latex

Typical fluid is: • Natural Yoghurt

• Vanadium Pentoxide Solution

Alfa Laval Pump Handbook 17

2.0 Terminology and Theory


Y = Yield Stress

Shear Rate
Fig. 2.1.2j Plastic fluids

Plastic Fluids
Need a certain applied force (or yield stress) to over-
come ‘solid-like structure’, before flowing like a fluid
(Fig. 2.1.2j). It should be noted that some fluids would
have both thixotropic and pseudoplastic
Typical fluids are:
• Barium X-ray Meal

• Chocolate

• Tomato Ketchup

1m 1 ft
m ft
1 1

Mass of Mass of
ethyl alcohol ethyl alcohol
789 kg 49.2 lb

1 ft

Fig. 2.1.3a Density

2.1.3 Density
The density of a fluid is its mass per unit of volume,
usually expressed as kilograms per cubic metre
(kg/m3) or pounds per cubic foot (lb/ft3) (Fig. 2.1.3a).
Density is usually designated by the symbol ρ.
Density in gases varies considerably
1 m3 of ethyl alcohol has a mass of 789 kg
with pressure and temperature but
i.e., density = 789 kg/m3 can be regarded as constant in fluids.

1 ft3 of ethyl alcohol has a mass of 49.2 lb

i.e., density = 49.2 lb/ft3

18 Alfa Laval Pump Handbook

2.0 Terminology and Theory
2.1.4 Specific Weight
The specific weight of a fluid is its weight per unit The specific weight of water at 20° C (68° F) and
volume and is usually designated by the symbol γ. 1 atmosphere is as follows:
It is related to density as follows:
γ=ρxg γ = 9790 N/m3 = 62.4 lbf/ft3

Where g is gravity Note:

Mass should not be confused with weight. Weight is
The units of weight per unit volume are N/m3 or lbf/ft3 the force produced from gravity acting on the mass.

Standard gravity is as follows:

g = 9.807 m/s2
g = 32.174 ft/s2

1m 1m
m m
1 1

Mass of Mass of
ethyl alcohol water
789 kg 1000 kg


Fig. 2.1.5a Specific gravity

2.1.5 Specific Gravity

The specific gravity of a fluid is the ratio of its density to or
the density of water. As this is a ratio, it does not have
any units of measure (Fig. 2.1.5a). 1 ft3 of ethyl alcohol has a mass of 49.2 lb
- its density is 49.2 lb/ft3
1 m3 of ethyl alcohol has a mass of 789 kg 1 ft3 of water has a mass of 62.4 lb
- its density is 789 kg/m³ - its density is 62.4 lb/ft3
1 m³ of water has a mass of 1000 kg
- its density is 1000 kg/m³ Specific Gravity of ethyl alcohol is:
49.2 lb/ft3 = 0.789
Specific Gravity of ethyl alcohol is: 62.4 lb/ft3
789 kg/m³ = 0.789
1000 kg/m³ This resultant figure is dimensionless, so the Specific
Gravity (or SG) is 0.789.

Alfa Laval Pump Handbook 19

2.0 Terminology and Theory

2.1.6 Temperature 2.1.7 Flow Characteristics

The temperature of the fluid at the pump inlet is usually When considering a fluid flowing in a pipework system
of most concern as vapour pressure can have a signi- it is important to be able to determine the type of flow.
ficant effect on pump performance (see section 2.1.8). The connection between the velocity and the capac-
Other fluid properties such as viscosity and density ity of a fluid (similar to water) in different tube sizes is
can also be affected by temperature changes. Thus, a shown in table 14.6.
cooling of the product in the discharge line could have
a significant effect on the pumping of a fluid. Under some conditions the fluid will appear to flow
as layers in a smooth and regular manner. This can
The temperature of a fluid can also have a significant be illustrated by opening a water tap slowly until the
effect on the selection of any elastomeric materials flow is smooth and steady. This type of flow is called
used. laminar flow. If the water tap is opened wider, allowing
the velocity of flow to increase, a point will be reached
A temperature conversion table is given in section whereby the stream of water is no longer smooth and
14.3.11. regular but appears to be moving in a chaotic manner.
This type of flow is called turbulent flow. The type of
flow is indicated by the Reynolds number.

Temperature is a measure of the internal

energy level in a fluid, usually expressed
in units of degrees Centigrade (°C) or
degrees Fahrenheit (°F).

20 Alfa Laval Pump Handbook

2.0 Terminology and Theory
Velocity is the distance a fluid moves per unit of time
and is given by equation as follows:

In dimensionally consistent SI units

Velocity V =Q Where:
A V = Fluid Velocity (m/s)
Q = Capacity (m3/s)
A = Tube Cross Sectional Area (m2)
Other convenient forms of this equation are:
Velocity V = Q x 353.6 Where:
D2 V = Fluid Velocity (m/s)
Q = Capacity (m3/h)
D = Tube Diameter (mm)
Velocity V = Q x 0.409 Where:
D2 V = Fluid Velocity (ft/s)
Q = Capacity (US gal/min)
D = Tube Diameter (in)
Velocity V = Q x 0.489 Where:
D2 V = Fluid Velocity (ft/s)
Q = Capacity (UK gal/min)
D = Tube Diameter (in)

Fluid velocity can be of great importance especially could result in blockages and changes in system
when pumping slurries and fluids containing solids. pressure as the actual internal diameter of the pipe is
In these instances, a certain velocity may be required effectively decreased, which could impact on pump
to prevent solids from settling in the pipework, which performance.

Alfa Laval Pump Handbook 21

2.0 Terminology and Theory

Parabolic curve
max u

max = Maximum Velocity u
max = Maximum Velocity
V = Velocity V = Velocity
Fig. 2.1.7a Laminar flow Fig. 2.1.7b Turbulent flow

Laminar Flow Turbulent Flow

This is sometimes known as streamline, viscous or This is sometimes known as unsteady flow with
steady flow. The fluid moves through the pipe in con- considerable mixing taking place across the pipe
centric layers with the maximum velocity in the centre cross section. The velocity profile is more flattened
of the pipe, decreasing to zero at the pipe wall. than in laminar flow but remains fairly constant across
the section as shown in Fig. 2.1.7b. Turbulent flow
The velocity profile is parabolic, the gradient of which generally appears at relatively high velocities and/or
depends upon the viscosity of the fluid for a set flow- relatively low viscosities.
rate as shown in Fig. 2.1.7a.

Transitional Flow
Between laminar and turbulent flow there is an area
referred to as transitional flow where conditions are
unstable and have a blend of each characteristic.

22 Alfa Laval Pump Handbook

2.0 Terminology and Theory
This is a ratio of inertia forces to viscous
forces, and as such, a useful value for
determining whether flow will be laminar
or turbulent.

Reynolds Number (Re)

Reynolds number for pipe flow is given by equation as

In dimensionally consistent SI units

Re =DxVxρ Where:
µ D = Tube Diameter (m)
V = Fluid Velocity (m/s)
ρ = Density (kg/m3)
µ = Absolute Viscosity (Pas)
Other convenient forms of this equation are:
Re =DxVxρ Where:
µ D = Tube Diameter (mm)
V = Fluid Velocity (m/s)
ρ = Density (kg/m3)
µ = Absolute Viscosity (cP)
Re = 21230 x Q Where:
Dxµ D = Tube Diameter (mm)
Q = Capacity (l/min)
µ = Absolute Viscosity (cP)
Re = 3162 x Q Where:
Dxν D = Tube Diameter (in)
Q = Capacity (US gal/min)
ν = Kinematic Viscosity (cSt)
Re = 3800 x Q Where:
Dxν D = Tube Diameter (in)
Q = Capacity (UK gal/min)
ν = Kinematic Viscosity (cSt)

Alfa Laval Pump Handbook 23

2.0 Terminology and Theory

Since Reynolds number is a ratio of two forces, it Where transitional flow occurs, frictional loss calcula-
has no units. For a given set of flow conditions, the tions should be carried out for both laminar and turbu-
Reynolds number will not vary when using different lent conditions, and the highest resulting loss used in
units. It is important to use the same set of units, such subsequent system calculations.
as show on previous page, when calculating Reynolds

Re less than 2300 - Laminar Flow

(viscous force dominates
- high system losses)
Re in range 2300 to 4000 - Transitional Flow
(critically balanced forces)
Re greater than 4000 - Turbulent Flow
(inertia force dominates
- low system losses)

24 Alfa Laval Pump Handbook

2.0 Terminology and Theory
Fluid (liquid form)

Pvp = Vapour pressure

(external pressure required to maintain as a fluid)
Fig. 2.1.8a Vapour pressure

2.1.8 Vapour Pressure 2.1.9 Fluids Containing Solids

Fluids will evaporate unless prevented from doing so It is important to know if a fluid contains any particulate
by external pressure (Fig. 2.1.8a). The vapour pressure matter and if so, the size and concentration. Special
of a fluid is the pressure (at a given temperature) at attention should be given regarding any abrasive solids
which a fluid will change to a vapour and is expressed with respect to pump type and construction, operating
as absolute pressure (bar a or PSIA) - see section speed, and shaft seals.
2.2.2. Each fluid has its own vapour pressure/temper-
ature relationship. In pump sizing, vapour pressure can Size of solids is also important, as when pumping large
be a key factor in checking the Net Positive Suction particles, the pump inlet should be large enough for
Head (NPSH) available from the system (see section solids to enter the pump without ‘bridging’ the pump
2.2.4). inlet. Also, the pump should be sized so the cavity
created in the pump chamber by the pump elements is
Temperature Vapour pressure (bar) of sufficient size to allow satisfactory pump operation.
0º C (32º F) 0.006 bar a (0.087 PSIA)
20º C (68º F) 0.023 bar a (0.334 PSIA) Concentration is normally expressed as a percentage
by weight (W/W) or volume (V/V) or a combination of
100º C (212º F) 1.013 bar a (14.7 PSIA)
both weight and volume (W/V).

Water will boil (vaporise) at a temperature of:

• 0° C (32° F) if Pvp = 0.006 bar a (0.087 PSIA)

• 20° C (68° F) if Pvp = 0.023 bar a (0.334 PSIA)

• 100° C (212° F) if Pvp = 1.013 bar a (14.7 PSIA)

(atmospheric conditions at sea level)

In general terms Pvp:

• Is dependent upon the type of fluid

• Increases at higher temperature

• Is of great importance to pump inlet conditions

• Should be determined from relevant tables

The Pvp for water at various temperatures is shown in

section 14.4.

Alfa Laval Pump Handbook 25

2.0 Terminology and Theory

F = Force

Fig. 2.2.2a Pressure

2.2 Performance Data

2.2.1 Capacity (Flow Rate) Atmospheric Pressure
The capacity (or flow rate) is the volume of fluid or The actual magnitude of the atmospheric pressure
mass that passes a certain area per time unit. This is varies with location and with climatic conditions. The
usually a known value dependent on the actual pro- range of normal variation of atmospheric pressure near
cess. For fluids the most common units of capacity are the earth’s surface is approximately 0.95 to 1.05 bar
litres per hour (l/h), cubic metres per hour (m3/h) and absolute (bar a) or 13.78 to 15.23 PSI gauge (PSIG). At
UK or US gallons per minute (gal/min). For mass the sea level the standard atmospheric pressure is 1.013
most common units of capacity are kilogram per hour bar a or 14.7 PSI absolute (bar a or PSIA).
(kg/h), tonne per hour (t/h) and pounds per hour (lb/h).
Gauge Pressure
2.2.2 Pressure Using atmospheric pressure as a zero reference,
Pressure is defined as force per unit area: gauge pressure is the pressure within the gauge that
P=F exceeds the surrounding atmospheric pressure. It is a
A measure of the force per unit area exerted by a fluid,
commonly indicated in units of bar g (bar gauge) or
Where F is the force perpendicular to a surface and PSIG (PSI gauge).
A is the area of the surface (Fig. 2.2.2a).
Absolute Pressure
In the SI system the standard unit of force is the
Is the total pressure exerted by a fluid. It equals atmos-
Newton (N) and area is given in square metres (m2).
pheric pressure plus gauge pressure, indicated in units
Pressure is expressed in units of Newtons per square
of bar a (bar absolute) or PSIA (PSI absolute).
metre (N/m2). This derived unit is called the Pascal
(Pa). In practice Pascals are rarely used and the most
Absolute Pressure =
common units of force are bar, pounds per square
Gauge Pressure + Atmospheric Pressure
inch (lb/in2) or PSI, and kilogram per square centimetre
Conversion factors between units of pressure are This is a commonly used term to describe pressure
given in section 14.3.5. in a pumping system below normal atmospheric
pressure. This is a measure of the difference between
Different Types of Pressure the measured pressure and atmospheric pressure
expressed in units of mercury (Hg) or units of PSIA.
For calculations involving fluid pressures, the meas-
urements must be relative to some reference pressure.
14.7 PSIA = 760 mm Hg (30 in Hg)
Normally the reference is that of the atmosphere and
the resulting measured pressure is called gauge pres-
0 PSIA = 0 mm Hg (0 in Hg)
sure. Pressure measured relative to a perfect vacuum
is called ‘absolute pressure’.

26 Alfa Laval Pump Handbook

2.0 Terminology and Theory
Inlet (Suction) Pressure Differential Pressure
This is the pressure at which the fluid is entering This is the difference between the inlet and outlet pres-
the pump. The reading should be taken whilst the sures. For inlet pressures above atmospheric pressure
pump is running and as close to the pump inlet as the differential pressure is obtained by subtracting
possible. This is expressed in units of absolute bar a the inlet pressure from the outlet pressure. For inlet
(PSIA) or gauge bar g (PSIG) depending upon the inlet pressures below atmospheric pressure the differential
conditions. pressure is obtained by adding the inlet pressure to
the outlet pressure. It is therefore the total pressure
Outlet (Discharge) Pressure reading and is the pressure against which the pump
will have to operate. Power requirements are to be
This is the pressure at which the fluid leaves the pump.
calculated on the basis of differential pressure (Fig.
Again, this reading should be taken whilst the pump is
running and as close to the pump outlet as possible.
The reading is expressed in units of gauge bar (PSIG).

Example: Inlet Pressure above Atmospheric Pressure

Outlet Inlet Differential

4 bar g 5.013 bar a

(58 PSIG) (72.7 PSIA)

1.5 bar g 2.513 bar a

(21.75 PSIG) (36.45 PSIA)
- =
0 bar g 1.013 bar a 0 bar g 1.013 bar a
(0 PSIG) (14.7 PSIA) (0 PSIG) (14.7 PSIA)
Differential = 4 - 1.5 = 2.5 bar
0 bar a or
(0 PSIA) = 58 - 21.75 = 36.25 PSI

Example: Inlet Pressure below Atmospheric Pressure

Outlet Inlet Differential

4 bar g 5.013 bar a

(58 PSIG) (72.7 PSIA)

1.013 bar a
(14.7 PSIA)
0 bar g 1.013 bar a 0 bar g + =
(0 PSIG) (14.7 PSIA) (0 PSIG)
0.5 bar a
(7.25 PSIA) Differential = 4 + (1.013 - 0.5) = 4.513 bar
0 bar a 0 bar a or
(0 PSIA) (0 PSIA) = 58 + (14.7 -7.25) = 65.45 PSI
Fig. 2.2.2b Differential pressure

Alfa Laval Pump Handbook 27

2.0 Terminology and Theory

Fig. 2.2.2c Relationship of pressure to


The Relationship Between Pressure and Elevation

In a static fluid (a body of fluid at rest) the pressure
difference between any two points is in direct propor-
tion only to the vertical distance between the points.
The relationship of eleva-
The same vertical height will give the same pressure tion equivalent to pressure
regardless of the pipe configuration in between (Fig. is commonly referred to as
2.2.2c). ‘head’.
This pressure difference is due to the weight of a
‘column’ of fluid and can be calculated as follows:

In dimensionally consistent SI units

Static Pressure (P) = ρ x g x h Where:
P = Pressure/Head (Pa)
ρ = Fluid Density (kg/m3)
g = Gravity (m/s2)
h = Height of Fluid (m)
Other convenient forms of this equation are:
Static Pressure (P) = h x SG Where:
10 P = Pressure/Head (Pa)
SG = Specific Gravity (bar)
h = Height of Fluid (m)
Static Pressure (P) = h x SG Where:
2.31 P = Pressure/Head (Pa)
SG = Specific Gravity (PSI)
h = Height of Fluid (ft)

28 Alfa Laval Pump Handbook

2.0 Terminology and Theory
Water Slurry Solvent
35 m (115 ft)

35 m (115 ft)

35 m (115 ft)
3.5 bar 4.9 bar 2.5 bar
SG 1.0 (50 PSI) SG 1.4 (70 PSI) SG 0.7 (35 PSI)
Fig. 2.2.2d Relationship of elevation to

A pump capable of delivering 35 m (115 ft) head will The following are terms commonly used to express
produce different pressures for fluids of differing different conditions in a pumping system which can be
specific gravities (Fig. 2.2.2d). expressed as pressure units (bar or PSI) or head units
(m or ft).
A pump capable of delivering 3.5 bar (50 PSI) pressure
will develop different amounts of head for fluids of Flooded Suction
differing specific gravities (Fig. 2.2.2e).
This term is generally used to describe a positive inlet
pressure/head, whereby fluid will readily flow into the
pump inlet at sufficient pressure to avoid cavitation
(see section 2.2.3).

Water Slurry Solvent

50 m (165 ft)
35 m (115 ft)

25 m (82 ft)

3.5 bar 3.5 bar 3.5 bar

SG 1.0 (50 PSI) SG 1.4 (50 PSI) SG 0.7 (50 PSI)
Fig. 2.2.2e Relationship of elevation to

Static Head Total Static Head

The static head is a difference in fluid levels. The total static head of a system is the difference
in height between the static discharge head and the
Static Suction Head static suction head.
This is the difference in height between the fluid level
and the centre line of the pump inlet on the inlet side Friction Head
of the pump. This is the pressure drop on both inlet and discharge
sides of the pump due to frictional losses in fluid flow.
Static Discharge Head
This is the difference in height between the fluid level Dynamic Head
and the centre line of the pump inlet on the discharge This is the energy required to set the fluid in motion
side of the pump. and to overcome any resistance to that motion.

Alfa Laval Pump Handbook 29

2.0 Terminology and Theory


hft hft



hfs hfs

Fig. 2.2.2f Flooded suction and open discharge Fig. 2.2.2g Flooded suction and closed discharge tanks

Total Suction Head

The total suction head is the static suction head less Where:
the dynamic head. Where the static head is negative, H = Total head
or where the dynamic head is greater than the static
Hs = Total suction head
head, this implies the fluid level will be below the centre
Ht = Total discharge head
line of the pump inlet (i.e., suction lift).
hs = Static suction head
Total Discharge Head ht = Static discharge head
The total discharge head is the sum of the static hfs = Pressure drop in suction line
discharge and dynamic heads. hft = Pressure drop in discharge line
Ps = Vacuum or pressure in a tank
Total Head on suction side
Total head is the total pressure difference between the Pt = Pressure in a tank on discharge side
total discharge head and the total suction head of the
pump. The head is often a known value. It can be cal- In general terms:
culated by means of different formulas if the installation
p > 0 for pressure
conditions are specified.
p < 0 for vacuum
Total Head H = Ht - (± Hs) p = 0 for open tank
Total Discharge Head Ht = ht + hft + Pt hs > 0 for flooded suction
Total Suction Head Hs = hs - hfs + (± Ps) hs < 0 for suction lift



hft hft


hfs hfs

Fig. 2.2.2h Suction lift and open discharge tanks Fig. 2.2.2i Suction lift and closed discharge tanks

30 Alfa Laval Pump Handbook

2.0 Terminology and Theory
Pressure Drop
Manufacturers of processing equipment, heat ex- For calculations on water like viscosity fluids, the pres-
changers, static mixers etc., usually have data available sure drop can be determined referring to the Pressure
for pressure drop. These losses are affected by fluid Drop Curve (see section 14.5) as shown in Example
velocity, viscosity, tube diameter, internal surface finish 1. For higher viscosity fluids, a viscosity correction
of tube and tube length. factor is applied to the tube fittings by multiplying the
resultant equivalent tube length by the figures shown in
The different losses and consequently the total pres- table 2.2.2a below - see Example 2.
sure drop in the process are, if necessary, determined
in practice by converting the losses into equivalent
straight length of tube which can then be used in Pressure drop is the result of
subsequent system calculations. frictional losses in pipework,
fittings and other process
equipment etc.

Viscosity - cP 1 - 100 101 - 2000 2001 - 20,000 20,001 - 100,000

Correction Factor 1.0 0.75 0.5 0.25
Table 2.2.2a

Alfa Laval Pump Handbook 31

2.0 Terminology and Theory



Fig. 2.2.2j Example

Example 1 Process:
Pumping milk from tank A to tank G D: Non-return valve type LKC-2, 51 mm (2 in)
Q = 8 m3/h (35 US gal/min) (Fig. 2.2.2j).
E: Unique SSV standard ISO 51 mm
Tubes, valves, and fittings: E-F: 46 m (151 ft) tube dia. 38 mm (1.5 in)
A: Tank outlet dia. 63.5 mm (2.5 in)
E-F: 4 off bend 90° dia. 38 mm (1.5 in)
A-B: 4 m (13 ft) tube dia. 63.5 mm (2.5 in)
F: Seat valve type SRC-W-38-21-100
A-B: 1 off bend 90° dia. 63.5 mm (2.5 in)
The pressure drop through the tubes, valves and
B-C: 20 m (66 ft) tube dia. 51 mm (2 in). fittings is determined as equivalent tube length, so that
the total pressure drop can be calculated.
C: Unique SSV standard ISO 51 mm

C-E: 15 m (49 ft) tube dia. 51 mm (2 in) The conversion into equivalent tube length is carried
out by reference to chapter 14.7. This results in the
B-E: 3 off bend 90° dia. 51 mm (2 in)
following equivalent tube length for the different equip-
ment as shown in the following tables:

Equipment Equivalent ISO Tube Length (m)

38 mm 51 mm 63.5 mm
A Tank outlet 1 (estimated)
A-B Tube 4
A-B Bend 90° 1x1
B-C Tube 20
C-E Tube 15
C-E Unique SSV standard ISO 11
B-E Bend 90° 3x1
D LKC-2 non-return valve 12
E Unique SSV standard ISO 11
E-F Tube 46
E-F Bend 90° 4x1
F Unique SSV standard ISO 6
Total 56 72 6
Table 2.2.2b

32 Alfa Laval Pump Handbook

2.0 Terminology and Theory
Equipment Equivalent ISO Tube Length (ft)
1.5 in 2 in 2.5 in
A Tank outlet 3 (estimated)
A-B Tube 13
A-B Bend° 1x3
B-C Tube 66
C-E Tube 49
C-E Unique SSV standard ISO 36
B-E Bend° 3x3
D LKC-2 non-return valve 39
E Unique SSV standard ISO 36
E-F Tube 151
E-F Bend° 4x3
F Unique SSV standard ISO 20
Total 183 235 19
Table 2.2.2c

As viewed from the prior tables the pressure drop The pressure drop through 100 m of tube for sizes 38
through the different equipment corresponds to the mm, 51 mm and 63.5 mm is determined by means of
following equivalent tube length. the following curve, also shown in 14.5 (Fig. 2.2.2k).

38 mm (1.5 in) tube: Length = 56 m (184 ft)

51 mm (2 in) tube: Length = 72 m (236 ft)

63.5 mm (2.5 in) tube: Length = 6 m (20 ft)

Alfa Laval Pump Handbook 33

2.0 Terminology and Theory

Pressure drop (m) Pressure drop in 100 m ISO/DIN tube (water at 20º C)

~ 13.2 A B K M

~ 3.0
~ 1.1 I

0.1 1 Q = 8 m3/h 10 100 1000
Capacity (m3/h)
A = 25 mm D = DN40 G = 63.5 mm J = DN80 M = DN125
B = DN25 E = 61 mm H = DN65 K = 101.6 mm N = DN150
C = 38 mm F = DN50 I = 76 mm L = DN100
Note: A, C, E, G, I and K refer to ISO Tube - B, D, F, H, J, L, M and N refer to DIN Tube
Fig. 2.2.2k Pressure drop curve

The total pressure drop ∆H in the process is conse- or

quently calculated as follows:

38 mm: ∆H = 56 x 13.2 = 7.39 m 1.5 in: ∆H = 183 x 43 = 24.0 ft

100 328

51 mm: ∆H = 72 x 3.0 = 2.16 m 2 in: ∆H = 235 x 10 = 7.2 ft

100 328

63.5 mm: ∆H = 6 x 1.1 = 0.07 m 2.5 in: ∆H = 19 x 4 = 0.2 ft

100 328

∆H = 7.39 + 2.16 + 0.07 = 9.62 m ≈ 9.6 m (≈ 1 bar) ∆H = 24.0 + 7.2 + 0.2 = 30.7 ft ≈ 31.4 ft (≈ 14 PSI)

34 Alfa Laval Pump Handbook

2.0 Terminology and Theory
Example 2 Process:
Pumping glucose with a viscosity of 5000 cP from a Fittings Equivalent ISO Tube Length (ft)
flooded suction through discharge pipeline as follows.
2 in 3 in
Non-return valve 2 x 39
Tubes, valves and fittings:
Bend 90° 6x3
30 m (98 ft) tube dia. 51 mm (2 in) Bend 90° 4x3
20 m (66 ft) tube dia. 76 mm (3 in) Tee 3 x 10
Total 126 12
2 off Non-return valves 51 mm (2 in)
Table 2.2.2e
6 off Bend 90° dia. 51 mm (2 in)
As viewed from the prior tables the pressure drop
4 off Bend 90° dia. 76 mm (3 in) through the different fittings corresponds to the
3 off Tee (out through side port) 51 mm (2 in) following equivalent tube length.

The pressure drop through the tubes, valves and Tube dia. 51 mm (2 in): Length = 39 m (128 ft)
fittings is determined as equivalent tube length so that Tube dia. 76 mm (3 in): Length = 4 m (13 ft)
the total pressure drop can be calculated.
Applying the viscosity correction factor from table
For the pipe fittings the conversion into equivalent tube 2.2.2a for 5000 cP the equivalent tube length is now:
length is carried out by reference to tables 14.7. This
results in the following equivalent tube length for the Tube dia. 51 mm (2 in):
different fittings as shown below: Length = 39 m (126 ft) x 0.5 = 19.5 m (64 ft)

Tube dia. 76 mm (3 in):

Fittings Equivalent ISO Tube Length (m) Length = 4 m (12 ft) x 0.5 = 2 m (7 ft)
51 mm 76 mm
These figures of 19.5 m (64 ft) and 2 m (7 ft) would
Non-return valve 2 x 12
be added to the straight tube lengths given as shown
Bend 90° 6x1 above, and subsequently used in calculating the dis-
Bend 90° 4x1 charge pressure at the flow rate required.
Tee 3x3
Total 39 4 Tube dia. 51 mm (2 in):
Table 2.2.2d 30 m (98 ft) + 19.5 m (63 ft) = 49.5 m (162 ft)
Tube dia. 76 mm (3 in):
20 m (66 ft) + 2 m (7 ft) = 22 m (72 ft)

Alfa Laval Pump Handbook 35

2.0 Terminology and Theory

The friction losses in a pipework

system are dependent upon the
type of flow characteristic that is
taking place. The Reynolds number
(Re) is used to determine the flow
characteristic, see section 2.1.7.

Friction Loss Calculations

Since laminar flow is uniform and predictable it is the The Miller equation given below can be used to deter-
only flow regime in which the friction losses can be mine the pressure loss due to friction for both laminar
calculated using purely mathematical equations. In and turbulent flow in a given length of pipe (L).
the case of turbulent flow, mathematical equations are
used, but these are multiplied by a co-efficient that is
normally determined by experimental methods. This
co-efficient is known as the Darcy friction factor (fD).

In dimensionally consistent SI units

Pf = f D x L x ρ x V2 Where:
Dx2 Pf = Pressure Loss due to Friction (Pa)
fD = Darcy Friction Factor
L = Tube Length (m)
D = Tube Diameter (m)
V = Fluid Velocity (m/s)
ρ = Fluid Density (kg/m3)
Other convenient forms of this equation are:
Pf = 5 x SG x fD x L x V² Where:
D Pf = Pressure Loss due to Friction (bar)
fD = Darcy Friction Factor
L = Tube Length (m)
D = Tube Diameter (mm)
V = Fluid Velocity (m/s)
SG = Specific Gravity
Pf = 0.0823 x SG x fD x L x V 2
D Pf = Pressure Loss due to Friction (PSI)
fD = Darcy Friction Factor
L = Tube Length (ft)
D = Tube Diameter (in)
V = Fluid Velocity (ft/s)
SG = Specific Gravity

For laminar flow, the Darcy friction factor (fD) can be

calculated directly from the equation:

fD = 64

36 Alfa Laval Pump Handbook

2.0 Terminology and Theory
For turbulent flow, the Darcy friction factor (fD) has to
be determined by reference to the Moody diagram The relative roughness of pipes
(see section 14.8). It is first necessary to calculate the varies with diameter, type of material
relative roughness designated by the symbol E.
used and age of the pipe. It is usual
Where: to simplify this by using a relative
roughness (k) of 0.045 mm, which
E=k is the absolute roughness of clean
D commercial steel or wrought iron
pipes as given by Moody.
k = relative roughness which is the average heights of
the pipe internal surface peaks (mm)

D = internal pipe diameter (mm)

2.2.3 Cavitation
Cavitation is an undesirable vacuous space in the inlet
port of the pump normally occupied by fluid. The low-
est pressure point in a pump occurs at the pump inlet The term cavitation is derived from
- due to local pressure reduction part of the fluid may the word cavity, meaning a hollow
evaporate generating small vapour bubbles. These space.
bubbles are carried along by the fluid and implode
instantly when they get into areas of higher pressure.

If cavitation occurs this will result in loss of pump

efficiency and noisy operation. The life of a pump can
be shortened through mechanical damage, increased
corrosion, and erosion when cavitation is present.

Alfa Laval Pump Handbook 37

2.0 Terminology and Theory



Fig. 2.2.4a NPSH balance

When sizing pumps on highly viscous fluids care must For satisfactory pump operation:
be taken not to select too higher pump speed so as
to allow sufficient fluid to enter the pump and ensure NPSHa > NPSHr
satisfactory operation.
N.I.P.A. > N.I.P.R.
For all pump application problems, cavitation is the
most commonly encountered. It occurs with all types NPSHa is also referred to as N.I.P.A. (Net Inlet
of pumps, centrifugal, rotary, or reciprocating. When Pressure Available) and NPSHr is also referred to as
found, excessive pump speed and/or adverse suction N.I.P.R. (Net Inlet Pressure Required).
conditions will probably be the cause and reducing
pump speed and/or rectifying the suction condition A simplified way to look at NPSHa or N.I.P.A. is to
will usually eliminate this problem. imagine a balance of factors working for (static pres-
sure and positive head) and against (friction loss and
vapour pressure) the pump.
Cavitation should be avoided
at all costs. Providing the factors acting for the pump outweigh
those factors acting against, there will be a positive
suction pressure.
2.2.4 Net Positive Suction Head (NPSH)
In addition to the total head, capacity, power and
efficiency requirements, the condition at the inlet of
a pump is critical. The system on the inlet side of the
pump must allow a smooth flow of fluid to enter the
pump at a sufficiently high pressure to avoid cavitation
(Fig. 2.2.4a).

This is called the Net Positive Suction Head, generally

abbreviated NPSH.

Pump manufacturers supply data about the net posi-

tive suction head required by their pumps (NPSHr) for
satisfactory operation. When selecting a pump, it is
critical the net positive suction head available (NPSHa)
in the system is greater than the net positive suction
head required by the pump.

38 Alfa Laval Pump Handbook

2.0 Terminology and Theory
NPSHa = Pressure action on ± Static suction - Pressure drop - Vapour pressure
or N.I.P.A. surface of liquid (Pa) head (hs) (hfs) (Pvp)

+ve -ve +ve -ve


Fig. 2.2.4b NPSH calculation

The value of NPSHa or N.I.P.A. in the system is It is important the units used for calculating NPSHa or
dependent upon the characteristic of the fluid being N.I.P.A. are consistent i.e., the total figures should be
pumped, inlet piping, the location of the suction vessel, in m or ft.
and the pressure applied to the fluid in the suction
vessel. This is the actual pressure seen at the pump in- For low temperature applications the vapour pressure
let. It is important to note, it is the inlet system that sets is generally not critical and can be assumed to be
the inlet condition and not the pump. It is calculated as negligible.
shown above in Figure 2.2.4b.

NPSHa or = Pa ± h s - hfs - Pvp Where:

N.I.P.A. Pa = Pressure absolute above fluid level (bar)
hs = Static suction head (m)
hfs = Pressure drop in suction line (m)
Pvp = Vapour pressure (bar a)
Pa = Pressure absolute above fluid level (PSI)
hs = Static suction head (ft)
hfs = Pressure drop in suction line (ft)
Pvp = Vapour pressure (PSIA)

Alfa Laval Pump Handbook 39

2.0 Terminology and Theory

Pa = 0.5 bar

3.5 m

1.5 m
hfs = 1.5 m

Pa = 1 bar
(open tank)
hfs = 1 m
Fig. 2.2.4c Example 1 Fig. 2.2.4d Example 2

Example 1 Process:
Water at 50° C (122° F)
Pa = Pressure Absolute above Fluid Level (1 bar = 10 m)
(14.7 PSI = 33.9 ft)
hs = Static Suction Head (3.5 m)
(11.5 ft)
hfs = Pressure Drop in Suction Line (1.5 m)
(5 ft)
Pvp = Vapour Pressure (0.12 bar a = 1.2 m)
(1.8 PSIA = 4 ft)

NPSHr of pump selected = 3.0 m (10 ft)

NPSHa = Pa - h s - hfs - Pvp = Pa - h s - hfs - Pvp

= 10 - 3.5 - 1.5 - 1.2 (m) or = 33.9 - 11.5 - 5 - 4 (ft)
= 3.8 m = 13.4 ft

As NPSHa is greater than NPSHr, no cavitation will occur under the conditions stated (Fig. 2.2.4c).

Example 2 Process:
Water at 75° C (167° F)
Pa = Pressure Absolute above Fluid Level (0.5 bar = 5 m)
(7 PSI = 16 ft)
hs = Static Suction Head (1.5 m)
(5 ft)
hfs = Pressure Drop in Suction Line (1.0 m)
(3 ft)
Pvp = Vapour Pressure (0.39 bar a = 3.9 m)
(5.7 PSIA = 13 ft)

NPSHr of pump selected = 3 m (10 ft)

NPSHa = Pa + h s - hfs - Pvp = Pa + h s - hfs - Pvp

= 5 + 1.5 - 1 - 3.9 (m) or = 16 + 5 - 3 - 13 (ft)
= 1.6 m = 5 ft

As NPSHa is less than NPSHr, cavitation will occur under the conditions stated (Fig. 2.2.4d).

40 Alfa Laval Pump Handbook

2.0 Terminology and Theory

Fig. 2.2.4e Example 3

Example 3 Process:
Glucose at 50° C (122° F)
Pa = Pressure Absolute above Fluid Level (1 bar = 10 m)
(14.7 PSI = 33.9 ft)
hs = Static Suction Head (1.5 m)
(5 ft)
hfs = Pressure Drop in Suction Line (9 m)
(29.5 ft)
Pvp = Vapour Pressure (assumed negligible = 0 m)
(0 ft)

NPSHr of pump selected = 3 m (10 ft)

NPSHa = Pa + h s - hfs - Pvp = Pa + h s - hfs - Pvp

= 10 + 1.5 - 9 - 0 (m) or = 32.8 + 5 - 29.5 - 0 (ft)
= 2.5 m = 8.2 ft

As NPSHa is less than NPSHr, cavitation will occur under the conditions stated (Fig. 2.2.4e).

Alfa Laval Pump Handbook 41

2.0 Terminology and Theory


Pa >1

Fig. 2.2.4f Positive effect Fig. 2.2.4g Positive effect

From the NPSHa formula it is possible to check and

optimise the conditions which affect NPSHa.

The effects are shown in Fig. 2.2.4f - Fig. 2.2.4k

Pa<1 Vacuum


Fig. 2.2.4h Negative effect Fig. 2.2.4i Negative effect


Vapour pressure
(Temperature dependent)

Valve Pressure
Fig. 2.2.4j Negative effect Fig. 2.2.4k Negative effect

42 Alfa Laval Pump Handbook

2.0 Terminology and Theory
Suggestions for avoiding cavitation: Effects of pressure waves:
• Keep pressure drop in the inlet line to a minimum • Noise in the tube
i.e., length of line as short as possible, diameter as
• Damaged tube
large as possible, and minimal use of pipe fittings
such as tees, valves etc. • Damaged pump, valves, and other equipment
• Maintain a static head as high as possible • Cavitation
• Reduce fluid temperature, although caution is Velocity of propagation
needed as this may have an effect of increasing
The velocity of propagation of the pressure wave
fluid viscosity, thereby increasing pressure drop
depends on:
2.2.5 Pressure ‘Shocks’ (Water Hammer)
• Elasticity of the tubes
The term ‘shock’ is not strictly correct as shock waves
only exist in gases. The pressure shock is really a • Elasticity of the fluid
pressure wave with a velocity of propagation much
• The tubes support
higher than the velocity of the flow, often up to 1400
m/s for steel tubes. Pressure waves are the result of When for example, a valve is closed, the pressure
rapid changes in the velocity of the fluid in especially in wave travels from the valve to the end of the tube. The
long runs of piping. wave is then reflected back to the valve. These reflec-
tions are in theory continuing but in practice the wave
The following causes changes in fluid velocity: gradually attenuates cancelled by friction in the tube.
• Valves are closed or opened
A pressure wave as a result of a pump stopping is
• Pumps are started or stopped more damaging than for a pump starting due to the
large change in pressure which will continue much
• Resistance in process equipment such as valves,
longer after a pump is stopped compared to a pump
filters, metres, etc.
starting. This is due to the low fluid velocity which
• Changes in tube dimensions results in a relatively small damping of the pressure
• Changes in flow direction

The major pressure wave problems in process plants A pressure wave induced as a result of a pump
are usually due to rapidly closed or opened valves. stopping can result in negative pressure values in long
Pumps, which are rapidly/ frequently started or tubes, i.e., values close to the absolute zero point
stopped, can also cause some problems. which can result in cavitation if the absolute pressure
drops to the vapour pressure of the fluid.
When designing pipework systems, it is important
to keep the natural frequency of the system as high Precautions
as possible by using rigid pipework and as many
Pressure waves are caused by changes in the velocity
pipework supports as possible, thereby avoiding the
of the liquid in especially long runs of tube. Rapid
excitation frequency of the pump.
changes in the operating conditions of valves and
pump are the major reasons to the pressure waves
and therefore, it is important to reduce the speed of
these changes.

There are different ways to avoid or reduce pressure

waves which are briefly described as follows:

Alfa Laval Pump Handbook 43

2.0 Terminology and Theory


Fig. 2.2.5a Correct flow direction through seat Fig. 2.2.5b Incorrect flow direction through seat
valve valve

Correct flow direction

Incorrect flow direction through valves can induce Correct flow directions in the process plant can reduce
pressure waves particularly as the valve functions. or even prevent pressure wave problems.
With air-operated seat valves incorrect direction of
flow can cause the valve plug to close rapidly against
the valve seat inducing pressure waves (Fig. 2.2.5a)
and Fig. 2.2.5b specify the correct and incorrect flow
direction for this type of valve.

Oil damper


Fig. 2.2.5c Oil damper for seat valve

Damping of valves
The pressure wave induced by a seat valve can be
avoided or minimised by damping the movement of
the valve plug. The damping is carried out by means of
a special damper (see Fig. 2.2.5c).

44 Alfa Laval Pump Handbook

2.0 Terminology and Theory
Speed control of pumps Equipment for industrial processes
Speed control of a pump is a very efficient way to There is various equipment available to reduce
minimise or prevent pressure waves. The motor is pressure waves such as:
controlled by means of a soft starter or a frequency
converter so that the pump is: • Pressure storage tanks

• Pressure towers
• Started at a low speed which is slowly increased
to duty speed • Damped or undamped non-return valves
• Stopped by slowly decreasing from duty speed These however, may not be suitable for hygienic
down to a lower speed or zero processes and further advice may be required before
they are recommended or used in such installations.
The risk of power failure should be taken into
consideration when using speed control against
pressure waves.

Alfa Laval Pump Handbook 45

3.0 Pump Selection

This chapter gives an overview of the

pump technologies available from Alfa
Laval and how to determine which pumps
applies within various application areas.

Sustainable, hygienic and efficient pumps Some example conditions to consider:

As demand on processes increases, major factors • Transfer several types of fluids/products
evolve to cater for an ever-growing population. The
• Gentle treatment of the fluids/products
quality of products and process profitability with an
increasing necessity for sustainability and “green” • Overcome different losses and pressure drops
initiatives, adds pressure for the correct selection in the system
of a pump to the customer.
• Supply hygienic and long-lasting operation
As a recognised market leader in pumping technol- • Optimal energy efficiency for sustainable use
ogy, Alfa Laval has been at the forefront of supplying
• Ensure easy and safe installation, operation
sustainable, hygienic and efficient pumps to multiple
and maintenance
processes and applications for many years.
Common pump issues can be:
The pump is a critical part within a process and must
• Incorrect type of pump for the intended application
be able to carry out various duties under differing
conditions whilst returning economical value to the • Incorrect design of the pump
• Incorrect selection of the pump according to duty
conditions, product data etc.

• Incorrect selection of shaft seals

• Incorrect choice of motor drives

46 Alfa Laval Pump Handbook

3.0 Pump Selection
Pump Selection

Alfa Laval Pump Handbook 47

3.0 Pump Selection

3.1 General Application Guide

The table shown below gives a general guide as to the various pump technology
within Alfa Laval that may be needed to suit the required application (Fig. 3.2a).

General Centrifugal Self-Priming Rotary Lobe Circumferential Twin Screw

Requirements Centrifugal Piston


Max. viscosity 800 cP 200 cP 1000000 cP 1000000 cP 1000000 cP

Max. pumping 140° C (284° F) 140° C (284° F) 200° C (392° F) 150° C (392° F) 150° C (392° F)

Min. pumping - 10° C (14° F) - 10° C (14° F) - 20° C (-4° F) - 20° C (-4° F) - 20° C (-4° F)

Ability to pump abra- Not Not Fair/Moderate Fair Fair/Moderate

sive products recommended recommended

Ability to pump fluids Not Recommended Fair Moderate Recommended

holding air or gases recommended

Ability to pump shear Fair Not Recommended Recommended Recommended

sensitive media recommended

Ability to pump solids Fair Not Recommended Recommended Recommended

in suspension recommended

CIP/SIP capability Recommended Recommended Recommended Recommended Recommended


Dry running capa- Recommended Recommended Recommended Recommended Recommended

bility (when fitted
with flushed/quench
mechanical seals)

Self-draining capability Recommended Recommended Recommended Recommended Recommended

48 Alfa Laval Pump Handbook

3.0 Pump Selection
Performance Requirements

Max. capacity - m3/hr 520 110 115 157 138

Max. Capacity - US 2290 484 506 691 608

(United States) gal/min

Max. discharge pres- 20 5.5 20 40 16

sure - bar

Max. discharge pres- 290 80 290 580 232

sure - psig

Ability to vary flow rate Fair Fair Recommended Recommended Recommended

Suction lift capability Recommended Recommended Recommended Recommended Recommended

(primed - wet)

Suction lift capability Not Recommended Fair Fair Fair

(unprimed - dry) recommended

Drive Availability

Electric motor - direct Yes Yes No No Yes


Electric motor - geared No No Yes Yes Yes


Electric motor Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

- integrated inverter
(upon request)

Compliance with International

Standards and Guidelines

3-A Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

FDA (Food and Drug Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes


EHEDG (European Yes No Yes Yes Yes

Hygienic Equipment
Design Group)

United States Yes Yes Yes No No

Pharmacopeia (USP)
Table 3.1a

Alfa Laval Pump Handbook 49

3.0 Pump Selection

Alfa Laval Pump Ranges

Alfa Laval pumps


Standard duty Demanding duty With air

SolidC i-Series LKH


LKHex LKH Evap LKH UltraPure LKHI

Fig. 3.2a Pump ranges

50 Alfa Laval Pump Handbook

3.0 Pump Selection
Positive displacement

Standard duty Demanding duty Versatile

OptiLobe OS Twin Screw

SRU SX/SX UltraPure
DuraCirc Aseptic


Alfa Laval Pump Handbook 51

3.0 Pump Selection

3.2 Pumps for Sanitary Applications

The following table illustrates which Alfa Laval pump ranges can be used in various sanitary
application areas. A detailed description of these pump ranges is given in chapter 4.

Pump Type Pump Range Application Area

Prepared Foods


Oils / Proteins




LKH         
LKH-Multistage         
LKHPF     
LKH Prime +      
Centrifugal LKH Prime UP
LKHI        
LKH Evap       
LKH-Ultra Pure       
Solid C   
SRU          
Rotary Lobe Optilobe        
SX + SX UP         
DuraCirc         
Circumferential Piston
DuraCirc Aseptic       
Twin Screw OS          
Table 3.2a

Alfa Laval Centrifugal and Positive Displacement During the fermentation process, PD pumps such as
pumps (PD) are used in most process stages of rotary lobe or twin screw, with their gentle pumping
brewing, from wort handling to beer pasteurisation action, are ideally used handling yeast holding delicate
and filling. Generally, PD pumps best perform with cells.
higher fluid viscosity applications, such as liquid
sugar tanker offloading and malt syrups, while low Confectionery
fluid viscosity applications, such as beer and wa-
Alfa Laval is a long-standing supplier of pumping
ter chilling, are mostly carried out using centrifugal
equipment to the confectionery industry, supplying
pumps to all the major companies. Alfa Laval PD

52 Alfa Laval Pump Handbook

3.0 Pump Selection
pumps are to be found in many confectionery pro- perfume, shampoo and blood products. Alfa Laval
cesses, where their reliable low shear flow character- offers a specialised UltraPure (UP) line for the pharma-
istics are ideally suited to the transfer of media such ceutical industry, comprising of both centrifugal and
as chocolate, glucose, biscuit cream and fondant. rotary lobe pumps with industry leading documen-
Circumferential piston pumps offer excellent NPSHr tation packages and fully traceable, electropolished
characteristics for applications where NPSHa is components.
limited. Confectionery products that hold particulate
matter, such as fruit pie fillings, can be handled by Alfa Personal/Homecare
Laval’s complete positive displacement pump range.
Alfa Laval Centrifugal and Positive Displacement
pumps can be found on many applications within
Alfa Laval’s centrifugal pumps can be commonly found
this industry, handling products such as neat soap,
in fat and vegetable oil applications.
sulphonic acid, fabric conditioner, dishwash liquid,
fatty acid, SLES (Sodium Laureth Sulfate), CAPB
Dairy (Cocamidopropyl Betaine), liquid detergents and sur-
Alfa Laval’s whole pump portfolio, with their hygienic factants. The gentle transference and high efficiency
construction and conforming to 3-A standards (see within Alfa Laval’s pump portfolio help maintain optimal
chapter 11) with high efficiency and ease of service, product integrity, keeping process time.
are used extensively throughout the dairy industry.
Alfa Laval’s pumps have been used in milk processing, Beverages
cream and cultured products such as yoghurt and
Alfa Laval Centrifugal pumps are mainly used in
quark for over 50 years.
applications handling thin liquid sugar solutions,
water, soft drinks and flavourings. Alfa Laval Positive
Prepared Food Displacement pumps are mainly used for applications
Generally Alfa Laval Positive Displacement pumps can handling fruit juice concentrates or wine to account for
be found on general transfer duties handling products higher viscosity media and gentle handling.
such as pet food, baby food, sauces and flavourings.
Alfa Laval’s highly efficient centrifugal pump range can Sugar
be found on products such as edible oils and soups
Alfa Laval Positive Displacement pumps, with their
ranging in the medium to low viscosity.
ability to handle highly viscous, abrasive products, can
be found within many areas of sugar refined prod-
Pharmaceutical ucts requiring hygienic handling, such as high boiled
Alfa Laval Centrifugal and Rotary Lobe pumps can be sugars, glucose solutions and sugar syrups used in
found on many applications within this industry where confectionery, bakery and brewing.
hygiene and corrosion resistance is paramount, such
as cosmetic creams, protein solutions, toothpaste, Water
Alfa Laval Centrifugal pumps provide a low-cost effec-
tive solution for high purity water and water like appli-
cations seen within general or pharmaceutical use.

Alfa Laval Pump Handbook 53

3.0 Pump Selection

3.3 ALiCE Configuration Tool

Pump selection for both Centrifugal and Positive point and cross checking against any chosen motor
Displacement Pumps can be made using Alfa Laval’s drive to ensure all points are covered. This provides
ALiCE program (Alfa Laval intelligent Configurator peace of mind to the user and ensures the most opti-
Engine). This program prompts the user to enter pump mal selection for both capital and energy consumption
duty conditions and generates a list of pumps most costs.
suited to their specific application. The program allows
for selection for the whole pump portfolio via dedicat- After completion, the price of the pump will be dis-
ed selection tabs and can accompany up to 3 varying played and its configuration code (item number) can
duty conditions within calculations. be generated, simplifying the quotation and/or order-
ing process for all users.
As well as performing the pump selection, ALiCE also
extracts data from a comprehensive rheological data- In addition, ALiCE will also provide a detailed parts list
base enabling it to suggest in-pump viscosity, Specific for the pump with item numbers and recommended
Gravity, maximum operating speeds, elastomer service kits identified and priced. Dimensional details
compatibility and primary seal configuration to users to in the form of general arrangement drawings can also
streamline the process. be generated within the software and sent to an email
of your choice.
The extensive rheology database contained within
ALiCE is based on rheological tests performed over A link to all technical information that may be needed
decades on end users’ liquids at Alfa Laval’s laborato- to go with the quotation such as Operation manuals,
ry and will be continually added as additional products generic or specific performance curves, and technical
are tested. data sheets can also be provided.

After the pump has been selected, the user will be Flexibility has been built into the software to enable
aided to complete a pump unit design. This will include specific enquiries to be answered without the need
a wide scope of specification options such as connec- to complete a full pump selection. For example,
tion types, heating/cooling devices and ancillaries that recommended service kits can be extracted based
have been included in the program, driven by market on an existing configuration code or direct access
demand. to technical information relating to a specific pump
technology is also possible.
ALiCE offers insight to the noted duty conditions within
the ancillary section, detailing the operating speed, the All information is offered for guidance purposes only.
power absorbed, and torque required for each duty

If you would like access to the Alfa Laval

Configuration Tool, please contact your
local Alfa Laval sales company.

54 Alfa Laval Pump Handbook

3.0 Pump Selection

Alfa Laval Pump Handbook 55

4.0 Pump Description

This chapter gives a description of Alfa Laval

pump ranges including design, principle of
operation and pump model types.

4.1 Centrifugal Pumps

4.1.1 General
The Alfa Laval range of Centrifugal Pumps has been
designed specially for use in the food, dairy, bever-
age, personal and home care, pharmaceutical and
light chemical industries. Centrifugal pumps including
self-priming, multi-stage and those for high inlet pres-
sure, can handle most low viscosity applications.

Attributes include:
• Hygienic and cleanable

• High efficiency

• Low power consumption

• Low noise level

• Low NPSH requirement

• Easy maintenance

56 Alfa Laval Pump Handbook

4.0 Pump Description
Pump Description

Alfa Laval Pump Handbook 57

4.0 Pump Description

Fig. 4.1.2a Principle of operation Fig. 4.1.2b Multistage centrifugal pump

4.1.2 Principle of Operation

Fluid is directed to the impeller eye and is forced into The principle of the multi-stage centrifugal pump is
a circular movement by the rotation of the impeller the same as the conventional centrifugal pump (Fig.
vanes. As a result of this rotation, the impeller vanes 4.1.2b). The pump consists, however, of several impel-
transfer mechanical work to the fluid in the impeller lers (several stages) which further develop the pressure
channel, which is formed by the impeller vanes. The from one stage to another but flow rate is unchanged.
fluid is then pressed out of the impeller by means of The multi-stage centrifugal pump operates as if several
centrifugal force and finally leaves the impeller channel conventional centrifugal pumps are connected in
with increased pressure and velocity (Fig. 4.1.2a). series.
The velocity of the fluid is also partly converted into
pressure by the pump casing before it leaves the
pump through the outlet.

The impeller has two or multiple vanes

depending on the type of centrifugal
pump. The impeller diameter and width
will vary dependent upon the duty

Fig. 4.1.3a Semi-open impeller

4.1.3 Design Impeller

In general, the Alfa Laval Centrifugal Pump does not The impeller is of cast manufacture and semi-open
contain many parts, with the pump head being con- type i.e., the impeller vanes are open in front (Fig.
nected to an electric motor. The impeller is fixed onto 4.1.3a). This type allows visual inspection of the vanes
the pump shaft which is housed in a pump casing and and the area between them. This design makes it easy
back plate – these components are described in the to clean and suitable for polishing.
following text:

58 Alfa Laval Pump Handbook

4.0 Pump Description
Fig. 4.1.3b Pump casing Fig. 4.1.3c 360° flexibility

Pump Casing
The pump casing is of rigid steel manufacture, The pump casing is designed for multi position outlet,
complete with male screwed connections and with 360° flexibility (Fig. 4.1.3c).
can be supplied with fittings or clamp liners (Fig.

Fig. 4.1.3d Back plate

Back Plate
The back plate is of pressed steel manufacture, which
together with the pump casing form the actual fluid
chamber in which the fluid is transferred by means of
the impeller (Fig. 4.1.3d).

Mechanical Seal
The connection between the motor shaft/pump shaft
and the pump casing is sealed by means of a mechan-
ical seal, which is described in chapter 6.

Alfa Laval Pump Handbook 59

4.0 Pump Description

Fig. 4.1.3e Pump with shroud and legs Fig. 4.1.3f Compression coupling

Shroud and Legs Pump Shaft/Connections

Most pump types are fitted with shrouds and adjust- Most pumps have stub shafts that are fixed to the
able legs (Fig. 4.1.3e). The shroud maybe insulated motor shafts by means of compression couplings,
to keep noise to a minimum and protect the motor eliminating the use of keyways (Fig. 4.1.3f). The stub
against damage. shaft assembly design provides a simple, yet secure
method of drive that reduces vibration and noise.
Please note Alfa Laval Centrifugal Pumps for the US On the multistage centrifugal pump, the length of the
market are supplied without shrouds in order to meet pump shaft will differ depending upon the number of
3A requirements. impellers fitted.

Fig. 4.1.3g Adaptor

The connection between the motor and back plate is
made by means of an adaptor, which can be attached
to any standard IEC or NEMA frame electric motor (Fig.

60 Alfa Laval Pump Handbook

4.0 Pump Description

Alfa Laval Pump Handbook 61

4.0 Pump Description

Fig. 4.1.4a LKH Fig. 4.1.4b LKH (US version)

4.1.4 Pump Range

The Alfa Laval Centrifugal Pump portfolio comprises of The LKH range is available in thirteen sizes:
different ranges as follows: LKH-5, -10, -15, -20, -25, -35, -40, -45, -50, -60,
-70, -75 (US) (Fig. 4.1.4b), -85 and -90.
LKH Range
Suitable for inlet pressures up to 10 bar (145 PSIG) and
The LKH pump is a highly efficient and economical
delivering flow rates for 50 Hz up to 500 m3/hr (2200
centrifugal pump, which meets the requirements of
US gal/min) and differential pressures up to 11.5 bar
hygienic and gentle product treatment and chemical
(165 PSIG) and for 60 Hz, 16 bar (230 PSIG).
resistance (Fig. 4.1.4a).

The Alfa Laval LKH Centrifugal Pump is suited to

demanding applications in a variety of industries such
as dairy, food, beverage, home and personal care and
additional chemical industries.

62 Alfa Laval Pump Handbook

4.0 Pump Description
Fig. 4.1.4c LKH Evap Fig. 4.1.4d LKH Evap (US version)

LKH Evap Range

The Alfa Laval LKH Evap Centrifugal Pump is suit- It features a special scraper impeller option, ClearFlow,
ed to evaporation type applications within the dairy, that solves the product build-up problem in high solids
food, beverage, brewery, alcohol, ethanol, starch and applications, which can prolong production time be-
chemical industries (Fig. 4.1.4c - 4.1.4d). As a low-NP- tween cleaning (Fig. 4.1.4e).
SHr, high efficiency centrifugal pump, the LKH Evap is
a tailored evaporator pump supported by strong and The LKH Evap pump is available in ten sizes, LKH
extensive documentation. Evap-10, -15, -20, -25, -35, -40, -45, -50, -60 and -70.

