Ppul 56 1419
Ppul 56 1419
Ppul 56 1419
DOI: 10.1002/ppul.25325
Wei Li MD1 | Manli Fu MD, PhD1 | Chao Qian MD1 | Xin Liu MD2 |
Lingkong Zeng MD, PhD2 | Xuehua Peng MD, PhD3 | Yue Hong MD1 |
Huan Zhou MD1 | Li Yuan MD, PhD1
Department of Medical Ultrasonics, Wuhan
Children's Hospital (Wuhan Maternal and Abstract
Child Healthcare Hospital), Tongji Medical
Background: Lung ultrasound (LUS) and lung ultrasound score (LUSS) have been
College, Huazhong University of Science and
Technology, Wuhan, China successfully used to diagnose neonatal pneumonia, assess the lesion distribution,
Department of Neonatology, Wuhan and quantify the aeration loss. The present study design determines the diagnostic
Children's Hospital (Wuhan Maternal and
Child Healthcare Hospital), Tongji Medical
value of LUSS in the semi‐quantitative assessment of pneumonia in coronavirus
College, Huazhong University of Science and disease 2019 (COVID‐19) neonates.
Technology, Wuhan, China
Methods: Eleven COVID‐19 neonates born to mothers with COVID‐19 infection
Department of Radiology, Wuhan Children's
Hospital (Wuhan Maternal and Child and 11 age‐ and gender‐matched controls were retrospectively studied. LUSS was
Healthcare Hospital), Tongji Medical College, acquired by assessing the lesions and aeration loss in 12 lung regions per subject.
Huazhong University of Science and
Technology, Wuhan, China Results: Most of the COVID‐19 newborns presented with mild and atypical symp-
toms, mainly involving respiratory and digestive systems. In the COVID‐19 group, a
total of 132 regions of the lung were examined, 83 regions (62.8%) of which were
Li Yuan, MD, Phd, Department of Medical
Ultrasonics, Wuhan Children's Hospital detected abnormalities by LUS. Compared with controls, COVID‐19 neonates
(Wuhan Maternal and Child Healthcare
showed sparse or confluent B‐lines (83 regions), disappearing A‐lines (83 regions),
Hospital), Tongji Medical College, Huazhong
University of Science and Technology, No. abnormal pleural lines (29 regions), and subpleural consolidations (2 regions). The
100, Hongkong Rd, 430016 Wuhan, China.
LUSS was significantly higher in the COVID‐19 group. In total, 49 regions (37%)
Email: yuanli1206@163.com
were normal, 73 regions (55%) scored 1, and 10 regions (8%) scored 2 by LUSS. All
Funding information the lesions were bilateral, with multiple regions involved. The majority of the lesions
Science and Technology Department of Hubei were located in the bilateral inferior and posterior regions. LUS detected abnorm-
Province, Grant/Award Number:
2019CFC892; Health Commission of Hubei alities in three COVID‐19 neonates with normal radiological performance. The
Province, Grant/Award Number: intra‐observer and inter‐observer reproducibility of LUSS was excellent.
WJ2019Q002; Science Foundation Project of
Hubei Pediatric Union, Grant/Award Number: Conclusions: LUS is a noninvasive, convenient, and sensitive method to assess
HBPASF‐2019‐04 neonatal COVID‐19 pneumonia, and can be used as an alternative to the use of
diagnostic radiography. LUSS provides valuable semi‐quantitative information on
the lesion distribution and severity.
