Thesis Edited
Thesis Edited
Thesis Edited
I am grateful to the Professor and Head of the Department, Dr Narayana for permitting me to do
this thesis. I also express my deep sense of regard and gratitude to my guide, Dr. SIVA
SUBRAMANYAM for his valuable suggestions, guidance and encouragement throughout the
course of thesis.
I am thankful to assistant professors Dr. Shafee, Dr. Sanjay, Dr. Chaitanya for their kind help &
I thank my colleagues, juniors and friends in the department for their co-operation, support and
I am grateful to all my patients, who have submitted themselves to the study for their kind co-
CARE HOSPITAL” is a bonafied work of DR.G. RASHMI done in the Department of general
medicine, MNR Medical College And Hospital, Fasalwadi, Sangareddy under my supervision
and guidance in partial fulfilment of the regulation laid down by Kaloji Narayana Rao University
of Health Sciences for M.D., (GENERAL MEDICINE) degree examination to be held in April –
HOSPITAL” is a bonafied research work done by DR.G.RASHMI under the guidance of DR.
I hereby declare that Kaloji Narayana Rao University of Health Sciences, Warangal,
Telangana shall have the rights to preserve, use and disseminate this dissertation/thesis in print
Chart;2 -Treatment
Diabetes is one of the most important public health problems among non communicable
Globally, prevalence of diabetes is steadily increasing and the total number of diabetic people
expected to be around 600 million people by 2030. In the year 2021, it is estimated that 537
million people had diabetes, which is projected to reach 643 million by 2030, and 783 million by
Diabetes causes 1.5 million deaths every year and additional 2.2 million deaths were attributed to
individuals having higher than optimal blood glucose, also prevalence of undiagnosed heart
failure is common among type 2 Diabetes mellitus patients. Thus, Type 2 DM patients are prone
Cardiovascular disease accounts for up to 80% of the excess mortality in patients with type 2
The increased cardiovascular mortality risk in type 2 diabetic patients includes generalized
Apart from these, myocardial abnormalities (‘diabetic cardiomyopathy’) and heart failure also
In general, undiagnosed case of heart failure is common among type 2 diabetes patients
The cardiac changes in the diabetic patients are increased myocardial thickening (fibrosis) which
cardiomyopathy. Diastolic dysfunction has been reported in many studies among these patients.
Type 2 diabetes mellitus patients are more prone for the increased cardiovascular risk.
By early detection of these changes by echocardiography, it will help in treating these patients
accordingly thereby reducing the cardiovascular mortality risk in these patients. So, in our study,
type 2 diabetes mellitus patients will be screened with echocardiography for early diagnosis of
Diabetes mellitus refers to a group of common metabolic disorders that share the phenotype of
Persons with diabetes are at increased risk for cardiovascular disease, which is the main cause of
B) Idiopathic
• Gestational diabetes
• Other types[9]
➢ Glucokinase (MODY 2)
➢ HNF-1 α (MODY 3)
➢ HNF-1 β (MODY 5)
➢ NeuroD1 (MODY 6)
➢ Pro-insulin or insulin
➢ Mitochondrial DNA
➢ Other pancreatic islet proteins/regulators such as PAX4, BLK, KLF 11, SLC2A2, GATA 4,
➢ Leprechaunism
➢ Lipodystrophy syndromes
➢ Pancreatitis
➢ Cystic fibrosis
➢ Hemochromatosis
D) Endocrinopathies
➢ Cushing’s syndrome
➢ Acromegaly
➢ Glucagonoma
➢ Hyperthyroidism
➢ Pheochromocytoma
➢ Aldosteronism
E) Chemical/Drug induced
➢ Glucocorticoids
F) Infections
➢ Congenital rubella
➢ Down’s syndrome
➢ Klinefelter syndrome
➢ Wolfram syndrome
Diabetes was found to be the seventh leading cause of death by WHO in 2016. Likewise the
worldwide prevalence of diabetes among people over 18 years of age has been raised from 4.7% (1980)
to 8.5% (2014)[10]. The prevalence has been raised rapidly in low-income and middle economic
countries. Diabetes mellitus is 9th leading cause of mortality globally in 2020. By 2030, 643 million people
would be affected worldwide. India has 100 million people ( 1 in 10 Indians) diagnosed with diabetes. In
2020, 7,00,000 Indians of diabetes died due to complications such as kidney disease, heart disease etc.
In India, diabetes is found to be high in southern part and in urban areas. Increasing urbanization,
Dietary changes, ageing population, reduced physical activity and unhealthy behaviour were found to
be the rapid, social and cultural changes causing increased occurrence of diabetes. Cardiovascular
disease remains a leading cause of morbidity and mortality. Diabetics have 2 to 4 times increased risk of
cardiovascular disease. Early diagnosis and appropriate treatment of diabetes will result in more
cardiovascular event free life years. Cardiovascular deaths account for 44% death in those with Type 1
• Family H/O
• Environmental factors
• Unhealthy diet
• Physical inactivity
• Ethnicity/ Race
• Acanthosis nigricans
• Metabolic syndrome
• H/o CVD
There are eight distinct patho-physiologic abnormalities which is associated with type
2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM). The insulin resistance is characterized by decreased peripheral glucose
uptake and also increased glucose production and there by hyperglycemia and high circulating insulin
levels. The insulin resistance further causes increased lipolysis, leading to increased free fatty acid levels
and intermediary lipid metabolites in blood contributes to a further increase in glucose production
endogenously, a reduction in peripheral glucose utilization and impaired beta-cell function in long run.
