Nuclear Radiological Emergencies. Medical-Management - Final
Nuclear Radiological Emergencies. Medical-Management - Final
Nuclear Radiological Emergencies. Medical-Management - Final
Manual on Medical Management of
Nuclear and Radiological Emergencies
A publication of:
National Disaster Management Authority
Government of India
NDMA Bhawan
A-1, Safdarjung Enclave
New Delhi - 110029
There are a number of Nuclear and Radiological facilities operating in the country. These
nuclear and radiological facilities are designed, built and operated with utmost care and safety.
Possibilities of emergency situations arising out of operations of these facilities leading to
radiation exposure to public are very remote but cannot be entirely ruled out. Similarly, members
of the public may receive high radiation doses as a result of handling or being in the vicinity
of lost, stolen or orphan radiation sources. Moreover, the general public and also emergency
workers could be exposed to radiation or may get contaminated as a consequence of malicious
acts involving radioactive material. Without adequate awareness, training and preparedness of
the medical community for such radiation emergencies, medical management of the situation
could be ineffective.
Radiological accidents and disasters can have a prolonged impact on public health.
Hospitals should, therefore, be prepared to respond to radiation emergencies, as determined by
risk assessment, based on local and regional radioactive hazards, threats and vulnerabilities.
Approach to medical management of multiple combined radiation injury victims requires
attention to casualty triage, decontamination and prevention of secondary contamination,
radiation safety of healthcare personnel, trauma care system, availability of medical staff trained
in the treatment of radiation-related injuries and also availability of pharmaco-therapeutic
This manual aims to serve as a practical resource guide for management of a nuclear or
radiological emergency. It also explains the roles and responsibilities of the members of the
emergency medical response organization which includes the Response Initiation Team, the
Emergency Medical Personnel on scene and the Hospital Radiological Response Team (HRRT).
The confidence of the members of the public is of paramount importance while managing
such emergency situations. It is needless to say that the medical fraternity has an edge over
others in building this confidence. It is necessary that the members of the public affected or
likely to be affected, by the radiological emergencies are made aware of not only the effects
of the radiation, but also of the fact that the fear arising out of ignorance is far greater than that
the effects of the radiation. This information may be given by the medics and paramedics of the
state, on a regular basis, during their door-to-door visits for various governmental programs viz.
immunization, family planning, hygiene drives etc.
Since the radiological emergencies due to ‘orphan radioactive sources’ leading to cases
of inadvertent exposure to members of public is considered more likely and is a concern
internationally, the preparedness by the medical community, though addressed for dealing
with nuclear emergencies through this manual, will also help in handling such issues and in
strengthening national level preparedness. Incidents similar to the Mayapuri, (New Delhi),
in the year 2011 and many radiological incidents reported internationally, have led to
severe radiation injuries and casualties to the public, due to lack of timely medical support.
This document includes information on Acute Radiation Syndrome (ARS), and its medical
management, internal decontamination, Radiation Burns, Bio-dosimetry etc. Some of these
may not be feasible at the level of Primary Health Centre (PHC) or Community Health Centre
(CHC) and may need specialised designated hospitals/facilities.
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National Disaster Management Authority
Hkkjr ljdkj
Government of India
Shri Kamal Kishore Dr. D.N. Sharma Lt. Gen. N.C. Marwah (Retd.)
Member, NDMA Member, NDMA Member, NDMA
NDMA Manual on Medical Management of Nuclear and Radiological Emergencies
This is a document intended for education and practical use while responding to
radiation emergency situations. The references used in preparing the document
are enlisted at the end. The publishers NDMA do not intend to derive any
commercial benefits whatsoever and, hence, all re-productions and references
used are done in good faith and the teams do not feel the necessity for any
Written Permission from the authors and copyright owners of the original
articles. However, due credit to the original articles are rendered wherever it is
felt necessary even within the text, in addition to being enlisted in bibliographical
As this in an educative material, the trade names of any medicines used in this
document are for purpose of easy reference and do not, in any way, advocate or
promote the use of the same brand of medicines.
1 Introduction 11
2 Type of Events, Effects of Radiation and Types of Exposure 13
3 Organization and Structure with Role & Responsibilities 15
4 Resources and Infrastructure 19
5 Medical Management – Principles and Plan 23
6 External Decontamination 29
7 Internal Contamination – Principles of Uptake and Clearance 37
8 Internal Decontamination 39
9 Follow up of Internally Decontaminated Patients 43
10 Radiation Burns 45
11 Admission 49
12 Writing Notes 51
13 Acute Radiation Syndrome (ARS) 53
14 Bio-Dosimetry in ARS 55
15 Medical Management of ARS 57
16 Post Disaster Counseling 63
17 Maintenance and Records 65
18 Appendix I General Instructions for Awareness 67
19 Appendix II Table of Half Lives 72
20 References 73
W.S. 1 Worksheet for Issue of Thermo Luminescence Dosimetry (TLD) 75
W.S. 2 Worksheet for TLD Assessment Report 76
W.S. 3 Worksheet for Decontamination / Treatment Case Sheet 77
Worksheet for Recording the movement of Radio-Active Waste
W.S. 4 94
W.S. 5 Worksheet for Report on Status of Radio-Active Waste Material 95
NDMA Manual on Medical Management of Nuclear and Radiological Emergencies
Acknowledgement 132
1 Introduction
Medical management of radiological emergencies involves the medical fraternity and the
emergency response organization. Although the cause of emergencies arising from Radiation
and Nuclear facilities may be different, the management of exposure cases may be similar.
The most important consideration in the medical evaluation and preparedness for response
of a radiation event is the relative magnitude of the situation i.e. quantum of exposure,
number of persons involved and the resources needed to address the emergency. In a
radiation emergency, victims may have been harmed by one or more of the following causes:
external exposure (localized, partial and whole body), contamination (external/internal) and
conventional trauma. The same general principles of medical care apply at the scene of the
emergency as at hospital, but the details and extent of medical care differ.
Patients contaminated by radioactive material generally pose no danger to healthcare personnel,
if adequate precautions are taken. However, contaminated excreta or vomit can spread
contamination to equipment, environment and attending staff. Using appropriate procedures
could, therefore, prevent spreading of contamination. Hence, medical professionals must be
prepared to provide prompt treatment for conventional trauma complicated by exposure to
ionizing radiation or radioactive contamination. Two principles are of paramount importance
in the medical management of the contaminated patient: early estimation of the magnitude
of the radiation exposure and identification of the radioisotope(s) in question. These principles
strongly influence subsequent treatment decisions.
Following a Radiological Mass Casualty Incident (RMCI), a surge of patients is expected
and hospitals will need to rapidly reorganize and systematically manage their resources for
patients’ care. Recognised documents on the subject describe a concept of surge capacity
which is known as the “3 S System” — the 3 “S” standing for “Staff”, “Stuff” and “Structure”.
By considering these key components when preparing for disaster, health care facilitators can
respond better during such exigencies.
This manual is intended to act as operational guidance to doctors and other healthcare
professionals for the proper medical management of persons affected or suspected to be
exposed in a nuclear or radiological emergency.
NDMA Manual on Medical Management of Nuclear and Radiological Emergencies
2 Types of Events, Effects of
Radiation and Types of Exposure
2.1 Types of events
The nuclear and radiation facilities operating in the country are designed, built and
operated with utmost care and safety. Possibilities of emergency situations arising out
of operations of these facilities involving high radiation exposure to public are very
remote, but cannot be entirely ruled out. Similarly, members of the public may receive
high radiation doses as a result of handling, or occupancy in the vicinity, of lost or stolen
radiation sources. Moreover, the general public and also emergency workers could get
exposed to radiation or be contaminated as a consequence of malicious acts involving
radioactive material.
NDMA Manual on Medical Management of Nuclear and Radiological Emergencies
individual also determine the extent and severity of radiation effects. Infants and
children are more sensitive to effects of radiation, particularly due to the active
process of division of cells and development of organs occuring in early childhood.
Radiation effects depend upon large no of factors and amount of dose of radiation.
The details are discussed in ANNEX-1. The following table gives exposure ranges
for different effects.
Table 1: Different Levels of Radiation Exposure and their Significance:
Exposure Significance
1-2 mSv / year Background Radiation at sea level outdoors
0.5 – 5 mSv Most Diagnostic Radiological Examinations
1 mSv / year Limit for Non-Occupational Exposure
20 mSv / year Limit for Occupational Exposure - Whole Body
150 mSv / year Exposure Limit for Eye Lens [Under Review]
500 mSv / year Limit for exposure of skin and extremities
10 mGy (in utero) 2 childhood cancers in 10,000 pregnancies
Detectable increase in chromosomal aberrations.
100 mGy whole body
No detectable clinical injury
100 – 200 mGy (in utero) Malformations and 1st trimester abortions
1 Gy acute whole body Threshold for Radiation sickness in 5-10%
Doubling dose
1 Gy Reproductive System
Temporary Sterility in Males
Threshold for Epilation, Cataract [Under Review], Radiation
2-3 Gy acute whole body sickness for most, Transient Erythema and Leukopenia
Death 20-30%
LD 50/60 untreated.
3-5 Gy acute whole body
Severe Leucopenia, Purpura, Hemorrhage, Epilation, Infection
Permanent Sterility both the genders,
6 Gy Fixed Erythema
50% Death with best Rx
> 10 Gy - Skin Dry Desquamation
> 20 Gy - Skin Wet Desquamation
40-60 Gy Total Radiation dose used in Fractional Radiotherapy of Cancer
Organization and Structure with
3 Roles and Responsibilities
3.1 Pre-Hospital Organogram:
It is imperative to have defined organizational levels (Organogram) for medical response
in emergencies. There has to be one organizational level for tackling the pre-hospital
response and another for managing the hospital response.
i Medical Response Initiator: As the name suggests, is the person who initiates the
emergency response after notification of a real or suspected radiation emergency.
In case of off-site emergency arising from a Nuclear Power Plant [NPP], it will be
the District Chief Medical Officer [CMO] on orders from the District Magistrate /
NDMA Manual on Medical Management of Nuclear and Radiological Emergencies
Organization and Structure with Roles and Responsibilities
i Emergency Medical Manager: At the hospital level, the Emergency Medical Manager
is In-Charge of the concerned medical facility. S/he could be the Medical Officer
in-charge of PHC / CHC, or the Medical Superintendent of the District Hospital or
the tertiary care hospital. Upon instruction from the Chief Medical Officer of the
district, the Emergency Medical Manager of the concerned facility will prepare the
health center / hospital in complete readiness, for managing the patient. He/ She
will ensure that all the teams under him/her will set the ball rolling.
ii Emergency Response Department Team: This is normally the Casualty Team, the
Blood Bank and the Operation Theatre Teams. These Teams will be responsible for
taking care and managing cases where medical emergencies override radiological
emergencies. This team, upon receiving instructions from the Emergency Medical
Manager, shall keep all the paraphernalia in the Casualty, Blood Bank and Operation
Theatre in a complete state of readiness.
iii Specialist Team: This will comprise of doctors and para-medics. This team will
have two components – (a) Decontamination / Decorporation Team which will
be responsible for the decontamination and decorporation of radionuclides, both
external and internal; and (b) Specialist team which will comprise of doctors from
other specialties viz. Surgeon, Physician, Anesthetist, Ophthalmologist, Gynecologist,
Pediatrician etc. for managing the co-morbid conditions of respective faculties. They
will be assisted by the para-medics.
NDMA Manual on Medical Management of Nuclear and Radiological Emergencies
4 Resources and Infrastructure
4.1 Personnel Monitoring Devices and Protective Clothing:
Personnel monitoring devices are of various types, but the most useful in field purposes
would be the Thermo-Luminescence Dosimeter [TLD]. This has to be encased in a plastic
apron. Details of its usage are elaborated in Section-5
Protective clothing have also been detailed layer wise in Section-5.
NDMA Manual on Medical Management of Nuclear and Radiological Emergencies
be refresher training for all the staff every three years. Mock-patients should be
handled during off-site emergency exercises. There should be a Physician and
a Surgeon posted at all PHCs / CHCs. In addition, One Hematologist at District
Hospitals and Civil Hospitals (available on call from tertiary care centers as
needed) and mandatory in Medical colleges.
iv Investigation Facilities:
a All PHCs/ CHCs should have laboratory facility for complete blood count
including platelet count, complete biochemistry investigations, blood
grouping, Rh typing, urine and stool examination for routine and microscopic,
urine-test for pregnancy and semen analysis.
b All District and Civil Hospitals should have the following facilities over and
above available at the PHC/CHC: Blood Bank facility with component facility,
burns ward, I.C.U. with ventilators, monitors and ABG analysis.
c There should be bone marrow transplant facility with proper Isolation wards
one each in 5 regions of the country i.e north, south, east, west and central
d Every district/ a cluster of districts should have an accredited laboratory for
bio-dosimetry and bio-assay which can reverse assess the blood / urine /
e Every district / a cluster of districts should have a BARC Accredited TLD
reading laboratory
f Every district or a cluster of districts should develop a radiological waste
disposal facility for solid and liquid wastes, as per national regulatory
Resources and Infrastructure
NDMA Manual on Medical Management of Nuclear and Radiological Emergencies
5 Medical Management
Principle and Plan
5.1 General Principles and Protective Clothing
Table 2: General Principles and Protective Clothing
i Life saving measures will take precedence and preference over
decontamination procedures.
ii Principles of Triage should be followed
iii Stabilize the patients’ vital parameters first
iv Treat any acute exacerbations / exaggerations of any chronic illness and their
complications which you feel need attention on priority basis
v Treat Injuries
vi External Decontamination procedures to be carried out
vii Internal Decontamination procedures to be carried out. This will take
precedence over external decontamination if contamination is suspected
with Iodine or confirmed for any other radionuclide.
viii Any medical/paramedical personnel who are going to handle the patients
should wear protective clothing.
ix Remove all ornaments, wrist watches or any other artifacts from the upper
limbs, elbow downwards and from the foot
x Remove footwear and keep them aside, wear the canvas shoes / slippers
provided in the PHC/CHC. This is in your interest. If your own shoes get
contaminated, you may have to part with them
xi Wear shoe covers.
xii Wear a cap to cover your head completely
xiii Wear a face mask
xiv Wear a plastic apron over it
xv Wear a surgical gown over it
xvi Wear surgical / latex gloves / polypropylene. Pull the cuffs of the gloves up
in order to tuck into the sleeves of the gown
xvii Pin the Thermo-Luminescence Dosimeter [TLD] on your chest, inside the
plastic apron
xviii Please enter your name and TLD number in the TLD Register along with
other details as specified in Worksheet [W.S. 1]
xix If the decontamination process continues for another day, the same TLD is to
be used. This will maintain the continuity of monitoring.
xx If on the next day a new member joins the team s/he should use a new TLD
xxi Once all the decontamination procedures are over and the activities are
termed as “Closed” the TLDs should be sent to the TLD reading laboratories
which are BARC accredited.
