10 Total Accessories Jumper
10 Total Accessories Jumper
10 Total Accessories Jumper
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E-mail: export@hps-SystemTechnik.com
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, transmitted, stored in a retrieval system, nor
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Training in Technology
Description Page
Adapter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Branching point . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Connecting leads . . . . . . . . . . 3 - 6
Connecting plugs . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
Junctions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Plugs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
Training in Technology
Training in Technology
Connecting Plugs
Quick Grip Plugs
Quick Grip Plug Quick Grip Plug Safety Connecting Safety Connecting
(4 mm) (2 mm) Plug (4 mm) Plug (4 mm)
Training in Technology
Type 9101.14 The Junctions are insulated
fits the connection of two for contact-protected con-
4 mm laminated plugs nection of laminated plugs.
Type 9101.16
fits the connection of a 2 mm
Type 9101.14 laminated plug and a 4 mm
laminated plug
Training in Technology
Type 9102.9
Training in Technology
Type 9102.10
Training in Technology
Z = 75
Length Type
100 cm 9102.13-5
Z = 75
Length Type
100 cm 9102.13-6
Training in Technology
Connecting Leads
and Adapters
BNC / 4 mm Type 9102.50 Type 9102.51 Type 9101.9
one end SUB-D plug (9-pin), for interface lead, one end one end two 4 mm laminated
other end SUB-D jack (9-pin) SUB-D plug (9-pin), other plugs, other end two 4 mm
- Configuration: 1:1 end SUB-D jack (25-pin) safety jacks, for adapting
- Cast version 4 mm jacks to 4 mm safety
- Length: 2 m plugs
- Cast version - Plug and jack spacing:
19 mm
- Consisting of an unbreak-
Type 9101.22
able transparent plastic
one end BNC plug, other housing
end two 4 mm safety jacks,
for adapting BNC jack to
4 mm safety plugs
- Jack spacing: 19 mm Adapter BNC / 4 mm Adapter 4 mm / 2 mm Adapter 2 mm / 4 mm
- Colours: black and red
Adapter BNC / 4 mm
Training in Technology
Plug-in Components
© hps SystemTechnik
Lehr- + Lernmittel GmbH
Altdorfer Strasse 16
88276 Berg / Germany
Phone: + 49 751 / 5 60 75 80
Telefax: + 49 751 / 5 60 75 17
Internet: www.hps-SystemTechnik.com
E-mail: export@hps-SystemTechnik.com
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, transmitted, stored in a retrieval system, nor
translated into any human or computer language, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, magnetic,
optical, chemical, manual or otherwise, without the prior permission of hps SystemTechnik.
Training in Technology
Training in Technology
Training in Technology
Film Resistors
1.0 kΩ 9104.2-1
1.2 kΩ 9104.2-2
1.5 kΩ 9104.2-3
1.8 kΩ 9104.2-25
2.2 kΩ 9104.2-4
2.7 kΩ 9104.2-26
3.3 kΩ 9104.2-5
3.9 kΩ 9104.2-27
4.7 kΩ 9104.2-6
5.6 kΩ 9104.2-28
6.8 kΩ 9104.2-7
8.2 kΩ 9104.2-8
10 kΩ 9104.2-9
12 kΩ 9104.2-10
15 kΩ 9104.2-11
Training in Technology
Precision Resistors
Pluggable, consisting of an value type
unbreakable transparent
1 kΩ 9107.2-1
plastic housing with two 2 kΩ 9107.2-2
gold-plated laminated plugs. 4 kΩ 9107.2-3
Resistors The circuit symbol is printed 8 kΩ
10 kΩ
in white on the front. 20 kΩ 9107.2-10
22 kΩ 9107.2-6
- Plug spacing: 19 mm
40 kΩ 9107.2-11
- Plug diameter: 4 mm 80 kΩ 9107.2-12
100 kΩ 9107.2-7
- Tolerance on resistance: 160 kΩ 9107.2-13
Types 9107... 220 kΩ 9107.2-8
+/- 1 %
500 kΩ 9107.2-9
- Max. load: 0.5 W
1 MΩ 9107.3-1
- Housing dimensions: 2 MΩ 9107.3-2
38 x 19 x 35 mm
(w x d x h)
Training in Technology
VDR Resistor
Pluggable, consisting of an - Plug spacing: 19 mm
unbreakable transparent - Plug diameter: 4 mm
plastic housing with two
gold-plated laminated plugs. - Urms = 14 V / UDC = 18 V
The circuit symbol is printed
in white on the front.
