Seo InstitutionalContradictionsPraxis 2002
Seo InstitutionalContradictionsPraxis 2002
Seo InstitutionalContradictionsPraxis 2002
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The Academy of Management Review
Boston College
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During the past two decades, institutional the- existing ones changed over time (DiMaggio &
orists have been able to offer more insights intoPowell, 1991)?
the processes that explain institutional stability Many researchers attempt to address this theo-
than those that explain institutional change retical dilemma by tempering notions of institu-
(Barley & Tolbert, 1997; Clemens & Cook, 1999; tional determinism with ideas of discretion and
Oliver, 1991; Scott, 1991). This has been due, in strategic compliance, rooted in interests. For ex-
part, to the greater emphasis on how institu- ample, Oliver (1991) notes that organizations are
tional pressures force organizations to adopt not always passive but, instead, respond to insti-
similar practices or structures to gain legiti- tutional pressures according to their resource de-
macy and support (DiMaggio & Powell, 1983). In pendencies. Similarly, Edelman (1992) found that
this context institutions have been variously de- organizations create departments and profes-
fined as "socially constructed, routine-repro- sional roles responsible for constructing the
duced programs or rule systems" (Jepperson, meaning of compliance with ambiguous institu-
1991: 149) and "supra-organizational patterns of tional prescriptions, such as EEO laws, in ways
human activity by which individuals and or- that accommodate managerial interests. In their
ganizations produce and reproduce their mate- study of corporate ethics programs in the defense
rial substance and organize time and space" industry, Scully and Meyerson (1996) found that
(Friedland & Alford, 1991: 243). If institutions are, various interests influenced both the content and
by definition, firmly rooted in taken-for-granted the mechanisms of legitimation, in a process
rules, norms, and routines, and if those institu-
marked by ambiguity, before more or less isomor-
tions are so powerful that organizations and in- phic practices emerged. Many other case studies
dividuals are apt to automatically conform to suggest that power and interests play important
them, then how are new institutions created or
roles in the evolution and/or change of organiza-
tional fields (e.g., DiMaggio, 1991; Leblebici,
Salancik, Copay, & King, 1991).
We thank Eric Abrahamson, Joy Beatty, Naomi Olson, The theoretical question of how institutions
Maureen Scully, Marc Ventresca, and participants in the are created and changed would seem to be at
1999 Institutions, Conflicts, and Change Conference at the
least partially answered by incorporating the
Kellogg School of Management, Northwestern University, for
their helpful comments and encouragement. We are also role of interest and agents into institutional the-
grateful to Dev Jennings and the anonymous reviewers for ory. However, these attempts often directly con-
their insightful comments and recommendations. tradict one of the most central assertions in in-
stitutional theory-that actors and their ular type of human agency-praxis, which is
interests are themselves institutionally con- political action embedded in a historical system
structed (DiMaggio & Powell, 1991). A growing of interconnected yet incompatible institutional
body of literature advances this concern. Fried- arrangements. Praxis may be a core concept for
land and Alford (1991) oppose the depiction of reconciling two seemingly incompatible proper-
actors as having objective, universal interests, ties of institutional theory: institutional embed-
arguing that both interest and power are insti- dedness and transformational agency.
tutionally shaped. Powell (1991) also argues that We believe that our framework provides an
individual preferences and choices cannot be essential understanding of institutional change
understood apart from the larger cultural setting and, in particular, of the historical, dynamic,
and historical period in which they are embed- and complex processes that surround human
ded. Goodrick and Salancik (1996) contend that agency in multifarious and fragmented institu-
the direct incorporation of a strategic choice per-tional environments. These processes have not
spective into institutional theory risks discount- been adequately delineated in several recent
ing an essential premise of institutional theory: efforts to explain institutional change (e.g., Bar-
the social-fact quality of institutions. Likewise, ley & Tolbert, 1997; Greenwood & Hinings, 1996;
Brint and Karabel (1991) have found that both the Hirsch & Lounsbury, 1997). Adopting a dialecti-
origin and the realization of agents' interests cal framework also alerts us to the ways in
are shaped and channeled by the forces of ex- which institutional formation and change are
ternal and internal institutional arrangements, the outcomes of political struggle among multi-
such as power structures, field opportunities, ple social constituencies with unequal power.
and ideological orientations. This positions our theoretical concerns in the
The implied corrective-a renewed emphasis reemergent tradition of critical organizational
on the institutional embeddedness of interest analysis (e.g., Braverman, 1974; Burawoy, 1979,
and agency-leads to another dilemma, how- 1985; Edwards, 1979; Thompson, 1989). In this
ever: "How can actors change institutions if their vein, we build on recent treatments that have
actions, intentions, and rationality are all con- highlighted the value of a critical perspective
ditioned by the very institution they wish to for institutional analysis in particular (e.g., Jer-
change?" (Holm, 1995: 398). Addressing this the-mier, 1998; Oakes, Townley, & Cooper, 1998).
