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Bangladesh Technical Education Board: Electronics Technology

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Agargaon, Sher-E-Bangla Nagar





(Effective from 2022-2023 Academic Sessions)

Marks Distribution
Sl. Subject Period Per Week
Credit Theory Assessment Practical Assessment Grand
Code Name Theory Practical Continuous Final Total Continuous Final Total Total

1 26761 AC Machine-I 3 3 4 60 90 150 25 25 50 200

Transmission and
2 26764 Distribution of 3 3 4 60 90 150 25 25 50 200
Electrical Power
Electrical & Electronic
3 26763 2 3 3 40 60 100 25 25 50 150
TV Studio and
4 26861 2 3 3 40 60 100 25 25 50 150
Microcontroller and
5 26862 2 3 3 40 60 100 25 25 50 150
Embedded System
PCB Design and
6 26863 - 3 1 - - - 25 25 50 50
7 29041 Environmental Studies 2 3 3 40 60 100 25 25 50 150

Total 14 21 21 280 420 700 175 175 350 1050

Subject Code Subject Name Period per Week Credit
26761 T P C
AC Machine – 1
3 3 4

Students of Diploma in Electrical Engineering are required to acquire the knowledge

and skills on the area of AC Machines-1 with special emphasis of basic concept of
Transformer & Three Phase Induction Motor. An electrical machine is a subject
where a student will deal with various types of electrical machines. After
completion of this course student will be able to construct & maintain operation of
Rationale transformer and induction motor. Such knowledge of the pre-requisite for this
fields will help the students for effective discharge of their duties and it has been
given. Students should give more emphasis on practical rather than theory in their

After undergoing the subject, students will be able to:

1. Explain the working principle and construction of a Transformer.

2. Calculate voltage regulation and efficiency of a Transformer

Learning 3. Interpret various types of test of a Transformer.

Outcomes 4. Explain parallel operation of Transformers and banking of 1-phase
(Theoretical) transformers.
5. Explain working principle and construction of induction motor.
6. Illustrate starting procedure & speed control mechanism of an Induction
After undergoing the subject, students will be able to:

1. Install and maintain the operation of Transformer.

2. Determine transformation ratio through practical test.
Learning 3. Determine different types of losses by performing short circuit Test &
(Practical) open circuit test of a transformer.
4. Connect and operate two or more transformer in parallel connection.
5. Dismantle & assemble the parts of a motor.
6. Start and control of a motor by using manual and automatic starter.
Detailed Syllabus (Theory)

Class Final
Unit Topics with contents
(1 Period) Marks
1 Working principle and construction of transformer 2 3

1.1. Define transformer.

1.2. Explain the working principle of transformer.
1.3. Describe the various components of transformer.
1.4. Mention various materials used in transformer construction.
1.5. Describe different types of transformer.
1.6. Mention the properties of transformer oil.
1.7. Explain the function of transformer oil.
1.8. Compare between core type and shell type transformer.
2 Emf equation, transformation ratio and Losses of transformer 3 5

2.1. Derive the emf equation of transformer.

2.2. Explain transformation ratio.
2.3. Mention different types of transformer losses.
2.4. Interpret core loss, copper loss and auxiliary losses.
2.5. Explain the affecting factors on core loss and copper loss of the
2.6. Solve the problems related to emf equation, transformation
ratio and Losses of transformer.
3 Operational principle of transformer 3 5

3.1. Define no-load current, mutual flux, no- load power factor.
3.2. Mention the components of no- load current.
3.3. Explain no-load operation of transformer.
3.4. Draw the vector diagram of a transformer on no- load
3.5. Explain the operation of a transformer on lagging, leading and
unity power factor with vector diagram.
4 Equivalent circuit of Transformer 4 6

4.1. Explain the equivalent circuit of single phase transformer.

4.2. Derive the equation of equivalent resistance, reactance and
impedance for a transformer referred to primary and
4.3. Explain magnetic leakage of transformer.
4.4. List the advantage & disadvantages of magnetic leakage.
4.5. Define percentage resistance, reactance and impedance of
4.6. Define the equation of percentage resistance, reactance and
impedance of transformer.
4.7. Solve the problems on equivalent circuit of transformer,
leakage reactance and impedance of transformer.
5 Open-circuit test, short-circuit test and voltage regulation of 4 8

5.1. Describe open-circuit test and short-circuit test of a

5.2. Define voltage regulation of transformer.
5.3. Deduce the equation for voltage regulation at unity, lagging
and leading power factor.
5.4. Solve the problems related to open circuit, short circuit test
and voltage regulation.
6 Efficiency and cooling system of transformer 4 8

6.1. Deduce the equation for maximum efficiency.

6.2. Explain the variation of efficiency with power factor.
6.3. Define all-day efficiency.
6.4. State the equation of all-day efficiency.
6.5. Explain the necessity of cooling system of transformer.
6.6. Describe various types of cooling system of power transformer.
6.7. Solve the problems on efficiency, maximum efficiency and all-
day efficiency.
7 Construction and operation of three phase transformer 4 6

7.1. Describe the construction of three phase transformer.

7.2. List various connection methods of 3-phase transformer.
7.3. Mention the applications of 3-phase transformer.
7.4. Describe star–star, delta–delta, star–delta and delta–star
7.5. State open delta connection or V-V connection.
7.6. Describe Scott or T-T connection.
7.7. Explain the application of V-V and T-T connection.
7.8. List the nameplate items with the meanings of three phase
8 Auto-transformer 3 5

8.1. Define auto-transformer.

8.2. Mention the advantages and disadvantages of auto-
8.3. Convert a Two-winding transformer to auto-transformer.
8.4. Mention the uses of auto-transformer.
8.5. Solve the problems related to auto-transformer.
9 Polarity test & Parallel operation of transformer 4 8

9.1. Define polarity test of a transformer.

9.2. Describe the purposes of polarity test.
9.3. Define subtractive and additive polarity.
9.4. State the procedure to determine the polarity of a transformer.
9.5. Define Banking.
9.6. Explain different types of Banking.
9.7. Explain the purposes of parallel operation.
9.8. Mention the conditions for parallel operation.
9.9. Describe the parallel operation of transformers with equal
voltage ratio.
9.10. Solve the problems related to parallel operation.
10 Construction of 3-phase induction motor 3 6
10.1. Define induction motor.
10.2. Explain the general principle of induction motor.
10.3. Distinguish between induction and conduction motor.
10.4. List various types of induction motor.
10.5. Mention different components of 3-phase induction motor.
10.6. Mention the applications of induction motor.
10.7. Describe the construction of stator & rotor of an induction
10.8. Describe the construction of squirrel cage rotor, double
squirrel cage rotor and phase wound rotor of induction motor.
10.9. Explain the purposes of skewing copper/aluminum bars in a
squirrel cage rotor.
11 Slip and Torque of a 3-phase Induction motor 4 8

11.1. Define slip and slip speed.

11.2. Derive the equation of rotor frequency and rotor speed.
11.3. Define torque.
11.4. Explain the torque speed curve and the effect of changing
the voltage on torque and speed.
11.5. Relate between torque and slip
11.6. Relate between torque and speed.
11.7. Solve the problems related to slip.
12 Working principle of 3 phase Induction motor 3 6
12.1. Explain the development of rotating magnetic field for a
three-phase induction motor.
12.2. Deduce the formula phase induction motor.
12.3. Explain the rotating principle of a 3-phase motor.
12.4. Define starting torque, running torque and maximum torque
of a 3-phase motor.
12.5. Deduce the equation of starting torque, running torque and
maximum torque.
12.6. State maximum power output of an induction motor.
12.7. Describe the condition for maximum torque at running and
starting condition.
13 Power stages of an induction motor 2 4

13.1. List the losses in induction motor.

13.2. State different stages of power developed in an induction
13.3. Explain the equivalent circuit of an induction motor.
13.4. Express the deduction of the maximum power output R L  Zo

13.5. Solve the problems related to power stages.

14 Starting of a 3-phase induction motor 2 6

14.1. Explain the purposes of starter.

14.2. List different types of starter used for starting 3-phase
induction motor.
14.3. Describe the direct online starting (DOL) method and start-
delta starting method by manual and automatic starter.
14.4. Illustrate the rheostatic control method of starting slip ring
induction motor.
14.5. Describe the starting method by auto transformer starter.
14.6. Describe the Forward –Reverse rotation of induction motor
by using magnetic starter.
15 Speed control of a 3-phase induction motor 3 6

15.1. Mention the methods of speed control of 3-phase induction

15.2. Describe speed control by changing applied frequency
and changing stator poles.
15.3. Describe rheostat control method, concatenation method
and injecting emf in rotor circuit method.
15.4. Describe speed control of 3 phase motor by VFD.
TOTAL 48 90

Detailed Syllabus (Practical)

Class Continuous
Sl. Experiment name with procedure
(3 Period) Marks
1 Determine the transformation ratio of a single phase 1 2

1.1 Inspect a single phase transformer.

1.2 Sketch the circuit diagram.
1.3 Identify the tools, equipment’s & materials for the
1.4 Connect the equipment according to the circuit diagram.
1.5 Check and test with load and without load..
1.6 Tabulate the readings from the instruments and calculate

the transformation ratio from the formula: a= and

compare the readings in both cases.

1.7 Maintain the record of performed task.
2 Perform the open circuit test of a single phase transformer 2 3

2.1 Draw the circuit diagram.

2.2 Identify the tools, equipment & materials required.
2.3 Connect the equipment according to the diagram.

2.4 Connect the low side of its rated supply voltage keeping
high side open.
2.5 Record the readings of the instruments.
2.6 Calculate Io, I, Iw, Ro and Xo.
2.7 Draw no load vector diagram using the data obtained.
2.8 Maintain the record of performed task.
3 Perform the short circuit test of a single phase transformer. 2 3

3.1 Draw the required circuit diagram.

3.2 Collect tools, equipment & materials required.
3.3 Connect the equipment according to the circuit
diagram keeping high side to thesource.
3.4 Test Short circuit by shorting the low side by a low
resistance wires.
3.5 Energize the circuit by applying reduced voltage and
increase the voltage until it reaches the rated current.
3.6 Record the instrument readings.
3.7 Observe copper loss and calculate and find Re, Xe & Ze.
3.8 Maintain the record of performed task.

