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Jee physics

Time Allowed : 0 mins Maximum Marks : 180

Section A 9) An electron from various excited states of hydrogen atom

emits radiation to come to the ground state. Letλ n , λ g be
1) A prism having an apex angle 4o and refractive index 1.5 is the de - Broglie wavelength of the electron in the nth state
located in front of a vertical plane mirror as shown in figure. and the ground state, respectively. Let ∧n be the wavelength
Through what total angle is the ray deviated after reflection of the emitted photon in the transition from the nth state to
from the mirror? the ground state. For large n, (A, B are constants) [4]
a) Λ2n ≃ A + Bλ2n
b) Λn ≈ A + λB2
c) Λ2n ≈λ
d) Λn ≈ A + Bλ2n
10) The wavelength of the first line of Lyman series is 1215Ao
[4] , the wavelength of first line of Balmer series will be: [4]
a) 178o b) 176o a) 6750Ao
c) 4o d) 2o b) 5295Ao
2) A paper with two marks having separation d is held normal c) 4545Ao
to the line of sight of an observer at a distance of 50 cm. d) 6561Ao
The diameter of the eye lens of the observer is 2 mm. Which 11) Two H atoms in the ground state collide inelastically. The
of the following is the least value of d, so that the marks maximum amount by which their combined kinetic energy is
can be seen as separate? Mean wavelength of visible light reduced is: [4]
may be taken 5000Ao : [4] a) 10.20 eV b) 13.6 eV
a) 1.225 cm b) 2.125 cm c) 20.40 eV d) 27.2 eV
c) 1.525 cm d) 0.125 cm 12) As per the Bohr model, the minimum energy (in eV) required
3) A beam of parallel rays is brought to a focus by a plano - to remove an electron from the ground state of doubly ionized
convex lens. If a thin concave lens of the same focal length Li atom (Z = 3) is [4]
is joined to the first lens, then: [4] a) 40.8 b) 1.51
c) 13.6 d) 122.4
a) Focal point shifts towards the lens
b) Focal point shifts away from the lens 13) In the hydrogen atom, an electron is moving in the nth
c) Focus remains undisturbed orbit. The circumference S of the orbit and the de Broglie
d) Focus shifts to infinity wavelengthλ of the moving electron are related by the equa-
4) A rectangular block of glass is placed on a printed page
(Where n is a whole number) [4]
lying on a horizontal surface. Then the minimum value of
a) S = nh b) S = nλ
the refractive index of glass for which the letters on the page
c) Snh = 1 d) S = nh
are not visible from any of the vertical faces of the block
is: [4] √ √ 14) In which of the following systems will the radius of the first
a) Less than √2 b) Equal √to 2 orbit (n = 1) be minimum? [4]
c) More than 2 d) > = < 2 a) Deuterium atom
5) Givenaµg = 23 and aµg = 43 . There is an equiconvex lens b) Singly ionized helium
with radius of each surface equal to 20 cm. There is air in c) Doubly ionized lithium
the object space and water in the image space. The focal d) Hydrogen atom
length of lens is: [4] 15) The colour of the second line of the Balmer series is: [4]
a) 80 cm b) 20 cm a) Violet b) Red
c) 40 cm d) 10 cm c) Blue d) Yellow
6) Sunlight of intensity 1.3 kW m - 2 is incident normally on a 16) LetEn = 8ε−me
2 n2 h2 be the energy of the n
level of H - atom.
thin convex lens of focal length 20 cm. Ignore the energy If all the H - atoms are in the ground state and radiation

loss of light due to the lens and assume that the lens aper- of frequency E2 −E 1
on it, then: [4]
ture size is much smaller than its focal length. The average h

intensity of light, in kW m - 2 , at a distance 22 cm from a) Some of the atoms will move to the first excited state
the lens on the other side is . [4] b) All atoms will be excited to the n = 2 state
7) If the ratio of magnifications produced by a simple micro- c) All atoms will make a transition to the n = 3 state
scope in near point adjustment and far point adjustment is d) It will not be absorbed at all
6/5, then the focal length of the lens is cm. [4] 17) In Rutherford Bohr model of hydrogen atom which of the
8) The band spectrum is due to the emission of radiation in: following statements is not true? [4]
a) The angular momentum of the electron in the nth orbit
a) Gaseous state b) Liquid state
is an integral multiple of 2π
c) Solid state d) All the three states
b) Radius of the nth orbit is proportional to n2 .
c) The magnitude of potential energy of an electron in any d) It reduces the light intensity to half on account of
orbit is greater than its KE. polarisation
d) Total energy of an electron in the nth orbit is inversely
28) The correct curve between fringe widthβ and distance be-
proportional to n.
tween the slits (d) in YDSE is: [4]
18) The ratio of maximum and minimum intensities of two sources
is 4 : 1. The ratio of their amplitudes is: [4]
a) 1 : 16 b) 1 : 3
c) 3 : 1 d) 1 : 9
19) In a Young’s double slit experiment the intensity at a point a)
where the path difference is λ6 (λ being the wavelength of
light used) is I. If I0 denotes the maximum intensity, II0 is
equal to: [4]
a) 12 b) √12

