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BCA-OU-Syllabus Sem III and IV - 2023

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Osmania University

Faculty of Informatics

Bachelor of Computer Applications (BCA)

Semester III and IV
2020 – 2021

Scheme of Instruction

Osmania University
OU-BCA-AICTE With effect from the academic year 2020-2021


Scheme of
Course Course Cate- Hours/ No of Examination
Code Title gory Week Credits Max Duration
Marks (hrs)
1 BSC301 Applied Mathematics BSC 4 - 4 70 30 3
2 PCC302 Java Programming PCC 4 - 4 70 30 3
3 MC303 Environmental Science MC 4 - 4 70 30 3
4 PCC304 Operating System Concepts PCC 4 - 4 70 30 3
5 PCC305 Database Design PCC 4 - 4 70 30 3
6 LCC351 Java Programming Lab LCC - 4 2 50 25 3
7 LCC352 Operating System Concepts LCC - 4 2 50 25 3
8 LCC353 Database Design Lab LCC - 4 2 50 25 3

Total 20 12 26 500 225 -

Abbreviation Full Form Abbreviation Full Form

BSC Basic Science Course LTC Laboratory Technological Course
PCC Professional Core Course LPC Laboratory Professional Course
ETC Emerging Technological Course LHC Laboratory Humanities Course
HSC Humanities and Social Science Course CIE Continuous Internal Evaluation
MGC Management Course SEE Semester End Evaluation
PEC Professional Elective Course L Lecture
LCC Laboratory Core Course P Practical

OU-BCA-AICTE With effect from the academic year 2020-2021
Hours Scheme of Examination
/week MaxMarks Duration(hrs)
Course Course Cate- Cre-
Code Title gory dits
BSC301 Applied Mathematics BSC 4 - 4 70 30 3 1

Unit- I
Partial Differentiation: Introduction - Functions of two variables - Neighborhood of a point (a, b) -
Continuity of a Function of two variables, Continuity at a point - Limit of a Function of two variables
- Partial Derivatives - Homogeneous Functions.
Unit- II
Theorem on Total Differentials - Composite Functions - Differentiation of Composite Functions -
Implicit Functions - Maxima and Minima of functions of two variables – Lagrange’s Method of
undetermined multipliers.
Unit- III
Linear Equations in Linear Algebra – Systems of Linear Equations – Consistent and Inconsistent
Systems; Solution sets of Linear Systems – trivial and Non trivial Solutions; Linear Independence –
Linear Independence of Matrix Columns and Characterization of Linearly Dependent sets.
Unit- IV
Vector spaces and Subspaces, Linearly independent sets; bases.
Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors - The Characteristic Equation.
Unit- V
Diagonalization – Diagonalizing Matrices with distinct eigen values and non distinct eigen values;
Applications to Differential Equations.

• David C Lay, Linear Algebra and its Applications 4e
• S Lang, Introduction to Linear Algebra
• Gilbert Strang , Linear Algebra and its Applications
• Shanti Narayan, P.K. Mittal Differential Calculus, S.CHAND, NEW DELHI
• Shanti Narayan Integral Calculus, S.CHAND, NEW DELHI

U-BCA-AICTE With effect from the academic year 2020-2021
Hours Scheme of Examination
/week MaxMarks Duration(hrs)
Course Course Cate- Cre-
Code Title gory dits
PCC302 Java Programming PCC 4 - 4 70 30 3 1


Introduction to Java: Java History – Features of java, how java differ from C and C++,
Introduction to JDK and JRE, Java Primitive Types, Basic Operators, Conditional and Logical
statements, Some Typical Differences Between C and Java.
Defining Classes: Adding Instance Fields and Methods, Constructors, Access Modifiers
(Visibility Modes), Object Creation Examples, Method Overloading and Constructor
Overloading, use of static and final keywords, Objects as parameters, Difference between
local variable and instance field, Introduction to Object class, How to read user input (from


Arrays, Strings in Java: How to create and define arrays, Introduction to java.util.Array class,
Difference between String &StringBuffer classes, StringTokenizer class and Wrapper classes
and conversion between Objects and primitives
Inheritance, Interfaces and Packages in Java: Defining super / sub classes, Abstract classes,
Method overriding, Interfaces, Using Library Interfaces, Comparable and Comparator,
Creating and Defining packages.
Inner classes in Java: Types of inner classes, Creating static / non-static inner classes, Local
and anonymous inner classes.