4 Determine the voltage regulation of single phase 1 2

transformer by direct loading.

4.1 Draw the circuit diagram.

4.2 Collect tools, equipment & materials required.
4.3 Connect the meters according to the diagram.
4.4 Connect the source to the primary, keeping the
secondary open and record no loadvoltage (Vo).
4.5 Connect full load on the secondary & record the load
4.6 Calculate the voltage regulation from the formula:

% Voltage Regulation =

4.7 Maintain the record of performed task.

5 Perform the polarity test of a single phase transformer. 1 2

5.1 Draw the required circuit diagram.
5.2 Collect tools, equipment & materials required.
5.3 Connect the equipment according to the diagram.
5.4 Connect the circuit to the source.
5.5 Apply voltage in the circuit below rated voltage
5.6 Record the voltmeters readings.
5.7 Identify additive or subtractive polarity and marking the
5.8 Maintain the record of performed task.
6 Perform parallel operation of two single phase transformers 1 2

6.1 Draw the circuit diagram.

6.2 Collect tools, equipment & materials required.
6.3 Connect the equipment according to the circuit diagram
with proper polarity.
6.4 Energize the circuit and connect the load to the
6.5 Record the power sharing by each transform
6.6 Maintain the record of performed task.
7 Assemble different parts of a three phase induction motor 2 2

7.1 Select a 3-phase induction motor.

7.2 Identify different tools required for the experiment.
7.3 Identify different parts of a 3-phase induction motor.
7.4 Dismantle the parts of the motor.
7.5 Identify different parts and make sketch of each part.
7.6 Assemble the dismantled parts.
7.7 Maintain the record of performed task.
8 Start a 3-phase induction motor by manual and DOL starter 2 3

8.1 Collect the equipment & tools required.

8.2 Draw the working diagram to perform the experiment.
8.3 Connect the starter with the motor as per diagram.
8.4 Start the motor with the starter: first in star and then in
delta position.
8.5 Start the motor with DOL starter.
8.6 Measure the speed of the motor with tachometer.
8.7 Calculate slip of the motor.
8.8 Maintain the record of performed task.
9 Start a 3-phase induction motor by Auto Star-delta starter 2 3
using Magnetic contractor & Timer

9.1 Collect the required equipment, tools and required

9.2 Draw the working diagram to perform the experiment.
9.3 Connect the starter with the motor as per diagram.
9.4 Push the start button to start the motor automatically.
9.5 Measure the speed of the motor with tachometer.
9.6 Calculate slip of the motor.
9.7 Maintain the record of performed task.
10 Start a three phase induction motor by Auto Transformer 2 3

10.1 Collect the required equipment and tools.

10.2 Draw the working diagram to perform the experiment.

10.3 Connect the starter with the motor as per diagram.

10.4 Select the appropriate ratio of the starter and push the
start button to start the motor

10.5 Measure the speed of the motor with tachometer.

10.6 Calculate slip of the motor.

10.7 Maintain the record of performed task.

Total 16 25

Necessary Resources (Tools, Materials, equipment’s and Machineries):

Sl Item Name Quantity
1. Screw drivers, Neon tester, Standard Wire Gauge(SWG), Each item 25 no’s
Hammer, Mallat, Wrench Set, Variac .
2. Ammeter, Voltmeter, AVO meter, Wattmeter, Megger Each item 10 no’s
3. Transformer500VA, Auto Transformer ,Three phase Each item 08 no’s
Induction Motor, Magnetic Contractor, ON-OFF
Switch,Over Load Relay,Timer
4. Manual & Auto Star Delta starter Each item 06 no’s
5. Book Name Writer Name Publisher Name & Edition
6. A Text Book of Electrical B. L. Theraja S.Chand, Millenium Edition
7. Electrical Machines Charles Siskind 2nd edition
8. A course in Electrical Power J. B. Gupta Katson books
9. Electric Machinery foundamentals Stephen J. Chapman Mc Grew Hill international,
Fourth Edition.

Website References:
Sl Web Link Remarks
01 http//www.electricalengineering.org
02 http//www.eetiimes.eu
03 http//www.interestingengineering .com
Subject Name Period per Week Credit
26764 Transmission and Distribution of T P C
Electrical Power 3 3 4

Diploma in Engineering Level students are required to acquire knowledge and skills on the area
of Transmission and Distribution of Electrical Power with special emphasis of the basic concept
of transmission and distribution system. Transmission and Distribution of Electrical Power is a
subject where a student will deal with aspects of transmission and distribution system, Grid
system, overhead lines and its supports, conductors, Insulators, Cables and its faults, Sag and
its effect, String efficiency, Electrical effects, Survey of lines, Erection of poles and towers,
Rationale Drawing of conductors, Voltage Regulation and Efficiency of short Transmission line,
Underground cables and Operation & maintenance of distribution lines. Such knowledge of
the pre-requisite for these fields will help the students for effective performance of their
duties in the relevant field and it has been given more emphasis on practical aspect rather
than theory in teaching learning approach.

After Completing the subject, students will be able to:

1. State Transmission and Distribution System of Electrical Power
2. Interpret Transmission system
3. Explain Grid system
4. Illustrate overhead lines with components
Learning 5. Analyze Sag with Effect
Outcome 6. Interpret voltage regulations of a string of suspension insulator
(Theoretical) 7. Describe Line constants of transmission line and Electrical effects
8. Analyze the Survey of transmission and distribution lines
9. Explain erection of poles, towers and drawing of conductor of overhead line
10. Enumerate voltage regulation and efficiency of short transmission line
11. Explain constructional features and implication of underground cables
12. Analyze operation and maintenance of distribution line.

After undergoing the subject, students will be able to:

1. Make a table for size of conductor by considering same distance and voltage level.
2. Perform Survey with the estimation of the electrical loads of an area.
3. Perform the calculation of most economical power factor.
Learning 4. Sketch the lay out plan of an electrical substation.
Outcome 5. Identify different components of LT and HT overhead lines.
6. Observe different types of conductors, insulators and cables.
7. Measure the horizontal distance between poles or towers.
8. Perform the measurement of angles and heights of poles or towers.
9. Measure Sag between two poles or towers.
10. Sketch the single line diagram of electrical power system
Detailed Syllabus (Theory)
1.1 Explain the transmission and distribution system of electrical power.
1.2 Categories various systems of transmission and distribution
of electrical power.
1.3 Define Feeder and Distributor.
1.4 Compare between Feeder & Distributor.
1.5 Explain the advantages of high voltage transmission.
1.6 Compare the size of conductor of different overhead systems.
1.7 Compare the size of conductor of underground system with
overhead system.
1.8 List the affecting factors of most economic transmission
1.9 State the equation of most economic transmission voltage.
2 2 3
2.1 Explain supply systems.
2.2 Describe DC distribution.
2.3 State AC distribution.
2.4 Compare between AC and DC Distribution.
2.5 Compare between overhead and underground distribution
2.6 List different types of DC distribution systems with uses.
2.7 Describe Ring distributor.
2.8 List different types of AC distribution systems with uses.
3 6 12
3.1 Derive the equation for the most economic size of Conductor
using Kelvin’s law.
3.2 Describe the limitations of the application of Kelvin’s law.
3.3 Solve the problems on Kelvin’s law.
3.4 Explain system loss.
3.5 List the factors involved in system losses.
3.6 Explain the ways to minimize the system losses.
3.7 Discuss the most economic power factor.
3.8 Derive the equation for most economic power factor.
3.9 Describe the methods to improve the power factor.
3.10 Solve problems on power factor.
4 2 5
4.1 Describe grid system.
4.2 Define Inter connected system.
4.3 Explain the Necessity of grid system.
4.4 List the different types of grid system.
4.5 Mention the advantages of grid system.
4.6 Outline the grid system of Bangladesh.
5 2 5
5.1 Mention the main components of overhead lines.
5.2 Categorize line supports.
5.3 Describe different types of line supports.
5.4 Mention the characteristics of line supports.
5.5 List different line conductors used in overhead transmission and
distribution lines.
5.6 Mention main properties of conductor materials.
5.7 Explain properties of Copper, Aluminum, AAC, AAAC,
ACAR, ACSR and ACCC conductors.
5.8 Compare properties between Copper and Aluminum.
6 2 5
6.1 List different types of insulators.
6.2 Mention various types of insulating materials.
6.3 Describe the properties of insulating materials.
6.4 Explain the different types insulators.
6.5 Compare the advantages and disadvantages of Pin and
Suspension type insulator.
6.6 Mention the uses of different types of insulators.
6.7 List the causes of failure of insulators.
6.8 Explain different tests of insulators.
7 6 8
7.1 Define SAG.
7.2 Explain the sag of transmission line.
7.3 List the factors affecting the sag.
7.4 Explain span, spacing between conductors, tension, safety
factor, working stress, and ultimate strength.
7.5 Derive sag calculation formulae of a conductor between two
Poles or towers of equal height considering effect of ice and
wind pressure.
7.6 Express the formula of the sag of a conductor between two poles
or towers of unequal heights.
7.7 Solve problems on sag of transmission lines.
8.1 Explain string efficiency.
8.2 Describe the methods of improving string efficiency.
8.3 Deduce the equation of voltage distribution across each unit
of a string of suspension insulators.
8.4 Solve problems on string efficiency.
8.5 Describe the methods of voltage grading in suspension
9.1 Describe the line constants of a transmission line.
9.2 Define Skin effect and Proximity effect of overhead
Transmission line.
9.3 Discuss the effect of Skin effect, Proximity effect of
overhead transmission line.
9.4 Mention factors affecting Skin effect and Proximity effect of
overhead transmission line.
9.5 Explain the transposition of line conductors.
9.6 Discuss Corona effect and Ferranti effect of overhead
transmission line.
9.7 Mention factors affecting Corona effect and Ferranti effect of
overhead transmission line.
9.8 Describe the advantages and disadvantages of corona effect.
9.9 Define disruptive critical voltage, visual critical voltage and
energy loss due to corona.
9.10 Discuss the methods for minimizing corona.
10 3 5
10.1 List the Surveying Instruments required to survey of
transmission and distribution lines.
10.2 Explain the uses, errors and accuracy of surveying
10.3 Describe the process of measuring the angles by compass,
level and Total station.
10.4 Enumerate leveling, alignment, surveying and pegging of
the route.
10.5 Explain the methods of measuring vertical height of poles
and tower.
10.6 List the main factors in routing overhead line.
11 2 8
11.1 Describe the procedure of erection of poles of overhead
transmission and distribution line.
11.2 Explain the procedure of erection of towers of overhead
transmission line.
11.3 Describe the procedure of fixing cross arm and insulator.
11.4 Interpret the drawing of conductors of overhead lines.
11.5 Narrate the erection of stay and guy wire.
12.1 Classify overhead transmission line.
12.2 Express the equation to calculate the voltage regulation of
overhead short transmission line.
12.3 Derive the equation to calculate efficiency of overhead
short transmission line.
12.4 Outline the effect of load power factor on voltage regulation
and efficiency of overhead short transmission line.
12.5 Draw vector diagram of a short transmission line.
12.6 Solve problems on voltage regulation and efficiency of
overhead short transmission line.
13 2 2
13.1 Describe underground cable.
13.2 Name the advantages and disadvantages of underground
13.3 List different types of underground cables.
13.4 List the insulating materials of underground cables.
13.5 List the properties of insulating materials for cables.
13.6 Describe the constructional features of low voltage, high
voltage and super high voltage underground cables.
13.7 Describe aerial cables and submarine cables.
13.8 List the causes of failure of underground cable.
14.1 List the different types of cable faults
14.2 Explain the causes of cable faults.
14.3 List the different methods of locating cable faults.
14.4 Mention different sizes of cable.
14.5 Perceive the laying and jointing of underground cable
14.6 Explain different methods of underground cable laying.
14.7 Describe the method of terminating underground cables.
14.8 Discuss care and protection to be taken while doing jointing
and terminating the cables.
15 2 3
15.1 Sketch the circuit diagram of a distribution system.
15.2 Describe load dispatch Center.
15.3 List the faults generally occurred in the distribution line.
15.4 Mention the causes for damage and faults occurred on over-
head line.
15.5 List the tools and equipment used for finding damage and faults
occurred in overhead lines.
15.6 Discuss the procedure of repairing the damage and faults
on the line.
15.7 Describe the safety procedures for repair and maintenance
of distribution line.
TOTAL 48 90

