Microsoft SC-900 LAB GUIDE

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Microsoft Ready4AI&Security 2024

Create an Azure account

To use Azure, you need an Azure account. Your Azure account is the credential you use to sign
into Azure services like the Azure Portal or Cloud Shell.

Option 1: Use monthly Azure credits for Visual Studio

If you have a Visual Studio subscription, your subscription includes credits for using Azure.
Activate your credits by visiting the Monthly Azure credits for Visual Studio subscribers page.

Option 2: Sign up for a free Azure account

You can create an Azure account for free and receive 12 months of popular services for free and
a $200 credit to explore Azure for 30 days.

Option 3: Sign up for a pay-as-you-go account

You can also create a pay-as-you-go Azure account. This option includes monthly amounts of
select services for free, and charges you for what you use beyond the free limits. There is no
upfront commitment and you can cancel anytime.

Option 4: Use a corporate account

If you are using Azure at work, talk to your company's cloud administrator to get your Azure
credentials and then sign in to your account with the Azure Portal.
Create an Office 365 E5 trial tenant

If you already have an existing Office 365 or Microsoft Entra subscription, you can skip the
Office 365 E5 trial tenant creation steps.

1. Go to the Office 365 E5 product portal and select Free trial.

2. Complete the trial registration by entering your email address (personal or

corporate). Click Set up account.

3. Fill in your first name, last name, business phone number, company name,
company size, and country or region.

The country or region you set here determines the data center region your Office
365 will be hosted.

4. Choose your verification preference: through a text message or call. Click Send
Verification Code.
5. Set the custom domain name for your tenant, then click Next.
6. Set up the first identity, which will be a Global Administrator for the tenant. Fill
in Name and Password. Click Sign up.
7. Click Go to Setup to complete the Office 365 E5 trial tenant provisioning.
8. Connect your corporate domain to the Office 365 tenant. [Optional]
Choose Connect a domain you already own and type in your domain name.
Click Next.

9. Add a TXT or MX record to validate the domain ownership. Once you've added the
TXT or MX record to your domain, select Verify.
10. [Optional] Create more user accounts for your tenant. You can skip this step by
clicking Next.
11. [Optional] Download Office apps. Click Next to skip this step.
12. [Optional] Migrate email messages. Again, you can skip this step.

13. Choose online services. Select Exchange and click Next.

14. Add MX, CNAME, and TXT records to your domain. When completed,
select Verify.
15. Congratulations, you have completed the provisioning of your Office 365 tenant.

Enable Microsoft 365 trial subscription


Signing up for a trial gives you 25 user licenses to use for a month. See Try or buy a Microsoft
365 subscription for details.

1. From Microsoft 365 Admin Center, click Billing and then navigate to Purchase
2. Select Microsoft 365 E5 and click Start free trial.
3. Choose your verification preference: through a text message or call. Once you have
decided, enter the phone number, select Text me or Call me depending on your

4. Enter the verification code and click Start your free trial.

5. Click Try now to confirm your Microsoft 365 E5 trial.

6. Go to the Microsoft 365 Admin Center > Users > Active users. Select your user
account, select Manage product licenses, then swap the license from Office 365
E5 to Microsoft 365 E5. Click Save.

7. Select the global administrator account again then click Manage username.
8. [Optional] Change the domain from to your own domain—
depending on what you chose on the previous steps. Click Save changes.
How to Create Microsoft 365 Developer Account

This guide shows you the step by step process of how to create a
Microsoft 365 developer account and also how to resolve any issue
during the process.

Step 1:

Go to

Click on join now

If you have an outlook account sign in the account and skip to Step 2.
If you don’t have an Outlook account. Click on Create one!

How to Create an Account

If you have an outlook account sign in and skip this process to Step 2
Click on Next
Add a password
Solve the puzzle
Sign in your account

Congrats 🥳

Step 2:
Build your Profile

Go to

To build your profile

The main reason for this is to avoid FNU and LNU as your First and
Last Name in your Microsoft 365 Developer Account
If you are having issue with what your name is showing

Click your profile on the upper right hand side of your Screen.

Create a Microsoft 365 Dev Account

Fill in your details

You can use any name for your Company

Click on Next

Select everything on your Screen

Click on Save
Click on Configurable sandbox

Here you have to use a domain name that is available

Create your Username, Domain

Password and confirm password.

Click on Continue

Add your Phone number and Country code

Click on Send code

Enter the Code then click on Set up
Pre-Lab Setup of the Microsoft 365 Tenant

Enable Microsoft 365 audit log

In this setup task, you'll enable the Audit log capability in Microsoft 365. Although
documentation indicates that audit log is turned on by default, most lab tenants don't
have this feature enabled, and it can take several hours for this to take effect. It's
beneficial to enable this feature, as Microsoft 365 uses audit logs for user insights and
activities identified in policies and analytics insights.

1. Open Microsoft Edge. In the address bar, enter

2. Sign in with the admin credentials for the Microsoft 365 tenant provided by your
authorized lab hoster (ALH).

3. From the left navigation pane of the Microsoft 365 admin center, select Show all.

4. Under Admin centers, select Compliance. A new browser page opens to the
welcome page of the Microsoft Purview compliance portal.

5. From the left navigation panel of the Microsoft Purview compliance portal,
select Show all.

6. In the left navigation panel, under solutions, select Audit. Note: the audit
functionality is also accessible through the Microsoft 365 Defender home page.

7. Verify that the Search tab is selected (underlined).

8. Once you land on the Audit page, wait 2-3 minutes. If Auditing is NOT enabled,
you'll see a blue bar on the top of the page that says start recording user and
admin activity. Select Start recording user and admin activity. Once auditing is
enabled, the blue bar disappears. If the blue bar is not present, then auditing is
already enabled, and no further action is required.

9. Return to the home page of the Microsoft Purview compliance portal by

selecting Home from the left navigation panel.

Microsoft Defender for Cloud Apps file monitoring

In this setup task, you will enable file monitoring in Microsoft Defender for Cloud Apps.
1. Open the browser tab for the Microsoft 365 admin center. If you previously
closed it, open a new browser tab and in the address bar,
enter and from the left navigation pane of the
Microsoft 365 admin center, select Show all.

2. Under Admin centers, select Security. A new browser page opens to the welcome
page of the Microsoft 365 Defender portal.

3. From the left navigation panel, select Files, which is listed under Cloud apps.

4. If not already enabled, you'll need to select Enable file monitoring and select
the box next to where it says Enable file monitoring then select Save.

5. From the left navigation panel, under cloud apps, select Files to return to the files
page. If you successfully enabled file monitoring, you should see the filter options
on the top of the page. It may take some time for files from the pre-configured
lab tenant to be displayed.

Pre-Lab setup of the Azure Cloud Slice Subscription

For this setup you are using the Azure Cloud Slice environment which is separate than
the Microsoft 365 tenant provided. Logout of the Microsoft 365 Tenant and login using
the Azure Cloud Slice credentials.

Azure virtual machine

Check that a VM has already been created. If not, then set it up now. You will use the
VM as part of the NSG demo.

1. Open Microsoft Edge. In the address bar, enter and

sign in with the Azure credentials provided by the authorized lab hoster (ALH).
This bring you to the Azure services home page.

2. In the blue search box at the top of the page, enter Virtual Machines then
select Virtual Machines from the search results.

3. If a VM is already listed then skip the steps that follow, otherwise you'll need to
create one. Select Create, then from the drop-down menu, select Azure Virtual
machine. Configure the following parameters (if a parameter is not listed, leave
the default value).

i. Resource group: Select Create new and enter LabsSC900, then select OK.
ii. Virtual machine name: enter SC900-WinVM.
iii. Availability options: From the drop down, select No infrastructure
redundancy required.
iv. Image: From the drop down select Windows 11 Pro, version 22H2 - x64
Gen2 (or any Windows 10 or Window 11 image listed).
v. Size: select See all sizes and select Standard_B1s then select Select at the
bottom of the page.
vi. Username: enter SC900-VM-User
vii. Password: enter a password and write it down, you will need it later!!!!
viii. Confirm password: re-enter the password.
ix. Public inbound ports: None.
x. Licensing: select where it says, "I confirm I have an eligible Windows 10/11
license with multi-tenant hosting rights." A checkmark should appear.
xi. Select Next: Disks
xii. OS disk type: from the drop-down, select Standard SSD.
xiii. Select Next: Networking
xiv. NIC network security group: select None. You will create an NSG as part of
the demo, so don't do it here!
xv. Delete public IP and NIC when VM is deleted: select the box so a
checkmark appears.
xvi. Select Review + create, then when validation passes, select Create.
xvii. Once the VM deployment is complete, select Home from the top of the

4. Keep the Azure browser tab open to continue with the pre-demo setup.

Network security group

Check that an NSG has already been created. If the NSG has not been created set it up
now, but do not associate any interface to it nor create any rules. Those steps will be
done as part of the NSG demo.

1. In the blue search bar on the top of the page, enter Network security
groups groups. From the results, select Network security groups (do not select
Network security groups classic).

2. Select Create network security group. On the Basics tab of the Create network
security group page, specify the following settings:
i. Subscription: Leave the default value (this is the Azure subscription
provided by the authorized lab hoster)
ii. Resource group: LabsSC900
iii. Name: NSG-SC900
iv. Region: leave the default.
v. Select Review + create then select Create.
vi. Once the deployment is complete (this happens very quickly), select Go to

Microsoft Defender for Cloud

The objective here is simply to access Microsoft Defender to Cloud for the first time. This
is important because it can take up to 24 hours for Defender for Cloud to reflect an
initial secure score.

1. Open the Home-Microsoft Azure tab in your browser.

2. In the blue search bar enter Microsoft Defender for Cloud, then from the results
list, select Microsoft Defender for Cloud.

3. If this is the first time you enter Microsoft Defender for Cloud with your
subscription, you may land on the Getting started page, and may be prompted to
upgrade. Scroll to the bottom of the page and select Skip. You'll be taken to the
Overview page.

4. All subscriptions have foundational CSPM enabled by default, which provides a

secure score, but it can take up to 24 hours for Defender for Cloud to reflect an
initial secure score.

5. Select Home from the top of the page.

6. Keep the browser tab open to continue with the pre-demo setup.

Microsoft Sentinel
Check to that an instance of Microsoft Sentinel has already been created. If not, then set
it up now as you will need it as part of the walk-through demo on Microsoft Sentinel.

1. Open the Home-Microsoft Azure tab in your browser.

2. In the search box, in the blue bar on the top of the page next to where it says
Microsoft Azure, enter Microsoft Sentinel then select Microsoft Sentinel from
the search results.

3. From the Microsoft Sentinel page, select Create Microsoft Sentinel.

4. From the Add Microsoft Sentinel to a workspace page, select Create a new

5. From the basics tab of the Create Log Analytics workspace, enter the following:

i. Subscription: Leave the default.

ii. Resource group: select Create New, then enter the name SC900-Sentinel-
RG then select OK.
iii. Name: SC900-LogAnalytics-workspace.
iv. Region: East US (A different default region may be selected based on your
v. Select Review + Create (no tags will be configured).
vi. Verify the information you entered then select Create.
vii. It may take a minute or two for the ne workspace to be listed, if you still
don't see it, select Refresh, then select Add.

6. Once the new workspace is added, the Microsoft Sentinel | News & guides page
will display, indicating that the Microsoft Sentinel free trial is activated. Select OK.

In this setup, you enabled the audit log capability in your Microsoft 365 tenant and you
also created verified that a VM was preconfigured in your Azure Cloud Slice
environment. You also prepared your Defender for Cloud and Microsoft Sentinel
Lab: Explore Microsoft Entra ID
This lab maps to the following Learn content:

• Learning Path: Describe the capabilities of Microsoft Entra.

• Module: Describe the function and identity types of Microsoft Entra ID.
• Unit: Describe the types of identities.

Lab scenario
In this lab, you'll access Microsoft Entra ID (previously referred to as Azure Active
Directory). Additionally, you'll create a user and configure the different settings,
including adding licenses.

Estimated Time: 10-15 minutes

Task 1
As a subscriber to Microsoft 365 you're already using Microsoft Entra ID (previously
referred to as Azure AD). In this task, you’ll learn how to create a new user in Microsoft
Entra ID and explore some of services that can be managed at the user level.

1. Open the Microsoft Edge browser. In the address bar,

enter and sign in with the Microsoft 365 credentials
provided by your authorized lab hoster (ALH).

i. In the Sign-in window,

enter (where ZZZZZZ is your
unique tenant ID provided by your ALH) then select Next.
ii. Enter the admin password that should be provided by your lab hosting
provider. Select Sign in.
iii. When prompted to stay signed- in, select Yes.

2. Under Admin centers, select Identity (you may need to select Show all and scroll
down). A new browser page opens to the overview page of the Microsoft Entra
admin center. Here you will see basic information about your Contoso tenant. If
you scroll down the main window you will also see information about alerts, my
feed, feature highlights, and more.
3. From the left navigation pane, expand Users then select All users. Notice that
your tenant is already configured with users.