As the beta-cell function of pancreas is well decreased at this stage, it won’t able to maintain normal
plasma glucose levels by compensatory insulin secretion and again progressively worsens over time.
prandial period. It has been said that both impaired insulin and increased glucagon secretion in T2DM
are due to the gastrointestinal incretin hormones deficiency primarily as inadequate release or
response to food intake. Hypothalamic insulin resistance (central nervous system) also decrease the
ability of insulin to suppress glucose production, and renal tubular glucose reabsorption capacity may be
increased despite hyperglycemia in T2DM. These pathophysiologic abnormalities should be taken into
account for the treatment of patients with T2DM [13] . Ultimately the main pathophysiology in T2DM
are mainly due to insulin resistance, hyperinsulinemia and glucose toxicity [14] . Impaired glucose
homeostasis, altered metabolic status, impaired energy production and accumulations of advanced
glycation end products and oxidative stress and endothelial dysfunction form the some of the
American diabetes association provided guidelines to screen a asymptomatic adults for testing
prediabetes and diabetes. Testing for pre-diabetes and diabetes should be done in all individuals who
are over-weighted (BMI ≥ 25 kg/ m2 ) and having additional risk factors. In the absence of those risk
factors, screening should be done in all individuals of age > 45 years. Even if they are negative for pre-
diabetes and diabetes screening should be done at-least every three years of interval.
The term glycation means adding of sugar residue to an - NH2 group of a protein
molecule. Glycation will also occur in hemoglobin, membrane protein and lens protein. In HbA1c,
glycation occurs in each beta chain on N- terminal valine residue. HbA1c provides a retrospective index
of blood glucose level over a period of 6 – 8 weeks. It is a reliable indicator of diabetic control over past
90 days, treatment effectiveness and the risk of development of short and long –term complications.
• Hemoglobinopathies (Thalassemia)
• Uraemia
every 2 weeks in uncontrolled patients until target glycaemic value is attained and every 3 months
➢ HbA1c should be done every 3 months in uncontrolled diabetic patients and every 6 months to 1
year (ie., 2- 4 times/ year)
➢ Fundus examination should be done in the first visit itself and every 1- 2 years during follow-up.
➢ Screening for diabetic kidney disease using urine micro-albumin and serum creatinine annually.
➢ Foot examination for neuropathy should be done daily by the patient themselves, at-least 1- 2 times/
year by physician.
➢ Treadmill test have to done five years after diagnosing diabetes mellitus, later at-least once in two
➢ Lipid profile should be done annually, if abnormal then it is done every 6 months.
population depending on geographic distribution, genetic inheritance and dietary habits. The
dietary habits, associated lifestyle, smoking, alcoholism, other metabolic diseases. Apart from these,
• Hypoglycaemia
metabolic changes because of long duration of hyper-glycemia and due to secondary factors, such as
hypertension, hyper - lipidemic and sedentary life style habits. These causes the functional alterations
progress to early structural changes in many organs. When the early changes once set in, progression to
irreversible damage and end stage depends on various factors apart from hyperglycemia.
• Macular oedema
• Glaucoma
• Cataract
• Autonomic neuropathy
Cardiac complications:
3. Diabetic cardiomyopathy
4. Heart failure
• Gastroparesis,
• Nocturnal diarrhea
• Cystopathy,
Infections – Possess high risk for Gram negative organism, M. tuberculosis, S. aureus, Candida spp
Dermatologic complications
• Xerosis, Pruritus
• Bullous disease,
• Necrobiosis lipoidica diabeticorum,
3) Diabetic cardiomyopathy
These diseases are characterized by molecular, structural and functional changes in the
Autonomic neuropathy and Diabetic cardiomyopathy although common, are often undiagnosed
major cause of silent cardiovascular events in patients without overt cardiac disease. It is
estimated to affect atleast 65% of those diabetics with increasing diabetic duration and age.
The sole risk factor for the development of CAN in type 1 diabetes is Dysglycemia, whereas the
risk factors for the development of CAN in type 2 diabetes include Dysglycemia , hypertension,
ascending length-dependent manner. Therefore, the vagus nerve, which is the longest
sympathetic predominance.
Patients at this early stage will be asymptomatic (sub-clinical stage) and the diagnosis can
only be made based on heart rate variability (HRV), baroreflex sensitivity tests or
pressure to sleep, exercise, stress, or chemical stimulation such as adenosine. At this stage,
syncope on standing. Other features that can be associated with CAN include reduced
bradycardia, and the need for vasopressor support), and foot complications including foot
ulcers due to associated sudomotor dysfunction, Charcot neuroarthropathy and lower limb
amputations. Poor response of heart rate and blood pressure during exercise in turn fail to
The signs associated with CAN include tachycardia, orthostatic hypotension, reverse
hypotension indicates an advanced stage of CAN and suggests a poor prognosis with
attributable to the damage to the efferent sympathetic vasomotor fibres, particularly in the
a standing position that lasts more than 30 seconds and the absence of orthostatic
Reverse dipping (reversal of normal physiological drop in blood pressure at night) and
non-dipping are commonly found in diabetic patients with CAN, due to sympathetic
predominance during the night, leading to the development of nocturnal hypertension and
left ventricular hypertrophy. Patients with CAN are susceptible to silent myocardial
there is a delayed and diminished appreciation of ischemic pain, associated with early ECG
changes prior to the onset of ischemic symptoms. Asymptomatic ischemia can induce
lethal arrhythmias, which is especially important in patients with CAN who have
prolonged QT interval.