Detailed Syllabus (Practical)

1 2 2
1.1 Collect different types of conductors.
1.2 Observe different types of conductors
1.3 Fix up distance and voltage level.
1.4 Collect price list of conductors.
1.5 Prepare a table.
1.6 Maintain the record of performed task.
2 3 3
2.1 Select the specific section or area of electrical loads are to
be surveyed.
2.2 Observe and record the load of each point of the area.
2.3 Calculate the average load of a specific area and the
2.4 Calculate the load of main circuit and sub-circuits.
2.5 Draw the layout plan of the area locating loads.
2.6 Maintain the record of performed task.
3 1 3
3.1 Select the formula to calculate the most economical
Power factor.
3.2 Collect the data from a typical mathematical problem.
3.3 Calculate the most economical power factor.
3.4 Maintain the record of performed task.
4 2 3
4.1 Observe and inspect a indoor substation.
4.2 Sketch the layout diagram of the selected electrical
indoor substation.
4.3 Specify required controlling, indicating and protective
4.4 Sketch the layout of indoor substation showing
controlling, indicating and protective devices.
4.5 Indicate the energy source.
4.6 Maintain the record of performed task.
5 1 2
5.1 Observe the components of overhead lines.
5.2 Specify the components of LT and HT overhead lines.
5.3 Follow safety practices.
5.4 Identify different types of poles.
5.5 Identify different types of towers.
5.6 Maintain the record of performed task.
6 1 3
6.1 Observe different types of conductors.
6.2 Cheque the category of conductors with uses.
6.3 Observe different types of Insulators.
6.4 Identify the category of Insulators with uses.
6.5 Observe different types of Cables.
6.6 Identify the category of Cables with uses.
6.7 Maintain the record of performed task.
7 1 2
7.1 Collect necessary tools and equipment commonly
used in surveying.
7.2 Measure the horizontal distance between poles over
different ground conditions using tape, chain and
total station.
7.3 Record the measurement of distance.
7.4 Plot the line route showing the measurements.
7.5 Maintain the record of performed task.
8 2 2
8.1 Collect tools and equipment for measuring angles
and heights of poles.
8.2 Measure horizontal angles by using total station.
8.3 Measure vertical angles by using total station.
8.4 Measure vertical heights of poles and towers by
using total station.
8.5 Maintain the record of performed task.
9 2 3
9.1 Collect necessary tools and equipment for measuring Sag.
9.2 Set the Total station in first position and measure the
9.3 Set Total station in second position and measure the
9.4 Calculate the sag between two poles with required
9.5 Maintain the record of performed task.
10 1 2
10.1 Identify different Electrical System.
10.2 Identify Generation, Transmission and distribution
10.3 Select different equipment of electrical system.
10.4 List the controlling devices and protective devices.
10.5 Draw the single line diagram of electrical system.
10.6 Maintain the record of performed task.
Total 16 25
Resources (Tools, equipment, Materials and Machineries):
Sl Item Name Quantity
01 Different types of conductors (Copper, Aluminum, AAC, AAAC, Each item 5 pieces
02 Ammeter, Voltmeter, Ohmmeter, AVO meter, Multimeter, Each item 10 no’s
Wattmeter, Energy meter
03 Different types of Insulators (Pin, Shackle, Disc, Stay and Each item 05 no’s
04 Measuring Tap, Chain, Theodolite, Total Station 5 no’s
05 Different types of cable (Single core, Three core, Ariel, Each item 5 pieces
Submarine, Armored cable etc)
Reference books:
Sl. Book Name Writer Name Publisher Name & Edition
01 Transmission and Distribution of J B Gupta S. K.Kataria & Sons
Electrical Power Edition 2012
02 Principles of Power System V K Mehta S. Chand And Company Limited
Edition 2005
03 Transmission and Distribution of H. cotton Hodder Arnold
Electrical Energy. 3rd Edition 1970
04 Electrical Energy System Ashfaq Husain CBS Publishers
3rd Edition 2014
05 Electrical Power System  Morse Fredrick T VAN NOSTRANDREINHOLD
3rd Edition

Website References:

Sl Web Link Remarks

01 http//www.electricalengineering.org
02 http//www.eetiimes.eu
03 http//www.interestingengineering .com
Subject Period per
Subject Name Credit
Code Week

Diploma in Engineering Level students are required to acquire knowledge and skill on
the area of Electrical and Electronic Measurement and Measuring Instruments with
special emphasizes on Range extension of instrument; Operation of instrument
transformer; Measurement of resistance, frequency, Power factor and high voltage;
construction and operation of Digital instrument, Analog and Digital multimeter,
Analog and Digital Frequency Meter, Analog and Digital power factor meter and High
voltage measurement and Testing.
After completion of this course student will be able to extend the range of instruments
(Ammeter and Voltmeter), handle of instrument transformer, measurement of
resistance and earth resistance, measurement of high resistance by Analog and Digital
Megger, measurement of frequency, operate analog and digital frequency meter and
Power Factor Meter, measurement of high voltage testing have been given more
emphasis on practical aspect rather than theory in teaching learning approach.
After Completing the subject, students will be able to:
1. Explain the range extension of instruments
2. Describe uses of instrument transformer
Learning 3. Explain Measurement technique/procedure for different types of
Outcome resistance
(Theoretical) 4. State construction and operation of digital instruments.
5. Describe analog and digital frequency meter
6. Discuss construction of analog and digital power factor meter
7. Interpret high voltage measurement and testing
After undergoing the experiments of the subjects, students will be able to:
1. Extent range of instruments (Ammeter & Voltmeter)
2. Operate instrument transformer (CT& PT)
3. Measure low resistance by Ammeter and Voltmeter
4. Measure medium resistance by Wheatstone bridge
5. Measure high resistance by Analog and Digital Megger
6. Measure earth resistance by earth Tester
7. Measure the frequency by digital frequency meter
8. Measure power factor by digital power factor meter
9. Measure high voltage
Detailed Syllabus (Theory)

Class Final
Unit Topics with contents
(1 Period) Marks
1.1 List different types of instrument for which extension
is required.
1.2 Explain the principles and necessity for extension of
instrument range.
1.3 Describe the ammeter shunt for DC circuit.
1.4 Deduce the relation: Rsh 
N 1
1.5 Explain ammeter shunt for AC circuit.
1.6 Describe voltmeter multiplier for DC and swamping
1.7 Explain voltmeter multiplier for AC instrument.
1.8 Solve the problems related to ammeter shunt &
voltmeter multiplier.

2.1 Define Current transformer (CT) and Potential
transformer (PT).
2.2 Explain the working principle of Current Transformer
and Potential Transformer with circuit diagram.
2.3 State the Necessity of CT & PT.
2.4 Describe the burdens of instrument transformer.
2.5 Compare between instrument transformer and
Power transformer.
2.6 Describe the construction of CT & PT.
2.7 Explain the connection and vector diagram of CT &
PT with sketch.
2.8 Outline the effect of open circuited secondary of
current transformer.
2.9 Draw the circuit diagram showing CT, PT and Watt
meter for 1-phase and 3-phase load.
2.10 Describe Inductive Voltage Transformer (IVT) and
Capacitive Voltage Transformer (CVT) with diagram.


3.1 Classify resistance.
3.2 Explain low, medium and high range of resistance.
3.3 List the measurement methods of low resistance.
3.4 Describe the measurement of low resistance by
ammeter- voltmeter method.
3.5 Illustrate low resistance by Kelvin’s double bridge
3.6 Solve the problems on Kelvin’s double bridge method.
4.1 List the measurement methods of medium
4.2 Describe Wheatstone bridge method to measure the
medium resistance.
4.3 Mention the advantages of Wheatstone bridge
4.4 Discuss the precaution in measuring medium
resistance by Wheatstone bridge method.
4.5 Solve the problems related to Wheatstone bridge


5.1 Describe dielectric test of insulating materials.
5.2 List the methods to measure high resistance
5.3 Describe the guard wire method of measurement of
high resistance.
5.4 Explain the construction and working principle of
analog and digital Megger.
5.5 Describe the method of measurement of high
resistance by using analog and Digital Megger.
5.6 State the uses of Megger.
5.7 Describe measurement of earth resistance using
digital and analog earth tester.


