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P-Block Elements SBM

1. PH3 (Phosphine) when passed in aqueous solution of 9. Which of the following is the correct order of acidic
CuSO4 it produce - strength?
(1) Blue precipitate of Cu(OH)2 (1) Cl2O7 > SO3 > P4O10
(2) dark blue solution of [Cu(PH3)4]SO4 (2) CO2 > N2O5 > SO3
(3) Black precipitate of Cu3P2 (3) Na2O > MgO > Al2O3
(4) Colorless solution of [Cu(H2O)4]+ (4) K2O > CaO > MgO

2. Which of the following species is not a pseudohalide? 10. Ca + C2 ⎯⎯

→ CaC 2 ⎯⎯
(1) CNO– (2) RCOO–
– Compound (A) is used as a/an
(3) OCN (4) N3–
(1) fertilizer
(2) dehydrating agent
3. Conc. HNO3 is yellow coloured liquid due to
(3) oxidising agent
(1) dissolution of NO in conc. HNO3
(4) reducing agent
(2) dissolution of NO2 in conc. HNO3
(3) dissolution of N2O in conc. HNO3
11. Three allotropes (A), (B) and (C) of phosphorous in
(4) dissolution of N2O3 in conc. HNO3
the following change are respectively
4. H3PO2 ⎯⎯⎯
→ A ⎯⎯⎯
→ B ⎯⎯⎯
Compound (C) is
(1) H2PO3 (2) H3PO3
(3) (HPO3)n (4) H4P2O7
(1) white, -black, red
5. First compound of inert gases was prepared by (2) -black, white, red
scientist Neil Barthlete in 1962. This compound is (3) red, -black, white
(1) XePtF6 (2) XeO3
(4) red, violet, -black
(3) XeF6 (4) XeOF4
12. Match the column :
6. H3BO3 ⎯⎯
→ X ⎯⎯
→ Y ⎯⎯⎯
red hot
→ B2 O 3
Column-I Column-II
If T1 < T2 then X and Y respectively are
(1) X = Metaboric acid and Y = Tetraboric acid (P) Fe (1) Produces NO with 20%
(2) X = Tetracboric acid and Y = Metaboric acid HNO3
(3) X = Borax and Y = Metaboric acid (Q) Cu (2) Produces NH4NO3 with
(4) X = Tetraboric acid and Y = Borax
6% HNO3
7. Conc. H2SO4 cannot be used to prepare HBr from (R) Pb (3) Produces NO2 with
NaBr because it 70% HNO3
(1) reacts slowly with NaB
(2) oxidises HBr (S) Sn (4) Produces NH4NO3 with
(3) reduces HBr 20% HNO3
(4) disproportionates HBr P Q R S
8. Ammonia can be dried by (1) 2, 1 1 3, 4 2, 3
(1) conc. H2SO4 (2) P4O10 (2) 2, 3 1, 3 1, 3 2, 3, 4
(3) CaO (4) anhydrous CaCl2 (3) 1,3 1, 2 3, 4 2
(4) 1, 4 2, 3 1, 3 1, 4

13. Match the column : 18. Which of the following statement is wrong?
Column-I Column-II (1) Single N-N bond is weaker than the single P-P
(P) XeF2 + PF5 → (1) Fluoride of Xe acts as bond
fluoride acceptor (2) N2O4 has two resonance structures
(Q) XeF4 + Pt → (2) Fluoride of Xe undergoes (3) The stability of hydrides increases from NH3 to
disproportion BiH3 in group 15 of the periodic table
(R) XeF4 + H2O → (3) Fluoride of Xe acts as (4) Nitrogen cannot form d-p bond
fluorinating agent
(S) XeF6 + CsF → (4) Fluoride of Xe act as 19. Which of the following statements regarding sulphur
fluoride donor is incorrect?
P Q R S (1) At 600°C the gas mainly consists of S molecules
(1) 4 2 3 1 (2) The oxidation state of sulphur is never less than
(2) 3 2 1 4 +4 in its compounds
(3) 4 3 2 1
(3) S2 molecule is paramagnetic
(4) 3 4 2 1
(4) The vapour at 200°C consists mostly of
14. Identify the incorrect statement among the following S8 rings
(1) Ozone reacts with SO2 to give SO3
(2) Silicon reacts with NaOH (aq.) in the presence 20. The number of S–S bond in SO3, S2O32–, S2O62– and
of air to give Na2SiO3 and H2O S2O82– respectively are :
(3) Cl2 reacts with excess of NH3 to give N2 and HCl (1) 1, 0, 1, 0 (2) 0, 1, 1, 0
(4) Br2 reacts with hot and strong NaOH solution to (3) 1, 0, 0, 1 (4) 0, 1, 0, 1
given NaBr, NaBrO4 and H2O
21. Which one of the following depletes ozone layer?
(1) NO and freons (2) SO2
15. What may be expected when phosphine gas is mixed
(3) CO (4) CO2
with chlorine gas:
(1) PCl5 and HCl are formed and mixture cools 22. Which of the following series correctly represents
down relations between the elements from X to Y ?
(2) PH3.Cl2 is formed with warming up (1) 18Ar → 54Xe Noble character increases
(3) The mixture only cools down (2) 3Li → 19K Ionization enthalpy increases
(4) PCl3 and HCl are formed and the mixture warms up (3) 3Ci → 32Ge Atomic radii increases
(4) 9F → 35Br Electron gain enthalpy with
16. The soldiers of Napolean army while at Alps during negative sign increases
freezing winter suffered a serious problem as regards
to the tin buttons of their uniforms. White Metallic tin 23. Which of the following statements about the
buttons get converted to grey powder. This depletion of ozone layer is correct?
transformation is related to:- (1) The problem of ozone depletion is more serious
(1) An interaction with water vapour contained in at poles because ice crystals in the clouds over
humid air poles act as catalyst for photochemical reactions
(2) A change in crystalline structure of tin involving the decomposition of ozone by Cl and
(3) A change in the partial pressure of O2 in air ClO* radicals
(4) An interaction with N2 of air at low temperature (2) The problem of ozone depletion is less serious at
poles because NO2 solidifies and is not available
for consuming ClO* radicals
17. The number of hydrogen atoms attached to
(3) Oxides of nitrogen also do not react with ozone
phosphorus atom in hypophosphorous acid is :
in stratosphere
(1) Zero (2) Two
(4) Freons, chlorofluorocarbons, are inert
(3) One (4) Three
chemically, they do not react with ozone in

24. Which of the following xenon-OXO compounds may 28. The following statements concern elements in the
not be obtained by hydrolysis of xenon fluorides ? periodic table. Which of the following is true ?
(1) XeO2F2 (2) XeO3 (1) The group 13 elements are all metals.
(2) For group 15 elements, the stability of +5
(3) XeO4 (3) XeOF4
oxidation state increases down the group.
(3) All the elements in Group 17 are gases.
25. Which among the following is the most reactive? (4) Elements of group 16 have lower ionization
(1) I2 (2) ICl enthalpy values compared to those of group 15
(3) Cl2 (4) Br2 in the corresponding periods.

26. Which one has the highest boiling point ? 29. In graphite and diamond, the percentage of p-
characters of the hybrid orbitals in hybridisation are
(1) Kr (2) Xe
(3) He (4) Ne (1) 33 and 25 (2) 33 and 75
(3) 50 and 75 (4) 67 and 75
27. Which intermolecular force is most responsible in
allowing xenon gas to liquefy? 30. The pair that contains two P–H bonds in each of the
(1) Ionic oxoacids is:
(2) Instantaneous dipole - induced dipole (1) H2P2O5 and H3PO3
(2) H4P2O5 and H4P2O6
(3) Dipole - dipole
(3) H3PO2 and H4P2O5
(4) Ion - dipole (4) H3PO3 and H3PO2

Answer Key
1. (3) 16. (2)
2. (2) 17. (2)
3. (2) 18. (3)
4. (3) 19. (2)
5. (1) 20. (2)
6. (1) 21. (1)
7. (2) 22. (3)
8. (3) 23. (1)
9. (1) 24. (3)
10. (1) 25. (2)
11. (1) 26. (2)
12. (2) 27. (2)
13. (3) 28. (4)
14. (4) 29. (4)
15. (4) 30. (3)

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Lakshya JEE AIR (2024)

D & f block JEE
Practice Sheet

Single Correct Type Questions 8. Not more than one oxidation state is show by:
1. Which element is having lowest melting and (A) Mn (B) Cr
boiling point: (C) Fe (D) Sc
(A) Ti (B) Cu
9. Which of the following set of metals can form
(C) Zn (D) Mn
(A) Cu – Au (B) Li–Na
2. Density of which of the following element is (C) Fe–Hg (D) All
(A) Pt (B) Hg 10. Which of the following is ferromagnetic:
(C) Mn (D) Cu (A) Cu, Ag, Au (B) Fe, Co, Ni
(C) Zn, Cd, Hg (D) Ca, Sr, Ba
3. To which of the following series the transition
element from Z = 39 to Z = 48 belong: 11. The number of moles of acidified KMnO4 required
to convert sulphite ion into sulphate ion is:
(A) 3d series (B) 4d series
(A) 2/5 (B) 3/5
(C) 5d series (D) 6d series
(C) 4/5 (D) 1

