LCA Biogas and Biometano
LCA Biogas and Biometano
LCA Biogas and Biometano
Received: 26 March 2020 / Accepted: 12 February 2021 / Published online: 2 March 2021
© The Author(s), under exclusive licence to Springer-Verlag GmbH, DE part of Springer Nature 2021
The concerns about climate change, energy security and price fluctuation of fossil fuels are driving the growing interest in
the development and utilization of renewable energy as a transportation fuel. In this aspect, the utilization of organic house-
hold waste for the production of biogas avoids the environmental impact of landfills. The further upgrading and utilization
of biogas as a vehicle fuel avoids the environmental impact of fossil fuels. This paper presents the life cycle assessment of
two utilization pathways of biogas produced from co-digestion of organic household waste, grease trap removal sludge and
ley crops grown by local farmers. Specifically, this study assessed and compared the environmental impact of the production
and utilization of bio-methane and biogas-based electricity as a vehicle fuel for public transport buses in Västerås, Sweden.
The system boundary for biogas production covered seven main steps: cultivation, harvesting and transport of ley crops,
collection and transport of waste, pre-treatment and co-digestion of the substrate. The system boundary for bio-methane was
further extended to account for the upgrading process and tailpipe emissions from combustion of bio-methane in the buses.
In the case of biogas-based electricity, the system boundary was further extended to account for the combustion of biogas in
the CHP unit and further utilization of electricity in the electric bus. The evaluation of the production routes showed that the
methane losses and high energy consumption for both biogas production and upgrading process dominated the environmental
impact of bio-methane production. However, the emissions from the CHP unit were solely responsible for the environmental
impact of biogas-based electricity production. The functional unit identified for this study is 1 vehicle km travelled (VKT)
of the bio-methane fuelled bus and electric bus. The global warming potential of the electric buses was 0.11 kg C O2-eq/
VKT compared to 0.26 kg C O2-eq/VKT for the bio-methane buses. The electric buses could also reduce about half of the
acidification and eutrophication impacts associated with the bio-methane fuelled buses. The lower fuel efficiency and high
tailpipe emissions decreased the environmental advantages of the bio-methane buses. Eventually, this study ensures the
biogas utilization which is environmentally sound and compares favourably with the alternative options.
1716 A. M. Shinde et al.
Graphic abstract
Keywords Biogas · Bio-methane · Biogas-based electricity · Electric bus · Life cycle assessment
Life cycle assessment of bio‑methane and biogas‑based electricity production from organic… 1717
1718 A. M. Shinde et al.
upgrading process and flared biogas have been considered. Table 1 Summary of inventory data used in this study
This study omitted the environmental impact of manufac- Stage Key parameter Average data
turing, maintenance and end-of-life of the bus mainly due
to their insignificant environmental impact (Chester and Transport of waste Distance 12 km
Horvath 2009; Shinde et al. 2018, 2019). Fuel consumption 0.5 MJ/tonne km
Collection of waste Distance 5 km
Functional unit Fuel consumption 1.1 MJ/tonne km
Transport of ley crops Distance 10 km
The functional unit expresses the quantified function of the Fuel consumption 0.5 MJ/tonne km
system to which all the inputs and outputs of the product sys- Anaerobic digestion Electricity 0.5 kWh/N m3 biogas
tem are normalized (Guinee et al. 2002). This study focussed Heat 0.84 kWh/N m3 biogas
on two different aspects of the bioenergy conversion (bio- Methane losses 1.63%
methane and biogas-based electricity produced from biogas). Upgrading (water scrub- Electricity 0.52 kWh/N m3 biogas
ber) Biogas flared 49,430 N m3 biogas
As bioenergy produced is further utilized for operating pub-
lic transport buses, the LCA results are normalized and com- Methane losses 0.87%
pared for 1 vehicle km travelled (VKT) of the bio-methane Compression Electricity 0.23 kWh/N m3 biogas
fuelled bus and electric bus.
