Ruth Project
Ruth Project
Ruth Project
contributes to women health by reducing fertility and the risk of breast and ovarian cancer. it
also provides social and economic benefits to the family and the nation at large .(SCN
Exclusive breastfeeding (EBF) is defined as giving breast milk only to the infant, without any
additional food or drink, not even water in the first six months of life, with the exception of
mineral supplements, vitamins, or medicines. The World Health Organization (WHO) and the
United Nation Children’s Fund (UNICEF) recommend initiation of breastfeeding within the
first hour after birth; exclusively breastfeed for the first six months of age and continuation of
EBF is an important public health strategy for improving children’s and mother’s health by
reducing child morbidity and mortality and helping to control healthcare costs in society.
Additionally is one of the major strategies which help the most widely known and effective
intervention for preventing early childhood deaths. Every year, optimal breastfeeding
practices can prevent about 1.4 million deaths worldwide among children under five. Beyond
the benefits that breastfeeding confers to the mother-child relationship, breastfeeding lowers
the incidence of many childhood illnesses, such as middle infections, pneumonia, sudden
infant death syndrome, diabetes mellitus, malocclusion, and diarrhea. Also, breastfeeding
supports healthy brain development and is associated with higher performance on intelligence
tests among children and adolescents. In mothers, breastfeeding has been shown to decrease
the frequency of hemorrhage, postpartum depression, breast cancer, ovarian and endometrial
cancer, as well as facilitating weight loss .The lactation amenorrhea method is an important
choice for postpartum family planning. (WHO.WHA Global Nutrition Targets by 2025)
The World Health Assembly (WHA) has set a global target in order to increase the rate of
EBF for infants aged 0–6 months up to at least 50% in 2012–2025. Adherence to these
guidelines varies globally, only 38% of infants are exclusively breastfed for the first six
months of life. High-income countries such as the United States (19%), United Kingdom
(1%), and Australia (15%), have shorter breastfeeding duration than do low-income and
37% of infants younger than six months are exclusively breastfed. (Ford et al., 2010).
According to UNICEF (2018), one out of every three children is exclusively breastfed for
the first six months of life in the developing world. East Asia/Pacific and Eastern/Southern
Africa are the regions with the highest levels of Exclusive Breast Feeding in the first six
months of life (43 %), while west and central Africa have the lowest levels (20 %). Globally,
available figures show few babies are exclusively breastfed to 3 months In Denmark, 4 % of
babies were exclusively breastfed to 4 months Only 25% of Dutch mothers feed their
children mainly on breast milk during the first 6 months. (UNICEF 2018).
Despite the extensive available information on the benefits of breastfeeding both for the
mother and the infant, in Nigeria only 13% of children below six months are exclusively
High infant mortality rates associated with diarrhea, acute respiratory infections and poor
responses to vaccinations result from lack of exclusive and proper breastfeeding. The
decline in the prevalence and duration of breastfeeding is caused by both medical and social
women in job which make on demand breastfeeding difficult, and the marketing of prepared
To assess the attitude of working class mothers towards exclusive breastfeeding using P.H.C
Bukuru as the case study in Jos South Local Government Area of Plateau State.
3. What are some of the factors that can hinder exclusive breastfeeding in Bukuru
ii) To explain the benefit of breastfeeding to the mother and their children..
iii) To address the factors that affects exclusive breastfeeding among mothers in Bukuru
The study is focused on working class child bearing mothers on exclusive breastfeeding,
using P.H.C Bukuru as the case study in Jos South Local Government Area of Plateau State.
1. Time: time wasn’t enough during the research, because it was carried out during class
activities, and the timeframe given for the research was short.
1. Breast feeding: Is a process whereby the infant receives breast milk from the
maternal breast
3. Child Bearing Age: Technically from puberty when they start menstruating to
4. EBF: Means the infant receive only breast milk, no other liquid or solid are
given not even water with the exception of oral rehydration solution, or
6. Nutrition: Is the science that interprets the nutrient and other substances in food in
20. WHA: World Health Assembly
In many places, people regard breastfeeding as normal, but they have other ideas that
can interfere with it. Sometimes people approve of breastfeeding but believe that it is not
enough by itself and that babies need something else as well. Many mothers decide to feed
their babies artificially-either partially or completely because they believe that they do not
have enough breast milk. A mother’s perception of insufficient breast milk production is a
barrier to exclusive breastfeeding as found in Nigeria. Some mothers give babies bottle feeds
as well to make them fatter, because they believe that it is healthier. (Kong et al; 2014).
