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Ch 3.

One-Dimensional Steady-State

The objective is to determine T=T(x).


Methodology of a Conduction Analysis

• Specify appropriate form of the heat equation.
• Solve for the temperature distribution.
• Apply Fourier’s Law to determine the heat flux.

Simplest Case: One-Dimensional, Steady-State Conduction

with No Thermal Energy Generation.
• Common Geometries:
– The Plane Wall: Described in rectangular (x) coordinate.
– The Tube Wall: Radial conduction through tube wall.
– The Spherical Shell: Radial conduction through shell wall.
Plane Wall
The Plane Wall
• Consider a plane wall between two fluids of different temperature:

• Heat Equation:
d  dT 
k 0
dx  dx 

• Boundary Conditions:

T  0   Ts,1, T  L   Ts,2

• Temperature Distribution
for constant k :

T  x   Ts,1  Ts,2  Ts,1  x
Plane Wall
The Plane Wall
• Heat Flux and Heat Rate:
dT k
qx  k 
 Ts,1  Ts,2
dx L 
qx  kA
dT kA
 T T
dx L s,1 s,2  
• Define Thermal Resistances
 T 
 t  
 q 
• Conduction in a plane wall:
Rt ,cond 
• Convection:
T T 1
Equivalent Thermal circuit Rt ,conv   
q hAT hA
Plane Wall
The Plane Wall
Thermal circuit for plane wall with
adjoining fluids:

1 L 1
Rtot   
h1 A kA h 2 A

T,1  T,2
qx 

• Overall Heat Transfer Coefficient

(U) for composite system

qx  UAToverall
Rtot 
. h , A (To -Tsi KA ( 피주= hkA (Ts Toz )

= =

Fai- To Toi -
tn Tan

= -


h. kAt 째
=h *
Plane Wall (cont.)

• Contact Resistance: additional thermal resistance between contact materials

, 

Values depend on: Materials A and B, surface finishes, interstitial

conditions, and contact pressure.

T  TB
qx  A A

LA Rtc, L
Rtot    B
k A A A kB A
Plane Wall (cont.)
Plane Wall (cont.)
• Composite Wall with Negligible Contact Resistance:
LA - 5

도 합 h

1 파

f =

/h A
이= .
A 1. =A A

qx  ?

T,1  T,4 1  1 LA LB LC 1 
qx  Rtot       
Rtot A  h1 k A k B kC h4 
Plane Wall (cont.)
• Series – Parallel Composite Wall:

• Note departure from one-dimensional

conditions for k F  kG .
• Circuits based on assumption of
isothermal surfaces
normal to x direction provide
Ta approximations for qx .
듐낱 Aㆍ컵 = KFAF fhytg - 따많다 kHAH대퍼


- t

더태 퓨 (


( 다받 .

」) u

= ~

(LEluttt VI(UF+ Ug,

은 ) 가내왜베
Ex 3.2> ch : ip을 통과하는 저항무시

qc''  104W / m 2
 Tc  85o c ?
Ex 3.2 qc''  104W / m 2  Tc  85o c ?
" c to
hlTc To -





뜸많다 . = hZET= h (t비

= C-

Rti + 듀

• Energy conservation (balance)

'' '' ''
qc  q1  q2
Tc  T Tc  T
q1''  q2'' 
? ?
Alternative Conduction Analysis

qx  ?
qx   kA( x)  const
 qx A( x)   k (T )dT
Ex 3.5

ID π 2

D 0 25( ( k44 x

( -
KA (d 품

NANh 씨 = fhed dx 9
Ex 3.5
Given T1, T2 , D  ax

T ( x )  ? qx  ?

qx   kA( x)  const
dx x dx T
 qx A( x)   k (T )dT qx   k  dT
K x1  ( ax ) 2 / 4 T1
The Tube Wall
• Consider a tube wall between two fluids of different temperature:
• Heat Equation:
1 d  dT 
 kr 0
r dr  dr 
Ts,1  Ts ,2 r 
T r   ln    Ts ,2
ln  r1 / r2   r2 

• Heat Rate:
qr  2 rL(k )
2 Lk

ln  r2 / r1 
Ts,1  Ts,2 

• Conduction Resistance:
ln  r2 / r1 
Rt ,cond 
2 Lk
Tube Wall (Cont.)

• Composite Wall with

Negligible Contact
T,1  T,2
qr 

 UA T,1  T,2 
Rtot: u ( BIK

+ 가 i

2ㆍV 2π uW

Note that UA  Rtot 1 is a constant independent of the choice of reference radius.

But, U itself is tied to specification of an interface.
U i Ai  U o Ao
Conduction fesistancel
Ex. 3.6 fhickness 증가 S convection resistanced
Ex. 3.6 Optimum insulation thickness
Does the heat transfer rate increase
with the addition of insulation ?

Competing factors
Conduction resistance increases
But heat transfer area increases

1) Whether there exists an optimum insulation thickness that
minimizes the heat transfer rate.

