Disabled Persons Concessionary Bus Pass Application Form
Disabled Persons Concessionary Bus Pass Application Form
Disabled Persons Concessionary Bus Pass Application Form
Application Form
This application form is only for blind or disabled persons. The applicant must be a permanent resident
in the Nottinghamshire County Council area, of which proof will be required. All applicants must
have a disability that is considered long term (in excess of 12 months).
There is no charge for this pass; however there is a fee payable if you require a replacement. For
a replacement please fill in the Replacement Concessionary Bus Pass Application Form.
If you have any difficulties or enquiries regarding the completion of this form,
please telephone 0300 500 80 80.
Please note that in certain circumstances we are required to complete additional checks concerning the
information you have submitted on the form.
1 x Proof of Disability
Address: .................................................................................................................... (Please see overleaf)
............................................................................................................................................ PLUS
1 x Proof of Residency
(Utility Bill or Bank Statement dated within
the last 3 months or current year Council
Postcode: ................................................................................................................. Tax Bill)
Date of Birth: .................................. / ................................. / ...............................
1 x Passport Sized Photo
Telephone Number: ........................................................................................ (With your name written on the reverse)
Continued overleaf
To be filled in by a medical professional (e.g. General Practitioner, Hospital Consultant or Psychiatrist, Community
Psychiatric Nurse).
Name of health professional……………………………………......................Job title……………………………..............
4. h
. as a disability which will last at least 12 months and means that he/she cannot walk or
is virtually unable to walk, due to..................................................................................................................................
7.. Would be likely to be refused a driving licence on medical grounds, due to..........................................................
People who would be refused a driving licence (or have had it withdrawn) due to alcohol or drugs
misuse are not eligible for a disabled pass.
Yes No
If temporary please specify
expected term of illness months
I apply for a concessionary Bus Pass and declare that the information given herein is true and complete. I will
notify the Council of any change in my circumstances that may affect my application and understand that the
Council may be writing to the DWP or to my medical professional to ascertain my eligibility for this scheme.
I certify that the above details are correct. I further acknowledge that I am aware that the bus pass is the
property of Nottinghamshire County Council and I undertake to return it to the Council if it is no longer required
by me or its return is formally requested by an authorised officer of the Council.
The personal information collected on this form will be processed on computer to provide and manage the
information or service that you have requested. For further details regarding your privacy, please see our
Privacy Statement: http://www.nottinghamshire.gov.uk/privacy/
This authority is under a duty to protect the public funds it administers and to this end may use the information
you have provided on this form to administer concessionary travel and for the prevention and detection of fraud.
It may also share this information with other bodies responsible for auditing or administering public funds for
these purposes.
I have supplied copies of the required documents. (PLEASE DO NOT SENT ORIGINALS).
Print Name.....................................................................................................................................................
Please ensure you have completed all the necessary sections before returning to.