Long term progression is associated with lack of bp response to sleep or exercise indicating
Disorders characterized by morphologically and functionally abnormal myocardium in absence
of any other disease that is sufficient by itself to cause the observed phenotype.
multiorgan disorder.
3 types of cardiomyopathy :
1) Dilated cardiomyopathy
2) hypertrophic cardiomyopathy
3) Restrictive cardiomyopathy
The causes of cardiomyopathies are varied in adults, dilated cardiomyopathy the most common cause is
CAD (Ischemic cardiomyopathy) and hypertension, although valvular disease, viral myocarditis and
genetic predisposition may also be responsible. neuromuscular diseases and idiopathic myocarditis are
the most common cause of dilated cardiomyopathy, and present during the first year of life in children.
Neuromuscular diseases that may lead to dilated cardiomyopathy in children include Becker muscular
dystrophy, Duchenne muscular dystrophy & Barth syndrome (an X-linked genetic disorder consisting of
• Infectious
• Non- infectious
➢ Eosinophilic myocarditis
➢ Peripartum cardiomyopathy
➢ Alcohol, catecholamines
➢ Interferon
➢ occupational exposure
➢ Endocrinopathies- diabetes, pheochromocytoma, hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism
➢ Hemochromatosis
➢ Obesity
➢ Becker muscular dystrophy
➢ Myocardial myopathies
➢ Amyloidosis
➢ Arrhythmogenic right ventricular dysplasia
➢ Tachycardia related cardiomyopathy
Diabetic cardiomyopathy is defined by the existence of abnormal myocardial structure and
performance in the absence of other cardiac risk factors such as CAD, HTN and significant
vascular diseases in individuals with diabetes mellitus. { aha }. It is characterized by left ventricle
(LV) concentric hypertrophy and perivascular and interstitial fibrosis which leads to diastolic dysfunction.
There are 4 stages of diabetic cardiomyopathy and there is overlap with the HF classifications of both
New York Heart Association Class and the American Heart Association Stage /American College of
NYHA CLASS 1: The individual is asymptomatic and there is no limitation of physical activity.
ACC/AHA HF stage A: At risk of Heart Failure, but there is no structural heart disease or symptoms.
NYHA CLASS 2: Slight limitation during ordinary physical activity with palpitation, fatigue, dyspnea or
STAGE 3: Symptomatic Heart Failure due to hypertension, microvascular disease or viral disease.
NYHA CLASS 3: There is marked limitation of ordinary physical activity. Symptoms occur during minimal
physical activity.
STAGE 4: Symptomatic Heart Failure, with contribution from multiple confounder including coronary
artery disease.
NYHA CLASS 4: Symptoms of heart failure at rest. Unable to carry out any physical activity without
Risk factors for diabetic cardiomyopathy : hyperglycemia, systemic insulin resistance and impaired
cardiac insulin metabolic signaling are major clinical abnormalities in diabetes mellitus and all
The Framingham study found that significant increase in LV wall thickness was seen
only in women with diabetes. But, in a Study conducted in Native Americans, suggested that
both woman and men with diabetes had higher LV wall thickness and mass. Among the diabetic
patients Increased LV mass was seen only in patients with diabetes but not those with impaired
glucose tolerance or impaired fasting glucose. In diabetics, the changes in myocardial geometry
are due to consequence of long-term diabetes changes such as obesity / hyperglycemia not due
to early defect. LV hypertrophy development predicts the increased risk of stroke and heart
failure with reduced ejection fraction and mortality. There is a significant interaction between
central obesity and diabetes on the risk for LVH. Apart from this, concentric LVH is produced by
obesity plays a role in the development of LVH. In obese humans, leptin induces cardiac
hypertrophy in vitro via MAPK and IRS-1 signaling pathways. A significant correlation was seen
between circulating levels of interleukin 6 and the risk of obesity-associated heart failure.
Hyperinsulinemia and Insulin resistance also been correlated with increased LV mass and
partially account for the association of cardiac hypertrophy and obesity and there is an
An increase in oxidative stress play an important role in producing diabetic cardiomyopathy, but
the actual mechanisms involved in reactive oxygen species (ROS) production among diabetic
increased mitochondrial and cytosolic reactive oxygen species (ROS) generation and ER stress.
FFAmediated ROS generation leads to uncoupling of mitochondria, which reduces mitochondrial ATP
production. ER- Endoplasmic Reticulum; Cyt C- Cytochrome C; FAOX- Fatty Acid oxidation.
4.CELL DEATH: In diabetics, there is an increased apoptosis of cardiac myocytes, but mechanism is
not well understood. Renin-angiotensin system (RAS) activation correlated with increased oxidative
stress, necrosis and apoptosis in cardiomyocytes and endothelial cells in the hearts of diabetic patients
and end stage heart failure. It is found that inhibition of RAS has reduced first hospitalization rate from
heart failure and echocardiographic findings of LV diastolic function improved in Type 2 diabetes
It has been found that in diabetic patient’s heart biopsies, there is an increase in collagen deposition
6. DIASTOLIC DYSFUNCTION (DD) : Diastolic dysfunction develops first before systolic dysfunction.
Altered calcium homeostasis and increased cardiac lipid accumulation was found to be associated with
DD in T2DM patients.