4. From the top of the page, select + New user then from the drop-down box,
select Create new user.

5. You are now in the basics tab of the create new user page. Populate the fields as

i. User principal name: sara.

ii. Mail nickname: leave the default, which is set to derive from user principal

iii. Display name: Sara Perez.

iv. Password: uncheck the box that says auto-generate password and enter a
temporary password that adheres to the password requirements and make
note of it, as you will need it to complete the subsequent task.

v. Account enabled: Leave the checkmark to ensure the account is enabled.

vi. At the bottom of the page, select Next: Properties.

6. Here you will configure a few of the fields in the Properties tab.

i. First name: Sara

ii. Last name: Perez

iii. User types: Leave the default to Member, but note that from the drop-
down you have the option to select guest.

iv. Usage location: Choose the country/region where you are located. Note
that to get to the usage location field, you will need to scroll down on the
page as it is the last field on the page. NOTE: if you don't do this, you will
not be able assign a license in a subsequent step.

v. Select Next: Assignments.

7. You are now on the Assignments tab where you add a group assignment and
view the available options for adding a role.

i. Select Add group.

ii. The window that opens shows all the available groups.

iii. Notice the list of available groups. From the list, select Operations. From
the bottom of the page, select the Select button. It may take a few
seconds but you should see the operations group showup on the
assignments page.

iv. From the top of the page, select Add role. A window opens that shows all
the available directory roles. View the available options, but don't add any
new roles. Close this page by selecting the X on the top right corner of the
directory roles page.

v. From the bottom of the page, select Review + create. A summary of the
settings will be displayed. From the bottom of the page, select Create.

8. You are returned to the users page. After a few seconds, Sara Perez will be listed.
You may need to select the refresh icon on the top of the page.

9. From the user list, select the user you created, Sara Perez. The Overview page

10. The left navigation panel shows the various options that can be configured for
the user. View the available options.

11. From the left navigation panel, select Licenses. Notice that there are no license
assignments found for this user. NOTE: Licenses can only be assigned if a usage
location was configured. If you did not set the usage location, go back to that
step in the previous task.

i. To add a license select + Assignments from the top of the main window.

ii. Under Select licenses, select Office 365 E3 and Windows 10/11
Enterprise E3 then select the Save button on the bottom of the screen. A
notification on the top right corner of the screen should show that license
assignments succeeded.

iii. Select the X on the top right of the screen to close the License
assignments window.

iv. Select the Refresh icon at the top of the page to confirm the license
12. Return to the Microsoft Entra admin center by selecting Home from the left
navigation panel or from the top-left of the screen (the bread-crumb), above
where it says Sara Perez | Licenses.

13. You have successfully created and configured a user in Microsoft Entra ID.

14. Sign out of all the open browser tabs. Sign out by selecting the user icon next to
the email address on the top right corner of the screen then selecting Sign out.
Close all the browser windows.

Task 2
In this task, you'll sign in as Sara Perez, for the first time.

1. Open Microsoft Edge.

2. In the address bar, enter

3. Sign in as, (where ZZZZZZ is your unique

tenant ID provided by your ALH)

4. Enter the temporary password you set in the previous task.

5. You are now prompted to Update your password. In the Current password field,
enter the temporary password from the previous task.

6. In the New password field, enter a new password, confirm the password, then
select Sign in. Make note of your new password as you will need it for the
subsequent lab exercise on SSPR.

7. You should now be successfully signed-in to Microsoft 365.

8. Sign out by selecting the icon on the top right corner of the Microsoft 365
window that is shown as a circle with the letters SP (next to the question mark
icon), then selecting Sign out, then close the browser.

In this lab, you started your initial exploration of Azure AD. Since subscribers to
Microsoft 365 are automatically using Azure AD, you found that you access Azure AD
features and services through either the Microsoft 365 admin portal or through the
Azure portal. Whichever approach you prefer to get to the same place. You also walked
through the process of creating a new user and the different setting that can be
configured, including groups to which the user can be assigned, the availability of roles,
and assigning of user licenses.
Lab: Microsoft Entra self-service
password reset
This lab maps to the following Learn content:

• Learning Path: Describe the capabilities of of Microsoft Entra

• Module: Describe the authentication capabilities of Microsoft Entra ID
• Unit: Describe self-service password reset

Lab scenario
In this lab, you, as an admin, will walk through the process of adding a user to the SSPR
security group, which is already setup in your Microsoft 365 tenant. With SSPR enabled,
you'll then assume the role of a user and go through the process of registering for SSPR
and also resetting your password. Lastly, you as the admin, will be able to view audit
logs and usage data & insights for SSPR.

Estimated Time: 15-20 minutes

Task 1
In this task you, as the admin, will walk through the some of the available configuration
settings for SSPR.

1. Open the Microsoft Edge browser. In the address bar,

enter and sign in with the Microsoft 365 admin
credentials provided by your authorized lab hoster (ALH).

i. In the Sign-in window,

enter (where ZZZZZZ is your
unique tenant ID provided by your ALH) then select Next.
ii. Enter the admin password that should be provided by your lab hosting
provider. Select Sign in.
iii. When prompted to stay signed- in, select Yes.

2. From the left navigation pane, expand the option for Protection, then
select Password reset.
3. The properties for self service password reset are displayed. Select the
information icon next to where it says Self services password reset enabled to
view what the description. Ensure that Selected is highlighted in blue. Now put
your cursor over the information icon next to where it says Select group and
note that it says, "Defines the group of users who are allowed to reset their own
passwords." You must include users in the group, you can’t individually select
users. Notice that there is a group already listed - SSPRSecurityGroupUsers (this
group was preconfigured as part your Microsoft 365 tenant). Lastly, note the blue
information box, "These settings only apply to end users in your organization.
Admins are always enabled for self-service password reset and are required to
use two authentication methods to reset their password."

4. From the left navigation panel of Password reset, select Authentication


5. In the Number of methods required to rest, select 1. Note the information box on
the screen.

6. Notice the different methods available to users. Email and Mobile phone (SMS
only) should already be checked; if not, select them.

7. From the left navigation panel of Password reset, select Registration.

8. Ensure the setting to Require users to register when signing in is set to Yes. Leave
the Number of days before users are asked to reconfirm their authentication
information, to the default of 180. Take note of the information box on the page.

9. From the left navigation panel of Password reset, select Notifications.

10. Ensure the setting to Notify users on password resets is set to Yes. Leave the
setting for Notify all admins when other admins reset their password to No.

11. Note how the Password reset navigation pane also includes options to view audit
logs and Usage & insights.

12. Close the password reset window by selecting the X on the top-right corner of
the window. This returns you to hte Microsoft Entra admin center.

13. Keep the Microsoft Entra window open.

Task 2
In this task you, as the admin, will add the user you created in the previous lab exercise
to the SSPR security group.

1. Open the browser tab for the home page of the Microsoft Entra Admin
center If needed, expand Identity.

2. From the left navigation panel, under "Identity", expand Groups then select All

3. A list of existing groups is displayed. In the Search groups field, enter SSPR, then
from the search results select SSPRSecurityGroupUsers. It will take you to the
configuration option for this group.

4. From the left navigation pane, select Members.

5. From the top of the page, select + Add members.

6. In the Search box, enter Sara Perez. Once the user, Sara Perez, appears below
the search box, select it then press Select from the bottom of the page. You'll be
returned to the members page. Select Refresh from the top of the page. You
should now see Sara Perez listed as a member in the SSPR security group.

7. Sign out from all the browser tabs by clicking on the user icon next to the email
address on the top right corner of the screen. Then the close all the browser

Task 3
In this task you, as user Sara Perez, will go through the registration process for self
service password reset. This task requires that you have access to a mobile device where
you can receive text messages or a personal email account that you can access

1. Open the Microsoft Edge and in the address bar


2. Sign in as Sara Perez.

3. A pop-up displays indicating that More information is required. This is because as

a member of the SSPRSecurityGroupUsers group, the configuration requires its
members to register when they sign in. Select the Next button. Note: An
alternative to having users do the registration, themselves, is for admins to
directly configure the authentication methods when they add a user. This requires
admins to know and set the phone numbers and email addresses that users use
to perform self-service password reset, and reset a user’s password.

4. The “Keep your account secure” page opens. The window that appears is for the
Phone authentication method, if you don’t have a mobile device with you that is
capable of receiving text messages, skip to the next step. You're prompted to
enter a phone number. Ensure the option Text me a code is enabled. Enter the
phone number where you can receive a text code and select the Next button. A
new window opens indicating a code was sent to the phone you entered. Enter
the code your received and select Next. A window opens indicating Success and
showing your Default sign-in method. Select Done.

i. Alternatively, you can set up a different method as shown on the bottom

left of the window. If you choose to set up a different method, select I
want to set up a different method, a pop-up window shows up, asking
Which method would you like to use? From the drop-down, select your
preferred method, Email, then select the Confirm button. Enter the email
you would like to use then select Next. A new window opens indicating a
code was sent to the email you entered. Access the email you entered to
obtain the code. Enter the code your received and select Next. A window
opens indicating Success and showing your Default sign-in method.
Select Done.

5. You can now complete your sign-in. If you see that your sign-in time has expired,
just reenter the password.

6. Sign out from all the browser tabs by clicking on the user icon next to the email
address on the top right corner of the screen. Then the close all the browser

Task 4 (Optional)
In this task you, as user Sara Perez, will go through the process of resetting your

1. Open Microsoft Edge.

2. In the address bar, enter

3. Sign in as Sara Perez, by entering your

email (where ZZZZZZ is your unique tenant
ID provided by your lab hosting provider)and select the Next button. You may,
instead, see a Pick an account window open, if so, select the account for Sara

4. From the Enter password window, select Forgot my password.

5. The Get back into your account window opens. Verify that the email for Sara
Perez,, is shown in the email or username
box. If not, enter it.

6. In the empty box, enter the characters displayed in image or the words from the
audio. Once you've entered them, select Next.

7. The screen shows Get back into your account and shows Verification step 1 >
choose a new password. Leave the default setting Text my mobile phone. You're
prompted to enter your mobile phone number. Once you've entered it, select
the Text button. If during the registration you selected email, the Get back into
your account window will that indicate you'll receive an email containing a
verification code at your alternate email address. Select Email.

8. Enter the verification code then press Next.

9. In the next screen, you're prompted to enter new password and confirm new
password. Enter those now and select the Finish button.

10. You'll see a message on the screen that your password has been reset.
Select click here to sign in with your new password.

11. From the Pick an account information box,

select, enter your new password, then
select the Sign in button. If you're prompted to Stay signed in. select No.

12. You should now be in the Office portal.

13. Sign out by selecting on the user icon next to the email address on the top right
corner of the screen and selecting Sign out. Then the close all the browser

Task 5 (Optional)
In this task you, as the administrator, will briefly view the Audit logs and the Usage &
insights data associated with password reset

1. Open Microsoft Edge.

2. In the address bar, enter and sign in with the
Microsoft 365 admin credentials provided by your authorized lab hoster (ALH).

3. You are in Microsoft Entra admin center. From the left navigation pane, expand
the option for Protection, then select Password reset.

4. From the left navigation pane, select Audit logs. Notice the information available
and the available filters. Also note that you can download logs.

5. Select Download. Note that you can format the download as CSV or JSON. Close
the window by selecting the X on the top right corner of the screen.

6. From the left navigation pane, select Usage & insights.

7. Notice the information available that pertains to Registration. Note that it may
take time to refresh this data, even after you do a refresh, so it may not yet reflect
the registration or usage data from the previous task.

8. From the top of the page select Usage to view the number of Self-service
password resets and account unlocks by method. Note that it may take time to
refresh this data, even after you do a refresh, so it may not yet reflect the usage
data from the previous task.

9. Close the open browser tabs.

In this lab, you, as an admin, went through the process of enabling self-service password
reset. With SSPR enabled, you'll then assume the role of a user to go through the
process of registering for SSPR and also resetting your password. Lastly, you as the
admin, learn where to access audit logs and usage & insights data for SSPR.
Lab: Microsoft Entra Conditional Access
This lab maps to the following Learn content:

• Learning Path: Describe the capabilities of Microsoft Entra

• Module: Describe access management capabilities of Microsoft Entra ID
• Unit: Describe Conditional Access

Lab scenario
In this lab, you'll explore conditional access MFA, from the perspective of an admin and
a user. As the admin, you will create a policy that will require a user to go through multi-
factor authentication when accessing any of the Microsoft Admin portals. From a user
perspective, you'll see the impact of the conditional access policy, including the process
to register for MFA.

Estimated Time: 30 minutes

Task 1
In this task you, as the admin, will reset the password for the user Debra Berger. This
step is needed so you can initially sign in as the user in subsequent tasks.

1. Open Microsoft Edge. In the address bar, enter,

and sign in with your admin credentials.

i. In the Sign-in window,

enter (where ZZZZZZ is your
unique tenant ID provided by your lab hosting provider) then select Next.
ii. Enter the admin password that should be provided by your lab hosting
provider. Select Sign in.
iii. When prompted to stay signed- in, select Yes.

2. From the left navigation pane, expand Identity, expand Users, then select All

3. Select Debra Berger from the list of users.

4. Select Reset password from the top of the page. Since you haven't previously
signed in as Debra Berger, you don’t know her password, and will need to reset
the password.

5. When the password reset window opens, select Reset Password. IMPORTANT,
make a note of the new password, as you'll need it in a subsequent task, to be
able to sign in as the user.

