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System of record for critical

operations management
Eliminate data silos and give everyone
across your organization access to a
single source of truth. AVEVA PI System
is a suite of industrial-grade software
products that are purpose-built to
collect, enrich, visualize, and share
onsite operations data.
Engineers, operators, plant managers, and analysts all need
a trustworthy system of record for real-time, high-fidelity
operations data
Empower your team with data-driven Most importantly, operations data needs to
insights to help maintain quality and safety. be available in real time to onsite engineers
Increase asset performance and uptime. and technicians who may not have
Improve process efficiency and ensure programming skills.
regulatory compliance.
A data management system with integrated,
Optimized for operations data self-service visualization tools makes it easy
The integrity and availability of critical data for users outside the operations domain
are vital to decision-makers in industrial to identify and access the data they need
companies. But operations data isn’t to maximize uptime, maintain safety, and
like other types of data. The hundreds or improve process efficiency.
thousands of resulting data streams are
difficult to understand and use without
added context. And fast data access requires
a database structure optimized for time-
series data, which behaves differently from
relational data.

AVEVA PI System’s integrated data management

In the cloud
Scalable cloud service providing
data access to trusted internal
and external users
At the edge
Pervasive, real-time data
collection from sensors,
IIoT devices and remote assets

Enriched industrial data available
24/7 for critical operations

AVEVA PI System manages high volumes of critical real-time data at operations sites and plants.

2 AVEVA PI System
Industrial-grade software to collect, store, enrich, and deliver real-time data from
onsite operations to people, platforms, and applications.

Benefits for operations Benefits for business

y Reduce time and effort collecting y Make years of data easily accessible
operational data. for predictive analysis.
y Ensure integrity and availability of y Drive business applications with
critical real-time data. curated, trustworthy data.
y Give operations staff self-service y Enable rapid integration of data
access to data for faster insight – no into analytics platforms, enterprise
programming required. applications, and business
intelligence tools.

Gather time-series data Store, manage, and enhance data

from any source
At the heart of PI System is AVEVA PI Server,
AVEVA PI System provides a rich set of the industry’s most reliable and hardened
options for gathering high-fidelity, time- operations data archive. PI Server maintains
series data from diverse sources – whether the full original fidelity of time-series data,
they communicate using modern connectivity giving you immediate, real-time retrieval and
standards or proprietary, vendor-specific data visualization – whenever you need it.
technology. We’ve developed hundreds of
PI Server runs on Microsoft Windows
native interfaces for streaming data from
and Windows Core OS to ensure the best
legacy and proprietary assets, control
possible performance. You can also deploy
systems, and sensors. These connectivity
a containerized version of PI Server on
solutions give you immediate access to
private cloud infrastructure to reduce your
operations data right out of the box –
infrastructure costs.
eliminating the need for programming or
manual data collection. Data context and organization
Data integrity and availability It’s hard to understand millions of
data streams if they have zero context.
To ensure critical data is not dropped during
PI System includes features that make it
a network disruption, all PI System data
easier for organizations to use, interpret,
collection options include data buffering. You
and collaborate on operations data.
can also opt for fail-over and auto-discovery
of data sources to ensure clean, reliable data.

Stores years’ worth of operations data with maximum
efficiency, so engineers and analysts can discover patterns
and trends, and visualize data relationships

AVEVA PI System features a unique data Event tracking and notification

structuring capability that lets you associate The impact of different shifts, batches,
multiple data streams with a particular asset equipment startups, and process
type, location, or process. You can easily changeovers are easier to analyze when
build structures that reflect the physical or you can compare them to similar industrial
logical context and reveal the bigger picture. events. PI System lets you use event frames
to gather and analyze data within a period of
Foundational analytics
time defined by criteria you set.
Simply collecting raw data has enormous
value. But processing raw data in real time This feature lets you conduct comparisons,
can provide transformational insights. perform root cause analysis, ensure
PI System includes a suite of calculation tools consistency, and replicate best practices
to perform everything from simple averages throughout your environment. Should
and unit conversions to more complex conditions require intervention, PI Server
calculations like total energy used or days of Notifications can alert appropriate team
raw material remaining. members or systems in real time.

Operations data management

Operations data sources AVEVA PI System Data consumers



Visualize Report
Controllers Store Visualize
Collect and and Analyze Notify
Databases Text files Enrich Deliver
Share Integrate
Instruments Manual data

IIoT Gateways

Cloud systems

AVEVA PI System collects, enriches, and delivers real-time operations data in mission-critical environments.