COVID‐19, lung ultrasound, neonate, pneumonia
F I G U R E 1 Neonates were placed in supine position (A), lateral position (B), and prone position (C), and the bilateral lungs were divided into
12 lung regions using the anterior axillary line, posterior axillary line, and nipple line [Color figure can be viewed at wileyonlinelibrary.com]
3.1 | Clinical information In the COVID‐19 group, there were a total of 132 regions
reviewed and 83 regions (62.8%) with detected abnormities. Each
Demographic characteristics and clinical features of the COVID‐19 patient showed lesions in bilateral lungs and multiple regions.
group and control group were described in Table 2. There were no There were maximal 10 regions, average 7.5 regions involved
differences in demographic characteristics between the two groups. among 12 regions per subject. The majority of detectable ultra-
In the COVID‐19 group, two babies born preterm and nine babies sonic findings were sparse or confluent B‐lines in the non-
born at term. Most of the neonates initially experienced atypical and consolidated regions (83 regions, 62.8%), including sparse
mild symptoms, that is, shortness of breath, vomiting, bucking, and (73 regions, 55.3%) B‐lines and confluent B‐lines (10 regions,
lethargy. Two babies showed low‐grade fever, with the others nor- 7.6%); disappearing A‐lines (83 regions, 62.8%); irregular and
mal. There were two asymptomatic newborns. Radiographic findings interrupted pleural lines (29 regions, 21.9%), small subpleural
commonly showed peripheral ground‐glass opacities (GGO) and consolidations (2 regions, 1.5%), and no pleural effusion in pa-
patch shadows, with nonspecific findings in three babies. Most of the tients. Forty‐nine regions (37%) were normal and scored 0, 73
babies showed elevated creatine kinase myocardial band (CK‐MB) regions (55%) scored 1, 10 regions (8%) scored 2, and no regions
(83.5 ± 39.5 U/L, reference range 24 U/L), with normal echocardio- scored 3. The global LUSS was higher in the COVID‐19 group
graphic results. There were five (45%) neonates with SARS‐CoV‐2 by than that in the control group. The regions with higher scores
nasopharyngeal swabs testing positive, and six neonates with SARS‐ were primarily located in bilateral inferior and posterior regions
CoV‐2 IgM positive. The serum IgM and IgG levels in the COVID‐19 (regions L4, L5, L6, R3, R4, R5, and R6) (Table 3 and Figure 3). LUS
group were 29.5 ± 27.7 AU/ml and 73.9 ± 31.7 AU/ml, respectively. detected abnormalities in 3 COVID‐19 neonates with normal
radiographic imaging.
F I G U R E 2 Lung ultrasound scoring system (A–D figures displayed ultrasound images of neonates with COVID‐19 pneumonia. Because
there were no COVID‐19 neonates scored 3, so E and F figures displayed ultrasound images of other neonatal pneumonia for demonstration).
(A) Score 0: normal aeration, normal pleural line (triangle), and A‐lines (arrow). (B) Score 1: moderate loss of aeration and ≥3 well‐spaced B‐lines
(arrow). (C) Score 2: severe loss of aeration and confluent B‐lines (arrow). (D) Score 2: severe loss of aeration, confluent B‐lines (arrow), and
small subpleural consolidation (triangle) with interrupted pleural line. (E) Score 3: lung consolidation (arrow) with air‐bronchograms (triangle)
and pleural effusion (star). (F) Score 3: lung consolidation (arrow) with fluid‐bronchograms (triangle) and pleural effusion (star). COVID‐19,
coronavirus disease 2019 [Color figure can be viewed at wileyonlinelibrary.com]
TABLE 2 Demographic characteristics and clinical features T A B L E 3 Comparison of regional lung ultrasound score between
the COVID‐19 group and the control group
COVID‐19 Control
Variables group (n = 11) group (n = 11) p Lung COVID‐19 Control
region group (n = 11) group (n = 11) P
Males (%) 3 (27.3%) 3 (27.2%) .647
L1 0.18 ± 0.40 0.09 ± 0.30 .557
Age (days) 3.8 ± 5.2 3.5 ± 4.7 .848
L2 0.45 ± 0.50 0.18 ± 0.41 .187
Wt (g) 3050 ± 609 3240 ± 477 .761
L3 0.09 ± 0.30 0 .341
Ht (cm) 50.0 ± 2.0 49.1 ± 2.3 .979
L4 1.00 ± 0.00 0.18 ± 0.41* .000
HR (bpma) 136.4 ± 8.0 136.7 ± 11.0 .356
L5 1.18 ± 0.41 0.27 ± 0.47* .000
R (bpmb) 41.2 ± 7.4 40.3 ± 4.0 .133
L6 1.00 ± 0.63 0.36 ± 0.51* .017
T (°C) 36.5 ± 0.4 36.5 ± 0.5 .687
R1 0.09 ± 0.30 0 .341
RBC (109/L) 3.8 ± 0.6 4.7 ± 1.0* .008
R2 0.36 ± 0.51 0.18 ± 0.41 .362
WBC (1012/L) 9.6 ± 3.7 10.2 ± 2.6 .177
R3 0.64 ± 0.51 0.09 ± 0.30* .007
LYM (109/L) 3.3 ± 1.6 4.5 ± 1.4 .632
R4 0.91 ± 0.30 0.09 ± 0.30* .000
NEU (109/L) 3.6 ± 0.6 5.5 ± 2.5 .849
R5 1.18 ± 0.60 0.27 ± 0.47* .000
hsCPR (mg/L) 1.1 ± 1.0 1.5 ± 0.8 .605
R6 1.27 ± 0.47 0.55 ± 0.52* .003
Note: Variables are expressed as means ± SD.
