Introduction To PCE 357
Introduction To PCE 357
Introduction To PCE 357
J.K. Bonsu
N.Y. Asiedu
OPS: A value added pathway
• Petrochemical engineering can be defined as a specialized field within chemical
engineering that deals with the production and transformation of chemicals from
petroleum and natural gas.
• Traditionally petrochemical engineers focused on the production refining of crude
oil to produce LPG, gasoline/petrol, diesel, kerosine, fuel oil etc
• However, the invention of the catalytic cracking of heavy fuels, meant that close
to 85% of all petrochemical products from the refinery were converted to various
fuels for transportation and electricity generation
• Petrochemical synthesis which became significant after WW II is another means
of increasing the profitability of the petroleum/petrochemical industry by
converting some of the by-products of refinery into high value products
• This makes natural gas engineering, oil refinery technology and petrochemical
synthesis, the bedrock of production in petrochemical engineering
The rise of the petrochemical synthesis industry
• Since then, advances in petrochemical synthesis technology have
enabled the creation of advanced materials and products in other
related industrial sectors including: apparel, packaging, consumer
goods, automotive products, electronics, medical devices, agriculture,
communication, and transportation.
• For example, in the new Boeing 787 Dreamliner, the latest modern
aircraft to be launched, modern synthetic materials comprise about
half of its primary structure (Zhu et al., 2020)
• The petrochemical industry also produces everyday consumables
such as fertilizer, drugs, solvents, detergents etc.
Petrochemical products are taking over
Demand of man made fiber has overtaking that of natural fibre
The syngas industry
• The traditional petrochemical feedstock were olefins and aromatics
• However syngas ( a mixture of CO and H2) is feedstock to a lot of
chemical products
• These include ammonia, methanol, syn crude etc.