Negligible tube wall thermal resistance. k  1
Ex. 3.6 Optimum insulation thickness
Ti T
ln( r / ri ) 1
2 k 2 rh

Ti  T ln( r / ri ) 1
q  
, Rtot  

Rtot 2 k 2 rh

Try to find out r which makes heat flux minimum or r which makes
the thermal resistance maximum.

dRtot 1 1 r
  0 h
dr 2 kr 2 hr 2

Check whether the thermal resistance has its maximum.

Ex. 3.6 Optimum insulation thickness

d 2 Rtot 1 1 
k d 2 Rtot h2
   at r  ,  0
dr 2 2 kr 2  hr 3 h dr 2 2 k 3
r k / h
at r  has its minimum!
, Rtot
Optimum insulation thickness does not exist.
critical insulation thickness : rcr 
Ex: when h  5 W/m 2  K, k  0.055 W/m  K and ri  5 mm
k 0.055
rcr    0.011 m  11 mm
h 5
insulation thickness  rcr  ri  6 mm
1 1
no insulation: R to t  2  r h  2   5  1 0  3  5  6

ln  25 / 5  1
when insulation thickness  20 mm,  
Rtot  6
2  0.055 2  25  103  5
Ex. 3.6 Optimum insulation thickness
Spherical Shell
Spherical Shell
• Heat Equation

1 d  2 dT 
2  kr 0
r dr  dr 
 
1  r1/ r

T  r   Ts,1  Ts,1  Ts,2 1 r / r
 1 2
• Heat Rate:
qr  4 r 2 (k )
4 k

1/ r1   1/ r2  
Ts,1  Ts,2 
• Thermal Resistance:

Rt ,cond 
1/ r1   1/ r2 
4 k


) T ( -또
= hA To%.l + ErA( TA

4 7 1 )

1 (γ


dcon fdrad. dcondd

. =

Implications of Energy Generation

• Involves thermal energy due to conversion from another form of energy
in a conducting medium.
• The thermal source may be uniformly distributed, as in the conversion from
electrical to thermal energy (Ohmic heating):

• Eg I 2 Re
q 
 

or it may be non-uniformly distributed, as in the absorption of radiation

passing through a semi-transparent medium. For a plane wall,
q  exp   x 

• Generation affects the temperature distribution in the medium and causes

the heat rate to vary with location, thereby precluding inclusion of
the medium in a thermal circuit.
The Plane Wall

The Plane Wall

• Consider one-dimensional, steady-state conduction
in a plane wall of constant k, uniform generation,
and asymmetric surface conditions:
• Heat Equation:

d  dT  • d 2T q
k q0 2  0
dx  dx  dx k

Is the heat flux q independent of x?

• General Solution:
T  x     q/ 2k  x 2  C1 x  C2

 
What is the form of the temperature distribution for
• • •
q  0? q > 0? q < 0?
Plane Wall (Cont.)
Symmetric Surface Conditions or One Surface Insulated:

• What is the temperature gradient

at the centerline or the insulated
• Why does the magnitude of the temperature
gradient increase with increasing x?
• Temperature Distribution:
• •
q L2  x 2  q L2
T  x  1    T & To   Ts
2k  L2  s 2k
• How do we determine Ts ?
Overall energy balance on the wall →
• •
 E out  E g  0

hAs Ts  T   q As L  0

Ts  T 
Ex 3.7
Ex 3.7

T0  ?

q L2
T0   T1 T1  ?
Radial Systems

Radial Systems
Cylindrical (Tube) Wall Spherical Wall (Shell)

Solid Cylinder (Circular Rod) Solid Sphere

• Heat Equations:
Cylindrical Spherical
1 d  dT   1 d  2 dT  
kr q0  kr q 0
r dr  dr  r dr 
dr 
Radial Systems (Cont.)

• Solution for Uniform Generation in a Solid Cylinder of Constant k

with Convection Cooling:

Temperature Distribution Surface Temperature

dT q r2 Overall energy balance:
kr   C1
dr 2 • •

q ro
•  Eout  Eg  0  Ts  T 
q r2 2h
T   C1 ln(r )  C2
4k Or from a surface energy balance:
|r 0  0  C1  0
 qcond  ro   qconv
• •
dr • Ein  E out  0
q ro 2
T  ro   Ts  C2  Ts  •
4k qr
•  Ts  T  o
q ro 2  r 2  2h
T r   1   T
4k  ro 2  s

• A summary of temperature distributions is provided in Appendix C

for plane, cylindrical and spherical walls, as well as for solid
cylinders and spheres.
Radial Systems (Cont.)
Radial Systems (Cont.)

UL fco dcond.
. 니전체를 .V 로잡으면 heat ,


341 × =h 4 πB. ( To-TB )

> 3 ⇒ TB

1f Q* = o
heat generatin :

34 디 ( B 로습지
Nature and Rationale
Heat Transfer from Extended Surfaces
(fin )

• Why are the extended surfaces used ?

• Does the heat transfer rate increase with extended surfaces ?

qconv  hA(TS  T )
Nature and Rationale (Cont.)

