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Hemisus is another African genus, with two species, H. guttatum in Natal, and H.

sudanense in East and West Africa. This genus is so exceptional in its shoulder-
girdle, that Cope separated it from all the other Anura as a special sub-order
Gastrechmia. The precoracoids are extremely strong, and form a broad symphysis from
which springs the long cartilaginous omosternum; the coracoids are slender, very
long, and converge backwards to a narrow symphysis, and there is no metasternum.
The two symphyses are connected by a narrow cartilaginous median bar, probably
produced by the much modified epicoracoid cartilages. However, except for the
reverse development shown by the omo- and meta-sternum, it is easy to connect this
apparently quite anomalous shoulder-girdle of Hemisus with that of Breviceps. {233}
(cf. Fig. 5, 5 and 6, p. 25). The sacral diapophyses are slightly dilated; the
fingers and toes are free and end in points. The tongue is triangular, broader in
front. The lining of the mouth forms a transverse ridge across the palate, and
another in front of the oesophagus. The male has a subgular sac. The general shape
is stout, the head small and ending in a pointed snout. Colour brown above, with
whitish spots. Total length about 2 inches.

Glyphoglossus has a peculiar tongue. It is elongated, notched behind and in front,

divided into two lateral halves by a deep groove; moreover, the tongue is not only
extensively free behind, but also slightly so in front. The skin of the palate
forms a transverse serrated ridge. The precoracoids and the omosternum are absent;
the metasternum is a well-developed cartilaginous plate. The sacral diapophyses are
moderately dilated; the terminal phalanges are simple. G. molossus, the only
species, is olive-brown above, marbled on the sides; the under parts are uniformly
whitish. This creature, about 2 inches in length, looks like a roundish bag, with a
ridiculous, short face. The type-specimen, still the only one known, was taken by
Dr Theobald under the following circumstances:–"I had halted one day within the
tidal portion of the Irawaddy delta, to enable my boatmen to prepare their dinner.
One of my servants, having cooked his rice, poured out the hot water as usual on
the ground, and some of it went down a hole that happened to be near the spot. Nok
from 3000 feet upwards, {234}and live in holes in trees, which are so situated as
to contain more or less rain-water. They have a loud flute-like, musical note,
which they utter at irregular intervals, principally during the night. The form and
size of the hole in which they are seem to have a great deal to do with the
loudness of the note, as specimens when extracted from their holes have far more
feeble vocal powers than they had when in them. These frogs blow themselves out
with air, and look more like bladders than anything else. When inflated they float
on the surface of the water, and will remain motionless for a long time, with legs
and arms stretched out."[101]

Callula.–The tongue is round, e

Phryniscus nigricans has been observed in Paraguay by Budgett,[100] who gives the
following account. This is a brilliantly coloured frog of toad-like appearance, and
about 33 mm. in length. The ground-colour is black, with yellow spots or patches on
the upper parts, the under parts are black, with scarlet blotches, the palms of the
hands and soles of the feet are scarlet. At the breeding season both sexes utter a
call-note which consists of two clear musical "rings," followed by a long
descending "trill," like that of our British Greenfinch. This frog, which at
ordinary times is the slowest and boldest of frogs, is now active and excessively
shy. Swimming rapidly between the blades of grass, it climbs a {231}tuft, and
dilating its throat, repeats its call; but if in the least disturbed, it is
suddenly gone. The eggs are laid in quite temporary pools in grassy ground, and
form separate globules of jelly, which float on the surface of the water, and are
heavily pigmented. The development is excessively rapid. The segmentation beginning
at 10 A.M., they were hatched and wriggling about by 7 A.M. the following day. They
are probably washed down into deeper pools by the retreating waters, and for this
purpose the manner in which the eggs are laid, namely, in separate globules of
jelly, seems especially suited.
Brachycephalus ephippium in Brazil, the only species, is remarkable for the
development of a broad dorsal shield of bone, which is fused with the processes of
the second to seventh vertebrae, an ossification which strongly resembles that of
several species of the likewise Brazilian Ceratophrys, a genus of the

Stereocyclops is remarkable for the peculiar formation and protection of the

eyeballs. The anterior portion of the sclerotic is ossified into a ring, which
surrounds the transparent cornea. Another peculiarity lies in the metasternum,
which is so much broadened out that its cartilage is in wide contact with the
posterior edge of the coracoids. The epidermis is everywhere "thickened by a
chitin-like deposit." The only species, S. incrassatus, found near Rio Janeiro, is
an altogether aberrant creature. Its general appearance recalls that of Pipa. The
gape is large, with a slightly projecting muzzle; the limbs are so short that the
upper arms and the thighs scarcely stand out from the broadened and flattened body,
which is leathery brown, with a narrow white median line extending dorsally from
the nose to the vent.