6.1 Explain the circuit diagram of analog and digital
6.2 Describe the construction of analog and digital
6.3 Describe the uses of Digital Multimeter.
6.4 Differentiate between Analog and Digital Multimeter.


7.1 List the methods of measuring frequency.
7.2 Explain the principle of mechanical resonance and
electrical resonance.
7.3 Describe Construction the variation of impedance of
an inductive circuit with the variation of supply
7.4 Mention different types of frequency meter.
7.5 Explain the construction and working principle of
electrical resonance frequency meter.
7.6 Describe the construction and working principle of
Weston frequency meter.
8.1 Describe the principle of operation of digital frequency
8.2 Sketch the block diagram of a digital frequency meter.
Describe each block of a digital frequency meter.
8.3 Describe the function of time base selector in digital
frequency meter.
8.6 Explain the operation of block diagram of a digital
frequency meter with sketch.
9.1 List different types of Power Factor Meter.
9.2 Describe construction and principle of operation of
single phase dynamometer type power factor meter.
9.3 Narrate the construction and principle of operation
of three phase dynamometer type power factor
9.4 Describe the principle of operation of digital power
factor meter.
9.5 Draw the block diagram of a digital power factor
9.6 Describe each block of block diagram of a digital
power factor meter.


10.1 Describe the high voltage measurement of electrical
10.2 List the equipment for high voltage measurement.
10.3 Describe the sphere gap method of high voltage
10.4 Describe the potential divider method of high voltage
10.5 Mention the advantages of sphere gap method of
high voltage measurement.
10.6 Mention the disadvantages of sphere gap method of
high voltage measurement.
TOTAL 32 60

Detailed Syllabus (Practical)

Class Contin
Sl. Experiment name with procedure (3 uous
Period) Marks
1.1 Draw the circuit diagram to determine the shunt
resistance of an ammeter.
1.2 Select and collect the tools, equipment and materials
1.3 Prepare the circuit according to the circuit diagram
using proper equipment.
1.4 Check the equipment setting and connection before
connecting Power supply.
1.5 Record the readings from the meter.
1.6 Calculate the value of shunt resistance.
1.7 Maintain the record of performed task.
2.1 Draw the circuit diagram for determining the
resistance of voltmeter multiplier.
2.2 Select and collect tools, materials and Volt meter
2.3 Connect the tools, equipment and materials required.
2.4 Prepare the circuit according to the circuit diagram.
2.5 Check the circuit before connecting Power supply.
2.6 Record the reading from the meter.
2.7 Calculate the value of resistance of the multiplier.
2.8 Maintain the record of performed task.
3.1 Select the current transformer and potential
3.2 Collect tools and Instrument Transformer.
3.3 Draw the circuit diagram.
3.4 Connect the equipment according to the circuit
3.5 Check all connection before supplying Power to the
3.6 Record reading from the meter and calculate the
transformation ratio.
3.7 Maintain the record of performed task.
4.1 Draw the circuit diagram for the measurement of low
resistance by ammeter-voltmeter method.
4.2 Select tools, equipment and materials.
4.3 Collect tools, equipment and materials.
4.2 Connect the tools, equipment and materials required.
4.3 Prepare the circuit according to the circuit diagram
using proper equipment.
4.4 Check the circuit before connecting Power supply.
4.5 Record the meter readings.
4.6 Calculate the resistance from the meter readings.
4.7 Maintain the record of performed task.
5.1 Draw the circuit diagram for measuring medium
resistance by Wheatstone bridge.
5.2 Select tools, equipment and materials required.
5.3 Collect tools, equipment and materials.
5.4 Prepare the circuit according to the circuit diagram.
5.5 Check all the connection before connecting Power
5.6 Record the meter readings.
5.7 Calculate the value of unknown resistance.
5.8 Maintain the record of performed task.
6.1 Draw the circuit diagram for the measurement of
earth resistance by analog & digital earth tester.
6.2 Select earth testers and required tools, equipment
and materials.
6.3 Collect earth testers and required tools and materials.
6.4 Connect the equipment according to the circuit
6.5 Measure the earth resistance from the reading of the
earth tester.
6.6 Maintain the record of performed task.
7.1 Select a high resistance.
7.2 Select an analog and digital Megger.
7.3 Collect tools, materials, analog and digital Megger.
7.4 Connect the resistance with the Megger.
7.5 Measure the resistance from the reading of the
7.6 Maintain the record of performed task.
8.1 Draw the circuit diagram.
8.2 Select tools, equipment and materials.
8.3 Collect tools, equipment and materials required.
8.4 Connect the frequency meter to the supply or circuit
whose frequency is to be measured.
8.5 Measure the supply frequency from the meter.
8.6 Maintain the record of performed task.
9.1 Draw the circuit diagram for measurement of Power
factor of a load by a Power factor meter.
9.2 Select the tools, equipment and materials required.
9.3 Collect the tools, equipment and materials required.
9.4 Prepare the circuit according to the circuit diagram by
using proper equipment.
9.4 Check the circuit before connecting power supply.
9.5 Record power factor from the power factor meter.
9.6 Maintain the record of performed task.
10.1 Draw the circuit diagram for the measurement of
voltage, current and frequency by CRO and Digital
10.2 Select the tools, equipment and materials required.
10.3 Collect the tools, equipment and materials required.
10.4 Connect the equipment setting and connection
according to the circuit diagram.
10.4 Measure the voltage, current and frequency of the
circuit by CRO and digital Oscilloscope.
10.5 Maintain the record of performed task.
Total 16 25

Necessary Resources (Tools, Materials, equipment’s and Machineries):

Sl Item Name Quantity
01 Screw drivers, Neon tester, Standard Wire Each item 25 no’s
02 Ammeter, Voltmeter, Ohm meter, AVO meter, Wattmeter, Each item 10 no’s
03 Resistor, CT, PT Each item 08 no’s
04 Analog Frequency Meter, Digital Frequency Meter 5 no’s
05 Analog and Digital Multimeter Each item 10 no’s
06 Wheat stone Bridge, Kelvin’s Double Bridge Each item 10 no’s
07 Analog and Digital Megger Each item 10 no’s
08 Super enamel copper wire As per required

Sl Book Name Writer Name Publisher Name & Edition

A Text Book of Electrical B. L. Theraja
A course in Electrical and AK Sawheny
02 Electronics Measurement and
Electrical and Electronics E.W Golding
Measuring Instruments
04 Electronic Instrumentation H.S Kalsi
Modern Electronic Helfrick & Cooper
05 Measurement &

Website References:

Sl Web Link Remarks

01 http//www.electricalengineering.org
02 http//www.eetiimes.eu
03 http//www.interestingengineering .com
Subject Code Subject Name Period per Week Credit
2 3 3

Electronic technologies have become an important part of our day-by-day life. Now a day it is
difficult for us to live without electronic technologies. We live in a generation that uses smart
technologies. Diploma in Engineering Level students are required to acquire the knowledge
and skill on the area of Television Broadcasting System, Organization of Television Studio,
Rationale Television Recording Studio, Layout of Television Broadcasting Station: video equipment, audio
equipment, lighting arrangement, display devices, public address system, camera control unit
and video server, Video Shooting Camera, Outside Broadcasting(OB).
After Completing the subject, students will be able to achieve and acquire knowledge,
skills and attitude in the area on:
 Interpret TV Broadcasting System.
 Describe Systems of TV Signal Broadcasting.
Learning  Explain the Television Recording Studio.
Outcome  Describe functional layout of Television Broadcasting Station
(Theoretical)  Explain TV Studio equipment.
 State Audio Equipment.
 Illustrate Lighting arrangement system.
 Describe the Outdoor Broadcasting (OB).
 Explain the Virtual studio.
After undergoing the subject, students will be able to learn:

1. Observe TV Broadcast Station.

2. Demonstrate the process of audio dubbing.
Learning 3. Identify the Video Camera.
Outcome 4. Identify the Equipment of TV Broadcasting.
5. Demonstrate the light control and acoustic system.
6. Demonstrate Outside Broadcasting.
7. Demonstrate studio set lighting system.
8. Demonstrate the process of audio/video system.
9. Edit Video with the help of professional video editing software
10. Perform outdoor shooting for EFP.
Detailed Syllabus (Theory)
Class Final
Unit Topics with contents
(1 Period) Marks
1 TV Broadcasting System 3 6
1.1 Define TV Broadcasting System.
1.2 List the features of TV Broadcasting System.
1.3 Draw the Basic Block Diagram of TV Broadcasting Station.
1.4 Describe News Room, Editing Room, Screening Room, Non-Linear
Editing Room, Green Room, Dressing Room, Storage Server or
Ingest Server Room, Auditorium and Tele Prompter.
1.5 Describe Camera Control Unit (CCU).
1.6 State the functions of Producer Room.

