Measure Trials
Measure Trials
Measure Trials
In response to concerns over the lack of information available on seepage from open
channel supply systems, in October, 1998, the Australian National Committee on
Irrigation and Drainage (ANCID) conducted a two-day workshop. The workshop was
held at Moama in southern New South Wales and had major support from the Murray
Darling Basin Commission, Land and Water Australia, the Commonwealth
Department of Primary Industries and Energy and 16 other industry organisations.
The workshop brought together 90 stakeholders and experts in the field of channel
seepage from throughout Australia.
The key outcomes from the workshop were a suite of recommendations seeking new
and extensive investigations aimed at improving the level of knowledge about channel
Stage 1 This project will investigate best practice, easy to use standards to be used in
identifying, measuring and quantifying channel seepage.
Stage 2 This project is aimed at providing best practice procedures and processes involved in
undertaking remedial work to seal channels suffering from seepage.
Stage 3 This project is designed to provide an easy to use User Support System needed to assist
industry in making decisions on whether or not to undertake what is often very
expensive remedial works on seeping channels.
This three-staged project is now well underway and will involve a total expenditure of
close to $2.5 million. Stage 1 has now been completed and Stages 2 and 3 are
scheduled for completion in December, 2003.
The major outcomes from each of the Stages of the project work will be in the form of
reports and Best Practice Guidelines Manuals. This report is one of the suite arising
from the project. It documents all of the field trials undertaken in Stage 1 of the
project, and provides the technical underpinning for the Stage 1 Best Practice
Guidelines Manual.
I would like to also acknowledge the significant support and funding provided to this
project by the Murray Darling Basin Commission, Land and Water Australia and
several rural water authorities and natural resource management agencies. Without
their valued support and interest, the project and this report would not have been
Stephen Mills
This report is one in a series detailing the outcomes of a three-stage project investigating the
measurement, remediation and associated decision making for channel seepage.
This project would not have been possible without the generous investment of the Murray
Darling Commission through its Strategic Investigation and Education program and additional
significant investment by the following organisations:
Sunwater, Queensland
Goulburn-Murray Water
Land and Water Australia
Murray Irrigation
Murrumbidgee Irrigation
Southern Rural Water
Wimmera Mallee Water
There has also been wide interest in this study and significant input has been provided by a
wide and diversified range of interested people for which ANCID is very appreciative.
This document has been prepared on behalf of ANCID by Sinclair Knight Merz Pty Ltd.
This report is published by ANCID on the basis that recipients of it would make their own
inquiries and obtain appropriate professional advice before relying on any information or any
expression of opinion or predication contained in this report. Neither ANCID nor any of the
contributing agencies is responsible for the results of any action taken on the basis of
information in this report nor for any errors or omissions in this report.
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Guidelines for the quantification and monitoring of seepage from earthen channels) is clearly
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The contents of this publication do not purport to represent the position of ANCID, Murray-
Darling Basin Commission or Land and Water Australia in any way and are presented for the
purpose of informing and stimulating discussion for improved management of the Basin's
natural resources.
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Based on the Stage 1 trials, literature review and RWA survey, a guidelines manual
for channel seepage measurement has also been developed (ANCID, 2003). The
guidelines are intended to be for practical use in undertaking channel seepage
investigations across the Australian water industry. The guidelines are to be linked to
the channel seepage user support system (in progress) which provides a structured
management tool for channel managers.
Channel seepage measurement trials were conducted from early 2000 to mid 2002,
within Wimmera Mallee Water (WMW), Murray Irrigation Limited (MIL) and
Murrumbidgee Irrigation (MI). In addition, results from channel seepage
measurement investigations conducted on the Waranga Western Channel (by
Goulburn Murray Water) were incorporated into the final year of trials.
Based on the outcomes of the literature review (ANCID, 2000a), the RWA survey
(ANCID, 2000b), and consideration of the primary objectives of the study, the trials
were focussed on the first six of the techniques listed above. The early trial program
covered all of these six techniques. The final year of the program was based on the
results from the first two years of trials. In order to maximise the usefulness of the
output of the trial program, the final year of trials was focussed on geophysics, which
demonstrated the greatest potential for meeting RWA requirements for channel
seepage assessment.
It is well documented in the literature that while every channel seepage method has
certain disadvantages, almost universally pondage tests are regarded as the most
accurate method of quantifying seepage (ANCID, 2000a). Therefore the basic method
of assessment of the accuracy of each technique adopted in the trial program was by
comparison against pondage test data.
Date Conducted
Rural Water Channel
Pondage Tests Geophysics
Authority Sub-Surface Point Tests Groundwater Remote Sensing 1
Profiling Techniques
EM31 EM34 Resistivity
(all land based) (all based on-channel)
Donald Main Dec. 00 (6 cells) Aug. 01 (land & boat) Oct. 99 - Sept. 01 Oct. 01 Dec. 00 – Aug 01 -
Sept. 01 (Idaho seepage meter)
Dahwilly June 01 (6 cells) June 99 (land) Feb. 02 Nov. 99 Aug. 00 Aug. 00 – Aug 01 -
March 02 (ring infiltrometer & disc
(Central) June 02 (7 cells) Feb. 02 (land & boat) May 02
Irrigation2 Feb. 01
(Idaho seepage meter)
Goulburn Murray Waranga May/June 02 (12 cells) Nov. 01 (land & boat) - - Nov 01 - - -
Water Western March 02
1. Available remote sensing data for the Wimmera was assessed but deemed not suitable for use in the project. A remote sensing trial was planned for the Wimmera but not conducted due to budget constraints.
The process of planning and preparing for this trial is discussed in the report.
2. Murray Irrigation: Deniboota was removed from the trial program (no works were conducted here) due to the remoteness of the site. The Retreat site (Mulwala Canal) was also dropped from the program
due to the size of the channel and associated cost of conducting pondage tests (an EM31 survey, soil surveying and bore installation was conducted at Retreat in June - August 2000).
3. Murrumbidgee Irrigation: Mirrool Creek Branch Canal was removed from the trial program (no works were conducted here)
However, groundwater observation bores are a very valuable part of the site
characterisation phase of a channel seepage investigation. Further, groundwater bores
are a very useful post-remediation assessment tool, particularly for assessing the
effectiveness of remediation on reducing near channel land degradation. Where land
degradation issues are a significant driver in a channel seepage investigation,
groundwater bores are likely to form a key investigative tool, although as discussed
above should not be relied upon to provide an accurate quantitative analysis.
q Are best suited to investigations where the primary aim is identification of land
degradation associated with channel seepage. It should not be used where the
seepage mechanism is predominantly vertical;
q Will be most useful where lateral seepage is predominant. For example, sites
with a high watertable, shallow impermeable layer or bank seepage are likely to
facilitate lateral seepage and cause seepage to have a surface expression;
q Should primarily be regarded as a seepage identification tool and not for seepage
quantification purposes;
q Require a suitable spatial resolution to allow definition of seepage zones. Ground
resolutions of less than 10 m are suggested;
q Are best conducted in the infra-red range of the electromagnetic spectrum, as this
area of the spectrum is strongly absorbed by water and will be able to most
clearly separate areas of varying soil moisture and plant water and growth status;
q Are generally best collected during late summer and early autumn when
surrounding areas (apart from irrigation) will be distinctly drier.
E.9 Geophysics
E.9.1 General Conclusions
Seepage Detection Mechanisms
Geophysical techniques applied to seepage measurement primarily depend upon
measuring a contrast in terrain conductivity (or resistivity) in the sub surface profile
around the channel. They can be used in one of two ways:
Figure E-2 visually depicts how these two different approaches can be used to identify
or infer seepage.
% Contribution to % Contribution to
response Watertable response
Saline groundwater
Technically the second method of ‘detection’ is not really detection, but the magnitude
of seepage is assumed to be related to unsaturated zone soil properties. In many cases
this is a reasonable assumption, supported by the fact that the inferred method of
detection was successful at most, but not all sites investigated in the trials. The
unsaturated zone is not necessarily the controlling influence on seepage, and
particularly in Australian conditions seepage is often controlled by a clogging (silt)
layer. Therefore, there is less risk in using the direct method of seepage detection.
The direct method of detection cannot be used in relatively non-saline groundwater
It is very important that the depth to watertable is known at the site before selecting a
geophysical technique. Based on this information a decision can be made as to
whether direct or inferred measurement will be undertaken and hence the technique
that will be adopted.
The three geophysical techniques trialed in this investigation (EM31, EM34 and
resistivity) are discussed in terms of each of these criteria.
The accuracy of a given geophysical technique will depend on whether inferred or
direct seepage detection is used. Generally direct measurement should be considered
more reliable than inferred measurement. For direct measurement the accuracy will
depend on how well the watertable is targeted. Therefore in theory on-channel
resistivity surveying should be the most accurate geophysical technique, as it is based
on direct seepage detection and can target the watertable independent of depth. At
most sites in the trials resistivity surveying results were comparable to EM31 and
EM34, and at three sites correlations with pondage tests were better than the EM
The fundamental limitation with all EM surveys and other such fixed array type
geophysical surveys is that the result is averaged over a specific depth interval, which
may not be the critical interval of interest. Therefore (for direct detection) the
accuracy depends on how well the watertable is targeted by the particular EM
equipment, which in turn depends on the watertable depth. If the correct EM
equipment is selected to suit the watertable depth, in theory it should be close to the
accuracy of resistivity surveying.
The robustness of EM31, as demonstrated by the consistent results in the trials is due
to its relatively shallow depth focus (1-4m). For channels where there is a shallow
watertable (eg, surface to 3-4m), EM31 can be used for direct measurement of
seepage, which as discussed above is likely to be more reliable. When the watertable
is deep, EM31 infers seepage from near surface soil properties, which is suitably
accurate in most instances.
Availability of Operators
A number of commercial EM34 and EM31 contractors are in operation in South East
Australia. At present on-channel resistivity surveying is still in a development phase
and as such there are no commercially operating contractors who specialise in this
type of survey, but a number of geophysical exploration / surveying companies have
the capability to develop this type of equipment.
Data Processing
Data processing requirements for EM31 and EM34 surveying are minimal. By
comparison, data processing requirements for resistivity surveying are much higher,
due to the cost of inverting the data to produce a resistivity cross section.
q Off-set distance and location for on-land surveys – The evidence collected in
these surveys indicates the best off-set distance for on-land surveys is immediately
adjacent the outside toe of the channel.
Generally a high degree of repeatability was observed between duplicate surveys. At
two sites where there was a significant difference in the results, changes in
groundwater conditions due to channel operation accounted for the observed
Statistically the regional fitted regression models were generally moderate to good,
with correlation coefficients of around 0.5 – 0.6 and standard error of estimates of
around 50%. In some cases a higher correlation coefficient and relatively low
standard estimate of error was obtained, however this was for data sets with fewer data
points – greater number of points are required to improve confidence in these models.
Confidence intervals (80% and 90%) for the regression lines were generally fairly
broad, indicating that these regional equations can only be used to broadly classify
seepage rates (eg, into low, medium and high categories). Consequently it is
recommended that there is currently insufficient confidence in these regression
equations for their use to predict seepage at new sites without local calibration against
pondage tests.
In most instances the multi-variate analysis did not significantly improve the
regression model. The addition of the soil permeability parameter (for sites with a
deep watertable), while statistically significant, generally only resulted in marginal
improvements to the model. The cost of field tests to collect this data therefore
probably outweighs the benefits.
For the resistivity analysis, the ten metre depth slice was adopted as the variable for
use in the model. While a more accurate analysis could be conducted using the depth
at and just below the watertable, for the purpose of a consistent approach, this depth
slice was selected. It is likely the analysis could be significantly improved by using
resistivity data at and immediately below the watertable for each of the sites.
y = -0.690x + 71.961 Sites with Watertable 5-10m
R = 0.889
Sites with Watertable < 2m
Pondage Test Seepage (mm/d)
y = -0.129x + 12.788
R = 0.469
0 20 40 60 80 100 120
Average EM31 Conductivity (mS/m)
Preferred Methodology
Based on the trials conducted in this investigation, and the methodology outlined in
the guidelines (ANCID, 2003) the following methodology for using geophysics to
identify and measure seepage is recommended:
1. Define project objective – The key issue that needs to be addressed is
identification of the primary reason the work is being undertaken.
2. Collate Site Data – Basic site information including depth to groundwater,
groundwater salinity, soil type and channel hydraulics should be collated at the
testing site and over the area the results are to be extrapolated.
3. Evaluate Site Data - This should be at a level to enable development of a first cut
conceptual model of the seepage mechanism, to detect where parameter changes
may impact on geophysical response, and to assist in technique selection.
4. Select Technique - The preferred geophysical seepage measurement technique is
one that directly detects the impact of seepage on the groundwater. To do this it
must have a depth focus on and immediately below the watertable. The
recommended technique for a given depth to watertable, for both direct and
inferred detection, is outlined below:
Direct Detection
q Shallow watertable (surface to approximately 5m): EM31 is recommended.
q Watertable deeper than 5m: EM34 (in vertical dipole mode, with the coil
spacing dependent on the depth to watertable) or on-channel resistivity can
be used. However, particularly for deeper watertables, it is easier to focus
on a given depth using resistivity.
Note that direct detection requires native groundwater salinity to be at least three
to four times more saline than channel water salinity.
Inferred ‘Detection’
q EM31 (vertical dipole) adjacent the channel can be used effectively in areas
with deeper watertables to infer seepage based on upper soil layer properties.
1. It is recommended EM techniques are conducted adjacent the channel (additional survey runs
can be conducted away from channel). Resistivity surveys should be conducted on-channel.
2. Direct detection of seepage impacts on the watertable is the recommended technique, but
inferred ‘detection’ based on soil property variations will often provide an adequate simulation
and may be more convenient for various reasons - refer to body of report for potential errors
associated with this method. Note that direct detection relies on a salinity contrast between the
channel water and the groundwater. It is recommended the groundwater should be at least 3 to
4 times more saline than the channel water, a condition usually met in Australian conditions.
3. Approximate detection of penetration: referred to in the Geonics manual (Mc Neil, 1980) as the
effective depth of exploration. This is the depth to which approx. 75% of response is attributed.
4. The ‘depth focus’ is a term used in this report to describe the depth (range) which is most
influential in terms of the relative contribution to the overall EM response (M c Neil,1980).
5. These can be conducted immediately adjacent to the channel or on-channel. Both are
recommended if budget allows. If on-channel is used for a watertable of 0-1.5m, the survey
should preferentially collect data in vertical dipole mode where the effects of channel water
will be less influential. For sites with a watertable 0-1.5m, EM31 on channel may be preferred
if significant land salinisation exists adjacent the channel.
6. Horizontal and Vertical Dipole: Note that as applied to EM34, vertical dipole does not refer to
the coil orientation with respect to the ground, and is in fact opposite to the coil orientation. In
vertical dipole mode the coils should be horizontal to the ground, which is a slower method
than horizontal mode where they are held perpendicular to the ground.
7. Resistivity is the preferred direct measurement technique for this depth to watertable but EM34
is provided as a potentially more accessible alternative.
8. This should be conducted immediately adjacent to the channel.
9. This should be conducted on-channel.
10. Penetration depth of resistivity depends on the particular set up (dipole spacing and length).
11. Resistivity surveys measures resistivity at a range of depths intervals within the profile (ie,
there is no fixed depth focus).
At the Rocklands and Dahwilly sites, where the penetration depth (EM34 - 10m coil
separation, vertical dipole) was just sufficient to reach the watertable (but the focus
was above the watertable), the combination of measuring lithology changes in the
unsaturated zone and seepage impacts in the saturated zone worked to provide a
reasonable indicator of seepage. However it is significant that at Dahwilly, where
resistivity surveying was conducted, an improved relationship was obtained compared
to EM34 when the depth slice was focussed immediately below the watertable, where
seepage impacts are most discernible.
The only site where no relationship was observed was at Tabbita. A number of
possible causes for this were identified, but the predominant contributing factor is
unknown. At two sites (Rocklands and Lake View Central), the adjacent channel data
was used instead of all survey run data away from the channel. This was required to
obtain the best relationship, due to the interference effects of trees and rapid mixing of
seepage water away from the channel.
At the Toolondo Central site, where conductivity measurement was entirely above the
watertable, the unsaturated zone lithology was a sufficiently accurate indicator of
seepage and hence good trends were observed. The Donald and Lake View site
surveys were focussed on the saturated zone, and seepage was detected as it created a
conductivity low against higher background conductivity groundwater.
At the Rocklands and Dahwilly sites, where the penetration depth of the EM31 (in
vertical dipole) was just sufficient to reach the watertable, the combination of
measuring lithology changes in the unsaturated zone and seepage impacts in the
saturated zone combined to provide a reasonable indicator of seepage. However it is
significant to note that at Dahwilly, when the channel was not running, no relationship
was observed. This suggests seepage impacts in the watertable are the primary
detection mechanism at this site, a fact reinforced by the uniform nature of the
unsaturated zone lithology at the site. Seepage at Dahwilly is not controlled by the
unsaturated zone but by a clogging layer at the base of the channel. Techniques which
purely infer seepage from unsaturated zone soil properties will not work at such sites
(including remediated or lined channels).
The lack of trend at the Lake View West site is probably due to the poor resolution of
the resistivity equipment at very shallow depth. This site contains the shallowest
watertable across all sites (0.5 - 1m). Improved resolution at shallow depth could
relatively easily be improved in future surveys. At Toolondo East also no trend was
observed, but this is solely attributed to the very narrow seepage rate range at this site.
Initially a combination of the EM31 results and a lithological classification devised for
the investigation (based on the amount of clay in the profile) was used to identify
sections of channel which were considered to represent ‘very high’ risk areas. It was
then recognised that, in addition to the drilling program, pondage tests were required
to quantify seepage rates and confirm interpretation of seepage rates based on the
geological and EM31 data. Based on the results of the pondage tests, the regression
relationship between EM31 and the pondage tests and the drilling program, areas
recommended for remediation were finalised. Given the broad confidence intervals in
the EM31 – seepage relationship, the EM31 predicted seepage was not used as the
sole means of assigning seepage risk but geological data and visual observations were
also integrated into the decision making process. The WWC seepage investigation is a
good example of the integration of geophysical, geological and pondage test data to
determine areas of highest seepage risk.
E.11 Recommendations
This study makes the following recommendations:
q Of the techniques trialed in this investigation, future channel seepage
measurement investigations should focus on geophysical techniques, as these have
The first of these objectives was completed through the compilation of a channel
seepage literature survey and an Australia wide channel seepage survey of more than
40 rural water authorities (ANCID, 2000a and ANCID, 2000b). Seepage trials were
conducted from early 2000 to mid 2002, within the following Rural Water Authorities
q Wimmera Mallee Water (WMW);
q Murray Irrigation Limited (MIL); and
q Murrumbidgee Irrigation (MI).
This report summarises the results of the three years of trials. Channel seepage
measurement guidelines (ANCID, 2003) were prepared concurrently with this seepage
measurement trials report, and are based on the findings of these trials, the literature
review and the RWA survey.
The scope and design of the trials were planned by Sinclair Knight Merz, and the trials
were carried out by the RWAs. The work was either carried out in-house by the
RWAs or sub-contracted, depending on the nature of the trials.
Early in the trials program considerable attention was dedicated to determining how
and where the seepage trial programs would be run in each of the Authorities. The
importance of ensuring agreement among all key stakeholders as to how the programs
were to be designed was important to the success of the entire project. Site visits were
carried out at each Authority in February and March 2000. Based on these visits,
three sites were selected in each Authority to trial a range of channel seepage
The Wimmera Mallee Water channel running season is approximately 6 months out of
sync with those of Murray and Murrumbidgee, whose channels generally close for
several months in the June-August period. Wimmera Mallee Water’s channels supply
domestic and stock water to irrigation supplies and are run in the cooler months of the
year to save seepage and evaporation losses. As a consequence its channels are often
shut down for several months over summer. This led to complications in coordinating
some aspects of the trials between Authorities (eg first year pondage tests).
Based on the outcomes of the literature review (ANCID, 2000a), the RWA survey
(ANCID, 2000b), and consideration of the primary objectives of the study, the trials
were focussed on the first six of these techniques. The early trial program covered the
six techniques described above. The final year of the program was based on the
results from the first two years of trials. In order to maximise the usefulness of the
output of the trial program it was decided that the final year of trials should focus on
one technique, which demonstrated the greatest potential for meeting RWA
requirements for channel seepage measurement / identification. The technique
selected was geophysics. The rationale behind this decision is described in section 5.
The most important criteria for selecting techniques suitable for channel seepage
measurement and identification are cost and accuracy. Significantly, RWAs rank cost
as the most significant factor in selecting seepage investigation techniques, with
technical accuracy of lesser importance (ANCID, 2000b). This finding was of
fundamental importance to the development of the trial program, and was the reason
why some techniques (eg hydrochemical) were not tried at all in the program and why
others became the focus of the program. The trials focused on developing general
principles which could be applied to identification and measurement under the
operating conditions of the managing water authority.
Over a relatively long length of channel this is an appropriate technique, due to the
greater volume of water lost to seepage. Therefore the technique is suitable for
identifying and prioritising, at an Authority-wide level, channels which have higher
losses compared to others in the system. It will not identify where within the section
the channel is seeping. The emphasis in this study, however was on relatively short
(1-2km) sections of channel and the isolation (including identification and/or
measurement) of seepage within those sections.
The flow system can be simulated and calibrated against variation of water levels in
the aquifer with time under changed hydraulic conditions in the channel. This enables
an understanding of the way seepage occurs, the factors which affect the seepage
entering the groundwater, and the potential consequences of seepage on local land
degradation. Similarly the impact of remedial works could be assessed using
modelling to test scenarios.
However there are valid reasons for considering numerical modelling in investigations
requiring detailed studies. Models offer the potential for an understanding of the
mechanisms and rates related to the channel, but they can also take into account the
impact of regional land management factors such as irrigation or increased
groundwater recharge in areas surrounding the channels. Modelling can therefore be
very useful in identifying the benefits of channel management and remedial works
within the broader land management framework.
Date Conducted
Rural Water Channel
Pondage Tests Geophysics
Authority Sub-Surface Point Tests Groundwater Remote Sensing 1
Profiling Techniques
EM31 EM34 Resistivity
(all land based) (all based on-channel)
Donald Main Dec. 00 (6 cells) Aug. 01 (land & boat) Oct. 99 - Sept. 01 Oct. 01 Dec. 00 – Aug 01 -
Sept. 01 (Idaho seepage meter)
Dahwilly June 01 (6 cells) June 99 (land) Feb. 02 Nov. 99 Aug. 00 Aug. 00 – Aug 01 -
March 02
(Central) June 02 (7 cells) Feb. 02 (land & boat) May 02 (ring infiltrometer & disc
Irrigation2 Feb. 01
(Idaho seepage meter)
Goulburn Murray Waranga May/June 02 (12 cells) Nov. 01 (land & boat) - - Nov 01 - - -
Water Western March 02
1. Available remote sensing data for the Wimmera was assessed but deemed not suitable for use in the project. A remote sensing trial was planned for the Wimmera but not conducted due to budget
constraints. The process of planning and preparing for this trial is discussed in the report.
2. Murray Irrigation: Deniboota was removed from the trial program (no works were conducted here) due to the remoteness of the site. The Retreat site (Mulwala Canal) was also dropped from the program
due to the size of the channel and associated cost of conducting pondage tests (an EM31 survey, soil surveying and bore installation was conducted at Retreat in June – August 2000).
3. Murrumbidgee Irrigation: Mirrool Creek Branch Canal was removed from the trial program (no works were conducted here)
Table 3-1, Table 3-2, and Table 3-3 summarises the key characteristics at each of the
sites, including soil and geological properties, and channel hydraulic characteristics.
Each table represents a separate RWA. Site characteristics for the Waranga Western
channel are presented in the case study on this channel, in Section 6.
These tables illustrates the range of conditions across the sites. With respect to
lithology, sites ranged from a clay profile (eg Finley), to a sand profile (eg Dahwilly
Central), as well as sites with rock at or near the surface (eg Toolondo and
Rocklands). Groundwater salinity ranged from moderately fresh (eg 2500 EC at
Dahwilly East) to highly saline (eg 30,000 EC at Donald). Groundwater depths
ranged from very shallow (eg 0.5 – 1.5m at Lake View) to moderately deep (eg 9-10m
at Toolondo). Channel dimensions were reasonably similar, with the depth of water at
full supply level (FSL) typically 1.5m and wetted perimeters of between 9-16m.
Appendix A contains geological long sections for each of the sites, based on soil bores
drilled along the channel sections (and groundwater bores where available). These
sections also present pondage test bank locations and seepage rates and provide an
Soil / Geology Has not been assessed but Silty sand to medium grained sand Generally over test section:
Surface channel casual observations suggest of 0.05 – 0.1m thickness overlying 0-0.1m: Sand – Silty Sand
soils clayey soils are predominant a generally stiff clay. 0.1 – 0.5m: predominantly Clayey
Sand (Sandy Clay in part)
Predominantly sandy clay in Toolondo Central: Predominantly
Soil / rock beneath
southern half of site overlying clay to sandy clay overlying Surface layer (approx 0.5 - 1m) of
& around channel
sandstone at depth. Sand at 1- sandstone varying across the site clayey sand overlying predomin-
2m rising to surface, also in between 3 – 9m depth. Fine to antly clay, but replaced by fine-med.
south. Sandstone rises to near medium grained sand 1-2m deep grained sand in southern half of trial
surface in northern part of site, located sporadically across site. site, starting near surface and
underlying shallow clay soils. dropping to 2-3m below surface in
Toolondo West: Surface layer the centre of the section
(0.5 - 1m) of weakly cemented fine
sand overlying 1-2m of sandy clay,
overlying medium clay to 7m, with
underlying sandstone
Toolondo East: Heavy – medium
clay to 3-4m, overlying shallow
Average depth of Approx. 1.6m Approx. 1.5m Approx. 1.4m
water at FSL
Exact depth not known. EM31 Exact depth to watertable not 1.5-3m, with 1-2m fluctuations
Average depth to drilling indicates >4m. known. EM31 drilling indicates adjacent channel due to channel
watertable and Potentiometric contours (SKM, >8m. Groundwater bores in area influence
groundwater 1995) indicate likely depth to indicate likely to be 9-10m range.
salinity potentiometric surface is in the
5-7m below NS range.
Toolondo Central: 14-16m Approx. 8 - 10m
Channel Wetted Approx. 15-17m range Toolondo West: approx. 14-16m
Perimeter at FSL Toolondo East: 13-15m
Soil / Geology
Surface channel soils Predominantly silty clay, overlain by silty crust
(generally 0.05m thick)
Soil / rock beneath & Dahwilly Central: Medium to coarse grained Heavy clay to 8-9m, overlying sandy clay.
around channel sand to at least 10m depth. Sandy clay to clay
loam in top metre along most of channel length
Typical depth of Approx. 1.25m Approx. 1.5m
channel water at FSL
Average depth to Approx. 4-5m Approx. 1.5m
watertable & Approx. 5000 EC at Central, 2500 EC at East Approx. 20,000 EC
groundwater salinity
Channel Wetted Approx. 8-9m Approx. 9m
Perimeter at FSL
Soil / Geology
0.1m silty surface crust, underlain by silty grey
Surface channel soils clay, in turn underlain by a heavy grey clay.
Channel walls intersect approximately 0.5m
interval of clayey sand. Lake View Central - Sandy clay – sandy clay
loam overlying medium to heavy clay starting
Soil / rock beneath & Generally low permeability clays and sandy from between 2-6m below surface
around channel clays to 7-8m
Lake View West - Surface layer (approx 1m)
of sandy clay overlying 3-4m of gravelly clay,
overlying medium clay
Average depth of Approx. 1.25m Approx. 1.5m
channel water at FSL
Average depth to Approx. 1 - 1.5m Approx. 1.5 m at Central, 0.5-1m at West
watertable & Approx. 8000-10000 EC Approx. 6000 EC
groundwater salinity
Channel Wetted Approx. 8-9m Approx. 10m
Perimeter at FSL
In these trials pondage tests were conducted by blocking a section of channel with
embankments at each end and filling the section with water up to, or slightly higher
than, the level at which it usually flows during operation. Most of the pondage tests
were conducted at the end of the irrigation season, and in this situation the banks were
generally constructed while the channel was full, as shown in Figure 4-1 (look for
better photo). To minimise the risk of seepage through the banks, (most) banks were
constructed with a plastic liner. All the pondage cells (except for some at Waranga
Western Channel) were constructed back to back, to minimise bank construction costs.
Water level decline in the channel was measured by a hook gauge which was read
twice daily (morning and afternoon), or daily during some tests. Evaporation was
measured using a class A evaporation pan (located on the channel bank) and rainfall
with a standard rainfall gauge.
Pondage tests were analysed using a spreadsheet developed for the project. The
method of analysis is briefly described below (refer ANCID, 2003 for further detail).
The basic equation for calculating seepage losses using the pondage test method is
presented below. The method of analysis assumes that the only inflow into the reach
is rainfall. Run-off was ignored in the assessment due to the difficulty in estimation.
If the channel is positioned to receive run off and there is sufficient rainfall the test
could be effected. However, for most tests there was no rainfall, and only a handful of
tests received sufficient rainfall to generate run-off.
W [(d − d 2 ) − E + R ]
S= 1
P(t 2 − t ) 1
S = Seepage rate [volume / area / time]
W = Average surface width between t1 and t2 [length]
d1 = Water level at t1 (averaged between u/s and d/s gauges) [length]
d2 = Water level at t2 (averaged between u/s and d/s gauges) [length]
E = Evaporation along reach between t1 and t2 [length]
R = Rainfall along reach between t1 and t2 [length]
P = Averaged wetted perimeter between t1 and t2 [length]
t1 = Time at first measurement of water levels [time]
t2 = Time at subsequent measurement of water levels [time]
Pondage test seepage rates are reported in this project in mm/d. However it is very
important to note that this is equivalent to a volume per area per day (m3/m2/d ÷ 1000
which equals mm/d, which is equivalent to L/m2/d). The area in this equation
represents the channel wetted area and not the surface water area, as is sometimes
reported in channel seepage studies.
The pondage test results are presented in this report as the seepage rate between each
measurement interval during the tests. A typical graph of the pondage test results is
presented in Figure 4-2 below. This particular test shows an initially higher seepage
rate due to the wetting up of the soil profile and then levelling out to a reasonable
steady seepage rate after four to five days. The degree to which this higher rate at the
start occurs will be primarily due to the length of time the pond has been saturated
prior to the commencement of readings and the filling height prior to testing.
Water level at t
Water level at t
Seepage Rate Vs Time For Pondage Test One: Donald Main Channel
Seepage Rate (mm/day)
21/12/2000 22/12/2000 23/12/2000 24/12/2000 25/12/2000 26/12/2000 27/12/2000 28/12/2000 29/12/2000 30/12/2000
This figure shows that as well as an overall trend, there are variations between
measurements. This variation is in part due to hook gauge reading error, evaporation
measurement error and may also be due to diurnal seepage variations [refer p7 of the
Literature Review ANCID (2000a) for further details]. The cause of these variations
was not be studied in this project. The figure of primary interest in this study is the
steady state seepage rate, ignoring daily variations. The actual seepage rate used in
the trials is the average seepage rate after any initially high rates or other non-
representative conditions (eg heavy rainfall) have subsided or been allowed for. For
example, the seepage rate number taken from Figure 4-3 was 32 mm/day. This is the
number which will be used for comparison with other techniques and which is
presented in the body of this report.
4.1.2 Results
The results of all pondage tests conducted during the trials is summarised in Table 4-1.
Graphs of all of the pondage test results are presented in Appendix B. Geological long
sections in Appendix A display pondage test bank locations and corresponding
seepage rates for each of the sites.
4.1.3 Discussion
Magnitude of Results
Seepage rates ranged in magnitude across the trials sites from 0.1 mm/d (essentially
zero) at the Toolondo East, up to 48 mm/d on the Donald Main Channel. Seepage
rates were generally lower than anticipated, particularly given that a number of the
trial sites were selected based on suspected high seepage rates.
Some sites which were anticipated to have high seepage rates contained low rates,
while other sites which were not expected to have high rates (and were essentially
randomly selected from a seepage rate perspective) contained high seepage rates. For
example, ponds 1 and 2 at Dahwilly Central (2001 pondage test trials) were expected
to have high seepage rates due to the clean, thick sandy profile beneath the channel.
However as these ponds were located immediately upstream of a check structure, the
silt build up behind the structure caused seepage to be restricted to around 5 mm/d.
Further, on the Waranga Western Channel, a number of seepage sites which had been
mapped as ‘known seepage sites’, due to visible surface evidence of seepage, were
actually found to have very low seepage rates (< 3 mm/d) during pondage tests. This
demonstrates that high rates are not necessarily required to cause surface seepage
In contrast, the four ponds at Lake View West were not anticipated to have high
seepage rates, (there were no surface signs of seepage etc) and therefore the RWA was
surprised to find seepage rates of 20 – 25 mm/d at the site. Seepage through a loamy
surface material, predominantly through the banks of the channel, is the most likely
seepage mechanism at this site.
Visible evidence of seepage does not necessarily imply high seepage rates (this does
not necessarily mean that it is not of concern however) and conversely the absence of
visible signs of seepage does not mean that significant seepage is not occurring. Even
knowledge of soil types and the sub-surface profile does not always translate to an
accurate understanding of seepage rates or seepage processes. The pondage tests and
assessment of geological and other data help to develop an understanding of the
seepage mechanism. The combined data can help to determine if seepage is vertical
through the base of the channel or lateral through the banks.
It should also be noted that the seepage rate obtained from pondage test data is a bulk
value which represents the average seepage rate over several hundred metres of
channel. Obviously within the pond section the actual seepage rate will vary above
and below the section average. The degree of variability in the seepage rate will
depend on the variability of sub-surface conditions and channel characteristics
(particularly the presence / absence and thickness of a silt layer and bank material and
construction techniques).
At several sites pondage tests were repeated in the same location, (or at least
overlapping), as pondage tests from the previous year. The following comments relate
to the repeatability of pondage tests as observed at these sites.
q Toolondo Central – Pond 4 recorded a seepage rate of 10 mm/d during the March
2001 pondage tests at Toolondo Central. In March 2002 a pondage test was
4.1.4 Conclusions
Pondage tests involve blocking a section of channel for a period and applying a water
balance to determine the seepage losses. They are widely considered the most
accurate means of channel seepage assessment and were the baseline technique against
which other techniques were assessed. Pondage tests were therefore conducted across
all sites, totalling 81 ponds.
At three sites where pondage tests were repeated, a good degree of repeatability was
observed. The maximum difference between seepage rates was 25%. Differences in
pondage tests rates from one season to another are probably attributable to changes in
depth to watertable and channel bed properties. The differences are considered
acceptable for the purposes of this investigation, and not considered to be significantly
due to errors in the pondage test method.
Wimmera Toolondo (East) March 02 (4 cells, 14 days) 0–1 (0.1, 0.4, 0.4, 0.7) Very low rates
Mallee Water
Toolondo (West) March 02 (4 cells, 15 days ) 1–5 (1, 1.6, 3, 4.9)
Rocklands March 01 (6 cells, 15 days) 4 – 13 (8.7, 11, 13, 5.4, 4.3, 4.3) High variation in seepage observed in some ponds due to run-off and delayed
seepage associated with a relatively large rainfall event on 20th March (20mm)
Donald Main Dec. 00 (6 cells, 9 days) 9 – 48 (45, 35, 36, 37, 48, 9) Mid-range test values were used rather than steady state due to low initial water
levels (approx. two-thirds normal supply level)
June 01 (6 cells, 14 days) 4 – 16 (4.8, 4.4, 13, 7.6, 12, 16) First few days excluded from analysis due to erratic behaviour. Low rates in P1 &
Dahwilly P2 despite sandy profile, due to silt accumulation upstream of check
(Central) June 02 (7 cells, 15 days) 4 – 10 (4.2, 4.9, 9.5, 7.7, 7.8, 1.1, Only P6 & P7 overlap with June 01 tests. P6 & P7 (02) are P1 & P2 (01). These
2.8) two cells (underlined) were remediated in July 2001, reducing seepage from 4.8
Murray mm/d to 1.1 mm/d and from 4.4 mm/d to 2.8 mm/d.
Irrigation Very narrow seepage range
Dahwilly (East) June 02 (3 cells, 22 days) 9 – 10 (10, 10, 9)
July 01 (4 cells, 15 days) 4–6 (5.2, 5.6, 4.1, 3.9) Due to absence of survey data seepage rate calculated based on average gauge
Finley drop multiplied by estimate of wetted perimeter to surface water ratio of 1.05
June 02 (3 cells, 19 days) 5–7 (7, 5.3, 5.4) Ponds 1-3 for 01 and 02 correspond. There is an increase of 0.3-1.8 mm/d
compared to 01. Some of difference may be due to lack of survey data in 01 tests.
July 01 (6 cells, 7 days) 7–9 (9, 9.3, 9, 7, 7.1, 8.5) Very narrow seepage range
Lake View
(Central) June 02 (4 cells, 7 days) 4–7 (7.1, 5.8, 4.3, 5.2) Areas between 01 and 02 tests overlap, but banks were in different locations.
Murrumbidgee Approx. 1-2mm higher rates in 01 tests, possibly due to longer drying period?
Irrigation High rates given soil type. Probably due to seepage through top metre of the
Lake View June 02 (4 cells, 7 days) 20 – 25 (20, 23, 25, 25)
(West) profile
Tabbita June 01 (6 cells, 7 days) 6 – 10 (6.4, 6.0, 9.8, 8.5, 6.2, 6.7)
Goulburn Waranga May/June 02 (11 cells, 1 – 13 (6.1, 3.3, 1, 1.7, 1.4, 1.6 Pondage tests were conducted over a large area: P1 was approximately XX km
Murray Western 12 days) 7.7, 7.7, 7.3, 13, 4.4) from P11
As the trial program developed and the focus of the investigation became more
strongly focussed on geophysics, it was important that the characterisation of the sub-
surface was particularly targeted to assist in geophysical interpretation. In addition to
information on lithology, geophysical interpretation is assisted by information on soil
moisture, depth to watertable and groundwater salinity.
All of these issues were tightly constrained by cost. The approach adopted in this
study is described below:
q Location and number of bores: Bores were drilled immediately adjacent the
outside toe of the channel banks (or as close as practical to the bank). This
coincided with the location of the EM31 and EM34 surveys adjacent the channel
bank. While drilling in the channel may also be of assistance to determine the
stratigraphy directly beneath the channel, this is generally not practical due to the
considerable expense of drilling from a barge or boat. Interpolation between
drilling results on either side of the channel, provided by stratigraphic
interpretation, is sufficiently accurate.
The greater variability at the site, the greater the number of bores required to
characterise the site. In the final year drilling program (year 3) approximately 12-
4.2.3 Results
Results of the drilling program are presented in geological long sections of each of the
channels are presented (Appendix A). To determine whether averaging of soil
properties could assist in estimating seepage, average permeabilities were compared
with pondage test seepage rates.