NDMA Manual on Medical Management of Nuclear and Radiological Emergencies
xxii Designated TLD reading laboratory will determine the dose levels of each
individual TLD and record the same assigned to the respective individual.
The lab I/c will fill in Worksheet 2 [WS 2] and send it back to the original
health centre. A copy of this shall also be sent to O/o CMO of the district.
xxiii CMO will maintain the data base of such records and will also forward a copy
of the same to the D.M. of the District.
Medical Management Principle and Plan
NDMA Manual on Medical Management of Nuclear and Radiological Emergencies
Stabilise No
Admit to
Controlled Area Standard No Possible External
Treatment Irradiation/Internal
Remove Clothing
Assess and Treat Stabilize
Medical problems Patient
Identify Contamination
Survey and Document
Baseline CBC, Amylase,
Collect Samples for Collect 24 hr Urine,
Radiological Analysis Facilitate Excretion of
C. Identify Decontamination Priority
Yes Erythema/ No
Wounds Orifices Intact Skin
Medical Management Principle and Plan
NDMA Manual on Medical Management of Nuclear and Radiological Emergencies
6 External Decontamination
6.1. Generally, removing the suspected contaminated clothing and a proper bath gives
as much as 90% successful external decontamination. Only patients with persistent
contamination or stubborn contamination will normally be sent to the treatment area of
PHC / CHC etc.
6.2 Decontamination procedure – both external and internal, will be done only after
confirmation of respective contamination, the area/ body part affected, and the
radionuclide involved by the radiation safety expert staff monitoring the contamination.
NDMA Manual on Medical Management of Nuclear and Radiological Emergencies
6.4.7 If the patient desires to pass urine, give the individual a 2.5 or 3.0 liter plastic
container with a proper lid. Ask him to collect 24 hours urine, thereafter, in the
same container. This may be needed for Bio-assay. Secure the lid properly and
label it before handing over to concerned authorities.
6.4.8 Similarly, give the individual a large mouthed plastic container that fits into the
aluminum container of the bed-side commode. This is to collect the stool sample.
Seal the lid properly and label it. This also may be needed for bio-assay. Hand
over the container to concerned authorities.
6.4.9 If the monitoring staff finds high contamination levels entrapped in the hair, then
shave the concerned area with razor. Use Shaving foam / gel to minimize the
trauma to the skin. Shaving may be done by the concerned individual on accessible
areas, or he may be assisted in doing it. N.B: Care should be taken while shaving
to prevent any cuts or injuries, which may convert the external contamination to
internal contamination.
6.4.10 Collect the shaved hair in small polythene bag. Label the bag properly. This may
be required by monitoring staff for purpose of dosimetry. If not, then they may be
discarded in solid waste collection bags.
6.4.11 Discard the razor and the blade in the solid waste collection bag. Note that shaving
for each patient should be done with a separate razor and the blade.
6.4.12 Give the patient a thorough bath in the bathroom / or designated make-shift bath
area. Patient is to be provided with a soap and a soft brush or a loofah.
6.4.13 After the thorough bath, give a towel for drying.
6.4.14 After proper drying, give a set of new boiler suit / to wear.
6.4.15 Keep the brush and the loofah separately, in a small polythene pouch. These
should also be sent for disposal as solid waste.
6.4.16 If there is evidence of contamination entering through the body orifices, take the
swabs from the respective orifices. Use sterile swab sticks for this. Collect these
swabs in sterile test tubes. Collect them in separate test tubes if multiple orifices
are involved. Label each test tube (for labels see section 4.3). These test tubes
may be collected by the dosimetry monitoring staff if required for dosimetry.
If monitoring staff does not need them, they can be discarded in solid waste
collection bags.
6.4.17 Similarly take a swab from open wounds and follow the same procedure as
detailed in the preceding paragraph.
6.4.18 Position the patient either on a stool, chair, stretcher or examination table as per
body areas requiring decontamination. Decontamination is a repetitive procedure
External Decontamination
and hence it is essential that both – the patient and the doctor – should be in a
comfortable posture to avoid fatigue.
6.5.2 Simplest measures which are less harmful to the skin should be used first.
6.5.3 Decontamination should be done from periphery to the center. Remember this is
just the opposite of Surgical scrubbing which is carried out from the center to the
6.5.4 Areas with abrasions or wounds will take priority over other areas. This is
because the absorption of radionuclide is faster from an open wound than the
intact skin. All wounds should be considered as “Contaminated” unless proven
6.5.5 Decontamination of orifices and peri-orifices should then be done with paper
napkin i.e. dry wiping, to be followed by wet wiping.
6.5.6 Coming to decontamination of Hot Spots, wash with soap and water. Do it for 3-5
minutes. The area is then dried and monitored. Continue doing the same in spells
of 3-5 min each until there is no further appreciable drop in successive reading
6.5.7 Next, clean with 1% cetrimide solution in the same manner. For the hair, 4 %
cetrimide shampoo can be used.
6.5.8 Next use 5 % sodium hypochlorite solution (household bleach) for resistant
contamination. For the face, the same solution should be used in 1:5 dilution
(with water?). Remember this is further dilution of the 5 % solution.
6.5.10 Skin pigmentation or stains of KMnO4 if any, are treated with 10% solution of
Sodium bi-sulphite. Care should be taken that this solution is not allowed to
remain in contact for more than 2 minutes. This however should not be used on
face and perineal region.
6.5.11 These procedures should be continued, till they fail to yield substantial reduction
in levels of contamination.
NDMA Manual on Medical Management of Nuclear and Radiological Emergencies
External Decontamination
a pH
b solubility of the radionuclide
c tissue reactivity
d particle size
6.10 Abrasions
6.10.1 For Abrasions, clean with soap and water. If the process is painful, apply local
application of 4% Xylocaine. The residual contamination if any would come out
with the scab which should be monitored for the activity.
6.11 Lacerations
6.11.1 In lacerations, the contamination may be along the irregular margins or edges.
It may also be in deeper planes and make detection little difficult. At times
surgical excision of wounds may be necessary.
6.12 Wounds
6.12.1 The contaminated wound should be isolated from a clean skin by plastic
6.12.2 Obtain wound biopsy, remove wound exudates, blood etc. and collect them in
a sterile container or vials for evaluation and analysis
6.12.3 Wound is then irrigated, cleaned and debrided as per normal surgical procedures.
6.12.4 If necessary, trim the wound edges to remove contaminant. This yields significant
reductions in contamination levels.
6.12.5 If the wounds are severe in nature and if you feel that attempts to further
decontaminate them would further aggravate the injury, then the wound may
be first closed and decontamination attempted later.
6.12.6 For wounds contaminated with plutonium and americium, irrigate the wound
with 25%DTPA solution. Excision of wounds may be required after the chelation
is over.
6.12.7 For wounds contaminated with uranium, irrigate the wound with soda-bicarb
6.12.8 For wounds contaminated with strontium or radium, sprinkle the wound with
the crystals of potassium rhodizonate. This will insolubilize the strontium and it
can be flushed out of the wound by irrigating it with water. Always remember
that once a radioactive contaminant is rendered insoluble, its absorption and
systemic distribution gets delayed or discontinued. For best results, begin
treatment in first 15 minutes.
6.12.9 For wounds contaminated with iodine, use Lugol’s solution to irrigate the
NDMA Manual on Medical Management of Nuclear and Radiological Emergencies
wound. Carry out irrigation with Lugol’s and then with copious amounts of
water. Repeat if necessary.
6.12.10 For wounds contaminated with cobalt, use 25 % DTPA solution to irrigate the
wounds. Later flush with water.
6.12.11 For wounds contaminated with tritium, copious irrigation with water is
necessary. Continue irrigation until satisfactory reductions in levels are noted.
6.12.12 For wounds contaminated with phosphorous, use 5% acetic acid solution (pH 4
to 5) or simply vinegar to irrigate adequately. Then rinse with water.
6.12.13 Close the wound after decontamination / termination of procedure. Suture the
wound if necessary. Alternatively, dress the wound with a proper anti-septic
6.12.14. In certain cases, at a later stage, split skin removal or a full thickness skin removal
may become necessary along with a suitable skin graft. While considering
this, preservation of function and cosmetic appearance should be taken into
account. Before subjecting to such a surgical procedure, the monitoring staff
should always be consulted to weigh the pros and cons.
External Decontamination
sterile anti-septic dressing. Attempt decontamination the next day or when the
wound shows signs of proper recovery.
6.13.3 Record the readings of contamination monitoring at the termination time, and
make a note of it. The difference of reading between the starting and termination
time will give us the level of decontamination achieved.
6.13.4 On the next sitting for decontamination, again obtain the starting contamination
reading. It may so happen that the starting reading at the second sitting may be
higher than the termination reading of the first sitting. Do not get worried about
this. It is because the lower layers of stratum corneum possess a sponge-like
capacity to fill and empty. Hence, the contamination trapped there at the end
of day one, may resurface at the start of day two, thus giving a higher reading.
This is more common with alpha emitters.
At times certain hot particles, beta / gamma emitters, which are insoluble in
water like Cobalt 60Co, have a tendency to move from one surface to another
due to their electrostatic charges. This also explains the change in values for
two different sittings.
NDMA Manual on Medical Management of Nuclear and Radiological Emergencies
7 Internal Contamination –
Priciples of Uptake and Clearance
7.1 Before we proceed on to the internal decontamination, a brief account of Internal
contamination will help us understand the decontamination procedures better.
7.2 It occurs due to accidental intake of radioisotope.
7.3 Radioisotope can enter the body by any of the following routes
(a) Inhalation, (b) Ingestion, (c) Injection, (d)Absorption through intact / broken skin and
7.4 The hazards and their impact will depend upon the following:
a Amount of activity
b Site of deposition
c Type and energy of radiation emitted
d Sensitivity of specific tissues to penetration
e Effective half life
f Physico-Chemical nature of the contaminant
7.5 Effective Half Life is calculated by the formula
* Radioactive Half Life: the time required for a quantity of a radioisotope to decay by
half. e.g.: The radioactive half life of I131 is Eight days, hence if a sample of I131 has 10
m Ci of activity on January 1st, then Eight days later, i.e. on January 9th, its activity will
be 5 mCi.
≠ Biological Half Life: the time required for one half amount of the substance, such
as a radionuclide, to be expelled from the body by natural metabolic processes, not
counting the radioactive decay, once it has been taken in through inhalation, ingestion
or absorption.
7.6 Internal contamination includes the following successive stages
NDMA Manual on Medical Management of Nuclear and Radiological Emergencies
a Deposition along the route of Entry – for e.g. respiratory tract, G.I. tract, Skin, Mucosa
b Translocation – this is the movement of radionuclide from the site of entry into the
blood stream or Lymph
c Retention – in the Target Organ or Tissues
d Clearance or Excretion – Occurs directly by the filtration of radionuclide carrying
blood by the Kidneys and indirectly by re-circulation of blood from the target organ
getting re-filtered by the Kidneys.
7.7 Having understood the mechanism of internal contamination, we can now proceed to
decontamination procedures.
8 Internal Decontamination
8.1 General treatment Plan
8.1.1 General treatment plan of internal decontamination will depend on the
contamination route.
8.1.2 Contamination should be dealt with at the point of entry, particularly for those
elements for which there is no effective therapy available. Hence, fixation or blocking
of the radionuclide at the site of entry should be attempted so that blood uptake
does not occur
8.1.3 Next, trapping it in blood during translocation and re-routing it towards its natural
excretion should be attempted. This is important because the deposition in target
organs starts as soon as the radionuclide circulates in the blood. Effectiveness of
this treatment decreases with time, as more and more deposition will take place
with passage of time.
8.1.4 The above two plans are the best methods, none the less, a third step of prevention
of deposition in target organs can be most valuable at times, as in the case of 131I
where, administering stable Potassium Iodide blocks the Thyroid and prevents the
uptake of 131I.
NDMA Manual on Medical Management of Nuclear and Radiological Emergencies
Internal Decontamination
NDMA Manual on Medical Management of Nuclear and Radiological Emergencies
Follow Up of Internally
9 Decontaminated Patients
9.1 For patients who were shown to have internal contamination levels below the ALI, no
medical follow-up is required as there is no evidence of adverse effects. They need
reassurance, possibly repeated reassurance, but no further studies or work-up.
9.2 Those who received decorporation drugs should have repeat measurements to determine
whether or not treatment needs to be continued. These measurements may also help to
establish biological half-life or half-lives, which could later be used in making dosimetry
9.3 Patients who received contamination levels above the ALI, and those to whom
decorporation drugs were administered, need fairly accurate measurements of internal
radioactivity levels and then calculated dosimetry estimates.
9.4 Health Physicist / Designated Monitoring staff will co-ordinate for these dosimetry.
9.5 In the event of some patients absorbing high doses of radiation, high enough to manifest
the acute radiation syndrome, the patient should be referred to a Hematologist-
Oncologist, as this is the specialty most capable of treating the acute bone marrow
NDMA Manual on Medical Management of Nuclear and Radiological Emergencies
10 Radiation Burns
10.1 The most common form of radiation burn is Sun Burn, caused due to over exposure to
UV radiation which is a non-ionizing radiation.
10.2 However, the term “Radiation burn” used in this chapter is the damage to skin or other
biological tissues caused by exposure to ionizing radiation.
10.3 Caused mainly due to localized over exposure to ionizing radiation, e.g. in Industrial
Radiography, inadvertent manual handling of Radioactive source or in cases of
10.4 Radiation burns evolve slowly over weeks to months. Hence detailed history of event
and physical dosimetry may help in their management.
10.5 Effects of Ionizing Radiation on Skin:
10.5.1 Alpha particles do not penetrate the horny outer layer of skin, i.e. the epidermis.
The main problem associated with the alpha emitters is the possibility of transfer
into the body by absorption through intact or broken skin, inhalation or ingestion
while eating with contaminated hands.
10.5.2 Beta particles penetrate the epidermis and cause intense irradiation of tissues
and structures beneath the epidermis and therefore are a major health hazard.
10.5.3 Electro-magnetic radiation [X-Rays and Gamma rays] can cause damage, but
because of their greater penetration they deposit less energy locally than beta
rays. Low energy rays can cause more biological damage superficially than
gamma rays.
10.6 Symptoms: Symptoms usually are
i Sensation of warmth
ii Onset of pains and paresthesia, pain could be intense and continuous
iii Disturbances to tactile and heat sensitivity
10.7 Signs: Following an acutely delivered single dose for 3 cm diameter fields, the threshold
doses are in the following ranges:
i Erythema (Transient) : Between 2 and 3 Gy
ii Fixed Erythema : 6 Gy
NDMA Manual on Medical Management of Nuclear and Radiological Emergencies
Radiation Burns
NDMA Manual on Medical Management of Nuclear and Radiological Emergencies
iii Dry, fragile and brittle skin which may show areas of hypopigmentation /
iv Squamous or Basal cell carcinoma of skin,
v Cataract – if there is localized exposure to face or eyes
vi Sterility – if there is localized exposure to Gonads.