- Housing dimensions:
38 x 19 x 35 mm
(w x d x h)
Type 9114.10
NTC Resistors
Pluggable, consisting of an - Tolerance on resistance: Type 9116.1
unbreakable transparent +/- 1 0 % - Description: K 252
plastic housing with two - Limit temperature: 125 °C
gold-plated laminated plugs. - Nominal resistance:
The circuit symbol is printed R20 = 4,7 kΩ
in white on the front. Type 9116.4
- Plug spacing: 19 mm with series resistor 200 Ω
- Plug diameter: 4 mm - Description: K 164
- Housing dimensions: - Nominal resistance:
Types 9116...
38 x 19 x 35 mm (w x d x h) R25 = 470 Ω
Training in Technology
Variable Potentiometer
Pluggable, consisting of an - Max. load: 0.5 W
value type
unbreakable transparent - Housing dimensions:
plastic housing with three 100 Ω 9108.1-1
38 x 57 x 35 mm 220 Ω 9108.1-2
gold-plated laminated plugs, (w x d x h) 470 Ω 9108.1-3
rotary knob with scale 0 ...10 1.0 kΩ 9108.2-1
on the top side of the hous- 4.7 kΩ 9108.2-2
10 kΩ 9108.2-3
ing 22 kΩ 9108.2-4
47 kΩ 9108.2-5
- Plug arrangement in 100 kΩ 9108.2-6
19 mm grid 500 kΩ 9108.2-7
1.0 MΩ 9108.3-1
- Plug diameter: 4 mm
- Tolerance on resistance: 100 kΩ 9108.4-1
Types 9108... (log. / 0.25 W)
+/- 2 0 %
Training in Technology
Power Potentiometer (4 W)
Pluggable, consisting of an - Housing dimensions:
unbreakable transparent 38 x 57 x 35 mm
plastic housing with three (w x d x h)
gold-plated laminated plugs,
rotary knob with scale 0 ...10 Resistors
on the top side of the hous- value type
ing 100 Ω 9109.4
560 Ω 9109.1
- Plug arrangement in 1 kΩ 9109.2
19 mm grid 4.7 kΩ 9109.3
- Plug diameter: 4 mm with loop series resistor
100 Ω / 2 W
Types 9109... - Tolerance on resistance:
1 kΩ 9109.9
+/- 2 0 %
- Max. load: 4 W
Types 9109...
Training in Technology
- Plug spacing: 19 mm
- Plug diameter: 4 mm
- Housing dimensions:
38 x 19 x 35 mm
Capacitors (w x d x h)
- Tolerance of capacity:
+/- 20 %
- Operating voltage, max.:
Types 9110... min. 100 V
Pluggable, consisting of an Types 9112...
unbreakable transparent
plastic housing with two The types 9112… marked * - Plug spacing: 38 mm
gold-plated laminated plugs. in the list below have a big- - Housing dimensions:
The circuit symbol is printed ger housing. 38 x 57 x 35 mm
in white on the front. (w x d x h)
For safety reasons the components must not be operated at voltages higher than the maximum permissi-
ble protective low voltage.
Training in Technology
Electrolytic Capacitors
- Plug arrangement in
19 mm grid
- Plug diameter: 4 mm
- Tolerance of capacity:
+50 %... -20 % Capacitors
- Housing dimensions:
38 x 19 x 35 mm
(w x d x h)
Types 9111...
