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sudanense in East and West Africa. This genus is so exceptional in its shoulder-
girdle, that Cope separated it from all the other Anura as a special sub-order
Gastrechmia. The precoracoids are extremely strong, and form a broad symphysis from
which springs the long cartilaginous omosternum; the coracoids are slender, very
long, and converge backwards to a narrow symphysis, and there is no metasternum.
The two symphyses are connected by a narrow cartilaginous median bar, probably
produced by the much modified epicoracoid cartilages. However, except for the
reverse development shown by the omo- and meta-sternum, it is easy to connect this
apparently quite anomalous shoulder-girdle of Hemisus with that of Breviceps. {233}
(cf. Fig. 5, 5 and 6, p. 25). The sacral diapophyses are slightly dilated; the
fingers and toes are free and end in points. The tongue is triangular, broader in
front. The lining of the mouth forms a transverse ridge across the palate, and
another in front of the oesophagus. The male has a subgular sac. The general shape
is stout, the head small and ending in a pointed snout. Colour brown above, with
whitish spots. Total length about 2 inches.
Engystoma, with about five species in the Southern States, Central and South
America, is the type-genus of the whole family, chiefly on account of priority of
name. It is fairly characteristic in so far as the mouth forms a narrow, somewhat
projecting snout; the precoracoids, the clavicles, and the omosternum are absent,
the palate is devoid of teeth, the lining of the mouth forms a dermal ridge across
the palate and another in front of the oesophagus, the tympanum is hidden, the
sacral diapophyses are moderately dilated, and the tongue is elliptical and free
behind. The pupil is vertical. The fingers and toes are free, ending in slightly
dilated or blunt tips; the terminal phalanges are simple {232}and the hind-limbs
are short. The male has a subgular vocal sac.
The most northern species is E. carolinense, living in the Southern United States,
concealed under the bark of fallen trees or in old fences. The skin is smooth, but
forms a fold across the head, behind the eyes. The general colour is brown, with
light, whitish dots on the under parts. Total length 1 inch.
Breviceps is a South African genus with three species. The coracoids are very
strong and directed backwards, but so broadened that they form a long and strong
symphysis, touching in front that of the precoracoids, which stand transversely and
are well developed. The metasternum is cartilaginous and decidedly small. The
sacral vertebra has much dilated diapophyses and is co-ossified with the coccyx.
The general appearance is extremely stout and short, the head being almost drawn
into the nearly globular body, and ending in a short snout with a small mouth-
opening. The tongue is long and oval, not nicked, but slightly free behind. B.
mossambicus is about 2 inches long, and looks like an overstuffed round bag, out of
which the short arms and legs project from the elbows and knee-joints only. The
tarsus is provided with a strong horny, spade-like tubercle, which enables the
creature to dig into the ground, and into the nests of termites, which seem to be
its chief food. Peters found this species in enormous numbers, during the tropical
rains, coming out of the ground, whither they withdraw again completely for the dry
season. The skin is smooth, reddish brown above, with darker patches; the under
parts are dull white, with a large black patch on the throat.
b. Pupil vertical.
α. Precoracoids feeble. .......... Hypopachus.
α. Precoracoids present.
β. Precoracoids absent.
b. Pupil vertical.
β. Precoracoids absent.
Fingers and toes with discs. Africa and Amboina. .......... Phrynomantis.
Tongue long, oval, with a deep groove. New Guinea. .......... Xenorhina.
Note.–Xenobatrachus ophiodon, New Guinea. Palatine bones, each with two large
curved teeth. Otherwise imperfectly known.