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EASA AD No : 2011-0100


AD No.: 2011-0100

Date: 26 May 2011

Note: This Airworthiness Directive (AD) is issued by EASA, acting in accordance with
Regulation (EC) No 216/2008 on behalf of the European Community, its Member States and
of the European third countries that participate in the activities of EASA under Article 66 of
that Regulation.
This EAD is issued in accordance with EC 1702/2003, Part 21A.3B. In accordance with EC 2042/2003 Annex I, Part M.A.301, the
continuing airworthiness of an aircraft shall be ensured by accomplishing any applicable ADs. Consequently, no person may operate an
aircraft to which an AD applies, except in accordance with the requirements of that AD, unless otherwise specified by the Agency [EC
2042/2003 Annex I, Part M.A.303] or agreed with the Authority of the State of Registry [EC 216/2008, Article 14(4) exemption].

Type Approval Holder’s Name : Type/Model designation(s) :

Diamond Aircraft Industries GmbH DA 42 aeroplanes

TCDS Number : EASA.A.005 and EASA.A.513

Foreign AD : Not applicable

Supersedure: None

Wings – Upper Centre Wing Skin-to-Spar Adhesive Joint –

ATA 57
Inspection / Repair

Manufacturers: Diamond Aircraft Industries GmbH (Austria), and Diamond Aircraft Industries
Inc. (Canada)

Applicability: DA 42 and DA 42 NG (modified by DAI from DA 42 through DAI Optional SB

42-068) aeroplanes, serial numbers (s/n) 42.006 through 42.007, 42.010,
42.012 through 42.014, 42.016 through 42.033, 42.035 through 42.043,
42.045, 42.046, 42.048 through 42.051, 42.053, 42.055 through 42.059,
42.061 through 42.081, 42.083 through 42.093, 42.096 through 42.097,
42.099 through 42.120, 42.122 through 42.125, 42.127 through 42.148,
42.150 through 42.156, 42.158 through 42.170, 42.172 through 42.176,
42.178, 42.179, 42.181 through 42.190, 42.192 through 42.200, 42.202
through 42.224, 42.AC001 through 42.AC028 and 42.AC030 through
42.AC052; and
DA 42 M (both Normal and Restricted category, modified from DA 42 through
DAI Optional SB 42-056) and DA 42 M-NG aeroplanes (both Normal and
Restricted category, modified by DAI from DA 42 M through DAI Optional SB
42-081): s/n 42.008, 42.157 and 42.191.

Reason: During conversion of a DA 42 to a DA 42 NG, voids were detected in the

adhesive joint between the centre wing spars and the upper centre wing skins,
between the fuselage wall and the engine nacelle. The available information
indicates that wings with voids continue to meet the certification design limits,
provided the voids are within established criteria.
However, to detect any wings that may have voids exceeding these criteria,
Diamond has issued Mandatory Service Bulletin (MSB) 42-092 and MSB
42NG-022 (single document) that describes instructions for inspection of the

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EASA AD No : 2011-0100

aeroplanes that had these wings installed during manufacture. Aeroplanes

that have voids within the inspection criteria may continue to operate without
restriction, pending the outcome of ongoing investigations. Aeroplanes that
have voids exceeding the inspection criteria must be repaired.
For the reasons described above, this EASA AD requires the inspection of the
affected aeroplanes to measure the voids in the adhesive joint between the
centre wing spars and the upper centre wing skins, the reporting of all findings
to Diamond Aircraft Industries and the repair of any voids exceeding the
criteria as specified in the MSB.

Effective Date: 09 June 2011

Required Action(s) Required as indicated, unless accomplished previously:

and Compliance
(1) Within the next 100 flight hours or 3 months, whichever occurs first after
the effective date of this AD, inspect the adhesive joint between the
centre wing spars and the upper centre wing skin in accordance with the
instructions of Diamond Aircraft Industries GmbH MSB 42-092/42NG-
022 (the MSB) and the associated Working Instruction (WI) WI-MSB 42-
092/42NG-022 (the WI).
(2) Within 30 days after the inspection as required by paragraph (1) of this
AD, report the results to Diamond Aircraft Industries in accordance with
the instructions of the MSB and the WI.
(3) If, during the inspection as required by paragraph (1) of this AD, voids
are detected that exceed the criteria as specified in the WI, before next
flight, repair the aeroplane in accordance with the instructions of Section
III.2 of the WI, or contact Diamond Aircraft Industries for approved repair
instructions and accomplish the repair accordingly.
(4) For the purpose of compliance with paragraph (3) of this AD, a single
positioning flight is allowed to a location where the repair can be
accomplished, in accordance with the provisions as specified in Section
III.1 of the WI.

Ref. Publications: Diamond Aircraft Industries GmbH MSB 42-092 / MSB 42NG-022 (single
document) and the associated WI-MSB 42-092 / 42NG-022 (single document),
both dated 20 May 2011.
The use of later approved revisions of these documents is acceptable for
compliance with the requirements of this AD.

Remarks : 1. If requested and appropriately substantiated, EASA can approve

Alternative Methods of Compliance for this AD.
2. The required actions and the risk allowance have granted the issuance
of a Final AD with Request for Comments, postponing the public
consultation process after publication.
3. Enquiries regarding this AD should be referred to the Airworthiness
Directives, Safety Management & Research Section, Certification
Directorate, EASA; E-mail ADs@easa.europa.eu.
4. For any question concerning the technical content of the requirements in
this AD, please contact:
Diamond Aircraft Industries GmbH, Austria.
Telephone +43 2622 26700;
Facsimile +43 2622 26700 1369
E-mail office@diamond-air.at or airworthiness@diamond-air.at

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