2 Organization of Television Studio 4 6

2.1 Define TV Studio.
2.2 List the TV Studio Floor Items.
2.3 Define professional HD video camera, microphone, stage lighting,
video monitor and public -address system.
2.4 Mention the basic audio, video sources and controls in the studio.
2.5 Draw the block diagram of a typical broadcasting studio and
describe the function of each block.
2.6 Explain the function of digital slide show, background super
imposition, video mixing, scroll display, advertisement
superimposing etc.
2.7 State the principle of audio & video dubbing Studio.
2.8 Mention the basic principle of audio & video editing.
3 Television Recording Studio 4 6
3.1 Mention the recording studio equipment (SAN or NAS Server).
3.2 List different video camera used in recording studio.
3.3 Describe the camera control system in recording studio with block
3.4 Explain the sound control system in recording studio.
3.5 List different types of lighting arrangement in recording studio. 3
3.6 Describe the light control system in recording studio.
3.7 State the echo effects of audio recording.
3.8 State the technique of acoustic tuning and echo reflection in audio
3.9 Design and Construction of combining sound proofing
performance and shielding performance.
3.10 Describe Integrated DAWS, Software DAWS, Multi track
4 Functional layout of Television Broadcasting Station 3 6
4.1 Mention the characteristic of TV studio.
4.2 Mention the necessity of cyclorama (large concave background
wall) for recording video in addition to sound recording.
4.3 Describe the function of Video Server.
4.4 Describe the function of screening (Preview) room.
4.5 Determine the acoustic explanation of screening room.
4.6 Describe the post production work and the role of the studio.
4.7 Describe the function of a video editing room.
5 Video equipment used in Broadcasting Studio 3 6
5.1 Define Professional HD Video Camera.
5.2 Differentiate between studio camera and (ENG or EFP) Camera.
5.3 Describe the function of ENG camera.
5.4 State the features of Electronic Field Production -EFP camera.
5.5 Mention the merits of Robotic camera.
5.6 Describe the basic block diagram of a Camera Controlled Unit
5.7 State the function of a Studio, ENG & EFP camera.
6 Audio Equipment used in television broadcasting system 3 6
6.1 Define dynamic and Condenser microphone.
6.2 State the principle of operation of a dynamic microphone.
6.3 Classify TV studio microphone.
6.4 State the Characteristics of standard TV studio microphone.
6.5 Mention the function and merits of a dynamic microphone.
6.6 Describe the basic principle of operation of a Ribbon microphone.
6.7 Distinguish between Ribbon microphone and Condenser
6.8 Mention the advantages of Boom microphone.
7 Lighting arrangement of a broadcasting studio 3 6
7.1 State the principle of Studio lighting.
7.2 Describe the qualities of lighting: Intensity, color, direction, focus
& Shading.
7.3 Describe the operation of light control console: dimming, glowing,
light temperature, dazzling, light effect, ellipsoidal reflector spot light,
moving light.
7.4 State the principle of a flood lighting system.
7.5. Describe the principle of wash lighting system.
7.6 Explain the operation of HID (High Intensity Discharge) lamp.
7.7 Describe the dimming effect of light control system.
8 Display devices and public address system 3 6
8.1 Define display device.
8.2 Describe the working principle of segment display.
8.3 Explain the principle of operation of 2-dimenssional display.
8.4 Explain the principle of operation of 3-dimenssional display.
8.5 State the public address system.
8.6 Draw the simple block diagram of a public address system.
9 Video Shooting Camera 3 6
9.1 State different types of Studio HD video camera.
9.2 Mention the characteristics of a professional HD video camera
9.3 State the features of a professional HD video camera.
9.4 Describe the function of a night vision camera.
9.5 State the different uses of EFP cameras and Electronic News
Gathering-ENG camera.
9.6 Draw and describe the block diagram of a CMOS or MOS type
9.7 Draw the block diagram ENG camera.
10 Outside Broadcasting (OB) 3 6
10.1 Define Outside Broadcasting.
10.2 Mention the application of Outside Broadcasting.
10.3 Draw the block diagram of Outside Broadcasting.
10.4 State the principle of EFP.
10.5 List the steps of Outside Broadcasting of Live football match.
10.6 List the steps of Outside Broadcasting of a Live
TOTAL 32 60

Detailed Syllabus (Practical)

Class Continuous
Sl. Experiment name with procedure (3 Period) Marks
1 Observe TV Broadcast Station 1 2
1.1 Sketch of Master control room.
1.2 Identify Production control room, news room,Talk Studio,
Drama Studio, Auditorium & Virtual Studio(Green Background).
2 Demonstrate the process of audio dubbing 1 3
2.1 Identify the process of video Non-linear editing panel with
audio console panel.
2.2 Demonstrate the process of audio dubbing accordance with
video scene.
2.3 Identify the process of video effect to the video system.
2.4 Identify makeup items used in the makeup room.
2.5 List the different facilities provides in the makeup room.
2.6 Demonstrate the studio set design.
2.7 Recognize the media room according to the facilities used.
3 Identify the Video Camera 1 3
3.1 Identify the different video cameras in studio.
3.2. Identify the different types of microphone used in studio.
3.3 Identify the public address system and observe the function
of it.
3.4 Identify the equipment and accessories used in production
control room.
3.5 List the activities of producer in the shooting program. 3.6
List the activities of cameramen in shooting program. 3.7
Communication between producer and cameramen with
4 Identify the Equipment of TV Broadcasting 1 3
4.1 Identify Equipment and accessories used in master control
4.2 Identify the different video monitors used in different
location: news room, recording sub room, auditorium, server
room etc.
4.3 Identify the graphics and observe the output signals in
respective monitors.
4.4 Identify camera control unit and technic to setup black level
& Gama correction of camera.
4.5 Identify the inter connection facility of CCU with the different
cameras used for recording.
4.6 Demonstrate the video and audio monitors for recording in
the control room.
5 Demonstrate the light control and acoustic system. 1 3
5.1 Demonstrate the light control panel used in different scene and
location for video shooting.
5.2 Identify acoustic system used for sound system.
5.3 Demonstrate echo effect used in audio recording.
5.4 Demonstrate shadow effect used in video shooting.
5.5 Demonstrate acoustic tuning and echo reflection in audio
6 Demonstrate Outside Broadcasting 1 3
6.1 Demonstrate Outside Broadcasting.
6.2 Identify different Equipment and accessories used in Outside
Broadcasting (OB) van.
6.3 Observe the broadcast principle of a Outside Broadcasting(OB)
6.4 List the function of ENG camera for news collection.
7 Demonstrate studio set lighting system 1 2
7.1 Demonstrate studio set lighting system.
7.2 Demonstrate the light changeover in dark recording and sunlight
7.3 Identify the technics of intensity, color, focus & shading in a
shooting spot in a studio shooting.
7.4 Demonstrate the function of dazzling light effect in a required
video recording.
7.5 Use of spot light in a shooting scene.
8 Demonstrate the process of audio/video system. 1 2
8.1 Sketch the layout diagram of public address system.
8.2 List different types of display unit.
8.3 Identify the black level trim and gain trim for Res, Green and
Blue components of camera signal.
8.4 Demonstrate the process of audio/video effects in video
8.5 Demonstrate the different functions of DAWS (Digital Audio
Work Station). Re-assemble the TV Receiver in previous condition.
9 Edit Video with the help of professional video editing 1 2
9.1 Install professional video editing software
9.2 Apply Adobe creative Cloud(Latest)
9.3 Apply Edius.
10 Perform outdoor shooting for EFP 1 2
10.1 Collect video camera, Tripod, light shading wide angle 3
lens, weather gear (camera raincoat, ground tarp, umbrella et
polarization filter, power supply unit.
10.2 Vehicle.
10.3 Select shooting location.
10.4 Prepare a shooting script.
10.5 Create shooting environment.
10.6 Start shooting and records in camera.
10.7 Start shooting and records in camera.

Total 10 25

Necessary Resources (Tools, Materials, equipment’s and Machineries):

Sl Item Name Quantity
01 Different types of Screw drivers, Neon tester, Standard Wire Each item 25 no’s
02 Digital Multimeter Each item 10 no’s
03 Oscilloscope Each item 08 no’s
04 Patern Generator 5 no’s
05 Two pin socket, Combined switch and socket, two pin plug Each item 10 no’s
06 Dc power supply unit, Voltage stabilizer Each item 10 no’s

Sl Book Name Writer Name Publisher Name & Edition

01 Monochrome and Color Television R R Gulati
02 Basic Television and Video Systems Benrard Grob
03 Digital Television: Technology and Jhon F. Arnold
04 Television and Video Engineering A M Dhake, MGH
05 Television Engineering and Video System R G Gupta, MGH
06 Museum of Broadcast Communications Sterling
Encyclopedia Christophen
07 Dictionary of Communication & Video Watson james
Subject Code Subject Name Period per Week Credit

As the electronic devices continue to play a vital role in our daily lives the need for
understanding Microcontroller and Embedded Systems becomes imperative. This
course aims to equip Diploma in Engineering Level students with knowledge and
Rationale skills related to Microcontroller Architecture, Programming, Interfacing within
Embedded Systems, and practical applications in real-world projects.

After completing the subject, students will be able to:

1. Interpret Microcontroller Architecture.
2. Write Program Microcontrollers using suitable IDEs.
3. State procedure to Interface the Microcontrollers with various sensors and
Learning actuators.
4. Comprehend communication protocols in Embedded Systems.
Outcome 5. Explain Analog-to-Digital Conversion and PWM.
(Theoretical) 6. Develop and troubleshoot projects involving Microcontrollers and Embedded
7. Explain procedure of Interface with real world devices.
8. Illustrate mini development kit.

After undergoing the subject, students will be able to:

1. Operate Microcontroller-based projects.
2. Demonstrate effective debugging and troubleshooting skills.
3. Interface Microcontrollers with sensors and actuators.
4. Develop practical solutions using Microcontroller programming.
5. Evaluate projects for functionality and reliability.
Learning 6. Apply safety precautions in the development and testing of Microcontroller-
Outcome based systems.
7. Apply detailed procedure of microcontroller-based system development.
8. Develop application in assembly & C language.
9. Develop a program for LEDs, 7-Segment display, LCD.
10. Drive any load of light, fan, DC motor etc.
11. Design a program for using built-in timer with any MCU.
12. Configure serial port communication by using any MCU.
13. Interface temperature sensor by using any MCU.
Detailed Syllabus (Theory)

Class Final
Unit Topics with contents (1 Period) Marks
1 Introduction to Microcontroller 2 4
1.1Define Microcontroller.
1.2Mention the importance of Microcontroller.
1.3Mention the types of Microcontrollers.
1.4Define Embedded system.
1.5State the basic building blocks of a microcontroller.
1.6Compare between Microprocessor and Microcontroller.
1.7Distinguish between computer and embedded system.
1.8List the application of microcontroller.
1.9Mention the criteria to choose a microcontroller.
1.10 List commonly used microcontrollers series and their target
2 PIC Series Microcontroller 3 4
2.1 Define PIC MCU
2.2 State the features of PIC microcontroller.
2.3 Mention the purposes of different family/series of PIC MCU.
2.4 Describe basic functional blocks of PIC mid-range MCU.
2.5 State the types of Resets used in MCU.
2.6 Define Power Up Timer -PWRT and Oscillator Start Up Timer -OST
2.7 State the function of different interrupt sources.
2.8 Describe the operation of Watchdog Timer.
2.9 State the function of Power down/low power Mode (Sleep and
Wake up from sleep)
3 Microcontroller Programming and Interfacing 3 6
3.1Describe the development life cycle of Embedded system.
3.2List different types of software development tools.
3.3State the uses of IDE, linker, compiler, editor and assembler.
3.4Mention commonly used IDE.
3.5Interpret MPLAB, MPLAB X and MikroC.
3.6List different types of hardware development tools.
3.7State the uses of flasher, debugger and emulator.
3.8Mention commonly used debugger and flashing tools.
3.9State the procedure to build embedded software.
3.10 Write a program for accessing GPIO port.