11 Admission
11.1 Admission to higher center/s will depend on the following factors:
a General condition of the patient
b Dose more than 1Gy
c Underlying chronic conditions exaggerated by the event directly or indirectly due to
d Level of radioactive contamination left behind on / in the body at the end of
decontamination procedures. This will be viewed as “Risk to self” and as “Risk to
e Concomitant injuries and infections needing Isolation.
f Social conditions like – presence of infants or pregnant lady at home.
11.2 Decision for admission will be jointly taken by doctors and health physicists/monitoring
11.3 Once the admission is advised, the patient will be referred to center with admission
facilities. Admission paper in that hospital will be made as routinely done for any indoor
11.4 Patient will be kept in isolation.
11.5 Patient will be provided with hospital linen including the patient’s clothing. Kindly
note that the linen will be changed daily and for internally contaminated patients, the
soiled linen will be collected in separate yellow polythene bags. These will be sent to
concerned authorities for proper decontamination and subsequent cleaning.
11.6 One nurse shall be deputed in around-the-clock shift for attending to the admitted
11.7 These nurses will practice “barrier nursing techniques” while attending to the patient(s).
11.8 The adjoining ward shall be the supply station for these patients’ requirements.
11.9 The movement of equipment / consumables into this isolation ward shall be uni-
directional. No material brought into this isolation ward will go back to general use,
unless the material is properly decontaminated and certified to be contamination-free
by the radiation monitoring staff. If any material continues to remain contaminated, it
shall be disposed, as radioactive contaminated solid waste.
NDMA Manual on Medical Management of Nuclear and Radiological Emergencies
11.10 All entries in the admission papers should be made with proper date and time. All
instructions should be carried out ad-verbatim.
11.11 No visitors should be allowed inside the isolation area. This also includes the hospital
staff that is not on duty in the isolation ward at a given point in time.
11.12 The ward personnel should also be told to wear protective clothing while attending to
the requirements in the isolation ward. They should be properly instructed to preserve
the urine and stool samples for investigations.
11.13 Treatment of admitted patient will include:
a Treatment for any specific co-morbid medical conditions
b Decontamination treatment,
c Any specific / specialized treatment – like transfusion, grafting etc.
d Medicines for any chronic illness, if the patient is taking them,
e Suitable antibiotics and supportive treatment
f Antacids, Laxatives as needed
g Vitamins and Anti-oxidants
h Pain killers and Anxiolytics
i Any others as per requirement.
11.14 Food provided to the patient should be –
a Fresh and nutritious
b Fully cooked. No uncooked food like salads, raita, fruits etc. should be given
c Food specifications of his / her underlying illness, viz. Salt restricted, Diabetic, etc.
should be borne in mind
d Water should be properly filtered and boiled for at least 20 minutes to kill all the
spores in it. It should be preserved in proper container and given to patient as needed.
Authenticated sterile sealed Mineral water may be used as a safe alternative.
11.15 Based on the patient(s)’condition and the decontamination success, s/he may be either
referred to higher center for further treatment, or may be discharged from the ward.
11.16 All papers such as case papers, investigation reports, radiological films (if any) etc. will
be handed over to the state health authorities for proper filing.
11.17 Discharge papers – elaborately written - will be handed over to the patient. One copy
of the same will be retained by the state health authorities and one copy will be sent to
the Medical Superintendent / Certifying Surgeon of the nearest NPP Hospital.
12 Writing Notes
12.1 While writing notes make detailed entry of areas and readings (level) of contamination
before starting the decontamination procedure. Mark the body areas on the figure on
the card – both on anterior and posterior surfaces.
12.2 Enter the notes regarding general examination, systemic examination, injuries if any.
12.3 Make a note of any past history and past medications.
12.4 Make a note of any drug allergies.
12.5 Write down step wise, each procedure carried out.
12.6 Make an entry of all the specimens collected and sent for bio-assay.
12.7 Make an entry of all investigations ordered.
12.8 Make entries of progressive developments.
12.9 Keep the spouse of the patient informed. This helps in reducing undesired anxiety.
12.10 At the end of each sitting of decontamination procedure, make detailed entry of
areas and readings (level) of contamination before starting and at the end of the
decontamination procedure. Mark the body areas on the figure on the card – both on
anterior and posterior surfaces.
12.11 Keep all the investigation reports intact. Make a note of the reports in daily case sheet.
Draw trends for investigation. It gives a good estimate of the prognosis.
12.12 All papers of the decontamination procedures and admission papers, discharge
summary, investigations and follow up records should be neatly filed separately for
each patient and submitted to the Office of Chief Medical Officer of the District.
12.13 All patients requiring follow up should be properly instructed regarding the time, the
date and the place of follow-up. The follow-up should be done at the place of last
decontamination / decorporation.
12.14 O/o the Chief Medical Officer of the district will retain these papers in hard copies and
soft copies – scanned and converted into PDF files, until the death of the person / 30
years beyond the treatment completion / Age of 90 years of the person, whichever is
12.15 Please fill in all the Work sheets given at the end of this document meticulously. WS 3
deals with treatment of the patient from initial reporting to discharge.
NDMA Manual on Medical Management of Nuclear and Radiological Emergencies
13 Acute Radiation Syndrome
13.1 The acute radiation syndrome occurs after whole-body or significant partial-body
irradiation of greater than 1 Gy delivered at a relatively high-dose rate. The most
replicative cells are the most sensitive to the acute effects of radiation, particularly,
lympho-hematopoietic elements and intestinal crypt cells. The inherent sensitivity of
these cells results in a constellation of clinical syndromes that predominate within a
predictable range of doses of whole-body or significant partial-body exposure.
13.2 Clinical components of the acute radiation syndrome include the hematopoietic,
gastrointestinal and neurovascular syndromes. The time course and severity of clinical
signs and symptoms for the component syndromes at different dose ranges have been
elaborated in Section. Each syndrome can be divided into 4 phases: prodromal, latent,
manifest illness and recovery or death.
13.3 The following diagram is a Reference from: Annals of Internal Medicine. CLINICAL
GUIDELINES. Medical management of the Acute Radiation Syndrome: Recommendations
of the Strategic National Stockpile Radiation Working Group. Jamie K. Waselenko et al;
15 June 2004/ Vol 140/Issue 12/ Pg 1037 – 1051).
Approximate time course of clinical manifestations: Shown in the diagram is the
approximate time for hematopoietic, gastrointestinal (GI), and central nervous system
(CNS) symptoms at different ranges of dose of whole-body radiation for exposed,
living persons. Hematopoietic changes include development of lymphopenia,
granulocytopenia or thrombocytopenia. Gastrointestinal symptoms include nausea,
vomiting or diarrhea and may also be accompanied by headaches. Cerebrovascular signs
and symptoms include headache, impaired cognition, disorientation, ataxia, seizures,
prostration and hypotension. Note that the signs and symptoms of different organ
systems significantly overlap at each radiation dose and that cerebrovascular symptoms
do not appear until exposure to a high whole-body dose. The relative severity of signs
and symptoms is measured on an arbitrary scale.
13.4 Phases of ARS: Depending on the absorbed dose, symptoms appear within minutes,
hours to weeks, following a predictable clinical course.
i Prodromal Phase: The prodromal phase of the acute radiation syndrome usually
occurs in the first 48 hours but may develop up to 6 days after exposure.
ii Latent phase: The latent phase is a short period characterized by improvement of
symptoms, as the person appears to have recovered. Unfortunately, this effect is
transient, lasting for several days to a month.
NDMA Manual on Medical Management of Nuclear and Radiological Emergencies
iii Manifest Illness Phase: Symptoms of manifest illness then appear and may last for
weeks. This stage is characterized by intense immuno-suppression and is the most
difficult to manage. If the person survives this stage, recovery is likely. Individuals
exposed to a supra-lethal dose of radiation may experience all of these phases over
a period of hours, resulting in early death.
iv Recovery Phase: This phase shows signs of recovery and patients regain normal
health over a period of time.
These phases under different acute exposure conditions leading to various syndromes
are detailed in Annex-5.
14 Bio-Dosimetry in Acute
Radiation Syndrome
14.1 Individual bio-dosimetry is essential for predicting the clinical severity, treatment and
survivability of exposed individuals and triaging those with minimal or no exposure.
The 3 most useful elements for calculating the exposure dose are (a) time to onset
of vomiting, (b) lymphocyte depletion kinetics and (c) the presence of chromosome
14.2 The rate of decline and nadir of the absolute lymphocyte count (ALC) over the initial 12
hours to 3 days after exposure is a function of cumulative dose. Lymphocyte depletion
kinetics predict dose assessment for a photon-equivalent dose range between 1 and
10 Gy with an exposure resolution of approximately 2 Gy. Ideally, a complete blood
cell count with leukocyte differential should be obtained immediately after exposure, 3
times per day for the next 2 to 3 days and then twice a day for the next 3 to 6 days. Day
of 500 (of ALC) can be used to identify the severity of hematopoeitic syndrome and its
14.3 It is recommended that 6 (and a minimum of 3) complete blood counts with differential
be obtained within the initial 4 days after exposure, to calculate a slope for lymphocyte
decline that can be used to estimate exposure dose. Complete blood counts with
differential should then be obtained weekly or twice weekly until a nadir in neutrophil
count is defined.
14.4 The chromosome-aberration cytogenetic bioassay, primarily the lymphocyte dicentrics
assay introduced by Bender and Gooch, remains the gold standard for bio-dosimetry.
A peripheral blood sample should be obtained without delay (for uniform whole body
exposure) or at 24 hours after exposure (in cases of suspected non-uniform exposure)
or later. The results will be available after 48 to 72 hours. The blood sample has to be
collected in Li-heparin vials (color coded as green-cap vial).
14.5 Table showing Bio-dosimetry (Ref: Annals of Internal Medicine. CLINICAL GUIDELINES.
Medical management of the Acute Radiation Syndrome: Recommendations of the
Strategic National Stockpile Radiation Working Group. Jamie K. Waselenko et al; 15
June 2004/ Vol 140/Issue 12/ Pg 1037 – 1051)
NDMA Manual on Medical Management of Nuclear and Radiological Emergencies
*Depicted above are the 3 most useful elements of biodosimetry. Dose range is based on acute photon-
equivalent exposures. The second column indicates the percentage of people who vomit, based on dose
received and time to onset. The middle section depicts the time frame for development of lymphopenia.
Blood lymphocyte counts are determined twice to predict a rate constant that is used to estimate
exposure dose. The final column represents the current gold standard, which requires several days before
results are known. Colony-stimulating factor thereapy should be initiated when onset of vomiting or
lymphocyte depletion kinetics suggests an exposure dose for which treatment is recommended (see
Table 7 (of reference 13)). Therapy may be discontinued if results from chromosome dicentrics analysis
indicate a lower estimate of whole-body dose.
Normal range, 1.4–3.5 3 109 cells/L. Numbers in boldface fall within this range.
The lymphocyte depletion rate is based on the model Lt = 2.45 3 109 cells/L 3 e– k(D)t, where Lt equals
the lymphocyte count (3 109 cells/L), 2.45 3 109 cells/L equals a constant representing the consensus
mean lymphocyte count in the general population, k equals the lymphocyte depletion rate constant for a
specific acute photon dose, and t equals the time after exposure (days).
Number of dicentric chromosomes in human peripheral blood lymphocytes.
15 Medical Management of
Acute Radiation Syndrome
15.1 Treatment of acute radiation syndrome is not indicated when exposure dose is very low
(<1 Gy) or very high (>10 Gy). Supportive and comfort care is indicated for people with
an exposure dose greater than 10 Gy because their prognosis is grave.
15.2 Thus the medical management shall be applicable largely to the Hematopoietic
Syndrome which falls between doses more than 1 Gy and less than 10 Gy.
15.3 Medical Management of Hematopoietic Syndrome
15.3.1 Treatment of radiological victims with hematopoietic syndrome varies with
dose estimates, exposure scenarios and presenting symptoms.
15.3.2 Short-term therapy with cytokines is appropriate when the exposure dose is
relatively low (<3 Gy).
15.3.3 Prolonged therapy with cytokines, blood component transfusion and even
stem-cell transplantation may be appropriate when exposure dose is high (>7
Gy) or when traumatic injury or burns are also present.
15.3.4 Cytokine Therapy: Colony Stimulating Factors (CSFs) are the Hematopoietics
which are widely used. The rationale for the use of CSFs in the radiation setting
is derived from enhancement of neutrophil recovery in patients with cancer on
chemotherapy who are treated with CSFs.
i Treatment should commence when the Absolute Lymphocyte Count drops
to 500/ and should continue until the Absolute Neutrophil Count
rises to 1000/cu. mm
ii Others used are recombinant forms of (a) granulocyte macrophage colony-
stimulating factor (rhGM-CSF) e.g. Sargramostim in dose 5-10 µg/Kg/d
subcutaneously or equivalent dose of 200-400 µg/m2/d, and (b) granulocyte
colony-stimulating factor (rhG-CSF) e.g. Filgrastim in dose 2.5 – 5 µg/Kg/d
subcutaneously or equivalent 100-200 µg/m2/d. Also the mg pegylated
form of G-CSF (pegylated G-CSF or pegfilgrastim) can be used in the dose of
6 once subcutaneously.
Note: (Kindly note that treatment of Acute Radiation Syndrome requires specialized centers., Hence,
such patients are to be referred to Tertiary Care Facilities for expert management. However,
the details of ARS in earlier chapters and the management mentioned here are for purpose of
knowledge sharing).
NDMA Manual on Medical Management of Nuclear and Radiological Emergencies
*ANC = absolute neutrophic count; ARDS = acute respiratory distress syndrome; G-CSF = granulocyte colony-
stimulating factor; GM-CSF = granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor.
Experts in biodosimetry must be consulted. Any pregnant patient with exposure to radiation should be evaluated
by a health physicist and maternal-fetal specialist for an assessment of risk to the fetus. Class C refers to U.S. Food
and Drug Administration Pregnancy Category C, which indicates that studies have shown animal, teratogenic, or
embryocidal effects, but there are no adequate controlled studies in women; or no studies are available in animals
or pregnant women.
i People at extremes of age (children < 12 years and adults > 60 years) may
be more susceptible to irradiation and have a lower LD50/60. Therefore,
a lower threshold exposure dose (2 Gy) for initiation of CSF therapy is
Medical Management of Acute Radiation Syndrome
appropriate in such persons and in those who have major trauma, injuries
or burns.