Life cycle assessment of bio‑methane and biogas‑based electricity production from organic… 1719
tankers are used to collect sludge from grease separators in technology at a pressure of 10 bar. The energy requirement
institutional kitchens and restaurants and delivered directly of the compression process was measured to be 0.23 kWh/
to the plant. m3 of biogas. The energy consumption of the water scrub-
bing process was measured to be 0.52 kWh/m3 of raw gas.
Pre‑treatment and anaerobic digestion The methane slip from the upgrading process was measured
to be 0.87% of the total methane production. Some of the
The biogas plant has three separate halls for unloading and biogas produced was not upgraded but flared mainly due
pre-treatment of the substrate. The silage is continuously to emergency and planned downtime for the maintenance
taken out from the plastic bags by a wheel loader, while of upgrading plant. In 2016, approximately 32,000 m3 of
liquid waste is pumped directly. The organic waste is mixed methane was flared, which is close to 2% of the total produc-
with process water in a turbomixer, and the produced sus- tion. Based on the estimates of Gogolek (2012), assuming
pension flows through a grit system that separates the heavy 98% efficiency of conversion of methane into the carbon
impurities like glass, stone, etc. The suspension further dioxide in the flare, 422 kg of methane was released into
passes through a screening unit to remove floating materials the atmosphere. The produced bio-methane is piped to the
like plastic and wood. The suspension is then discharged to bus depot and further compressed to 330 bar pressure for
an aerated sand trap to separate out small inert particles like refuelling city bus fleet.
sand, glass, stones, etc. After ensuring particles with a size
of less than 12 mm in a crushing unit, the suspension is sani- Biogas‑based electricity production and utilization
tized at 70 °C for one hour immediately before the anaerobic
digestion. The suspension is further pumped into the digester On the other hands, raw biogas can be used in the CHP
tank which has a volume of 4000 m3. The biogas plant is unit to produce electricity and heat. For 729 kW capac-
operated under mesophilic conditions (37 °C) and a retention ity CHP unit, the electric and thermal efficiencies were
time of 20 days. Mixing is carried out by compressed biogas assumed to be 38% and 52%, respectively. Depending
injection. The new substrate is fed continuously 6 days per on local and regional conditions, engines with sparkplug
week year round. The biogas is collected into a gas dome, ignition or compression ignition can be used to produce
while liquid digastate is dewatered using centrifuges. The CHP from biogas. Comparing different technologies for
process heat has been produced from landfill gas, while the CHP, the compression ignition engine is in most cases
electricity is provided by the national grid. Moreover, this the best choice from an economic point-of-view (Lantz
stage consumes 0.5 and 0.84 kWh of electricity and heat, 2012). Moreover, the electricity produced is utilized for
respectively, to produce 1 m3 of biogas. The measurement operating the CHP unit. The electricity demand of the
showed that the methane leakage from the biogas plant cor- CHP unit was assumed to be 10% of generated electricity
responds to 1.63% of the total methane production. (Boulamanti et al. 2013; Fusi et al. 2016). The remain-
ing heat can be utilized for district heating. The dynamic
Bio‑methane production and utilization operability of interconnected CHP plants and district heat-
ing networks should be analysed for achieving the balance
In order to feed the raw biogas into a modified internal between the total heat produced and total heat consumed
combustion engine of vehicles, it needs to be cleaned (Korpela et al. 2017). The general specifications of the
and upgraded to natural gas quality, 97% methane. After bio-methane fuelled and electric bus are summarized in
compression, the biogas is upgraded with water scrubbing Table 3. The data regarding average fuel consumption and
1720 A. M. Shinde et al.
the estimated range were gathered from the local public been selected based on environmental issues related to
transport company Västerås Lokaltrafik (VL) which oper- transport sector.
ates both electric and bio-methane fuelled buses (Vassileva
et al. 2017). The allocation of the environmental impact of
the CHP unit between biogas-based electricity and heat is LCIA results
based on energy content.