Abbreviations: HR, heart rate; hsCPR, hypersensitive C‐reactive protein; All regions 8.40 ± 1.70 2.30 ± 1.40* 1.9 × 10−8
Ht, height; LYM, lymphocyte count; NEU, neutrophil count; R, frequency
Note: Variables are expressed as means ± SD.
of respiratory; RBC, red blood cell count; T, temperature; WBC, white
*p < .05 is statistically significant.
blood cell count; Wt, weight.
Beats per minute.
Breaths per minute.
of chest radiograms and significantly decreased the mean radiation
*p < .05 is statistically significant.
dose.14 In fact, LUS exam during the COVID‐19 outbreak should be
Most children recover in the early stage, and very few of them progress as focused as necessary to obtain diagnostic views,10 but should also
into the advanced and critical stages. Hence, subpleural lesions with be adequate to avoid return to the isolation ward. Each exam should
localized inflammatory infiltration, along with no signs of pleural effu- be tailored to the indication and planned in advance.
sion or lymphadenopathy, are easily detected in most pediatric patients In the current study, LUS presented most lung regions involved,
on chest CT.2,9 Meanwhile, compared to adults, the lesions distribution with the lesions being identified as bilateral and diffuse. Lesions dis-
is less extensive and some atypical GGO appear in children. In the tribution suggested that bilateral inferior and posterior regions were
current investigation, chest CT or X‐ray demonstrated similar non- mostly involved, which were similar to previous CT findings5,9 and the
specific or mild changes in neonates. The peripheral distribution of le- lesion distribution on radiographic images in the present study.
sions makes ultrasound detection relatively easier.10 Abnormalities in B‐lines and A‐lines were the most common signs,
LUS cannot create direct imaging of the pulmonary parenchyma, covering all of the infected regions. There may be a few B‐lines in the
but can be used for the diagnosis through utilizing artifacts produced by lung fields of normal neonates at the age of 3–7 days. The abnormal
different pathological changes. The state of aeration of lung par- visibility of B‐lines, usually accompanied with the disappearance of A‐
enchyma is a measure of its “air/fluid ratio.” This ratio determines the lines, represents fluid accumulation at the alveolar level and lobular
characteristics of the image produced by LUS. All LUS findings de- space, decreased air/liquid ratio, and pulmonary function impairment in
scribed in adults are alike in neonates and children, in both normal and varying degrees. Pulmonary edema, which is a typical sign in neonatal
pathological conditions.11 Given the small size of the neonates' chest, a patients detected by LUS, has been previously reported as one of the
linear probe allows the best visualization of the lungs in most cases, major pathological findings in patients with COVID‐19 pneumonia.6
irrespective of the depth of the main target of the examination. A When confluent B‐lines spread throughout the lung field, the ultra-
number of studies have described the benefits of LUS in the diagnosis sound shows a compact B‐line pattern representing severe pulmonary
of transient tachypnea of the newborn, respiratory distress syndrome, edema, which was not observed in our study due to mildly symptomatic
bronchiolitis in neonates. Compared with chest X‐ray, LUS is valuable in neonatal patients.15 LUS shows a high sensitivity and specificity to
detecting pediatric pneumonia with excellent sensitivity and specificity, detect lung edema throughout B‐line appearance, however, it is chal-
especially companied with lung consolidation.12 However, it can reduce lenging to identify the etiology of edema, that is, cardiogenic, ne-
38.8% chest X‐ray usage in the pediatric population. phrogenic, or pneumonia.16 We propose that it could be combined with
Considering children's higher radio‐sensitivity and free radiation other clinical and ultrasonic assessments to give a comprehensive
of this technique, neonates may benefit from LUS. Launching a LUS in judgment of the situation. Subpleural consolidation is another typical
the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) roughly halved the number sign in neonatal COVID‐19. It indicates that the lung tissue becomes
1424 | LI ET AL.