15.3.6 Transfusion:
Transfusion of cellular components, such as packed red blood cells and platelets,
is required for patients with severe bone marrow damage. Fortunately, this
complication does not typically occur for 2 to 4 weeks after the exposure, thereby
permitting time for rapid mobilization of blood donors. Blood component
replacement therapy is also required for trauma resuscitation. All cellular
products must be leuko-reduced by irradiating to 25 Gy to prevent transfusion-
associated graft-versus-host disease in the irradiated (and therefore immune-
suppressed) patient. It may be difficult to distinguish transfusion-associated
graft-versus-host disease from radiation-induced organ toxicity, which may
include fever, pancytopenia, skin rash, desquamation, severe diarrhea and
abnormalities on liver function tests (in particular, hyper-bilirubinemia).
15.4.2 Infections:
Susceptibility to infection results from a breach in the integument or mucosal
barriers, as well as immune suppression consequent to a decline in lympho-
hematopoietic elements. Several studies have indicated that administration
NDMA Manual on Medical Management of Nuclear and Radiological Emergencies
8 Sternum:
Head: 800 cGY
500 cGy
1 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
Right back:
Time since Radiation d 150 cGy
Dry epidermatitis
1-6, 8-16d
5-18, 22-30,
56-61, 68-74d.
Medical Management of Acute Radiation Syndrome
Antimicrobial agents should be continued until they are clearly not effective
(for example, the patient develops neutropenic fever) or until the neutrophil
count has stabilized, i.e. absolute neutrophilic count more than 1.000 x 10 9
cells / l.
NDMA Manual on Medical Management of Nuclear and Radiological Emergencies
16 Post Disaster Counselling
16.1 Introduction: It has been found that people who have witnessed the disaster, or have
been victims of it, have a long lasting impression on their minds. The disaster catastrophe,
the losses during the disaster and the post disaster scene of destruction and the ensuing
epidemics, all make their lasting impressions on one’s mind. This can happen even after
individual calamities in the family, but are significantly pronounced in large scale disasters
where the canvas of destruction is larger than expected. Compounding the effect is the
sense of hollowness / emptiness that creeps in when one has lost everything s/he had.
It is indeed a horrifying experience, when one has to restart life all over again amidst
the pain of losing everything, at times even the pain of losing loved ones. These are very
trying times and they affect practically every neighbor of the victim. The degree of pain
and the tolerance of an individual to absorb the shock is what make the difference. It is
during these times if apt help is rendered in the form of psychological support through
means of counselling, it can help many to tide over the losses rather stoically. Hence by
now PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder) is an accepted entity and all efforts should be
taken to minimize the effects of PTSD.
16.2 Effects of Disaster: Effects of disaster can be
i Psychological: Impact includes loss of house or loved ones, fear, anxiety and uncertainty
in facing one’s future and that of the family; trauma, and feeling of helplessness.
ii Physical impact is obvious in the form of crippling and physical dysfunction (which
may cause psychological problem such as loss of self-confidence).
iii Social impact appears as a feeling of insecurity, a feeling of being treated unfairly,
anxiety caused by uncertainty and higher sensitivity to rumor.
iv Economic impact is the loss of living resources, marketplace and customers.
v Housing and Environmental impact appears as the damage to buildings and
environmental setting and facilities.
16.3 Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder: It is an anxiety disorder which some people suffer
from, after living through a traumatic event. Fortunately all people who are exposed to
traumatic events do not develop PTSD. Disaster and crisis counseling serve to prevent
the development of PTSD through safety, stabilization, self-care and coping skills.
16.4 Aim: The Aim of counseling is to create a sense of safety and security in the midst of
chaos. People who are affected may react with severe emotions or remorse. There can
be sadness and aloofness both together. People should be convinced that Time is a Great
NDMA Manual on Medical Management of Nuclear and Radiological Emergencies
17 Maintenance and Records
17.1 All medicines, kits, disposables, decorporating agents, chemicals, protective clothing,
waste bags/ baskets/ containers, stationery, shall be maintained at every PHC/ CHC/
District Hospital/ Civil Hospital/ Medical College/ Super-specialty Medical College/
17.2 It shall be ensured by the CMO of every district that each medical centre under her/ his
jurisdiction is in a state of readiness round the clock.
17.3 All materials and staff shall be provided by the CMO of the district.
17.4 The Medical Officer I/c or the Medical superintendent of the hospital shall in turn keep
her/ his centre in a state of readiness.
17.5 The M.O I/c or Medical superintendent shall carry out monthly inspection in the last
week of every month of all requisite things, check stock taking, and submit a report to
District CMO latest by the 7th of the next month. S/he shall make a list of all material
requiring replacement and send it to the District CMO who, in turn, shall ensure prompt
and timely replacement. It shall be ensured by the District CMO that, at no point of time,
the centers fall deficient on any account.
17.6 All inspections and actions taken should be properly logged.
17.7 CMO shall prepare a plan of mock exercises between the health centers of her/ his
17.8 CMO shall in turn keep the DM of the district informed of every development.
17.9 All patient related documents are to be retained in the O/o CMO until 30 years post
completion of treatment of an individual (Mandatory) if patient is alive and regular
follow up is on, or Death of the patient.
NDMA Manual on Medical Management of Nuclear and Radiological Emergencies
Appendix – I
NDMA Manual on Medical Management of Nuclear and Radiological Emergencies
• Before one runs away from the emergency area, one has to ascertain the wind direction.
This can be done by a simple method. Take a piece of cloth or a handkerchief and suspend
it in the air by holding one corner tip. The cloth will sway towards the wind direction. One
should always run perpendicular to this direction to be least affected.
• Shop keepers should close down their shops. Shops selling open eatables like vegetables,
fruits, cooked food etc. should immediately cover their goods with a plastic sheet or a
tarpaulin, as is commonly done during the rainy season to prevent the goods from getting
wet. Therefore shop keepers and vendors should realize the importance of this plastic
sheet, and thus keep it with them round the year instead of only for the rainy season.
• After reaching the shelter, please discard the handkerchief in a plastic pouch / polythene
bag and keep it aside. The relief officers may require this for assessing the contamination
levels. Do not use it again. Keep it out of reach of children, in particular.
• While indoors, please close all the windows and doors.
• Cover all the open food and water cans. Please also cover open food drums/ cans for cattle
• The village elders or the members of the panchayat should cover any open well with a large
tarpaulin and properly secure it with ropes so that it is not displaced by blowing winds. A
placard bearing the message “This well is covered on the orders of the Village Panchayat
/ competent authority can be placed near the well. Please do not remove the cover or
consume water for drinking / washing / irrigation / any other purpose until authorized by
the Government agencies / Panchayat”. This sign should be in vernacular and pictorial for
easy understanding.
• Please listen to Public information notices issued by government agencies only given on
Radio, Television or by rescue officers over loud speakers. Please follow the instructions
given by them ad verbatim, as they will be relaying the most authentic information and in
your interest.
• The information will normally be dynamic, meaning that the instructions will change as per
the change in situation. The personnel issuing notices over loudspeakers should number
every announcement along with the time of issue. So that villagers do not get confused as
to which instruction they are supposed to follow.
• As a standard procedure, the following sequence is to be adhered to: Stay Indoors > Tab
Potassium Iodide Distribution > Sheltering > Evacuation > Relief Centres.
a Stay Indoors:
➢ Whenever there is an announcement for staying indoors, all members of the family
should be indoors.
➢ If possible, keep your cattle inside.
➢ If the cattle cannot be kept inside, cover their sheds with a plastic sheet or tarpaulin
sheet on the windward side so as to block the air borne contamination from settling on
and around the cattle.
Appendix – I
➢ Villagers store grains for the family’s year-long requirement, and farmers store the
harvested grain before it is shifted to open markets for sale. Please cover all such stored
grains with plastic sheets or tarpaulin.
➢ While indoors, please, use power (electricity consumption) sparingly. Only use those
appliances as required. Power supply interruption is expected. If you have multiple cell
phones in your family, keep only one in use at a time to conserve battery power. If there
is power supply, all cell phones should be charged. This will ensure battery availability in
➢ Do not panic.
➢ One should keep listening to radio / T.V. / Public announcements on loudspeakers for
further instructions.
b Tab Potassium Iodide Distribution: The relief team may visit the houses to distribute the
Tablets of Potassium Iodide, if such a situation is warranted.
➢ These tablets will protect from developing the ill effects of Radioactive Iodine. This is
not a panacea for all radioactive agents. Hence after taking this, one should not have
a false sense of confidence that they are fully protected and don’t need to follow any
further instructions.
➢ When the relief teams enquire about the number of family members available in the
house, one should say the exact number. The dose of this tablet is one full tablet for
adults – both genders, half tablet for children between age from 3 years to fourteen
years – both genders, and one fourth tablet for children below the age of three years for
both the genders.
➢ This medicine is not to be used for cattle. This information is particularly important
for members of the public in rural areas where cattle are treated like family members.
Pregnant ladies can and must take this tablet.
➢ This medicine is safe, and does not have any adverse effects, hence should be taken as
and when asked to take. At the time of actual distribution, the person advising may not
be a Doctor, but could be any member of the relief team authorized to carry out the task.
➢ These tablets are normally available at the nearest PHC or CHC. (The actual number of
tablets, based on the population of the affected sectors will be made available through
the Emergency control centres for distribution in the target sectors only.
c Sheltering: Sheltering is a step prior to evacuation. People from the affected sector are asked
to gather at temporary shelter areas. This is a pre-designated place, viz. a school, college,
or any government office building large enough to house the population. Whenever there
is an announcement, people should be asked to gather at the shelter area and observe the
➢ They should not run and cause a stampede.
➢ They should keep calm. This step is generally taken as a preventive measure and it does
not mean that everyone is in danger.
➢ All the family members should stay together. Particular care should be taken of the
NDMA Manual on Medical Management of Nuclear and Radiological Emergencies
children, so that they are not far away from the elders of the family. It would be better if
an identity badge is pinned on the clothes of children with their names, parents’ names,
addresses and one contact telephone (cell) number if available.
➢ Cattle should be left behind. They will be evacuated through suitable means by the
veterinary authorities. As a routine practice, evacuation of cattle should precede
evacuation of humans, so that the cattle owners have an idea as to who has taken
their cattle and where they have been kept for safety. The cattle owners should also be
informed about the collection / delivery of their cattle after the emergency. The cattle
owners should be encouraged to suitably tag their cattle with identification so that
while receiving them back, there are no disputes. Bar coding for identification should be
used wherever possible. Safe evacuation of cattle before humans will instill confidence
amongst the villagers and their co-operation and compliance with state orders will be
➢ Houses should be locked properly; police force should be deputed to protect the
belongings of the evacuated people.
➢ During evacuation from homes to shelter areas, if possible, plastic or rubber raincoats
/ rain suits along with cap should be worn. Raincoats / rain suits are advisable, because
they cover the complete body and thus any airborne particles settling down would
settle on this and would not come in contact with the body. Also, they have an added
advantage that radiation (α and β) emitted from the released particles can be blocked by
these plastic raincoats.
➢ Raincoats/ rain suits are to be disposed of when told to do so by authorities in a Yellow
colored collection bin. Plastic/ rubber is easier to be decontaminated, hence they are
➢ From the shelter point, one should go to relief camps in buses arranged for the purpose
by the authorities.
➢ At the entry to relief camps, raincoats should be removed. They should be disposed
properly, without dusting, into the containers placed for the purpose.
➢ Removing the raincoat will remove most of the externally deposited air borne
contamination, if any.
➢ After this, frisking by radiation detection monitors is to be done.
➢ All people should maintain calm, and should not try to jump the queue, so that the
frisking can be completed in an orderly manner and within a shorter time frame. Any
person found with external contamination, should be sent to the nearest PHC / CHC /
district hospital for decontamination.
➢ Decontamination is discussed in the main document (Section 6).
➢ Others should continue to stay in relief camps until governmental orders to return to
their places of residence.
➢ While in relief camps, instructions are to be strictly followed and hygiene maintained at
personal level so that cumulatively the place is maintained clean and hygienic. It is to be
Appendix – I
borne in mind that crowded places, if unhygienic, form an ideal platform for the spread
of infectious diseases.
d Return / Relocation: After the government gives the green signal to return to respective
residences, the following procedures need to be observed.
➢ Take a proper bath with soap and water.
➢ Do not consume the food left behind.
➢ Do not consume stored water.
➢ Do not pluck fresh vegetables from the shrubs and consume, unless they are cleared for
consumption by suitable agencies.
➢ Please remove the covers (plastic sheets / tarpaulin sheets) with which you had covered
the stored grain / harvested crop / fodder etc., only when permitted by the authorized
monitoring agencies.
➢ Keep these sheets neatly folded, so that the exterior surface is turned inwards, and
dispose them in suitable containers. While folding them, care should be taken to see
that the sheets are not dusted. This will prevent the settled contaminated dust from
spreading around.
➢ Please ensure that the cattle are given a proper bath after they are returned.
➢ These cattle will also be monitored by suitable agencies.
➢ If the cattle is internally contaminated, the authorities may advise not to consume the
milk in case of Cow, Buffalo, Goat, Camel etc. In that case, please avoid consumption
of milk and also do not sell it. Care should also be taken to see that the offspring of the
cattle are not allowed to suckle. This is because radioactive elements are secreted in the
milk in case of internally contaminated animals.
➢ The same don’ts are applicable to cattle meant for meat consumption / trading.
➢ Water from wells should be consumed only after it is approved for consumption.
➢ It may so happen that, the authorities may advise to avoid consumption of hand
pumps/ submersible pumps after a lapse of a few days. This delay will be due to delay
in contamination of ground water. Normally it may take a few days for the ground water
to get contaminated. In this case, do not panic if you have already consumed the water
earlier in the interim period. In all probability, it was not contaminated.
NDMA Manual on Medical Management of Nuclear and Radiological Emergencies
Appendix – II
T Physical T Biological T Effective
H 4.5 x 103 12 12
C 2.1 x 106 40 40
P 14.3 1155 14.1
S 87.4 90 44.3
Co 1.93 x 103 10 10
Rb 18.8 45 13
Sr 1.1 x 104 1.8 x 104 6.8 x 103
Tc 0.25 1 0.20
I 0.54 138 0.54
I 8 138 7.6
Cs 1.1 x 104 70 70
Po 138 60 42
Ra 5.8 x 105 1.6 x 104 1.5 x 104
U 2.6 x 1011 15 15
Pu 8.8 x 106 7.3 x 104 7.2 x 104
1. K. Kostial, B. Karga, et al. The effect of composite oral treatment for Internal contamination
with several radio nuclides on 131I thyroid uptake in humans. Journal of Applied Toxicolgy
2006; Vol 6, Issue 2; Pg 109 – 111.
2. Sonawane, V. R. ; Jagtap, V. S.; Pahuja, D. N.; Rajan, M. G. R. ; Samuel, A. M. Difficulty in
dislodging in vivo fixed radio strontium. Health Physics. 87(1):46-50, July 2004.
3. Lugol’s Solution of Iodine 2 % - M.S.D.S.
4. Asaf Durakoviæ, Medical Effects of Internal Contamination with Uranium. Croatian
Medical Journal v.40, n.1, Mar99.