4 Timer/counter programming 3 6
4.1 List the function of a timer.
4.2 Discuss the mode of operation of a timer.
4.3 Write C program for creating delay of certain amount of time using
4.4 Describe the Timer as an even counter.
4.5 Develop program for generating square wave and PWM using C
5 Interrupt of Microcontroller 2 4
5.1 List the interrupts of the mid-range PIC MCU.
5.2 State the interrupt priority and vector locations.
5.3 State the procedure of enabling and disabling interrupts.
5.4 Mention the steps in executing an interrupt service routine.
5.5 Describe External Hardware, Timer, and Serial communication
5.6 Write a program for interrupt control.
6 Assembly Language Programming of PIC Mid-range 3 6
6.1 Describe Assembly language.
6.2 Define Instruction and Instruction set.
6.3 Classify instructions.
6.4 Mention the fields of assembly language instruction.
6.5 Describe the function of assembly language instruction.
6.6 State CPU Instruction & Assembler directives.
6.7 Describe the commonly used Assembler directives.
6.8 Mention steps to create and execute assembly language program.
6.9 Develop a program in assembly language to send data to the output
7 Interfacing Sensors and Actuators 3 6
7.1 Define sensor and actuator.
7.2 Describe the process of interfacing sensors and actuators in an
embedded system.
7.3 State the types of actuators with application.
7.4 Write a program to Controlling motors and LEDs using
7.5 Write a program to get temperature, humidity and light using MCU.
7.6 Develop an embedded system block diagram that uses different
sensors and actuators
8 Communication Protocols in Embedded Systems 3 4
8.1 Define communication protocol.
8.2 State the uses of UART, I2C and SPI communication protocols.
8.3 List different types of Wireless communication.
8.4 State the process of Bluetooth and RF modules.
8.5 State the process of Interfacing multiple microcontrollers for
8.6 Write a program for serial communication.
8.7 Develop an embedded system block diagram that uses different
communication systems
9 Arduino Basics 3 7
9.1 State Arduino, Arduino board and Arduino shield.
9.2 Explain the pinout diagram of ATmega328p.
9.3 State the features of different Arduino boards.
9.4 State different Arduino Shields.
9.5 Describe the uses of Arduino Board and components.
9.6 Describe the Interfacing technique of components with an Arduino
10 Arduino Programming 4 9
10.1 Describe download process of Arduino Integrated development
environment (IDE) Software.
10.2 Describe menus Arduino Software (IDE).
10.3 State sketch with setup () and loop ().
10.4 Explain variables and functions for programing.
10.5 Describe pinMode, digitalRead, digitalWrite, analogRead,
analogWrite, delay and serialMonitor.
10.6 Write a simple program with using functions.
10.7 Describe different types of variables in Arduino
10.8 Develop a program to read analog signal from a sensor using
10.9 Describe serial communication system between hardware device
and computer system by using serial communication protocol
11 IoT device, Raspberry Pi and other development kit. 3 4
11.1 Mention the uses of ARM architecture.
11.2 Describe the basic building blocks of an IoT devices
11.3 State the uses of GSM module like device to connect from remote
11.4 State the uses of Wi-Fi module to connect from remote.
11.5 State the features and uses of Raspberry Pi board.
11.6 Mention commonly used mini development kit based on MCU.
11.7 Mention commonly used robotics development board.

TOTAL 32 60

Detailed Syllabus (Practical)

i. For the experiments of microcontroller (MCU) students can use any MCU i.e., PIC,
AVR, 8051 core, Fujitsu, Lapis, Renesas, ST etc.
ii. For developing programs, students can use any development tools and
programming language i.e., Arduino software (IDE), MPLAB X, Atmel studio, C,
python etc.

Class Continuous
SL. Experiment name with procedure (3 Period) Marks

1 Design schematic diagram for making LED blinking 1 1

1.1 Select a simple PIC series mid-range MCU for LED flashing
project, for example, PIC 16F84A, PIC16F628A, PIC16F676,
PIC16F72, PIC16F77 or any other suitable PIC MCU.
1.2 Identify required input-output devices for building LED
blinking system.
1.3 Interpret operation procedure of selected I/O devices.
1.4 Interpret the interface system of selected I/O devices with
selected MCU.
1.5 Interpret the interface of different signals and pin of the
selected MCU.
1.6 Sketch the connection diagram of the power pins of MCU
with power supply in schematic design.
1.7 Sketch the connection diagram of the crystal with clock
signal related pin in schematic design. Internal clock source
can be used as well.
1.8 Sketch the connection diagram of other system pin of MCU,
for example, like reset etc. with necessary components or
power supply if necessary.
1.9 Sketch the connection diagram of the I/O device and other
parts, if necessary, with MCU to complete the schematic
2 Develop a program for LED blinking system. 1 2
2.1 Design the circuit diagram.
2.2 Draw the process flow chart.
2.3 Write a program.
2.4 Compile/build the program.
2.5 Simulate the program and the circuit if necessary.
2.6 Flash/Download the Hex file/program to the MCU using
flashing device.
2.7 Construct the circuit.
2.8 Power the circuit and observe the output.
2.9 Debug program/system using debugger device if necessary.
2.10 Prepare a report.
2.11 Test the program
2.12 Maintain the record of performed task.
3 Develop a program for displaying decimal digit (0 to 9) or 1 2
hexadecimal digit on 7- Segment display by using any MCU.
3.1 Design the circuit diagram.
3.2 Draw the process flow chart.
3.3 Write the program using c programming.
3.4 Compile/build the program.
3.5 Simulate the program and the circuit if necessary.
3.6 Flash/Download the Hex file/program to the MCU using
flashing device.
3.7 Construct the circuit.
3.8 Power the circuit and observe the output.
3.9 Debug program/system using debugger device if necessary.
3.10 Prepare a report
3.11 Test the program
3.12 Maintain the record of performed task.
4 Develop a program for Interfacing LCD by using any MCU 2 2
4.1 Design the circuit diagram.
4.2 Draw the process flow chart.
4.3 Write the program using c programming.
4.4 Compile/build the program.
4.5 Simulate the program and the circuit if necessary.
4.6 Flash/Download the Hex file/program to the MCU using
flashing device.
4.7 Construct the circuit.
4.8 Power the circuit and observe the output.
4.9 Debug program/system using debugger device if necessary.
4.10 Prepare a report
4.11 Test the program
4.12 Maintain the record of performed task.

5 Perform the construction of a MCU based timing pulse 1 2

generation system by using built-in timer
5.1 Design the circuit diagram.
5.2 Draw the process flow chart.
5.3 Write the program using c programming.
5.4 Compile/build the program.
5.5 Simulate the program and the circuit if necessary.
5.6 Flash/Download the Hex file/program to the MCU using
flashing device.
5.7 Construct the circuit.
5.8 Power the circuit and observe the output.
5.9 Debug program/system using debugger device if necessary.
5.10 Prepare a report
5.11 Test the program
5.12 Maintain the record of performed task.

6 Perform the construction of a MCU based system to count 1 2

6.1 Design the circuit diagram.
6.2 Draw the process flow chart.
6.3 Write the program using c programming.
6.4 Compile/build the program.
6.5 Simulate the program and the circuit if necessary.
6.6 Flash/Download the Hex file/program to the MCU using
flashing device.
6.7 Construct the circuit.
6.8 Power the circuit and observe the output.
6.9 Debug program/system using debugger device if necessary.
6.10 Prepare a report
6.11 Test the program
6.12 Maintain the record of performed task.
7 Perform the construction of a MCU based ADC (Analog to 1 2
digital converter) interface System
7.1 Design the circuit diagram.
7.2 Draw the process flow chart.
7.3 Write the program using c programming.
7.4 Compile/build the program.
7.5 Simulate the program and the circuit if necessary.
7.6 Flash/Download the Hex file/program to the MCU using
flashing device.
7.7 Construct the circuit.
7.8 Power the circuit and observe the output.
7.9 Debug program/system using debugger device if necessary.
7.10 Prepare a report
7.11 Test the program
7.12 Maintain the record of performed task.
8 Develop a program for Interfacing Keyboard using 2 2
8.1 Design the circuit diagram.
8.2 Draw the process flow chart.
8.3 Write the program using c programming.
8.4 Compile/build the program.
8.5 Simulate the program and the circuit if necessary.
8.6 Flash/Download the Hex file/program to the MCU using
flashing device.
8.7 Construct the circuit.
8.8 Power the circuit and observe the output.
8.9 Debug program/system using debugger device if necessary.
8.10 Prepare a report
8.11 Test the program
8.12 Maintain the record of performed task.
9 Make a flashing tool to flash a program from computer to 2 2
9.1 Search and select a suitable free flashing tool from internet
9.2 Construct the circuit.
9.3 Install the flashing tool on computer
9.4 Power the circuit
9.5 Connect a MCU with the flashing tool and flash
9.6 Prepare a report
9.7 Maintain the record of performed task.
10 Develop a program for Interfacing DC motor by using any 1 2
10.1 Design the circuit diagram.
10.2 Draw the process flow chart.
10.3 Write the program using c programming.
10.4 Compile/build the program.
10.5 Simulate the program and the circuit if necessary.
10.6 Flash/Download the Hex file/program to the MCU using
flashing device.
10.7 Construct the circuit.
10.8 Power the circuit and observe the output.
10.9 Debug program/system using debugger device if necessary.
10.10 Prepare a report
10.11 Test the program
10.12 Maintain the record of performed task.
11 Develop a program for interfacing temperature 1 2
sensor/light sensor by using Arduino kit
11.1 Design the circuit diagram.
11.2 Draw the process flow chart.
11.3 Write the program using c programming.
11.4 Compile/build the program.
11.5 Simulate the program and the circuit if necessary.
11.6 Flash/Download the Hex file/program to the MCU using
flashing device.
11.7 Construct the circuit.
11.8 Power the circuit and observe the output.
11.9 Debug program/system using debugger device if necessary.
11.10 Prepare a report
11.11 Test the program
11.12 Maintain the record of performed task.