For Nigerian families, formula feeding is seen as a way to ensure that babies will grow to be
physically larger and to have harder bones. Some women do not want to stay with the baby
all the time to breastfeed, they want to be free to go out with friends or go to work. They
believe that breastfeeding will not suit their ways of life. The findings of a study among
Hong Kong women showed that women tended to consider breastfeeding as socially limiting
and thought that women should not be tied to the baby and family (Kong et al; 2014).
Colostrums has traditionally been viewed as “bad milk”. The colostrum is discarded
because of the general belief that it is “heavy or not good for the child”. Turkish migrant
mothers believe that colostrums, “Mawu/fro” causes stomachache and infants dislike this
milk. Mothers squeeze their breasts to get rid of this milk. In many developing countries,
mothers do not give that first milk because they fear it to be “pus” or “poison” (Adegbo,
Nutrients a Baby needs for the first six months of life. Breast milk contains antibodies to
protect the baby against infections, there is less gastroenteritis, fewer respiratory and ear
Infants fed on breast milk have less risk of atopic eczema, asthma, lower rates of obesity,
diabetes and coronary heart diseases in the later life. The suckling required in breastfeeding
is more vigorous and encourages the healthy development of jaws and gums (Penny et al.,
possible decrease in the risk of cot death and a possible increase in Intelligence Quotient.
Some studies suggest that long- term intelligence or cognitive scores increase with the
mother`s choice to breastfeed and with the duration of breastfeeding. Breastfeeding may be
birth the hormones released during breastfeeding strengthen the maternal bond. (Lantinget
al., 2014).
Breastfeeding on demand helps protect against another pregnancy. Breast suckling prevents
ovulation through the hormone prolactin. Prolactin has an inhibiting influence on the
synthesis of ovarian steroids. The longer and more completely the infant suckles, the more
delay in the return of the ovulation cycle and thus the mother’s fertility. Breastfeeding helps
the uterus to return to its original size much more quickly. Breastfeeding soon after giving
birth increases the mother’s oxytocin levels making her uterus contract more quickly and
Women who breastfeed are less likely to suffer from uterine disorders, ovarian and breast
cancer. According to Mitch et al., (2016) breastfeeding allows for quicker weight loss after
pregnancy. The fat reserves set aside during pregnancy are used to manufacture milk.
Breastfeeding uses an average of 500 calories a day, thus, it helps a mother to lose weight
Having adequate information about breastfeeding and failing to experience problems during
breastfeeding period are found to influence mothers to breastfeed their infants. One of the
elements to empower a woman to breastfeed is that she has sufficient knowledge to make
decisions. Breastfeeding choice and success are usually associated with higher knowledge
The fear of transmitting HIV through breast milk is a factor that contributes to the decline in
breastfeeding. HIV- positive mothers could be targeted by the distributors of infant food
A recent study in Zimbabwe indicates that postnatal transmission of HIV can be halved
from 14% to 7% by exclusive breastfeeding in the first three months of life. The risk of HIV
infection in breastfed babies is smaller than the risk of non-breastfed babies getting other
remains unclear why exclusive breastfeeding is better than 16 mixed feeding. Possible
explanations include a reduction in dietary antigens and pathogens which are assumed to
provoke an inflammatory response or alter infant’s gut integrity; the promotion of beneficial
intestinal micro flora by breast milk which may increase resistance to infection
2.4.3 Age
maternal age as predictors of lower breastfeeding rates. A young mother with her first child
may find it difficult to believe that she can breastfeed successfully. Breastfeeding fails easily
in a young school girl who has a baby that she really did not want. The young mother feels
shy to breastfeed and this impaires milk secretion. The young women to a large extend
perceive their breasts in terms of their attractiveness rather than their function. Several
mothers with a child at the end of a large family give up breastfeeding rather easily,
although they had no difficulties with earlier children. Age above 25 years has been
women know more about the benefits of breastfeeding and have more realistic outcome
expectations. If a young woman is interested in breastfeeding, she should talk to women who
have done it successfully. Experienced mothers can be an enormous help to the first time
Single mothers have great difficulty supporting them and caring for the baby especially if
they are young. Single mothers have less family support. Without this support, activities
outside the home such as having to work might prevent EBF. It is often best if the mother
and the baby can stay together and be supported as a family. They can breastfeed at least
partially.(Ebrahim, 2011).