Based on the geological long sections, a bulk vertical hydraulic conductivity was
calculated for each of the ponds. Hydraulic conductivity was based on text book
vertical hydraulic conductivities for the given soil texture. The vertical hydraulic
conductivity for each soil type was assigned using published rates based on the
Northcote classification system (Reference, 19XX). Layered heterogeneity was
accounted for using the equation outlined in Freeze and Cherry (1979, p34). For each
pond, four different vertical hydraulic conductivities were calculated. These are
described below and graphically presented in Figure 4-5:
Cumulative Weighting Applied to Soil Permeability
Explanatory Variable (%)
EM31 Weighted
Evenly weighted to 2m
Surface Weighted to 10m
Evenly Weighted to 10m
0 2 4 6 8 10
Depth (m)
Figure 4-6 presents the vertical hydraulic conductivity (Kv) value for the upper two
metres and the 10m inversely weighted scenarios, for all of the sites investigated in the
year 3 program. The absence of a clear correlation between Kv and seepage indicates
Upper 2m
Inverse Depth
Pondage Test Seepage (mm/d)
Weighted (10m)
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Bulk Vertical Hydraulic Conductivity (Kv, m/d)
Reasons why this approach may not be valid is due to errors inherent in the method.
These include:
q The bulking and averaging process (of both seepage and Kv values) over the pond
q Interpolation between bores; and,
q The process of assigning Kv values to soil type (ie infiltration tests were not
conducted in each soil type and the true conductivity is assumed based on the
described texture).
However, if it is assumed that the errors inherent in the method are relatively minor,
and that Figure 4-6 is accurate, two main factors could cause the scatter observed in
the data. Two main types of variation from an ‘expected’ trend, can be observed in
Figure 4-6:
q Sites with low vertical conductivity but relatively high seepage rates – There are
three main reasons why this may occur:
i) Seepage may be isolated to very short sections of high seepage which may
have been missed by the drilling program. Many measurements are required
to obtain a reliable estimate of the mean. Seepage will tend to be
underestimated as local high seepage zones go undetected.
ii) The predominant seepage mechanism could be lateral and shallow, through
the channel banks or immediately beneath the channel base – therefore soils
data collected at the edge of the channel will not be highly related to seepage
rates. In this case seepage will be dependent on the bank hydraulic
properties which in turn will be dependent on bank construction techniques
and materials.
iii) The predominant seepage mechanism is not through primary soil porosity
but through secondary porosity, such as cracking, or fractures (in hard rock),
or macro invertebrate activity (eg yabbies). Assigning a seepage rate based
on soil texture will therefore not be an accurate indicator of the true
permeability of the soils.
q Sites with high vertical conductivity but relatively low seepage rates – This
occurs where natural lining or clogging of a channel via silting or biological
processes is the dominant factor controlling seepage, ie the surface layer is the
most restrictive layer in the profile. This effect will be most prominent at sites
with high permeability soils, as the silt layer is relatively more influential and
more likely to be the most restrictive layer.
This analysis suggests that using soil data alone to estimate seepage rates is not likely
to be successful. The drilling undertaken in this study was not of sufficient density to
adequately characterise the site to determine seepage rates. Therefore the density of
sampling required to accurately represent seepage rates will generally be prohibitive
for most RWA channel seepage assessment studies. In addition, for this method to be
satisfactorily accurate, field assessment of seepage rates in different soil types is likely
to be required, rather than estimation based on the soil texture and published data.
4.2.4 Conclusions
Sub-surface characterisation by soil and geological profiling was conducted to assist
in general site characterisation (provided information on soils, depth to groundwater
and groundwater salinity) as well as to assist in geophysical interpretation. Bores
were generally drilled adjacent to the channel, up to 10 m in depth.
An attempt was made to estimate seepage based on average soil permeabilities, using
different weightings to test the influence of the soil across a range of depths. The
upper 2m of the soil profile gave the best indication of some relationship between
permeability and seepage rate, however no clear relationship between soil
permeability and seepage rate was obtained. A combination of factors is likely to
contribute to the absence of a relationship. Two types of factor contribute to the
absence of a clearly defined relationship between seepage and soil Kv:
q Errors inherent in method – There was insufficient definition of changes in soil
type along channel (ie low sampling density). Further, the process of assigning
Kv to soil type is inaccurate. The hydraulic conductivity for the particular soil
type should be field tested rather than assigned from literature
q Factors apart from soil type are the primary control on seepage rate: The two
most common factor are:
q Bank dominated seepage (ie due to poor bank construction etc) and,
q Surface clogging layer.
These factors explain why sites like Finley and Dahwilly can have such similar
seepage rates, even though the underlying soil at Dahwilly has permeability many
orders of magnitude higher than the clay at Finley. Seepage rates at Dahwilly are
controlled by the clogging layer on the base of the channel while seepage rates at
Finley are controlled by lateral bank seepage.
Soil mapping at a regional level to identify sites of potentially high seepage is a useful
first cut approach for prioritising areas for further investigation. Sub-surface
characterisation is also a very important part of developing a conceptual model of the
site, which will be used in interpreting other test results. However at the density
required for sufficient accuracy to be obtained compared to other methods, local soil
mapping (and point seepage tests) to quantify seepage rates and extrapolate to other
areas will not be cost effective, aside from the potential errors in this technique
described above. These conclusions regarding the usefulness of soil surveying are
confirmed by the literature review (ANCID, 2000a).
Some techniques provide a direct estimate of seepage (eg seepage meters), whereas
others estimate hydraulic conductivity, which can be used as a relative indicator of
seepage, or can be used to calculate seepage. The advantage that channel operating
techniques have over channel empty techniques is that measurements reflect real
operating conditions, particularly the seepage processes and hydrogeological
Five point test trials were conducted during the investigation and are reported on in
this section, including:
q Ring Infiltrometer and Disc Permeameter tests (Toolondo Central and Dahwilly
q Ring Infiltrometer (Tabbita); and,
q Idaho Seepage Meter (Dahwilly Central and Donald Main Channel).
These three techniques are briefly described below (refer to ANCID, 2000a, for
additional information).
Disc Permeameter
The disc permeameter is an instrument used to measure the hydraulic conductivity of
soil at (or near to) saturation. A disc covered with a semipermeable membrane
(typically 0.2 m in diameter) is placed on a surface and the subsequent infiltration of
water allows calculation of the hydraulic conductivity of that surface. Water is
supplied to the disc at a constant head at or near to a surface matric potential of zero.
This measurement method can only be used in empty channels. The method can be
used on an undisturbed channel bed, in some cases a thin layer of contact material may
be used to provide a level surface but this does not affect the measurement. In this
study, unsaturated disc permeameters were used and a small negative head was
Ring Infiltrometers
Single and double ring infiltrometers are devices for determining the rate of
infiltration into soil from a circular source. Single ring infiltrometers were used in
these trials. Ring infiltrometers are normally metal rings with a diameter of 20 – 100
cm and a height of about 20cm. The ring is driven into the ground about 5 – 10 cm,
water is applied inside the ring with a constant head device, and intake measurements
are recorded until a steady infiltration rate is observed. If a constant head device is not
available to add water to the ring, a constant head can be maintained by manually
adding water and recording the volume. In these trials both manual and automatic
methods were used to maintain a constant head.
4.3.2 Methodology
The approach adopted in all the trials was also applied to the points tests. That is, that
the results were tied back to the pondage tests to attempt to determine their accuracy.
Depending on the pond length, a certain number of point tests were conducted at
approximately even intervals (where possible) along the pond. Based on the length of
channel represented by each test, a weighted average was applied to determine the
representative seepage from that pond. (If the tests were exactly evenly distributed
along the pond the representative seepage would be equivalent to the test average).
Due to the effect of very high individual seepage rates on the overall average, in some
instances the median rate was also examined as a potentially more representative
In addition to comparison with pondage tests, at some sites the point tests were
compared with the immediately surrounding EM31 values and potential relationships
between these two variables examined.
Figure 4-7 shows the location of the tests. The ring infiltrometer test and the disc
permeameter test were conducted as close to each other as possible (typically 1-2m).
The results of the tests are shown in Table 4-2, with the average, median and lower
quartile of the results presented. Figure 4-8 shows the instruments in use at the
n Figure 4-8 Ring Infiltrometer (left) and Disc Permeameter (right) in use at the
Toolondo Channel
Therefore, recognising that saturated hydraulic conductivity values are not directly
equal to actual seepage rates, but that they should generally be similar, (and that in this
case seepage rates should be approximately two-thirds of the hydraulic conductivity),
it is evident that these values are much higher than they should be, if they are a true
reflection of seepage rates. Even the lower quartile values of the data represent
seepage 30-70 times greater than pondage test seepage rates.
The reason for these results is due to the soil profile in the base of the channel. Over
most of the channel in this section, a medium to coarse grained sand layer of 0.1- 0.2m
thickness overlies a silty clay. It is the clay which acts as the limiting layer to channel
seepage, but the ring infiltrometer and disc permeameter tests (which were conducted
on top of the channel) are essentially measuring the hydraulic conductivity of this sand
layer. In a select few of the tests (eg Pond 2, test 7 and Pond 3, test 4) it appears that
this sand layer was quite thin and values approaching the true field saturated hydraulic
conductivity for the restricting layer may have been measured.
Given that there was little to be gained from direct comparison to the pondage tests
rates, analysis was conducted to compare in a relative sense the point tests results to
the pondage test results. Figure 4-9 presents these results, where the average, median
and lower quartile figures for each pondage section were plotted against the
corresponding pondage test seepage rate for the section.
The first thing to observe from this data is that the point tests did record lower seepage
rates in the lower seepage ponds than in the higher seepage ponds, which is
demonstrated by the positive gradient in the lines of best fit in Figure 4-9. This is
important, as it indicates that these particular points tests, despite providing no
quantitative indication of seepage rates, may still be able to be used to determine
sections of channel with higher rates relative to other sections. Meaningful statistical
interpretation however is not possible with only three data points. Nevertheless, the
lines of best fit and their correlation coefficient have been plotted, primarily to
Figure 4-9 indicates the best statistical indicator of seepage for the Toolondo point
tests is the lower quartile of the data. This suggests that the high seepage rate results
are unreasonably biasing the true seepage results, which is more realistically reflected
in the lower end of the range of the seepage results. The data offers no clear
indication as to which of the methods might be a more accurate predictor of seepage,
but marginally indicates more confidence in the disc permeameter results. For
example, pond 2 has a pondage test seepage rate approximately 3 times that of pond 3
and 6. The median and lower quartile results for pond 2 are approximately 2-3 times
that of pond 3 and 6, while for the ring infiltrometer pond 2 is 4-6 times higher.
In terms of field procedures, the disc permeameter was more user friendly for
operators. Some inaccuracies were introduced to the ring infiltrometer method by the
float valve mechanism used to maintain the constant head of water in the ring, which
would sometimes stick and require manual fixing, and therefore the required
consistent head was not always continually sustained.
n Figure 4-9 Toolondo Pondage Test Seepage vs Point Source Tests Figure
Pondage Test Seepage Rates vs Ring Infiltrometer Pondage Test Seepage Rates vs Disc Permeameter Seepage
1600 1600
Average Average
1400 First Quartile 1400 First Quartile
Ring Infiltrometer (Kfs, mm/d)
800 800
y = 121.61x - 223.26 y = 67.089x + 58.109
600 600
R 2 = 0.9967 R 2 = 0.9827
y = 61.096x + 645.17
400 400
R 2 = 0.7684
y = 35.564x + 73.312
200 200
R 2 = 0.9694
0 0
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 0 2 4 6 8 10 12
Pondage Test Seepage (mm/d) Pondage Test Seepage (mm/d)
Ring Infiltrometer
Field Saturated Hydraulic Conductivity (Kfs, mm/d)
Disc Permeameter
4600 4800 5000 5200 5400 5600 5800 6000
Approximate Chainage (m)
Ring Infiltrometer vs Disc Permeameter Results (Toolondo)
Disc Permeameter Field Saturated Hydraulic
Conductivity (Kfs, mm/d)
y = 0.7582x + 135.24
R2 = 0.5272
0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500
Ring Infiltrometer Field Saturated Hydraulic Conductivity (Kfs, mm/d)
The following concluding remarks can be made regarding the Toolondo point tests:
q Both ring infiltrometer and disc permeameter results significant overestimated
pondage test seepage. Even the lower quartile values of the data represent
seepage 30-70 times greater than pondage test seepage rates. This was due to the
fact that the tests were measuring the conductivity of the sand layer in the
channel, rather than the more restrictive underlying layer.
q The points tests recorded lower seepage rates in the lower seepage ponds than in
the higher seepage pond. This result does not preclude the use of points tests for
A true evaluation of point test techniques at the Toolondo channel site should involve
repeating the tests, but after removal of the layer of sand covering the restricting layer.
However, enough data was collected in these trials to conclude that the variability in
the soil (and the associated large number of tests required to characterise a given
section), the technical expertise required to properly conduct and analyse results, and
the inherent limitations of the equipment, generally do not make channel empty point
tests cost efficient or technically accurate. Channel full point tests (eg Idaho seepage
meter) would probably have more chance of succeeding under the particular
conditions encountered in the channel bed at the Toolondo channel.
Figure 4-11 displays the location of the tests. The ring infiltrometer test and the disc
permeameter tests were conducted as close to each other as possible (typically 1-2m)
at intervals generally between 30m - 40m.
This figure illustrates that not all of the tests were evenly spaced within the pondage
section, and in fact six tests lay outside the areas included in the pondage tests (this
was due to a misunderstanding on the part of the RWA regarding the location of the
pondage tests). Unfortunately this limits the analysis of the results, as pond 3 and 5
have only several tests points contained within them.
Table 4-3 and Figure 4-13 indicate that the disc permeameter produced more
consistent results than the ring infiltrometer. As Table 4-3 indicates, a number of the
ring infiltrometer results had to be discarded due to irregularities observed during field
measurement. Generally this was due to seepage appearing on the surface around the
outside of the ring, indicating that the assumed flow conditions for the test were
breached. These results are therefore likely to be substantially higher than they should
be. (A figure of 20 mm/d was used for analysis purposes in these instances, as shown
by the bracketed result in the table). Due to further uncertainty this introduces to the
results, the disc permeameter results are the more reliable data set for analysis
1. The test methodology aims to ensure measurements are conducted under saturated conditions. In reality, field
saturated hydraulic conductivity is often half of that under saturated conditions. The relationship between the true
saturated hydraulic conductivity (Ks) and the field saturated hydraulic conductivity (Kfs) is approximately: Ks =
Kfs x 1.2.
2. Bracketed figures represent the figure used in the actual analysis (average, lower quartile etc). The actual number
recorded was not used due to irregularities observed during the test (most commonly due to seepage appearing on
the surface around the outside of the ring), and is likely to be a significant over estimate of seepage.
Figure 4-12 presents these results, where the average, median and lower quartile
figures for each pondage section are plotted against the corresponding pondage test
seepage rate for the section. The disc permeameter results interestingly suggest a
negative relationship between pondage test seepage and the point tests (ie pondage test
seepage increasing with decreasing disc permeameter seepage), although the disc
permeameter results fall in a very tight band (within 2-3 mm).
First Quartile
12 12 Median
11 11
10 10
9 9
8 8
First Quartile
7 7
6 6
0 5 10 15 20 0 5 10 15 20
Ring Infiltrom eter (Kfs, m m /d) Disc Perm eam eter (Kfs, m m /d)
This demonstrates the failure of the disc permeameter results to characterise the true
seepage rate of the pond. This is most likely due to the inadequate density of the
testing program. The ring infiltrometer results are generally also inconclusive. The
average rates lie in a very narrow band, and do not distinguish between ponds. The
As discussed above, it appears that the greater source of error is in the functioning of
the ring infiltrometer. In addition to breaches of assumed seepage paths, as discussed
under the Toolondo point test section, some inaccuracies are introduced to the ring
infiltrometer method by the float valve mechanism which is used to maintain the
constant head of water in the ring. Due to the reduced number of reliable results from
the ring infiltrometer, the disc permeameter results are considered the more reliable
data set for this analysis.
n Figure 4-13 Dahwilly Point Tests: Ring Infiltrometer Results plotted against
Disc Permeameter Results
Dahwilly Disc Per meamet er vs Ring Inf ilt r omet er Field Sat urat ed Hydr aulic Conduct ivit y
y = 0.256x + 7.3482
Ring Infiltrometer (Kfs)
R 2 = 0.1133
0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Disc Perm eam eter (Kfs)
The following concluding remarks can be made regarding the Dahwilly point tests:
1 33 1345 25 4
2 32 1376 25 4
(13 mm/d) 3 49 1411 60 13
4 15 1511 110 7
Sum 28
5 81 1586 40 16
4 6 151 1611 40 30
(7.6 mm/d) 7 21 1711 120 13
Sum 59
8 37 1811 100 19
(11.6 mm/d) 9 5 1911 100 3
Sum 21
10 79 2011 60 24
6 11 38 2036 50 9
(16.3 mm/d) 12 36 2103 90 16
Sum 49
A general conclusion that can be drawn is that the seepage rates as measured by the
Idaho seepage meter are consistently higher than the pondage test seepage rates.
Normally when point tests are conducted, values significantly lower than actual
seepage rates are detected. This is due to the relatively large contribution of ‘hot
spots’ to the overall seepage rate, and the inability to detect these spots with point
tests. The cause of a variation from this trend might be that the bed of the channel
actually seeps significantly more than the banks of the channel. Consideration of the
Dahwilly channel geological long-section (refer Appendix A) lends support to this
theory. This section shows that along the test section, the base of the channel
consistently intersects the top of the fine sand layer, which is overlain by a sandy clay.
It is therefore reasonable to presume that the base of the channel would seep at a
higher rate than the banks, which would lead to point tests in the base of the channel
overestimating seepage compared to pondage tests which measure seepage across the
entire wetted perimeter of the channel.
It is also acknowledged that pondage test seepage rates may be slightly lower than
actual seepage rates due to settling of suspend solids under still water conditions,
which will be significantly reduced while the channel is running. This alone would
not account, however for the large differences observed between the pondage test and
the Idaho meter seepage rates.
Dahwilly Idaho Seepage Meter Results (January 2001) vs Pondage Test Seepage
Idaho Meter Seepage Rate (mm/d)
6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
Pondage Test Seepage Rate (mm/d)
This figure shows an ‘expected’ inverse correlation between the EM31 conductivity
and the Idaho seepage meter results, ie increasing seepage with decreasing EM31
conductivity. However the correlation even with the outlier excluded is poor. The
EM31 conductivity average did not distinguish between seepage rate sites between 5 –
40 mm/d (as measured with the Idaho meter), but did to identify the two highest
seepage sites, both of which were 80 mm/d.
Definitive conclusions cannot be drawn from these results as the conductivity range is
very narrow and the data set too small. It appears that the conductivity has
distinguished between moderate and high seepage zones. The limited point
methodology of the assessment may also contribute to variability in the results.
Improvements could probably be made by averaging seepage and conductivity
readings over 20-30m lengths of channel, rather than lines across the channel. This
bulking process could assist in smoothing out local variations and anomalies that may
occur in isolated sections of channel.
apparent oulier
Idaho Meter Seepage Rate (mm/d)
Fitted line with outlier included
y = -8.49x + 402.67
R2 = 0.09
y = -8.14x + 378.96
40 R = 0.25
Fitted line with outlier excluded
38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45
Av. Surrounding EM31 Conductivity (mS/m)
The bed was saturated at the time of the tests and water was ponded along the centre
line of the channel over a considerable length of the channel. This made it impractical
to carry out tests along the centre line of the channel as originally designed. Therefore
modifications were made to the original methodology to suit the conditions, including:
q Adjustments to the standard distance of 25 m between sites in order to find a site
where the surface was free of water;
q Placement of the rings on the right hand side of the bed, just above the waterline
in the channel;
q The sites where the three tests were to be carried out across the bed were shifted to
locations where the whole bed was exposed. This was usually a point where the
silt layer was higher than elsewhere. As the width of the bed was too narrow to
place the rings in a line at right angles to the centre line, the rings were placed
diagonally at about 1.5 to 2 m spacing; and,
The following observations were made regarding the channel soil profile during the
test. The batters of the channel are covered with a layer of brown sandy clay about 1
cm thick over the material used to make the banks. The lower parts of the batter are
into the parent material which is a heavy clay. The bed is not flat, but is more of a
shallow V shape which is covered by about 10 cm of silty material. There is a brown
surface crust, but below this the material is a loose grey silty clay. Underlying this
silty clay is the parent material, comprised of a grey heavy clay.
The basic test methodology consisted of placing the ring on the surface of the soil and
driving it in about 15 cm. (This was to reach firmer soil rather than it being located in
the upper uncompacted or disturbed A1 horizon). The ring was filled with water to a
depth of about 5 cm (so that the entire surface of the soil was covered) and
measurements of loss of water from the ring were made regularly. The readings were
taken at about 10 minute intervals initially until the soil profile had saturated and when
the final infiltration rate was reached after 30 to 45 minutes the readings were taken at
wider time intervals for about 2 hours. The amount of water needed to refill the ring
to its original level (mark on the side of the ring or a needle point) was recorded either
as the depth by which the water level has fallen since the last reading or as the volume
of water needed to bring the water level back to the level of the marker in the ring.
This method of maintaining the constant head varied slightly from previous ring
infiltrometer tests conducted during these trials, where a float device was used to
regulate a constant head. For low seepage rate soils such as in the Tabbita channel,
where the head only falls slightly over the test, this is a more accurate way of
determining the infiltration rate. To improve the accuracy of the results, rings were
left in place over night on two nights thus giving eight tests with longer duration
where the accuracy could be expected to be better because of the longer time for
seepage from the rings.
The results of the Tabbita ring infiltrometer tests are presented in Table 4.5. Figure 4-
4 displays the location of the tests. The results are presented both in terms of the
actual infiltration rate recorded during the test (ie volume/area) and the field saturated
hydraulic conductivity (Kfs) calculated from the infiltration rate (refer Section 3.3.3 for
discussion of the difference in the seepage rate and the hydraulic conductivity).
Significantly lower and more consistent Kfs values are reported compared to other ring
infiltrometer tests conducted in this study (Dahwilly and Toolondo). This is primarily
due to the more uniform and less permeable underlying parent material into which the
rings were driven. The average Kfs for each section is presented in two forms. Firstly
as the total average for all tests, and secondly as the average of all locations.
This second average is calculated using an average figure for the two sections in each
pondage where tests were done cross the channel, meaning that the three tests only
contribute one figure to the total average. This is a more accurate means of
determining the total average for the section. Using this method the average Kfs for
Ponds 2, 4 and 5 is 7.7, 4.0 and 4.5 mm/d respectively. The average for Pond 2 is
highly influenced by the one results of 23.8 mm/d. Perhaps a more representative
figure is the median Kfs for the ponds, which are 4.5, 4.6 and 4.2 mm/d for Ponds 2, 4
and 5 respectively. Essentially the figures indicate that there is no statistical
The results do indicate a significant difference between the seepage rates along the
centre line of the channel compared to the sides of the channel base. Summing results
from all ponds, the average value (Kfs) for the centre line of the channel is 1.0 mm/d,
compared to 6.8 mm/d for the sides. The median value indicates just as significant a
difference of 0.3 mm/d for the centre and 4.2 mm/d for the channel sides.
n Table 4-5 Tabbita Channel Ring Infiltrometer and Disc Permeameter Results
These results confirm previous seepage investigations that channels are more prone to
seepage at the sides than in the centre. [eg Smith and Turner (1982) studied a number
of channels within the Goulburn Valley using the Idaho seepage meter and found that
The main problem with assessing any seepage measurement technique at the Tabbita
site is that the spread of seepage rates as indicated in the pondage tests is very low,
and therefore due to potential small errors in both the pondage tests and the particular
measurement technique, it is difficult to conduct any assessment that is statistically
6 y = -0.95x + 11.94
y = 0.07x + 3.94
y = -0.09x + 3.73
5.0 5.5 6.0 6.5 7.0 7.5 8.0 8.5 9.0
Pondage Test Seepage (mm/d)
However it should be noted that this investigation does not rule out the use of ring
infiltrometers as a means of estimating channel seepage. Six tests is probably not
enough to adequately characterise a length of channel 200 m long, even given the
relatively uniform soil properties of the Tabbita. As was initially suspected, one of the
greatest barriers to reliably using point test data is the variability in the soil, and many
more tests are required to adequately characterise a given section using this method
(ANCID, 2000a). From an economic perspective this means that assessment of
channel seepage using ring infiltrometers is not likely to be a cost effective solution.
There was a much better correlation observed between the seepage values from the
ring infiltrometer and the pondage test results at this site compared to the Toolondo
channel. This is primarily due to the more uniform and less permeable underlying
parent material into which the rings were driven at the Tabbita channel. The clayey
The best result was obtained for Pond 2 which recorded almost the same weighted
Idaho seepage meter reading (35 mm/d) as pondage test result (35 mm/d). Pond 4 also
recorded similar results between techniques (33 mm/d for the Idaho meter compared
to 37 mm/d for the pondage test). Pond 6 and Pond 3 deviated most from this 1:1
linear trend. Using all of the data the results indicate a moderate to poor correlation
between the Idaho seepage meter results and the pondage test seepage rates (R2 =
0.33). Pond 3 (36 mm/d pondage test seepage) is the main cause of the poor
correlation, which recorded the same weighted Idaho seepage average as Pond 6 (9
mm/d 36 mm/d pondage test seepage).
Taking the weighted average from only the middle two Idaho seepage tests across the
wetted perimeter slightly improves Pond 3 with respect to representing the pondage
test seepage however, this further worsens Pond 6 and Pond 4, resulting in overall
lower correlation (R2 = 0.27).
Seepage of Central P3 P3
Tests P2
y = 0.9163x + 5.8254
R2 = 0.333
average of all tests y = 1.1907x - 1.9982
20 2
R = 0.2719
average of central tests
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45
Average Idaho Seepage Meter Result for Pond (mm/d)
This figure shows no correlation between the EM31 conductivity and the Idaho
seepage meter results. When the ‘outlying’ pond (Pond 3) is removed a weak inverse
correlation is observed (ie increasing seepage with decreasing EM31 conductivity).
The EM31 conductivity average clearly distinguished between seepage rates (as
measured with the Idaho meter) in pond 6 and pond 2, but no distinction at all between
pond 3 and 4 is observed. Further investigation would be required to determine the
reasons for this.
The limited nature of the point methodology of the assessment may also contribute to
variability in the results. Improvements could probably be made by averaging seepage
and conductivity readings over 20-30m lengths of channel, rather than lines across the
channel. This bulking process could assist in smoothing out local variations and
anomalies that may occur in isolated sections of channel.
Average Seepage
Pond 6
y = -0.33x + 46.68
Idaho Seepage Meter Rate (mm/d)
40 Pond 2
Trend line R2 = 0.19 Pond 4
excluding Pond 3
Pond 3
y = -0.14x + 33.63
R2 = 0.04
Trend line for all data
10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
Av Surrounding EM31 Conductivity (mS/m)
4.3.8 Conclusions
These trials have confirmed that point tests are generally not reliable for directly
quantifying seepage. Due to variable and sometimes erratic values obtained in
measurements, the trials have illustrated that a large number of tests is required to
sufficiently determine the true seepage rate of a section. Therefore they are generally
not considered reliable for absolute quantitative purposes and should generally be
limited to determining the distribution of seepage losses ( i.e., relative seepage). Even
for this use a large number of tests are recommended to minimise the effects of local
variability. These conclusions equate to the findings of the literature review.
In addition, it was apparent in a number of channels that the bed of the channel was
seeping at a different rate to the walls of the channel. This appeared to be occurring at
a number of the point test sites, as evidenced by higher seepage rates in the base of the
channel than the pondage test rates. This is in contrast to the normal phenomenon
with point tests where lower seepage rates than actual are often obtained (due to the
non-detection of ‘hot spots’). In these cases, even very high density point test
sampling in the bed of the channel can not determine the actual seepage rate.
4.4.2 Methodology
Observation of groundwater levels in a series of piezometers located at right angles to
the centre line of a channel provides data to determine the flow lines and equipotential
lines of seepage water. The amount of seepage can be estimated by studying the
variations in the watertable combined with variations in channel running level. The
best period of observation is during the rise in watertable when a channel is put back
into operation or during the fall of the watertable at the end of the channel run season.
This approach requires a minimum of two groundwater observation bores at right
angles on either side of the channel. An estimate of aquifer hydraulic conductivity is
also required. This can be estimated based on the textural properties of the material
identified during the drilling of the bores, but is preferably obtained by aquifer
pumping tests or slug tests.
1-11-98 9-02-99 20-05-99 28-08-99 6-12-99 15-03-00 23-06-00 1-10-00 9-01-01 19-04-01 28-07-01
1-11-98 9-02-99 20-05-99 28-08-99 6-12-99 15-03-00 23-06-00 1-10-00 9-01-01 19-04-01 28-07-01
23/06/2000 12/08/2000 1/10/2000 20/11/2000 9/01/2001 28/02/2001 19/04/2001 8/06/2001 28/07/2001
RWL (m)
23/06/2000 12/08/2000 1/10/2000 20/11/2000 9/01/2001 28/02/2001 19/04/2001 8/06/2001 28/07/2001
Sheridan Site C
RWL (m)
Natural Surface
-100 -50 0 50 100 150
Distance (m)
Sheridan Site D
RWL (m)
Estimated seepage into aquifer (mm/day per m length) 42.5 106.25 212.5
for half of 6m wetted perimeter
Transect d
Hydraulic Conductivity 0.2 m/day 0.5 m/day 1m/day
Elevation of Datum (base of Aquifer) 100 100 100
Head in the Channel (h2) 114.5 114.5 114.5
Head in the Observation Bore (h1) 110 110 110
Distance between edge of channel and obs bore 100 100 100
Estimated seepage into aquifer (mm/day per m length) 36.75 91.875 183.75
for half of 6m wetted perimeter
The seepage estimates (42.5mm/d Transect C and 36.75 mm/day for Transect D)
based on analytical groundwater flow calculations results for the assumed hydraulic
conductivity of 0.2m/d are consistent with the pondage test results (45mm/day) for
Pond1 where these transects are located.
The estimated rates using higher hydraulic conductivity values are clearly much
higher than the observed results. Further investigation (including slug tests to
determine actual hydraulic conductivities) are required to provide greater confidence
in the estimates based on piezometric levels alone.
Water level monitoring commenced on these bores from 27th September 2000 and is
currently ongoing. Hydrographs have been prepared for each transect up to 7th August
2001. Figure 4-28 and Figure 4-29 displays the hydrographs for transects 1 and 2
respectively. Transect 1
Essentially 3 types of response are observed in the hydrograph behaviour in
Transect 1:
iv) Bores adjacent the channel ( nested site 1 & 2 and nested site 5 & 6);
v) Bores 10-15m away from the channel (nested site 3 & 4 and bore 7); and,
vi) Bore 8 which is well away from the channel.
The hydrographs of the adjacent channel bores in Transect 1 (bores 1& 2 and bores 5
& 6) indicate relatively constant water levels between October 2000 and June 2001,
with relatively minor fluctuations only observed in this period. This corresponds with
the fact that the channel was running throughout this time, largely masking any other
influences on hydrograph groundwater behaviour. The channel ceased operation in
Bores which are a moderate distance (10-15m) away from the channel (nested site
3&4 and bore 7) display greater fluctuation in water levels during the period of
channel operation. The gradual fall of these hydrographs from the start of monitoring
until end of February and then the gradual rise again is probably due to annual
seasonal variation in the groundwater levels. These bores also drop appreciably
following the shut down of the channel, but generally only by approximately 0.4m.
The decreased effect obviously due to the increased distance from the channel. Again
there is a delayed effect in the response to the removal of water in the channel in the
bores on the west side of the channel (bore 7) compared to the east side (nested bores
3 & 4). The delay is more significant in this instance, with water levels continuing to
rise for approximately 1 month (check) after channel shut down.
channel running
Bore 1 D
Bore 2 S
Bore 3 D
Bore 4 S
Bore 5 D
Bore 6 S
Bore 7 D
Bore 8 D
01/09/00 31/10/00 30/12/00 28/02/01 29/04/01 29/06/01 28/08/01
Channel Running
Pondage Test Channel Empty
12/08/00 01/10/00 20/11/00 09/01/01 28/02/01 19/04/01 08/06/01 28/07/01 16/09/01
1) Bores 10-15m away from the channel (bores 9, 10 and 13); and,
2) Bores 11&12 which is well away from the channel.
The hydrographs from the bores 10-15m from the channel Transect 2 (bores 9, 10 &
13) show that bore 13 had relatively constant water levels between October 2000 and
June 2001, with relatively minor fluctuations only observed in this period. This
corresponds with the fact that the channel was running throughout this time, largely
masking any other influences on groundwater behaviour.
Bores 9 and 10, a similar distance to the channel as bore 13 show a greater
fluctuations in groundwater levels during the monitoring period with a gradual fall in
groundwater levels from the start of monitoring until end of February and then the
gradual rise again. This may be attributed to annual seasonal variation in the levels
with groundwater levels from these bores following similar trends to that of bores 11
and 12.
The channel ceased operation (pondage test completed) on 26th June 2001, and
groundwater levels in the bores adjacent the channel, bores 9, 10 and 13, dropped
sharply, by approximately 0.3m between 25th June 2001 and 7th August 2001.
Bores 11&12 are a greater distance from the channel and appear to be influenced more
from regional groundwater trends rather than from the channel. Summary
In summary, both transects 1 and 2 indicate significantly declining waterlevels in the
bores close to the channel during the channel closure period (June and August 2001).
This is almost certainly attributable to the removal of the groundwater recharge source
of the seeping channel. Bores at an intermediate distance (10-15m) from the channel
displayed a subdued response to seepage and bores at a significant distance from the
channel (>50 m) showed little response that may be attributed to channel seepage over
the period of monitoring available.
The cross sections displayed in Figure 4-30 and Figure 4-31 display high and low
water levels in the two Tabbita bore transects.
112.5 RL
114 High W L
RWL (m)
113.5 Low W L
113 RL
-120 -100 -80 -60 -40 -20 0 20
4.4.5 Conclusions
The trials conducted in this investigation suggest that use of groundwater bores for
quantitative analysis of seepage rates is not considered an accurate or cost effective
means of determining seepage rates for typical Rural Water Authority investigations.
In order of increasing importance the method is not considered accurate due to:
Prior and separate to the ANCID Stage 1 project, Wimmera Mallee Water arranged for
the collection of airborne video multispectral imagery along the Rocklands and
Toolondo channels (conducted by Charles Stuart University, CSU). This data was
evaluated by Sinclair Knight Merz (with a view to potentially incorporating the results
into this project) but unfortunately the data was not in a form suitable for use in the
project. The reasons for the unsuitability of this data are briefly documented below:
q Imagery was collected along the Rocklands and Toolondo channels and included
data in the red, green, blue and near infrared bands.
q The image pixel size was 2m and the registration accuracy was found to be
variable compared to the WMW geographic information system (GIS) channel
data. The ground control data provided by WMW consisted of channel outlines
and registration accuracy in the channel areas was considered to be 10 – 15 m by
q There were some concerns with registration of the base GIS data and the pixel
size of the imagery.
q The quality of the images was variable for different bands. This has been
attributed to the time of year of the imagery (June) which equates to reduced solar
irradiation and reflectance, and possibly a light haze above the Toolondo Channel
which would affect the shorter wavelengths (bands 1 – 3 rather than band 4,
which is longer) as observed.
q The mosaics of the Toolondo Channel were found to be co-registered along the
channel within the area of interest, however, the colour matching could be
improved. The recent mosaics, displayed in infrared mode appeared to show
some correlation with the results of the EM data and may have some potential for
seepage detection.
q The re-sampled 8 m mosaics appeared to be acceptable at the upper limit for
viewing the channel, its immediate surrounds and location/presence of trees.
4.5.1 Summary
Remote sensing trials were not conducted in the Stage 1 investigation. However
conclusions regarding remote sensing techniques (are made below) based on
knowledge gained through the literature review and preparation of a brief for proposed
q Remote sensing techniques offer considerable potential for rapid identification of
seepage zones (but not quantification) of large lengths of a channel system.
Remote sensing should primarily be regarded as a seepage identification tool and
not a seepage quantification tool. Quantification using remote sensing was to be
trialed in this study, however there are currently no documented studies of remote
sensing being used to quantify channel seepage.
q The techniques are best suited to investigation where the primary aim is
identification of land degradation associated with channel seepage. Remote
sensing techniques rely on the detection of differences in soil / moisture
properties in the upper surface. Therefore it has significant potential if there are
known surface effects of channel seepage. Conversely, they should not be used if
it is known that the seepage mechanism is predominantly vertical, such as is
likely to occur at sites with a deep watertable.
q Remote sensing will be most useful in environments where lateral seepage is
predominant. For example sites with a high watertable, shallow impermeable
layer or bank seepage - these environments represent conditions most likely to
facilitate lateral seepage and cause the seepage to have a surface expression.
q It offers a promising means of providing a first-cut identification tool for targeting
potential seepage sites, although a drawback is that it assumes seepage will have
a surface expression as moist soil or associated vegetation adjacent the channel.
q For this method to be cost effective, it needs to be conducted at a suitably large
scale. Costs are likely to come down and resolution likely to improve as the
technology develops, and will therefore become an increasingly attractive option.
q If remote sensing is proposed it should be well thought out and planned , given the
high cost of the resources involved.
The overall conductivity / resistivity response is dependent on both soil lithology and
the salt content of any contained water. In general it can be assumed that the clays
will be more conductive due to their chemical structure. These properties are in
contrast to the sands, which generally have a lower conductivity. When both
parameters (lithology and groundwater salinity) are varying, interpretation can be
difficult. However, in the case of channel seepage, higher permeability soils and low
salinity water in areas of high channel seepage will enhance each other to produce a
low conductivity / high resistivity response. Therefore conductivity can be used to
map areas of high permeability soils and low salinity water emanating from the
The two techniques used in the trials were electromagnetics (Geonics) and resistivity,
based on techniques identified as most likely to be successful in the literature review
(ANCID, 2000a). These each provide different depth sub-divisions. EM31 and EM34
essentially average the conductivity over a depth (to provide one number
representative across that depth) where as the resistivity technique used was multi-
channel, which provides a depth distinction (various numbers for different depth
intervals are provided).
5.1.2 Methodology
The basic methodology used to assess the accuracy of geophysical techniques was
comparison with pondage test seepage rates. Pondage test seepage was compared to
the average geophysical response (conductivity or resistivity) along the length of the
pond. Usually pondage tests were conducted back to back, to minimise the number of
banks required and hence reduce costs. Comparison of the average geophysical
response and pondage test seepage involved plotting the two variables against each
other, and analysis of the trends.
While the average geophysical response across the pond was used, and is considered
suitable for this study due to the method of selecting a length of like response, there is
potential for using geo-statistics to improve the effects of spatial variability on
geophysical response.