oretical paradox while discounting neither the
active role nor the institutional embeddedness
of agency and interests seems to be one of the DIALECTICAL PERSPECTIVE
central issues of current institutional arguments
(Clemens & Cook, 1999; Hirsch & Lounsbury, Recently, several authors have attempted to
1997). resolve the theoretical paradox of embedded
In this article we attempt to address this cen- agency by integrating either political insights
tral paradox by employing and elaborating a from the "old institutionalism" or notions of
dialectical framework for understanding institu- structural dualism from structuration theory. For
tional change that depicts the historical devel- example, Hirsch and Lounsbury (1997) have as-
opment of institutional contradictions and hu- serted that, in general, institutional arguments
man praxis as the key mediating mechanisms have shifted away from the old institutional-
linking institutional embeddedness and institu- ism's focus on agency and interests toward the
tional change. Specifically, drawing upon Ben- new institutionalism's focus on structural em-
son's (1977) dialectical perspective, we identify beddedness, constitutive cognitive schema, an
concrete mechanisms that delineate how insti- higher levels of abstraction. The result is the
tutional arrangements create various inconsis- current overemphasis on structural constraint in
tencies and tensions within and between social institutional theory. To achieve a more balanced
systems (contradictions), how those contradic- understanding, these authors advocate adopt-
tions transform the embedded social actors into ing theoretical insights from Giddens (1984) or
the change agents of the very institutional ar-
Bourdieu (1988) that emphasize the mutually
rangements, and how those contradictions constitutive
fur- nature of structure and agency.
ther enable and foster the subsequent change In this vein, Greenwood and Hinings (1996)
processes. We also focus on theorizing a partic- provide a dynamic framework in which they
porary, arbitrary
going social construction produces a complex
cial pattern is regarded as one among many
array of contradictions, continually generating
possibilities. Theoretical attention is focused
tensions and conflicts within and across social
upon the transformation through which one set
of arrangements gives way to another (Benson, systems, which may, under some circumstances
1977: 3). shape consciousness and action to change the
present order.
According to Benson (1977), four basic princi-
Finally, praxis is the free and creative recon-
ples guide dialectical analysis: social construc-
struction of social patterns on the basis of a
tion, totality, contradiction, and praxis. First, so-
cial construction focuses on the social process reasoned analysis of both the limits and the
through which orderly, predictable relations are potentials of present social forms. "People under
produced and reproduced. Through human in- some circumstances can become active agents
teractions, which are directed by people's inter- reconstructing their own social relations and ul-
ests and power, social patterns are gradually timately themselves" (Benson, 1977: 5-6). None of
built. Eventually, a set of institutional arrange- these four principles can be understood sepa-
ments is established and continually repro- rately, but, taken together, they constitute an
duced. overall perspective on the fundamental charac-
ter of social life.
Second, totality refers to the interconnected-
ness of these built-up social patterns. Any par- These four dialectical principles can be di-
ticular social structure is viewed not as an iso- rectly applied to the analysis of institutional
lated, abstract phenomenon but, rather,processes, as part as illustrated in Figure 1. Various
of a larger whole composed of multiple, institutions-
inter- organizations, organizational
penetrating social structures operating at fields,
mul- or states-can be understood as the multi-
tiple levels and in multiple sectors. However, level social arrangements that are continually
the linkages among the components are neither produced and reproduced by social interactions
complete nor coherent. Instead, the component (social construction). However, these ongoing,
social structures that make up the whole are multilevel processes produce a complex array of
loosely coupled and more or less autonomous. In interrelated but often mutually incompatible in-
light of the ongoing processes of social construc- stitutional arrangements (totality). Such institu-
tion and reproduction, the loose coupling be- tional incompatibilities provide a continuous
tween component social structures enables "di- source of tensions and conflicts within and
vergent, incompatible productions" within the across institutions (contradiction). The ong
larger, interconnected system as a whole (Ben- experience of contradictory reality reshap
son, 1977: 4). consciousness of institutional inhabitants, and
Third, contradiction refers to these various they, in some circumstances, act to fundamen-
ruptures and inconsistencies both among and tally transform the present social arrangements
within the established social arrangements. On- and themselves (praxis). This dialectical per-
Institutionalization and Institutional Change: Processes from a Dialectical Perspective
(New Social
Praxis Social interactions
(New) o Onstruction
mutually incompatible Totality
Contradiction institutional processes
ronmental uncert
leads us to the next source of institutional con-
O'Neill, Pouder, & Buchholtz, 1998). tradiction.
For the most part, institutional theorists have
accommodated this contradiction between effi-
Adaptation That Undermines Adaptability
ciency and legitimacy with the notion of the
selective decoupling of formal structures from Certainly, institutional isomorphism that in-
activities in the technical core (Meyer & Rowan, creases legitimacy is an adaptive move for sur-
1977). Such decoupling allows for an organiza- vival. A widely noted paradox arises when such
tion's ritual conformity to rationalized myths- adaptive moves make adopters less able to
the source of legitimacy and meaning-while adapt over the long run. Through a series of
enabling discretion in operational sectors of the experiments, Zucker found that, once institution-
organization. However, most discussions of the alized, a structure or activity is maintained with-
efficiency gap implicitly point to the question- out further action: "Institutionalized elements
able effectiveness of decoupling in protecting become embedded in networks, with change in
organizations from the accumulation of ineffi- any one element resisted because of the
ciencies over the long run. changes it would entail for all the interrelated
The recent crisis in the Korean economy pro- network elements" (1991: 105). Powell (1991) pr
vides an example. Contrary to Orru, Biggart, vides a similar account, suggesting that prac-
and Hamilton's (1991) argument that the institu- tices and structures come to be perceived as
tional features observed in Taiwan and Korea natural and legitimate and, thus, go unques-
have been critical to achieving both the legiti-
tioned vis-a-vis alternatives. Efforts to change
macy and the technical fitness of organizations, those shared expectations are often resisted, he
when the currency crisis hit many Asian coun-
argues, because "they threaten individuals'
tries in 1997, the Korean economy, which sense has
of security, increase the cost of informa-
been highly dependent on densely interpene- tion processing, and disrupt routines" (Powell,
trating institutional arrangements, suffered a 1991: 194).