It is ideal for use in evaporation duties for applications, Flow rates for 50 Hz up to 280 m3/hr (1233 US gal/
such as liquid concentration and powder processing min) and differential pressures up to 10 bar (145 PSIG)
as well as plant and equipment dewatering. and for 60 Hz up to 280 m3/hr (1233 US gal/min) and
differential pressure up to 16 bar (230 PSIG).
Additional port sizing options compared to standard
LKH on some models provide for an improved suction
performance, vital to applications where NPSHa is

Fig. 4.1.4e Clearflow impeller

Alfa Laval Pump Handbook 63

4.0 Pump Description

Fig. 4.1.4f LKHex

LKHex Range
These pumps derived from the standard LKH are Flow rates for 50 Hz up to 280 m3/hr (1233 US gal/
designed to meet the requirements of the ATEX min) and differential pressures up to 10 bar (145 PSIG)
directive 2014/34/EU group II, category 2G, temper- and for 60 Hz up to 280 m3/hr (1233 US gal/min) and
ature class T3 and T4 and can be used in potentially differential pressure up to 16 bar (230 PSIG).
explosive environments (Fig. 4.1.4f).
This range is also available in an UltraPure version with
The LKHex pump is available in 10 sizes, LKHex-10, the exception of LKHex-15 and -50.
-15, -20, -25, -35, -40, -45, -50, -60 and -70.

Fig. 4.1.4g LKH-UltraPure Fig. 4.1.4h LKH-UltraPure (US version)

LKH UltraPure Range

The Alfa Laval LKH UltraPure pump is designed All pumps are delivered with a complete Alfa Laval
to meet the stringent demands and regulations of Q-doc documentation package including material
high-purity applications across the biotechnology and traceability. Q-doc provides easier validation, proof
pharmaceutical industries which require equipment of origin and compliance for inspection according to
with the highest material integrity (Fig. 4.1.4g - 4.1.4h). Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) and ASME BPE
Designed in accordance with ASME BPE and GMP, requirements.
this pump range complies with the stringent require-
ments necessary for validation, qualification and The LKH-UltraPure range is available in eight sizes,
process control providing consumer safety. LKH-UltraPure-10, -20, -25, -35, -40, -45, -60 and -70.

Typically supplied with a 45° casing outlet to ensure it Flow rates up to 280 m3/hr (1233 US gal/min) and
is self-venting and options of improved surface finishes differential pressures for 50 Hz up to 10 bar (145 PSIG)
to prevent biofilm build up. and for 60 Hz, 16 bar (230 PSIG).

64 Alfa Laval Pump Handbook

4.0 Pump Description
Fig. 4.1.4i LKHI Fig. 4.1.4j LKHI (US version)

LKHI Range
This pump range is similar to the LKH range but is Flow rates for 50 Hz up to 240 m3/hr (1056 US gal/min)
suitable for inlet pressures up to 16 bar (230 PSIG). with differential pressures up to 8 bar (115 PSIG). For
The pump can withstand this high inlet pressure due 60 Hz, flow rates up to 275 m3/hr (1210 US gal/min)
to being fitted with an internal shaft seal (Fig. 4.1.4i with differential pressures up to 11 bar (160 PSIG).
- 4.1.4j).

The LKHI range is available in nine sizes, LKHI-10, -15,

-20, -25, -35, -40, -45, -50 and -60.

Fig. 4.1.4k LKH-Multistage Fig. 4.1.4l LKH-Multistage (US version)

LKH Multistage Range

These pumps are primarily used in applications with For inlet pressures greater than 10 bar (145 PSIG)
high outlet pressure and low capacity requirements a ‘special’ motor is used incorporating fixed angular
such as breweries, reverse osmosis and ultra-filtration. contact bearings due to axial thrust.
The pumps are available as two, three or four stage
models (i.e., pumps fitted with two, three or four impel- The LKH Multistage range is available in six sizes
lers respectively - Fig. 4.1.4k - 4.1.4.l). Pump Size Number of Pump Size Number of
stages stages
Flow rates for 50 Hz up to 75 m3/hr (330 US gal/min) LKH-112 2 LKH-122 2
and discharge pressures up to 40 bar (580 PSIG) with
LKH-113 3 LKH-123 3
boost pressures up to 19 bar (275 PSIG) and for 60 Hz
LKH-114 4 LKH-124 4
up to 80 m3/hr (352 US gal/min) and boost pressures
up to 26 bar (375 PSIG).

Alfa Laval Pump Handbook 65

4.0 Pump Description

Fig. 4.1.4m LKHPF-High Pressure Fig. 4.1.4n LKHPF-High Pressure (US version)

LKHPF High Pressure Range

These pumps are designed to handle high inlet The pump range is designed for inlet pressures up to
pressures built with reinforced pump casing and back 40 bar (580 PSIG). Flow rates for 50 Hz up to 280 m3/
plate. Application areas include reverse osmosis mo- hr (1233 US gal/min) with differential pressures up to
no-filtration and ultra-filtration (Fig. 4.1.4m - 4.1.4n). 10 bar (145 PSIG) and for 60 Hz, differential pressures
up to 16 bar (230 PSIG).
The LKHPF-High Pressure range is available in nine siz-
es, LKHP-10, -20, -25, -35, -40, -45, -50, -60 and -70. For these high inlet pressures a ‘special’ motor with
fixed angular contact bearings is used due to axial

66 Alfa Laval Pump Handbook

4.0 Pump Description
Fig. 4.1.4o SolidC Fig. 4.1.4p SolidC (US version)

SolidC Range
The SolidC is the all-purpose Alfa Laval centrifugal The SolidC range is available in four sizes, SolidC-1, -2,
pump for less demanding applications (Fig. 4.1.4o -3 and -4.
- 4.1.4p).
Suitable for inlet pressures up to 4 bar (58 PSIG) and
Designed for Cleaning-in-Place (CIP), it is ideal for delivering flow rates for 50 Hz up to 75 m3/hr (330 US
basic duties across the dairy, food, beverage and gal/min) with differential pressures up to 8 bar (115
personal care industries in which hygienic treatment PSIG) and for 60 Hz, 11.5 bar (167 PSIG).
is required. Typical applications are pumping of CIP
solutions, utilities, cooling or heating water, and other
simple transport duties.

Alfa Laval Pump Handbook 67

4.0 Pump Description

Fig. 4.1.4q LKH Prime Fig. 4.1.4r LKH Prime (US version)

LKH Prime Range

Based on the Alfa Laval LKH pump, the Alfa Laval LKH The design of the LKH Prime is principally the same as
Prime centrifugal pump is a versatile, highly efficient LKH but with an additional priming chamber, airscrew
self-priming pump for use in hygienic applications, and recirculation pipe.
especially tank emptying and CIP return applications
(Fig. 4.1.4q - 4.1.4r). With its combination of airscrew
technology and advanced design, the pump can
remove air or gas from the suction pipe.

The LKH Prime pump is designed to meet the strin-

gent hygienic requirements across the food, dairy,
beverage, and home-personal care industries. With
verified and effective CIP cleanability, the LKH Prime
can be used as a product pump as well.

68 Alfa Laval Pump Handbook

4.0 Pump Description

1. Liquid ring is formed due

3 2 to rotations of airscrew
4 2. Recirculation pipe
3. Water seal is created
4. Liquid/air mix passes
through the canister
5. Liquid is transferred
Fig. 4.1.4s Alfa Laval LKH Prime Pump

LKH Prime, Principle of Operation

Its principal of operation is that as the Alfa Laval LKH When the air content is just a few percent, the air is
Prime pump starts up, the centrifugal force generated contained as bubbles in the liquid. No air pockets are
from the rotation of the airscrew and the initial priming generated. Instead the liquid/air mix passes through
liquid causes the formation of a liquid ring in the pump the canister into the impeller’s suction stage (4). Here,
head canister (1). This also fills the recirculation pipe (2), the pump acts as a traditional centrifugal pump, trans-
thereby achieving the initial prime (Fig. 4.1.4s). ferring the liquid through the discharge (5) at a higher
By design, the canister is offset from the centre of the velocity and pressure.
airscrew and the resultant liquid ring creates a water
seal between the airscrew hub and the top of the When there is no air present, the canister and recircu-
canister (3). lation loop have no function and are completely filled
with liquid. The liquid passes through the canister into
Due to the offset design, an air column is created the impeller’s suction stage. Here again, the pump
between the airscrew hub and the liquid ring at the acts as a traditional centrifugal pump, transferring the
bottom of the canister (1). The rotating vanes of the liquid through the discharge at a higher velocity and
airscrew separate the air column into air pockets, pressure.
which are forced through the canister into the impel-
ler’s suction stage. The LKH Prime range is available in three sizes, LKH
Prime-10, -20 and -40
Some of the initial priming liquid recirculates from the
casing discharge into the airscrew casing through the Flow rates for 50 Hz up to 280 m3/hr (1233 US gal/
recirculation pipe (2). Until all the air has been evacuat- min) and differential pressures up to 10 bar (145 PSIG)
ed, air pockets will continue to be generated. and for 60 Hz up to 280 m3/hr (1233 US gal/min) and
differential pressure up to 16 bar (230 PSIG).

Alfa Laval Pump Handbook 69

4.0 Pump Description

Fig. 4.1.4t LKH Prime -UltraPure Fig. 4.1.4u LKH Prime-UltraPure (US version)

LKH Prime UltraPure Range

The Alfa Laval LKH Prime UltraPure is designed All pumps are delivered with a complete Alfa Laval
to meet the stringent demands and regulations of Q-doc documentation package including material
high-purity applications across the biotechnology traceability. Q-doc provides easier validation, proof
and pharmaceutical industries. Where material of origin and compliance for inspection according to
integrity, high efficiency, exceptional cleanability, Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) and ASME BPE
contamination safety, robust design and low requirements.
maintenance are of paramount importance
(Fig. 4.1.4t - 4.1.4u). There are two sizes available, being LKH Prime-
UltraPure 10 and 20.
It is ideal for tank emptying and CIP return applica-
tions; having verified and effective CIP cleanability. Flow rates up to 70 m3/hr (308 US gal/min) and differ-
The LKH Prime UltraPure can also be used as a ential pressures up to 4 bar (58 PSIG) for 50 Hz, and
product pump. 80 m3/hr (350 US gal/min) up to 5.5 bar (80 PSIG) for
60 Hz.
Designed in accordance with ASME BPE and GMP,
this pump range complies with the stringent require-
ments necessary for validation, qualification and
process control providing consumer safety.

70 Alfa Laval Pump Handbook

4.0 Pump Description
4.2 Rotary Lobe Pumps
4.2.1 General 4.2.2 Principle of Operation
The Alfa Laval range of Rotary Lobe Pumps with its Alfa Laval ranges of Rotary Lobe pumps are of con-
non-contact pump element design has the ability to ventional design operating with no internal contacting
cover a wide range of applications in industry. The parts in the pump head. The pumping principle is
hygienic design, anti-corrosive stainless steel con- explained with reference to the diagram below, which
struction and smooth pumping action have long shows the displacement of fluid from pump inlet to
established these pumps in the food, beverage, dairy, outlet. The rotors are driven by a gear train in the pump
personal/homecare, and pharmaceutical industries. gear gearbox providing accurate synchronisation or
timing of the rotors. The rotors contra-rotate within the
Attributes include: pump head carrying fluid through the pump, in the
cavities formed between the dwell of the rotor and the
• Gentle transfer of delicate suspended solids
interior of the rotor case.
• Bi-directional operation
In hydraulic terms, the motion of the counter rotating
• Compact size with high performance and low
rotors creates a partial vacuum that allows atmos-
energy input
pheric pressure or other external pressures to force
• Ability to pump shear sensitive media fluid into the pump chamber. As the rotors rotate an
expanding cavity is formed which is filled with fluid.
• Easy maintenance
As the rotors separate, each dwell forms a cavity. The
meshing of the rotor causes a diminishing cavity with
the fluid being displaced into the outlet port.

Horizontally ported pump (top shaft drive)

1 2 3 4

Vertically ported pump (left hand shaft drive)

1 2 3 4

Fig. 4.2.2a Principle of operation

Alfa Laval Pump Handbook 71

4.0 Pump Description

Fig. 4.2.3a SRU

4.2.3 Pump Range

Alfa Laval Rotary Lobe Pumps can be supplied bare The SRU pump range incorporates a universally
shaft (without drive) or complete with geared electric mounted gearbox which gives the flexibility of
motor (see section 8.2.7). Ranges primarily as follows: mounting pumps with the inlet and outlet ports
in either a vertical or horizontal plane by changing
SRU Range the foot and foot position. This pump range also
incorporates full bore through porting complying
The SRU pump range has been designed for use on
with international standards BS4825/ISO2037,
general transfer duties throughout the beverage, dairy,
maximising inlet and outlet port efficiency and
food, home/personal care, and chemical manufactur-
NPSH characteristics.
ing processes.

Flow rates up to 106 m3/hr (466 US gal/min) and

The SRU range is available in six gearbox sizes each
pressures up to 20 bar (290 PSIG).
having two pump head displacements and mostly two
different shaft materials (Table 4.2.3a).
The SRU range dependent upon seal configuration
conforms to US 3A requirements.
• Displacement is the theoretical amount of fluid the
pump will transfer per revolution

• Duplex stainless steel shaft material used for higher


Pump Nomenclature
Displacement Max. Pressure (S or D) Max.
Frame Port Shaft
Model litres/ US gal/ speed
Size Position Material bar PSI
100 rev 100 rev (rpm)
SRU1/005 L or H D 5.3 1.40 8 115 1000
SRU1/008 L or H D 8.5 2.25 5 75 1000
SRU2/013 L or H S or D 12.8 3.38 10/15 145/215 1000
SRU2/018 L or H S or D 18.1 4.78 7/10 100/145 1000
SRU3/027 L or H S or D 26.6 7.03 10/15 145/215 1000
SRU3/038 L or H S or D 38.4 10.2 7/10 100/145 1000
SRU4/055 L or H S or D 55.4 14.6 10/20 145/290 1000
SRU4/079 L or H S or D 79.0 20.9 7/15 145/215 1000
SRU5/116 L or H S or D 116 30.7 10/20 145/290 600
SRU5/168 L or H S or D 168 44.4 7/15 145/215 600
SRU6/260 L or H S or D 260 68.7 10/20 145/290 500
SRU6/353 L or H S or D 353 93.2 7/15 145/215 500
L - Horizontal Porting
H - Vertical Porting
S - Stainless Steel
D - Duplex Stainless Steel
Nomenclature example: SRU4/079/HD is the SRU4/079 with vertical ports and 15 bar (215 PSI) max. pressure.
Table 4.2.3a

72 Alfa Laval Pump Handbook

4.0 Pump Description
Fig. 4.2.3b SX

SX Range
The SX pump range is designed for gentle transpor- The SX range has been certified by EHEDG (European
tation of process fluids in hygienic and ultra-clean Hygienic Equipment Design Group) as fully CIP
applications (Fig. 4.2.3b). Suited for use in the home cleanable to their protocol. In addition to being EHEDG
and personal care sector, and for demanding food and compliant, the SX pump also conforms to the US 3A
dairy applications. This pump range like the SRU range standard and all media contacting components are
incorporates a universally mounted gearbox which FDA compliant. All media contacting elastomers are
gives the flexibility of mounting pumps with the inlet controlled compression joints to prevent pumped me-
and outlet ports in either a vertical or horizontal plane dia leaking to atmosphere (see section 6.2).
by changing the foot and foot position. This pump
range also incorporates full bore through porting com- The SX range is available with seven gearboxes each
plying with international standards BS4825/ISO2037, having two pump head displacements. Flow rates up
maximising the inlet and outlet efficiency of the pump to 115 m3/hr (506 US gal/min) and pressures up to 15
and the NPSH characteristics. bar (215 PSIG) (Table 4.2.3b).

Pump Nomenclature
Displacement Max. Pressure (S or D)
Max. speed
Frame Size Model US gal/100
litres/100 rev bar PSI (rpm)

SX1/005 5 1.32 12 175 1400

SX1/007 7 1.85 7 100 1400

SX2/013 13 3.38 15 215 1000

SX2/018 18 4.78 7 100 1000

SX3/027 26 7.03 15 215 1000

SX3/035 35 9.25 7 100 1000

SX4/046 46 12.2 15 215 1000

SX4/063 63 16.7 10 145 1000

SX5/082 82 21.7 15 215 600

SX5/115 115 30.4 10 145 600

SX6/140 140 37 15 215 500

SX6/190 190 50.2 10 145 500

SX7/250 250 66.1 15 215 500

SX7/380 380 100 10 145 500
Table 4.2.3b

Alfa Laval Pump Handbook 73

4.0 Pump Description

Fig. 4.2.3c SX UltraPure

SX UltraPure Range
The SX UltraPure pump range is designed for gentle EHEDG compliant all media contacting components
transportation of process fluids in hygienic and high are FDA compliant with USP Class VI elastomers.
purity applications (Fig. 4.2.3c). Suited for use in the All media contacting elastomers are controlled
pharmaceutical, biotechnology and personal care compression joints to prevent pumped media
sector. leaking to atmosphere (see section 6.2).

Designed in accordance with ASME BPE and GMP, All pumps are delivered with a complete Alfa Laval
this pump range complies with the stringent require- Q-doc documentation package including material
ments necessary for validation, qualification and traceability. Q-doc provides easier validation, proof
process control providing consumer safety. of origin and compliance for inspection according to
Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) and ASME BPE
This pump range also incorporates full bore through requirements.
porting complying with international standards
BS4825/ISO2037, maximising the inlet and outlet The SX UltraPure range is available with seven gear-
efficiency of the pump and the NPSH characteristics. boxes each having two pump head displacements
(Table 4.2.3c).
The SX UltraPure range has been certified by EHEDG
(European Hygienic Equipment Design Group) as fully Flow rates up to 115 m3/hr (506 US gal/min) and
CIP cleanable to their protocol. In addition to being pressures up to 15 bar (215 PSIG).

Pump Nomenclature
Displacement Max. Pressure
Frame Size Model Max. speed (rpm)
litres/100 rev US gal/100 rev bar PSI

SX UltraPure 1/005 5 1.32 12 175 1400

SX UltraPure 1/007 7 1.85 7 100 1400

SX UltraPure 2/013 13 3.38 15 215 1000

SX UltraPure 2/018 18 4.78 7 100 1000

SX UltraPure 3/027 26 7.03 15 215 1000

SX UltraPure 3/035 35 9.25 7 100 1000

SX UltraPure 4/046 46 12.2 15 215 1000

SX UltraPure 4/063 63 16.7 10 145 1000

SX UltraPure 5/082 82 21.7 15 215 600

SX UltraPure 5/115 115 30.4 10 145 600

SX UltraPure 6/140 140 37 15 215 500

SX UltraPure 6/190 190 50.2 10 145 500

SX UltraPure 7/250 250 66.1 15 215 500

SX UltraPure 7/380 380 100 10 145 500
Table 4.2.3c

74 Alfa Laval Pump Handbook

4.0 Pump Description
Fig. 4.2.3d OptiLobe

OptiLobe Range
The Alfa Laval OptiLobe Rotary Lobe Pump is a The OptiLobe range is available with five gearboxes
cost-effective alternative for general applications that each having two pump head displacements. Flow
require gentle product treatment and easy servicea- rates up to 77 m3/hr (339 US gal/min) and pressures
bility (Fig. 4.2.3d). Suited for use in applications across up to 8 bar (115 PSIG) (Table 4.2.3d).
the dairy, food, beverage, home, and personal care in-
dustries. Easy to adapt to vertical or horizontal porting
by changing the foot position on the gearbox provides
good flexibility for a variety of installations.

The OptiLobe range has been certified by EHEDG

(European Hygienic Equipment Design Group) as fully
CIP cleanable to their protocol. In addition to being
EHEDG compliant, the OptiLobe pump also conforms
to the US 3A standard and all media contacting com-
ponents are FDA compliant.

Pump Nomenclature
Displacement Max. Pressure (S or D) Max. speed
Frame Size Model
litres/100 rev US gal/100 rev bar PSI (rpm)

OptiLobe 12 6 1.48 8 115 1000

OptiLobe 13 10 2.61 8 115 1000

OptiLobe 22 17 4.49 8 115 1000

OptiLobe 23 21 5.55 8 115 1000

OptiLobe 32 32 8.45 8 115 1000

OptiLobe 33 40 10.57 8 115 1000

OptiLobe 42 64 16.91 8 115 1000

OptiLobe 43 82 21.66 8 115 1000

OptiLobe 52 117 30.89 8 115 750

OptiLobe 53 172 45.41 8 115 750
Table 4.2.3d

Alfa Laval Pump Handbook 75

4.0 Pump Description

Suction Discharge
Fig. 4.3.1a Principle of operation

4.3 Circumferential Piston Pumps

4.3.1 General 4.3.2 Principle of Operation
The Alfa Laval range of Circumferential Piston Pumps The Alfa Laval Circumferential Piston pumping principle
are designed for hygienic applications within the dairy, is explained with reference to the diagram above (Fig.
food, beverage, home, and personal care industries. 4.3.1a), which shows the displacement of fluid from
The highly efficient design with close clearances and pump inlet to outlet. The rotors are driven by a gear
long slip paths is particularly suited to applications that train in the pump gear gearbox providing accurate
are low in viscosity with medium to high discharge synchronisation or timing of the rotors. The rotors
pressures and require equipment that can be cleaned contra-rotate within the pump head carrying fluid
in place (CIP). through the pump, in a channel between the rotor
wings and the dwell of the rotors and the interior of
Attributes include: the rotor case.
• Gentle transfer of delicate suspended solids
The rotor pistons with close running clearances rotate
• Excellent suction performance around the circumference of the channel in the pump
casing. This continuously generates a partial vacuum
• Higher pressure capabilities
at the suction port as the rotors un-mesh, causing fluid
• Easy maintenance to enter the pump. The fluid is transported around the
channel by the rotor pistons and is displaced into the
• Bi-directional operation
outlet port as the rotor pistons re-mesh. The direction
of flow is reversible.

76 Alfa Laval Pump Handbook

4.0 Pump Description
Fig. 4.3.1b DuraCirc

DuraCirc Range
Designed for Cleaning-in-Place (CIP), the Alfa Laval The DuraCirc range has been certified by EHEDG
DuraCirc is ideal for hygienic applications within the (European Hygienic Equipment Design Group) as fully
dairy, food, beverage, home and personal care CIP cleanable to their protocol. In addition to being
industries (Fig. 4.3.1b). The highly efficient design EHEDG compliant, the DuraCirc pump also conforms
is particularly suited to applications that are low in to the US 3A standard, and all media contacting
viscosity with medium to high discharge pressures components are FDA compliant. All media contact-
and require equipment that can be cleaned in place. ing elastomers are controlled compression joints to
prevent pumped media leaking to atmosphere (see
DuraCirc has a variety of options available to suit may section 6.2).
different processes and is designed to keep processes
running with minimal maintenance requirements. The DuraCirc range is available with five gearboxes
and a total of thirteen pump head volumetric displace-
ments. Flow rates up to 149 m3/hr (650 US gal/min)
and pressures up to 40 bar (580 PSIG) (Table 4.3.3a).

Pump Nomenclature
Displacement Max. Pressure Max. speed
Frame Size Model
litres/100 rev US gal/100 rev bar PSI (rpm)

DuraCirc 32 3 0.79 25 362 1000

30 DuraCirc 33 6 1.58 25 362 1000

DuraCirc 34 12 3.17 16 232 1000

DuraCirc 42 23 6.07 20 290 750

DuraCirc 43 29 7.66 13 188 750

DuraCirc 52 38 10.03 37 536 750

50 DuraCirc 53 59 15.57 25 362 750

DuraCirc 54 96 25.3 16 232 750

DuraCirc 62 144 38.04 37 536 600

DuraCirc 63 197 52.03 25 362 600

DuraCirc 72 192 50.7 40 580 500

70 DuraCirc 73 286 75.55 25 362 500

DuraCirc 74 414 109.4 16 232 500

Table 4.3.3a

Alfa Laval Pump Handbook 77

4.0 Pump Description

Fig. 4.3.1c DuraCirc Aseptic

DuraCirc Aseptic Range

Designed for sterile flushing at all product media to As with DuraCirc pump the Alfa Laval DuraCirc Aseptic
atmosphere interfaces, as well as Cleaning-in-Place is certified with EHEDG and also conforms to the US
(CIP), the Alfa Laval DuraCirc Aseptic is ideal for 3A standard and all media contacting components are
aseptic processing within the dairy, food, beverage, FDA compliant.
home, and personal care industries. The highly
efficient design is particularly suited to applications The DuraCirc Aseptic Circumferential Piston Pump is
that are low in viscosity with medium to high discharge available with five different pump head displacements
pressures and require equipment that can be cleaned to handle flow rates up to 103 m3/hr (454 US gal/min)
in place (Fig. 4.3.1c). and differential pressures up to 25 bar (362 PSIG)
(Table 4.3.3b).

Pump Nomenclature
Displacement Max. Pressure (S or D) Max. speed
Frame Size Model
litres/100 rev US gal/100 rev bar PSI (rpm)

40 DuraCirc Aseptic 42 23 6.07 20 290 750

DuraCirc Aseptic 53 59 15.57 25 362 750

DuraCirc Aseptic 54 96 25.3 16 232 750

60 DuraCirc Aseptic 63 197 52.03 25 362 600

70 DuraCirc Aseptic 73 286 75.55 25 362 500

Table 4.3.3b

78 Alfa Laval Pump Handbook

4.0 Pump Description
4.4 Twin Screw Pumps
4.4.1 General 4.4.2 Principle of Operation
The Alfa Laval Twin Screw Pump with non-contacting The Alfa Laval Twin Screw Pump is a rotating positive
pump head, designed for handling sensitive, abrasive, displacement pump which uses two intermeshed
and high and low viscosity fluids has the ability to screws to convey product in the horizontal axis (Fig.
cover a wide range of applications, providing process 4.4.1a). As the pump rotates, the intermeshing of
flexibility. It’s hygienic design with smooth, low pulsa- the two contra rotating screws along with the pump
tion characteristics provide excellent solids handling housing form volumetric chambers. These chambers
capabilities reducing the risk of product damage. The fill with the pumped fluid and move it axially from the
ability to operate these pumps across a wide speed suction side, gradually building up the pressure across
range makes it capable of handling both product the chambers to the higher-pressure discharge side of
transfer duties and Cleaning-in-Place (CIP) and is the pump.
widely used in the dairy, food, beverage, home, and
personal care industries. Typically driven via a direct drive motor using a fre-
quency inverter for speed variation provides the flexibil-
Attributes include: ity on adapting the speed to meet each duty condition
including cleaning in place (CIP) fluids.
• Greater process flexibility

• Superior suction performance

• Gentle transfer of delicate suspended solids

• Low pulsation flow

• Ease of service

Fig. 4.4.1a Twin Screw axial flow transfer

Alfa Laval Pump Handbook 79

4.0 Pump Description

Fig. 4.4.1b OS Twin Screw

OS Twin Screw Range

The Alfa Laval OS Twin Screw Pump is designed for The OS Twin Screw is available in sixteen models
handling sensitive, abrasive and high and low viscosity based on four frame sizes. The OS10 and OS40
fluids, the Alfa Laval Twin Screw Pump is ideal for use frames have three different screw profiles for varying
in hygienic applications across the dairy, food, bev- pressure, flow and solids-handling capabilities, whilst
erage, and home and personal care industries. Quiet the OS20 & OS30 frames have five different screw
and virtually pulse-free, the pump provides smooth profiles. This provides a wide range of performance to
and gentle operation, making it an excellent choice enable the user to select the optimal pump for each
for handling sensitive products. Two-in-one operation application. Flow rates up to 150 m3/hr (660 US gal/
provides easy handling of process media of varying min) and differential pressures up to 16 bar (232 PSIG).
viscosities as well as CIP fluids (Fig. 4.4.1b).

The OS Twin Screw features a clean, external stain-

less-steel finish with profiled elastomers and mechani-
cal seals fully surrounded by the product. Designed for
maximum cleanability using FDA-conforming materials,
the pump is both EHEDG- and 3-A certified.

80 Alfa Laval Pump Handbook

4.0 Pump Description

Alfa Laval Pump Handbook 81

5.0 Pump Materials of Construction

This chapter describes the materials, both

metallic and elastomeric, used in the con-
struction of the Alfa Laval pump portfolio.

5.1 Main Components

Pumps can be manufactured from several varied
materials, dependent upon the product being pumped
and its environment.

For Alfa Laval, the pump ranges can be split into two
main construction categories:

• Product Wetted Parts

(i.e., metallic, and elastomeric parts in contact with
the fluid being pumped)

• Non-product Wetted Parts

(i.e., metallic, and elastomeric parts not in contact
with the fluid being pumped)

82 Alfa Laval Pump Handbook

5.0 Pump Materials of Construction
Pump Materials
of Construction

Alfa Laval Pump Handbook 83

5.0 Pump Materials of Construction


1. Casing
2. Adaptor
3. Shroud
Fig. 5.1a LKH Centrifugal pump

Centrifugal Pumps - LKH ranges

Main Pump Component Product Wetted Parts Non-product Wetted Parts

Adaptor AISI 304 or Werkstoff 1.4301

Backplate AISI 316L or Werkstoff 1.4404

Impeller AISI 316L or Werkstoff 1.4404

Pump Casing AISI 316L or Werkstoff 1.4404

Pump Shaft AISI 316L or Werkstoff 1.4404

Shroud and Legs AISI 304 or Werkstoff 1.4301

Table 5.1a

1. Casing
2. Shroud
3 3. Legs
Fig. 5.1b SolidC Centrifugal pump

Centrifugal Pumps - SolidC + SolidC UP ranges

Main Pump Component Product Wetted Parts Non-product Wetted Parts

Adaptor AISI 304 or Werkstoff 1.4301

Backplate AISI 316L or Werkstoff 1.4404

Impeller AISI 316L or Werkstoff 1.4404

Pump Casing AISI 316L or Werkstoff 1.4404

Pump Shaft AISI 316L or Werkstoff 1.4404

Shroud AISI 304 or Werkstoff 1.4301

Legs Special - Plastic Coated

Table 5.1b

84 Alfa Laval Pump Handbook

5.0 Pump Materials of Construction

1. Casing
2. Adaptor
3. Backplate
Fig. 5.1c ICP2000 Centrifugal pump

Centrifugal Pumps - ICP2000 range (authorised channels only)

Main Pump Component Product Wetted Parts Non-product Wetted Parts

Adaptor Painted Zinc Coated Cast Steel

Backplate AISI 316L or Werkstoff 1.4404

Impeller AISI 316L or Werkstoff 1.4404

Pump Casing AISI 316L or Werkstoff 1.4404

Pump Shaft AISI 316L or Werkstoff 1.4404

Shroud AISI 304 or Werkstoff 1.4301

Legs Special - Plastic Coated

Table 5.1c

Alfa Laval Pump Handbook 85

5.0 Pump Materials of Construction

2 5

4 1. Product seal area
3 2. Rotor case
3. Rotor case cover
4. Ports
5. Gearbox
6. Drive shaft
Fig. 5.1d SRU Rotary lobe pump

Rotary lobe pumps - SRU + SX ranges

Main Pump SRU Models SX + SX UP Models

Metallic Metallic Non-product Metallic Product Metallic Non-product
Product Parts Wetted Parts Wetted Parts Wetted Parts

Gear Case AISI 304 or Werkstoff AISI 304 or Werkstoff

1.4301 1.4301

Rotor Werkstoff 1.4404 or AISI Werkstoff 1.4404 or AISI

316L/Non-Galling Alloy 316L
ASTM A-494

Rotor Case EN 1.4409 (CF-3) or AISI EN 1.4409 or 316C12/

316C12/Werkstoff 1.4404 Werkstoff 1.4404 or AISI
or AISI 316L 316L

Rotor Case Werkstoff 1.4404 or AISI Werkstoff 1.4404 or AISI

Cover 316L 316L

Shaft Werkstoff 1.4404 or 316L Duplex stainless steel

Duplex stainless steel (AISI 329 or grade 1.4462)
(AISI 329 or grade 1.4462)
Table 5.1d

86 Alfa Laval Pump Handbook

5.0 Pump Materials of Construction

1. Product seal area

4 2. Gearbox
3. Ports
4. Rotor case cover
Fig. 5.1d Circumferential piston pump

Circumferential piston pumps - DuraCirc + DuraCirc Aseptic

Main Pump Component Metallic Product Wetted Parts Metallic Non-product Wetted Parts

Gear Case AISI 304 or Werkstoff 1.4301

Rotor Non-Galling Alloy/ASTM A-494

Rotor Case Werkstoff 1.4404 or AISI 316L/EN

1.4409 (CF-3) or AISI 316C12

Rotor Case Cover Werkstoff 1.4404 or AISI 316L

Shaft Duplex stainless steel

(AISI 329 or grade 1.4462)
Table 5.1d

4 2

1. Product seal area

2. Gearbox
3 3. Ports
4. Rotor Case
Fig. 5.1e Twin Screw pump

Twin screw pumps - OS

Main Pump Component Metallic Product Wetted Parts Metallic Non-product Wetted Parts

Gear Case EN 1.4408 (CF-8) or 316 C16

Screws Werkstoff 1.4404 or AISI 316L

Optional: Diffusion hardened
- 1092 HV0.05

Casing Werkstoff 1.4404 or AISI 316L

Diffusion hardened - 1092 HV0.05

Case Cover Werkstoff 1.4404 or AISI 316L

Shafts Werkstoff 1.4404 or AISI 316L

Table 5.1e

Alfa Laval Pump Handbook 87

5.0 Pump Materials of Construction

5.2 Stainless Steel

Hygienic demands have led stainless steel to be This equipment must possess product integrity (no
accepted as the top material choice within the food, corrosion or leaks), cleanliness, ease of cleaning and
beverage & pharmaceutical processing/services for ease of inspection. The equipment must also be able
product equipment. to resist chemical solutions used in cleaning, such as
chloride-based sterilising agents, acids, and alkalis.

Stainless Composition Characteristics Application areas

Steel Name

Alloy 304 Also known as 18/8 for its com- Excellent in a wide range of Non to low chloride containing
position of 18% chromium and atmospheric environments and water applications, nitric acid,
8% nickel many corrosive media. Subject and oleum
to pitting and crevice corrosion
in warm chloride environments,
and to stress corrosion cracking
approximately above 60° C

Alloy 316 A composition of 18% chromi- The 316 grade is used instead Versatile material that is used in
um and 10% nickel and 2% of of 304 in cases where higher a very wide range of applications
molybdenum resistance to pitting and crevice like; food, dairy, beverage, organ-
corrosion is required, in chloride ic acids and pharmaceutical, to
environments mention a few
Table 5.2a Stainless Steel Alloys

Stainless steel meets all these requirements for pump The biggest difference between the grades is molyb-
designs with the most commonly grades within denum is added to SS 316 to increase corrosion and
hygienic applications being austenitic types; SS pitting resistance.
(Stainless Steel) 304 (1.4301), 316 (1.4401) and 316L
(1.4404) (Table 5.2a). SS 316L is almost identical to SS 316. The only
difference is the lower carbon content with SS 316
Differences between SS 304 and SS 316: having maximum value of 0.08% and SS 316L having
maximum value of 0.03%.
• Both 304 and 316 are easily welded and formed

• Both types are non-magnetic Duplex Steel

• 304 contains 18% chromium 8% nickel Certain applications within targeted industries pose
316 contains 17% chromium challenges that cannot be met by austenitic stainless
steel alone.
• 304 contains no trace of molybdenum
316 contains 2.1% molybdenum

88 Alfa Laval Pump Handbook

5.0 Pump Materials of Construction
Duplex stainless steels (AISI 329) are extremely corro-
sion resistant alloys. Their microstructures consist of
a mixture of austenite and ferrite phases. As a result,
duplex stainless steels display properties characteristic
of both austenitic and ferritic stainless steels.

Strengths of duplex stainless steels can in some cases

be double that for austenitic stainless steels, making
it an ideal choice of alloy for the construction of pump
shafts to handle higher pressure applications.

Whilst duplex stainless steels are considered resistant

to stress corrosion cracking, they are not as resistant
as ferritic stainless steels. However, the corrosion re-
sistance of the least resistant duplex stainless steels is
greater than that for the most used grades of stainless
steels, i.e., 304 and 316.

Duplex stainless steels have good weldability. All

standard welding processes can be used. They are
not as easily welded as the austenitic grades, but low
thermal expansion in duplex grades reduces distortion
and residual stresses after welding.

Duplex steels are also magnetic, a property that can

be used to easily differentiate them from common
austenitic grades of stainless steel.

Please contact Alfa Laval on the possibility of providing

a hygienic pump manufactured of Duplex steel or other
exotic alloys suited for your requirements.

For description of elastomers used see section 5.3.

For mechanical seal components see section 6.1.

Alfa Laval Pump Handbook 89

5.0 Pump Materials of Construction

Surface finish of product wetted steel components

is a major factor in the food, pharmaceutical and
biotechnology industries where hygiene and cleanability
are of paramount importance.

5.3 Stainless Steel Surfaces

The ‘standard’ machined surface finish on pumps can Electropolishing
be enhanced by the following methods: This is an electro-chemical process in which the stain-
less steel component is immersed into a chemical bath
• Rumbling and subjected to an electrical current. A controlled
• Shot blasting amount of metal is removed from all surfaces evenly.
The appearance is ‘Semi bright.’
• Electropolishing

• Mechanical (Hand) polishing Mechanical (Hand)

This is required when it is necessary to reach a certain
Ra surface finish for customers beyond that achieved
by electropolishing only i.e., a ‘Mirror finish’.
This is achieved by vibrating the pump components
with abrasive particulate such as stones and steel
It typically involves:
• Fine grinding using felt and compound
Shotblasting • Brushing using bristle brushes and compound to
This method involves blasting finished components remove any cutting marks left from fine grinding,
with small metallic particles at great force to achieve and to reach any awkward areas
the surface finish required. For Alfa Laval centrifu- • Polishing using mops and compound to obtain a
gal, stainless steel pump components, fine particles
mirror polished effect
of stainless steel are used in this process to avoid

For Alfa Laval Centrifugal Pumps see table below:

Pump surfaces Standard surface roughness Optional surface roughness (3A Optional surface roughness (3A fin-
Ra (mm) by Rumbling method finish) Ra (mm) by Mechanical ish) Ra (mm) by shot blasting (Hand
(Hand) method or Electropolished)

Product wetted < 1.6 (64 Ra) < 0.8 (32 Ra) < 0.5 (20 Ra)

External exposed < 1.6 (64 Ra) < 1.6 (64 Ra) < 1.6 (64 Ra)

Cast surfaces < 3.2 (125 Ra) } 3.2 (125 Ra) } 3.2 (125 Ra)

Other surfaces } 6.3 (250 Ra) } 6.3 (250 Ra) } 6.3 (250 Ra)
Table 5.3a

90 Alfa Laval Pump Handbook

5.0 Pump Materials of Construction
Real surface

0 X

-y Mean line
Fig. 5.3a Surface roughness

Surface Roughness
The most used surface roughness measurement is Ra Stainless steel passivation unipotentialises the
and is defined as ‘the arithmetic mean of the absolute stainless steel with the oxygen absorbed by the
value of the departure of the profile from the mean metal surface, creating a monomolecular oxide film.
line’ (Fig. 5.3a). Ra is measured in micron (µm). The This process returns the stainless steel back to its
surface roughness can alternatively be specified by a original specifications. When a part is machined,
Grit value. The Grit value specifies the grain size of the various particles can permeate the surface of the
coating of the grinding tool used. base metal, weakening its resistance to corrosion and
making the part more susceptible to environmental
The approximate connection between the Ra value factors. Debris, dirt and other particles and residue
and the Grit value is as follows: such as free iron, grease, and machining oils all affect
the strength of the natural surface and can become
Ra = 0.8 µm (32 Ra) ≈ 150 Grit (3A standard) embedded in the surface during the machining pro-
cess. These often go unseen to the human eye and
Ra = 1.6 µm (64 Ra) ≈ 100 Grit are often the cause of the deterioration. The passiva-
tion process improves and purifies the surface of the
Alfa Laval Centrifugal pumps supplied in the US have part. The restored surface acts as a protective coating
all product wetted surfaces and external exposed to environmental factors such as air, water, and other
surfaces to 0.8 Ra. extreme environments.

For Alfa Laval Rotary Lobe Pumps the surface rough- It is important to mention that passivation does not
ness on product wetted parts such as rotors, rotor change the outward appearance of the base metal.
case, rotor nuts and rotor case covers is as follows:
Advantages of Passivation
‘Standard’ 0.8 Ra • Improved corrosion resistance
Electropolishing 0.8 Ra
Mechanical (Hand) 0.38 Ra • Uniform, smooth appearance & finish

• Cleanliness
• Improved & extended life of product
The passivation of stainless steel is a process per-
formed to make a surface passive, i.e., a surface film
is created that causes the surface to lose its chemical Note: Passivation is also accomplished by
reactivity. electropolishing.

Alfa Laval Pump Handbook 91

5.0 Pump Materials of Construction

5.4 Elastomers
Alfa Laval pump ranges incorporate elastomers of • Resistant to ozone and radiation
different material and characteristics dependent
• Temperature range - min. -40° C to max. +150° C
upon application within the pump and the fluid being
(min. -40° F to max. +302° F)
• Not resistant to organic & non-organic oils/greases
Various elastomer types are specified below. It is and aliphatic, aromatic, chlorinated hydrocarbons
difficult to predict the lifetime of elastomers as they
will be affected by many factors, e.g., chemical attack,
temperature, mechanical wear etc. FPM/FKM (Fluorinated rubber)
Alternatively known as Viton®. FPM is a fluoro rubber
It is important to note all Alfa Laval pumps are sup- that has excellent chemical resistance to a very wide
plied with FDA, 3A EC1935/2004 and EC2023/2006 array of substances. It has excellent resistance to oils
conforming elastomer grades as standard. including aromatics, acids, oxidization, and heat.

A selection guide is shown in section 14.10. • Used as static or dynamic seals

• Often used when other rubber qualities are

EPDM (Ethylene Propylene) unsuitable
This is a gasket material with excellent heat resistance.
• Resistant to most chemicals and ozone
It is resistant to oxidization, acids, bases, and tough
CIP (Cleaning-in-Place). • Temperature range - min. -20° C to max. +200° C
(min. -4° F to max. +392° F)
• Used as static or dynamic seals
• Not suitable for fluids such as steam, lye, acid,
• Resistant to most products used within the food and high temperature alcohol

FFPM/FFKM (Perfluoroelastomer)
Perfluoroelastomers contain an even higher amount of
fluorine than FKM and is typically used in applications
where compatibility is limited to standard offerings.

• Used as static or dynamic seals

• Resistant to ozone and almost all products

92 Alfa Laval Pump Handbook

5.0 Pump Materials of Construction
• Temperature range - min. -20° C to max. +260° C • Temperature range - min. -50° C to max. +230° C
(min. -4° F to max. +500° F) (min. -58° F to max. +446° F)

• More elastic than PTFE (Polytetrafluoro Ethylene) • Not resistant to steam, inorganic acids, mineral
oils, or most organic solvents
• Not suitable with molten alkali metals

FEP (Fluorinated Ethylene Propylene)

PTFE (Polytetrafluoro Ethylene)
• FEP covered (vulcanised) FPM or MVQ O-rings
Polytetrafluoroethylene is a synthetic fluoropolymer
of tetrafluoroethylene that has numerous applica- • Used as static or dynamic seals
tion uses. It is also known by common trade name
• Resistant to ozone
• Resistant to almost all products
• Used as static seals
• Suitable for temperatures up to approx. 200° C
• Resistant to ozone and almost all products (392° F)
• Temperature range - min. -30° C to max. +200° C • More elastic than PTFE
(min. -22° F to max. +392° F)
Alternative options upon request
• Not elastic, tendency to compression set
Kalrez®/Chemraz® (Perfluoroelastomer)
MVQ (Silicone) Like FFPM, these Perfluoros are trademarked and
have numerous material grades that can cover all con-
MVQ is a silicone rubber with suitable properties for
ceivable application requirements.
both high and low temperatures. Due to hydrolysis
(cleavage of chemical bonds by the addition of water)
• Used as static or dynamic seals
its resistance is limited to acids, bases, and steam
• Resistant to ozone
• Used as static or dynamic seals
• Resistant to almost all products
• Resistant to ozone, alcohol, glycols, and most
• Temperature range – min. -40° C to max. +365° C
products used within food industry
(min. -40° F to max. +689° F) dependent on grade

• Elastic

Alfa Laval Pump Handbook 93

6.0 Pump Sealing

This chapter describes the principle of pump

sealing and illustrates the different sealing
arrangements used on Alfa Laval pump ranges.
A general seal selection guide is included,
along with various operating parameters.

This chapter covers the primary shaft sealing devices

used on Alfa Laval Centrifugal, Rotary Lobe, Internal
Gear, Circumferential Piston and Twin Screw pumps.
Other proprietary seals not detailed in this chapter,
such as O-rings and lip seals can be found on the
pump head and gear case.

“A Pump is only as good as its shaft seal”

A successful pump application largely depends upon

the selection and application of suitable fluid sealing
devices. Just as we know that there is no single pump
that can embrace the diverse range of fluids and
applications whilst meeting individual market require-
ments and legislations, the same can be said of fluid
sealing devices. This is clearly illustrated by the large
range of shaft seal arrangements, such as mechani-
cal, lip or O-ring seals, that are available to the pump

94 Alfa Laval Pump Handbook

6.0 Pump Sealing
Pump Sealing

Alfa Laval Pump Handbook 95

6.0 Pump Sealing

Shaft sealing devices used in the various pump The majority of proprietary mechanical seals available
technologies in the Alfa Laval pump portfolio include: from seal manufacturers have been designed for single
shaft pump concepts, for example Centrifugal pumps.
Mechanical Seals Such pump types do not impose any radial or axial
constraints on seal design. However, on Rotary Lobe,
• Single externally mounted
Circumferential Piston and Twin Screw pumps the
• Single internally mounted need to minimise the shaft extension beyond the front
bearing places significant axial constraints. If this were
• Single externally mounted for external flush
extended, the shaft diameter would increase introduc-
• Single internally mounted for product recirculation ing a radial constraint - because shafts on the above
or external flush referenced pump technologies are in the same plane,
the maximum diameter of the seal must be less than
• Double ‘back-to-back’ with the inboard seal
the shaft centres. Most designs therefore can only
externally mounted for flush
accommodate ‘bespoke’ or ‘customised’ seal design.
This is not done to take any commercial advantage,
O-ring seals rather it is as a consequence of these pumps design
• Single concept.

• Single with flush

Centrifugal pumps only have one shaft seal whereas There is often more than one solution and
Rotary Lobe, Internal Gear, Circumferential Piston sometimes no ideal solution, therefore a
and Twin Screw pumps employ a minimum of two compromise may have to be considered.
shaft seals (one per shaft). Generally, all shaft seals
are under pressure with the pressure gradient across
the seal being from pumped fluid to atmosphere. The
exception to this is with a double seal, where the flush
pressure can be greater than the differential pressure
in the pump chamber. This results in the pressure
gradient being reversed.

Mechanical seals meet the majority of application

demands and of these, single and single flushed
seals are most frequently specified. The application
of double mechanical seals is increasing to meet both
process demands for higher hygienic standards and
legislation requirements, particularly those related to

96 Alfa Laval Pump Handbook

6.0 Pump Sealing
Selection of shaft seals is influenced by many variables:
• Shaft diameter and speed

• Fluid to be pumped
Temperature - effect on materials?
- can interface film be maintained?
Viscosity - drag on seal faces?
- clogging of seal restricting movement?
- can interface film be established and maintained?
- stiction at seal faces?
Fluid behaviour - does product shear, thin, thicken
or ‘work’ - balling/carbonise?
- can interface film be established and maintained?
Solids - size?
- abrasiveness?
- density?
- clogging of seal restricting movement?
- can interface film be established and maintained?
Thermal stability - what, if any change?
Air reacting - what, if any change?

• Pressure - within seal limits?

- fluctuations?
- peaks/spikes?
- cavitation?

• Services - flush?
- pressure?
- temperature?
- continuity?

• Health and safety - toxic?

- flammable?
- explosive?
- corrosive?
- irritant?
- carcinogenic?

Alfa Laval Pump Handbook 97

6.0 Pump Sealing

6.1 Mechanical Seals

General The Secondary Seal
Mechanical seals are designed for minimal leakage This is required to provide a seal between the primary
and represent the majority of Centrifugal, Rotary Lobe, seal rings and the components with which they inter-
Internal Gear, Circumferential Piston and Twin Screw face. Also, it can provide a cushion mounting for the
pump sealing arrangements (Table 6.1a). seat ring to reduce any effects of mechanical stress
i.e., shock loads.
Mechanical seal selection must consider:
• The materials of seal construction, particularly Types of secondary seal are:
the sealing faces and elastomers • O-rings

• The mounting attitude to provide the most • Cups

favourable environment for the seal
• Gaskets
• The geometry within which it is to be mounted
• Wedges

A mechanical seal typically comprises of: For Alfa Laval pump ranges an O-ring or profiled
• A primary seal, comprising of stationary and rotary elastomer is the most commonly type of secondary
seal rings seal used. This is a simple and versatile solution and
(dependent on range) is offered in the following com-
• Two secondary seals, one for each of the station-
prehensive material options:
ary and rotary seal rings

• A method of preventing the stationary seal ring • NBR

from rotating
• A method of keeping the stationary and rotary
seal rings together when they are not hydraulically
loaded i.e., when pump is stopped • PTFE
• A method of fixing and maintaining the working • FEP

• Silicone
The Primary Seal
Comprises of two flat faces, one rotating and one sta-
tionary, which support a fluid film, thus minimising heat Note:
generation and subsequent mechanical damage. USP class VI compliant variants are an available option
on certain ranges, in certain materials.

Commonly used material combinations are:

These are fully described in chapter 11.
Carbon - Stainless Steel
Carbon - Silicon Carbide
Silicon Carbide - Silicon Carbide

98 Alfa Laval Pump Handbook

6.0 Pump Sealing
Mechanical Seal Face/’O’ Ring Material Availability

Rotary Seal Stationary Seal Elastomer

Face Face

Pump Type Pump Range

Silicon Carbide

Silicon Carbide
Stainless Steel

Stainless Steel






Centrifugal LKH/LKH Evap       

LKH Prime      

LKH Multistage      

LKHPF     

LKHI      

LKH UltraPure     

LKH Prime UltraPure     

SolidC       

SolidC UltraPure     

FM       

GM      

Rotary Lobe OptiLobe      

SRU        

SX       

SX UltraPure     

Circumferential Piston DuraCirc      

DuraCirc Aseptic    

Twin Screw OS      

Internal Gear M       

Note 1: LKH Multistage 120 only has EPDM & NBR elastomer option

Note 2: SX1 pump has tungsten carbide seal faces, not silicon carbide seal faces
Table 6.1a

Alfa Laval Pump Handbook 99

6.0 Pump Sealing

2 10 9 7
1. Stationary Seal ring
2. Rotary Seal ring
3. Wave Spring
4. Rotary Seal drive ring
5. Stationary Seal drive O-ring
Process media 6. Rotary Seal O-ring
7. Rotor
8. Shaft
Working length 9. Rotorcase
10. Stationary Seal Ring
Anti-rotation pin
11. Grub screw
4 11 3 6 8 1 5
Fig. 6.1a Typical single mechanical seal used in rotary lobe pumps

Stationary Seal Ring Anti-Rotation Rotary Seal Ring Drive

Ideally the selected device listed below will also allow Ideally the selected device listed below will allow for a
for axial resilience. degree of axial movement.

• Flats • Spring

• Pins • Bellows

• Elastomer resilience • Physical positioning

• Press fit • Elastomer resilience

• Clamps

4 3 2 9 5
1. Stationary Seal ring
2. Rotary Seal ring
1 3. Spring
4. Drive ring
Process media 5. Stationary Seal elastomer
6. Rotary Seal elastomer
7. Impeller
8. Pump shaft
9. Backplate

8 6 7
Fig. 6.1b Typical single mechanical seal used in centrifugal pumps

Working Length
The ideal design should eliminate/minimise possibilities Note:
for error by incorporating (Fig. 6.1a): Some Alfa Laval mechancial seals are self-setting by
design, whereby working length is autoamtically set.
• Physical position i.e., step on shaft

• Grub screws
One of the main causes of seal failure
is for the seal working length not being
correctly maintained.

100 Alfa Laval Pump Handbook

6.0 Pump Sealing

Interface film 1. Stationary Seal ring

1 2. Rotary Seal ring
5. Stationary Seal elastomer
2 Process media
6. Rotary Seal elastomer
9. Backplate

Approx. 1µm
Fig. 6.1c Principle of mechanical seal operation

Principle of Mechanical Seal Operation Mechanical Seal Mounting

During pump operation, hydraulic fluid forces combine Mechanical seals can be mounted externally or
with seal design features, including applied spring internally.
force, extremely flat sealing surfaces and seal face
geometry, which push the seal faces together. This
reduces the fluid interface thickness, also called the
interface film, to a minimum, typically 1 µm, as shown
in Fig 6.1c, whilst increasing pressure drop, therefore
minimising pumped fluid leakage.

4 3 2 9 5
1. Stationary Seal ring
2. Rotary Seal ring
1 3. Spring
4. Drive ring
Process media
5. Stationary Seal elastomer
6. Rotary Seal elastomer
7. Impeller
8. Pump shaft
9. Backplate

8 6 7
Fig. 6.1d Typical external shaft seal

External Mounted Mechanical Seals Pumps having externally mounted mechanical seals
In an externally mounted mechanical seal, the seal is include LKH, LKH UltraPure, LKHex, LKH Prime, LKH
designed such that the direction of fluid flow across Prime UltraPure, Solid C, Solid C UltraPure and SRU.
the seal faces is from the internal to external seal
face diameter, i.e., the fluid is sealing inside to out, as
shown in Fig. 6.1d.

Alfa Laval Pump Handbook 101

6.0 Pump Sealing

5 6 9 4 7
1. Stationary Seal ring
2. Rotary Seal ring
3. Spring
4. Rotating seal housing
5. Stationary Seal elastomer
10 Process media 6. Rotary Seal quad ring
7. Impeller
8. Pump shaft
9. Backplate
10. Seal housing quad ring

8 1 2 3
Fig. 6.1e Typical internal shaft seal

Internal Mechanical Seals

In an internally mounted mechanical seal, the seal is
designed such that the direction of fluid flow across
the seal faces is from the external to internal seal
face diameter, i.e., the fluid is sealing outside to in, as
shown in Fig 6.1e.

Pumps having internally mounted mechanical seals

include LKHI, LKH Multistage, LKHPF, OptiLobe, SX,
SX UltraPure, DuraCirc, DuraCirc Aseptic and OS Twin

In Alfa Laval hygienic pumps, dependent on range,

both the externally and internally mounted types of
mechanical seal are available as single and single
flushed, as well as double versions.

The arrangements are described as follows:

• Single Mechanical Seal

• Single Flushed Mechanical Seal

• Double Flushed Mechanical Seal

102 Alfa Laval Pump Handbook

6.0 Pump Sealing
14 12 13 2 10 9 7 1. Stationary Seal ring
2. Rotary Seal ring
3. Wave Spring
4. Rotary Seal drive ring
5. Stationary Seal drive O-ring
6. Rotary Seal O-ring
Process media 7. Rotor
8. Shaft
Flush media
9. Rotorcase
10. Stationary Seal Ring
Anti-rotation pin
11. Grub screw
12. Lip seal
8 4 11 3 6 1 5 13. Flush housing
Fig. 6.1f Typical externally mounted single flushed mechanical seal used in rotary
14. Seal abutment spacer
lobe pumps
Seal shown: SRU R90 single flushed seal

Single Mechanical Seal

This is the simplest shaft seal version, which has
already been described previously in this chapter.
This seal arrangement is generally used for fluids
that do not solidify or crystallise in contact with the
atmosphere and other non-hazardous duties (Fig. 6.1f).
For satisfactory operation it is imperative the seal is not
subjected to pressures exceeding the maximum
rated pressure of the pump. Also, the pump must
not be allowed to run ‘dry’, thus avoiding damage
to the seal faces, which may cause excessive seal

Typical applications are listed below, but full product/

fluid and performance data must be referred to the
seal supplier for verification.