12 Develop a program for driving an electromagnetic relay by 1 2

using Arduino kit with any wireless shield.
12.1 Design the circuit diagram.
12.2 Draw the process flow chart.
12.3 Write the program using c programming.
12.4 Compile/build the program.
12.5 Simulate the program and the circuit if necessary.
12.6 Flash/Download the Hex file/program to the MCU using
flashing device.
12.7 Construct the circuit.
12.8 Power the circuit and observe the output.
12.9 Debug program/system using debugger device if necessary.
12.10 Prepare a report
12.11 Test the program
12.12 Maintain the record of performed task.
13 Develop a program to communicate using serial 1 2
communication protocol by using Arduino kit.
13.1 Design the circuit diagram.
13.2 Draw the process flow chart.
13.3 Write the program using c programming.
13.4 Compile/build the program.
13.5 Simulate the program and the circuit if necessary.
13.6 Flash/Download the Hex file/program to the MCU using
flashing device.
13.7 Construct the circuit.
13.8 Power the circuit and observe the output.
13.9 Debug program/system using debugger device if necessary.
13.10 Prepare a report
13.11 Test the program
13.12 Maintain the record of performed task.
Total 16 25
Necessary Resources (Tools, Materials, equipment’s and Machineries):

SL. Item Name Quantity

01 MCU training kit 5
02 Program/software development tools for MCU 5
03 Computer system 5
04 Arduino board, shield with sensor set 5

SL. Book Name Writer Name Publisher Name & Edition

01 PIC Microcontroller and Muhammad Ali Mazidi Pearson
Embedded system
02 C Programming for the Hubert Henry Ward Apress
Website References:

SL. Web Link Remarks

01 www.microchip.com

02 www.arduino.cc

03 www.raspberrypi.org

04 www.arm.com
Subject Code Subject Name Period per Week Credit
26863 T P C
PCB Design & Proto Typing
0 3 1

PCB (Printed Circuit Board) design is the most significant area of Electronics Technology. It is
an integral part of each electronic product. T h i s c o u r s e is designed to make
students capable in PCB design of electronic projects up to industrial standard. This subject
Rationale will cover areas include software based circuit design, simulation, PCB layout, PCB print on
tracing paper, screen printing process, chemical etching, drilling and testing.

After undergoing the subject, students will be able to:

1. Identify different EDA with types of PCBs.
2. Prepare schematic circuit using Software like Proteus.
3. Analyze schematic circuit by virtual instruments.
Learning 4. Perform the PCB design using Software.
Outcome 5. Perform routing the Board.
6. Organize the drawing information on layers.
7. Perform Printing the PCB layout.
8. Make the PCB using screen printing techniques.
9. Perform PCB Production manufacturing Process.
10. Perform PCB of a sample Project.

PCB Prototyping Process

1. Design
2. Schematic Design
3. Materials
4. Routing Design
5. Checks
6. Creating the Photo Film
7. Printing the Inner Layers
8. Aligning the Layers
9. Fusing the Layers Together
10. Drilling the Holes
11. Copper Plating
12. Outer Layer Imaging
13. Copper and Tin Plating
14. Final Etching
15. Applying the Solder Mask
16. Applying the Surface Finish
17. Applying Silk Screen
18. Cutting
19. Sourcing
20. Assembly
21. Solder Paste Stenciling
22. Pick and Place
23. Reflow Soldering
24. Inspection Quality Control
25. Inserting Through Hole Components
26. Conducting a Functionality Test
(3 Period) (Continuous)
1 Create drawing environment for PCB designing 2 3
1.1 Collect different PCBs.
1.2 Identify Single Sided (Single Layer), Multi-Layer (Double Layer),
& Flexible, rigid, rigid-flex PCBs.
1.3 Identify PCB substrate, copper, solder mask and silk screen.
1.4 Identify SPICE, PSPICE, OrCAD, Diptrace, Easyeda, Eagle PCB and
Proteus software.
1.5 Select appropriate software for Electronic Design Automation
1.6 Install Proteus software.
1.7 Apply the menu bar, drawing area and special windows of
Installed software.
1.8 Demonstrate component Library.
1.9 Maintain the record of performed task.
2 Draw schematic Circuit Using EDA software 2 3
2.1 Add Library and packages to software
2.2 Create a new Project of an electronic Circuit diagram.
2.3 Place Devices (active & passive components) according to
Circuit diagram in the workspace.
2.4 Connect devices by Wire.
2.5 Make Connections with Terminals.
2.6 Connect Power.
2.7 Perform Power Rail Configuration.
2.8 Edit devices with values and parameters.
2.9 Maintain the record of performed task.

3 Analyze a schematic Circuit 1 2

3.1 Choose the software platform
3.2 Start a new project
3.3 Identify virtual instruments.
3.4 Add voltmeters, ammeters, logic analyzers, oscilloscopes to
circuit diagram
3.5 Set device meter values of virtual instruments. .
3.6 Analyze simulation results by viewing and manipulating
waveform in the graph.
3.7 Change a device value or using breakpoints to analyze and
diagnostic the using circuit.
3.6 Export the simulated circuit to pdf.
3.7 Maintain the record of performed task.
4 Design PCB Layout 2 3
4.1 Create a drawing frame
4.2 Switch schematic circuit to PCB layout.
4.3 Layout basic PCB terminology.
4.4 Create a Footprint Library
4.5 Place the Footprint
4.6 Create a PCB Border.
4.7 Design Rule managers
4.8 Make 3D Board Visualization.
4.9 Animate Auto-Pan & Highlight
4.10 Place Auto Routing, Manual Routing (Tracks, Vias)
4.11 Add Text, Logo & Place Holes.
4.12 Maintain the record of performed task.
5 Perform Routing the Board 1 2
5.1 Trace width
5.2 Make the distance between traces
5.3 Select Teardrops & Tapering
5.4 Make Layer Stackup and Drill Spans
5.5 Route Command Centre
5.6 Place Vias
5.7 Place a Curved Route
6 Organize the drawing information on layers 1 2
5.6 Identify the
Maintain thelayer control
record options. task.
of performed
6.2 Create and name the layers.
6.3 Make the layer current and control layer visibility.
6.4 Freeze, lock and unlock the layers.
6.5 Set the layer color & line type.
6.6 Maintain the record of performed task.

7 Print the PCB layout 1 3

7.1 Open the PCB layout.
7.2 Identify DRC Or DFM format.
7.3 Select the format.
7.4 Set up the printing options.
7.5 Set up the area of plot size.
7.6 Compensate for printer or plotter in accuracy.
7.6 Print PCB layout on tracing paper.
7.7 Maintain the record of performed task.

8 Make the PCB using screen printing techniques 2 3

8.1 Select the required frame with silkscreen.
8.2 Collect printed PCB Layout.
8.3 Prepare the screen following proper steps for PCB printing.
8.4 Prepare the PCB by photo-Lithography process.
8.5 Screen Printing process and chemical etching.
8.6 Maintain the record of performed task.

9 Practice Production of PCB 2 2

9.1 Generate Gerber.
9.2 Prepare the PCB with CAM & penalization.
9.3 Perform cleaning, drilling & plating of PCB
9.4 Prepare the PCB with automated optical inspection
9.5 Perform Tinning, solder resist & testing of PCB
9.6 Maintain the record of performed task.
10 Build the Project 2 2
10.1 Place the components on the PCB.
10.2 Solder the components.
10.3 Test the circuit for proper operation.
Total 16 25


SL Item Name Quantity

1 PC with installed Proteus Software 01 nos
2 Copper Claid Board As required
3 Laminator 01 no
4 Printer with cartridge/toner 01 no
5 Magnetic stirrer 01 no
6 UV light source 01 no
7 PCB cleaning fluid (isopropanol 99.7% waterless) As required
8 Preparation etchant: Ammonium Per sulfate (NH₄)₂S₂O₈ 15%wt As required
Developer solution: Potasium carbonet K₂CO₃ 2%wt
Trace etchant: Ferrous Chloride FeCl₃ 50%wt
Resist removal solution: Sodium Hydroxide NaOH 5%wt
9 NelcoN400-6 As required
10 Cyanate Aster As required
11 Standard FR-4 Epoxy Glass 01 no
12 Multifunctional FR-4 01 no
13 Teflon 20 x 16 x 0.05 inches; 3.2
14 Soft brush 01 no
15 Latex gloves 01 no
16 Plyimide Glass 01 no
17 PCB Cutting Machine 01 no
18 PCB Prototyping Equipment 01 set


SL Book Name Writer Name Publisher Name & Edition

01. PCB Design & Layout Fundamentals for Rogger Hu Independently Published, 2019
02. Essential Electronic Design Automation Mark Birnbaum Prentice Hall PTR/Pearson Education
03 Printed Circuits Handbook Clyde F. Coombs, Mc-Graw-Hill Education
Happy T. Holden 7th Edition

SL Web Link Remarks
1 (a) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Printed_circuit_board#Design Search here with given link
(b) https://www.labcenter.com/pcb/
(c) https://www.pcbway.com/pcb-service.html
2 www.youtube.com Search here with topics
3 www.google.com Search here with topics
Subject Code Subject Name Period per Week Credit
29061 Environmental Studies
2 3 3

The need for sustainable environmental development is critical for the future of the
world and mankind. The excess demand of natural resources is creating obstacles to
sustain life on earth. The continuing problems of pollution have made everyone
aware of environmental issues. Different industrial sectors have direct impact on the
environment and are responsible for air, water, soil, noise, marine, nuclear, and
biological pollution. The knowledge of environmental studies is the prerequisite for
the control of these pollutions. In this present scenario, fundamental knowledge of
environmental studies is necessary for a Diploma in Engineering Course to
understand the root causes of pollution and enable them to control industrial
Rationale pollution through maintaining the raw materials, processes, and technology.

The subject covers the basic knowledge about key environmental issues, different
types of pollution, their effects, control measures, and remedies in their respective
fields. This will enable them to be responsible professionals and contribute to
sustainable development for the benefit of all.