4. Permanent magnets are generally made of alloys of: Fe + Mo

12. N2(g) + 3H2(g) 2NH3(g); Haber's
(A) Co (B) Zn
process, Mo is used as:
(C) Mn (D) Pb
(A) A catalyst
(B) A catalytic promoter
5. The reaction of O2 and CO with haemoglobin gives: (C) An oxidising agent
(A) Only oxygen-haeme complex (D) As a catalytic poison
(B) Only CO-haeme complex
(C) Both but oxygen-haeme-complex is more 13. Cr2O72– 2CrO2–
4 , X and Y are respectively:
stable Y

(D) Both but CO-haeme-complex is more stable (A) X = OH–, Y = H+

(B) X = H+, Y = OH–
6. Which of the following statement is not correct: (C) X = OH–, Y = H2O2
(D) X = H2O2, Y = OH–
(A) Fe, Ni, Co form interstetial compound
(B) CuSO4 + Ca(OH)2 is called Bordeaux
14. During estimation of oxalic acid Vs KMnO4, self
indicator is:
(C) Verdigris is basic copper acetate (A) KMnO4 (B) Oxalic acid
[Cu(COOCH3)2Cu(OH)2] (C) K2SO4 (D) MnSO4
(D) 24 carat gold is an alloy of Au and Cu
15. → Cu ( NO3 )2 + X (oxide of
Cu+ conc. HNO3 ⎯⎯
7. Chromium forms most stable compound in the (hot)
following oxidation state: nitrogen); then X is:
(A) Cr (I) (B) Cr (II) (A) N2O (B) NO2
(C) Cr (III) (D) Cr (iv) (C) NO (D) N2O3

16. Bayer's reagent used to detect olifinic double bond 

23. CuFeS2 + O2 (excess) ⎯⎯ → X(s) + Y(s)
is: (Unbalanced Equation):
(A) Acidified KMnO4 Which is correct choice for (X) and (Y)?
(B) Aqueous KMnO4
(A) (X) liberates iodine from soluble iodides like
(C) 1% alkaline KMnO4 solution KI
(D) KMnO4 in benzene
(B) (Y) on heating liberates SO3 only
(C) (X) forms bluish white ppt. with sodium
17. The higher oxidation states of transition elements
hydroxide which redissolves in excess of
are found to be the combination with A and B,
which are: sodium hydroxide.
(A) F, O (B) O, N (D) (Y) on reaction with potassium ferricyanide
(C) O, Cl (D) F, Cl gives brown ppt.

18. Manganese steel is used for making railways 24. FeCl3.6H2O + C(CH3)2 (CH3O)2 → Products
because: Reaction product are
(A) It is hard with high percentage of Mn (A) FeCl3, CH3OH and CH3COCH3
(B) It is soft with high percentage of Mn (B) (CH3O)3Fe, HCl and H2O
(C) It is hard with small concentration of
(C) FeCl2, HCl and CH3COCH3
manganese with the impurities
(D) It is soft with small concentration of (D) Fe(OH)3, FeCl3 and CH3COCH3
manganese with impurities.
25. Which of the following statements is incorrect?
19. 'Bordeaux mixture' is used as a fungicide. It is a (A) Transition element exhibit higher enthalpies
mixture of: of atomization as they have stronger
(A) CaSO4 + Cu(OH)2 interactomic interaction
(B) CuSO4 + Ca(OH)2 (B) IE2 of 23V < 24Cr > 25Mn and 28Ni < 29Cu >
(C) CuSO4 + CaO 30Zn
(D) CuO + CaO (C) Ni (II) compounds are more stable than pt(II)
where as pt(IV) compounds are more stable
20. Anhydrous ferric chloride is prepared by: than Ni (IV)
(A) Heating hydrated ferric chloride at a high (D) The elements which gives the greatest
temperature in a stream of air number of oxidation states does not occur in
(B) Heating metallic iron in a stream of dry or near the middle of the series
chlorine gas
(C) Reaction of ferric oxide with HCl (aq)
26. Stability of Cu+ and Ag+ halide complexes are in
(D) Reaction of metallic iron with HCl (aq)
(A) I > Br > Cl > F (B) F > Cl > Br > I
21. The product of oxidation of I– with MnO4– in
(C) Cl > F > I > Br (D) Br > I > Cl > F
alkaline medium is:
(A) IO3– (B) I2 27. When KI (excess) is added to:
(C) IO – (D) IO4– I: CuSO4 II. HgCl2
III. Pb(NO3)2
22. Copper becomes green when exposed to moist air (A) A white ppt. of CuI in I, an orange ppt. HgI2
for longer period. in II and a yellow ppt. of PbI2 in III
(A) Because of the formation of a layer of cupric (B) A white ppt. of CuI in I, an orange ppt.
oxide on the surface of copper
dissolving to Hgl2–
4 in II, and a yellow ppt.
(B) Because of the formation of a layer of basic
carbonate of copper on the surface of copper of PbI2 in III
(C) Because of the formation of a layer of cupric (C) A white ppt. of CuI, HgI2 and PbI2 in each
hydroxide on the surface of copper. case
(D) (A) and (C) both (D) None is correct

28. CuSO4 can be estimated volumetrically: 35. Atomic size of gold is almost the same as that of
(A) by reaction with KI followed by reaction silver. It is due to:
with Na2S2O3 (A) The same crystal structure of silver and gold
(B) Almost the same electropositive character of
(B) by reaction with BaCl2
the two metals
(C) by reaction with K4[Fe(CN)6]
(C) Transition metals contraction in a series
(D) None is correct
(D) The effect of lanthanide contraction

29. Cl2 gas is obtained by various reactions but not by: 36. Which of the following compounds is most

(A) KMnO4 + conc. HCl ⎯⎯
→ sensetive of light?
 (A) AgCl (B) AgCN
(B) KCl + K2Cr2O7 + conc. H2SO4 ⎯⎯

(C) AgI (D) AgBr
(C) MnO2 + conc. HCl ⎯⎯

(D) KCl + F2 ⎯⎯
→ 37. An inorganic salt is lemon yellow in colour. It
becomes orange in colour like methyl orange when
30. Maximum magnetic moment is shown by: it is acidic and again becomes yellow when it is
(A) d5 (B) d6 alkaline. The inorganic salt will be:
(A) Copper nitrate
(C) d7 (D) d8
(B) Ferric chloride
(C) Potassium chromate
31. A jeweller is selling 22-carat gold articles with 95%
(D) Potassium ferri cyanide
purity, it is approximately:
(A) exact (B) 3.5% higher
38. Magnetic moment 35 is true for which of the
(C) 3.5% lower (D) 5% lower
following pair:
(A) Co+2, Fe+2 (B) Fe+3, Mn+2
32. The basic character of the transition metal
(C) Co+3, Cr+2 (D) Fe+2, Mn+2
monoxides follows the order:
(Atomic no. Ti = 22, V = 23, Cr = 24, Fe = 26)
39. Fe+3 is more stable than Fe+2, the reason is/are:
(A) TiO > FeO > VO > CrO
(B) TiO > VO > CrO > FeO (A) Ist and IInd I.P. difference is less than 11.0 eV
(C) VO > CrO > TiO > FeO (B) Core of Fe+3 is more stable
(D) CrO > VO > FeO > TiO (C) IInd and 3nd IP difference is less than 11.0 eV
(D) IP of Fe+3 is high
33. AgCl on fusion with sodium carbonate, gives:
(A) Ag2CO3 (B) Ag2O 40. Addition of non-metals like B and C to the
interstitial sites of a transition metal results the
(C) Ag (D) Ag2C2
(A) of more ductability
34. Which of the following reactions is used to estimate
(B) of less ductability
copper volumetrically?
(C) Less malleable
(A) 2Cu2+ + 4CN– ⎯⎯
→ Cu2(CN)2 + (CN)2 (D) of more hardness
(B) Cu2+ + 4NH3 ⎯⎯
→ [Cu(NH3)4]2+
41. The metal(s) which does/do not form amalgam
(C) 2Cu2+ + 2CNS– + SO2 + 2H2O ⎯⎯

Cu2(CNS)2 + H2SO4 + 2H+ (A) Fe (B) Pt
(D) 2Cu2+ + 4I– ⎯⎯
→ Cu2I2 + I2 (C) Zn (D) Ag

42. Correct statement(s) is/are: 49. x, y and z are

(A) An acidified solution of K2Cr2O7 liberates
iodine from KI
(B) K2Cr2O7 is used as a standard solution for
estimation of Fe2+ ions respectively:
(C) In acidic medium, N = M/6 for K2Cr2O7 (A) 1, 2, 3 (B) 1, 5, 3
(D) (NH4)2Cr2O7 on heating decomposes to (C) 1, 3, 5 (D) 5, 3, 1
yield Cr2O3 through an endothermic reaction
50. In the equation : M + 8 CN– + 2H2O + O2 ⎯⎯