• Alcohol

• Animal Fat

• Aviation Fuel

• Beer

• Dairy Creams

• Fish Oil

• Fruit Juice

• Liquid Egg

• Milk

• Shampoo

• Solvents

• Vegetable Oil

• Water

• Yoghurt

Alfa Laval Pump Handbook 103

6.0 Pump Sealing

4 10 11 9

1. Stationary Seal ring

2. Rotary Seal ring
5 3. Spring
4. Drive ring
Process media
1 5. Stationary Seal elastomer
Flush media 6. Rotary Seal elastomer
7. Impeller
8. Pump shaft
9. Backplate
10. Flush housing lip seal
11. Flush housing
8 3 2 6 7
Fig. 6.1g Single Flushed Mechanical Seal

Single Flushed Mechanical Seal

The definition of ‘flush’ is to provide a liquid barrier or This most basic flush system, sometimes referred to
support to the selected seal arrangement. This seal as quench, provides liquid to the atmosphere side of
arrangement is generally used for any of the following the mechanical seal thereby flushing away any product
conditions: leakage. For the majority of pump models, the flushed
seal comprises of the same stationary and rotating
• Where the fluid being pumped can coagulate, parts as the single seal, with the addition of a seal
solidify, or crystallise when in contact with the housing having a flushing connection plus the afore-
atmosphere mentioned lip seal.

• When cooling of the seals is necessary dependent

upon the fluid pumping temperature
Flush housing on SX/SX-UP, DuraCirc as well as OS
• In partial vacuum applications, where a barrier to Twin Screw are integral to the rotor case/casing.
atmosphere is required
Typical applications are listed below, but full product/
This seal arrangement used on both externally as well
fluid and performance data must be referred to the
as internally mounted seals requires the supply of
seal supplier for verification.
liquid to the atmospheric side of the mechanical seal
to flush the seal area (Fig. 6.1g). The characteristics
• Adhesive
of the fluid being pumped, and the duty conditions
will normally determine if a flush is necessary. When • Caramel
selecting a flushing liquid, you must ensure that it is
• Detergent
chemically compatible with the relevant materials of
pump/seal construction and fully compatible with the • Fruit Juice Concentrate
fluid being pumped. Consideration should be given
• Gelatine
to any temperature limitations that may apply to the
flushing liquid to ensure that hazards are not created • Jam
(i.e., explosion, fire, etc.).
• Latex

The flushing liquid is usually sealed from external • Paint

atmosphere via a lip seal. In Alfa Laval pumps, the
• Sugar Syrup
flushing liquid should enter the seal housing at a low
pressure, with allowable pressure being up to 0.5 • Toothpaste
bar (7.5 PSI) maximum. Should the flush pressure be
• Yeast
higher, there is a risk of blowing out the lip seal, thus
allowing flush media leakage to atmosphere.

104 Alfa Laval Pump Handbook

6.0 Pump Sealing
1. Stationary Seal ring inboard
14 10 2 9
2. Rotary Seal ring assembly
3. Wave Spring
4. Drive ring
5. Stationary Seal O-ring inboard
Process media 6. Rotary Seal O-ring inboard
7. Rotor
Flush media
8. Shaft
9. Rotorcase
10. Rotary Seal ring assembly
11. Stationary Seal ring outboard
13 11 12 3 4 6 1 5 7 12. Rotary Seal O-ring outboard
Fig. 6.1h Typical double flushed mechanical seal used in rotary lobe pumps
13. Stationary Seal O-ring outboard
14. Flush housing

Double Flushed Mechanical Seal

This seal arrangement is generally used with hostile
media conditions i.e., high viscosity, fluid is hazardous
or toxic. Additionally, it can also be used on applica-
tions where cleaning is via a SIP process, where the
steam condensate around the sealing area needs to
be at a pressure higher than 0.5 bar (7.5 PSI). The
double flushed seal used on Alfa Laval pump ranges is
basically two single mechanical seals mounted ‘back-
to-back’ (Fig. 6.1h). This seal generally comprises of
the same stationary and rotating parts as the single
seal for the majority of pump models, with the addition
of a seal housing having a flushing connection and/or
flushing tubes (dependent upon pump type).

Flush housing on SX/SX-UP, DuraCirc as well as Twin
Screw are integral to the rotor case/casing).

A compatible flushing liquid is pressurised into the seal

housing at a pressure of 1 bar (14 PSI) minimum above
the discharge pressure of the pump. This results in
the interface film being the flushing liquid and not the
pumped liquid. Special attention is required in select-
ing seal faces and elastomers.

It is also possible for a double seal to operate in low

pressure flush mode, i.e., where the flush pressure is at
a similar pressure to that used with single flushed seals
of 0.5 bar, or at a pressure lower than pump differen-
tial pressure. In this situation, the interface film will be
pumped media, rather than flushed media (Fig. 6.1i).

The arrangement in contact with the pumped fluid is

referred to as the ‘inboard seal’, and the seal employed
for the flushing liquid is referred to as the ‘outboard
seal’. For Alfa Laval centrifugal pumps the design of
the outboard seal differs to the inboard seal.

Alfa Laval Pump Handbook 105

6.0 Pump Sealing

1. Inboard Stationary Seal ring

13 4 11 14 9 5 2. Inboard Rotary Seal ring
3. Spring
4. Outboard Rotary Seal ring
5. Stationary inboard
Seal elastomer
1 Process media 6. Rotary Inbound Seal elastomer
7. Impeller
Flush media
8. Pump shaft
9. Backplate
10. Outboard Stationary Seal ring
11. Flush housing
12. Rotary Outboard Seal elastomer
8 10 12 3 2 6 7 13. Stationary Outboard
Fig. 6.1i Typical double flushed mechanical seal used in centrifugal pumps
Seal elastomer
14. Flush housing elastomer

Typical applications are listed below, but full product/

fluid and performance data must be referred to the
seal supplier for verification (Table 6.1b).

• Abrasive Slurries

• Chocolate

• Glucose

• Hazardous Chemicals

• PVC Paste

• Photographic Emulsion
• Resin

Viscosity Seal Face Combination

Up to 4999 cP Solid Carbon v Stainless Steel

Temperature Seal Face Combination
Solid Carbon v Silicon Carbide
Up to 150° C Inserted Carbon v Stainless Steel
Up to 24999 cP Inserted Carbon v Stainless Steel
(302° F) Inserted Carbon v Silicon Carbide
Inserted Carbon v Silicon Carbide
Silicon Carbide v Silicon Carbide
Up to 149999 cP Silicon Carbide v Silicon Carbide
Up to 200° C Solid Carbon v Stainless Steel
Above 150000 cP Consider Double Seals (392° F) Inserted Carbon v Silicon Carbide
Table 6.1b Table 6.1c

General Seal Face Operating Parameters

The tables above show general parameters regarding
viscosity and temperature, which should be noted
when selecting a mechanical seal.

106 Alfa Laval Pump Handbook

6.0 Pump Sealing
2 B* A*

B A: Pressure gauge
1. Pressure gauge*
B: Control valve 2. Control valve*
A C: Check valve
D: Isolation valve
3. Suggested visible
* Double mechanical seal only
indication of flow
4. Pressure gauge
3 Suggested visible
indication of flow 5. Control valve
6. Check valve
A B C D 7. Isolation valve
Flush Inlet

4 5 6 7 * Double mechanical seal only

Flush outlet to waste

Fig. 6.1j Typical flushing pipework layout for a rotary lobe pump

Flushing Pipework Layout – PD pumps

It is recommended that seal flush pipework is de- On ATEX conforming pumps, seal flush pipework
signed such that seals are flushed in parallel. This is to should be designed so that seals are flushed in series,
ensure should one seal fail, then process media leak- rather than parallel. This should be done to eliminate
age does not enter the undamaged seal flush housing. the risk of one seal dry running should the flush pipe-
The suggested arrangement above is for single me- work become blocked.
chanical seals (Fig. 6.1j). If the pump is fitted with dou-
ble mechanical seals the pressure gauges and control
valves should be fitted on the outlet side of the system.
The choice of flushing liquid is dependent upon com-
patibility with the pumping media and overall duty con-
ditions i.e., pressure and temperature. Usually, water is
used for cooling and any water-soluble products.

Flush Media

Flush Media

Fig. 6.1k Typical flushing pipework layout for a centrifugal pump

Flushing Pipework Layout – Centrifugal

Centrifugal pump flush pipework should be designed
such that inlet is at the bottom and outlet at the top, to
allow air venting, thereby reducing the risk of air pock-
ets developing, which could otherwise lead to localized
seal dry running (Fig. 6.1k).

Alfa Laval Pump Handbook 107

6.0 Pump Sealing

The below flow chart should be used for

guidance purposes only, as actual seal
selections should be verified by the seal

Mechanical Seal Selection Process

Obtain all Product/Fluid The illustration describes the mechanical seal selection
and Performance data process with relevant questions to be answered.

Select Seal Type

• Does fluid crystallise?

• Is cooling required? Yes Use Single Flushed Seal
• Will pump run dry?
• Is aseptic barrier required?


• Is fluid hazardous?
• Is fluid abrasive?
• Is fluid viscosity high? Use Double Flushed Seal

• Is temperature high?
• Is aseptic barrier required?

Use Single Seal

Select Seal Materials

Select Seal Faces Select Elastomers

• Check viscosity limitations • Check elastomer compatibility

(see table 6.1b) (see guide in section 14.10)

• Check temperature limitations

(see table 6.1c) • Check temperature limitations

• Is fluid abrasive?
• Check chemical compatibility
Fig. 6.1l Seal selection process

108 Alfa Laval Pump Handbook

6.0 Pump Sealing
6.2 Mechanical Seal Types
In Alfa Laval Pump Ranges

Seal Option Availability for Centrifugal Pumps

Pump Range External Mounting Internal Mounting
Single Single Flushed Double Flushed Single Single Flushed
LKH/LKH Evap   
LKH Prime  
LKH Multistage  
LKHI  
LKH UltraPure  
LKH Prime UltraPure  
Solid C  
Solid C UltraPure  
FM  
GM 
Table 6.2a

Seal Option Availability for Rotary Lobe Pumps

Mechanical Seal Type Seal Name Pump Range
Single externally mounted R90 
Hyclean 
Single flushed externally mounted R90 
Hyclean 
Single internally mounted Easyfit 
R00 
Single flushed internally mounted Easyfit 
R00 
Double flushed externally mounted R90 
Double flushed internally mounted R00 
Note: R00 single flushed seal only available up to SX4
Table 6.2b

Alfa Laval Pump Handbook 109

6.0 Pump Sealing

2 10 9 7
1. Stationary Seal ring
2. Rotary Seal ring
3. Wave Spring
4. Rotary Seal drive ring
5. Stationary Seal drive O-ring
Process media 6. Rotary Seal O-ring
7. Rotor
8. Shaft
Working length 9. Rotorcase
10. Stationary Seal Ring
Anti-rotation pin
11. Grub screw
4 11 3 6 8 1 5
Fig. 6.2a R90 single mechanical seal

R90 Type Mechanical Seals

This seal type is the standard choice for many hygienic Shown above in Fig 6.2a is the R90 single seal. The
applications. A tried and trusted design, where easy R90 single flushed and double seal variants are shown
conversion between single, single flushed and double in Fig 6.1f & 6.1h respectively.
seal variants is possible, without requiring any modifi-
cation to pump head components.

2 9 7

1. Stationary Seal ring

2. Rotary Seal ring
3. Wave spring
4. Washer
5. Stationary Seal O-ring
Process media
6. Rotary Seal O-ring
7. Rotor
8. Shaft
9. Rotor case
10. Rotor spline sealing O-ring

8 4 6 1 3 5 10
Fig. 6.2b Hyclean single mechanical seal

Hyclean Type Mechanical Seals

The design of this seal incorporates a self-cleaning
feature in the form of the stationary seal element hav-
ing an angled seal face (see Fig. 6.2b). This permits an
enhanced cleaning action during CIP, as the cleaning
media is thrown off tangentially due to the angle.
Should EHEDG conformance be a user requirement,
this seal type should be selected.

110 Alfa Laval Pump Handbook

6.0 Pump Sealing
6 5 1 7

1. Front cover compression joint

2. Spline sealing cup seal
3. Rotary seal squad ring
4. Static seal cup seal
Process media
5. Rotor
6. Rotor case
7. Front cover
8. Rotor retainer

4 3
Fig. 6.2c SX pump head sealing

R00 Type Mechanical Seals

The R00 type mechanical seals (Fig. 6.2d), specifical- dimensionally set on assembly.
ly designed for the SX and SX UltraPure rotary lobe Seal faces are positioned directly in the fluid flow path,
pump ranges, are fully front-loading seals and fully thereby seeing full liquid velocity, ensuring optimal
interchangeable between seal variants, without cleaning during CIP cycle. All seals have controlled
the need for additional housings or pump compo- compression joint elastomers at fluid/atmosphere
nent changes (Fig. 6.2c). Specialised seal setting of interfaces.
the mechanical seal is not required, as the seal is

1. Stationary Seal ring

2. Rotary Seal ring
7 3. Wave Spring
4. Static seal ring
Process media 5. Static Seal cup seal
6. Rotary Seal Squad ring
7. Rotor
8. Rotorcase
9. Shaft

9 4 1 5 2 6 3
Fig. 6.2d R00 single mechanical seal

Alfa Laval Pump Handbook 111

6.0 Pump Sealing

10 9 5 2 6 4 3 7
1. Stationary Seal ring
2. Rotary Seal ring
3. Wave spring
4. Rotary Seal drive ring
5. Stationary L-cup seal
Process media
6. Rotary Seal O-ring
1 7. Rotor
8. Shaft
9. Rotor case
10. Stationary seal drive ring

Fig. 6.2e OptiLobe Easyfit single mechanical seal in situ

EasyFit Mechanical Seals

This seal type is designed specifically for the OptiLobe
rotary lobe pump range. Fully front-loading by design,
simplifying service and interchangeable between vari-
ants, without pump modification, allows for increased
process flexibility (Fig. 6.2e). Specialised seal setting
of the mechanical seal is not required, as the seal is
dimensionally set on assembly. Seal faces are posi-
tioned directly in the fluid flow path, thereby seeing full
liquid velocity, ensuring optimal cleaning during CIP

112 Alfa Laval Pump Handbook

6.0 Pump Sealing
9 7 5 2 6

1. Stationary Seal ring

2. Rotary Seal ring
3. Wave spring
4. Static assembly
5. Stationary seal squad ring
Process media
6. Rotary Seal square ring
7. Rotor
8. Shaft
9. Rotor case
10. Stationary seal ring
anti rotation pin
8 4 3 1 10
Fig. 6.2f DuraCirc single mechanical seal

Seal Option Availability for Circumferential Piston Pumps

DuraCirc is the name for Alfa Laval’s range of circum- as part of the rotor case. This makes the conversion
ferential piston pumps. from single-to-single flush seal via the simple addition
of a lip seal and from single to double seal via the
The DuraCirc is available with two main seal designs, addition of outboard seal assembly. This makes seal
the mechanical seal (Fig. 6.2f), and the O-ring seal interchangeability very simple without pump modifica-
(Fig. 6.2i). tion or the addition of housings, allowing for increased
process flexibility. In all seal variants specialised seal
The mechanical seal is designed specifically for the setting is not required, as the seal is dimensionally set
DuraCirc pump range. The single seal variant is fully on assembly. Seal faces are positioned directly in the
front loading by design, simplifying service. The design fluid flow path, thereby seeing full liquid velocity, ensur-
of the DuraCirc is such that there is no separate flush ing optimal cleaning during CIP cycle.
housing, with the flush chamber instead integrated

9 7 5 2 6 1. Stationary Seal ring

2. Rotary Seal ring
3. Wave Spring
4. Static assembly
5. Stationary Seal squad ring
6. Rotary Seal squad ring
Process media 7. Rotor
8. Shaft
Flush media
9. Rotorcase
10. Stationary Seal ring
anti-rotation pin
11. Lip seal

11 8 4 3 1 10
Fig. 6.2g DuraCirc single flushed mechanical seal

14 11 5 2 1. Stationary Seal ring inboard

9 7 6
2. Rotary Seal ring inboard
3. Wave Spring
4. Static assembly
5. Stationary Seal squad ring inboard
6. Rotary Seal squad ring inboard
Process media 7. Rotor
8. Shaft
Flush media
9. Rotorcase
10. Stationary Seal ring
anti-rotation pin
11. Stationary Seal O-ring outboard
12. Stationary Seal ring outboard
8 13 12 4 3 1 10 13. Rotary Seal ring outboard
Fig. 6.2h DuraCirc double flushed mechanical seal
14. Rotary Seal O-ring outboard

Alfa Laval Pump Handbook 113

6.0 Pump Sealing

9 7 1 6 5 2

1. O-ring Seal housing

2. O-ring Seal sleeve
3. Dynamic O-ring
4. O-ring sleeve inner
5. O-ring sleeve outer
Process media
6. Housing O-ring
7. Rotor
8. Shaft
9. Rotor case
10. O-ring sleeve
anti rotation pin
8 3 4 10
Fig. 6.2i DuraCirc O-ring seal

Designed for users more familiar with operating pumps

fitted with O-ring seals, as with the mechanical seal
equivalent, the O-ring seal assembly is designed
specifically to fit in the DuraCirc pump range (Fig. 6.2i).
Conversion from mechanical seal to O-ring seal variant
is possible without any component modification.

9 7 1 6 5 2

1. O-ring seal housing

2. O-ring seal sleeve
3. Dynamic O-ring
Process media 4. O-ring sleeve inner
5. O-ring sleeve outer
Flush media
6. Housing O-ring
7. Rotor
8. Shaft
9. Rotorcase
10. O-ring
11 8 3 4 10
anti-rotation pin
Fig. 6.2j DuraCirc flushed O-ring seal
11. Flush lip seal

The O-ring seal option also has the same advantages O-ring seal material options in FDA conforming EPDM
as with the mechanical seal equivalent, in that the and FPM.
single O-ring seal variant is fully front loading, there is
easy conversion from single to flushed O-ring by the The O-ring in an O-ring seal is typically designed for
simple addition of a lip seal, without the need for hous- more frequent change than pumps fitted with me-
ing or component modification (Fig. 6.2j). Additionally, chanical seals, however wear is typically limited to the
the O-ring is positioned directly in the fluid flow path, O-ring itself. As it is an O-ring elastomer which is doing
thereby seeing full liquid velocity, ensuring optimal the actual sealing, as opposed to a set of mechani-
cleaning during CIP cycle. cal seal faces, the recommended maximum running
speed is 300 rpm and operating pressure is 7 bar (102

114 Alfa Laval Pump Handbook

6.0 Pump Sealing
1 8 10 5 2
1. Seal housing
2. Pump casing
3. Screw
4. Shaft
5. Sleeve
6. Rotary Seal face
Process media
7. Static Seal face
8. Seal housing (incl. coil springs)
9. Circlip
10. P-ring
11. Washer

4 9 7 6 11 3
Fig. 6.2k Twin Screw Single Mechanical Seal

Seal Option Availability for Twin Screw Pumps

The OS Twin Screw pump has a cartridge style seal full liquid velocity, ensuring optimal cleaning during CIP
design, which means that the seal is fitted as a com- cycle.
plete one-piece assembly, rather than as individual
components. Seal options include single (FIg. 6.2k), single flushed
(FIg. 6.2l) and double variants (FIg. 6.2m).
The seal is truly front loading, making it very easy to fit.
The self-setting design allows very easy installation of The design of the OS Twin Screw pump is such that
the seal, simply by sliding the seal onto the shaft until the flush housing is integrated into the seal housing.
it can be pushed no further and locking in place with Conversion from single-to-single flushed or double
the seal retention pin. Additionally, the seal faces are seal is easy, with no additional housings or component
positioned directly in the fluid flow path, thereby seeing re-work required.

1 8 10 5 2
1. Seal housing
2. Pump casing
3. Screw
4. Shaft
5. Sleeve
6. Rotary Seal face
Process media
7. Static Seal face
8. Seal housing (incl. coil springs)
9. Circlip
10. P-ring
11. Washer
12. Flush lip seal
4 12 9 7 6 11 3
Fig. 6.2l Twin Screw Flushed Mechanical Seal

1 8 10 5 2 1. Seal housing
2. Pump casing
3. Screw
4. Shaft
5. Rotary holder
13 6. Rotary Seal face inboard
7. Static Seal face inboard
Process media
8. Housing
14 9. Drive ring
10. P-ring
15 11. Washer
12. Static Seal face onboard
13. Rotary Seal face onboard
4 16 12 9 7 6 11 10 3 14. Drive ring (incl. coil springs)
Fig. 6.2m Twin Screw Double Mechanical Seal
15. Circlip
16. O-ring

Alfa Laval Pump Handbook 115

7.0 Pump Sizing

This section shows how to size an

Alfa Laval pump from product/fluid
and performance data given, sup-
ported by relevant calculations and
worked examples with a simple
step by step approach.

116 Alfa Laval Pump Handbook

7.0 Pump Sizing
Pump Sizing

Alfa Laval Pump Handbook 117

7.0 Pump Sizing

See chapter 2 for detailed

descriptions of Product/Fluid
data and Performance data.

7.1 General Information Required

In order to correctly size any type of pump some Specific requirements
essential information is required as follows: • EHEDG/3A

Product/Fluid Data • ATEX/Explosion zone

• Fluid to be pumped • Port Orientation

• Viscosity • Surface Finish

• SG/Density • Traceability
– Use of frequency drive/VFD
• Pumping temperature
In an ideal situation all the above criteria should be
• Vapor pressure
known before sizing a pump – however, in many
• Solids content (max. size and concentration) instances not all this information is known and made
available. In such cases to complete the sizing pro-
• Fluid behavior (i.e., Newtonian or Pseudoplastic
cess, some assumptions may need to be made based
upon application knowledge, experience etc. These
• Is product hazardous or toxic? should be subsequently confirmed, as they could be
critical to satisfactory installation and operation.
• Does fluid crystallize in contact with atmosphere?

• Is CIP required and if so what temperature and If you have access to our Online ALiCE selection
performance data if needs to be carried out with system (other systems as PUMP-FLO® can also be
our pump? used) the acquired data together with assumptions
can be
Performance Data entered and the system will advise which pumps can
• Capacity (flow rate) be used for the specific duty and gives the option to
sort by the most important factors for the customer
• Discharge head/pressure
whether this is efficiency, purchase price or other
• Suction condition (flooded or suction lift) NPSHa factors.

Site Services Data If you have access to ALiCE and want to select from
• Power source (electric, air, diesel, petrol there then please go through our Webinars on sizing
or hydraulic). If electric – motor enclosure and configuration in our learning portal.
and electrical supply
For calculating the correct size pump and to make
• Seal flushing fluid
qualified assumptions the following will assist in
optimal sizing.

118 Alfa Laval Pump Handbook

7.0 Pump Sizing
7.2 Power
7.2.1 Hydraulic Power
All of the system energy requirements and the energy The theoretical energy required to pump a given
losses in the pump must be supplied by a prime mover quantity of fluid against a given total head is known
in the form of mechanical energy. For Alfa Laval pumps as hydraulic power, hydraulic horsepower or water
this will be an electrical motor, so it will be called motor horsepower.
from here. The rate of energy input needed is defined
as power and is expressed in watts (W) – for practical
purposes, power within this handbook is expressed in
kilowatts (kW), i.e., watts x 103.

This can be calculated as follows:

Hydraulic Power (W) = QxHxρxg Where:

Q = Capacity (m3/s)
H = Total Head/Pressure (m)
ρ = Fluid Density (kg/m3)
g = Acceleration due to Gravity (m/s2)
Other forms of this equation can be as follows:
Hydraulic Power (kW) = QxH Where:
Q = Capacity
H = Total Head/Pressure
k = Constant (dependent upon units used)


Hydraulic Power (kW) = QxH Where:

Q = Capacity (l/min)
H = Total Head/Pressure (bar)
k = 600
Hydraulic Power (hp) = QxH Where:
Q = Capacity (US gal/min)
H = Total Head/Pressure (PSI)
k = 1715

Alfa Laval Pump Handbook 119

7.0 Pump Sizing

r = Radius

V = Velocity

Fig. 7.2.2a Shaft angular velocity

7.2.2 Required Power

The required power or brake horsepower is the power
needed at the pump shaft. This is always higher than
the hydraulic power due to energy losses in the pump
mechanism (friction loss, pressure loss, seals etc.) and
is derived from:

Required Power = ωxT Where:

ω = Shaft Angular Velocity

T = Shaft Torque

Shaft Angular Velocity = ω = V x r (see Fig. 7.2.2a) Where:

ω = Shaft Angular Velocity

V = Velocity
r = Radius
And is related to Hydraulic Power by:
Required Power = Hydraulic Power
Efficiency (100% = 1.0)

The appropriate motor power must be selected. This

will generally be the nearest motor rated output power
above the required power.

120 Alfa Laval Pump Handbook

7.0 Pump Sizing
7.2.3 Torque
Torque is defined as the moment of force required to
produce rotation and is usually expressed in units of
Nm (Newton meter), Kg-m (Kilogram meter) or ft lb
(foot pound). The power requirements for
mechanical devices such as
Torque can be calculated as follows:
pumps and pump drives are
Torque (Nm) = Required power (kW) x 9550
best expressed in terms of
Pump speed (rev/min)
torque and speed.
Torque (Kg-m) = Required power (kW) x 974
Pump speed (rev/min)
Torque (ft lb) = Required power (hp) x 5250
Pump speed (rev/min)

It should be noted that positive displacement pumps

are basically constant torque machines and therefore
it is important that the transmission chosen is capa-
ble of transmitting the torque required by the pump.
This is particularly important for variable speed drives
which should be selected initially on torque rather than

Always be aware that torque requirement can be

higher for the minimum speed than for the higher
speed when you have a large span in speed.

Alfa Laval Pump Handbook 121

7.0 Pump Sizing

7.2.4 Efficiency
Total Efficiency Volumetric Efficiency
Total efficiency is typically used on centrifugal pump This term is used on all centrifugal and positive dis-
to describe the relationship between input power at placement pump types. It is most commonly used to
the pump shaft and output power in the form of water compare the performance of a number of pump types,
horsepower. The term ‘mechanical efficiency’ can where accurate geometric data is available.
also be used to describe this ratio. Total efficiency,
designated by symbol η comprises of three elements, For centrifugal pumps,
Hydraulic Efficiency (ηh), Mechanical Efficiency (ηm) and Volumetric Efficiency (ηv) = Q x 100%
Volumetric Efficiency (ηv) which are described below: Q + QL

Hydraulic Efficiency Where:

Q = Pump capacity
Q L = Fluid losses due to leakage through
The term hydraulic efficiency is used on centrifugal
the impeller casing clearances
pumps to describe one of the three elements of
centrifugal pump total efficiency as described above.
For positive displacement pumps the term volumetric
efficiency (ηv) is used to compare the displacement
of the pump against the capacity of the pump. The
Hydraulic Efficiency (ηh) =
displacement calculation (q) per revolution for positive
Pump Head Loss (m) x 100%
displacement pumps involves calculating the volume of
Total Head (m)
the void formed between the rotating element and the
fixed element of the pump. This is then multiplied by
The pump head losses comprise of the shock loss
the number of voids formed by a rotating element per
at the eye of the impeller, friction loss in the impeller
revolution of the pump’s drive shaft and by the number
blade and circulation loss at the outlet side of the
of rotors in the pump.
impeller blades.

For rotary lobe pumps,

Mechanical Efficiency Volumetric Efficiency (ηv) = Q x 100%
This term is used on all centrifugal and positive q
displacement pump types, and is typically used to
describe the losses associated with the transfer of Where: Q = Pump capacity
energy from the motor through a mechanical system q = Pump displacement
to the pumped liquid.

Mechanical Efficiency (ηm ) =
1 - Pump mechanical losses x 100%
Required power

Pump mechanical losses refers to the friction losses

associated with bearings, seals and other contacting
areas within the pump.

122 Alfa Laval Pump Handbook

7.0 Pump Sizing
Rotary lobe are generally efficient pumps and even at The pump speed should always be selected according
viscosity of 100 cP the volumetric efficiency of most to the product and how gentle it needs to be treated,
pumps is approximately 90% for low pressure duties. how high the viscosity is, how many particles it has
At lower viscosities and/or higher pressures the volu- etc.
metric efficiency will decrease due to slip as described
in 7.6.1. Above 1000 cP, volumetric efficiency can be When the maximum speed has been selected for
as high as 95–99% for the Rotary lobe pumps. the Rotary lobe/Circumferential Piston pump and the
viscosity is high enough to have almost full volumetric
Looking at Circumferential Piston pumps these are efficiency, the capacity of the pump can be calculated
highly efficient pumps with a volumetric efficiency of according to the following formulas. Rearranging the
95–99% at viscosities as low as 15 cP. formula will calculate the maximum speed. Full speed
is rarely recommend as the mechanical losses inside
While Twin Screw pumps can easily handle viscosities the pump will cause vibration and noise.
from 1 to 1000000 cP the efficiency will be around
80% of the rotary lobe pumps for the higher viscous

Q = q x ηv x 60 x n Where:
n = Pump Speed (rev/min)
Q = Capacity (m3/h)
q = Pump Displacement (m3/100 rev)
ηv = Volumetric Efficiency (100% = 1.0)

n = Q x 100 Where:
q x ηv x 60
n = Pump Speed (rev/min)
Q = Capacity (m3/h)
q = Pump Displacement (m3/100 rev)
ηv = Volumetric Efficiency (100% = 1.0)


Q = q x ηv x n Where:
n = Pump Speed (rev/min)
Q = Capacity (US gal/min)
q = Pump Displacement (US gal/100 rev)
ηV = Volumetric Efficiency (100% = 1.0)

Alfa Laval Pump Handbook 123

7.0 Pump Sizing

Pump Efficiency
The term pump efficiency is used on all types of
pumps to describe the ratio of power supply to the
drive shaft against water horsepower (the power
available to move the liquid without losses).

Pump Efficiency ηp = Water horsepower x 100%

Required power
Pump Efficiency ηp = QxHxρxg Where:
Q = Capacity (m3/s)
H = Total Head/Pressure (m)
ρ = Fluid Density (lb/ft3)
g = Acceleration due to Gravity (m/s2)
ω = Shaft Angular Velocity (rad/s)
T = Shaft Torque (Nm)
Pump Efficiency ηp = QxHxρxg Where:
ω x T x 3960
Q = Capacity (US GPM)
H = Total Head/Pressure (ft)
ρ = Fluid Density (lb/ft3)
g = Acceleration due to Gravity (ft/s2)
ω = Shaft Angular Velocity (rad/s)
T = Shaft Torque (lb/ft)

Overall Efficiency
Overall efficiency is a term used to describe and
compare the performance of all types of pumps.
Overall efficiency considers the efficiency of both the
prime mover and the pump, and is sometimes known
as the wire to water/liquid efficiency where the prime
mover is an electric motor.

Overall Efficiencyoa = Water horsepower x 100%

Drive power

The higher the efficiency the less power will be lost to

vibrations, heat generation etc. This makes the pump
more sustainable and gives longer service intervals.

124 Alfa Laval Pump Handbook

7.0 Pump Sizing
H Theoretical Head

Hydraulic Losses

Actual Head

Fig. 7.3.1a Hydraulic losses

7.3 Centrifugal Pumps

7.3.1 Flow Curve Hydraulic Losses
A centrifugal pump should always be sized from a The connection between the capacity and the theore-
pump flow curve or a pump selection program. Most tical head of the pump is shown by means of a straight
pump flow curves are based on tests with water. It line, which decreases at a higher capacity (see Fig.
is difficult to determine general curves for fluids with 7.3.1a).
viscosities different from water and therefore in these
instances it is recommended to use a pump selection The actual head of a pump is, however, lower than the
program. theoretical head due to hydraulic losses in the pump,
which are friction loss, pressure loss and slip.
A pump flow curve specifies the connection between
Capacity Q, Head H, Required Power P, Required The connection between the capacity and actual head
NPSH and Efficiency (η). is consequently specified by means of a curve which
varies depending on the design of the impeller.

Fig. 7.3.1b Curves for Q and H

Different Pump Characteristics

The Capacity Q and Head H curve of a centrifugal Curve 1 covers a wide range of heads without large
pump will vary depending upon the impeller vane changes to capacity.
design (see Fig. 7.3.1.b).
Curve 3 covers a wide range of capacities without
These fulfil different requirements and are well suited large changes to head.
for flow control where only one parameter is to be
changed (see section 7.3.2). Middle curve has a moderate change in both capacity
and head.

Alfa Laval Pump Handbook 125

7.0 Pump Sizing



Fig. 7.3.1c Curves for Q, H, P and ρι Fig. 7.3.1d NPSHr curve

Capacity Q, Head H, Power P and Efficiency NPSHr Curve

Curves (see section 2.2.4 on NPSHa calculation)
In principle the duty point of a pump can be situated
at any point on the Q – H curve. (Fig. 7.3.1c) The NPSHr curve increases at higher capacity (see
Fig. 7.3.1d). This should be used to ascertain the
The efficiency of the pump will vary depending on NPSHr of the pump. It is important that NPSHa of the
where the duty point is situated on the Q – H curve. system exceeds the NPSHr of the pump.
The efficiency is usually highest near the centre of the

The power curve of the centrifugal pump increases at

a higher capacity.

H  P

Fig. 7.3.1e Effects on Q, H and η Fig. 7.3.1f Effects on Q, H and η

Viscosity Effect Density Effect

Fluid viscosity will affect capacity, head, efficiency and Fluid density will affect the head and required power
power (see Fig. 7.3.1e). which both increase proportionally at higher density
(see Fig. 7.3.1f). When head increases capacity will go
• Capacity, head and efficiency will decrease at down if VFD is not used.
higher viscosities

• Required power will increase at higher viscosities

126 Alfa Laval Pump Handbook

7.0 Pump Sizing
How to use the Flow Curve
The flow curve consists of three different curves: The curves on the flow curve are based on tests with
water at 20° C (68° F) with tolerances of ± 5%. It is
• Head as a function of capacity (Q – H curve) recommended to select the pump by means of a
pump selection program if the fluid to be pumped
• Required power as a function of capacity
has other physical properties.
(Q – P curve)

• Required NPSH as a function of capacity Example:

(Q – NPSHr curve)

Although illustrated here the efficiency is not shown Product/Fluid Data:

on the published flow curves but can be determined Fluid to be pumped - Water
from the required power on the flow curve and formula
Viscosity - 1 cP
in section 7.2 when the duty point is known and the
hydraulic power can be calculated and compared to SG - 1.0
the power from the curve. Efficiency is shown in the Pumping temperature - 20° C
ALiCE sizing program.
Performance Data:
The Q – H and Q – P curves are specified for different
Capacity - 15 m3/h
standard impeller diameters so that a correct duty
point can be determined. This is not applicable to Total head - 25 m
the LKH-Multistage pumps as the impeller diameters Electrical supply - 220/380v, 50 Hz
cannot be reduced.
The optimum is to select the pump with the best return
of investment (ROI), for the required duty point (15
m3/h, 25 m). This can also require information about
running hours and expected lifetime so again assump-
tions might need to be made.

Alfa Laval Pump Handbook 127

7.0 Pump Sizing

Step 1 – Find Appropriate Curve Step 3 – Look at Q – P curve

Locate a flow curve for the required pump type that • The next step in selecting the pump is to follow
covers the duty point. For this particular example a the vertical capacity line (15 m3/h) downwards
flow curve of a centrifugal pump type LKH-10 with until it intersects with the power curve for the
3000 rev/min synchronous speed at 50 Hz is selected 150 mm impeller
(see Fig. 7.3.1g).
• A horizontal line to the left of the intersection
indicates a required power of 2.0 kW
Step 2 – Look at Q – H curve
• For a LKH centrifugal pump a safety factor of 5%
• Locate the capacity (15 m³/h) on the Q-scale
for motor losses must be added, resulting in a total
• Start from this point and follow the vertical line required power of 2.1 kW
upwards until it intersects with the horizontal line
• Consequently a 2.2 kW motor can be used
indicating the required head (25 m) on the H-scale

• This duty point does not contact any curve corre-

sponding to a certain impeller diameter. Therefore, Step 4 – Look at Q – NPSHr curve
the nearest larger size impeller diameter should be • Finally the vertical capacity line (15 m3/h) is followed
selected, in this case 150 mm. Alternatively ask to up to the NPSHr curve (green)
get the impeller reduced to 145 mm
• The intersection corresponding to the 150 mm
• The head will then be 28 m impeller is located
• The selected head (28 m) should be checked • A horizontal line to the right of the intersection
regarding the lower tolerance of the curve to indicates that NPSHr is approx. 0.8 m
ensure that it is at least the required 25 m

• In this case the head should be reduced by 5%

being the curve tolerance

• The head will then be a minimum of 26.6 m greater

than 25 m, thus satisfactory

128 Alfa Laval Pump Handbook

7.0 Pump Sizing
H (m) NPSHr (m)





5 5

5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75
Q (m3/h)
A = 110 D = 140 G = 163
B = 120 E = 150
C = 130 F = 160

P (kW)





5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75
Q (m3/h)
A = 110 D = 140 G = 163
B = 120 E = 150
C = 130 F = 160
Fig. 7.3.1g Example

Alfa Laval Pump Handbook 129

7.0 Pump Sizing


3 4

Fig. 7.3.2a Process curve

7.3.2 Flow Control

Duty Point
The duty point of a pump is the intersection point The process curve is determined by varying the ca-
between the pump curve and the process curve. pacity so that different pressure drop (∆H) values are
obtained. The shape of the process curve will depend
Pump curve – this specifies the connection between on the process design (i.e., layout, valves, filters etc.).
head H and capacity Q (see section 7.3.1).
Capacity: Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q5 Q6
Process curve – this specifies the connection between Pressure drop: DH1 DH2 DH3 DH4 DH5 DH6
the total pressure drop (L ∆H) in the process plant and
the capacity (Q) (see Fig. 7.3.2a).


2 2

1 1

Fig. 7.3.2b Changes in pressure drop Fig. 7.3.2c Changes in required head

The duty point of a pump can change due to chang- It is possible to compensate for the change of duty
es in the conditions of the process plant (changes in point by means of flow control that can be achieved as
head, pressure drops etc.). The pump will automati- follows:
cally regulate the capacity to meet the new conditions
(see Fig. 7.3.2b and 7.3.2c). • Reducing the impeller diameter
(not for Multistage pumps)

• Throttling the discharge line

• Controlling the pump speed

Due to flow control it is possible to achieve optimum

pump efficiency at the required capacity resulting in
the most economical pump installation.

130 Alfa Laval Pump Handbook

7.0 Pump Sizing



Q2 Q1 Q
Fig. 7.3.2d Reducing impeller diameter

Reducing Impeller Diameter

Reducing the impeller diameter can only be carried The impeller diameter is reduced to D2 by means of
out for centrifugal pumps. This will reduce the capacity the following formula:
and the head.

Centrifugal Pump
D2 = D1 x
√ c-b [mm]
The connection between Impeller Diameter (D),
Capacity (Q) and Head (H) is shown in Fig. 7.3.2d:
D1 = Standard Diameter before Reducing
a = Maximum Duty Point
1. Before reducing
b = Minimum Duty Point
c = Required Duty Point
2. After reducing – the duty point moves towards point
2 when reducing the impeller diameter

If the impeller speed remains unchanged, the connec-

tion between Impeller Diameter (D), Capacity (Q), Head
(H) and Required Power (P) is shown by the following
formulas: The formula is for guidance purpos-
es only. It is recommended to add a
Speed/Capacity: Q1 = n1 ⇒ n2 = n1 x Q2 [rev/min] safety factor of 10–15% to the new
Q2 n2 Q1
H 2 n 22 √
H1 = n12 ⇒ n2 = n1 x H2

Speed/Power P1 = n13
P2 n23
⇒n =n x
√ 1 3 P2

Most pump flow curves show characteristics for

different impeller diameters to enable the correct
impeller diameter to be selected.

Reducing the impeller diameter by up to 20% will not

affect the efficiency of the pump much. If the reduction
in impeller diameter exceeds 20%, the pump efficiency
will decrease.

Alfa Laval Pump Handbook 131

7.0 Pump Sizing

H H1
H1 2



Q2 Q1 Q Q2 Q1 Q
Fig. 7.3.2e Throttling discharge line Fig. 7.3.2f Controlling pump speed

Throttling Discharge Line Controlling Pump Speed

Throttling the discharge line will increase the resistance Changing the impeller speed will change the cen-
in the process plant, which will increase the head and trifugal force created by the impeller. Therefore, the
reduce the capacity. capacity and the head will also change.

The connection between Capacity (Q) and Head (H) The connection between Capacity (Q) and Head (H)
when throttling is shown in Fig. 7.3.2e. when changing the impeller speed is shown in Fig.
1. Before throttling
2. After throttling, the duty point moves towards 1. Before reducing impeller speed
point 2
2. After reducing impeller speed. The working point
Throttling should not be carried out in the suction line moves towards point 2 when reducing the impeller
as cavitation can occur. speed

Also throttling will reduce the efficiency of the process

plant ∆H shows the ‘waste’ of pressure at point 2 to
overcome the throttling.

132 Alfa Laval Pump Handbook

7.0 Pump Sizing
H1 H2

The most common form of

speed control is by means 1 2
of a frequency converter
H = H1 + H2 Q = Constant
(see section 9.10). Fig. 7.3.3a Principle of connection

7.3.3 Alternative Pump Installations

Pumps Coupled in Series
If the impeller dimensions remain unchanged, the It is possible to increase the head in a pump installa-
connection between Impeller Speed (n), Capacity (Q), tion by two or more pumps being coupled in series
Head (H) and Required Power (P) is shown by the (see Fig. 7.3.3a).
following formulas:
The Capacity (Q) will always be constant throughout
Speed/Capacity: Q1 = n1 ⇒ n2 = n1 x Q2 [rev/min] the pump series (see Fig. 7.3.3b).
Q2 n2 Q1
H 2 n 22 √
H1 = n12 ⇒ n2 = n1 x H2
[rev/min] The head can vary depending on the pump sizes.

The outlet of pump 1 is connected to the inlet of

Speed/Power P1 = n13
P2 n23
⇒n =n x
2 1
√ 3 P2
pump 2.

As shown from the above formulas the impeller speed Pump 2 must be able to withstand the outlet head
affects capacity, head and required power as follows: from pump 1.

• Half speed results in capacity x 0.5

• Half speed results in head x 0.25

• Half speed results in required power x 0.125

Speed control will not affect the efficiency much

providing changes do not exceed 20%.

Alfa Laval Pump Handbook 133

7.0 Pump Sizing

H2 1 Q1

Q Q3

H1 Q2

Q Q Q3 = Q1 + Q2 H = Constant
Fig. 7.3.3b Head of pumps in series Fig. 7.3.3c Principle of connection

If two different pumps are connected in series, the A multi-stage centrifugal pump is in principle several
pump with the lowest NPSH value should be installed pumps that are coupled in series but built together as
as the first pump (for critical suction conditions). one pump unit.

The capacity in the pump installation should not

exceed the max. capacity of the smallest pump.
Otherwise, there will be a pressure drop in the smallest

H H Q1 < Q2
Q1 = Q2

1.2 1 1+2

Fig. 7.3.3d Connection of two similar pumps Fig. 7.3.3e Connection of two different pumps

7.3.4 Pumps Coupled in Parallel

It is possible to increase the capacity in a pump
installation by two or more pumps coupled in parallel
(see Fig. 7.3.3c).

The Head (H) will always be constant in the pump

installation. The capacity can vary depending on the
pump sizes. (See Fig. 7.3.3d)

134 Alfa Laval Pump Handbook

7.0 Pump Sizing
1 Q1

Fig. 7.3.3f Connection of two different pump sizes

The pumps receive the fluid from the same source and For two different pumps, If the capacity Q1 is smaller
have a common discharge line. than the capacity Q2, it is possible to install a non-
return valve in the discharge line of pump 1 to avoid
When the capacity is increased by means of pumps pump 2 pumping fluid back through pump 1 (see Fig.
coupled in parallel, the equipment and pressure drop 7.3.3e).
in the installation must be determined according to the
total capacity of the pumps (see Fig. 7.3.3f). Equally it is important to install the pumps with same
pipe size etc. so one pump does not take all the flow
and “starve” the other which could result in cavitation.

Alfa Laval Pump Handbook 135

7.0 Pump Sizing

7.4 Worked Examples – Centrifugal Pump Sizing

Metric units
7.4.1 Example 1
The following example in Fig. 7.4.1a shows a pump to
be sized for a typical brewery process.

The pump is required to handle Wort from the

Whirlpool to the Fermentation vessel.



0.6 bar
(pressure vessel)

21 m

Wort pump

Yeast pitching

80 m
Fig. 7.4.1a Example 1

136 Alfa Laval Pump Handbook

7.0 Pump Sizing
As described in section 7.1 in order to correctly size
any type of pump, some essential information is re-
quired such as Product/Fluid data, Performance data
and Site Services data.

Product/Fluid data:
Fluid to be pumped - Wort
Viscosity - 1 cP All the data has been given
Pumping temperature - 90° C by the customer.

Performance data:
Capacity - 40 m3/h
Discharge - via 80 m of 101.6 mm dia.
tube, plus a given number
of bends, valves and a
plate heat exchanger with
∆pPHE 1.6 bar.
Static head in Fermenting
vessel = 21 m.
Pressure in Fermenting
vessel = 0.6 bar
Suction - 0.4 m head, plus a given
number of bends and

Site Services data:

Electrical supply - 400v, 50 Hz

Alfa Laval Pump Handbook 137

7.0 Pump Sizing




hfs hft
Fig. 7.4.1b Typical suction / Discharge Head set-up

Before sizing a pump, it will be necessary to determine

the total head and NPSHa. The theory, including the
different formulae regarding these parameters is more
specifically described in section 2.2.2 and 2.2.4.

Total head
Total Discharge Head Ht = ht + hft + pt Where:

ht = Static Head in Fermentation Vessel

hft = Total Pressure Drop in Discharge Line
pt = Pressure in Fermentation Vessel


ht = 21 m
hft = Pressure Drop in Tube ∆ptube
+ Pressure Drop in Bends and Valves ∆p
+ Pressure Drop in Plate Heat Exchanger ∆pPHE
∆ptube (from curve shown in 14.5) = 1.5 m
(1.8 m loss per 100 m)
∆p is calculated to be 5 m
∆pPHE is given as 1.6 bar = 16 m
hft = 1.5 + 5 + 16 m = 22.5 m
pt = 0.6 bar = 6 m

Ht = ht + hft + pt = 21 + 22.5 + 6 m = 49.5 m (4.95 bar)

Total suction head Hs = hs - hfs + ps Where:

hs = Static Suction Head in Whirlpool

hfs = Total Pressure Drop in Suction Line
ps = Pressure in Whirlpool (open tank)


hs = 0.4 m
hfs = Calculated to be 1 m
ps = 0 (open tank)

Hs = hs - hfs + ps = 0.4 - 1 + 0 m = - 0.6 m (- 0.06 bar)

Total head H = Ht - Hs = 49.5 - (- 0.6) = 50.1 m (5.01 bar)

138 Alfa Laval Pump Handbook

7.0 Pump Sizing
NPSHa = Pa + hs - hfs - Pvp Where:

Pa = Pressure Absolute above Level

of Fluid in Whirlpool Tank
hs = Static Suction Head in Whirlpool Tank
hfs = Total Pressure Drop in Suction Line
Pvp = Vapour Pressure of Fluid


Pa = 1 bar (open tank) = 10 m

hs = 0.4 m
hfs = Calculated to be 1 m
Pvp = 0.70 bar a (from table 14.4a) = 7 m

NPSHa = 10 + 0.4 - 1 - 7 (m) = 2.4 m

Actual pump sizing can be made using pump perfor- Cavitation check
mance curves or a pump selection program. The per- NPSHa should be greater than NPSHr i.e., 2.4 m > 1.4
formance curves are, however, not suitable if the fluid m, i.e., no cavitation will occur.
to be pumped has physical properties (i.e., viscosity)
different from water. In this particular example both the The recommended shaft seal type based upon Alfa
pump performance curves and pump selection pro- Laval application experience and guidelines would be
gram can be used. The performance curve selection a double mechanical seal with carbon/silicon carbide
procedure is more specifically described in section faces and EPDM elastomers.

For this particular example, pump sized would be as

Pump Model - LKH-25
Impeller size - 200 mm
Speed - 2940 rev/min
Capacity - 40 m3/h
Head - 50.1 m (5.01 bar)
Efficiency - 63.1%
NPSHr - 1.4 m
Motor size - 11 kW
Alfa Laval Pump Handbook 139
7.0 Pump Sizing

1: Full vessel
ht1 2: Empty vessel

ht2 2

Q1 Q2 Q
Fig. 7.4.1c Q - H charateristic when changing valves

Special Note Adjustment

The discharge head (ht2) is lower when the pump starts In this example the pump is sized by the pump selec-
filling the fermenting vessel compared to the discharge tion program which results in exact impeller diameter
head (ht1) when the vessel is full. The reduction of of 200 mm, so that the selected duty point is as close
the discharge head will result in higher flow. This will to the required duty point as possible.
reduce the NPSHr and can therefore lead to cavitation.
Another risk is that the larger capacity and thereby The pump is sized with a standard impeller diameter
larger power consumption can cause overloading of if using the performance curve. In this case it may be
the motor (see Fig. 7.4.1c). necessary to adjust the selected duty point by means
of flow control.
Cavitation can be avoided by reducing the pump
speed (reducing NPSHr), i.e., by means of a frequency It is important to note that the selected head has a
converter, or by throttling the discharge line (increasing tolerance of ± 5% due to the tolerance of the pump
head). The flow control method is more specifically curve. Consequently, there is a risk that the pump
described in section 7.3.2. capacity will differ from the selected. If the required
capacity is the exact value of the process, it is recom-
mended to adjust to the required duty point by means
of flow control. Flow control method is more specifical-
ly described in section 7.3.2.

140 Alfa Laval Pump Handbook

Alfa Laval Pump Handbook 141
7.0 Pump Sizing

7.4.2 Example 2
The following example in Fig. 7.4.2a shows a
centrifugal pump to be sized for a typical dairy

Pump ‘A’ is a Raw Milk pump in connection with

a pasteuriser. The raw milk is pumped from a
Balance Tank to a Separator via the preheating
stage in the plate heat exchanger.


Milk out


Pump ‘A’
Standardised Milk

Balance Tank

P = 1.5 bar
Fig. 7.4.2a Example 2

142 Alfa Laval Pump Handbook

7.0 Pump Sizing
As described in section 7.1 in order to correctly size
any type of pump, some essential information is re-
quired such as Product/Fluid data, Performance data
and Site Services data.

Product/Fluid data:
Fluid to be pumped - Raw Milk
Viscosity - 5 cP
All the data has been given
Pumping temperature - 5° C
by the customer.
Performance data:
Capacity - 30 m3/h
Discharge - via 5 m of horizontal 76
mm dia. tube, plus a given
number of bends, valves
and a plate heat exchang-
er with ∆pPHE 1 bar.
Inlet pressure for the sep-
arator = 1.5 bar
Suction - 0.1 m head, plus a given
number of bends and

Site Services data:

Electrical supply - 400v, 50 Hz

Alfa Laval Pump Handbook 143

7.0 Pump Sizing




hfs hft
Fig. 7.4.2b Typical suction / Discharge Head set-up

Before sizing a pump, it will be necessary to determine

the total head and NPSHa (Fig. 7.4.2b). The theory,
including the different formula regarding these param-
eters is more specifically described in section 2.2.2
and 2.2.4.

Total head
Total Discharge Head Ht = ht + hft + pt Where:

ht = Static Head to Separator

hft = Total Pressure Drop in Discharge Line
pt = Pressure in Separator


ht = 0 m (no static head – only horizontal tube)

hft = Pressure Drop in Tube ∆ptube
+ Pressure Drop in Bends and Valves ∆p
+ Pressure Drop in Plate Heat Exchanger pPHE
∆ptube (from curve shown in 14.5) = 0.2 m
(4 m loss per 100 m)
∆p is calculated to be 0.1 m
∆pPHE is given as 1.0 bar = 10 m
hft = 0.2 + 0.1 + 10 m = 10.3 m
pt = 1.5 bar = 15 m

Ht = ht + hft + pt = 0 + 10.3 + 15 m = 25.3 m (2.53 bar)

Total suction head Hs = hs - hfs + ps Where:

hs = Static Suction Head in Balance Tank

hfs = Total Pressure Drop in Suction Line
ps = Pressure in Balance Tank (open tank)


hs = 0.1 m
hfs = Calculated to be 0.4 m
ps = 0 (open tank)

Hs = hs - hfs + ps = 0.1 - 0.4 + 0 m = - 0.3 m (- 0.03 bar)

Total Head H = Ht - Hs = 25.3 - (- 0.3) = 25.6m (2.56 bar)

144 Alfa Laval Pump Handbook

7.0 Pump Sizing
NPSHa = Pa + hs - hfs - Pvp Where:

Pa = Pressure Absolute above Level

of Fluid in Balance Tank
hs = Static Suction Head in Balance Tank
hfs = Total Pressure Drop in Suction Line
Pvp = Vapour Pressure of Fluid


Pa = 1 bar (open tank) = 10 m

hs = 0.1 m
hfs = Calculated to be 0.4 m
Pvp = At temperature of 5° C this is taken as being
negligible i.e., 0 bar a (0.008 bar) = 0 m

NPSHa = 10 + 0.1 - 0.4 - 0 (m) = 9.7 m

Cavitation check
As the fluid to be pumped has physical properties (i.e., NPSHa should be greater than NPSHr i.e., 9.7 m > 1.4
viscosity) different from water, the pump performance m, i.e., no cavitation will occur.
curves should not be used, and actual pump sizing
should be made using the pump selection program. The recommended shaft seal type based upon Alfa
Laval application experience and guidelines would be
For this particular example, pump sized would be as a single mechanical seal with carbon/silicon carbide
follows: faces and EPDM elastomers.
Pump Model - LKH-20
Impeller size - 144 mm
Speed - 2883 rev/min
Capacity - 30 m3/h
Head - 25.6m (2.56 bar)
Efficiency - 62.7%
NPSHr - 1.4 m
Motor size - 4 kW

Alfa Laval Pump Handbook 145

7.0 Pump Sizing

7.4.3 Example 3
A CIP return pump is to be sized for an application for Before sizing a pump, it will be necessary to determine
the following details given by the customer: the total head and NPSHa. The theory, including the
different formulae regarding these parameters is more
Product/Fluid data: specifically described in section 2.2.2 and 2.2.4.
Fluid to be pumped - CIP return
Viscosity - 1 cP
Pumping temperature - 5° C – 90° C

Performance data:
Capacity - 30 m3/h
Discharge - via 5 m of horizontal 76
mm dia. tube, plus a given
number of bends, valves
and a plate heat exchang-
er with ∆pPHE 1 bar as well
as 1.5 bar over a separator
Suction - 0.5 m static head, plus a
given number of bends
and valves all together
with a friction loss of 0.5 m

Site Services data:

Electrical supply - 400v, 50 Hz

146 Alfa Laval Pump Handbook

7.0 Pump Sizing
Total head
Total Discharge head Ht = ht + hft + pt

Taken from Example 2 = 25.3 m (2.53 bar)

Total Suction Head Hs = hs - hfs + ps Where:

hs = Static Suction Head in Balance Tank

hfs = Total Pressure Drop in Suction Line
ps = Pressure in Balance Tank (open tank)


hs = 0.5 m
hfs = Calculated to be 0.5 m
ps = 0 (open tank)

Hs = hs - hfs + ps = 0.5 - 0.5 + 0 m = 0 m = (0 bar)

Total head H = Ht - Hs = 25.3 - 0 = 25.3 m (2.53 bar)

NPSHa = Pa + hs - hfs - Pvp Where:

Pa = Pressure Absolute above Level of Fluid

in Balance Tank
hs = Static Suction Head in Balance Tank
hfs = Total Pressure Drop in Suction Line
Pvp = Vapour Pressure of Fluid


Pa = 1 bar (open tank) = 10 m

hs = 0.5 m
hfs = Calculated to be 0.5 m
Pvp = At temperature of 90° C
(important to check at highest
temperature. Table 14.4)
= 0.7 bar = 7 m

NPSHa = 10 + 0.5 - 0.5 - 7 (m) = 3 m

Alfa Laval Pump Handbook 147

7.0 Pump Sizing

Using a sizing program we get the option of a LKH Checking another size pump, LKH-40, the option is
Prime-20: the below:

Pump Model - LKH Prime-20 Pump Model - LKH Prime-40

Impeller size - 155 mm Impeller size - 162 mm
Speed - 2925 rev/min Speed - 2903 rev/min
Capacity - 30 m /h
Capacity - 30 m3/h
Head - 25.3 m (2.53 bar) - it is Head - 25.3 m (2.53 bar) - it is
important not to oversize important not to oversize
as air evacuation capability as air evacuation capability
diminish below 2800 rpm diminish below 2800 rpm
Efficiency - 49.9% Efficiency - 34.6%
NPSHr - 4.1 m NPSHr - 2.5 m
Power absorbed - 4.4 kW Power absorbed - 6.1 kW
Motor size - 5.5 kW Motor size - 7.5 kW

Cavitation check Cavitation check

NPSHa should be greater than NPSHr i.e., 3 m > 4.1 NPSHa should be greater than NPSHr i.e.,
m. This means that the pump would cavitate at the 3 m > 2.5 m.
90° C so we should look for a larger pump or maybe
decrease the temperature. This will work. However, the efficiency is lower resulting
in higher power consumption so it is worth checking if
temperature could be reduced to 80 – 85° C.