4 AVEVA PI System
Deliver data securely
and efficiently

Visualize your data

AVEVA PI System offers integrated Spreadsheet analysis
tools that let engineers and operators AVEVA™ PI DataLink pulls PI Server
access data in familiar formats to data directly into Microsoft Excel, so you
enable real-time decision-making and can analyze operations data with familiar
immediate action. spreadsheet functionality. Create live,
interactive spreadsheet-based models
Self-service, mobile displays
that compare and analyze assets and
AVEVA™ PI Vision is an intuitive, processes in real time. Summarize years
web-based tool you can use to create of historical data, view it alongside
real-time, mobile-friendly data displays. current values, and forecast data using
A simple drag-and-drop interface lets regression analysis.
you choose the data you want to see and
how you want to display it: trendline,
numerical value, or gauge. You can create
dashboards in seconds, display them on
any connected device, and share them
with colleagues to facilitate collaboration
and get everyone on the same page.
PI Vision uses Windows Integrated
Security to keep your data secure.

5 AVEVA PI System
Integrate data seamlessly Easily fill data lakes built on Azure, AWS,
and Google Cloud Platform. Analyze large,
The more you share your operations data
complex datasets using familiar tools
across your business, the more valuable it
such as IBM Cognos, Power BI, Qlik, SAP,
becomes. AVEVA PI System offers solutions
SAS, Tableau, TIBCO Spotfire, or any tool
for enabling fast, secure data transfer
that accesses data using Open Database
to a broad set of tools, applications, and
Connectivity (ODBC) or SQL standards.
Programmatic data access
Transfer data to analysis tools
In addition to pre-built integrators, you can
The more you share your operations data
also access PI System data programmatically
across your business, the more valuable
by tapping a rich library of APIs and SDKs.
it becomes. To share data securely across
These developer tools make it easy to add
organizations and functions, AVEVA
high-quality operations data from PI System
PI System includes products that ensure
into your own custom applications and
fast and secure data transfer to a broad
advanced analysis systems.
set of tools, applications, and platforms.
Secure, cloud-based data sharing
Transfer data to analysis tools
You can also easily share select data views
Because of differences in the underlying
with internal users in remote locations or
database design, sensor-based and time-
trusted external stakeholders using AVEVA
series data require special preparation for
Data Hub, a cloud data management service
integration with relational data and tools.
natively integrated with AVEVA PI System.
PI Integrator for Business Analytics Together, the two solutions form a hybrid
reduces this preparation burden with an data architecture that gives industrial
intuitive interface that lets you select and companies control over which data they shift
shape the operations data you need into to the cloud. AVEVA Data Hub allows each
a clean, interpolated row-column format – ecosystem participant to have their own
no programming required. This makes it private and secure data view and decide
faster and easier to transfer analysis-ready what other participants can view.
operations data into business intelligence
tools, machine-learning algorithms, and
cloud platforms.

6 AVEVA PI System
PI Core: industrial-grade data management for the operations core

AVEVA PI System: industrial-grade data

management for operations

For data collection:

PI Interfaces, Hundreds of off-the-shelf connectivity options collect high-

PI Connectors, frequency data from control systems, assets, and sensors and
and PI Adapters send it to AVEVA PI Server. The best choice will depend on your
specific data source and collection preferences.

For data storage and processing:

AVEVA PI Server Data storage and processing software for managing large
volumes of time-series operations data and associated
contextual information.

For data visualization and integration:

AVEVA PI Vision Self-service, web-based visualization tool for creating real-time

dashboards and process monitoring displays with AVEVA
PI Server data.

AVEVA Add-on to Microsoft Excel that pulls data from AVEVA PI Server
PI DataLink into familiar spreadsheets for analysis or creation of compliance

PI Integrators Software that transforms raw AVEVA PI Server data into

cleansed, row-column data sets for business intelligence tools
and AI/machine-learning platforms.

For cloud data sharing:

AVEVA Data Hub Cloud data management service that scales on-demand and
provides trusted internal and external stakeholders with secure
and easy data access.

7 AVEVA PI System
AVEVA PI System is a suite of industrial- PI System is optimized to:
grade products designed specifically to
collect, enrich, visualize, and share onsite y Collect and store real-time sensor and
operations data. With PI System, your time-series data with full integrity.
engineers, operators, and analysts have y Enrich data streams with context and
the data they need to optimize efficiency, metadata to increase usability.
productivity, asset performance, safety,
y Provide easy, self-service data access
and regulatory compliance.
without programming.
y Enable fast, secure transfer of trusted,
high-fidelity operations data to people,
applications, and platforms.

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AVEVA and the AVEVA logo are a trademark or registered trademark of AVEVA Group plc in the U.S. and other countries.
All product names mentioned are the trademarks of their respective holders.

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