Geog PMB Envs211 2 14 Supp
Geog PMB Envs211 2 14 Supp
Geog PMB Envs211 2 14 Supp
Question One
1.1 Robertson et al. (1995) in the chapter dealing with Cartographic abstraction note that “Once
cartographers have selected features and attributes for mapping, they are ready to move to the
next step – generalization” (pg. 450). Identify the five concepts of generalization as outlined
by Robertson et al (1995) and discuss their importance to cartography and map design.
(20 marks)
UKZN, PMB Campus, November 2014 Supplementary Examinations, ENVS211: GIS
1.3 Using illustrations, describe a raster data model and highlight some of the advantages and
disadvantages of using data in this format. (10 marks)
1.4 Projections distort the earth, but can preserve certain features on a map. Name and describe
two properties that preserve certain shapes of displayed features. (4 marks)
1.5 Using illustrations, what is the difference between exact and inexact interpolators?
(5 marks)
1.6 The illustration below show input vector layer A, B and C. The combinations of these layers
are used to perform three vector overlay operations. Redraw (in your booklet) and shade in
the following expressions: (6 marks)
a. b. c.
A and C (A and B) or C A and (B or C)
1.7 Briefly explain the three salient aspects you would expect in any definition of Remote
Sensing. (5 marks)
1.8 Using relevant examples, explain the complementarity between ground based and remotely
sensed data in a remote sensing process. (10 marks)
1.9 Briefly explain the three factors that affect soil reflectance. (10 marks)
UKZN, PMB Campus, November 2014 Supplementary Examinations, ENVS211: GIS
Question Two
2.1 Discuss the Rights and Responsibilities of a cartographer in terms of map compilation.
(10 marks)
2.2 Longley et al. (2005) provides a brief account of the history of GIS. Using this account,
briefly outline the history of GIS. (15 marks)
Question Three
3.1 With reference to case studies, discuss and critically assess the applications of GIS in
environmental management. (50 marks)
3.2 Explain the interaction between the three segments that make up a GPS and the possible
sources of error in identifying a location on the ground. (50 marks)
Question Four
4.1 Outline and discuss, using examples where appropriate, the history of map lettering and the
functions of letters on a map. (50 marks)
4.2 Using an appropriate illustration, describe the remote sensing process. (50 marks)