far more severe economic crisis than Taiwan, A similar theme is found even at the microin-
which has a more atomized market economy dividual level of analysis. Cognitive psychology
(Orru et al., 1991). The chronic, accumulated in-indicates that people develop various schemas
efficiency, rooted in the tightly woven institu- to better process complex information. But once
tional arrangements among the government, developed, these schemas become resistant to
banks, and corporations, is one of the funda- change, regardless of their usefulness (Bartunek
mental causes of the economic crisis in Korea & Moch, 1987; Fiske & Taylor, 1984). This resis-
(Samsung Economic Research Institute, 1998). tance, in the form of taken-for-grantedness, is a
The institutional arrangements that were once fundamental attribute of institutionalization
credited with enabling the Korean economy to (Jepperson, 1991).
gain efficiency and resources have created a Economic interdependence is another reason
web of vulnerability that is now threatening theinstitutions become maladaptive (Powell, 1991
very foundation of the entire economy by accu-When economic dependencies extend across o
mulating inefficiencies within the social system.ganizational boundaries, common practices or
In sum, the possibility of loose coupling not- procedures become resistant to change, despite
withstanding, one source of institutional contra-considerable evidence that they are suboptimal.
diction is the inefficiency produced by conform-This is not only because the perceived benefits
ing to institutional arrangements. Even if associated with familiarity easily outweigh the
institutionalized organizations make decisions anticipated gains associated with flexibility but
that improve both legitimacy and technical effi- also because a considerable amount of eco-
ciency in the short run, those decisions easily nomic resources are invested and "locked in."
become suboptimal if new optimal solutions are Path-dependent patterns of development
not continually pursued and adopted. This (Arthur, 1989) and "competency traps" (Levitt &
raises the issue of how suboptimal practices March, 1988) are good examples, in which initial
and structures are perpetuated over time or howtechnical choices preclude even those future op-
institutional arrangements prevent continuous tions that would have been more effective in the
pursuit of optimally efficient solutions, which long run. As adoption spreads, the technical in-
vestment becomes irreversible; because of this ply, but, at the same time, labor market prac-
lock-in feature, later competitive improvements tices may weaken the family system, as seen in
cannot be capitalized on easily (Powell, 1991). the current problem of work/family balance.
In sum, although institutionalization is an In one elaboration of this view, Scott and
adaptive process, once in place, institutions are Meyer (1991) suggest that decentralized states
likely to be both psychologically and economi- increasingly exhibit functionally differentiated
cally locked in and, in a sense, isolated from or sectors whose structures are vertically con-
unresponsive to changes in their external envi- nected, with lines stretching up to the central
ronments. This unresponsiveness creates a nation-state. However, the federalized authority
space where contradictions between those insti- at the national level makes control and coordi-
tutions and their external environments develop nation among differentiated sectors problem-
and accumulate over time.
atic, costly, and frustrating. These three fac-
tors-increasing heterogeneity between insti-
Intrainstitutional Conformity That Creates tutionalized sectors, increasing functional and
Interinstitutional Incompatibilities structural interconnectedness among those sec-
tors, and reduced ability to control and coordi-
The dialectical concept of totality shifts our those sectors at the societal level-all
focus from intrainstitutional phenomenaimply to thethat interinstitutional contradictions be-
intricate ties between institutions and the comelarger
an increasingly common part of contem-
societal context, a context consisting of porary multi-social life.
ple, interpenetrating levels and sectors. From
For example, Cooper, Hinings, Greenwood,
this view, the ongoing production and reproduc-
and Brown's (1996) case study of two Canadian
tion of social interactions are carried out in
law firms reflects a process through which such
many different locations, resulting ininstitutional the morecontradictions become an increas-
or less autonomous local production of multiple
ingly common and important aspect of contem
and incompatible institutional arrangements.
porary society. The process by which shifts in
Thus, conformity to certain institutional ar-
the wider institutional context alter the interpre-
rangements within a particular level or sector
tation of organizational structures and system
may cause conflicts or inconsistencies with the
represents a "sedimentation" where one institu-
institutional arrangements of different levels or
sectors. tionalized logic (e.g., professionalism) is layered
Several institutional theorists have explored on another (e.g., managerialism or bureaucra-
cy), rather than a distinctive transformation
this source of contradictions. For example,
Meyer and Rowan (1977) suggest that organiza- where one logic sweeps away the residue of
tions are embedded in pluralistic institutional the other. This process results in sedimented
environments that are often imbued with structures and ideologies that provide resources
sharply inconsistent prescriptions for foraction,
competingall interests in institutionalization
supported by rationalized myths. Thus, organi- processes (reproduction or reconstruction).