2.4.5 Education
A woman’s educational and social class affects her motivation to breastfeed but the way it
affects is different in different parts of the world. In many industrialized countries in the
west, breastfeeding is more common among the educated and upper class women. On the
other hand, in third world countries the educated and upper class women are more likely to
feed their infants artificially. Generally educated women tend to breastfeed less and are
likely to introduce supplementary feeding earlier than those with little or no education. This
is attributed to the fact that a better educated woman is more likely to work away from home
which makes breastfeeding difficult. The UNICEF United Nations International Children
Education Fund 2014, found an inverse relationship between education and mean duration
2.4.6 Employment
A woman may choose not to breastfeed because she plans to go back to work outside home
soon after the baby is born and feels it is too difficult to work and also breastfeed. Other
women find it hard to maintain their milk supply when separated from their babies and may
be forced to stop breastfeeding. Maternal employment outside the home is often cited as a
major factor in short- term breastfeeding patterns seen throughout the world. (Perry, 2013).
The decision to breastfeed is very often influenced more by socio-cultural factors than by
health consideration. ErgenEkonet al; (2016) noted that cultural beliefs have a significant
influence on breastfeeding practices. When perceived primarily as sex symbols, the breasts
must be decently hidden which makes breastfeeding in public places difficult. Breastfeeding
cultural norms. Findings of the study done among women in Hong Kong showed that
majority of the women agreed that it was unacceptable to breastfeed in front of others except
the husband and the health care workers. Society has stressed modesty and frowned on
baring breasts in public even in so good a cause as nourishing babies. In most African
countries, breastfeeding is still considered an important part of the traditional culture and is
2.4.8 Husband/Family Support
The role of the husband as a supporter of breastfeeding is mentioned in the lay literature.
Particularly when he has a positive mind - set relating to breastfeeding, it is thought that he
can play an important role. The presence of the husband at delivery tends to make him more
supportive of breastfeeding. Women who have breastfed have often had problems because
of lack of experience and support around them. In some places, the husband thinks that
breastfeeding is normal and important and most mothers breastfeed successfully. In other
places, the husband does not understand the importance of breastfeeding or may disapprove
breastfeeding in public places; then it is more difficult for women to breastfeed successfully.
A man’s positive or negative attitude towards breastfeeding can easily influence a woman’s
breastfeeding behavior. Men may disapprove of breastfeeding if they believe it will interfere
with sexual activity, will make women lose their breast shape or cause women to expose
their breasts in public. According to Kessler et al., 2005, the child’s father may be
supportive of breastfeeding if he realizes that the economic benefits of the mother’s milk
will free him from the responsibility of obtaining infant foods. Other husbands, especially
those who understand the nutritional value of breastfeeding, like the health professionals
may not buy their babies infant formula even though they could afford.
Several studies have demonstrated that the nursing mother needs emotional support
especially during the early days of lactation, provided by the people she trusts. The attitude
of husbands, relatives, friends and the community, all affect women’s decisions about
Perfect nutrients
Protects against Infection
2. It is a whole food for the infant and contains all the needed nutrients for his/her first 6
4. It is always clean.
5. It contains antibodies that protect against diseases, especially against diarrhoea and
respiratory infections.
8. It protects against allergies. Breast milk antibodies protect the baby's gut preventing
9. It contains enough water for the baby's needs (87% of water and minerals).
10. It helps jaw and teeth development; suckling develops facial muscles.
11. Frequent skin-to-skin contact between mother and infant leads to better psychomotor,
12. The infant benefits from the colostrum, which protects him/her from disease. The
colostrum acts as a laxative cleaning the infant's stomach. (Walker et al; 2016).
• Obesity.
• Increased risk of anemia, ovarian cancer, and breast cancer in mother. (Ebrahim, 2011).
This chapter describes the study area where the research is took place and research design of
the study, sampling technique, instrument for data collection and analysis of the data.
The researcher found it worthy to carry out the research, using P.H.C Bukuru as the case
Bukuru community has a postal of 932114, and Latitude: 9° 17' 57.16" N Longitude: 8° 59'
40.81" E. is located in Bukuru District Jos South LGA of plateau state. It shares boundaries
Bukuru community has an estimated population of 2700as at 2006 census, and Bukuru
The researcher used simple random sampling to select size of the sample from the population.