Exception Handling in Java: What are exceptions, writing your own exception classes, try,
catch, throw, throws clauses, Difference between checked vs unchecked Exceptions, Error
Vs. Exception.
Multithreading in Java: Thread and its Life cycle, how to create threads, Thread class
in java, use of synchronized keyword, how to avoid deadlock.


GUI Design & Event Handling: Component, Container, Color, GUI Controls, Layout
Managers, Introduction to Swings, Events, Listeners, Icon interface, Writing GUI Based
applications, Applets, Running Applets.


File Handling: Stream classes, Reader and Writer classes, File and Directory class
Generics and Frameworks: Generics, Collections Framework, Collection interfaces

and classes ArrayList, LinkedList, Vector.

Suggested Reading

1. Herbert Schildt: “JavaTM: The Complete Reference Java”, Eighth Edition, Tata
McGraw Hill Publications, 2011, ISBN: 9781259002465.

OU-BCA-AICTE With effect from the academic year 2020-2021
Hours Scheme of Examination
/week MaxMarks Duration(hrs)
Course Course Cate- Cre-
Code Title gory dits
MC303 Environmental Science MC 4 - 4 70 30 3 1

Unit I

Environmental Studies: Definition, scope and importance, need for public awareness. Natural
resources: Water resources; use and over-utilization of surface and ground water, floods,
drought, conflicts over water, dams: benefits and problems. Effects of modern agriculture,
fertilizer- pesticide problems, water logging and salinity.

Unit II

Ecosystems: Concept of an ecosystem, structure and function of an ecosystem, producers,

consumers and decomposers, energy flow in ecosystem, food chains, ecological pyramids,
aquatic ecosystem (ponds, streams, lakes, rivers, oceans, estuaries).
Energy resources: Growing energy needs, renewable and non-renewable energy sources. Land
Resources, land as a resource, land degradation, soil erosion and desertification.

Unit III

Biodiversity: Genetic species and ecosystem diversity, bio-geographical classification of India.

Value of biodiversity, threats to biodiversity, endangered and endemic species of India,
conservation of biodiversity.

Unit IV

Environmental Pollution: Causes, effects and control measures of air pollution, water
pollution, soil pollution, noise pollution, thermal pollution; solid and liquid waste management.
Environment Protection Act: Air, water, forest and wild life Acts, enforcement of
environmental legislation.

Unit V

Social Issues and the Environment: Water conservation, watershed management, and
environmental ethics. Climate change, global warming, acid rain, ozone layer depletion.
Environmental Disaster Management: Types of disasters, impact of disasters on environment,
infrastructure, and development. Basic principles of disaster mitigation, disaster management,
and methodology. Disaster management cycle, and disaster management in India.

Suggested Readings

1. A.K. De, Environmental Chemistry, Wiley Eastern Ltd.

2. E.P. Odum, Fundamentals of Ecology, W.B. Sunders Co., USA.
3. M.N. Rao and A.K. Datta , Waste Water Treatment, Oxford and IBK Publications.
4. Benny Joseph, Environmental Studies, Tata McGraw Hill, 2005.
5. V.K. Sharma, Disaster Management, National Centre for Disaster Management,
6. Green Building Council of India, Teri Document.

OU-BCA-AICTE With effect from the academic year 2020-2021
Hours Scheme of Examination
/week MaxMarks Duration(hrs)
Course Course Cate- Cre-
Code Title gory dits
PCC304 Operating System Concepts PCC 4 - 4 70 30 3 1

Unit I

Introduction: Definition of Operating System, Computer-System Organization, Computer-

System Architecture, Operating-System Structure, Operating System Structures: Operating- System
Services, System Calls, Types of System Calls. Process: Process Concept, Process Scheduling,
Operations on Processes, Inter process Communication, Threads: Overview, Multi core
Programming, Multithreading Models, Threading Issues. CPU Scheduling: Basic Concepts,
Scheduling Criteria, Scheduling Algorithms

Unit II

Process Synchronization: Background, The Critical-Section Problem, Peterson’sSolution,

Synchronization Hardware, Mutex Locks, Semaphores, Classic Problems of Synchronization,
Deadlocks: System Model, Deadlock Characterization, Methods for Handling Deadlocks,
Deadlock Prevention, Deadlock Avoidance, Deadlock Detection, Recovery from Deadlock.