zations tend to incorporate all sorts of incompat- D'Aunno, Sutton, and Price (1991) and Meyerson
ible structural elements, practices, and proce- (1994) also provide empirical evidence of the in-
dures in the search for legitimacy and stability. creasing penetration of interinstitutional contra-
Friedland and Alford maintain that the major dictions into the day-to-day practices of contem-
institutions of contemporary Western society-a porary organizations and its consequences.
capitalist market, the nuclear family, the bu- Clemens and Cook (1999) add that heterogeneity
reaucratic state, liberal democracy, and Judeo- and incompatibility also can come from inside
Christian religious traditions-have mutually an institutional boundary-for example,
interdependent and yet contradictory "central through ongoing learning and innovation.
logics-sets of material practices and symbolic In sum, individuals and organizations are in-
constructions-which constitute their organiz- creasingly exposed to multiple and contradic-
ing principles and which are available to organ- tory, yet interconnected, institutional arrange-
izations and individuals to elaborate" (1991: 256). ments and prescriptions-all of which are the
For example, capitalist markets may depend inevitable by-products of the ongoing social
upon families to minimize the costs of labor sup-construction of those institutions. Conforming to
Emirbayer and
tive institutional logics M
of action and systems of
argument meaning found regardin
in the larger heterogeneous so-
partially autonomous actors become active cial world. A growing number of institutional
change agents. They conceive of social action as theorists provide a similar view that the nexus
composed of a combination of three temporally of multiplicity and incompatibility in the social
rooted action orientations: (1) the past-directed, world is an important locus of institutional
"iterational" orientation fosters unreflective, ha- change, because social actors are active and
bitual behaviors that play a role in institutional artful exploiters of those social contradictions.
reproduction; (2) the future-directed, "projective" For example, Friedland and Alford (1991) ar-
orientation enables the imagining of alternative gue that although institutions constrain both the
social configurations, informed by a knowledge means and ends of action, human beings are
of multiple existing arrangements; and (3) the artful in mobilizing different institutional logics
present-directed, "practical-evaluative" orienta-to serve their purposes. Sewell (1992) argues that
tion enables pragmatic judgment about the via-social actors are capable of applying, transpos-
bility of imagined alternatives given present ing, and extending a wide range of different and
constraints. All of these action orientations- even incompatible cultural schemas to new con-
like notes in a chord-are found to varying texts. de-
Whittington (1992) also suggests that hu-
grees in any social action, but one or another man agency for social change entails the active
note will define the key in which action occurs. exploitation of the tensions and conflicts be-
Changes in key-from unreflective participation tween divergent structural principles and rules
in institutional reproduction to imaginative cri- derived from the wider society. The cases of the
tique of existing arrangements to practical ac- diffusion of grievance procedures (Friedland
tion for change-may occur, Emirbayer and & Alford, 1991), of corporate philanthropy
Mische argue, when actors face problematic sit-(Galaskiewicz, 1991), of work computerization
uations that require a reflective distance from (Prasad, 1993), and of gay and lesbian employee
past patterns and allow for greater imagination advocacy for changes in human resource poli-
and conscious choice (1998: 973). cies (Creed & Scully, 1998; Creed, Scully, & Aus-
Therefore, this concept indicates that the tin, de- in press) are among the numerous examples
velopment of social contradictions is a neces- that demonstrate how artfully agents adopt and
sary driving force for praxis, because contradic- use the alternative institutional logics available
tions enable a shift in partially autonomous in the broader societal context to achieve their
social actors' collective consciousness from a political purposes.
unreflective and passive mode to a reflective Putting these insights together, we see that
and active one. However, this shift in collective the dialectical concept of praxis implies that
consciousness is only one necessary element in human agency for institutional change is insep-
praxis. A theory of praxis still needs to explain arable from institutional contradictions. Institu-
how social actors, once they have become reflec-tional contradictions may not only trigger the
tive and active change agents, mobilize both the shift in actors' collective consciousness but also
other actors and the resources required to bringmay provide alternative logics of action and
about social change. In answer to this, a dialec- psychological and physical resources to be mo-
tical perspective offers another conceptualiza- bilized, appropriated, and transposed in the pro-
tion of human agency-that of the social actor cess of institutional change. This dialectical
as an active exploiter of social contradictions-- concept of human agency provides a theoretical
which fills in the rest of the praxis story. basis for more concrete predictions on how the
four types of institutional contradictions identi-
fied above may affect the social reconstruction
Active and Artful Exploiters of Institutional
Contradictions processes involved in institutional change.
Institutional Contradictions and the Emergence of Potential Change Agents
Institutional Praxis
contradictions Io Institutional
Nonadaptability Actor
interests a + ? Potential chan
and the idea that alternative practices and tion from outside. Below we treat these two
structures are likely to emerge from the marginspaths in two separate elaborations of our recur
or interstices (Morrill, in press). This discussion
sive model.
leads to our first proposition. Gradual reshaping of consciousness from
within. In some cases, when institutional ar-
Proposition 1: The presence and de- rangements are neither deeply embedded nor
gree of misaligned interests increase tightly coupled (see dotted arrow a in Figure 2B),
the likelihood and the scope of praxis the constant experience of problematic situa-
for institutional change by generating tions stemming from other institutional contra-
potential change agents. dictions may naturally and gradually lead insti-
tutional inhabitants to a critical understanding
Institutional Contradictions and the Reflective of and disengagement from their past patterns
Shift in Collective Consciousness of behavior and social reproduction (Benson,
1977; Emirbayer & Mische, 1998). This disengage-
A dialectical perspective neither discounts ment can be either individual or collective. One
the notion that interests cannot be understood possible result is what has been called "deinsti-
apart from their historical and institutional con-
tutionalization" or "dissipation," a process in
text nor underestimates the potentially powerful which the legitimacy of an institutionalized
constraining forces of existing social structures. practice gradually erodes (Oliver, 1992).