In general, the years 1 and 2 trials showed good correlations between pondage test
seepage and the average EM conductivity for the pond (statistical evaluation showed
EM conductivity values correlated against pondage seepage rates to give correlation
coefficients as high as 0.9 for sections of channel). In addition to this primary finding,
other key findings from the years 1 and 2 trials were:
q Mechanism - The application of the EM technique appears to primarily depend
upon a significant contrast in terrain conductivity being attained due to fresh
seeped water invading the more saline formations and particularly changing the
salinity of the groundwater. Geological effects appear to be of secondary
importance. Therefore it was concluded that a key part of conducting an EM
survey for detecting channel seepage is the penetration depth of the survey. The
survey should concentrate on the zone immediately above and several metres
below the natural watertable, in order to detect the displacement of the natural
groundwater with fresher channel water. (As discussed in later in this section,
‘detection’ above the watertable can also be used to infer where seepage is most
likely to occur).
q Channel operation – The above hypothesis regarding the primary mechanism by
which the geophysical survey ‘predicts’ seepage indicates that it is important that
the EM surveys should be carried out when the channel has been in operation for
a period long enough to raise the local water table and for seepage to penetrate
the surrounding formations. This may be a relatively short period in sandy
formations and longer in clays.
Trials conducted in the first two years of investigation indicated the potential of
geophysical techniques to rapidly identify and quantify sections of channel seepage
were superior (both technically and economically) to other techniques assessed in the
trials. Therefore geophysical techniques became the primary focus of the year three
trials, the methodology for which is described below.
The EM techniques:
The following methodology was adopted for the third year trials in order to meet these
b) Selection of new trial sites – Using these maps two new trial areas were selected
along each channel. One area was selected where conditions were similar to the
original trial area and the second where conditions differed from the original trial
c) At new and original sites undertake geophysical surveys and pondage tests:
• An EM31 survey was undertaken at the two new sites and the original site;
• A new geophysical technique (resistivity) was also trialed at the two new
sites and the original site; and,
• Pondage tests were conducted at each of the sites to determine the accuracy
of the geophysical surveys. They were relatively short pond lengths and the
bank locations were based on the geophysical survey results (covering areas
of like conductivity).
d) Drilling of soil bores –Soil bores were drilled to assist in interpretation of the
geophysical surveys.
Wimmera Donald Main Surface layer (approx 0.5-1m) of q ≈ 30,000 EC 6 cells EM31 only
Mallee Water Channel clayey sand overlying predomin- q ≈2m
antly clay, but replaced by fine- 9 – 48 mm/d
med. grained sand in southern
half of trial site, starting near
surface and dropping to 2-3m
below surface in section centre
Rocklands Predominantly sandy clay in q ≈ 11,000 EC 6 cells EM31 only
southern half of site overlying q ≈5m
sandstone at depth. Sand at 1- 4 – 13 mm/d
2m rising to surface, also in
south. Sandstone rises to near
surface in northern part of site,
underlying shallow clay soils.
Goulburn Waranga Predominantly clay to sandy clay q ≈ 25,000 EC 11 cells EM31 only
Murray Water Western overlying sandstone at varying q ≈8m
depths. Fine to medium grained 1 – 13 mm/d
sand intersect channel and at
depth at various intervals along
the channel
Table 5-1 provides an overview of the key characteristics of each of the year three trial
sites, including:
q A summary of lithology;
q Background groundwater salinity and depth to groundwater; and,
q The number of pondage tests conducted at the site and the range of seepage rates
obtained during the tests.
Geonics EM34 systems can be used at various intercoil spacings so as to vary the
effective depth of exploration, in contrast to Geonics EM31 systems which have a
fixed coil spacing. Table 5-2 presents maximum exploration depths for Geonics
EM34 systems at various coil spacings and dipole orientations. Figure 5-2 shows an
EM34 unit in operation. It is a slower technique than EM31, as the required coil
spacing means that the coils must be carried by hand.
n Table 5-2 Exploration Depths for EM34 at Various Intercoil Spacings (after
McNeil, 1980) Methodology
A horizontal dipole orientation was used in all of the EM34 trials, usually at a coil
spacing of 10m, with 20m also trialed at some sites. Based on previous experience
with EM34 channel seepage assessment (SKM, 1998) and on results emerging from
the initial EM31 trials, only one survey line on each side of the channel was conducted
(compared to EM31 where 3-4 lines were conducted). Each line was located
immediately adjacent the outside toe of the channel. The surveys were conducted by
subcontractors with experience in EM34 operation.
As described above (refer Section 5.1.2), the basic assessment methodology consisted
of comparison of the pondage test results to the average EM34 conductivity for the
corresponding pond length.
5.2.2 Results
The following EM34 surveys were conducted during the three years of trials and are
reported on in this section:
q Rocklands – November 1999 and August 2001;
q Donald Main – October 1999 and September 2001;
q Toolondo Central – August 2001; and,
q Dahwilly Central – February 2002.
The EM34 data were plotted against the pondage tests results (average down gradient
channel toe EM34 conductivity for the pondage section verses the steady state
pondage test seepage rate). This analysis shows a consistent relationship between
seepage and conductivity as shown in Figure 5-4, (R2 = 0.79) which indicates a
reasonable correlation between the two variables. Despite a fairly narrow range of
seepage rates (4 – 13 mm/d), there is a general pattern that the lower conductivity
results relate to higher seepage.
The most significant deviation from the line is Pond 4, which according to the line of
best fit, would be expected to record a higher conductivity than was actually detected
in the survey (33 mS/m). There is no obvious explanation for this divergence. The
Rocklands geological section (refer Appendix A) does not indicate anything
anomalous with the geology beneath Pond 4.
However, the deviation is not highly significant and the overall correlation is
reasonable. The relationship established at the Rocklands site between seepage and
EM34 conductivity, as indicated by the regression equation is:
Seepage (mm/d) = 19.5 – 0.34 EM34Cond. (mS/m)
It can be concluded that the average EM34 conductivity correlates reasonably well
with pondage test seepage rates at this Rocklands site. The analysis suggests that the
relationship established can be used to predict seepage rates along the Rocklands
channel, in areas of like geology and hydrogeology.
August 2001
To test the repeatability of the results obtained in the November 1999 EM34 survey,
the survey was repeated on 11th August 2001 along the pondage test sections of the
Rocklands Channel. The same contractor, coil separation, dipole orientation
(horizontal) and location (along the down gradient outside channel toe) were used, and
again the channel was in operation at the time of the survey. The mapped results of
this survey have not been presented in this report as they are virtually identical to
those obtained in the November 1999 survey (Figure 5-3). In addition to the
November 1999 data, Figure 5-4 also plots the August 2001 data. This figure shows
the high degree of similarity between the two surveys, with again a high correlation
coefficient of 0.75 obtained and a very similar line of best fit equation.
The EM34 surveys at Rocklands demonstrate the repeatability of the method. It also
indicates that conditions between the two surveys were reasonably constant
(particularly seepage rates and groundwater levels). Not only were the average
conductivity results across the pondage tests virtually identical, the individual results
along the channel compared very well to each other in terms of magnitude and the
coincidence of peaks and troughs in conductivity (graphs not presented in this report).
12 Linear (Nov-99)
P2 Linear (Aug-01)
Pondage Test Seepage (mm/d)
P6 P5
y = -0.34x + 19.46 y = -0.28x + 17.60
R2 = 0.79 R2 = 0.75
15 25 35 45 55
Average EM34 Conductivity (mS/m)
The depth to watertable at the site was about 2m below surface adjacent to the channel
at the time of the survey and therefore the EM34 measured the conductivity of the 2m
unsaturated interval and up to 5m below the watertable. The EM34 survey results
from the section of interest (ie where the pondage tests were carried out) are presented
in Figure 5-5.
The EM34 conductivity data along this section were plotted against the pondage test
results as presented in Figure 5-6. The pondage test seepage rates indicate that except
for one pond (Pond 6 with 9 mm/d), the seepage rates are in a fairly tight band ranging
between 35 mm/d and 48 mm/d. The first half of the pondage test results were used in
preference to the steady state results (which was the method used in analysis of other
channels) due to the relatively low initial water levels in the Donald pondage tests.
This analysis produced a poor correlation as shown in Figure 5-6, with a correlation
coefficient of 0.43. However, the general relationship of higher seepage relating to
lower conductivity is clear. The bulk of the results are clustered around the five
higher seepage rate ponds (22-42 mS/m) with the low seepage pond containing a
higher average conductivity of 54 mS/m. The results indicate that the EM34 survey
Ponds 4 and 5 contribute significantly to the poor correlation and display higher
conductivities than would be expected for the magnitude of seepage losses detected in
the pondage tests (compared to ponds 1 - 3). The possible cause of the higher
conductivity results in ponds 4 and 5 is discussed in the following section, under the
September 2001 survey results.
Pondage Test Seepage (mm/d)
40 P4
30 y = -0.75x + 60.90
R2 = 0.43
10 20 30 40 50 60
Average EM34 Conductivity (mS/m)
September 2001
Based on previous results at the Donald Main Channel which indicated that EM34
could be used to identify relatively low and high seepage rate sites, the pondage test
sections of the Donald Main Channel were re-surveyed using EM34 (10m coil
spacing, horizontal dipole) on 21st September 2001. The same contractor and
technique were employed in this follow up survey. The channel had been flowing at
levels below full supply level for a little over one month (commencing 16/8/01), prior
to which it had not operated since December 2000. Depth to watertable was
approximately 3m adjacent the channel, approximately 1 - 1.5m lower, and 0.5 - 1m
lower away from the channel than compared to the October 1999 survey.
The results are presented in Figure 5-7 and a graph of these results as well as the
October 1999 results are plotted against pondage test seepage in Figure 5-8. As per
the 1999 EM34 survey, this analysis produced a poor correlation (R2 of 0.50).
However, again the general relationship of higher seepage relating to lower
conductivity is clearly evident.
Figure 5-7 also plots tree locations along the channel. It is worth noting the potential
effects of the trees on the results. In the October 1999 EM34 survey (described
above), it was observed that the two main ponds deviating from expected trends were
ponds 4 and 5, and that the conductivities were higher than expected. In the
September 2001 survey the two main ponds deviating from ‘expected’ are Pond 1 and
5, which again recorded higher conductivities than expected. Ponds 4 and 5, and to a
lesser degree Pond 1, are adjacent significant tree plantations. The trees adjacent
Ponds 4 and 5 were planted in order to control visible seepage and waterlogging in the
area (SKM, 1999). It is possible that the trees have taken up much of the seeped
channel water along these sections, concentrating salt in the profile and resulting in
overall higher conductivities than the corresponding sections of Ponds 2 and 3.
y = -1.07x + 88.21
y = -0.75x + 60.90 2
2 R = 0.50
R = 0.43
10 20 30 40 50 60 70
Average EM34 Conductivity (mS/m)
Table 5-3 compares the average conductivities in each pondage section between the
two surveys. The September 2001 results consistently returned higher conductivities
than the October 1999 survey, with an overall average increase of 15 mS/m. This is
primarily due to the elevated and fresh groundwater levels in the October 1999 survey
due to 6 months of prior channel operation. The channel had only been running four
weeks (at reduced capacity) at the time of the September 2001 survey, possibly only
enough to flush some of the accumulated surficial salts down into the profile. The
October 1999 survey was therefore conducted under a sub-surface environment
dominated by seeped water and a flushed (ie relatively salt free) profile, while the
September 2001 survey was conducted in a environment probably only just beginning
to flush salts through the profile (ie relatively salt rich). Although groundwater levels
were lower in the September 2001 survey, the channel had been running for sufficient
time to ensure that the unsaturated zone was sufficiently moist to be conductive.
n Table 5-3 Comparison of Donald Main Channel EM34 Results: October 1999
and September 2001
Pondage Av. Sept 2001 Av. October 1999 Difference between Percentage
Conductivity Conductivity Sept 01 & Oct 99 increase from Oct
(mS/m) (mS/m) (mS/m) 99 to Sept 01
P1 51 28 23 83%
P2 44 25 19 76%
P3 39 22 17 79%
P4 49 42 7 17%
P5 49 36 13 35%
P6 66 54 13 23%
55 65 75 85 95
Average conductivity (mS/m)
Figure 5-9 also plots the adjacent channel toe EM31 survey results (vertical dipole),
which returned a good correlation coefficient for the adjacent channel toe data of 0.80
(refer Section for further discussion). The EM31 survey was conducted only
five days before the EM34, so it can be assumed groundwater conditions were
essentially identical. Understanding the differences between the EM31 (vertical
dipole) and the EM34 (horizontal dipole, 10m coil spacing) surveys is important.
Figure 5-9 shows an interesting difference between the two surveys. The EM31
conductivities were consistently higher than the EM34 results for the low seepage
ponds, whereas the EM34 conductivities were higher than the EM31 in the three
higher seepage rate ponds. This is probably explained by the deeper penetration depth
of the EM34. Depth to groundwater at the site is around 8-10m, therefore only the
EM34 with an effective exploration depth of around 8m may just ‘see’ into the
capillary fringe and the groundwater. In the sandy sections (Ponds 1, 2 and 4) the
EM34 is ‘seeing’ into the natural groundwater (ie more salty) and therefore returning a
higher conductivity. However in the clayey sections, the lithology, not the
The depth to groundwater at the time of the survey was approximately 5m. The
EM34(10m) configuration measures the conductivity of the 5m of unsaturated interval
and up to a couple of metres below the watertable. However, recall from the
introductory comments to this section that in horizontal dipole mode the focus of the
measurements is from the upper part of the profile. Therefore the relative contribution
from below the watertable is less than from above. At a 20m coil spacing, the bulk of
the measurement will be from below the watertable, with an effective penetration
depth of approximately 15m.
The average EM34 response per pond, plotted against pondage test seepage rates, is
presented in Figure 5-11. The pondage test seepage rates range from 1 to 10 mm/d
(the two low seepage rate ponds represent two ponds lined in July 2001). The
following comments are made regarding the results:
q The EM34(20m) data displayed a consistently higher conductivity than the
EM34(10m) data. This is due to the deeper penetration depth of the 20m
configuration, and reflects the increased influence of (salty) groundwater at
q Both the 10m and 20m coil spacing conductivities lie in a narrow seepage rate
range: 18 – 25 mS/m for 10m, and 32 – 44 mS/m for the 20 m coil spacing, ie
there is little differentiation between the ponds in terms of conductivity.
Excluding the lined ponds, the conductivity range is even narrower;
q The most important comment is regarding the effect of the lined ponds, which
appear to be skewing the results away from the ‘expected’ trend. The dark line
for both the 10m and 20m data sets is the regression line when the lined ponds are
excluded from the analysis, and the thinner lines are the regression lines for all
points including the lined ponds.
Higher conductivities were ‘expected’ beneath the lined ponds - given that they
have relatively low seepage rates, it was anticipated that they would contain a
greater proportion of (salty) groundwater compared to the unlined ponds.
However, it is apparent from these results that there may not have been sufficient
time between the pond lining (July 2001) and the EM34 survey (February 2002)
for the seepage water (prior to pond lining) to have migrated from beneath these
ponds. Over time it is anticipated that conductivities beneath the lined ponds will
increase as the lower salinity water originating from pre-lining seepage is
removed via advection and diffusion processes.
y = -1.72x + 47.48
R2 = 0.79
Pondage Test Seepage (mm/d)
y = 0.24x - 3.37
R2 = 0.04
6 EM34 - All ponds
(10m coil spacing)
Dahwilly East
A 2km, EM34 survey (10m and 20m coil spacing, horizontal dipole) was conducted in
February 2002, adjacent the outside toe of both sides of the Dahwilly channel,
approximately 4 to 5km east of the original Dahwilly site (described above). The 10m
coil spacing results are presented in Figure 5-10.
Depth to groundwater at this site was estimated to be around 5-6m at the time of the
survey. The EM34(10m) configuration measures the conductivity of the 5m of
unsaturated interval and up to a couple of metres below the watertable. However,
recall from the introductory comments to this section that in horizontal dipole mode
the focus of the measurements is from the upper part of the profile. Therefore the
The EM34 plotted against the pondage test seepage are presented in Figure 5-12. As
this figure shows, only three pondage test cells were conducted at the Dahwilly East
site. The Dahwilly Central results are also plotted in this figure for comparison
purposes. A much wider range of conductivities is observed at the Dahwilly East site,
with 24 – 40 mS/m for 10m, and 47 – 71 mS/m for the 20 m coil spacing.
The pondage test seepage rates for the three ponds is very narrow (8.9 mm/d – 10.4
mm/d) which limits the statistical significance of the results. However, the highest
seepage rate pond did record the lowest conductivity, suggesting that at this site the
inverse relationship between conductivity and seepage (observed at most sites) is
applicable. The EM34(10m) trend line is very much flatter than the steep trend line
observed at the Dahwilly East site.
The geology of the site also suggests that the ‘normal’ inverse relationship could be
expected at this site. While the unsaturated zone is quite similar to Dahwilly Central
(high permeability sands), the saturated zone is comprised of a clayey sand (refer
Dahwilly East Geological Long Section, Appendix A). This would slow the lateral
mixing of seeped channel water within the upper part of the aquifer and increase the
potential for detecting seepage water from beneath the pond from which it was
Additional pondage tests across a wider seepage rate range would be required to
confirm the observed relationships at this site between pondage tests and conductivity
at other sites.
Pondage Test Seepage (mm/d)
In summary, the only site where no relationship was observed was at Dahwilly East,
which was largely due to the narrow seepage rate range. At the Toolondo central site,
where conductivity measurement was entirely above the watertable, the unsaturated
zone lithology was a sufficiently accurate indicator of seepage and hence a reasonable
trend was observed (a fact reinforced by the success of EM31 at the site).
Significantly, the resistivity surveying showed improved correlations compared to the
EM34, for the depth slices focussed immediately below the watertable.
The Donald site survey was focussed on the saturated zone, however the EM31 survey
at the site demonstrated a slightly better relationship with pondage test seepage
compared to the EM34 (R2=0.73 compared to R2=0.50), but neither survey
differentiated between the higher seeping ponds. The improved correlation is
probably attributable to the deeper depth focus of the EM31 compared to the EM34
(10m, vertical dipole configuration).
5.3.2 Background EM31 Systems
Frequency domain electromagnetic systems can measure the electromagnetic
properties of the soil profile up to a depth of 100m, with the penetration depth
dependent on the frequency and coil spacing. This investigation used the Geonics
style Frequency Domain Electromagnetics (FEM) units which utilise the concept of
low induction numbers to give an output in conductivity. For a given coil spacing,
Geonics EM systems can be used in horizontal dipole or vertical dipole mode. The
dipole mode effects the relative contribution of the profile at different depths to the
overall response.
An EM31 system has a fixed coil spacing of 3.66m. This coil spacing, in the vertical
dipole orientation, provides an effective penetration depth of around 6m with the
dominant effect in the 1 – 3m range. Figure 5-13 presents the cumulative response for
Geonics EM31 systems for vertical and horizontal dipole orientations. It can be seen
from these curves that near surface features will tend to dominate in the horizontal
mode while the vertical mode is more influenced by the ‘mid’ part of its depth range
(where the gradient of these curves is steepest indicates from where the greatest
proportion of response emanates). For example, in horizontal mode about 40% of the
EM31 and EM34 systems were used in years 1 and 2 of the trials, and both with
reasonable success. The attraction of an EM31 over an EM34 system (and the reason
it was adopted as the preferred EM system in the year 3 trials) is that it can be
mounted on a four wheeled motorbike and therefore represents a more rapid and
cheaper method of assessment. On the four-wheeled motorbike, readings were taken
at approximately 5m intervals. Surveys were usually conducted while the channel was
in operation.
n Figure 5-13 Cumulative Response Versus Depth For EM31 Horizontal and
Vertical Dipoles (after McNeil, 1980)
Cumulative response versus depth for EM31 vertical & horizontal dipoles
Cumulative Response (%)
Vertical Dipole
Horizontal Dipole
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Depth (m) Methodology
Generally the EM31 survey was conducted in eight traverses, four on each side of the
channel, except where surface features prevented access. The inner line was located
immediately adjacent the channel bank and the outer line up to 50-60m from the
channel. In the second year of trials, EM31 was also conducted on the channel (in a
boat) but the land based surveys consistently returned better results (ie better
correlations with pondage tests). Therefore land based surveys adjacent the outside
toe of the channel were the preferred survey method in the third year trials. Figure
5.14 illustrates the EM31 set up, both as conventionally used on land and the on-
channel boat system.
This section presents the results of the year 1 and 2, EM31 trials,involving:
q Toolondo Central – December 2000, August 2001;
q Rocklands – August 2001;
q Donald Main – August 2001;
q Dahwilly Central – June 2000;
q Finley – July 2000;
q Lake View – June 2000; and,
q Tabbita – July 2000.
Figure 5-15 shows a dominant response in the higher conductivity end of the range
with most of the channel and surrounds returning responses above 60 mS/m. The
areas around Pond 1, Pond 2, Pond 4 and the far southern area surveyed displayed the
lowest conductivities. The conductivities displayed in Ponds 1 and 2 suggest that
seepage is predominantly to the south, but also to the east in Pond 2. Pond 4 appears
to be seeping to both the east and west. The conductivities of Ponds 5 and 6 would
suggest low seepage in these areas and Pond 3 would appear to be seeping at the
southern end of the pond only. The areas of lowest conductivity on the plan, generally
coincide with the ponds where highest seepage rates were recorded.
All combinations of the traverses except for the in-channel traverse produced a strong
(inverse) correlation. That is, there is a strong relationship between the average
electrical conductivity in the top four to six metres adjacent the channel and (pondage
test) seepage rates. Data from all traverses, including the in-channel run, produced a
correlation co-efficient of 0.72.
The results on the up-gradient side of the channel (RHS), produced a stronger
correlation (R2 of 0.78) than the down-gradient (LHS) side (R2 of 0.33). This is
attributable to the fact that the Toolondo trial site does not slope steeply however, and
therefore there is not a strong gravity driven preferential flow direction. The nature of
the geology at the site has a stronger influence on seepage. It appears that water is
preferentially being lost via the sandy up-slope sides of Ponds 1 and 2, rather than the
clayey down slope sides (shown on cross section in Appendix A). It can be concluded
that the average EM31 response for all data along the channel provides a reasonable
correlation with the pondage test results, while detailed breakdown of data is less
conclusive. This is largely a reflection of the gross characteristics of the EM31
averaging process and pondage test procedures.
Figure 5-17 shows that using only the traverses outside of the channel (both LHS and
RHS) a strong correlation is obtained, comparable to the coefficient for all traverses,
of R2 = 0.73. The line of best fit for the in-channel data is poor, (and therefore not
plotted) due to the high conductivities in the high seepage ponds (Ponds 1 and 2, and
to a lesser in extent Pond 3). These high conductivities are explained by the fact that
immediately beneath the channel all the pores contain fresh water, and are effectively
saturated, even beneath low seepage ponds. This will tend towards a uniform
conductivity response, dominated by seepage water rather than lithology. In contrast,
the outside channel toe results infer the likelihood of seepage based on unsaturated
zone lithology (watertable at 10m) but are not effected by seepage water.
All data
12 Left Side
P1 Right Side
Pondage Test Seepage (mm/d)
y = -0.20x + 20.84
y = -0.36x + 31.31
R2 = 0.33
R2 = 0.72
30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Av EM31 Conductivity (mS/m)
n Figure 5-17 EM31 Survey Results cont’ (Dec 2000) – Toolondo Channel
Toolondo Channel PT Seepage vs EM31 Conductivity (Dec 2000)
Pondage Test Seepage (mm/d)
Channel Only
30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Av EM31 Conductivity (mS/m)
permeable sections of channel (as indicated by the pondage test results) the fresh
water contained in the pore spaces from the recently running channel may have seeped
away quickly vertically (compared to the clayey sections). However, due to slower
lateral movement this fresh water was still present adjacent the channel and was
therefore able to be picked up in the traverse outside of the channel. (Evaporation and
subsequent salt build up of water ponded in the channel may also have caused higher
August 2001
Land Based Survey
The repeatability of the good results obtained during the EM31 survey of the
Toolondo channel in December 2000 was tested by conducting another EM31 survey
in August 2001. In contrast to the December 2000 survey, the channel was flowing at
the time of the August 2001 EM31 survey. The same contractor was employed for the
task (Ken Bates Soil Surveying), and the same dipole orientation (vertical) was used.
The survey was undertaken on the 6th August 2001 along a 2km section of the
Toolondo channel, incorporating the pondage test sections. In total eight traverses
were conducted, four on each side of the channel up to 50m from each channel bank.
(As per the December 2000 survey, for analysis purposes values were interpolated for
a 75m section on the right hand side of Pondage 2 to correct for missing data in this
location). On-channel traverses were also undertaken in a boat and the results are
discussed in the following section.
A comparison between the EM31 (land-based) survey results of December 2000 and
August 2001 are presented in Figure 5-18 and a graphical presentation of the survey is
shown in Figure 5-19. Figure 5-18 shows that correlation between the two surveys
was strong (R2=0.96). There was a slight difference between the results of the surveys
n Figure 5-18 Comparison between December 2000 and August 2001 EM31
Surveys along Toolondo Channel
y = 0.77x + 13.22
December 00 EM31 Conductivities
R2 = 0.96
P2 P1 P4 P6 P5 P3
50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90
August 01 EM31 Conductivities
but the difference was generally consistent, with the August survey returning higher
conductivities than the January survey (average of 3.4 mS/m higher for each pond).
This difference is not considered significant and demonstrates the repeatability of the
Figure 5-20 and Figure 5-21 present the results of the Toolondo August EM31 land
based survey compared to the pondage test results. These figures should be compared
with Figure 5-16 and Figure 5-17 which are the corresponding results for the
December survey. The differences are small, and it is concluded that the good
correlations between EM31 surveys along the outside of the channel and pondage tests
were successfully repeated and appear to be marginally better under channel flowing
conditions. As per the January results, significantly better correlations were obtained
on the right hand (up-gradient) side of the channel than on the left.
P2 Left Side
10 Linear (All data)
Linear (Left Side)
y = 0.94x + 10.9 Linear (Right Side)
Pondage Test Seepage (mm/d)
8 R2 = 0.96
y = -0.30x + 28.19 y = -0.22x + 23.19
R2 = 0.81 R2 = 0.55
40 50 60 70 80 90 100
EM31 Conductivity (mS/m)
n Figure 5-21 EM31 Land Based Survey Results cont’ (August, 2001) –
Toolondo Channel
Toolondo PT Seepage vs EM31Land Based Conductivity (August 2001 - Channel Flowing)
Channel Only
P2 Channel Sides (to
10 50m)
Linear (Channel
Pondage Test Seepage (mm/d)
Linear (Channel
8 Sides (to 50m))
y = -0.30x + 28.44
R2 = 0.79
y = -0.29x + 27.80
R2 = 0.80
40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Average EM31 Conductivity (mS/m)
It is worth comparing Figure 5-22 and 5-23 with Figure 5-19, the land based survey
taken on the same day as the boat survey. The low conductivity areas (usually
interpreted as higher seepage) generally match with each other in the two figures.
Within the pondage test area, however, there are two exceptions. The eastern half of
Pond 1 and the northern half of Pond 2 are displayed as high conductivity in the on-
channel (boat) results, but in the land-based survey are mapped as low conductivity on
the right hand side. The reason for these differences is explored below.
Table 5-4 presents the land (vertical) and boat (horizontal dipole) data and illustrates
the difference between the two surveys. As the final column illustrates, there is
generally a 15-20 mS/m increase in conductivity for the land based data over the same
pondage test section compared to the boat data (horizontal dipole). The reason for this
difference is that the on-channel based survey is measuring the conductivity of the
completely flushed profile immediately beneath the channel (flushed of salts etc),
whereas the land based survey adjacent the channel is measuring a non-flushed
profile, which still contains salts and therefore higher conductivities. The reason that
this difference in conductivity does not exist in Ponds 1 and 2, is due to their sandy
profile (refer to Toolondo long section in Appendix A), which results in a wider
flushed zone (evidently at least to the edge of the outside channel toe) compared to
other ponds and thus lower conductivities.
n Table 5-4 Comparison of Land and On-Channel EM31 Results, August 2001
Average Land
Average Boat Conductivity:
Pondage Conductivity: Vertical Land Data – Boat Data
Horizontal Dipole (mS/m)
Dipole (mS/m)
P1 62 65 -3
P2 55 63 -8
P3 89 67 23
P4 66 52 14
P5 85 66 19
P6 76 62 14
Average 72 62 10
Figure 5-24 presents the results of the on-channel survey for both vertical and
horizontal dipole modes, against the pondage test seepage data. The following
comments are made regarding this graph:
q There is no trend at all in the vertical dipole data, and the correlation for the
horizontal dipole is also very poor. The reason for the uniformity of the
conductivities (with the exception of pond 4) and hence the lack of correlation, is
attributed to the flushing mechanism described above. Even for low seepage rate
ponds, the profile immediately beneath the channel is essentially saturated with
y = -0.38x + 30.49
y = -0.15x + 13.44 R2 = 0.21
R2 = 0.05
4 Horizontal Dipole
Vertical Dipole
30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70
Average EM31 Conductivity (mS/m)
The groundwater depth at the site is approximately 5m, therefore the vertical dipole
EM31 survey would be just ‘penetrating’ into the top of the watertable.
Land-Based Survey
The land based survey results are presented in Figure 5-25. (The tree plantation
shown in this figure, west of Ponds 1 and 2, forced the western runs adjacent to Pond
1 to be squashed between the plantation and the channel and adjacent to Pond 2
prevented the traverses being conducted immediately adjacent to the pond). As this
figure illustrates, the most dominant response was in the middle part of the
conductivity range with most of the channel and surrounds returning responses of
between 30 - 45 mS/m. Ponds 2 and 3 displayed the lowest conductivity, while Pond
1 returned the highest response.
Figure 5-26 and Figure 5-27 plot the pondage test seepage results against the average
EM31 results. Figure 5-26 shows three combinations of data: all traverses, traverses
Pond 1 actually returned a much lower conductivity response in the EM34 survey of
around 35 mS/m compared to 51 mS/m, (LHS) in the EM31 survey. This points
towards the fact that the Pond 1 results for the August 2001 EM31 survey (LHS)
might be anomalous, as there was better correlation between the EM31 and EM34 for
The cause of the lower than expected response in Pond 4 is a matter requiring further
investigation (the low response is largely attributable to the low response on the LHS
of the channel). For example, the area on the LHS of the channel may sit in a
topographic low and therefore be receiving significantly more run-off, simulating
channel seepage.
The reason why the best trend is clearly produced by the line adjacent the channel (R2
= 0.82 in Figure 5-27) is largely due to the reduction in the conductivity immediately
adjacent Pond 1 compared to the average across the 50m away from the channel. As
discussed above, the increase in conductivity away from the channel (particularly
noticeable on the LHS) is apparently due to other non-channel influences (probably
trees). The more accurate traverse in terms of representing channel seepage, is
therefore that which is least effected by these external influences.
The geological cross section for the Rocklands channel (refer Appendix A) generally
concurs with the results of the EM31 survey. The clay and shallow sandstone
underlying ponds 4 to six corresponds with the generally high conductivity response in
these areas and the low measured seepage. The sandstone is apparently of fairly low
permeability, given that the base of pondage four appears to intercept sandstone along
most of its length and that the pondage test returned a relatively low seepage rate (5.4
The generally lower conductivity response in ponds 1 to 3 also agrees with relatively
more permeable sandy clay and fine sands underlying this area. Slightly higher
conductivities in Pond 1 are again consistent with sandy clays and rock, although there
is some sand beneath the channel centre line. The seepage rate is 8.7 mm/d, consistent
with a mixed lithology in the channel bed.
In summary, the best correlation between the EM31 survey and pondage seepage rates
are obtained with data from adjacent the toe of channel.
R2 = 0.56
y = -0.16x + 14.02
6 R = 0.26
P5 P6
25 30 35 40 45 50 55
Average EM31 Conductivity (mS/m)
n Figure 5-27 EM31 Survey Results cont’ (August 2001) – Rocklands Channel
y = -0.20x + 15.32
8 2
R = 0.18
P5 P6
25 30 35 40 45 50 55
Average EM31 Conductivity (mS/m)
On-Channel Survey
In addition to the land-based survey at Rocklands in August 2001, an on-channel
survey was conducted on the same day. The survey was conducted in both vertical
and horizontal dipole arrangements to provide different penetration depths beneath the
channel. The results of the surveys for the vertical and horizontal modes are presented
in Figure 5-28 and Figure 5-29 respectively.
During the survey, the boat sits on about one metre of water, which will affect the
results. However the results will be affected in a uniform manner, provided the water
depth along the section of interest is approximately consistent. The difference
between the relatively high and low seeping areas is most clearly evident in the
horizontal dipole mode (Figure 5-29). The red sections of Ponds 1-3 are in sharp
contrast to the blue sections of Ponds 4-6.
Figure 5-30 presents the results of the on-channel (boat) EM31 survey at Rocklands
verses the pondage test seepage results. The following comments are applicable to
these results:
q The conductivities in the vertical mode are much lower than the horizontal mode
(all < 20 mS/m). This is predominantly due to the effect of the metre (or greater)
depth of water in the channel which is very much more influential on the
horizontal than the vertical dipole results. Of secondary importance is the
generally more clayey nature of the 1-2 metres immediately beneath the channel
base (due to clay infilling during channel construction and natural sedimentation
etc) which will cause a higher conductivity response. Therefore, apart from the
water conductivity, in the horizontal dipole mode, the EM31 is essentially
measuring the percentage of clay in the layer immediately beneath the channel
bed. This is an important difference compared to the land based surveys outside
the channel which are primarily detecting the seepage itself where it has
displaced the more saline groundwater.
q There is a good correlation of the horizontal dipole results with the pondage test
data. The contrast between the lower conductivity and higher seeping ponds (P1-
P3: 32-34 mS/m) and the high conductivity and lower seeping ponds (P4-P6: 43-
53 mS/m) is clearly evident. The mechanism for detecting this difference was
described above: in the horizontal dipole mode the main property which is
detected is the clay content in the metre or so below the channel bed. The good
correlation between the horizontal dipole mode at Rocklands suggests that the
efficiency of this clay ‘liner’ beneath the channel has a very important influence
on seepage at this site. It is important to note that this method will only work if
the depth of water in the channel is reasonably constant, as even fairly small
variations in depth could lead to false interpretation (eg an increase in depth of
water will appear as in increase in conductivity and will be interpreted as an
increased clay presence and therefore decrease seepage, and vice-versa).
q The Rocklands geological cross-section (refer Appendix A) assists with
interpretation of the results. This figure shows that Ponds 1 and 2 are the only
ponds to contain sand deposits in the top 1-2 metres beneath the channel base.
The geophysical data suggests that the sand layer beneath Pond 2 may well
extend into Pond 3. However there were no bores in the section to help confirm
Pondage Test Seepage (mm/d)
y = -0.36x + 22.62
P1 2
R = 0.78
y = -0.31x + 11.00
2 -2.12
R = 0.15 y = 17406.15x
R = 0.88
P5 P6
0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Average EM31 Conductivity (mS/m)
n Figure 5-31 Donald Main Channel EM31 Land Based Survey – September
All data
Left Side
y = -0.90x + 82.46 Right Side
P5 R2 = 0.73 Linear (Right Side)
Linear (Left Side)
Pondage Test Seepage (mm/d)
y = -0.94x + 88.50
R2 = 0.66
20 30 40 50 60 70 80
Average EM31 Conductivity (mS/m)
n Figure 5-33 Donald Main Channel Pondage Test Seepage vs EM31 Land
Based Conductivity, Continued (September 2001)
Donald Channel PT Seepage vs EM31 Conductivity (September 2001)
Adjacent Channel Only
y = -0.84x + 79.92
y = -0.94x + 81.59 R2 = 0.69
R = 0.69
20 30 40 50 60 70 80
Average EM31 Conductivity (mS/m)
The difference between the relatively high and low seeping areas can be seen in both
the dipole modes. It is worth comparing Figure 5-34 and Figure 5-35 with Figure
5-31, the land based survey taken on the same day as the boat survey. The low
conductivity areas (usually interpreted as higher seepage) generally match with each
other in the two figures, however the horizontal dipole mode consistently records a
higher conductivity than the vertical dipole, as can be seen by the greater dominance
of blue and yellow. The one exception to this is Pond 6, where a consistently high
conductivity response (red in Figures) is recorded for both ponds.
Table 5-5 presents the difference between the average land and boat data and between
the average horizontal and vertical dipole on the boat. The last columns of the table
compare the two dipole results on the water with the land results. The horizontal
dipole on the boat and the land based survey returned results of similar magnitude,
with the land survey displaying conductivities approximately 20% higher on average.
The land vertical dipole however returned much lower conductivities, with the land
survey generally equal to or greater than 100% of the boat survey in the vertical
dipole. The exception to this was Pond 6 where the results were almost the same
magnitude for the land and the boat (vertical dipole). The V/H column illustrates the
relationship between the vertical and horizontal dipoles. With the exception of Pond
6, the average vertical dipole response for each pondage section ranged between 48-
70% of the horizontal dipole response for the same pond. For Pond 6, the vertical
dipole response was actually marginally higher than the horizontal response.
n Table 5-5 Donald Main Channel - Comparison of Average Land and On-
Channel EM31 Results, September 2001
Pondage Land Boat Boat Boat V / Land – Horiz / Land – Vert /
(Vertical (Horizontal (Vertical Boat H Horiz Vert
Dipole) Dipole) Dipole)
(mS/m) (mS/m) (mS/m)
1 43 37 20 54 % 16% 117%
2 49 41 24 60% 20% 100%
3 41 38 18 48% 9% 129%
4 56 39 22 56% 44% 159%
5 50 41 29 70% 22% 74%
6 77 68 73 107% 12% 5%
Average 53 44 31 66% 21% 97%
The reason for the lower conductivity response in the surveys directly over the
channel (boat) is explained by the increased volume of fresh pore water immediately
below the channel, causing a reduction in the conductivity of the profile, compared to
the saltier pore water in sediments away from the channel.
The difference between the horizontal and vertical dipole response of the boat survey
is primarily controlled by the water in the channel which will dominate the horizontal
response. However an important secondary governing factor is the soils. This is best
understood by examining the Donald Main Channel Geological Long-Section (refer
Appendix A). This figure illustrates that generally the upper two metres along the
channel is comprised of clay, before more sandy and permeable sediments are
encountered. The shallower penetration depth of the horizontal dipole
arrangement primarily targets the clays near the surface and therefore returns a higher
conductivity than the vertical dipole which has a response predominantly from the
deeper, sandier and less conductive sediments. The exception is Pond 6, where as the
geological section illustrates, this part of the channel is underlain by clay to at least 4m
depth below surface. Saturation of sand will result in low conductivity at depth,
whereas saturation of clay will result in higher conductivity at depth due to higher
porosity, cation exchange capacity and salt storage. Therefore there is essentially no
difference observed between the average responses in Pond 6 for the two dipole
In summary, the relationship between the EM31 boat survey and the pondage tests is
comparable than the EM31 land based survey, which was in turn better the EM34
survey. To properly test this relationship however, more data points in the middle and
lower seepage rate ranges are required. The current trend line is heavily dependent on
the single low seepage rate result of Pond 6.