– –
43. The highest oxidation state shown by transition 4[M(CN)2] + 4OH , metal M is:
element is: (A) Ag (B) Au
(C) Cu (D) Hg
(A) + 7 by Mn (B) + 8 by Os
(C) + 8 by Ru (D) + 7 by Fe
51. Amongst CuF2, CuCl2 and CuBr2:
(A) Only CuF2 is ionic
44. A compound of mercury used in cosmetics, in
(B) Both CuCl2 and CuBr2 are covalent
Ayurvedic and Yunani medicines and known as
(C) CuF2 and CuCl2 are ionic but CuBr2 is
Vermilon is:
(A) HgCl2 (B) HgS (D) CuF2, CuCl2 as well as CuBr2 are ionic
(C) Hg2Cl2 (D) HgI
52. A metal M which is not affected by strong acids like
45. Acidified chromic acid + H 2O2 ⎯⎯ → X + Y,X conc. HNO3, conc. H2SO4 and conc. solution of
( Blue colour ) alkalies like NaOH, KOH forms MCl3 which finds
use for toning in photography. The metal M is:
and Y are: (A) Ag (B) Hg
(A) CrO5 and H2O (B) Cr2O3 and H2O (C) Au (D) Cu
(C) CrO2 and H2O (D) CrO and H2O
53. CuSO4(aq.) + 4NH3 ⎯⎯→ X, then X is:
Kl dil H2SO4 2+
46.  Y(g) ⎯⎯ CuSO4 ⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯
→ X (Blue (A) [Cu(NH3)4]
(B) Paramagnetic
colour), X and Y are:
(C) Coloured
(A) X = I2, Y = [Cu(H2O)4]2+
(D) Of a magnetic moment of 1.73 BM
(B) X = [Cu(H2O)4]2+, Y = I2
(C) X = [Cu(H2O)4]+, Y = I2 54. Number of moles of SnCl2 required for the
(D) X = [Cu(H2O)5]2+, Y = I2 reduction of K2Cr2O7 into Cr2O3 is (in acidic
47. (NH4)2Cr2O7 (Ammonium dichromate) is used in (A) 3 (B) 2
fire works. The green coloured powder blown in air (C) 1 (D) 1/3
(A) Cr2O3 (B) CrO2 55. Acidified KMnO4 can be decolourised by:
(A) SO2 (B) H2O2
(C) Cr2O4 (D) CrO3
(C) FeSO4 (D) FeCl3
48. Iron becomes possive by.............due to formation
56. The Ziegler-Natta catalyst used for polymerisation
of ethene and styrene is TiCl4 + (C2H5)3Al, the
(A) dil. HCl, Fe2O3 catalysing species (active species) involved in the
(B) Aqua-regia, Fe3O4 polymerisation is:
(C) conc. H2SO4, Fe3O4 (A) TiCl4 (B) TiCl3
(D) conc. HCl, Fe3O4 (C) TiCl2 (D) TiCl

57. Which of the following raction is possible at anode? 64. Iodide of Millon's base is:
(A) 2Cr3+ + 7H2O ⎯⎯
→ Cr2O72– + 14H+ (A) K2[HgI4]

(B) → 2F–
F2 ⎯⎯ (B)
(C) O 2 + 2H + ⎯⎯
→ H 2O
2 (C) [Hg2O.NH2OH].H2O
(D) None of these
(D) Hg(NH2) I + Hg
58. Colourles solution of the following four salts are
65. The following reaction describes the rusting of iron,
placed separately in four different test tubes and a
strip of coper is dipeed in each one of these. Which 4Fe + 3O2 ⎯⎯ → 4Fe3+ + 6O2–. Which one of the
solution will turn blue? following statements is incorrect:
(A) KNO3 (B) AgNO3 (A) This is an example of a redox reaction
(C) Zn(NO3)2 (D) ZnSO4 (B) Metallic iron is reduced to Fe2+
(C) Fe3+ is an oxidising agent
59. Cuprous chloride is obtained from cupric chloride: (D) Metallic iron is a reducing agent
(A) By heating cupric chloride with chlorine
(B) By the electrolysis of cupric chloride 66. Which of the following chemical reaction(s) is (are)
containing HCl involved in the developing of photographic plate?
(C) By heating cupric chloride with conc. HCl
(A) C6H4(OH)2 + 2AgBr ⎯⎯
→ 2Ag + C6H4O2
and copper turnings
+ 2HBr
(D) By passing H2 over CuCl2
(B) AgBr + 2Na2S2O3 ⎯⎯
→ Na3[AgS2O3)2] +
60. When excess of sodium thiosulphate is added to dil. NaBr
AgNO3 solution a soluble compound X is formed. (C) AgBr + 2NH3(aq) ⎯⎯
→ [Ag(NH3)2] Br
However, when dil. Na2S2O3 solution is addeed to
(D) 2AgBr + Na2S2O3 ⎯⎯
→ Ag2S2O3 + 2NaBr
conc. AgNO3 solution a white ppt. turning yellow
and finally black ppt. of Y is obtained. Which is
correct pair. : 67. Which of the following statement(s) is (are) not
(A) X is Ag2S and Y is Na3[Ag(S2O3)2] correct with reference to ferrous and ferric ions
(B) X is Na3[Ag(S2O3)2] and Y is Ag2S (A) Fe3+ gives brown colour with potassium
(C) X is Ag2S2O3 and Y is Ag2S ferricyanide
(D) X is Ag2S2O3 and Y is Na3[Ag(S2O3)2] (B) Fe2+ gives blue ppt with potassium
61. Carat is a measure of: (C) Fe3+ gives red colour with potassium
(A) Impure gold (B) Purity of gold sulphocyanide
(C) Pure gold (D) None of these (D) Fe2+ gives brown colour with potassium
62. Fulminating gold is:
(A) CuFeS2 68. KMnO4 on treatment with conc. H2SO4 forms a
(B) FeS2 compound (X) which decomposes explosively on
(C) Au(NH2) = NH or AuN2H3 heating forming (Y). The (X) and (Y) are
(D) AuCl3 respectively:
(A) Mn2O7, MnO2
63. In the reaction HgCl2 + 4Kl ⎯⎯
→ A + 2KCl, A is: (B) Mn2O, Mn2O3
(A) HgI2 (B) K2HgI3 (C) MnSO4, Mn2O3
(C) K2HgI4 (D) KHgI3 (D) Mn2O3, MnO2

69. The hydrated cupric chloride is strongly heated. 75. The reagent used in the gravimetric annalysis of
Which of the following statement(s) is (are) correct Co2+ ion is:
for this: (A) DMG
(A) It is reduced to Cu2Cl2 (B) -nitro- -nephthol
(B) Cupric oxide is formed along with Cu2Cl2 (C) -nitro- -nephthol
(D) K4[Fe(CN)6]
(C) Only Cl2 is liberated
(D) Cl2 and HCl both are liberated
76. The radius of La3+ is 1.06Å, which of the following
given values will be closest to the radius of Lu3+
70. Select the incorrect statement(s): (At no. of Lu = 71, La = 57)-
(A) In K2MnO4 and CrO2Cl2, The central (A) 1.6 Å (B) 1.4 Å
transition metals/ions have the same (C) 1.06 Å (D) 0.85 Å
oxidation state.
(B) Both sodium and potassium dichromate can 77. What would happen when a solution of potassium
be used as primary standard in volumetric chromate is treated with an excess of dilute nitric acid-
estimations. (A) Cr3+ and Cr2 O72– are formed
(C) Potassium dichromate on strong heating
(B) Cr2O72– and H2O are formed
evolves oxygen gas and forms green powder
(D) Potassium permangnate on heating with (C) Cr2O72– is reduced to +3 state of Cr
solid KOH evolves oxygen gas and forms a (D) Cr2O72– is oxidised to +7 state of Cr
black powder.
78. Cerium (Z = 58) is an important member of the
71. Cuprous chloride can not be prepared: lanthanoids. Which of the following statements
(A) by passing SO2 through the solution about cerium is incorrect -
containing CuSO4 and NaCl (A) Cerium (IV) acts as an oxidising agent
(B) The +3 oxidation state of cerium is more
(B) by heating excess of copper with conc. HCl
stable than the +4 oxidation state
in presence of a little KClO3 (C) The +4 oxidation state of cerium is not
(C) by boiling copper sulphate solution with known in solutions
excess of copper turnings in presece of (D) The common oxidation states of cerium are
hydrochloric acid +3 and +4
(D) by dissolving cupric oxide or copper
carbonate in conc. HCl 79. Excess of KI reacts with CuSO4 solution and then
Na2S2O3 solution is added to it. Which of the
72. Which of the following ion is not coloured? statements is incorrect for this reaction :
(A) Ni(DMG)2 (A) Evolved I2 is reduced
(B) [Co(SCN)4]2– (B) CuI2 is formed
(C) [Fe(H2O)5SCN]2+ (C) Na2S2O3 is oxidised
(D) Cu2I2 is formed
(D) [Al(OH)4]–
80. Calomel on reaction with NH4OH gives
73. The total spin and paramagnetism (B.M.) of
(A) HgNH2Cl (B) NH2–Hg–Hg–Cl
ferrocyanide ion are respectively:
(C) Hg2O (D) HgO
(A) 0, 2 6 (B) 5 / 2, 35
(C) 2, 24 (D) 1, 2 2 81. The lanthanoid contraction is responsible for the
fact that-
(A) Zr and Y have about the same radius
74. The transition metal used in X-rays tube is:
(B) Zr and Nb have similar oxidation state
(A) Mo (B) Ta (C) Zr and Hf have about the same radius
(C) Tc (D) Pm (D) Zr and Zn have similar oxidation state

