Breastfeeding Education: Where Are We Going? A Systematic Review Article
Breastfeeding Education: Where Are We Going? A Systematic Review Article
Breastfeeding Education: Where Are We Going? A Systematic Review Article
Background: UNICEF (United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund) and WHO estimate that if all
babies were breastfed for at least the first six months of their lives, the rate of morbidity and malnutrition would significantly decrease all over the world. In this view, these two organizations promoted a worldwide campaign for
breastfeeding, creating the Baby Friendly Hospital Initiative (BFHI) that encourages good practices for the promotion
of breastfeeding in hospitals. The aim of our study was to review the available evidence regarding the positive effects
of breastfeeding, in order to suggest to most appropriate strategy to support it.
Methods: The main databases including Scopus, PubMed, MEDLINE, Google scholar and Science Direct were researched to obtain the original papers related to breastfeeding education. The main terms used to literature search
were "Breastfeeding education", Breastfeeding support", and Breastfeeding healthcare policy. The timeframe included the obtained articles was from 1980 to 2015.
Results: Our analysis confirms that healthcare providers play a pivotal role in education and encouraging mothers to
begin and continue breastfeeding. In this view, the adequate training of healthcare providers seems to be mandatory in
order to support this practice. Moreover, adequate facilities are needed in order to promote and support breastfeeding.
Conclusion: Considering the available evidence, breastfeeding should be supported among all the mothers. Based on
the positive data emerging from the public awareness campaign in different Countries of the world, we strongly encourage an accurate training for doctors and midwives and the implementation of adequate facilities in order to support breastfeeding.
Keywords: Breastfeeding, Education, Strategy
After childbirth, lactation should be considered a
physiological event for the mother, as well as
breastfeeding should be for the mother-baby
dyad. Human milk has immunological action on
the newborn considered as the best available option for feeding: on one hand, breastfeeding allows an appropriate relationship between mother
and child; on the other hand, human milk conAvailable at:
The main databases including Scopus, PubMed,
MEDLINE, Google scholar and Science Direct
were researched to obtain the original papers related to breastfeeding education. The main terms
used to literature search were "Breastfeeding
education", Breastfeeding support", and
Breastfeeding healthcare policy. The timeframe
included the obtained articles was from 1980 to
The global initiatives
UNICEF (United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund) and WHO estimate that
if all babies were breastfed for at least the first six
months of their lives, the rate of morbidity and
malnutrition would significantly decrease all over
the world. In this view, these two organizations
promoted a worldwide campaign for breastfeed-
The main databases including Scopus, PubMed,
MEDLINE, Google scholar and Science Direct
were researched to obtain the original papers related to breastfeeding education. The main terms
used to literature search were "Breastfeeding
education", Breastfeeding support", and
Breastfeeding healthcare policy. The timeframe
included the obtained articles was from 1980 to
The global initiatives
UNICEF (United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund) and WHO estimate that
if all babies were breastfed for at least the first six
months of their lives, the rate of morbidity and
malnutrition would significantly decrease all over
the world. In this view, these two organizations
promoted a worldwide campaign for breastfeed-
Table 1: The ten steps of the Baby-Friendly Hospital initiative to promote successful breastfeeding
Have a written breastfeeding policy that is routinely communicated to all health care staff.
Train all health care staff in skills necessary to implement this policy.
Inform all pregnant women about the benefits and management of breastfeeding.
Help mothers initiate breastfeeding within half an hour of birth.
Show mothers how to breastfeed, and how to maintain lactation even if they should be separated from
their infants.
Give newborn infants no food or drink other than breast milk, unless medically indicated.
Practice rooming-in - that is, allow mothers and infants to remain together - 24 hours a day.
Encourage breastfeeding on demand.
Give no artificial teats or pacifiers (also called dummies or soothers) to breastfeeding infants.
Foster the establishment of breastfeeding support groups and refer mothers to them on discharge from
the hospital or clinic.
Maternity services, which demonstrate implementation and compliance with the ten steps through
a rigorous and systematic process, involving the
assessment of the knowledge and skills of multidisciplinary staff and interview with women
about their care, are accredited as baby friendly. To date, more than 20.000 healthcare organizations in the world have achieved full babyfriendly accreditation under the original program.
Accumulating evidence (7-9) suggests that this
initiative has the potential to influence the duration of breastfeeding: as evidenced by Merten et
al. (10) in a Swiss cohort analysis, 42% of children born in a "Baby Friendly Hospital" were
breastfed up to 5 months, while for infants born
in other clinical setting the percentage was about
34% (10). In some countries, other strategies
were planned to promote and help mothers who
want to breastfeed their children. In Georgia, for
example, the "Special Supplemental Nutrition
Program" launched 5 strategies for the promotion of breastfeeding: education, free breast
pumps, hospital-based programs, peer counseling
and community coalition. According to this last
program, breastfeeding education provides access
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needed after hospital discharge to meet the recommended targets at 6 months. To overcome
this gap, Baby-friendly Community Initiative
(BFCI), one of the one of the most challenging
Table 2: The seven steps of the Baby-Friendly community initiative to promote successful breastfeeding
Have a written breastfeeding policy that routinely is communicated to all staff and volunteers.