5. Radiation Emergencies – Fact Sheet on DTPA. Issued by Dept.of Health and Human
services, Center for Disease Control and Prevention, U.S.A. Oct.2006
6. Basic Disaster Life Support, Chapter 4, Nuclear and Radiological Events. American Medical
7. Guidance for Industry Internal Radioactive Contamination — Development of
Decorporation Agents. U.S. dept of Health and Human Services,, Food and Drug
Administrator, Center for Drug Evaluation and Research. March 2006.
8. I.A.E.A. Module 15, External and Internal Contamination – Decontamination and
9. Tareg Bey, Prof. Dept of Emergency Medicine, University of California, Irvin, USA. “ Review
of Most Commonly used Antidotes and Decorporation Agents” – A Paper presented at
Taipei, Taiwan, June 2007
10. Medical Management of Radiological Casualties,- Second Edition- A handbook by Military
Medical Operations, Armed Forces Radiobiology Research Institute, Bethesda, Maryland
USA. – April 2003
11. Carol S. Marcus, Richard B. Sparks, et al. Medical Management of Internally Radio-
contaminated Patients. Los Angeles County Dept. of Health Services, Emergency Medical
Service Agency. June 2006
12. Medical management of Internally radiocontaminated patients– By Bruce Beach Nov
NDMA Manual on Medical Management of Nuclear and Radiological Emergencies
Month / YEAR
N.B.: TLD are to be numbered as: No: Type of Health Care Facility*/Name of Place or Location/ Name of District/ Number * PHC
/ CHC / DH/ MC for Primary Health Center; Community Health Center; District Hospital; Medical College respectively
To be sent to TLD Lab in Duplicate. Second copy to be signed by TLD lab I/c and returned back to the Principal Dispatcher
Sl.No TLD No. [Example Name of Date of Time of Date of Time of Total No of Hours Signature Remarks
given below] the Person Issue Issue Return Return Used in Hours &
Minutes HH:MM
1 CHC/Dibai/BSR/1
2 - do - /2
N.B: (1) This Worksheet needs to be filled for Each day of the Use. (2) If the Decontamination exercise continues on subsequent days, the
employees should use the same TLD on each successive day. (3) If a new member joins the team on successive day, s/he should use new TLD.
(4) Once the complete decontamination is over for all patients and the Medical Procedures termed as “Complete”, the TLDs should be sent
to TLD reading Laboratories authorized by Atomic Energy Regulatory Board. These labs will receive the used TLDs for analysis and issue fresh
TLDs to the user. Re-numbering of TLDs should be same as mentioned earlier. (5) In event of “no use”, these TLDs should be sent to the same
laboratories on last working day of every month for issue of fresh TLDs.
to TLD Lab authorized by AERB] by TLD Lab authorized by AERB]
N.B.: TLD are to be numbered as: Type of Health Care Facility*/Name of Place or Location/ Name of District/ Number * PHC /
CHC / DH/ MC for Primary Health Center; Community Health Center; District Hospital; Medical College respectively
To be sent to I/cDecontamination Team/ Principal Dispatcher from whom received in Duplicate. Second copy to be signed by
Decon Team I/c and returned back to the TLD lab
Sl.No TLD No. [Example Name of the Total No of Hours Date of Date of Dose in mSv Signature Remarks
given below] Person Used in Hours & R e c e i p t A n a l y s i s
Minutes HH:MM of TLD of TLD
1 CHC/Dibai/BSR/1
2 - do - /2
NDMA Manual on Medical Management of Nuclear and Radiological Emergencies
N.B: (1) This Worksheet needs to be filled for each day of the Use. (2) If the Decontamination exercise continues on subsequent days, the
employees should use the same TLD on each successive day. (3) If a new member joins the team on successive day, s/he should use new TLD.
(4) Once the complete decontamination is over for all patients and the Medical Procedures termed as “Complete”, the TLDs should be sent
to TLD reading Laboratories authorized by Atomic Energy Regulatory Board. These labs will receive the used TLDs for analysis and issue fresh
TLDs to the user. Re-numbering of TLDs should be same as mentioned earlier. (5) In event of “no use”, these TLDs should be sent to the same
laboratories on last working day of every month for issue of fresh TLDs.
Signature of the I/c DD/MM/YYYY DD/MM/YYYY Signature of
TLD Lab [Date of Dispatch of Report of TLDs Date of Receipt of all Above TLD I/c Decon Team
t I/c Decon Team] Reports by I/c Decon Team
Work Sheet - 3
1 Name of Decon / Treatment Facility : [e.g] CHC / Dibai / BSR [short for District
2 Nature of Emergency : NPP / RDD / OS [Nuclear Power Plant / Radio-
Logical dispersal Device / Orphan source
3 Likely radio-Isotopes Involved :
[Information to be provided by Radiological Monitoring Authorities]
4 Date & Time of Emergency Declared : DD/MM/YYYY at HHMM in 24 hour clock
5 Name of the Patient :
6 Sex : M / F If Female: Pregnancy : Yes / No
7 Age : _____Years Date of Birth [If Av] : DD/MM/YYYY
8 Address :
9 Sector around NPP : “A” to “P”
[mention mandatorily in event of Emergency due to NPP]
10 Identification Document no : ___________________________
[If Av. Viz. Aadhar/Voter ID etc]____________________________(Specify type)
11 Patient Number : CHC/Dibai/BSR/REM*/OPD/Number dated
* radiological emergency management
12 Likely Date & Time of Exposure : DD/MM/YYYY at HHMM Hrs in 24 hour &
[T1] Minute mode [This shall be provided by the Au-
thorities tracking the spread of contamination in
association with Environmental Survey Reports]
13 Change of Clothes and Bath Given : Yes / No If Yes: mention place If No : Do it
14 Oral Tablet Potassium Iodide : Yes / No If Yes: mention Date & Time Given Dose
Given: 1 Tab / ½ Tab / ¼ Tab If No : Give stat
15 Whether Wet Cloth Used to cover
the Nostrils : Yes / No
16 Past History : DM / HT / Chronic Pulmonary Diseases / CVA /
IHD / Hypothyroid / Hyperthyroid / Malignan-
cies / Congenital Anomalies / Others / NIL
Details if Yes : _________________________________________________________
17 Additional History for Females : L.M.P.: DD/MM/YYYY
Obstetrics History : G__P__A__L__ [ M__, F ___]
NDMA Manual on Medical Management of Nuclear and Radiological Emergencies
Work Sheet - 3
Giddiness : Yes / No
24 Clinical Findings:
General condition : Healthy / Weak / Debilitated
Level of Consciousness : Conscious / Drowsy / Stupor / Confabulated / Coma / Uncon-
Breathlessness : Yes / No
Pulse : _________ / min
B.P. : _________ mm Hg
Temp. : _________° F
Body Weight : _________ Kgs
Cyanosis : Yes / No
Pallor : Yes / No
Clubbing : Yes / No
Congenital Anomalies : Yes / No Details:____________________________
Breath Sounds : Normal / Adventitious
Heart Sounds : Normal / Added Sounds
If Normal – Rhythm: Regular / Irregular
Goitre : Yes / No
25 Send Following Sample for Assessment: Please tick the tests for which the samples are
sent as checklist
Sample Investigation Quantity Container First Frequency Dispatch To
Advised Sample At thereafter
what Time
Blood CBC; including 2 cc Ethyl Within Once very 6 Can be done
Differential Diamine 3 Hrs of Hourly upto 48 locally in
Count and Tetra Acetic Exposure Hrs. Thereafter PHC also
Absolute acid [EDTA] as per need
Lymphocy te Vaccutainer
- do - RBS, 2 cc Sodium On Clinician’s - do -
Flouride Admission Decision
- do - Urea, 3 cc Plain On Clinician’s - do -
Creatinine, LFT, Vaccutainer Admission Decision
Electrolytes OR
NDMA Manual on Medical Management of Nuclear and Radiological Emergencies
26 Additional Tests :
• ECG for elderly or if clinical condition warrants
• Oxygen saturation by Pulse Oximetry – if Contamination by Inhalation is suspected or if
clinical condition warrants
• Penicillin sensitivity Test before commencing treatment with Cap DPenicillamine.
• Semen Examination for Males:
a First sample within Forty days of Exposure [for base line studies. Earlier the better]
Total Sperm count__________ Live Sperm Count__________, Dead Sperm Count
______________ Motility Percentage___________
b Second sample after 60 days of exposure: dt _______________
Total Sperm count__________ Live Sperm Count__________, Dead Sperm Count
______________ Motility Percentage___________
• Serial colored photography for Skin Burns: [Please number each photo serially with
date for respective patients]
Work Sheet - 3
• Plethysmography
• Thermography
• Color Doppler of the affected limb in case of skin Burns
• Electron Spin Resonance
• Chromosomal Aberrations Studies. Send the patient to the lab for sample collection
27 Based on the requirement commence decontamination procedures as detailed in
respective chapters of the main document. You can also refer to Checklist 1 for external
Decontamination and Checklist 2 for Internal Decontamination as ready reckoner
28 Proceed and Fill in the Supplements to this WS 3 for easy management
Supplement 1 of WS 3
Name :
Patient No:[vide No11 on Pg 1]
Before Decontamination / After Decontamination
Date: DD/MM/YYYY Decontamination Attempt No: ___________
Time of Commencement: HHMM Time of Termination: HHMM
Reasons for Termination: _______________________________________
• Please mark on the diagram the areas of wounds / injuries and contamination.
• Please fill this supplement 1 at the start and end of Each sittings [attempts] of
• For Detailed Decontamination Procedure refer to the main document
Supplement 2 of WS 3
Name : Patient No:[vide No11 on Pg 1]
INVESTIGATION CHART for frequently required investigations
Hours from
NDMA Manual on Medical Management of Nuclear and Radiological Emergencies
*Time of Sample Collection. # Hours at sample collection since T1 [column 12] N.B.: Please maintain this to plot trend on Graph
Work Sheet - 3
Supplement 2 of WS 3
N.B.: Please plot the Absolute Lymphocyte Count of the patient and compare with the standard
Andrew’s nomogram given above to ascertain the extent of Radiation Injury
NDMA Manual on Medical Management of Nuclear and Radiological Emergencies
Supplement 2 of WS 3
Ready Reckoner for Dose Probability & Treatment Decision From Whole Body
Exposure Based on Time To Vomiting
i.e. Time of Occurrence of Vomiting [T2 from Column 23] – Time of Exposure [T1 from
Column 12]
Whole Body Exposure Decision
Clinical Signs Absorbed
Dose – Gy
No Vomiting < 1 Gy Decontaminate if needed. OPD with 5
weeks surveillance period. Skin and Blood
Vomiting 2-3 Hrs after Exposure 1 – 2 Gy Decontamination and Surveillance in General
Hospital like CHC / District Hospital
Vomiting 1 -2 Hrs after Exposure 2 – 4 Gy Decontamination and hospitalization in
Burns ward / Haematological ward. Civil
Hospitals / Medical Colleges
Vomiting earlier than 1 Hr after > 4 Gy Hospitalization in a Tertiary Hospital with
Exposure [and / or other severe Haematological & Surgical Departments.
symptoms, e.g.: Hypotension] Super Specialty Medical Colleges / Hospitals
Date (Signature of the I/c Decontamination Team)
Work Sheet - 3
Supplement 3 of WS 3
Imp.: This should always be filled in as a continuation to the WS 3 with its Supplements 1 & 2.
Not to be filled as a stand-alone form
Name of Indoor Admitting Center : [e.g.] CHC / Dibai / BSR [short for District Bulandshahr]
Date and Time of Admission : DD/MM/YYYY at HHMM Hrs
Indoor Admission Number : CHC/Dibai/BSR/REM*/IPD/Number
* Radiological emergency Management
Status of External Contamination – Yes / No.
Decontamination Successful : Yes / No
If Yes : Treat for the effects of radiation if dose exposure > 1 Gy
If No : Carry out Decontamination until successful
Status of Internal Contamination – Yes / No Probable Route of Entry: Inhalation / Ingestion /
If Yes : Respiratory / G.I.
Decontamination Done : Yes / No
Decontamination successful : Yes / No
If Yes : Management of Effects of Radiation depending upon Dose
If No : Carry out Internal Decontamination until successful
For Procedures of Decontamination follow the main document chapters
Supplement 4 of WS 3
[Please make your daily clinical notes entry with date and time. Use additional sheets of this
supplement 4 as needed until discharge
NDMA Manual on Medical Management of Nuclear and Radiological Emergencies
Supplement 5 of WS 3
1 Name of Discharging Hospital : [e.g.] CHC / Dibai / BSR [short for District
2 Name of the Patient :
3 Sex : M / F If Female: Pregnancy : Yes / No
4 Age : _____Years Date of Birth [If Av] : DD/MM/YYYY
5 Address :
6 Indoor Admission Number : CHC/Dibai/BSR/REM*/IPD/Number
*Radiological emergency Management
7 OPD Patient Number : CHC/Dibai/BSR/REM*/OPD/Number
* Radiological emergency Management
8 Date of Admission : DD/MM/YYYY
9 Date of Discharge : DD/MM/YYYY
10 Nature of Emergency : NPP / RDD / OS [Nuclear Power Plant / Radio-
Logical dispersal Device / Orphan source
11 Likely radio-Isotopes Involved :
[Information to be provided by Radiological Monitoring Authorities]
12 Date & Time of Emergency Declared: DD/MM/YYYY at HHMM in 24 hour clock
13 Sector around NPP : “A” to “P”
[mention mandatorily in event of Emergency due to NPP]
14 Identification Document no : ___________________________
[If Av. Viz. Aadhar/Voter ID etc]____________________________(Specify type)
15 External Contamination : Yes / No
16 Successful Decontamination : Yes / No
17 If No -Residual Contamination : ________________________(Plz Specify)
18 Residual Contamination Acceptable : Yes / No : If No – Advice Regular Follow Up
18 Internal Contamination : Yes / No
19 Decontamination Successful : Yes / No
20 If No -Residual Contamination : ________________________(Pl. Specify)
21 Residual Contamination Acceptable : Yes / No : If No – Advice Regular Follow Up
21 Clinical Condition:
Work Sheet - 3
NDMA Manual on Medical Management of Nuclear and Radiological Emergencies
22 Radiological Condition:
a On Initial Reporting on OPD
b On Admission
Work Sheet - 3
c On Discharge
NDMA Manual on Medical Management of Nuclear and Radiological Emergencies
Compare the findings with Effective Half life to ascertain the level of elimination of the
radionuclide from the body.