Unit III

Main Memory: Background, Swapping, Contiguous Memory Allocation, Segmentation, Paging,

Structure of the Page Table.
Virtual Memory: Background, Demand Paging, Page Replacement, Allocation of Frames,
Thrashing, Memory-Mapped Files, Mass-Storage Structure, Overview of Mass- Storage
Structure, Disk Structure, Disk Attachment, Disk Scheduling, Disk Formatting, RAID Structure

Unit IV

File-System Interface: File Concept, Access Methods, Directory and Disk Structure,
File-System Implementation: File-System Structure, File-System Implementation,
Directory Implementation, Allocation Methods, Free-Space Management, Efficiency and

I/O Systems: Overview, Application I/O Interface, Kernel I/O Subsystem, Transforming
I/O Requests to Hardware Operations.

Unit V

Protection: Goals of Protection, Principles of Protection, Domain of Protection Access Matrix,

Implementation of the Access Matrix, Access Control, Revocation of Access Rights, Capability-
Based Systems.
Security: The Security Problem, Program Threats, System and Network Threats,
Cryptography as a Security Tool, User Authentication.

Suggested Readings

1. Abraham Silberschatz, Peter Galvin, Greg Gagne, “Operating System Concepts”,

Ninth Edition, John wiley and sons publication, 2013.
2. A.Tanenbaum,”Modern Operation Systems”, Third Edition, Pearson Education, 2008.
3. William Stallings, “Operating Systems”, Fifth Edition, Pearson Education, 2005.
4. Ida M.Flynn, “Understanding Operating Systems”, Sixth Edition, Cengage, 2011.
5. D.M.Dhamdhere,”Operating systems a concept based approach”, Second
Edition, McGraw-Hill, 2007

OU-BCA-AICTE With effect from the academic year 2020-2021
Hours Scheme of Examination
/week MaxMarks Duration(hrs)
Course Course Cate- Cre-
Code Title gory dits
PCC305 Database Design PCC 4 - 4 70 30 3 1

Unit I

Database Environment - concepts and definitions, traditional file processing systems, database
approach, range of database applications, advantages, costs and risks, components. Database
Development process - IS development, three schema Architecture, Database Analysis -
E-R Model - Entities, attributes, Relationships, degree and cardinality - case studies

Unit II

Enhanced E-R model - super type, sub type, specialization and generalization, constraints,
disjointness, subtype discriminator, super type /subtype hierarchies, business rules, scope
classification, structural constraints operational constraints, case study. Relational model
- Definitions, integrity constraints, transforming EER diagrams into relations, normalization -
normal forms, merging relations, case study.

Unit III

Relational Algebra and Calculus: Preliminaries, Relational Algebra, Relational Calculus,

Expressive Power of Algebra and Calculus.
SQL: Queries, Constraints, Triggers: The Form of Basic SQL Query, Set Operators, Nested
Queries, Aggregate Operators, Procedures and functions, Triggers

Unit IV

Overview of Storage and Indexing: File Organizations and Indexing, Index Data
Structures, Comparison of File Organizations.
Tree-Structured Indexing: Indexed Sequential Access Method (ISAM), B+ Trees, Search,
Insert Delete, B+ Trees in Practice.
Hash-Based Indexing: Static Hashing, Extendible Hashing, Linear Hashing, Extendible
versus Linear Hashing.

Unit V

Transaction Management: ACID Properties, Transactions and Schedules, Concurrent

Execution of Transactions, Lock-Based Concurrency Control.
Concurrency Control: 2PL, Serializability, and Recoverability, Introduction to Lock
Management, Dealing with Deadlock

Suggested Readings

1. Fred R Me Fadden. Jeffrey A Hoffer, Mary B Prescott - Modern Database

Management, Fifth edition. Addition Wesly 1999 ( Unit-1,2)
2. Raghu Ramakrishnan, Johannes Gehrke, "Database Management Systems", Third
Edition, McGraw Hill, 2003.(Unit-3,4,5)
3. Abraham Silberschatz, Henry F Korth, S Sudharshan, "Database System Concepts",
Sixth Edition, McGraw-Hill International Edition, 2011