6. Close the password reset window by selecting the X at the top right corner of the
page, then close out of the Debra Berger window by selecting the X at the top
right corner of the page.

7. From the left navigation panel, select Home to return to the Microsoft Entra
admin center.

8. Keep this window open.

Task 2
In this task, you'll go through the process of creating a conditional access policy in
Azure AD.

1. Open the browser tab to the home page of the Microsoft Entra admin center. If
you previously closed the browser tab, open Microsoft Edge and in the address
bar enter and sign in with the Microsoft 365 admin
credentials provided by the ALH.

2. From the left navigation pane, expand Protection then select Conditional

3. The Conditional access overview page is displayed. Here you will see tiles
showing the Policy summary and general alerts. From the left navigation panel,
select Policies.

4. From the left navigation panel, select Policies. Any existing Conditional Access
Policies are listed here. Select + New policy.

5. In the Name field, enter MFA Test Policy.

6. Under Users, select 0 users and groups selected.

7. You'll now see the option to Include or Exclude users or groups. Make
sure Include is selected (underlined).
8. Select the option for Select users and groups and select Users and groups. The
window to Select users and groups opens.

9. In the Search bar, enter Debra. Select Debra Berger from beneath the search
bar, then press the Select button on the bottom of the page. Note, a common
practice is to assign the policy to users in a group. For the purpose expediency
with this lab, we'll assign the policy to a specific user.

10. Under Target resources, select No target resources selected.

11. In the field underneath where it says Select what this policy applies to, select
the down-arrow and note the available options. Keep the default setting, Cloud
apps. Make sure the Include tab is underlined. Select Select apps, then
underneath where it says Select, select None. The window to Select Cloud apps

12. In the search bar, enter Azure. From the search results that appear under the
search box, select Microsoft Admin Portals, then press Select at the bottom of
the page. Notice the warning.

13. Under Conditions, select 0 conditions selected. Notice the different options you
can configure. Through the policy, you can control user access based on signals
from conditions including: user risk, sign-in risk, device platform, location, client
apps, or filter for devices. Explore these configurable options, but do not set any

14. Now you'll set the access controls. Under Grant, select 0 controls selected.

15. The Grant window opens. Ensure Grant access is selected and then
select Require multifactor authentication. Scroll down a bit on the right
window and under the section For multiple controls, leave the default Require all
the selected controls. Press Select at the bottom of the page.

16. At the bottom of the page, Under Enable policy, select On, then select Create.

17. From the left navigation pane select Policies. The MFA Pilot policy should appear
in the list of conditional access policies (if needed, select the Refresh icon in the
command bar at the top of the page).

18. Sign out by selecting on the user icon next to the email address on the top right
corner of the screen and selecting Sign out. Then the close all the browser
Task 3
In this task you'll see the impact of the conditional access policy, from the perspective of
the user, Debra Berger. You'll start first by signing-in to an application that is not
included in the conditional access policy (the Microsoft 365 portal
at Then you'll repeat the process for an application
that is included in the conditional access policy (the Azure portal
at Recall that the policy requires the user to go through MFA
when accessing any of the Microsoft Admin Portals, including the Azure portal. To use
MFA, the user must first register the authentication method that will be used for MFA,
for example a code sent to a mobile device or an authenticator application.

1. Open Microsoft Edge. In the address bar,


i. Sign in as (where ZZZZZZ is

your unique tenant ID provided by your lab hosting provider) then
select Next.
ii. Enter the password you noted in the earlier task. Select Sign in.
iii. Since the password provided when you, as the admin, reset the password
is temporary you need to update your password (this is not part of the
MFA policy). Enter the current password, then enter a new password and
then confirm the new password. Make note of the new password as you
will need it to complete the task.
iv. When prompted to stay signed- in, select Yes. You should be successfully
logged in to your Microsoft 365 account. MFA was not required for this
application as it is not part of the policy.

2. Now you'll attempt to sign in to an application that meets the criteria for MFA.
Open a new browser tab and enter

3. You'll see a window indicating, More information required. Select Next. Note, this
will initiate the MFA registration process, as this is the first time you're accessing
the cloud app that that was identified in the conditional access policy. This
registration process is required only once. An alternative to having the user go
through the registration process is to have the admin configure the
authentication method to use.

4. In the Keep your account secure window, you have the option to select the
method to use for MFA. Microsoft Authenticator is one option. For expediency in
this lab exercise, you'll choose a different method. Select I want to setup a
different method. From the Chose a different method pop-up window, select
the drop-down arrow and select Phone then select Confirm.

5. In the window that opens, ensure your country is selected then enter mobile
phone number you wish to use. Ensure that Text me a code is selected, then
press Next. You'll receive a text message on your phone with a code that you'll
need to enter where it says enter code. Enter the code you received, then
press Next. Once confirmed, the screen will display, "SMS verified. Your phone
was registered successfully". Select Next. then select Done. this completes the
one-time registration process.

6. You should now be able to access the Azure portal. The Azure portal is a
Microsoft Admin portal and therefore requires multi-factor authentication, per
the conditional access policy that was created.

i. If you get a message indicating that your sign-in timed out you, enter the
password and select Sign in.
ii. You'll see a window that requires you to verify your identity. Select where
it says Text =X XXXXXXX to receive a code on your mobile phone, enter
the code and select Verify.
iii. If you're prompted to stay signed in, select No.

7. Sign out by selecting on the user icon next to the email address on the top right
corner of the screen and selecting sign out. Then the close all the browser

In this lab, you went through the process of setting up a conditional access policy that
requires users to go through MFA when they access any Microsoft Admin portal. Then,
as a user you went through the registration process for MFA and saw the impact of the
conditional access policy that required you to use MFA when accessing the Azure portal.
Lab: Explore Privileged Identity
This lab maps to the following Learn content:

• Learning Path: Describe the capabilities of Microsoft Entra

• Module: Describe the identity protection and governance capabilities of
Microsoft Entra
• Unit: Describe the capabilities of Privileged Identity Management

Lab scenario
In this lab, you'll explore some of the basic functionality of Privileged Identity
Management (PIM). PIM does require Microsoft Entra ID P2 licensing. In this lab, you, as
the admin, will configure one of your users, Diego Siciliani, with a Microsoft Entra user
administrator role, through Privileged ID management (PIM). With user admin privileges,
Diego will be able to create users and groups manage licenses, and more. Both the
admin and the user, Diego, must be configured for Microsoft Entra ID P2 licensing.

Estimated Time: 45-60 minutes

Task 1
In this task you, as the admin, will reset the password for the user Diego Siciliani. This
step is needed so you can initially sign in as the user in subsequent tasks.

1. Open Microsoft Edge. In the address bar, enter

2. Sign in with the Microsoft 365 admin credentials provided by your ALH.

i. In the Sign-in window,

enter (where ZZZZZZ is your
unique tenant ID provided by your ALH) then select Next.
ii. Enter the admin password that should be provided by your lab hosting
provider. Select Sign in.
iii. When prompted to stay signed- in, select Yes.
3. From the left navigation panel, expand Identity, expand Users, then select All

4. Select Diego Siciliani from the list of users.

5. Select Reset password from the top of the page. Since you haven't previously
signed in as Diego, you don’t know his password, and will need to reset the

6. When the password reset window opens, select Reset Password. IMPORTANT,
make a note of the new password, as you'll need it in a subsequent task, to be
able to sign in as the user.

7. From the left navigation panel, select Home to return the home page for the
Microsoft Entra admin center.

8. Keep the browser page open, as you'll need it in the subsequent task.

Task 2
In this task you, as the admin, will assign Diego an Azure AD role in Privileged Identity

1. Open the browser tab for the home page of the Microsoft Entra admin center.

2. From the left navigation panel, under "Identity", expand Identity Governance,
then select Privileged Identity Management.

3. You are now in the Privileged Identity Management quick start page. Review the
information on the Get started page. Select Manage.

4. You're now in the Contoso Roles page. In the search bar, on the top of the page,
enter user. From the search results, select User Administrator.

5. From the top of the page, select + Add assignments.

6. In the Add assignments page, ensure that Membership is underlined. Here you'll
configure the membership settings for the user administrator role in PIM.

7. Leave the Scope type to its default value, Directory.

8. Under Select members, select No member selected. This opens the Select a
member window.
9. In the search bar, enter Diego. From the search results, select Diego
Siciliani then press Select on the bottom of the page.

10. Under Select members, you'll see 1 Member(s) selected and the name and email
of the selected member(s), Deigo Siciliani. From the bottom of the Add
assignments page, select Next.

11. You're now in the Setting page. Leave the Assignment type to the default setting,

12. If the Permanently eligible box is checked, select Permanently eligible, to

remove the checkmark.

13. In the Assignment start fields, keep the default date and time, which is today and
the current time.

14. In the Assignment end fields, change the date to today’s date (note the default
setting is one year from the today, so you need to change the year). For the time,
set the time to two hours from the current time. After you have set the time field
for the time when the Assignment ends, press the tab key on your keyboard and
select Assign on the bottom of the page.

15. This takes you back the Assignments window. After a few second you should see
Diego Siciliani listed in the User Administrator table, along with the details of the
assignment. If after a few seconds you still don't see the update,
select Refresh from the top of the page.

16. From the top of the page, select Settings.

17. In the Role setting details for User Administrator, notice the different options.
Note that the setting to “Require justification on activation” is set to yes, and “On
activation, require Azure MFA” is also set to yes. You'll see both of these in the
next task when Diego activates the role. Also note that “Require approval to
activate” is set to No. Leave all the settings to their default values. Close the page
by selecting the X on the top right corner of the screen.

18. Sign out by selecting on the user icon next to the email address on the top right
corner of the screen and selecting Sign out. Then the close all the browser

Task 3
In this task you, as Diego Siciliani, will sign in to Microsoft Entra admin center, to access
the Privileged Identity Management capability of Microsoft Entra to activate your
assignment as User administrator. Once activated you'll make some configuration
changes to an existing user. Note: For this task, you'll need access to a mobile device to
which you have immediate access and can receive text messages.

1. Open Microsoft Edge. In the address bar of the browser,


2. Sign in as Diego Siciliani.

i. In the Sign-in window,

enter (where ZZZZZZ is your
unique tenant ID provided by your lab hosting provider) then select Next.
ii. Enter the temporary password that you noted from the previous task and
select Sign in. Select Sign in.
iii. Since the password you entered was only a temporary password, you need
to update now. Enter the current password, enter a new password, then
confirm the new password. Make note of this new password as you will
need to complete the task.
iv. When prompted to stay signed- in, select Yes.

3. You should be successfully logged in to Microsoft Entra admin center.

4. From the left navigation panel, expand Identity Governance then

select Privileged Identity Management.

5. From the left navigation panel, select My roles. You're now seeing information
for your eligible assignments. You'll see that you, Diego, are assigned the User
administrator role.

6. In the last column of the table, labeled action, select Activate.

7. You'll see a warning icon indicating Additional verification required. Select Click
to continue. Recall that the PIM settings for the User administrator role require
multi-factor authentication. Additionally, since Diego’s contact information for
use with MFA (authentication methods) was not previously configured, he must
register his information, to be able to use MFA. Although he will have to do MFA
anytime he signs in as a user admin, within the assignment period, the MFA
registration process is required only once.

8. You're notified that more information is required, select Next.

9. Enter your password.

10. From the bottom left of the Microsoft Authenticator window, select I want to
setup a different method.

11. You're prompted to Choose a different method. Next to where it says

Authenticator app, select the down arrow key. Select Phone and then
select Confirm.

12. You're prompted to enter a phone number you would like to use. Ensure the
country is correct, for your telephone number’s country code. Enter your phone
number, ensure that Text me a code is selected, then select Next.

13. Enter the 6 digit code you received on your phone and select Next.

14. You'll see a notification that your phone was registered successfully. Select Next,
then select Done.

15. You're asked if you want to stay signed in. Select Yes.

16. The Activate User Administrator window appears. You're required to enter a
reason for the activation. In the box that appears, enter any reason you want
(max of 500 characters), then select Activate.

17. You'll see the status (3 stages of progress), as the activation is processed.

18. Once the activation is completed you're returned to the My roles | Azure AD roles
page, where you'll see a notification stating you have activated a role. Select Click
here to view your active roles. If you notice the end time is different than what
was originally configured, select the refresh key on the top of the page (it may
take a few minutes to refresh).

19. Return to the home page of the Microsoft Entra admin center by
selecting Home from the left navigation panel.

20. As an Azure AD user administrator you can create users and groups, manage
licenses, and more. From the left navigation panel, expnad Identity, select Users,
then select All users.

21. From the users list, select Bianca Pisani.

22. From the left navigation panel, select Licenses.

23. Notice how Bianca has no licenses assigned. From the top of the page, select +

24. From the select licenses list, select Office 365 E3 and Windows 10 Enterprise

25. From the bottom of the page, select Save. You'll see a brief notification on the
top right of page indicating licenses were successfully assigned.