25 Treatment on Discharge:
26 Advice on Discharge: Keep in account the co-morbid conditions
Food: ___________________________________________________________________
Water: __________________________________________________________________
Investigations at what frequency: _____________________________________________
27 Advice for Follow Up:
Place: (Specify where the patient is supposed to follow up at original PHC/CHC or the
Discharging hospital)
Scheduled Date & Time of First Follow up:______________________________________
Subsequent Follow up Frequency: Weekly / Monthly / Yearly
Work Sheet - 3
a For follow up plain continuation sheets can be used or any of the supplement’s page
can be used. Specify date of follow up and the Number of follow up at the Top of the
page. Always give [and note it on the paper] the next date and time of follow up as a
part of advice
b Original Discharge sheet will remain in continuation with the WS 3 with all its
c The complete set will remain with the hospital discharging the patient [i.e where the
patient is last admitted in the chain of transfers]
d A Copy of the complete set of WS 3 with all its supplements including supplement 5,
will be dispatched to each of the health centers attending to the respective patient
prior to last admission/treatment; one copy of the same will be sent to the O/o Chief
Medical Officer of the District; and one copy should be submitted to the Atomic Energy
Regulatory Board.
e All investigation reports are to be enclosed with the original case sheet
f If photographs are taken for assessment of skin damage including burns, they should
be properly laminated and retained with the original case sheet until treatment is over.
After which they may be submitted to the O/o CMO of the District.
g O/o CMO shall retain all the papers until 30 years from the time of completion of
treatment / 90 years of age or the death of the person which ever is later.
Finally all papers Submitted to the O/o C.M.O. of the District
NDMA Manual on Medical Management of Nuclear and Radiological Emergencies
Work Sheet - 3
Sl.No. Bag / Container No Type of waste – Solid / Liquid Date of Collection Remark – Decontaminate /
Date Signature of Sister I/c Sent To: Name of AERB Authorized Waste Decontamination /
Disposal OR MO I/c Health Centre Centre of the District [WDC]
NDMA Manual on Medical Management of Nuclear and Radiological Emergencies
Sl.No. Bag / Container No Type of waste – Solid / Date of Material Remark – Decontaminated/
Liquid Decontamination/ Decontaminated & Disposed
Disposal Returned for reuse
Report Received at Health Centre : On: DD/MM/YYYY Signature of the M.O. I/c Health Centre
N.B: Fill this in Duplicate. One copy should be signed by M.O. I/c Health Centre on receipt of this and sent back to I/c WDC One
copy should be submitted o O/o CMO by MO I/c Health Centre
Work Sheet - 5
NDMA Manual on Medical Management of Nuclear and Radiological Emergencies
Radiation Effects
Deterministic Effects:
These effects are known to occur at high radiation doses received over a short period. They have
a threshold dose below which they do not occur. The severity of these effects is proportional to
the dose and is generally associated with the death of large fraction of cells in a specific organ
or tissue e.g. Radiation Sickness, Hematopoietic/Gastro-Intestinal/Neuro-Vascular Syndromes,
Cataract, Sterility- either temporary or permanent, and Skin Burns.
Stochastic Effects:
They are probabilistic in nature and are observed for exposures in excess of 100mSv but as a
conservative estimate treated as not having any threshold. Probability of incidence increases
with dose rather than severity. If the non-lethal genetic alteration occurs in somatic cells, it is
a precursor for carcinogenesis, and if it occurs in germ cells, it may result in genetic disorders
in progeny of exposed individuals.
Radio-sensitivity varies in different types of tissue. While all cells can be destroyed by a high
enough radiation dose, highly radiosensitive cells or tissue exhibit deleterious effects at
much lower doses than others. As stated in the Bergonié-Tribondeau law, rapidly dividing,
undifferentiated cells in tissue are most sensitive to radiation effects. Several of the most
sensitive tissues and systems follow this law.
Highly radiosensitive tissue- lymphoid, bone-marrow elements, gastrointestinal epithelium,
gonads (testis and ovary) and foetal tissue.
Moderately radiosensitive tissue- skin, vascular endothelium, lung, kidney, liver, lens and
thyroid glands in childhood.
Least radiosensitive tissue- central nervous system, endocrine (except gonad), thyroid glands
in adults, muscle, bone and cartilage and connective tissue. The least radiosensitive tissue,
although radio-resistant, is less capable of cell renewal than highly sensitive tissue. Some
- especially neurons, glial cells of the brain and muscle cells - have essentially no ability to
regenerate. Once these cells are killed, the area is repaired by fibrosis or scarring.
NDMA Manual on Medical Management of Nuclear and Radiological Emergencies
1 Radioactive contamination is the presence of radioactive material – either in the form of dust
particles, suspended particulate matter or liquid or gas – on or in the body of a person.
2 When the radioactive dust, particles, liquids or gases are deposited on the external part of
human subject or on the skin, it is termed as External Contamination
3 When the radioisotopes had gained entry inside the body through ingestion, inhalation or
absorption through wounds or intact skin, it is called as Internal Contamination.
4 A contaminated person is a source of radiation to himself and to others in the vicinity and
may lead to the spread of contamination.
5 Usually, radioactive contamination is not immediately threatening to life and its effects will
depend upon the type and energy of radiation.
6 Alpha particles are heavy and positively charged and ionize the matter densely and do not
penetrate much. Alpha particles have a propagation range of no more than about 5 cm in the air
and can be obstructed even by a moderately thin sheet of paper. The stratum corneum layer of
the skin effectively shields the basal layer of skin since alpha particles have a range of 0.04 mm
in soft tissue and, hence, do not reach Basal layer of skin. Contamination with alpha emitters can
be of concern if inhaled, ingested or absorbed through broken skin. Internal contamination with
alpha emitters poses a severe hazard because they affect the target organs severely.
7 Beta particles comprise of negatively charged particles with a little mass. The propagation range
of beta particles in air is approximately 3.65 m / MeV of kinetic energy. Beta particle of 70 KeV
energy or more can penetrate the Epidermis and can cause the irradiation of subcutaneous
tissues and can also cause “Beta Burns”. It is important to note that passage through one
millimeter of tissue will reduce most beta radiation by a factor of 2 or more. Hence the dose
of beta radiation in the subcutaneous tissue is much less than that recorded on surface.
Internal contamination with beta emitters poses hazard because they transfer a significant
fraction of their energy to the organ in which they penetrate, i.e., the target organ.
8 X-rays and Gamma rays are non-particulate electromagnetic radiation having no mass and
charge. They can penetrate deep into the body tissues and deep seated organs. Higher the
energy absorbed in the target tissue, greater is the damage caused.
9 Maximum permissible level allowed for fixed skin contamination is –
0.4 Bq / cms2 - For Alpha emitters and
4.0 Bq / cms2 - For Beta and Gamma emitters.
NDMA Manual on Medical Management of Nuclear and Radiological Emergencies
Group A - Common
1 Americium (Am)-241:
1.1 Half Life: Am-241 has a physical half-life of 432.2 years and decays by α emission (it
emits several photons which can be detected, most notably a gamma ray with an
energy of 59.54 keV).
1.2 A.L.I.: The annual limit of intake (ALI) for 241Am due to inhalation for type M
compound is 740 Bq as per limits prescribed by the Atomic Energy Regulatory Board
1.3 Deposition and Clearance: Americium is deposited in the pulmonary parenchyma
after inhalation of the oxide and is mostly cleared with a half-time of 10-20 days
(80%), but the clearance half-time of the remaining material has been estimated to
vary between a few tens of days to almost 1000 days. These differences may reflect
the degree of solubility of the Am-241 in lung fluids which, in turn, is a reflection of
the composition of the oxide. According to ICRP 30, a clearance half-time of 28 days
was estimated in a worker who had inhaled Am-241 in the oxide form.
1.4 Recommended Treatment: Parenteral Ca-DTPA, Zn-DTPA. (For details of regime and
administration of Ca and Zn DTPA please see 8.28.5.).
2 Cesium (Cs)-137:
2.1 Half Life: Cs-137 has a physical half-life of 30 years and decays by β and γ emission.
Dosimetry methods used for radio- cesium are based on the concepts of ICRP 30.
From the blood, the activity is distributed uniformly in the body with no organ or
tissues exhibiting a higher concentration.
2.2 A.L.I.: The annual limit on intake (ALI) for 137Cs due to inhalation for Type F compound
is 3000 kBq as per Atomic Energy Regulatory Board (AERB) limits.
2.3 Deposition and Clearance: Cesium-137 is assumed to be completely and rapidly
absorbed into the systemic circulation from both the respiratory and GI tracts. Some
of the cesium is passed into the intestine, absorbed from the gut into the blood, then
goes to the liver, where some of it is excreted via bile into the intestine, reabsorbed
from the gut into the blood, then to the liver again, where some is excreted again into
the gut (entero-hepatic circulation).
The body retention of 137Cs is described as consisting of two components. Using the
ICRP 30 model - two component bio-kinetic model with 10% of the initial intake
exhibiting a clearance half-time of 2 days and 90% exhibiting a longer half-time of
110 days.
NDMA Manual on Medical Management of Nuclear and Radiological Emergencies
The ICRP 30 systemic model is also used in the more recent ICRP publications 68
and 78. Publication 78 notes that the biological clearance half-time from the transfer
compartment to the systemic compartment is 0.25 days and that, females may exhibit
significantly shorter retention half-times in the long-term compartment than males.
For systemic excretion, according to ICRP 54, it is assumed that 80% of the 137Cs intake
is excreted in the urine and 20% in feces since the main pathway of 137Csexcretion is
known to be through glomerular filtration in the kidneys.
2.4 Treatment Recommended: Oral Prussian blue. Insoluble Prussian blue for Human
consumption is available by the name Radiogardase. It is available as capsules.
2.4.1 Effects of treatment are promising. The untreated mean whole body effective
half-life of Cs-137 is 80 days in adults, 62 days in adolescents and 42 days in
children. Insoluble Prussian blue reduces the mean whole body effective half-
life of Cs-137 by 69% in adults, by 46% in adolescents and by 43% in children.
Dose and clearance ratio observed in cases after 1987 incident in Goiânia are
as follows -
Cesium-137 Effective Half life during and after treatment with insoluble Prussian blue (In
Days, by age, and dose of Insoluble Prussian blue)
Group Age Insoluble No. During Insoluble Off Insoluble
(Years) Prussian blue of Prussian blue Prussian blue
dose (grams/day) Pts. Treatment - 137Cs T½ Treatment - 137Cs T½
Adults >18 10 5 26 + 6 days 18 + 15 days (all 21
Adults >18 6 10 25 + 15 days adult patients)
Adults >18 3 6 25 + 9 days
Adolescents 12 - 14 <10 5 30 + 12 days 62 + 14 days
Children 4-9 <3 7 24 + 3 days 42 + 4 days
2.4.2 Indication and Usage: Insoluble Prussian blue is indicated for treatment of
patients with known or suspected internal contamination with radioactive
cesium and /or radioactive or non-radioactive thallium to increase their rates
of elimination.
NDMA Manual on Medical Management of Nuclear and Radiological Emergencies
2.4.13 Adverse Reactions: Only constipation and undefined gastric distress have
been reported. Severe adverse reactions or death shave not been reported
with Insoluble Prussian blue.
2.4.14 Drug Availability: Radiogardase™ is supplied as 0.5 gram blue powder in
gelatin capsules for oral administration. It is packaged in brown glass bottles
containing 30 capsules each. The product is manufactured by Haupt Pharma
Berlin GmbH for distribution by HEYL Chemisch-pharmazeutische Fabrik
GmbH and Co. KG, Berlin.
2.5 Bio-assay:
The radioactivity counts in urine and fecal samples should be measured and recorded
weekly to monitor 137Cs elimination rate.
3 Iodine:
3.1 Half Life: I-131 has a physical half-life of 8.04 days and decays by β, γ- emission
3.2 A.L.I.: The annual limit on intake (ALI) for 131I due to inhalation for Type F compounds
is 2 MBq as per AERB limits.
3.3 Deposition and Clearance: The gastrointestinal uptake (f1) factor for all forms of
iodine is 1.0. Of the iodine entering the systemic compartment, a fraction, 0.3, is
assumed to be translocated to the thyroid, while the remainder (0.7) is assumed
to go directly to excretion. Iodine in the thyroid is assumed to be retained with a
biological half-life of 80 days. Inhaled Iodine reaches equilibrium with the body
fluids within 30 minutes and 30 % of this is in the Thyroid gland.
3.4 Treatment: Potassium Iodide within first 4 hours. If KI or its equivalent (Lugol’s
Iodine) isn’t used within four to six hours, it will have significantly decreased
effectiveness and that effectiveness will approach zero after about 12-24 hours. This
blocks the thyroid. (Stable) Iodine works by saturating the uptake mechanism in the
thyroid gland and “competes” with radioactive iodine (I-131). Early administration of
antidotes is the key element for successful therapy.
3.4.1 Lugol’s Iodine consists of 5% Iodine (I2) and 10% Potassium Iodide (KI) in 85%
distilled water with a total iodine content of 130 mg/ml. Potassium iodide
makes the iodine water soluble through the formation of the I3- ion. Synonyms
for Lugol’s solution are IKI (Iodine-Potassium Iodide); Iodine, Strong solution
(Systemic); Aqueous Iodine Solution BP. Lugol’s Iodine 2% has a composition
of Iodine 2%, Potassium Iodide 4% and distilled water 94%.
3.4.2 Treatment can be done by mobilization of the radio-iodine through the use of
anti-thyroid drugs.
NDMA Manual on Medical Management of Nuclear and Radiological Emergencies
3.4.3 Doses:
a Adults and children above the age of 1 : KI 130 mg daily for 7 –1 4 days
b Children below the age of 1: 65 mg per day, daily for 7 –1 4 days.
4 Phosphorous (P)- 32
4.1 Half Life: P-32 has a physical half-life of 14.26 days and decays by β-emission (its
bremsstrahlung photons may be detectable); specific bremsstrahlung constant, ÃP-
32 = 4.05 x 10-3 R cm2 /mCi h in soft tissue and 1.08 x 10-2 R cm2/mCi h in bone
(Zanzonico et al. JNM 1999; 40:1024-1028).
4.2 A.L.I.: The annual limits on intake (ALI) for 32P due to inhalation for Type F compounds
is 20 MBq, and for Type M compound is 7 MBq as per AERB.
4.3 Deposition and Clearance: The bio-kinetic model described in ICRP 30 (Full form
with reference) is used to estimate the whole body retention, R(t), of phosphorus.
Phosphorus entering the transfer compartment is assumed to be retained there
with a half-life of 0.5 days. Of this, 15% is assumed to go directly to excretion, 15%
to intracellular fluids where it is retained with a half-life of 2 days, 40% to soft
tissue where it is assumed to be retained with a half-life of 19 days and 30% to
mineral bone where it is assumed to be permanently retained. P-32 going either
to intracellular fluids or to soft tissues is assumed to be uniformly distributed
throughout all organs and tissues of the body excluding mineral bone, where it is
assumed to be retained on the bone surfaces.