82. Lanthanoid contraction is caused due to 86. In context with the transition elements, which of the
(A) the same effective nuclear charge from Ce to following statements is incorrect?
Lu (A) In the highest oxidation states of the first five
transition elements (Sc to Mn), all the 4s and
(B) the imperfect shielding on outer electrons by
3d electrons are used for bonding.
4f electrons from the nuclear charge (B) Once the d5 configuration is exceeded, the
(C) the appreciable shielding on outer electrons tendency to involve all the 3d electrons in
by 4f electrons from the nuclear charge bonding decreases.
(D) the appreciable shielding on outer electrons (C) In addition to the normal oxidation states, the
zero oxidation state is also shown by these
by 5d electrons from the nuclear charge
elements in complexes.
(D) In the highest oxidation states, the transition
83. Identify the incorrect statement among the metal show basic character and form cationic
following- complexes.
(A) d-block elements show irregular and erratic
87. Knowing that the chemistry of lanthanoids (Ln) is
chemical properties among themselves
dominated by its +3 oxidation state, which of the
(B) La and Lu have partially filled d-orbitals and following statements is incorrect?
no other partially filled orbitals (A) Ln(III) compounds are generally colourless
(C) The chemistry of various lanthanoids is very (B) Ln(III) hydroxides are mainly basic in
similar character
(C) Because of the large size of the Ln(III) ions
(D) 4f and 5f -orbitals are equally shielded
the bonding in its compounds is
predominently ionic in character
84. The actinoids exhibits more number of oxidation (D) The ionic sizes of Ln(III) decrease in general
states in general than the lanthanoids. This is because with increasing atomic number
88. In context of the lanthanoids, which of the
(1) The 5f -orbitals are more buried than the 4f -
following statements is not correct?
orbitals (A) Because of similar properties the separation
(2) There is a similarly between 4f -and-5f in the of langhanoids is not easy
their angular part of the wave function (B) Availability of 4f electrons results in the
(3) The actinoids are more reactive than the formation of compounds in +4 state for all
the members of the series
(C) There is a gradual decrease in the radii of the
(4) The 5f -orbitals extend further from the members with increasing atomic number in
nucleus than the 4f -orbitals the series
(D) All the members exhibit +3 oxidation state
85. Larger number of oxidation states are exhibited by
89. Iron exhibits +2 and +3 oxidation states. Which of
the actinides than those by the lanthanides, the main
the following statements about iron is incorrect?
reason being (A) Ferrous compounds are more easily
(A) 4f orbitals more diffused than the 5f orbitals hydrolysed than the corresponding ferric
(B) lesser energy difference between 5f and 6d compounds.
than between 4f and 5d orbitals (B) Ferrous oxide is more basic in nature than the
ferric oxide.
(C) more energy difference between 5f and 6d
(C) Ferrous compounds are relatively more ionic
than between 4f and 5d orbitals than the corresponding ferric compounds.
(D) more reactive nature of the actinides than the (D) Ferrous compounds are less volatile than the
lanthanides corresponding ferric compounds.

90. Which of the following arrangements does not 95. The pair of compounds having metals in their
represent the correct order of the property stated highest oxidation state is–
against it? (A) MnO2, FeCl3
(A) V2+ < Cr2+ < Mn2+ < Fe2+ : paramagnetic (B) [MnO4]–, CrO2Cl2
behaviour (C) [Fe(CN)6]3–,[Co(CN)3]
(B) Ni2+ < Co2+ < Fe2+ < Mn2+ : ionic size (D) [NiCl4]2–, [CoCl4]–
(C) Co3+ < Fe3+ < Cr3+ < Sc3+ : stability in
96. The compound having tetrahedral geometry is –
aqueous solution
(A) [Ni(CN)4]2– (B) [Pd(CN)4]2–
(D) Sc < Ti < Cr < Mn : number of oxidation
(C) [PdCl4]2– (D) [NiCl4]2–
97. Spin only magnetic moment of the compound
91. Four successive members of the first row transition Hg[Co(SCN)4] is–
elements are listed below with atomic numbers.
(A) 3 (B) 15
Which one of them is expected to have the highest
(C) 24 (D) 8
3 E 3+ 2+ value?
M /M
(1) Cr(Z = 24) (2) Mn(Z = 25) 98. Which pair of compounds is expected to show
(3) Fe (Z = 26) (4) Co(Z = 27) similar colour in aqueous medium?
(A) FeCl3 and CuCl2
91. Expermentally it was found that a metal oxide has (B) VOCl2 and CuCl2
formula M0.98O. Metal M, is present as M2+ and (C) VOCl2 and FeCl2
M3+ in its oxide. Fraction of the metal which exists (D) FeCl2 and MnCl2
as M3+ would be:-
99. A solution of a metal ion when treated with KI
(1) 7.01% (2) 4.08%
gives a red precipitate which dissolves in excess KI
(3) 6.05% (4) 5.08 to give a colourless solution. Moreover, the solution
of metal ion on treatment with a solution of
92. Anhydrous ferric chloride is prepared by– cobalt(II) thiocyanate gives rise to a deep blue
(A) Heating hydrated ferric chloride at a high crystalline precipitate. The metal ion is–
temperature in a steam of air (A) Pb2+ (B) Hg2+
(B) Heating metallic iron in a steam of dry (C) Cu2+ (D) Co2+
chlorine gas
(C) Reaction of ferric oxide with HCl 100. Consider a titration of potassium dichromate
(D) Reaction of metallic iron with HCl solution with acidified Mohr's salt solution using
diphenylamine as indicator. The number of moles
93. When MnO2 is fused with KOH and KNO2, a of Mohr's salt required per mole of dichromate is –
(A) 3 (B) 4
coloured compound is formed, the product and its
(C) 5 (D) 6
colour is–
(A) K2MnO4, green (B) KMnO4, purple 101. Upon treatment with ammonical H2S, the metal ion
(C) Mn2O3, brown (D) Mn3O4, black that precipitates as a sulphide is-
(A) Fe(III) (B) Al(III)
94. (NH4)2Cr2O7 on heating gives a gas, which is also (C) Mg(II) (D) Zn (II)
given by–
(A) Heating NH4NO2 102. Which of the following pair of compounds is
expected to show almost same colour in aqueous
(B) Heating NH4NO3
(C) Mg3N2 + H2O (A) FeCl3, FeCl2 (B) SC2O3, CuCl2
(D) Na + H2O2 (C) VoCl2, CuCl2 (D) FeCl2, MnCl2

103. What is the correct order of I.E2: 112. Which of the following can precipitate silver from
(A) V < Cr < Mn < Ni < Cu < Zn AgNO3 solution:
(B) V < Cr < Mn < Ni > Cu > Zn (A) HCHO (B) HCOOH
(C) V < Cr > Mn < Ni < Cu > Zn (C) PH3 (D) Excess I2
(D) V < Cr < Mn < Ni < Cu > Zn
113. Na2S2SO3 is used in photography because it can
104. Which of the following forms an alloy? work as:
(A) Zn + Pb (B) Fe + C (A) Mild reducing agent
(C) Ft + Hg (D) Fe + Hg (B) Complexing reagent
(C) Photochemical sensitizer
105. Which of the following has maximum number of (D) Mild oxidising Agent
unpaired electrons:
114. Statement- I: General formula of transition element
(A) Fe2+ (B) Fe3+
is (n – 1)d1–10 ns1–2
(C) Mn7+ (D) Cr3+ Because
Statement - II: Transition element have 10 electrons
106. In the dichromate dianion: in (n–1)d orbitals.
(A) 2 Cr – O bonds are equivalent (A) Statement-I is True, Statement-II is True;
(B) 4 Cr – O bonds are equivalent Statement-II is a correct explanation for
(C) 6 Cr – O bonds are equivalent Statement-I
(D) All Cr – O bonds are non – equivalent (B) Statement-I is True, Statement-II is True;
Statement-II is NOT a correct explanation
107. The product formed when MnO2 is oxidatively for Statement-I
fused with KOH: (C) Statement-I is True, Statement-II is False.
(A) KMnO4 (B) K2MnO4 (D) Statement-I is False, Statement-II is True.
(C) Mn2O3 (D) Mn2O7
115. Statement-I: 1st ionisation potential of mercury is
greater than cadmium.
108. Transition metals: Because
(A) Show variable oxidation stales Statement - II: Hg has stable electronic
(B) Can Form Alloys configuration (5d10 6s2).
(C) Can form Interstitial compounds (A) Statement-I is True, Statement-II is True;
(D) All of these Statement-II is a correct explanation for
109. Zr and Hf show almost same size due to: (B) Statement-I is True, Statement-II is True;
(A) Lanthanide contraction Statement-II is NOT a correct explanation
(B) Actinide contraction for Statement-I
(C) Inert pair effect (C) Statement-I is True, Statement-II is False.
(D) None of these (D) Statement-I is False, Statement-II is True.