7. SYSTOLIC DYSFUNCTION (SD) : Systolic dysfunction is measured in the form of reduced ejection
fraction which occurs due to the alterations in the cardiac contractility. It occurs mainly due to
8. IMPAIRED CONTRACTILE RESERVE: The diabetic autonomic dysfunction causes the impaired
contractile reserve of the cardiac myocytes and it is also due to microvascular injury in coronary
• Fatigueness
• Ascites Later severe symptoms of heart failure ensue such as (due to reduced ejection fraction)
• Shortness of breath
• Orthopnoea
• Pedal oedema
• Apical impulse shifted to down and outward (may not be in restrictive type).
• Murmurs may be heard due to valvular involvement (Mitral valve involvement is more common
due to annular dilatation) .
• Exertional intolerance.
• Left sided congestive features occur earlier than the right sided.
• Valvular regurgitation occurs due to annular dilation. Mitral regurgitation will appear earlier
• Left ventricular diastolic dimension which is normally < 55mm, here it is increased usually > 60mm.
• Left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF) which is normally > 55%, here it is decreased. When the
• Arrhythmias may also occur in these patients that may be ventricular tachyarrhythmia or
Usually in asymptomatic individuals’ cardiomyopathy is diagnosed incidentally during routine
medical screening or family evaluation of already diagnosed patients [21]. Hence diagnosis of
cardiomyopathy starts from the detailed history of symptoms and diseases, family history, personal
▪ Assessment of volume status of the patient is done along with orthostatic blood
▪ Chest radiograph
▪ Electrocardiograph
• Haematocrit/ haemoglobin
▪ Biochemical tests:
• Lipid profile
• Lyme’s disease
▪ Sinus bradycardia
▪ Atrial enlargement
▪ ST depression
▪ Pathologic Q waves
▪ Ventricular tachyarrhythmia
▪ Atrial fibrillation[22,23] .
the direction of blood flow within it by placing a transducer over the body. Echocardiography is one of
the widely recognized appropriate imaging modality in evaluating heart disease. The assessment
includes chamber quantification, valvular heart disease, pulmonary hypertension, left ventricular
systolic and diastolic function, pericardial disease, congenital heart disease and intracardiac masses.
▪ 2D-Transthoracic Echocardiography
▪ Stress Echocardiography
▪ Doppler Echocardiography
▪ Transoesophageal Echocardiography
Single dimensional echocardiography records the motion of the heart at high frame rate 1000-
2000 frames per second in M (motion based) mode. But two-dimensional echocardiography records at
the rate of 30-2000 frames per second for the cross-sectional display of the cardiac structures.
VENTRICULAR MEASUREMENT: Left ventricular linear dimensions are one of the parameters which
help in the management of patients with valvular heart disease especially in volume overload status and
symptoms. LV internal dimensions at end diastole (LVIDd) and end systole (LVIDs) are measured at
perpendicular to the long axis of the left ventricle at the level of cords or mitral leaflet at the tissue
blood interface.
Normal LV internal dimensions at end diastole (LVIDd) is less than or equal to 5.3cm for male
American Society of Echocardiography recommended the following formula for the estimation of
Normal left ventricular wall thickness and Inter Ventricular Septal wall thickness at end diastole is < 0.9
Right ventricular wall thickness > 5mm indicates right ventricular hypertrophy. Right ventricular mid
cavity diameter at end diastole should be less than that of the left ventricle or else RV dilatation is said
to be present.
end systole and end diastole. If < 35% it is said to be abnormal. Factors affecting right ventricular size are
mainly the afterload and pressure changes and also diseases like myocardial infarction and right
ventricular dysplasia.
The enlargement of left atrium is one of the predictors of cardiovascular outcomes. Left atrium
is measured when it is at its largest dimension i.e. at ventricular end systole. Left atrium volumes are
usually calculated by using area length. The normal LA volume is 22+/- 6ml/m^2 when it is indexed for
Left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF) guides us for making therapeutic decision. It helps to
identify the patients for drug therapy initiation (E.g. ACE inhibitors and Beta blockers in patients with
LVEF is calculated from end systolic volume and end diastolic volume.
Doppler Echocardiography is used to measure or assess the diastolic function. About half of the
newly diagnosed heart failure patients have normal or near normal left ventricular systolic function but
these patients are frequently having abnormal diastolic function. Mitral inflow velocities, pulmonary
vein velocities and myocardial tissue velocities of left ventricle are also used to assess the left ventricular
diastolic dysfunction. There are four major mitral inflow velocity parameters. They are
▪ E/A ratio ▪ Deceleration time (DT) of early filling inflow velocity (E’)
The mitral Peak early filling (E) inflow velocity mainly reflects the left atrial- left ventricle pressure
gradient in early diastole. It is affected by preload and alterations in LV relaxation. Mitral late diastolic
filling (A) inflow velocity mainly reflects the left atrial- left ventricle pressure gradient in late diastole and
The diastolic abnormalities are present in diabetic patients without overt diabetic complications of the
cardiovascular system. It is the earliest and specific functional abnormality in diabetic cardiomyopathy
and can affect patients who are free of macrovascular complications, even in newly diagnosed DM
patients or in those with a disease duration of less than 1 year. It refers to a condition in which
abnormalities in mechanical function are present during diastole. The causes of diastolic dysfunction
may be subdivided into a decrease in passive myocardial diastolic compliance, and an impairment in
active left ventricular relaxation. Abnormalities in diastolic function may occur in the presence or
absence of a clinical syndrome of heart failure and with normal or abnormal systolic function.