OU-BCA-AICTE With effect from the academic year 2020-2021
Hours Scheme of Examination
BCA SEM III – Laboratory
/week MaxMarks Duration(hrs)
Course Course Cate- Cre-
Code Title gory dits
LCC351 Java Programming Lab LCC - 4 2 50 25 3 2

1. Programs on if-else, if-else-if

2. Program on switch
3. Program on while
4. Program on for loop
5. Program on do-while
6. Program to demonstrate class concept.
7. Program to demonstrate methods
8. Program to demonstrate method overloading
9. Program to demonstrate constructors
10. Program to demonstrate constructor overloading
11. Program to demonstrate an Array
12. Program to demonstrate multidimensional array
13. Program to demonstrate Strings
14. Program to demonstrate inheritance
15. Program to demonstrate method overriding
16. Program to demonstrate abstract class
17. Program to demonstrate reading console input
18. Program to demonstrate interfaces
19. Program to demonstrate packages
20. Program to demonstrate exceptional handling
21. Program to demonstrate creating a thread by extending Thread class
22. Program to demonstrate creating a thread by implementing Runnable interface
23. Program to demonstrate AWT controls
24. Program to demonstrate Layout Manager
25. Program to demonstrate Events
26. Program to demonstrate applets

OU-BCA-AICTE With effect from the academic year 2020-2021
Hours Scheme of Examination
BCA SEM III – Laboratory
/week MaxMarks Duration(hrs)
Course Course Cate- Cre-
Code Title gory dits
LCC352 Operating System Concepts LCC - 4 2 50 25 3 2

OS Lab practical programs

1. Process System Calls
2. IO System Calls
3. IPC using Pipe Processing
4. First Come First Serve Scheduling
5. Shortest job first Scheduling
6. Priority Scheduling
7. Round Robin Scheduling
8. Simulate Page Replacement Algorithms FIFO
9. Simulate Page Replacement Algorithms LRU
10. Simulate Page Replacement Algorithms OPTIMAL

OU-BCA-AICTE With effect from the academic year 2020-2021
Hours Scheme of Examination
BCA SEM III – Laboratory
/week MaxMarks Duration(hrs)
Course Course Cate- Cre-
Code Title gory dits
LCC353 Database Design Lab LCC - 4 2 50 25 3 2

1. Create command for creating a table using primary key

2. Alter command for altering the column name and datatype of a column in the table
3. Alter command to add new column to the existing table
4. Alter command to modify the existing name of the column in the table
5. Drop command of the table
6. Truncate command for the table
7. Insert command for storing the records in the database table
8. Update command for updating a particular record by using where clause
9. Delete command for removing a particular record from the table
10. Select command for selecting data from the table
11. Select command for selecting the specific data from the data by using where clause and
select distinct statement
12. Select command for selecting the records by using ORDER BY clause ASC
13. Select command for selecting the records by using ORDER BY clause DESC
14. SQL Built in functions (MIN. MAX, COUNT, AVG, SUM)
15. SQL Query to perform AND Operator and OR Operator
16. SQL Query to perform GROUPBY Clause
17. SQL Query to perform HAVING Clause
18. SQL l Queries to perform integrity constraints
19. SQL Query to perform SQL BETWEEN Operator
20. Joins – Equi Join, Non-Equi Join, Outer Join and Self Join
21. Stored Procedures
22. Triggers

OU-BCA-AICTE With effect from the academic year 2020-2021


Scheme of
Course Course Cate- Hours/ No of Examination
Code Title gory Week Credits Max Duration
Marks (hrs)
1 ETC401 Distributed and Cloud ETC 4 - 4 70 30 3
2 PCC402 Network Security PCC 4 - 4 70 30 3
3 PCC403 Software Engineering PCC 4 - 4 70 30 3
4 ETC404 Data Science using ETC 4 - 4 70 30 3
5 ETC405 Artificial Intelligence ETC 4 - 4 70 30 3
6 LTC451 Data Science using LTC - 4 2 50 25 3
Python Lab
7 LCC452 Software Engineering Lab LCC - 4 2 50 25 3
8 LCC453 Computer Networks Lab LCC - 4 2 50 25 3

