F2 Final Exam Grammar KEY 6 20

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2018-19 Final Examination

F2 English Language System (KEY)

Section A: Mixed Tenses I (22 marks)

*** for wrong spelling, no mark will be given.
1. is 2. has 3. started 4. had (never) known 5. saw
played //
has been
6. told 7. was 8. has 9. confessed 10. has
dreamt/dreamed//has produced
been dreaming
11. are 12. plans //is 13. will have earned 14. loves 15. takes//has
planning taken//took
16. has been 17. was 18. has kept//has been 19. had worked//had 20. will have
fascinated keeping been working tasted//will
have been
21. retires 22. have
enjoyed /

Section A: Mixed Tenses II (13 marks)

*** for wrong spelling, no mark will be given.
1. passed //had 2.continued 3.had created / created 4.began
5. studied//had been 6. designed 7. died 8. was mixing
studied//was studying
9. grew 10. could get 11. rained 12. had been carved//was
13. had used//used

Section B: Relative Clauses I (10 marks)

1. who 2. which 3. which 4. who 5. which
6. which 7. whose 8. which 9. which 10. which
Section B: Relative Clauses II (8 marks)
*** for spelling mistake, deduct 1 mark; for grammatical mistake, deduct 1 mark;
***wrong use of relative pronouns, NO mark will be given.
1. Virgina Woolf, whose sister was a painter, wrote A Room of One’s Own.

2. In 1958 Rosalind Franklin, who helped to discover the structure of DNA, died of cancer. //
Rosalind Franklin, who helped to discover the structure of DNA, died of cancer in 1958. //
Rosalind Franklin, who died in 1958 because of cancer helped to discover the structure of DNA.

3. Grantham, which lies in Linolnshire, is famous as the birthplace of Margaret Thatcher. //

Grantham, which is famous for being the birthplace of Margaret Thatcher, lies in Linolnshire. //
Lincolnshire, where Grantham lies in, is famous for being the birthplace of Margaret Thatcher.

4. ‘Imagine’, which is still a very popular song, was written by John Lennon. // ‘Imagine’, which
was written by John Lennon, is still a very popular song.

Section C: Gerunds and Infinitives (15 marks)

1. to sign 2. to see 3. learning
4. to answer 5. taking 6. showing
7. Standing 8. to wear 9. Enjoying
10. Eating 11. to bring 12. making
13. calling 14. to emphasize 15. experiencing

Part D Proofreading (14 marks)

Dear all,
Thank you for agreeing to help with our exam stress seminar. The details below 1. ✔

might help you better prepare for the event. The seminar 2.can // will

take place on 1 June in the assembly hall. It starts at 10am and ends at 1pm. a. is taking

Dr Betty Lau, our guest speaker, will be coming early, b. ✔

^ we need one of you to arrive by 930 am to meet her at the school entrance and usher her c. so

into the assembly hall.

Dr Lau will explain how to achieve piece of mind before, 3.peace

after and during exams. She will also teach participants what to look for help when 4.where

feeling drown. Since she is showing a video during her presentation, we need a 5.down

volunteer to check the sound system before that. She said that there be a Q & A 6.is//will be

session at 1145 am after her presentation as students can have a lot of questions about 7.may/might

exam stress to ask her. According to our moderator, Mr Wong, a restaurant will 8.(will be)
be provide providing//will provide
9. is waiting
free food for us during lunch, but he waits to hear back about this. The
10.is replying/
restaurant owner replies to him next week. Tomorrow, Mr Wong and I will reply
will be working on a pamphlet that we can give to students during the seminar. I think it
12. an
could take a hour or so. We will be at the Health Cafe.
13. come
Please join us if you are free tomorrow. Let us know before you came.
14. sincerely//truly//
Yours sincely, faithfully
Chris Wong

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