Grade 1: Normal where E velocity is dominant i.e. E/A is > 1, E/e’ >1
Grade 2: impaired LV relaxation where A velocity is dominant i.e. E/A is < 1, E/e’ is <1
Grade 3: Pseudo normal where normal E velocity is dominance i.e. E/A is >1, E/e’ < 1
Grade 4: Restrictive filling where increased E velocity i.e. E/A is >2, E/e’< 1.
STUDY SETTING: Study was conducted in the Department of General Medicine, MNR
Inpatients and outpatients diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes mellitus patients attending
Department of General Medicine, MNR medical college and hospital, Fasalwadi, Sangareddy,
Inclusion criteria
1. All adult patients both known Type 2 diabetic patents and newly diagnosed T2DM
patients with no cardiac symptoms attending MNR medical college and Hospital,
Exclusion criteria
3. Hypertension
4. Chronic alcoholics
5. Smokers
patients without cardiac symptoms attending Department of General Medicine, MNR medical
college and hospital, Fasalwadi, Sangareddy, Telangana, meeting the eligibility criteria were
n= (Zα + Z1-β )2 p q
Zα= relative deviate for α (at 95% confidence interval) i.e 1.96
Z1-β= relative deviate for β (at 95% confidence interval) i.e 0.84
q = 1-p = 94.58%
SAMPLING TECHNIQUE: Simple random technique was used to select the study sample.
details regarding
Patient history
Symptoms if any
The study was undertaken after obtaining Ethical clearance from the Institutional Research
Ethics Committee.
Study group consists of 130 inpatients and outpatients diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes mellitus
with no cardiac symptoms attending Department of General Medicine, MNR medical college
and hospital meeting the eligibility criteria were taken as study sample.
Patients were interviewed by structured questionnaire for the symptoms, history duration and
All patients satisfying the inclusion criteria were included in this study, documented and
All the eligible candidates are screened with complete physical examination, blood pressure
measurement to rule out hypertension and necessary investigations to exclude anemia, renal
disease and liver disease which could affect the outcomes of this study.
Data was collected, compiled and entered in Microsoft Excel. The data was refined, coded to
analyze the objectives of the research. Data was analyzed using SPSS version 20.0. Results were
explained in the form of baseline identification and with various outcomes of the research. The
results were summarized and displayed with appropriate usage of graphical presentation in the
form of pie charts and bar graphs. Descriptive statistics was done for all data: Mean and standard
deviation (SD) for quantitative variables (continuous data) and frequency counts for qualitative
variables (categorical data). Comparison of proportions was done using chi-square test and
means were compared among multiple groups using ANOVA test. Correlations were seen using
Pearson’s correlation test. Statistical significance level was set at 5% i.e. p value of 0.05.
A total of 130 subjects were included in the final analysis.
<40 11 9.0%
41-50 42 32.0%
51-65 67 51.5%
>65 10 7.5%
<40 41-50 51-65 >65
In the study population majority of the patients were in the age group 51 - 65 years (51.5%)
followed by 41-50 years (32%), more than 65years (7.5%) and less than 40 years (9%).
Male 70 54.0%
Female 60 46.0%
In this study, majority of the patients were male with 54% and female were 46%.
<5 44 34.0%
6-10 51 39.5%
11-15 21 15.5%
>15 14 11.0%
In our study, about 51 patients had diabetes mellitus for duration of 6-10 years (39.5%).
<5 6─10 11─15 >15
<7.0 45 35.0%
7-8.5 63 48.2%
>8.5 21 16.8%
<7.0 7-8.5 >8.5
In our study population, most of the patients having the HbA1c fall in the group with
Normal (<1cm)
Left ventricle hypertrophy
In our study, 34 patients had left ventricular hypertrophy (25.5%) with increased septal
Normal (<1cm)
Left ventricle hypertrophy
In our study, 29 patients had left ventricular hypertrophy (22%) with increased left
Left atrial enlargement
Grade 1 27 21.2%
Grade 2 7 5.8%
Grade 3 3 2.0%
Normal 93 71.0%
5% Grade 1
Grade 2
Grade 3
In our study, 29% of population found to have diastolic dysfunction of which 21.2% of
patients with grade 1, 5.8% of patients had grade 2 and 2% of patients had grade 3
diastolic dysfunction.