Total 20 10 26 500 225 -

Abbreviation Full Form Abbreviation Full Form

BSC Basic Science Course LTC Laboratory Technological Course
PCC Professional Core Course LPC Laboratory Professional Course
ETC Emerging Technological Course LHC Laboratory Humanities Course
HSC Humanities and Social Science Course CIE Continuous Internal Evaluation
MGC Management Course SEE Semester End Evaluation
PEC Professional Elective Course L Lecture
LCC Laboratory Core Course P Practical

OU-BCA-AICTE With effect from the academic year 2020-2021
Hours Scheme of Examination
/week MaxMarks Duration(hrs)
Course Course Cate- Cre-
Code Title gory dits
ETC401 Distributed and Cloud ETC 4 - 4 70 30 3 1
Unit I
Examples of Distributed Systems–Trends in Distributed Systems – Focus on resource sharing –
Challenges. Case study: World Wide Web.
System Model – Inter process Communication – the API for internet protocols – External data
representation and Multicast communication.

Unit II

Network virtualization: Overlay networks. Case study: MPI Remote Method Invocation and
Objects: Remote Invocation – Introduction – Request-reply protocols – Remote procedure call –
Remote method invocation.
Case study: Java RMI – Group communication – Publish-subscribe systems – Message queues
– Shared memory approaches – Distributed objects – Case study: Enterprise Java Beans -from
objects to components.

Unit III

Introduction to Cloud Computing: Cloud Computing in a Nutshell, System Models for

Distributed and Cloud Computing, Roots of Cloud Computing, Grid and Cloud, Layers and Types
of Clouds, Desired Features of a Cloud, Basic Principles of Cloud Computing, Challenges and
Risks, Service Models.

Unit IV

Virtual Machines and Virtualization of Clusters and Data Centers: Levels of Virtualization,
Virtualization Structures Tools and Mechanisms, Virtualization of CPU, Memory and I/O
Devices, Virtual Clusters and Resource Management, Virtualization Data-Center Automation.
Case studies: Xen Virtual machine monitors- Xen API. VMware - VMware products-Vmware

Unit V

Cloud computing architectures over Virtualized Data Centers: Data-Center design and
Interconnection networks, Architectural Design of Compute and Storage Clouds, Public Cloud
Platforms, GAE, AWS, Azure, Inter-cloud Resource Management.

Suggested Readings

1. Pradeep K Sinha, “Distributed Operating Systems: Concepts and Design”, Prentice Hall of
India, 2007.
2. Tanenbaum A.S., Van Steen M., “Distributed Systems: Principles and Paradigms”, Pearson
Education, 2007.
3. John W. Rittinghouse, "Cloud Computing: Implementation, Management, and Security ".
James F. Ransome, CRC Press 2009.
4. Kai Hwang. Geoffrey C.Fox, Jack J. Dongarra, “Distributed and Cloud Computing From
Parallel Processing to the Internet of Things”, Elsevier, 2012.
5. Rajkumar Buyya, James Broberg and Andrzej M. Goscinski,” Cloud Computing:
Principles and Paradigms (Wiley Series on Parallel and Distributed Computing), Wiley
Publishing ©2011

OU-BCA-AICTE With effect from the academic year 2020-2021
Hours Scheme of Examination
/week MaxMarks Duration(hrs)
Course Course Cate- Cre-
Code Title gory dits
PCC402 Network Security PCC 4 - 4 70 30 3 1

Cryptography Terminology, Stenography, Subscription ciphers, onetime patios,
Cryptographic Protocols-Introduction using Symmetric Cryptography , one-way Hash Functions
, communication using public -key cryptography and hybrid cryptosystems, Digital Signatures,
Digital Signatures with encryption, Random and pseudo random sequence generation,
Basic protocols- key Exchange, authentication and key exchange, formal analysis,
secret splitting, secret sharing, cryptographic protection of databases.

Intermediate protocols-Time stamping, sublimal channel, Signatures, Bit commitment, fair coin
flops, mental poker, key Escrow.
Advanced Protocols-Zero Knowledge proofs, Blind signatures, identity based Public-key
cryptography obvious transfer, simultaneous contract signing ,Digital certified main,
simultaneous exchange of secrets.
Esoteric Protocols-Secret Elections, secure multiparty computation, anonymous Message
Broadcast Digital cash.