The types 9112… marked *
pluggable, consisting of an
in the list below have a bigger Types 9112...
unbreakable transparent
housing. - Housing dimensions:
plastic housing with two gold-
38 x 57 x 35 mm
plated laminated plugs. The
circuit symbol is printed (w x d x h)
in white on the front.
Variable Capacitor
Pluggable, consisting of an - Housing dimensions:
unbreakable transparent 38 x 57 x 35 mm
plastic housing with two (w x d x h)
gold-plated laminated plugs.
The circuit symbol is printed
in white on the front.
- Plug spacing: 38 mm
- Plug diameter: 4 mm
Training in Technology
Pluggable, consisting of an - Housing dimensions:
unbreakable transparent 38 x 19 x 35 mm
plastic housing with two (w x d x h)
Semiconductor gold-plated laminated plugs.
Components The circuit symbol is printed
in white on the front.
- Plug spacing: 19 mm
- Plug diameter: 4 mm
Types 9114...
UR = reverse voltage
URM = inverse peak voltage
kind IF UR URM UF at IF Type UF = forward voltage
IF = forward current
Si 200 mA 75 V 100 V 1V 10 mA 9114.1
For safety reasons the components must not be operated at voltages higher than the maximum
permissible protective low voltage.
Varactor Diode
Pluggable, consisting of an - Reverse voltage: - Housing dimensions:
unbreakable transparent Umax = 30 V 38 x 19 x 35 mm
plastic housing with two - Diode capacity: (w x d x h)
gold-plated laminated plugs. CD = 5 pF...28 pF
The circuit symbol is printed
in white on the front.
- Plug spacing: 19 mm
- Plug diameter: 4 mm
Type 9114.5
Training in Technology
Zener Diodes
- Plug spacing: 19 mm
- Plug diameter: 4 mm
- Housing dimensions: Semiconductor
38 x 35 x 19 mm
(w x d x h) Components
Zener diodes
UZ (V),
IZ (mA) UZ (V) Type
tolerance values
40 10 9.4..10.6 9114.8
32 12 11.4...12.7 9114.16
86 12 11.4...12.7 9115.4*
27 15 13.8...15.6 9114.17
71 15 13.8...15.8 9115.5*
44 22 20.8...23.3 9114.9
16 24 22.8..25.6 9114.18
45 24 22.8..25.6 9115.6*
UZ = Zener voltage * big housing
IZ = Zener current
Training in Technology
Pluggable, consisting of an - Break down current:
unbreakable transparent IBRF, IBRR = 0.4 mA typ.
plastic housing with three 1.0 mA max.
Semiconductor gold-plated laminated plugs. - Peak current: Imax = 1 A
Components The circuit symbol is printed (at t = 20 µS)
in white on the front. Backward voltage:
- Plug spacing: 19 mm (symmetrical)
∆U = 5 V typ.
- Plug diameter: 4 mm
- Break down voltage: - Housing dimensions:
Type 9114.4 38 x 19 x 35 mm
UBR = 32 V (+/-4V) (w x d x h)
Pluggable, consisting of an - Continuous effective cur- For safety reasons the compo-
unbreakable transparent rent: ITRMS = 4 A nents must not be operated at
plastic housing with three voltages higher than the maxi-
- Ignition current:
gold-plated laminated plugs. mum permissible protective low
IGT = 10 mA
The circuit symbol is printed voltage.
in white on the front. - Housing dimensions:
38 x 57 x 35 mm
- Plug arrangement in (w x d x h)
19 mm grid
- Plug diameter: 4 mm
- Inverse peak voltage:
Type 9117.2 UDRM = 400 V 1)
Pluggable, consisting of an - Max. positive and negative - Housing dimensions:
unbreakable transparent inverse peak voltage: 38 x 57 x 35 mm
plastic housing with three UDRM, URRM = 400 V 1) (w x d x h)
gold-plated laminated plugs. - Limiting value of mean
The circuit symbol is printed on-state current: 1)
For safety reasons the compo-
in white on the front. (average value) nents must not be operated at
- Plug arrangement in ITAVM = 3 A voltages higher than the maxi-
19 mm grid - Ignition current: mum permissible protective low
- Plug diameter: 4 mm IGT = 10 mA voltage.