The recommended shaft seal type based upon Alfa

Laval application experience and guidelines would be
a single mechanical seal with carbon/silicon carbide
faces and EPDM elastomers.

If any risk of dry running a flush should be added.

148 Alfa Laval Pump Handbook

7.0 Pump Sizing
7.5 Worked Examples – Centrifugal Pump Sizing
US units
7.5.1 Example 1
The following example in Fig. 7.5.1a shows a pump to
be sized for a typical brewery process.

The pump is required to handle Wort from the

Whirlpool to the Fermentation vessel.



(pressure vessel)

69 ft

Wort pump

Yeast pitching

262 ft
Fig. 7.5.1a Example 1

Alfa Laval Pump Handbook 149

7.0 Pump Sizing

As described in section 7.1 in order to correctly size

any type of pump, some essential information is re-
quired such as Product/Fluid data, Performance data
and Site Services data.

Product/Fluid data:
Fluid to be pumped - Wort
Viscosity - 1 cP
Pumping temperature - 194° F

All the data has been given

Performance data:
by the customer.
Capacity - 176 US gal/min
Discharge - via 262 ft of 4 in dia. tube,
plus a given number of
bends, valves, and a plate
heat exchanger with ∆pPHE
23 PSI. Static head in
Fermenting vessel = 69 ft.
Pressure in Fermenting
vessel = 9 PSI
Suction - 1.5 ft head, plus a given
number of bends and

Site Services data:

Electrical supply - 460v, 60 Hz

150 Alfa Laval Pump Handbook

7.0 Pump Sizing



hfs hft
Fig. 7.5.1b Typical suction / Discharge Head set-up

Before sizing a pump, it will be necessary to determine

the total head and NPSHa. The theory, including the
different formulae regarding these parameters is more
specifically described in section 2.2.2 and 2.2.4.

Total head
Total Discharge Head Ht = ht + hft + pt Where:

ht = Static Head in Fermentation Vessel

hft = Total Pressure Drop in Discharge Line
pt = Pressure in Fermentation Vessel


ht = 69 ft
hft = Pressure Drop in Tube ∆ptube
+ Pressure Drop in Bends and Valves ∆p
+ Pressure Drop in Plate Heat Exchanger ∆pPHE
∆ptube (from curve shown in 14.5) = 4.7 ft
(5.9 ft loss per 328 ft) = for 262 ft tube
- loss 4.7 ft
∆p is calculated to be 16 ft
∆pPHE is given as 23 PSI = 53 ft
hft = 4.7 + 16 + 53 ft = 73.7 ft
pt = 9 PSI = 20 ft

Ht = ht + hft + pt = 69 + 73.7 + 20 ft = 162.7 ft (70.5 PSI)

Total suction head Hs = hs - hfs + ps Where:

hs = Static Suction Head in Whirlpool

hfs = Total Pressure Drop in Suction Line
ps = Pressure in Whirlpool (open tank)


hs = 1.5 ft
hfs = Calculated to be 3 ft
ps = 0 (open tank)

Hs = hs - hfs +ps = 1.5 - 3 + 0 m = - 1.5 ft (- 0.6 PSI)

Total head H = Ht - Hs = 162.7 - (- 1.5) = 164.2 ft (71.2 PSI)

Alfa Laval Pump Handbook 151

7.0 Pump Sizing

NPSHa = Pa + hs - hfs - Pvp Where:

Pa = Pressure Absolute above Level of Fluid

in Whirlpool Tank
hs = Static Suction Head in Whirlpool Tank
hfs = Total Pressure Drop in Suction Line
Pvp = Vapour Pressure of Fluid


Pa = 14.7 PSI (open tank) = 33.9 ft

hs = 1.5 ft
hfs = Calculated to be 3 ft
Pvp = 10 PSIA (from table 14.4a) = 23 ft

NPSHa = 33.9 + 1.5 - 3 - 23 (ft) = 9.4 ft

Cavitation check
Actual pump sizing can be made using pump perfor-
NPSHa should be greater than NPSHr i.e. 9.4 ft > 7.5
mance curves or a pump selection program. The per-
ft, i.e., no cavitation will occur.
formance curves are, however, not suitable if the fluid
to be pumped has physical properties (i.e., viscosity)
The recommended shaft seal type based upon Alfa
different from water. In this particular example both the
Laval application experience and guidelines would be
pump performance curves and pump selection pro-
a double mechanical seal with carbon/silicon carbide
gram can be used. The performance curve selection
faces and EPDM elastomers.
procedure is more specifically described in section
For this particular example, pump sized would be as
Pump Model - LKH-20
Impeller size - 6.50 in
Speed - 3500 rev/min
Capacity - 176 US gal/min
Head - 164.2 ft (71.2 PSI)
Efficiency - 67.25%
NPSHr - 7.5 ft
Motor size - 15 hp

152 Alfa Laval Pump Handbook

7.0 Pump Sizing
H 1: Full vessel
2: Empty vessel

ht2 2

Q1 Q2 Q
Fig. 7.5.1c Q - H charateristic when changing valves

Special Note Adjustment

The discharge head (ht2) is lower when the pump starts In this example the pump is sized by the pump selec-
filling the fermenting vessel compared to the discharge tion program which results in exact impeller diameter
head (ht1) when the vessel is full. The reduction of of 6.50 in, so that the selected duty point is as close to
the discharge head will result in higher flow. This will the required duty point as possible.
reduce the NPSHr and can therefore lead to cavitation.
Another risk is that the larger capacity and thereby The pump is sized with a standard impeller diameter
larger power consumption can cause overloading of if using the performance curve. In this case it may be
the motor (see Fig. 7.5.1c). necessary to adjust the selected duty point by means
of flow control.
Cavitation can be avoided by reducing the pump
speed (reducing NPSHr), i.e., by means of a frequency It is important to note that the selected head has a
converter, or by throttling the discharge line (increasing tolerance of ± 5% due to the tolerance of the pump
head). The flow control method is more specifically curve. Consequently, there is a risk that the pump
described in section 7.3.2. capacity will differ from the selected. If the required
capacity is the exact value of the process, it is recom-
mended to adjust to the required duty point by means
of flow control. Flow control method is more specifical-
ly described in section 7.3.2.

Alfa Laval Pump Handbook 153

7.0 Pump Sizing

7.5.2 Example 2
The following example in Fig. 7.5.2a shows a centrifu-
gal pump to be sized for a typical dairy process.

Pump 'A' is a Raw Milk pump in connection with a

pasteuriser. The raw milk is pumped from a Balance
Tank to a Separator via the preheating stage in the
plate heat exchanger.


Milk out


Pump ‘A’
Standardised Milk

Balance Tank

P = 22 PSI
Fig. 7.5.2a Example 2

154 Alfa Laval Pump Handbook

7.0 Pump Sizing
As described in 7.1 in order to correctly size any type
of pump, some essential information is required such
as Product/Fluid data, Performance data and Site
Services data.

Product/Fluid data:
Fluid to be pumped - Raw Milk
Viscosity - 5 cP
Pumping temperature - 41° F

Performance data:
Capacity - 132 US gal/min
Discharge - via 16 ft of horizontal 3
in dia. tube, plus a given All the data has been given
number of bends, valves,
by the customer.
and a plate heat exchang-
er with ∆pPHE 15 PSI.
Inlet pressure for the sep-
arator = 22 PSI
Suction - 0.3 ft head, plus a given
number of bends, and

Site Services data:

Electrical supply - 460v, 60 Hz

Alfa Laval Pump Handbook 155

7.0 Pump Sizing




hfs hft
Fig. 7.5.2b Typical suction / Discharge Head set-up

Before sizing a pump, it will be necessary to determine

the total head and NPSHa (Fig. 7.5.2b). The theory,
including the different formulae regarding these
parameters is more specifically described in section
2.2.2 and 2.2.4.

Total head
Total Discharge Head Ht = ht + hft + pt Where:

ht = Static Head to Separator

hft = Total Pressure Drop in Discharge Line
pt = Pressure in Separator


ht = 0 ft (no static head - only horizontal tube)

hft = Pressure Drop in Tube ∆ptube
+ Pressure Drop in Bends and Valves ∆p
+ Pressure Drop in Plate Heat Exchanger ∆pPHE
∆ptube (from curve shown in 14.5) = 0.6 ft
(4 m loss per 100 m = 0.2 m = 0.6 ft)
∆p is calculated to be 0.3 ft
∆pPHE is given as 15 PSI = 34 ft
hft = 0.6 + 0.3 + 34 ft = 34.9 ft
pt = 22 PSI = 50 ft

Ht = ht + hft +pt = 0 + 34.9 + 50 ft = 84.9 ft (36.8 PSI)

Total suction head Hs = hs - hfs + ps Where:

hs = Static Suction Head in Balance Tank

hfs = Total Pressure Drop in Suction Line
ps = Pressure in Balance Tank (open tank)


hs = 0.3 ft
hfs = Calculated to be 1.3 ft
ps = 0 (open tank)

Hs = hs - hfs + ps = 0.3 - 1.3 + 0 m = - 1 ft (- 0.4 PSI)

Total head H = Ht - Hs = 84.9 - (- 1) = 85.9 ft (37.2 PSI)

156 Alfa Laval Pump Handbook

7.0 Pump Sizing
NPSHa = Pa + hs - hfs - Pvp Where:

Pa = Pressure Absolute above Level of Fluid

in Balance Tank
hs = Static Suction Head in Balance Tank
hfs = Total Pressure Drop in Suction Line
Pvp = Vapour Pressure of Fluid


Pa = 14.7 PSI (open tank) = 33.9 ft

hs = 0.3 ft
hfs = Calculated to be 1.3 ft
Pvp = At temperature of 41° F this is taken
as being negligible i.e., 0 PSIA = 0 ft

NPSHa = 33.9 + 0.3 - 1.3 - 0 (ft) = 32.9 ft

Cavitation check
As the fluid to be pumped has physical properties (i.e., NPSHa should be greater than NPSHr i.e., 32.9 ft > 4.6
viscosity) different from water, the pump performance ft, i.e., no cavitation will occur.
curves should not be used, and actual pump sizing
should be made using the pump selection program. The recommended shaft seal type based upon Alfa
Laval application experience and guidelines would be
For this particular example, pump sized would be as a single mechanical seal with carbon/silicon carbide
follows: faces and EPDM elastomers.
Pump Model - LKH-10
Impeller size - 5.51 in
Speed - 3450 rev/min
Capacity - 132 US gal/min
Head - 84.9 ft (36.8 PSI)
Efficiency - 65.4%
NPSHr - 4.6 ft
Motor size - 5.0 hp

Alfa Laval Pump Handbook 157

7.0 Pump Sizing

7.5.3 Example 3
A CIP return pump is to be sized for an application for Before sizing a pump, it will be necessary to determine
the following details given by the customer. the total head and NPSHa. The theory, including the
different formulae regarding these parameters is more
Product/Fluid data: specifically described in section 2.2.2 and 2.2.4.
Fluid to be pumped - CIP return
Viscosity - 1 cP
Pumping temperature - 41° F - 194° F

Performance data:
Capacity - 132 GPM
Discharge - via 16 ft of horizontal 3
in dia. tube, plus a given
number of bends, valves,
and a plate heat exchang-
er with ∆pPHE 15 PSI and
22 PSI over a separator
Suction - 1.6 ft static head, plus a
given number of bends
and valves all together
with a friction loss of 1.6 ft

Site Services data:

Electrical supply - 460v, 60 Hz

158 Alfa Laval Pump Handbook

7.0 Pump Sizing
Total head
Total Discharge head Ht = ht + hft + pt

Taken from Example 2 (same head) = 84.9 ft (36.8 PSI)

Total Suction Head Hs = hs - hfs + ps Where:

hs = Static Suction Head in Balance Tank

hfs = Total Pressure Drop in Suction Line
ps = Pressure in Balance Tank (open tank)


hs = 1.6 ft
hfs = Calculated to be 1.6 ft
ps = 0 (open tank)

Hs = hs - hfs + ps = 1.6 - 1.6 + 0 m = 0 ft = (0 PSI)

Total head H = Ht - Hs = 85.9 - 0 = 85.9 ft (37.2 PSI)

NPSHa = Pa + hs - hfs - Pvp Where:

Pa = Pressure Absolute above Level of Fluid

in Balance Tank
hs = Static Suction Head in Balance Tank
hfs = Total Pressure Drop in Suction Line
Pvp = Vapour Pressure of Fluid


Pa = 14.7 PSI (open tank) = 33.9 ft

hs = 1.6 ft
hfs = Calculated to be 1.6 ft
Pvp = At temperature of 194° F (important to check
at highest temperature. Table 14.4)
0.7 bar = 23.4 ft

NPSHa = 33.9 + 1.6 - 1.6- 23.4 ft = 10.5 ft

Alfa Laval Pump Handbook 159

7.0 Pump Sizing

Using a sizing program we get the option of a LKH Checking another size pump it will be necessary to
Prime-20: use a variable frequency drive if we would still want to
have a LKH-Prime pump. Using a sizing program we
can get the below:
Pump Model - LKH Prime-20
Impeller size - 5.31 in Checking another size pump, LKH-40 the option is
Speed - 3520 rev/min the below:
Capacity - 132 GPM
Head - 85.9 ft (37.2 PSI) - it is Pump Model - LKH Prime-40
important not to oversize Impeller size - 6.3 in
as air evacuation capability
Speed - 2950 rev/min
diminish below 2800 rpm
Capacity - 132 GPM
Efficiency - 44.91%
Head - 85.9 ft (37.2 PSI) - it is
NPSHr - 13.6 ft
important not to oversize
Power absorbed - 6.3 hp as air evacuation capability
Motor size - 7.5 hp diminish below 2800 rpm
Efficiency - 36.15%
Cavitation check
NPSHr - 7.9 ft
NPSHa should be greater than NPSHr i.e., 10.5 ft >
Power absorbed - 7.8 hp
13.6 ft.
Motor size - 10 hp
This means that the pump would cavitate at the
194° F so we should look for a larger pump or
Cavitation check
maybe decrease the temperature. NPSHa should be greater than NPSHr i.e., 10.5 ft > 7.9
This would work. However, the efficiency goes down
and higher power consumption so it is worth checking
if temperature could be reduced to 176 – 185° F.

The recommended shaft seal type based upon Alfa

Laval application experience and guidelines would be
a single mechanical seal with carbon/silicon carbide
faces and EPDM elastomers. If any risk of dry running
add a flush.

160 Alfa Laval Pump Handbook

7.0 Pump Sizing

Inlet Outlet



Low pressure High pressure

Fig. 7.6.1a Slip

7.6 Positive displacement Pumps

7.6.1 Slip
Slip is the fluid lost by leakage through the pump Clearance effect
clearances. The direction of slip will be from the high Increased clearances will result in greater slip. The size
pressure to the low pressure side of the pump i.e. from and shape of the rotor will be a factor in determining
pump outlet to pump inlet (see Fig. 7.6.1a). The amount the amount of slip.
of slip is dependent upon several factors.

Capacity Capacity



Speed rev/min Speed rev/min

A = Capacity at ‘0’ bar D = ‘0’ bar A = Required capacity C = ‘0’ bar
B = Actual capacity at ‘X’ bar E = ‘X’ bar B = Speed increase to D = ‘X’ bar
C = Slip maintain capacity
Fig. 7.6.1b Pressure effect Fig. 7.6.1c Pressure effect

Pressure effect
The amount of slip will increase as pressure increases
which is shown above. In Fig 7.6.1b for a given pump
speed the amount of slip can be seen as the capacity
at ‘zero’ bar less the capacity at ‘X’ bar. To overcome
this amount of slip it will be necessary to increase
the pump speed to maintain the capacity required as
shown in Fig 7.6.1c.

Alfa Laval Pump Handbook 161

7.0 Pump Sizing

Viscosity = 1 cP Viscosity = 10 cP Viscosity = 50 cP



Speed rev/min Speed rev/min Speed rev/min

A = ‘0’ bar C = Required capacity A = ‘0’ bar C = Required capacity A = ‘0’ bar C = Required capacity
B = ‘X’ bar B = ‘X’ bar B = ‘X’ bar
Fig. 7.6.1d Viscosity effect Fig. 7.6.1e Viscosity effect Fig. 7.6.1f Viscosity effect

Viscosity effect
The amount of slip will decrease as fluid viscosity
increases. The effect of viscosity on slip is shown in
Fig. 7.6.1d, 7.6.1e and 7.6.1f above. The pressure lines
will continue to move towards the ‘zero’ pressure line
as the viscosity increases.


Speed rev/min
A = 0 bar C = Dead head speed
B = 7 bar
Fig. 7.6.1g Dead head speed

Pump Speed effect

Slip is independent of pump speed. This factor must
be taken into consideration when operating pumps
at low speeds with low viscosity fluids (Fig. 7.6.1g).
For example, the amount of slip at 400 rev/min pump
speed will be the same as the amount of slip at 200
rev/min pump speed providing pressure is constant.

The pump speed required to overcome slip is known

as the ‘dead head speed’.

It is important to note that flow will be positive after

overcoming the dead head speed.

162 Alfa Laval Pump Handbook

7.0 Pump Sizing
A summary of effects of different parameters on slip is
shown below (Fig. 7.6.1j):

Increases with Pressure Increases with Clearances Decreases with Viscosity




Pressure Clearance Viscosity

Fig. 7.6.1j

It is worth noticing that the clearances in a circumfer- The Twin Screw pump such as the Alfa Laval OS will
ential piston pump like the Alfa Laval DuraCirc pump have relatively larger clearances due to screw length
is smaller than in a rotary lobe pump making the and overhang. As such this means greater slip but this
DuraCirc a lot less sensitive to slip. can be compensated with increased speed where the
product allows for this.

Alfa Laval Pump Handbook 163

7.0 Pump Sizing

7.6.2 Initial Suction Line Sizing How to use the Performance Curve
In general terms it is common to find the recommen- There are two kinds of performance curves.
dation for the inlet pipe size to be the same diameter
as the pump inlet connection. For the first Fig. 7.6.3a.

For guidance purposes only on high viscosity duties, The performance curve consists of
the suction line can be initially sized using the initial four different curves:
suction line sizing curve (see section 14.9) where the
• Capacity as a function of speed, related to pres-
relationship between viscosity and flow rate provides
sure and viscosity
an indication of pipe sizing.
• Power as a function of speed, related to pressure
For example, for a flow rate of 10 m3/h on a fluid with and viscosity of 1 cSt
viscosity 900 cSt, a pump with 40 mm (1.5 in) diameter (see table 14.3.10 for viscosity conversion)
suction line would be initially selected.
• Power as a function of viscosity greater than 1 cSt
It is important to note this is only an approximate guide • Speed as a function of viscosity
and care should be taken not to exceed the pump’s
The curves are based on water at 20° C (68° F) but
viscosity/speed limit.
are shown with calculated viscosity correction data.
Example shown refers to the SRU pump range, but the
7.6.3 Performance Curve same sizing procedure is also used for the SX pump
Alfa Laval positive displacement pumps can be sized range.
from published performance curves or a pump selec-
tion program. Due to pump head clearances described Example
in section 8.2.2, different performance curves are used
for SRU pumps for the various temperature ratings for Product/Fluid data:
rotors i.e., 70° C (158° F), 130° C (266° F) and 200° C Fluid to be pumped - Vegetable Oil
(392° F). The SX pump range has only 150° C (302° F) Viscosity - 100 cSt
and the Optilobe pump range has only 130° C (266° F)
Pumping temperature - 30° C (86° F)
temperature ratings. The Circumferential Piston Pump,
DuraCirc, has 150° C (302° F) temperature rating.
Performance data:
For the Alfa Laval OS Twin Screw pump curves has not Capacity - 3.6 m3/h (15.8 US gal/min)
been published and should therefore always be select- Total Pressure - 8 bar (116 PSIG)
ed using a pump selection program. This is to avoid
any issues when several duties have to be considered. The optimum is to size the smallest pump
possible as hydraulic conditions dictate.
If access to Anytime a selection guideline is avaiable However other factors such as fluid behaviour,
here for the OS pump. solids etc. should be considered.

164 Alfa Laval Pump Handbook

7.0 Pump Sizing

Alfa Laval Pump Handbook 165

Typical Performance curve A Pr
SRU2/013/with mechanical seal B es Rotors - St. Stl.
C re Trilobe
D r 10 Bar (145 PSI)
Flow 70° (158 °F)
Curves are representative. F
Specific pumps may vary G
in performance due to 1 Total Power =
manufacture, pumped fluids.

Fig. 7.6.3a SRU2/013/LS curves

7 (PV x rpm)/10,000 + kW (1 cSt)

10 15

166 Alfa Laval Pump Handbook

6 10

PV Factor
100 5

5 1 10 100 1,000 10,000 100,000
1,000 (cSt) Viscosity (cSt)

4 Power at 1 cSt Bar


Flow m3/hr


2 E

2 D

Power kW C
1 A

0 0
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1,000 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1,000
Speed rpm Speed rpm
A = 0.5 bar C = 2 bar E = 6 bar G = 10 bar A = 0.5 bar C = 2 bar E = 6 bar G = 10 bar
B = 1 bar D = 4 bar F = 8 bar B = 1 bar D = 4 bar F = 8 bar

350 172 110 78 58 43 32 23 16 9

Port Diameter
Max speed = 1,000 rpm
22.2 mm
Max. Viscosity (cSt) x 100 (at 0 bar)
7.0 Pump Sizing
Step 1 – Find Appropriate Curve Step 6 – Find Power
Locate a curve for the required pump model that The power required by a pump is the summation of the
covers the performance data. Due to the large number hydraulic power and various losses that occur in the
of curves available it is not practical to include all pump and pumping system. Viscosity has a marked
performance curves in this handbook. Curves can be effect on pump energy losses. The losses being due
obtained from the pump supplier, or downloaded from to the energy required in effecting viscous shear in the
our Anytime program if you have access. However, the pump clearances. Viscous power is the power loss
sizing process would be as follows: due to viscous fluid friction within the pump (Pv factor).

From the initial suction line sizing curve (see section It should be noted, this is the power needed at the
14.9), a pump with a size 25 mm (1 in) inlet connection pump shaft and the appropriate motor power must be
would be required. Although the smallest pump selected, which in this instance would be 1.5 kW being
models SRU1/005 and SRU1/008 have 25 mm (1 in) the nearest motor output power above the required
pump inlet connections, the flow rate required would power.
exceed the pumps speed limit on the performance
curve. For this particular example, we therefore need Typically curves are used in conjunction with equation as
to select a performance curve for the pump model follows:
SRU2/013/LS with 70° C (158° F) rotor clearances, as
shown in Fig. 7.6.3a, being the next appropriate pump Total Required Power (kW) =
size. Pv x Pump speed (rev/min) + Hydraulic power at 1 cSt (kW)
Step 2 – Find Viscosity and Pressure
Begin with viscosity and find the intersection point Where: Pv = Power/Viscosity Factor
with duty pressure.
From example – 100 cSt and 8 bar (115 PSIG).
From example
• At speed 600 rev/min and 8 bar the hydraulic power at
Step 3 – Find Flow Rate
1 cSt is 1.3 kW
Move diagonally downward and find intersection
with required flow rate. • At viscosity 100 cSt the Pv factor is 1.0
From example – 3.6 m3/h (15.8 US gal/min).
Total Required Power (kW) =
Step 4 – Find Speed Pv x Pump speed (rev/min) + Hydraulic power at 1 cSt (kW)
Move vertically downward to determine necessary 10000
pump speed. = 1.0 x 600 + 1.3 = 1.36 kW (1.82 hp)
From example – 600 rev/min. 10000

Step 5 – Viscosity/Port Size Check

Move vertically downward and check that maximum
viscosity rating has not been exceeded against rele-
vant inlet size.
From example – maximum viscosity rating 4300 cSt.

Alfa Laval Pump Handbook 167

7.0 Pump Sizing






30 9
Metres Water

Feet Water

25 I

20 6

14.4 4.4

10 3


0 0
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000
Speed rev/min

A = 100,000 cSt D = 20,000 cSt G = 2,500 cSt

B = 60,000 cSt E = 10,000 cSt H = 1,000 cSt
C = 30,000 cSt F = 5,000 cSt I = 1 cSt
Fig. 7.6.3b SRU2 typical NPSHr curve based on water

168 Alfa Laval Pump Handbook

7.0 Pump Sizing
Step 7 – Find NPSHr
NPSHr can be found by looking at the appropriate
NPSH pump curve, which is a function of speed and
expressed in metres water column (mwc) or feet (ft).

From example – at speed 600 rev/min and 100 cSt the

NPSHr is 4.4 mwc (14.4 ft) (Fig. 7.6.3b).

Alfa Laval Pump Handbook 169

7.0 Pump Sizing

For the newer curves used for Optilobe and DuraCirc The curves are based on water at 20° C (68° F) but
(Fig. 7.6.3c). are shown with calculated viscosity correction data.
Different curves exists for SI units and American units.
The performance curve consists of five Examples shown refers to the DuraCirc pump range,
different curves but the same sizing procedure is also used for the
Optilobe pump range.
• Capacity as a function of speed, related to pres-
sure at 1 cPs

• Viscosity correction factor in relation to viscosity

pressure and speed

• Power as a function of speed, related to pressure

and viscosity of 1 cPs
(see table 14.3.10 for viscosity conversion)

• Power correction factor in relation to viscosity

• Speed as a function of viscosity

170 Alfa Laval Pump Handbook

OptiLobe 43 Typical Performance curve based on water, with viscosity correction curves
With stainless steel 130º C TriLobe rotors and mechanical seal

Power at 1 cPs
Flow at 1 cPs 16
14 A
Curves are representative.
Viscosity Corrected Power = (PV x rpm)/10,000 + kW (1 cPs) B
Specific pumps may vary
in performance due to C
manufacture, pumped fluids. 10
50 D
8 E

Power kW
D 4 H
40 E I
F 2

With stainless steel 130º C TriLobe rotors and mechanical seal

I 0
J 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000
Speed rpm

Flow m3/hr
A = 8 bar C = 6 bar E = 4 bar G = 2 bar I = 0.5 bar
B = 7 bar D = 5 bar F = 3 bar H = 1 bar

Flow - Viscosity Corretion Power Viscosity Correction

400 100
A 80
300 B

Fig. 7.6.3c OptiLobe 43 Typical performance curve based on water, with viscosity correction curves
C 70
10 D 60
200 F 50
PV Factor

G 40
0 100 H
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 I 20
Speed rpm

Viscosity Corrected DHS rpm cPs


A = 0 bar C = 1 bar E = 3 bar G = 5 bar I = 7 bar 0 0

B = 0.5 bar D = 2 bar F = 4 bar H = 6 bar J = 8 bar 1 10 100 1000 1 10 100 1000 10,000 100,000
Viscosity cPs Viscosity cPs

5871 2904 1912 1406 1092 879 719 597 498 415 A = 8 bar D = 5 bar G = 2 bar
Port Diameter B = 7 bar E = 4 bar H = 1 bar
80 mm 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 C = 6 bar F = 3 bar I = 0.5 bar
Max. Viscosity (cPs) x 100 at 0 bar

Alfa Laval Pump Handbook 171

7.0 Pump Sizing
7.0 Pump Sizing

Example SI units
Duty: Step 1 – to calculate speed:
Viscosity: 10 cPs • Using the Flow Viscosity Correction curve (Fig.
Pressure: 10 bar 7.6.3d), draw a straight line up from the 10 cps
Flow rate: 4 m3/hr viscosity point on the x-axis until it intersects the
(10 bar) pressure line

• Draw a line across until it intersects the y-axis and

read off the viscosity corrected dead head speed
(DHS), in this case 165 rpm

Flow Viscosity Correction


Viscosity Correction DHS rmp

300 E

200 F


1 10 100 1000
Viscosity cPs
A = 20 bar D = 12 bar G = 3 bar
B = 17 bar E = 10 bar H = 1 bar
C = 15 bar F = 5 bar I = 0.5 bar
Fig. 7.6.3d

172 Alfa Laval Pump Handbook

7.0 Pump Sizing
Step 2 – to calculate speed:
• Using the Flow at 1 cPs curve (Fig. 7.6.3e) starting • Then draw a line parallel to the y-axis down
at the viscosity corrected DHS speed value of 165 until it intersects the x-axis and read off the
rpm, draw a line parallel to the pressure lines corresponding speed
• At the desired flow rate of 4 m3/hr, draw a line • This speed (of 460 rpm) is the resulting duty
parallel to the x-axis, until it intersects the line speed
drawn described below

Flow at 1 cPs
Curves are representative.
Specific pumps may vary
in perdoemance due to
manufacture, pumped fluids A




0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800
165 460
Speed rpm

A = 0 bar D = 3 bar H = 12 bar K = 20 bar

B = 0.5 bar F = 5 bar I = 15 bar
C = 1 bar G = 10 bar J = 17 bar
Fig. 7.6.3e

Alfa Laval Pump Handbook 173

7.0 Pump Sizing

Step 3 – to calculate power:

• Using the Power at 1 cPs Curve (Fig. 7.6.3f),
starting at the duty speed of 460 rpm, draw a line
parallel to the y-axis, until it intersects the duty
pressure line (10 bar)

• Draw a line parallel to the x-axis, until it insects the

y-axis and read off the power value

• This value is the power absorbed requirement at

1 cPs (2.0 kW)

Power at 1 cPs
Viscosity Corrected Power = (PV x rmp)/10,000 + Power (1 cPs) A
5 C

0 100 200 300 400 460 500 600 700 800
Speed rpm
A = 20 bar D = 12 bar G = 3 bar
B = 17 bar E = 10 bar H = 1 bar
C = 15 bar F = 5 bar I = 0.5 bar
Fig. 7.6.3f

174 Alfa Laval Pump Handbook

7.0 Pump Sizing
Step 4 – to calculate power:
• Using the Power Viscosity Correction curve
(Fig. 7.6.3g), starting at the duty viscosity of 10 cPs,
draw a line parallel to the y-axis, until it intersects
the curve

• Draw a line parallel to the x-axis, until it insects the

y-axis and read off the PV value (0.7)

• Using the Viscosity Corrected Power formula

shown, calculate total power absorbed require-

Total power requirement

= (0.7 x 460) + 2.0 = 2.03 kW

Power Viscosity Correction



PV Factor



1 10 100 1,000 10,000 100,000
Viscosity cPs
Fig. 7.6.3g

Alfa Laval Pump Handbook 175

7.0 Pump Sizing

Example US units
Duty: Step 1 – to calculate speed:
Viscosity: 10 cPs • Using the Flow-Viscosity Correction curve
Pressure: 130 PSI (Fig. 7.6.3h), draw a straight line up from the 10 cPs
Flow rate: 60 US GPM viscosity point on the x-axis until it intersects the
(130 PSI) pressure line

• Draw a line across until it intersects the y-axis and

read off the viscosity corrected dead head speed
(DHS), in this case 115 rpm

Flow - Viscosity Correction


Viscosity Correction DHS rmp



1 10 100 1000
Viscosity cPs
A = 232.1 PSI D = 130.5 PSI G = 43.5 PSI
B = 188.5 PSI E = 101.5 PSI H = 14.5 PSI
C = 159.5 PSI F = 72.5 PSI I = 7.3 PSI
Fig. 7.6.3h

176 Alfa Laval Pump Handbook

7.0 Pump Sizing
Step 2 – to calculate speed:
• Using the Flow at 1 cps curve (Fig. 7.6.3i), starting • Then draw a line parallel to the y-axis down until it
at the viscosity corrected DHS speed value of 115 intersects the x-axis and read off the correspond-
rpm, draw a line parallel to the pressure lines ing speed

• At the desired flow rate of 60 US GPM, draw a • This speed (of 355 rpm) is the resulting duty speed
line parallel to the x-axis, until it intersects the line
drawn described above

Flow at 1 cPs
Curves are representative. A
Specific pumps may vary B
in perdoemance due to C
manufacture, pumped fluids D
140 H






0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800
115 355
Speed rpm

A = 0 PSI D = 43.5 PSI H = 130.5 PSI K = 232.1 PSI

B = 7.3 PSI F = 72.5 PSI I = 159.5 PSI
C = 1.5 PSI G = 101.5 PSI J = 188.5 PSI
Fig. 7.6.3i

Alfa Laval Pump Handbook 177

7.0 Pump Sizing

Step 3 – to calculate power:

• Using the Power at 1 cPs curve (Fig. 7.6.3j), starting
at the duty speed of 355 rpm, draw a line parallel
to the y-axis, until it intersects the duty pressure
line (130 PSI)

• Draw a line parallel to the x-axis, until it insects the

y-axis and read off the power value

• This value is the power absorbed requirement at 1

cPs (8 hp)

Power at 1 cPs
Viscosity Corrected Power = (PV x rmp)/10,000 + Power (1 cPs)


0 100 200 300 355 400 460 500 600 700 800
Speed rpm
A = 232.1 PSI D = 130.5 PSI G = 43.5 PSI
B = 188.5 PSI E = 101.5 PSI H = 14.5 PSI
C = 159.5 PSI F = 72.5 PSI I = 7.3 PSI
Fig. 7.6.3j

178 Alfa Laval Pump Handbook

7.0 Pump Sizing
Step 4 – to calculate power:
• Using the Power Viscosity Correction curve
(Fig. 7.6.3k), starting at the duty viscosity of 10 cPs,
draw a line parallel to the y-axis, until it intersects
the curve

• Draw a line parallel to the x-axis, until it intersects

the y-axis and read off the PV value (3)

• Using the Viscosity Corrected Power formula

shown, calculate total power absorbed require-

Total power requirement

= (3 x 355) + 8.0 = 8.1 hp

Power Viscosity Correction



PV Factor




1 10 100 1,000 10,000 100,000
Viscosity cPs
Fig. 7.6.3k

Alfa Laval Pump Handbook 179

7.0 Pump Sizing

7.6.4 Pumps fitted with Bi-lobe Rotors 7.6.5 Pumps fitted with Bi-lobe Rotors
(Stainless Steel) (Non Galling Alloy)
These rotors, described in section 8.2.1, are available These rotors, described in section 8.2.1, have very
for SRU pumps and mainly used on high viscosity small clearances resulting in increased volumetric
products containing solids where the pumps volumet- efficiency over non Galling rotors when used on fluids
ric efficiency is high. When pumping such products with viscosities up to 50 cP. Pump sizing is achieved
optimum performance is obtained by using large slow by referring to published performance curves or a
running pumps. pump selection program. Due to pump head clearanc-
es described in 8.2.2, different performance curves
Applications on water like viscosity fluids would result are used for the various temperature ratings of rotors
in slightly decreased efficiency over stainless steel i.e., 70° C (158° F), 130° C (266° F) and 200° C (392°
Tri-lobe rotors. For this reason specific performance F). The use of performance curves is as described in
curves are available for Bi-lobe SS rotors where dead section 7.6.3.
head speed is slightly higher than for Tri-lobes. Due
to pump head clearances described in 8.2.2, different
performance curves are used for the various temper-
ature ratings of rotors i.e., 70° C (158° F), 130° C (266°
F) and 200° C (392° F). The use of performance curves
is as described in section 7.6.3.

NPSHr is slightly reduced when using Bi-lobe rotors.

180 Alfa Laval Pump Handbook

7.0 Pump Sizing
7.6.6 Pumps with Electropolished
Surface Finish
Pump performance will be affected by electropolish speed’ (see tables below) should be applied to the
surface finish to the pump head internals. For sizing performance curve for stainless steel Tri-lobe rotors
purposes a percentage increase on the ‘dead head and interpolated accordingly.

Pump Model Percentage Increase Required on Stainless Steel

Tri-lobe Rotor Dead Head Speed
SRU range Electropolishing only Mechanical and Electropolishing
1/005 17.0 60.0
1/008 15.1 55.0
2/013 10.8 45.8
2/018 8.5 38.0
3/027 6.7 32.7
3/038 5.5 28.5
4/055 4.6 24.8
4/079 3.8 21.0
5/116 2.9 18.0
5/168 2.4 15.5
6/260 2.0 12.8
6/353 1.7 11.4
Table 7.6.6a

Pump Model Percentage Increase Required on Multi-lobe

Rotor Dead Head Speed
SX range Electropolishing only Mechanical and Electropolishing
1/005 12.0 60.0
1/007 9.3 47.6
2/013 8.3 40.9
2/018 7.7 38.4
3/027 6.9 34.0
3/035 6.2 31.3
4/046 5.6 28.6
4/063 5.0 25.5
5/082 4.5 22.8
5/116 4.0 19.3
6/140 3.5 17.0
6/190 2.9 14.0
7/250 2.2 11.3
7/380 1.3 6.8

Table 7.6.6b

Alfa Laval Pump Handbook 181

7.0 Pump Sizing

7.6.7 Guidelines for Solids Handling

The following criteria should be considered when
deciding the pump's ability to handle large solids in

- Optimum Conditions
Solids form Spherical

Solids physical properties i.e., - Soft, yet possess resilience and

hardness, resilience, shear, shear strength

Solids surface finish - Smooth

Fluid/solids proportion - Proportion of solids to fluid is small

Relationship of fluid/solid SG - Equal

Flow velocity (pump speed) - Maintained such that solids in

suspension are not damaged

Rotor form - Bi-lobe (If SRU)

Port size - Large as possible

182 Alfa Laval Pump Handbook

7.0 Pump Sizing
Tables below show the maximum spherical solids
size that can be satisfactory handled without product
degradation, providing the optimum conditions are
met. For non-optimum conditions these should be
referred to Alfa Laval.

OptiLobe Model Tri-lobe Rotors SRU Model Bi-lobe Rotors Tri-lobe Rotors
mm in mm in mm in
12 6 0.24" SRU1/005 8 0.31" 6 0.24"
13 6 0.24" SRU1/008 8 0.31" 6 0.24"
22 8 0.31" SRU2/013 8 0.31" 6 0.24"
23 8 0.31" SRU2/018 13 0.51" 9 0.34"
32 10 0.39" SRU3/027 13 0.51" 9 0.34"
33 10 0.39" SRU3/038 16 0.63" 11 0.44"
42 12 0.47" SRU4/055 16 0.63" 11 0.44"
43 12 0.47" SRU4/079 22 0.88" 15 0.59"
52 16 0.63" SRU5/116 22 0.88" 15 0.59"
53 16 0.63" SRU5/168 27 1.06" 18 0.72"
SRU6/260 27 1.06" 18 0.72"
SRU6/353 37 1.47" 24 0.94"

SX Model Multi-Lobe Rotors

mm in
SX1/005 7 0.28"
SX1/007 7 0.28"
SX2/013 10 0.39"
SX2/018 10 0.39"
SX3/027 13 0.51"
SX3/035 13 0.51"
SX4/046 16 0.63"
SX4/063 16 0.63"
SX5/082 19 0.75"
SX5/115 19 0.75"
SX6/140 25 0.98"
SX6/190 25 0.98"
SX7/250 28 1.1"
SX7/380 28 1.1"
Table 7.6.7a

Alfa Laval Pump Handbook 183

7.0 Pump Sizing

Model Max. Solids

mm in
DuraCirc 32 8 0.3"
DuraCirc 33 8 0.3"
DuraCirc 34 13 0.5"
DuraCirc 42 13 0.5"
DuraCirc 43 13 0.5"
DuraCirc 52 17 0.7"
DuraCirc 53 21 0.8"
DuraCirc 54 25 1.0"
DuraCirc 62 25 1.0"
DuraCirc 63 34 1.3"
DuraCirc 72 34 1.3"
DuraCirc 73 51 2.0"
DuraCirc 74 51 2.0"
Table 7.6.7b Solid handling DuraCirc pump

Maximum Solids Handling mm (inch)

OS1x OS2x OS3x OS4x
mm in mm in mm in mm in
OS12 6 0.24" OS22 12 0.47" OS32 16 0.63" OS42 21 0.82
OS14 11 0.43" OS24 16 0.63" OS34 21 0.82" OS44 29 1.14
OS16 17 0.67" OS26 24 0.94" OS36 32 1.26" OS46 43 1.69
OS27 15 0.59" OS37 20 0.78"
OS28 32 1.26" OS38 42 1.65"
Table 7.6.7C Solid handling OS Twin Screw Pump

The OS Twin Screw pump can handle up to 43 mm

(1.69") solids. The higher the screw pitch (represented
by the last number in the model number), the larger the
solid size. So an OS 36 can handle larger solids than
the OS 34. Max. solid size should be entered in the
selection program in order to get the right size pump.

184 Alfa Laval Pump Handbook

7.0 Pump Sizing
7.6.8 Guidelines for Pumping Shear Sensitive
Special attention needs to be made to pumping shear
sensitive media such as yeast and yoghurt where the
cell structure needs to remain intact. Excess pump
speed can irreversibly damage the cell structure.
Therefore pump speeds need to be kept relatively low,
in the range of 100 to 400 rev/min dependent upon
the fluid being pumped, technology type, pump size/
model and rotor form. For these types of applications
refer to Alfa Laval.

Alfa Laval Pump Handbook 185

7.0 Pump Sizing

7.7 Worked Examples – Positive Displacement Pump Sizing

Metric units
The following examples show two different posi-
tive displacement pumps to be sized for a typical
sugar process and one pump to be sized for juice

Pump 1
A low viscosity example handling sugar syrup

Pump 2
A high viscosity example handling massecuite x

Pump 3
A double duty example handling juice concentrate
and CIP

As described in 7.1 in order to correctly size any type

of pump, information is required such as Product/Fluid
data, Performance data and Site Services data.

186 Alfa Laval Pump Handbook

7.0 Pump Sizing
Pump 1 – Thin Sugar Syrup pump

1 bar

Feed Tank



1m 3m

Fig. 7.7a Pump 1 – example

Product/Fluid data: Performance data:

Fluid to be pumped - Sugar Syrup Capacity - 9 m3/h
Viscosity in pump - 80 cP Discharge - via 10 m of 51 mm dia.
SG - 1.29 tube, plus 1 bend 90°
and 1 butterfly valve.
Pumping temperature - 15° C
Static Head in Vessel =
CIP temperature - 95° C
8 m.
Pressure in Vessel = 1 bar
Suction - via 3 m of 51 mm dia.
tube, plus 2 bends 90°
and 1 non-return valve.
Static Head in Tank = 2 m
All the data has been given
by the customer. Site Services data:
Electrical supply - 400v, 50 Hz

Alfa Laval Pump Handbook 187

7.0 Pump Sizing




hfs hft
Fig. 7.7b Typical suction / Discharge Head set-up

Before sizing a pump, it will be necessary to determine

the total head and NPSHa (Fig. 7.7b). The theory,
including the different formulae regarding these
parameters is more specifically described in section
2.2.2 and 2.2.4.

Total head
Total Discharge head Ht = ht + hft + pt Where:

ht = Static Head in Pressurised Vessel

hft = Total Pressure Drop in Discharge Line
pt = Pressure in Vessel


ht = 8 m x (SG = 1.29) = 10.3 m

hft = Pressure Drop in Tube ∆ptube
+ Pressure Drop in Bends and Valves ∆p
(calculated below)
pt = 1 bar / (SG = 1.29) x 10 = 12.9 m

188 Alfa Laval Pump Handbook

7.0 Pump Sizing
To ascertain hft the flow characteristic and equivalent line length must be determined as follows:

Flow Characteristic
Reynolds number Re = DxVxp Where:
D = Tube Diameter (mm)
V = Fluid Velocity (m/s)
p = Density (kg/m3)
µ = Absolute Viscosity (cP)

Velocity V = Q x 353.6 Where:

Q = Capacity (m3/h)
D = Tube Diameter (mm)
= 9 x 353.6
= 1.22 m/s

Density p = 1290 derived from SG value 1.29 (see section 2.1.5)

Therefore Re = DxVxp
= 51 x 1.22 x 1290
= 1003

As Re is less than 2300, flow will be laminar so our calculations can continue for laminar flow.

Alfa Laval Pump Handbook 189

7.0 Pump Sizing

Equivalent Line Length – Discharge Side

The equivalent lengths of straight tube for bends
and valves are taken from table 14.7.1a. Since flow
is laminar, the viscosity correction factor is 1.0 (see
section 2.2.2).

Straight Tube Length = 3 + 6 + 1 = 10 m

1 bend 90° = 1 x 1 x 1.0 (corr. factor) = 1 m
1 butterfly valve = 1 x 1 x 1.0 (corr. factor) = 1 m
Total equivalent length = 12 m

Also as flow is laminar the friction factor fD = 64

= 64
= 0.064

The Miller equation is now used to determine friction loss as follows:

Pf = 5 x SG x fD x L x V2 (bar) Where:
Pf = Pressure Loss due to Friction (hft)
fD = Friction Factor
L = Tube Length (m)
D = Tube Diameter (mm)
V = Fluid Velocity (m/s)
SG = Specific Gravity

= 5 x 1.29 x 0.064 x 12 x 1.222 (bar)


= 0.14 bar = 1.4 m

Ht = ht + hft + pt = 10.3 + 1.4 + 12.9 m = 24.6 m (2.46 bar)

Total Suction Head Hs = hs - hfs + ps Where:

hs = Static Suction Head in Tank

hfs = Total Pressure Drop in Suction Line
ps = Pressure in Tank (open tank)

For this example:

hs = 2 m x (SG = 1.29) = 2.6 m

hfs = Calculated below
ps = 0 (open tank)
190 Alfa Laval Pump Handbook
7.0 Pump Sizing
Equivalent Line Length – Suction Side
The equivalent lengths of straight tube for bends and
valves are taken from table 14.7.1. Since flow is laminar,
the viscosity correction factor is 1.0 (see section 2.2.2).

Straight Tube Length = 1 + 1 + 1 =3m

2 bends 90° = 2 x 1 x 1 (corr. factor) =2m
1 non-return valve = 1 x 12 x 1 (corr. factor) = 12 m
Total equivalent length = 17 m

Also as flow is laminar the friction factor fD = 64

= 64
= 0.064

The Miller equation is now used to determine friction loss as follows:

Pf = 5 x SG x fD x L x V2 (bar) Where:
Pf = Pressure Loss due to Friction (hft)
fD = Friction Factor
L = Tube Length (m)
D = Tube Diameter (mm)
V = Fluid Velocity (m/s)
SG = Specific Gravity

= 5 x 1.29 x 0.064 x 1.7 x 1.222 (bar)


= 0.2 bar = 2 m

Hs = hs + hfs +ps = 2.6 - 2 + 0 m = 0.6 m (0.06 bar)

Total Head H = Ht - Hs = 24.6 – 0.6 = 24 m ∆p 24 m (2.4 bar)

Alfa Laval Pump Handbook 191

7.0 Pump Sizing

NPSHa = Pa + hs - hfs - Pvp Where:

Pa = Pressure Absolute above Fluid Level in Tank

hs = Static Suction Head in Tank
hfs = Total Pressure Drop in Suction Line
Pvp = Vapour Pressure of Fluid


Pa = 1 bar (open tank) (/1.29 x 10 ) = 7.75 m

hs = 2.6 m
hfs = Calculated to be 2 m
Pvp = At temperature of 15° C this is taken as being
negligible i.e., 0 bar a = 0 m

NPSHa = Pa + hs - hfs - Pvp = 7.75 + 2.6 – 2 – 0 m = 8.35 m

Actual pump sizing can be made using pump Power calculation

performance curves or a pump selection program. The power requirement is mentioned in AnyTime but it
The performance curve selection procedure is more is also possible to manually calculate as per below.
specifically described in section 7.6.3.
Total Required Power (kW) =
From the initial suction line sizing curve (see section Pv x Pump Speed (rev/min) + Power at 1 cSt (kW)
14.9), a pump with a size 40 mm inlet connection 10000
would be required. As the duty is below 8 bar, and
no special seal or options are needed – the Optilobe Where: Pv = Power/viscosity Factor
would be the first pump to check. As the sugar syrup
can be quite abrasive, the pump should not run much
From example
faster than 450 rpm. Using a sizing program this gives
the below OptiLobe: • At speed 417 rev/min and total head 2.4 bar, the
power at 1 cSt is 0.9 kW
Pump Model - OptiLobe 33 • At viscosity 80 cP (62 cSt) the Pv factor is 3
Connection size - 50 mm
Speed - 417 rev/min
Total Required Power (kW) =
NPSHr - 2.1 m Pv x Pump speed (rev/min) + Power at 1 cSt (kW)
Absorbed power - 1.1 kW 10000

Cavitation check = 3 x 417 + 0.9

NPSHa should be greater than NPSHr i.e.,
8.35 m > 2.1 m.
= 1.03 kW

192 Alfa Laval Pump Handbook

7.0 Pump Sizing
It should be noted that this is the power needed at the The absorbed power is very close to that of the
pump shaft, and the appropriate motor power must be Optilobe pump and as the Optilobe will be the less
selected, which in this instance would be 1.5 kW being expensive technology it would be best to go with this.
the nearest motor output power above the required
power. The recommended type of shaft seal based upon Alfa
Laval application experience and guidelines would be
Since the viscosity is relatively low an alternative to a single flushed mechanical seal with silicon carbide /
this could be the DuraCirc pump, which is efficient at silicon carbide faces and EPDM or FPM elastomers.
lower viscosity. Using the same data as above this can
be selected either in a selection program or by means • Hard silicon carbide seal faces due to the abrasive
of the curves. Using a selection program the following nature of sugar syrup
pump is selected
• Flushed version to prevent the sugar syrup from
crystallising within the seal area
Pump Model - DuraCirc 52
Connection size - 50 mm • EPDM or FPM elastomers for compatibility of both
sugar syrup and CIP media
Speed - 401 rev/min
NPSHr - 0.7 m
Absorbed power - 0.9 kW

Alfa Laval Pump Handbook 193

7.0 Pump Sizing

Pump 2 – Massecuite pump

20 m


Fig. 7.7c Pump 2 - example

Product/Fluid data: Performance data:

Fluid to be pumped - Massecuite Capacity - 10 m3/h
Viscosity in pump - 25,000 cP Discharge - via 40 m of 76 mm dia.
SG - 1.35 tube, plus 2 bends 45°
and 1 butterfly valve.
Pumping temperature - 65° C
Static head in tank = 20 m
Suction - via 1 m of 101.6 mm dia.
tube, plus 1 bend 90° and
1 butterfly valve.
Static head in tank = 2 m
All the data has been given
by the customer.
Site Services data:
Electrical supply - 400v, 50 Hz

Before sizing a pump, it will be necessary to determine

the total head and NPSHa. The theory, including the
different formulae regarding these parameters is more
specifically described in section 2.2.2 and 2.2.4.

194 Alfa Laval Pump Handbook

7.0 Pump Sizing



hfs hft
Fig. 7.7d

Total head
Total Discharge head Ht = ht + hft + pt Where:

ht = Static Head in Pressurised Vessel

hft = Total Pressure Drop in Discharge Line
pt = Pressure in Vessel


ht = 20 m x (SG = 1.35) = 27 m
hft = Pressure Drop in Tube ∆ptube
+ Pressure Drop in Bends and Valves ∆p
(calculated below)
pt = 0 bar (open tank) = 0 m

To ascertain hft the flow characteristic and equivalent line length must be determined as follows:

Flow Characteristic
Reynolds number Re = DxVxp Where:
D = Tube Diameter (mm)
V = Fluid Velocity (m/s)
p = Density (kg/m3)
µ = Absolute Viscosity (cP)

Velocity V = Q x 353.6 Where:

Q = Capacity (m3/h)
D = Tube Diameter (mm)
= 10 x 353.6
= 0.61 m/s

Density p = 1350 derived from SG value 1.35 (see section 2.1.5)

Therefore Re = DxVxp
= 76 x 0.61 x 1350
= 2.5

As Re is less than 2300, flow will be laminar.

Alfa Laval Pump Handbook 195

7.0 Pump Sizing

Equivalent Line Length – Discharge Side

The equivalent lengths of straight tube for bends and
valves are taken from table 14.7.1a. Since flow is lami-
nar, the viscosity correction factor is 0.25 (see section

Straight Tube Length = 40 m

2 bends 45° = 2 x 1 x 0.25 (corr. factor) = 0.5 m
1 butterfly valve = 1 x 2 x 0.25 (corr. factor) = 0.5 m
Total equivalent length = 41 m

Also as flow is laminar the friction factor fD = 64

= 64
= 25.6

The Miller equation is now used to determine friction loss as follows:

Pf = 5 x SG x fD x L x V2 (bar) Where:
Pf = Pressure Loss due to Friction (hft)
fD = Friction Factor
L = Tube Length (m)
D = Tube Diameter (mm)
V = Fluid Velocity (m/s)
SG = Specific Gravity

= 5 x 1.35 x 25.6 x 41 x 0.612 (bar)


= 34.7 bar = 347 m

Ht = ht + hft + pt = = 27 + 347 + 0 m = 374 m (37.4 bar)

Total Suction Head Hs = hs - hfs + ps Where:

hs = Static Suction Head in Tank

hfs = Total Pressure Drop in Suction Line
ps = Pressure in Tank (open tank)


hs = 2 m x (SG = 1.35) = 2.7 m

hfs = Calculated on the next page
ps = 0 (open tank)
196 Alfa Laval Pump Handbook
7.0 Pump Sizing
To ascertain hfs the flow characteristic and equivalent line length must be determined as follows:

Flow Characteristic
Reynolds number Re = DxVxp Where:
D = Tube Diameter (mm)
V = Fluid Velocity (m/s)
p = Density (kg/m3)
µ = Absolute Viscosity (cP)

Velocity V = Q x 353.6 Where:

Q = Capacity (m3/h)
D = Tube Diameter (mm)
= 9 x 353.6
= 0.34 m/s

Density p = 1350 derived from SG value 1.35 (see 2.1.5)

Therefore Re = DxVxp
= 101.6 x 0.34 x 1350
= 1.9

As Re is less than 2300, flow will be laminar.

Alfa Laval Pump Handbook 197

7.0 Pump Sizing

Equivalent Line Length – Suction Side

The equivalent lengths of straight tube for bends
and valves are taken from table 14.7.1a. Since flow
is laminar, the viscosity correction factor is 0.25
(see section 2.2.2).

Straight Tube Length =1m

1 bend 90° = 1 x 2 x 0.25 (corr. factor) = 0.5 m
1 butterfly valve = 1 x 2 x 0.25 (corr. factor) = 0.5 m
Total equivalent length =2m

Also as flow is laminar the friction factor fD = 64

= 64
= 33.68

The Miller equation is now used to determine friction loss as follows:

Pf = 5 x SG x fD x L x V2 (bar) Where:
Pf = Pressure Loss due to Friction (hfs)
fD = Friction Factor
L = Tube Length (m)
D = Tube Diameter (mm)
V = Fluid Velocity (m/s)
SG = Specific Gravity

= 5 x 1.35 x 33.68 x 2 x 0.342 (bar)


= 0.52 bar = 5.2 m

Hs = hs + hfs + ps = 2.7 - 5.2 + 0 m = -2.5 m

Total Head H = Ht - Hs = 374 - (-2.5) = 376.5 m ∆p 377 m (37.7 bar)

198 Alfa Laval Pump Handbook

7.0 Pump Sizing
Because of the high total head the only pump which It could however be an idea to consider reducing the
would be able to handle this would be the DuraCirc. head so a smaller pump can be suitably sized, consid-
Through the selection program the below is found. eration could be given to any or a combination of the
following parameters:
Pump Model - DuraCirc 72
Connection size - 100 mm • Reduce capacity
Speed - 87 rev/min • Increase tube diameter
NPSHr - 0.7 m
• Increase pumping temperature to reduce viscosity
Absorbed power - 12.2 kW
Assuming the capacity is a definite requirement and
the pumping temperature cannot be increased the
customer could increase the discharge tube diameter
i.e., from 76 mm to 101.6 mm.

The total head calculations are reworked, and for this

particular example the fluid velocity (V) and friction
factor (fD) have already been established for 101.6 mm
diameter tube. Also note, by referring to the equivalent
tube length table 14.7.1a the values for bends 45° and
butterfly valves remain unchanged.