110. Which of the following elements shows highest 116. Statement-I: Cu+ is more stable than Cu+2.
oxidation state: Because
(A) Os (B) Mn Statement-II: IP is greater than 16 eV
(C) Cr (D) V (A) Statement-I is True, Statement-II is True;
Statement-II is a correct explanation for
111. Ammoniacl silver nitrate reacts with acetylene to
(B) Statement-I is True, Statement-II is True;
form white ppt. Where ppt. is due to the formation
Statement-II is NOT a correct explanation
for Statement-I
(A) Ag2CO3 (B) Ag2C2 (C) Statement-I is True, Statement-II is False.
(C) AgOH (D) NH4NO3 (D) Statement-I is False, Statement-II is True.

117. Statement-I : Agl is coloured while AgF is 120. Statement-I: CrO3 reacts with HCl to form chromyl
colourless. chloride gas.
Because Because
Statement-II: Unpaired electron is present in Agl Statement-II: Chromyl chloride (CrO2Cl2) has
(A) Statement-I is True, Statement-II is True; tetrahedral shape.
Statement-II is a correct explanation for (A) Statement-I is True, Statement-II is True;
Statement-I Statement-II is a correct explanation for
(B) Statement-I is True, Statement-II is True; Statement-I
Statement-II is NOT a correct explanation (B) Statement-I is True, Statement-II is True;
for Statement-I Statement-II is NOT a correct explanation
(C) Statement-I is True, Statement-II is False. for Statement-I
(D) Statement-I is False, Statement-II is True. (C) Statement-I is True, Statement-II is False.
(D) Statement-I is False, Statement-II is True.
118. Statement-I: Change in colour of acidic solution of
potassium dichromate by breath is used to test 121. Statement-I: Zinc does not show characteristic
drunk drivers. properties of transition metals.
Because Because
Statement-II: Change in colour is due to the Statement-II: In zinc outermost shell is completely
complexation of alcohol with potassium filled
dichromate. (A) Statement-I is True, Statement-II is True;
(A) Statement-I is True, Statement-II is True; Statement-II is a correct explanation for
Statement-II is a correct explanation for Statement-I
Statement-I (B) Statement-I is True, Statement-II is True;
(B) Statement-I is True, Statement-II is True; Statement-II is NOT a correct explanation
Statement-II is NOT a correct explanation for Statement-I
for Statement-I (C) Statement-I is True, Statement-II is False.
(C) Statement-I is True, Statement-II is False. (D) Statement-I is False, Statement-II is True.
(D) Statement-I is False, Statement-II is True.
122. Statement-I: Equivalent mass of KMnO4 is equal to
119. Statement-I: K2CrO4 has yellow colour due to one-third of its molecular mass when it acts as an
charge transfer. oxidising agent in an alkaline medium.
Because Because
Statement-II: Oxidation nhumber of Mn is +7 in
Statement-II: CrO2–
4 ion is tetrahedral in shape.
(A) Statement-I is True, Statement-II is True;
(A) Statement-I is True, Statement-II is True;
Statement-II is a correct explanation for
Statement-II is a correct explanation for
(B) Statement-I is True, Statement-II is True;
(B) Statement-I is True, Statement-II is True;
Statement-II is NOT a correct explanation
Statement-II is NOT a correct explanation
for Statement-I
for Statement-I
(C) Statement-I is True, Statement-II is False.
(C) Statement-I is True, Statement-II is False.
(D) Statement-I is False, Statement-II is True.
(D) Statement-I is False, Statement-II is True.

Paragraph for Q. 123 to 126 Paragraph for Q. 127 to 130

Hg shows two oxidation states (I) and (II) in its Transition metal and their compounds are used as
compounds. Chemistry of Hg(I) in intersting as Hg+ does catalysts in industry and in biological system. For
example, in the Contact process, vanadium
not exist. It has been proved on the basis of magnetic
moment determination and equilibrium studies on Hg(I) compounds in the +5 state (V2O5 or VO3– ) are used
and Hg(II) salts. It is intersting to note that Hg(I) salts are to oxidise SO2 to SO3:
diamagnetic, yet Hg+ contains unpaired electron. In 1 V2O5
SO2 + O2 ⎯⎯⎯ → SO3
solutions Hg 22+ disproportionates as : Hg 22+ Hg()
It is thought that the actual oxidation process takes
+ Hg2+, but equilibrium constant is very low. But when place in two stages. In the first step, V5+ in the
presence of oxide ions converts SO2 to SO3. At the
anions like S2– are added the formation of insoluble HgS
same time, V5+ is reduced to V4+.
promotes the disproportionation. The same reason is used
to explain non-existance of some mercurous salts. 2V5+ + O2– + SO2 ⎯⎯
→ 2V 4+ + SO3
123. The equilibrium established when HgCl2 is shaken In the second step, V5+ is regenerated from V4+ by
with excess of Hg is: oxygen:
(A) Hg2+ + Hg 2Hg+ 2V 4+ + O 2 ⎯⎯ → 2V5+ + O2–
(B) Hg 2+ + Hg( ) Hg 22+ The overall process is, of course, the sum of these
two steps:
(C) Hg + 2Hg2+ Hg2+ + 2Hg +
SO 2 + O2 ⎯⎯ → SO3
(D) No equilibrium is established 2
127. Transition metals and their compounds catalyse
124. In an experiment when placed in weak magnetic reactions because:
field, calomel was slightly repelled by the magnetic (A) They have competely filled s-subshell
field. This experimental observation suggests that: (B) They have a comparable size due to poor
shielding of d-subshell
(A) Hg+ ion has no unpaired electron
(C) They introduce an entirely new reaction
(B) Mercurous ion has formula Hg 22+ instead of mechanism with a lower activation energy
Hg+ (D) They have variable oxidation states differ by
two units
(C) This experimental observation is not correct
and actually mercurous salts are
128. During the course of the reaction:
paramagnetic due to 6s unpaired electron
(A) Catalyst undergoes changes in oxidation
(D) Sometimes mercurous ion may exist as state
Hg 22+ (B) Catalyst increases the rate constant
(C) Catalyst is regenerated in its orginal form
when the reactants form the products
125. Which is well known compound:
(D) All are correct.
(A) Hg2S (B) Hg2O
(C) Hg2Cl2 (D) All of the above 129. Catalytic activity of transition metals depends on:
(A) Their ability to exist in different oxidation
126. Hg2Cl2 on treatment with alkali gives red solid states
which is: (B) The size of the metal atoms
(C) The number of empty atomic orbitals
(A) Hg2O (B) HgO
(C) Hg2(OH)2 (D) Hg(OH)2 (D) None of these