To summarise the results of the on-channel surveys, they did not work at sites where
the watertable was beyond the range of the EM31 (Toolondo), did work at sites with a
shallow watertable (Donald) and were partially successful when the watertable was
located at the edge of the depth penetration capacity of the EM31 (Rocklands).
Further work is required in this area, but the evidence collected in this investigation
suggests on-channel surveys should only be conducted where the geophysical
technique can penetrate into the watertable, and ideally target the top of the watertable.
For EM31 systems this would preclude EM31 on-channel use when the watertable is
deeper than approximately 4-5m.
Horizontal Dipole
50 Vertical Dipole
y = -0.57x + 52.72
R2 = 0.77
Pondage Test Seepage (mm/d)
y = -1.04x + 80.76
R2 = 0.83
y = 472753.66x-2.56
R2 = 0.92
P6 P2 P3 P4 P1 P5
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80
Average EM31 conductivity (mS/m)
The low conductivities are primarily due to the sandy profile along the channel. The
geological long section at the site (refer Dahwilly Central Geological Long Section A,
Appendix A) shows that along the entire extent of the pondage sections a medium to
coarse sand layer is present from 1m to at least 4m below surface (Geological Long
Section B at the Dahwilly site shows that the sand extends to at least 10m depth).
Approximately one metre of sandy clay overlies this sand layer, but as the geological
section depicts, the elevation of the channel bed is approximately one metre below
surface and close to the top of the sand layer.
This geological profile is consistent with the long history of seepage problems
reported on this section of the channel. The geophysical response is also relatively
uniform and with the exception of Pond 6, the conductivities fall within a fairly
narrow band between 14-17 mS/m (for all data). However, despite the relative
uniformity of high permeability materials along the section, seepage rates in the
channel are not uniformly high across all ponds. It is noted that the seepage rates in
ponds one and two are very low (< 5 mm/d). It is understood that seepage is low in
these ponds due to the deposition of sediment upstream of the check at bank 3 (as
discussed in the pondage test section, 4.1.3), so that a low permeability layer overlies
the more permeable sandy interval.
Within the narrow conductivity range, there is no apparent trend of conductivity with
seepage rate, and if any trend at all, there appears to be an opposite trend to that
observed at other sites (ie increasing conductivity relates to increasing seepage).
Several factors may explain these results:
q The channel was not running at the time of the survey and previously seeped
water (ie from the previous irrigation season) is likely to have thoroughly mixed
with native groundwater. Therefore there is no seepage plume to detect.
q The main depth focus of EM31 is in the unsaturated zone. At some sites the
measurement of unsaturated zone soil properties with EM31 successfully
correlates with seepage based on the inferred likelihood of seepage, as indicated
by lithology (eg Toolondo, Rocklands). At these sites, however, a significant
difference between unsaturated zone soil properties is observed between ponds.
At the Dahwilly site the unsaturated zone is very uniform, and seepage rates are
actually controlled by the clogging layer, not the unsaturated zone. Therefore
seepage detection mechanisms must target impacts on the groundwater, not the
unsaturated zone. This is supported by the good correlations with resistivity at
this site, where the watertable is targeted (refer
q The very high permeability of the aquifer at this site may be contributing to the
lack of distinction between seepage rates. At a ‘normal’ site the fresh seeped
water is detectable beneath the pond from which it has originated. However at
y = 0.93x - 6.17
R2 = 0.47
y = 0.51x + 1.12
Pondage Test Seepage (mm/d)
R2 = 0.49
All data
The lowest conductivities shown in this plan are on the left hand side of the channel
(for ponds 2-6), suggesting that there could be a fresh water plume and the grading of
this plume into the more saline background groundwater on the left hand side of the
ponds. The generally high conductivities, coupled with the relatively uniform clayey
profile, are consistent with uniform seepage rates as shown by the narrow range of
measured seepage rates (7.1 – 9.3 mm/d). However it is worth noting that these
seepage rates are higher than those obtained at other sites with clayey profiles (eg
Toolondo East).
Figure 5-40 and Figure 5-41 plot the pondage test results at Lake View against
average EM31 conductivity for the corresponding pondage section. (Note that Pond 6
q There is little distinction between the conductivities across the ponds using all
data. This is apparently due to the fairly rapid mixing of the seeped plume back
into the native groundwater once away from the channel.
q The correlation of the adjacent channel results in Figure 5-41 is reasonable
(R2=0.58). In terms of predicting channel seepage, this result is more useful than
the correlation of one particular side of the channel, because without the pondage
test results, selecting which side of the channel to use for predictive purposes will
not always be obvious. However the lines adjacent the channel have consistently
returned good correlations with the pondage test data across most of the site
examined in this study.
q Overall the EM results at Lake View are positive and confirm the potential of EM
to map seepage plumes with a reasonable degree of accuracy compared to
pondage test data. These results suggest that EM31 (vertical dipole) is the
correct arrangement for (this section) of the Lake View channel to provide the
depth penetration required to pick up the diffusion of the seepage plume into the
q Most importantly these results show that at sites where a seepage plume is
quickly mixed back into the native groundwater, it is important that the adjacent
channel EM data is used in preference to all of the data, in order to adequately
distinguish between relatively high and low seepage sites.
Linear (All data)
y = 0.00x + 7.92
8 2
R = 0.00
y = -0.04x + 12.41
y = -0.09x + 16.88 R = 0.61
R = 0.34
70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150
Average EM31 Conductivity (mS/m)
n Figure 5-41 Lake View Pondage Test Results vs EM31 (June 2000) Results
Lake View Channel PT Seepage vs EM31 Conductivity (June 2000)
Adjacent Channel Only
y = -0.05x + 13.52
R2 = 0.58
y = -0.08x + 15.84
R2 = 0.18
70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150
Average EM31 Conductivity (mS/m)
As Figure 5-42 illustrates, the dominant response was in the high conductivity end of
the range with most of the channel and surrounds returning responses above 65 mS/m.
The left hand side, (which is also the down-slope side of the channel), of Ponds 1 and
5 are the only sections where significantly lower conductivities were detected. It is
apparent that water has migrated down-gradient, and is the probable cause of the lower
conductivity responses on the left hand side of the channel. Overall, the high
conductivities are primarily due to the clayey soil profile and shallow saline watertable
at the site (refer Appendix A Tabbita Geological Long Section). This logging of the
soil indicates most of the soils adjacent the channel section are comprised of light –
medium clays and sandy clays.
Figure 5-43 presents the results of the pondage tests plotted against the average
conductivities for the corresponding pondage section and shows no particular trend.
Pond 3 is perhaps the best example of the difference in these results compared to the
inverse conductivity-seepage relationship observed at other sites. Despite having the
highest seepage rate at nearly 10 mm/day, the overall conductivity response was the
second highest at 80 mS/m.
Several possible reasons are proposed for the lack of a meaningful seepage – EM31
relationship at this site:
1) The very narrow range of the seepage rates (difference between maximum and
minimum) detected in the pondage tests (approximately 4mm) suggests it is
difficult to find statistical correlations between variables when the range on the
control variable is very low. Essentially on average the ponds are seeping at a
constant rate across the pondage test area, and therefore trying to detect
differences compared to another variable may not be possible, as there are no
practical differences in the seepage rates.
2) The EM31 in vertical dipole mode may be seeing a little too deeply into the
aquifer, ie into native groundwater rather than seepage affected groundwater.
EM31 in horizontal mode may be a more appropriate configuration.
3) With such a low seepage rate range, the method of averaging conductivity over
ponds may be inappropriate. It may be more appropriate to map local
conductivity lows. Seepage cannot be considered to be occurring uniformly
across each pondage section, ie when there is high seepage over part of the pond,
then it is enough to sufficiently bias the conductivity results. However if seepage
is low then there might be the same amount of seepage from small sections in
what appears to be (in the conductivity survey) an otherwise non-seeping channel
section. Better placement of pond banks may over come some of these issues.
4) The primary seepage mechanism at this section of the Tabbita channel may be
such that the majority of seeped water does not reach the groundwater. The
P3 All data
Left Side
Right Side
8 y = 0.03x + 5.08
R = 0.05
y = 0.01x + 6.24
R = 0.01
y = -0.08x + 14.25
6 2
P2 R = 0.20
60 70 80 90 100
Average EM31 Conductivity (mS/m)
If this is correct, the majority of seeped water would not reach the watertable and the
key means by which seepage is detected using geophysics is not possible (ie a
relatively fresh water plume imposed on more saline native groundwater). However,
section 4.4.4 casts some doubt over this theory. This section details groundwater
response to seepage at the site, and suggests a reasonable connection between the
channel and the groundwater. Conclusions
Good relationships were obtained between average EM31 conductivity and the
corresponding pondage test seepage at most sites. At only one site (Tabbita) was there
no significant relationship identified. For EM31 in vertical dipole mode, the effective
depth of penetration is around 6-7m, with a mid-range depth focus of about 2 – 4.5m.
This meant that at sites where the watertable was deeper than 5m, only a limited
proportion of the response was caused by seepage impacts in the saturated zone.
Therefore at these sites the seepage detection mechanism is largely via inference based
on soil properties in the unsaturated zone. Key summary comments for each of the
sites are listed below:
q Good relationships between EM31 conductivity and pondage tests seepage were
recorded in all three surveys at Toolondo Central. This indicates that seepage
was able to be successfully inferred based on unsaturated zone soil properties.
q A high degree of repeatability between the surveys was observed.
In summary, the only site where no relationship was observed was at Tabbita. A
number of possible causes for this were identified, but the predominant contributing
factor is not known. At two sites (Rocklands and Lake View Central), the adjacent
channel data was used instead of all survey run data. This was required to obtain the
best relationship, due to the interference effects of trees and rapid mixing of seepage
water away from the channel.
At the Toolondo central site, where conductivity measurement was entirely above the
watertable, the unsaturated zone lithology was a sufficiently accurate indicator of
seepage and hence good trends were observed.
At the Rocklands and Dahwilly sites, where the penetration depth of the EM31 (in
vertical dipole) was just sufficient to reach the watertable, the combination of
measuring lithology changes in the unsaturated zone and seepage impacts in the
saturated zone combined to provide a reasonable indicator of seepage. However it is
significant to note that at Dahwilly, when the channel was not running, no relationship
was observed. This suggests seepage impacts in the watertable are the primary
detection mechanism at this site, a fact reinforced by the uniform nature of the
unsaturated zone lithology at the site. Seepage at Dahwilly is not controlled by the
unsaturated zone but by a clogging layer at the base of the channel. Techniques which
purely infer seepage from unsaturated zone soil properties will not work at such sites
(including remediated or lined channels).
On-channel surveys did not work at sites where the watertable was beyond the range
of the EM31 (Toolondo), did work at sites with a shallow watertable (Donald) and
were partially successful when the watertable was located at the edge of the depth
penetration capacity of the EM31 (Rocklands). Further work is required in this area,
but the evidence collected in this investigation suggests on-channel surveys should
only be conducted where the geophysical technique can penetrate into the watertable,
and ideally target the top of the watertable. For EM31 systems this would preclude
EM31 on-channel use when the watertable is deeper than approximately 4-5m.
The most important independent variable is EM31 conductivity. Previous work (years
1 and 2 trials) demonstrated that this is the most easily collected variable with a
generally strong correlation to seepage. The main aim of conducting multiple
regression analysis was therefore to determine which other variables could account for
variations in seepage apart from EM31. Groundwater salinity and depth to watertable
were included as independent variables because they will affect EM31 response.
The coefficients of the prediction equation are determined using a method of least
squares, that is, the coefficients are selected so that the sum of the squared residuals
are minimised. A residual is the difference between an observation and its predicted
Data Sources
The response variable is observed seepage as measured in pondage tests (averaged
over the life of pondage tests, excluding outliers). This is the variable we want to be
able to explain. The explanatory variables and their method of collection is described
q EM31 - Spatially this is the most reliable data source, with a high density of
readings over the pond length. EM31 response is measured at approximately 5m
intervals (using the EM31 set-up described in 5.3.2) and averaged over the length
of the pond.
q Soil Permeability - Average soil permeability was determined based on
geological cross sections constructed for each site (refer Appendix A). Four
different vertical hydraulic conductivities for each pondage cell were calculated,
and each tested in the multi-variate analysis as potential explanatory variables.
For each of the four scenarios, hydraulic conductivity was based on text book
vertical hydraulic conductivities for the given soil texture. The average across
multiple layers was calculated based on the method described in Freeze and
Cherry (1979). Details of these calculations, and an example to clarify the
process used, are provided in Appendix C.
q Groundwater salinities were obtained from regional hydrogeological maps
(MDBC 1:250,000 scale maps), or in the case of Dahwilly Channel at Murray
Irrigation using more detailed groundwater salinity information supplied by the
RWA. It is important to note that groundwater salinities based on adjacent
channel sampling (which are affected by mixing with fresher channel water) were
not used in this analysis, but rather groundwater salinities away from the effects
of channel seepage were adopted;
q Depth to watertable was obtained from near channel groundwater bores drilled
specifically for the project, or based on moisture and groundwater observations
recorded during drilling of the soil bores. At sites where soil bores did not
intersect groundwater, nearby groundwater bores were used to estimate the depth
to watertable.
All of the variables described above were available for inclusion in the regression.
Stepwise multiple regression was used to select appropriate variables (using the
software program: SYSTAT, 1998). The process was interactive, allowing variables to
be added or removed from the model one at a time. Foremost the variables were
selected based on an understanding of the important seepage processes and the F
statistic. The F statistic is a measure of the amount of remaining variation (ie the
variation not explained by variables already in the model) explained by the variables.
Variables with an F-statistic less than 4 were not included in the model. Multi-
collinearly, the correlation of independent variables, was avoided.
Two measures were used to assess the accuracy, or ‘goodness’of fit of the regression.
These were the coefficient of determination (R²) and the standard error (SEE). The R²
measures the proportion of the total variation explained by the model. A large R² is
associated with a good model or prediction equation. The standard error is a measure
of the degree of scatter of the observed data points around the regression line. Hence
a small standard error is associated with a good model. The standard error has been
expressed as a percentage of the mean of the observed dependent variable (ie pondage
test seepage).
The three Finley ponds, with conductivities three to five times higher than the next
highest response, are extreme outliers on the x-axis. Observation of the Finley
geological long section (refer Appendix A) indicates a heavy clayey profile to about
9m below the channel. In addition the groundwater at the site is highly saline
(approximately 17,000 EC) and the watertable at the site is quite shallow. All of these
factors combine to produce a very high conductivity response. The dominantly clay
profile suggests very low permeability and that the seepage mechanism is other than
vertical leakage through the profile. The seepage mechanism is most likely horizontal
bank seepage, associated with poor bank construction / compaction.
On this basis the Finley data was excluded from the overall analysis. It is apparent
that correlations specific to these type of environments would need to be established.
In this study there was insufficient data (three data points) to determine a meaningful
correlation in such a conductivity range. However, even within these three points the
lowest conductivity pond also had the highest seepage rate (ie the trend was in the
‘right’, or expected direction).
n Figure 5.44 EM31 Conductivity Versus Pondage Test Seepage at All Sites
Waranga Western
Donald Main
Lake View (Original)
Pondage Test Seepage (mm/d)
0 100 200 300 400 500
Average EM31 Conductivity (mS/m)
However, the standard error of estimate for the regression was very high (82%). In an
attempt to improve the accuracy of the fitted regression model, the sites were split into
two data sets on the basis of one of the key explanatory variables, depth to watertable,
as described below:
The data (with Finley removed) are plotted in Figure 5.45. This plot shows three
potentially ‘outlying sites’ (Donald Main, Lake View West and Lake View Original).
All of these sites are characterised by watertables close to the surface (0.5-2m). The
remaining sites have watertables of between 5 – 10m below surface. Given that the
dominant EM31 response (in vertical mode) is concentrated in the 1-3m range, the
elevated watertable appears to significantly affects the results, and produces two
distinctly different trends. This is made more clear in Figure 5.46, which divides the
data into two categories: watertable less than 2m and watertable 5 – 10m.
The difference in EM31 response between a high and low watertable site is due to the
shallow and saline groundwater. For example, the high seepage sites at Donald
(seepage > 30 mm/d) range in EM31 conductivity between 40-60 mS/m. Based on the
lower trend line (greater than 5 m depth to watertable) it would be expected that ponds
of such high seepage would have extremely low conductivities. However the shallow,
saline groundwater has a strong influence on the EM31 response, which is
concentrated in the 1-3m range, where the groundwater is absent at the sites producing
the lower trend line. Unsaturated conditions will clearly return lower conductivities
than in a saturated environment.
It might be expected that for high seepage sites such as Donald and Lake View West,
the high seepage rates would result in greater volumes of fresh water mixing with the
native groundwater, reducing overall conductivity. While this effect is occurring, it is
apparent that this diluting effect is much less significant than the effect of an elevated
(saline) watertable, and that the average salinity of groundwater in the 1-3m range is
more affected by the native groundwater salinity than the seepage plume.
This effect should be more pronounced at sites with high natural groundwater
salinities, such as at the Donald Main Channel. However, the data does not appear to
indicate a significant difference between the high salinity Donald site (30,000 EC) and
the moderately saline Lake View site (5,000 – 7,000 EC). This is most likely due to
other factors that contribute to the overall conductivity response, such as the more
clayey profile at Lake View.
The deep watertable sites in Figure 5.46 all have groundwater depths between 5-10m
below surface. Note that there were no sites in the study with watertables in the
intermediate (2-5m) range. It is considered likely that sites with a watertable in the 2-
5m range would lie between the two trend lines.
Waranga Western
Donald Main
40 Rocklands
Pondage Test Seepage (mm/d)
0 20 40 60 80 100 120
Average EM31 Conductivity (mS/m)
y = -0.690x + 71.961 Sites with Watertable 5-10m
R2 = 0.889
Sites with Watertable < 2m
Pondage Test Seepage (mm/d)
y = -0.129x + 12.788
R2 = 0.469
0 20 40 60 80 100 120
Average EM31 Conductivity (mS/m)
In summary, it was found that division of the data into two sets based on depth to
watertable improved the regression characteristics of the two separate data sets
compared to the entire data set. Therefore the following discussion is divided into two
categories: watertable less than 2m and watertable 5 to 10m. Once the data was split
into these two categories, depth to watertable was not found to be a significant
explanatory variable, as would be expected.
The equation was established with 40 data points. The coefficient of determination for
the relationship was R2 = 0.55 and the standard error of estimate was 48% of the
mean observed seepage rate. This standard error indicates that on average estimated
seepage is approximately 50% above or below the actual seepage rate.
Figure 5.47 provides a visual presentation of the degree of scatter in the prediction
equation. The equation appears to over-estimate seepage for low seepage rates (less
than 5 mm/d) and underestimate for high seepage rates.
EM31 was found to be the dominant explanatory variable with soil hydraulic
conductivity of secondary importance. This is probably more a reflection of the
accuracy of the collection technique of the variable, than the actual contribution of the
variable to seepage. If soil permeability could be accurately assessed along the length
of the channel via very high density and accurate testing, soil permeability would
probably be a more significant variable than this analysis indicates. However, the
method of estimating hydraulic conductivity and the density of sampling conducted in
these investigations is typical of RWA priorities. Therefore for the purposes of this
study soil hydraulic conductivity as an explanatory variable of seepage is considered
to be of less importance that EM31 conductivity.
Predicted Seepage (mm/d)
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14
Observed Seepage (mm/d)
This relationship is proposed as the equation on which prediction of the likely seepage
for an average EM31 measurement can be based (for depth to watertable 5-10m). The
Figure 5.48 provides prediction bands for estimating seepage based on EM31 response
when the watertable depth is 5-10m. Confidence intervals at 80% and 90%
confidence are presented. For example, for the 80% confidence intervals, these bands
indicate that if EM31 was used to predict seepage rates in a certain stretch of channel
(covering an area of similar EM31 response), we would be 80% certain that the
seepage rate in that section would lie within the confidence bands at that average
EM31 value. The 80% intervals are narrower than the 90% intervals, as there is less
certainty in pinning the value down to its ‘true’ seepage rate. This figure shows that
the prediction equation is accompanied by quite broad prediction intervals.
15 Upper_80
Predicted Seepage (mm/d)
Predicted regional
regression line for
10 EM31 - seepage
relationship for
watertable 5-10m
10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110
Average EM31 Conductivity (mS/m)
Using this prediction equation, an EM31 survey with an average response (within a
like section of channel) of 30 mS/m, would suggest a seepage value of 10 mm/d. The
prediction bands indicate we would be 80% confident that the real seepage value in
that section would be between 5 – 13 mm/d and 90% confident that that it was
between 4 – 14 mm/d. These bands are quite wide, however they indicate that the
prediction equation can be usefully applied to broadly classify seepage rates (eg into
low, medium and high categories).
Figure 5.49 graphs the actual seepage versus the predicted seepage (using the
regression equation) and provides a visual presentation of the degree of scatter in the
prediction equation. The equation appears to over-estimate seepage for low seepage
The statistics for these equations are shown in the figure. They reveal that while there
is a only a marginal improvement in the correlation coefficient for the exponential fit
(from R2 = 0.47 to 0.48), the standard error actual worsens (from 51 % to 62%).
Therefore, overall a less accurate is obtained using the non-linear equation, even
though it may visually appear to fit the data better.
Predicted Seepage (mm/d)
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14
Observed Seepage (mm/d)
y = -0.13x + 12.79
R2 = 0.47
Pondage Test Seepage (mm/d)
SE = 51% of mean
y = 27.372e
R = 0.476
SE = 62% of mean
0 20 40 60 80 100 120
Average EM31 Conductivity (mS/m)
Predicted Seepage (mm/d)
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14
Observed Seepage (mm/d)
Comparing the linear regression to the multiple regression, the statistics indicate that
only a marginal improvement is made to the accuracy of the regression fit in the
multiple linear regression analysis (Equation 1), compared to the simple regression fit
(Equation 2). The R2 for Equation 1 was 0.55 and the standard error of estimate was
48%. Therefore a relatively modest improvement of 0.08 in the correlation coefficient
and 3% in the standard error of estimate is the only improvement gained in adding soil
permeability to the equation. The predicted versus observed seepage plots for the two
equations are also very similar.
The coefficient of determination for the relationship was R2 = 0.89 and the standard
error of estimate was 23% of the mean observed seepage rate. This standard error
indicates that on average observed seepage was approximately 23% above or below
the predicted seepage rate. Figure 5.52 plots actual seepage versus predicted seepage
(using the regression equation) and provides a visual presentation of the degree of
scatter in the prediction equation.
The high R2 value and the relatively low standard estimate of error suggest a good
correlation for the variables. However the results should be tempered by the fact that
relatively few data points have been used to form the relationship. This is best
illustrated by the example of a data set comprising only two points. This will return a
correlation coefficient of 1 and a standard estimate of error of 0, but obviously there
would be little confidence in the accuracy of the resulting regression equation. To
improve confidence in the regression equation for the watertable less than two metres
scenario, additional points are required in the data set.
Figure 5.53 presents prediction bands (80% and 90%) for estimating seepage based on
EM31 response when the watertable is less than 2m, based on Equation 3. While the
prediction intervals are broader in magnitude (approximately 20 mS/m and 15 mS/m
for the 90% and 80% intervals respectively) than for the prediction bands for the
deeper watertable scenario, as a percentage of the overall seepage range covered by
each of the equations, they are narrower.
Predicted Seepage
0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Observed Seepage
60 Lower_90
Predicted Seepage (mm/d)
Predicted regional
40 regression line for
EM31 - seepage
relationship for
30 watertable < 2m
30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110
Average EM31 Conductivity (mS/m)
Note that the Rocklands site was included in the Toolondo analysis as the site is
relatively close to the Toolondo channel and site characteristics are similar.
n Figure 5.54 Toolondo and Rocklands Pondage Test Seepage Versus EM31
14 Lower_80
12 Toolondo West
Rocklands Toolondo East
10 2
R = 0.33 Toolondo Central
8 Toolondo Central
R = 0.78
4 Toolondo West
R2 = 0.85
Toolondo East
R = 0.49
25 35 45 55 65 75 85 95 105
EM31 Conductivity (mS/m)
Figure 5.55, Figure 5.56, and Figure 5.57 present the EM31 results at each of the
Toolondo sites. (Figure 5-25 presents the results at the Rocklands sites). Note that
different scales are used in each of these figures for presenting the EM31 conductivity.
A reasonable correlation coefficient for the fitted regression line of 0.47 was obtained.
The standard estimate of error for the data is moderate to poor, at 61%. Confidence
bands are wide but indicate the equation can differentiate (at 80% confidence)
between high and low seepage sites.
The data decreasing the correlation coefficient and increasing the width of the
confidence bands are the four ponds of high seepage at the Toolondo Central site,
which contain relatively very high proportions of fine to medium grained sand in the
upper 1-2m of the profile (as shown in the Toolondo Geological Long Section in
Appendix A). It is apparent that while the sand is causing relatively high seepage
rates, the EM31 conductivity is not as low as expected adjacent these ponds compared
to the remainder of the channel. A potential cause of this is that the shallow depth of
the sand layer through which most of this seepage occurs (via channel walls) is not in
the primary focus range of the EM31 in vertical dipole mode, and therefore does not
influence the results as much as a sand layer immediately below the channel base (eg
at 2-3 metres depth).
Regression lines were fitted through each of the sites individually (Toolondo Central
line only is plotted in Figure 5.54). The correlation coefficients for each of the sites
when plotted individually are:
q Toolondo Central: 0.78
q Toolondo West: 0.86
q Toolondo East: NA – slight trend in reverse direction
q Rocklands: 0.33 (adjacent the channel: 0.82)
These results, along with examination of the channel specific data points in Figure
5.54 suggest that within the individual pondage test sites, better correlations can be
obtained, with R2 values of around 0.8 at Toolondo Central and West.
As would be suspected, this analysis shows that local correlations are more accurate
for local predictions. However the regression line (‘Predicted’) presented in Figure
5.54 is a more useful tool for water managers as it allows prediction over longer
sections of channel and across varying conditions.
A correlation coefficient of 0.73 was obtained and the standard estimate of error was
also good at 23% of the mean. Confidence bands are wide but indicate the equation
can differentiate between high and low seepage sites. For example, if the EM31
survey result is 45 mS/m, with 80% confidence it can be concluded that seepage is
between 30-55 mm/d. While this range is still wide, it indicates with a reasonable
degree of confidence that seepage at the site is high. The bands widen at the higher
conductivity range, which is a reflection of the small number of data points
contributing to the construction of the regression equation. If a 75 mS/m (or greater)
conductivity is recorded, it can be concluded with 80% confidence that seepage is less
than 30mm/d.
n Figure 5.58 Donald Main Channel Pondage Test Seepage Versus EM31
Donald Main Channel
70 Upper_90
y = -0.90x + 82.46
R2 = 0.73
60 Measured
Predicted Seepage (mm/d)
50 Lower_80
30 40 50 60 70 80 90
It should be noted that the Dahwilly Central site examined here is slightly different in
location to the Dahwilly site referred to earlier in the report (refer section
The pondage tests conducted here (2002) bordered the six pondage tests conducted in
2001. In fact, ponds 1 and 2 from the June 2001 pondage tests were pond 6 and 7 in
the June 2002 pondage tests. [Theses two cells were remediated in July 2001. The
two lined cells were removed from the analysis however, due to insufficient time
between the pond lining and the EM31 survey (February 2002)]. It is important to
note the significant difference between these results and the June 2000 EM31 survey.
In the 2000 survey, no trend was detected in the data as the channel was not running,
and therefore there was no seepage impacts on the watertable to detect. Further, the
unsaturated zone at this site is relatively uniform and therefore unlike at other sites
seepage cannot be inferred from unsaturated zone properties. At this site seepage is
controlled by a clogging layer in the channel and not the unsaturated zone.
Dahwilly Channel
Trend line based on Upper_90
both Dahwilly sites
18 ly = -0.12x + 12.64 Lower_90
Dahwilly Central
R = 0.58 trend line Measured
y = -0.49x + 31.42
Predicted Seepage (mm/d)
R = 0.64
14 Lower_80
12 Dahwilly East
Dahwilly Central
Li (D h ill
y = -0.05x + 11.03
R2 = 0.15
Dahwilly East
trend line
10 20 30 40 50 60
EM31 Conductivity (mS/m)
n Figure 5.61 Dahwillly East (Pretty Pine) EM31 Survey, March 2002 Finley
Figure 5.62 presents pondage test seepage against EM31 conductivity for the Finley
channel. The fact that only three ponds were used to establish the regression line
means that the correlation coefficient (0.47) and the standard estimate of error (18% of
the mean) are essentially meaningless. It is a reminder of the danger of relying on
statistics outside of an understanding of the data and the context in which they are
used. The prediction interval bands reveal the inadequacies of the data to produce
any meaningful conclusions, with intervals of 14 mm across the displayed range (300
– 500 mS/m). Additional data points are required to improve the prediction interval.
The Finley site is an extremely clayey site (refer to the Finley Geological Long
Section in Appendix A), with a high and salty watertable which produces the very high
EM31 conductivities recorded at this site. There were no other sites in the
investigation approaching conductivities of this magnitude. Given the moderate
seepage rates and yet the very clayey profile, it was concluded in the regional
assessment that the probable mechanism of seepage at this site is not vertical seepage
through the base of the channel (ie due to in-situ soil permeability) but lateral seepage
through the channel banks due to poor bank construction techniques or materials.
14 Upper_90
Predicted Seepage (mm/d)
y = -0.008x + 9.146
R2 = 0.467
300 320 340 360 380 400 420 440 460 480 500
Figure 5.63 presents a map of the EM31 results at the Finley site. Notwithstanding the
discussion above, (that the data cannot be used to make meaningful statistical
conclusions), this figure does highlight that the fact that the technique appears to have
detected an area of relatively higher seepage in the eastern half of pond one, which is
supported by the fact that this pond has the highest seepage rate.
A high correlation coefficient of 0.94 was obtained for the relationship between EM31
and seepage between the two sites and the standard estimate of error was also good, at
17% of the mean. Confidence bands are moderately wide at about 8 mm/d (at 80%
confidence level) and 10 mm/d (90% confidence level). However they suggest that the
equation is suitable for differentiating between low, medium and high seepage rate
Some warning is necessary however regarding the spread of the data. Both of the sites
are clustered around a relatively small seepage rate and average conductivity range –
the danger of this is best illustrated again by the example that only two data points will
return a correlation coefficient of 1, but obviously there would be little confidence in
the accuracy of the resulting regression equation. To improve confidence in the
regression equation at this site, data is required in the mid conductivity range.
n Figure 5.64 Lake View Pondage Test Seepage Versus EM31 Conductivity
Lower 80
Regression line
for both sites
Regression line
5 for Lake View
y = 0.24x - 17.42
R = 0.46
60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 105 110
EM31 Conductivity (mS/m)
From examination of the above table it is apparent that the more data points that are
added to generate the regression line, the greater the scatter about the regression line.
This can be seen in the high standard error of estimates for the Rocklands/Toolondo
and Waranga sites. This is a reflection of the fact that the ponds in these sites covered
a wide area and range of sub-surface conditions. However, while there is more scatter
about these lines, these relationships are probably more useful to RWAs as they
encompass a wider spatial range and wider range of conditions, and can therefore be
used with greater confidence over a broader area.
5.4.2 Background Channel Specific Resistivity Systems
Resistivity can be measured using grounded (or immersed) current electrodes to
impress an applied voltage across a section of the ground. Differences in voltage
distribution can be used to calculate apparent ground resistivity. The method depends
on good electrode connection and hence can be slow where extensive electrode
preparation is necessary. Thus rates of acquisition are usually only around 5 km/
depending upon conditions. The exception to this is when the electrodes can be
immersed in water thus overcoming the need for electrode preparation. Systems also
can be linked with a recording device and GPS positioning for rapid survey procedure.
In such circumstances continuous recording can be achieved at rates of greater than 5
kph or 40km/d. Hotchkiss (2001) employed such a device for measuring
seepage from irrigation channels in Nebraska, USA. Similar devices are commonly
used down bore holes to measure formation resistivity.
The advantage of resistivity systems is that a single transmitting dipole can be used
with a number of receiving dipoles. These dipoles positioned at increasing distance
from the transmitting electrodes can be used to calculate the depth and conductivity
relationships of the sub-surface. This allows a conductivity profile to be established,
as opposed to conventional frequency domain EM systems which provide only a
single average conductivity for the profile. Methodology
For the year 3 trials, a multi-electrode array was built in what is commonly referred to
as a dipole-dipole configuration. A pair of current electrodes separated by a distance x
are followed by a series of receiver electrodes all separated by the same distance. The
closest receiver electrodes sample the resistivity in the near surface (around one third
to half x) and the more distant electrodes ‘see’ deeper into the ground. Using an array
of receiver dipoles allows the possibility for a resistivity section to be created.
Such arrays have been in common use in mineral exploration for the past 50 years.
However data is normally collected while the whole array is stationary, partly because
good contact between electrodes and the ground must be obtained. This may be
In these trials the sites were surveyed in all cases with a five metre dipole array of 6
dipoles. The same section of channel was then re-surveyed with a 10m dipole array in
all sites except Toolondo Central which was the first site and Toolondo West where
water levels were very low. Time did not allow analysis of the 10m dipole data in this
n Figure 5.67 Resistivity Array Deployed in Year 3 Trials (in operation at the
Toolondo East site)
The most important independent variable is resistivity. The main aim of conducting
multiple regression analysis was therefore to determine which other variables could
account for variations in seepage apart from resistivity. Groundwater salinity and
depth to watertable were included as independent variables because they will affect
the resistivity response.
Data Sources
The response variable is observed seepage as measured in pondage tests (averaged
over the life of pondage tests, excluding outliers). The explanatory variables of soil
permeability, depth to watertable and groundwater salinity and their method of
collection is described in Section Resistivity is considered to be the most
reliable data source, as spatially this contains the highest density of readings over the
pond length. Resistivity was measured using the on-channel set-up described in
section 5.4.2 and averaged over the length of the pond.
Using the one depth slice across all sites has limitations. As the channel specific
resistivity assessment indicates (refer section 5.4.4), often the depth interval
correlating best with seepage is at and immediately below the watertable. Therefore
this approach may be appropriate for sites with a watertable in the 5 - 10m range, but
may not be best for sites with a shallower watertable. However, for the purpose of
applying a consistent approach a single depth slice was used across all sites.
n Figure 5.68 Pondage Test Seepage Versus Resistivity Average For Various
Depths at Toolondo and Dahwilly Channels
Resistivity vs Seepage (Toolondo and Dahwilly)
y = 0.011x + 4.224 y = 0.005x + 4.696
R = 0.137 y = 0.010x + 4.193
R2 = 0.087
Pondage Test Seepage (mm/d)
R = 0.160
10 y = 0.007x + 4.335
R2 = 0.150 y = 0.004x + 4.651 y = 0.002x + 4.919
R2 = 0.102 R = 0.064
At 8m
At 6m
6 At 10m
At 4m
4 At 12m
Linear (At 8m)
Linear (At 6m)
Linear (At 10m)
2 Linear (All)
Linear (At 4m)
Linear (At 12m)
0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000
Resistivity (ohm m)
The methodology used in the analysis was the same as that undertaken for the EM31
multiple regression analysis and is also described in Section Two measures
were used to assess the accuracy, or ‘goodness’ of the regression. These were the
coefficient of determination (R²) and the standard error (SEE). The R² measures the
proportion of the total variation explained by the model. A large R² is associated with
a good model or prediction equation. The standard error is a measure of the degree of
scatter of the observed data points around the regression line. Hence a small standard
error is associated with a good model. The standard error has been expressed as a
percentage of the mean of the observed dependent variable (ie pondage test seepage).
25 Finley
Lake View (Original)
Pondage Test Seepage (mm/d)
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000
Resistivity ohm m (average across profile)
Various transforms were examined to improve the accuracy of the regression. It was
found that raising the seepage to the power of 0.2 improved the model with respect to
the standard error of estimate, which was reduced to 19% of the mean observed
seepage rate (to the power of 0.2). A marginal reduction in the correlation coefficient
was observed, decreasing to R2 = 0.42.
The non-linear multiple regression equation, for predicting channel seepage at sites
where the watertable is between 5 - 10m is:
Seepage = [ 1.12 + 0.000825 Resistivity10m + 0.47 UKv ] (Equation 5)
Figure 5.70 provides a visual presentation of the degree of scatter in the prediction
equation (Equation 5).
Predicted Seepage (mm/d)
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14
Observed Seepage (mm/d)
Figure 5.71 graphs pondage test seepage with resistivity (to 10 m) for sites where the
watertable is 5 to 10 metres below surface. For the resistivity analysis the number of
channels fitting this category was reduced to two (3 sites at Toolondo and 2 sites on
the Dahwilly channel). Four points within this data set appear to be outliers. They are
the four high seepage ponds at Dahwilly Central. However they were not be removed
from the analysis as there was no obvious grounds for their removal.
The equation was established with 23 data points. The coefficient of determination for
the relationship was R2 = 0.16 and the standard error of estimate was 68% of the
mean observed seepage rate. These statistics indicate that the accuracy of the
regression is very poor, in large part due to the four high seepage rate ‘outliers’ at the
Toolondo Central site. With these outliers excluded the correlation coefficient
improves dramatically to R2 = 0.63. However as discussed above there was no
obvious basis for their removal, and thus this equation is not presented.
Various transforms were examined to improve the accuracy of the regression. It was
found that raising the seepage to the power of 0.2 improved the model with respect to
the standard error of estimate, which was reduced to 20% of the mean observed
seepage rate (to the power of 0.2). A marginal improvement in the correlation
coefficient was observed, increasing to R2 = 0.21.
y = 0.010x + 4.193
R2 = 0.160
Pondage Test Seepage (mm/d)
Sites with DTWT
0 100 200 300 400 500 600
Resistivity (at 10m) ohm m
Figure 5-72 presents actual seepage rates versus predicted seepage rates for the
resistivity prediction equations, both for the linear prediction equation and the non-
linear equation. This figure shows that the standard estimate of error has been
improved for the non-linear fit by reducing the predicted seepage at the lower end of
the seepage range. However, the non-linear prediction equation increases the error of
prediction at the higher end of the seepage range, causing the four outliers to increase
in distance from the prediction line. In summary, neither the linear or non-linear
simple regression equations are satisfactory predictors of seepage. The very wide
prediction bands for the non-linear prediction equation (Equation 7) presented in
Figure 5.73 confirms this conclusion.