26. Close out of the updated license assignments page, by selecting the X on the top
right corner of the page.

27. Sign out by selecting on the user icon next to the email address on the top right
corner of the screen and selecting Sign out. Then the close all the browser

28. The duration of the User Administrator role is limited to the time that was

In this lab; you, explored PIM. You, as the admin, configured Diego with user admin
privileges for a specified amount of time. Then you, as Diego, walked through the
process of activating the user admin privileges and configuring user settings. Recall that
PIM requires Azure AD Premium P2 licensing.
Lab: Explore Azure Network Security
Groups (NSGs)
This lab maps to the following Learn content:

• Learning Path: Describe the capabilities of Microsoft security solutions

• Module: Describe the basic security capabilities in Azure
• Unit: Describe Azure Network Security groups

Lab scenario
In this lab, you'll explore the function of network security groups in Azure. You'll do this
by creating a network security group (NSG) and assigning the NSG to the interface of a
pre-existing virtual machine (VM). Once configured you'll observe the default inbound
and outbound rules, create new rules, and test those rules. In this lab, the VM you'll use
with the NSG is created for you, so you'll first view some of the information associated
with that VM.

Estimated Time: 30-45 minutes

Task 1
In this task, you'll view some of the parameters associated with the VM that that was
created for use with this lab.

1. Open Microsoft Edge. In the address bar, enter

2. Sign in with your admin credentials.

i. In the Sign-in window, enter the username provided by your lab hosting
provider then select Next.
ii. Enter the admin password that should be provided by your lab hosting
provider. Select Sign in.
iii. If prompted to stay signed- in, select Yes.

3. On the top of the page, underneath where it says Azure Services, select Virtual
Machines. If you don't see it listed, then in the search box, in the blue bar on the
top of the page next to where it says Microsoft Azure, enter Virtual
Machines then select Virtual Machines from the search results.

4. From the Virtual machines page, select the VM listed SC900-WinVM.

5. You're now in the SC900-WinVM page. Note some of the basic information about
the VM.

6. From the left navigation panel, select Network Settings. The essentials sections
of the main window shows the network interface for the VM. Note how there is
nothing listed next to Network security group, as there is not NSG assigned to
the interface.

7. Keep this tab open.

Task 2
In this task, you'll create a network security group, assign the network interface of the
VM to that NSG, and create a new inbound rule for RDP traffic.

1. From the open Azure tab, right-click on the Home link at the top of the page and
select Open link in new tab to open another page to Azure services.

2. In the blue search bar on the top of the page, enter Network security
groups and, from the results, select Network security groups. Do not
select Network security groups (classic).

3. From the center of the page, select the blue button labeled Create network
security group. Alternatively, you can select + Create from the top of Network
security groups page.

4. On the Basics tab of the Create network security group page, specify the
following settings:

i. Subscription: Leave the default value (this is the Azure subscription

provided by the authorized lab hoster)
ii. Resource group: LabsSC900
iii. Name: NSG-SC900
iv. Region: leave the default.
v. Select Review + create then select Create.

5. Once the deployment is complete, select Go to resource.

6. You should be on the overview page for the newly created NSG. If not, then from
the left navigation panel, select Overview. On the top of the page underneath
where it says Essentials, you'll see some basic information about the NSG you
created. Two points to note are that there are no Custom Security rules and there
are no subnets nor network interfaces associated with this NSG. Although there
are no custom security rules, there are default inbound and outbound rules that
are included with every NSG, as shown on the page. Review both the inbound
and outbound rules. The default inbound rules deny all inbound traffic that is not
from a virtual network or an Azure load balancer. The outbound rules deny all
outbound traffic except traffic between virtual networks and outbound traffic to
the Internet.

7. From the left navigation pane on the NSG-SC900 page, under Settings,
select Network interfaces.

i. Select Associate.
ii. In the field for network interface associations, select the down-arrow,
select sc900-winvmXXX, then select OK on the bottom of the window.
Once the interface is associated to the NSG, it will show up on the list. The
NSG is now assigned to the network interface of your VM.

8. Switch back to the SC900-WinWM - Microsoft Azure tab on the browser.

Refresh the page. Next to where it says Network security group, uou should now
see the name of the NSG you just created. If you still don't see it, wait another
minute and then refresh the page again.

9. From the left navigation panel, select Connect. From the main window, next to
where it shows the port number 3389, select Check access. The check access
function sends signals (traffic) to the default RDP port 3389 of the VM to check if
it is accessible. It may take a minute, but you will see Not accessible. This is
expected, because the DenyAllInBound NSG rule denies all inbound traffic to the

10. Switch back to the NSG-SC900 - Microsoft Azure tab on the browser.

11. From the left navigation pane, select Inbound security rules. The default
inbound rules deny all inbound traffic that is not from a virtual network or an
Azure load balancer so you need to set up a rule to allow inbound RDP traffic
(traffic on port 3389). Recall that you cannot remove the default rules, but you
can override them by creating rules with higher priorities.
12. From the top of the page, select Add. On the Add inbound security rule window,
specify the following settings:

i. Source: Any
ii. Source port ranges: *
iii. Destination: Any
iv. Service: RDP
v. Action: Allow
vi. Priority: 1000. Rules with lower numbers have higher priority and are
processed first.
vii. Name: Leave the default name or create your own descriptive name.
viii. Note the warning sign at the bottom of the page. We're using RDP only
for testing purposes and to demonstrate the functionality of the NSG.
ix. Select Add

13. Once the rule is provisioned, it will appear on the list of inbound rules (you may
need to refresh the screen).

14. Leave this browser tab open.

Task 3
In this task, you'll test the newly created inbound NSG rule to confirm that you can
establish a remote desktop (RDP) connection to the VM. Once inside the VM you'll work
to check outbound connectivity to the Internet from the VM.

1. Open the SC900-WinVM – Microsoft Azure Tab on your browser.

2. Select Connect from the left navigation panel.

3. Select check access (verify the port is set to 3389). The status should show as

4. Now connect directly to the VM by clicking Select in the box that says Native

i. From the Native RDP window that opens, select Download RDP file.
ii. If a download warning appears, select Keep, then on the pop-up window
that appears, select Open file.
iii. A Remote Desktop Connection window opens; select Connect.
iv. You'll be prompted for your credentials. Enter the Username and Password
for the VM (refer to the resources tab on the lab instruction panel).
v. A Remote Desktop connection window opens indicating: The identity of
the remote computer cannot be verified. Do you want to connect
anyway? Select Yes.

5. You're now connected to the VM. In this case you were able to connect to the
VM because the inbound traffic rule you created allows inbound traffic to the VM
via RDP. After a few seconds on the Welcome screen you may see a window to
Choose privacy settings for your device, select Accept. If the Networks window
appears, select No.

6. With the VM in the RDP session up and running, test outbound connectivity to
the Internet from the VM.

i. From the open VM, select Microsoft Edge to open the browser. Since this
is the first time you open Microsoft Edge, you may get a pop-up window,
select Start without your data, then select Continue without this data,
then select Confirm and start browsing.
ii. Enter in the browser address bar and confirm you're able
to connect to the search engine.
iii. Once you've confirmed that you can access, close the
browser window in the VM, but leave the VM up.

7. Minimize the VM by selecting the underscore _ in the blue tab that shows the
VM's IP address. This brings you back to the SC900-WinVM | Connect page.

8. Keep the browser tab open; you'll use it the next task.

Task 4
In the previous task you confirmed that you could establish an RDP connection to the
VM. Once in the VM you also confirmed that you could establish an outbound
connection to the Internet. The outbound Internet traffic was allowed because the
default outbound rules for NSG allow outbound Internet traffic. In this task, you'll go
through the process of creating a custom outbound rule to block outgoing Internet
traffic and test that rule.

1. You should be on the SC900-WinVM | Connect page. From the left navigation
panel, select Networking. If you previously closed the browser tab, select the
blue search bar on the top of the page and select Virtual machines, then select
the VM, SC900-WinVM, then select Networking.

2. Select the Outbound port rules tab. You'll see the default outbound rules. Note
the default rule "AllowInternetOutBound". This rule allows all outbound Internet
traffic. You cannot remove the default rule, but you can override it by creating a
rule with higher priority. From the right side of the page, select Add outbound
port rule.

3. On the Add outbound security rule page, specify the following settings:

i. Source: Any
ii. Source port ranges: *
iii. Destination: Service Tag
iv. Destination service tag: Internet
v. Service: Custom (leave the default)
vi. Destination port ranges: * (be sure to put an asterisk in the destination
port ranges field)
vii. Protocol: Any
viii. Action: Deny
ix. Priority: 1000
x. Name: Leave the default name or create your own descriptive name.
xi. Select Add

4. Once the rule is provisioned, it will appear on the list of outbound rules. Although
it appears on the list, it will take a few minutes to take effect (wait a few minutes
before continuing with the next steps).

5. Return to your VM (the RDP icon for the VM should be shown on the task bar on
the bottom of the page).

6. Open the Microsoft Edge browser in your VM and enter The
page should not display. If you're able to connect to the internet and you verified
that all the parameters for the outbound rule were properly set, it's likely because
it takes a few minutes for the rule to take effect. Close the browser, wait a few
minutes and try again. Azure subscriptions in the lab environment may
experience longer than normal delays.
7. Close the remote desktop connection, by selecting the X on the top center of the
page where the IP address is shown. A pop-up window appears indicating Your
remote session will be disconnected. Select OK.

8. From the top left corner of the window, just below the blue bar where it says
Microsoft Azure, select Home to return to the Azure services home page.

9. Keep the Azure tab open on your browser.

In this lab, you walked through the process of setting up a network security group
(NSG), associating that NSG to the network interface of a virtual machine, and adding
new rules to the NSG to allow inbound RDP traffic and to block outbound Internet
Lab: Explore Microsoft Defender for
This lab maps to the following Learn content:

• Learning Path: Describe the capabilities of Microsoft security solutions

• Module: Describe the security management capabilities of Azure
• Unit: Describe cloud security posture management

Lab scenario
In this lab, you'll explore Microsoft Defender for Cloud. NOTE: the Azure subscription
provided by the Authorized Lab Hoster (ALH) limits access and may experience longer
than normal delays.

Estimated Time: 30 minutes

Task 1
In this task, you'll do a high-level walk-through of some of the capabilities of Microsoft
Defender for Cloud

1. You should be the home page for Azure services. If you previously closed the
browser, ppen Microsoft Edge. In the address bar, enter, and
sign in with your admin credentials.

2. In the blue search bar enter Microsoft Defender for Cloud, then from the results
list, select Microsoft Defender for Cloud.

3. If this is the first time you enter Microsoft Defender for Cloud with your
subscription you may land on the Getting started page, and may be prompted to
upgrade. Scroll to the bottom of the page and select Remind me later (or Skip).
You'll be taken to the Overview page.

4. From the Overview page of Microsoft Defender for Cloud, notice the information
available on the page (if you see 0 assessed resources and active
recommendations, refresh the browser page, it may take a few minutes).
Information on the top of the page includes the number of Azure subscriptions,
the number of Assessed resources, the number of active recommendations, and
any security alerts. On the main body of the page, there are cards representing
Security posture, Regulatory compliance, Insights, and more. Note: The Microsoft
Defender for Cloud default policy initiative, which would normally have to be
assigned by the admin, has already been assigned as part of the Azure
subscription setup. The secure score, however, will show as 0% because there can
be up to a 24 hour delay for Azure to reflect an initial score.

5. From the top of the page, select Assessed resources.

i. This brings you to the Inventory page that lists the current resources.
Select the virtual machine resource, sc900-winwm. This resource is
associated with the virtual machine you used in the previous lab.
ii. The Resource health page for the VM provides a list of recommendations.
From the available list, select any item from the list that shows
an unhealthy status.
iii. Note the detailed description. Select the drop-down arrow next to
Remediation steps. Note how remediation instructions (or links to
instructions) are provided along with the option to take action. Exit the
window without taking any action.
iv. Return to the Microsoft Defender for Cloud overview page, by
selecting Microsoft Defender for Cloud | Overview from the top of the
page, above where it says Resource health.

6. From the left navigation panel, select Recommendations.

i. Verify,the All recommendations tab is selected (underlined). Note the

dashboard view that shows Active recommendations by severity, Resource
health, and more.
ii. From the list, select an item. In the page that opens, you'll see a
description and additional information that may include remediation steps,
affected resources, and more. Exit out this page, by selecting the X on top-
right corner of the screen.

7. From the main left navigation panel, select Regulatory compliance. NOTE: If you
see that there is no subscription to calculate compliance for, its because there
may be up to a 24 hour delay for information to appear. Move to Task 2. If you
do see information then proceed with the steps that follow.

i. The regulatory compliance page provides a list of compliance controls

based on the Microsoft cloud security benchmark (verify that Microsoft
cloud security benchmark tab is selected/underlined). Under each control
domain is a subset of controls and for each control there are one or more
assessments. Each assessment provides information including description,
remediation, and affected resources.
ii. Let's explore one of the control domains areas. Select (expand) NS.
Network Security. A list of controls related to network security is
iii. Select NS-10. Ensure Domain Name System (DNS) security. Note the
list of automated assessments (which include automated assessments for
AWS) and how each assessment line item provides information including
the resource type, failed resources and compliance stations. Select the
assessments listed. Here you see information including a description,
Remediation steps, and Affected resources.
iv. Select the X on the top-right corner of the screen to close the page.
v. Select Overview from the left navigation panel to return to the Microsoft
Defender for Cloud Overview page.
vi. Keep the Microsoft Defender for Cloud overview page open, you'll use in
the next task.