Instead, it regards the objective circumstances Both efficiency gaps and interinstitutional in-
in which actors' interests are not adequately compatibilities can be linked to gradual shifts
met as the necessary but insufficient condition in institutional inhabitants' consciousness and
for praxis (Benson, 1977). The strength of existing deinstitutionalization. First, the ongoing experi-
institutional constraints on participants' thoughts ence of an efficiency gap can be one trigger of
and behaviors will largely influence both the like- the critical reflection necessary for praxis (see
lihood that those institutional inhabitants will arrow b in Figure 2B). Oliver (1991) and Roberts
achieve a critical perspective on disadvantageous and Greenwood (1997) suggest that organiza-
social arrangements and the form their tions critical
are likely to engage in both the critical
understanding will take. Various concepts speak of current practices or institutional
to the power of institutional arrangements to
arrangements and the search for alternatives
shape participants' beliefs, understandings, whenand those institutionalized practices begin to
behaviors, or the degree to which the participants conflict with the economic criteria of efficiency
are psychologically and economically locked in.
and effectiveness. For example, Kraats and
These concepts include the "capacity" ofZajac institu-
(1996) found that when faced with strong
tional arrangements (Clemens & Cook, 1999), the
market-based pressures in the early 1970s, lib-
extent of tight coupling (Greenwood & Hinings, eral arts colleges showed a gradual but obvious
1996), or the degree of embeddedness (Uzzi, pattern
1997). of disengagement from highly institu-
Such notions are encompassed by one particular tionalized norms, as seen in the vocationalizing
type of institutional contradiction framed above:
of their curricula.
nonadaptability. Second, the degree of subjective exposure to
We propose that nonadaptability-the extent multiple, incompatible institutional arrange-
to which institutional arrangements arements deeply may also facilitate such a gradual shift in
embedded and tightly coupled-is a situational actors' consciousness (see arrow c in Figure 2B).
variable that fundamentally conditions two pos- Clemens and Cook (1999) argue that exposure to
sible ways in which the reflective shift in collec- multiple institutions may facilitate a change in
tive consciousness may unfold. One way is actors' consciousness such that the relative
through the gradual reshaping of consciousness dominance of some institutional arrangeme
from within the institutional context; the other is is no longer seen as inevitable. Oliver (1992)
through revolutionary disruption from outside. suggests that actors' experience of normative
The greater the nonadaptability, the less likelyfragmentation-a loss of consensus among so-
the reflective shift in collective consciousness, cial actors on the meanings and interpretations
when it arises, can proceed gradually; instead, they attach to their daily lives-will increase
it may largely depend on revolutionary disrup- the vulnerability of certain institutional ar-
Institutional Contradictions and Gradual Shift in Collective Consciousness Under Conditions of
Weak Nonadaptability
Institutional Praxis
contradictions ) Institutional
Nonadaptability Actor
Institutional Contradictions and Gradual Shift in Collective Consciousness Under Conditions of
Strong Nonadaptability
Institutionalization t
Institutional Praxis
contradictions iInstitutional
Nonadaptability Actor
Institutional mobilization
initiatives within frames or models available in provides two important implications for under-
the broader society. standing institutional change. First, institu-
In light of these comments, it appears that
tional aheterogeneity or the number of interinsti-
fundamental feature of praxis is the selective tutional contradictions is positively related to
adoption and deployment of available institu- the likelihood of praxis for institutional change
tional logics that legitimize and mobilize politi- (arrow a in Figure 2D), because it increases the
cal action against incommensurate institutional number of institutional logics and frames that
logics. Further, the degree to which praxis will exist in a particular historical moment and
succeed may hinge on the ability of actors to within a social boundary and, thus, affords
adopt and customize a potent or resonant frame change agents a greater repertoire or tool kit
for directing and mobilizing collective action (Swidler, 1986) for developing alternative frames
(Snow & Benford, 1992). However, adopting and and models (Clemens & Cook, 1999). The second
adapting the most resonant frames-those with implication is, however, that not all the alterna-
the greatest mobilizing potential-from the tive frames and logics available in a given time
many available at a given time and in a given and space may have the same potential to legit-
society are complex and artful tasks. Both social imize and mobilize change efforts. Instead, the
movement and institutional scholars have em- variance in their mobilizing potential mirrors
phasized the importance of social actors' "as- the nature and structure of interinstitutional
sets" (Gamson, Fireman, & Rytina, 1982) or insti-contradictions that have developed within a so-
tutional entrepreneurs' "social skills" (Fligstein, cial boundary. Specifically, the mobilizing po-
1997a,b) for mounting successful challenges to tential of a particular frame or logic can be
existing institutional arrangements. While not understood as a function of (1) the degree to
ignoring the possibility that such skills are which it is endowed with some level of legiti-
widespread among social actors (Sewell, 1992; macy by other institutionalized meaning sys-
Whittington, 1992), scholars such as Benson tems within the same social boundary and
(1977) and Strang and Meyer (1993) emphasize (2) the degree to which those meaning systems
the critical role of "expert theorizers" and intel- potentially give rise to tension and contestation
lectual elites in the drama of praxis, because of over the legitimacy of the particular institu-
the high level of reflexivity, complexity, and cre- tional arrangements targeted for change.