Using the Miller equation to determine friction loss as follows:

Pf = 5 x SG x fD x L x V2 (bar) Where:
Pf = Pressure Loss due to Friction (hft)
fD = Friction Factor
L = Tube Length (m)
D = Tube Diameter (mm)
V = Fluid Velocity (m/s)
SG = Specific Gravity

= 5 x 1.35 x 33.68 x 41 x 0.342 (bar)


= 10.6 bar = 106 m

Now Ht = ht + hft + pt = 27 + 106 + 0 m = 133 m (13.3 bar)

Now Total Head H = Ht - Hs = 133 - (-2.5) = 135.5 m ∆p 136 m (13.6 bar)

Alfa Laval Pump Handbook 199

7.0 Pump Sizing

NPSHa = Pa + hs - hfs - Pvp Where:

Pa = Pressure Absolute above Fluid Level in Tank

hs = Static Suction Head in Tank
hfs = Total Pressure Drop in Suction Line
Pvp = Vapour Pressure of Fluid

For this example:

Pa = 1 bar (open tank) = (1/1.35 x 10) = 7.4 m

hs = 2.7 m
hfs = Calculated to be 5.2 m
Pvp = At temperature of 65° C this is taken
as being negligible i.e., 0 bar a = 0 m

NPSHa = Pa + hs - hfs - Pvp = 7.4 + 2.7 - 5.2 - 0 m = 4.9 m

Cavitation check
With the new head an SRU pump or a smaller NPSHa should be greater than NPSHr i.e.,
DuraCirc circumferential piston pump could be an 4.9 m > 2.3 m/1.1 m
option and using a pump selection program using
stainless steel Tri-lobe rotors with 130° C rotor Viscosity/Port Size check
clearances would be as follows:
The viscosity of 25000 cP at speed 100 rev/min is well
within the pump’s maximum rated figures.
Pump Model - SRU5/168/LD
Connection size - 100 mm (enlarged port) It should be noted that this is the power needed at the
Speed - 100 rev/min pump shaft, and for a fixed speed drive the appro-
NPSHr - 2.3 m priate motor power must be selected, which in this
Absorbed power - 5.1 kW instance would be 5.5 kW being the nearest motor
output power above the required power.

Pump Model - DuraCirc 62 As the SRU will be the least expensive technology and
Connection size - 80 mm has the 100 mm inlet port option this would be best to
Speed - 116 rev/min go with.
NPSHr - 1.1 m
The recommended shaft seal type based upon Alfa
Absorbed power - 5.2 kW
Laval application experience and guidelines would be
Note that by increasing the pipe size the energy a single flushed seal with SiC/SiC seal faces and FPM
consumption is reduced from 12.2 to 5.2 kW. or EPDM elastomers.

200 Alfa Laval Pump Handbook

7.0 Pump Sizing
It is important to notice that in the above we have had
information about the in-pump viscosity. There can
be a large difference between the viscosity at rest
and the in-pump viscosity. In our selection system we
have information about the typical in-pump viscosity
for a variety of products. If in doubt about a product,
it could be worth getting it tested in order to get the
correct viscosity.

Alternative Pump Sizing Guide Using

Volumetric Efficiency Calculation
Referring to the initial suction line sizing curve shown in
14.9, for the flow rate required of 10 m3/h with viscosity
25000 cP (18519 cSt), a pump having a 100 mm dia.
inlet port would be selected.

For this example a Model SRU5/168 pump will be

selected having 100 mm dia. enlarged ports. If a
sanitary port is a definite requirement the Model
SRU6/260 pump would be selected.

To calculate pump speed for the SRU5/168 pump

selected the following formula is used as a general
guide with volumetric efficiency of 99% (see section

Pump speed (rev/min) n = Q x 100 Where:

q x ηv x 60
Q = Capacity (m3/h)
q = Pump Displacement (m3/100 rev)
ηv = Volumetric Efficiency (99% = 0.99)

= 10 x 100
0.168 x 0.99 x 60

= 100 rev/min

Alfa Laval Pump Handbook 201

7.0 Pump Sizing

Pump 3 – Fruit Juice Concentrate and CIP

Product/Fluid data: Also the pump should run CIP
Fluid to be pumped - Fruit Juice Concentrate
Viscosity in pump - 200 – 1500 cP Fluid to be pumped - CIP
SG - 1.1 Viscosity in pump - 1 cP
Pumping temperature - 30° C Pumping temperature - 80° C

Performance data: Performance data:

Flow - 28 m /h
Flow - 90 m3/h
Discharge - Through pipes/bends/ Discharge - Through pipes/bends/
valves calculated to 4 bar valves calculated to 2.5
Suction - Pump placed right by the bar
tank so friction losses to Suction - Pump placed right by the
be considered as 0 bar tank so friction losses to
Static height in tank min. be considered as 0 bar
0.5 m Static height in tank min.
pt - 0 bar (open tank) = 0 m 0.5 m

Site Services data:

Electrical supply - 400v, 50 Hz
All the data has been given
Before sizing a pump, it will be necessary to determine
by the customer.
the total head and NPSHa. The theory, including the
different formulae regarding these parameters is more
specifically described in section 2.2.2 and 2.2.4.

202 Alfa Laval Pump Handbook

7.0 Pump Sizing
Total Discharge Head Ht = ht + hft + pt Where:

ht = Static Head in Pressurised Vessel

hft = Total Pressure Drop in Discharge Line
pt = Pressure in Vessel

As Ht has already been informed from the customer at

4 bar we will not go further into the discharge pressure
calculation or Reynold number calculation.

Total Suction Head Hs = hs - hfs + ps Where:

hs = Static Suction Head in Tank

hfs = Total Pressure Drop in Suction Line
ps = Pressure in Tank (open tank)


hs = 0.5 m x (SG = 1.1) = 0.55 m

hfs = Considered to be 0
ps = 0 (open tank)
Hs = 0.55 – 0 + 0 = 0.55 m

Total Head H = Ht - Hs

H product = (4 x 10 /1.1) – 0.55 = 35.81 m (3.94 bar)

H CIP = (2.5 x 10 / 1) – 0.5 = 24.5 m (2.45 bar)

Alfa Laval Pump Handbook 203

7.0 Pump Sizing

NPSHa = Pa + hs - hfs - Pvp Where:

Pa = Pressure Absolute above fluid level in Tank

hs = Static Suction Head in Tank
hfs = Total Pressure Drop in Suction Line
Pvp = Vapour Pressure of Fluid


Pa = 1 bar (open tank)

hs = 0.5 m
hfs = Assumed to be 0
Pvp = At temperature of 800 C from table 14.4 = 4.75

NPSHa CIP = 1 x 10 + 0.5 - 0 - 4.75 = 5.75 m

(Calculated for CIP as this will be lowest value due to higher temperature)

Entering the data into the selection system

we have two options:

Pump Model - DuraCirc 73 Hi-Flow Pump Model - OS37

Connection size - 150 mm Connection size - 100 mm
Speed - 163 / 561 rev/min Speed - 766 / 2619 rev/min
NPSHr - 0.6 / 1.1 m (recommended speed
Absorbed power - 4.2 / 10.6 kW - 15 kW max. 900 rpm for juice
motor concentrate in a Twin
Screw pump)
NPSHr - 1.9 / 4.3 m
Absorbed power - 5.5 / 11.37 kW - 15 kW

204 Alfa Laval Pump Handbook

7.0 Pump Sizing
With a NPSHa of 5.75 both pumps can be used with
NPSHr of 1.1 / 4.3 m.

Because the OS Twin Screw pump can run faster (in

this case 2619 rpm for the CIP), a smaller size pump
than for the DuraCirc can be chosen. In this case the
smaller Twin Screw pump will be the least expensive
pump to buy. Motor size will be the same and the
DuraCirc will only be slightly more efficient than the
Twin Screw.

Should the selection criteria be to have the most

energy efficient pump an option could be to use a
rotary lobe pump / circumferential piston pump for the
product and the centrifugal pump for the CIP. In that
case an Optilobe 53 with a 5.5 kW motor together with
a LKH-45 with an 11 kW motor (Only running during
CIP). This would save cost but also mean that there
are two pumps to install, do service on etc.

For Fruit Juice Concentrate a single flushed seal with

SiC/SiC seal faces would be recommended as this
can be quite sticky with a high sugar content. For Twin
Screw pumps we will generally recommend a flushed
seal in case the pump is running when changing
between products, so any dry running of the seal is

Alfa Laval Pump Handbook 205

7.0 Pump Sizing

7.8 Worked Examples – Positive Displacement Pump Sizing

US units
The following examples show two different posi-
tive displacement pumps to be sized for a typical
sugar process and one pump to be sized for juice

Pump 1
A low viscosity example handling sugar syrup

Pump 2
A high viscosity example handling massecuite x

Pump 3
A double duty example handling juice concentrate
and CIP

As described in 7.1 in order to correctly size any type

of pump, information is required such as Product/Fluid
data, Performance data and Site Services data.

As described in section 7.1 in order to correctly

size any type of pump, information is required such
as Product/Fluid data, Performance data and Site
Services data.

206 Alfa Laval Pump Handbook

7.0 Pump Sizing
Pump 1 – Thin Sugar Syrup pump

15 PSI

3 ft
Feed Tank

26 ft
20 ft

3 ft
6 ft
3 ft

3 ft 10 ft

Fig. 7.8a Pump 1 – example

Product/Fluid data: Performance data:

Fluid to be pumped - Sugar Syrup Capacity - 40 US gal/min
Viscosity in pump - 62 cSt (80 cP) Discharge - via 33 ft of 2 in dia. tube,
SG - 1.29 plus 1 bend 90° and 1
butterfly valve. Static Head
Pumping temperature - 59° F
in Vessel = 26 ft. Pressure
CIP temperature - 203° F
in Vessel = 15 PSI
Suction - via 9 ft of 2 in dia. tube,
plus 2 bends 90° and 1
non-return valve
Static Head in Tank = 6 ft
All the data has been given
by the customer.
Site Services data:
Electrical supply - 460v, 60 Hz

Alfa Laval Pump Handbook 207

7.0 Pump Sizing




hfs hft
Fig. 7.8b Typical suction / Discharge Head set-up

Before sizing a pump, it will be necessary to determine

the total head and NPSHa (Fig. 7.8b). The theory, in-
cluding the different formulae regarding these parame-
ters is more specifically described in section 2.2.2 and

Total head
Total Discharge head Ht = ht + hft + pt Where:

ht = Static Head in Pressurised Vessel

hft = Total Pressure Drop in Discharge Line
pt = Pressure in Vessel

For this example:

ht = 26 ft x (SG = 1.29) = 33.5 ft

hft = Pressure Drop in Tube ∆ptube
+ Pressure Drop in Bends and Valves ∆p
(calculated below)
pt = 15 PSI (x 2.31/1.29) = 26.86 ft

To ascertain hft the flow characteristic and equivalent line length must be determined as follows:

Flow Characteristic
Reynolds number Re = 3162 x Q Where:
D = Tube Diameter (in)
Q = Capacity (US gal/min)
ν = Kinematic Viscosity (cSt)

= 3162 x 40
2 x 62

= 1020

As Re is less than 2300, flow will be laminar.

208 Alfa Laval Pump Handbook

7.0 Pump Sizing
Equivalent Line Length – Discharge Side
The equivalent lengths of straight tube for bends
and valves are taken from table 14.7.2a. Since flow
is laminar, the viscosity correction factor is 1.0 (see
section 2.2.2).

Straight Tube Length = 10 + 20 + 3 = 33 ft

1 bend 90° = 1 x 3 x 1.0 (corr. factor) = 3 ft
1 butterfly valve = 1 x 3 x 1.0 (corr. factor) = 3 ft
Total equivalent length = 39 ft

Also as flow is laminar the friction factor fD = 64

= 64
= 0.063

The Miller equation is now used to determine friction loss as follows:

Pf = 0.0823 x SG x fD x L x V2 Where:
D Pf = Pressure Loss due to Friction (hft)
fD = Friction Factor
L = Tube Length (ft)
D = Tube Diameter (in)
V = Fluid Velocity (ft/s)
SG = Specific Gravity

Velocity V = Q x 0.409 Where:

Q = Capacity (US gal/min)
D = Tube Diameter (in)

= 40 x 0.409

= 4.1 ft/s

Pf = 0.0823 x 1.29 x 0.063 x 39 x 4.12 (PSI)


= 2.2 PSI = 5 ft

Ht = ht + hft + pt = 33.5 + 5 + 26.86 ft = 65.36 ft ∆p = 65 ft (28.17 PSI)

Alfa Laval Pump Handbook 209

7.0 Pump Sizing

Total Suction Head Hs = hs - hfs + ps Where:

hs = Static suction head in Tank

hfs = Total pressure drop in suction line
ps = Pressure in Tank (open tank)

For this example:

hs = 6 ft x (SG = 1.29) = 7.7 ft

hfs = calculated below
ps = 0 (open tank)

Equivalent Line Length – Suction Side

The equivalent lengths of straight tube for bends
and valves are taken from table 14.7.2a. Since flow
is laminar, the viscosity correction factor is 1.0
(see section 2.2.2).

Straight Tube Length = 3 + 3 + 3 = 9 ft

2 bends 90° = 2 x 3 x 1 (corr. factor) = 6 ft
1 non-return valve = 1 x 39 x 1 (corr. factor) = 39 ft
Total equivalent length = 54 ft

Also as flow is laminar the friction factor fD = 64

= 64
= 0.063

The Miller equation is now used to determine friction loss as follows:

Pf = 0.0823 x SG x fD x L x V2 (PSI) Where:
Pf = Pressure Loss due to Friction (hft)
fD = Friction Factor
L = Tube Length (ft)
D = Tube Diameter (in)
V = Fluid Velocity (ft/s)
SG = Specific Gravity

210 Alfa Laval Pump Handbook

7.0 Pump Sizing
Velocity V = Q x 0.409 Where:
Q = Capacity (US gal/min)
D = Tube Diameter (in)

= 40 x 0.409

= 4.1 ft/s

Pf = 0.0823 x 1.29 x 0.063 x 54 x 4.12 (PSI)


= 3 PSI = 7 ft

Hs = hs + hfs + ps = 7.7 - 7 + 0 ft = 0.7 ft (0.3 PSI)

Total head H = Ht – Hs = 65 - 0.7 = 64.3 ft ∆p = 64 ft (27.74 PSI)

NPSHa = Pa + hs - hfs - Pvp Where:

Pa = Pressure Absolute above Fluid Level

in Tank
hs = Static Suction Head in Tank
hfs = Total Pressure Drop in Suction Line
Pvp = Vapour Pressure of Fluid


Pa = 14.7 PSI (open tank) = 26.32 ft

hs = 7.7 ft
hfs = Calculated to be 7 ft
Pvp = At temperature of 59° F this is taken
as being negligible i.e., 0 psia = 0 ft

NPSHa = Pa + hs - hfs - Pvp = 26.32 + 7.7 – 7 – 0 ft = 27.02 ft

Alfa Laval Pump Handbook 211

7.0 Pump Sizing

Actual pump sizing can be made using pump Total Required Power (kW) =
performance curves or a pump selection program. Pv x Pump speed (rev/min) + Power at 1 cSt (kW)
The performance curve selection procedure is more 10000
specifically described in section 7.6.3.
= 3 x 412 + 1.1
From the initial suction line sizing curve (see section
14.9), a pump with a size 1.5 in inlet connection would
= 1.22 hp
be required. As the duty is below 8 bar, and no special
seals or other options are needed – the Optilobe would
It should be noted that this is the power needed at the
be the first pump to check. As the sugar syrup can be
pump shaft, and the appropriate motor power must be
quite abrasive with the pump we would not run much
selected, which in this instance would be 1.5 hp being
faster than 450 rpm. Using a sizing program this gives
the nearest motor output power above the required
the pump sized as follows:
Pump Model - OptiLobe 33
Since the viscosity is relatively low an alternative to
Connection size - 2 in
this could be the DuraCirc pump, which is effecient at
Speed - 412 rev/min lower viscosity. Using the same data as above this can
NPSHr - 6.8 ft be selected either in a selection program or by means
Absorbed power - 1.2 hp – 1.5 hp drive of the curves. Using a selection program the following
pump is selected.

Cavitation check Pump Model - DuraCirc 52 Hi-Life

NPSHa should be greater than NPSHr i.e., Connection size - 2 in
27.02 ft > 6.8 ft. Speed - 407 rev/min
NPSHr - 2.1 ft
Viscosity/Port Size check Absorbed power - 1.1 hp
The viscosity of 62 cSt at speed 412 rev/min is well
within the pump's maximum rated figures. The absorbed power is very close to that of the
Optilobe pump and as the OptiLobe will be the least
expensive technology it would be best to go with this.
Power calculation
The power requirement is mentioned in AnyTime but it The recommended type of shaft seal based upon Alfa
is also possible to manually calculate as per below. Laval application experience and guidelines would be
a single flushed mechanical seal with silicon carbide/
Total Required Power (kW) = silicon carbide faces and EPDM or FP; elastomers.
Pv x Pump speed (rev/min) + Power at 1 cSt (kW)
10000 • Hard silicon carbide seal faces due to the abrasive
nature of sugar syrup
Where: Pv = Power/viscosity Factor.
• Flushed version to prevent the sugar syrup from
From example crystallising within the seal area

• At speed 412 rev/min and total head 28 PSI, the • EPDM or FPM elastomers for compatibility of both
power at 1 cSt is 1.2 hp sugar syrup and IP media

• At viscosity 62 cSt the Pv factor is 3

212 Alfa Laval Pump Handbook

7.0 Pump Sizing
Pump 2 – Massecuite pump

65 ft
6 ft

3 ft

Fig. 7.8c Pump 2 – example

Product/Fluid data: Performance data:

Fluid to be pumped - Massecuite Capacity - 44 US gal/min
Viscosity in pump - 18,519 cSt Discharge - via 130 ft of 3 in dia. tube,
SG - 1.35 plus 2 bends 45° and 1
butterfly valve
Pumping temperature - 149° F
Static head in tank = 65 ft
Suction - via 3 ft of 4 in dia. tube,
plus 1 bend 90° and 1
butterfly valve.
Static head in tank = 6 ft
All the data has been given
by the customer.
Site Services data:
Electrical supply - 460v, 60 Hz

Before sizing a pump, it will be necessary to determine

the total head and NPSHa. The theory, including the
different formulae regarding these parameters is more
specifically described in section 2.2.2 and 2.2.4.

Alfa Laval Pump Handbook 213

7.0 Pump Sizing




hfs hft
Fig. 7.8d

Total head
Total Discharge head Ht = ht + hft + pt Where:

ht = Static Head in Pressurised Vessel

hft = Total Pressure Drop in Discharge Line
pt = Pressure in Vessel


ht = 65 ft x (SG = 1.35) = 88 ft
hft = Pressure Drop in Tube ∆ptube
+ Pressure Drop in Bends and Valves ∆p
(calculated below)
pt = 0 PSI = 0 ft

To ascertain hft the flow characteristic and equivalent line length must be determined as follows:

Flow Characteristic
Reynolds number Re = 3162 x Q Where:
D = Tube Diameter (in)
Q = Capacity (US gal/min)
ν = Kinematic Viscosity (cSt)

= 3162 x 44
3 x 18519

= 2.5

As Re is less than 2300, flow will be laminar.

214 Alfa Laval Pump Handbook

7.0 Pump Sizing
Equivalent Line Length – Discharge Side
The equivalent lengths of straight tube for bends and
valves are taken from table 14.7.2a. Since flow is lami-
nar, the viscosity correction factor is 0.25 (see section

Straight Tube Length = 130 ft

2 bends 45° = 2 x 3 x 0.25 (corr. factor) = 1.5 ft
1 butterfly valve = 1 x 7 x 0.25 (corr. factor) = 1.75 ft
Total equivalent length = 133 ft

Also as flow is laminar the friction factor fD = 64

= 64
= 25.6

The Miller equation is now used to determine friction loss as follows:

Pf = 5 x SG x fD x L x V2 (PSI) Where:
Pf = Pressure Loss due to Friction (hft)
fD = Friction Factor
L = Tube Length (ft)
D = Tube Diameter (in)
V = Fluid Velocity (ft/s)
SG = Specific Gravity

Velocity V = Q x 0.409 Where:

Q = Capacity (US gal/min)
D = Tube Diameter (in)

= 40 x 0.409

= 2 ft/s

Pf = 0.0823 x 1.35 x 25.6 x 133 x 22 (PSI)


= 504 PSI = 1163 ft

Ht = ht + hft + pt = 88 + 1163 + 0 ft = 1251 ft (542 PSI)

Alfa Laval Pump Handbook 215

7.0 Pump Sizing

Total suction head Hs = Hs - Hfs + ps Where:

hs = Static Suction Head in Tank

hfs = Total Pressure Drop in Suction Line
Pvp = Pressure in Tank (open tank)


hs = 6 ft x (SG = 1.35) = 8 ft
hfs = Calculated below
Ps = 0 (open tank)

To ascertain hfs the flow characteristic and equivalent line length must be determined as follows:

Flow Characteristic
Reynolds number Re = 3162 x Q Where:
D = Tube Diameter (in)
Q = Capacity (US gal/min)
ν = Kinematic Viscosity (cSt)

= 3162 x 44
4 x 18519

= 1.9

As Re is less than 2300, flow will be laminar.

216 Alfa Laval Pump Handbook

7.0 Pump Sizing
Equivalent Line Length – Suction Side
The equivalent lengths of straight tube for bends laminar, the viscosity correction factor is 0.25
and valves are taken from table 14.7.2a. Since flow is (see section 2.2.2).

Straight Tube Length = 3 ft

1 bend 90° = 1 x 7 x 0.25 (corr. factor) = 1.75 ft
1 butterfly valve = 1 x 7 x 0.25 (corr. factor) = 1.75 ft
Total equivalent length = 6.5 ft

Also as flow is laminar the friction factor fD = 64

= 64
= 33.68

The Miller equation is now used to determine friction loss as follows:

Pf = 0.0823 x SG x fD x L x V2 (PSI) Where:
Pf = Pressure Loss due to Friction (hft)
fD = Friction Factor
L = Tube Length (ft)
D = Tube Diameter (in)
V = Fluid Velocity (ft/s)
SG = Specific Gravity

Velocity V = Q x 0.409 Where:

Q = Capacity (US gal/min)
D = Tube Diameter (in)

= 44 x 0.409

= 1.1 ft/s

Pf = 0.0823 x 1.35 x 33.68 x 6.5 x 1.12 (PSI)


= 7.4 PSI = 17 ft

Hs = hs + hfs + ps = 8 + 17 + 0 ft = -9 ft

Total head H = Ht – Hs = 65 - 0.7 = 64.3 ft ∆p = 64 ft (27.74 PSI)

Alfa Laval Pump Handbook 217

7.0 Pump Sizing

Because of the high total head the only pump which

would be able to handle this would be the DuraCirc.
Through the selection program the below is found.

Pump Model - DuraCirc 72 Hi-Life

Connection size - 4 in
Speed - 87 rev/min
NPSHr - 2.1 ft
Absorbed power - 16.4 hp

It could however be an idea to consider reducing the Assuming the capacity is a definite requirement and
head so a smaller pump can be suitably sized, consid- the pumping temperature cannot be increased the
eration could be given to any or a combination of the customer could increase the discharge tube diameter
following parameters: i.e. from 3 inch to 4 inch.

1. Reduce capacity The total head calculations are reworked, and for this
2. Increase tube diameter particular example the fluid velocity (V) and friction
3. Increase pumping temperature to reduce viscosity factor (fD) have already been established for 4 in
diameter tube. Also note, by referring to the equivalent
tube length table 14.7.2a the values for bends 450 and
butterfly valves remain unchanged.

Using the Miller equation to determine friction loss as follows:

Pf = 0.00823 x SG x fD x L x V2 (PSI) Where:
Pf = Pressure Loss due to Friction (hft)
fD = Friction Factor
L = Tube Length (m)
D = Tube Diameter (mm)
V = Fluid Velocity (m/s)
SG = Specific Gravity

= 0.00823 x 1.35 x 33.68 x 133 x 1.12 (PSI)


= 150 PSI = 346 ft

Now Ht = ht + hft + pt = 88 + 346 + 0 ft = 434 ft (188 PSI)

Now Total Head H = Ht - Hs = 434 - (- 9) = 443 ft (192 PSI)

218 Alfa Laval Pump Handbook

7.0 Pump Sizing

Alfa Laval Pump Handbook 219

7.0 Pump Sizing

NPSHa = Pa + hs - hfs - Pvp Where:

Pa = Pressure Absolute above fluid level in Tank

hs = Static Suction Head in Tank
hfs = Total Pressure Drop in Suction Line
Pvp = Vapour Pressure of Fluid

For this example:

Pa = 14.7 bar (open tank) = 25.15 ft (SG 1.35)

hs = 8 ft
hfs = Calculated to be 17 ft
Pvp = At temperature of 1490 F this is taken as being
negligible i.e. 0 psia = 0 ft

NPSHa = Pa + hs - hfs - Pvp = 25.15 + 8 – 17 – 0 m = 16.15 ft

With the new head an SRU pump or a smaller

DuraCirc circumferential piston pump could be
an option and using a pump selection program
using stainless steel Tri-lobe rotors with 130°C
rotor clearances would be as follows:

Note that by increasing the pipe size the energy

consumption is reduced from 16.4 to 6.8 hp.

Pump Model - SRU5/168/LD Pump Model - DuraCirc 63 Hi-Life

Connection size - 4 in (enlarged port) Connection size - 4 in
Speed - 100 rev/min Speed - 84 rev/min
NPSHr - 7.5 ft NPSHr - 2.1 ft
Absorbed power - 6.5 hp - 7.5 hp drive Absorbed power - 6.8 hp - 7.5 hp drive

220 Alfa Laval Pump Handbook

7.0 Pump Sizing
Cavitation check
NPSHa should be greater than NPSHr i.e., 16.15 ft > As the SRU will be the least expensive technology this
7.5 ft / 2.1 ft. would be best to go with in this case.

Viscosity/Port Size check The recommended shaft seal type based upon Alfa
Laval application experience and guidelines would be
The viscosity of 18519 cSt at speed 100 rev/min is well
a single flushed seal with SiC/SiC seal faces and FPM
within the pump’s maximum rated figures.
or EPDM elastomers.
It should be noted that this is the power needed at
It is important to notice that in the above we have had
the pump shaft, and for a fixed speed drive the
information about the in-pump viscosity. There can
appropriate motor power must be selected, which in
be a large difference between the viscosity at rest
this instance would be 7.5 hp being the nearest motor
and the in-pump viscosity. In our selection system we
output power above the required power.
have information about the typical in-pump viscosity
for a variety of products. If in doubt about a product,
it could be worth getting it tested in order to get the
correct viscosity.

Alternative Pump Sizing Guide Using

Volumetric Efficiency Calculation
Referring to the initial suction line sizing curve If a sanitary port is a definite requirement the Model
shown in section 14.9, for the flow rate required SRU6/260 pump would be selected.
of 44 US gal/min with viscosity 18519 cSt, a pump
having a 100 mm dia. inlet port would be selected. To calculate pump speed for the SRU5/168 pump
selected the following formula is used as a general
For this example a Model SRU5/168 pump will be guide with volumetric efficiency of 99% (see section
selected having 4 in dia. enlarged ports. 7.2.4).

Pump speed (rev/min) n = Q x 100 Where:

q x ηv
Q = Capacity (US gal/min)
q = Pump Displacement (US gal/100 rev)
ηv = Volumetric Efficiency (99% = 0.99)

= 44 x 100
44.39 x 0.99

= 100 rev/min

Alfa Laval Pump Handbook 221

7.0 Pump Sizing

Pump 3 – Fruit Juice Concentrate and CIP

Product/Fluid data: Also the pump should run CIP
Fluid to be pumped - Fruit Juice Concentrate
Viscosity in pump - 200 – 1500 cP Fluid to be pumped - CIP
SG - 1.1 Viscosity in pump - 1 cP in pump
Pumping temperature - 86° F Pumping temperature - 176° F

Performance data: Performance data:

Flow - 123 GPM Flow - 396 m3/h
Discharge - Through pipes/bends/ Discharge - Through pipes/bends/
valves calculated to 58 PSI valves calculated to 36.26
Suction - Pump placed right by the PSI
tank so friction losses to Suction - Pump placed right by the
be considered as 0 PSI. tank so friction losses to
Static height in tank min. be considered as 0 PSI.
1.64 ft Static height in tank min.
pt - 0 PSI (open tank) = 0 ft 1.64 ft

Site Services data:

Electrical supply - 460v, 60 Hz
All the data has been given
Before sizing a pump, it will be necessary to determine
by the customer.
the total head and NPSHa. The theory, including the
different formulae regarding these parameters is more
specifically described in section 2.2.2 and 2.2.4.

222 Alfa Laval Pump Handbook

7.0 Pump Sizing
Total Discharge Head Ht = ht + hft + pt Where:

ht = Static Head in Pressurised Vessel

hft = Total Pressure Drop in Discharge Line
pt = Pressure in Vessel

As Ht has already been informed from the customer

at 58 PSI / 36.26 PSI, calculations for discharge pres-
sure and Reynold number will not be made.

Total Suction Head Hs = hs - hfs + ps Where:

hs = Static Suction Head in Tank

hfs = Total Pressure Drop in Suction Line
ps = Pressure in Tank (open tank)


hs = 1.64 for CIP (for product x (SG = 1.1) = 1.8 ft)

hfs = Considered to be 0
ps = 0 (open tank)
Hs = 1.8 – 0 + 0 = 1.8 ft

Total Head H = Ht - Hs

H product = (58 x 2.31 /1.1) – 1.8 = 120 ft (57 PSI)

H CIP = (36.26 x 2.31) – 1.64 = 74.35 m (32.22 PSI)

Alfa Laval Pump Handbook 223

7.0 Pump Sizing

NPSHa = Pa + hs - hfs - Pvp Where:

Pa = Pressure Absolute above fluid level in Tank

hs = Static Suction Head in Tank
hfs = Total Pressure Drop in Suction Line
Pvp = Vapour Pressure of Fluid


Pa = 14.5 PSI (open tank) = 33.5 ft

hs = 1.8 ft
hfs = Assumed to be 0
Pvp = At temperature of 800 C / 1760 F from
table 14.4 = 47.5
kPa = 15.9 ft

NPSHa CIP = 33.5 + 1.64 - 0 - 15.9 = 19.24 ft

(Calculated for CIP as this will be lowest value due to higher temperature)

Entering the data into the selection system

we have two options:

Pump Model - DuraCirc 73 Hi-Flow Pump Model - OS37

Connection size - 4 in / 3 in Connection size - 4 in
Speed - 163 / 559 rev/min Speed - 765 / 2619 rev/min
NPSHr - 2 / 3.5 ft (recommended speed
Absorbed power - 5.5 / 13.9 hp - 20 hp max. 900 rpm for juice
motor concentrate in a Twin
Screw pump)
NPSHr - 6.4 / 14.1 ft
Absorbed power - 8.23 / 15.19 hp - 20 hp

224 Alfa Laval Pump Handbook

7.0 Pump Sizing
With a NPSHr of 14.1 both pumps can be used with
NPSHa of 19.24 ft.

Because the OS Twin Screw pump can run faster (in

this case 2617 rpm for the CIP), a smaller size pump
than for the DuraCirc can be chosen. In this case the
smaller Twin Screw pump will be the least expensive
pump to buy. Motor size will be the same and the
DuraCirc will only be slightly more efficient than the
Twin Screw.

Should the selection criteria be to have the most

energy efficient pump an option could be to use a
rotary lobe pump / circumferential piston pump for the
product and the centrifugal pump for the CIP. In that
case an Optilobe 53 with a 10 hp drive together with a
LKH-45 with an 5 hp motor (Only running during CIP).
This would save cost but also mean that there are two
pumps to install, do service on etc.

For Fruit Juice Concentrate a single flushed seal with

SiC/SiC seal faces would be recommended as it will
have a high sugar content and can be very sticky.

Alfa Laval Pump Handbook 225

8.0 Pump Specification Options

This chapter gives descriptions of

the various specification options
available for the Alfa Laval pump
ranges, such as port connections,
heating/cooling jackets, pressure
relief valves and other ancillaries.

226 Alfa Laval Pump Handbook

8.0 Pump Specification Options
Pump Specification

Alfa Laval Pump Handbook 227

8.0 Pump Specification Options

8.1 Centrifugal Pumps

8.1.1 Port Connections
Pumps are supplied with unions, clamp fittings and
flanges to all main standards, i.e., SMS, DIN, ISO,
ASME, BS, DS, bevel seat, DC and H-Line.

Pump Range Pump Model Nominal Connection Size

Inlet mm Outlet mm Inlet in Outlet in
LKH LKH 5 50 40 2 1.5
LKH 10 65 50 2.5 2
LKH 15 100 80 4 3
LKH 20 65 50 2.5 2
LKH 25 80 65 3 2.5
LKH 35 65 50 2.5 2
LKH 40 80 65 3 2.5
LKH 45 100 80 4 3
LKH 50 100 80 4 3
LKH 60 100 100 4 4
LKH 70 100 80 4 3
LKH 75 100 100 4 4
LKH 85 150 150 6.0 6.0
LKH 90 150 150 6.0 6.0
LKH-Multistage LKH 112 50 40 2.0 1.5
LKH 113 50 40 2.0 1.5
LKH 114 50 40 2.0 1.5
LKH 122 80 65 3.0 2.5
LKH 123 80 65 3.0 2.5
LKH 124 80 65 3.0 2.5
LKHPF LKHPF 10 65 50 2.5 2.0
LKHPF 15 100 80 4.0 3.0
LKHPF 20 65 50 2.5 2.0
LKHPF 25 80 65 3.0 2.5
LKHPF 35 65 50 2.5 2.0
LKHPF 40 80 65 3.0 2.5
LKHPF 45 100 80 4.0 3.0
LKHPF 50 100 80 4.0 3.0
LKHPF 60 100 100 4.0 4.0
LKHPF 70 100 80 4.0 3.2

228 Alfa Laval Pump Handbook

8.0 Pump Specification Options
Pump Range Pump Model Nominal Connection Size
Inlet mm Outlet mm Inlet in Outlet in
LKH Evap LKH Evap 10 65 50 2.5 2.0
LKH Evap 15 100 80 4.0 3.0
LKH Evap 20 65 50 2.5 2.0
LKH Evap 25 80 65 3.0 2.5
LKH Evap 35 65 50 2.5 2.0
LKH Evap 40 80 65 3.0 2.5
LKH Evap 45 100 80 4.0 3.0
LKH Evap 50 100 80 4.0 3.0
LKH Evap 60 100 100 4.0 4.0
LKH Evap 70 100 80 4.0 3.0
LKH UltraPure LKH UltraPure 10 65 50 2.5 2.0
LKH UltraPure 20 65 50 2.5 2.0
LKH UltraPure 25 80 65 3.0 2.5
LKH UltraPure 35 65 50 2.5 2.0
LKH UltraPure 40 80 50 3.0 2.0
LKH UltraPure 45 100 80 4.0 3.0
LKH UltraPure 60 100 100 4.0 4.0
LKH UltraPure 70 100 80 4.0 3.0
LKH Prime LKH Prime 10 50 50 2.0 2.0
LKH Prime 20 65 50 2.5 2.0
LKH Prime 40 80 65 3.0 2.5
LKH Prime UltraPure LKH Prime UltraPure 10 50 50 2.0 2.0
LKH Prime UltraPure 20 65 50 2.5 2.0
SolidC SolidC 1 50 40 2.0 1.5
SolidC 2 65 40 2.5 1.5
SolidC 3 80 40 3.0 1.5
SolidC 4 80 50 3.0 2.0
Table 8.1.1a

Alfa Laval Pump Handbook 229

8.0 Pump Specification Options

Pump casing

Heating jacket 0° 45°

90° 270°
Fig. 8.1.2a Heating/Cooling jacket on the LKH pump Fig. 8.1.3a Turned pump casing

8.1.2 Heated/Cooled Pump Casing 8.1.3 Drainable Pump Casing

In some applications, heating of the fluid being In applications where it is a requirement that no
pumped may be required to reduce the fluid viscosity fluid should be left in the pump casing. This can
so that satisfactory operation is achieved. Alternatively, be achieved by either turning the pump outlet down-
it may be necessary to cool the fluid being pumped wards, fitting a drain connection or welding a valve
where heat is generated by means of the fluid re- to the bottom of the pump casing (Fig. 8.1.3a, 8.1.3b,
peatedly being passed through the pump. On such 8.1.3c).
occasions most LKH pump models can be fitted with
heating/cooling jacket (Fig. 8.1.2a).

Fig. 8.1.3b Pump casing with drain connection

Fig. 8.1.3c Pump casing with Unique DVST valve

230 Alfa Laval Pump Handbook

8.0 Pump Specification Options
Fig. 8.1.4a Clear flow impeller Fig. 8.1.4b LKH inducer

8.1.4 Clear Flow Impeller 8.1.5 Inducer

In some applications, e.g. when using an LKH centrifu- In some applications, it may be necessary to improve
gal pump as a booster pump in a cream pasteurisation suction conditions by means of fitting the pump with
unit, there is a risk that a hard layer of proteins will an inducer (Fig. 8.1.4b).
slowly build up between the backside of the impeller
and the back plate. This will activate the thermal relay This has the effect of improving NPSHr for difficult
of the motor after a few hours of operation so that the applications and/or assisting the flow of a viscous fluid
pump stops. into the pump casing.

The operating time of the pump can be increased by Alfa Laval’s LKH pump ranges are acknowledged as
applying a clear flow impeller (Fig. 8.1.4a). The clear having one of the best NPSHr characteristics on the
flow impeller is a special scraper impeller that solves market without the requirement of an inducer to the
the product build-up problem by increasing the stand- impeller; a more likely utilisation would be handling
ard gap width between the back of the impeller and those higher viscosity applications where transition
the back plate. By introducing scrapers on the back of from inlet to impeller eye requires assistance.
the impeller the hard layer is constantly removed.
8.1.6 Motor
When sizing pumps with clear flow impeller it must be
Centrifugal pumps are generally available with 2 pole
taken into account that the head will be reduced by
and 4 pole motors with synchronous speeds of 3000
up to 10%. Furthermore, for this type of application, it
and 1500 rev/min for 50 Hz and 3600 and 1800 rev/
is recommended to select a motor size with an output
min for 60 Hz, respectively.
power one rating higher than the standard selection to
avoid the motor thermal relay being constantly tripped.
A stainless-steel protective shroud is standard with IEC
motors. Electric motors are described in more detail in
chapter 9.

Alfa Laval Pump Handbook 231

8.0 Pump Specification Options

Fig. 8.1.7a Adjustable legs Fig. 8.1.7b Adjustable pads

8.1.7 Legs
As standard centrifugal pumps are supplied with LKH pumps are also optionally available with adjust-
adjustable feet and legs to enable easy installation able pads with covered threads surfaces and sealing
and commissioning (Fig. 8.1.7a). between all moveable parts of the legs and thereby
reduce the cleaning effort to a minimum (Fig. 8.1.7b).

8.1.8 Other Centrifugal Pump Specification Options

There are also centrifugal pump options available to
meet specific application demands related to internal
surface finish (see chapter 5), elastomer material (see
chapter 5) and shaft seal design (see chapter 6).

232 Alfa Laval Pump Handbook

8.0 Pump Specification Options
8.2 Positive Displacement Pumps
8.2.1 Rotor Form

Overview of Rotor form to positive displacement pumps:

Pump Type Rotor Rotor Material

DuraCirc Circumferential Piston Bi-piston Non galling alloy
OptiLobe Rotary Lobe Tri-lobe Stainless steel
SRU Rotary Lobe Tri-lobe Stainless steel
Bi-lobe Stainless steel
Bi-lobe Non galling alloy
SX Rotary Lobe Multi-lobe Stainless steel
SX UltraPure Rotary Lobe Multi-lobe Stainless steel
OS Twin Screw Screw Stainless steel
Table 8.2.1a

Alfa Laval Pump Handbook 233

8.0 Pump Specification Options

Model Max. Solids

mm in
DuraCirc 32 8 0.3"
DuraCirc 33 8 0.3"
DuraCirc 34 13 0.5"
Fig. DuraCirc Bi-piston Rotors DuraCirc 42 13 0.5"
DuraCirc 43 13 0.5"
DuraCirc 52 17 0.7"
DuraCirc 53 21 0.8"
DuraCirc 54 25 1.0" Circumferential Piston Pumps DuraCirc 62 25 1.0"
DuraCirc pumps have Bi-piston rotors manufactured DuraCirc 63 34 1.3"
from non-galling alloy to allow for very small clearanc- DuraCirc 72 34 1.3"
es (see section 8.2.2), leading to very high efficiencies. DuraCirc 73 51 2.0"
High volumetric efficiency is particularly important in
DuraCirc 74 51 2.0"
applications where there is a combination of low vis-
Table. The maximum spherical solids size that can
cosity and high pressure. DuraCirc rotors are suitable be satisfactory handled without product degradation on
for temperatures up to 150° C (302° F) and pres- DuraCirc circumferential piston pumps

sures up to 40 bar (580 PSIG) (Fig. and Table

Fig. Tri-lobe rotor Rotary Lobe Pumps

Tri-lobe Rotors (Stainless steel)
Most duties can be accomplished by pumps fitted These are available on the SRU pump range with three
with stainless steel Tri-lobe rotors (Fig. The temperature ratings:
Tri-lobe rotor with its geometrically optimized profile
and precision manufacture ensure interchangeability • Up to 70° C (158° F)
as well as smooth, high performance pumping action.
• Up to 130° C (266° F)

• Up to 200° C (392° F)

And pressures up to 20 bar (290 PSIG)

On the OptiLobe range Tri-lobe rotors are suitable for

temperatures up to 130° C (266° F) and pressures up
to 8 bar (116 PSIG).

234 Alfa Laval Pump Handbook

8.0 Pump Specification Options
Fig. Bi-lobe rotor Fig. Bi-lobe rotors for solids handling

Bi-lobe Rotors (Stainless steel)

These are generally used for handling delicate Bi-lobe rotors in stainless steel are available on the
suspended solids where minimum product damage SRU pump range with three temperature ratings:
is required (Fig. - Typical applications
are jam containing fruit pieces, sausage meat filling, • Up to 70° C (158° F)
petfood, soups and sauces containing solid matter.
• Up to 130° C (266° F)

• Up to 200° C (392° F)

And pressures up to 20 bar (290 PSIG)

SRU Model Bi-lobe Rotors Tri-lobe Rotors

mm in mm in
SRU1/005 8 0.31" 6 0.24"
SRU1/008 8 0.31" 6 0.24"
SRU2/013 8 0.31" 6 0.24"
SRU2/018 13 0.51" 9 0.34"
SRU3/027 13 0.51" 9 0.34"
SRU3/038 16 0.63" 11 0.44"
SRU4/055 16 0.63" 11 0.44"
SRU4/079 22 0.88" 15 0.59"
SRU5/116 22 0.88" 15 0.59"
SRU5/168 27 1.06" 18 0.72"
SRU6/260 27 1.06" 18 0.72"
SRU6/353 37 1.47" 24 0.94"
Table. The maximum spherical solids size that can be satisfactory handled without product degradation on SRU rotary lobe pumps

Alfa Laval Pump Handbook 235

8.0 Pump Specification Options

Bi-lobe Rotors (Non galling alloy)

Manufactured from non-galling alloy these rotors These are available on the SRU pump range with 3
have an advantage over stainless steel, as smaller temperature ratings:
clearances (see section 8.2.2) can be used, leading
to increased volumetric efficiency on lower viscosity • Up to 70° C (158° F)
• Up to 130° C (266° F)

• Up to 200° C (392° F)

And pressures up to 20 bar (290 PSIG)

SX Model Multi-lobe Rotors

mm in
SX1/005 7 0.28"
SX1/007 7 0.28"
SX2/013 10 0.39"
Fig. Multi-lobe rotor SX2/018 10 0.39"
SX3/027 13 0.51"
SX3/035 13 0.51"

Multi-lobe Rotors SX4/046 16 0.63"

SX4/063 16 0.63"
This rotor is manufactured from stainless steel and
as the name suggests has many lobes. For the SX SX5/082 19 0.75"
and the SX UltraPure pump range these rotors have 4 SX5/115 19 0.75"
lobes and are designed to maximise efficiency, reduce SX6/140 25 0.98"
shear and provide a smooth pumping action (Fig. SX6/190 25 0.98" and Table Rotors are suitable for SX7/250 28 1.1"
temperatures up to 150° C (302° F) and pressures up
SX7/380 28 1.1"
to 15 bar (215 PSIG).
Table. The maximum spherical solids size that
can be satisfactory handled without product degradation
on SX rotary lobe pumps

236 Alfa Laval Pump Handbook

8.0 Pump Specification Options

Fig. Screw pitch (A) and chambers (B) Twin Screw Pumps

OS Twin Screw Pumps have screws made from 316L The chamber is the free distance between the rear
stainless steel. Different screw profiles are available. of one helix and the front of the next helix in which
Each screw has a specific pitch length which is basi- product is moved, to this extent the chamber size for
cally the dimension from the rear face of one helix to a given screw length determines the flow rate and the
the front of the next helix. A tighter pitch for the same maximum particle size for solids handling (Fig.
length screw will have more closed chambers and as
such less slip and greater pressure build up. Screws are suitable for pressures up to 16 bar. For
continuous operation they are suitable for tempera-
tures up to 100° C (212° F) and for intermittent opera-
tion up to 150° C (302° F).

Pitch Chamber Size (mm)

Defines max. solids size
OS1* OS2* OS3* OS4*
*2 6 13 16.5 22.5
*4 11 17.5 23 31
*6 17 26 33.5 45.5
*7 - 15 20 -
*8 - 32 42 -

Chamber Size (in)

Defines max. solids size
OS1* OS2* OS3* OS4*
0.24" 0.51" 0.65" 0.89"
0.43" 0.69" 0.9" 1.22"
0.67" 1.02" 1.32" 1.79"
- 0.59" 0.79" -
- 1.26" 1.65" -
Table. The maximum spherical solids size that can be satisfactory handled without product degradation on OS twin screw pumps.

Alfa Laval Pump Handbook 237

8.0 Pump Specification Options


Clearances are necessary to
avoid rotor to rotor, rotor to cas-
ing and rotor to casing cover
contact (likewise for screws).
The size of these clearances
is related to the pressure and
temperature of pump operation
and rotor material.
Fig. 8.2.2a Clearances in a rotary lobe pump

8.2.2 Clearances
Within the pump head are clearances, which are the
spaces between rotating components and between
rotating and stationary components (Fig. 8.2.2a).
The key clearances are as follows:

• Radial clearance • Back clearance

(between rotor tip and casing) (between back of rotor and back face of casing)
• Mesh clearance • Root clearance
(between rotors) (applicable to twin screw pumps; between the
mesh of the screws)
• Front clearance
(between front of rotor and casing cover)

238 Alfa Laval Pump Handbook

8.0 Pump Specification Options
Force due to pressure

Support Bearing


Rotor Overhang length

Fig. 8.2.2b Pressure effect on rotary lobe and circumferential
piston pumps

Pressure effect Temperature effect

The design concept of the rotary positive displacement Temperature change can be caused by the fluid being
pump is to have no contacting parts in the pump head. pumped, pump mechanism, drive unit and/or the
This requires having the shaft support bearings mount- environment. Any CIP operation required should also
ed outside of the pump head, which results in an over- be taken into consideration (see chapter 10 for detailed
hung load, caused by the rotors/screws fitted to the explanation of CIP). Changes in temperature will cause
shafts (see Fig. 8.2.2b). The effect of pressure on the expansion upon heating or contraction upon cooling,
rotors will cause shaft deflection, which could result in to the pump casing and gearcase components. The
contact between rotors, casing and casing cover. As most significant result is movement between shaft and
product wetted parts of the rotary lobe and twin screw gearcase/pump casing causing the rotors to move for-
pump ranges are predominantly manufactured from ward/backward in the pump casing, thereby reducing
stainless steel, any contact between rotating and sta- the front clearance. To compensate for this, the SRU
tionary parts would cause ‘galling’ and possible pump pump range has increased clearances as shown be-
seizure. To allow for this pressure effect, clearances low. SRU pumps are designed for various temperature
are built into the pump head between surfaces that ratings for rotors i.e., 70° C (158° F), 130° C (266° F) or
may contact. For the OptiLobe, SRU, SX, SX UltraPure 200° C (392° F).
and OS pump ranges there is only one pressure
rating, which is the maximum differential pressure of On other Alfa Laval rotary positive displacement pump
the particular pump model. The pressure effect is less ranges the design of the mechanical seal eliminates
significant on pumps fitted with non-galling alloy rotors contact between the fluid being pumped and the shaft.
like the DuraCirc circumferential piston pump. This results in the shaft not being subjected to the full
temperature variation and therefore only one tempera-
ture rating of 150° C (302° F) is necessary.

Alfa Laval Pump Handbook 239

8.0 Pump Specification Options

8.2.3 Port Connections

Alfa Laval rotary positive displacement pumps are On DuraCirc pump models the Uni-Fit option is availa-
supplied with connections to all major standards ble whereby the pump is supplied with the same port
(please refer to Anytime for full listing of available port to port and foot to port centre dimensions as the old
connection standard by pump range). All models have Alfa Laval SCPP pump, enabling ease of replacement
full bore through porting, conforming to International without design or pipework modification. On DuraCirc
Sanitary Standards BS4825 / ISO2037. This provides 34 and 42 the port size dimension is reduced when
effective CIP cleaning and maximises inlet and outlet the Uni-Fit option is specified.
port efficiency and NPSHr characteristics.

On SRU pump models there is an option of an en-

larged port which can be chosen for high viscosity

Pump Range Pump Model Nominal Connection Size

Standard Optional
mm in mm in
DuraCirc DuraCirc 32 25 1" - -
DuraCirc 33 40 1.5" - -
DuraCirc 34 50 2" 40 1.5"
DuraCirc 42 50 2" 40 1.5"
DuraCirc 43 50 2" - -
DuraCirc 52 50 2" - -
DuraCirc 53 65 2.5" - -
DuraCirc 54 80 3" - -
DuraCirc 62 80 3" - -
DuraCirc 63 100 4" - -
DuraCirc 72 100 4" - -
DuraCirc 73 150 6" - -
DuraCirc 74 150 6" - -
OptiLobe OptiLobe 12 25 1" - -
OptiLobe 13 40 1.5" - -
OptiLobe 22 40 1.5" - -
OptiLobe 23 40 1.5" - -
OptiLobe 32 50 2" - -
OptiLobe 33 50 2" - -
OptiLobe 42 65 2.5" - -
OptiLobe 43 80 3" - -
OptiLobe 52 80 3" - -
OptiLobe 53 100 4" - -

240 Alfa Laval Pump Handbook

8.0 Pump Specification Options
Pump Range Pump Model Nominal Connection Size
Standard Optional
mm in mm in
SRU SRU1/005 25 1" - -
SRU1/008 25 1" 40 1.5"
SRU2/013 25 1" 40 1.5"
SRU2/018 40 1.5" 50 2"
SRU3/027 40 1.5" 50 2"
SRU3/038 50 2" 65 2.5"
SRU4/055 50 2" 65 2.5"
SRU4/079 65 2.5" 80 3"
SRU5/116 65 2.5" 80 3"
SRU5/168 80 3" 100 4"
SRU6/260 100 4" 100 4"
SRU6/353 100 4" 150 6"
SX SX1/005 25 1" - -
SX1/007 40 1.5" - -
SX2/013 40 1.5" - -
SX2/018 50 2" - -
SX3/027 50 2" - -
SX3/035 65 2.5" - -
SX4/046 50 2" - -
SX4/063 65 2.5" - -
SX5/082 65 2.5" - -
SX5/115 80 3" - -
SX6/140 80 3" - -
SX6/190 100 4" - -
SX7/250 100 4" - -
SX7/380 150 6" - -
Table 8.2.3b Port size on rotary lobe and circumferential piston pumps

Alfa Laval Pump Handbook 241

8.0 Pump Specification Options

Flanges for vertically ported circumferential piston and Due to the wide performance envelope with twin screw
rotary lobe pumps are not fitted directly to the dis- pumps there are multiple inlet/outlet combinations
charge port. In this instance an elbow bend is required available. As with centrifugal pumps the basic recom-
to which the flange is fitted. mendation is that the port size on the outlet should
max. be the size of the inlet port.

Pump Range Pump Model Nominal Connection Size

Inlet mm Outlet mm Inlet in Outlet in
OS OS 12/14/16 40 25 1.5" 1"
40 40 1.5" 1.5"
50 25 2" 1"
50 40 2" 1.5"
50 50 2" 2"
65 25 2.5" 1"
65 40 2.5" 1.5"
65 50 2.5" 2"
OS 22/23/24 50 40 2" 1.5"
50 50 2" 2"
65 40 2.5" 1.5"
65 50 2.5" 2"
65 65 2.5" 2.5"
80 40 3" 1.5"
80 50 3" 2"
80 65 3" 2.5"
OS 32/34/36 80 65 3" 2.5"
80 80 3" 3"
100 65 4" 2.5"
100 80 4" 3"
OS 42/44/46 100 80 4" 3"
100 100 4" 4"
150 80 6" 3"
150 100 6" 4"
Table 8.2.3c Port size options on twin screw pumps (conventional flow direction)

242 Alfa Laval Pump Handbook

8.0 Pump Specification Options
Fig. 8.2.4a DuraCirc circumferential piston pump with rectangular inlet

8.2.4 Rectangular Inlet

For handling extremely viscous products and/or large with an adaptor to facilitate connection to large diame-
solids that would naturally bridge a smaller port, SRU ter pipework.
rotary lobe pumps, DuraCirc circumferential piston
pumps and OS twin screw pumps can be supplied As can be seen from the tables below for pumps with
with a rectangular inlet (Fig. 8.2.4a - 8.2.4b). Usually, rectangular inlets, there is a percentage area increase
the inlet port will be in vertical orientation to allow the when compared to a sanitary port connection. This
product to flow into the pumping chamber under grav- increases the pump’s ability to handle highly viscous
ity from a hopper mounted directly above or mounted products.

Pump Model Sanitary Port Rectangular Inlet % Area Increase above Sanitary
Area (mm2) Area (mm2) Port Diameter
SRU1/005 387 660 +71
SRU1/008 387 1260 +226
SRU2/013 387 1216 +214
SRU2/018 957 1976 +106
SRU3/027 957 2112 +121
SRU3/038 1780 3360 +89
SRU4/055 1780 2688 +51
SRU4/079 2856 4320 +51
SRU5/116 2856 5032 +76
SRU5/168 4185 8160 +95
SRU6/260 7482 13888 +86
SRU6/353 7482 18240 +144
Table 8.2.4a Port size impact on SRU rotary lobe pumps with rectangular inlet

Pump Size Standard Port Rectangular Port

Diameter Area Length Width Radius Area % Increase over
mm mm2 mm mm mm mm2 Standard Port Area
DuraCirc 33 34.9 957 120 20 10 2314 +142
DuraCirc 42 47.6 1780 145 30 15 4157 +134
DuraCirc 53 60.3 2856 206 40 15 8047 +182
DuraCirc 54 73.0 4185 206 62 15 12579 +201
DuraCirc 62 73.0 4185 248 50 19 12090 +189
DuraCirc 63 97.6 7482 248 70 19 17050 +128
DuraCirc 72 97.6 7482 284 48 20 13289 +78
DuraCirc 73* 120.0 11310 284 70 20 19537 +73
* DuraCirc 73 uses a 150 mm port with a 120 mm weld neck diameter
Table 8.2.4b Port size impact on DuraCric circumferential piston pumps with rectangular inlet

Alfa Laval Pump Handbook 243

8.0 Pump Specification Options

Fig. 8.2.4b OS Twin Screw pump with rectangular inlet

Pump Model Default Port Size Area of Default Dimensions Area of Rectangle % Area Increase
(cover) Port (mm2) Rectangle (mm) (mm2)
OS10 DN65 3421.19 65 x 48 3120 -8.8
OS20 DN80 5153.00 90 x 50 4500 -12.67
OS30 DN100 7853.98 110 x 65 7150 -8.96
OS40 DN150 17671.49 150 x 80 12000 -32.09
Table 8.2.4c Port size impact on OS twin screw pumps with rectangular inlet

244 Alfa Laval Pump Handbook

8.0 Pump Specification Options
8.2.5 Heated/Cooled Pump Casing
Rotary lobe, circumferential piston as well as twin Solutions are designed to ensure a significant temper-
screw pumps facilitate heating/cooling to improve ature impact on the pump casing. The exact solution
handling of temperature sensitive products, maintain depends on the specific technology in question, but
media viscosity and reduce risk of crystallization or as a general rule, heating/cooling devices should be in
solidification. operation prior to pump start up and remain in opera-
tion for some time after pump shut down.
Typical applications include:
• Adhesive

• Chocolate

• Gelatine

• Jam

• Resin

Operation prior to Operation after Max. Temperature Max. Pressure

Pump Start Up Pump Shut Down Heating Fluid Heating/Cooling Fluid
DuraCirc 30-70 15 minutes 15 minutes 150° C (302° F) 3.5 bar (50 PSIG)
SRU 1-6 15 minutes 15 minutes 150° C (302° F) 3.5 bar (50 PSIG)
SX 1-7 15 minutes 15 minutes 150° C (302° F) 3.5 bar (50 PSIG)
OptiLobe 10-30 30 minutes 30 minutes 150° C (302° F) 3.5 bar (50 PSIG)
OptiLobe 40-50 45 minutes 45 minutes 150° C (302° F) 3.5 bar (50 PSIG)
OS 10-40 15 minutes 15 minutes 150° C (302° F) 10 bar (145 PSIG)
Table 8.2.5a Operational data, heating/cooling devices

Alfa Laval Pump Handbook 245

8.0 Pump Specification Options

Fig. Heating elements fitted to casing on DuraCirc Circumferential Piston Pumps

DuraCirc pumps are pre-drilled to accept bolt-on
heating/cooling jackets with O-ring elastomer sealing
on the rear of the pump casing. Jackets are therefore
retrofittable to installed pumps also (Fig.