Impact results for bio‑methane production
Life cycle inventory The relative contribution of major stages in the bio-meth-
ane production is illustrated in Fig. 2. The life cycle GWP
The emissions from the cultivation and harvesting of ley impact of bio-methane production is 14.3 g CO2-eq/MJ.
crops and transport of feedstock have been adopted from The uncontrolled methane losses from the biogas produc-
Börjesson et al. (2010) and Gissen et al. (2014). The tail- tion and upgrading process contribute to nearly two-thirds
pipe emissions from the bio-methane fuelled bus were of the total GWP impact of bio-methane production. The
based on the Baltic Biogas Project data (Kyto and Mur- reminder GWP impact stems from the collection (9%) and
tonen 2012). The buses used for evaluation were adher- transport (10%) of waste and upgrading process (7%). The
ing to Euro 5 emission norms. The emissions from the largest portion of POCP impact is also related to these
CHP unit were calculated based on Nielsen et al. (2010) methane losses. However, the biogas production domi-
and Nielsen et al. (2014). In the combustion stage, the nates the AP (37%) and EP (33%) impacts of bio-methane
CO2 emission is not accounted for as they are biogenic production. The significant environmental impact of this
in nature. stage resulted from the high energy consumption for the
pre-treatment and digestion process. The upgrading pro-
cess also entails the considerable contribution to AP (26%)
Life cycle impact assessment and EP (20%) impacts owing to electricity consumption.
However, the compression process and flared biogas have a
The life cycle impact assessment (LCIA) was conducted negligible environmental impact. The collection and trans-
according to CML 2001 methodology (University of port of waste account for notable contribution to GWP
Leiden 2001). The environmental impact categories (19%), AP (20%) and EP (27%) impacts. The results also
considered go beyond global warming potential (GWP) highlighted the important question on the kind of feed-
to include acidification potential (AP), eutrophication stock utilized for biogas production. Though ley crop com-
potential (EP) and photochemical ozone creation potential prises only 2% of feedstock used for biogas production, it
(POCP). Based on the literature review, it was desirable is responsible for AP (17%) and EP (20%) impacts of bio-
to consider environmental impact categories beyond GWP methane production. The deliberately grown energy crops
to include AP, EP and POCP. The impact categories have have a higher yield but the considerable environmental
impact of their cultivation and harvesting practices. Using
Impact categories
0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%
Life cycle assessment of bio‑methane and biogas‑based electricity production from organic… 1721
energy crops such as maize instead of waste would signifi- Comparison of bio‑methane fuelled bus and electric
cantly alter the outcome of the assessment (Borjesson and bus
Tufvesson 2011; Hijazi et al. 2016; Bedoić et al. 2019).
Therefore, the overall results show that using organic Figure 4 compares the life cycle environmental impact of
waste is an efficient way of producing bioenergy. The ley the bio-methane bus and electric bus. The GWP impact
crop was mostly delivered from local farms located within of the electric bus is 0.11 kg CO2-eq/VKT compared to
10 km from the production facility. The transport of ley 0.26 kg CO 2-eq/VKT with bio-methane, and therefore,
crops showed a negligible contribution to all impact cate- the introduction of electric buses can reduce the GWP
gories largely due to very less transport distance. However, impacts by 58%. The larger GWP impact of the bio-
the contribution of transport of ley crops would likely rise, methane bus compared to the electric bus stems from the
if the distances would increase. uncontrolled methane losses associated with the upgrad-
ing process. The combustion of bio-methane in IC engine
vehicles and biogas in the CHP unit does not contribute
Impact results of biogas‑based electricity to the GWP impact as it emits only biogenic C O 2. The
production electric buses can also reduce about half of the AP and EP
impacts associated with the bio-methane buses. Here, the
The life cycle GWP impact of biogas-based electricity tailpipe NOx emissions from the combustion of the bio-
production is 23.7 g CO2-eq/MJ. As shown in Fig. 3, the methane are responsible for around 91% and 94% of acidi-
biogas combustion in the CHP unit dominates the envi- fying and eutrophying emissions, respectively. The bio-
ronmental impact of biogas-based electricity production. methane buses used for evaluation were following Euro 5
More CO 2 emissions are produced during biogas com- emission norms. The buses following the Euro 6 emission
bustion in the CHP unit, but these biogenic CO 2 emis- norms have been equipped with exhaust gas recirculation
sions do not contribute to the GWP impact. Therefore, (EGR) after-treatment to achieve a considerable reduction
methane emissions from the CHP unit are responsible for in NOx emissions and therefore can reduce the AP and EP
nearly half of the GWP impact of biogas-based electric- impacts. However, the higher CO and hydrocarbon emis-
ity production. The remainder GWP impact comes from sions from the CHP unit lead to the considerably higher
the methane loss from biogas production (33%), collection POCP impact of the electric bus.