Normal (>55%)
Reduced EF (< 55%)
In this study, 17% of population had reduced ejection fraction (<55%) in the
2% 5%
Aortic regurgitation(AR)
Aortic stenosis(AS)
In our study, 6% of population had aortic valvular involvement. Aortic stenosis was seen
Mitral Valve
Dilated left ventricle
In our study, about 37 patients were found to have diastolic dysfunction and about 34 patients
showed left ventricular hypertrophy in the form of increased inter-ventricular septal thickness
(>1cm) and 29 patients showed left ventricular hypertrophy in the form of increased LV
Valvular Involvement
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
Age Groups
Parameters <40 41-50 51-65 >65 P value
(N=11) (N=42) (N=67) (N=10)
Left Atrial Enlargement
LA 1 (9.09%) 1 (2.38%) 7 (10.44%) 9 (90.0%) 50.234 <0.001**
Diastolic Dysfunction
Grade1 8 (19.04%) 15 (22.38%) 1 (10.0%)
Grade2 0 (0%) 2 (4.76%) 4 (5.97%) 1 (10.0%) 14.768 0.435
Grade3 0 (0%) 2 (4.76%) 1 (1.49%) 0 (0%)
Reduced Ejection Fraction
1 (9.09%) 4 (9.52%) 15 (22.38%) 2 (20.0%) 5.091 0.248
EF (%)
Left Ventricle Hypertrophy
1 (9.09%) 4 (9.52%)
IVSd 20 (29.85%) 9 (90.0%) 20.675 0.010**
LVPWd 1 (9.09%)
2 (4.76%) 18 (26.86%) 8 (80.0%) 28.932 0.023*
LV mass
Ventricle 3 (27.2%) 6 (14.28%) 11 (16.4%) 4 (40.0%) 13.143 0.063
Left 0 (0.0%) 2 (4.76%) 2 (2.98%) 1 (10.0%) 4.788 0.764
Valvular Involvement
Stenosis 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 5 (7.46%) 1 (10.0%)
Regurgitation 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 1 (1.49%) 1 (10.0%)
11.987 0.456
1 (10.0%)
Regurgitation 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 1 (1.49%)
*Significant; ** Highly significant
Diastolic Dysfunction
Dilated Left 0
3 (5.9%) 1 (4.8%) 1 (7.14%) 6.054 0.672
Ventricle (0%)
Valvular Involvement
0 (0%) 1 (1.96%) 3 (14.28%) 2 (14.28%)
8.123 0.156
Regurgitati on 0 (0%) 2 (3.92%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%)
Regurgitati 0 (1.3%) 0 (3.03%) 2 (12%) 2.987 0.987
0 (1.54%)
*Significant; ** Highly significant
A hospital based observational cross sectional study was conducted on 130 inpatients and
outpatients diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes mellitus patients attending Department of General
Medicine, MNR medical college and hospital, Fasalwadi, Sangareddy, Telangana, meeting the
inclusion criteria. Study duration was 18 months from November 2022 to May 2024.
In the study population, majority of the patients were in the age group 51-65 years (51.5%)
followed by 41-50 years (32%), more than 65years (7.5%) and less than 40 years (9%). In a
study by Calvin Ke et al., (2024), mean age was 58.3 years. In another study by Parimal
Sarkar et al., (2022), 6% patients were 30–40 years old, 34% patients were 41–50 years old and
60% patients were 51–60 years old. The mean age (mean ± SD) of patients was 52.8± 6.28 years.
In a recent study by Vasudha V. Sardesai et al., (2022), the mean age of diabetic patients
without cardiovascular symptoms was 56.3 ± 8.60 years and maximum number of cases (52.3%)
was in the age group between 51 and 60 years of age. As per Mukhtarahmed Bendigeri et al.,
(2019), mean age of the patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus was 53.698 ± 11.3096 years.
According to a previous study by Dr. Uddhav Khaire et al., (2018), majority of the patients
were in the age group 51-60 years (41.0%) followed by 41-50 years (30%), 61-70 years (20.0%)
and 30- 40 years (9%). As per a study by Aniruddha Londhe et al., (2016), 14% type 2 DM
patients were in the age group of 30–39 years, 24% patients were in the age group of 40–49
years, 28% patients were in the age group of 50–59 years, 24% patients were in the age group of
60–69 years, and 10% were in the age group of ≥70 years. In a study by I. V. Ramchandra Rao
et al., (2015), 28% type 2 DM patients were in the age group of 31-40 years, 20% patients were
in the age group of 51–60 years, 16% patients were in the age group of 61–70 years, 4% patients
were in the age group of 41–50 years, and 2% were in the age group of ≥71 years.
14% type 2 DM patients were in the age group of 30–39 years, 24% patients were in the age
group of 40–49 years, 28% patients were in the age group of 50–59 years, 28% patients were in
the age group of 60–69 years, and 10% were in the age group of ≥70 years
In this study, majority of the patients were male with 54% and female were 46%. In a study by
Calvin Ke et al., (2024), 47.2% were women 52.8% were men. In another study by Parimal
Sarkar et al., (2022), 40% patients were female and 60% patients were male. In a recent study
by Vasudha V. Sardesai et al., (2022), males were 58.5%, whereas females were 41.5%.