The researcher selected 60 questionnaires for proper investigation by using the systematic
sampling technique. The whole 60 questionnaires were given out but 50 where retrieved and
The instrument that was used for data collection is a structured questionnaire.
The questionnaire was administered to the selected sample from the selected settlements.
The structured questionnaire is divided into two sections A section and B section. Section A
seeks for information related to the bio-data of the respondent. While section B would enable
the respondents to provide personal responses to all questions related to attitude of mothers
The researcher went to the community and personally administered the questionnaire to the
responder after brief introduction to the respondents about the researcher, the research and
The researcher collected and record the response from the questionnaire and for the analysis
to data. The data collected was analyzes using marginal tabulation and simple percentage
mean score.
% = F/N x 100
% = Percentage
F = Frequency of respondents
This chapter has to do with the presentation, analysis and interpretation of data
collected by the researcher. However, the data collected were analyzed in percentage and
Female 44 88%
Male 6 12%
Total 50 100%
The table above shows that 44 respondents are female and 6 respondents are male and 44
30-39 16 32%
40-49 15 30%
Total 50 100%
The table above indicate that 10 respondents were 20-29years, 16 respondents were 30-
Single 14 28%
Married 18 36%
Divorced 7 14%
Widow/widower 11 22%
Total 50 100%
The table above indicate that14 respondents were single, 18 respondents were married, 7
respondents are divorced and 11 respondents are widows, 14 respondents represent 28%, 18
respondents represents 36%, then & respondent represent 14% and 11 respondents represent
22 %.
Total 50 100%
The table above shows that, 7 respondents had obtained primary education, 22 had abstained
Christianity 32 64%
Islam 18 36%
Total 50 100%
The table above shows that 32 respondents where Christians, 18 respondents are Muslims and
none were into traditional practices. 32 respondents represent 64%, and 18 respondent’s
represent 36%.
Farming 14 28%
Mining 7 14%
Students 7 14%
Total 50 100%
The table above shows that,14 respondents are farmers, 7 were miners, 7 respondents were
students, and 22 respondents were civil servants. 14 respondents represent 28%, 7 represent
QUESTION 4.7: Do you have the knowledge about exclusive breastfeeding?
Yes 40 80%
No 10 20%
Total 50 100%
The table above shows that, 40 respondents agreed that they have knowledge about exclusive
Yes 26 52%
No 24 48%
Total 50 100%
The table above indicates that, 26 respondents agreed that occupational carrier of mothers
hinder exclusive breastfeeding, while 24 respondents did not agree. 26 respondents represent
Yes 45 90%
No 5 10%
Total 50 100%
The table above shows that 45 respondents think exclusive breastfeeding has a benefit to
represent 10%.
Yes 33 66%
No 17 34%
Total 50 100%
The table above indicates that,33 respondents thinkcultures, traditions and believes hinder
QUESTION 4.11: Do you think male parents have a role in proper breastfeeding?
Yes 43 86%
Agree 7 14%
Total 50 100%
The table above shows that, 43 respondents thinks male parents have a role in proper
represent 14%.
QUESTION 4.12:Do you think lack of exclusive breastfeeding could predispose a child
to disease conditions?
Yes 33 66%
No 17 34%
Total 50 100%
The table above indicates that, 33 respondents think lack of exclusive breastfeeding could
Yes 28 56%
No 22 44%
Total 50 100%
The table above shows that, 28 respondents opine that adequate breastfeeding benefits the
represent 44%.
Table 4.1, shows that, 44 respondents are female and 6 respondents are male, and 44
respondents represent 88% while 6 respondents represent 12%. The result shows that female
Table 4.2, shows that 10 respondents were 20-29years, 16 respondents were 30-
and 9 respondents represent 18%. The result shows that those are age 30-39 where the highest
Table 4.3, shows that 14 respondent were single, 18 respondents were married, 7
respondents are divorced and 11 respondent are widows, 14 respondents represent 28%, 18
respondent represents 36%, then 7 respondent represent 14% and 11 respondent represent 22
%. The respondents shows that the married people are more with 36%
Table 4.4, shows that 7 respondents had obtained primary education, 22 had
abstained secondary, and 21 had obtained tertiary education, 7 respondents represent 14%, 22
respondent represent 44%, 21 respondent represent 42%, majority of the respondents had
secondary school education with 44%, follow by tertiary with 42% the result shows that the
Table 4.5, shows that 32 respondents where Christians, 18 respondents are Muslims
and none was into traditional practices. 32 respondents represent 64% and 18 respondent
represent 36% .table 4.5 the result shows that Christians were the majority with 64%.