(7%) and transport (8%) of waste. Likewise, the biogas The fuel economy of the electric bus and bio-methane
combustion in the CHP unit is responsible for AP (96%), bus is 4.1 and 17.1 MJ/km, respectively. Therefore, lower
EP (96%) and POCP (98%) impacts. The impact in AP and fuel efficiency and high-end use emissions degrade the
EP impacts was largely due to high sulphur dioxide and environmental performance of bio-methane fuelled buses.
nitrogen oxide emissions from the CHP unit, respectively, Even though the fuel economy of the electric bus is high,
whereas in the case of POCP impact, the hydrocarbon and the upstream efficiencies of generating electricity can sig-
carbon monoxide emissions were most relevant. nificantly degrade its environmental performance. This study
Impact categories
0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%
1722 A. M. Shinde et al.
Bio-methane Electric bus Bio-methane Electric bus Bio-methane Electric bus Bio-methane Electric bus
bus bus bus bus
GWP (kg CO2 eq/VKT) AP (kg SO2 eq/VKT) EP (kg PO4 eq/VKT) POCP (kg C2H4 eq/VKT)
Table 4 Sensitivity analysis Life cycle phase Parameter Variation (%) GWP (%) AP (%) EP (%) POCP (%)
showed that per VKT is one of the efficient functional units Sensitivity analysis
for comparing the environmental impact of bioenergy pro-
duction and utilization as a vehicle fuel. The region-specific characteristics have the potential to
significantly change parameters such as collection and
transport distance for organic waste, energy require-
ment and methane losses from both biogas production
and upgrading process. The reliability of key parameters
Life cycle assessment of bio‑methane and biogas‑based electricity production from organic… 1723
should be considered while explaining the results and the bio-methane pathway and thereby highlighting the
conclusions based on original assumptions. As shown in importance of efforts for minimising the losses during the
Table 4, the sensitivity analysis has been conducted to biogas production and upgrading process. However, the
understand the effect of most significant parameters on emissions from the CHP unit are solely responsible for the
the environmental impact of bio-methane fuelled bus and environmental impact of biogas-based electricity produc-
electric bus and to broaden the applicability of major out- tion. Comparing the performance of bio-methane fuelled
comes of the study. The results of the sensitivity analy- bus and electric bus, results showed that the utilization of
sis show that the environmental impact of bio-methane biogas-based electricity in the electric bus is environmen-
fuelled bus is sensitive to the transport distance for col- tally friendly compared to the production and utilization
lection as well as transport of waste. Therefore, it would of bio-methane. The electric bus outperforms in terms of
be reasonable to encourage energy efficient transportation GWP, AP and EP impacts, whereas POCP impacts are rel-
and minimum transport distance. The sensitivity analysis atively higher. The deployment of after-treatment for the
results show that a 10% increase in the methane slip from reduction of hydrocarbons from the CHP unit could bring
anaerobic digester and upgrading process would lead to further improvements in terms of POCP impacts of electric
a 3.95% and 2.15% increase in the GWP impact of bio- buses. The centralised end use of biogas in the CHP has a
methane fuelled bus, respectively. The sensitivity of the less overall environmental impact than the distributed end
energy requirement of anaerobic digester and upgrading uses of bio-methane in the vehicle engines. The centralised
process is as important as the methane losses. It highlights end uses of biogas in the CHP also offer the relatively
the requirement of technical and operational measures to efficient control on emissions. Therefore, biogas should
reduce the energy requirement for and methane leakage be used for the CHP on-site rather than upgraded to bio-
from anaerobic digester and upgrading process. The sensi- methane to enhance the environmental footprint of public
tivity of the environmental impact of bio-methane fuelled bus transport in Sweden.