According to Mukhtarahmed Bendigeri et al., (2019), 54.7% were male diabetics and 45.3%
were female diabetics. Contrary to the present study, in a previous study by Dr. Uddhav Khaire
et al., (2018), majority of the patients were female with 64% and male was 36%. Also in a study
by Aniruddha Londhe et al., (2016), majority of the patients were female with 60% and male
were 40%. In a study by I. V. Ramchandra Rao et al., (2015), majority of the patients were male
In our study, about 51 patients had diabetes mellitus for duration of 6-10 years (39.5%). 34% had
diabetes mellitus for duration of <5 years. 15.5% had diabetes mellitus for duration of 11-15
years. 11% had diabetes mellitus for duration of >15years. In a study by Parimal Sarkar et al.,
(2022), 18% patients were in <10 years duration of diabetes, 82% patients were in >10 years
duration of diabetes. The mean duration of diabetes in years (mean ± SD) of patients was
16.5800 ± 6.2671 years. In a recent study by Vasudha V. Sardesai et al., (2022), Patients with
duration of diabetes more than 5 years were 39.2%. Sex and duration of diabetes showed no
significant relation with 2D Echo findings. (p = 0.724 and P = 0.067, respectively), but there was
significant correlation between abnormal 2D Echo findings and age (p = 0.01). 2D Echo
abnormalities increase with increasing age. In a study by Karan Jain et al., (2018), most of the
patients (56%) had diabetes for <1year while 32% and 12% patients had diabetes for 1-3 years
and >3 years respectively. The mean duration of diabetes was 16.48 ± 13.37 months. According
to a previous study by Dr. Uddhav Khaire et al., (2018), most of the patients (55%) had
diabetes for 6-10 years while 23%, 18% and 4% patients had diabetes for 3-5 years, >10 years
and 0-2 years respectively. In a study by Aniruddha Londhe et al., (2016), most of the patients
(42%) had diabetes for 0-5 years while 40%, 14% and 4% patients had diabetes for 6-10 years,
11-15 years and >15 years respectively. In a previous study by I. V. Ramchandra Rao et al., (2015),
most of the patients (46%) had diabetes for upto 5 years while 22%, 18% and 14% patients had
In our study population, most of the patients fall in the group having the HbA1c with a range of
7-8.5 % (48.2%). 35% of the patients having the HbA1c fall in the group with range of <7.0%.
16.8% of the patients having the HbA1c fall in the group with range of >8.5%. In a study by
Parimal Sarkar et al., (2022), 36% patients had HBA1c level 6.5–8.0%, 44% patients had HBA1c
level 8.1–10.0% and 20% patients had HBA1c level >10.0%. The mean HBA1c (mean ± SD) of
patients was 8.7572 ± 1.5427%. According to Mukhtarahmed Bendigeri et al., (2019), mean
HBA1C level was 9.943 ± 2.27%. There was statistical significant difference in HBA1C values
between diabetic and non diabetic groups (p<0.001). In a study by Karan Jain et al., (2018), the
mean Hba1c (%) was 8.01±1.23 in type 2 diabetic patients. According to a previous study by Dr.
Uddhav Khaire et al., (2018), majority (45%) patients had HBA1c level >8.0%, 39% patients had
HBA1c level 7.1–8.0% and 16% patients had HBA1c level 6.5-7.0%. In a study by Aniruddha
Londhe et al., (2016), majority (42%) of the type 2 DM cases had HBA1c level of 7.1–8.0%,
followed by 36% had HBA1c level of 8.1–10.0%, followed by 14% had HBA1c level of >10.0%,
followed by 8% had HBA1c level of 6.4-7%.
In our study, 34 patients had left ventricular hypertrophy (25.5%) with increased septal wall
thickness. 29 patients had left ventricular hypertrophy (22%) with increased left ventricular
posterior wall thickness. In a recent study by Parimal Sarkar et al., (2022), 8% patients had
LVSD and 12% patients had concentric left ventricular hypertrophy (LVH). According to a
previous study by Mukhtarahmed Bendigeri et al., (2019), there was significant association
pertaining to the presence of LVH between diabetic and non-diabetic groups (p=0.012). Among
the diabetic group, 11.3% had LVH while 88.7% had no evidence of LVH. Among the controls,
none of the subjects had any evidence of LVH. In a study by I. V. Ramchandra Rao et al.,
(2015), 12% had LVH, 24% had ischemia, 62% had LVH and ischemia, 12% were normal.
Karan Jain et al., (2018) study results showed that mean LV hypertrophy (%) was 13.1±2.33 in
patients without LVDD and 18.8±1.36 in patients with LVDD. This difference was statistically
significant. Mean LV mass (g) was 149.02 ± 6.74 in patients without LVDD and 158.20 ± 4.01
in patients with LVDD. This difference was statistically significant. According to a previous
In our study, 29% of population found to have diastolic dysfunction of which 21.2% of patients
had grade 1, 5.8% of patients had grade 2 and 2% of patients had grade 3 diastolic dysfunction.
In a study by Parimal Sarkar et al., (2022), 64% (64) patients had LVDD, of which 93.8% (60)
patients had LVDD grade 1 and 6.3% (4) patients had LVDD grade 2. In a study by Karan Jain
et al., (2018), 30% patients were detected with Left Ventricular Diastolic Dysfunction (LVDD).
In a previous study by Dr. Uddhav Khaire et al., (2018), Diastolic Dysfunction was seen in 45%
of type 2 DM. Out of which, 11% of patients had grade 1, 24% of patients had grade 2 and 10%
In this study, 17% of population had reduced ejection fraction in the echocardiography. In a study
by Parimal Sarkar et al., (2022), the mean EF (mean ± SD) of patients was 62.5160 ±
significant difference between the groups with a p-value of 0.019. Mean ejection fraction was
better in the control group 60.00 ±0.000 compared to the diabetic group 57.64±7.179 with a
mean difference of 2.358. Karan Jain et al., (2018) study results showed that mean LV ejection
fraction (%) was 65.17 ± 3.24 in patients without LVDD and 64.07 ± 2.74 in patients with
In our study, 1.4 % of population had aortic valvular involvement. The most common lesion is
Aortic stenosis (4.6%). In our study, 1.5% of population had mitral valve regurgitation. In this
study group, 3.8% had enlarged left ventricle. In our study, about 28.46% patients were found to
have diastolic dysfunction and about 26.15% patients showed left ventricular hypertrophy in the
form of increased inter-ventricular septal thickness and 22.3% patients showed left ventricular
hypertrophy in the form of increased LV posterior wall thickness. In this study, when
Echocardiographic changes in type 2 diabetes patients were compared across the age group, left
atrial enlargement; left ventricular hypertrophy in the form of inter-ventricular septal thickness
and left ventricular posterior wall thickness were found to be statistically significantly different
among the different age groups, majority of the cases found in the age group of >65years.