Key Length-symmetric key length, public key length
Key Management Generation transfer, verification use, Store Backup, life time, destruction,
public key management.
Algorithm types and modes-Electronic codebook, Black replay, Cipher Block clouding, Stream
Ciphers, self synchronizing,cipher-feedback,synchronous stream, output feedback ,counter
mode, choosing cipher mode, comparison
Using Algorithms-choosing an algorithm, public key versus symmetric encrypting and
communication channels. Encrypting data for storage hardware encryption versus software
Information theory, complexly theory, number theory, factoring, prime number generation
DBS –Background ,Description ,security of DES, Differential and linear crypto analysis, DB
vacancy, pseudo random sequence generators, linear congruential, Linear feed back shift register
stream ciphers, Design and analysis, Stream Cipher using LFSRs
One way hash functions, Background, MDS, SHA
Public-key Algorithms-Backgrounders’
Digital Signature Algorithm
Diffie helman algorithm for key exchange
Implementation Examples-IBM, ISDN, Kerberos, ISO authentication framework, PBM PKC
Suggested Reading:
1. Bruce Schneier-Applied Cryptography, Wiley 2001.
2. William Stallings –Cryptography and Network Security, PH

OU-BCA-AICTE With effect from the academic year 2020-2021
Hours Scheme of Examination
/week MaxMarks Duration(hrs)
Course Course Cate- Cre-
Code Title gory dits
PCC403 Software Engineering PCC 4 - 4 70 30 3 1

Unit I

Software Engineering – Introduction, Program Versus Software, Software Engineering, Software

Development Process and its Stages, Generic Software Development Process Models, Code of
Ethics and Professional Practice, Software Development and Maintenance Cost Breakup.
Requirement Engineering Processes – Requirement Engineering Process, Feasibility Study, Cost
and Benefit Analysis.

Unit II

Requirement Specification, Characteristics of a Good Requirement and Validation Techniques,

Requirements Management Planning, Process of Requirement Change Management.
Software Requirement Specifications – Introduction, Stakeholder Analysis, Software
Requirements Document, IEEE Standard of Software Requirement Specifications, Organizing
Functional Requirements, Traceability and Validation of Specifications.

Unit III

Architectural Styles – Introduction, Architecture Styles, Object Oriented Architecture, Inter-

organizational Communication, Cloud Computing Architecture Style, Core, Configurable and
Customizable Architecture, Design Models, Architectural Design Principles.
Object Oriented System Analysis – Introduction, Object Oriented Design, Object Oriented Design
Models, Object Oriented Analysis, Data Modeling, Comparison Between Top Down Structured
and Object Oriented Analysis, Description of Logical and Static Modeling, Identification of Class

Unit IV

Object Oriented Design Using UML – Introduction, Sequence Diagram, State Machine Diagram,
Timing Diagram, Describing Detailed Object Oriented Design, Decision Tree and Decision Table,
Composite Structure Diagram, Generating Test Cases, Moving Towards Physical Design,
Structured Methods.
Software Development – Introduction, Good Coding Practices, Code Reuse, Design Pattern,
Generator Based Reuse, Application/Software Developed on Product Lines Approach,
Component Based Software Engineering, Agile Methods.

Unit V

Verification, Validation and Software Testing – Introduction, Software Verification and

Validation Process, Software Testing, System Testing, Object Oriented Testing Strategy, Test
Cases, Equivalence Partitioning (Black Box Testing), Art of Debugging.
Measurement and Metrics for Assessing Software Quality – Introduction, ISO 9126 Quality
Standards, Quality Management Models, Ways to Build Quality in Software, Software Quality
Control and Metrics, Defect Density Metrics, Chidamber and Kemerer Metric Suites for Object
Oriented System, Class Coupling Metric-Coupling Between Objects, Monitoring Dynamic
Quality Attributes (Visible Externally) of a Software

Suggested Readings

1. Rajesh Narang, Software Engineering: Principles and Practices

2. Ian Sommerville, Software Engineering
3. R. Mall, Fundamentals of Software Engineering
4. Pankaj Jalote, An Integrated Approach to Software Engineering
5. Frank Tsui, Orlando Karam, Barbara Bernal, Essentials of Software Engineering
6. Roger S Pressman, B R Maxim, Software Engineering – A Practitioner’s Approach
7. Grady Booch, The Unified Modeling Language User Guide