Non-Linear Predicted Eqn
Linear Prediction Eqn
Predicted Seepage (mm/d)
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14
Observed Seepage (mm/d)
Predicted Seepage0.2 (mm/d)
0 100 200 300 400 500
Resistivity (at 10m), (ohm m)
The equation was established with 8 data points. The coefficient of determination for
the relationship was R2 = 0.62 and the standard error of estimate was 6.3, which is
27% of the mean observed seepage rate. These statistics indicate that the accuracy of
the regression is reasonable. However, the results must be interpreted based on the
fact that only a relatively few number of data points have been used to form the
relationship, and all data points were collected on the same channel. Further testing to
add different environments to this data set is necessary before a reasonable degree of
confidence can be placed in this prediction equation (outside of the immediate area
where the relationship was established).
n Figure 5.74 Pondage Test Seepage Versus Resistivity (at 10m) for Sites
with Depth to Watertable Less than Two Metres (Lake View Channel)
Resistivity vs Seepage at Lake View Original and Lake View West (DTWT < 2m)
Pondage Test Seepage (mm/d)
y = 1.7129x - 0.6654
R = 0.619
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
Resistivity ohm m (average at 10m)
Figure 5.75 presents prediction intervals for Equation 8. The large width of the
prediction bands is caused by the small number of data points which have been used to
generate the regression equation. For example, for a resistivity reading of 8 ohm m, at
90% confidence levels the actual seepage rate could be anywhere in the range of 0 –
25 mm/d, which is not a very helpful guide. The width of these bands does not give a
Predicted Seepage (mm/d)
5 Measured
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
Resistivity (ohm m)
The following summary comments can be made regarding the linear and multiple
regression analysis:
q The multiple regression analysis has significantly improved the accuracy of the
regression equation compared to the simple regression with only one variable,
increasing the coefficient of determination from R2 = 0.21 to R2 = 0.42. This
improvement can be observed in a comparison between Figure 5-72 and Figure 5-
70. However, as was the case for the non-linear simple regression equation, the
multiple regression equation still failed to account for the four high seepage rate
pond outliers at Toolondo Central.
q As was the case in the EM31 multi-variate analysis, the variable which was found
to be most significant in the regression equation was the vertical hydraulic
conductivity in the upper two metres (upper Kv). Again this confirms that the
upper soil profile is by far the most significant part of the profile controlling
seepage (for sites with deep watertable). In terms of significance in the equation
(ie the importance of the variable in describing variation) the resistivity and upper
Kv variables were both essentially equal in influence as explanatory variables.
q While this analysis indicates a reasonably fitting regression equation, it could not
be used with the same degree of confidence as the EM31 based equation due to:
q The lower correlation coefficient;
q The few number of data points and small range of environments
represented by the data points; and,
Figure 5-76 presents the change in resistivity with depth at the site (over the pondage
test areas). The average resistivity values are much higher than seen at Toolondo
Central site some 3 km to the east. This figure shows increasing resistivity with depth,
up to the watertable, across all ponds. The watertable appears to be located between
12m to 14m – this is based on the distinct decrease in resistivity (attributed to the
saline groundwater) observed between these depths. The sharp increase in resistivity
in pond 1 and to a lesser degree in pond 2 at 10-12m is probably attributable to the
sandstone at this depth. Sandstone is likely to have a reduced porosity compared to
the overlying sediments which will show as an increase in resistivity.
Figure 5.77 presents average resistivity values for the ponds at the Toolondo West site
plotted against pondage test seepage rates for each of the ponds. For depths of 8m and
below the sandstone appears to be dominating the response. It is apparent that the
sandstone is of low permeability and therefore high resistivity may equate to low
seepage at this site. Typically (ie, observed at all other sites) high resistivity indicates
seepage of fresher water into a saline water table. However at this site it is apparent
that the influence of the sandstone resistivity is dominating the response, even below
the watertable and effectively masking the effect of the fresher seeped water in the
saline groundwater. Either the sandstone is absent beneath ponds 3 & 4 (which the
long section in Appendix A suggests it may be), or it is less cemented and therefore
has a lower resistivity.
Toolondo West
Resistivity (ohm-m)
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140
Pond 1
Pond 2
Pond 3
Depth Below Surface (m)
6 Pond 4
Toolondo West
At 4m
y = 0.32x - 3.30
R2 = 0.80
At 8m
At 10m
5 At 12m
At 16m
Pondage Test Seepage (mm/d)
At 2m
4 Linear (At 4m)
Linear (At 8m)
Linear (At 10m)
Linear (At 12m)
3 Linear (At 16m)
Linear (At 2m)
y = -0.03x + 4.80
2 R2 = 0.62
y = 0.91x - 7.62 y = -0.25x + 9.45 y = -0.11x + 7.62
y = -0.05x + 5.60
R2 = 0.34 R2 = 0.93 R2 = 0.92
R2 = 0.72
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140
Resistivity (ohm-m)
The reasonable correlation observed at shallow depth (2 and 4m) is probably due to
difference in clay content immediately below the channel. This method of detection is
the same as that of the EM31 (when the watertable is deep). It is not the actual impact
of the seepage plume in the groundwater which is detected, but the lithology below the
channel. In many cases, the resistivity / conductivity response in the near surface will
provide a good indication of the likelihood of seepage, as it has in this case. In some
instances this method may break down, for example due to the effect of a channel liner
(artificial or natural). In such circumstances the geology in the sub-surface will not
provide an indication of the rate of seepage, as seepage is controlled by a thin surface
Figure 5.77 shows that the differences in resistivity are minor in the near surface but
the correlation becomes strongly negative at greater depth. It appears that reduced
porosity (which will show as an increase in resistivity) may dominate the responses.
Porosity will be inversely related to permeability and thus areas with highest
resistivity (low porosity) at depth have lowest seepage.
Figure 5.78 shows the relatively low resistivity values for the southern end of the line
at Toolondo west. Towards the north the background resistivity values are much
higher which possibly reflects sandstone basement rock close to surface but may be
due to increased seepage. Individual spikes in the data reflect either better cemented
sandstones with low porosity and/or major seepage areas where seepage of the
irrigation channel water has significantly diluted the more saline groundwater. This
effect appears greatest in the top of the saturated zone between 10 and 14m.
Figure 5.79 shows the resistivity at 18m below surface for the section of channel
surveyed at Toolondo West. This reinforces the analysis of Figure 5.78: the northern
section shows higher background resistivity compared to the remainder of the
surveyed channel. This higher background level may be related to shallower
10000 2m
8000 6m
6000 14m
4000 18m
2000 10m
0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500
n Figure 5.79 Depth slice from 18m below surface showing lower resistivity
(yellow to red) in southern section of surveyed line compared with higher
resistivity (blue) in northern section.
sandstone with low porosity and or increased seepage in this section. The evidence
from pondage tests at the site suggests sandstone rather than seepage is the cause,
however the depth of drilling at the site is insufficient to confirm this interpretation.
Deeper drilling would be required for definitive interpretation of the data.
Figure 5-80 presents the change in resistivity with depth at the site, over the pondage
test areas. This figure appears to show a fresher zone at 2m due to seepage effects
immediately beneath the channel, underlain by unsaturated material increasing in
resistivity with depth (interpreted as increasingly fresh sandstone) up until the
watertable. The watertable appears to be located around 10m to 11m, based on the
distinct decrease in resistivity observed between these depths, caused by the relatively
high salinity of the groundwater.
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35
Depth Below Surface (m)
Pond 1
Pond 2
10 Pond 3
Pond 4
Pond 5
Pond 6
Toolondo Central
Resis. @ 2m
Resis. @ 6m
Resis. @ 8m
Pondage Test Seepage (mm/d)
10 Resis. @ 10m
Resis. @ 12m
y = 0.14x + 4.55 Resis. @ 14m
R2 = 0.03
6 Linear (Resis. @
y = 0.70x - 3.00 2m)
R2 = 0.26 Linear (Resis. @
y = 0.69x - 5.22 6m)
R2 = 0.51 Linear (Resis. @
y = 0.57x - 4.28 8m)
R = 0.59 Linear (Resis. @
y = 0.55x - 2.57
2 Linear (Resis. @
R = 0.56 12m)
5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45
Resistivity (ohm-m)
Figure 5.82 shows a plot of the resistivity at 14m below surface. Peaks represent
zones of higher resistivity, which are interpreted as major seepage of fresher channel
water into the more saline groundwater.
Figure 5.83 shows the resistivity long section beneath Pond 1 (from 2002 pondage
tests). The section shows, a conductive surface layer underlain by a more resistive
layer and a conductive layer at depth. These interpretations are confirmed by
comparison with the geological long section for the site (Appendix A), which shows a
sand in the top metre over much of the section, underlain by a sandy clay to medium
clay to a depth of between 5 and 10m underlain by sandstone with a more saline water
table below 10m. The sandstone layer appears irregular in thickness and/or resistivity
and the inversion software has not resolved a well-defined layer.
The section (
Figure 5.83) shows a high resistivity zone extending from surface to depth centred in
the single 2002 pondage test cell. This pond recorded a relatively high seepage rate,
compared to other ponds at the site, of 12 mm/d. A similar feature is present on the
Resistivity - ohm.metres
0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500
Distance - metres
n Figure 5.82 Plot of resistivity at 14m below surface for section along
Toolondo Channel.
Results from the 6m depth slice are shown in Figure 5-84. These results show a
similar pattern of conductivity distribution to the results obtained by the on-channel
EM-31 survey conducted in August 2001 (refer The short section of channel
6 metre
8 mete
10 metre
12 metre
14 metre
Resistivity (ohm m)
16 metre
60 18 metre
5916400 5916425 5916450 5916475 5916500
Northing (m)
Toolondo East site has very low seepage levels and a very narrow range of resistivity
values. The differences in both seepage and resistivity values are within the possible
error range for both data sets. As such no meaningful correlations were observed
between the resistivity and seepage data, as shown in Figure 5.87.
Toolondo East
Resistivity (ohm-m)
0 5 10 15 20
Depth Below Surface (m)
Pond 1
Pond 2
14 Pond 3
Pond 4
Figure 5.87, Figure 5.88 and Figure 5.89 show the resistivity sections under the
channel length corresponding to the pondage sections for Toolondo East. There are no
locations that can be immediately interpreted as major seepage zones, such as seen in
Figure 5.81 at Toolondo Central. Seepage is minimal at this site, as confirmed by the
pondage test results, and from the resistivity sections appears to be relatively evenly
distributed within ponds.
Toolondo East
0.8 <10m
Pondage Test Seepage (mm/d)
0.4 2 2
R = 0.0066 R = 0.0138 2
R = 0.0265
10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
Resistivity (ohm m)
Dahwilly (Central)
Resistivity (ohm-m)
0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500
Depth Below Surface (m)
Pond 1
Pond 2
12 Pond 3
14 Pond 4
Pond 5
Pond 7
The Dahwilly Central site includes two sections of channel which were remediated;
one section with a plastic liner and the other with a rubber compound. The liners were
tested in two separate pondage tests, 2.6 and 2.7. Figure 5.92 shows the resistivity
sections from these ponds.
In pond 2.7 the liner appears relatively transparent to electrical current and shows a
more saline water table at depths of 8 to 10 metres below surface which corresponds
with groundwater reported from bores of 6 to 7 metres. The section under pond 2.7
possibly represents more ‘natural’ (ie, without channel) conditions compared to other
parts of the section. Only minor seepage was reported from both the lined ponds (1.1
mm/d for pond 6 and 2.8 mm/d for pond 7). Possible seepage zones are marked by ‘S’
on the section. These appear to be minor compared to the effects further to east along
this channel.
Figure 5.93 shows that the resistivity under ponds 2.5 and 2.4 at Dahwilly Central are
significantly higher than under the lined, low-seepage pond 2.7. (This is also clearly
illustrated in Figure 5-91). The change in the profile at depth is most obvious in
comparing Figure 5.92 and Figure 5.93; note the (pink) low resistance results at depth
beneath pond 7 compared to the (yellow-brown) higher resistance results beneath
ponds 1-5. This is due to dilution of the more saline groundwater by the seeped
(fresher) channel water which is more resistive. It appears that the seepage
mechanism is by relatively continuous diffusion along the channel, in contrast to the
more isolated seepage paths observed on the Toolondo channel. This seepage
mechanism is also suggested by the lithology at the site, which indicates the entire
length of channel surveyed is underlain by approximately 10m of medium to coarse
grained sand, and is more likely to result in uniform seepage rather than seepage
‘hotspots’. Ponds 1-5 have seepage rates around 4 times that of pond 2.7, with an
average resistivity of around 275 +/- 15 ohm metres, compared to 145 ohm metres for
pond 2.7.
n Figure 5.94 Resistivity sections under Dahwilly Central ponds 2.4 and part
of 2.3. See Figure 5.92 for resistivity legend
S2 S3 S4 S1
Figure 5.94 shows possible localised seepage zones, as indicated in the resistivity
sections under ponds 2.4 and part of 2.3. This site should be compared with pond 7
(Figure 5.92) where there is very low seepage. Overall, resistivity is higher for these
ponds. In particular, under pond 2.3 there is a short section where resistivity is
significantly higher than the rest of the section (S1). This high localised resistivity
zone may reflect the higher seepage for this section. Further minor local seepage may
be located at S2, S3 and S4. The surface and deepest sections are relatively uniform
and the greatest deviation is at S1 where the shallow higher resistivity water appears to
change the resistivity of the underlying section to a greater depth into the unsaturated
Figure 5.95 shows a relatively uniform resistivity section stretching from pond 2.1 to
the eastern part of pond 2.3. Ponds 2.1 and 2.2 have very similar seepage rates (4-5
mm/d), whereas pond 2.3, with the high resistivity zone suggests significantly higher
seepage, as confirmed by the pondage test result of 9.5 mm/d.
Plots of pondage test seepage rate against resistivity at various depths within the
profile are shown in Figure 5.96. The increasingly improved correlation with depth,
peaking immediately below the watertable can be seen at the 8m and 10m depth slices
where the seeped water has diluted the saltier background water. At greater depth
within the profile (16m), conditions trend towards background groundwater conditions
due to dilution and mixing. Therefore there is less distinction between different
seepage rate ponds at these depths.
Dahwilly Central
8 At 8m
At 16m
Linear (At 2m)
Linear (At10m)
y = 0.02x - 2.16 Linear (At 16m)
R2 = 0.85
0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500
Resistivity (ohm-m)
Figure 5-97 presents the change in resistivity with depth at the site, over the pondage
test areas. This figure shows an increasingly resistive unsaturated zone beneath the
channel, with a sharp drop in resistivity at the watertable, which is located around 6m.
As at other sites, with increasing depth below the watertable the resistivity continues
to decline as the fresher channel water is increasingly diluted. Natural background
resistivity conditions may not have been reached at 14m as indicated by the still
increasing gradient of the curves between 12m to 14m.
Note that the resistivities are significantly lower than at the Dahwilly central site. This
is attributable to the finer grain size and more clayey sands at this site compared to the
coarser and ‘clean’ (ie relatively clay free) sands at the Dahwilly central site. At depth
below the watertable however, resistivity values between the two sites are comparable.
Depth Below Surface (m)
Pond 1
Pond 2
Pond 3
Figure 5.98 shows the resistivity section across the surveyed section is relatively
uniform. The section shows a thin conductive surface layer overlying a thick (8-10m)
unsaturated zone of higher resistivity above a more conductive layer at depth (due to
more saline groundwater). This interpretation is confirmed by the geological long
section of the site (refer Appendix A) which shows approximately 1.5m of clay to sand
clay, overlying sand to clayey sand, to at least 10m. The resistivity section also
appears to detect the presence of the clayey sand profile (compared to clean sand) in
the western end of pond 1, as indicated by the absence of the high resistance upper
layer at this location in Figure 5.98. The section shows a zone of probable higher
n Figure 5.98 resistivity section from Pretty Pine section of Dahwilly Channel
n Figure 5.99 Correlation of seepage and resistivity from ponds at Pretty Pine
y = 0.01x + 8.27
R2 = 0.85 y = 0.01x + 8.09
y = 0.01x + 7.59
R2 = 0.90
R2 = 0.68
Pondage Test Seepage (mm/d)
y = 0.01x + 7.58
R2 = 0.91
10 At 2m
At 4m
At 6m
9.5 At 10m
At 14m
Linear (At 2m)
9 Linear (At 4m)
Linear (At 6m)
y = 0.01x + 7.26
R2 = 0.80
Linear (At 10m)
Linear (At 14m)
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450
Resistivity (ohm-m)
At Pretty Pine the influence of seepage is best seen in the resistivity data at the
watertable or within the top few metres of the watertable. Resistivity data from deeper
in the section appears to be less affected by seepage. This may be due to the fact that
at around 8m, the profile becomes slightly clayey (clayey sand) which may limit
vertical migration of seepage into the aquifer. Limited emphasis should be placed on
these correlations due to the small number of ponds at the site. Finley
A short section of channel at Finley was surveyed using resistivity profiling covering
the pondage test lengths. A plot of resistivity versus depth for the site is presented in
Figure 5.101. The upper two metres contains a layer of higher resistivity, most likely
caused by shallow seepage into the shallow watertable. There appears to be relatively
little seepage impact below 2m with resistivity rapidly dropping at 4m. The
resistivity values of between 5-10 ohm-m within the 4 – 10m depth range are among
the lowest readings recorded across all of the sites and are due to the very heavy clays
and highly saline groundwater at the site (comparable values also observed at Lake
View). Between 8 and 10m the resistivity begins to increase again which reflects a
change in lithology at this depth from a heavy clay to a sandy clay (refer to Finley
Long Section in Appendix A).
Depth Below Surface (m)
12 Pond 1
Pond 2
Pond 3
The average of the inverted resistivity sections is plotted against pondage seepage tests
and presented in Figure 5.102. This figure shows that the best correlations were
obtained in the 4m to 6m range. The shallowest resistivity values at 2m have a reverse
correlation. It might have been expected that the better correlations would have been
obtained at 2m, given that seepage at this site is predominantly shallow and migrates
laterally. However this result may be a reflection of the data processing and the fact
that the 5m array did not resolve the surface resistivity very well. The fact that a
reasonable correlation was obtained at 4m suggests some seepage impact into the
However, the very narrow spread of seepage values (5.5 – 7 mm/d) at this site limits
the conclusions that can be drawn from this analysis. Note that only resistivity values
for the western 140m of pond 1 were collected (35m of data was missed on the eastern
end of the pond). It was assumed that this did not affect the analysis.
At 2m
At 4m
7 At 6m
y = 0.52x + 2.43 At 8m
R2 = 0.93 At 10m
Pondage Test Seepage (mm/d)
6.5 At 14m
Linear (At 2m)
y = -0.02x + 6.06 Linear (At 4m)
R2 = 0.00 Linear (At 8m)
Linear (At 6m)
Linear (At 14m)
Linear (At 10m)
0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Resistivity (ohm-m)
A resistivity survey was conducted along a 2 km section of the Lake View (Central)
channel site.
Figure 5.105 presents the change in resistivity with depth at the site, over the pondage
test areas. As per the Finley site, the upper two metres contains a layer of higher
resistivity, due to seepage into the shallow watertable (approximately 1.5m). The
curves suggest that seepage has impacted up to 6m within the profile. Below 6m the
resistivity remains reasonably constant, suggesting little seepage impact below this
depth and values probably reflect saturated background resistivity conditions.
Figure 5.104 shows the resistivity results plotted against pondage seepage at the Lake
View (Central) channel site. The best relationships between resistivity and seepage
are achieved using resistivity data from 6m to 8m depth. There is essentially no
relationship observed for the 2m and 4m data which might be expected given the
shallow watertable at this site. As stated in the Finley section this may well be a
reflection of the data processing and subsequent poor resolution of near surface
The fact that reasonable correlations were observed for 6 – 8m may also be explained
by the site lithology, as much as seepage impacts on the groundwater. This site has a
heavy clay starting between 3-8m below surface. Beneath Pond 1 (which contains the
highest seepage) the medium to heavy clay starts at 8m depth, compared to Ponds 2-4,
where the heavy clay occurs between 2m and 3m from the surface (refer Lake View
geological long section, Appendix A). Therefore seepage appears to be greatest in
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14
Depth Below Surface (m)
Pond 1
12 Pond 2
Pond 3
Pond 4
Lake View
7 y = 0.85x + 0.90
R2 = 0.58 At 2m
Pondage Test Seepage (mm/d)
y = 0.38x + 3.37
6.5 At 4m
R2 = 0.33
y = 0.36x + 1.16
R2 = 0.04 At 6m
At 8m
5.5 At 14m
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14
Resistivity (ohm-m)
x x x
n Figure 5.107 Resistivity section for ponds 3 and 4 at Lake View (Original)
(Possible seepage paths at points marked X; ponds are 80m long)
x x
For Ponds 3 and Pond 4 the resistivity remains reasonably constant (below 6-8m),
suggesting little seepage impact below this depth and values probably reflecting
saturated background resistivity conditions. The resistivity below 8m in Pond 1
declines rapidly, back to background levels similar to those observed in Pond 3 and
Pond 4. In pond 2 the resistivity significantly increases below 10m, with a value of 37
ohm-m at 16m, compared to around 10 ohm-m for the remaining three ponds. This
response is most likely related to a geological anomaly beneath this pond. Drilling at
the site was only conducted to 10m however and this cannot be confirmed. At this site
lithology changes at this depth are unlikely to impact on seepage in any case.
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
Pond 3
Pond 4
Depth Below Surface (m)
Pond 1
Pond 2
26 y = -0.76x + 32.47
R 2 = 0.90
Pondage Test Seepage (mm/d)
y = 0.0116x + 23.105
y = -0.36x + 27.19 R 2 = 0.0046
24 R 2 = 0.77
At 2m
22 At 4m
At 6m
At 10m
At 16m
Linear (At 16m)
y = -0.52x + 30.04 y = -0.75x + 35.59 Linear (At 2m)
R 2 = 0.96 R 2 = 0.94 Linear (At 4m)
19 Linear (At 6m)
Linear (At 10m)
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
Resistivity (ohm-m)
Figure 5.109 shows the resistivity results plotted against pondage seepage at the Lake
View West site. All ponds at this site returned high seepage rates. Figure 5.109
shows negative correlations (ie high resistivity equating to low seepage) compared to
those detected at other sites. This is largely attributable however to the high resistivity
values at Pond 1. The anomalous behaviour of Pond 1 (compared to remaining ponds)
is clearly illustrated in Figure 5-108, displaying opposite trends with depth. It would
be expected that the best and positive trends would be observed in the 2-4m range,
based on the fresh seepage into the shallow watertable aquifer and the fact that it
appears that most of the seepage is confined to the upper part of this aquifer. The fact
that such a trend was not observed in the resistivity data, but was observed in the
EM31 survey conducted at the site (refer Figure 5.64) again suggests that for shallow
readings the resistivity resolution may have been unsatisfactory. The wide spread of
resistivities at depth is caused by the anomalous readings at depth in Pond 2.
Figure 5.110 shows a depth slice of the resistivity at 18m below surface and Figure
5.111 shows the resistivity at 6m below surface. The difference between the two
depths is particularly clear for ponds 2 and 4 which both display an increase in
resistivity at depth (pond 3 also does but not to the same extent). This suggests a layer
of higher permeability may be located at depth. Seepage from the base of the channel
appears to be moving laterally in the upper part of the profile but not penetrating to
depth. The high resistivity in the near surface and lower seepage rate observed at
Pond 1 may be due to a near surface layer of low permeability and porosity, although
this is not clearly demonstrated from the logging.
n Figure 5.110 Resistivity depth slice at 18m below surface (red is low, yellow
moderate and blue high resistivity)
Pond 1
Pond 2
Pond 3
Pond 4
Pond 1
Pond 2
Pond 3
Pond 4
For each of the channels where resistivity surveys were conducted several kilometres
apart (Toolondo, Dahwilly and Lake View) this section looks at the accuracy of
extrapolation from one site to another, which was one of the key aims of the year three
trials. Toolondo
Three sites were trialed at Toolondo channel, all within about 13km of each other:
q Toolondo Central – The original site on which previous years trials had been
q Toolondo West – Similar to Toolondo Central in terms of geology and
q Toolondo East – Change in surface soil type compared to Toolondo Central and
West: heavy to medium grey cracking clays, compared to weathered sandstone
profiles at Toolondo Central and West. Similar geology at depth, however with
sandstone at 3-4m.
0 20 40 60 80 100 120
Resistivity (ohm-m)
Figure 5-112 plots all of the regression trend lines for the three Toolondo sites. A
depth slice or average of depth slices has been selected from just below the watertable,
which is between 10-14m across all of the sites. The following observations are made
regarding this plot:
q It can immediately be seen that Toolondo East is measured across such a narrow
seepage and resistivity range that no meaningful trend can be obtained from it.
However, as a collection of points it does lie within the expected range for the
Toolondo Central site;
q The Toolondo West trend line does not fit within the Toolondo Central and
Toolondo East relationship, and displays an inverse relationship between seepage
and resistivity. The possible reasons for this are discussed in Section It is
apparent that the effects of seepage on the watertable (which would cause a
increase in resistivity) are being masked by the particular lithology of the site. A
possible explanation is that the sandstone is much more cemented at this site and
this reduced porosity (which will show as an increase in resistivity) may dominate
the response. Porosity may be directly related to permeability and thus areas with
highest resistivity at depth have lowest seepage.
q A plot of the Toolondo West trend line for the 2m depth slice is shown. This fits
reasonably well with the Toolondo Central and East data. In fact the heavy line in
this plot is the trend line for the Toolondo Central, East and West (2m depth slice
data) sites which results in a reasonable correlation coefficient of 0.62. Section explains that the observed good correlation at 2m is probably due to
detection of changes in clay content in the near surface, and does not rely on
mapping the seepage plume itself. In practice, without the pondage tests, it could
not be known that the upper profile was a better depth to concentrate on than the
The overall conclusion regarding extrapolation from these sites is that if the Toolondo
Central data had been used to predict seepage rates at the Toolondo West site, seepage
would have been greatly overestimated. This is due to the fact that seepage does not
appear to be having an impact on groundwater salinity below the watertable, possibly
due to differences in the nature of the sandstone at the Toolondo West site (greater
cementing equals reduced porosity which equals higher resistivity but lower seepage),
which masks any seepage impacts. This highlights the dangers of extrapolation, even
in environments which on the surface and according to available information appeared
geologically similar and are quite close to each other (within 5 km). This suggests that
interpolation rather than extrapolation is a safer means of using pondage tests in
investigations along large reaches of channel. Dahwilly
Two sites were trialed on the Dahwilly channel, approximately 6-7 km apart:
q Dahwilly Central – The original site on which previous years trials had been
q Dahwilly East – Similar to Dahwilly central in terms of geology and
Pondage Test Seepage (mm/d)
Dahwilly Central
4 (8m)
Dahwilly East,
(Pretty Pine) Av
2 6&8m
Finley (4m)
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800
Resistivity (ohm-m)
Figure 5-113 plots the regression trend lines for two Dahwilly sites. Finley (the third
site tested within Murray Irrigation) is also included for comparison purposes. For the
Figure 5-114 plots the regression trend lines for the two Lake View sites. Depth
slices from 6m (solid symbols) and from 2m (hollow symbols) are presented. The
watertable at both sites is shallow, at between 0.5 - 1.5 m below surface. The
following observations are made regarding this plot:
q Two very different trend lines for the individual (6m depth slice) Lake View sites
are observed. The regression trend line for the combined 6m depth slice data set
(dark line) has a poor coefficient of 0.23, indicating little trend between the two
sites. A slightly improved relationship is obtained for the 2m slice (dashed line)
although the trend is still only moderate at best. As discussed in Section
n Figure 5-114 Pondage Test Seepage Versus Resistivity at Lake View Sites
Lake View (both sites)
Lake View
West (6m)
y = 0.97x + 6.57
R2 = 0.23
y = 1.98x - 13.82
R2 = 0.37
6m y = 0.85x + 0.90 2m
R2 = 0.58
0 5 10 15 20 25
Resistivity (ohm-m)
The general conclusions draw together all of the results and include a comparison of
the three techniques and a discussion of: seepage detection mechanisms, confidence in
derived relationships, extrapolation of results and comparison of this investigation to
recent international studies using geophysics for seepage measurement and detection.
The three sections summarising each of the techniques are based around a summary
table for each technique which condenses the key outcomes from each trial into one
table, with an emphasis on comparing the results of each trial with the corresponding
pondage tests in that section.
Figure 5-115 visually depicts how these two different approaches can be used to
identify or infer seepage.
% Contribution to % Contribution to
response Watertable response
Saline groundwater
Technically the second method of ‘detection’ is not really detection, but the magnitude
of seepage is assumed to be related to unsaturated zone soil properties beneath or
adjacent to the channel. In many cases this is a reasonable assumption, however the
unsaturated zone is not necessarily the controlling influence on seepage. For example,
over time most Australian channels tend to silt up and the resulting surface clogging
layer is often more restrictive than the unsaturated zone. Therefore unsaturated zone
lithology may not be related to seepage rates, as seepage is controlled by the thickness
and conductance of the clogging layer.
Nevertheless, it was found that the inferred method of identifying contrasts in soil
properties (ie, where the watertable was deeper than the penetration depth of the
geophysical equipment) was successful at most sites conducted during the trials
(ANCID, 2003). There is less risk however in using the direct method of seepage
detection, because as the name implies it is not inferred, but direct. An example of
where the ‘inferred’ method of detection did not work was at Dahwilly Central where
an EM31 survey was conducted while the channel was not running. The survey was
therefore measuring changes in the unsaturated zone and not in the groundwater. At
this site the silt layer in the channel, not the unsaturated zone is the restrictive layer
and therefore no correlation was observed. When the survey was repeated with the
channel running, a good correlation was obtained.
Some possible limitation of the direct method of seepage detection are listed below:
(However, it is still considered the preferred technique over inferring seepage based
on soil property variations).
In summary, it is very important that the depth to watertable is known at the site
before selecting a technique. Based on this information a decision can be made as to
whether direct or inferred measurement will be undertaken and hence the technique
that will be adopted.
The three techniques trialed in this investigation (EM31, EM34 and resistivity) are
discussed in terms of each of these criteria.
In theory on-channel resistivity surveying should be the most accurate of the
geophysical techniques trialed, as it is based on a direct method of seepage detection
(refer section As the technique allows definition of changes in resistivity /
conductivity through the profile, the depth where seepage impacts will be most
evident (at and below the watertable) can be targeted. At most sites resistivity
surveying results were comparable to EM31 and EM34, and at three sites (Dahwilly
Central, Dahwilly East and Finley) the resistivity correlations with pondage tests were
better than the EM31 and EM34 correlations. The Dahwilly site demonstrates the
benefits of targeting the watertable for seepage detection in an environment where
seepage is not controlled by the unsaturated zone, but by a surface clogging layer in
the channel.
However, the robustness of the EM31, as demonstrated by the consistent results in the
trials is due to its relatively shallow depth focus (1-4m). For channels where there is a
shallow watertable (eg, surface to 3-4m), EM31 can be used for direct measurement of
seepage, which as discussed above is likely to be more reliable. When the watertable
is deep, EM31 infers seepage from near surface soil properties. This works in most
instances but may break down where clogging processes rather than unsaturated zone
lithology control seepage.
The significant advantage of resistivity surveying is that the final output is a two
dimensional profile of resistivity beneath the channel. Not only does this allow easier
interpretation of the results but it can also provide an indication of seepage
mechanisms. For example, at the Toolondo central site the resistivity profile shows
isolated sections of high resistivity (low seepage) emanating from the channel. This
is in contrast to the Dahwilly channel where the profile suggested seepage by
relatively continuous diffusion along the channel. This seepage mechanism is
supported by the lithology at the Dahwilly site, which indicates the entire length of
channel is underlain by approximately 10m of medium to coarse grained sand, and
hence is more likely to result in uniform seepage rather than seepage ‘hotspots’.
q EM31 Surveys:
q Wimmera Mallee Water: For 6 kms, on-land including 4 traverses on
each side of channel (over 3 sites): $400/km (includes mobilisation,
data processing and mapping).
q Murray Irrigation: For 8 kms, on-land including 4 traverses on each
side of channel (over 4 sites): $340/km (includes mobilisation, data
processing and mapping).
q Murrumbidgee Irrigation: On-land including 4 traverses on each side
of channel, on each side of channel, the unit cost ranged from
$650/km (3km section) to $800/km (1 km section). (includes
mobilisation, data processing and mapping). On-channel survey
cost was $330/km for a 3 km section.
Note that resistivity surveying costs are difficult to quantify given that the
technique is relatively new. Costs are likely to come down as the technique is
refined, the equipment becomes commercially available and subsequently
competition is introduced.
Availability of Operators
A number of commercially operating EM34 and EM31 contractors are in operation in
south east Australia, sufficient to ensure reasonable competition and prices. At
present on-channel resistivity surveying is still in a development phase and as such
there are no commercially operating contractors who specialise in this type of survey.
However, a number of geophysical exploration / surveying companies have the
capability to develop this type of equipment (such as the company who conducted
these trials) and should the demand for such surveying increase, it is expected other
companies could also develop this capability. At present however this may be a
constraint on resistivity surveying.
Data Processing
Data processing requirements for EM31 and EM34 surveying are minimal. In
comparison data processing requirements for resistivity surveying are considerable,
due to the cost of inverting the data to produce a resistivity cross section. This is not
really a constraint of the technique, but adds to the overall cost of resistivity
surveying. It should be ensured that the contractor undertaking the resistivity
surveying also has the capability to undertake the data processing. Approximate costs
for data processing are provided above.
q Survey timing – The timing of the geophysical survey will depend on the method
of seepage detection being used. If seepage is being inferred from soil properties
then the timing of the survey is not critical and can be conducted whether the
channel is running or empty. However if direct measurement of seepage is used,
the survey must be conducted while the channel is running, and preferably after it
has been running for a least one month (depending on depth to watertable and
vertical hydraulic conductivity), to ensure seepage has impacted the groundwater.
q On-channel versus on-land – During the trials, on-channel (ie, in a boat) EM31
• Did not work at one site where the watertable was beyond the range of the EM31
and returned similar (reasonable) results to the on-land survey at another site
• Did work at sites with a shallow watertable; and,
• Were partially successful when the watertable was located at the edge of the depth
penetration capacity of the EM31.
Further work is required in this area, but the evidence collected in this
investigation suggests on-channel EM31 surveys should only be conducted where
the geophysical technique can penetrate into the watertable, and ideally target the
top of the watertable. In other words, the method of inferred seepage based on
unsaturated zone soil properties does not appear to work on-channel. It is
apparent that the flushing effect immediately beneath the channel is dominating
changes in lithology. For EM31 systems this would preclude EM31 on-channel
use when the watertable is deeper than approximately 3-4m.
q Off-set distance and location for on-land surveys – The evidence collected in
these surveys indicates the best off-set distance for on-land surveys is
immediately adjacent the outside toe of the down slope side of the channel. For
either method of seepage detection this is recommended. For inferred seepage
‘detection’ the soil type next to the channel is most likely to be representative of
the soil type beneath the channel. For direct measurement, immediately adjacent
the channel will be the zone of greatest seepage impact on the watertable. Away
from the channel this impact will be diluted. However at sites without a steep
gradient or high transmissivity, an average of survey traverses up to 50m on each
side of the channel was found to improve the correlation between seepage and the
geophysical survey at most sites. Repeatability
Generally a high degree of repeatability was observed between duplicate surveys. At
two sites where there was a significant different in the results, changes in groundwater
conditions due to channel operation accounted for the difference. These sites are
described below:
• Donald - A generally consistent increase (approximately 15 mS/m) was
observed across the surveyed area between the October 1999 survey and the
September 2001 survey. This increase was caused by the more saline
conditions at the time of the 2001 survey. The channel had been running for
six months prior to the 1999 survey, creating a sub-surface environment
dominated by fresh water and a flushed profile. The reduced channel
running time prior to the 2001 survey meant a relatively more saline profile
and hence higher conductivity.
• Dahwilly - The average EM31 conductivity for a survey conducted when the
channel was not running was less than half the conductivity recorded while
the channel was running. This is different to what was observed at Donald,
due to the different depth of groundwater at the two sites. When the channel
is not running at Dahwilly, the watertable is largely out of reach of EM31
detection and the response is a reflection of the coarse and low conductivity
sands in the unsaturated zone. When the channel is running, the watertable
is elevated into the range of the EM31 detection and hence conductivities
increase significantly.
y = -0.690x + 71.961 Sites with Watertable 5-10m
R = 0.889
Sites with Watertable < 2m
Pondage Test Seepage (mm/d)
y = -0.129x + 12.788
R = 0.469
0 20 40 60 80 100 120
Average EM31 Conductivity (mS/m)
Based on this clear division between sites with a shallow and deeper watertable (in an
attempt to improve the accuracy of the fitted regression model) the sites were split into
two data sets based on these two categories of depth to watertable. The difference in
EM31 response between a deep and shallow watertable site is explained by the effect
of the shallow and saline groundwater which for a given seepage rate causes a much
high conductivity response.
Once the data was split into these two categories, depth to watertable was not found to
be a significant explanatory variable, as would be expected. The findings for the two
categories are summarised below:
The equation:
• Was established with 40 data points;
• Has a correlation coefficient of 0.55;
• Has a standard error of estimate of 48% (of mean observed seepage rate)
EM31 was found to be the dominant explanatory variable with soil hydraulic
conductivity of secondary importance. Groundwater salinity and depth to
groundwater were not found to be significant explanatory variables in the
q Watertable Less Than Two Metres - For sites with a watertable within two metres
of the surface multiple linear regression analysis did not find any other variables
that were significant explanatory variables beyond EM31. The fact that soil data
was not significant is expected as the groundwater near the surface is likely to
dominate the response. It was somewhat surprising that groundwater salinity was
not found to be a significant variable for this data set, and is probably a reflection
of the limited number of sites (three) that make up the data set.
The equation:
• Was established with 40 data points;
• Has a correlation coefficient of 0.47;
• Has a standard error of estimate of 51% (of mean observed seepage rate)
Confidence intervals (for both 80% and 90%) for this relationship were established
and showed that the prediction equation is accompanied by quite broad prediction
bands. This probably limits the use of this regional equation to broadly classifying
A plot of actual seepage versus predicted seepage shows that the equation tends to
overestimate seepage for low seepage rates (less than 5 mm/d) and underestimate for
high seepage rates, implying a non-linear equation may provide a better fit. An
exponential regression equation was applied to the data. The fitted exponential curve
showed that while there is only a marginal improvement in the correlation coefficient
for the exponential fit (from R2 = 0.47 to 0.48), the standard error actual worsens
(from 51 % to 62%). Therefore, overall a less accurate fit is obtained using the non-
linear equation, even though it may visually appear to fit the data better.
However the advantage of the exponential fit over the linear fit is that there is less of
a pattern displayed in the observed versus predicted seepage plots (which suggests that
the more realistic model may in fact be the exponential model). Further, the linear
model places a maximum limit on the seepage of about 12 mm/d, whereas the
exponential model appears to be more realistic, allowing for higher seepage rates in
the very low conductivity range (up to around 20-25 mm/d).
Comparing the linear regression to the multiple regression, the statistics indicate that
only a marginal improvement is made to the accuracy of the regression fit in the
multiple linear regression analysis (Equation 1), compared to the simple regression fit
(Equation 2). The R2 for Equation 1 was 0.55 and the standard error of estimate was
48%. Therefore a relatively modest improvement of 0.08 in the correlation coefficient
and 3% in the standard error of estimate is the only improvement gained in adding soil
permeability to the regression equation.
The equation:
• Was established with 14 data points;
• Has a correlation coefficient of 0.89;
• Has a standard error of estimate of 23% (of mean observed seepage rate)
The high correlation coefficient value and the relatively low standard estimate of error
suggest a good correlation for the variables. However the results should be tempered
by the fact that relatively few data points were used to form the relationship. To
improve confidence in the regression equation for the watertable less than two metres
scenario, additional points are required in the data set.