Connections for steam,
hot/cold fluid


Fig. SRU rotary lobe pump with heating/cooling jacket and saddle Fig. OptiLobe rotary lobe pump with heating/cooling cover Rotary Lobe Pumps

Heating/cooling jackets on the front cover are available
on both the OptiLobe, SRU and SX pump ranges, but
saddles are only available on the SRU pump range
(Fig. -

246 Alfa Laval Pump Handbook

8.0 Pump Specification Options
Fig. OS Twin Screw pump with heating/cooling jacket Twin Screw Pumps

On OS pumps the heating/cooling device option is
fitted in the form of a modified casing including link
piping between the heating/cooling chambers (Fig.

Fig. 8.2.6a Bypass/pressure relief configuration

8.2.6 Pump Overload Protection By-pass loop

Due to the positive action of the positive displacement With a by-pass loop, excess pressure will be relieved
pump any restriction on the outlet side of the pump, by bypassing the product through a loop back to the
either partial or total, will result in excessive pressure suction side of the pump (Fig. 8.2.6a). This protection
developing in the pump casing. It is therefore rec- will normally take the form of an external spring-load-
ommended that some form of overload protection ed pressure relief valve fitted to the outlet side of the
is installed to protect the pump, drive unit and also pump which will open under high pressure and allow
limit pressure build up within associated process fluid to return to the inlet side of the pump.

Alfa Laval Pump Handbook 247

8.0 Pump Specification Options

Relief Valve

Fig. 8.2.6b SRU rotary lobe pump with pressure relief valve

Pressure Relief Valves

On SRU rotary lobe pumps it is also possible to supply To fit a pressure relief valve a special rotor case cover
a pressure relief valve as an integral part of the pump is required. The valve will provide full pump protection
which means that external pipework is not required – for fluids having viscosities below 500 cP, above this
It is important to note, this is a pump protection relief figure Alfa Laval should be consulted with regard to
valve only, it is not to be utilized as a system relief specific flow rates in relation to viscosity and differ-
valve, to which an external valve arrangement such ential pressures. The design is such that the valve
as the by-pass loop would be required (Fig. 8.2.6b). mechanism is isolated from the pumped fluid.

Product passes through

open slip path

Piston opens when preset

pressure reached
Fig. 8.2.6c Relief valve operation

As it is a mechanical device the relief valve does not Pressure relief valves are only available for SRU pumps
operate instantaneously due to mechanical response fitted with metal rotors. They can be retrofitted to
time. The valve will begin to relieve at a pressure less installed pumps and pumps will still be suitable for
than the fully open pressure (Fig. 8.2.6c). This ‘accu- bi-direction operation.
mulation’ will vary depending upon the duty pressure,
viscosity and pump speed. The accumulation tends
to increase as pressure or pump speed decrease,
and as viscosity increases. The valve is set to relieve
at the required pressure by the correct choice of
springs and can be adjusted on site to suit actual duty

248 Alfa Laval Pump Handbook

8.0 Pump Specification Options
The relief valve can be provided with the following

• Automatic with Pneumatic Override

This valve may be pneumatically overridden for
CIP conditions, and it may be remotely controlled
if required. Air supply should be clean and dry at
pressures of 4 bar (60 PSIG) minimum and 8 bar
(115 PSIG) maximum

• Automatic with Manual Override

This valve has a lever to enable manual override for
CIP or certain tank filling applications

Valve Type Pump Range - Availability Normal Operating Pressure Range

bar PSIG
Standard SRU1-6 7-19 100-5
Pneumatic override SRU1-6 7-19 100-5
Manual override SRU1-3 19 5
SRU4-5 7-10 100-145
SRU6 7 100
Table 8.2.6a SRU pressure relief valve overview

Alfa Laval Pump Handbook 249

8.0 Pump Specification Options

8.2.7 Surface hardening 8.2.8 Ancillaries

Care should be taken when handling abrasive media, Positive displacement pumps can be supplied with
i.e., products such as inks have very fine particles, bare shaft (without drive) or mounted on a baseplate
whilst other products such as sugar slurries, can con- with an electric motor. Electric motors are described in
tain much larger particles which can lead to excessive more detail in chapter 9.
pump wear.
To combat this issue, consideration needs to be
Rotary lobe and circumferential piston pumps gener-
given to pumping speed, temperature and differential
ally operate at low to medium speeds i.e., 25 to 650
rev/min, and therefore some form of speed reduction
is often required from normal AC motor synchronous
Depending upon the abrasion level of the product;
speeds of 1500, 1000 and 750 rev/min for 50 Hz
consideration should be given to include for the addi-
(1800, 1200 and 900 rev/min for 60 Hz). This is gener-
tional hardened option to improve wear resistance.
ally achieved by using a geared electric motor direct
coupled to the pump drive shaft via flexible coupling. Rotary lobe pumps
Alfa Laval SRU pumps can be specified with diffusion When exact flow is not critical a fixed speed drive
hardening to obtain a very high surface hardness is generally used. The integral geared electric mo-
rating between 1200-1400 HV0.05 with diffusion depth tor is the most commonly used type of fixed speed
of 25 μm. drive. This is a compact unit, which is easy to install,
as it only requires one coupling and a safety guard.
Hardening is applied to the pump-head which covers Complete ranges of drive speeds are available and
the casing, rotors, rotor nuts and front cover. usually one can be found within a few rev/min off the
required speed. Twin Screw pumps
As twin screw pumps are often selected due to the
The Alfa Laval Twin Screw pump has hardened pump-
process flexibility they offer, they would typically not
head casing as the default.
be selected for a duty requiring one fixed speed. In
low-speed applications (<1000 rev/min) however, it
Surface hardness measurement - typically 1092
can still be relevant to use a geared electric motor. For
HV0.05 with diffusion depth of 25.5 μm and can be
applications requiring higher speeds (e.g. CIP) a direct
an option to also harden the screws for the highly
coupled motor (4, 6 or 8 pole) is the common choice
abrasive media.
with twin screw pumps.
Alfa Laval recommends an absolute operational limit
To handle changing duty conditions or a number of
of 600 rpm for twin screw pumps on any media that
different duties, it may be necessary to use a frequen-
could be considered “abrasive”.
cy converter (inverter) to obtain correct pump duty
speeds. The frequency converter allows the operator
It is important to note, diffusion hardening is a process
to change the frequency of the electric motor, there-
that does not reduce material chemical resistance (not
by changing pump speed and controlling flow (see
a coating and does not change the chemical compo-
chapter 9).
sition of the surface), therefore unlike other traditional
hardening processes such as plasma nitriding, which
reduces chemical resistance, can be considered suita-
ble for use in hygienic applications.

250 Alfa Laval Pump Handbook

8.0 Pump Specification Options
Fig. 8.2.8a DuraCirc circumferential piston pump, with shroud and Fig. 8.2.8b DuraCirc circumferential piston pump with shaft guard and
geared motor on folded baseplate geared motor baseplate with adjustable ball feet

The Alfa Laval ‘standard’ is a folded stainless-steel In some application areas, such as dairy or brewing, it
design (Fig. 8.2.8a) which is required to be bolted to is normal practice to hose down pump units and floor-
the floor (see chapter 12). ings – in these circumstances ball feet can be fitted
to baseplates, which can be a fixed or variable height
and conform to 3A standard (see chapter 12), to raise
baseplate above floor level (Fig. 8.2.8b). Baseplates
can also be designed to meet specific customer
standards when required.

Guards Shrouds
All rotating machinery should be adequately guarded As an alternative to the guard a stainless-steel shroud
and when pumps are supplied complete with a drive, covering both flexible coupling and complete electric
a guard is fitted over the flexible coupling which links motor is available. The purpose of the shroud is to pro-
the pump drive shaft to the output shaft of the electric tect the motor during washdown of the process area.

The selection of guard material is important relative to

its working environment. Non-sparking materials such
as aluminium or brass are used with flameproof/explo-
sion proof motors in hazardous areas. For non-hazard-
ous applications stainless steel is generally used.

Alfa Laval Pump Handbook 251

8.0 Pump Specification Options

Fig. 8.3a - Q-doc

8.3 Q-doc
Alfa Laval Q-Doc is a complete documentation pack- Availability of the Alfa Laval Q-doc is situated within
age, meeting the needs and demands of customers the Alfa Laval UltraPure pump range:
within the BioPharmaceutical industry (Fig. 8.3a).
Centrifugal pumps: LKH UltraPure, LKH Prime
Based on Good Documentation Practice (GDP), Q-doc UltraPure
documents every aspect from raw material to delivered
equipment. With full transparency of sourcing, produc- Positive Displacement pumps: SX UltraPure
tion, and supply chains it is a simple matter to trace
even the slightest change in material or manufacturing The complete Q-doc documentation pack for each
procedures – even when it comes to spare parts. pump and/or service kit can be downloaded by the
user from Alfa Laval’s website, simply by typing in
Alfa Laval Q-doc comprises conformity declaration on pump serial number or service kit lot number.
EU food trace, elastomers and surface finish, material
certificates, relevant test certificates and informa- To download a Q-doc go to Alfa Laval FindMyCert.
tion about necessary Alfa Laval spare parts kits for
standard components. The documentation package
supports a smooth qualification and validation process
and safeguards long-term peace of mind.

Q-doc declarations
• Compliance with Regulation (EC) No.: 1935/2004

• Compliance to EN 10204 type 3.1 (MTR)

• Compliance to the U.S. Food & Drug Administration

CFR 21 (non-metallic parts)

• Compliance to the U.S. Pharmacopeia (Elastomers

and Polymers)

• TSE (Transmissible Spongiform Encephalopathy)/

ADI (Animal Derivative Ingredient)

• Surface finish compliance to specification

• Passivation and electro polishing compliance to

specification (if specified)

252 Alfa Laval Pump Handbook

8.0 Pump Specification Options
Fig. 8.4.a Condition Monitor Fig. 8.4.b Condition monitor connect - Cloud storage solution

8.4 Alfa Laval Condition Monitor

The Alfa Laval CM condition monitor is a quick and The Alfa Laval CM periodically measures the tri-axial
easy battery-operated device, to attach to rotating vibration of the installed unit and the internal tempera-
equipment and detect any change in the equipment ture storing 3 months of data for analysis, comparing
behaviour; Industry 4.0 technology ready (Fig. 8.4a). it to the original baseline set-up values and pre-set
warning and alarms, which if exceeded provide a visi-
Providing users via Bluetooth radio with easy, safe data ble indication via its LED and via the users compatible
to enable them to optimise their process uptime, assist connected mobile device (Fig. 8.4b).
in maintenance scheduling and efficiency and reduce
operating costs. To add this to your pump configuration in the Alfa Laval
Anytime configurator tool, use the “Condition Monitor”
tab and select the CM Kit. This will add another line to
your quote/order and the kit will be supplied in the box
with the pump.

Fig.8.4.c Condition Monitor on LKH centrifugal pump Fig. 8.4.d Condition Monitor on positive displacement pump

Alfa Laval Pump Handbook 253

9.0 Motors

This chapter describes electric motors,

including information on motor protection,
methods of starting, motors for hazardous
environments and speed control.

254 Alfa Laval Pump Handbook

9.0 Motors

Alfa Laval Pump Handbook 255

9.0 Motors

Fig. 9a Electrical hazard

All Alfa Laval pump ranges can be fitted with AC type Electric motors supplied in the US are generally to
Totally Enclosed Fan Cooled (TEFC) squirrel cage, NEMA (National Electrical Manufacturers Association)
three phase electric motors complying with various standard.
international standards and regulations such as IEC,

2 Terminal box
adaptor device
T Terminal box

Terminal box cover
e Nameplate

- Non-drive
Internal drive
end bearing cap Grease nipple

P Fan cover end bearing


h endshield
Cód: 50036027 | Rev: 01 | Data (m/a): 03/2021 - The values shown are subject to change without prior notice.

Drive end

Shaft bearing
External drive end

s bearing cap



M External

o non-drive end
bearing cap
non-drive end

t bearing cap
Frame Wound Stator


r Fig. 9a - exploded view of a TEFC Induction motor

Doubts? Contact us! www.weg.net

An AC (alternating current) motor is a type of electric induction. The standard design of an AC motor con-
motor that converts electrical energy into mechanical sists of several key components, each playing a crucial
energy by utilizing the principles of electromagnetic role in its operation (see Fig. 9a).

256 Alfa Laval Pump Handbook

9.0 Motors
The motor is constructed as follows:
1. Stator 5. Frame
The stationary part of the motor is primarily re- The motor frame encloses and protects the internal
sponsible for generating a rotating magnetic field. components of the motor. It provides structural
It consists of a laminated core made of high-per- integrity and houses the stator, rotor, bearings, and
meability magnetic material, typically stacked thin other internal parts. The frame is typically made of
steel sheets. The core is designed to reduce eddy cast iron, aluminium, or steel, depending on the
current losses and improve the efficiency of the motor’s size, and intended application.
motor. The stator also houses the stator windings,
which are typically made of copper wire and are 6. Cooling System
wound around the core in specific configurations. AC motors generate heat during operation, and it is
important to dissipate this heat to maintain optimal
2. Rotor performance and prevent overheating. AC motors
The rotor is the rotating part of the motor and is employ various cooling methods such as forced air
subjected to the rotating magnetic field generated cooling, liquid cooling, or a combination of both.
by the stator. It is typically composed of a laminat- Cooling fins, fans, or cooling jackets may be inte-
ed iron core with conductive bars or coils embed- grated into the motor’s design to ensure efficient
ded within it. The rotor windings are connected to a heat dissipation.
metal (iron) core, allowing the flow of current. When
the stator’s magnetic field interacts with the rotor’s 7. Terminal Box
conductive elements, it induces an electromagnetic The terminal box is a housing located on the
field that causes the rotor to rotate. exterior of the motor and contains the electrical
connections. It provides a convenient access point
3. Bearings for connecting power supply cables to the motor
AC motors incorporate bearings to support and fa- windings. The terminal box often includes termi-
cilitate smooth rotation of the rotor. These bearings nals, such as screw terminals or terminal blocks,
are typically ball bearings or roller bearings and are for connecting the motor to the appropriate power
positioned at each end of the motor’s shaft. They source.
provide low friction and support the rotor’s weight,
ensuring stable and efficient operation. 8. Protective Devices
To safeguard the motor from electrical faults or
4. Shaft abnormal operating conditions, protective devices
The motor shaft connects the rotor to the exter- such as thermal overload relays or circuit breakers
nal load or the driven equipment. It transfers the are often incorporated. These devices monitor
rotational motion generated by the rotor to the motor parameters such as current, temperature,
mechanical system being powered by the motor. and voltage, and can interrupt the power supply to
The shaft is usually made of hardened steel and is the motor in case of an overload or fault.
carefully balanced to minimize vibration and ensure
smooth operation. These are the basic components and features found
in the standard design of an AC motor. The specific
design and characteristics may vary depending on the
motor’s size, power rating, and intended application,
but the fundamental principles remain the same.

Alfa Laval Pump Handbook 257

9.0 Motors

9.1 Output Power

The output power of an AC motor is related to the As the power factor decreases (i.e., PF < 1), the ap-
active power, also known as the real power or true parent power increases in relation to the active power.
power, consumed by the motor. The rated output This means that for the same output power, a motor
power of a motor refers to the maximum power it is with a lower power factor will demand more apparent
designed to deliver continuously under normal operat- power from the power source.
ing conditions.
To calculate the output power of a motor, you need to
The rated output power is typically specified by the consider the power factor. The output power (P_out)
motor manufacturer and represents the motor’s can be determined using the following formula:
capacity or capability to perform work. It is usually
expressed in units of watts (W), kilowatts (kW) or P_out = P × PF
horsepower (HP).
In an ideal scenario where the motor operates at unity P_out = Output power (watts or kilowatts)
power factor (PF = 1), the active power is equal to the
apparent power. In this case, the output power would P = Active power (watts or kilowatts)
be equal to the apparent power demanded by the
motor from the power source. PF = Power factor (between 0 and 1)

However, in practical situations, the power factor (PF) Therefore, the output power of an AC motor is directly
of an AC motor is often less than 1 due to the pres- dependent on the active power consumed by the
ence of reactive power. Reactive power arises from motor, which, in turn, is influenced by the power factor.
the inductive or capacitive components of the motor’s By optimizing the power factor of the motor, you can
circuit, which can cause the current to lead or lag maximize its efficiency and ensure that the motor oper-
behind the voltage. ates closer to its rated output power.

The power factor (PF) is defined as the ratio of active The table below shows output power that is specified
power (P) to apparent power (S): in standard ratings.

PF = P/S

Frequency Output Power in kW

50/60 Hz 0.37 0.55 0.75 1.1 1.5 2.2 3 4 5.5 7.5
11 15 18.5 22 30 37 45 55 75 90
Table 9.1a (IEC motors)

Frequency Output Power in HP

60 Hz 0.5 0.75 1 1.5 2 3 5 7.5 10
15 20 25 30 40 50 60 75 100
Table 9.1b (Nema motors)

258 Alfa Laval Pump Handbook

9.0 Motors
9.2 Rated Speed
The rated speed of an electric motor refers to the N_rated = Ns * (1 - s)
speed at which the motor is designed to operate under
normal operating conditions while delivering its rated Example: 4pole - induction motor
output power. The rated speed is typically specified by
the motor manufacturer and is an important parameter Ns = 1500 rpm
when selecting a motor for a specific application. The
description of rated speed differs for asynchronous s = 4%
(induction) motors and synchronous motors, so let us
explore each of them: N_rated = 1500 * (1 – 0.04) => 1440 rpm

Asynchronous (Induction) Motors Typically, the slip at the rated load is small, resulting
in a rated speed close to the synchronous speed.
Asynchronous motors are the most commonly used
However, the actual speed of an asynchronous motor
type of AC motors. They operate based on the princi-
varies with the load and may be lower than the rated
ple of electromagnetic induction. In an asynchronous
speed under heavy loads.
motor, the rotor rotates at a speed slightly lower than
the synchronous speed, which is determined by the
To calculate the slip factor (s) we can use the following
frequency of the power supply and the number of
poles in the motor.

s = (Ns – N) / Ns
The rated speed of an asynchronous motor is specified
as the synchronous speed (Ns) divided by a slip factor
s - slip factor
(s). The slip is the difference between the synchronous
Ns - synchronous speed
speed and the actual rotor speed, expressed as a
N – rotor speed
percentage or a decimal. The rated speed (N_rated)
can be calculated using the formula:

Alfa Laval Pump Handbook 259

9.0 Motors

Synchronous Motors
Synchronous motors are designed to operate at a In summary, the rated speed of an asynchronous
speed that is perfectly synchronized with the frequen- motor is specified as the synchronous speed divided
cy of the power supply. The rotor of a synchronous by a slip factor, while the rated speed of a synchronous
motor rotates at the same speed as the rotating motor is equal to the synchronous speed itself. The
magnetic field generated by the stator. This synchro- rated speed is an important parameter that helps
nous speed (Ns) is determined by the frequency of the determine the motor’s performance characteristics
power supply and the number of poles in the motor. and suitability for a particular application.

The rated speed of a synchronous motor is equal to An example between synchronous speed, rated
the synchronous speed (Ns) since the rotor always speed, frequency and poles is shown in the table
moves at this speed. In other words, the rated speed below.
is the actual speed of the motor at its rated output
power. Synchronous motors are often used in applica-
tions that require precise speed control or applications
where a constant speed is essential.

It is important to note that synchronous motors require

a separate excitation source to maintain synchroni-
zation with the power supply frequency. This can be
achieved through permanent magnets or by providing
DC excitation to the rotor windings.

No. poles 2 4 6 8 12
No. pairs of poles 1 2 3 4 6
Synchronous speed at 50 Hz - rev/min 3000 1500 1000 750 500
Rated speed at 50 Hz - rev/min 2880 1440 960 720 480
Synchronous speed at 60 Hz - rev/min 3600 1800 1200 900 720
Rated speed at 60 Hz - rev/min 3460 1720 1150 860 690
Table 9.2a

260 Alfa Laval Pump Handbook

9.0 Motors
9.3 Voltage
Three-phase motors
For three-phase motors operating at 50 or 60 Hz fre- The voltage is distributed across the three phases,
quency, the common voltage ratings used worldwide resulting in a line-to-line voltage of 380 V and a line-to-
are as follows: neutral voltage of approximately 220 V.

208 V 400 V
This voltage rating is commonly used in North This voltage rating is widely used in Europe, Asia, and
America, particularly in commercial and residential other regions as a standard for industrial applications.
It is common for motors, with up to several hundred
It is suitable for smaller motors with power ratings kilowatts in power.
typically ranging from a few hundred watts to several
kilowatts. The voltage is distributed across the three phases,
resulting in a line-to-line voltage of 400 V and a line-to-
The voltage is distributed across the three phases, neutral voltage of approximately 230 V.
resulting in a line-to-line voltage of 208 V and a line-to-
neutral voltage of approximately 120 V. 460 V
This voltage rating is predominantly used in North
230 V America for industrial applications.
This voltage rating is prevalent in various regions,
including parts of North America, Europe, and Asia. The voltage is distributed across the three phases,
resulting in a line-to-line voltage of 460 V and a line-to-
It is commonly used for smaller motors in residential, neutral voltage of approximately 266 V.
commercial, and light industrial applications.
575 V
The voltage is distributed across the three phases,
This voltage rating is primarily used in North America,
resulting in a line-to-line voltage of 230 V and a line-to-
particularly in industrial settings.
neutral voltage of approximately 132 V.
The voltage is distributed across the three phases,
380 V resulting in a line-to-line voltage of 575 V and a line-to-
The voltage rating of 380 V is commonly used in sever- neutral voltage of approximately 332 V.
al regions, including parts of Asia (China), Europe, and
Africa. Alfa Laval supplied motors at 400 or 460 V will gener-
ally operate satisfactorily with voltage variations of ±
It is often employed in industrial and commercial 10% from the rated voltage as per IEC 60038.

Alfa Laval Pump Handbook 261

9.0 Motors

9.4 Cooling
Motor cooling
Motor cooling is specified by means of the letters IC Some common methods of cooling for motors are
(International Cooling) in accordance with standards. shown below:
The most common is IC411 (Totally Enclosed Fan
Cooled - TEFC) where an externally mounted fan cools
the motor.

Code Arrangement
IC411 Totally Enclosed Fan Cooled (TEFC) – motor cooled by an externally mounted fan
IC410 Totally Enclosed Non-Ventilated (TENV) – self cooling, no externally mounted fan
IC418 Totally Enclosed Air Over Motor (TEAOM) – motor cooled by airstream
IC416 Totally Enclosed Blower Cooled (TEBC) – motor cooled by an independent fan
Table 9.4a

262 Alfa Laval Pump Handbook

9.0 Motors
9.5 Insulation and Thermal Rating
Insulation Temperature Monitoring and Protection
Insulation plays a critical role in ensuring the safe and AC motors often incorporate temperature monitoring
reliable operation of the motor. It helps to protect the devices, such as thermistors (PTC) or thermostats, to
motor windings and other internal components from measure the actual winding temperature.
electrical breakdown and thermal damage. The insu-
lation materials and thermal rating of an AC motor are These temperature sensors provide feedback to the
important considerations in motor design and selec- motor control system, allowing for temperature-based
tion. Here are some key details: protection and control strategies.

Insulation Classes If the motor temperature exceeds safe limits, protective

measures like thermal overload relays or motor protec-
AC motor insulation systems are categorized into
tive relays may be activated to shut down or protect
different insulation classes based on their thermal
the motor from damage.
capabilities and temperature limits.

It is important to select an AC motor with an insula-

The insulation classes are standardized and designa-
tion class and thermal rating that is suitable for the
ted by letters, such as Class A, Class B, Class F, and
operating environment and the expected temperature
Class H, among others.
conditions. Operating the motor within the specified
temperature limits helps ensure the longevity, efficien-
Each insulation class has a specific maximum allowa-
cy, and reliability of the motor’s insulation system and
ble operating temperature, which indicates the maxi-
prevents insulation breakdown or thermal degradation.
mum temperature the insulation system can withstand
without significant degradation or loss of insulation
Standard Alfa Laval supplied motors will operate satis-
factorily in an ambient temperature range of -20° C
(-4° F) to 40° C (104° F) (Class B temperature rise) and
Thermal Rating at altitudes up to 1000 metres above sea level
The thermal rating of an AC motor specifies its max- – Classified as Class F/Temperature Rise B.
imum allowable operating temperature based on its
insulation class. Motors supplied with class F insulation system with
class B temperature rise (80° C) (176° F) ensure an
The thermal rating is typically expressed as a temper- exceptional margin of safety and longer life even in
ature rise above the ambient temperature, measured abnormal operating conditions such as withstanding
at a specific point on the motor, such as the winding or ambient temperatures up to 55° C (131° F) or 10%
the stator. overload or adverse supply systems. Motors operating
in ambient temperatures higher than 55° C (131° F) will
For example, a motor with a Class F insulation system have class H insulation. Some de-rating of the motor
may have a thermal rating of 105° C, meaning the may be necessary for high ambient temperatures and
maximum allowable temperature rise is 105° C above high altitude.
the ambient temperature.

Alfa Laval Pump Handbook 263

9.0 Motors

9.6 Protection
The degree of motor protection is specified by means which specifies the protection against contact and in-
of the letters IP (International Protection) in accordance gress of foreign bodies and the second digit specifies
with standards. These state the method of determining the protection against water.
degrees of ingress protection for both dust and water.
The letters IP are followed by two digits, the first of Table showing degrees of protection is shown below:

Designation 1st Digit 2nd Digit

Protection against contact and ingress of foreign Protection against water
IP44 Protection against contact with live or moving parts Water splashed against the motor from any direc-
by tools, wires, or other objects of thickness greater tion shall have no harmful effect
than 1 mm (about 0.04 in). Protection against the
ingress of solid foreign bodies with a diameter
greater than 1 mm
IP54 Complete protection against contact with live or Water splashed against the motor from any direc-
moving parts inside the enclosure. Protection tion shall have no harmful effect
IP55 against harmful deposits of dust. The ingress of Water projected by a nozzle against the motor from
dust is not totally prevented, but dust cannot enter any direction shall have no harmful effect
in an amount sufficient to interfere with satisfactory
IP56 Motor protected against conditions on a ship’s deck
operation of the machine
or powerful water jets
IP65 No ingress of dust Water projected by a nozzle against the motor from
any direction shall have no harmful effect
IP66 No ingress of dust - “Dust-tight” Motor protected against high pressure and powerful
water jets/sprays
Table 9.6a

Type 3S
Alfa Laval offers protection levels of IP55 as standard An enclosure which is intended for outdoor use
within the hygienic industries with an option for the primarily to provide a degree of protection against rain,
improved IP66 when requested/conditions demand sleet, windblown dust, and to provide for operation of
– Please contact Alfa Laval for more information. external mechanisms when ice laden.

9.6.1 Basic UL/CSA/Nema Enclosure Types Type 4

Type 3 An enclosure which is intended for indoor or outdoor
use primarily to provide a degree of protection against
An enclosure which is intended for outdoor use
windblown rain and dust, splashing water, hose direct-
primarily to provide a degree of protection against
ed water and damage from external ice formation.
windblown dust, rain, and damage from external ice
Type 4X
Type 3R An enclosure which is intended for indoor or outdoor
use primarily to provide a degree of protection against
An enclosure which is intended for outdoor use
corrosion, windblown rain and dust, splashing water,
primarily to provide a degree of protection against
hose directed water and damage from external ice
falling rain and damage from external ice formation.

264 Alfa Laval Pump Handbook

9.0 Motors
Type 6 Thermistors
An enclosure which is intended for indoor or outdoor (PTC – Positive Temperature Coefficient)
use primarily to provide a degree of protection against
falling dirt, hose directed water, the entry of water To protect the motor windings from overload due to
during occasional temporary submersion at a specified hot temperature, motors can be fitted with thermistors,
depth and damage from external ice formation. which are temperature-dependent semi-conductor
devices embedded in the motor windings. Where
Type 6P motors can be allowed to operate at slow speed, i.e.,
being used with a frequency converter (see section
An enclosure which is intended for indoor or outdoor
9.9), it is normal to fit thermistors to prevent the motor
use to primarily provide a degree of protection against
from overloading or to insufficient cooling from the
falling dirt, hose directed water and the entry of water
motor fan.
during prolonged submersion at a specified depth and
damage from external ice formation.
Tropic Proof Treatment Mechanical or electronic devices designed to monitor
and control temperature in a system. They typically
Motors operating in tropical climates are invariably
consist of a bimetallic strip and operates based on the
subjected to hot, humid, and wet conditions, which
principle of thermal expansion. The bimetallic strips are
will produce considerable amounts of condensation
installed within the motor windings or in close prox-
on internal surfaces. Condensation occurs when the
imity to them. The bimetallic strip is composed of two
surface temperature of the motor is lower than the
different metals bonded together that have different
dew-point temperature of the ambient air. To overcome
coefficients of thermal expansion. As the motor current
this, motors can be supplied with special tropic proof
flows through the windings, they generate heat due
treatment. Failure to include this treatment and the
to the electrical resistance. The bimetallic strip in the
resulting corrosion can cause irreparable damage to
motor thermal protector is designed to bend with
stator windings and moving parts.
temperature changes. As the motor temperature rises
If required, please contact Alfa Laval for more
above a certain threshold, the bimetallic strip bends,
tripping a switch and interrupting the power supply to
the motor. This action protects the motor from further
Anti-Condensation Heaters heat build-up and potential damage. Once the motor
Where the motor is to be left standing for long periods cools down, the bimetallic strip returns to its original
of time in damp conditions it is recommended that position, allowing the motor to be restarted.
anti-condensation heaters are fitted and energised to
prevent condensation forming in the motor enclosure. Note:
These heaters are normally 110 V or 220 V. All motors supplied by Alfa Laval come with thermis-
If required, please contact Alfa Laval for more tors or thermostats (US) as standard to allow
information. frequency converter operation.

Alfa Laval Pump Handbook 265

9.0 Motors

W2 U2 V2
W2 U1

W1 U2
U1 V1 W1
L3 L2
V2 V1 L1 L2 L3
Fig. 9.7a Connection of three-phase single speed motor

9.7 Methods of Starting

Choice of Starting Method Star-Delta (Wye-Delta) Starting
The choice of starting method depends on factors Involves initially connecting the motor’s stator windings
such as motor size, application requirements, and in a star (wye) configuration during the starting period,
available power supply. Here are the main methods of which reduces the voltage across each winding. Once
starting an induction motor: the motor reaches a predetermined speed, the wind-
ings are then switched to a delta (mesh) configuration
Direct-On-Line (DOL) Starting for normal operation, where the voltage across each
winding is higher. Star-delta starting reduces the start-
This is the simplest and most common method of
ing current and torque, limiting the stress on the motor
starting induction motors. In DOL starting, the motor
and the power supply (Fig. 9.7a).
is directly connected to the power supply, typically
through a contactor or a circuit breaker. When the
If pumping viscous fluids or using a positive displace-
power is switched on, the motor receives the full
ment pump, the starting time with the high starting
supply voltage, causing it to start abruptly. DOL
current is longer and therefore requires some restric-
starting is suitable for small- to medium-sized
tion of the starting current by using the star-delta
motors but can cause high starting currents and
mechanical stress.

Motors fitted to centrifugal and liquid ring pumps are

normally directly started, as the moment of inertia of
the motor is low due to pump design and the fluids
being pumped having low viscosities. In this case the
starting time with high starting current is incredibly low
and it can consequently be ignored.

266 Alfa Laval Pump Handbook

9.0 Motors
L1 L2 L3
W2 U2 V2 W2 U2 V2


W2 U1 V1 W1 U1 V1 W1
L3 W1 V1 L2
L1 L2 L3
Fig. 9.7a Connection of three-phase single speed motor

Auto-Transformer Starting Frequency Converter Starting

This method is similar to star-delta starting and is Frequency converters, also known as variable frequen-
used for larger motors with high starting currents. An cy drives (VFDs) or inverters, allow precise control of
auto-transformer is connected between the power the motor’s speed and torque. They can be used for
supply and the motor’s stator windings. Initially, the both starting and speed control of induction motors.
motor is connected to taps on the auto-transformer VFDs convert the fixed-frequency AC power supply
that provide a reduced voltage. As the motor acceler- into variable frequency and voltage output, allowing
ates, the taps are switched to provide a higher voltage. smooth acceleration and deceleration of the motor.
Auto-transformer starting helps reduce starting current Frequency converter starting offers flexibility and ener-
and torque while providing a smooth acceleration. gy savings but is more complex than other methods.

Soft Starting These are the main methods used for starting induc-
tion motors. The choice of method depends on factors
Soft starting methods are designed to gradually
such as motor size, application requirements, energy
increase the voltage supplied to the motor during start-
efficiency considerations, and cost constraints.
up, thus reducing the starting current and mechanical
stress. This can be achieved using devices such as
Alfa Laval recommends the use of a qualified electri-
auto-transformers, solid-state soft starters, or varia-
cian to best assess the optimal starting method and to
ble frequency drives (VFDs). Soft starting minimizes
carry out the required installation/set-up.
voltage dips in the power supply and enables con-
trolled acceleration of the motor. In many cases the
soft starter saves energy by automatically adapting the
motor voltage continually to the actual requirement.
This is particularly important when the motor runs with
a light load.

Alfa Laval Pump Handbook 267

9.0 Motors

9.8 Motors for Hazardous Environments

ATEX Zone 1
Short for “ATmosphères EXplosibles,” is a European An explosive gas-air mixture is likely to occur in normal
Union directive that outlines safety requirements for operation.
equipment used in potentially explosive atmospheres.
It aims to protect workers and the environment from Zone 2
the risks associated with such environments. ATEX
An explosive gas-air mixture is not likely to occur in
defines specific product categories and motor equip-
normal operation and if it occurs it will only be present
ment protection methods to ensure safe operation
for a brief time.
in hazardous areas. ATEX classifies equipment into
various categories based on their intended use in
To ensure equipment can be safely used in hazardous
explosive atmospheres. The categories are as follows:
areas, its gas group must be known, and its temper-
ature class must be compared with the spontaneous
Zones ignition temperature of the gas mixtures concerned.
The degree of hazard varies from extreme to rare.
Hazardous areas are classified into three Zones as
By implication, an area that is not
Zone 0 classified Zone 0, 1 or 2 is deemed
An explosive gas-air mixture is continuously present to be a non-hazardous or safe area.
or present for extended periods – No motors may be
used in this zone.

Temperature class Ignition temperature for gas/vapour Max. permitted temperature of electrical equipment
T1 up to 450° C (842° F) 450° C (842° F)
T2 300 to 450° C (572 to 842° F) 300° C (572° F)
T3 200 to 300° C (410 to 572° F) 200° C (410° F)
T4 135 to 200° C (275 to 410° F) 135° C (275° F)
T5 100 to 135° C (212 to 275° F) 100° C (212° F)
T6 85 to 100° C (185 to 212° F) 85° C (185° F)
Table 9.8a

Group I Equipment for coal mines susceptible to methane gas – Alfa Laval does not cover this group
Group II Equipment for explosive atmospheres other than mines i.e., surface industries
Group II is subdivided according to the severity of the environment. IIC is the highest rating.
A motor from one of the higher categories can also be used in a lower category
Table 9.8b

268 Alfa Laval Pump Handbook

9.0 Motors
Flameproof Enclosure - Ex d Non-Sparking Design – Ex ec
These motors are designated for operation in Zone 1 These motors are designated for operation in Zone
hazardous areas. The motor enclosure is designed in 2 hazardous areas. The motor construction is similar
such a way that no internal explosion can be transmit- to standard TEFC motors, but with special attention
ted to the explosive atmosphere surrounding the ma- to eliminate production of sparks, arcs, or dangerous
chine. The enclosure will withstand, without damage, surface temperatures.
any pressure levels caused by an internal explosion.
International standard IEC 60079-15
The temperature of the motor’s external enclosure
Suitable for Zone 2 only.
should not exceed the self-ignition temperature of the
explosive atmosphere of the installation area during
When requiring use of an ATEX approved motor drive,
operation. No motor device outside the flameproof
Alfa Laval offers Zone 1, Ex d, IIB, 2G, and T4 as
area shall be a potential source of sparks, arcs, or
dangerous overheating.
Please contact Alfa Laval for alternative options.
International standard IEC 60079-1
Suitable for Zones 1 and 2.

Increased Safety Design – Ex e/Ex ec

The design of this motor type prevents the occurrence
of sparks, arcs, or hot spots in service, that could
reach the self-ignition temperature of the surrounding,
potentially explosive atmosphere, in all inner and outer
parts of the machine.

International standard IEC 60079-7

Suitable for Zones 1 and 2.

Alfa Laval Pump Handbook 269

9.0 Motors

In North America, hazardous motors are classified Class II: Locations where combustible dust is or may
and regulated by the National Electrical Code (NEC) be present in sufficient quantities to cause a fire or
and the Canadian Electrical Code (CEC). These codes explosion. Class II is further divided into Divisions 1
provide guidelines for the safe installation and use of and 2, similar to Class I.
electrical equipment, including motors, in hazardous
locations. The classifications and standards in North Class III: Locations where easily ignitable fibers or
America differ from the ATEX system used in Europe. flyings are or may be present in sufficient quantities to
cause a fire or explosion. Class III is not divided into
Here is an overview of the North American standards divisions.
and classifications:
Group Classification (NEC)
Class and Division System (NEC) Within each class, hazardous substances are further
The NEC makes use of a Class and Division system to classified into groups based on their properties. The
classify hazardous locations based on the type of haz- group classification specifies the type of substance
ardous substance present. It categorizes hazardous and its level of hazard. For example:
locations into three classes and two divisions:
Group A: Acetylene
Class I: Locations where flammable gases, vapours or Group B: Hydrogen, butadiene, ethylene oxide
liquids are, or may be, present in sufficient quantities to Group C: Ethylene, propylene, acrolein
cause a fire or explosion. Group D: Propane, gasoline, acetone

Class I is further divided into Divisions 1 and 2. When requiring use of an NEC explosion proof ap-
proved motor drive, Alfa Laval offers Class 1, Div 1,
• Division 1: Hazardous substances are present and Group D as standard.
under normal operating conditions or during abnor-
mal situations, such as leaks or equipment failure Zone System (CEC)
• Division 2: Hazardous substances are handled, The Canadian Electrical Code (CEC) also provides a
processed, or stored, but are not present under classification system for hazardous locations, known
normal operating conditions or during abnormal as the Zone System. The CEC divides hazardous
situations locations into zones based on the likelihood and du-
ration of the presence of flammable substances. The
zones are categorized as Zone 0, Zone 1, Zone 2, and
Zone 20, Zone 21, and Zone 22 for gases and dust,

270 Alfa Laval Pump Handbook

9.0 Motors
9.9 Energy Efficient Motors
Motor energy efficiency plays a crucial role in reducing efficiency levels to be classified as IE3. IE3 motors
energy consumption and promoting sustainable prac- have higher efficiency compared to IE1 and IE2
tices in various industrial and commercial applications. motors and are considered a significant improvement
In recent years, governments and regulatory bodies in energy performance.
around the world have introduced minimum energy
efficiency regulations to encourage the use of more IE4 (Super Premium Efficiency Standard)
efficient motors. Four widely recognised classification
IE4 is a more stringent energy efficiency standard
in this regard are IEC standards such as IE1, IE2, IE3,
introduced as an extension of the IE3 standard. Also
IE4 and IE5.
known as super premium efficiency motors, IE4 mo-
tors have even higher efficiency levels than IE3 motors.
Motor energy efficiency refers to the ability of an elec-
These motors are designed to minimize energy losses
tric motor to convert electrical energy into mechanical
and are typically used in applications where energy
energy with minimal losses. Traditional motors are
savings are critical.
known to have significant energy losses due to factors
such as resistive losses, mechanical losses, and stray
losses. These losses result in wasted energy and
IE5 (Ultra Premium Efficiency Standard)
increased operating costs. IE5 is the highest energy efficiency standard currently
defined by the IEC. IE5 motors offer the highest level of
IE1 (Standard Efficiency Standard) efficiency among all the standards. These motors are
designed using advanced technologies and materials
IE1 is the basic energy efficiency standard for mo-
to achieve exceptional energy performance and are
tors, defined by the International Electrotechnical
typically used in applications where maximum energy
Commission (IEC) under IEC 60034-30-1. Motors that
savings and performance are required.
meet the IE1 standard have relatively lower energy
efficiency compared to more advanced motor designs.
Alfa Laval’s supply of motors are also in accordance
However, they are still widely used in applications
with the Minimum energy Efficiency Regulations
where energy efficiency is not a primary concern.
(MEPs) with IE3 as the default efficiency level.

IE2 (High Efficiency Standard) Please contact Alfa laval on alternative requests for
IE2 is an intermediate energy efficiency standard, also higher efficiency levels such as IE4 or IE5.
defined by the IEC under IEC 60034-30-1. Motors
that comply with the IE2 standard offer higher energy 9.9.1 Minimum Energy Efficiency Regulations
efficiency compared to IE1 motors. These motors are (MEPs)
designed to reduce energy losses and are considered
To promote the adoption of energy-efficient motors
an improvement over IE1 motors.
and reduce overall energy consumption, many coun-
tries have implemented minimum energy efficiency
IE3 (Premium Efficiency Standard) regulations. These regulations typically specify the
IE3 is an international standard for energy-efficient minimum efficiency levels that motors must meet to
motors, defined by the IEC under IEC 60034-30-1.
According to this standard, motors must meet specific

Alfa Laval Pump Handbook 271

9.0 Motors

be legally sold and operated in those regions. The Motor energy efficiency and minimum energy regula-
IE1, IE2, IE3, and IE4 standards are commonly used tions such as IE1, IE2, IE3, and IE4 have transformed
as benchmarks in these regulations and are under the motor industry by promoting the development and
constant review and change to further push the most adoption of more energy-efficient technologies. These
sustainable offerings in motor energy efficiency. standards have played a vital role in reducing energy
consumption, lowering operating costs, and mitigating
Benefits of High-Efficiency Motors the environmental impact of motor-driven systems. By
adhering to these regulations, industries can contribute
Energy Savings: High-efficiency motors significantly
to a more sustainable future while reaping the benefits
reduce energy consumption, leading to lower operat-
of energy and cost savings.
ing costs and decreased carbon emissions.

When required to supply motorised pumping units,

Cost Savings: Although high-efficiency motors may
Alfa Laval offers a comprehensive range of motors
have a higher initial cost, the energy savings over
tailored to meet the diverse needs of customers across
the motor’s lifetime usually outweigh the upfront
all countries, while adhering to the minimum energy
efficiency requirements set forth by the respective
regulatory bodies.
Environmental Impact: Using energy-efficient motors
helps reduce greenhouse gas emissions and contrib-
utes to environmental sustainability.

Enhanced Performance: Efficient motors often offer

improved performance, including better speed control,
reduced noise levels, and increased reliability.


NEMA Std High Premium







Table 9.9.1a Overview on common efficiency grades globally

272 Alfa Laval Pump Handbook

9.0 Motors
9.10 Speed Control
The effective speed control of AC electric motors has increases the pressure in the PD pump and the entire
long been regarded as an adaptable and economical system. The pump will continue to work against the
means of reducing costs and saving energy. developed pressure until it reaches its maximum
operating pressure, or the relief valve opens. This
Multi-Speed increased pressure will put additional strain on the
pump, its components, and the piping system and if
Pole Change (Tapped or Dahlander).
not corrected, leads to failure.
These have a single winding and two speeds in a
ratio of 2:1 and can be supplied for constant torque
or variable torque applications. Variable Voltage
Variable voltage control provides a low capital cost
PAM (Pole Amplitude Modulation) means of varying the motor speed on centrifugal
pumps. This form of speed control requires greater
Similar to above except that pole variations can be
derating than for converter drives and is best suited
4/6 or 6/8.
to 4 pole machines of 2:1 speed reduction with close
matching of motor output to absorbed pump load.
Dual Wound These motors are of special design – standard motors
Motors have two separate windings and can be being unsuitable.
supplied for any two speed combinations.
Frequency Converter (Inverter)
A combination of dual and pole change windings can
The use of a frequency converter will allow speed
give 3 or 4 speeds from one design.
control of a standard AC motor by adjusting the
frequency, although some derating may be necessary.
Mechanical Speed Control Basic frequency converters will permit operation
In some cases, mechanical speed control methods over a typical speed range of 20:1. With increasing
can be employed. These typically involve using sophistication such as ‘vector’ control, e.g., field
adjustable sheaves or pulleys to change the effective oriented control utilising closed loop feedback, the
diameter of the pump drive system. By adjusting the effective speed range can be increased to 1000:1.
size of the pulleys, the rotational speed of the pump
can be altered. This method is often used in older or For applications using variable torque loads such as
simpler pump systems. centrifugal pumps, little derating will be required. For
applications using constant torque loads such as
Throttling Control positive displacement pumps, the level of derating
Throttling involves partially closing a valve or using a will depend on the speed range required.
bypass line to restrict the flow of the pumped fluid.
By increasing the resistance to flow, the pump’s
operating point moves to a lower flow rate and
pressure condition. However, throttling control is
generally not an efficient method since it wastes
energy and may cause excessive wear on the pump –
Important not to be used within systems that include
positive displacement pumps as closing the valve

Alfa Laval Pump Handbook 273

9.0 Motors

The motor ratings must take into account:

• Increased heating due to the harmonic content of As well as motors being remotely controlled by
the inverter waveforms frequency converters, electric motors can be made
available with the frequency converter already inte-
• Reduced cooling arising from motor speed
grated to the motor. These arrangements have the
advantage of not using any shielded motor cables, as
• The power or torque requirements throughout the there are no extra connections between the frequency
entire speed range converter and motor. Also providing room in a switch
cabinet will not be necessary.
• Other limiting factors such as maximum motor
speeds, ambient temperature, altitude etc.

• When using frequency inverters, it is important to

consider the potential impact on power quality.
VFDs can introduce harmonics into the electrical
system, which may require additional measures like
harmonic filters or power conditioning to mitigate
their effects on other connected equipment.

274 Alfa Laval Pump Handbook

9.0 Motors
9.11 Motor Sizing Values
Values to consider when sizing for a motor
• Shaft power (kW/HP) These 3 values have direct correlation that can be
seen by below formula.
• Speed (rpm)

• Torque (Nm/(Ib ft))

Metric units
Power, speed and torque: Re-arrange for torque:

M = P * 9550 / n M = P * 9550 / n

Where: This arrangement shows how speed and power impacts on torque:
P = Power (kW) M = Torque P = Power (kW) M = Torque (Nm) n = Speed (rpm)

Imperial US units
Power, speed and torque Re-arrange for torque

M = P * 5252 / n M = P * 5252 / n

Where: This arrangement shows how speed and power impacts on torque:
P = Power (hp) M = Torque (lb ft) n = Speed (rpm) P = Power (hp) M = Torque (lb ft) n = Speed (rpm)

9.11.1 Torque
The main consideration for selecting an electric motor points. Centrifugal pumps have a torque characteristic
is torque - not power. curve which increases in a quadratic function, which
favours operation at low speeds as per the affinity laws
Running a motor over the rated torque output will but dramatically increases when increasing operation
cause increased current flow which in most cases will past the original selection point (see chapter 7 for more
cause the inverter safety features to stop the motor but details).
could lead to permanent damage to the motor wind-
ings due to over-heating. Alfa Laval pumps can operate over speed ranges;
therefore, consideration needs to be made to the
When it comes to the type of pump technology, a impact the variable speeds have on the torque output
positive displacement pump is considered a constant of the motor and the varying power requirements of
torque application where a change in duty does not the pump at the different duty point to ensure sufficient
automatically correlate to a reduced torque require- motor power and torque is available over the full speed
ment, therefore it is imperative the motor torque output range.
covers the complete adjustment range of required duty

Alfa Laval Pump Handbook 275

9.0 Motors

9.11.2 Speed/Frequency
Frequency correlates directly to the motor speed and • All motors supplied with Alfa Laval pumps are suit-
normally using a variable frequency drive or inverter. able for frequency inverter use

• Standard motor offering insulation class F/

• Decreasing frequency = Decreasing speed
Temperature rise B (80 °Kelvin)
• Increasing frequency = Increasing speed
• All applications involving operating speeds under
5Hz, please contact Alfa Laval Technical Support

The most common supply frequencies are 50 Hz or 60 Hz

4–pole 6–pole 8–pole 4–pole 6–pole 8–pole
50 Hz 1500 rpm 1000 rpm 750 rpm 60 Hz 1800 rpm 1200 rpm 900 rpm
25 Hz 750 rpm 500 rpm 375 rpm 30 Hz 800 rpm 600 rpm 450 rpm
10 Hz 300 rpm 200 rpm 150 rpm 10 Hz 360 rpm 240 rpm 180 rpm

400 V

230 V

0 50 Hz
Fig. 9.11.3a Voltage to frequency for constant torque

9.11.3 Torque/Frequency
An electric motor in theory, will generate constant The condition V/F = constant can maximally only be
torque when frequency is reduced below rated value realised by the frequency inverter up to the nominal
(50/60 Hz); This is handled by a Variable Frequency operating point. A further voltage increase above that
Drive (VFD) also known as an Inverter (see Fig. 9.11.3a). of the mains voltage is technically impossible.

A reduction of speed <50 Hz does not result in an Physical factors can impact the torque output of the
increased torque, as is the case with adjustable gear motor when speed is decreased, preventing constant
units, but rather to a reduction in power. In this case, torque.
the current remains constant for a constant torque and
the voltage reduces with the frequency. For example, in self-cooled motors the torque output
decreases as the motor speed reduces. This is caused
Physical conditions for constant torque: by the reduced fan speed leading to reduced motor
M = constant → Φ = constant → U/f = constant cooling causing an increase in motor temperature and
Torque Magnetic flux Voltage/Frequency therefore reduced power/torque rated output.

276 Alfa Laval Pump Handbook

9.0 Motors
Torque derating for self cooling motors

[TR] — Torque derating factor (p.u.)

0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9 2.0 2.1
[f/fn] - Operating frequency (p.u.)

A = Slower the speed, the greater the torque derates E = 25 Hz

B = Constant Torque Range (No derating) F = 50 Hz
C = Constant flux. Constant V/f. 50 Hz Supply
D = Note:
1.0 represents 100%
Frequency output: 50 or 60 Hz
0.5 would represent 50%; 25 or 30 Hz
Fig. 9.11.3b Above shows the relationship of torque to frequency

With a self-cooled (TEFC) motor on a supply frequency

of 50 Hz, there is a constant torque between 50 - 25
Hz (50% or 2:1) meaning no derating in torque output.
Below 25 Hz, the torque output is derated due to the
slower running speed of the integrated fan, in order
to dissipate the additional heat generated (see Fig.

Alfa Laval Pump Handbook 277

9.0 Motors

To counter torque derating at reduced speeds, the This results in 100% torque decreasing to 5 Hz (See
following two options can be considered: Fig. 9.11.3c).

1. Forced blower cooled motors (TEBC) are equipped TEBC units can also be used to help optimise motor
with a separate fan driven by a separate motor selections where duty points are below the 2:1 motor
thereby ensuring 100% airflow regardless of motor turn-down and require a larger motor to meet torque
running speed and no derating is required due to requirements after derating.
increase motor temperature.

Torque derating for TEBC motors


[T/Tn] - Torque derating factor (p.u.)

0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9 2.0 2.1
[f/fn] - Operating frequency (p.u.)

A = Constant Torque Range (No derating) D = Note:

B = Here we can see full torque from 1.0 (50/60 Hz) 1.0 represents 100%
down to 0.1 with forced ventilation keeping Frequency output: 50 or 60 Hz
the motor cool E = 5-50 Hz
C = Forced ventilation. 50 Hz Supply

Fig. 9.11.3c Constant torque graph for TEBC motor

278 Alfa Laval Pump Handbook

9.0 Motors
Fig.9.11.3d Range of IEC motor frame sizes

2. Increased motor size (see Fig. 9.11.3d). Increasing Above the nominal frequency the available torque re-
motor size is the alternative solution. With this, duces, as the voltage is no longer increasing at higher
the motor is operated at a reduced load. Therefore, frequencies (see Fig. 9.11.3a) the magnetic flux reduc-
there is less power loss and an additional increased es. This range is known as the field weakening range.
thermal reserve due to increased size of the motor. A further increase in frequency in the field weakening
range therefore results in a torque reduction (See Fig.

Torque derating for self cooling motors


[TR] - Torque derating factor (p.u.)

0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9 2.0 2.1
[f/fn] - Operating frequency (p.u.)

A = Constant Torque D = Note:

B = Torque derating 1.0 represents 100%
Here we can see full torque from Frequency output: 50 or 60 Hz
1.0 (50/60 Hz) down to 0.1 with forced 0.5 would represent 50%; 25 or 30 Hz
ventilation keeping the motor cool E = 50 Hz
C = Forced flux. Constant V/f. 50 Hz Supply F = >50 Hz
Fig. 9.11.3e - Constant torque graph for TEFC motor

Alfa Laval Pump Handbook 279

9.0 Motors

In applications where running speed will be above Example - Frequency at 70 Hz

supply frequency (50/60 Hz), motor torque will auto-
matically be derated due to limitation available power/
FNOM 50 Hz
voltage. M70 Hz = * MNOM = * MNOM => 71% * MNOM
FAB 70 Hz
Motor changes from constant torque to constant
power, therefore as speed increases, available torque

The torque reduces according to the relationship


M = Torque
F = Frequency

280 Alfa Laval Pump Handbook

9.0 Motors
Alfa laval pump frequency range recommendations:

Centrifugal pumps Positive displacement pumps

Centrifugal pumps do not have any requirement for Positive displacement pumps are designed to work
TEBC motors due to the operational principle of cen- within specific frequency ranges, ensuring optimal per-
trifugal force and the affinity laws, rendering the pump formance and longevity due to the operational principle
technology as variable torque machines. of displacing fluid in fixed volumetric rotation, renders
this pump technology as constant torque machines.
Operating speeds down to 50% of the set frequency
(50 or 60 Hz) is possible when adjusting an existing The frequency range depends on the pump’s design,
pump to new duty point is required. size, and intended application.

25-60 Hz on 50 Hz motor Alfa Laval recommends consideration in using TEBC

30-60 Hz on 60 Hz motor (Force Blower Fan) on positive displacement pumps
when motor frequency is below 20 Hz to offset the
Alfa Laval recommends for optimal selection all cen- torque reduction and optimise efficiency and sustaina-
trifugal pumps be sized as close to the best operating bility (duty dependent).
point as duty conditions allow which typically keeps
closer. Alfa Laval recommends the use of TEBC (Force Blower
Fan) on positive displacement pumps when motor
frequency is below 10 Hz to offset the torque reduction
(duty dependent).

• Self-cooled motors (TEFC) = 10 - 60 Hz

(consider TEBC between 10-20 Hz operation)

• Forced blower cooled motors (TEBC) = 5 - 60 Hz

For speeds above set frequency, please consult with

Alfa Laval to discuss further as this is very dependent
on pump technology and intended applications.