130. Which of the following ion involved in the above 138. A white amorphous powder (A) on heating yields a
process will show paramagnetism? colourless, non combustible gas (B) and a solid (C).
(A) V5+ (B) V4+ The later compound assumes a yellow colour on
(C) O2– (D) VO3– heating and changes to white on cooling. (C)
issolves in dilute acid and the resulting solution
Integer Type Questions gives a white ppt. on adding K4[Fe(CN)6] solution.
131. One unpaired electron in atom contributes a
(A) dissolves in dilute HCl with evolution of gas,
magnetic moment of 1.1 BM. Calculate the
magnetic moment of Cr (At. No. 24) which is identical in all respect to (B). The gas (B)
turns lime water milky, but the milkiness
132. 2.78 g of FeSO4 . xH2O is treated with excess of disappears with the continuous passage of gas. The
BaCl2 then 2.33 g of white precipitate are obtained. solution of (A) as obtained above gives a white
Calculate the value of x. (Ba = 137, S = 32, Fe = 56, precipitate (D) on the addition of excess NH4OH
H = 1, O = 16).
and passing H2S. Another portion of the solution
133. What is the oxidation state of Fe in the complex initially gives a white precipitate (E) on the addition
[Fe(H2O)5NO] SO4. of NaOH solution, but dissolves on further addition
of the base. Identify (A) to (E).
134. What is the coordination no. of Iron when FeCl3
reacts with phenol to form a violet coloured 139. Ionisation Energies of Ni and Pt are given in Table:
complex. Element IE1 + IE2 IE3 + IE4
(KJ/mol) KJ/mol
135. A compound (A) is greenish crystalliner salt which
Ni 2.49 × 103 8.8 × 103
gave the following results:
Pt 2.66 × 103 6.7 × 103
(i) Adition of BaCl2 solution to solution of (A)
results in the formation of a white ppt. (B), (i) Find out the total energy required to form
which is insoluble in dil. HCl. Ni4+ and Pt4+.
(ii) On heating (A), water vapours and two (ii) K2PtCl6 exists but no such compound exist
oxides of sulphur, (C) and (D) are liberated for Ni why?
leaving a red brown residue (E).
(iii) (E) dissolves in warm conc. HCl to give a
yellow solution (F). 140. State which of the following compounds have Ionic
(iv) With H2S, the solution (F) yields a pale & which have covalent bonds.
yellow ppt. (G), which when filtered, leaves (i) MnO (ii) FeO
a greenish filtrate (H). (iii) Mn2O7 (iv) MnO4–
(v) Solution (F) on treatment with thiocyanate
ions gives blood red coloured compound (I). (v) Cr2O72–
Identify the substances from (A) to (I)
141. Following table has Thermochemical data (KJ mol–1)
136. Write balanced chemical equation for developing a
black and white photographic film. Also give for four first row transition elements. Based on this
reason why the solution of sodium thiosulphate on data arranged these elements in the order of
acidification turns milky white and give balance decreasing reduction potential at standard condition
equation of this reaction – (E°M2+/M).
Element Enthalpy of Enthalpy of IE1 Enthalpy
3+ SNC – (excess) F – (excess)
137. Fe ⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯
→ A ⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯
→B (M) Atomisation Sublimation + of
aH°(M) sH° IE2 Hydration
Blood red Colourless
ydd H
Identify A and B. Ti 469 661 1310 –1866
Mn 279 716 1510 –1862
(i) Write IUPAC name of A and B.
Co 427 757 1640 –2079
(ii) Find out spin only magnetic moment of B
Cu 339 745 1960 –2121

Moist Air Zn
142. Excess KMnO4 on treatment with cold 144. White fumes ⎯⎯⎯⎯ MCL4 ⎯⎯→ (B)

concentrated H2SO4 forms a compound ‘A’ which (C) (A) (Purple colour compound)
(Transition metal chloride, colourless liquid at room temperature)
is green coloured + KHSO4 + H2O.
‘A’ changes to ‘B’ + H2SO4 on standing ‘B’
decomposes explosively on heating producing ‘C’ 145. NiCl2 in the presence of dimethyl glyoxime (DMG)
and ‘D’ gives a complex which precipitates in the presence
D is a gas which is absorbed in pyrogallol. of NH4OH, giving a bright red colour.
‘C’ + D KOH on fusion gives (Green coloured). (a) Draw its structure and show H-bonding
On elects dysing the colour of the solution changes (b) Give oxidation state of Ni and its
from green to purple. hybridisation
Identify A to E and give the reason for colour (c) Predict whether it is paramagnetic or
change on electrolysis of E.
143. Compound A and heating with cobaltnitrate gives a
green compound B used in paints. Compound A on 146. State whether the following compounds are
reaction with NaOH forms a soluble complex. coloured or not.
Compound A turns yellow on heating and becomes (i) K4 [Fe(CN)6]
white on cooling compound A in dilute HCl gives (ii) Cu2Cl2
bluish white/hite precipitate with K4[Fe(CN)6] (iii) CuF2
(Excess); because of the formation of compound D. (iv) ZnSO4
Identify A, B, C & D.
Previous Year Question (PYQ)
147. Metals generally melt at very high temperature. 152. Arrange the following coordination compounds in
Amongst the following, the metal with the highest the increasing order of magnetic moments.
melting point will be (Atomic numbers: Mn = 25; Fe = 26)
(A) Hg (B) Ag
(A) [FeF6]3–
(C) Ga (D) Cs
(B) [Fe(CN)6]3–
148. The metal ion (in gaseous state) with lowest spin (C) [MnCl6]3– (high spin)
only magnetic moment value is (D) [Mn(CN)6]3–
(A) V2+ (B) Ni2+ (A) A < B < D < C
(C) Cr (D) Fe2+ (B) B < D < C < A
(C) A < C < D < B
149. Which of the following elements in considered as (D) B < D < A < C
a metalloid?
(A) Sc (B) Pb
(C) Bi (D) Te 153. The number of statement(s) correct from the
following for copper (at no. 29) is/are ______
150. In 3d series, the metal having the highest M2+/M (A) Cu(II) complexes are always paramagnetic
standard electrode potential is (B) Cu(I) complexes are generally colourless
(A) Cr (B) Fe (C) Cu(I) is easily oxidized
(C) Cu (D) Zn (D) In Fehling solution, the active reagent has
151. The ‘f’ orbitals are half and completely filled,
154. Which one of the lanthanoids given below is the
respectively in lanthanide ions
(Given: Atomic no. Eu, 63; Sm, 62; Tm, 69; Tb, most stable in divalent form?
65; Yb, 70; Dy, 66] (A) Ce (Atomic Number 58)
(A) Eu2+ and Tm2+ (B) Sm2+ and Tm3+ (B) Sm (Atomic Number 62)
4+ 2+
(C) Tb and Yb (D) Dy3+ and Yb3+ (C) Eu (Atomic Number 63)
(D) Yb (Atomic Number 70)

155. Which of the following statements are correct? 159. Given below are two statements:
(A) The electronic configuration of Cr is Statement-I: Iron (III) catalyst, acidified K2Cr2O7
[Ar]3d5 4s1 4s1. and neutral KMnO4 have the ability to oxidise I– to
I2 independently.
(B) The magnetic quantum number may have a
Statement-II: Manganate ion is paramagnetic in
negative value. nature and involves p–p bonding.
(C) In the ground state of an atom, the orbitals are In the light of the above statements, choose the
filled in order of their increasing energies. correct answer from the options.
(D) The total number of nodes are given by (A) Both Statement-I and Statement-II are ture
n – 2. (B) Both Statement-I and Statement-II are false
(C) Statement-I is true but Statement-II is false
Choose the most appropriate answer from the
(D) Statement-I is false but Statement-II is true
options given below :
(A) (A), (C) and (D) only 160. The total number of Mn = O bonds in Mn2O7
(B) (A) and (B) only is ____.
(C) (A) and (C) only (A) 4 (B) 5
(D) (A), (B) and (C) only (C) 6 (D) 3

161. Given below are two statements: One is labelled as

156. The dark purple colour of KMnO4 disappears in the
Assertion A and the other is labelled as Reason R
titration with oxalic acid in acidic medium. Assertion A: Permanganate titrations are not
The overall change in the oxidation number of performed in presence of hydrochloric acid.
manganese in the reaction is: Reason R: Chlorine is formed as a consequence of
(A) 5 (B) 1 oxidation of hydrochloric acid.
In the light of the above statements, choose the
(C) 7 (D) 2
correct answer from the options given below
(A) Both A and R are true and R is the correct
157. In neutral or alkaline solution, MnO−4 oxidises explanation of A
thiosulphate to: (B) Both A and R are true but R is NOT the correct
explanation of A
(A) S2 O72− (B) S2 O82− (C) A is true but R is false
(C) SO32− (D) SO24− (D) A is false but R is true

162. Which of the following 3d-metal ion will give the

158. Given below are two statements. lowest enthalpy of hydration (HHyd) when
Statement-I: O2 , Cu2+ and Fe3+ are weakly dissolved in water?
attracted by magnetic field and are magnetized in (A) Cr2+ (B) Mn2+
the same direction as magnetic field. (C) Fe (D) Co2+
Statement-II: NaCl and H2O are weakly
163. In neutral or faintly alkaline medium, KMnO4
magnetized in opposite direction to magnetic field.
being a powerful oxidant can oxidize, thiosulphate
In the light of the above statements, choose the almost quantitatively, to sulphate. In this reaction
most appropriate answer form the options given overall change in oxidation state of manganese will
below: be:
(A) Both Statement I and Statement II are correct. (A) 5 (B) 1
(B) Both Statement I and Statement II are (C) 0 (D) 3
164. In following pairs, the one in which both transition
(C) Statement I is correct but Statement II is metal ions are colourless is:
incorrect. (A) Sc3+ , Zn 2+ (B) Ti 4+ ,Cu 2+
(D) Statement I is incorrect but Statement II is
(C) V 2+ ,Ti3+ (D) Zn 2+ , Mn 2+