Table 4.6, shows that 14 respondents are farmers, 7 were miners, 7 respondents were
students, 22 respondents were civil servants. 14 respondents represent 28%, 7 represent 14%,
7 respondent represent 14%, and 22 respondents represent 44%. The result shows that
Table 4.7, shows that, 40 respondent representing 80% had the knowledge of
that the respondents has the knowledge of exclusive breastfeeding but a great health
education need to be done for the remaining 20% of respondents that don’t have the
Table 4.8, indicates that, 26 respondents agreed that occupational carrier of mothers
can affect exclusive breastfeeding, while 24 respondents did not agree. 26 respondent
represent 52%, and 24 respondents represent 48%.the result shows that, the carrier of mothers
can affect exclusive breastfeeding because mothers will be force to drop their children in a
Table 4.9, shows that 33 respondent think exclusive breastfeeding has benefit and 17
respondent opposed. 33 respondents represent 66% and 17 respondent represent 34%. This is
a call to health workers to sensitize the community more as they 34% of the respondents
Table 4.10, above indicates that, 33 respondent thinks that cultures, traditions, and
respondent represent 66% and 17 respondent represent 34%. The result shows that that 66%
agreed that cultures, traditions, believes could hinder exclusive breastfeeding and more
Table 4.11, shows that, 43 respondents think male parents have a role in encouraging
respondents represent 14%. The result shows that male parents have a duty to exclusive
breastfeeding because they are the bread winner. Men ensure they provide food for their
Table 4.12, shows that, 33 respondents opine that lack of exclusive breastfeeding
and 17 respondent represent 34%. Exclusive breastfeeding don’t just provide the child with
just protein but with vitamins and nutrients that will help build the immunity of the child
thereby keeping him for infectious diseases. More health education should be done to the
Table 4.13, shows that, 28 respondents think adequate breastfeeding benefit the
represent 44%. The result shows that breastfeeding increases the bond between the mother
and her child; more so exclusive breastfeeding can be used as a method of family planning to
the mother.
Health worker should health educate mothers on the importance of exclusive
5.2.2 Individual
Nursing mothers should avail themselves to the child for exclusive breastfeeding.
Male parents should provide adequate food supply for their wives for adequate
5.2.3 Government
The government should make provision that could enable breastfeeding mothers
The government should pass a bill so that the period of maternity leave to all
exclusive breastfeeding.
The government should build baby day care homes within the office to enable
The results of this study are critically important, that as they are addressing the gap in
the exclusive breastfeeding segment and sensitively show evidence for areas where urgent
interventions are needed. Moreover, these results also inform policymakers where they can
respond and integrate exclusive breastfeeding programs within their community health
system. It also identifies the need for the workforce to encourage mothers to attend antenatal
and postnatal care to improve exclusive breastfeeding practice. It also shows that educational
strategies are important to improve and correct mothers’ knowledge, attitudes, beliefs, and
sociocultural norms about exclusive breastfeeding. We suggest that all levels of healthcare
visits, antenatal and early postpartum8 education, and also during home visits by community
health workers, should improve maternal knowledge and attitudes toward breastfeeding
among breastfed, milk formula-fed, and soy formula-fed infants during the first year
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Dear respondent,
Zawan, undergoing National Diploma in Public Health. I am carrying out a research on the
topic “the attitude of mothers towards exclusive breastfeeding in P.H.C Bukuru of Jos
This study is academics as such all information supplied by you shall be used solely
as possible.
Yours faithfully,
2. Age : (a) 20-29 ( ) (b) 30-39 ( ) (c) 40-49 ( ) (d) 50 and above ( )
(d) widow/widower ( )
others( )
No ( )
10. Could cultures, traditions and believes hinder exclusive breastfeeding? Yes (
) no ( )
) No ( )
12. Do you think lack of exclusive breastfeeding could predispose a child to disease
conditions? Yes ( ) No ( )
13. In your opinion is there any benefit on exclusive breastfeeding, to you as a mother ?
Yes ( ) No ( )