F I G U R E 4 Bland–Altman plot showing the intra‐observer and inter‐observer agreement on LUSS. LUSS, lung ultrasound score [Color figure
can be viewed at wileyonlinelibrary.com]
non‐aerated, resulting in tissue‐like echotexture. If residual gas or liquid in CT image, and the other was undetectable in X‐ray image. In the
in the bronchi is visible, air bronchogram or fluid bronchogram can be meantime, the abnormal LUS findings detected in patients with normal
presented. In our study, we only observed two small subpleural con- radiography made us believe that LUS is a sensitive diagnostic tool of
solidations, one of which was consistent with a small subpleural nodule neonatal COVID‐19 pneumonia. According to previous research
Intra‐observer Inter‐observer
CV (%) R (Pearson's) ICC (95% CI) CV (%) R (Pearson's) ICC (95% CI)
regarding LUS application in the COVID‐19 pediatric population, when CO N FLI CT O F I N TER E S TS
compared with the gold standard of chest CT, chest X‐ray displays false‐ The authors declare that there are no conflict of interests.
negative results for pulmonary involvement in 75%, whereas for LUS it
is 16.7%.10 Furthermore, LUS findings are more sensitive than chest X‐ A U T H OR C O N T R I B U T I ON S
ray in pediatric patients with COVID‐19 infection, especially in the early Wei Li, Manli Fu, and Li Yuan contributed to the study design, analysis,
stage of the disease and in mild cases.17 interpretation of the results, and draft of the manuscript. Chao Qian and
Since LUS detects the artifacts generated by the accumulation of Yue Hong contributed to the ultrasound image reading and scoring.
fluid, we could rank the artifacts according to the air/liquid ratio and Lingkong Zeng, Huan Zhou, and Xin Liu contributed to the data collec-
create a score reflecting lung aeration. LUSS, a three‐stage classifi- tion, analysis, and interpretation of the results. Xuehua Peng contributed
cation system, could comprehensively and semi‐quantitatively reflect to the radiographic reading and interpretation of the results. All authors
the lung aeration function and disease severity. LUSS is well corre- critically revised the manuscript and approved the final version.
lated with indices of oxygenation in both term and preterm neo-
nates,18 guiding surfactant therapy and weaning ventilator DATA A VAILABILITY STA TEMENT
support. 19
LUSS could assess global and regional lung aeration, and The data that support the findings of this study titled “Quantitative
well correlated with CT quantitative analysis indices20 in ARDS. In assessment of COVID‐19 pneumonia in neonates using lung ultra-
the present study, the global LUSS was obviously higher in the sound score” are available from the corresponding author upon
COVID‐19 group, in consistent with patients' symptoms. Patients reasonable request.
with two lowest scores were asymptomatic. Two patients, in whom
regions scored 2 were more than three regions, presented with ob- OR C ID
vious shortness of breath and digestive symptoms, along with posi- Huan Zhou http://orcid.org/0000-0003-1299-5263
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