165. What is the correct order of the following elements 171. In which of the following pairs, the outer most
with respect to their density? electronic configuration will be the same?
(A) Cr < Zn < Co < Cu < Fe (A) Cr+ and Mn2+ (B) Ni2+ and Cu+
(B) Zn < Cu < Co < Fe < Cr 2+
(C) Fe and Co +
(D) V2+ and Cr+
(C) Zn < Cr < Fe < Co < Cu
(D) Cr < Fe < Co < Cu < Zn 172. Arrange the following metal complex/ compounds
in the increasing order of spin only magnetic
166. The incorrect statement among the following is: moment. Presume all the three, high
(A) VOSO4 is a reducing agent spin system.
(B) Cr2O3 is an amphoteric oxide
(Atomic numbers Ce = 58, Gd = 64 and Eu = 63.)
(C) RuO4 is an oxidizing agent
(a) (NH4)2[Ce(NO3)6]
(D) Red colour of ruby is due to the presence of
(b) Gd(NO3)3 and (c) Eu(NO3)3
Answer is:
(A) (b) < (a) < (c) (B) (c) < (a) < (b)
167. Given below are two statements:
Statement-I: Colourless cupric metaborate is (C) (a) < (b) < (c) (D) (a) < (c) < (b)
reduced to cuprous metaborate in a luminous
flame. 173. On treating a compound with warm dil. H2SO4, gas
Statement-II: Cuprous metaborate is obtained by X is evolved which turns K2Cr2O7 paper acidified
heating boric anhydride and copper sulphate in a with dil. H2SO4 to a green compound Y. X and Y
non-luminous flame. respectively are –
In the light of the above statements, choose the (A) X = SO2, Y = Cr2O3
most appropriate answer from the options given (B) X = SO3, Y = Cr2O3
below. (C) X = SO2, Y = Cr2(SO4)3
(A) Statement I is true but Statement II is false (D) X = SO3, Y = Cr2(SO4)3
(B) Both Statement I and Statement II are false
(C) Statement I is false but Statement II is true 174. Which one of the following lanthanoids does not
(D) Both Statement I and Statement II are true form MO2? [M is lanthanoid metal]
(A) Pr (B) Dy
168. The major components in "Gun Metal" are: (C) Nd (D) Yb
(A) Cu, Zn and Ni
(B) Cu, Sn and Zn 175. The common positive oxidation states for an
(C) Al, Cu, Mg and Mn element with atomic number 24, are :
(D) Cu, Ni and Fe
(A) +2 to +6 (B) +1 and +3 to +6
(C) +1 and +3 (D) +1 to +6
169. Given below are two statements:
Statement-I: CeO2 can be used for oxidation of
176. Given below are two statements:
aldehydes and ketones.
Statement-I: Potassium permanganate on heating
Statement-II: Aqueous solution of EuSO4 is a
strong reducing agent. at 573 K forms potassium manganate.
In the light of the above statements, choose the Statement-II: Both potassium permanganate and
correct answer from the options given below: potassium manganate are tetrahedral and
(A) Statement-I is false but statement-II is true paramagnetic in nature.
(B) Statement-I is true but statement-II is false In the light of the above statements, choose the
(C) Both Statement I and Statement-II are true most appropriate answer from the options given
(D) Both Statement-I and Statement-II are false below:
(A) Statement-I is true but Statement-II is false
170. The major components of German Silver are: (B) Both statement I and Statement-II are true
(A) Ge, Cu and Ag (B) Zn, Ni and Ag (C) Statement-I is false but Statement-II is true
(C) Cu, Zn and Ni (D) Cu, Zn and Ag (D) Both statement I and Statement-II are false

177. Cu2+ salt reacts with potassium iodide to give 183. Which one of the following metals forms
(A) Cu2I2 (B) Cu2I3 interstitial hydride easily?
(C) Cul (D) Cu(I3)2 (A) Cr (B) Fe
(C) Mn (D) Co
178. Given below are two statement: one is labelled as
Assertion A and the other is labelled as 184. In the structure of the dichromate ion, there is a:
Reason R: (A) Linear symmetrical Cr – O – Cr bond
Assertion A: Size of Bk3+ ion is less than Np3+ on. (B) Non-linear symmetrical Cr – O – Cr bond
Reason R: The above is a consequence of the (C) Linear unsymmetrical Cr – O – Cr bond
lanthanoid contraction. In the light of the above (D) Non-linear unsymmetrical Cr – O – Cr bond
statements, choose the correct answer from the
options given below:
185. Which one of the following lanthanides exhibits +2
(A) A is false but R is true
oxidation state with diamagnetic nature? (Given Z
(B) Both A and R are true but R is not the correct
for Nd = 60, Yb = 70, La = 57, Ce = 58)
explanation of A
(A) Nd (B) Yb
(C) Both A and R are true and R is the correct
(C) La (D) Ce
explanation of A
(D) A is true but R is false
186. The Eu2+ ion is a strong reducing agent in spite of
179. What is the spin-only magnetic moment value its ground state electronic configuration
(BM) of a divalent metal ion with atomic number (outermost):
25, in it's aqueous solution? [Atomic number of Eu = 63]
(A) 5.92 (B) 5.0 (A) 4f6 (B) 4f7
6 2
(C) zero (D) 5.26 (C) 4f 6s (D) 4f76s2

180. Given below are two statements: 187. Match items of List - I with those of List - II:
Statement I: The E° value of Ce4+ / Ce3+ is + 1.74V. List-I List-II
Statement II: Ce is more stable in Ce4+ state than (Property) (Example)
Ce3+ state. In the light of the above statements, (A) Diamagnetism (i) MnO
choose the most appropriate answer from the (B) Ferrimagnetism (ii) O2
options given below: (C) Paramagnetism (iii) NaCl
(A) Both statement-I and statement-II are correct (D) Anti-ferromagnetism (iv) Fe3O4
(B) Statement-I is incorrect but statement-II is Choose the most appropriate answer from the
options given below:
(C) Both statement-I and statement-II are
(A) (a)-(iv), (b)-(ii), (c)-(i), (d)-(iii)
(B) (a)-(i), (b)-(iii), (c)-(iv), (d)-(ii)
(D) Statement-I is correct but statement-II is
(C) (a)-(iii), (b)-(iv), (c)-(ii), (d)-(i)
(D) (a)-(ii), (b)-(i), (c)-(iii), (d)-(iv)
181. The set having ions which are coloured and
paramagnetic both is – 188. Potassium permaganate on heating at 513 K gives
(A) Cu2+, Cr3+, Sc+ a product which is
(B) Cu2+, Zn2+, Mn4+ (A) Paramagnetic and green
(C) Sc3+, V5+, Ti4+ (B) Paramagnetic and colourless
(D) Ni2+, Mn7+, Hg2+ (C) Diamagnetic and colourless
(D) Diamagnetic and green
182. The spin only magnetic moments (in BM) for free
Ti3+, V2+ and Sc3+ ions respectively are 189. The electrode potential of M2+/M of 3d-series
(At.No. Sc : 21, Ti : 22, V : 23) elements shows positive value of:
(A) 3.87, 1.73, 0 (B) 1.73, 3.87, 0 (A) Zn (B) Fe
(C) 1.73, 0, 3.87 (D) 0, 3.87, 1.73 (C) Co (D) Cu

190. The most common oxidation state of Lanthanoid 199. The spin only magnetic moment of a divalent ion
elements is +3. Which of the following is likely to in aqueous solution (atomic number 29) is _______
deviate easily from +3 oxidation state? BM.
(A) Ce (At. No. 58) (B) La (At. No. 57)
(C) Lu (At. No. 71) (D) Gd (At. No. 64) 200. In the ground state of atomic Fe(Z = 26) , the spin-
only magnetic moment is _____ × 10–1 BM.
191. An acidified manganate solution undergoes (Round off to the Nearest Integer).
disproportionation reaction. The spin-only [Given: 3 = 1.73, 2 = 1.41 ]
magnetic moment value of the product having
manganese in higher oxidation state is ______ 201. While Fe3+ is stable, Mn3+ is not stable in acid
B.M. (Nearest integer) solution because
[JEE ADVANCE 2007, P-2]
192. The number of terminal oxygen atoms present in (A) O2 oxidises Mn to Mn3+
the product B obtained from the following reaction (B) O2 oxidises both Mn2+ to Mn3+ and Fe2+ to Fe3+
is ______. (C) Fe3+ oxidises H2O to O2
FeCr2O4 + Na2CO3 + O2 → A + Fe2O3 + CO2 (D) Mn3+ oxidises H2O to O2
A + H+ → B + H2O + Na+
202. The oxidation number of Mn in the product of
193. The spin–only magnetic moment value of the most alkaline oxidative fusion of MnO2is
basic oxide of vanadium among V2O3, V2O4 and [JEE ADVANCE 2007, P-2]
V2O5 is ________ B.M. (Nearest Integer)
Paragraph for Question Nos. 3 to 5
194. Acidified potassium permanganate solution When a metal rod M is dipped into an aqueous
oxidises oxalic acid. The spin-only magnetic colourless concentrated solution of compound N,
moment of the manganese product formed from the the solution turns light blue. Addition of aqueous
above reaction is ______ B.M. (Nearest Integer) NaCl to the blue solution gives a white precipitate
O. Addition of aqueous NH3 dissolves O and gives
195. The spin-only magnetic moment value of M3+ ion an intense blue solution.
(in gaseous state) from the pairs Cr3+/Cr2+, [JEE ADVANCE 2011, P-1]
Mn3+/Mn2, Fe3+/Fe2+ and Co3+/Co2+ that has
negative standard electrode potential, is B.M. 203. The metal rod M is
[Nearest integer] (A) Fe (B) Cu
(C) Ni (D) Co
196. The spin-only magnetic moment value of the
compound with strongest oxidizing ability among 204. The compound N is
MnF4, MnF3 and MnF2 is ______ B.M. [nearest (A) AgNO3 (B) Zn(NO3)2
integer] (C) Al(NO3)3 (D) Pb(NO3)2