• Extended surfaces may exist in many situations but are commonly used as fins
to enhance heat transfer by increasing the surface area available for convection.

They are particularly beneficial when h is small, as for a gas and natural convection.

• fin configurations:

Straight fins of (a) uniform and (b) non-uniform cross sections; (c) annular
fin, and (d) pin fin of non-uniform cross section.
Fin Equation

The Fin Equation

• Assuming one-dimensional, steady-state conduction in an extended surface
surface of constant conductivity  k  and uniform cross-sectional area  Ac  ,
with negligible generation  q  0  and radiation  qrad

  0  , the fin equation
 
is of the form: convection

d dT
)dx  hPdx  T  T   0

(  kAc
dx ~
conduction P . 둘레
d   m 2  0

dx 2
m 2   hP / kAc    T T

Base (x = 0) condition
  0   Tb  T  b
Tip ( x = L) conditions
d / dx |x L  0 Fadiabatic

q f  hPkAc  b tanh mL
페오 7=uA(

역 x
(k A ( 표 ,
사운산산법) ↓ t hpd1 (맡

d .

씁다 (FTb : 도

- m (F
t ui

행 =

Ft∞ -


FT∞ - mua

운리 - MD =o
θ b
Tn To


afz -

uA (
[ 품이 . = -
KAcd 웅영
Fin Equation

The Fin Equation

d 2  m 2  0 m 2   hP / kAc    T T 
dx 2

  0   Tb  T  b d / dx |x L  0  q f  hPkAc  b tanh mL

  c1e mx  c 2e  mx
  c 3 cosh mx  c 4 sinh mx
  c 5 cosh m( x  L )  c 6 sinh m( x  L )
 '  mc 5 sinh m( x  L )  mc 6 cosh m( x  L ) ⇒ CG =

cosh m( x  L )
  o
cosh mL
sinh mL
 ' ( 0 )  o m
cosh mL
Fin Equation

d 2  m 2  0
dx 2
where m 2   hP / kAc 

Base (x = 0) condition
  0   Tb  T  b

Tip ( x = L) conditions
A. Convection:  kd / dx |x  L  h  L 

B. Adiabatic: d / dx |x  L  0  q f  hPkAc  b tanh mL

C. Fixed temperature:   L    L

D. Infinite fin (mL >2.65):   L     0  qf  hPkAc  b

h  x  dAs
dx x0  Af
• Fin Heat Rate: q f  kAc |  • Solutions (Table 3.4)
Fin Equation
Ex 3.9

qf  hPkAc  b

q f  hPkAc  b tanh mL
Performance Parameters
Fin Performance Parameters
• Fin Effectiveness:  f 
qno fin
qno fin  qb  hAc ,b  Tb  T 

• Fin Efficiency:  f  q f ,max  hA f  Tb  T 
q f ,max "
qmax: heat loss when the whole fin temperature is assumed at Tb
Ex) straight fin of uniform cross-sectional area with an adiabatic tip

qf hPkAc  b tanh mL tanh mL

f    m  hP / kAc
hA f  b hPL b mL
From given  f , we obtain q f   f ( hA f  b )
Performance Parameters
Fin Performance Parameters
• Fin Effectiveness:  f  q qno fin  qb  hAc ,b  Tb  T   hAc ,b b
no fin

hPkAc  b kP
Ex) long fin qf  hPkAc  b f  
hAc ,b b hAc
In order to get high fin performance

high k material (copper > aluminum, but consider cost & weight)
P/A -> thin fin space

kP provides upper limit of f, which is reached

f 
hAc as L approaches infinity.

Practically qf for the adiabatic tip reaches 98% of heat transfer

when mL = 2.3. Thus, the fin length longer than L = 2.3/m is not
Performance Parameters
Fin Performance Parameters
qf qf b 1
• Fin Efficiency:  f  q  • Fin Resistance: Rt , f  
f ,max hA f  b q f hA f  f

Ex) straight fin of uniform cross-sectional area with an adiabatic tip

qf hPkAc  b tanh mL tanh mL

f    m  hPL / kAc
hA f  b hPL b mL
Expressions for  f are provided in Table 3.5 for common geometries.

For an active (non-adiabatic) tip, the relation for adiabatic tip can
be used with fin length correction.
rectangular fin: Lc  L  See Fig. 3.18
D See Table 3.5
pin fin: Lc  L 
Performance Parameters
Fin Performance Parameters
Performance Parameters
Fin Performance Parameters
Performance Parameters
Fin Performance Parameters

-MAn ( π- l Fin Arrays

A+ hot )

• Total surface area:

At  NA f  Ab

N: # of fins

• Total heat rate:

qt  N f hA f b  hAbb
 o hAtb

NA f
o  1 
1   f 
Overall surface efficiency
Ex 3.10

까 ,

20 mm
Ex 3.10

qt  qno fin  ?
qno fin  h(2 r1H )b

qt  o hAtb

NA f
o  1 
1   f 
f from Fig. 3.19
h .
w . Ch . 510. $ 1 46 77 95


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