Mabilangan, Carla Francheska - Letter of Explanation
Mabilangan, Carla Francheska - Letter of Explanation
Mabilangan, Carla Francheska - Letter of Explanation
Subject: Applica on for Spouse Open Work Permit for Carla Francheska Maloles Mabilangan and Visitor’s Visa for
Dependent Son (Aiden Calixto Finn Mabilangan Dayrit) inside Canada
I, Carla Francheska Maloles Mabilangan holding passport number P6399815B am applying for a Spousal Open Work
Permit Inside Canada. I wish to join my husband, Abby Salac Dayrit, in Bri sh Columbia, Canada, and reside with him
alongside our son, Aiden Calixto Finn Mabilangan Dayrit (applying for a Visitor’s Visa as a Dependent Minor). My husband
and I met in 2018 while working at Starbucks Philippines. Our rela onship began in October 2018, and we happily got
married on April 21, 2022. I am a lawful ci zen of the Philippines and affirms my eligibility to avail myself of the various
rights and benefits granted by the government. Thereby, obligated to fulfill the responsibili es and du es as a Filipino
Ci zen. A ached herewith are my NBI Clearance, my Birth Cer ficate, my Son’s Birth Cer ficate and our Marriage
Cer ficate which were held in Nasugbu, Batangas. (ANNEX-I)
My husband traveled to Bri sh Columbia, Canada in mid-last year, July 2023, and is currently working as a Temporary
Foreign Worker with a Posi ve LMIA. It is classified under NOC 2011 Version 1.0 as NOC B (6311- Food Service Supervisors),
while in the current NOC 2021 Version 1.0, it falls under TEER 2 (62020 – Food Service Supervisors), allowing spouses to
be eligible to apply for an open work permit. My inten on to stay in Canada is to be with my husband, offering him moral,
emo onal, and family support with our son. Enclosed, please find my husband’s documenta on for your review, including
his passport, birth cer ficate, work permit, visa, LMIA approval, contract, pay stubs, and bank statement, which will cover
the funds needed for my son’s stay as a Visitor’s Visa Holder. (ANNEX-II)
I hold a Bachelor of Arts degree in Communica on from Far Eastern University, Philippines. Since my gradua on in 2017, I
worked full- me as a Senior Customer Service Associate and Online English Teacher un l 2022. I am eager to contribute
my skills and become an ac ve part of the Canadian community in any way I can be of assistance. I am open to extending
my capabili es and acquiring new skills to take on challenging opportuni es. For your review, I have included my Cer ficate
of Employments and Degree Cer ficate. (ANNEX-III)
In the Philippines, I own a Sports U lity Vehicle - Toyota Corolla 2020 under my name. I am an ac ve member of the
Philippine Social Security System (SSS), and I plan to consistently contribute to secure my future pension for re rement in
my home country. I also currently have an ac ve life insurance policy/investment under Manulife China Bank Life Insurance
Corpora on with the corresponding fund value. A ached are the receipt and Cer ficate of Registra on of my Car, SSS
membership details, and Cer ficate of Investment for my Life Insurance. (ANNEX-IV)
Over the last decade, I have had the opportunity to travel as a tourist to Japan, Korea, the United States of America, and
Canada with my family. These travel experiences reflect my ability to adhere to visa regula ons and maintain a clean record
during my visits, providing assurance of my responsible travel prac ces. A ached are my previous Visa Stamps from these
countries. (ANNEX-V)
Summary List of Documents a ached along with this le er are as follows:
Annex IV – Home Country Assets / Gov’t Membership / Private Insurance / Investment (PH)
1. Receipt & Cer ficate of Registra on of my Car (PH)
2. SSS Membership and Details (PH)
3. Manulife China Bank Life Insurance / Investment (PH)
In conclusion, I humbly request your good office to consider and accept my applica on, gran ng me the opportunity to
accompany my husband to Canada for the essen al purpose of family reunifica on. Your posi ve decision would mean a
lot, especially for the well-being of my child. Thank you for your me and considera on.
Should you have any ques ons or queries, please do not hesitate to email me at
Carla Francheska Maloles Mabilangan