- Ignition voltage:
Types 9117.1 UGT = 1.5 V
Training in Technology
kind base contact UCE0 UEB0 UCBO IC Ptot Type
PNP left -24 V -10 V -32 V -200 mA 0.9 W 9118.1
PNP left -20 V -5 V -20 V -100 mA 0.3 W 9118.4
PNP right -20 V -5 V -20 V -100 mA 0.3 W 9118.12
PNP left -40 V -5 V -40 V -1 A 3.2 W 9118.7
PNP right -40 V -5 V -40 V -1 A 3.2 W 9118.10
NPN left 20 V 6V 50 V 100 mA 0.5 W 9118.2
NPN right 20 V 6V 50 V 100 mA 0.5 W 9118.3
NPN left 40 V 7V 80 V 1A 3.7 W 9118.5
NPN right 40 V 7V 80 V 1A 3.7 W 9118.6
NPN left 60 V 7V 90 V 15 A 12 W 9117.3*
NPN right 60 V 7V 90 V 15 A 12 W 9117.31*
with base series resistor (180 Ω / 2 W)
NPN left 40 V 15 V 80 V 1A 3.7 W 9118.15
Training in Technology
Types 9118...
Training in Technology
Unijunction Transistor
Pluggable, consisting of an - Emitter current:
unbreakable transparent IE = 50 mA
plastic housing with three - total power loss:
gold-plated laminated plugs. Ptot = 300 mW
The circuit symbol is printed
- Housing dimensions: Components
in white on the front.
38 x 57 x 35 mm
- Plug arrangement in (w x d x h)
19 mm grid
- Plug diameter: 4 mm
- Emitter-base reverse volt-
Type 9118.9 age: -UEB = 30 V
- Inter-base voltage
B1 / B2:
UBB = 35 V
Transistor Socket
Pluggable, consisting of an - Plug arrangement in
unbreakable transparent 19 mm grid
plastic housing with three - Plug diameter: 4 mm
gold-plated laminated plugs.
- Housing dimensions:
Apart from the circuit symbol 38 x 57 x 35 mm
the top of the housing is pro- (w x d x h)
vided with a four-pin plug-in
socket for connecting com-
mercial transistors.
Type 9158
Training in Technology
Pluggable, consisting of an - Housing dimensions:
unbreakable transparent 38 x 19 x 35 mm
plastic housing with two (w x d x h)
Semiconductor gold-plated laminated plugs.
Components The circuit symbol is printed
in white on the front.
- Plug spacing: 19 mm
- Plug diameter: 4 mm
Types 9121...
red 9121.12 5V 15 V / 20 mA
Transistor Coupler
Pluggable, consisting of an Technical data of the Technical datas of the
unbreakable transparent Ga-As-LED: phototransistors:
plastic housing with four - Reverse voltage: UR = 3 V - Collector-emitter voltage
gold-plated laminated plugs. UCE0 = 30 V
- Forward current:
The circuit symbol is printed IF = 60 mA - Collector current:
in white on the front. - Total power loss: IC = 100 mA
Training in Technology
Thyristor Coupler
The circuit symbol is printed - Control current: 10 mA
in white on the front. (at 5 V)
The control input is TTL
- Plug arrangement in
compatible (active low) Semiconductor
19 mm grid
- Plug diameter: 4 mm
and galvanically isolated Components
from the load side.
- Max. positive and - The Thyristor Coupler can
negative inverse peak volt- be used to switch loads by
age of the Thyristors: means of TTL pulses.
UDRM, URRM = 600 V
Type 9117.40 - Housing dimensions:
- Continuous effective cur- 57 x 38 x 35 mm
Pluggable, consisting of an
rent: ITRMS = 3 A (w x d x h)
unbreakable transparent
plastic housing with four - Voltage range:
gold-plated laminated plugs. 24 V...230 V (AC);
50...60 Hz
For safety reasons the components must not be operated at voltages higher than the maximum
permissible protective low voltage.