Prediction bands (80% and 90%) for estimating seepage based on EM31 response
when the watertable is less than 2m, indicate that while the prediction intervals are
broader in magnitude than for the prediction bands for the deeper watertable scenario,
as a percentage of the seepage range covered by each of the equations, they are
The linear regression equation for sites with a watertable five to ten metres below
surface is a reasonable fitting equation, given the range of sites on which it is based.
However it should not be relied upon to accurately predict seepage, and should be
limited to assigning seepage to low, medium and high categories. The same
comments are applicable to the regression equation developed for sites with a shallow
watertable (less than two metres). The better statistics for these sites is attributable to
the fewer data points and smaller range of environments represented.
The equation:
• Was established with 23 data points;
• Has a correlation coefficient of 0.44;
• Has a standard error of estimate of 61% (of mean observed seepage rate)
Various transforms were examined to improve the accuracy of the regression. It was
found that raising the seepage to the power of 0.2 improved the model with respect to
the standard error of estimate, which was reduced to 19% of the mean observed
seepage rate (to the power of 0.2). A marginal reduction in the correlation coefficient
was observed, decreasing to R2 = 0.42.
The equation:
• Was established with 23 data points;
• Has a correlation coefficient of 0.16;
• Has a standard error of estimate of 68% (of mean observed seepage rate)
These statistics indicate that the accuracy of the regression is very poor, in large part
due to the four high seepage rate ‘outliers’ at the Toolondo central site. With these
outliers excluded the correlation coefficient improves dramatically to R2 = 0.63.
However as discussed above there was no obvious basis for their removal.
Various transforms were examined to improve the accuracy of the regression. It was
found that raising the seepage to the power of 0.2 improved the model with respect to
the standard error of estimate, which was reduced to 20% of the mean observed
seepage rate (to the power of 0.2). A marginal improvement in the correlation
coefficient was observed, increasing to R2 = 0.21.
In summary, neither the linear or non-linear simple regression equations were found
to be satisfactory predictors of seepage. The very wide prediction bands for the non-
linear prediction equation confirm this conclusion.
The equation:
• Was established with 8 data points;
• Has a correlation coefficient of 0.62;
• Has a standard error of estimate of 27% (of mean observed seepage rate)
These statistics indicate that the accuracy of the regression is reasonable. However,
the results must be interpreted in light of the fact that only a few data points have been
used to form the relationship, and all data points were collected on the same channel.
Further testing to add different environments to this data set is necessary before a
reasonable degree of confidence can be placed in this prediction equation.
The following summary comments are made regarding the linear and multiple
regression analysis for the resistivity:
q The multiple regression analysis significantly improved the accuracy of the
regression equation compared to the simple regression with only one variable,
increasing the coefficient of determination from R2 = 0.21 to R2 = 0.42.
q It is likely the analysis could be significantly improved by using resistivity data at
and immediately below the watertable for each of the sites.
q As was the case in the EM31 multi-variate analysis, the variable which was found
to be most significant in the regression equation was the vertical hydraulic
conductivity in the upper two metres (upper Kv). Again this confirms that the
upper soil profile is by far the most significant part of the profile controlling
q While this analysis indicates a moderately fitting regression equation, it could not
be used with the same degree of confidence as the EM31 based equation due to:
q The lower correlation coefficient;
q The few number of data points and small range of environments
represented by the data points;
q The unexplained outliers in the resistivity analysis that were not present
in the EM31 regression equation.
Two key issues regarding relationships derived between channel seepage and
geophysical response are:
1) What confidence is there that the derived relationship accurately describes seepage
within the area tested?; and
2) How confidently can the relationship be used outside of the area tested to predict
Based on the findings of these investigations, these two issues are summarised below.
Confidence in Extrapolation
The following points need to be considered when extrapolating a geophysical –
seepage relationship outside of the area in which it was developed:
q Was the relationship strong in the area tested – This is the first test. If the
relationship was not strong in the area in which it was derived (refer to above
discussion) then there will be little confidence in extrapolating such a
q How representative is the area in which to extrapolate of the tested area – The area
in which the relationship was developed must encompass the range of conditions
over which the extrapolation is to occur. This may be quite difficult to determine.
While soil, geological, hydrogeological maps and even test drilling provide an
indication of changes along the channel, the results from these trials suggest that
these are generally not at a sufficient scale to detect how they will impact on
geophysical response. For example, at the Dahwilly sites which showed
reasonably similar characteristics (depth to watertable, groundwater salinity and
lithology) the EM31 conductivity response was very different and thus
extrapolation from the Dahwilly Central site to the Dahwilly East site would have
resulted in significant errors in seepage estimate.
In fact, the evidence coming out of the trials in terms of extrapolation, even to
sites that were apparently similar and usually only several kilometres along the
same channel, was that the derived relationship was not suitable to predict
seepage at the new site. The key outcome of this is that unless intensive data
collection is conducted to ensure continuity of site conditions to the area of
extrapolation, interpolation rather than extrapolation must be used. This is
explained in further detail in the following section, but essentially means that
pondage tests should be conducted at regular intervals along the entire section of
interest, to ensure that the full range of site conditions is accounted for in the
derived regression relationship.
The more data points collected from different sections along the channel that are
added to generate the regression line, may increase scatter about the regression
line. This can be seen in the high standard error of estimates for the
Rocklands/Toolondo and Waranga regression equations. This is a reflection of
the fact that the ponds in these sites covered a wide area and range of sub-surface
conditions. However, while there is more scatter about these lines, these is more
confidence in using these relationships for seepage prediction as they encompass
a wider spatial range and wider range of conditions, and can therefore be used
with greater confidence over a broader area, although at the expense of some
degree of accuracy.
1. Define project objective – why is the work being undertaken? The types of
questions to be asked include:
q Is the primary objective to identify relatively high seepage points or to measure
the volume of seepage?
q Is it necessary to establish the rate of seepage? – either the actual or relative rate.
q What degree of confidence in the results is required?
q Over what length of channel is the information required?
q What is the available budget?
At the end of this process there will be a clear definition of the reasons for undertaking
the seepage investigation (eg asset management), budget considerations, scale of the
operation (eg whole channel, specific channel lengths etc), need for accuracy, or
relativity. This process will effect all future decision making.
q EM31 (vertical dipole) adjacent the channel can be used effectively in areas with
deeper watertables, although it does not directly measure the seepage impact on
the watertable. This is due to fact that the upper soil layers are the most influential
on channel seepage and the relatively shallow depth focus of EM31 measures
these upper soil layer properties. The method infers zones of likely channel
seepage by identifying materials in the unsaturated zone most susceptible to
seepage. A decision to use EM31 in deeper watertable area might be based on:
It this method is used however, it must be made certain that seepage is controlled by
the unsaturated zone and not surface clogging processes. Otherwise errors will
potentially be introduced to the assessment process.
The preferred geophysical techniques for seepage detection are summarised in Table
5. Evaluate results – Plot geophysical survey results along the section and overlay
with known site conditions (soils, geology, hydrogeology and channel hydraulic
data). Based on these plots identify areas of suspected high, low and moderate
seepage, assuming low conductivity / high resistivity equates to higher seepage.
6. Conduct test drilling – Soil bores should be drilled at appropriate intervals along
the length of the geophysical survey. The primary aim of the drilling is assist with
interpretation of the geophysical survey. Some key principles of the drilling
program are described below:
q Based on the geophysical survey results, conduct drilling across a range of
low, moderate and high conductivity / resistivity sites;
q Drill at least some bores into the watertable, and construct some as
permanent observation bores;
q Generally drilling should be conducted on the outside toe of the channel;
q Logging and sampling of the bores should ideally be undertaken by someone
trained in soil / geological classification and a consistent classification
system should be followed.
q Depending on the density of data collected, presenting the results in a
geological long section should be considered.
7. Conduct pondage tests - At appropriate intervals over the entire test area pondage
tests are to be conducted. The number of tests will depend on the length of
channel surveyed and the variability of conditions along the channel. The
following guidelines are suggested:
q Pondage tests should be conducted across a range of low, moderate and high
conductivity / resistivity sites so as to establish a regression equation which
represents the range of geophysical response across the area.
q Similarly, based on the soil drilling results, the pondage tests should be
based on a range of different soil types and / or groundwater conditions.
q Pondage tests must be conducted over areas of like conductivity / resistivity.
That is they should not staddle areas of (significantly) different geophysical
response, as this will complicate interpretation of the results and
development of the regression equation.
q Due to the cost of conducting pondage tests, it is recommended that at least
two cells back to back should be conducted at each site for efficiency
purposes. Using available structures should also be considered to minimise
bank construction costs.
q The pond length can be variable, but as a guide they should generally not be
more than 400-500m and not less than 50m.
By conducting pondage tests in this manner across the area of the geophysical
survey, prediction of seepage rates outside of pondage test areas will be based on
interpolation rather than extrapolation, which improves confidence in the
predicted seepage. While pondage tests are expensive, they are a critical part of
the interpretation process.
Since the writing of the Literature Review conducted as part of this project (ANCID,
2000a), several papers have been published relating to international developments in
channel seepage measurement using geophysics. Two key papers are briefly
summarised below. The important point relating to this work is that it is focussed in
the same direction as the geophysical investigations in these trials: developing
geophysical techniques that can be compared to some form of direct seepage
measurement, derivation of a relationship between the two and then extrapolation /
interpolation to new areas.
Table 5-8 presents a summary of all EM34 trials conducted in the program compared
to pondage test seepage. All trials were conducted in horizontal dipole mode, at a
10m coil spacing and along the outside toe of the down slope side of the channel. The
exception was the two Dahwilly sites where both 10m and 20m coil spacings were
used, and survey runs along the outside toe of both sides of the channel were
In summary, the only site where no relationship was observed was at Dahwilly East,
which was largely due to the narrow seepage rate range. At the Toolondo central site,
where conductivity measurement was entirely above the watertable, the unsaturated
zone lithology was a sufficiently accurate indicator of seepage and hence a reasonable
trend was observed (a fact reinforced by the success of EM31 at the site).
Significantly, the resistivity surveying showed improved correlations compared to the
EM34, for the depth slices focussed immediately below the watertable.
The Donald site survey was focussed on the saturated zone, however the EM31 survey
at the site demonstrated a slightly better relationship with pondage test seepage
compared to the EM34 (R2=0.73 compared to R2=0.50), but neither survey
differentiated between the higher seeping ponds. The improved correlation is
probably attributable to the deeper depth focus of the EM31 compared to the EM34
(10m, vertical dipole configuration).
At the Rocklands and Dahwilly sites, where the penetration depth (EM34 - 10m coil
separation, vertical dipole) was just sufficient to reach the watertable (but the focus
was above the watertable), the combination of measuring lithology changes in the
unsaturated zone and seepage impacts in the saturated zone worked to provide a
reasonable indicator of seepage. However it is significant that at Dahwilly, where
resistivity surveying was conducted, an improved relationship was obtained when the
depth slice was focussed immediately below the watertable, where seepage impacts
are most discernible.
Good relationships were obtained between average EM31 conductivity and the
corresponding pondage test seepage at most sites. At only one site (Tabbita) was there
no significant relationship identified. For EM31 in vertical dipole mode, the effective
depth of penetration is around 6-7m, with a mid-range depth focus of about 2 – 4.5m
(refer This meant that at sites where the watertable was deeper than 5m, only
a limited proportion of the response was caused by seepage impacts in the saturated
zone. Therefore at these sites the seepage detection mechanism is largely via
inference based on soil properties in the unsaturated zone. Key summary comments
for each of the sites are listed below:
G Good relationships between EM31 conductivity and pondage tests seepage were
recorded in all three surveys at Toolondo Central. This indicates that seepage
was able to be successfully inferred based on unsaturated zone soil properties.
G A high degree of repeatability between the surveys was observed.
G In-channel (shortly after channel shut down) and on-channel EM31 surveys
returned poor results. This is attributed to the fact that an EM31 survey above the
watertable ‘works’ by inferring seepage based on soil properties. However
immediately beneath the channel, even for low seepage rate ponds the profile
beneath the channel is saturated (or near saturated) with seeped water. This
uniform saturation produces a uniform conductivity response, and tends to mask
changes in lithology resulting in little differentiation between low and high
seepage sites. Significantly however the on-channel resistivity survey recorded
good correlations between seepage and resistivity (10m and 12m depth slices).
The EM31 on-channel however could not 'see' into the watertable.
G Better results were obtained with the EM31 compared to the EM34(10m) at this
site, possibly due to the greater number of EM31 traverses conducted (ie away
from the channel).
G Three Toolondo Sites (Central, East and West) - The relationship established for
all sites was moderately strong. Local correlations at Toolondo Central and
Toolondo West were stronger than the combination of sites. The Toolondo East
site displayed an opposite correlation, but the very narrow range of seepage rates
& the flat regression line indicates this is not a meaningful trend. Confidence
bands for the overall regression relationship are wide but indicate that the
relationship can be used to differentiate between high and low seepage sites. The
data most contributing to the low R2 and wide confidence bands is the four ponds
with sandy banks at Toolondo Central. It is apparent the shallow depth of the
sand causing the seepage (largely through channel banks) is largely missed by the
EM31(vertical) with a depth focus of around 2 - 4.5m.
G A good relationship was observed between EM31 response and pondage test
seepage at the Rocklands channel trial site (for the adjacent channel EM31 data).
This indicates that seepage was able to be successfully inferred based on
unsaturated zone soil properties. However, with a depth to watertable of around
five metres, the EM31 survey may also have been detecting some seepage
induced salinity changes in the watertable.
G A poor response was observed when all survey runs were used, largely due to the
effect of trees adjacent one pond. The adjacent channel run was less affected and
accordingly better results were returned.
G The on-channel results recorded mixed results. In vertical dipole mode no trend
was observed. The configuration is focussed on the flushed zone beneath the
channel where uniform saturation from seepage appears to be masking lithology
response. In horizontal dipole a reasonable correlation was observed, apparently
through identification of lithology changes (clay content) immediately beneath
the channel. This was the only case observed where on-channel measurement
above the watertable successfully correlated with seepage. At other sites the
uniform saturation appeared to dominate the response over changes in lithology,
however at this site it is apparent that the changes in lithology close to the
channel surface are sufficiently contrasting to distinguish between high and low
seepage areas.
Donald Main
G A good relationship was observed between EM31 conductivity and pondage test
seepage but there is a poor spread of seepage data at the site (1 point of low and 5
of high seepage). With a relatively shallow watertable (2m), the EM31 detects
seepage at this site in terms of its impacts on the watertable. The EM31 survey
did not distinguish between higher seepage ponds (35 - 48mm/d). Confidence
bands are fairly wide for the regression line, particularly at the high conductivity
range, but indicate that the relationship can differentiate between high and low
seepage sites. Additional data points are required to tighten confidence bands.
G A better relationship was established with EM31 (R2=0.71) adjacent the channel
compared to EM34 (R2=0.50) but there was still no differentiation observed
between the higher seeping ponds. The improved relationship is probably due to
the greater depth focus of EM31, particularly on the up-slope side of the channel,
allowing deeper penetration into the watertable
G Moderate to good relationships were also observed for the on-channel surveys in
both horizontal and vertical dipole. With a shallow depth to watertable the EM31
on-channel survey detects seepage as it impacts the watertable.
Lake View
G A poor relationship between pondage test seepage (July 2001) and EM31
conductivity (June 2000) was obtained at Lake View Central for all data due to
rapid mixing of the seepage plume away from the channel. However for
adjacent channel data a significantly improved relationship (to moderate) was
observed as seepage impacts are less diluted. Interpretation is limited at this site
due to the very narrow seepage rate range. Seepage is detected at this site in
terms of its impact on watertable salinity.
G No sensible trend was observed at the Lake View Central site using the same
EM31 survey data (all lines) and the June 2002 pondage tests. It is anticipated
however that a better response could be obtained using the adjacent channel data,
as was the case for the July 2001 pondage tests. In addition, the 2002 pondage
tests may not have been properly placed over sections of like conductivity.
G Both Sites (Central and West) - The relationship established for both sites is
moderately strong with a high correlation coefficient but the two data sets
creating the regression line have small conductivity and seepage rate ranges. It is
desirable to obtain data in the mid range to improve confidence in the
relationship. The Central site could not have been used to predict seepage at the
West site. However using Central data from adjacent the channel is likely to
improve this correlation.
G While a moderate correlation coefficient was obtained for the pondage test –
EM31 conductivity relationship at this site (and the highest seeping pond did
record the lowest conductivity), the statistics are not meaningful due to the fact
that only three data points make up the relationship. The width of the prediction
intervals indicate that the regression relationship cannot be used to predict
seepage at this site. Additional data points across a wider seepage range are
required to improve the relationship.
In summary, the only site where no relationship was observed was at Tabbita. A
number of possible causes for this were identified, but the predominant contributing
factor is not known. At two sites (Rocklands and Lake View Central), the adjacent
channel data was used instead of all survey run data. This was required to obtain the
At the Toolondo central site, where conductivity measurement was entirely above the
watertable, the unsaturated zone lithology was a sufficiently accurate indicator of
seepage and hence good trends were observed.
The Donald and Lake View site surveys were focussed on the saturated zone, and
seepage was detected as it created a conductivity low against higher background
conductivity groundwater.
At the Rocklands and Dahwilly sites, where the penetration depth of the EM31 (in
vertical dipole) was just sufficient to reach the watertable, the combination of
measuring lithology changes in the unsaturated zone and seepage impacts in the
saturated zone combined to provide a reasonable indicator of seepage. However it is
significant to note that at Dahwilly, when the channel was not running, no relationship
was observed. This suggests seepage impacts in the watertable are the primary
detection mechanism at this site, a fact reinforced by the uniform nature of the
unsaturated zone lithology at the site. Seepage at Dahwilly is not controlled by the
unsaturated zone but by a clogging layer at the base of the channel. Techniques which
purely infer seepage from unsaturated zone soil properties will not work at such sites
(including remediated or lined channels).
On-channel surveys did not work at sites where the watertable was beyond the range
of the EM31 (Toolondo), did work at sites with a shallow watertable (Donald) and
were partially successful when the watertable was located at the edge of the depth
penetration capacity of the EM31 (Rocklands). Further work is required in this area,
but the evidence collected in this investigation suggests on-channel surveys should
only be conducted where the geophysical technique can penetrate into the watertable,
and ideally target the top of the watertable. For EM31 systems this would preclude
EM31 on-channel use when the watertable is deeper than approximately 4-5m.
Table 5-10 presents a summary of all resistivity data collected in the program
compared to pondage test seepage. The depth at which the best correlation was
recorded is presented. Good relationships were obtained between average resistivity
(from depth slices immediately below the watertable) and the corresponding pondage
test seepage at most sites. Key summary comments for each of the sites are listed
G Central – At around 10-12m the best correlation was obtained (R2=0.6), which is
the zone immediately below the watertable and fits with the expected mechanism
of seepage detection (ie, in the depth interval of groundwater most effected by
seepage). Within individual ponds, the resistivity cross sections show sub-
sections of localised higher seepage. There is very little correlation in the
unsaturated zone.
G East - The very narrow range of seepage rates and resistivity values meant that no
meaningful correlations were observed at the Toolondo East site.
G West - At and below the watertable the expected inverse trend between high
resistivity - low seepage and low resistivity - high seepage was not observed. It is
apparent that the sandstone at this site may be dominating the response. Low
permeability sandstone may be causing a high resistivity response (normally
associated with high seepage), and masking the effect of seepage on the saline
groundwater. Deeper drilling would be required to confirm this interpretation.
The reasonable correlations obtained at shallow depth (2m and 4m depth slices)
are most likely due to changes in clay content beneath the channel, and
corresponds with observed EM31 relationships.
G All Sites – The Toolondo East data (av. 10/12/14m depth slices) lies within the
expected extrapolated range for the Central (10m) site. The West (av 10/12m
depth slices) data does not fit within the Central and East relationship (possibly
due to changes in lithology masking seepage impacts). The West 2m depth slice
does fit within the relationship, however without pondage tests it would not have
been known that this was the better depth on which to focus.
G Central - Good correlations were observed at the 6m, 8m and 10m depth slices,
which fits with the expected mode of seepage detection below the watertable.
Correlation coefficients worsen in the unsaturated zone. Resistivity long sections
indicate that seepage is generally diffuse across the surveyed area, in contrast to
Toolondo where localised seepage is evident from the resistivity data.
G East – A strong correlation was observed at 6m which corresponds with the top of
the watertable. However, the very narrow range of seepage rates and small
number of data points limits the significance of these correlations.
G Both Sites - Two vertically offset regression lines for the Dahwilly sites are
recorded and there is no observed trend for the combined regression line. This
suggests different background conditions (despite apparent similarities between
sites), including finer and more clayey sands at Dahwilly East and possibly higher
background salinity groundwater.
Lake View
G Central - The best correlation was observed at 6m and 8m which corresponds
with the zone several metres below the top of the watertable (1.5m). A very weak
trend was observed at 2m and an (inverse) correlation at 4m depth. It was
expected based on the depth to watertable that the best correlations would be
observed at around 2-4m depth. This may be a reflection of the poor surface
resolution of the resistivity equipment. Site lithology below the watertable may
also be significantly contributing to the response. The narrow seepage range also
limits the significance of the correlations.
G West – There was no meaningful relationship observed between resistivity and
seepage immediately below the watertable. This is attributed to: i) Poor
resolution of near surface data (this theory is supported by the reasonable
correlation observed between EM31 and seepage at this site) and/or, ii) The
'anomalous' result in pond 1. Something is causing elevated resistivities relative
to other ponds at the site (possibly lithology, faulty data collection etc), although
nothing obvious was detected in the drilling.
G Both Sites - Neither the 2m or 6m depth slice from Lake View Central could have
been used to accurately predict seepage at Lake View West. However a slightly
better fitting trend line is obtained for the 2m depth slice. The apparently
anomalous result at Pond 1 (Lake View West) is largely skewing these
relationships. Using the Lake View Central site to predict seepage at the Lake
View West site would have caused significant under estimation of actual seepage.
In summary, most sites displayed a good correlation between seepage and the
resistivity at and immediately below the watertable. The two sites that did not were
Toolondo West and Lake View West. At Toolondo West it appears that the type of
sandstone at this site may be dominating the response, however deeper drilling would
be required to confirm this interpretation. A reasonable trend was obtained at shallow
depth, but without the information supplied by the pondage tests this could not have
been known. The lack of trend at the Lake View West site is probably due to the poor
resolution of the resistivity equipment at very shallow depth. This site contains the
shallowest watertable across all sites (0.5 – 1m). Improved resolution at shallow
depth could relatively easily be improved in future surveys (Allen, pers. comm.
1/11/02). At Toolondo East also no trend was observed but this is solely attributed to
the very narrow range of seepage rates at this site.
The channel has a well-documented record of existing seepage problems. The extent
of channel seepage in the Boort West of Loddon Salinity Management Plan area has
been a concern to local landholders for a number of years. The Channel Seepage
subcommittee of the Boort West of Loddon Community Working Group initiated a
Channel Seepage Program in 1993 (McConachy, 1993). However previous
investigations were unable to satisfactorily identify priority sites for remedial works
(G-MW, 2000). In addition, there was concern that new seepage paths may be opened
up during the upgrading works program.
The chapter is based on the chronological reporting of the above three stages of
investigation, with an initial section describing site conditions.
Depth to groundwater also varies along the channel however typically the depth of the
watertable is between 6 – 10 metres, but has been recorded within several metres of
the surface in some locations immediately adjacent the channel. According to the 1:
250,000 scale St Arnaud Hydrogeological mapsheet, the regional groundwater is
typically highly saline, between 3,000 and 35,000 mg/L TDS. The salinity generally
increases in the direction of groundwater flow, towards the north-west. However, in
the proximity of the Loddon River, the groundwater freshens significantly to between
1,000 and 3,000 mg/L TDS.
The textural descriptions of the soils (130 soil bores in total) comply with Northcote
(1979) classification system and for each texture a permeability description was
provided (Table 6-1). Sandstone, interpreted as being representative of the upper
Parilla Sands formation, was regularly encountered in the soil bores, and textures were
assigned to this unit according to the degree of weathering.
The distribution of the EM31 survey results with respect to the bulk impermeability
grade is presented in Figure 6-2. The results are separated into two classifications, no
rock present in the profile and rock present in the profile. Variation permeabilities
were assigned to the rock intervals, and therefore the rock in the profile does not
appear to affect the relationship between the EM31 survey results and permeability.
The data suggests there is a coarse relationship between the EM31 survey results and
the permeability of the soils, with lower EM31 readings (lower conductivity), in some
instances, associated with soils of higher permeability. Accordingly, it was considered
reasonable that the EM31 survey results be used to broadly assess the potential degree
of seepage risk.
The data suggests there is a coarse relationship between EM31 conductivity and the
permeability of the soils, with low EM31 conductivity, in some instances, associated
with soils of higher permeability. Accordingly, it was considered reasonable that the
EM31 survey results be used to broadly assess the potential degree of seepage risk.
Bulk Impermeability Grade (%)
0 50 100 150 200 250
Importantly, the EM31 data are highly scattered (with respect to the bulk
impermeability grade), and therefore, the potential for seepage cannot be definitively
inferred from the EM results. For example, according to the data analysis, a low
EM31 reading does not necessarily imply a high soil permeability. On the basis of the
highly dispersive relationship, the highest seepage rates may not necessarily be
associated with the lowest EM 31 results. Further, it was noted that caution should be
exercised, in using the data solely to identify seepage risk on the basis that a range of
factors may affect the EM31 survey results. The results could not be used to quantify
seepage rates. The absence of pondage tests was seen as a deficiency in the program
A combination of the EM31 results and the impermeability grade was used to identify
sections of channel which were considered to represent ‘very high’ risk areas (as
opposed to the ‘high’ risk categorisation based solely on the EM31 survey). These
were defined as zones where the EM31 was less than or equal to 50 mS/m and the
bulk impermeability was less than or equal to 65%. This category is marked on Figure
6-2 by the dashed lines. Four significant lengths of channel were identified as fitting
these criteria (ignoring short lengths of channel, ie less than 200m). The details of
these reaches are presented in Table 6-2. This table also presents the overlap with
known (ie visible) seepage sites.
6.5.1 Description
The additional phase of the geotechnical investigation involved the drilling and
logging of an additional 107 boreholes, and was carried out in March 2002. A total of
34 piezometers were also installed in selected boreholes. The initial geotechnical
investigation carried out in association with the EM31 survey was done relatively
quickly and cheaply. The drill-rig used was a trailer mounted custom made rig that
could not penetrate the rock or cemented sandstone layers. Relatively simple borelogs
were prepared. The subsequent geotechnical investigation was completed in
accordance with AS1726-1993, Geotechnical Site Investigations. The rig used had the
ability to penetrate quite hard rock layers. The bores were generally drilled to 6 metres
depth. The locations of boreholes for the second geotechnical investigation were
selected in order to further refine the extent of:
q ‘Very high risk’ seepage zones; and
q Zones where rock material intersects the channel profile.
For sections outside of the very high risk zones the review involved:
Figure 6-3 plots the results of the impermeability rating for each of the new bores
drilled within the very high risk zones against the corresponding EM31 value. This
figure shows that, in general, lower EM31 readings (lower conductivity), are generally
associated with soils of higher permeability (lower impermeability), as suggested by
the bore data (as was previously observed). It was therefore considered reasonable
that the EM31 survey results (extrapolated from bores) be used to broadly assess the
potential degree of seepage risk.
Impermeability (%)
0 10 20 30 40 50 60
EM31 value (ECa)
However this plot does display some scatter, particularly around the middle part of the
graph, which indicates that caution needs to be applied in using the EM31 versus soil
permeability relationship as the definitive tool for identifying potential seepage areas.
The uncertainty in the results highlighted the need for pondage tests to be undertaken.
The advantage of obtaining a relationship between EM response and pondage tests is
that it represents a direct relationship between seepage and the EM data. EM versus
soil permeability is one step removed and requires additional interpretation to account
for the fact that soil permeability is not a direct measure of seepage.
Based on the cross sections constructed for the four areas of ‘very high risk’, together
with the EM31 results recommendations were made as to whether the ‘very high’ risk
rating should be maintained in the light of the new data. An example of the process
that was used to assess each section is presented in Table 6-3.
Following the review of the additional drilling the areas classified as very high
seepage risk actually increased by 990m (from 7290m to 8280m). This included some
areas being removed and some added to the very high risk category. To assist with
prioritisation of these sites it was recommended that the profiles with significant sand
layers intersecting the channel be considered the highest priority (as de-silting of the
G-MW recognised that in addition to the drilling program, pondage tests were
required to:
q Quantify seepage rates (and potentially identify a relationship between EM31 and
pondage test seepage rates);
q Confirm interpretation of seepage rates based on geology and EM31 data.
However, while a large number of bores have been drilled along the channel, the
EM31 remains the only continuous data available. The assessment methodology
described in Section 6.4 and 6.5 rely significantly on the EM31 results and an attempt
was required to confirm the appropriateness of this reliance. It is therefore important
to attempt to identify the relationship between EM31 response and pondage test
seepage, particularly given the spread of results identified in the EM31 versus
impermeability relationship. If a reasonable relationship can be identified, greater
confidence can be placed in using the EM31 data for determining seepage control
Some concern was expressed by G-MW on the necessity of conducting pondage tests
when the degree of siltation in the channel means that pondage tests conducted now
are unlikely to be unrepresentative of seepage rates post de-silting and construction.
While post-silting rates are likely to be much higher than existing rates, it is
reasonable to assume that the areas of highest seepage now, will be the areas of
highest seepage post-construction and the low areas now will still relatively be the low
seepage areas post de-silting, or at worst this will be the case after several years of
channel operation.
Therefore the primary reason for conducting pondage tests was to confirm the
interpretation of the EM31 (ie that the lowest conductivity does in fact equal the
highest seepage), upon which the entire selection process of the sections to be clay
lined was based. The secondary reason for conducting the pondage tests was to
These figures will also assist in improving the decision making process as to the cut-
off criteria to be applied in determining which areas of channel should be remediated.
The current approach (which identified 8.3km of very high priority channel sections)
has a some what arbitrary cut-off. Being able to assign approximate seepage rates to
conductivity response will assist in refining this process.
G-MW proposed pondage tests locations and produced justification of these sites. The
basis of the site selection was on selection of different types of (potentially) high
seepage sites (eg rock sites, high risk EM31, ‘wet’ sites, previous core trenching,
historically known seepage etc). These are reasonable criteria on which to select sites,
as seepage across a range of these different types of environments needs to be known.
However it should not be the only selection criteria, and the important task of
attempting to link the EM31 to the pondage tests also needs to be considered. It was
recommended that pondage tests be conducted in the following manner:
q Cover a range of EM31 response, not just high risk but also low risk areas. This
means conducting tests where seepage rates are low. (Sites initially selected by
G-MW sites sufficiently covered the low conductivity range, however further
tests were recommended in the higher EM31 conductivity response area);
q 2-3 cells in 3-4 different areas along the channel (ie 6-12 cells total);
q Relatively short length cells (150-300m);
q Each individual cell should target a section of like EM31 response - If the area of
the pondage banks crosses over significantly different EM31 conductivities,
meaningful interpretation of the EM31 results in relation to the seepage rates is
difficult, as the pondage test provides no indication as to where the seepage is
occurring. If each cell covers an area of similar EM31 response, meaningful
assessment can be made of the seepage versus EM31 relationship; and,
q Tests should be a minimum duration of one week.
6.6.2 Analysis
Figure 6.6 summarises the relationship between the pondage tests and EM31 results
(land based EM31 data). The pondage test seepage (mm/d) is plotted against the
average EM31 conductivity (mS/m) over the corresponding pond length. The
pondage test seepage rate used in this analysis excludes the results of the first day of
the tests, as they were not representative of the longer term seepage rate. The EM31
data is the average of the land based EM31 results on each side of the channel (ie
excludes the on-channel results taken from the boat). Each point in the figure is also
labelled with the pond number and a very brief summary of the dominant geology for
the section, based on the nearest bore information.
This figure shows that a moderate to poor linear relationship exists between the two
variables, with a correlation coefficient of 0.40. (A similar correlation coefficient was
obtained for the boat EM31 data versus the pondage tests). The standard estimate of
error was 63% of the mean, which is indicative of the fairly high degree of scatter
about the fitted line. Given that these results represent ponds up to 20 km apart this
relationship was considered reasonable. The likely cause of some of the scatter in the
results is discussed below.
30 S. Clay: 0-1.5 m P8
Gr Snd-Rck in S. Clay: 0-1 m
part: 1.5-6m Rock (S.Cly): 1-2.5m
W.Rck (Snd):2.5-6m
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16
Pondage Test Seepage (mm/d)
Seepage Inferred from Unsaturated Zone Properties: The depth to watertable along
the WWC channel is generally 8-10m below surface and therefore usually out of the
range of the EM31 equipment. Therefore seepage is not directly measured, but
inferred from the lithology under / beneath the channel. An example of the problems
this may cause is highlighted in pond 4, where EM31 response belies the real seepage
Pond 4 contains a clay layer to about 3m which is underlain by gravel and gravelly
sand. The EM31 (in vertical dipole) is still strongly influenced by material at depth
and therefore this very permeable material below 3m is significantly contributing to
the relatively low conductivity (52 mS/m). However, the upper 3m of clay is
providing a more than adequate buffer to seepage and thus pondage seepage rates are
low (approx 2 mm/d). This highlights the limitations of using geophysical techniques
to ‘detect’ seepage based on unsaturated zone soil properties.
Further, the WWC is a channel with a significant silt bed. Generally the silt layer
rather than soil properties beneath the channel limit the seepage rate. This will
contribute to misleading results when comparing unsaturated zone lithology to
seepage rates, and is certainly the cause of some of the scatter in the WWC regression
relationship (pond 6 appears to be a good example of this). Direct measurement of
seepage impacts in the watertable are likely to improve this relationship and the
statistics of the regression equation. This improvement was observed in a similar
channel in this ANCID study where the silt layer was controlling seepage rate where
the unsaturated zone was of high permeability (in the Dahwilly channel - refer section
A good measure of the variability of the data is the standard deviation. Table 6-5
displays the results of the pondage tests, the average EM31 conductivity for the pond,
the standard deviation of the EM31 conductivity for each pond and the standard
deviation as a percentage of the average EM31 conductivity for the section. Results
for both the land based and boat based results are presented. For the land based data,
Pond 1 (49%), Pond 8 (33%) and Pond 10 (32%) have the highest standard deviations
as a percentage of the average result and therefore display the greatest variance about
the mean. This indicates that these ponds are not well located over sections of like
conductivity, and are therefore less likely to plot well on the regression line in
Figure 6-5 plots EM31 conductivity versus pondage test seepage with the 3 points of
high variance and pond 4 removed. This improves the fit considerably, with an R2 of
0.62, however most of this improvement is due to the removal of the pond 4 data point
(refer above discussion) which is perhaps not justifiable. Therefore Figure 6-4 is used
in the analysis.
Pondage Test Seepage Rate vs EM31 Conductivity (high variance points removed) : Waranga Western Channel
100 Linear (LHS & RHS)
EM31 Conductivity (mS/m)
80 P11
y = -7.30x + 98.40
R2 = 0.62
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16
Pondage Test Seepage (mm/d)
The variability of the data in Figure 6-4 indicates that a high degree of confidence
cannot be placed in the EM31 data for determining exact seepage rates. However in
broad terms, EM31 appears to have been accurate in predicting between high and low
seepage rates. This ‘broad brush’ use of the regression equation is confirmed by the
wide prediction interval bands which have been plotted in Figure 6.6. 80% and 90%
prediction interval bands have been plotted and indicate that:
1) There can be 80% confident that when EM31 conductivity is greater than 70
mS/m, seepage rates are less than 8 mm/d; and,
However given that the only data point in the ‘high’ range (Pond 10) displayed high
variance, a more accurate conclusion would be that there is no reliable data in the
‘high’ seepage rate range in order to conclude one way or another whether EM31 can
distinguish between the high and moderate seepage rate areas. Therefore areas of low
EM conductivity need to be assessed in conjunction with drilling data. This approach
was followed as much as possible in the lining selection review.
n Figure 6.6 Waranga Western Channel Pondage Test Seepage Versus EM31
Conductivity – Prediction Interval Bands
14 Upper_80
y = -0.096x + 11.089
R2 = 0.400
20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110
The high risk section of the channel, as categorised by the EM31 contractor based on
EM31 magnitude, totalled approximately one-third (15km) of the length of the
investigated section of the channel. To further refine this area, a combination of the
EM31 results and impermeability grade (a lithological classification devised for the
investigation based on the amount of clay in the profile) was used to identify sections
of channel which were considered to represent ‘very high’ risk areas. Using this
system, four significant lengths of channel were identified as very high risk. The total
length of ‘very high risk’ area was 7.2 km. It was apparent to G-MW that further
investigation was required before committing to the significant expense of lining such
a length of channel.
A further 107 bores were drilled (to greater depth than the original drilling program).
The above process using impermeability grade (incorporating results from the new
bores) and EM31 response was again conducted. Following the review of the
additional drilling, the areas classified as very high seepage risk actually increased by
about 1 km (from 7.3 km to 8.3 km). This included some areas being removed and
some added to the very high risk category.
It was recognised that in addition to the drilling program, pondage tests were required
to quantify seepage rates (and potentially identify a relationship between EM31 and
pondage test seepage rates) and confirm interpretation of seepage rates based on
geology and EM31 data. Therefore 12 pondage tests were conducted at various
intervals along the channel, covering a range of environments and areas of different
geophysical response.
The prediction interval bands suggested the relationship could be used to distinguish
between sites of low and high seepage, but is limited in interpreting mid-range
seepage. An improvement would be expected if the top of the watertable was
targeted, rather than inferring seepage from unsaturated zone soil properties, as much
of the seepage in the WWC is controlled by the silt layer in the channel and not the
unsaturated zone permeability. Given that the ponds were significantly spaced apart,
it was concluded that this relationship can be used for interpolation, bearing in mind
the associated broad prediction intervals associated with the regression line.
Based on the results of the pondage tests and relationship with EM31 and the drilling
program, areas recommended for remediation were finalised. Sites were defined as
either priority one or priority two seepage risk sites, depending on the degree of
perceived seepage risk. Priority one sites were considered to require remediating as
part of the upgrade, while priority two sites were to be monitored closely for seepage
following the upgrade. Given the uncertainty in the EM31 – seepage relationship, the
EM31 predicted seepage was not used as the sole means of assigning seepage risk but
geological data and visual observations were also integrated into the decision making.
Channel seepage measurement trials were conducted from early 2000 to mid 2002, by n Trials were conducted
Wimmera Mallee Water (WMW), Murray Irrigation Limited (MIL) and between 2000-2002 in
Murrumbidgee Irrigation (MI). In addition, results from channel seepage four RWAs
measurement investigations conducted on the Waranga Western Channel (by
Goulburn-Murray Water) were incorporated into the final year of the trials.