OU-BCA-AICTE With effect from the academic year 2020-2021
Hours Scheme of Examination
/week MaxMarks Duration(hrs)
Course Course Cate- Cre-
Code Title gory dits
ETC404 Data Science using Python ETC 4 - 4 70 30 3 1

Unit I

Introduction to data science – Introduction to data science, Data Science Components, Data
Science Process, Data Science Jobs Roles, Tools for Data Science, Difference between Data
Science with BI (Business Intelligence), Applications of Data science, Challenges of Datascience
Data analysis – Introduction to data analysis, Data Analysis Tools, Types of Data Analysis:
Techniques and Methods, Data Analysis Process
Introduction to Python, Python features, Python Interpreter, modes of Python Interpreter, Values
and Data types, Variables, Key words, Identifiers, Statements.

Unit II

Expressions, Input & Output, Comments, Lines & Indentation, Quotations, Tuple assignment,
Operators, Precedence of operators.
Functions: Definition and use, Types of functions, Flow of execution, Parameters and Arguments,
Conditionals: Conditional(if), Alternative(if-else), Chained Conditionals(if-elif-else), Nested
conditionals; Iteration/Control statements: while, for, break, continue, pass; fruitful function vs
void function, Parameters/Arguments, Return values, Variables scope(local, global), Function

Unit III

Strings: Strings, String slices, Immutability, String functions & Methods, String module; List as
array: Array, Methods of array.
Lists: List operations, List slices, List methods, List loops, Mutability, aliasing, Cloning list, List
parameters; Tuple: Benefit of Tuple, Operations on Tuple, Tuple methods, Tuple assignment,
Tuple as return value, Tuple as argument; Dictionaries: Operations on Dictionary, methods in
Dictionary, Difference between List, Tuple and Dictionary; Advanced List processing: List
comprehension, Nested List.

Unit IV

Introduction to Numpy – The basics of numpy array, computation on numpy arrays, aggregations,
computations on arrays, comparisons, masks and Boolean logic, fancy indexing, sorting arrays,
structured data.

Unit V

Data Manipulation with Pandas – Introducing pandas objects, data indexing and selection,
operating on data in pandas, handling missing data, hierarchical indexing, combining datasets,
aggregation and grouping

Suggested Readings

1. Allen B Downey, "Think Python: How to think like a Computer Scientist", 2nd edition,
Updated for Python 3, Shroff/O'Reilly Publishers, 2016.
2. Guido van Rossum and Fred L.Drake Jr, - An Introduction to Python - Revised and
Updated for Python 3.2, Network Theory Ltd 2011.
3. Grus, Joel. Data science from scratch: first principles with python. O'Reilly Media, 2019.

OU-BCA-AICTE With effect from the academic year 2020-2021
Hours Scheme of Examination
/week MaxMarks Duration(hrs)
Course Course Cate- Cre-
Code Title gory dits
ETC405 Artificial Intelligence ETC 4 - 4 70 30 3 1

Unit I

Introduction & Problem Solving: AI problems, AI Technique, Defining problem as a State Space
Search, Production Systems, Problem Characteristics, Production System Characteristics.
Heuristic Search Techniques: Generate – and – test, Hill Climbing, Best – First Search, Problem
Reduction, Constraint Satisfaction, Means-ends Analysis.
Unit II

Game Playing: Overview, Min-Max search Procedure, Adding Alpha-beta Cutoffs, Additional
Refinements, Iterative Deepening. Knowledge Representation Issues: Approaches, Issues, Frame
Problem, Using Predicate Logic: Representing simple facts in logic, Representing Instance and
ISA Relationships, Computable Functions and predicates, Resolution, Natural Deduction.

Unit III

Uncertainty and Reasoning Techniques:Non monotonic reasoning, Logics for Non monotonic
reasoning, Implementation issues, Augmenting a problem solver, implementation of Depth First
Search and Breadth first search. Statistical reasoning:Probability and Bayes theorem, Certainty
factors and Rule-based systems, Bayesian Networks, Dempster-Shafer Theory.

Unit IV
Learning: What is Learning, Rote learning, Learning by taking advice, Learning in problem
solving, learning from examples: Induction, Learning by Decision trees. Expert System:
Representing and Using Domain Knowledge, Expert systems shells, Explanation, Knowledge

Unit V
Perception and Action: Real Time Search, Vision, Speech Recognition, ACTION: Navigation,
Manipulation, Robot architectures. Natural Language Processing: Introduction, Syntactic
Processing, Semantic Analysis, Statistical NLP, Spell Checking.