Task 2
Recall that Microsoft Defender for Cloud is offered in two modes: without enhanced
security features (free) and with enhanced security features that are available through
the Microsoft Defender for Cloud plans. In this task, you discover how to enable/disable
the various Microsoft Defender for Cloud plans.

1. From the Microsoft Defender for Cloud overview page, select the Environment
settings from the left navigation panel.
2. Select the Expand all box then select the MOC Subscription--
lodXXXXXXXX subscription listed next to the yellow key icon.
3. On the Defender plans page, notice how you can select Enable all or select
individual Defender plans.
i. Verify that CSPM status is set to On, if not, set it now.
ii. Enable the plan for Servers. Select On for the Servers line item, then
select Save from the top of the page.
4. From the top left corner of the window, just below the blue bar where it says
Microsoft Azure, select Home to return to the Azure services home page.
5. Keep the Azure tab open on your browser.
In this lab, you explored Microsoft Defender for Cloud.
Lab: Explore Microsoft Sentinel
This lab maps to the following Learn content:

• Learning Path: Describe the capabilities of Microsoft security solutions

• Module: Describe the security capabilities of Microsoft Sentinel
• Unit: Describe threat detection and mitigation capabilities in Microsoft Sentinel

Lab scenario
, you'll walk through the process of creating a Microsoft Sentinel instance. You'll also set
up the permissions to ensure access to the resources that will get deployed to support
Microsoft Sentinel. Once this basic setup is done you'll walk through the steps for
connecting Microsoft Sentinel to your data sources, set up a workbook, and do a brief
walk-through of some of key capabilities available in Microsoft Sentinel.

Estimated Time: 45-60 minutes

Task 1
Create a Microsoft Sentinel instance

1. You should be at the home page for Azure services. If you previously closed the
browser, open Microsoft Edge. In the address bar, enter, and
sign in with your admin credentials.

2. In the blue search box on the top of the page, enter Microsoft Sentinel then
select Microsoft Sentinel from the search results.

3. From the Microsoft Sentinel page, select Create Microsoft Sentinel.

4. From the Add Microsoft Sentinel to a workspace page, select Create a new

5. From the basics tab of the Create Log Analytics workspace, enter the following:

i. Subscription: leave the default, this is the Azure subscription provided by

the Authorized Lab Hoster (ALH).
ii. Resource group: select SC900-Sentinel-RG. If this resource group is not
listed create it by selecting Create new, enter SC900-Sentinel-RG, then
select OK.
iii. Name: SC900-LogAnalytics-workspace.
iv. Region: East US (A different default region may be selected based on your
v. Select Review + Create (no tags will be configured).
vi. Verify the information you entered then select Create.
vii. It may take a minute or two for the ne workspace to be listed, if you still
don't see it, select Refresh, then select Add.

6. Once the new workspace is added, the Microsoft Sentinel | News & guides page
will display, indicating that the Microsoft Sentinel free trial is activated. Select OK.
Note the three steps listed on the Get started page.

7. Keep this page open, as you'll use it in the next task.

Task 2
With the Microsoft Sentinel instance created, it is important that users that will have
responsibility to support Microsoft Sentinel have the necessary permissions. This is done
by assigning the designated user the required role permissions. In this task, you'll view
the available, built-in Microsoft Sentinel roles.

1. In the blue search box, enter resource groups then select Resource groups from
the search results.

2. From the Resource groups page, select the resource group that you created with
Microsoft Sentinel, SC900-Sentinel-RG. Working at the resource group level will
ensure that any role that is selected will apply to all the resources that are part of
the Microsoft Sentinel instance that was created in the previous task.

3. From the SC900-Sentinel-RG page, select Access control (IAM) from the left
navigation panel.

4. From the Access control page, select View my access. For the Azure subscription
provided to you by the Authorized Lab Hoster, a role has been defined that will
give you access to manage all necessary resources, as shown in the description. It
is important, however, to understand the available Sentinel specific roles. Close
the assignments window by selecting the X on the top-right corner of the
5. From the Access control page, select the Roles tab on the top of the page/

i. In the search box, enter Microsoft Sentinel to view the built-in roles
associated with Microsoft Sentinel.
ii. From any of the roles listed, select view to the view the details of that role.
As a best practice you should assign the least privilege required for the
iii. Close the window by selecting the X on the top-right corner of the

6. From the access control page, close the window by selecting the X on the top-
right corner of the window.

7. From the top left corner of the window, just below the blue bar where it says
Microsoft Azure, select Home to return to the Azure services home page.

8. Keep the Azure tab open on your browser.

Task 3
The purpose of this task is to walk you through the steps involved in connecting to a
data source. Many data connectors are deployed as part of a Microsoft Sentinel solution
together with related content like analytics rules, workbooks and playbooks. The
Microsoft Sentinel Content hub is the centralized location to discover and manage out-
of-the-box (built-in) content. In this step, you'll use the content hub to deploy the
Microsoft Defender for Cloud solution for Microsoft Sentinel. This solution allows you to
ingest Security alerts reported in Microsoft Defender for Cloud.

1. From the Azure services home page, select Microsoft Sentinel, then select the
instance you created, SC900-LogAnalytics-workspace.

2. From the left navigation panel, select Content hub.

3. Take a moment to scroll down to see the long list of available solutions and the
options to filter the list. For this task, your're looking for Microsoft Defender for
Cloud. Select it from the list. In the side window that opens, read the description
then select Install. Once the installation is completed, the status column in the
main window will show as installed.

4. Once again, select Microsoft Defender for Cloud from the list. From the window
on the right, select Manage.
5. On the right side of the the Microsoft Defender for Cloud page is the description
and notes associated with the solution from Content Hub and what is included as
part of this solution. On the main window are the components of the solution. In
this case there are two data connectors and one data rule. The orange triangle
indicates that some configuration is needed. Select the box next to where it
says Subscription-based Microsoft Defender for Cloud (Legacy). A window
opens on the right side of the page. Select Open connector page.

6. Note the configuration instructions. Select the box next to the name of the
subscription then select Connect. A pop-op window may appear indicating that
only subscriptions you have Security Reader permissions on will start streaming
Microsoft Defender for Cloud alerts. Select OK. The status will move to
connected. The connector is now enabled, although it may take some time for
the connector to show up in the data connectors page.

7. Now view information about the analytics rule. From the top of the page (in the
breadcrumb) select Microsoft Defender for Cloud. De-select the box next to
where it says Microsoft Defender for Cloud, as you have already configured the
connector (it may take some time for the warning icon to disappear). Select the
box next to where it says, Detect CoreBackUp Deletion Activity from related
security alerts. This brings up the Analytics Rules page. Again, select the Detect
CoreBackUp Deletion Activity from related security alerts rule. A window that
opens on the right, that provides information about the rule and what it does.
Select Create rule.

i. Although the details of the rule logic are beyond the scope of the
fundamentals, go through each tab in the rule creation to view the type of
information that can be configured
ii. When you reach the Review + create tab, select Save.

8. Return to the Sentinel page by selecting Microsoft Sentinel | Content hub from
the bread-crumb at the top of the page, above where it says Analytics rules.

9. Keep this page open, as you'll use it in the next task.

Task 4
In this task, you'll walk through some of the options available in Sentinel.

1. From the left navigation panel, select Hunting. From the top of the page, select
the Queries tab. Read the description of what is a hunting query. Hunting queries
can be added through the Content hub. Any queries previously installed would
be listed here. Select Go to content hub. The content hub lists content that
includes queries either as part of a solution or as a standalone query. Scroll down
to see the available options. Close the Content hub by selecting the X on the top-
right corner of the window.

2. From the left navigation panel, select MITRE ATT&CK. MITRE ATT&CK is a
publicly accessible knowledge base of tactics and techniques that are commonly
used by attackers. With Microsoft Sentinel you can view the detections already
active in your workspace, and those available for you to configure, to understand
your organization's security coverage, based on the tactics and techniques from
the MITRE ATT&CK® framework. Select any cell from the matrix and note the
information available on the right side of the screen. Note: You may need to
select the "<<" at the far-right side of the window to see the information panel.

3. From the left navigation panel, select Community. The community page includes
Cybersecurity insights and updates from Microsoft Research, a link to a list of
Microsoft Sentinel Blogs, a link to Microsoft Sentinel Forums, links the the latest
editions to the Microsoft Sentinel Hub, and more. Explore this at will.

4. From the left navigation panel, select Analytics. There should be two active rules,
one that is available by default and the rule you created in the previous task.
Select the default rule Advanced Multistage Attack Detection. Note the
detailed information. Microsoft Sentinel uses Fusion, a correlation engine based
on scalable machine learning algorithms, to automatically detect multistage
attacks (also known as advanced persistent threats) by identifying combinations
of anomalous behaviors and suspicious activities that are observed at various
stages of the kill chain. On the basis of these discoveries, Microsoft Sentinel
generates incidents that would otherwise be difficult to catch. Note: You may
need to select the "<<" at the far-right side of the window to see the information

5. From the left navigation panel, select Automation. Here you can create simple
automation rules, integrate with existing playbooks, or create new playbooks.
Select + Create then select Automation rule. Note the window that opens on
the right side of the screen and the options available to create conditions and
actions. Select Cancel from the bottom of the screen.

6. From the left navigation panel, select Workbooks. Read the description of the
Microsoft Sentinel workbook. Workbooks can be added through the Content
hub. Any workbooks previously installed would be listed here. Select Go to
content hub. The content hub lists content that includes workbooks either as
part of a solution or as a standalone workbook. Scroll down to see the available

7. Close the window by selecting the X on the top-right corner of the window.

8. From the top left corner of the window, just below the blue bar, select Home to
return to the home page of the Azure portal.

9. Sign out and close all the open browser tabs.

In this lV you walked through the steps for connecting Microsoft Sentinel to data
sources, you set up a workbook, and walked several options available in Microsoft
Lab: Explore Microsoft Defender for
Cloud Apps
This lab maps to the following Learn content:

• Learning Path: Describe the capabilities of Microsoft security solutions

• Module: Describe the threat protection capabilities of Microsoft 365
• Unit: Describe Microsoft Defender for Cloud Apps

Lab scenario
In this lab, you'll explore the capabilities of Microsoft Defender for Cloud Apps. You'll
walk through the information available on the Cloud Discovery dashboard, the Cloud
app catalog, capabilities available to investigate findings, and ways to control impact to
your organization through policies. Note: An organization must have a license to use
Microsoft Defender for Cloud Apps that is a user-based subscription service.

Estimated Time: 15-20 minutes

Task 1 - Explore Cloud discovery

Explore Cloud Discovery.

1. Open Microsoft Edge. In the address bar, enter

2. Sign in with your admin credentials for the Microsoft 365 tenant.

i. In the Sign in window,

enter (where ZZZZZZ is your
unique tenant ID provided by your lab hosting provider) then select Next.
ii. Enter the admin password that should be provided by your lab hosting
provider. Select Sign in.
iii. When prompted to stay signed- in, select Yes. This takes you to the
Microsoft 365 admin center page.

3. From the left navigation pane of the Microsoft 365 admin center, select Show all.

4. Under Admin centers, select Security. A new browser page opens to the welcome
page of the Microsoft 365 Defender portal.
5. If this is the first time you visit the Microsoft 365 Defender portal, you may get a
pop-up window to take a quick tour. Close this.

6. From the left navigation panel, select Cloud apps to expand the list then
select Cloud Discovery. This takes you to the Dashboard view. Note the
information available on the dashboard. From the dashboard view, you can select
different tabs from the top of the page.

7. Select Discovered apps. The discovered apps window provides a more detailed
view of the discovered apps, including risk score, traffic, number of users and

i. From any item on the list, select the ellipses in the actions’ column of the
table. Note the various options available, including the ability to tag an
app as sanctioned or unsanctioned. Select the ellipses, again, to close the
actions box.
ii. Selecting a specific line item opens a details page for the specific app.
Select an item from the list and review the information available on the
overview page. For the selected item, select the Cloud app usage tab to
see more detailed information, including Usage, Users, IP, Addresses,
and Alerts. When you're done exploring the details page, return to
discovered apps page, by selecting Cloud Discovery from the bread
crumb on the top of the page. If you select Cloud discovery from the left
navigation panel, it will take you back to the dashboard view.
iii. From the top of the page, select the IP addresses tab. Here you'll find
data including number of transactions, amount of traffic and upload
amounts, by IP address. Note that you can also filter by specific IP address
or export the data for further analysis.
iv. From the top of the page select Users. This is the same type of
information provided when you select IP addresses, but instead it's listed
for individual users. Here again, you filter by specific user and export data
for further analysis.

