Alarm Management Check List

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Audit – Alarm Management Client:

Auditor: Date:

Required documentation Sighted

Alarm Philosophy ☐
Alarm Rationalisation Procedure ☐
Alarm Database Examples ☐
HMI screen capture of alarm display screen and alarm indication on process graphic ☐
An example of management of change documentation for an alarm change ☐
Alarm related incident reports ☐
Records of standards, indicators and objectives relating to this element. ☐
Most recent audit / review of alarm management ☐
Comments: Click here to enter text.

Alarm Philosophy No philosophy in place ☐

Conforms to ISA-18.2 and EEMUA 191 Yes ☐
Standards No ☐
Clearly outlines Roles and Responsibilities Yes ☐
No ☐
Sets out clear Key Performance Indicators Yes ☐
No ☐
At least three priorities of alarms outlined Yes ☐
No ☐
Outlines manual suppression requirements Yes ☐
No ☐

Alarm Rationalisation Procedure No procedure in place ☐

States who is required for rationalisation Yes ☐
No ☐
States when rationalisation is required Yes ☐
No ☐
Clearly outlines the rationalisation process Yes ☐
No ☐
Has a consistent method for alarm Yes ☐
prioritisation No ☐

Alarm database No database in place ☐

Dedicated Alarm Database to store Yes ☐
rationalisation data No ☐
Clear ownership of the Alarm Database Yes ☐
No ☐
Ability to track review history Yes ☐
No ☐
Audit – Alarm Management Client:
Auditor: Date:

Operator Interface No interface in place ☐

Alarms are clearly displayed and can’t be Yes ☐
hidden No ☐
Alarm line displays adequate information Yes ☐
(at least Time, Tag, Description, Alarm State No ☐
and priority)
Clear differentiation between Alarm Yes ☐
Priorities No ☐
(Audible and Visual)
High priority alarms are not lost during alarm Yes ☐
floods No ☐
Process displays have clear display of Yes ☐
alarming tags No ☐
Operators are unable to make changes to Yes ☐
alarms No ☐

Alarm System Performance (note review both steady state and upset conditions)
Are all alarms acted upon (none get missed) Yes ☐
No ☐
Are all alarms relevant (no nuisance alarms) Yes ☐
No ☐
Are all alarms prioritised correctly Yes ☐
No ☐
All alarms have a safety related purpose Yes ☐
(the alarm system not used for reminders) No ☐
Is the alarm system usable during alarm Yes ☐
floods No ☐
Do alarms auto suppress depending on plant Yes ☐
state No ☐
Is first out alarming implemented Yes ☐
No ☐

Alarm Reporting No reporting in place ☐

Is an alarm status report produced monthly? Yes ☐
No ☐
Does the report align to the KPIs stated in Yes ☐
the philosophy? No ☐
Is an initial benchmark report available to Yes ☐
assess improvement? No ☐
Is reporting done per Operator work station? Yes ☐
No ☐
Does report highlight bad acting alarms? Yes ☐
No ☐
Audit – Alarm Management Client:
Auditor: Date:

Management of Change No MOC procedure in place ☐

Changes require rationalisation Yes ☐
No ☐
Change authority required Yes ☐
No ☐
Changes require peer review Yes ☐
No ☐
Change history is easy to review Yes ☐
No ☐

Alarm Testing Procedure No procedure in place ☐

Clearly defined test periods for each type of Yes ☐
alarm No ☐
Test procedures for testing each type of Yes ☐
alarm No ☐
Records of previous testing available Yes ☐
No ☐

Alarm Related Incidents

Have alarms been directly related to any Yes ☐
incidents? No ☐
Have alarms/operator response (or lack of) Yes ☐
led to the escalation of an incident? No ☐
Has the alarm system caused delays in Yes ☐
diagnosing incidents? (Would it get No ☐

General Comments
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