Suggested Readings
1. Elaine Rich, Kevin Night, Shivashankar B Nair,“Artificial Intelligence”,3rd
2. Russell Norvig,“Artificial Intelligence-Modern Approach”, 3 rd edition,2009.

3. SarojKaushik, “Artificial Intelligence”, Cengage Learning India, 2012.
4. Nelson M. Mattos ,“An Approach to Knowledge Base Management”, Springer Berli

OU-BCA-AICTE With effect from the academic year 2020-2021
Hours Scheme of Examination
BCA SEM IV – Laboratory
/week MaxMarks Duration(hrs)
Course Course Cate- Cre-
Code Title gory dits
LTC451 Data Science using Python Lab LTC - 4 2 50 25 3 2


1. Write a program to demonstrate different numbers data types in python.

2. Write a python program to design simple calculator using functions.
3. Write a python program to check whether a given number is Armstrong number or not.
4. Write a python program to generate prime numbers between different intervals.
5. Write a python program to find factorial of a number using recursion.
6. Write a python program to check whether a string is palindrome or not.
7. Write a python program to count the number of characters present in a word.
8. Write a python program to create, append and remove lists.
9. Write a program to demonstrate working with tuples in python.
10. Write a program to demonstrate dictionaries in python.


11. Python program to demonstrate basic array characteristics

12. Python program to demonstrate array creation techniques
13. Python program to demonstrate indexing in numpy
14. Python program to demonstrate basic operations on single array
15. Python program to demonstrate unary operators in numpy


16. Python code demonstrate to make a Pandas DataFrame with two-dimensional list
17. Python code demonstrate creating DataFrame from dictionary of narray and lists
18. Python code demonstrate creating a Pandas dataframe using list of tuples
19. Python code demonstrate how to iterate over rows in Pandas Dataframe
20. Python code demonstrate how to get column names in Pandas dataframe

OU-BCA-AICTE With effect from the academic year 2020-2021
Hours Scheme of Examination
BCA SEM IV – Laboratory
/week MaxMarks Duration(hrs)
Course Course Cate- Cre-
Code Title gory dits
LCC452 Software Engineering Lab LCC - 4 2 50 25 3 2

Case Studies
1. Banking System
2. Hotel management system
3. Inventory Control System
4. Library management system
5. Railway Reservation System
Choose any two of above case studies and do the following exercises for that case studies
1. Write the complete problem statement
2. Write the software requirements specification document
3. Draw the entity relationship diagram
4. Draw the data flow diagrams
5. Draw use case diagrams
6. Draw activity diagrams for all use cases
7. Draw sequence diagrams for all use cases
8. Draw collaboration diagram
9. Assign objects in sequence diagrams to classes and make class diagram.

To draw dataflow diagrams using Microsoft Visio Software, SmartDraw, etc…
1. To draw UML diagrams using Rational Rose Software, StarUML, etc...

OU-BCA-AICTE With effect from the academic year 2020-2021
Hours Scheme of Examination
BCA SEM IV – Laboratory
/week MaxMarks Duration(hrs)
Course Course Cate- Cre-
Code Title gory dits
LCC453 Computer Networks Lab LCC - 4 2 50 25 3 2

Networking concepts demonstration

1. Demonstrations of IP address and ports in computer system.
2. Explanation of settings in network connections
3. Testing of networking connectivity using ping, tracepath
4. Checking network statistics with netstat
5. Demonstration of static and dynamic IP address settings
6. Understanding ethernet cabling and switched networks
7. Comprehension of routers and firewalls
8.Significance of DNS

Network programming
1. Implement IPC using a) Pipes b) FIFO
2. Implement file transfer using Message Queue form of IPC
3. Design TCP iterative Client and server application to reverse the given input sentence
4. Design TCP concurrent Client and server application to reverse the given input sentence
5. Design TCP client and server application to transfer file
6. Design UDP Client and server application to reverse the given input sentence
7. Design UDP Client and server application to reverse the given input sentence
8. Design UDP Client server to transfer a file

Suggested Reading
1. Advance UNIX Programming Richard Stevens, Second Edition Pearson Education
2. Advance UNIX Programming, N.B. Venkateswarlu, BS Publication.


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