Alfa Laval Pump Handbook 281

10 Cleaning Guidelines

This chapter provides cleaning guidelines

for use in processes utilising CIP (Clean-
In-Place) systems. Interpretations of clean-
liness are given and explanations of the
cleaning cycle.

10.1 CIP (Clean-In-Place)

Clean-In-Place (CIP) is a commonly established clean-
ing method in manufacturing operations associated
within hygienic applications, such as Food & Beverage,
Dairy, Home & Personal Care, Pharmaceutical &
Biotechnology. CIP is designed to remove residual
product and biofilms from processing lines and equip-
ment using turbulent cleaning fluid, without the need to
dismantle the equipment.

The following recommendations offer advice on how to

maximise the CIP (Clean-In-Place) efficiency of the Alfa
Laval ranges of centrifugal and positive displacement
pumps. The guidelines incorporate references to inter-
nationally recognised cleaning detergents, velocities,
temperatures, and pressures used to clean other types
of flow equipment, such as valves and fittings, but
have been specifically prepared to maximise the CIP
effectiveness of our pumps.

282 Alfa Laval Pump Handbook

10 Cleaning Guidelines
Cleaning Guidelines

Alfa Laval Pump Handbook 283

10 Cleaning Guidelines

The perception of the word ‘Clean’ will vary from Positive displacement pumps such as RLP or CPP
customer to customer and process to process. The are rarely used as the supply pump for CIP fluids.
four most common interpretations of ‘Clean’ are given Centrifugal pumps are generally used during CIP for
below: each phase of the cleaning cycle. In addition, the intro-
duction of the Twin Screw (TS) pump, within hygienic
1. Physical Cleanliness industries, has increased flexibility in providing one
pump for process media plus the use as a CIP liquid
This is the removal of all visible dirt or contamination
supply pump and possibility of performing CIP liquid
from a surface. This level of cleanliness is usually veri-
return cycles.
fied by a visual test only.

For the majority of CIP cycles, it is recommended that

2. Chemical Cleanliness a differential pressure of 2-3 bar is developed across
This is defined as the removal of all visible dirt or any pump in a system not being utilised as CIP supply
contamination as well as microscopic residues, which unit to promote efficient cleaning, whilst it is rotating at
are detectable by either taste or smell but not by the its normal operating speed. In many cases a valve is
naked eye. employed in the discharge line of the system to create
the differential pressure across the pump(s) and a
3. Bacteriological Cleanliness by-pass loop installed around said pump(s) to divert
This can only be achieved with the use of a disinfect- any excess of CIP liquid that the pump is unable to
ant that will kill all pathogenic bacteria and the majority transfer. The valve(s) setting may be fluctuated during
of other bacteria. the CIP cycle to promote pressure/flow variations that
may enhance the cleaning process.
4. Sterility
During the CIP cycle there must always be sufficient
This is the destruction of all known micro-organisms. flow of cleaning fluid being delivered by the CIP pump
to make sure that the centrifugal or positive displace-
The following recommendations for CIP will ment pump(s) are neither starved of liquid at the inlet
address the first three definitions. due to own flow capability, or over pressurised at inlet
In most installations it is important to ensure the due to its tendency to act as a restriction if it is unable
maximum recovery of pumped product residues from to transfer the full flow of the fluid being delivered.
the production line at the end of each production run.
Where this is a requirement, consideration should be
given to mounting pumps such as the RLP (Rotary
Lobe Pump) or Circumferential Piston Pump (CPP)
with ports in the vertical plane to maximise drainability.
This will minimise any product loss, ease the cleaning
of the system and reduce the requirement to dispose
or recycle the wash from the initial cleaning cycles. By
maximising the recovery of product from the system
both the efficiency of the production and cleaning
processes will be increased.

284 Alfa Laval Pump Handbook

10 Cleaning Guidelines
Internationally accepted protocol for CIP suggests that This is a very important step to monitor as a well-
during all phases of the CIP cycle a pipeline velocity executed pre-rinse will ensure the rest of the
of between 1.5 m/sec and 3.0 m/sec is required. wash cycle is predictable and repeatable.
Velocities within this range have proven to provide
effective cleaning of Alfa Laval pumps, although as a 2. Rinse with an alkaline detergent, typically a 2.5%
rule, the higher the velocity the greater the cleaning solution of Caustic Soda (NaOH) at between 70° C
effect. to 95° C (158° F to 203° F) for a period of 20-30
minutes would be used. It is common to add a
Generally, the most effective cleaning wetting agent (surfactant) to lower the surface ten-
processes incorporate five stages: sion of the detergent to aid its cleansing ability.
This phase of the cleaning cycle should dissolve
1. An initial rinse of clean, cold water (Pre-rinse)
and remove organic matter such as fats and
2. Rinsing with an alkaline detergent (Caustic wash)
3. Intermediate rinse with clean water at ambient
3. Intermediate rinse with cold water
temperature for a period of 5-10 minutes. This
phase should remove any residual detergents.
4. Rinsing with an acidic disinfectant (Acid wash)
4. Rinse with an acidic disinfectant, typically a 2.5%
5. Final rinse with clean cold water
solution of Nitric Acid (HNO3) at ambient tempera‑
ture for a period of 10-15 minutes would be used.
The cycle times, temperatures, cleaning mediums and
This phase of the cleaning cycle should remove
concentrations of the detergents used will all influence
proteins, mineral salts, lime, and other deposits.
the effectiveness of the cleaning cycle and care must
be taken when defining these to ensure that they
5. Final rinse with clean water at ambient temperature
are suitable for use with the product being pumped.
for a period of 10-15 minutes or until all traces of the
Of equal importance is the chemical compatibility
cleaning fluid have been removed.
between the cleaning detergents and the product
wetted materials in the pump head. It is also crucial
to ensure for pumps, that the maximum temperature
In many systems, the final rinse water may be recov-
profile is more than the intended CIP cycles(s) range.
ered and reused as the pre-rinse solution for the next
Consideration should also be given to the disposal
cleaning cycle. The residual heat and chemicals it
or recycling of used cleaning liquids and the potential
retains from the final rinse will help make the next pre-
requirement for handling concentrated detergents.
rinse more effective and economical.

Specialist suppliers should make the final selection of

During the CIP cycles it is important that the required
cleaning detergents/disinfectants.
concentration of cleaning detergents is maintained
consistently. A significant increase in concentration
Within these guidelines a typical cleaning could cause damage to pumps and other components
cycle would be as follows: in the system. A significant decrease in concentra-
1. Rinse with clean water (potable plant, deionized tion could impact the detergents cleaning efficiency.
water) at ambient temperature to remove any A facility for monitoring and adjusting the detergent
remaining residue. 10-15 minutes are usually suffi‑ concentration should be considered.
cient, but this will depend on the condition and
volume of the residue to be removed.

Alfa Laval Pump Handbook 285

10 Cleaning Guidelines

Cautionary Notes:
1. Pumps and other equipment installed in CIP sys‑ It is common practice for pumps to remain stationary
tems have components within them that will expand when live steam is present during SIP to ensure no
and contract at different rates. Care should be distortion within seals due to the gaseous state of the
taken not to subject them to rapid temperature steam and the steam flow distribution. The temper-
cycling. ature rise of the seal parts would not be even and
therefore needs to be suitably cooled before pump can
2. Products containing particulate such as fibre and be restarted at low speeds (<100 rpm) to remove any
seeds have to be evaluated carefully and on an trapped condensate build-up after SIP cycle.
individual basis, as the nature of these will provide
an increased cleaning challenge. These types of Operation of pump is possible during steam cycles
products may typically require increased cleaning at low speeds (<100 rpm) if there is a quench/barrier/
cycle times and/or increased velocities and pres‑ buffer present within seal housing to provide a lubricat-
sures during the cleaning cycle. ing fluid film.

3. CIP detergent liquids and the elevated temperatures Please note, a small volume of seal leakage is typical-
typically used for CIP processes can cause a ly present on initial start-up as the pump seal faces
potential health risk. Always adhere to site Health rotate to realign back into place. This is temporary
and Safety regulations. and not a cause of concern as long as pump was not
in operation during any phase where liquid was not
4. Always store and dispose of cleaning agents in present to lubricate seal face.
accordance with site Health and Safety regulations.
If seal leakage remains after an intermediate period of
After CIP cleaning an additional Sterilisation-In-Place operation, please contact Alfa Laval for guidance.
process (SIP) may be required when highly sensitive
products are handled, inactivating any micro-organ-
isms which might be still present in the pump after CIP

The sterilisation can be carried out by means of chem-

icals, hot water, or steam. As an example, in the dairy
industry the sterilisation temperature is approximately
145° C (293° F).

286 Alfa Laval Pump Handbook

10 Cleaning Guidelines

Alfa Laval Pump Handbook 287

11 Compliance

This chapter describes some of the

international standards and guidelines
applicable to Alfa Laval pump ranges.

11.1 Compliance with international

Standards and Guidelines
Alfa Laval pump ranges are available with documented and certified compliance
within a broad spectrum of relevant international and local hygiene standards,
worldwide. This assists the user to significantly reduce the engineering costs of
setting up and operating standard-compliant processing plants around the world.

288 Alfa Laval Pump Handbook

11 Compliance

Alfa Laval Pump Handbook 289

11 Compliance

Authorized to carry
the 3A symbol

Please find below some examples of regulations, CE marking is a mandatory conformity mark for
standards, and guidelines applicable to our products products placed on the market in the European
used in hygienic applications. Economic Area (EEA). With the CE marking on a
product the manufacturer ensures that the prod-
More information can be found in Instruction Manuals uct conforms with the essential requirements of the
at alfalaval.com. applicable EC directives. The letters “CE” stand for
“Conformité Européenne” (“European Conformity”).
For special requests please contact your local Alfa
Laval organization. UKCA marking is a mandatory conformity mark
for products placed on the market in Great Britain
The mission of 3-A SSI is to enhance product safety (England, Scotland, and Wales). With the UKCA
for consumers of food, beverages, and pharmaceuti- marking the manufacturer ensures that the product
cal products through the development and use of 3-A conforms with the relevant requirements of the
Sanitary Standards and 3-A Accepted Practices. The applicable legislations.
3-A symbol is a registered mark used to identify equip-
ment that meets 3-A Sanitary Standards for design Within United States, requirements for food contact
and fabrication. materials and articles are specified by the Food and
Drug Administration (FDA) and are regulated under
ATEX-directive is the popular name for the European the Code of Federal Regulations, Title 21 “Food and
Directive 2014/34/EU setting the rules for equipment drugs”, Parts 170-199 “Food for human consumption”.
and protective systems intended for use in potentially
explosive atmospheres. The United States Pharmacopeia (USP) standards,
chapter 87 and 88, and International Organization
Compliance to the Regulation (EC) No. 1935/2004. for Standardization (ISO) standard 10993, sections 5,
6, 10 and 11, specifies requirements to ensure biocom-
The framework regulation (EC) No. 1935/2004 regu- patibility of product contact parts intended to be used
lates food contact materials and articles within EU. It in pharma applications.
includes several requirements for materials and articles
intended to come into contact with food to ensure ma- The American Society of Mechanical Engineers
terial safety. The glass and fork symbol may be used Bioprocessing Equipment (ASME BPE) is the
to indicate that the relevant requirements stated in (EC) Bioprocess Equipment group of the ASME that
No. 1935/2004 are met. provides engineers and quality control professionals
a measurable way to specify and purchase equipment
for the Biotechnology, Pharmaceutical and Personal
Care Products industries.

290 Alfa Laval Pump Handbook

11 Compliance
Authorized to carry
the 3A symbol
Fig. 11a CE Fig. 11b 3-A

CE 3-A
The CE marking is to demonstrate to interested parties This standard has the purpose of establishing and
that goods or equipment with this mark comply with documenting the material, fabrication, and installation
the appropriate directives of the European Community (where appropriate) requirements for the engineering
(Fig. 11a). The appropriate directives are those that design and technical construction files for all prod-
are concerned with the design and manufacture ucts, assemblies, and sub-assemblies supplied by the
of goods or equipment. Directives are intended to manufacturer (Fig. 11b). The manufacturer has to be
facilitate a Single Market in the European Union. With in compliance with the sanitary criteria found in 3-A
emerging European standardisation, conflicting nation- Sanitary Standards or 3-A Accepted Practices. The
al standards will eventually tend to disappear, as all EU 3-A Sanitary Standards and 3-A Accepted Practices
member states will work to the same standard, with a are applied as suitable sanitary criteria for dairy and
few exceptions. Some national differences cannot be food processing equipment. 3A is subject to 3rd party
harmonised. In Europe many different languages are validation according to 3A 02/10 guidelines.
spoken, and some parts are prone to earthquakes,
high winds, heavy snow and extremes of cold and The Alfa Laval pump ranges conform to this 3-A stand-
heat. It is often uneconomic to design equipment ard for certain configurations this can be selected and
that will withstand all these conditions. determined in the AnyTime Configurator.

All Alfa Laval pump ranges are CE marked and

conform to the machinery directive 89/392/EEC as
amended by 91/368/EEC, 93/44/EEC and 93/68/
EEC and other relevant directives i.e., ‘Electrical
Equipment Low Voltage Directive 73/23/EEC’ and
‘Electromagnetic Compatibility Directive 89/336/EEC’.

Other applicable standards/specifications which Alfa

Laval pump ranges comply to are as follows:

• EN 292 Parts 1 and 2: 1995 Safety of Machinery

- Basic concepts, general principles for design

• EN 294: 1996 Safety distances to prevent danger

zones being reached by the upper limbs

• EN 60204 Part 1: 2018 Safety of Machinery

- Electrical equipment of machines
- Specification for general requirements

• ISO 9001: 2015 Quality Management System

• ISO 14001: Environmental Management System

Alfa Laval Pump Handbook 291

11 Compliance

Fig. 11c FDA

FDA The FDA can:

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in the US • Approve plants for manufacturing
is the enforcement agency of the United States
• Inspect plants at random
Government for food, drug and cosmetics manufactur-
ing. It is responsible for new material approvals, plant • Write general guidelines for good manufacturing
inspections and material recalls (Fig. 11c). In the US, processes
the ‘Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act’ requires food, drug
• Write specific criteria for materials in product
and cosmetic manufacturers to prove that their prod-
ucts are safe. The FDA’s primary purpose is to protect
the public by enforcing this Act. • Have certain expectations regarding design

The FDA cannot:

• Approve equipment outside of a particular use
within a specific system

• Approve materials for use in pharmaceutical


• Write specific engineering or design requirements

for systems

292 Alfa Laval Pump Handbook

11 Compliance
Fig. 11d USDA

The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) independently, they have a close working relationship.
is one of three Federal Agencies, along with the
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the U.S. • USDA’s Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service
Food and Drug Administration (FDA), primarily respon- (APHIS) is responsible for protecting American
sible for regulating biotechnology in the United States agriculture against pests and diseases. The agency
(Fig. 11d). regulates the field testing of genetically engineered
plants and certain micro-organisms. APHIS also
Products are regulated according to their intended approves and licenses veterinary biological sub-
use, with some products being regulated under more stances, including animal vaccines that may be the
than one agency. product of biotechnology

• USDA’s Food Safety and Inspection Service (FSIS)

Agricultural biotechnology is a collection of scientific
ensures the safety of meat and poultry consumed
techniques, including genetic engineering, that are
as food
used to create, improve, or modify plants, animals, and
micro-organisms. Using conventional techniques, such • The Department of Health and Human Service’s
as selective breeding, scientists have been working Food and Drug Administration (FDA) governs the
to improve plants and animals for human benefit for safety and labelling of drugs and the nation’s food
hundreds of years. Modern techniques now enable and feed supply, excluding meat and poultry
scientists to move genes (and therefore desirable traits)
• The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
in ways they could not before - and with greater ease
ensures the safety and safe use of pesticidal
and precision.
and herbicidal substances in the environment
and for certain industrial uses of microbes in the
The Federal government has a well-coordinated
system to ensure that new agricultural biotechnol-
ogy products are safe for the environment and to • The Department of Health and Human Service’s
animal and human health. While these agencies act National Institutes of Health have developed
guidelines for the laboratory use of genetically
engineered organisms. While these guidelines are
generally voluntary, they are mandatory for any
research conducted under Federal grants and they
are widely followed by academic and industrial
scientists around the world

Alfa Laval Pump Handbook 293

11 Compliance

USP (United States Pharmacopeia) class VI FDA/USP Class VI – ISO 10993

USP (United States Pharmacopeia) class VI refers to a For all Alfa Laval Ultra Pure pumps are the product
set of standards established by the USP that govern wetted Elastomers conforming with FDA USP Class VI.
the biocompatibility and safety of materials used in the
manufacturing of pharmaceutical and medical devices. • All elastomer types conform to USP class VI
Chapter 87 and Chapter 88 of USP class VI specifically chapter 87 and 88
address biological reactivity testing of in vitro and in
• Extractable testing undertaken to 121° C (250° F)
vivo materials, respectively.

Chapter 87 focuses on the in vitro biological reactivity

testing of materials used in medical devices. It outlines
various tests and criteria to assess the potential
adverse biological reactions caused by these mate-
rials. The chapter provides guidelines for evaluating
the cytotoxicity (cellular toxicity), sensitization (allergic
reactions), irritation, and other potential harmful effects
of materials when they come into contact with living

On the other hand, Chapter 88 addresses the in vivo

biological reactivity testing of materials. It covers the
testing of materials using animal models to assess
their potential adverse effects when implanted or
introduced into living organisms. This includes tests
for acute systemic toxicity, subchronic toxicity, and
implantation effects.

Compliance with USP class VI standards, including

chapters 87 and 88, is crucial for ensuring the safety
and compatibility of materials used in medical devic-
es and pharmaceutical products. Manufacturers and
suppliers are expected to adhere to these standards to
demonstrate that their materials are biocompatible and
pose minimal risks to patients and users. By following
these guidelines, the industry can maintain high stand-
ards of quality and safety in the design and production
of medical devices and pharmaceutical products.

294 Alfa Laval Pump Handbook

11 Compliance
EN 10204 3.1 EN 10204 2.2
With the stringent demands of hygiene within new food This standard defines documents supplied to the pur-
and pharmaceutical plants being built, material trace- chaser, in accordance with the order requirements, for
ability of equipment supplied is increasingly important. the supply of metallic products such as pumps. This
The EN 10204 standard defines the different types of takes the form of a certificate of conformity and can be
inspection documents required for metallic products. applied to all Alfa Laval pump ranges.
In particular, 3.1 of this standard refers to inspection
documents being prepared at each stage of manu-
facture and supervised tests performed by the quality
department of the manufacture. The material certifica-
tion has reference all the way back to original steel mill.

Alfa Laval Pump Handbook 295

11 Compliance

Fig. 11e EHEDG

EHEDG stands for European Hygienic Engineering Some key principles emphasized by EHEDG include:
and Design Group (Fig. 11e). It is a consortium of
equipment manufacturers, food industries, research • Cleanability: Equipment should be designed in a
institutions, and public health authorities that promotes way that allows effective and efficient cleaning.
hygienic engineering and design principles in the food Smooth surfaces, minimal joints and crevices, and
and beverage industry. the use of appropriate materials are crucial for easy
cleaning and prevention of bacterial growth
The primary goal of EHEDG is to provide guidelines
• Hygienic design: Equipment should be designed
and standards for the design, construction, and
to minimize the risk of product contamination. This
installation of food processing equipment and facilities
involves considerations such as preventing the
to ensure hygienic production processes. By promot-
accumulation of product residues, avoiding dead
ing hygienic engineering practices, EHEDG aims to
spaces where bacteria can proliferate, and ensur-
improve food safety, minimize contamination risks, and
ing proper drainage of liquids
enhance the overall quality of food products.
• Material selection: EHEDG provides guidance
EHEDG develops and publishes guidelines, recom- on suitable materials for food contact surfaces,
mendations, and best practices for various aspects of taking into account factors such as resistance to
food processing, including equipment design, mate- corrosion, ease of cleaning, and compatibility with
rials selection, cleaning and disinfection procedures, different food products
and facility layout. These guidelines are based on
• Validation and verification: EHEDG emphasizes the
scientific principles and are continuously updated to
importance of validating and verifying the hygienic
incorporate the latest advancements in food safety and
performance of equipment and processes. This
involves conducting tests and assessments to
ensure that the equipment meets the desired hy-
giene standards and that cleaning and disinfection
procedures are effective

296 Alfa Laval Pump Handbook

11 Compliance
Fig. 11f Ex


One significant difference between 3A SSI and EHEDG ATEX stands for “ATmosphères EXplosibles,” which
lies in their geographical focus. While 3A SSI primarily translates to “Explosive Atmospheres” in English
caters to the North American market, EHEDG has a (Fig. 11f). ATEX is a European Union directive that
broader international presence and addresses the outlines the requirements for equipment and protec-
needs of European and global industries. This differ- tive systems intended for use in potentially explosive
ence in regional scope leads to variations in regulatory atmospheres.
requirements, manufacturing practices, and market
acceptance. For more information on ATEX see section 9.8).

3-A certification requires only a theoretical review of

design requirements while EHEDG certification reviews
the design both theoretically and practically (using a
standardised hygiene test)

Despite these differences, both 3A SSI and EHEDG

share the common goal of ensuring hygienic equip-
ment design and operation. Manufacturers and
industry professionals consider relevant standards and
guidelines from both organizations, along with other
applicable local regulations, to achieve the highest
level of hygiene and safety in their processes and

The consensus is 3A SSI and EHEDG are collaborating

more and driving the future hygienic design standards
and look to remove national or regional standards as
non-trariff barriers for trade.

Alfa Laval Pump Handbook 297

11 Compliance

Equipment Documentation Equipment Documentation Equipment Documentation Equipment Documentation

SX UltraPure SX UltraPure SX UltraPure SX UltraPure
Page 2 of 5 Page 3 of 5 Page 4 of 5 Page 5 of 5
Serial No: Serial No: Serial No: Serial No:

Declaration of Compliance Product wetted metallic parts, 3.1 according to EN 10204 (MTR) traceability Product wetted non metallic parts
AL Article No AL Article No Lot Number Batch No
Item Description Qty Material Lot Number Heat No Item Description Qty Material
Alfa Laval Eastbourne Ltd Item No Item No Cure Date Compound ID
Birch Road, Eastbourne, BN23 6PQ, UK 9630070403 9630069421 230307005 88338
COVER ROTORCASE 3.1 SX4 1 1.4404/316L 280682 567383 CUP SEAL EPDM USP VI SX3-4 2 EPDM USP VI
5130.434 5382.305 24 Nov 2022 R43
Alfa Laval SX UltraPure Phone: +44 (0) 1323 412555
E-mail: info@alfalaval.com 9630069835
ROTARY RING R00 C DBL OUT SX4 2 1.4462 220222009 433620
230307010 86720B
R5610.134 5382.405 20 Jul 2022 R43
Compliance with Regulation (EC) No: 1935/2004 9630110663 9630070401 220208010 2201130008
ROTOR 4L SS 10 BAR 3.1 SX4/063 2 1.4404/316L 282383 565670 JOINT RING EPDM USP VI SX4 1 EPDM USP VI
We declare that the above mentioned equipment complies with Regulation (EC) No. 1935/2004 regarding 5780.063K.A 5381.405 13 Jan 2022 E70Q
Equipment documentation
“Materials and articles intended to come into contact with food”. 9630070339 9630854854 220718001 2206280056
ROTOR RETAINER 3.1 SX4/063 2 1.4404/316L 230220002 174040 O RING EPDM USP VI 2 EPDM USP VI
Doc. ID No.: Alfa Laval Q Doc SX UltraPure Rev. 3.4 Page 1 of 5 5900.214 1556.027 28 Jun 2022 E70Q
Compliance to EN 10204 type 3.1 (MTR) * 9630110664
ROTORCASE 3.1 SX4/063 1 1.4404/316L 279839 59391
211110005 2110170065
Order information 5804.010.A 1555.830 17 Oct 2021 E70Q
We declare that in the above equipment the product wetted steel parts comply with the requirements of the order as
Serial No.: P&ID reference: specified in our EN 10204:2004 Inspection certificate type 3.1. 9630074472
SEAL DRIVE INSERT 3.1 SX4 2 1.4404/316L 220730001 1MDJ
220203012 106540
5670.174 1556.144 05 Jan 2022 2107
Item No.: Item Description: Compliance to the U.S. Food & Drug Administration CFR 21 §177.2600 9630069823 9630929689 211215026 083802
SX UP4/063 PUMP 65mm TRICLAMP STATIC SEAT R00 SC/SC 3.1 SX4 2 1.4460/1.4462 220310003 277396 O RING EPDM USP VI 2 EPDM USP VI
Order No.: We declare that the product wetted elastomers are in compliance with the U.S. Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) R5630.134 1556.330 01 Jan 2021 2107
section 21 Food and Drug Administration (FDA), Part 177 (Indirect Food Additives: Polymers), Section 2600 9630103857 9630069835 220222009 384269
WOC TRICLAMP 65mm 3.1 2 1.4404/316L 230515006 YX22072108 ROTARY RING R00 C DBL OUT SX4 2 CARBON
(Rubber Articles Intended for Repeated Use). FDA Declarations from our suppliers can be forwarded upon request. 5002.650.A R5610.134 R60
9630069798 230329006 400261
ROTARY RING R00 SC SX4 2 Silicon carbide
Compliance to the U.S. Food & Drug Administration (considering mechanical seal faces) R5610.124 R36
We hereby certify that on pumps of our manufacture, the materials from which the mechanical seal faces are 9630069823 220310003 384036
STATIC SEAT R00 SC/SC 3.1 SX4 2 Silicon carbide
produced are accepted by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration’s regulations (FDA) to be used within food R5630.134 R36
li ti
Compliance to the United States Pharmacopeia (USP)
If specified as USP Class VI the product wetted elastomer compounds have been tested and certified by an
independent laboratory to be in compliance with the criteria of the U.S. Pharmacopeia 88, Class VI extraction tests.
R36 Silicon carbide seal face material has been tested and certified by an independent laboratory to meet the
requirements of the U.S. Pharmacopeia Chapter <87>.

TSE (Transmissible Spongiform Encephalopathy) Declaration This Q Doc contains the following
We declare that the above equipment has never been in contact with any compound derived from animal sources. Pump Test Certificate 
Consequently this equipment does not contain Specific Risk Materials (SRM`s) associated with risk of TSE. TSE Surface Finish Certificate 
Declarations from our suppliers can be forwarded upon request. Hydrostatic Pressure Test Certificate
Delta Ferrite Conformance
Surface Finish Declaration Supplier Heat Certificates 
In accordance with Alfa Laval quality procedures we declare that in the above equipment the surface finish of the
product wetted metallic parts complies with the requirements of the order and unless requested otherwise is no
greater than 0.8 Microns Ra. Responsibilities
Where an improved surface finish or electro polishing has been specified we declare the surface finish of the
Please note that the table above is a Lot Tracing Report showing the components issued to the Shop Orders. It is not a Bill of Materials and should not be used to
product wetted metallic parts complies with the requirements of the order as recorded in the attached certificate. The responsible person from each department who have performed test or entered data to this document must
order spares. For Spares enquiries please contact Eastbourne Customer Support.
approve and sign. By signing this document the responsible person hereby declares that the instructions are
* 3.1 certificates (MTR’s) are attached to this document followed and the requirements met in the appropriate procedures or Technical Specification of this document.

QC Inspector Date 19 Jul 2023

Lars Kruse Andersen, Global Product Quality Manager, Alfa Laval


VAT Registered No: GB 102 5620 64

Registered in England No: 7427524
Classified by Alfa Laval as: Business
Registered Office: Birch Road Eastbourne BN23 6PQ

Classified by Alfa Laval as: Business

Classified by Alfa Laval as: Business Classified by Alfa Laval as: Business Classified by Alfa Laval as: Business

# # #

Fig. 11g Example of standard Q-Doc for SX UltraPure

Pharma documentation:
Alfa Laval Q-doc is our comprehensive documenta-
tion package for our UltraPure equipment (Fig. 11g).
Based on Good Documentation Practice (GDP), Q-doc
documents every aspect from raw material to delivered
equipment. With full transparency of sourcing, produc-
tion and supply chains it is a simple matter to trace
even the slightest change in material or manufacturing
procedures – even when it comes to spare parts.

298 Alfa Laval Pump Handbook

Alfa Laval Pump Handbook 299
12 Installation Guide

This chapter covers guidelines relating

to pump installation, system design and
pipework layout.

12.1 General
To ensure optimum pump operation it is important
that any pump unit to be used is installed to the best
engineering practice.

300 Alfa Laval Pump Handbook

12 Installation Guide
Installation Guide

Alfa Laval Pump Handbook 301

12 Installation Guide

Discharge line

Plan view

Suction line
Fig. 12.1.1a Avoid common suction lines

12.1.1 System Design

When designing a pumping system, the following
points should be taken into consideration:

• Confirm the Net Positive Suction Head (NPSH) • Fit suction and discharge pressure monitor points
available from the system exceeds the NPSH for diagnostic purposes
required by the pump, as this is crucial for ensuring
• Fit valves, if two pumps are to be used on mani-
the smooth operation of the pump and preventing
fold/common discharge lines
• Make the necessary piping arrangements as per
• Take care with designing suction lifts and manifold/
individual requirements of the pump specification
common suction lines for two positive displace-
as detailed in the operating manual for flushing
ment pumps running in parallel, as this may cause
vibration or cavitation (see Fig. 12.1.1a). It is impor- • Allow at least 1 m for pump access/maintenance
tant to note that each pump have their own all around the unit
NPSH required value so NPSH available on a
• Do not subject pumps to rapid temperature chang-
shared suction line requires sufficient availability
es, as pump seizure can result from thermal shock
on both pumps. Recommendation is to take both
NPSHr values for a total and add an additional
1 m lc margin to NPSHa for suitable operation

• Protect the pump against blockage from hard solid

objects e.g., nuts, bolts etc. Also protect the pump
from accidental operation against a closed valve by
using relief valves, pressure switches and current
limiting/tripping devices

302 Alfa Laval Pump Handbook

12 Installation Guide
12.1.2 Pipework The following should be taken into consideration
Both the suction and discharge piping should be • Have short, wide inlet pipework to reduce friction
aligned and independently supported so that the pipe- losses in the pipework thereby improving the NPSH
work does not create any undesired strain against the available
connections of the pump. Pipe strain is a leading factor
• Avoid bends, tees, and any restrictions close to
in causing shaft misalignment.
either suction or discharge side of pump. Use long
radius bends wherever possible
Pipework support should be balanced and secured
so that when fluid is introduced, there is no movement • Alfa Laval recommends x10 the pipe diameter of
that would cause pipe strain on the pump. straight pipework before and after the pump to
allow for steady flow conditions that reduce turbu-
The maximum allowable forces and moments for an lence and unwanted vibration
Alfa Laval pump can be found in the operating manual.
• Provide isolating valves on each side of the pump
when necessary
For optimal pipework design, provision needs to be
made to the pipework to ensure unwanted effects • Keep pipework horizontal where applicable to
such as hydraulic noise, vibration and cavitation are reduce air locks. Include eccentric reducers on
minimised. suction lines and a positive gradient slope feeding
to pump inlet being ideal

12.1.3 Weight 12.1.4 Electrical Supply

The weight of the pump and drive unit should be con- Ensure that there is an adequate electrical supply to
sidered for lifting gear requirements. the pump drive unit. This supply should be compatible
with the electric motor selected and managed by a
Consult the pumping unit’s operating manual on best qualified electrician for installation purposes.
methods for handling.

Alfa Laval Pump Handbook 303

12 Installation Guide



Fig. 12.2.1a Correct direction of flow Fig. 12.2.1b Pump with impeller screw fitted

12.2 Flow Direction

12.2.1 Centrifugal Pumps 1. Pump with impeller screw fitted
A centrifugal pump should never be operated in the • Start and stop the motor momentarily (without fluid
wrong direction of rotation with fluid within the pump in the pump)
(Fig. 12.2.1a). It is possible to check this in two ways
• Ensure that the direction of rotation of the motor
as follows:
fan is clockwise as viewed from the rear end of
the motor (Fig. 12.2.1b)

Stub shaft

Fig. 12.2.1c Pump without impeller screw fitted Fig. 12.2.1d Pump without impeller

2. Pump without impeller screw fitted

• With this method the impeller should always be • Start and stop the motor momentarily
removed before checking the direction of rotation
• Ensure that the direction of rotation of the stub
(Fig. 12.2.1c)
shaft is anti-clockwise as viewed from the pump
• The pump should never be started if the impeller inlet (Fig. 12.2.1d)
is fitted, and the pump casing has been removed
• If dealing with a LKH Prime with an airscrew,
always remember to remove the air screw and
impeller before checking the direction of rotation

304 Alfa Laval Pump Handbook

12 Installation Guide
Inlet Outlet

Outlet Inlet Outlet

Outlet Inlet
Fig. 12.2.2a Flow direction

12.2.2 Rotary Lobe & Circumferential Piston Pumps

The direction of flow is dictated by the direction of
drive shaft rotation. Reversing the direction of rotation
will reverse the flow direction (Fig. 12.2.2a).




A: Suction A: Suction
B: Discharge B: Discharge

Both Rotary Lobe and Circumferential Piston pumps

are capable of full bi-directional flow without configura‑
tion modification.

Alfa Laval Pump Handbook 305

12 Installation Guide


Fig: 12.2.3a 1) Standard flow direction - Front: Inlet/Top: Outlet 2) Reversed flow direction – Top: Inlet/Front: Outlet

12.2.3 Twin Screw Pumps

The direction of flow is dictated by the direction of Note:
drive shaft rotation. Reversing the direction of rotation The Alfa Laval Twin Screw pump may be operated in
will reverse the flow direction. It is important to note, reverse to that originally intended but differential pres-
the twin screw pump will have been built for a specific sure limitations in accordance to pump configuration
flow direction at time of order. This is highlighted by must be considered – Refer to instruction manual for
the arrow on the pump casing and the drive shaft as further details.
indication of which direction flow will occur via correct
rotation (Fig. 12.2.3a).

306 Alfa Laval Pump Handbook

12 Installation Guide
Baseplate fixing holes

Fig. 12.3b Baseplate fixing

12.3 Baseplate Foundations

Positive Displacement Pumps
Success to pump longevity begins with a solid foun- Positive displacement pumps when supplied with a
dation. In general, a pump should be mounted on a drive unit are normally mounted on a baseplate. Alfa
strong baseplate and supported by a strong concrete Laval standard baseplates have pre-drilled fixing holes
foundation to absorb any vibration, strain or shock and to accept base retaining bolts (Fig. 12.3b).
form a permanent rigid support for the baseplate and
pumping unit. Methods of anchoring the baseplate to the foundation
are varied, they can be studs embedded in the con-
crete either at the pouring stage as shown below, or
by use of epoxy type grouts. Alternatively mechanical
fixings can be used.

A = Sleeve A = Foundation surface

C B = Lug welded to bolt head left rough to anchor grout
C = Waste put around bolt A
before pouring concrete





Fig. 12.3c Foundations

Optimal foundations should be approximately 150 mm The drawing (Fig. 12.3b) above shows two typical
longer and wider than the provided baseplate. In ad- methods for foundation bolt retaining. The sleeve
dition, the depth of the foundation should be propor- allows for ‘slight’ lateral movement of the bolts after
tional to the size of the complete pump unit with typical the foundation is poured. Rag or wastepaper can be
standard value being at a depth of x10 the foundation used to prevent the concrete from entering the sleeve
bolt diameter. while the foundation is poured. A minimum of 14 days
is normally required to allow the curing of the concrete
prior to pump unit installation.

Alfa Laval Pump Handbook 307

12 Installation Guide

Fig. 12.3d Ball Foot baseplate

Ball Foot Baseplate with Adjustable Feet

The pumping unit can be supplied with an optional ball The 3A standard on positive displacement pumps
foot baseplate with height adjustable feet (Fig. 12.3d). requires a minimum clearance between the lowest part
of the base, pump, motor, or drive and for the floor to
When used: be no less than 100 mm (4 in).
• Ensure the floor is level and can support the weight
of the complete unit

• Ensure the unit is supported by all feet equally

These two points on suitable foundation are also appli-
cable to centrifugal pumps when installed.

308 Alfa Laval Pump Handbook

12 Installation Guide
Parallel misalignment

Angular misalignment

Fig. 12.4a Parallel and angular misalignment

12.4 Coupling Alignment

(Positive Displacement Pumps)
Before the pump unit is installed it is important to that can be located within operating manuals.
ensure that the mounting surface is flat to avoid
distortion of the baseplate. This will cause pump/motor Misalignment can lead to premature seal and bearing
shaft misalignment and pump/motor unit damage failure with increased noise output. Misalignment is
(Fig. 12.4a). often caused by the following:

Once the baseplate has been secured, the pump shaft • Improper mounting/shimming of the equipment
to motor shaft coupling alignment should be checked when fitting/installing
and adjusted where necessary as it is possible for
• Pipe strain caused by improper alignment to the
assembled units to shift out of tolerance during transit.
pump’s fluid connections
Coupling alignment is achieved by checking the maxi- • Pipe strain caused by improper support of the pipe
mum angular and parallel allowable misalignments for
the couplings as stated by the coupling manufacturers

Alfa Laval Pump Handbook 309

12 Installation Guide

Fig. 12.5a Incorrect use Fig. 12.5b Correct use

12.5 Considerations for LKH Prime Centrifugal Pump
Always use two drain valves
If the LKH Prime Pump is fitted with the drain option; To ensure optimal function of the self-priming capac-
never short circuit the drain connections as this will ity, LKH Prime must be installed in such a way that it
reduce the air release capacity (Fig. 12.5a). ensures liquid is in the pump on start-up e.g., with a
swan neck design as illustrated (Fig. 12.5b).

Max running time when releasing air should not
exceed 15 min.

310 Alfa Laval Pump Handbook

12 Installation Guide
min D
LKH Prime 10 200 mm 1.5 m
LKH Prime 20 2" pipe

LKH Prime 40 200 mm 1.5 m
3" pipe or
2" pipe
Fig. 12.5c Recommended start-up outlay Table 12.5.a

Installation guidelines
1. Suction considerations
• Ensure the suction line is designed so the pump is • Controlled start/stop of pump e.g. Level Switch
liquid filled at start up, e.g. swan neck (Fig. 12.5c) (LS)

• Design suction line with slope down toward the • Do not start the LKH Prime before tank bottom is
pump to avoid air entrapments liquid filled

• Ensure NPSHa > NPSHr under all duty conditions • Stop the LKH Prime during phase changes
including all temperatures

1. Suction line
1 2. LKH Prime Pump
3. Discharge line
4. Check valve
2 5. Level switch
Fig 12.5d Installation example

2. General considerations 3. Discharge considerations

• Minimum speed for effective air evacuation is 2800 • Place check valve as far away from the pump as
RPM possible

• Air evacuation ability improves with higher speed • Replace check valve with automated valve, if
(Maximum speed 3600 RPM) possible

• The LKH Prime must be sized for the specific duty Note:
point The LKH Prime is NOT a one-to-one replacement of
the MR liquid-ring pump.

Alfa Laval Pump Handbook 311

12 Installation Guide

12.6 Pre-start Checklist

• Check the pipework system has been purged to
remove debris

• Check all obstructions have been removed from

pipework and pump

• Check pump connections and pipework joints are


• Check lubrication levels are correct

• Check seal flushing is connected if applicable

• Check all safety guards are in place

• Check that inlet and outlet valves are open

Where available, commissioning plugs should be used
to reduce risk of any component damage because of
debris becoming trapped between rotating element
and casing.

12.6.1 Fastenings
If pump is to be disassembled for any reason it is
imperative that upon assembly all fastenings are tight-
ened to the recommended torque values as shown in
the instruction manual.

312 Alfa Laval Pump Handbook

Alfa Laval Pump Handbook 313
13 Troubleshooting

This chapter offers possible causes and

solutions to most common problems
found in pump installation and operation.

13.1 General
Pumps are critical components in many industrial
processes and applications. They are used to transfer
fluids, gases, or other substances from one location to
another. Problems with pumping equipment cause not
only inconvenience, but also contribute to loss of pro-
duction. An efficient operation depends on trouble-free
pumping. Effective troubleshooting of pumps is crucial
for minimising downtime and preventing further dam-
age to equipment, ultimately saving time and money.

Pumps are likely to be the most vulnerable compo-

nents and when trouble can arise, the symptoms
frequently show the pump to be at fault regardless of
what may be wrong. The problem is usually caused
by inadequate control of the pumped fluid or a change
in operating requirements of which the system or
pump is not capable of handling or a component

314 Alfa Laval Pump Handbook

13 Troubleshooting

Alfa Laval Pump Handbook 315

13 Troubleshooting

Diagnosis of problems will be greatly

assisted by having pressure gauges
fitted to both pump inlet and outlet.

Before starting to correctly identify the problem it is The most common problems found are generally as
important to gather as much information relating to the follows and explained in section 13.2:
process as follows:
• Loss of flow
• Reconfirm original duty conditions pump was sized
• Loss of suction
• Low discharge pressure
• What has changed in the process since operation
was last satisfactory i.e., pressure, temperature, • Excessive noise or vibration
fluid viscosity etc.
• Excessive power usage
• Was the system undergoing routine maintenance
• Rapid pump wear
• Were any new or repaired components omitted to
• Seal leakage
be fitted

• When was the pump last serviced

• What was the appearance and condition of the

pump internal components

• How long did the pump operate before the


• Any changes in pump noise or vibration

316 Alfa Laval Pump Handbook

13 Troubleshooting
13.2 Common Problems
13.2.1 Loss of Flow
A simple cause of this could be incorrect direction of clogged inlet strainers, debris floating in the fluid
shaft rotation on a centrifugal pump, which although supply that covers the inlet piping intake, or rags.
obvious is often overlooked. If the fluid is cooler than design temperature, its
viscosity may be too high causing excessive friction
Loss of flow can be caused by excessive discharge (pressure loss) in the inlet piping system. Cavitation
pressure and/or by a change in fluid viscosity. is frequently accompanied by noise, vibration and
significant increase in discharge pressure pulsation.
In general terms: If a pump is allowed to cavitate over long periods this
will cause damage to the pump head components.
• For a positive displacement pump, if the viscosity is
The surface of these components are typically
significantly reduced, the pump’s rated flow will be
perforated and pitted.
reduced, more so for higher pressure operation

• For a centrifugal pump if the viscosity is increased, Gas in the inlet pipework has the same impact on
the pump’s rated flow will be decreased pump operation and creates the same symptoms as
cavitation. This can occur under other circumstances
such as a pump operating at an inlet pressure below
13.2.2 Loss of Suction local atmospheric pressure. In this instance it is quite
Loss of suction can be minor, causing little, short-term likely that air is being drawn into the pipework through
damage or sufficiently major to catastrophic damage. a loose pipe connection or pump casing joint, leak-
Loss of suction means fluid is not reaching the pump- ing inlet valve stem, defective or otherwise damaged
ing elements or not reaching them at a sufficiently joint gasket in the pipework system. In recirculating
high pressure to keep the fluid being pumped in a fluid systems, such as a lubrication system where the fluid
state. Loss of suction can be interpreted as the inability pumped is continuously returned to a supply source
to prime, cavitation or a gas content problem. or tank, if the tank and return lines are not adequately
designed, located and sized, air is easily entrained in
Positive displacement pumps can be classed as the oil and immediately picked up by the pump inlet
‘self-priming’. This means that within limits, unique system. Be sure fluid level at its source is at or above
to each technology, they are capable of evacuating minimum operating levels. Lines returning flow to a
(pumping) a modest amount of air from the suction supply tank should terminate below minimum fluid
side of the pump to the discharge side of the pump. level.
Filling the inlet system with fluid or at least filling the
pump (wetted pumping elements) will make a consid-
erable improvement in the pump’s priming capability.

The LKH Prime centrifugal pump range is specially

designed to be self-priming with its air screw design.

Cavitation is caused by insufficient system inlet

pressure to the pump. This can be caused by an inlet
system restriction, excessive fluid viscosity or exces-
sive pump speed. Inlet restrictions can include dirty or

Alfa Laval Pump Handbook 317

13 Troubleshooting

13.2.3 Low Discharge Pressure 13.2.5 Excessive Power

Low discharge pressure can only be caused by Excessive power consumption can be caused by
loss of flow. Pump discharge pressure is caused either mechanical or hydraulic problems. Mechanical
only by the system’s resistance to the flow provided causes include imminent bearing failure, pumping
by the pump. Either the pump is not providing the elements rubbing which can lead to a pump seizure
flow expected or the system is not offering the expect- and poor shaft alignments. Too high viscosity can
ed resistance to that flow and would not be a result result in the motor overloading.
of incorrect pump selection but rather system/process
design. It is possible that flow is being restricted into • For a positive displacement pump, too high dis-
the pump (cavitation), usually accompanied by noise charge pressure can cause the motor to overload
and vibration, the pump is not producing its rated
• For a centrifugal pump, too high capacity (too
flow (pump worn or damaged), or the pump flow is
low discharge pressure) can cause the motor to
bypassing rather than being delivered into the system
as intended.

13.2.4 Excessive Noise or Vibration 13.2.6 Rapid Pump Wear

Excessive noise and/or vibration can be a symptom Rapid wear of pump head components is either
of cavitation, mechanical damage to pump assem- caused by abrasives being present in the fluid, chem-
bly, misalignment of drive or harmonics with other ical corrosion, loss of shaft support (bearing failure),
elements of the system. Cavitation is especially true or operation at a condition for which the pump is not
if the discharge pressure is fluctuating or pulsating. suitable i.e., cavitation, excessively high pressure
Mechanical causes of noise and vibration include shaft or high temperature. To avoid any abrasive foreign
misalignment, loose couplings, loose pump and/or material entering the pump, strainers or filters should
driver mountings, loose pump and/or driver guards, be employed wherever possible and practical. Rapid
worn or damaged driver or pump bearings or valve wear is sometimes not wear in the sense of a non-du-
noise that seems to be coming from the pump. Valves, rable pump, but really a catastrophic pump failure that
especially on the discharge side of the pump can occurred very quickly. Looking at the pump’s internal
sometimes go into a hydraulic vibration mode caused parts alone may not provide much help in identifying
by operating pressure, flow rate and the valve design. the cause, thus the importance of knowing what was
Resetting or a change in an internal valve component occurring in the time period immediately preceding
is usually sufficient to solve the problem. detection of the problem.

318 Alfa Laval Pump Handbook

13 Troubleshooting
13.2.7 Seal Leakage
Mechanical seals fitted to pumps can be seen as the
weakest point. Special care should be taken to ensure
the correct seal configuration for the application is
installed i.e., mounting attitude, seal face combination
and elastomer selection.

Apart from mis-selection and poor servicing, seal leak-

age can be due to pump cavitation, too high discharge
pressure, pumps being allowed to run dry without suit-
able liquid present for seal operation and unexpected
solids in the fluid.

Alfa Laval Pump Handbook 319

13 Troubleshooting

13.3 Problem Solving Table

The table shown offers probable causes and solutions For further in-depth analysis into troubleshooting
to the most common problems encountered. guidance on a particular pump technology with-
in Alfa Laval’s portfolio, please see documents
In the parenthesis ( ) next to the particular solution “Troubleshooting PD Pumps” and “Troubleshooting
given you will find annotation relating to what pump Centrifugal Pumps”.
type the solution is for.


• ce = Centrifugal Pump

• pd = Positive Displacement Pump

See table 13.3a on the following pages.

320 Alfa Laval Pump Handbook

Problem Probable Causes Solutions

Excessive power absorbed

Pump stalls when starting

Mechanical seal leakage

Low discharge pressure

Prime lost after starting

Pump element wear

Pump will not prime

Noise and vibration

Irregular discharge

Pump overheats

Motor overheats
Under capacity

No flow


  Incorrect direction of rotation Reverse motor (ce, pd)

 Pump not primed Expel gas from suction line and pumping chamber
and introduce fluid (ce, pd)

     Insufficient NPSH available Increase suction line diameter (ce, pd)

Increase suction head (ce, pd)
Simplify suction line configuration and reduce length
(ce, pd)
Reduce pump speed (pd)
Decrease fluid temperature (ce)
- check effect of increased viscosity

    Fluid vaporising in suction line Increase suction line diameter (ce, pd)
Increase suction head (ce, pd)
Simplify suction line configuration and reduce length
(ce, pd)
Reduce pump speed (pd)
Decrease fluid temperature (ce)
- check effect of increased viscosity

    Air entering suction line Remake pipework joints (ce, pd)

   Strainer or filter blocked Service fittings (ce, pd)

     Fluid viscosity above rated Increase fluid temperature (ce, pd)

figure Decrease pump speed (pd)
Increase motor speed (ce)
Check seal face viscosity limitations (ce, pd)

  Fluid viscosity below rated figure Decrease fluid temperature (ce, liq, rlp)
Increase pump speed (pd)

     Fluid temperature above rated Cool the pump casing (ce, pd)
figure Reduce fluid temperature (ce, pd)
Check seal face and elastomer temperature
limitations (ce, pd)

   Fluid temperature below rated Heat the pump casing (ce, pd)
figure Increase fluid temperature (ce, pd)

   Unexpected solids in fluid Clean the system (ce, pd)

Fit strainer to suction line (ce, pd)
If solids cannot be eliminated, consider fitting dou-
ble mechanical seals (ce, pd)

       Discharge pressure above rated Check for obstructions i.e. closed valve (ce, pd)
figure Service system and change to prevent problem
recurring (ce, pd)
Simplify discharge line to decrease pressure (ce, pd)

Table 13.3a - continues on the next page

Alfa Laval Pump Handbook 321

Problem Probable Causes Solutions

Excessive power absorbed

Pump stalls when starting

Mechanical seal leakage

Low discharge pressure

Prime lost after starting

Packed gland leakage

Pump element wear
Pump will not prime

Noise and vibration

Irregular discharge

Pump overheats

Motor overheats
Under capacity

No flow

Seal flushing inadequate Increase flush flow rate (ce, pd)
Check that flush fluid flows freely into seal
area (ce, pd)

   Pump speed above rated figure Decrease pump speed (pd)

 Pump speed below rated figure Increase pump speed (pd)

     Pump casing strained by pipework Check alignment of pipes (ce, pd)

Fit flexible pipes or expansion fittings (ce, pd)
Support pipework (ce, pd)

    Flexible coupling misaligned Check alignment and adjust mountings

accordingly (pd)

    Insecure pump driver mountings Fit lock washers to slack fasteners and
re-tighten (pd)

     Shaft bearing wear or failure Refer to pump maker for advice and replace-
ment parts (pd)

    Insufficient gear case lubrication Refer to pump maker’s instructions (pd)

     Metal to metal contact of pumping Check rated and duty pressures (ce, pd)
element Refer to pump maker (ce, pd)

  Worn pumping element Fit new components (ce, pd)

  Rotor case cover relief valve Check pressure setting and re-adjust if
leakage necessary (SRU only)
Examine and clean seating surfaces (SRU
Replace worn parts (SRU only)

  Rotor case cover relief valve Check for wear on sealing surfaces, guides
chatter etc - replace as necessary (SRU only)

 Rotor case cover relief valve incor- Re-adjust spring compression - valve should
rectly set lift approx. 10% above duty pressure (SRU

  Suction lift too high Lower pump or raise fluid level (ce, pd)

 Fluid pumped not compatible with Use optional materials (pd)

materials used

 No barrier in system to prevent Ensure discharge pipework higher than

flow passing back through pump suction tank (pd)

 Pump allowed to run dry Ensure system operation prevents this (ce,
Fit single or double flushed mechanical seals
(ce, pd)

 Faulty motor Check and replace motor bearings (ce, pd)

 Too large clearance between Reduce clearance between impeller and

impeller and back plate/casing back plate casing (ce)

 Too small impeller diameter Fit larger size impeller - check motor size (ce)

 Pumping element missing e.g. Fit pumping element (ce, pd)

after service

Table 13.3a - continued

322 Alfa Laval Pump Handbook

13 Troubleshooting

Alfa Laval Pump Handbook 323

14 Technical Data

This chapter includes a summary of

nomenclature and formulas used in
this handbook. Various conversion
tables and curves are also shown.