ativity involved. In particular, Benson (1977) For example, according to Davis and Thomp-
calls for organizational scholars' active engage- son (1994), the logic of free market economics
ment in both critiquing present social and or- has long coexisted in the United States with
ganizational forms and searching for new pos- what has been, since the early 1930s, the domi-
sibilities. nant form of corporate governance-managerial
Although many institutional scholars have corporate control. In the 1980s, however, the ac-
emphasized the importance of alternative insti- cumulated effects of several institutional con-
tutional logics or frames in shaping and promot-tradictions resulted in unforeseen challenges
ing political actions, few have clearly explained the established managerialist order. These con-
either where those alternative logics and frames tradictions included (1) changes in the politica
come from or under what conditions they be- and regulatory climate during the Reagan ad-
come relevant as resources for such political ministration, whose policies, in general, aligne
action. Most scholars simply describe alterna- with the free market logic; (2) an increase in
tive logics and frames as external, ready-to- power and resources in the hands of institu-
wear variables, randomly available at any tional investors; (3) a wave of takeovers that
given time. However, a dialectical perspective threatened to substantially undermine the
clearly suggests that those alternative logics managerialist hegemonic position; and (4) a
and frames themselves are also the historical widespread popular backlash against per-
products of the interinstitutional contradictions, ceived antieconomic managerial misdeeds,
which are constantly and inevitably produced such as poison pills. In this context the logic of
and reproduced within and between various the free market, in the guise of the market for
levels and sectors of institutional arrangements. corporate control, provided shareholder activ-
This dialectical understanding of frames ists with an alternative frame with which to
and logics as dynamic and historical products mobilize themselves as an emergent social
Institutional Contradictions, Mobilization for Reconstruction, and Collective Action for
Institutional Change
Institutionalization 1
Institutional Praxis
contradictions 1 p Institutional
Inefficiency b +
Collective action * Dissensus
*" ? *aChanges in relative po
+ T Heterogeneous resour
c Actor Interacting with actor skills at mobilizing
mobilization alternative collective action frames
a + available and relevant
t in the broader
Interinstitutiona. Reflective shift
incompatibilities in consciousness
movement and with which to challenge and ing change efforts. This effect will be
change the long-established features of the cor- mediated by actors' skills at adopting
porate governance system. and deploying the available institu-
This case suggests that the nature of institu- tional logics and frames in legitimiz-
tional contradictions can shape actors' political ing and mobilizing their change ef-
activism by conditioning which alternative forts.
frames and logics become available and rele-
vant as resources (Brint & Karabel, 1991). The
roots of change and resistance within institu- Collective Action and Institutional Change
tions arise from the contradictions among the
Collective action by a group of institutional
institutions themselves (Sewell, 1992). In this
challengers or entrepreneurs may not always
light, praxis appears not simply as a means
result in the intended change because of oppo-
through which a group of institutional challeng-
sition by vested interests better served by the
ers achieve their political goals but, rather, as a
existing institutional arrangements. In such
mechanism of human agency through which a
cases institutional change processes may entail
social system as a whole transcends its own
tensions and limitations. This leads to our next
intensive political contestation and negotiation
over the new forms of organizing (Hoffman,
1999), in what has been described as "institu-
Proposition 4. The degree and number tional war" (White, 1992) in interorganizational
of interinstitutional incompatibilities"arenas of power relations" (Brint & Karabel,
increase the likelihood of praxis for 1991). At a micro level-much in line with
institutional change by increasing the Bacharach, Bamberger, and Sonnenstuhl's (19
number of frames and logics avail- observation-this aspect of institutional chan
able for the construction of alternative may look like political struggles over the ali
models of institutional arrangements ment, misalignment, and realignment of var
capable of legitimizing and mobiliz- frames and cognitive schema among small
logics is of partic
an important, even a necessary, condi-
tion for the emergence of
institutional new, encompassing
like social movements, entailing, at least in (transcending) frames or models of organizing
part, the fundamental realignment of a signifi- (Bartunek, 1993; Bartunek & Moch, 1987). More-
cant number of participants' frames and logics over, it is this possibility of transcending exist-
of action, all as a result of agents' active effortsing social structures that shapes a dialectical
at mobilization (Lounsbury, 2001; Snow, Roch- vision of the future. It is "not one of continuous,
ford, Worden, & Benford, 1986). predictable development through extension or
A dialectical perspective points to important consolidation of the present order" (Benson,
ways in which institutional contradictions may1977; 5); instead, it is the successive realization
influence this later stage of praxis. First, insti-of one of many possibilities, with the final de-
tutional contradictions may influence the polit-termination depending on human praxis.