Triac Coupler
Pluggable, consisting of an - Inverse peak voltage and - The Triac Coupler can be
unbreakable transparent continuous effective cur- used to switch loads by
plastic housing with four rent of the Triacs: means of TTL pulses.
gold-plated laminated plugs. UDRM = 600 V - Housing dimensions:
ITRMS = 3 A 57 x 38 x 35 mm
The circuit symbol is printed - Voltage range: (w x d x h)
in white on the front. 24 V... 230 V (AC);
- Plug arrangement in 50 ... 60 Hz
19 mm grid - Control current: 10 mA
Type 9117.41 - Plug diameter: 4 mm (at 5 V)
The control input is TTL
compatible (active low)
and galvanically isolated
from the load side.
For safety reasons the components must not be operated at voltages higher than the maximum
permissible protective low voltage.
Training in Technology
Solar Cell
Pluggable, consisting of an - No-load current
unbreakable transparent UL = 570 mV
plastic housing with two UL = 440 mV
Semiconductor gold-plated laminated plugs. (at EV = 1000 lx)
Components - Plug spacing: 38 mm - Photo current: IP = 280 mA
(at UA = 400 mV)
- Plug diameter: 4 mm
- Housing dimensions:
38 x 57 x 35 mm
(w x d x h)
- Short-circuit current:
Type 9117.28 Ik = 290 mA
Operational Amplifier
The circuit symbol is printed - Output voltage: Type 9240.1
in white on the front. (at RL > 2 kΩ) (without picture)
- Plug arrangement in +/-10 V
19 mm grid - Input resistance: Power supply of the opera-
- Plug diameter: 4 mm > 300 kΩ tional amplifier type 9240.1
Power supply and connec- is done via two 4 mm jacks
- Housing dimensions: on the top side of the hous-
38 x 57 x 35 mm tion of the operational ampli-
fier is done via five lamella ing.
(w x d x h) Connection of the opera-
plugs on the bottom of the
- Type: 741 housing. tional amplifier is done via
- Operating voltage: +/-15 V three lamella plugs on the
Type 9240 bottom of the housing.
- Offset voltage: 7.5 mV
Pluggable, consisting of an
unbreakable transparent - Voltage amplification:
plastic housing with five > 15000
gold-plated laminated plugs. - Input voltage: +/-12 V
Voltage Regulator 5 V
Pluggable, consisting of an - Plug arrangement in - Housing dimensions:
unbreakable transparent 19 mm grid 57 x 38 x 35 mm
plastic housing with three - Plug diameter: 4 mm (w x d x h)
gold-plated laminated plugs. - Weight ca. 50 g
- Input voltage:
The circuit symbol is printed +7 V DC ... +15 V DC
in white on the front. - Output voltage: 5 V DC
- Output current:
Type 9235
0.8 ... 0.4 A
Training in Technology
Light Source
Pluggable, consisting of an - Nominal current:
unbreakable transparent 12 V (max.)
plastic housing with two - Power: 1 W
gold-plated laminated plugs. Special
The light comes out of the
The circuit symbol is printed
right side of the housing. Components
in white on the front.
The Light Source can be
- Plug spacing: 19 mm used in combination with the
- Plug diameter: 4 mm LDR Resistor Type 9116.3.
- Housing dimensions:
Types 9122.1
38 x 19 x 35 mm
(w x d x h)
Pluggable, consisting of an
unbreakable transparent Colour Type nominal voltage current input
plastic housing with two
green 9121.1 15 V 82 mA
gold-plated laminated plugs.
gren 9121.6 15 V 35 mA
- Plug spacing: 19 mm
red 9121.2 15 V 82 mA
- Plug diameter: 4 mm
blue 9121.3 15 V 82 mA
- Housing dimensions:
38 x 19 x 35 mm
(w x d x h)
Types 9121...