In a recent study by Parimal Sarkar et al., (2022), in LVDD, 3.1% patients were 30–40 years
old, 21.9% patients were 41–50 years old and 75.0% patients were 51–60 years old. Association
In the present study, when Echocardiographic changes in type 2 diabetes patients were compared
across different groups of patients based on duration of diabetes, left atrial enlargement; left
ventricular hypertrophy in the form of inter-ventricular septal thickness and left ventricular
posterior wall thickness were found to be statistically significantly different among different
groups of patients based on duration of diabetes, majority of the cases were with diabetes for
>15years. In a recent similar study by Parimal Sarkar et al., (2022), where in the LVDD Group,
3.1% patients were in <10 years duration of diabetes, 96.9% patients were in >10 years duration
of diabetes. The association between duration of diabetes and LVDD was statistically significant
(P < 0.0001).
Previous study by Mukhtarahmed Bendigeri et al., (2019), observed that left ventricular
diastolic dysfunction in 2D echo between the two groups. There was significant association
pertaining to the presence of LVDD between the two groups with a p-value <0.001. Among the
diabetic population, 66% had evidence of LVDD while 34% had no evidence of LVDD. Among
In our study, when Echocardiographic changes in type 2 diabetes patients were compared across
different groups of patients based on HbA1c levels, left atrial enlargement; left ventricular
hypertrophy in the form of inter-ventricular septal thickness and left ventricular posterior wall
thickness were found to be statistically significantly different among the groups with majority of
the cases being in the group with HbA1c levels of >8.5%. In a recent similar study by Parimal
Sarkar et al., (2022), where in LVDD, 9.4% patients were HBA1c level 6.5–8.0, 59.4% patients
were HBA1c level 8.1–10.0 and 31.3% patients were HBA1c level >10.0. Association of HBA1c
In the current study, when Echocardiographic changes in type 2 diabetes patients were compared
across gender, left atrial enlargement; reduced ejection fraction were found to be statistically
significantly different among males and females with majority of the cases were being females.
In a recent study by Parimal Sarkar et al., (2022), in LVDD, 34.4% patients were female and
65.6% patients were male. The association of sex with LVDD was not statistically significant (p
= 0.1257).
A hospital based observational cross sectional study was conducted on 130 inpatients and
outpatients diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes mellitus patients attending Department of General
Medicine, MNR medical college and hospital, Fasalwadi, Sangareddy, Telangana, meeting the
inclusion criteria. Study duration was 18 months from November 2022 to May 2024.
Salient findings:
Majority of the patients were in the age group 51-65 years (51.5%). In this study,
39.5% patients had diabetes mellitus for 6-10 years. 34% had diabetes for <5 years.
Most of the patients (48.2%) had HbA1c in the range of 7-8.5%. 35% of the patients had
HbA1c in the range of <7.0%. 16.8% of the patients of the patients had HbA1c in the
range of >8.5%.
25.5% patients had left ventricular hypertrophy with increased septal wall thickness >1
cm. 22% patients had left ventricular hypertrophy with increased left ventricular posterior
wall thickness >1 cm. 13.6% of patients had enlarged left atrium.
29% of population found to have diastolic dysfunction of which 21.2% of patients with
grade 1, 5.8% of patients had grade 2 and 2% of patients had grade 3 diastolic
1.5% of population had mitral valve regurgitation. 3.8% had enlarged left ventricle.
When Echocardiographic changes in type 2 diabetes patients were compared across the
age groups, left atrial enlargement; left ventricular hypertrophy in the form of inter-
ventricular septal thickness and left ventricular posterior wall thickness were found to be
statistically significantly different among the different age groups, majority of the cases
different groups of patients based on duration of diabetes, left atrial enlargement; left
among different groups of patients based on duration of diabetes, majority of the cases
different groups of patients based on HbA1c levels, left atrial enlargement; left ventricular
hypertrophy in the form of inter-ventricular septal thickness and left ventricular posterior
wall thickness were found to be statistically significantly different among the groups with
majority of the cases being in the group with HbA1c levels of >8.5%.
gender, left atrial enlargement and reduced ejection fraction were found to be statistically
significantly different among males and females with majority of the cases were being
posterior wall thickness, reduced ejection fraction. Left atrial enlargement, left ventricular
hypertrophy in the form of inter-ventricular septal thickness (>1cm) and left ventricular
posterior wall thickness (>1cm) were found to be statistically significantly higher in the age
group of >65years, cases with duration of diabetes for >15years, and in the group with HbA1c
levels of >8.5% when compared to their counter groups. Left atrial enlargement and reduced
ejection fraction (<55%) were found to be statistically significantly higher in females than
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