This module is designed with hands on practical approach which includes practical
activity to identify common pollutants and data collection for resource

After undergoing the subject, students will be able to:

Learning 1. Describe the environment and environmental pollution.

2. Explain ecology and ecosystems.
3. Identify major environmental risks and challenges. related to industrial
operation, production, and agriculture.
4. Identify ways to mitigate negative effects on the environment.
5. State Legislative measures and requirements to protect the environment.
After undergoing the subject, students will be able to:

1. Analyze the water and wastewater quality parameters.

Learning 2. Demonstrate the air quality measures.
Outcome 3. Estimate the noise level and acoustic zone mapping.
(Practical) 4. Collect data for resource consumption and waste generation.
5. Observe operations of an Effluent water treatment plant (ETP).
Detailed Syllabus (Theory)

Class Final
Unit Topics with Contents
(1 Period) Marks
1.1 Define nature, environment & environmental studies.
1.2 Mention the components of the environment.
1.3 Define pollution, pollutant & contaminant.
1.4 Classify different types of pollution.
1.5 Differentiate between natural and man-made environments.
1.6 Define climate change.
1.7 Mention the impact of climate change.
2.1 Define ecology & eco-system.
2.2 Illustrate the water cycle.
2.3 Illustrate the carbon cycle.
2.4 Illustrate the nitrogen cycle.
2.5 Illustrate the oxygen cycle.
2.6 Define food chains and food webs.
2.7 Define Biodiversity, biomass, bioconcentration and bio
2.8 Describe Terrestrial and Aquatic ecosystem.
2.9 Define ecologically critical area (ECA), threatened species,
species, extinct species, and exotic species.
2.10 List the ecologically critical areas of Bangladesh.

3.1. Define Greenhouse effect, global warming & Ozone depleting 3 6

substances (ODS).
3.2. Mention the causes of global warming.
3.3. List the greenhouse gases.
3.4. State the contribution of greenhouse gases to the greenhouse
3.5. Discuss the effects of global warming on the environment and
human life.
3.6. Define acid rain and impact on the environment.
3.7. Describe the importance of the ozone layer and the effects of
ozone depletion.
3.8. Mention different types of natural disaster.
3.9. Discuss the Flood, Cyclone & Earthquake disaster management
system of Bangladesh.
4.1 Define water pollution, water pollutants and pollution sources. 5 10
4.2 Mention the sources of water pollution.
4.3 Mention the quality standards of drinking water and
4.4 Define wastewater management.
4.5 Explain effluents, influent and methods of effluent treatment.
4.6 Draw different schematic diagrams of effluent treatment
4.7 Explain the effects of water pollution on human health and the
4.8 Discuss the importance of water conservation.
5.1 Describe the sources, production, and consumption of energy. 5 8
5.2 Describe air pollution and sources of air pollution.
5.3 Define Carbon Footprint.
5.4 Define GHG emission and contribution to the greenhouse
5.5 Discuss the effects of energy consumption on Climate Change.
5.6 Explain the concept of energy efficiency.
5.7 Discuss Carbon Footprint calculation methods.
5.8 Discuss the importance of reducing Carbon Footprint.
5.9 Discuss the effect of air pollution on human health, vegetation,
and animals.
6.1 Define sound & sound wave.
6.2 Mention the scale of measuring sound intensity.
6.3 Define sound pressure & sound power.
6.4 Describe the sound intensity and loudness.
6.5 Define noise pollution.
6.6 Mention the sources of noise pollution.
6.7 Mention the effect of noise pollution on human health.
6.8 Explain the methods for noise prevention in the industry.
7.1. Define soil pollution and soil degradation.
7.2. Classify different types of soil pollution.
7.3. Mention the sources of soil pollution.
7.4. List the main pollutants in soil.
7.5. Describe the impacts of soil pollution on the food chain and
7.6. Describe the methods of soil pollution controlling.
7.7. List the agro-ecological zones of Bangladesh.
8.1 Define solid waste.
8.2 Identify the sources of solid waste.
8.3 Categorize different types of solid waste.
8.4 Discuss the solid waste collection methods.
8.5 Describe 3R and 4R methods of solid waste management.
8.6 Describe the potential method of disposal of solid waste.
8.7 Mention the waste management strategies in Bangladesh.
8.8 Discuss the impact of solid waste on environment and human
9.1 Define Chemical hazard.
9.2. Discuss different types of chemical hazard and toxicity.
9.3 State the benefits of chemical management.
9.4 Describe basic concepts of chemical segregation and storage.
9.5. Describe chemical label and safety data sheet (SDS)
9.6. Discuss different hazard pictogram and safety signs.
9.7 Describe chemical pesticides.
9.8. Describe the mitigation and control measures of chemical

10.1 Mention environmental act & legislations prescribed for air,

water, soil & wildlife protection in Bangladesh.
10.2 Discuss International protocols and agreements related to
environmental issues.
10.3 Define environmental impact assessment (EIA).
10.4 Describe the environmental framework in Bangladesh.
10.5 Describe environmental conservation act 1995 in Bangladesh.
10.6 Describe the environment conservation rule 1997 in
10.7 Discuss the steps required to obtain Environmental Clearance
certificate in Bangladesh.

Total 32 60

Detailed Syllabus (Practical)

Class Total
Sl. Experiment name with procedure
(3 Period) Marks
1 Determine physical water quality of water sample. 1 5
1.1 Measure temperature, color, odor & taste.
1.2 Measure turbidity of water.
1.3 Measure total suspended solids (TSS) present in water sample.
1.4 Maintain the record of performed job.
2 Determine chemical water quality of water sample. 1 5
2.1 Measure pH level in water sample.
2.2 Measure Hardness in water sample.
2.3 Maintain the record of performed job.
3 Measure total dissolved solids (TDS) present in water sample. 1 5
3.2 Prepare TDS meter & necessary accessories.
3.2 Read the value of TDS meter.
3.3 Maintain the record of performed job.
4 Determine Iron (Fe) & Arsenic (As) level in water sample. 1 5
4.1 Prepare Iron & Arsenic test kit bottles.
4.2 Measure Iron (Fe) level in water sample.
4.3 Measure Arsenic level in water sample.
4.4 Maintain the record of performed job.
5 Determine dissolved oxygen (DO), Chemical oxygen demand (COD), 1 5
biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) in wastewater sample.
5.1 Prepare DO meter and necessary accessories.
5.2 Measure dissolved oxygen (DO) level present in water.
5.3 Measure biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) in water.
5.4 Prepare required apparatus for Chemical oxygen demand (COD)
5.5 Prepare reagents for COD test.
5.6 Observe COD test readings and calculate result.
5.7 Maintain the record of performed job.
6 Measure Air Quality 1 5
6.1 Prepare air quality meter and necessary accessories.
6.2 Measure air quality, CO2 level in the air.
6.3 Maintain the record of performed job.
7 Control of air dust by cyclone separator 1 5
7.1 Prepare cyclone separator.
7.2 Observe the reading of cyclone separator.
7.3 Remove the dust from cyclone separator.
7.4 Maintain the record of performed job.
8 Measurement of noise level in different places 1 5
8.1 Prepare noise meter.
8.2 Observe the reading of noise level meter.
8.3 Measure the noise level in different working area.
8.4 Maintain the record of performed job.
9 Calculate Energy consumption. 1 5
9.1 Collect the data.
9.2 Compute energy consumption in KWH.
9.3 Maintain the record of performed job.
10 Perform a field visit on Effluent treatment plant (ETP) 1 5
10.1 Observe the ETP plant.
10.2 Collect the relative data.
10.3 Prepare the diagram of observed ETP plant.
10.4 Maintain the record of performed job.
Total 10 50

Necessary Resources (Tools, equipment’s, and Machinery):

Sl Item Name Quantity

01 Turbidity meter 5 set
02 PH meter 5 set
03 TDS meter 5 set
04 Noise Level Meter 5 set
05 DO meter 5 set
06 Cyclone Separator(high sampler) 5 set
07 Iron & Arsenic test kit box 5 set
08 Incubator 1 set
09 Water Bath 1 set
10 Glassware 5 set
11 Thermometer 5 set
12 Ultraviolet–visible Spectrophotometer 1 set
13 Energy meter 1 set
14 Bill or data for electricity bill, gas bill, liquid gas bill, gasoline bill 5 sets for each class
15 AMP meter 5 set
16 High volume sampler 1 set
17 Oven 1 set
18 Measurement scales up to 4 digits 5 set
19 COD reactor 5 sets
20 Chemicals reagents and stabilizing chemicals 2 liters
21 Hardness meter 5 sets
22 Hardness kit box 5 sets
23 Filter paper 10 packets
24 Air Quality meter 5 sets

Recommended Books:

Sl Book Name Writer Name Publisher Name & Edition

01 Pollution control in process industries S. P. Mahajan McGraw Hill Education 2017
02 Environmental Policy and Public William N. Rom Jossey-Bass
Health: Air Pollution, Global Climate
Change, and Wilderness
03 Air pollution Fundamentals of Air Daniel A. Vallero Elsevier Publications
Pollution, Fourth Edition
04 Industrial Noise Control Bruce Fader John Wiley & Sons
05 (১ম ও ২য় ) ম য়
06 ম
07 Sustainability Indicators By Simon Bell, Routledge, London, 2001.
Stephen Morse
08 Down to Earth. Applying Business F. L. Reinhardt Harvard Business School, Boston 2000,
Principles to Environmental ISBN 1-57851-192-5.
09 Industrial Wastewater Treatment. Patwardhan 2nd revised edition. PHI Learning.
ISBN:8120353323; 2017
10 Industrial Wastewater Treatment, Ranade &; Rhandari Butterworth-
Recycling and Reuse. Heinemann. ISBN: 9780080999685
11 Energy, Resources and Environment Alan Reddish and Hodder Education, 2nd edition
John Blunden
12 Exploring Environmental Issues-An David D. Kemp Routledge, London
integrated approach

Website References:

Sl Web Link Remarks

04 Environmental Protection Agency https://www.epa.gov/laws-regulations
Woodard &; AMP: Industrial Waste Treatment Handbook, 2nd Edition (2006) Chapters
available for free download on

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