Type 9121.8
Training in Technology
Training in Technology
Experimenting Transformer
- Winding turns: - Plug spacing: 38 mm
N = 100 (1 piece) - Plug diameter: 4 mm
N = 300 (2 piece)
- Dimensions Special
N = 900 (2 piece) Coils:
48 x 25 x 58 mm
The coils are equipped with
two gold-plated lamella (w x d x h)
plugs for use with the hps
Assembly Boards (19 mm Tape wound core:
38 x 13 x 68 mm
(w x d x h)
Type 9120.23
The Experimenting Trans-
former consists of a two-part
tape wound core and five
For safety reasons the components must not be operated at voltages higher than the maximum
permissible protective low voltage.
Training in Technology
For safety reasons the components must not be operated at voltages higher than the maximum
permissible protective low voltage.
For safety reasons the components must not be operated at voltages higher than the maximum
permissible protective low voltage.
Training in Technology
For safety reasons the components must not be operated at voltages higher than the maximum
permissible protective low voltage.
Push-button Switch
Pluggable, consisting of an - Switching current: 1 A
unbreakable transparent (at 120 V AC; 28 V DC)
plastic housing with two - Contact resistance of the
gold-plated laminated plugs. Push-button Switch:
The circuit symbol is printed 10 mΩ
in white on the front.
- Plug arrangement in
19 mm grid
- Plug diameter: 4 mm
- Housing dimensions:
Type 9126.1 38 x 57 x 35 mm
(w x d x h)
For safety reasons the components must not be operated at voltages higher than the maximum
permissible protective low voltage.
Training in Technology
Type 9125.1
For safety reasons the components must not be operated at voltages higher than the maximum
permissible protective low voltage.
Type 9125.2
For safety reasons the components must not be operated at voltages higher than the maximum
permissible protective low voltage.
Fuse Holder
Pluggable, consisting of an - Housing dimensions:
unbreakable transparent 38 x 19 x 35 mm
plastic housing with two (w x d x h)
gold-plated laminated plugs. The Fuse Holder is suitable
The circuit symbol is printed for accommodating fuses
in white on the front. with a diameter of 5 mm and
- Plug spacing: 19 mm a length of 20 mm at maxi-
- Plug diameter: 4 mm mum.
Type 9129
Training in Technology
Battery Holder
Pluggable (two gold-plated - Dimensions:
laminated plugs), consisting 86 x 19 x 24 mm
of a sturdy plastic housing (w x d x h)
with penlight battery
- Plug spacing: 76 mm IC Sockets
- Plug diameter: 4 mm
Type 9128
IC Socket (dual-in-line)
Pluggable, consisting of a The IC socket is used for ac-
sturdy transparent plastic commodating IC compo-
housing with two gold-plated nents (dual-in-line) with up to
laminated plugs. 16 pins.
- Plug spacing: 57 mm The connections are fed out
through 2 mm jacks and are
- Plug diameter: 4 mm numbered. The socket is fit-
- Housing dimensions: ted with a removal wedge for
75 x 56 x 35 mm easy withdrawal of the IC
(w x d x h) component.
Type 9156
IC Socket (TO)
Pluggable, consisting of a The IC socket (10-pin) is
sturdy transparent plastic used for plugging transistors
housing with two gold-plated and integrated circuits into
laminated plugs. TO 5 and TO 8 housings.
- Plug spacing: 57 mm
The connections are fed out
- Plug diameter: 4 mm through 2 mm jacks and are
- Housing dimensions: numbered.
75 x 56 x 35 mm
(w x d x h)
Type 9156.1
Training in Technology
Training in Technology
Empty Housings
Pluggable, consisting of an Type 9150
unbreakable transparent with 2 plugs and 2 nuts
plastic housing with two (see Type 9160)
gold-plated laminated plugs. Empty
Type 9150.1
- Plug spacing: 19 mm without plugs and nuts Housings
- Plug diameter: 4 mm
You can install commercially
- Housing dimensions:
available components such
38 x 19 x 35 mm
as resistors, capacitors, di-
(w x d x h)
Type 9150 and Type 9150.1 odes etc. in the empty hous-
ing yourself.