ical dynamics by undermining the hegemonic The present is full of many latent possible
position of dominant groups or coalitions outcomes (Benson, 1977). At one end of the spec-
(Habermas, 1973; McAdam et al., 1988). In partic- trum of possible outcomes is the failure to tran-
ular, a performance crisis caused by accumu- scend existing institutional arrangements in a
lated inefficiencies may influence the dynamics manner that fundamentally resolves manifest
of political contestation by enhancing the rela- institutional contradictions. For example, one
tive political position of institutional challeng- form of organizing may simply give way to an-
ers (arrow b in Figure 2D). For example, Green- other (Bartunek, 1993), or dominant groups may
wood and Hinings argue that "performance develop partial solutions that address the im-
problems and crises act to trigger political dis-mediate problems, with neither the new form
sensus over existing arrangements and permit nor the stopgap solution ever addressing the
groups less committed to prevailing practices tounderlying contradictions themselves (Edwards,
more legitimately raise and promote alternative 1979). From a dialectical perspective, this may
perspectives" (1996: 1043). Similarly, Ocasio result in producing another source of contradic-
(1994) argues that economic adversity can un- tion, which will ultimately come back as a
dermine executives' institutionalized power greater force of institutional change, perhaps
bases and affect patterns of CEO succession in even in the near future. At the other end of the
U.S. corporations. spectrum is the reconstruction of social arrange-
Second, institutional contradictions, espe- ments through the resolution of underlying in-
cially interinstitutional incompatibilities, may stitutional contradictions. This will provide the
influence the political dynamics by determining social system with a period of relative stability,
the availability of resources necessary for polit- although it also will inevitably produce other
ical action (arrow c in Figure 2D). As resource contradictions over time.
mobilization theory indicates, the resources and
power available to actors are critical factors DISCUSSION
in determining the success of political action
(McAdam et al., 1988). The availability of power- The relative emphasis between agency/
ful, alternative institutional resources across in- interests and institutional embeddedness has
stitutional settings can be particularly impor- been one of the central issues of recent institu-
tant for less powerful institutional challengers.tional arguments. Overemphasizing the static,
Many scholars have found that various net- stable aspect of institutionalization, as was
works of professionals, professional institutions,
done in the early neoinstitutional literature, left
and social movement organizations provide unexplained the origins, evolution, and demise
agents with various types of resources and sup- of institutional arrangements (DiMaggio, 1988).
port, such as sponsorship, legitimated authority,Focusing only on agency and interests, how-
models of organizing, performance standards, ever, tilts us toward a view of institutional are-
and political pressures that can be enacted nas full of endless political struggles among
in diverse settings (e.g., Brint & Karabel, 1991;atomized, opportunistic actors unaffected by the
DiMaggio, 1991; Lounsbury, 2001). institutional embeddedness that shapes both
From a dialectical perspective, this process ofthe means (power) and ends (interests) of those
political struggle over conflicting frames and actors. In this article we have deployed a dia-
ena of cultural and ideological dominance and sion management (Giacalone & Rosenfield,
alienation more in depth (Habermas, 1971, 1973; 1989; Leary & Kowalski, 1990), or "thinking out-
Jermier, 1998). side the box." Although institutional logics and
However, in the dialectical framework we do accounts can be actively adopted and used to
not assume that marginality or any interestsmanage are individual and organizational legiti-
objectively or universally defined; even some macy or to justify questionable actions (Elsbach,
members of management, typically considered 1994), initiating collective social reconstruction
to have a more or less secure and prestigious of institutional arrangements requires many
position within organizations, have been victim- complex, creative, and multidimensional skills.
ized under certain conditions, such as recent Theoretically, it entails at least the challenging
waves of takeovers (Davis & Thompson, 1994) of taken-for-granted belief systems, the rea-
and downsizing (Kets de Vries & Balazs, 1997). soned analysis of the limitations and latent pos-
Whittington further suggests that managers are sibilities of existing social patterns, the framing
potential change agents who can transform of alternatives, and the mobilization of re-
their firms into "vehicle[s] for realizing a much sources for the social construction of those alter-
wider range of socially legitimate values than natives.
capitalistic means and ends" (1992: 707) by ac- Fligstein (1997a,b) adds that social skills of
tively exploiting the tensions among the diver- institutional entrepreneurs include such politi-
gent institutional principles that permeate the cal skills as creating and maintaining a new
organizational world. collective identity for potential social actors and
Third, the dialectical framework highlights framing the meanings and means of action.
the pivotal role of actors' ability or skills to mo- Creed and his colleagues have found gay and
bilize institutional logics and resources from the lesbian workplace advocates deploying such
heterogeneous institutional environments so as skills in action, creating new shared identities
to legitimize and support their change efforts. by breaking down divisions between gay and
However, such tasks are extremely difficult and straight coworkers, often through mundane
challenging, involving not only a high level of demonstrations of their common humanity
reflexivity and creativity but also "the unlearn- (Creed & Scully, 2000), and working within the
ing of what has been ingrained over history and limits of institutional arrangements to frame
embedded into structures, policies, metrics, challenges to the often presumed illegitimacy of
rhetoric, and practice" (Hoffman & Ventresca, offering benefits to the same-sex partners of em-
1999: 1386). Moreover, many of the analyticalployees or guaranteeing freedom from discrim-
models and managerial skills that traditional ination (Creed et al., in press). Such grassroots
organizational theories and practices have pro- institutional entrepreneurship exhibits a dialec-
moted seem inadequate for addressing such a tical relationship among context, logics, action,
challenge. For example, stakeholder analysis and social identity, rooted in the practical con-
(e.g., Freeman, 1984; Jones & Wicks, 1999) is a cerns of the employee advocates.