8. The information provided in the Cloud Discovery page and the related tabs are
based on either snap-shot reports from traffic logs you manually upload from
your firewalls and proxies or from continuous reports that analyze all logs that
are forwarded from your network using Cloud App Security. To see where this is
set up, select Actions on the top-right corner of the page.

i. Select the first option, Create Cloud Discovery snapshot report then
select Next. Here you would fill in the requested details and upload traffic
logs to generate and upload a report. Select Quit and if prompted with
Are you sure, select Quit again. The data you're seeing for your lab tenant
came from a Snapshot report, you can see this information on the top of
the Cloud Discovery window.
ii. To see the option for continuous reports, select the Actions on the top-
right corner of the page and from the drop-down select Configure
automatic upload. There are no data sources connected, but this is where
you would add a data source. Select Add a data source then select the
drop-down arrow in the Select appliance field to see the types of
appliances that you can connect as a data source. Select Cancel to exit,
iii. From the left navigation panel, select Cloud discovery to return to Cloud
discovery page.

9. You can connect to apps directly by setting up app connectors that will provide
you with greater visibility and control over your cloud apps. From the top-right
corner of the screen, select Actions then select Cloud Discovery Settings. From
the left side of the screen, under Connected apps, select App connectors.

i. On the Connected apps page, select Office 365 from the list to view the
detailed information available and then select the vertical ellipses on the
right side of the screen and select View App connector settings to return
to the App connectors page. If Office 365 is showing a connection error,
it's most likely because Audit is not turned on. If audit is enabled, go to the
vertical ellipses on the right side of the line item, and select Edit settings.
To reconnect, select Connect Office 365 on the bottom of the page. The
page should now show that Office 365 is connected. Select Done. The
status will now show with a yellow warning sign, indicating there is no
recent status. It will take some time for status to update as the retroactive
scan time period differs per app, and lab tenants may experience longer
than normal delays.

ii. Now you'll set up a new app connector. Select +Connect an app and from
the drop-down list select Microsoft Azure. From the Microsoft Azure
pop-up window, select Connect Microsoft Azure then select Done. You'll
see a connected status (if you don't see it, refresh the browser).
Select Microsoft Azure to view the detailed information on scanning
users, data, and activities. Return to the Cloud Discovery dashboard by
selecting Cloud Discovery under Cloud Apps from the left-most
navigation panel.

10. Keep this page open, as you'll use it in the next task.
Task 2 - Explore the Cloud app catalog
Cloud Discovery analyzes your traffic logs against the Microsoft Defender for Cloud
Apps cloud app catalog of over 31,000 cloud apps. The apps are ranked and scored
based on more than 80 risk factors to provide you with ongoing visibility into cloud use,
Shadow IT, and the risk Shadow IT poses to your organization. In this task, you'll explore
the capabilities of the Cloud app catalog.

1. From the left navigation panel, select Cloud app catalog.

2. The Cloud app catalog enables you to choose apps that fit your organization's
security requirements. Admins can do basic filtering of apps as shown on the top
of the page, which includes whether the app is sanctioned, unsanctioned, or has
no tag, risk score, Compliance risk factor, and security risk factor. For example,
filtering by compliance risk factor lets you search for a specific standards,
certification, and compliance that the app may comply with. Examples include
HIPAA, ISO 27001, SOC 2, and PCI-DSS. Select Compliance risk factor to view
the available options. You can further filter by risk score, by moving the sliders on
the risk score on the top of the page. If you moved the slide, be sure to set it so
the range is set at 0 to 10.

3. Admins can also search for apps by category. For example, in the search for
category field enter Social network, then select Social network. Select any item
from the list for a detailed view. Hovering your mouse over any topics for a given
category will show an information icon that you can select to get more
information about that topic.

4. Keep this page open, as you'll use it in the next task.

Task 3 - Explore the Activity log and Files

Explore ways in which you can investigate the recorded activities with the activity log
and files.

1. From the left navigation panel, select Activity Log. Here you get visibility into all
the activities from your connected apps. You may not see any data listed as it can
take several hours to perform retroactive scans once audit is enabled and lab
tenants may experience longer than normal delays. Note the available filter
options and the option to create new a policy from search.
2. To provide data protection, Microsoft Defender for Cloud Apps gives you
visibility into all the files from your connected apps, for example all the files
stored in SharePoint and Salesforce. From the left navigation pane, select and
explore the Files option.

i. The ability to scan files must be enabled as part of the Information

protection settings of Microsoft 365 Cloud apps. Select Enable file
monitoring and select the box next to where it says Enable file
monitoring then select Save.
ii. Return to files by selecting Files, listed under cloud apps, from the left
navigation panel. As noted, it can take several days for files to display,
once file monitoring is enabled it's worth noting that once files are listed
you can filter data by app, owner, access level, file type, and matched
policy. Also, you create a new policy from search and export of the data.

3. Keep this page open, as you'll use it in the next task.

Task 4 - Explore Policies

In this task, you'll explore the policies in Microsoft Defender for Cloud Apps.

1. From the left navigation panel, select Policies then select Policy management.
The listed policies provide information on the number of alerts generated by the
policy, severity, etc. Selecting any line item provides more detailed information
about the policy.

i. Note that you can also create a policy. Select + Create policy to view the
types of policies you can create. Select Activity policy to view the
different options available for creating the policy. Select Cancel to exit out
of the configuration window.
ii. Note that you can also have the option to export policy information.

2. From the left navigation panel, select Policy templates. To create a policy from
one the available templates, select the + on the right side of a template line item.
View the different configuration options for the policy. Select Cancel to exit out
of the page.

3. Close the browser window.

In this lab, you explored the capabilities of Microsoft Defender for Cloud Apps. You
walked through information available on the Cloud Discovery dashboard, the Cloud app
catalog, capabilities available to investigate findings, and ways to control impact to your
organization through policies.
Lab: Explore the Microsoft 365 Defender
This lab maps to the following Learn content:

• Learning Path: Describe the capabilities of Microsoft security solutions

• Module: Describe the threat protection capabilities of Microsoft 365
• Unit: Describe the Microsoft 365 Defender portal

Lab scenario
In this lab, you'll explore the Microsoft 365 Defender portal by walking through the
content displayed on the landing page. You'll also explore the options on the navigation
panel that provide quick access to functionality that is part of Microsoft’s Extended
Detection and Response (XDR) solution: Microsoft Defender for Endpoints, and
Microsoft Defender for Office 365 (email and collaboration). Lastly you'll also explore
how Microsoft Secure Score can help an organization improve its security posture.

Estimated Time: 10-15 minutes

Task 1
Explore the Microsoft 365 Defender landing page.

1. Open Microsoft Edge. In the address bar, enter

2. Sign in with your admin credentials.

i. In the Sign-in window,

enter (where ZZZZZZ is your
unique tenant ID provided by your lab hosting provider) then select Next.

ii. Enter the admin password provided by your lab hosting provider.
Select Sign in.

iii. When prompted to stay signed- in, select Yes. This takes you to the
Microsoft 365 admin center page.
3. From the left navigation pane of the Microsoft 365 admin center, under Admin
centers, select Security. If you don't see Security listed, select Show all, then
select Security. A new browser page opens to the welcome page of the Microsoft
365 Defender portal.

4. If this is the first time you visit the Microsoft 365 Defender portal, you may get a
pop-up window to take a quick tour. It is recommended that you complete the
tour. Select Take a quick tour. Read the description provided in each pop-up
window, then select Next. Continue through the tour until you get to the end,
then select Done.

5. The welcome page of the Microsoft 365 Defender portal, shows many of the
common cards that security teams need. The composition of cards and data is
dependent on the user role. Scroll through the page to view the default set of
cards for your role as global admin.

6. The cards displayed can be customized to your preference. Select + Add cards. A
Window opens that displays any cards that are available to add to your home
page. You may already have all cards displayed in which case you will see the
note, "You already have all the cards on your home page." Close the window by
select the X on top-right corner of the window.

7. Selecting the ellipses on the top-right of any card will provide more actions you
can take.

8. You can also move the cards around. Hover your mouse cursor over the title bar
of any card, when you'll get a cross shaped cursor select the card and move it to
your desired location.

9. Selecting the title of a card will take you to additional information for that topic.
You'll explore this in the next task.

10. The left navigation panel provides links/access to information that is part of
Microsoft’s Extended Detection and Response (XDR solution) which includes
incidents & alerts, hunting, action center, threat analytics, secure score and more.
It also includes quick access to Microsoft Defender for Endpoint (the links listed
under Endpoints), Defender for Office for 365 (links listed under Email and
Collaboration), Microsoft Defender for Cloud Apps (links under Cloud apps).
Explore these options by selecting some of the links. To return to the home page
of the Microsoft 365 Defender portal, select Home on the left navigation panel.

11. Keep the browser window open.

Task 2
In this task, you'll explore how Microsoft Secure Score can help an organization improve
its security posture.

1. From the Welcome page of the Microsoft 365 Defender portal, select Microsoft
Secure Score, from the title bar of the card (the text will turn blue). Alternatively,
you can select Secure score from the left navigation panel.

2. The Microsoft Secure Score page opens to the Overview tab. Microsoft Secure
Score is a measurement of an organization's security posture. Your organization’s
secure score is shown as a percentage, along with the number of points you've
achieved out of the total possible points and broken down by category.
Select Include, next to where it says Your secure score. A small window opens
that allows you to include the achievable score, Planned score, and Current
license score in the breakdown of your organization's secure score.
Select Include again to close the window.

3. The overview page also includes top improvement actions, comparison score,
history, and additional resources.

4. Select Recommended actions from the top of the page. Notice the information
available in the table.

5. Select the first items from the list and review the available information. In the
window that opens, note the status options available. Select
the Implementation tab to view to view information related to implementation.
Select the X at the top right corner to close this window.

6. Select the History tab from the top of the page. For each activity listed there is a
brief statement that provides context. Select an item from the history table. On
the top-right of the details page, under History, select X events (where X is a
number). The action history window opens and provides more information.
Select Close on the bottom of the page, then select the X on the top-right corner
of the details page to return to the History page.

7. From the top of the page, select Metrics & trends. Note the available
information. From the top-right corner of the page, select the calendar icon. You
can narrow down the view to a custom date range. Selecting the filter icon,
allows you to filter the view by Identity and/or apps. Close the window and
select Home from the left navigation panel to return to the Microsoft 365
Defender home page.
8. Close all the open browser tabs.

In this lab, you explored the Microsoft 365 Defender portal by walking through the
content displayed on the landing page, you explored the options on the navigation
panel that provides quick access to functionality that is part of Microsoft’s Extended
Detection and Response (XDR) solution, Microsoft Defender for Endpoints, and
Microsoft Defender for Office 365 (email and collaboration). Lastly you explored how
Microsoft Secure Score can help an organization improve its security posture.
Lab: Explore the Service Trust Portal
This lab maps to the following Learn content:

• Learning Path: Describe the capabilities of Microsoft compliance

• Module: Describe the compliance management capabilities at Microsoft
• Unit: Explore the Service Trust Portal

Lab scenario
In this lab, you'll explore the features and content available from the Service Trust Portal.
You'll also visit the Trust Center to view information about Privacy at Microsoft.

Estimated Time: 10-15 minutes

Task 1
In this task, you'll explore the Service Trust portal and the different types of content
available, you'll learn how to access reports, and how to save reports to your library.

1. Open Microsoft Edge.

2. In the address bar, enter This will bring you to the landing page for
the Service Trust Portal. The Service Trust Portal contains details about
Microsoft's implementation of controls and processes that protect our cloud
services and the customer data therein.

3. To access some of the resources on the Service Trust Portal, you must sign in as
an authenticated user with your Microsoft cloud services account and review and
accept the Microsoft Non-Disclosure Agreement for Compliance Materials. On
the top, right hand corner of the landing page for the Service Trust Portal, you'll
see the option to Sign in. Sign in, using your admin credentials and, if prompted,
select Agree to accept the Microsoft Non-Disclosure Agreement for Compliance

4. Scroll down on the page and notice the different categories of information
available. From the Certifications, Regulations, and Standards category
select ISO/IEC.
5. Note the description on the top of the page and available applicable documents.
Select the ellipsis under the More Options header for first document on the list.
Note the different options.

6. Select Save to Library. A window will pop up asking if you want to subscribe to
this document. Select Yes. A window will pop up for notification settings, note
the different settings. Select Save.

7. To verify that the document has been saved, scroll up to the top of the page and
select My Library. For any document on the My Library page, select the ellipsis to
view the available options.

8. From the top of the My Library page, select Service Trust Portal to return to the
Service Trust Portal home page.

9. From the Service Trust Portal home page, scroll down to the Industry and
Regional Resources category. Note the available tiles. Select Financial Services.
Scroll down to see all the available regions and countries. Select the tile for any
country to view the applicable documents.

10. To return the Service Trust Portal home page, select the link Service Trust
Portal at the top of the page.

11. From the Service Trust Portal home page, scroll down to the Resource for your
Organization category. Select Resources for your Organization. Note that any
documents listed here are based on your organization's subscription and

12. To return the Service Trust Portal home page, select the link Service Trust
Portal at the top of the page.

Task 2
In this task, you'll visit the Trust Center and navigate to information that describes
Privacy at Microsoft.

1. From the Service Trust Portal home page, scroll down to the Reports,
Whitepapers, and Artifacts category. Select Privacy and Data Protection.

2. In addition to listing all applicable documents, there is a description of the

category followed by a link to Learn more. Select Learn more.
3. A new browser page opens to the Microsoft Trust Center where you find more
information, including information about privacy and much more. Explore the
contents of this page and navigate through different links.