bus to the production of ley crops has been assessed. The The digestate produced has been utilized as a substitute
deliberately grown energy crops have a relatively higher for mineral fertilizers. Likewise, if the heat output from
yield but the considerable environmental impact of their the CHP is supplied to a district heating system, it can
cultivation and harvesting practices. Therefore, using substitute fossil fuels. Future studies can extend the system
energy crops such as sugar beet and maize, instead of ley boundaries for accounting the considerable mitigation of
crops, would significantly alter the environmental impact environmental impacts achieved due to the utilization of
of biogas production and utilization as a vehicle fuel. The digestate and heat. Despite the lesser distance for the col-
CHP unit has been chosen for sensitivity analysis as it is lection of waste, it has an almost equivalent contribution to
the main driver of the life cycle impact of electric bus. A that of transport of waste. The notable contribution of the
10% decrease in the GWP impact of the CHP unit would waste collection process to the environmental footprint of
lead to a 4.48% drop in life cycle GWP impact of electric bioenergy production relies on several factors such as the
bus. Moreover, a 10% decrease in the methane slip from selected collection scheme and the level of traffic conges-
anaerobic digester would reduce the GWP impact of the tion. Future work could further examine the environmental
electric bus by 3.16%. performance and optimization of different organic waste
collection schemes and transport routes. Though electric
bus is more environmentally friendly than the bio-methane
Key findings and discussion bus, the production of charging infrastructure and battery
may not be economical and this may result in relatively
This study assessed the environmental footprint of bio- high production costs. Therefore, research on life cycle
methane and biogas-based electricity production from costing of the electric bus and cradle to grave environ-
biogas produced from the co-digestion of organic waste mental assessment of charging infrastructure and battery
and ley crops. Moreover, the environmental impact of the production is recommended. Generally, the electric buses
utilization of biogas-based electricity and bio-methane as a showed the potential for enhancing the environmental sus-
vehicle fuel for the public bus transport has been assessed tainability of biogas production and utilization. There is
and compared. Based on primary data, the life cycle inven- still optimization potential, but it is clear that biogas-based
tory was developed, comprising both upstream and down- electricity will be a part of the future vehicle fuel as the
stream processes, the supplement of feedstock, processing environmental performance compared to the bio-methane
and digestion of substrate, upgrading of biogas, tailpipe buses is promising. It is expected that the LCA results will
emissions, in addition to the operation of the CHP unit. be helpful to assist the decision makers in the assessment
Methane losses from the biogas production and upgrad- of new bioenergy projects and to transport planners for
ing process had a considerable environmental impact of achieving sustainable urban mobility.
1724 A. M. Shinde et al.
Acknowledgements Authors sincerely thank the management and the Guinée JB, Gorrée M, Heijungs R, Huppes G, Kleijn R, de Koning
staff of Växtkraft Biogas Plant at Västerås, Sweden for providing the A, van Oers L, Wegener A, Suh S, Udo de Haes HA, de Bruijn
data needed for carrying out the present research study. The first author JA, van Duin R, Huijbregts MAJ (2002) Handbook on life cycle
would like to acknowledge The Foundation of Gustav Dahl as the pre- assessment: operational guide to the ISO standards. Series: ecoef-
sent study was supported by the Gustav Dahl Scholarship, Malardalen ficiency in industry and science. Kluwer, Dordrecht
University, Västerås, Sweden. Guerini Filho M, Steinmetz RLR, Bezama A et al (2019) Biomass
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Jääskeläinen A (2014) Biomethane production from fine MSW
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