Empty Housing
Pluggable, consisting of an - With 3 plugs, 6 nuts and 3
unbreakable transparent solder lugs (see Type
plastic housing with two 9160)
gold-plated laminated plugs. You can install commercially
- Plug arrangement in available components such
19 mm grid as transistors in the empty
- Plug diameter: 4 mm housing yourself.
- Housing dimensions:
38 x 57 x 35 mm
(w x d x h)
Type 9151.1
Empty Housings
Pluggable, consisting of an - With 2 plugs and 2 nuts
unbreakable transparent (see Type 9160)
plastic housing with two You can install commercially
gold-plated laminated plugs. available components such
- Plug arrangement in as capacitors in the empty
19 mm grid housing yourself.
- Plug diameter: 4 mm
- Housing dimensions:
38 x 57 x 35 mm
(w x d x h)
Type 9152.5
Training in Technology
Empty Housings
Pluggable, consisting of an - With 2 plugs, 4 nuts and
unbreakable transparent 2 solder lugs
plastic housing with two (see Type 9160.1)
Empty gold-plated laminated plugs. You can install commercially
Housings - Plug arrangement in available components or
19 mm grid modules in the empty hous-
- Plug diameter: 4 mm ing yourself.
- Housing dimensions:
38 x 57 x 35 mm
(w x d x h)
Type 9152.6
Empty Housing
Pluggable, consisting of an - Plug arrangement in
unbreakable transparent 19 mm grid
plastic housing with three - Plug diameter: 4 mm
gold-plated laminated plugs
(2 with solder sink), 4 nuts, - Housing dimensions:
one solder lug and a knob 38 x 57 x 35 mm
with a 6 mm clamp (w x d x h)
There is an opening (9 mm
diameter) in the housing
cover for installing potenti-
Type 9152.4 ometers.
Empty Housing
Black metal housing, with You can install commercially
three gold-plated laminated available components such
plugs. as transistors, triacs, thyris-
- Plug arrangement in tors in the empty housing
19 mm grid yourself.
- Plug diameter: 4 mm
- Housing dimensions:
54 x 54 x 36 mm
(w x d x h)
- Colour: black
Type 9153
Training in Technology
Empty Housing
Black metal housing, with You can install commercially
two gold-plated laminated available 2-pole components
plugs. in the empty housing your-
self. Empty
- Plug arrangement in
19 mm grid Housings
- Plug diameter: 4 mm
- Housing dimensions:
35 x 19 x 51 mm
(w x d x h)
Type 9153.1
Laminated Plug
gold-plated, for 4 mm jacks, - Plug diameter: 4 mm
with nut, serrated washer - Plug length: 20 mm
and solder lug
- Total length: 38 mm
Type 9160
Laminated Plug
gold-plated, for 4 mm jacks, - Plug diameter: 4 mm
with 2 nuts and solder lug - Plug length: 19 mm
- Total length: 30 mm
- Without solder sink
Type 9160.1
Training in Technology
hps hps 9161.2 hps 9161.6
Housings 9161.1
hps 9161.7
Sticker Type
self-adhesive, made of black - Dimensions: 34 x 15 mm Resistor 9161.1
plastic foil with printed sym- The Stickers are supplied on Capacitor 9161.2
bol (except Type 9161.8), for Diode 9161.6
DIN A5 sheet of 35 pieces. Z-diode 9161.7
labelling the Empty Housing Blank 9161.8
Type 9150 (for labelling yourself)
Marking Pen
for labelling the pluggable - Colour: white
Type 9161.20
Training in Technology
0 4
3 7
2 8
1 9
0 10
Sticker Type
Potentiometer 9162.3
hps 9162.5-2
Capacitor 9162.4
Transistor, NPN 9162.5-1
(base left)
Type 9162.5-2 Type 9162.5-5 Transistor, NPN 9162.5-2
(base right)
Training in Technology
Assembly Kit
Assembly arrangement
The assembly kit has been - Empty Housing - Jacks (Type 9168)
designed to manufacture (Type 9152.7) The individual components
your own plug-in modules - Sticker for labelling the of the Assembly Kit are
with simple to complex elec- Empty Housing listed below.