4. Close all the open browser tabs.

In this lab, you explored some of the options available under the Service Trust Portal
and how to use the My Library feature to save documents for future review. Additionally,
you visited the Trust Center to access and review information about privacy at Microsoft.
Lab: Explore the Microsoft Purview
compliance portal & Compliance
This lab maps to the following Learn content:

• Learning Path: Describe the capabilities of Microsoft compliance

• Module: Describe the compliance management capabilities in Microsoft Purview
• Unit: Describe the Microsoft Purview compliance portal

Lab scenario
In this lab, you'll explore the Microsoft Purview compliance portal home page and ways
in which the capabilities of Compliance Manager can help organizations improve their
compliance posture.

Estimated Time: 30-45 minutes

Task 1
Explore the Microsoft Purview compliance portal home page and learn to customize the
card view and the navigation panel.

1. Open Microsoft Edge. In the address bar, enter

2. Sign in with your admin credentials.

i. In the Sign in window,

enter (where ZZZZZZ is your
unique tenant ID provided by your lab hosting provider) then select Next.
ii. Enter the admin password that should be provided by your lab hosting
provider. Select Sign in.
iii. When prompted to stay signed- in, select Yes. This takes you to the
Microsoft 365 admin center page.

3. From the left navigation pane of the Microsoft 365 admin center, select Show all.
4. Under Admin centers, select Compliance. A new browser page opens to the
welcome page of the Microsoft Purview compliance portal.

5. The card section on the home page shows you, at a glance, how your
organization is doing with your compliance posture, what solutions are available
for your organization, and more.

6. From the main window, scroll down to view the different cards. The cards
available on the home screen and the position of the cards can be changed to
accommodate each administrator’s preference.

7. Placing your mouse cursor over the title bar of any card turns the title bar grey.
When you see the cursor turn into a cross shape, you can move the card to your
desired location.

8. On the title bar of every card, you'll also see an ellipsis that provides actions you
can take. Select the ellipses on the Solution catalog and select Remove.

9. You can add cards, by selecting + Add cards. The Add cards to your home page
window opens. Place your mouse cursor over the card shown in this window and
drag it over to the location on your home screen where you want the card to be

10. From the left navigation panel of the Microsoft Purview compliance portal home
page, notice the items listed under Solutions.

11. As the compliance admin, there may be a set of solutions that you manage for
our organization and as such, you may want to have only those solutions listed in
the navigation panel that you see. To customize to your preferences
select Customize navigation.

12. From the window labeled Customize your navigation pane, note how you can
select the items you want to have appear on the navigation panel and de-select
the items you don't want to see. For the purpose of these labs, keep all items
selected and hit Save on the bottom of the window.

13. Leave the browser tab open.

Task 2
Learn about your organization’s compliance posture through Compliance Manager.
1. From the left navigation panel of the Microsoft Purview compliance portal,
select Compliance Manager. Alternatively, you can select Compliance Manager
on the title bar of the Compliance Manager card.

2. From the top of the Compliance Manager page, ensure Overview is selected
(underlined). Scroll down to see all the information available on the page.
Information on this page includes your compliance score, your points achieved,
and Microsoft managed points achieved. You'll see Key improvement actions,
Solutions that affect your score and compliance score breakdown by categories.

3. From the top of the Overview page, select Improvement actions. These are
actions that can improve the organization’s compliance score. Note that as
improvement actions are taken, points may take up to 24 hours to update. Notice
the available filters.

4. From the list of improvement actions, select Enable self-service password reset.
Review the available information for the improvement action. The left side of the
window provides a brief overview about the implementation, test status, and
more. To the right of the overview is the details page from which you can select
implementation, testing, the related standards and regulatory requirements, and
documents. Each of these tabs provides more detailed information for the
improvement action.

5. Exit out of this improvement action by selecting Improvement Actions from the
breadcrumb on the top-left of the page. You're now back on the improvement
actions page.

6. From the top of the page, select Solutions. On this page, you'll see how solutions
contribute to your score and their remaining opportunity for improvement.

7. From the top of the page, select Assessments. On this page, you'll see the Data
Protection Baseline for Microsoft 365. This is a default baseline assessment
Microsoft provides in Compliance Manager for Microsoft 365. This baseline
assessment has a set of controls for key regulations and standards for data
protection and general data governance. Compliance Manager becomes more
helpful as you add your own assessments to meet your organization's particular

8. Select Data Protection Baseline. Notice the information available on the

progress tab. You can also view information on the Controls, your improvement
actions, and Microsoft actions.
9. From the top-left of the page, above where it says Assessments (the
breadcrumb), select Assessments to return to the assessments page. Before
leaving the assessments tab, note that you can add your own assessments.

10. From the top of the page, select Regulations. This page lists the regulations
available to your organization. You can also create assessments from the
available templates. Select one of the premium templates from the list. You will
see specific information about that regulation including controls, your
improvement actions, and Microsoft action. From the top-right corner of the
window, select the ellipses to see the option for + Create assessment, that
allows you to create an assessment based on the template. Return to the
regulations page by select Regulations from the bread-crumb at the top of the

11. From the top of the page, select Alerts. Here you can view and manage alerts for
events that can affect your organization's compliance score. If there is an alert
listed, select it to view the information about the associated alert policy.

12. From the left navigation panel, select Home to return to the landing page of the
Microsoft Purview compliance portal.

13. Keep the browser tab open.

In this lab, you explored the Microsoft Purview compliance portal home page and ways
in which the capabilities of Compliance Manager can help organizations improve their
compliance posture.
Lab: Explore sensitivity labels in
Microsoft Purview
This lab maps to the following Learn content:

• Learning Path: Describe the capabilities of Microsoft compliance

• Module: Describe information protection and data lifecycle management in
Microsoft Purview
• Unit: Describe sensitivity labels

Lab scenario
In this lab, you'll explore the capabilities of sensitivity labels. You'll go through the
settings for existing sensitivity labels that have been created and the corresponding
policy to publish the label. Then you'll see how to apply a label and the impact of that
label, from the perspective of a user.

Estimated Time: 20-25 minutes

Task 1
In this task, you'll gain an understanding of what sensitivity labels can do by going
through the porcess of creating a new label and creating a policy to publish the label.

1. Open the browser tab for home page of Microsoft Purview. If you previously
closed it, open a browser tab and enter Sign in
with the admin credentials for the Microsoft 365 tenant provided by the
authorized lab hoster (ALH). From the left navigation pane of the Microsoft 365
admin center, select Show all then select Compliance. A new browser page
opens to the welcome page of the Microsoft Purview compliance portal.

2. In the left navigation panel, under solutions, expand Information

protection then select Overview. Note the warning at the top of the page and
scroll down to view the information available.

i. On the Overview page, you may see a yellow information box indicating
that your organization has not turned on the ability to process content in
Office online files that have encrypted sensitivity labels applied and are
stored in OneDrive and SharePoint. Select Turn on now. Once you do this,
there can be a delay for the setting to propagate through the system and
there are additional steps that must be completed to protect Teams,
SharePoint sites, and Microsoft 365 Groups.

3. From the left navigation panel, select Labels.

i. On the Labels page, you may see a yellow information box indicating that
your organization has not turned on the ability to process content in
Office online files that have encrypted sensitivity labels applied and are
stored in OneDrive and SharePoint. Select Turn on now. Once you do this,
there can be a delay for the setting to propagate through the system and
there are additional steps that must be completed to protect Teams,
SharePoint sites, and Microsoft 365 Groups.

4. Some labels have been preconfigured in your Microsoft 365 lab tenant, for your
convenience. Select the label named Confidential-Finance. A window opens that
provides information about this label. Note the settings for this label. Select Edit
label (it may also show as a pencil icon) at the top of the page to view some of
the basic configuration settings. If you don't see this option, select the ellipsis.

i. Configuration starts with providing a name and description for your label.
Don’t change anything. Select Next at the bottom of the page.
ii. Review the scope for this label. Don’t change anything. Select Next at the
bottom of the page.
iii. This next screen is where you can choose protection settings for the
labeled items. This label is configured to support content marking. Don’t
change anything. Select Next at the bottom of the page.
a. On the content markings page, take note of the information box on
the top of the page. Don’t change any settings. Select Next on the
bottom of the page.
iv. You are now in the Auto-labeling for files and emails window. Read the
description of auto-labeling on the top of the page and the information
box below it. Also take note that this label is set for auto-labeling for
specific conditions. Don’t change any settings. Select Next on the bottom
of the page.
v. This window defines protection settings for teams, groups, and sites that
have this label applied. This is not enabled, select Next on the bottom of
the page.
vi. This window is a preview feature to automatically apply this label to
schematized data assets in Microsoft Purview Data Map (such as SQL,
Synapse, and more) that contain the sensitive info types you choose. This
feature is not enabled. Select Cancel at the bottom of the page to exit the
label configuration wizard and return to the Information Protection page.

5. From the left navigation panel, select Label policies. It is through label policies
that sensitivity labels can be published. The Microsoft 365 tenant has been
configured with some label policies, for your convenience.

6. Select Confidential-Finance Policy. A window opens that provides information

about the policy. Select Edit policy from the top of the window. Here you will
walk through the settings without changing anything.

i. Review the description for “Choose sensitivity labels to publish”. Notice the
label that is listed. Don’t change any settings. Select Next on the bottom
of the page.
ii. Review the description for "Assign admin units". The Admin units are set to
the full directory, don't change any settings. Select Next.
iii. Review the description for “Publish to users and groups”. Notice this label
is available to all users. Don’t change any settings. Select Next on the
bottom of the page.
iv. Review the policy settings. Don’t change any settings. Select Next on the
bottom of the page.
v. Review the description for "Apply a default label to documents." Don’t
change any settings. Select Next on the bottom of the page.
vi. Review the description for "Apply a default label to emails" and "Inherit
label from attachments". Don’t change any settings. Select Next on the
bottom of the page.
vii. Review the description for "Apply a default label to meetings and calendar
events". Don’t change any settings. Select Next on the bottom of the
viii. Review the description for "Apply a default label to Power BI content".
Don’t change any settings. Select Next on the bottom of the page.
ix. The last configuration option is to name your policy. Since you're editing
the policy, the name field is greyed out. Select Next on the bottom of the
x. Review the policy settings. Select Cancel to discard any changes and
return to the Label policies page.
7. From the left navigation panel, under Information protection, select Auto-
labeling. Review the description. Note that you create auto-labeling policies to
automatically apply sensitivity labels to email messages or OneDrive and
SharePoint files that contain sensitive info. No auto-label policies have been
preconfigured in our tenant. To create a new auto-label policy, select Create
auto-label policy. Here you will walk through the steps to create a new policy.

i. You start by choosing the information you want this label applied to. Note
the available options. Select Medical and health then select one of the
available templates. Select Next.
ii. You can name your auto-label policy or use the default name. Select Next.
iii. You can assign the admin units to which this policy applies. Leave the
default set to full directory and select Next.
iv. Note the available locations where you want to apply the label. Leave the
defaults and select Next.
v. You can set up common or advanced rules that define what the content
the label is applied to. Leave the default set to Common rules and
select Next.
vi. You can define rules for content in all locations. The label will be applied
to content that matches rules defined on this page. For the template you
selected, you should see a line item. Expand it to view the conditions that
apply. Leave all the default settings and select Next.
vii. Choose a label to auto-apply by selecting Choose a label. Choose a label
then select Add. Select Next.
viii. Additional settings can be configured for email. Leave the defaults and
select Next.
ix. You can decide to test the policy now or later. Select Leave policy turned
off then select Next.
x. Review the settings and select Create policy then select Done.

8. From the left navigation panel, select Home to return to the Microsoft Purview
compliance portal.

9. Keep this page open, you'll use it in the next task.

Task 2
In this task, you'll go through the process of applying a sensitivity label to a Microsoft
Word document and then view the content marking (watermark) that is generated by
the label. NOTE: When using Microsoft Word online, you may experience be a delay
before the option to select Sensitivity labels appears on the top ribbon. It is
recommended that you complete all remaining labs and then return back to this task.

1. From the Microsoft Purview compliance portal home page, select the app
launcher icon, next to where it says Contoso Electronics. Select the Word icon.

2. Under Create new, select Blank document, then enter some text on the page. On
the top of the page, select the down-arrow, next to where it says Document -
Saved, and in the File Name box enter, Test-label then press Enter on your

3. On the far right of top menu bar (also referred to as the ribbon) is a down arrow,
select it, then select Classic Ribbon. This will make it easier to identity the
sensitivity icon. Select Sensitivity, located next to the microphone icon. From the
drop-down menu, select Confidential-Finance.

4. From the top menu bar, select View, then select Reading view.

5. Notice how the document includes the watermark-Confidential FINANCIAL


6. Close the Microsoft Word tabs that are open on your browser to exit from Word,
but keep the the browser tab to the Microsoft Purview home page open.