Based on the outcomes of other components of the project [the Literature Review
(ANCID, 2000a), the RWA survey (ANCID, 2000b)], and consideration of the
primary objectives of the study, the trials focussed on the following techniques:
q Pondage tests n The trial program
q Point measurement (channel full and empty), developed was based
on early components
q Geophysical techniques,
of the project
q Groundwater techniques,
q Soil classification; and,
q Remote sensing.
Pondage tests were conducted at all sites, as they were the basis on which other n Pondage tests and
techniques were assessed. Drilling was also conducted at all sites in order to identify drilling were
sub-surface conditions. The final year of trials focussed on geophysics, which in the conducted at all sites.
first two years of the trial program had demonstrated the greatest potential for meeting The final year of trials
focussed on
RWA requirements for rapid and low cost channel seepage assessment.
At three sites where pondage tests were repeated, a good degree of repeatability was n Where pondage tests
observed. The maximum difference between seepage rates was 25%. Differences in were duplicated, a good
pondage test rates from one season to another are probably attributable to changes in degree of repeatabiility
depth to watertable and channel bed properties. The differences are considered was observed
acceptable for the purposes of this investigation, and not considered to be significantly
due to errors in the pondage test method.
These factors explain why sites like Finley and Dahwilly can have such similar
seepage rates, even though the underlying soil at Dahwilly has permeability many
orders of magnitude higher than the clay at Finley. Seepage rates at Dahwilly are
controlled by the clogging layer on the base of the channel while seepage rates at
Finley are controlled by lateral bank seepage.
The density of sampling required and the cost of seepage rate tests in specific soil n Sub-surface
types, and in addition to the fact that soil type is not always the factor controlling characterisation for
seepage, means that it is not likely to be an accurate or cost effective means of seepage quantifying channel
quantification. However it remains a critical part of the data gathering and site seepage is unlikely to
be accurate or cost-
characterisation phase of a channel seepage investigation.
An attempt was made to correlate the Idaho seepage meter results with the
EM31 survey data. The resulting correlation was inverse, as expected, but the
fit was quite poor. The EM31 conductivity did not distinguish between Idaho
seepage meter rates in the 5 – 40 mm/d range, but did differentiate the two
highest seepage sites (80 mm/d). Definitive conclusions could not be drawn
from these results as the conductivity range is very narrow (39 –45 mS/m) and
the data set small.
iv) Tabbita: Ring Infiltrometer – Ring infiltrometer tests were conducted in three
ponds on the Tabbita Channel. The ring infiltrometer results did not
distinguish between the pondage test seepage rates of the ponds. Median
seepage rates for the three ponds were all between 4-5 mm/d, compared to
pondage tests rates of 6-8.5 mm/d. The very narrow spread of the pondage
tests range at the site limits the statistical significance of these results. The
lower ring infiltrometer seepage compared to the pondage test seepage is
either due to the low sampling density of the testing program (therefore
missing ‘hotpots’) or to the fact that walls of the channel are seeping more
than the channel bed.
v) Donald Main Channel: Idaho Seepage Meter – Idaho seepage meter tests
were conducted in four ponds on the Donald Main Channel. The seepage
meter results were comparable in magnitude to the pondage test results. The
correlation between the pondage test results and the Idaho results was
moderate to poor. The limited number of pondage sections on which the trend
is based (4) and the limited number of Idaho tests within each pond (5-6) are
contribute to the poor correlation.
An attempt was made to correlate the Idaho seepage meter results with the n These trials confirmed
EM31 survey data. No correlation was observed. The EM31 conductivity that point tests are
clearly distinguished between seepage rates in two of the ponds, but no generally not reliable
distinction was made in the remaining ponds. The reason for this is unclear. for directly
quantifying seepage,
due to the
These trials have confirmed that point tests are generally not reliable for directly
impractically large
quantifying seepage. Due to variable and sometimes erratic values obtained in number of tests
measurements, the trials have illustrated that a large number of tests is required to required
sufficiently determine the true seepage rate of a section of channel. Therefore they are
In addition, it was apparent in a number of channels that the bed of the channel was n Beds of the channels
seeping at a different rate to the walls of the channel. This appeared to be occurring at appeared to be
a number of the point test sites, as evidenced by higher seepage rates in the base of the seeping at a different
channel than the pondage test rates. This is in contrast to the normal phenomenon rate to the walls
with point tests where lower seepage rates than actual are often obtained (due to the
non-detection of seepage ‘hot spots’). In these cases, even very high density point test
sampling in the bed of the channel cannot determine the actual seepage rate.
Groundwater levels at the Donald Main Channel were used to estimate seepage n Groundwater levels
adjacent two bore lines using the Dupuit Forcheimer equation for flow in an were used to estimate
unconfined aquifer. Assuming an aquifer thickness of 10m, seepage estimates seepage rates
approximately equal to pondage test seepage were obtained for an assumed hydraulic
conductivity of 0.2 m/d. Qualitative assessment only was conducted on the Tabbita
site. Very clear response to channel shutdown was observed in groundwater
hydrographs at this site. n Use of groundwater
bores for quantitative
Use of groundwater bores for quantitative analysis of seepage rates is not considered analysis is not
an accurate or cost effective means for typical Rural Water Authority channel seepage considered accurate
investigations. In order of increasing importance the method is not considered or cost effective for
accurate due to: most RWA purposes
However, groundwater observation bores are a very valuable part of the site n Groundwater bores
characterisation phase of a channel seepage investigation. Further, groundwater bores are a very useful post-
are a very useful post-remediation assessment tool, particularly for assessing the remediation tool
effectiveness of remediation on reducing near channel land degradation. Where land
degradation issues are a significant driver in a channel seepage investigation,
groundwater bores are likely to form a key investigative tool, although as discussed
above should not be relied upon to provide an accurate quantitative analysis.
7.7 Geophysics
The geophysics conclusions are set out in the following manner:
q General Conclusions
q Summary of EM31 Results
q Summary of EM34 Results
q Summary of Resistivity Results
Figure 7-1 visually depicts how these two different approaches can be used to identify
or infer seepage.
% Contribution to % Contribution to
response Watertable response
Saline groundwater
Nevertheless, it was found that the inferred method of identifying contrasts in soil n The inferred method
properties (ie, where the watertable was deeper than the penetration depth of the ‘detection’ was
geophysical equipment) was successful at most sites conducted during the trials successful at most
(ANCID, 2003). There is less risk however in using the direct method of seepage sites but not all.
There is less risk in
detection, because as the name implies it is not inferred, but direct. An example of
the direct method of
where the ‘inferred’ method of detection did not work was at Dahwilly Central where detection.
an EM31 survey was conducted while the channel was not running. The survey was
therefore measuring changes in the unsaturated zone and not in the groundwater. At
this site the silt layer in the channel, not the unsaturated zone is the restrictive layer
and therefore no correlation was observed. When the survey was repeated with the
channel running, a good correlation was obtained.
Some possible limitations of the direct method of seepage detection are listed below: n Possible limitations of
(However, it is still considered the preferred technique over inferring seepage based the direct method of
on soil property variations). detection are in non-
q In relatively non-saline groundwater environments, the fresh seepage water will saline groundwater
environments, sites
not contrast with the native groundwater. As a guide it is recommended that the
with steep ground-
groundwater salinity is at least 3 to 4 times higher than the channel water salinity. water gradients or
This is not expected to be a problem in most Australian conditions; high transmissivities
q In environments where the channel seepage water might be rapidly mixed with and sites with highly
native groundwater, such as sites with high groundwater gradients or highly variable groundwater
transmissive environments, the salinity impact on the groundwater may not be as salinity
significant. This can largely be overcome by using survey traverses close to (or
on) the channel; and,
q Groundwater salinity variations along the channel will affect the results and this
needs to be allowed for in the interpretation.
In summary, it is very important that the depth to watertable is known at the site n Knowledge of depth to
before selecting a technique. Based on this information a decision can be made as to watertable is
whether direct or inferred measurement will be undertaken and hence the technique important before
that will be adopted. technique selection
In theory on-channel resistivity surveying should be the most accurate of the n Theoretically resistivity
geophysical techniques trialed, as it is based on a direct method of seepage detection surveying should be the
(refer Section As the technique allows definition of changes in resistivity / most accurate
conductivity through the profile, the depth where seepage impacts will be most technique. At most sites
resistivity was
evident (at and below the watertable) can be targeted. At most sites resistivity
comparable to EM and
surveying results were comparable to EM31 and EM34, and at three sites (Dahwilly at three sites the results
Central, Dahwilly East and Finley) the resistivity correlations with pondage tests were were more accurate
better than the EM31 and EM34 correlations. The Dahwilly site demonstrates the
benefits of targeting the watertable for seepage detection in an environment where
seepage is not controlled by the unsaturated zone, but by a surface clogging layer in
the channel.
EM34 at 10m coil separation in the horizontal mode provides a similar depth n Fixed array
penetration to EM31 (vertical mode) and therefore is similarly accurate (but slower to geophysical surveys
use). EM34 at a 20m coil separation provides a deeper penetration and focus. At one are limited in that the
trial site, the depth focus was apparently too far below the watertable and the critical result is averaged
over a specific depth
zone was missed. This is a fundamental limitation with all Geonics EM surveys and
other such fixed array type geophysical surveys – the result is averaged over a specific
depth interval, which may not be the critical interval of interest.
However, the robustness of the EM31, as demonstrated by the consistent results in the n EM31 was generally
trials is due to its relatively shallow depth focus (1-4m). For channels where there is a demonstrated to be a
shallow watertable (eg, surface to 3-4m), EM31 can be used for direct measurement of robust technique at
seepage, which as discussed above is likely to be more reliable. When the watertable both deep and shallow
watertable sites
is deep, EM31 infers seepage from near surface soil properties. This works in most
instances but may break down where clogging processes rather than unsaturated zone
lithology control seepage.
The significant advantage of resistivity surveying is that the final output is a two n Resistivity surveying
dimensional profile of resistivity beneath the channel. Not only does this allow easier has advantage of
interpretation of the results but it can also provide an indication of seepage providing a profile of
mechanisms. For example, at the Toolondo Central site the resistivity profile shows resistivity beneath the
isolated sections of high resistivity (low seepage) emanating from the channel. This
is in contrast to the Dahwilly channel where the profile suggested seepage by
relatively continuous diffusion along the channel. This seepage mechanism is
supported by the lithology at the Dahwilly site, which indicates the entire length of
channel is underlain by approximately 10m of medium to coarse grained sand, and
hence is more likely to result in uniform seepage rather than seepage ‘hotspots’.
q EM31 Surveys:
q Wimmera Mallee Water: For 6 kms, on-land including 4 traverses on each n EM31 is currently the
side of channel (over 3 sites): $400/km (includes mobilisation, data cheapest geophysical
processing and mapping). method due to the
speed of data
q Murray Irrigation: For 8 kms, on-land including 4 traverses on each side of acquisition
channel (over 4 sites): $340/km (includes mobilisation, data processing and
q Murrumbidgee Irrigation: On-land including 4 traverses on each side of
channel, on each side of channel, the unit cost ranged from $650/km (3km
section) to $800/km (1 km section). (includes mobilisation, data processing
and mapping). On-channel survey cost was $330/km for a 3 km section.
EM31 is currently the cheapest of the geophysical methods due to the speed of
data acquisition.
q EM34 Surveys:
q Wimmera Mallee Water: For 4 kms over 2 sites: $250/km (1 traverse only n EM34 is more
on one side of the channel) ie, $500/km for both sides of channel (excludes expensive than EM31
mobilisation). as two people are
required for operation
q Murray Irrigation: For 6 kms (on each side of channel) over 3 sites: $435/km
(includes mobilisation).
EM34 is more expensive than EM31 as two people (on foot) are required to
operate the equipment.
q Multi-electrode Resistivity Surveying – The follow costs were for resistivity n Resistivity surveying
surveying across 11 sites (approximately 2km each in length) in the Wimmera, costs for seepage
Murray and Murrumbidgee Irrigation areas: assessment are
difficult to quantify as
q Resistivity towed array surveys: $900/km [Includes mobilisation (from the technique is new –
Adelaide), travel between sites, production and all equipment costs] costs are likely to
q Data processing costs: $220/km. come down over time
Note that resistivity surveying costs are difficult to quantify given that the on-
channel application of the technique is relatively new. Costs are likely to come
down as the technique is refined, the equipment becomes commercially available
and subsequently competition is introduced.
Data Processing
Data processing requirements for EM31 and EM34 surveying are minimal. By
comparison, data processing requirements for resistivity surveying are considerable,
due to the cost of inverting the data to produce a resistivity cross section. This is not
really a constraint of the technique, but adds to the overall cost of resistivity
surveying. Care needs to be taken to ensure that the contractor undertaking the
resistivity surveying also has the capability to undertake the data processing.
Approximate costs for data processing are provided above.
Generally a high degree of repeatability was observed between duplicate surveys. At n Change in ground-
two sites where there was a significant difference in the results, changes in water elevation
groundwater conditions due to channel operation accounted for the difference. These accounted for any
sites are described below: differences in
duplicate surveys
q Donald - A generally consistent increase (approximately 15 mS/m) was observed
across the surveyed area between the October 1999 survey and the September
2001 survey. This increase was caused by the more saline conditions at the time
of the 2001 survey. The channel had been running for six months prior to the
1999 survey, creating a sub-surface environment dominated by fresh water and a
flushed profile. The reduced channel running time prior to the 2001 survey
meant a relatively more saline profile and hence higher conductivity.
q Dahwilly - The average EM31 conductivity for a survey conducted when the
channel was not running was less than half the conductivity recorded while the
channel was running. This is different to what was observed at Donald, due to
y = -0.690x + 71.961 Sites with Watertable 5-10m
R = 0.889
Sites with Watertable < 2m
Pondage Test Seepage (mm/d)
y = -0.129x + 12.788
R = 0.469
0 20 40 60 80 100 120
Average EM31 Conductivity (mS/m)
Once the data was split into these two categories, depth to watertable was not found to
be a significant explanatory variable, as would be expected. The findings for the two
categories are summarised below:
q Watertable Depth Five to Ten Metres - For sites where the watertable is 5-10m n For sites with a water-
below surface, the equation found to provide the best prediction of channel table 5-10m below
seepage was: surface, EM31 was the
dominant explanatory
Seepage = 11.6 – 0.12 EM31 + 4.4 UKv (Equation 1) variable. Soil
permeability was of
secondary importance
Where, Seepage = Channel seepage (mm/d)
EM31 = EM31 conductivity adjacent each side of channel (mS/m)
UKv = Vertical hydraulic conductivity of top 2m of profile (m/day)
The equation:
• Was established with 40 data points;
• Has a correlation coefficient of 0.55;
• Has a standard error of estimate of 48% (of mean observed seepage rate)
EM31 was found to be the dominant explanatory variable with soil hydraulic
conductivity of secondary importance. Groundwater salinity and depth to
groundwater were not found to be significant explanatory variables in the
q Watertable Less Than Two Metres - For sites with a watertable within two metres n For sites with a water-
of the surface multiple linear regression analysis did not find any other variables table within 2m of the
that were significant explanatory variables beyond EM31. The fact that soil data surface EM31 was the
was not significant is expected as the groundwater near the surface is likely to only significant
dominate the response. It was somewhat surprising that groundwater salinity was explanatory variable
not found to be a significant variable for this data set, and is probably a reflection
of the limited number of sites (three) that make up the data set.
The equation:
• Was established with 40 data points; n Confidence intervals
for the regional simple
• Has a correlation coefficient of 0.47; linear regression
• Has a standard error of estimate of 51% (of mean observed seepage rate) equation indicates the
equation is useful for
Confidence intervals (for both 80% and 90%) for this relationship were established broadly classifying
and showed that the prediction equation is accompanied by quite broad prediction seepage rates
bands. This probably limits the use of this regional equation to broadly classifying
seepage rates (eg into low, medium and high categories), which is not a surprising
outcome given the wide range of sites represented by the equation.
A plot of actual seepage versus predicted seepage shows that the equation tends to n An exponential
over-estimate seepage for low seepage rates (less than 5 mm/d) and under-estimate for regression equation
high seepage rates, implying a non-linear equation may provide a better fit. An displayed a slightly
exponential regression equation was applied to the data. The fitted exponential curve less accurate
statistical fit but
showed that while there is only a marginal improvement in the correlation coefficient visually appears more
for the exponential fit (from R2 = 0.47 to 0.48), the standard error actual worsens appropriate
(from 51 % to 62%). Therefore, overall a less accurate fit is obtained using the non-
linear equation, even though it may visually appear to fit the data better.
However the advantage of the exponential fit over the linear fit is that there is less of
a pattern displayed in the observed versus predicted seepage plots (which suggests that
the more realistic model may in fact be the exponential model). Further, the linear
model places a maximum limit on the seepage of about 12 mm/d, whereas the
exponential model appears to be more realistic, allowing for higher seepage rates in
the very low conductivity range (up to around 20-25 mm/d).
Comparing the linear regression to the multiple regression, the statistics indicate that n Only a marginal
only a marginal improvement is made to the accuracy of the regression fit in the improvement is
multiple linear regression analysis (Equation 1), compared to the simple regression fit observed in the
(Equation 2). The R2 for Equation 1 was 0.55 and the standard error of estimate was multiple regression
compared to the liner
48%. Therefore a relatively modest improvement of 0.08 in the correlation coefficient
and 3% in the standard error of estimate is the only improvement gained in adding soil
permeability to the regression equation.
The equation:
• Was established with 14 data points;
• Has a correlation coefficient of 0.89;
• Has a standard error of estimate of 23% (of mean observed seepage rate)
In summary, multi-variate analysis did not significantly improve the regression model. n Multi-variable
The permeability of the upper part of the soil profile was found to be a significant analysis did not
parameter, but the improvements to the model with this parameter included were significantly improve
marginal. The cost of conducting field tests to collect this data therefore probably the regression model
outweighs the benefits.
The linear regression equation for sites with a watertable five to ten metres below
surface is a reasonable fitting equation, given the range of sites on which it is based.
However it should not be relied upon to accurately predict seepage, and should be
limited to assigning seepage to low, medium and high categories. The same
comments are applicable to the regression equation developed for sites with a shallow
watertable (less than two metres). The better statistics for these sites are attributed to
the fewer data points and smaller range of environments represented.
The equation:
• Was established with 23 data points;
• Has a correlation coefficient of 0.44;
• Has a standard error of estimate of 61% (of mean observed seepage rate)
In summary, neither the linear nor the non-linear simple regression equations were
found to be satisfactory predictors of seepage. The very wide prediction bands for the
non-linear prediction equation confirm this conclusion.
These statistics indicate that the accuracy of the regression is reasonable. However,
the results must be interpreted in light of the fact that only a few data points have been
used to form the relationship, and all data points were collected on the same channel.
Further testing to add different environments to this data set is necessary before a
reasonable degree of confidence can be placed in this prediction equation.
The following summary comments are made regarding the linear and multiple
regression analysis for the resistivity:
q The multiple regression analysis significantly improved the accuracy of the n It is likely the
regression equation compared to the simple regression with only one variable, resistivity regression
increasing the coefficient of determination from R2 = 0.21 to R2 = 0.42. analysis could be
significantly improved
q It is likely the analysis could be significantly improved by using resistivity data at by using resistivity
and immediately below the watertable for each of the sites. data at and
immediately below the
q As was the case in the EM31 multi-variate analysis, the variable which was found watertable
to be most significant in the regression equation was the vertical hydraulic
conductivity in the upper two metres (upper Kv). Again this confirms that the
upper soil profile is by far the most significant part of the profile controlling
q While this analysis indicates a moderately fitting regression equation, it could not
be used with the same degree of confidence as the EM31 based equation due to:
Two key issues regarding relationships derived between channel seepage and
geophysical response are:
1. What confidence is there that the derived relationship accurately describes seepage
within the area tested?; and,
2. How confidently can the relationship be used outside of the area tested to predict
Based on the findings of these investigations, these two issues are summarised below.
Confidence in Extrapolation
The following points need to be considered when extrapolating a geophysical –
seepage relationship outside of the area in which it was developed:
q Was the relationship strong in the area tested – This is the first test. If the n When considering the
relationship was not strong in the area in which it was derived (refer to above validity of extrapolat-
discussion) then there will be little confidence in extrapolating such a ing a geophysical-
relationship. seepage relationship
to a new area, the
q How representative is the area in which the extrapolation is to occur, of the area strength of the
in which the relationship was developed. The area in which the relationship was original relationship
developed must encompass the range of conditions over which the extrapolation needs to be assessed,
is to occur. This may be quite difficult to determine. While soil, geological, and the representat-
hydrogeological maps and even test drilling provide an indication of changes iveness of the new
area to conditions
along the channel, the results from these trials suggest that these are generally not
where the relationship
at a sufficient scale to detect how they will impact on geophysical response. For was derived
example, at the Dahwilly sites which showed reasonably similar characteristics
(depth to watertable, groundwater salinity and lithology), the EM31 conductivity
response was very different and thus extrapolation from the Dahwilly Central site
to the Dahwilly East site would have resulted in significant errors in seepage
In fact, the evidence coming out of the trials in terms of extrapolation, even to
sites that were apparently similar and usually only several kilometres along the
same channel, was that the derived relationship was not suitable to predict
seepage at the new site. The key outcome of this is that unless intensive data
collection is conducted to ensure continuity of site conditions to the area of
extrapolation, interpolation rather than extrapolation must be used. This is
explained in further detail in the following section, but essentially means that
pondage tests should be conducted at regular intervals along the entire section of
interest, to ensure that the full range of site conditions is accounted for in the
derived regression relationship.
The more data points collected from different sections along the channel that are
added to generate the regression line, may increase scatter about the regression
line. This can be seen in the high standard error of estimates for the
Rocklands/Toolondo and Waranga regression equations. This is a reflection of
1. Define project objective – why is the work being undertaken? The types of n The first step in an
questions to be asked include: investigation is to
q Is the primary objective to identify relatively high seepage points or to define the project
measure the volume of seepage? objective
At the end of this process there will be a clear definition of the reasons for undertaking
the seepage investigation (eg asset management), budget considerations, scale of the
operation (eg whole channel, specific channel lengths etc), need for accuracy, or
relativity. This process will effect all future decision making.
2. Collate Site Data It is assumed that if decisions for action have been made, there n Collation and
is already some knowledge of site conditions. In the event that there are no details evaluation of site data
key data should be collected. It is important that information on depth to will assist in
groundwater, background groundwater salinity, soil type and channel hydraulics development of a
seepage mechanism
are known or gathered, both at the site where the testing is conducted, and over the
conceptual model and
area the results are to be extrapolated. in technique selection
3. Evaluate Site Data - It is possible that the process of evaluating the data will
have already been performed, formally or intuitively, to identify the need for
action at the site. Evaluation does not have to be at a detailed level, but should be
sufficient to be able to propose a conceptual model of the seepage mechanism, to
detect where changes in these parameters may impact on the geophysical
response, and to assist in technique selection. Channel hydraulic information is
required to help determine potential channel seepage mechanisms.
q For a shallow watertable (surface to approximately 5m) EM31 is suitable for n The recommended
direct seepage detection. technique for sites
with a shallow
q For watertables deeper than 5m, EM34 (in vertical dipole mode, with the watertable is EM31
coil spacing dependent on the watertable depth) or resistivity can be used.
However, particularly for deeper watertables, it is easier to focus on a given n For sites with a water
depth with resistivity and this can be achieved independent of knowledge of table deeper than 5m,
groundwater depth. The significant advantage of resistivity is that it EM34 or resistivity
provides a profile of the resistivity beneath the channel. The disadvantage is are recommended
that resistivity technology for channel seepage assessment is relatively new
and therefore more expensive.
q EM31 (vertical dipole) adjacent the channel can be used effectively in areas with n EM31 can be used for
deeper watertables, although it does not directly measure the seepage impact on sites with deeper
the watertable. This is due to fact that the upper soil layers are the most influential watertables but relies
on channel seepage and the relatively shallow depth focus of EM31 measures on inferring rather
than directly
these upper soil layer properties. The method infers zones of likely channel
measuring seepage
seepage by identifying materials in the unsaturated zone most susceptible to
seepage. A decision to use EM31 in an area with a deep watertable might be
based on:
It this method is used however, it must be made certain that seepage is controlled by
the unsaturated zone and not surface clogging processes. Otherwise errors will
potentially be introduced to the assessment process.
The preferred geophysical techniques for seepage detection are summarised in Table
1. It is recommended EM techniques are conducted adjacent the channel (additional survey runs can be
conducted away from the channel). Resistivity surveys should be conducted on-channel.
2. Direct detection of seepage impacts on the watertable is the recommended technique, but inferred
‘detection’ based on soil property variations will often provide an adequate simulation and may be more
convenient for various reasons (refer to body of report for potential errors associated with this method).
Note that direct detection relies on a salinity contrast between the channel water and the groundwater. It is
recommended the groundwater should be at least 3 to 4 times more saline than the channel water, a
condition that will be met in the vast majority of Australian conditions.
3. Approximate detection of penetration is referred to in the Geonics manual (McNeil, 1980) as the effective
depth of exploration. This is the depth to which approximately 75% of the response is attributed.
4. The ‘depth focus’ is a term used in this report to describe the depth (range) which is most influential in
terms of the relative contribution to the overall EM response (McNeil,1980).
5. These can be conducted immediately adjacent to the channel or on-channel. Both are recommended if
budget allows. If on-channel is used for a watertable of 0-1.5m, the survey should preferentially collect
data in vertical dipole mode where the effects of channel water will be less influential. For sites with a
watertable 0-1.5m, EM31 on channel may be preferred if significant land salinisation exists adjacent the
6. Horizontal and Vertical Dipole: Note that as applied to EM34, vertical dipole does not refer to the coil
orientation with respect to the ground, and is in fact opposite to the coil orientation. In vertical dipole
mode the coils should be horizontal to the ground, which is a slower method than horizontal mode where
they are held perpendicular to the ground.
7. Resistivity is the preferred direct measurement technique for this depth to watertable but EM34 is provided
as a potentially more accessible alternative.
8. This should be conducted immediately adjacent to the channel.
9. This should be conducted on-channel.
10. The penetration depth of resistivity depends of the particular system set up (dipole spacing and length).
11. Resistivity surveys measures resistivity at a range of depths intervals within the profile (ie, there is no
fixed depth focus).
5a. Conduct geophysical survey – Undertake the geophysical survey over the section n Conduct geophysical
of interest, giving due consideration to factors such as appropriate timing of the survey survey
and other important variables (refer Section
5b. Evaluate results – Plot geophysical survey results along the section and overlay n Evaluate results and
with known site conditions (soils, geology, hydrogeology and channel hydraulic data). identify areas of
Based on these plots identify areas of suspected high, low and moderate seepage, suspected high, low
assuming low conductivity / high resistivity equates to higher seepage. and moderate seepage
5c. Conduct test drilling – Soil bores should be drilled at appropriate intervals along n Conduct test drilling
the length of the geophysical survey. The primary aim of the drilling is assist with to assist with geo-
interpretation of the geophysical survey. Some key principles of the drilling program physical interpretation
are described below:
q Based on the geophysical survey results, conduct drilling across a range of
low, moderate and high conductivity / resistivity sites;
q Drill at least some bores into the watertable, and construct some as
permanent observation bores;
q Generally drilling should be conducted on the outside toe of the channel;
q Logging and sampling of the bores should ideally be undertaken by someone
trained in soil / geological classification and a consistent classification
system should be followed.
q Depending on the density of data collected, presenting the results in a
geological long section should be considered.
5d. Conduct pondage tests - At appropriate intervals over the entire test area pondage n Conduct pondage tests
tests are to be conducted. The number of tests will depend on the length of channel across a range of
surveyed and the variability of conditions along the channel. The following guidelines geophysical survey
are suggested: response
q Pondage tests should be conducted across a range of low, moderate and high
conductivity / resistivity sites so as to establish a regression equation which
represents the range of geophysical response across the area.
q Similarly, based on the soil drilling results, the pondage tests should be
based on a range of different soil types and / or groundwater conditions.
q Pondage tests must be conducted over areas of like conductivity / resistivity.
That is they should not staddle areas of (significantly) different geophysical
response, as this will complicate interpretation of the results and
development of the regression equation.
q Due to the cost of conducting pondage tests, it is recommended that at least
two cells back to back should be conducted at each site for efficiency
purposes. Using available structures should also be considered to minimise
bank construction costs.
q The pond length can be variable, but as a guide they should generally not be
more than 400-500m and not less than 50m.
By conducting pondage tests in this manner across the area of the geophysical
survey, prediction of seepage rates outside of pondage test areas will be based on
interpolation rather than extrapolation, which improves confidence in the
5e. Develop and evaluate relationship between seepage and geophysical response –
The following key steps should be conducted:
q Plot geophysical response against pondage test seepage. n Develop and evaluate
relationship between
q Outliers in particular should be assessed in light of all available information, seepage and
including the conceptual seepage mechanism, test drilling results, channel geophysical response,
hydraulics etc. If there are legitimate grounds for excluding outliers they including regression
should be removed. analysis and
statistical significance
q If from this data two or more different trends can be observed due to of the relationship
identifiable differences in sub-surface conditions, then two different
regression equations should be generated.
q Fit a regression line through the data.
q Statistical analysis should be conducted to determine the degree of
confidence that can be placed in the derived relationship
q Using the derived relationship the channel length should be divided into
seepage categories of various seepage rates based on geophysical response,
with accompanying error estimates.
6. Evaluation - Evaluate whether investigation objectives have been met. One of n Evaluate whether
the key questions to address is whether there is sufficient confidence in the original investigation
derived relationship. In addition to the particular statistics of the regression line, objectives have been
this will largely depend on the project objectives. Further pondage tests or other met
testing may be required to further improve confidence in the relationship.
Summary of Abstract: Procedures were developed and tested for quantifying seepage
losses in unlined irrigation channel reaches in the order of 30m in length, in the
Central Nebraska Public Power and Irrigation District canal system. The procedure
uses electrical resistivity (ER) measurements while canals are in service to determine
the resistivity of the underlying clay layer. ER data were correlated to canal depth and
then to seepage rate. Seepage rates were determined using seepage meters. Accuracy
is approximately ± 20%, comparable to that achieved using stream gauges methods (±
5% error of total canal discharge). The ER approach, however can easily pinpoint
seepage zones more precisely, allowing a reduction in the length of canal lining
In summary, the only site where no relationship was observed was at Dahwilly East, n The only site where no
which was largely due to the narrow seepage rate range. At the Toolondo Central site, relationship was
where conductivity measurement was entirely above the watertable, the unsaturated observed between
zone lithology was a sufficiently accurate indicator of seepage and hence a reasonable seepage and EM34
was due to the narrow
trend was observed (a fact reinforced by the success of EM31 at the site).
seepage rate range
Significantly, the resistivity surveying showed improved correlations compared to the
EM34, for the depth slices focussed immediately below the watertable.
The Donald site survey was focussed on the saturated zone. However the EM31
survey at the site demonstrated a slightly better relationship with pondage test
seepage compared to the EM34 (R2=0.73 compared to R2=0.50), but neither survey
differentiated between the higher seeping ponds. The improved correlation is
probably attributable to the deeper depth focus of the EM31 compared to the EM34
(10m, vertical dipole configuration).
At the Rocklands and Dahwilly sites, where the penetration depth (EM34 - 10m coil
separation, vertical dipole) was just sufficient to reach the watertable (but the focus
was above the watertable), the combination of measuring lithology changes in the
unsaturated zone and seepage impacts in the saturated zone worked to provide a
reasonable indicator of seepage. However it is significant that at Dahwilly, where
resistivity surveying was conducted, an improved relationship was obtained when the
depth slice was focussed immediately below the watertable, where seepage impacts
are most discernible.
q Good relationships between EM31 conductivity and pondage tests seepage were
recorded in all three surveys at Toolondo Central. This indicates that seepage
was able to be successfully inferred based on unsaturated zone soil properties.
In summary, the only site where no relationship was observed was at Tabbita. A n At only one site was
number of possible causes for this were identified, but the predominant contributing no relationship
factor is not known. At two sites (Rocklands and Lake View Central), the adjacent observed between
channel data was used instead of all survey run data. This was required to obtain the seepage and EM31
best relationship, due to the interference effects of trees and rapid mixing of seepage
water away from the channel.
At the Toolondo Central site, where conductivity measurement was entirely above the
watertable, the unsaturated zone lithology was a sufficiently accurate indicator of
seepage and hence good trends were observed.
The Donald and Lake View site surveys were focussed on the saturated zone, and
seepage was detected as it created a conductivity low against higher background
conductivity groundwater.
At the Rocklands and Dahwilly sites, where the penetration depth of the EM31 (in n Seepage at the
vertical dipole) was just sufficient to reach the watertable, the combination of Dahwilly site is
measuring lithology changes in the unsaturated zone and seepage impacts in the controlled by a
saturated zone combined to provide a reasonable indicator of seepage. However it is surface clogging layer
– therefore techniques
significant to note that at Dahwilly, when the channel was not running, no relationship
which infer seepage
was observed. This suggests seepage impacts in the watertable are the primary based on unsaturated
detection mechanism at this site, a fact reinforced by the uniform nature of the zone soil properties
unsaturated zone lithology at the site. Seepage at Dahwilly is not controlled by the will not work
unsaturated zone but by a clogging layer at the base of the channel. Techniques which
purely infer seepage from unsaturated zone soil properties will not work at such sites
(including remediated or lined channels).
On-channel surveys did not work at sites where the watertable was beyond the range n Evidence suggests on-
of the EM31 (Toolondo), did work at sites with a shallow watertable (Donald) and channel EM31 surveys
were partially successful when the watertable was located at the edge of the depth should only be
penetration capacity of the EM31 (Rocklands). Further work is required in this area, conducted where the
watertable can be
but the evidence collected in this investigation suggests on-channel surveys should
only be conducted where the geophysical technique can penetrate into the watertable,
and ideally target the top of the watertable. For EM31 systems this would preclude
EM31 on-channel use when the watertable is deeper than approximately 4-5m.
q Central – At around 10-12m the best correlation was obtained (R2=0.6), which is n Best correlations were
the zone immediately below the watertable and fits with the expected mechanism obtained at 10-12m,
of seepage detection (ie, in the depth interval of groundwater most effected by the zone immediately
seepage). Within individual ponds, the resistivity cross sections show sub- below the watertable
sections of localised higher seepage. There is very little correlation between
seepage rates and resistivity in the unsaturated zone.
q East - The very narrow range of seepage rates and resistivity values meant that no
meaningful correlations were observed at the Toolondo East site.
q West - At and below the watertable the expected inverse trend between high n Expected correlations
resistivity - low seepage and low resistivity - high seepage was not observed. It is were not observed at
apparent that the sandstone at this site may be dominating the response. Low Toolondo West,
permeability sandstone may be causing a high resistivity response (normally possibly due to effects
of low permeability
associated with high seepage), and masking the effect of seepage on the saline
groundwater. Deeper drilling would be required to confirm this interpretation.
The reasonable correlations obtained at shallow depth (2m and 4m depth slices)
are most likely due to changes in clay content beneath the channel, and
corresponds with observed EM31 relationships.
q All Sites – The Toolondo East data (averaging 10/12/14m depth slices) lies
within the expected extrapolated range for the Central (10m) site. The West
(averaging 10/12m depth slices) data does not fit within the Central and East
relationship (possibly due to changes in lithology masking seepage impacts). The
West 2m depth slice does fit within the relationship. However without pondage
tests it would not have been known that this was the better depth on which to
q Central - Good correlations were observed at the 6m, 8m and 10m depth slices, n Good correlations
which fits with the expected mode of seepage detection below the watertable. observed at and below
Correlation coefficients worsen in the unsaturated zone. Resistivity long sections the watertable.
indicate that seepage is generally diffuse across the surveyed area, in contrast to Seepage was
Toolondo where localised seepage is evident from the resistivity data. generally diffuse.
q East – A strong correlation was observed at 6m which corresponds with the top of
the watertable. However, the very narrow range of seepage rates and small
number of data points limits the significance of these correlations.
q Both Sites - Two parallel but vertically offset regression lines for the Dahwilly n Different background
sites are recorded and there is no observed trend for the combined regression line. conditions were the
This suggests different background conditions (despite apparent similarities probable cause of lack
between sites), including finer and more clayey sands and possibly higher of trend in combined
regression equation
background salinity groundwater at Dahwilly East.
q The best correlation was observed at 4m and 6m which corresponds with the zone
below the top of the watertable (1.5m). A misleading opposite (inverse)
correlation was observed at 2m depth, when a stronger, direct correlation was
In summary, most sites displayed a good correlation between seepage and the n Most sites displayed a
resistivity at and immediately below the watertable. The two sites that did not were good correlation
Toolondo West and Lake View West. At Toolondo West it appears that the type of between seepage and
resistivity at and
sandstone at this site may be dominating the response. However deeper drilling would
immediately below the
be required to confirm this interpretation. Further investigation into the potential
variations in resistivity in sandstone is required (eg, potential effects of iron content in
rock or amount of clay in the cementing material). A reasonable trend was obtained at
shallow depth, but without the information supplied by the pondage tests this could
not have been known.
The lack of trend at the Lake View West site is probably due to the poor resolution of
the resistivity equipment at very shallow depth. This site contains the shallowest
watertable across all sites (0.5 – 1m). Improved resolution at shallow depth could
relatively easily be improved in future surveys by using exponentially rather than
linearly spaced arrays (Allen, pers. comm. 31/10/02). At Toolondo East also no
trend was observed but this is solely attributed to the very narrow range of seepage
rates at this site.
The high risk section of the channel, as categorised by the EM31 contractor based on n The initial EM31
EM magnitude, totalled approximately one-third (15km) of the length of the survey identified 15km
investigated portion of the channel. To further refine this area, a combination of the of high seepage risk
EM31 results and impermeability grade (a lithological classification devised for the channel. Combined
with lithological data
investigation based on the amount of clay in the profile) was used to identify sections 7.2km of this section
of channel which were considered to represent ‘very high’ risk areas. Using this was identified as very
system, four significant lengths of channel were identified as very high risk. The total high risk
length of the ‘very high risk’ area was 7.2 km. It was apparent to G-MW that further
investigation was required before committing to the significant expense of lining such
a length of channel.
A further 107 bores were drilled (to greater depth than the original drilling program).
The above process using impermeability grade (incorporating results from the new
bores) and EM31 response was again conducted. Following the review of the
additional drilling, the areas classified as very high seepage risk actually increased by
about 1 km (from 7.3 km to 8.3 km). This included some areas being removed and
some being added to the very high risk category.
It was then recognised that, in addition to the drilling program, pondage tests were n Pondage tests were
required to quantify seepage rates (and potentially identify a relationship between conducted to quantify
EM31 and pondage test seepage rates) and confirm interpretation of seepage rates seepage rates and
based on geology and EM31 data. Therefore 12 pondage tests were conducted at confirm geophysical
various intervals along the channel, covering a range of environments and areas of
different geophysical response.