model of political analysis frequently used to Finally, by depicting the framing and mobili-
identify, classify, and shape strategic responses zation of institutional logics and resources as
to the individuals and groups who can affect central aspects of praxis, our framework points
and/or are affected by organizational actions or to how organizational and intellectual elites, as
who have enforceable claims on a firm's perfor- the sources of organizational theories and logics
mance. However, it is a static and ahistorical of action, have privileged positions in the real-
model. With its focus limited to the functional ity-defining arenas of organizations that under-
and legal dependencies of the firm, it is incapa- gird both institutional stability and change.
ble of capturing the multiple logics and rules Moreover, it invites organizational scholars to
that arise from the institutional environment actively participate in the drama of institutional
and of handling the dynamics and historical change, based on a dialectical understanding of
relationships that embed organizations and or- the relationship between organizational ar-
ganizational members. rangements and organizational theories. On the
Similarly, the skills required for praxis go be- one hand, organizational theories are social
yond those highlighted in the management lit- constructions that reflect both the social con-
erature, such as symbolic leadership, impres- texts in which they are created (e.g., Barley &
Kunda, 1992) and the social location, practical on institutional change processes and out-
concerns, and interests of organizational schol- comes.
ars who create them (e.g., Mizruchi & Fein, 1999). Second, we invite both concept
On the other hand, these theories shape organ- ical works that expand our fram
izational actors' understandings and guide their ing the boundary conditions specified above,
actions as they organize themselves (Benson, without losing the dialectical perspective. In
1977). particular, our model implies an important link
This dialectical relationship vests substantial between praxis and institutional change but
power in organizational scholars to either legit- does not specify the concrete processes and
imize or challenge existing organizational forms mechanisms through which social actors' multi-
and practices. Therefore, organizational schol- lateral political actions (praxis) ultimately culti-
ars can promote organizational and institu- vate new, well-established institutional ar-
tional change not only through the critique of rangements. Although we project that this
existing organizational forms but also through period will entail intensive political contesta-
active commitment to social reconstruction of tion and negotiation among the key constituen-
organizational forms that move toward the cies, real-
and we also predict that institutional con-
ization of human potentialities, democratic plu- will still influence how the process
ralism, liberty, and social equality (Benson, unfolds, more theoretical and empirical investi-
1977). These objectives resonate with the critical gations are required to provide more concrete
ideal of creating a society in which people de- and valid explanations of the factors, processes,
termine their own directions collectively, free
and dynamics involved in the later stage of in-
stitutional change.
from exploitation and oppression (Habermas,
1971, 1973; Jermier, 1998).
A third direction focuses on microsociological
aspects of institutional entrepreneurship. We
Of course, the implications discussed above
have proposed that research on institutionally
become meaningful only when the validity and
embedded agents, the practitioners of praxis,
usefulness of this dialectical analysis of institu-
should focus on the interplay of their actions,
tional change are firmly established by empiri- skills, social locations, and identities. This inter-
cal research. Therefore, we propose several
play has implicitly figured prominently in Flig-
broad agendas for future research. First, one
stein's (1997a) depiction of institutional entre-
direction for future research would be to directly
preneurs and their critical actions. Many of the
test either the entire or a part of the dialectical
actions he highlights echo key features of prax-
model presented in this article, focusing on the is: using the components of existing meaning
dynamic relationship among institutional con- systems to frame alternative legitimating logics
text, institutional contradictions, human agency, that challenge existing cultural templates, pro-
and institutional change. This could take the mulgating new meaning systems, and creating
form of a comparative study examining how a new shared social identities and roles as a
change triggered by seemingly similar external means of mobilizing collective support fo
causes unfolds differently in different institu- alternative social arrangements. Just wha
tional contexts. For example, although the re- of these actions looks like empirically in
cent Asian currency crisis profoundly disruptedstitutional contest warrants research, but in
the existing institutional arrangements in a other research we have chosen to explore the
number of Asian countries, the ways in which relationship between action and the social con-
the important social constituencies, such as struction of identity (Creed et al., in press).
firms, governments, and social activists, re- According to Bernstein (1997), social identity is
sponded to the crisis, and the resulting pro- a critical deployable resource in institutional
cesses and outcomes of institutional changes, change. Fundamental to the notion of praxis is
have been radically different across countries. the idea that, under some circumstances, people
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grees of accumulated inefficiencies, institu- their own social relations and ultimately them-
tional inertia, and availability of alternative cul- selves" (Benson, 1977: 6). Yet, most work linking
tural frames and logics interact with various institutional forces with identity has focused on
institutional players to produce different effects how organizations create their identities vis-
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Doug Creed is currently a visiting assistant professor at the MIT Sloan School. He
received his doctorate at the Haas School of Business at the University of California
(Berkeley). His current research explores how institutions shape the enactment of
social identity, agency, and participation in institutional change efforts.