In this lab, you'll explore the capabilities of sensitivity labels. You'll go through the
settings for existing sensitivity labels that have already been created and the
corresponding policy to publish the label. Then you'll see how to apply a label.
Lab: Explore insider risk management in
Microsoft Purview
This lab maps to the following Learn content:

• Learning Path: Describe the capabilities of Microsoft compliance

• Module: Describe the insider risk capabilities in Microsoft Purview
• Unit: Describe insider risk management

Lab scenario
In this lab, you'll walk through the process of setting up an insider risk policy, along with
the basic prerequisites to configure and use insider risk management policies. Note: this
lab will only provide visibility into what is required for setting up Insider risk
management and options associated with creating a policy. This lab does not include a
task to trigger the policy, as the number of events that would need to occur to trigger a
policy and the time required are outside of the scope of this exercise.

Estimated Time: 45-60 minutes

Task 1
In this task you, as the global administrator, will enable permissions for Insider Risk
Management. Specifically, you'll add users to the Insider Risk Management role group
to ensure that designated users can access and manage insider risk management
features. It may take up to 30 minutes for the role group permissions to apply to users
across the organization.

1. Open the browser tab for home page of Microsoft Purview. If you previously
closed it, open a browser tab and enter Sign in
with the admin credentials for the Microsoft 365 tenant provided by the
authorized lab hoster (ALH). From the left navigation pane of the Microsoft 365
admin center, select Show all then select Compliance. A new browser page
opens to the welcome page of the Microsoft Purview compliance portal.

2. From the left navigation panel, expand Roles & scopes then select Permissions.

3. Under Microsoft Purview solutions, select Roles.

4. In the search field type Insider risk then hit Enter on your keyboard. Notice the
numerous roles that show up. Each of these has different access levels.
Select Insider risk management and review the description. Scroll down to
where it shows members and note that MOD Administrator and Megan Bowen
are listed. Close the window by selectin the X on the top right of the window..

5. From the left navigation panel, select Home to return to the Microsoft Purview
compliance portal page.

6. Keep this browser tab open, as you'll come back to it in a subsequent task.

Task 2 (NOTE: SKIP Task 2 if you did the setup lab task to enable
the audit log.)
Insider risk management uses Microsoft 365 audit logs for user insights and activities
identified in policies and analytics insights. In this task, you'll enable the Audit log search
capability. Note: It may take several hours after you turn on audit log search before you
can return results when you search the audit log. Although it can take several hours
before you can search the audit log, it will not impact the ability to complete other tasks
in this lab.

1. Select the browser tab labeled, Home-Microsoft 365 compliance. If you

previously closed this browser tab, open Microsoft Edge, and in the address bar
enter and sign in with your admin credentials.

2. In the left navigation panel, under solutions, select Audit.

3. Verify that the New Search tab is selected (underlined).

4. Once you land on the Audit page, wait 2-3 minutes. If Auditing is NOT enabled,
you'll see a blue bar on the top of the page that says start recording user and
admin activity. Select Start recording user and admin activity. Once auditing is
enabled, the blue bar disappears. If the blue bar is not present, then auditing is
already enabled, and no further action is required.

5. Return to the home page of the Microsoft Purview compliance portal by

selecting Home from the left navigation panel.

6. Keep this browser tab open, as you'll use it in the next task.

Task 3
In this task, you'll walk through the settings associated with the Insider Risk
Management solution. Insider risk management settings apply to all insider risk
management policies, regardless of the template you choose when creating a policy.

1. You should be on the Microsoft Purview compliance portal home page. If not,
Open the browser tab Home - Microsoft 365 compliance.

2. From the left navigation panel under Solutions, select Insider risk management.

3. Before getting started with setting up a policy, there are some settings that an
admin should be familiar with and configure to as needed for their organization.
From the Insider Risk Management page, select the setting cog icon on the top-
right corner of the Insider risk management window to access Insider Risk

i. Verify you are in the Privacy tab: for users who perform activities
matching your insider risk policies, this setting will determine whether to
show their actual names or use anonymized versions to mask their
identities. For the purpose of this walk-through, you can leave the default
ii. Select the Policy indicators tab. Once a policy triggering event occurs,
activities that map to the selected indicators are used in determining the
risk score, for the user. Policy indicators selected here are included the
Insider risk policy templates. Scroll to view all the indicators available and
any associated information. Under Office indicators, select Select all,
then select Save at the bottom of the page (you'll need to scroll down).
iii. Select the Policy timeframes tab. The timeframes you choose here go
into effect for a user when they trigger a match for an insider risk policy.
The Activation window determines how long policies will actively detect
activity for users and is triggered when a user performs the first activity
matching a policy. Past activity detection Determines how far back a policy
should go to detect user activity and is triggered when a user performs the
first activity matching a policy. Leave the default values.
iv. Select the Intelligent detections tab. Review the options here. Note the
domains settings and how they relate to the indicators.
v. Explore other items listed in the settings and note that many are in

4. To return to the Insider risk management overview, select Insider risk

management from the top-left corner of the page, above where it says Settings.
5. Keep this browser tab open, as you'll use it in the next task.

Task 4
In this task, you'll walk through the settings for creating a policy. The objective is simply
to get a sense of the various options and flexibility associated with creating a policy.

1. You should be on the Insider risk management page. If not already there, open
the browser tab labeled, Insider risk management - Microsoft 365 compliance.

2. From the Insider risk management overview page, select the Policies tab then
select + Create policy. Configure each of the following policy tabs.

i. Policy template: Under the Data leaks category, select Data leaks. Read
the details associated with this template. Under prerequisites, DLP policy is
shown with a checkmark in a green circle to indicate that the prerequisite
is satisfied. There's a DLP policy that was preconfigured for this lab tenant.
Select Next.
ii. Name and description: enter a name, SC900-InsiderRiskPolicy, then
select Next.
iii. Users and groups: Review the information box. Leave the default
setting, Include all users and groups. Select Next.
iv. Content to prioritize: Per the description, Risk scores are increased for any
activity that contains priority content, which in turn increases the chance of
generating a high severity alert. For simplicity, select I don't want to
prioritize content right now, then select Next.
v. Triggers: The triggering event determines when a policy will begin to
assign risk scores to a user's activity. You can choose from an existing DLP
policy or if the user performs an exfiltration activity. Select User matches a
data loss prevention (DLP) policy then from the drop-down select U.S.
Financial Data. Select Next.
vi. Indicators: Note that all the office indicators you selected in the previous
task are selected (you can see this be selecting the down arrow key next to
Office indicators), then select Next.
vii. On the Detection options page, leave all the default settings, but read the
description associated with the various options and hover over the
information icon to get more detailed information on a specific setting.
Select Next.
viii. On the page to Decide whether to use default or customer indicator
thresholds, leave the default setting Apply thresholds provided by
Microsoft, then select Next.
ix. Finish: review the settings, select Submit.
x. Review the description of what happens next then select Done.

3. You're back on the Policies tab of the Insider risk management page. The policy
you created will be listed. If you don't see it, select the Refresh icon.

4. As an admin, you can immediately start assigning risk scores to users based on
activity detected by the policies you selected. This bypasses the requirement that
a triggering event (like a DLP policy match) is detected first. An admin would do
this by selecting the empty square next to the policy name to select the policy,
then select Start scoring activity for users, which is shown above the policy
table. A new window opens that requires the admin to populate the available
fields. Leave the fields empty as you won't configure this option, but for more
information on why an admin would want to do this, select Why would I do
this??. Exit the window by selecting the X on the top right of the window.

5. From the left navigation panel, select Home to return to the landing page of the
Microsoft Purview compliance portal.

6. Keep the browser tab open.

In this lab, you walked through the process of setting up an insider risk policy, along
with the basic prerequisites to configure and use insider risk management policies.
Lab: Explore the eDiscovery (Standard)
This lab maps to the following Learn content:

• Learning Path: Describe the capabilities of Microsoft compliance

• Module: Describe the eDiscovery and audit capabilities of Microsoft Purview
• Unit: Describe the eDiscovery solutions in Microsoft Purview

Lab scenario
In this lab you'll go through the steps required for setting up eDiscovery, including
setting up role permissions, creating an eDiscovery case, creating an eDiscovery hold
and creating a search query. Note: Licensing for eDiscovery (Standard) requires the
appropriate organization subscription and per-user licensing. If you aren’t sure which
licenses support eDiscovery (Standard), visit Get started with eDiscovery (Standard) in
Microsoft Purview.

Estimated Time: 25-30 minutes

Task 1
To access eDiscovery (Standard) or be added as a member of an eDiscovery case, a user
must be assigned the appropriate permissions. In this task, you as the global admin, will
add specific users as members of the eDiscovery Manager role group.

1. Open the browser tab for home page of Microsoft Purview. If you previously
closed it, open a browser tab and enter Sign in
with the admin credentials for the Microsoft 365 tenant provided by the
authorized lab hoster (ALH). From the left navigation pane of the Microsoft 365
admin center, select Show all then select Compliance. A new browser page
opens to the welcome page of the Microsoft Purview compliance portal.

2. From the left navigation pane, expand (select the down arrow) Roles &
Scopes then select Permissions.

3. Under Microsoft Purview solutions, select Roles.

4. In the search field, enter eDiscovery then hit Enter on your keyboard.
Select eDiscovery Manager.

5. Select Edit. Notice how there are two subgroups, eDiscovery Manager and
eDiscovery Administrator.

i. The "Manage eDiscovery Manager" page allows you to add users to the
role of eDiscovery manager. For this lab, we'll add members to the
eDiscovery Administrator subgroup so select Next.
ii. On the "Manage eDiscovery Administrator" page, select Choose users .
Search for and select MOD Administrator and Megan Bowen then
press Select at the bottom of the page, then select Next and then Save.
iii. On the "You successfully updated the role group" page, select Done.

6. Keep this browser tab open, as you'll use it in the next task.

Task 2
In this task you, as an eDiscovery Administrator (MOD admin is an eDiscovery
administrator), will create a case to start using eDiscovery (Standard).

1. You should still be on the compliance portal roles page. If you closed the browser
tab from the previous task, open a new browser tab and

2. From the left navigation panel, under Solutions, expand eDiscovery then
select Standard.

3. From the top of the eDiscovery (Standard) page, select + Create a case.

4. In the New case window, enter a Case name, SC900 Test Case then select
the Save at the bottom of the page.

5. The case should now appear on the list.

6. As the creator of the case and because you have eDiscovery Administrator
privileges, you can begin to work with it.

7. Keep this browser tab open, as you'll use it in the subsequent task.

Task 3
Now that you've created an eDiscovery (Standard) case, you can begin to work with the
case. In this task, you'll create an eDiscovery hold for the case for you created.
Specifically, you'll create a hold for the exchange mailbox belonging to Adele Vance.

1. Open the eDiscovery (Standard) tab on your browser.

2. From the eDiscovery (Standard) page, select the case you created in the previous
tab, SC900 Test Case.

3. From the Home page of the case, select the Hold tab then select +Create.

4. In the name field, enter Test hold then select Next.

5. In the Choose locations page, select toggle switch next to Exchange

mailboxes to set the status to On.

6. Now select Choose users, groups, or teams. In the search box, enter Adele then
press enter on your keyboard. From the search results select Adele Vance, then
select Done.

7. From the Choose locations page, select Next. For expediency with the lab, no
other locations will be included in this hold.

8. The Query conditions page enables you to create a hold, based on specific
Keywords or Conditions that are satisfied, select + Add condition to view the
available options. Select Next. Without any conditions, the hold will preserve all
content in the specified location.

9. Review your settings and select Submit, it may take a minute, then select Done.
The Test hold should appear on the list. If you don't immediately see it,
select Refresh

10. Keep this browser tab open, as you'll use it in the subsequent task.

Task 4
With a hold in place, you'll create a search query. Once your search is complete, the
eDiscovery supports actions, such as exporting and downloading the results for future
investigation. Note: Searches associated with an eDiscovery (Standard) case are not
listed on the Content search page in the Microsoft Purview compliance portal. These
searches are listed only on the Searches page of the associated eDiscovery (Standard)
1. Open the SC900 Test Case tab on your browser.

2. From the SC900 Test Case page, select Searches.

3. From the Search page, select + New Search.

4. In the Name field, enter Test Hold – Sales Search, then select Next from the
bottom of the page.

5. In the Choose locations page, select locations on hold and unselect Add App
Content for On-Premises users, as your lab environment has no on-premises
users, then select Next.

6. The Query conditions page enables you to create a search, based on specific
Keywords or Conditions that are satisfied, In the keyword field
enter Sales select Next.

7. Review your settings and select Submit, it may take a minute, then select Done.
The search should appear on the list. If you don't immediately see it,
select Refresh

8. From the Searches window, select the search you created, Test Hold - Sales
Search. A window that opens with the Summary tab selected. Once the search is
complete the status will indicate that the search is completed. You'll see a Search
statistics tab (if you don't see the Search statistics tab, the search may still be
running and may take a few minutes to complete). Select the Search
statistics tab and select the drop-down next to Search content. You can also view
more information for the Condition report and Top locations.

9. From the bottom of the page, select Actions. Note the available options that
include export options (the export options cannot be selected from within the lab
platform provided by the authorized lab hoster, but are available in a production
environment and are considered part of the standard workflow). Select Close.

10. Sign out and close all open browser windows.

In this lab, you went through the steps required to get started with eDiscovery
(Standard), including setting up the role permissions for eDiscovery and creating an
eDiscovery case. With the case, created you went through elements of the eDiscovery
(Standard) workflow by creating an eDiscovery hold and creating a search query.

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