Train all health care providers in the knowledge and skills necessary to implement the breastfeeding policy
Inform pregnant women and their families about the benefits and management of breastfeeding.
Support mothers to establish and maintain exclusive breastfeeding to six months.
Encourage sustained breastfeeding beyond six months to two years or more, alongside the introduction of
appropriate, adequate and safe complementary foods.
Provide a welcoming atmosphere for breastfeeding families
Promote collaboration among health services, and between health services and the local community
Early breastfeeding
During the first postpartum days, healthcare providers skills, knowledge and attitudes towards
breastfeeding, as well as their ability to transfer
these skills to new mothers, can significantly influence breastfeeding experience. Considering
this perspective, healthcare providers should have
been trained according to international standards
and periodically monitored and evaluated. Furthermore, several other barriers to early breastfeeding may be present in hospitals: for example,
in several setting mothers and newborns are separated after delivery (16), although the importance of rooming-in during the hospital stay is
widely documented (12, 13, 17). In addition, the
WHO/UNICEF recommend skin-to-skin ear-
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Staff training
Healthcare providers play a pivotal role in education and encouraging mothers to begin and continue breastfeeding (21). In this view, the adequate training of healthcare providers seems to
be mandatory in order to support this practice. In
particular, mothers supported by trained
WHO/UNICEF members significantly prolong
breastfeeding (22). For this reason, the
WHO/UNICEF 20-hour course for maternity
staff was considered the standard by BFHCI. The
course consists of 15.5 hours of theory and 4.5
hours of practice about breastfeeding promotion
and support. At the time of the assessment to
Although breastfeeding has a clear fertilityreducing effect, the nature of this effect is not
fully understood. In general, the infant's suckling
initiates a cycle of neuroendocrine events that
results in the inhibition of ovulation. In the past
few decades, demographers have been able to
quantify the degree of contraceptive protection
that results from breastfeeding. In populations
without access to modern methods of family
planning, the birth interval depends most on
breastfeeding (30).
In 1988, researchers from five continents gathered in Bellagio (Italy) to determine whether
their findings about women with very different
pattern of breastfeeding behaviors could be synthesized into a statement about how breastfeeding might predict women's recovery of fertility.
Among all, the highest pregnancy rate reported in
fully breastfeeding amenorrheic women during
the first 6 months postpartum was lower than 2%
(31, 32). The lactational amenorrhea method
(LAM) is a natural birth control technique, based
on the fact that breastmilk production causes
amenorrhea but its high contraceptive effectiveness (98%) depends on these following conditions (32, 33): exclusively breastfeeding on demand (day and night) and no longer than four
hours between feedings during the day and the
night; no supplemental feeding; no vaginal bleeding; delivery less than six months before. Controversy exists in the literature regarding hormonal
contraceptive effects on milk production and
evidence from randomized controlled trials about
this topic is still elusive (34).
Until better evidence will be provided, it is prudent to advise women that hormonal contraceptive methods may decrease milk production, esAvailable at:
pecially in the early postpartum period. Hormonal methods should be discouraged in some circumstances: low milk production or history of
lactation failure; history of breast surgery; multiple birth (twins, triplets); preterm birth; maternal-fetal contraindications. Usually, combined
hormonal contraception in lactation is not recommended before 6 months after birth, but
intrauterine devices and oral progestin can be
used starting from the fourth week after delivery
(35). Regarding the latter, the gradual release of
progesterone efficiently suppresses ovulation and
is specifically designed for women who are
breastfeeding in the first year after delivery (36).
About use of barrier methods of contraception
(condom and diaphragm), there are not known
adverse effects on breastfeeding. Every woman
should be offered full information and support
about contraceptive options, so she depends on
her individual situation. This discussion should
address contraceptive efficacy and possible impact on breastfeeding outcomes, within the context of each womans desire to breastfeed, risk of
breastfeeding difficulties and risk of unplanned
Considering the available evidence, breastfeeding
should be supported among all the mothers. Basing on the positive data emerging from the public
awareness campaign in different Countries of the
world, we strongly encourage an accurate training
for all healthcare providers in maternity services
and the adoption of adequate facilities in order to
support breastfeeding. Our public health
mandate, then, is to prevent and reduce excessive
and unnecessary formula feeding through promotion, protection, and support of breastfeeding.
Ethical considerations
Ethical issues (Including plagiarism, informed
consent, misconduct, data fabrication and/or falsification, double publication and/or submission,
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All authors have no proprietary, financial, professional, or other personal interest of any nature in
any product, service, or company. The authors
alone are responsible for the content and writing
of the paper. No specific funding was obtained.
1. Rogers NL, Abdi J, Moore D, Ndiangui S,
Smith LJ, Carlson AJ, Carlson D (2011).
Colostrum avoidance, prelacteal feeding
and late breast-feeding initiation in rural
Northern Ethiopia. Public Health Nutr, 14
(11): 202936.
2. Giusti A (2015). [Breastfeeding: health, prevention, and environment]. Epidemiol Prev,
39 (5-6): 386-91.
3. WHO, UNICEF (2003). Global strategy for
infant and young child feeding.
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