BTECH CSE 5th Semester
BTECH CSE 5th Semester
BTECH CSE 5th Semester
Hours / Sem
Maximum Marks
Week End
S.No. Course Title Credits Sem Exam
Code Continuous
L T P End Total Duration
Exam (Hrs)
Analysis & Design
1 EBT04501 4 1 - 5 30 70 100 3 Hrs.
of Algorithm
Principles of
2 EBT04502 Programming – 3 1 - 4 30 70 100 3 Hrs.
Theory of
3 EBT04503 3 1 - 4 30 70 100 3 Hrs.
Unix and Shell
4 EBT04504 3 1 - 4 30 70 100 3 Hrs.
Total Contact hr. per week: 26 Total Credit: 24 195 455 650
Credit 4 1 - 5
Credit 3 1 - 4
Unit- V Modules, Packages, String and List Methods, and Exceptions, The Object-
Oriented Approach: Classes, Methods, Objects, and the Standard Objective Features;
Exception Handling, and Working with Files.
Credit 3 1 - 4
Unit- III Time Complexity: Time as a resource, Linear Speedup theorem, Crossing
sequences and their applications, Hierarchy theorems. P vs NP. Time Complexity
classes and their relationships. Notion of completeness, reductions. Cook-Levin
Theorem. Ladner’s theorem. Relativization Barrier: Baker-Gill-Solovay theorem.
Reference 1. Sipser, M., (2013), Introduction to the Theory of Computation, Cengage Learning
Books 2. Hopcroft,J. E., Motwani, R., and Ullman, J. D., (2007), Introduction to Automata
Theory, Languages, and Computation, Pearson
3 1 - 4
Credit 3 1 - 4
Credit - - 2 1
Prerequisites Programming
Course The student will have ability to:
Objectives 1. To write programs for solving real world problems using java collection frame
2. To write multithreaded programs.
3. To write GUI programs using swing controls in Java.
4. To introduce java compiler and eclipse platform.
5. To impart hands on experience with java programming.
Course 1. b) Develop an applet in Java that receives an integer in one text field, and
Contents computes its factorial Value and returns it in another text field, when the button
named “Compute” is clicked.
2. Write a Java program that works as a simple calculator. Use a grid layout to
arrange buttons for the digits and for the +, -,*, % operations. Add a text field
to display the result. Handle any possible exceptions like divided by zero.
3. Write a Java program that implements a multi-thread application that has three
threads. First thread generates random integer every 1 second and if the value
is even, second thread computes the square of the number and prints. If the
value is odd, the third thread will print the value of cube of the number.
4. Write a java program that handles all mouse events and shows the event name
at the center of the window when a mouse event is fired (Use Adapter classes).
5. Implement the above program with database instead of a text file.
6. Write a java program that takes tab separated data 51-54 (one record per line)
from a text file and inserts them into a database
7. A) Create a list and perform the following methods 1) insert() 2) remove() 3)
append() 4) len() 5) pop() 6)clear()
8. Create a dictionary and apply the following methods 1) Print the dictionary
items 2) access items 3) useget() 4)change values 5) use len()
9. Write a python program to add two numbers.
10. Write a python program to find largest number among three numbers.
11. Write a program to create a menu with the following options 1. TO PERFORM
Credit - - 2 1
Prerequisites Unix Command on Ubuntu
logged user and his long name b) Current shell c) Your home directory
Text Books 1. UNIX and shell Programming, Behrouz A. Forouzan, Richard F, Gilberg,
2. Your UNIX the ultimate guide, Sumitabha Das, TMH. 2nd Edition.
3. UNIX for programmers and users, 3rd edition, Graham Glass, King Ables,
Pearson education.
Reference 4. UNIX programming environment, Kernighan and Pike, PHI, Pearson
5. The Complete Reference UNIX, Rosen, Host, Klee, Farber, Rosinski, Second
Edition, TMH.
6.Unix Shell programming, Yashwanth Kanitkar, 1stEdition, BPB Publisher.
Credit - - 2 1
Course The student will have ability to:
Objectives 1. To encourage the all round development of students by focusing on soft skills.
2. To make the engineering students aware of the importance, the role and the
content of soft skills through instruction, knowledge acquisition, demonstration
and practice.
3. To develop and nurture the soft skills of the students through individual and group
4. To expose students to right attitudinal and behavioral aspects and to build the
same through activities
Course Unit I Self-Development Introduction to soft skills, Self-Management: Self-Evaluation,
Contents Self-Discipline, Self-Criticism, SelfAwareness, Self-Esteem, Positive Thinking,
Perceptions and Attitudes, Values and Belief Systems, Personal success factors,
Handling failure, Knowing Yourself, identifying one‘s strengths and weaknesses, SWOT
analysis, Johari‘s Window, Career Planning & Goal setting, prioritization, Managing self
– emotions, ego, pride, stress; Personality development.
Unit II Communication Skills Significance of Communication- types, barriers of
communication, effective communication, Verbal and non-verbal Communication,
Speaking Skills – Importance of speaking effectively, speech process, message,
audience, speech. Style, feedback, conversation and oral skills, fluency and self
expression, body language phonetics and spoken English, speaking techniques, word
stress, correct stress patterns, voice quality, correct tone, types of tones, positive image
projection techniques, Public Speaking, Group discussion, Listening Skills: Virtues of
Listening, Barriers and filters, Fundamentals of Good Listening, Reading Skills:
Comprehension, reading research papers, Communication in a Digital World.
Unit III Language and Writing Skills Vocabulary: One - Word Substitutes, Words often
Confused - Pairs of Words, Synonyms and Antonyms, Foreign Phrases, Phrasal verbs
derived from the dynamic verbs, Business Writing: Note Making, Letter writing, Writing
Formal Letters. Technical Report Writing, Memo, Notices/Circulars Agenda and
Minutes of a Meeting, E-Mail, Essay writing. Employment Communication: Job
Application, Preparation of CV and Resume writing. Presentation skills: Professional
Presentation, Nature of Oral Presentation, Planning a Presentation, Preparing the
Presentation, Delivering the Presentation
Unit IV Leadership and Team Building Introduction, Leader and Leadership, Leadership
Traits, Culture and Leadership: Salient Features of Corporate Culture, Leadership Styles,
Leadership Trends, Team Building: Team Development Stages, Types of Teams: Cross-
functional Team, Problem-solving Team, Inter- personal relations: Types of feelings,
steps to deal with complex feelings. Assertiveness and Confidence building. Types of
Conflict and resolutions. Emotions, emotional empathy and emotional intelligence.
Course On completion of the course, student will be able to–
Outcomes 1. Effectively communicate through verbal/oral communication and improve the
listening skills.
2. Write precise briefs or reports and technical documents.
3. Actively participate in group discussion / meetings / interviews and prepare &
deliver presentations.
4. Become more effective individual through goal/target setting, self motivation
and practicing creative thinking.
5. Function effectively in multi-disciplinary and heterogeneous teams through the
knowledge of team work, Inter-personal relationships, conflict management and
leadership quality.
Text Books 1.Gajendra Singh Chauhan, Sangeeta Sharma: Soft Skills – An Integrated Approach
to Maximize Personality, WILEY INDIA, ISBN:13:9788126556397.