4.4 Treatment:
a Oral stable phosphates are given. Sodium phosphate or Potassium phosphate or
Glycerol phosphate is given.
b Aluminum Hydroxide can be given to reduce the G.I. uptake.
4.4.1 Dose: Stable Phosphates are given 1 gram orally on daily basis for as long as
5 Plutonium (Pu)-239
5.1 Half Life: Pu-239 has a physical half-life of 24,110 years and decays by α emission.
5.2 A.L.I.: The annual limit on intake (ALI) for 239Pu due to inhalation for Type M
compounds is 625 Bq and for Type S compounds is 2400 Bq, as per AERB.
5.3 Deposition and Clearance : For dissolved (ionic form) plutonium reaching the transfer
compartment (i.e., the bloodstream), the ICRP 30 model distributes 45% to the bone
surfaces from which it clears with a biological half-time of 50 years and 45% to the
liver with a biological clearance half-time of 20 years.
5.3.1 The activity deposition in bone is assumed to be uniformly distributed over
the bone surfaces of both cortical and trabecular bone. A small radioactivity
fraction is permanently retained in the gonads (0.035% for testes and 0.011%
NDMA Manual on Medical Management of Nuclear and Radiological Emergencies
4 8 weeks To 12 - - -
5 Subsequently 0.25 – Zn DTPA I.V. Once per week for
0.50 gm 4 weeks. Cycle to
be continued with a
pause of 2-3 weeks
after each 4 weeks of
5.4.7 For large quantities of Plutonium inhalation, (50 times the maximum
permissible lung burden in patients aged 30 years or less) or more than 1.5
µ Ci, bronchial lavage is recommended soon after second or third day. This
should be undertaken in specialized centers only where expertise exists.
5.4.8 Caution: There are no medical reasons why a person who is internally
contaminated with plutonium, americium or curium should not be treated
with Ca-DTPA or Zn-DTPA, except nephritic syndrome. However, keep the
following guidelines in mind:
i Because radioactive materials chelated to DTPA are passed out of the body
in the urine, DTPA must be used carefully in people whose kidneys do not
function properly.
ii Ca-DTPA should be used carefully in people who have a disease called
“hemochromatosis.” (Hemochromatosis is a genetic disease that causes
the body to absorb too much iron from foods and other sources, such as
vitamins containing iron.)
iii Aerosol treatments using DTPA may not be safe for some people with
asthma. If a person with asthma requires treatment with DTPA, the drug
should be injected.
iv DTPA should not be used to treat people who are internally contaminated
with the radioactive materials uranium or neptunium.
5.4.9 Side Effects: DTPA does not build up in the body or cause long-term health
effects. People who are given repeat doses of Ca-DTPA within a short period
of time may have nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, chills, fever, itching and muscle
cramps. Other side effects may include headache, lightheadedness, chest
pain and a metallic taste in the mouth. Ca-DTPA (and Zn-DTPA) can chelate
certain important minerals that the body needs (zinc, magnesium and
manganese). For example, the body needs zinc to make red blood cells, white
blood cells and platelets. Therefore, DTPA treatment may interfere with the
normal production of blood cells. As a precaution, patients receiving long-
term treatment with DTPA should be given a vitamin and mineral supplement
containing zinc.
5.5 Bio-assay samples: Blood, urine and stool samples need to be collected for bio-assay.
NDMA Manual on Medical Management of Nuclear and Radiological Emergencies
6 Strontium 90
6.1 Half Life : As regards Sr-90, it is important to realize that Sr-90 decays into Yttrium
Y-90, that Y-90 is radioactive and much easier to detect than Sr-90, that Y-90 has a
much shorter half-life (64 hrs) than Sr-90 (28 yrs) and that Sr-90 and Y-90 activities
reach equilibrium after about two weeks starting with pure Sr-90. This means that if
you start with a 1000 Ci source of Sr-90, after about two weeks the source will also
contain about 1000 Ci of Y-90 and that this equilibrium will remain the same as the
Sr-90 decays. Sr-90 has a physical half-life of 29.12 years.
6.2 A.L.I: The annual limit on intake (ALI) for 90Sr due to inhalation for Type F compounds
is 670 kBq and for Type S compounds is 260 kBq, as per AERB.
6.2.1 Deposition and Clearance: The bio-kinetic model used for the distribution,
retention and excretion of stable strontium is the ICRP alkaline earth model.
It is assumed that stable strontium is uniformly distributed throughout the
bone volume, where it is retained and internally recycled according to a series
of exponential terms. The alkaline earth excretion model assumes that the
fraction of excreted uptake occurring by the urinary pathway and by the fecal
pathway is 0.8 and 0.2 respectively.
6.3 Treatment:
a Reduction of absorption : Aluminum phosphate gel antacids or sodium / calcium
alginate or Barium sulphate
b Blockage: strontium lactate or Strontium gluconate
c Displacement: Oral phosphate
d Mobilization: ammonium chloride or parathyroid extract (dynamics)
6.3.1 Doses:
i Sodium / Calcium Alginate in a single dose of 10 – 20 gm dissolved in sugared
water orally. Sugared water, because it is otherwise very unpalatable.
ii Aluminum phosphate 60 gm colloidal gel 20% orally
iii Barium sulphate 300 gm in aqueous solution orally as a single dose.
iv Oral Strontium Lactate 500 mg OR Slow infusion of Strontium gluconate
600 mg in 500 ml of 5 % Dextrose solution.
v Although stable strontium is the ideal choice, but as Strontium is
quite toxic, it cannot be used for clearing skeletal strontium. Calcium,
besides being a congener of strontium, is also an important and major
component of skeleton. Thus Calcium compounds have been considered
a better choice in curtailing Strontium uptake. Commonly used Calcium
compounds are easy to administer and do not have any untoward effect
on body metabolism even at a higher dose.
vi Oral Calcium gluconate 6-10 gm in divided doses over the day OR Inj
Calcium gluconate 1-5 gm in 500 ml of 5 % Dextrose solution as slow
vii Acidification by oral Ammonium chloride 6 gm in 3 divided doses (4 tabs
each dose) over the day will help mobilization of Strontium.
viii Newer drug – newer chelating agent - Phosphoric acid derivative (APDA)
developed by the Shanghai Institute of Materia Medica has worked well.
Parenteral Ca APDA in doses of 600 mg / Kg body weight for three days.
Excretion route post Ca APDA is through kidneys and hepato-biliary system.
Oral Ca APDA in the dose of 600mg/ Kg body weight is also effective in
chelating the GI intake. Excretion is through Feces.
6.3.2 Contraindications: Same as for Radium (Pl. see Section
6.3.3 Caution: Same as for Radium (Pl. see Section
6.3.4 Side Effects: Same as for Radium (Pl. see Section
6.3.5 Bio-assay Sample: Urine and Feces.
7 Tritium (H)-3
7.1 Half Life: H-3 has a physical half-life of 12.33 years and decays by β- emission.
7.2 A.L.I.: The annual limit on intake (ALI) for 3H due to inhalation is 1 GBq, as per AERB.
7.3 Deposition and Clearance: The metabolic model for tritium is described in ICRP 30.
(Complete reference). Tritiated water is assumed to be uniformly distributed among
all soft tissues at any time following intake. Its retention, R(t), is described as a single
exponential with an effective clearance half-time of 10 days:
7.4. Treatment: Force water to promote dieresis
7.4.1 Dose:
a Oral fluids 6-8 L / day OR Intravenous fluids 4-6 L per day with forced
diuresis.Excess fluids help dilution and forced diuresis helps renal clearance.
b For forced Diuresis, use Inj Lasix 40 mg i.v. or more if necessary. Use Inj
Lasix 40 mg i.v. for every 2-3 l of fluids. Use Lasix and Fluids alternatively.
Treatment should be continued for 1 week.
7.4.2 Investigations: Monitor Electrolytes, particularly Sodium, if hypotonic solutions
are used.
7.4.3 Caution: Assess cardiac status of the patient before loading extra fluids. If the
patient is already in Congestive Cardiac Failure (CCF), extra caution is needed.
7.5 Bio-assay Samples: Urine sample.
NDMA Manual on Medical Management of Nuclear and Radiological Emergencies
Inhalation: About 25% of the radioactive particles are deposited in the bronchial
tree, 25% are immediately exhaled, whereas 50% are translocated translocated to
the naso-pharynx and swallowed, with subsequent handling by the mechanisms of
gastrointestinal absorption. The intestinal absorption of Depleted Uranium (DU) is
negligible, placing the respiratory pathway in the category of major radio-toxicological
hazard. One of the therapeutic aims in internal DU contamination should include the
movement of the inhaled particles to the extra pulmonary pathways. The deposition
of DU particles on the alveolar surfaces will result in their absorption, depending on
their solubility, with approximately 10% of the particles retained in the lungs and
reaching systemic circulation, and the remaining 15% ascending to the naso-pharynx by
expectoration and ending in the gastrointestinal tract. Soluble components of uranium
absorbed from the pulmonary tree are deposited in the skeleton within a few weeks,
with a biological half-life in the lungs of 120 days. A considerably longer pulmonary
retention of 1,470 days is expected in the case of inhalation of uranium oxides.
8.5 Treatment: The principal aim in the therapeutic management of patients with
internally deposited uranium is to prevent the absorption from the site of entry and
eliminate uranium from the blood stream or target organs.
8.5.1 The method of gastric lavage is very useful in therapy or early exposure by
ingestion. Wash the stomach several times with water or physiological saline
by negative pressure, until the aspirate is declared free of the contaminant.
8.5.2 The use of laxatives is a common therapeutic approach in reducing internal
contamination. Laxative use is contraindicated in acute abdominal syndrome
or non-diagnosed pain in the stomach. Numerous side effects include
tachypnea, dyspnea, tachy-arrhythmias, intestinal irritation, exanthema and
syncopal attacks.
8.5.3 Treatment of patients who have been contaminated by inhalation of uranium
compounds includes the use of therapeutic agents which decrease viscosity
of endobronchial mucosa. The use of mucolytic substances, which have
the effect on muco-polysacharides and nucleoproteins in the respiratory
tree, enable the elimination of actinides by expectoration. Mucolytics like,
Carbocysteine (e.g. Syr. Mucodyne), Bromohexine HCL (e.g Syr Bromohexine)
or Ambroxol HCL (e.g. Syr Ambrodil ct) are very effective.
8.5.4 Ethylene-diamine-tetra-acetic acid (EDTA) has proven efficacy in the treatment
of lead, zinc, copper, chromium, manganese and nickel poisoning and in
contamination with transuranic elements. Na-EDTA is used in a dose of 50 mg/
kg. The total quantity should not exceed 300 mg during 6 days of treatment. It
is not administered by oral or intramuscular application. Parenteral use of Na-
EDTA may lead to hypocalcemia. The use of Ca-EDTA in the therapeutic dose
of 15-30 mg/kg does not have a hypocalcemic effect, and hence is preferred. It
is essential to evaluate kidney function before the beginning of the treatment
because its use is contraindicated in patients with renal disease.
NDMA Manual on Medical Management of Nuclear and Radiological Emergencies
8.5.5 Inj Soda Bicarb 1.4 % in 250 ml as slow infusion. This forms a stable complex
with uranyl ions which is excreted through kidneys.
8.5.6 Caution: Kidney functions and electrolyte monitoring is needed.
8.5.7 Bio-assay: Urine and Feces. Also Gastric Lavage of contents.
compounds is 9 MBq, for type M compound is 5 MBq, and for Type S compound is 4
MBq, as per AERB.
10.3 Deposition and Clearance: It is assumed that, of the iridium leaving the transfer
compartment, 20%, 4 % and 2 % is translocated to liver, kidney and spleen respectively.
A further 54 %, is assumed to be uniformly distributed throughout all other organs and
tissues of the body. The remaining 20% of iridium leaving the transfer compartment
is excreted directly. Of iridium deposited in any organ or tissue of the body, 20 %
and 80 % are assumed to be retained with biological half-lives of 8 and 200 days
10.3.1 Treatment: Unfortunately, there is no known decorporation drug for Iridium.
However Oral Penicillamine might work. For details of dose and administration
please refer to Section 3.4.
12 Radium (Ra)-226
12.1 Half Life: Ra-226 has a physical half-life of 1600 years and decays by α emission
12.2 A.L.I.: The annual limit on intake (ALI) for 226Ra due to inhalation for Type M
compounds is 1700 Bq.
NDMA Manual on Medical Management of Nuclear and Radiological Emergencies
12.3 Deposition and Clearance: Since radium is an alkaline earth element, it can be
assumed that the bio-kinetic model is the same as for strontium.
12.3.1 Treatment
a Oral calcium to reduce gastrointestinal absorption and increase urinary
b Alginates are also useful to reduce gastrointestinal absorption.
c Oral Magnesium Sulphate forms sulphates with Radium.
12.3.2 Doses
a Magnesium Sulphate: Single dose of 10 gm in 100 ml of water produces
insoluble sulphate with radium and thus reduces its absorption.
b Barium Sulphate can also be used instead of Mag. Sulphate. This drug is
commonly used in Radiography and hence is easily available. A single dose
of 200 ml of 100% barium sulphate should be administered.
c Calcium gluconate orally 6-10 g in 3 divided doses over a day can be given.
Or else Inj. Calcium gluconate 1-5 g in 500 ml of 5% Dextrose solution as a
slow infusion.
d Oral colloidal Aluminum phosphate 60 gm colloidal gel also works similar
to Barium Sulphate.
e Acidification by oral administration of Ammonium chloride 6 g in 3 divided
doses over a day.
12.4 Contra-indications
* While using Barium sulphate / magnesium sulphate or Aluminum
phosphate, care should be taken to ascertain that the patient is not suffering
from suspected colonic obstruction, acute GI hemorrhage, inflammation and
perforation. Hypersensitivity to any of these products is a contra-indication.
12.4.1 Caution:
* While using Ba Sulphate or other similar drugs caution should be exercised
in following cases - Pregnancy, appendicitis, diverticulitis, intussusception,
malignancy, granuloma, ulcerative colitis and helminthiasis and any condition
with a risk of GI perforation. Also marked hypertension or advanced cardiac
disease, severe debility, history of food aspiration, bronchial asthma and
* Administration of Inj. Calcium gluconate should always be done under
cardiac monitoring. Observe for any arrhythmias. Go slow while infusion. If
arrhythmias are significant and likely to be fatal, discontinue infusion until
cardiac rhythm reverses to normal. Restart infusion only if cardiac conditions
12.4.2 Side Effects: Side effects of use of Barium sulphate or other similar to it are -
Transient diarrhea, abdominal pain, constipation, anal pain and hemorrhage,
borborygmus and aggravation of hemorrhoids.
12.5 Investigations to be done: While on treatment, carry out – Electrolytes, Sr. Calcium
levels, Blood pH and other tests for assessment of internal contamination.