Engystoma, with about five species in the Southern States, Central and South
America, is the type-genus of the whole family, chiefly on account of priority of
name. It is fairly characteristic in so far as the mouth forms a narrow, somewhat
projecting snout; the precoracoids, the clavicles, and the omosternum are absent,
the palate is devoid of teeth, the lining of the mouth forms a dermal ridge across
the palate and another in front of the oesophagus, the tympanum is hidden, the
sacral diapophyses are moderately dilated, and the tongue is elliptical and free
behind. The pupil is vertical. The fingers and toes are free, ending in slightly
dilated or blunt tips; the terminal phalanges are simple {232}and the hind-limbs
are short. The male has a subgular vocal sac.

The most northern species is E. carolinense, living in the Southern United States,
concealed under the bark of fallen trees or in old fences. The skin is smooth, but
forms a fold across the head, behind the eyes. The general colour is brown, with
light, whitish dots on the under parts. Total length 1 inch.

Breviceps is a South African genus with three species. The coracoids are very
strong and directed backwards, but so broadened that they form a long and strong
symphysis, touching in front that of the precoracoids, which stand transversely and
are well developed. The metasternum is cartilaginous and decidedly small. The
sacral vertebra has much dilated diapophyses and is co-ossified with the coccyx.
The general appearance is extremely stout and short, the head being almost drawn
into the nearly globular body, and ending in a short snout with a small mouth-
opening. The tongue is long and oval, not nicked, but slightly free behind. B.
mossambicus is about 2 inches long, and looks like an overstuffed round bag, out of
which the short arms and legs project from the elbows and knee-joints only. The
tarsus is provided with a strong horny, spade-like tubercle, which enables the
creature to dig into the ground, and into the nests of termites, which seem to be
its chief food. Peters found this species in enormous numbers, during the tropical
rains, coming out of the ground, whither they withdraw again completely for the dry
season. The skin is smooth, reddish brown above, with darker patches; the under
parts are dull white, with a large black patch on the throat.

Sacrals strongly dilated. .......... Oreophrynella.

" moderately " .......... Phryniseus, p. 230.

" feebly " .......... Brachycephalus, p. 231.

b. Pupil vertical.
α. Precoracoids feeble. .......... Hypopachus.

β. " absent. .......... Engystoma, p. 231.

c. Pupil round. Precoracoids present .......... Stereocyclops, p. 231.

II. Palaeotropical. a. Pupil horizontal.

α. Precoracoids present.

With palatal teeth. Madagascar. .......... Rhombophryne.

Palate with dermal papillae. Africa. .......... Breviceps, p. 232.

With palatal dermal folds. Madagascar. .......... Scaphiophryne.

With serrated palatal folds. Madagascar and India. .......... Calophrynus.

Palate smooth. New Guinea. .......... Sphenophryne and Liophryne.

β. Precoracoids absent.

Malacca .......... Phrynella, p. 233.

New Guinea .......... Mantophryne.

Africa .......... Cacosternum.


b. Pupil vertical.

α. Precoracoids present. India. .......... Melanobatrachus.

Africa. Hemisus, p. 232.

β. Precoracoids absent.

Tongue oval. India. .......... Cacopus.

Tongue elliptical. India. .......... Microhyla.

Tongue divided by a longitudinal furrow. India. .......... Glyphoglossus, p. 233.

Fingers and toes with discs. Africa and Amboina. .......... Phrynomantis.

New Guinea. .......... Callulops.

c. Pupil round. Precoracoids absent. Tongue round. India. Callula, p. 234.

Tongue long, oval, with a deep groove. New Guinea. .......... Xenorhina.

Note.–Xenobatrachus ophiodon, New Guinea. Palatine bones, each with two large
curved teeth. Otherwise imperfectly known.

Rhinoderma.–Omosternum and precoracoids present. Palate without teeth. Tympanum

indistinct. Terminal phalanges simple, and not dilated. Tongue heart-shaped, and
free behind. Pupil horizontal. Habitat, Chili.
Rh. darwini, the only species, was discovered by Darwin, during the voyage of the
Beagle. Its total length is only 3 cm., or little more than one inch. The shape is
grotesque, as the skin is prolonged, beyond the very small triangular mouth, into a
false nose, i.e. a nose-shaped projection, while the nostrils remain at their
original place. The skin is smooth above, granular on the under parts, and forms a
triangular flap or spur-shaped appendage on the heel. A glandular fold extends
along the sides of the body. The general colour is brown above, black below, with
large white patches, the latter colour being sometimes predominant on the throat
and chest. The male has a pair of internal vocal sacs, and the use of these as
nurseries for the young has made this species famous.

Espada[99] has given an elabora

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