197. In the titration of KMnO4 and oxalic acid in acidic 205. The final solution contains
medium, the change in oxidation number of carbon (A) [Pb(NH3)4]2+ and [CoCl4]2–
at the end point is_____. (B) [Al(NH3)4]3+ and [Cu(NH3)4]2+
(C) [Ag(NH3)2]+ and [Cu(NH3)4]2+
198. The disproportionation of MnO24− in acidic (D) [Ag(NH3)2]+ and [Ni(NH3)6]2+
medium resulted in the formation of two
manganese compounds A and B. If the oxidation 206. The colour of light absorbed by an aqueous
state of Mn in B is smaller than that of A, then the solution of CuSO4 is
[JEE ADVANCE 2012, P-1]
spin-only magnetic moment () value of B in BM
(A) Orange-red (B) Blue-green
is ___________. (Nearest integer)
(C) Yellow (D) Violet

207. The correct statement(s) about Cr2+ and Mn3+ 208. Fe3+ is reduced to Fe2+ by using
is(are) [JEE ADVANCE 2015, P-1]
[Atomic numbers of Cr = 24 and Mn = 25] (A) H2O2 in presence of NaOH
[JEE ADVANCE 2015, P-1] (B) Na 2O2 in water
(A) Cr is a reducing agent (C) H2O2 in presence of H2SO4
(B) Mn3+ is an oxidizing agent (D) Na 2O2 in presence of H2SO4
(C) Both Cr2+ and Mn3+ exhibit d4 electronic
configuration 209. In neutral or faintly alkaline solution, 8 moles of
(D) When Cr2+ is used as a reducing agent, the permanganate anion quantitatively oxidize
chromium ion attains d5 electronic thiosulphate anions to produce X moles of a
sulphur containing product. The magnitude of X is


1. (B) 32. (B)

2. (A) 33. (C)
3. (B) 34. (D)
4. (A) 35. (D)
5. (D) 36. (D)
6. (D) 37. (C)
7. (C) 38. (B)
8. (D) 39. (B, C)
9. (A) 40. (B, C, D)
10. (B) 41. (A, B)
11. (A) 42. (A, B, C)
12. (B) 43. (B, C)
13. (A) 44. (B)
14. (D) 45. (B)
15. (B) 46. (B)
16. (C) 47. (A)
17. (A) 48. (B)
18. (A) 49. (B)
19. (B) 50. (B)
20. (B) 51. (A, B)
21. (A) 52. (C)
22. (B) 53. (A, B, C, D)
23. (A) 54. (A)
24. (A) 55. (A, B, C)
25. (A) 56. (B)
26. (A) 57. (A)
27. (B) 58. (B)
28. (A) 59. (C)
29. (B) 60. (B)
30. (A) 61. (B)
31. (B) 62. (C)
63. (C)

64. (B) 102. Ions with dn & d(10 – n) configuration are expected to
65. (B) show the same colour as is the case with VOCl2 (d1)
66. (A, B) & CuCl2 (da).
67. (D) 103. Removal of 2nd electron from Cr & Cu becomes
68. (A) difficult they acquire stable configurations d5 &
69. (A, B, D)
d10 respectively.
70. (B, D)
104. ‘Fe’ & ‘C’ form cenentite Fe3C.
71. (D)
105. Fe+2 has d6 configuration and 4 unpaired electrons.
72. (D)
Fe+3 has d5 configuration and 5 unpaired electrons.
73. (C)
Mn+7 has d0 configuration and 0 unpaired electrons.
74. (A)
Cr+3 has d3 configuration and 3 unpaired electrons.
75. (B)
106. Cr–O–Cr bond is different from other Cr–O bonds.
76. (D)
77. (B) 107. 2MnO2 + KOH + O2 → K2MnO4 + 2H2O
78. (C) 108. (D)
79. (B) 109. (A)
80. (A) 110. Os can show an oxidation state upto +8.
81. (C)
111. 2AgNO3 + NH4 OH + C 2 H2 ⎯⎯
→ Ag 2 C2  +2NH4 NO3 + 2H 2O
82. (B) white ppt.
83. (D)
84. (D) 112. PH3 + 6AgNO3 + 3H2O ⎯⎯
→ 6Ag + 6HNO3 +
85. (B) H3PO3.
86. (D)
113. Na2S2O3 complexes with unrelated silver halide to
87. (A)
88. (B) form a complex which is no longer photosensitive.
89. (A) AgBr + 2Na2S2O3 ⎯⎯
→ [Na3(AgS2O3)2] + NaBr
90. (A)
114. (C)
91. (D)
115. (B)
92. (B)
93. (B) 116. (D)
94. (A) 117. (C)
95. (A) 118. (C)
96. (B) 119. (B)
97. (D)
120. (B)
98. (B)
121. (C)
99. (B)
122. (B)
100. (D)
101. (D)

123. (B) 138. (A) : ZnCO3 (B) : CO2 (C) : ZnO (D) : Zn(OH)2 (E) :
124. (B) Na2ZnO2
125. (C) 139. (i) Ni = 11.29 × 103 kJ/mol
126. (B) Pt = 9.36 × 103 kJ/mol
127. (C) 140. (i) Ionic (ii) Ionic
128. (D) (iii) Covalent (iv) Covalent
(v) Covalent
129. (A)
141. Cu > Co > Mn > Ti
130. (B)
142. A – (MnO3)2SO4 permanganyl sulphate
131. (Cr = 3d5 4s1) B – Mn2O7 Manganese haploids
n=6 C – MnO2
= 6.6 D – O2
132. (x = 7) E – K2MnO4
143. A – ZnO
133. Fe = +1 as NO+ is present
B – ZnO.CO (Renmann’s green)
134. (6)
135. (A) : FeSO4 · 7H2O (B) : BaSO4 (C) : SO2 (D) : SO3 C – Na2ZnO2 (2NaOH + ZnO ⎯⎯
→ Na2ZnO2 +
(E) : Fe2O3 (F) : FeCl3 (G) : S (H) : FeCl2 (I) : H2O)
Fe(CNS)3 D – K2Zn3 [Fe(CW)6]2 
Moist Air Zn Hydrolysis
136. (i) The following reactions are used in developing 144. TiO2 (H2 O)2 + HCl ⎯⎯⎯⎯ TiCl4 ⎯⎯→ TiCl3 ⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯
H2 O
→ Ti(H 2O)6Cl3
(White fumes) (A) Purple (B)
the photographic film.
145. (a) Structure of the complex is

AgBr + 2Na 2S2O3 ⎯⎯

→ Na 3[Ag(S2O3 ) 2 ] + NaBr
hypo solution soluble
(b) The oxidation state of Ni in this compouind is
(ii) Aqueous solution of sodium thiosulphate
+2 and it shows dsp2 hybridisation.
(Na2S2O3) on acidification gives milky white
(c) Since the coordination number of Ni in this
turbidity of colloidal sulphur. Na2S2O3 +
complex is 4. According to crystal field theory
2H(aq). → 2Na + + H2SO3 + S ( colloidalsulphur )
it is diamagnetic in nature
(colloidal sulphur)
137. (a) A:[Fe(SCN)(H2O)5]2+ 146. (i) Coloured (ii) Not coloured
(Pentaaquathiocyanatoferrate(III)ion) (iii) Coloured (iv) Not Coloured
B : [FeF6]3– (Hexafluoroferrate(III) ion) 147. (B)
(b) 5.92 BM 148. (B)

149. (D) 180. (D)

150. (C) 181. (A)
151. (C) 182. (B)
152. (B) 183. (A)
153. (C) 184. (B)
154. (C) 185. (B)
155. (D) 186. (B)
156. (A) 187. (C)
157. (D) 188. (A, B)
158. (A) 189. (D)
159. (B) 190. (A)
160. (C) 191. (0)
161. (A) 192. (6)
162. (B) 193. (3)
163. (D) 194. (6)
164. (A) 195. (4)
165. (C) 196. (5)
166. (D) 197. (1)
167. (B) 198. (4)
168. (B) 199. (2)
169. (C) 200. (49)
170. (C) 201. (D)
171. (A) 202. (6)
172. (D) 203. (B)
173. (C) 204. (A)
174. (D) 205. (C)
175. (A) 206. (A)
176. (A) 207. (ABC)
177. (A) 208. (AB)
178. (C) 209. (6)
179. (A)

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