12.6 Bioassay samples: Urine and Feces samples.
13.1.4 Indication and Usage: Insoluble Prussian blue is indicated for treatment of
patients with known or suspected internal contamination with radioactive
cesium and /or radioactive or non-radioactive thallium to increase their rates
of elimination.
NDMA Manual on Medical Management of Nuclear and Radiological Emergencies
NDMA Manual on Medical Management of Nuclear and Radiological Emergencies
15 Diethylene-triamine-penta-acetate (DTPA)
15.1 Used: Used in the treatment of contaminations with Americium - 241Am and Plutonium
15.2 Treatment: Parenteral Ca-DTPA, Zn-DTPA. Di-ethylene-Triamine-Penta-Acetate
DTPA is available only in parenteral form. Ca DTPA and Zn DTPA should not be
administered together. DTPA may be given intravenous infusion or as aerosol therapy
of Zn DTPA in cases of internal contamination of lungs only by inhalation. The safety
and effectiveness of the intramuscular route have not been established for Ca-DTPA
or Zn-DTPA
15.2.1 If both products are available, then the treatment should be started with Ca
DTPA if within 24 hours. If additional treatment is necessary then it should
be changed to Zn DTPA. This is because Ca DTPA is more effective (roughly 10
times) in the first 24 hours than Zn DTPA. After 24 hours the efficacy of both
is similar, but Ca-DTPA causes more loss of essential metals, such as zinc,
from the body. Therefore, Zn-DTPA is preferred for maintenance therapy.
15.2.2 Mode of Action: DTPA is a chelating agent. It chelates plutonium (also
americium, and curium) and then excretes them in urine. Treatment should
be started as soon as possible. It is observed that if started within 1 hour
the retention of Plutonium in Liver is reduced from 14 % in control to 0.47
% in treated cases. Similarly retention of plutonium in skeleton is reduced
from 57% in control to 5.9% in treated cases. The removal of plutonium from
bones can be as high as 90% if treated within one hour.
15.2.3 Limitations: DTPA cannot bind all of the radioactive materials that might
get into a person’s body. DTPA cannot reverse the health effects caused by
radioactive materials once these materials have entered the body. After 24
hours, plutonium, americium, and curium are harder to chelate. However,
DTPA can still work to remove these radioactive materials from the body
several days or even weeks after a person has been internally contaminated.
15.3 Treatment plan: The treatment plan should be jointly drawn out by the doctors and
the health physicists. For various categories of patients it should be as follows
a Infants (including breastfed infants) and children <12 years of age
Either Ca-DTPA or Zn-DTPA may be given to infants and children. The dosage of
DTPA to be given should be based on the child’s size and weight.
i Adults and adolescents
Adults and adolescentsinternally contaminated with plutonium, americium,
or curium should receive Ca-DTPA if treated within the first 24 hours after
contamination. After 24 hours, if additional treatment is needed, adults should
receive Zn-DTPA. If Zn-DTPA is not available, patients may receive Ca-DTPA together
with a vitamin and mineral supplement that contains zinc.
ii Pregnant women
Unless a pregnant woman has very high levels of internal contamination with
plutonium, americium, or curium, treatment should begin and continue with Zn-
DTPA. Ca-DTPA should be used in pregnant women only to treat very high levels
of internal radioactive contamination. In this case, doctors and public health
NDMA Manual on Medical Management of Nuclear and Radiological Emergencies
authorities may prescribe a single dose of Ca-DTPA, together with a vitamin and
mineral supplement that contains zinc, as the first treatment. However, after the
first dose of Ca-DTPA, treatment should continue 24 hours later with a daily dose
of Zn-DTPA, as needed.
iii Breastfeeding women
Radioactive materials can—and do—get into breast milk. For this reason, CDC
recommends that women with internal contamination stop breastfeeding and
feed the child baby formula or other food if it is available. If breast milk is the
only food available for an infant, nursing should continue. Breastfeeding women
who are internally contaminated with plutonium, americium, or curium should be
treated with DTPA.
15.4 Duration of treatment: DTPA treatment may be needed for a prolonged period. In the
past, most people who have needed treatment with DTPA have only needed one dose.
However, internal contamination with very high levels of plutonium, americium, or
curium may require treatment with DTPA every day for weeks or months. The length
of treatment with DTPA will depend on - a) the amount of radioactive material in
patient’s body and b) how well your body gets rid of the radioactive material. Collect
samples of blood, urine, and feces during your treatment with DTPA. These samples
can tell how much radioactivity patient has passed and how much remains in the
body. For this, help from health physicists and the concerned laboratory is essential.
15.5 Dose Regime:
Sr. No. Time from the Dose DTPA Product and Frequency
event Pathway
1 ASAP 1 gm Ca DTPA I.V. or Start dose
Zn DTPA aerosol
only if Inhalation
2 After day 1 to day 0.5 gm Zn DTPA I.V. OD - three days per
7 i.e First week week
3 After 1 week to 8 0.25 – Zn DTPA I.V. OD – twice per week
weeks 0.50 gm
4 8 weeks To 12 - - -
5 Subsequently 0.25 – Zn DTPA I.V. Once per week for
0.50 gm 4 weeks. Cycle to
be continued with a
pause of 2-3 weeks
after each 4 weeks of
15.6 For large quantities of Plutonium inhalation, (50 times the maximum permissible
lung burden in patients aged 30 years or less) or more than 1.5 µ Ci, bronchial
lavage is recommended soon after second or third day. This should be undertaken
in specialized centers only where expertise exists.
15.7 Caution: There are no medical reasons why a person who is internally contaminated
with plutonium, americium, or curium should not be treated with Ca-DTPA or Zn-
DTPA, except nephritic syndrome. However, keep the following guidelines in mind:
i Because radioactive materials chelated to DTPA are passed out of the body in
the urine, DTPA must be used carefully in people whose kidneys do not function
ii Ca-DTPA should be used carefully in people who have a disease called
“hemochromatosis.” (Hemochromatosis is a genetic disease that causes the body
to absorb too much iron from foods and other sources, such as vitamins containing
iii Aerosol treatments using DTPA may not be safe for some people with asthma.
If a person with asthma requires treatment with DTPA, the drug should be
iv DTPA should not be used to treat people who are internally contaminated with
the radioactive materials uranium or neptunium.
15.8 Side Effects: DTPA does not build up in the body or cause long-term health effects.
People who are given repeat doses of Ca-DTPA within a short period of time may
have nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, chills, fever, itching, and muscle cramps. Other side
effects may include headache, lightheadedness, chest pain, and a metallic taste in
the mouth.
15.8.1 Ca-DTPA (and Zn-DTPA) can chelate certain important minerals that the body
needs (zinc, magnesium, and manganese). For example, the body needs
zinc to make red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets. Therefore,
DTPA treatment may interfere with the normal production of blood cells. As
a precaution, patients receiving long-term treatment with DTPA should be
given a vitamin and mineral supplements containing zinc.
15.9 Bio-assay samples: Blood, urine and stool samples need to be collected for bio-
assay. Repeat of earlier Sections).
15.10 Some other drugs of decontamination include DMPS (Di-mercapto-propan-
sulphonate), DMSA, Dimercaprol (also called as BAL), Desferoxamine (DFOA).
These are used for heavy metals like, Mercury, Lead, etc. and also for Polonium
16.1 This is a mercury chelator, like DMSA.
16.2 More dangerous since it can pull other useful metals out of the body (e.g. zinc and
NDMA Manual on Medical Management of Nuclear and Radiological Emergencies
copper) and it can dump much mercury into the kidney and liver and permanently
damage them.
16.3 Start with several small test doses to make sure that patient can tolerate them
(e.g. 10mg 1st time, 50mg 2nd time, 250mg 3rd time; and wait 2wks between each
16.4 It is recommended that DMPS is not to be used unless there are very compelling
reasons to do so, since it is dangerous and has damaged many people.
17.1 This is a drug chelator (binds to mercury and then pulls it out of the body).
17.2 It is recommended to take several small test doses first to make sure that the
patient can tolerate them (e.g. 20mg 1st time, 100mg 2nd time, 500mg 3rd time;
and wait 2wks between each test).
17.3 LONG TERM treatment approach is to take 100mg a day for 3days and then wait
3weeks, and then repeat the cycle; and do this for a year or so.
17.4 While doing this, take a zinc/copper tablet each day (e.g. 25mg zinc, 2.5mg copper;
the 10:1 ratio is important).
17.5 DMSA is sometimes coupled with Lipoate, however, if one has multiple sclerosis
(MS), DMSA is to be used with caution since those with MS are at a greater risk of
a bad reaction.
17.6 Also, if one has high levels of methyl-mercury (inorganic mercury from fish), the
Lipoate can hurt as well.
NDMA Manual on Medical Management of Nuclear and Radiological Emergencies
1 Hematopoietic Syndrome:
1.1 Irradiation of bone marrow stem and progenitor cells at increasing doses results in
exponential cellular death. The hematopoietic syndrome is seen with significant
partial-body or whole-body radiation exposures exceeding 1 Gy and is rarely clinically
significant below this level. Mitotically active hematopoietic progenitors have a limited
capacity to divide after a whole-body radiation dose greater than 2 to 3 Gy. In the
ensuing weeks after exposure, a hematologic crisis occurs, characterized by hypoplasia
or aplasia of the bone marrow. These changes result in pancytopenia, predisposition to
infection, bleeding, and poor wound healing, all of which may contribute to death.
1.2 While most bone marrow progenitors are susceptible to cell death after sufficiently
intense radiation doses, subpopulations of stem cells or accessory cells are selectively
more radio resistant, presumably because of their largely non-cycling state. These
radio resistant cells may play an important role in recovery of hematopoiesis after
exposure to doses as high as 6 Gy, albeit with a reduced capacity for self-renewal.
Another critical determinant for reconstitution is inhomogeneity of the dose with
sparing of marrow sites that become foci of hematopoietic activity.
NDMA Manual on Medical Management of Nuclear and Radiological Emergencies
1.3 Lymphopenia is common and occurs before the onset of other cytopenias. A
predictable decline in lymphocytes occurs after irradiation. In fact, a 50% decline
in absolute lymphocyte count within the first 24 hours after exposure, followed by
a further, more severe decline within 48 hours, characterizes a potentially lethal
The above figure shows Leukocyte count based on exposure dose in patients exposed
to radiation in Chernobyl. Note the abortive rise (transient increase before the fall)
in counts of leukocytes, which are primarily composed of granulocytes, in doses less
than 5 Gy. Neutropenia may not occur for weeks, especially with lower exposures
and its duration may be prolonged. To convert cells/mm3 to x109 cells/litre, multiply
by 0.001. Due to large inter-individual variation of leuco-counts, it is necessary to
observe the kinetics. However, in severe cases, bone marrow cellularity needs to be
checked to ascertain the viability of bone marrow and its recovery.
(Ref: Annals of Internal Medicine. CLINICAL GUIDELINES. Medical management of
the Acute Radiation Syndrome: Recommendations of the Strategic National Stockpile
Radiation Working Group. Jamie K. Waselenko et al; 15 June 2004/ Vol 140/Issue 12/
Pg 1037 – 1051)
2 Gastro-Intestinal Syndrome:
2.1 Radiation induces loss of intestinal crypts and breakdown of the mucosal barrier. The
onset of gastro-intestinal syndrome is at 6-8 Gy whole body and results in abdominal
pain, diarrhea, nausea and vomiting and predispose patients to infection. At doses
exceeding 12 Gy, the mortality rate of the gastrointestinal syndrome exceeds that of
the hematopoietic syndrome. Severe nausea, vomiting, watery diarrhea and cramps
occur within hours after high-dose (>10 Gy) irradiation.
Latent period follows, lasting for 5 to 7 days, during which symptoms reduce.
2.2 During manifest illness, vomiting and severe diarrhea associated with high fever occur.
Systemic effects may include malnutrition from mal-absorption, bowel obstruction
from ileus, dehydration, cardiovascular collapse and electrolyte derangements
from fluid shifts. Damage to the intestinal mucosa and microcirculation, causing
gastrointestinal bleeding, leads to anemia. Subsequently it can cause sepsis and
acute renal failure.
NDMA Manual on Medical Management of Nuclear and Radiological Emergencies
Radiation Working Group. Jamie K. Waselenko et al; 15 June 2004/ Vol 140/Issue 12/
Pg 1037 – 1051)
* Modified from Flicdner TM, Fricsccke I, Beyrcr K (39). ADL = activity of daily living.
Reflex status (including corneal reflexes), papilledema, seizures, ataxia, and other motor signs or
sensory signs.
Impaired memory, reasoning, or judgement.
The extent of involvement is decisive and should be documented for all skin changes.
NDMA Manual on Medical Management of Nuclear and Radiological Emergencies
Prepared By : Late : Dr Raghavendra Deolalikar
Certifying Surgeon, NAPS, NPCIL and Member W.G.
Reviewed / Edited By:
Shri B. Bhattacharjee Hon’ble ex Member, NDMA & Chairman, High Power Committee,
Shri S.A. Hussain Ex Head RSD, AERB and Convener W.G.
Late Dr M. C. Abani former Sr. Specialist (Nuclear), NDMA and Member W.G
Shri Shivajee Singh former Sr. Specialist [NDRF], NDMA and Member W.G.
Shri D.K.Shukla Head, ROD, BARC and Member W.G.
Dr Pradeep Kumar, Head, ERS and MS, BARC and Member W.G.
Shri S.M.Maskey, O.S., TAPS 1and2, NPCIL and Member W.G.
Shri P.C. Meghnani S.O. NPCIL and Member W.G.
Shri A.P. Garg Scientific Officer AERB, and Member W.G.
Dr N. Roy former Head, Surgical Unit, BARC Hospital, and Member W.G.
Shri S.K.Pawar Scientific Officer AERB, and Member W.G.
Shri Shyam Vyas Scientific Officer AERB, and Member W.G.
Dr M.M. Adtani Retd. Scientific Officer BARC, and Member W.G.
Shri P.K. Bhatia Scientific Officer NPCIL, and Member-Secretary W.G.
Dr Hemant Haldavnekar, (OIC) Trombay Dispensary, BARC
Dr Rajiv Sarin, Prof. TMH, ACTREC
Dr M.G.R. Rajan, BARC, Former Head, FMC
Dr (Smt) Birajalaxmi Das, S.O. BARC
Dr Pankaj Tandon, S.O. AERB
Dr Ajay Chaubey, Head Radiology Dept. BARC Hospital
Dr Anjali Godse, Medical Officer, BARC
Dr Aseem Bhatnagar, S.O. INMAS
Dr Rakesh Kumar, Prof. AIIMS
Dr D N Sharma, Member, NDMA
Brig. Ajay Gangwar, JS (Mitigation), NDMA
Sh Pushkar Sahay, JA (MP & P)
Sh S K Mishra , Sr Consultant (N & R), NDMA
Dr Saurabh Dalal, Consultant (Medical Preparedness), NDMA
NDMA Manual on Medical Management of Nuclear and Radiological Emergencies