The prediction interval bands suggested the relationship could be used to distinguish n The EM31 seepage
between sites of low and high seepage, but is limited in interpreting mid-range relationship could be
seepage. An improvement would be expected if the top of the watertable was used to distinguish
targeted, rather than inferring seepage from unsaturated zone soil properties, as much between sites of high
and low seepage.
of the seepage in the Waranga Western Channel is probably controlled by the silt layer
in the channel and not the unsaturated zone. Given that the ponds were significantly
spaced apart, it was concluded that this relationship can be used for interpolation,
bearing in mind the associated broad prediction intervals associated with the
regression line.
Based on the results of the pondage test areas, the relationship with EM31 and the n Based on the EM31 -
drilling program, the areas recommended for remediation were finalised. Sites were seepage relationship,
defined as either priority one or priority two seepage risk sites, depending on the pondage tests and
degree of perceived seepage risk. Priority one sites were considered to require drilling, sites were
defined in terms of
remediating as part of the upgrade, while priority two sites were to be monitored
seepage priority
closely for seepage following the upgrade. Given the uncertainty in the EM31 –
seepage relationship, the EM31 predicted seepage was not used as the sole means of
assigning seepage risk but geological data and visual observations were also integrated
into the decision making.
However, groundwater observation bores are a very valuable part of the site
characterisation phase of a channel seepage investigation. Further, groundwater bores
are a very useful post-remediation assessment tool, particularly for assessing the
effectiveness of remediation on reducing near channel land degradation. Where land
degradation issues are a significant driver in a channel seepage investigation,
groundwater bores are likely to form a key investigative tool, although as discussed
above should not be relied upon to provide an accurate quantitative analysis.
Technically the second method of ‘detection’ is not really detection, but the magnitude
of seepage is assumed to be related to unsaturated zone soil properties. In many cases
this is a reasonable assumption, supported by the fact that the inferred method of
detection was successful at most, but not all sites investigated in the trials. The
unsaturated zone is not necessarily the controlling influence on seepage, and
particularly in Australian conditions seepage is often controlled by a clogging (silt)
layer. Therefore, there is less risk in using the direct method of seepage detection.
The direct method of detection cannot be used in relatively non-saline groundwater
environments, as the fresh seepage water will not contrast with the native
groundwater. As a guide it is recommended that groundwater salinity is at least three
to four times higher than the channel water salinity.
It is very important that the depth to watertable is known at the site before selecting a
geophysical technique. Based on this information a decision can be made as to
whether direct or inferred measurement will be undertaken and hence the technique
that will be adopted.
The three techniques trialed in this investigation (EM31, EM34 and resistivity) are
discussed in terms of each of these criteria.
The accuracy of a given geophysical technique will depend on whether inferred or
direct seepage detection is used. Generally direct measurement should be considered
more reliable than inferred measurement. For direct measurement the accuracy will
depend on how well the watertable is targeted. Therefore in theory on-channel
resistivity surveying should be the most accurate geophysical technique, as it is based
on direct seepage detection and can target the watertable independent of depth. At
most sites in the trials resistivity surveying results were comparable to EM31 and
EM34, and at three sites correlations with pondage tests were better than the EM
correlations. The other significant advantage of resistivity surveying is that the final
The fundamental limitation with all EM surveys and other such fixed array type
geophysical surveys is that the result is averaged over a specific depth interval, which
may not be the critical interval of interest. Therefore (for direct detection) the
accuracy depends on how well the watertable is targeted by the particular EM
equipment, which in turn depends on the watertable depth. If the correct EM
equipment is selected to suit the watertable depth, in theory it should be close to the
accuracy of resistivity surveying.
The robustness of EM31, as demonstrated by the consistent results in the trials is due
to its relatively shallow depth focus (1-4m). For channels where there is a shallow
watertable (eg, surface to 3-4m), EM31 can be used for direct measurement of
seepage, which as discussed above is likely to be more reliable. When the watertable
is deep, EM31 infers seepage from near surface soil properties, which is suitably
accurate in most instances.
Availability of Operators
A number of commercial EM34 and EM31 contractors are in operation in South East
Australia. At present on-channel resistivity surveying is still in a development phase
and as such there are no commercially operating contractors who specialise in this
type of survey, but a number of geophysical exploration / surveying companies have
the capability to develop this type of equipment.
Data Processing
Data processing requirements for EM31 and EM34 surveying are minimal. By
comparison, data processing requirements for resistivity surveying are much higher,
due to the cost of inverting the data to produce a resistivity cross section.
q Off-set distance and location for on-land surveys – The evidence collected in
these surveys indicates the best off-set distance for on-land surveys is
immediately adjacent the outside toe of the channel. At sites without a steep
gradient or high transmissivity, an average of survey traverses up to 50m on each
side of the channel was found to improve the correlation between seepage and the
geophysical survey at most sites. Traverses on either side of the channel are
recommended, but if the budget is a significant constraint, a traverse on the
down-slope side of the channel should be the priority. Repeatability
Generally a high degree of repeatability was observed between duplicate surveys. At
two sites where there was a significant difference in the results, changes in
groundwater conditions due to channel operation accounted for the difference.
Based on distinct trends between sites with shallow and deeper watertables, the sites
were split into two data sets based on depth to watertable, in order to improve the
accuracy of the fitted regression model. For sites with a deep watertable (5-10m
below surface) the permeability of the top 2m of the profile was shown to be an
explanatory variable of secondary importance.
Statistically the regional fitted regression models were generally moderate to good,
with correlation coefficients of around 0.5 – 0.6 and standard error of estimates of
around 50%. In some cases a higher correlation coefficient and relatively low
standard estimate of error was obtained, however this was for data sets with fewer data
points – greater number of points are required to improve confidence in these models.
Confidence intervals (80% and 90%) for the regression lines were generally fairly
broad, indicating that these regional equations can only be used to broadly classify
seepage rates (eg, into low, medium and high categories). Consequently it is
recommended that there is currently insufficient confidence in these regression
equations for their use to predict seepage at new sites without local calibration against
pondage tests.
In most instances the multi-variate analysis did not significantly improve the
regression model. The addition of the soil permeability parameter (for sites with a
deep watertable), while statistically significant, generally only resulted in marginal
improvements to the model. The cost of conducting field tests to collect this data
therefore probably outweighs the benefits.
Inferred ‘Detection’
q EM31 (vertical dipole) adjacent the channel can be used effectively in areas
with deeper watertables to infer seepage based on upper soil layer properties.
A decision to use EM31 in an area with a deep watertable might be made due to
budget constraints, where a potentially slightly lower level of accuracy is considered
acceptable, or due to a lack of alternatives (eg, EM34 or resistivity contractors not
readily available). It this method is used however, it must be made certain that
seepage is controlled by the unsaturated zone and not surface clogging processes.
In summary, the only site where no relationship was observed was at Dahwilly East,
which was largely due to the narrow seepage rate range. At the Toolondo Central site,
where conductivity measurement was entirely above the watertable (ie, inferred), the
unsaturated zone lithology was a sufficiently accurate indicator of seepage and hence a
reasonable trend was observed. At the Rocklands and Dahwilly sites, where the
penetration depth was just sufficient to reach the watertable (but the focus was above
the watertable), the combination of measuring lithology changes in the unsaturated
zone and seepage impacts in the saturated zone worked to provide a reasonable
indicator of seepage.
Toolondo - Good relationships between EM31 and pondage test seepage were
recorded in all three surveys at Toolondo Central and a high degree of repeatability
Rocklands - A good relationship was observed between EM31 response adjacent the
channel and pondage test seepage. A poor response was observed when all survey
runs were used, largely due to the effect of trees adjacent one pond. On-channel
results were varied. No trend was observed in vertical dipole mode and a reasonable
correlation was observed in horizontal dipole mode.
Donald Main - A good relationship was observed between EM31 and pondage test
seepage. The technique distinguished between high and low seepage but not within
the high seepage range. Moderate to good relationships were also observed for the on-
channel surveys in both dipole modes, supporting the theory that EM31 on-channel
surveys are suitable if the depth to watertable is within the EM31 range (ie, 6m).
Dahwilly - For a survey conducted when the channel was not running, no relationship
was observed between EM31 and seepage. In a repeat survey conducted when the
channel was operating, a good relationship was observed. The initial survey failed
because water seeped from the previous season had mixed with the native
groundwater, and no salinity contrast remained. While unsaturated zone lithology is a
good indicator of seepage at some sites, at Dahwilly it is not the unsaturated zone
controlling seepage, but the clogging layer at the channel surface. Therefore seepage
must be detected in terms of its direct impact on the watertable.
The relationship established for the two Dahwilly sites was moderately strong, despite
the fact that the East site on its own displays a very weak correlation, due to a very
narrow seepage rate range. The slightly deeper watertable at the East site appears to
have put the watertable largely beyond the range of the EM31 and hence very different
results are obtained compared to the Central site. Better correlations at both sites were
obtained using the resistivity due to better targeting of the watertable.
Lake View – A poor relationship was obtained at Lake View central using all data,
but a much improved relationship (to moderate) was observed using adjacent channel
data. Interpretation is limited at this site due to the very narrow seepage rate range.
The relationship established for both sites was moderately strong with a high
correlation coefficient but the two data sets creating the regression line have small
conductivity and seepage rate ranges.
Tabbita - No relationship was observed between EM31 and seepage at this site.
Possible reasons for the failure of the technique at this site include the narrow range of
seepage rates, the seepage mechanism may be such that majority of seeped water does
not reach watertable, EM31 vertical dipole orientation may penetrate too deeply into
the native groundwater, and the method of averaging conductivity may not be
appropriate at this site.
In summary of the EM31 results, the only site where no relationship was observed was
at Tabbita. A number of possible causes for this were identified, but the predominant
contributing factor is not known. At two sites the adjacent channel data was used
instead of all survey run data. This was required to obtain the best relationship, due to
the interference effects of trees and rapid mixing of seepage water away from the
channel. At the Toolondo Central site, where conductivity measurement was entirely
above the watertable, the unsaturated zone lithology was a sufficiently accurate
indicator of seepage and hence good trends were observed. The Donald and Lake
View site surveys were focussed on the saturated zone, and seepage was detected as it
created a conductivity low against higher background conductivity groundwater. At
Waranga, a reasonable (to poor) relationship was observed, however improvements
might be expected using a technique targeting the top of the watertable at this site.
At the Rocklands and Dahwilly sites, where the penetration depth of the EM31 (in
vertical dipole) was just sufficient to reach the watertable, the combination of
measuring lithology changes in the unsaturated zone and seepage impacts in the
saturated zone combined to provide a reasonable indicator of seepage. However it is
significant to note that when the channel was not running, no relationship was
observed. This suggests seepage impacts in the watertable are the primary detection
mechanism at this site. Seepage at Dahwilly is not controlled by the unsaturated zone
but by a clogging layer at the base of the channel. Techniques which purely infer
seepage from unsaturated zone soil properties will not work at such sites.
On-channel surveys did not work at sites where the watertable was beyond the range
of the EM31 (Toolondo), did work at sites with a shallow watertable (Donald) and
were partially successful when the watertable was located at the edge of the depth
penetration capacity of the EM31 (Rocklands). Further work is required in this area,
but the evidence collected in this investigation suggests on-channel surveys should
only be conducted where the geophysical technique can penetrate into the watertable,
and ideally target the top of the watertable. For EM31 systems this would preclude
EM31 on-channel use when the watertable is deeper than approximately 4-5m.
Based on the regression relationship established at the Toolondo Central site, the
Toolondo East data lies within the expected extrapolated range for the Central site.
The Toolondo West data does not fit within the Central and East relationship however,
possibly due to changes in lithology described above.
Dahwilly - Good correlations were observed at Dahwilly Central (for the 6m to 10m
depth slices), which fits with the expected mode of seepage detection below the
watertable. At Dahwilly East a strong correlation was observed at 6m which
corresponds with the top of the watertable. However, this is based on a very narrow
range of seepage rates and small number of data points.
The two regression lines for the Dahwilly sites are parallel but vertically offset and
there is no observed trend for the combined regression line. This suggests different
background conditions, including more clayey sands and possibly higher background
salinity groundwater at Dahwilly East.
Finley - The best correlation was observed at 4 - 6m which corresponds with the zone
below the top of the watertable (1.5m). An inverse correlation observed at 2m depth
is probably a reflection of the poor surface resolution of the resistivity equipment.
Lake View - At Lake View Central the best correlation was observed at 6m and 8m,
which corresponds with the zone several metres below the top of the watertable
(1.5m). A very weak trend was observed at 2m and an inverse correlation at 4m
depth. As previously noted, this may be a reflection of the poor near surface
resolution of the resistivity equipment. Site lithology below the watertable may also
be significantly contributing to the response. At the Lake View West site there was no
meaningful relationship immediately below the watertable. This is attributed to either
poor near surface resolution and/or an 'anomalous' resistivity result in one pond.
Neither the relationship derived from the 2m or 6m depth slice from Lake View
Central could have been used to accurately predict seepage at Lake View West. Using
the Central site to predict seepage at the Lake View West site would have caused
significant under-estimation of actual seepage.
In summary, most sites displayed a good correlation between seepage and the
resistivity at and immediately below the watertable. The two sites that did not were
Toolondo West and Lake View West. At Toolondo West it appears that the type of
sandstone at this site may be dominating the response. However deeper drilling would
be required to confirm this interpretation.
Initially a combination of the EM31 results and a lithological classification devised for
the investigation based on the amount of clay in the profile was used to identify
sections of channel which were considered to represent ‘very high’ risk areas. It was
then recognised that, in addition to the drilling program, pondage tests were required
to quantify seepage rates and confirm interpretation of seepage rates based on geology
and EM31 data. Therefore 12 pondage tests were conducted at various intervals along
the channel, covering a range of environments and geophysical response.
Based on the results of the pondage tests, the regression relationship between EM31
and the pondage tests and the drilling program, the areas recommended for
remediation were finalised. Sites were defined as either priority one or priority two
seepage risk sites, depending on the degree of perceived seepage risk. Given the
broad confidence intervals in the EM31 – seepage relationship, the EM31 predicted
seepage was not used as the sole means of assigning seepage risk but geological data
and visual observations were also integrated into the decision making process. The
WWC seepage investigation is a good example of the integration of geophysical,
geological and pondage test data to determine areas of highest seepage risk.
Goulburn Murray Water (G-MW), 2000: Evaluation of EM31 to identify areas subject
to channel seepage – Waranga Western Channel – Boort. (Unpublished report),
December 2000.
Hotchkiss, R.H., Wingert, C.B. and Kelly, W.E., 2001. Determining Irrigation Canal
Seepage with Electrical Resistivity. Journal of Irrigation and Drainage
Engineering, January / February 2001.
McConachy, F., 1993. Channel Seepage Study. Rural Water Corporation, Salinity
Unit, Kerang, (unpublished report).
Smith, R.J., and Turner, A.K., 1982. Measurements of Seepage from Earthen
Irrigation Channels. Civ. Eng. Trans., Inst. Eng. Aust., CE24(4): 338-345.
Seepage Rate Vs Time For Pondage Test One: Donald Main Channel Seepage Rate Vs Time For Pondage Test Two: Donald Main Channel
80 80
70 70
60 60
50 50
40 40
30 30
20 20
10 10
0 0
21/12/00 22/12/00 23/12/00 24/12/00 25/12/00 26/12/00 27/12/00 28/12/00 29/12/00 30/12/00 21/12/00 22/12/00 23/12/00 24/12/00 25/12/00 26/12/00 27/12/00 28/12/00 29/12/00
Time Time
Seepage Rate Vs Time For Pondage Test Three: Donald Main Channel Seepage Rate Vs Time For Pondage Test Four: Donald Main Channel
80 80
70 70
Seepage Rate (m 3/m2/day; mm/day)
60 60
50 50
40 40
30 30
20 20
10 10
0 0
21/12/00 22/12/00 23/12/00 24/12/00 25/12/00 26/12/00 27/12/00 28/12/00 29/12/00 21/12/00 22/12/00 23/12/00 24/12/00 25/12/00 26/12/00 27/12/00 28/12/00 29/12/00 30/12/00
Time Time
Seepage Rate Vs Time For Pondage Test Five: Donald Main Channel Seepage Rate Vs Time For Pondage Test Six: Donald Main Channel
80 80
70 70
Seepage Rate (m 3/m2/day; mm/day)
60 60
50 50
40 40
30 30
20 20
10 10
0 0
21/12/00 22/12/00 23/12/00 24/12/00 25/12/00 26/12/00 27/12/00 28/12/00 29/12/00 30/12/00 21/12/00 22/12/00 23/12/00 24/12/00 25/12/00 26/12/00 27/12/00 28/12/00 29/12/00 30/12/00
Time Time
Seepage Rate Vs Time For Pondage Test One: Toolondo Channel Seepage Rate Vs Time For Pondage Test Two: Toolondo Channel
25 25
15 15
10 10
5 5
0 0
18/03/01 20/03/01 22/03/01 24/03/01 26/03/01 28/03/01 30/03/01 1/04/01 18/03/01 20/03/01 22/03/01 24/03/01 26/03/01 28/03/01 30/03/01 1/04/01
Time Time
Seepage Rate Vs Time For Pondage Test Three: Toolondo Channel Seepage Rate Vs Time For Pondage Test Four: Toolondo Channel
25 25
Seepage Rate (m3/m2/day; mm/day)
20 20
15 15
10 10
5 5
0 0
18/03/2001 20/03/2001 22/03/2001 24/03/2001 26/03/2001 28/03/2001 30/03/2001 1/04/2001 18/03/2001 20/03/2001 22/03/2001 24/03/2001 26/03/2001 28/03/2001 30/03/2001 1/04/2001
Time Time
Seepage Rate Vs Time For Pondage Test Five: Toolondo Channel Seepage Rate Vs Time For Pondage Test Six: Toolondo Channel
25 25
Seepage Rate (m3/m2/day; mm/day)
20 20
15 15
10 10
5 5
0 0
18/03/01 20/03/01 22/03/01 24/03/01 26/03/01 28/03/01 30/03/01 1/04/01 18/03/01 20/03/01 22/03/01 24/03/01 26/03/01 28/03/01 30/03/01 1/04/01
Time Time
Seepage Rate (mm/day)
19/03/2002 21/03/2002 23/03/2002 25/03/2002 27/03/2002 29/03/2002 31/03/2002 2/04/2002
Seepage Rate Vs Time For Pondage Test One: Toolondo (East) Seepage Rate Vs Time For Pondage Test Two: Toolondo (East)
14 5
12 4
Seepage Rate (mm/day)
-4 -5
-6 -6
Time Time
Seepage Rate Vs Time For Pondage Test Three: Toolondo (East) Seepage Rate Vs Time For Pondage Test Four: Toolondo (East)
5 10
Seepage Rate (mm/day)
Seepage Rate (mm/day)
1 4
19/03/2002 21/03/2002 23/03/2002 25/03/2002 27/03/2002 29/03/2002 31/03/2002 2/04/2002 2
-2 0
19/03/2002 21/03/2002 23/03/2002 25/03/2002 27/03/2002 29/03/2002 31/03/2002 2/04/2002
-6 -6
Time Time
Seepage Rate Vs Time For Pondage Test One: Toolondo West Seepage Rate Vs Time For Pondage Test Two: Toolondo West
7 10
Seepage Rate (mm/day)
0 0
19/03/2002 21/03/2002 23/03/2002 25/03/2002 27/03/2002 29/03/2002 31/03/2002 2/04/2002 19/03/2002 21/03/2002 23/03/2002 25/03/2002 27/03/2002 29/03/2002 31/03/2002 2/04/2002
-4 -6
Time Time
Seepage Rate Vs Time For Pondage Test Three: Toolondo West Seepage Rate Vs Time For Pondage Test Four: Toolondo West
25 25
Seepage Rate (mm/day)
Seepage Rate (mm/day)
19/03/2002 21/03/2002 23/03/2002 25/03/2002 27/03/2002 29/03/2002 31/03/2002 2/04/2002
-5 19/03/2002 21/03/2002 23/03/2002 25/03/2002 27/03/2002 29/03/2002 31/03/2002 2/04/2002
Time Time
Seepage Rate Vs Time For Pondage Test One: Rocklands Channel Seepage Rate Vs Time For Pondage Test Two: Rocklands Channel
30 30
25 25
Seepage Rate (m3/m2/day; mm/day)
15 15
10 10
5 5
0 0
14/03/01 16/03/01 18/03/01 20/03/01 22/03/01 24/03/01 26/03/01 28/03/01 14/03/01 16/03/01 18/03/01 20/03/01 22/03/01 24/03/01 26/03/01 28/03/01
Time Time
Seepage Rate Vs Time For Pondage Test Three: Rocklands Channel Seepage Rate Vs Time For Pondage Test Four: Rocklands Channel
30 30
25 25
Seepage Rate (m3/m2/day; mm/day)
20 20
15 15
10 10
5 5
0 0
14/03/01 16/03/01 18/03/01 20/03/01 22/03/01 24/03/01 26/03/01 28/03/01 14/03/01 16/03/01 18/03/01 20/03/01 22/03/01 24/03/01 26/03/01 28/03/01
Time Time
Seepage Rate Vs Time For Pondage Test Five: Rocklands Channel Seepage Rate Vs Time For Pondage Test Six: Rocklands Channel
30 30
25 25
Seepage Rate (m3/m2/day; mm/day)
20 20
15 15
10 10
5 5
0 0
14/03/01 16/03/01 18/03/01 20/03/01 22/03/01 24/03/01 26/03/01 28/03/01 14/03/01 16/03/01 18/03/01 20/03/01 22/03/01 24/03/01 26/03/01 28/03/01
Time Time
Seepage Rate Vs Time For Pondage Test One: Tabbita Seepage Rate Vs Time For Pondage Test Two: Tabbita
16 16
14 14
12 12
10 10
8 8
6 6
4 4
2 2
0 0
18/06/01 19/06/01 20/06/01 21/06/01 22/06/01 23/06/01 24/06/01 25/06/01 26/06/01 18/06/01 19/06/01 20/06/01 21/06/01 22/06/01 23/06/01 24/06/01 25/06/01 26/06/01
Time Time
Seepage Rate Vs Time For Pondage Test Three: Tabbita Seepage Rate Vs Time For Pondage Test Four: Tabbita
16 16
14 14
Seepage Rate (m3/m2/day; mm/day)
Seepage Rate (m3/m2/day; mm/day)
12 12
10 10
8 8
6 6
4 4
2 2
0 0
18/06/01 19/06/01 20/06/01 21/06/01 22/06/01 23/06/01 24/06/01 25/06/01 26/06/01 18/06/01 19/06/01 20/06/01 21/06/01 22/06/01 23/06/01 24/06/01 25/06/01 26/06/01
Time Time
Seepage Rate Vs Time For Pondage Test Five: Tabbita Seepage Rate Vs Time For Pondage Test Six: Tabbita
16 16
14 14
Seepage Rate (m3/m2/day; mm/day)
Seepage Rate (m3/m2/day; mm/day)
12 12
10 10
8 8
6 6
4 4
2 2
0 0
18/06/01 19/06/01 20/06/01 21/06/01 22/06/01 23/06/01 24/06/01 25/06/01 26/06/01 18/06/01 19/06/01 20/06/01 21/06/01 22/06/01 23/06/01 24/06/01 25/06/01 26/06/01
Time Time
Seepage Rate Vs Time For Pondage Test One: Lake View Branch Canal Seepage Rate Vs Time For Pondage Test Two: Lake View Branch Canal
16 16
14 14
Seepage Rate (m3/m2/day; mm/day)
10 10
8 8
6 6
4 4
2 2
0 0
25/06/01 26/06/01 27/06/01 28/06/01 29/06/01 30/06/01 1/07/01 2/07/01 3/07/01 25/06/01 26/06/01 27/06/01 28/06/01 29/06/01 30/06/01 1/07/01 2/07/01 3/07/01
Time Time
Seepage Rate Vs Time For Pondage Test Three: Lake View Branch Canal Seepage Rate Vs Time For Pondage Test Four: Lake View Branch Canal
16 16
14 14
Seepage Rate (m3/m2/day; mm/day)
12 12
10 10
8 8
6 6
4 4
2 2
0 0
25/06/01 26/06/01 27/06/01 28/06/01 29/06/01 30/06/01 1/07/01 2/07/01 3/07/01 25/06/01 26/06/01 27/06/01 28/06/01 29/06/01 30/06/01 1/07/01 2/07/01 3/07/01
Time Time
Seepage Rate Vs Time For Pondage Test Five: Lake View Branch Canal Seepage Rate Vs Time For Pondage Test Six: Lake View Branch Canal
16 16
14 14
Seepage Rate (m3/m2/day; mm/day)
12 12
10 10
8 8
6 6
4 4
2 2
0 0
25/06/01 26/06/01 27/06/01 28/06/01 29/06/01 30/06/01 1/07/01 2/07/01 3/07/01 25/06/01 26/06/01 27/06/01 28/06/01 29/06/01 30/06/01 1/07/01 2/07/01 3/07/01
Time Time
Seepage Rate Vs Time For Pondage Test One: Lake View Branch Canal Seepage Rate Vs Time For Pondage Test Two: Lake View Branch Canal
10 10
9 9
8 8
Seepage Rate (mm/day)
5 5
26/06/2002 27/06/2002 28/06/2002 29/06/2002 30/06/2002 1/07/2002 2/07/2002 3/07/2002 4/07/2002
Time 26/06/2002 27/06/2002 28/06/2002 29/06/2002 30/06/2002 1/07/2002 2/07/2002 3/07/2002 4/07/2002
Seepage Rate Vs Time For Pondage Test Three: Lake View Branch Canal Seepage Rate Vs Time For Pondage Test Four: Lake View Branch Canal
10 10
9 9
8 8
7 7
Seepage Rate (mm/day)
Seepage Rate (mm/day)
6 6
5 5
4 4
3 3
2 2
1 1
0 0
26/06/2002 27/06/2002 28/06/2002 29/06/2002 30/06/2002 1/07/2002 2/07/2002 3/07/2002 4/07/2002 26/06/2002 27/06/2002 28/06/2002 29/06/2002 30/06/2002 1/07/2002 2/07/2002 3/07/2002 4/07/2002
Time Time
Seepage Rate Vs Time For Pondage Test One: Lake View West Seepage Rate Vs Time For Pondage Test Two: Lake View West
35 35
30 30
25 25
Seepage Rate (mm/day)
15 15
10 10
5 5
0 0
26/06/2002 27/06/2002 28/06/2002 29/06/2002 30/06/2002 1/07/2002 2/07/2002 3/07/2002 4/07/2002 26/06/2002 27/06/2002 28/06/2002 29/06/2002 30/06/2002 1/07/2002 2/07/2002 3/07/2002 4/07/2002
Time Time
Seepage Rate Vs Time For Pondage Test Three: Lake View West Seepage Rate Vs Time For Pondage Test Four: Lake View West
50 40
Seepage Rate (mm/day)
25 20
0 0
26/06/2002 27/06/2002 28/06/2002 29/06/2002 30/06/2002 1/07/2002 2/07/2002 3/07/2002 4/07/2002 26/06/2002 27/06/2002 28/06/2002 29/06/2002 30/06/2002 1/07/2002 2/07/2002 3/07/2002 4/07/2002
Time Time
Seepage Rate Vs Time For Pondage Test One: Dahwilly Channel Seepage Rate Vs Time For Pondage Test Two: Dahwilly Channel
60 60
50 50
40 40
30 30
20 20
10 10
0 0
2/06/2001 4/06/2001 6/06/2001 8/06/2001 10/06/2001 12/06/2001 14/06/2001 16/06/2001 18/06/2001 20/06/2001 2/06/2001 4/06/2001 6/06/2001 8/06/2001 10/06/2001 12/06/2001 14/06/2001 16/06/2001 18/06/2001 20/06/2001
Time Time
Seepage Rate Vs Time For Pondage Test Three: Dahwilly Channel Seepage Rate Vs Time For Pondage Test Four: Dahwilly Channel
60 60
50 50
Seepage Rate (m3/m2/day; mm/day)
40 40
30 30
20 20
10 10
0 0
2/06/2001 4/06/2001 6/06/2001 8/06/2001 10/06/2001 12/06/2001 14/06/2001 16/06/2001 18/06/2001 20/06/2001 2/06/2001 4/06/2001 6/06/2001 8/06/2001 10/06/2001 12/06/2001 14/06/2001 16/06/2001 18/06/2001 20/06/2001
Time Time
Seepage Rate Vs Time For Pondage Test Five: Dahwilly Channel Seepage Rate Vs Time For Pondage Test Six: Dahwilly Channel
60 60
50 50
Seepage Rate (m3/m2/day; mm/day)
40 40
30 30
20 20
10 10
0 0
2/06/2001 4/06/2001 6/06/2001 8/06/2001 10/06/2001 12/06/2001 14/06/2001 16/06/2001 18/06/2001 20/06/2001 2/06/2001 4/06/2001 6/06/2001 8/06/2001 10/06/2001 12/06/2001 14/06/2001 16/06/2001 18/06/2001 20/06/2001
Time Time
Finley Pondage Test 1 (July 2001) Finley Pondage Test 2 (July 2001)
20 20
Pond 1 Pond 2
5 5
0 0
06/07/01 08/07/01 10/07/01 12/07/01 14/07/01 16/07/01 18/07/01 20/07/01 22/07/01 06/07/01 08/07/01 10/07/01 12/07/01 14/07/01 16/07/01 18/07/01 20/07/01 22/07/01
-5 -5
Time Time
Finley Pondage Test 3 (July 2001) Finley Pondage Test 4 (July 2001)
20 20
Pond 3 Pond 4
Average Gauge Drop - Evap + Rainfall (mm)
10 10
5 5
0 0
06/07/01 08/07/01 10/07/01 12/07/01 14/07/01 16/07/01 18/07/01 20/07/01 22/07/01 06/07/01 08/07/01 10/07/01 12/07/01 14/07/01 16/07/01 18/07/01 20/07/01 22/07/01
-5 -5
Time Time
Seepage Rate Vs Time For Pondage Test One: Dahwilly Central (Ponds 1-5) Seepage Rate Vs Time For Pondage Test Two: Dahwilly Central (Ponds 1-5)
8 9
7 8
Seepage Rate (mm/day)
1 1
0 0
5/06/2002 7/06/2002 9/06/2002 11/06/2002 13/06/2002 15/06/2002 17/06/2002 19/06/2002 21/06/2002 23/06/2002 5/06/2002 7/06/2002 9/06/2002 11/06/2002 13/06/2002 15/06/2002 17/06/2002 19/06/2002 21/06/2002 23/06/2002
Time Time
Seepage Rate Vs Time For Pondage Test Four: Dahwilly Central (Ponds 1-5)
Seepage Rate Vs Time For Pondage Test Three: Dahwilly Central (Ponds 1-
5) 14
16 12
m m 10
m/ 12 m/
da da
y) y)
Se 8
Se 10
ep ep
ag 8 ag
e e
Ra Ra
te te
( (
2 2
5/06/2002 7/06/2002 9/06/2002 11/06/2002 13/06/2002 15/06/2002 17/06/2002 19/06/2002 21/06/2002 23/06/2002
5/06/2002 7/06/2002 9/06/2002 11/06/2002 13/06/2002 15/06/2002 17/06/2002 19/06/2002 21/06/2002 23/06/2002
Seepage Rate Vs Time For Pondage Test Five: Dahwilly Central (Ponds 1-5)
Seepage Rate (mm/day)
5/06/2002 7/06/2002 9/06/2002 11/06/2002 13/06/2002 15/06/2002 17/06/2002 19/06/2002 21/06/2002 23/06/2002
Seepage Rate (mm/day)
5/06/2002 7/06/2002 9/06/2002 11/06/2002 13/06/2002 15/06/2002 17/06/2002 19/06/2002 21/06/2002 23/06/2002
Seepage Rate Vs Time For Pondage Test One (6): Dahwilly Channel Central -
6 Remediated Ponds
Seepage Rate (mm/day)
5/06/2002 7/06/2002 9/06/2002 11/06/2002 13/06/2002 15/06/2002 17/06/2002 19/06/2002 21/06/2002 23/06/2002
Seepage Rate Vs Time For Pondage Test One: Dahwilly East (Pretty Pine)
Seepage Rate (mm/day)
29/05/2002 3/06/2002 8/06/2002 13/06/2002 18/06/2002 23/06/2002
Seepage Rate Vs Time For Pondage Test Two: Dahwilly East (Pretty Pine)
Seepage Rate (mm/day)
29/05/2002 3/06/2002 8/06/2002 13/06/2002 18/06/2002 23/06/2002
Seepage Rate Vs Time For Pondage Test Three: Dahwilly East (Pretty Pine)
Seepage Rate (mm/day)
29/05/2002 3/06/2002 8/06/2002 13/06/2002 18/06/2002 23/06/2002
Seepage Rate (mm/day)
31/05/2002 3/06/2002 6/06/2002 9/06/2002 12/06/2002 15/06/2002 18/06/2002 21/06/2002
Seepage Rate (mm/day)
31/05/2002 3/06/2002 6/06/2002 9/06/2002 12/06/2002 15/06/2002 18/06/2002 21/06/2002
Seepage Rate (mm/day)
31/05/2002 3/06/2002 6/06/2002 9/06/2002 12/06/2002 15/06/2002 18/06/2002 21/06/2002
Estimated Water Level Supply Level Start Level Estimated Water Level Supply Level Start Level
105.74 105.71
Water Level (m AHD)
seepage loss
105.64 105.64
105.6 105.61
Date Date
105.65 104.26
105.62 104.22
105.61 104.20
Date Date
Estimated Water Level Supply Level Start Level Estimated Water Level Supply Level Start Level
104.34 104.30
104.32 seepage loss
seepage loss
Water Level (m AHD)
104.28 104.26
104.26 104.25
104.20 104.21
Date Date
Estimated Water Level Supply Level Start Level Estimated Water Level Supply Level Start Level
104.30 104.30
104.20 104.20
seepage loss
103.60 103.70
Date Date
Estimated Water Level Supply Level Start Level Estimated Water Level Supply Level Start Level
104.15 103.95
seepage loss 103.90
Water Level (m AHD)
Water Level (m AHD)
103.95 seepage loss
103.80 103.75
103.70 103.70
Date Date
Water Level (m AHD)
The vertical hydraulic conductivity for each pondage cell was calculated based on the following formula (after Freeze and Cherry, 1979). For each layer ‘d’ (as shown in the figure below) where different soil types were
encountered within the one pondage cell, the average of the different soil types was used, as shown in the above example.
d1 k1
d2 k2
dn kn
Kz = n
i =1 K i
All remote sensing techniques for channel seepage detection assume that channel
seepage has a surface expression adjacent to the channel. This may be detected as
increased soil moisture and / or vegetation vigour and water status. These techniques
are limited to detecting seepage that migrates laterally through the channel banks,
and/or re-surfaces near the channel toe. Remote sensing cannot account for seepage
that moves vertically to the groundwater and does not re-surface. A key aspect of
remotely sensed data is that it must be at a suitable resolution to allow definition of
seepage zones. Typical seepage zones may be 10 – 20 m in width adjacent to a 10 –
20 m channel. Therefore ground resolutions of less than 10 m are required.
The proposed project was to be inter-related with the EM surveys and soil survey
assessments. It was proposed that the results be brought into the proposed project
using GIS.
Figure E-1 shows the major regions of the electromagnetic spectrum that are used in
remote sensing. The regions most useful for channel seepage detection include
visible, reflected (near) infrared and thermal infrared.
0.2µm 0.5 1 5 10 20 100µm 0.1 cm 1 cm 1m
Wavelength(not to scale)
Human vision Imaging radar
Thermal IR scanners
Photographic cameras Passive microwave
Electro-optical sensors
Task One – Identification of Channel Seepage
Data source review and image acquisition
A review of available remotely sensed data was to be undertaken culminating in a
comparison of spatial and spectral resolutions, and costs of acquisition and analysis.
Previous data collected by WMW was to be assessed and published literature
The nature of channel seepage suggests that the source data should have high spatial
resolution (10 m or less) and that it is multispectral (ie. has data collected from more
than one distinct region of the electromagnetic spectrum). Distinct data from the
infra-red region is expected to be the most beneficial as this area of the spectrum is
strongly absorbed by water and will be able to most distinctly separate areas of
varying soil moisture and plant water and growth status.
The review was also to investigate the optimum data collection time. It is expected
that increased surface moisture and vegetation growth due to channel seepage would
be particularly evident during late summer and early autumn when surrounding areas
(apart from irrigation) would be distinctly drier. In addition, imagery from more than
one date would be useful to remove the effects of crop irrigation and other seasonal
variations. Thus the temporal dimension of the imagery was also to be investigated.
Spatial data from a number of sources, including Task One, was to be combined and
analysed using GIS. Data sources were to include:
q airborne radiometric and electromagnetic data (EM data)
q soil survey assessments.
q channel flow and width
q pondage test data
The extent to which the input data could quantify seepage at known locations would
be assessed by comparison to the pondage test data.
Trial Requirements
The budget for the pilot study was expected to be $15,000 to $20,000, allowing for
approximately $5,000 to $10,000 in image costs.
Information Technology
Software requirements include high-end image analysis software such as ER
MAPPER and / or ERDAS IMAGINE and advanced GIS software such as ArcInfo
and Arcview including support of raster data formats. The imagery and GIS data
required to be collated may need approx . 1 to 5 gigabytes.
Analysis of Variance
-5 0 5 10 15
2 2
1 1
0 0
-1 -1
-2 -2
-3 -3
-4 -4
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110
Seepage EM31
Residuals vs. Upper_kv
0 .1 .2 .3 .4 .5 .6 .7 .8 .9 1 1.1 1.2
Note: Transformations of Upper_kv did not greatly improve the fit of the
model and so were not followed any further.
Analysis of Variance
0 10 20 30 40 50
2 2
0 0
-2 -2
-4 -4
-6 -6
-8 -8
5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 60 70 80 90 100 110
seepage EM31
Analysis of Variance
-5 0 5 10 15
DTWT 5-10m
17 case(s) deleted due to missing data.
Analysis of Variance
0 5 10 15
Resi dual
3 3
2 2
1 1
0 0
-1 -1
-2 -2
-3 -3
4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 0 .1 .2 .3 .4 .5 .6 .7 .8 .9 1 1.1 1.2
Seepage Upper_kv
Residuals vs. Resistivity
50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 550
Resi stivity
Analysis of Variance
Source Sum-of-Squares df Mean-Square F-ratio
Resi dual
0 0
-.10 -.10
-.20 -.20
-.30 -.30
-.40 -.40
50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 550
Resi stivity
DTWT < 2m
(Only resistivity used because once any other variable was added it was no
longer significant).
6 case(s) deleted due to missing data.
Analysis of Variance
0 10 20 30
Analysis of Variance
4 5 6 7 8 9 10
I looked at transforms and found that raising seepage to the power of 0.2
greatly improved the model. The results are below:
Analysis of Variance
Source Sum-of-Squares df Mean-Square F-ratio
0 0
-.1 -.1
-.2 -.2
-.3 -.3
-.4 -.4
-.5 -.5
1.20 1.25 1.30 1.35 1.40 1.45 1.50 1.55 1.60 1.65 1.70 1.75 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 550
Seepage Resisti vi ty