324 Alfa Laval Pump Handbook

14 Technical Data
Technical Data

Alfa Laval Pump Handbook 325

14 Technical Data

14.1 Nomenclature
Symbol Description Symbol Description
A Area QL Fluid Losses through Impeller
Casing Clearances
D Tube Diameter q Pump Displacement
F Force r Radius
fD Darcy Friction Factor Ra Surface Roughness
g Gravity Re Reynolds Number
H Total Head SG Specific Gravity
Hs Total Suction Head T Shaft Torque
Ht Total Discharge Head V Fluid Velocity
h fs Pressure Drop in ALiCE γ (greek letter ‘gamma’) Specific Weight
h ft Pressure Drop in Discharge Line δ (greek letter ‘delta’) Total
hs Static Suction Head ε (greek letter ‘epsilon’) Relative Roughness
ht Static Discharge Head η (greek letter ‘eta’) Total Efficiency
L Tube Length ηh Hydraulic Efficiency
n Pump Speed ηm Mechanical Efficiency
Pa Pressure Absolute above ηoa Overall Efficiency
Fluid Level
Pf Pressure Loss due to Friction ηv Volumetric Efficiency
Ps Vacuum or Pressure in a Tank on μ (greek letter ‘mu’) Absolute Viscosity
Suction Side
Pt Pressure in a Tank on Discharge ν (greek letter ‘nu’) Kinematic Viscosity
Pv Power/Viscosity Factor ρ (greek letter ‘rho’) Fluid Density
Pvp Vapour Pressure ω (greek letter ‘omega’) Shaft Angular Velocity
Q Capacity
Table 14.1a

326 Alfa Laval Pump Handbook

14 Technical Data
14.2 Formulas
Designation Formula Comments
to find
Viscosity ν=μ Where: 2.1.2
ρ ν = Kinematic Viscosity (mm2/s)
μ = Absolute Viscosity (mPa.s)
ρ = Fluid Density (kg/m3)
ν=μ Where:
SG ν = Kinematic Viscosity (cSt)
μ = Absolute Viscosity (cP)
SG = Specific Gravity
μ = ν x SG 1 Poise = 100 cP
1 Stoke = 100 cSt
Velocity V=Q Where: 2.1.7
A V = Fluid Velocity (m/s)
Q = Capacity (m3/s)
A = Tube Area (m2)
V = Q x 353.6 Where:
D2 V = Fluid Velocity (m/s)
Q = Capacity (m3/h)
D = Tube Diameter (mm)
V = Q x 0.409 Where:
D2 V = Fluid Velocity (ft/s)
Q = Capacity (US gal/min)
D = Tube Diameter (in)
V = Q x 0.489 Where:
D2 V = Fluid Velocity (ft/s)
Q = Capacity (UK gal/min)
D = Tube Diameter (in)
Table 14.2a - continues next page

Alfa Laval Pump Handbook 327

14 Technical Data

Designation Formula Comments
to find
Reynolds Number Re = D x V x ρ Where: 2.1.7
(ratio of inertia forces µ D = Tube Diameter (m)
to viscous forces) V = Fluid Velocity (m/s)
ρ = Density (kg/m3)
µ = Absolute Viscosity (Pa.s)
Re = D x V x ρ Where:
µ D = Tube Diameter (mm)
V = Fluid Velocity (m/s)
ρ = Density (kg/m3)
µ = Absolute Viscosity (cP)
Re = 21230 x Q Where:
Dxµ D = Tube Diameter (mm)
Q = Capacity (l/min)
µ = Absolute Viscosity (cP)
Re = 3162 x Q Where:
Dxν D = Tube Diameter (in)
Q = Capacity (US gal/min)
ν = Kinematic Viscosity (cSt)
Re = 3800 x Q Where:
Dxν D = Tube Diameter (in)
Q = Capacity (UK gal/min)
ν = Kinematic Viscosity (cSt)
Pressure P=F Where: 2.2.2
(total force per unit A F = Force
area exerted by a fluid) A = Area
Static Pressure/Head P=ρxgxh Where: 2.2.2
(relationship between P = Pressure/Head (Pa)
pressure and elevation) ρ = Fluid Density (kg/m3)
g = Acceleration due to Gravity (m/s2)
h = Height of Fluid (m)
P = h x SG Where:
10 P = Pressure/Head (bar)
h = Height of Fluid (m)
P = h x SG Where:
2.31 P = Pressure/Head (PSI)
h = Height of Fluid (ft)
Total Head H = H t – (± H s) Where: 2.2.2
H t = Total Discharge Head
H s = Total Suction Head
Table 14.2a - continues next page

328 Alfa Laval Pump Handbook

14 Technical Data
Designation Formula Comments
to find
Total Discharge Head H t = h t + h ft + p t Where: 2.2.2
h t = Static Discharge Head
h ft = Pressure Drop in Discharge Line
p t > 0 for Pressure
p t < 0 for Vacuum
p t = 0 for Open Tank
Total Suction Head H s = h s - h fs + (± p s) Where: 2.2.2
h s = Static Suction Head
> 0 for Flooded Suction
< 0 for Suction Lift
h fs = Pressure Drop in Suction Line
p s > 0 for Pressure
p s < 0 for Vacuum
p s = 0 for Open Tank
Friction Loss Pf = fD x L x ρ x V2 Where: 2.2.2
(Miller equation) Dx2 Pf = Friction Loss (Pa)
fD = Friction Factor (Darcy)
L = Tube Length (m)
V = Fluid Velocity (m/s)
ρ = Fluid Density (kg/m3)
D = Tube Diameter (m)
Pf = 5 x SG x fD x L x V² Where:
D Pf = Friction Loss (bar)
fD = Friction Factor (Darcy)
L = Tube Length (m)
V = Fluid Velocity (m/s)
SG = Specific Gravity
D = Tube Diameter (mm)
Pf = 0.0823 x SG x fD x L x V² Where:
D Pf = Friction Loss (PSI)
fD = Friction Factor (Darcy)
L = Tube Length (ft)
V = Fluid Velocity (ft/s)
SG = Specific Gravity
D = Tube Diameter (in)
Darcy Friction Factor fD = 64 Where: 2.2.2
Re fD = Friction Factor
Re = Reynolds Number
Table 14.2a - continues next page

Alfa Laval Pump Handbook 329

14 Technical Data

Designation Formula Comments
to find
NPSHa NPSHa = Pa ± h s – h fs – Pvp Where: 2.2.4
(Net Positive Suction (+h s for flooded suction) Pa = Pressure Absolute above Fluid Level
Head available) (– h s for suction lift) (bar)
h s = Static Suction Head (m)
h fs = Pressure Drop in Suction Line (m)
Pvp = Vapour Pressure (bar a)
Pa = Pressure Absolute above Fluid Level
h s = Static Suction Head (ft)
h fs = Pressure Drop in Suction Line (ft)
Pvp = Vapour Pressure (PSIA)
Hydraulic Power Power (W) = Q x H x ρ x g Where: 7.2.1
(theoretical energy Q = Capacity (m3/s)
required) H = Total Head (m)
ρ = Fluid Density (kg/m3)
g = Acceleration due to Gravity (m/s2)
Power (kW) = Q x H Where:
k Q = Capacity (l/min)
H = Total Head (bar)
k = 600
Power (hp) = Q x H Where:
k Q = Capacity (US gal/min)
H = Total Head (PSI)
k = 1715
Power (hp) = Q x H Where:
k Q = Capacity (UK gal/min)
H = Total Head (PSI)
k = 1428
Required Power Hydraulic Power 7.2.2
(power needed at the Efficiency (100% = 1.0)
pump shaft)
Torque Torque (Nm) = 7.2.3
Required Power (kW) x 9550
Pump Speed (rev/min)
Torque (kgf m) =
Required Power (kW) x 974
Pump Speed (rev/min)
Torque (ft lb) =
Required Power (hp) x 5250
Pump Speed (rev/min)
Table 14.2a - continues next page

330 Alfa Laval Pump Handbook

14 Technical Data
Designation Formula Comments
to find
Hydraulic Efficiency Pump Head Loss (m) x 100% 7.2.4
(ηh) Total Head (m)3
Mechanical Efficiency 1 - Pump Mech. Losses x 100% 7.2.4
(ηm) Required Power
Volumetric Efficiency ηv = Q x 100% Where: 7.2.4
(Centrifugal and Liquid Q + QL ηv = Volumetric Efficiency
Ring Pumps) Q = Pump Capacity
Q L = Fluid Losses due to Leakage through
the Impeller Casing Clearances
Volumetric efficiency ηv = Q x 100% Where: 7.2.4
(Rotary Lobe Pumps) q ηv = Volumetric Efficiency

Q = Pump Capacity
q = Pump Displacement
Pump Efficiency (ηp) Water Horse Power x 100%
Required Power
ηp = Q x H x ρ x g Where: 7.2.4
wxT ηp = Pump Efficiency
Q = Capacity (m3/s)
H = Total Head/Pressure (m)
ρ = Fluid Density (kg/m3)
g = Acceleration due to Gravity (m/s2)
w = Shaft Angular Velocity (rad/s)
T = Shaft Torque (Nm)
Overall Efficiency (ηoa) Water Horse Power x 100% 7.2.4
Drive Power
Pump Speed - Rotary Lobe Pump
Pump Speed n = Q x 100 Where: 7.2.4
q x ηv x 60 n = Pump Speed (rev/min)
Q = Capacity (m3/h)
q = Pump Displacement (m3/100 rev)
ηv = Volumetric Efficiency (100% = 1.0)
n = Q x 100 Where:
q x ηv n = Pump Speed (rev/min)
Q = Capacity (US gal/min)
q = Pump Displacement (US gal/100 rev)
ηv = Volumetric Efficiency (100% = 1.0)
n = Q x 100 Where:
q x ηv n = Pump Speed (rev/min)
Q = Capacity (UK gal/min)
q = Pump Displacement (UK gal/100 rev)
ηv = Volumetric Efficiency (100% = 1.0)
Table 14.2a - continues next page

Alfa Laval Pump Handbook 331

14 Technical Data

Designation Formula Comments
to find
Flow Control - Centrifugal Pump
Connection between Where: 7.3.2
Impeller Diameter and
D 2 = D1 x √
3 Q2
Q1 D = Impeller Diameter (mm)
Q = Capacity (m3/h)
Connection between Where: 7.3.2
Impeller Diameter and
D 2 = D1 x √ H2
H1 D = Impeller Diameter (mm)
H = Head (m)
Connection between Where: 7.3.2
Impeller Diameter and
D 2 = D1 x √
5 P2
P1 D = Impeller Diameter (mm)
P = Power (kW)
Reduction of Multi- Where: 7.3.2
stage Impeller
√ c-b D1 = Standard Diameter (mm)
Diameter D 2 = D1 x a = Maximum Working Point (m)
b = Minimum Working Point (m)
c = Required Working Point (m)
Connection between Where: 7.3.2
Impeller Speed and n 2 = n1 x n = Impeller Speed (rev/min)
Capacity Q = Capacity (m3/h)
Connection between Where: 7.3.2
Impeller Speed and n 2 = n1 x √ H2
H1 n = Impeller Speed (rev/min)
Head H = Head (m)
Connection between Where: 7.3.2
Impeller Speed and n 2 = n1 x √
3 P2
P1 n = Impeller Speed (rev/min)
Power P = Power (kW)
Table 14.2a

332 Alfa Laval Pump Handbook

14 Technical Data
14.3 Conversion tables
14.3.1 Length

mm m cm in ft yd
1 0.001 0.10 0.0394 0.0033 0.0011
1000 1 100 39.370 3.2808 1.0936
10 0.01 1 0.3937 0.0328 0.1094
25.4 0.0254 2.540 1 0.0833 0.0278
304.8 0.3048 30.48 12 1 0.3333
914.4 0.9144 91.441 36 3 1
Table 14.3.1a

14.3.2 Volume

m3 cm3 l in3 ft3 UK gal US gal

1 100 x 104 1000 61024 35.315 220 264
10 x 107 1 10 x 10 -4 0.0610 3.53 x 10 -5 22 x 10 -5 26.4 x 10 -5
0.0010 1000 1 61.026 0.0353 0.22 0.2642
1.64 x 10 -5
16.387 0.0164 1 58 x 10 -5
0.0036 0.0043
0.00283 28317 28.317 1728 1 6.2288 7.4805
0.0045 4546.1 4.546 277.42 0.1605 1 1.201
37.88 x 10 -4 3785.4 3.7853 231 0.1337 0.8327 1
Table 14.3.2a

14.3.3 Volumetric Capacity

m3/h l/min hl/h UK gal/min US gal/min ft3/h ft3/s m3/s

1 16.667 10 3.6667 4.3999 35.315 9.81 x 10 -3 2.78 x 10 -4
0.060 1 0.60 0.22 0.2642 2.1189 5.88 x 10 -4
1.67 x 10 -5
0.10 1.6667 1 0.3667 0.4399 3.5315 9.81 x 10 -4 2.78 x 10 -5
0.2727 4.546 2.7270 1 1.201 9.6326 2.67 x 10 -3
7.57 x 10 -5
0.2273 3.785 2.2732 0.8326 1 8.0208 2.23 x 10 -3
6.31 x 10 -5
0.0283 0.4719 0.2832 0.1038 0.1247 1 2.78 x 10 -4 7.86 x 10 -6
101.94 1699 1019.4 373.73 448.83 3600 1 0.0283
3600 6 x 104 36000 13200 15838 127208 35.315 1
Table 14.3.3a

Alfa Laval Pump Handbook 333

14 Technical Data

14.3.4 Mass Capacity

t/d t/h
kg/s kg/h lb/h UK ton/h lb/s
(tonne/day) (tonne/hour)
1 3600 7936.6 3.5431 86.40 3.6 2.2046
2.78 x 10 -4 1 2.2046 98.4 x 10 -5 0.024 0.001 6.12 x 10 -4
1.26 x 10 -4 0.4536 1 44.6 x 10 -5 0.0109 4.54 x 10 -4 2.78 x 10 -4
0.2822 1016.1 2240 1 24.385 1.0160 0.6222
11.57 x 10 -3 41.667 91.859 0.0410 1 0.0417 0.0255
0.2778 1000 2201.8 0.9842 24 1 0.6116
0.4536 1632.9 3600 1.6071 39.190 1.6350 1
Table 14.3.4a

14.3.5 Pressure/Head

bar kg/cm2 lb/in2 (PSI) ATM (water) ft (water) m mm Hg in Hg kPa

1 1.0197 14.504 0.9869 33.455 10.197 750.06 29.530 100
0.9807 1 14.223 0.9878 32.808 10 735.56 28.959 98.07
0.0689 0.0703 1 0.0609 2.3067 0.7031 51.715 2.036 6.89
1.0133 1.0332 14.696 1 33.889 10.332 760 29.921 101.3
0.0299 0.0305 0.4335 0.0295 1 0.3048 22.420 0.8827 2.99
0.0981 0.10 1.422 0.0968 3.2808 1 73.356 2.896 9.81
13.3 x 10-4 0.0014 0.0193 13.2 x 10 -4 0.0446 0.0136 1 0.0394 0.133
0.0339 0.0345 0.4912 0.0334 1.1329 0.3453 25.40 1 3.39
1.0 x 10 -5 10.2 x 10 -6 14.5 x 10 -5 9.87 x 10 -6 3.34 x 10 -4 10.2 x 10 -5 75.0 x 10 -4 29.5 x 10 -5 1
Table 14.3.5a

14.3.6 Force 14.3.7 Torque

kN kgf lbf Nm kgf m lb ft lb in

1 101.97 224.81 1 0.102 0.7376 8.8508
9.81 x 10 -3 1 2.2046 9.8067 1 7.2330 86.796
44.5 x 10 -4 0.4536 1 1.3558 0.1383 1 12
Table 14.3.6a 0.113 0.0115 0.0833 1
Table 14.3.7a

334 Alfa Laval Pump Handbook

14 Technical Data
14.3.8 Power

W kgf m/s ft lbf/s hp kW

1 0.102 0.7376 1.34 x 10 -3
9.8067 1 7.2330 0.0132 9806.7
1.3558 0.1383 1 1.82 x 10 -3 1355.8
745.70 76.040 550 1 74.6 x 10 -4
0.001 10.2 x 10 -5 73.8 x 10 -5 13.4 x 10 -7 1
Table 14.3.4a

14.3.9 Density

kg/m3 g/cm3 lb/in3 lb/ft3

1 10 -3
36.127 x 10 -6
62.428 x 10 -3
103 1 36.127 x 10 -3 62.428
27.680 x 10 3
27.680 1 1.728 x 103
16.019 16.019 x 10 -3 0.578 70 x 10 -3 1
Table 14.3.9a

Alfa Laval Pump Handbook 335

14 Technical Data

14.3.10 Viscosity Conversion Table

When SG = 1.0 When SG is

other than 1.0
Read Directly
Saybolt Seconds Redwood Ford Ford Zahn Zahn Zahn Zahn Zahn
cP Poise cSt Stoke Universal SSU Engler Standard #1 #3 #4 #1 #2 #3 #4 #5
1 0.01 1 0.01 31 54 29
2 0.02 2 0.02 34 57 32
4 0.04 4 0.04 38 61 36
7 0.07 7 0.07 47 75 44 8
10 0.10 10 0.10 60 94 52 9 5 30 16
15 0.15 15 0.15 80 125 63 10 8 34 17
20 0.20 20 0.20 100 170 86 12 10 37 18
25 0.25 25 0.25 130 190 112 15 12 41 19
30 0.30 30 0.30 160 210 138 19 14 44 20
40 0.40 40 0.40 210 300 181 25 18 52 22
50 0.50 50 0.50 260 350 225 29 22 60 24
60 0.60 60 0.60 320 450 270 33 25 68 27
70 0.70 70 0.70 370 525 314 36 28 72 30
80 0.80 80 0.80 430 600 364 41 31 81 34
90 0.90 90 0.90 480 875 405 45 32 88 37 10
100 1.0 100 1.0 530 750 445 50 34 41 12 10
120 1.2 120 1.2 580 900 492 58 41 49 14 11
140 1.4 140 1.4 690 1050 585 66 45 58 16 13
160 1.6 160 1.6 790 1200 670 72 50 66 18 14
180 1.8 180 1.8 900 1350 762 81 54 74 20 16
200 2.0 200 2.0 1000 1500 817 90 58 82 23 17 10
220 2.2 220 2.2 1100 1650 933 98 62 88 25 18 11
240 2.4 240 2.4 1200 1800 1020 106 65 27 20 12
260 2.6 260 2.6 1280 1950 1085 115 68 30 21 13
280 2.8 280 2.8 1380 2100 1170 122 70 32 22 14
300 3.0 300 3.0 1475 2250 1250 130 74 34 24 15
320 3.2 320 3.2 1530 2400 1295 136 89 36 25 16
340 3.4 340 3.4 1630 2550 1380 142 95 39 26 17
360 3.6 360 3.6 1730 2700 1465 150 100 41 27 18
380 3.8 380 3.8 1850 2850 1570 160 106 43 29 19
400 4.0 400 4.0 1950 3000 1650 170 112 46 30 20
420 4.2 420 4.2 2050 3150 1740 180 118 48 32 21
440 4.4 440 4.4 2160 3300 1830 188 124 50 33 22
460 4.6 460 4.6 2270 3450 1925 200 130 52 34 23
480 4.8 480 4.8 2380 3600 2020 210 137 54 36 24
500 5.0 500 5.0 2480 3750 2100 218 143 58 38 25
550 5.5 550 5.5 2660 4125 2255 230 153 64 40 27
600 6.0 600 6.0 2900 4500 2460 250 170 68 45 30
700 7.0 700 7.0 3380 5250 2860 295 194 76 51 35
800 8.0 800 8.0 3880 6000 3290 340 223 57 40
900 9.0 900 9.0 4300 8750 3640 365 247 63 45
1000 10 1000 10 4600 7500 3900 390 264 69 49
1100 11 1100 11 5200 8250 4410 445 299 77 55

336 Alfa Laval Pump Handbook

14 Technical Data
When SG = 1.0 When SG is
other than 1.0
Read Directly
Saybolt Seconds Redwood Ford Ford Zahn Zahn Zahn Zahn Zahn
cP Poise cSt Stoke Universal SSU Engler Standard #1 #3 #4 #1 #2 #3 #4 #5
1200 12 1200 12 5620 9000 4680 480 323 59
1300 13 1300 13 6100 9750 5160 520 350 64
1400 14 1400 14 6480 10350 5490 550 372 70
1500 15 1500 15 7000 11100 5940 595 400 75
1600 16 1600 16 7500 11850 6350 635 430 80
1700 17 1700 17 8000 12600 6780 680 460 85
1800 18 1800 18 8500 13300 7200 720 490 91
1900 19 1900 19 9000 13900 7620 760 520 96
2000 20 2000 20 9400 14600 7950 800 540
2100 21 2100 21 9850 15300 8350 835 565
2200 22 2200 22 10300 16100 8730 875 592
2300 23 2300 23 10750 16800 9110 910 617
2400 24 2400 24 11200 17500 9500 950 645
2500 25 2500 25 11600 18250 9830 985 676
3000 30 3000 30 14500 21800 12300 1230 833
3500 35 3500 35 16500 25200 14000 1400 950
4000 40 4000 40 18500 28800 15650 1570 1060
4500 45 4500 45 21000 32400 17800 1175
5000 50 5000 50 23500 36000 19900 1350
5500 55 5500 55 26000 39600 1495
6000 60 6000 60 28000 43100 1605
6500 65 6500 65 30000 46000 1720
7000 70 7000 70 32500 49600 1870
7500 75 7500 75 35000 53200 2010
8000 80 8000 80 37000 56800 2120
8500 85 8500 85 39500 60300 2270
9000 90 9000 90 41080 63900 2350
9500 95 9500 95 43000 67400 2470
10000 100 10000 100 46500 71000 2670
15000 150 15000 150 69400 106000
20000 200 20000 200 92500 140000
30000 300 30000 300 138500 210000
40000 400 40000 400 185000 276000
50000 500 50000 500 231000 345000
60000 600 60000 600 277500 414000
70000 700 70000 700 323500 484000
80000 800 80000 800 370000 550000
90000 900 90000 900 415500 620000
100000 1000 100000 1000 462000 689000
125000 1250 125000 1250 578000 850000
150000 1500 150000 1500 694000
175000 1750 175000 1750 810000
200000 2000 200000 2000 925000
Table 14.3.10a
Alfa Laval Pump Handbook 337
14 Technical Data

14.3.11 Temperature Conversion Table

Minus 459.4 - 0 0 - 49 50 - 100 100 - 490 500 - 1000

°C to °F °C to °F °C to °F °C to °F °C to °F
-273 -459 -17.8 0 32 10.0 50 122.0 38 100 212 260 500 932
-268 -450 -17.2 1 33.8 10.6 51 123.8 43 110 230 266 510 950
-262 -440 -16.7 2 35.6 11.1 52 125.6 49 120 248 271 520 968
-257 -430 -16.1 3 37.4 11.7 53 127.4 54 130 266 277 530 986
-251 -420 -15.6 4 39.2 12.2 54 129.2 60 140 284 282 540 1004
-246 -410 -15.0 5 41.0 12.8 55 131.0 66 150 302 288 550 1022
-240 -400 -14.4 6 42.8 13.3 56 132.8 71 160 320 293 560 1040
-234 -390 -13.9 7 44.6 13.9 57 134.6 77 170 338 299 570 1058
-229 -380 -13.3 8 46.4 14.4 58 136.4 82 180 356 304 580 1076
-223 -370 -12.8 9 48.2 15.0 59 138.2 88 190 374 310 590 1094
-218 -360 -12.2 10 50.0 15.6 60 140.0 93 200 392 316 600 1112
-212 -350 -11.7 11 51.8 16.1 61 141.8 99 210 410 321 610 1130
-207 -340 -11.1 12 53.6 16.7 62 143.6 100 212 414 327 620 1148
-201 -330 -10.6 13 55.4 17.2 63 145.4 104 220 428 332 630 1166
-196 -320 -10.0 14 57.2 17.8 64 147.2 110 230 446 338 640 1184
-190 -310 -9.4 15 59.0 18.3 65 149.0 116 240 464 343 650 1202
-184 -300 -8.9 16 60.8 18.9 66 150.8 121 250 482 349 660 1220
-179 -290 -8.3 17 62.6 19.4 67 152.6 127 260 500 354 670 1238
-173 -280 -7.8 18 64.4 20.0 68 154.4 132 270 518 360 680 1256
-169 -273 -459.4 -7.2 19 66.2 20.6 69 156.2 138 280 536 366 690 1274
-168 -270 -454 -6.7 20 68.0 21.1 70 158.0 143 290 554 371 700 1292
-162 -260 -436 -6.1 21 69.8 21.7 71 159.8 149 300 572 377 710 1310
-157 -250 -418 -5.6 22 71.6 22.2 72 161.6 154 310 590 382 720 1328
-151 -240 -400 -5.0 23 73.4 22.8 73 163.4 160 320 608 388 730 1346
-146 -230 -382 -4.4 24 75.2 23.3 74 165.2 166 330 626 393 740 1364
-140 -220 -364 -3.9 25 77.0 23.9 75 167.0 171 340 644 399 750 1382
-134 -210 -346 -3.3 26 78.8 24.4 76 168.8 177 350 662 404 760 1400
-129 -200 -328 -2.8 27 80.6 25.0 77 170.6 182 360 680 410 770 1418
-123 -190 -310 -2.2 28 82.4 25.6 78 172.4 188 370 698 416 780 1436
-118 -180 -292 -1.7 29 84.2 26.1 79 174.2 193 380 716 421 790 1454
-112 -170 -274 -1.1 30 86.0 26,7 80 176.0 199 390 734 427 800 1472
-107 -160 -256 -0.6 31 87.8 27.2 81 177.8 204 400 752 432 810 1490
-101 -150 -238 0.0 32 89.6 27.8 82 179.6 210 410 770 438 820 1508

338 Alfa Laval Pump Handbook

14 Technical Data
Minus 459.4 - 0 0 - 49 50 - 100 100 - 490 500 - 1000
°C to °F °C to °F °C to °F °C to °F °C to °F
-96 -140 -220 0.6 33 91.4 28.3 83 181.4 216 420 788 443 830 1526
-90 -130 -202 1.1 34 93.2 28.9 84 183.2 221 430 806 449 840 1544
-84 -120 -184 1.7 35 95.0 29.4 85 185.0 227 440 824 454 850 1562
-79 -110 -166 2.2 36 96.8 30.0 86 186.8 232 450 842 460 860 1580
-73 -100 -148 2.8 37 98.6 30.6 87 188.6 238 460 860 466 870 1598
-68 -90 -130 3.3 38 100.4 31.1 88 190.4 243 470 878 471 880 1616
-62 -80 -112 3.9 39 102.2 31.7 89 192.2 249 480 896 477 890 1634
-57 -70 -94 4.4 40 104.0 32.2 90 194.0 254 490 914 482 900 1652
-51 -60 -76 5.0 41 105.8 32.8 91 195.8 488 910 1670
-46 -50 -58 5.6 42 107.6 33.3 92 197.6 493 920 1688
-40 -40 -40 6.1 43 109.4 33.9 93 199.4 499 930 1706
-34 -30 -22 6.7 44 111.2 34.4 94 201.2 504 940 1724
-29 -20 -4 7.2 45 113.0 35.0 95 203.0 510 950 1742
-23 -10 14 7.8 46 114.8 35.6 96 204.8 516 960 1760
-17.8 0 32 8.3 47 116.6 36.1 97 206.6 521 970 1778
8.9 48 118.4 36.7 98 208.4 527 980 1796
9.4 49 120.2 37.2 99 210.2 532 990 1814
37.8 100 212.0 538 1000 1832
Locate temperature in the middle column. If in° C read the° F equivalent in the right hand column. If in° F read° C equivalent in the left hand
° C = (° F - 32 ) x 0.5556° F = (° C x 1.8 ) + 32
Table 14.3.11a

Alfa Laval Pump Handbook 339

14 Technical Data

14.4 Water Vapour Pressure Table

Temperature (° C) Density (p) (kg/m3) Vapour Pressure (Pvp) (kPa)
0 999.8 0.61
5 1000.0 0.87
10 999.7 1.23
15 999.1 1.71
20 998.2 2.33
25 997.1 3.40
30 995.7 4.25
35 994.1 5.62
40 992.2 7.38
45 990.2 9.60
50 988.0 12.3
55 985.7 15.7
60 983.2 19.9
65 980.6 25.1
70 977.8 31.2
75 974.9 38.6
80 971.8 47.5
85 968.6 57.9
90 965.3 70.1
95 961.9 84.7
100 958.4 101.3
Vapour pressure: 1 bar = 100 kPa = 105 N/m2
Table 14.4a

340 Alfa Laval Pump Handbook

14 Technical Data
14.5 Pressure Drop Curve for 100 m ISO/DIN Tube
Pressure drop (m)



0.1 1 10 100 1000
Capacity (m3/h)
A: 25 mm E: 51 mm I: 76 mm M: DN125
B: DN25 F: DN50 J: DN80 N: DN150
C: 38 mm G: 63.5 mm K: 101.6 mm
D: DN40 H: DN65 L: DN100 1 bar ≈ 10 m (metre liquid column)
Note: A, C, E, G, I and K refer to ISO Tube - B, D, F, H, J, L, M and N refer to DIN Tube

Fig. 14.5a Pressure Drop Curve

Alfa Laval Pump Handbook 341

14 Technical Data

14.6 Velocity
(m/s) in ISO and DIN Tubes at various Capacities









0 20,000 40,000 60,000 80,000 100,000 120,000 140,000 160,000 180,000 200,000
A: 1" E: 2" I: 3" M: DN125
B: DN25 F: DN50 J: DN80 N: DN150
C: 1½" G: 2½" K: 4"
D: DN40 H: DN65 L: DN100 1 m3/h = 1000 l/h
Note: A, C, E, G, I and K refer to ISO Tube - B, D, F, H, J, L, M and N refer to DIN Tube
Fig. 14.6a Connection between velocity and capacity at different tube dimensions

342 Alfa Laval Pump Handbook

14 Technical Data
14.7 Equivalent Tube Length Table
14.7.1 ISO Tube Metric for Water at 2 m/s

Unique SSV Standard Equivalent tube length in metres per unit

Unique SSV 25 mm 38 mm 51 mm 63.5 mm 76 mm 101.6 mm
Shut-off 2 4 6 5 5 18

Shut-off 2 3 5 5 4 18

Change-over 2 4 7 5 4 22

Change-over 2 6 9 8 5 20

Change-over 3 7 11 10 8 33

Change-over 4 7 11 15 12 31

Unique SSV Reverse Acting

RA 3 7 11 10 8 33

RA 3 7 11 10 8 33

RA 4 7 11 15 12 31

Table 14.7.1a - continues next page

Alfa Laval Pump Handbook 343

14 Technical Data

Unique SSV Standard Equivalent tube length in metres per unit

Unique SSV Long Stroke 25 mm 38 mm 51 mm 63.5 mm 76 mm 101.6 mm
Shut-off 4 3 4 4 11

Shut-off 1 2 3 3 4

Change-over 1 2 2 3 4

Change-over 1 2 2 2 4

Change-over 2 3 4 4 7

Change-over 1 5 7 7 6

Unique SSV Tangential

Shut-off 6 6 5 47

Shut-off 5 5 4 17

Change-over 7 5 5 22

Change-over 9 8 5 20

Change-over 11 10 8 33

Change-over 11 15 12 31

Table 14.7.1a - continues next page

344 Alfa Laval Pump Handbook

14 Technical Data
Unique SSV Standard Equivalent tube length in metres per unit
Unique SSV Two step 25 mm 38 mm 51 mm 63.5 mm 76 mm 101.6 mm
Shut-off 4 6 6 5 47

Shut-off 3 4 5 4 17

Change-over 3 7 5 4 22

Change-over 6 9 9 5 20

Change-over 7 11 10 8 33

Change-over 7 11 15 12 31

Unique SSV Aseptic

Shut-off 2 5 8 9 8 28

Shut-off 2 4 6 8 9 41

Change-over 3 6 10 16 10 63

Change-over 3 8 13 15 9 43

Change-over 5 9 16 18 11 62

Change-over 4 8 23 19 13 69

Table 14.7.1a - continues next page

Alfa Laval Pump Handbook 345

14 Technical Data

Unique SSV Standard Equivalent tube length in metres per unit

Unique SSV Tank Outlet 25 mm 38 mm 51 mm 63.5 mm 76 mm 101.6 mm
4 5 4 17

6 6 4 17

11 10 8 33

11 14 12 31

Other valves
Non-return valve LKC-2
7 10 12 21 20 26
Butterfly valve LKB
1 1 1 1 2 2
Koltek MH
1 2 3 5 6 7

1 2 4 6 9 10

Mixproof valves
14 14 27 25 26

14 14 27 25 26

5 4 6 5 4

6 5 7 7 5

*Pressure drop/equivalent tube length is for unbalanced upper plug and balanced lower plug.
For other combinations use the Anytime Unique configuration tool.
Table 14.7.1a - continues next page

346 Alfa Laval Pump Handbook

14 Technical Data
Mixproof valves Equivalent tube length in metres per unit
SMP-BC 25 mm 38 mm 51 mm 63.5 mm 76 mm 101.6 mm
3 3 4 3 6

3 6 11 8 18

3 5 7 7 11

7 11 13 15 32

6 10 13 14 31

9 12 34 25 101

6 12 34 23 101

Table 14.7.1a - continues next page

Alfa Laval Pump Handbook 347

14 Technical Data

Mixproof valves Equivalent tube length in metres per unit

SMP-BCA 25 mm 38 mm 51 mm 63.5 mm 76 mm 101.6 mm
2 3 4 3 6

5 10 18 29 84

3 9 16 29 81

6 18 30 41 104

5 12 20 27 75

5 14 41 41 152

6 14 34 38 146

Unique Mixproof Tank Outlet

5 7 6 17

12 21 15 35

19 18 14 43

Tubes and fittings

Bend 90° 0.3 1 1 1 1 2
Bend 45° 0.2 0.4 1 1 1 1
Tee (out through side port) 1 2 3 4 5 7
Tee (in through side port) 1 2 2 3 4 5
Table 14.7.1a

348 Alfa Laval Pump Handbook

14 Technical Data
14.7.2 ISO Tube Feet for Water at 6 ft/s

Unique SSV Standard Equivalent tube length in feet per unit

Unique SSV 1" 1.5" 2" 2.5" 3" 4"
Shut-off 7 13 20 16 16 59

Shut-off 7 10 16 16 13 59

Change-over 7 13 23 16 13 72

Change-over 7 20 30 26 16 66

Change-over 10 23 36 33 26 108

Change-over 13 23 36 49 39 102

Unique SSV Reverse Acting

RA 10 23 36 33 26 108

RA 10 23 36 33 26 108

RA 13 23 36 49 39 102

Table 14.7.2a - continues next page

Alfa Laval Pump Handbook 349

14 Technical Data

Unique SSV Standard Equivalent tube length in feet per unit

Unique SSV Long Stroke 1" 1.5" 2" 2.5" 3" 4"
Shut-off 13 10 13 13 36

Shut-off 3 7 10 10 13

Change-over 3 7 7 10 13

Change-over 3 7 7 7 13

Change-over 7 10 13 13 23

Change-over 3 16 23 23 20

Unique SSV Tangential

Shut-off 20 20 16 154

Shut-off 16 16 13 56

Change-over 23 16 16 72

Change-over 30 26 16 66

Change-over 36 33 26 108

Change-over 36 49 39 102

Table 14.7.2a - continues next page

350 Alfa Laval Pump Handbook

14 Technical Data
Unique SSV Standard Equivalent tube length in feet per unit
Unique SSV Two step 1" 1.5" 2" 2.5" 3" 4"
Shut-off 13 20 20 16 154

Shut-off 10 13 16 13 56

Change-over 10 23 16 13 72

Change-over 20 30 30 16 66

Change-over 23 36 33 26 108

Change-over 23 36 49 39 102

Unique SSV Aseptic

Shut-off 7 16 26 30 26 92

Shut-off 7 13 20 26 30 135

Change-over 10 20 33 52 33 207

Change-over 10 26 43 49 30 141

Change-over 16 30 52 59 36 203

Change-over 13 26 75 62 43 226

Table 14.7.2a - continues next page

Alfa Laval Pump Handbook 351

14 Technical Data

Unique SSV Standard Equivalent tube length in feet per unit

Unique SSV Tank Outlet 1" 1.5" 2" 2.5" 3" 4"
13 16 13 56

20 20 13 56

36 33 26 108

36 46 39 102

Other valves
Non-return valve LKC-2
23 33 39 69 66 85
Butterfly valve LKB
3 3 3 3 7 7
Koltek MH
3 7 10 16 20 23

3 7 13 20 30 33

Mixproof valves
46 46 89 82 85

46 46 89 82 85

16 13 20 16 13

20 16 23 23 16

*Pressure drop/equivalent tube length is for unbalanced upper plug and balanced lower plug.
For other combinations use the Anytime Unique configuration tool.
Table 14.7.2a - continues next page

352 Alfa Laval Pump Handbook

14 Technical Data
Mixproof valves Equivalent tube length in feet per unit
SMP-BC 1" 1.5" 2" 2.5" 3" 4"
10 10 13 10 20

10 20 36 26 59

10 16 23 23 36

23 36 43 49 105

20 33 43 46 102

30 39 112 82 331

20 39 112 75 331

Table 14.7.2a - continues next page

Alfa Laval Pump Handbook 353

14 Technical Data

Mixproof valves Equivalent tube length in feet per unit

SMP-BCA 1" 1.5" 2" 2.5" 3" 4"
7 10 13 10 20

16 33 59 95 276

10 30 52 95 266

20 59 98 135 341

16 39 66 89 246

16 46 135 135 499

20 46 112 125 479

Unique Mixproof Tank Outlet

16 23 20 56

39 69 49 115

62 59 46 141

Tubes and fittings

Bend 90° 1 3 3 3 3 7
Bend 45° 1 1 3 3 3 3
Tee (out through side port) 3 7 10 13 16 13
Tee (in through side port) 3 7 7 10 13 16
Table 14.7.2a

354 Alfa Laval Pump Handbook

14 Technical Data
14.7.3 DIN Tube Metric for Water at 2 m/s

Unique SSV Standard Equivalent tube length in metres per unit

Unique SSV DN25 DN40 DN50 DN65 DN80 DN100 DN125 DN150
Shut-off 3 5 6 9 9 16 35 60

Shut-off 3 4 5 6 8 16 25 70

Change-over 3 5 7 7 9 21 30 65

Change-over 3 7 9 12 10 19 45 75

Change-over 4 8 12 14 17 31 60 150

Change-over 5 8 11 20 25 29 40 75

Unique SSV Reverse Acting

RA 5 8 11 20 25 29

RA 5 8 11 20 25 29

RA 4 8 12 14 17 31

Table 14.7.3a - continues next page

Alfa Laval Pump Handbook 355

14 Technical Data

Unique SSV Standard Equivalent tube length in metres per unit

Unique SSV Long Stroke DN25 DN40 DN50 DN65 DN80 DN100 DN125 DN150
Shut-off 5 3 5 8 10

Shut-off 1 2 3 5 5

Change-over 1 2 3 5 5

Change-over 1 2 3 4 5

Change-over 2 4 4 7 9

Change-over 1 6 8 12 8

Unique SSV Tangential

Shut-off 6 8 9 44

Shut-off 5 6 8 16

Change-over 7 6 9 21

Change-over 9 12 10 19

Change-over 12 14 17 31

Change-over 11 20 25 29

Table 14.7.3a - continues next page

356 Alfa Laval Pump Handbook

14 Technical Data
Unique SSV Standard Equivalent tube length in metres per unit
Unique SSV Two step DN25 DN40 DN50 DN65 DN80 DN100 DN125 DN150
Shut-off 5 6 8 9 44

Shut-off 4 5 6 8 16

Change-over 4 7 6 9 21

Change-over 7 9 12 10 19

Change-over 8 12 14 17 31

Change-over 8 11 20 25 29

Unique SSV Aseptic

Shut-off 3 6 9 12 16 26

Shut-off 2 4 6 11 18 38

Change-over 3 7 11 22 20 59

Change-over 3 10 14 20 18 40

Change-over 7 11 17 25 23 59

Change-over 6 10 25 26 26 65

Table 14.7.3a - continues next page

Alfa Laval Pump Handbook 357

14 Technical Data

Unique SSV Standard Equivalent tube length in metres per unit

Unique SSV Tank Outlet DN25 DN40 DN50 DN65 DN80 DN100 DN125 DN150
5 6 8 16

6 8 9 16

12 14 17 31

11 20 25 29

Other valves
Non-return valve LKC-2
14 14 15 32 36 30
Butterfly valve LKB
2 1 1 2 2 2 2 1
Koltek MH
2 2 5 9 10 8

2 2 5 9 14 13

Mixproof valves
14 14 27 25 26 40 85

14 14 27 25 26 40 85

5 4 6 5 4 8 16

6 5 7 7 5 10 20

*Pressure drop/equivalent tube length is for unbalanced upper plug and balanced lower plug.
For other combinations use the Anytime Unique configuration tool.
Table 14.7.3a - continues next page
358 Alfa Laval Pump Handbook
14 Technical Data
Mixproof valves Equivalent tube length in metres per unit
SMP-BC DN25 DN40 DN50 DN65 DN80 DN100 DN125 DN150
3 4 5 5 7 4 8

4 7 13 15 21 38 78

4 6 11 12 20 31 61

9 17 22 24 40

7 13 22 23 37

10 15 52 44 114

9 15 52 44 114

Table 14.7.3a - continues next page

Alfa Laval Pump Handbook 359

14 Technical Data

Mixproof valves Equivalent tube length in metres per unit

SMP-BCA DN25 DN40 DN50 DN65 DN80 DN100 DN125 DN150
3 4 5 5 6

6 13 32 51 97

3 12 25 49 94

9 24 46 72 124

6 15 30 46 84

8 20 62 67 174

9 21 54 54 167

Unique Mixproof 3 Body

25 37 48 55 40 85

13 37 45 34 38 79

8 15 21 28 40 85

Table 14.7.3a - continues next page

360 Alfa Laval Pump Handbook

14 Technical Data
Unique Mixproof Tank Outlet
5 10 13 15

13 29 31 33

20 24 28 41

Tubes and fittings

Bend 90° 0.3 1 1 1 1 2 3 4
Bend 45° 0.2 0.4 1 1 1 1 2 2
Tee (out through side port) 1 2 3 4 5 7 9 10
Tee (in through side port) 1 2 2 3 4 5 7 8
Table 14.7.3a

Alfa Laval Pump Handbook 361

Laminar Critical Transition Complete Turbulence,
Flow Zone Zone Rough Pipes

Relative Roughness
Friction Factor

0.02 K
K (mm)
Riveted steel 1 - 10
Concrete 0.3 - 3 M
14.8 Moody Diagram

Wood stave 0.2 - 1 U N

0.015 Cast iron 0.25
Galvanised steel 0.15 O
Asphalted cast iron 0.12
Commercial steel P
or wrought iron 0.045
Drawn tubing 0.0015 Q

Fig. 14.8a Moody diagram for fD (after Miller)

362 Alfa Laval Pump Handbook

0.008 T
103 2(103) 3 4 5 6 7 8 104 2(104) 3 4 5 6 7 8 105 2(105) 3 4 5 6 7 8 106 2(106) 3 4 5 6 7 8 107 2(107) 3 4 5 6 7 8 103
Reynolds Number
A = 0.05 F = 0.01 K = 0.001 P = 0.0001 U = Smooth pipes
B = 0.04 G = 0.008 L = 0.0008 Q = 0.00005 V = Rcr
C = 0.03 H = 0.006 M = 0.0006 R = 0.00001 X = Laminar flow f =
D = 0.02 I = 0.004 N = 0.0004 S = 0.000005
14 Technical Data E = 0.015 J = 0.002 O = 0.0002 T = 0.000001
14 Technical Data
14.9 Initial Suction Line Sizing

Flow rate - m3/h






100 1,000 10,000 100,000 Viscosity - cSt

A = ½" - DN15 D = 1½" - DN40 G = 3" - DN80 J = 6" - DN150

B = ¾" - DN20 E = 2" - DN50 H = 4" - DN100 K = 8" - DN200
C = 1" - DN25 F = 2½" - DN65 I = 5" - DN125
Fig. 14.9a Initial suction line sizing

Alfa Laval Pump Handbook 363

14 Technical Data

14.10 Elastomer Compatibility Guide

Listed below are fluids commonly pumped.

The elastomer compatibility is for guidance purposes

only as this may be affected by temperature.

The fluid viscous behaviour type shown relates to

general terms - in some instances Pseudoplastic fluids
can have Thixotropic tendencies.

(†) - Fluid can become Dilatant at high concentration

and high shear rate.

(‡) - If low concentration, this can be Newtonian.

Name of Fluid Pumped Elastomer Material Viscous Behaviour Type

ACETIC ACID   Newtonian
ACETONE   Newtonian
ADHESIVE - WATER BASED   Pseudoplastic
ALUM SLUDGE     Pseudoplastic
ANIMAL FAT   Newtonian
BABY BATH   Pseudoplastic
BABY LOTION   Pseudoplastic
BABY OIL   Newtonian
BATH FOAM   Pseudoplastic
BATTER    Pseudoplastic
BEER    Newtonian
BENTONITE SUSPENSION     Pseudoplastic (†)
BISCUIT CREAM   Pseudoplastic
BISULPHITE     Newtonian
BITUMEN    Pseudoplastic
BLACK LIQUOR   Newtonian
BLEACH    Newtonian
BLOOD    Newtonian
BODY LOTION   Pseudoplastic
BODY SCRUB   Pseudoplastic
BRINE     Newtonian
BUTTER    Pseudoplastic
CALCIUM CARBONATE SLURRY     Pseudoplastic
CARAMEL - COLOURING    Newtonian
CARAMEL - TOFFEE    Pseudoplastic
CASTOR OIL    Newtonian
Table 14.10a Elastomer compatibility guide - continues next page

364 Alfa Laval Pump Handbook

14 Technical Data
Name of Fluid Pumped Elastomer Material Viscous Behaviour Type
CELLULOSE SUSPENSION     Pseudoplastic
CERAMIC SLIP     Pseudoplastic (†)
CHEESE    Pseudoplastic
CHEWING GUM  Pseudoplastic
CHINA CLAY SLURRY     Pseudoplastic (†)
CHOCOLATE   Pseudoplastic
CHROMIC ACID   Newtonian
CHUTNEY    Pseudoplastic
CITRIC ACID     Newtonian
COAL TAR   Newtonian
COCOA BUTTER   Newtonian
COCOA LIQUOR   Pseudoplastic
COCONUT CREAM   Pseudoplastic
COLLAGEN GEL    Pseudoplastic
CONDENSED MILK    Pseudoplastic
COPPER SULPHATE    Newtonian
CORN STEEP LIQUOR    Newtonian
CORN SYRUP     Newtonian
COSMETIC CREAM   Pseudoplastic
COUGH SYRUP    Pseudoplastic
CRUDE OIL   Pseudoplastic
CUSTARD    Pseudoplastic
DAIRY CREAM    Pseudoplastic
DETERGENT - ANIONIC     Pseudoplastic (‡)
DETERGENT - NONIONIC    Newtonian
DIESEL OIL    Newtonian
DRILLING MUD     Pseudoplastic
DYE    Newtonian
EGG    Pseudoplastic
ETHANOL    Newtonian
ETHYLENE GLYCOL     Newtonian
FABRIC CONDITIONER   Pseudoplastic
FATS   Newtonian
FATTY ACID   Newtonian
FERRIC CHLORIDE     Newtonian
FERTILISER     Pseudoplastic
FILTER AID     Pseudoplastic
Table 14.10a Elastomer compatibility guide - continues next page

Alfa Laval Pump Handbook 365

14 Technical Data

Name of Fluid Pumped Elastomer Material Viscous Behaviour Type

FININGS    Pseudoplastic
FIRE FIGHTING FOAM   Pseudoplastic
FISH OIL   Newtonian
FONDANT    Pseudoplastic
FORMIC ACID   Newtonian
FROMAGE FRAIS    Pseudoplastic
FRUCTOSE    Newtonian
FRUIT PUREE    Pseudoplastic
FUDGE    Pseudoplastic
GELATINE    Pseudoplastic
GLUCOSE    Newtonian
GLYCERINE     Newtonian
GREASE    Pseudoplastic
GYPSUM SLURRY     Pseudoplastic
HAIR CONDITIONER   Pseudoplastic
HAIR GEL   Pseudoplastic
HAND CLEANSER   Pseudoplastic
HONEY    Pseudoplastic
ICE CREAM MIX    Pseudoplastic
INK - PRINTING   Pseudoplastic
INK - WATER BASED    Newtonian
ISOBUTYL ALCOHOL    Newtonian
ISOCYANATE  Newtonian
ISOPROPANOL    Newtonian
JAM    Pseudoplastic
KEROSENE    Newtonian
LACTIC ACID   Newtonian
LACTOSE    Newtonian
LANOLIN   Newtonian
LATEX   Pseudoplastic
LECITHIN   Newtonian
LIPSTICK   Pseudoplastic
LIQUORICE   Pseudoplastic
MAGMA    Pseudoplastic
MAIZE STARCH SLURRY     Pseudoplastic
MALT EXTRACT    Pseudoplastic
MASCARA   Pseudoplastic
MASHED POTATO    Pseudoplastic
Table 14.10a Elastomer compatibility guide - continues next page

366 Alfa Laval Pump Handbook

14 Technical Data
Name of Fluid Pumped Elastomer Material Viscous Behaviour Type
MASSECUITE    Pseudoplastic
MAYONNAISE  Pseudoplastic
MEAT PASTE    Pseudoplastic
METHANOL    Newtonian
MILK    Newtonian
MINCEMEAT    Pseudoplastic
MINERAL OIL    Newtonian
MOLASSES    Newtonian
MUSTARD    Pseudoplastic
NEAT SOAP   Pseudoplastic
NITRIC ACID   Newtonian
PAINTS - SOLVENT BASED  Pseudoplastic
PAINTS - WATER BASED     Pseudoplastic
PAPER COATING - CLAY   Pseudoplastic (†)
PAPER COATING - PIGMENT     Pseudoplastic (†)
PAPER COATING - STARCH     Pseudoplastic
PAPER PULP     Pseudoplastic
PEANUT BUTTER   Pseudoplastic
PETFOOD    Pseudoplastic
PETROLEUM    Newtonian
PLASTISOL   Newtonian
POLYVINYL ALCOHOL    Pseudoplastic
PROPYLENE GLYCOL     Newtonian
QUARG    Pseudoplastic
RESIN   Newtonian
RUBBER SOLUTION  Pseudoplastic
SAUCE - CONFECTIONERY   Pseudoplastic
SAUCE - VEGETABLE    Pseudoplastic
SAUSAGE MEAT    Pseudoplastic
SEWAGE SLUDGE     Pseudoplastic
SHAMPOO   Pseudoplastic
SHAVING CREAM   Pseudoplastic
SILICONE OIL     Newtonian
Table 14.10a Elastomer compatibility guide - continues next page

Alfa Laval Pump Handbook 367

14 Technical Data

Name of Fluid Pumped Elastomer Material Viscous Behaviour Type

SODIUM SILICATE    Newtonian
SORBIC ACID  Newtonian
SORBITOL     Newtonian
STARCH    Pseudoplastic
SUGAR PULP - BEET    Pseudoplastic
SUGAR PULP - CANE    Pseudoplastic
SUGAR SYRUP    Newtonian
SULPHURIC ACID   Newtonian
TALL OIL   Newtonian
TALLOW   Newtonian
TITANIUM DIOXIDE     Pseudoplastic (†)
TOLUENE   Newtonian
TOMATO KETCHUP    Pseudoplastic
TOMATO PUREE    Pseudoplastic
TOOTHPASTE   Pseudoplastic
TRUB     Pseudoplastic
UREA    Newtonian
VARNISH  Newtonian
VASELINE    Pseudoplastic
VEGETABLE GUM    Pseudoplastic
VEGETABLE OIL   Newtonian
VITAMIN SOLUTION    Newtonian
WATER     Newtonian
WAX   Newtonian
WHEY    Newtonian
WHITE SPIRIT   Newtonian
WINE    Newtonian
WORT    Newtonian
XYLENE   Newtonian
YEAST    Pseudoplastic
YOGHURT    Pseudoplastic
ZEOLITE SLURRY     Pseudoplastic (†)
ZIRCONIA SLURRY     Pseudoplastic (†)
Table 14.10a Elastomer compatibility guide

368 Alfa Laval Pump Handbook

14 Technical Data

Alfa Laval Pump Handbook 369

15 Glossary of Terms

This chapter explains the various

terms found in this handbook.

370 Alfa Laval Pump Handbook

15 Glossary of Terms
Glossary of Terms

Alfa Laval Pump Handbook 371

15 Glossary of Terms

Absolute Pressure Total pressure exerted by a fluid i.e., atmospheric pressure plus gauge pressure
Absolute Viscosity Measure of how resistive the flow of a fluid is between two layers of fluid in motion
Adaptor Connection piece between the motor and back plate on a centrifugal and liquid ring pump
Anti-thixotropic Fluid viscosity increases with time under shear conditions
Air-screw A screw type Impeller fitted in the offset priming chamber to assist in evacuating air or gas

Part of a centrifugal and liquid ring pump, which together with the pump casing forms the
Back Plate
fluid chamber

Cartridge seal NO EXPLANATION in Word
Cavitation Vacuous space in the inlet port of a pump normally occupied by fluid
Circumferential Piston Pump (CPP) has a pair of rotating winged rotors (pistons) moving liquid
around the circumference of the casing channel
Centrifugal Tending to move out from the center
For Twin Screw pumps: The chamber is the free distance between the rear of the helix and the
Chamber front of the next helix in which product is moved, to this extent the chamber size determines
the maximum particle size for solids handling
CIP Cleaning In Place - ability to clean pump system without dismantling pump and system
Special Impeller design on LKH Evap pumps to prevent crystalline build up on pump
CM Condition Monitor – measures vibrations and temperature
Gateway for sending data from up to 10 CM, condition monitors, to the GSM, Gateway for
CM Connect
sending data to the Cloud, from network on CM’s

Dead Head Speed Pump speed required to overcome slip for a rotary lobe pump
Density Fluids mass per unit of volume
Total absolute pressure differences across the pump during operation i.e., discharge pressure
Differential Pressure
minus suction pressure
A process used in manufacturing that increases the hardness of steels. Diffusion only hap-
Diffusion Hardening pens through a small thickness of a piece of steel, so only the surface is hardened while the
core maintains its original mechanical properties
Dilatant Fluid viscosity increases as shear rate increases
Discharge Pressure Pressure at which fluid is leaving the pump
Duty Point Intersection point between the pump curve and the process curve
Dynamic Head Energy required to set fluid in motion and to overcome any resistance to that motion

372 Alfa Laval Pump Handbook

15 Glossary of Terms
Elastomer Non-metallic sealing device that exhibits elastic strain characteristics
Electropolishing Method of surface finishing achieved by an electro-chemical process

Feed Screw Helical Screw rotor for the Twin Screw pump
Flooded Suction Positive inlet pressure/head
Pressure drop on both inlet and discharge sides of the pump due to frictional losses in fluid
Friction Head

Pressure within a gauge that exceeds the surrounding atmospheric pressure, using atmos-
Gauge Pressure
pheric pressure as a zero reference

Hydraulic Power Theoretical energy required to pump a given quantity of fluid against a given total head

Impeller Pumping element of a centrifugal and liquid ring pump
Inlet Pressure Pressure at which fluid is entering the pump

Kinematic Viscosity Measure of how resistive the flow of a fluid is under the influence of gravity

Flow characteristic whereby the fluid moves through the pipe in concentric layers with its max-
Laminar Flow
imum velocity in the center of the pipe, decreasing to zero at the pipe wall

A pump with more than one impeller mounted on the same shaft and connected so as to act
in series

Newtonian Fluid viscosity is constant with change in shear rate or agitation
NPSH Net Positive Suction Head describing the inlet condition of a pump and system
NPSHa Net Positive Suction Head available in a system
NPSHr Net Positive Suction Head required from a pump
NIPA Net Inlet Pressure Available in a system
NIPR Net Inlet Pressure Required from a pump
Non-Product Wetted Metallic and elastomeric components not in contact with the fluid being pumped

Alfa Laval Pump Handbook 373

15 Glossary of Terms

Outlet Pressure Pressure at which fluid is leaving the pump

The pitch length which is basically the dimension from the rear face of the of the helix to the
front of the next helix
Positive Displacement Pump type whereby the fluid pumped is directly displaced
Pressure Drop Result of frictional losses in pipework, fittings, and other process equipment
Pressure Shock Result of change in fluid velocity
Product Wetted Metallic and elastomeric components in contact with the fluid being pumped
Profiled Seal Ring Seal ring with optimized hygienic design minimizing crevasses for easy CIP cleaning
Pseudoplastic Fluid viscosity decreases as shear rate increases
Part of a centrifugal and liquid ring pump, which together with the back plate forms the fluid
Pump Casing

Required Power Power needed at the pump shaft
Reynolds Number (Re) Ratio of inertia forces to viscous forces giving a value to determine type of flow characteristic
Rheology Science of fluid flow
Rheomalactic Fluid viscosity decreases with time under shear conditions but does not recover
A machine to transfer rotating mechanical energy into kinetic energy in the form of fluid veloc-
ity and pressure
Rotor Pumping element of a rotary lobe pump
Rotor Case Part of a rotary lobe pump, which together with the rotor case cover forms the pump chamber
Rotor Case Cover Part of a rotary lobe pump, which together with the rotor case forms the pump chamber
Rumbling Method of surface finishing achieved by vibrating components with abrasive particulate

Method of surface finishing achieved by blasting finished components with small metallic
particles at great force
Steam or Sterilisation In Place - ability to steam clean or sterilise pump system without dis-
mantling pump and system
Slip Fluid lost by leakage through the pump clearances of a rotary lobe pump
Specific Gravity Ratio of a fluid’s density to the density of water
Specific Weight Fluid’s weight per unit volume

374 Alfa Laval Pump Handbook

15 Glossary of Terms
Static Head Difference in fluid levels
Difference in height between the fluid level and the centre line of the pump inlet on the dis-
Static Discharge Head
charge side of the pump
Difference in height between the fluid level and the centre line of the pump inlet on the inlet
Static Suction Head
side of the pump
Suction Lift Fluid level is below the centre line of the pump inlet
Suction Pressure Pressure at which fluid is entering the pump

Thermal Shock Rapid temperature change of pump head components
Thixotropic Fluid viscosity decreases with time under shear conditions
Timing Gear Setting the timing between the Rotors or the Feed Screws in the gearbox
Timing gear location via Torque Locking Assembly (TLA) providing full 360° uniform loading
and easy time setting
Torque Moment of force required to produce rotation
Total Discharge Head Sum of the static discharge and dynamic heads
Relationship between the input power at the pump shaft and output power in the form of
Total Efficiency
water horsepower
Total pressure difference between the total discharge head and the total suction head of the
Total Head
Total Static Head Difference in height between the static discharge head and the static suction head
Total Suction Head Static suction head less the dynamic head
Transitional Flow Flow characteristic combining both laminar and turbulent flow tendencies
TS Pump Twin Screw Pump
Flow characteristic whereby considerable mixing of the fluid takes place across a pipe section
Turbulent Flow
with velocity remaining fairly constant

Vacuum Pressure in a pumping system below normal atmospheric pressure
Vapour Pressure Pressure at which a fluid will change to a vapour, at a given temperature
Velocity Distance a fluid moves per unit of time
Viscosity Measure of how resistive a fluid is to flow
Viscous Power Power loss due to viscous fluid friction within the pump
Volumetric Efficiency Ratio of actual capacity against theoretical capacity

Alfa Laval Pump Handbook 375

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Alfa Laval is active in the areas of Energy, Marine, and Food & Water, offering
its expertise, products, and service to a wide range of industries in some 100
countries. The company is committed to optimizing processes, creating re-
sponsible growth, and driving progress – always going the extra mile to sup-
port customers in achieving their business goals and sustainability targets.

Alfa Laval’s innovative technologies are dedicated to purifying, refining, and

reusing materials, promoting more responsible use of natural resources. They
contribute to improved energy efficiency and heat recovery, better water
treatment, and reduced emissions. Thereby, Alfa Laval is not only accelerat-
ing success for its customers, but also for people and the planet. Making the
world better, every day. It’s all about Advancing better™.

How to contact Alfa Laval

Contact details for all countries are continually updated on our website.
Please visit www.alfalaval.com to access the information.

This document and its contents are subject to copyrights and other intellectual property rights owned by
Alfa Laval AB (publ) or any of its affiliates (jointly “Alfa Laval”).

No part of this document may be copied, re-produced or transmitted in any form or by any means, or for
any purpose, without Alfa Laval’s prior express written permission.

Information and services provided in this document are made as a benefit and service to the user, and
no representations or warranties are made about the accuracy or suitability of this information and these
services for any purpose.

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All rights are reserved.

© 2023 Alfa Laval

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