trical/electronic circuits, also (Type 9162.5-6)
outside the hps standard
programm. It consists of the - Universal PCB
following individual compo- (Type 9167 or Type
nents: 9167.1)
Empty Housing
transparent plastic and a stalled by a clamp, additional housing bottom section:
sturdy bottom section made screwing is not necessary. 9 mm
of black fibre-glass rein- - Accessories included with
forced plastic. There are 14 holes drilled on the Empty Housing:
the front of the top section 2 Laminated Plugs
Drill holes are arranged in on both the right and left (4 mm), Type 9160.1, with
the bottom section in a hand long sides for pushing solder lugs and nuts
19 mm grid for fixing in lami- through the jacks soldered
nated plugs. into the Universal PCB. - Housing dimensions:
75 x 56 x 35 mm
The top and bottom sections - Distance of the installed (w x d x h)
Type 9152.7 are connected by two Universal PCB to the
The Empty Housing is desig- quick-release catches; this housing top section:
ned for installing the Univer- enables fast, easy closing 18 mm
sal PCB. It consists of a top and opening of the housing. - Distance of the installed
section made of unbreakable The Universal PCB is in- Universal PCB to the
Training in Technology
The Sticker consists of a - Dimensions:37.5 x 70 mm
self-adhesive black plastic The Sticker is supplied on
foil and is used to label the
Empty Housing Type
DIN A5 sheets of 6 pieces.
9152.7. Kit
The Marking Pen Type
9161.20 is recommended for
Training in Technology
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E-mail: export@hps-SystemTechnik.com
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, transmitted, stored in a retrieval system, nor
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Training in Technology
Equipment Shelf
H-Section Rail
Grooved Mat
Training in Technology
Training in Technology
Mechanical Accessories
- Dimensions: (w x h x d)
850 x 420 x 260 mm
- Weight: 3.1 kg
The Bench Rack accommo- The sides are made of pow-
dates hps Demonstration der-coated, silver-coloured
Boards and Boards in the square steel bar tubes, the
sizes two cross members of
95 x 297 mm (w x h) ano-dised aluminium
133 x 297 mm (w x h) H-section rails.
266 x 297 mm (w x h)
532 x 297 mm (w x h).
Training in Technology
Mechanical Accessories
Demonstration Rack
- Dimensions:
1170 x 1950 x 650 mm
(w x h x d)
Type 8121
Training in Technology
Mechanical Accessories
Storage Cabinet
Training in Technology
Mechanical Accessories
Equipment Shelf
Type 8184
Grooved Mat
Training in Technology
Mechanical Accessories
Bare Boards
Storage Board
Type 8182
Storage Board
Type 8182.2
Training in Technology
Mechanical Accessories
Training in Technology
Mechanical Accessories
Type 8182.12
Empty Cases
for installation of one
Board with dimensions
532 x 297 mm (w x h) or of
two Boards with the dimen-
sions 266 x 297 mm (w x h)
in the bottom of the Box. Other features of the Box:
- Dimensions: - Storage compartment for
580 x 450 x 155 mm accessories and small
(w x d x h) parts in the bottom of the
Box, lid with magnetic
- Weight: 4.0 kg catch
Type 8182.13 - Rugged housing, lockable,
same as Type 8182.12 but with sturdy handle and
with the possibility of addi- rubber reinforced
tionally installing one Stor- corners, removable lid
age Board with the dimen-
- Colour of the Box:
sions 532 x 297 mm (w x h)
or two Storage Boards with
the dimensions - Material: ABS plastic
266 x 297 mm (w x h) in the
top of the Box.
- Dimensions:
580 x 450 x 200 mm
(w x d x h)
- Weight: 4.2 kg
Training in Technology