c) 2
d) 3
4 b)
20) The wave front of a distant source of unknown shape is
approximately: [4]
a) Eliptical plane b) Spherical
c) Cyrindrical d) Plane
21) The phenomenon of diffraction can be treated as an inter- c)
ference phenomenon if the number of coherent sources is:
a) Two b) Infinity
c) Zero d) One
22) In Young’s double slit experiment with sodiium vapour lamp d)
of wavelength 589 nm and the slits 0.589 mm apart, half 29) If the width of the slit in single slit diffraction experiment
angular width of the central maximum is: [4] is doubled, then the central maximum of diffraction pattern
a) Sin - 1 00001 b) Sin - 1 0.01 becomes: [4]
c) Sin - 1 0.001 d) Sin - 1 0.1 a) Sharper and brighter b) Broader and brighter
23) In Young’s double - slit experiment if two slightly different c) Shaiper and fainter d) Broader and fainter
wavelengths are present in the light used then: [4] 30) In Young’s double - slit experiment, the type of diffraction
a) The central fringe will be white is: [4]
b) There will be no fringes at all a) Both Fresnel and Fraunhofer
c) The sharpness of fringes will increase everywhere (com- b) Fraunhofer
pared to the case when monochromatic light is used). c) Fresnel
d) The sharpness of fringes will decrease as we move away d) None of these
from central fringe
31) The value of the numerical aperture of the objective lens of
24) The maximum number of possible interference maxima for slit a microscope is 1.25. If light of wavelength 5000Ao is used,
separation equal to twice the wavelength in Young’s double the minimum separation between two points, to be seen as
- slit experiment is: [4] distinct, will be: [4]
a) Three b) Infinite a) 0.48µ m b) 0.12µ m
c) Five d) Zero c) 0.38µ m d) 0.24µ m
25) In Young’s two slit experiment, the distance between the two 32) In Young’s double - slit experiment, the two equally bright
coherent sources is 2 mm and the screen is at a distance of slits are coherent, but of phase difference π3 . If the maximum
1 m. If the fringe width is found to be 0.03 cm, then the intensity on the screen is I0 , the intensity at the point on the
wavelength of the light used is: [4] screen equidistant from the slits is: [4]
a) 3I40 b) I20
a) 5000Ao c) I0 d) I40
b) 6000Ao
c) 4000Ao 33) Li nucleus has three protons and four neutrons. Mass of
d) 5890Ao lithium nucleus is 7.016005 amu. Mass of proton is 1.007277
amu and mass of neutron is 1.008665 amu. Mass defect for
26) Two identical light waves, propagating in the same direction, lithium nucleus (in amu) is [4]
have a phase differenceδ . After they superpose the intensity a) 0.04052 b) 0.04048
of the resulting wave will be proportional to: [4] c) 0.04050 d) 0.04055
a) Cos2 δ 34) After 280 days, the activity of a radioactive sample is 6000
b) Cosδ dps. The activity reduces to 3000 dps after another 140 days.
( )
c) cos 2δ The initial activity of the sample in dps is: [4]
( )
d) cos2 2δ a) 6000 b) 24000
c) 3000 d) 9000
27) Polaroid glass is used in sunglasses because: [4]
35) A radioactive sample at any instant has its disintegration rate
a) It is cheaper 5000 disintegrations per minute. After 5 minutes, the rate
b) It is fashionable becomes 1250 disintegrations per minute. Then, its decay
c) It has good colour constant (per minute) is: [4]
a) 0.1 loge 2 b) 0.8 loge 2
c) 0.4 loge 2 d) 0.2 loge 2 41) 238
92 U has 92 protons and 238 nucleons. It decays by emit-
36) A radioactive sample at any instant has its disintegrations rate ting an alpha particle and becomes: [4]
5000 disintegrations per minute. After 5 minutes, the rate a) 235
92 U b) 237
93 N p

becomes 1250 disintegrations per minute. Then, its decay c) 90 T h d) 234

92 U

constant (per minute) is: [4] 42) The penetrating power decreases in the order: [4]
a) 0.4 loge 2 b) 0.1 loge 2
c) 0.8 loge 2 d) 0.2 loge 2 a) γ < β < α
b) > β > α
37) Which of the following pairs is an isobar? [4]
a) 15 P30 and 14 Si30 b) 6 C12 and 6 C13 c) β > γ > α
c) 1 H2 and 1 H3 d) 1 H1 and 1 H2 d) α > γ > β

38) The activity of 1 mg sample of37 Sr90 whose half - life is 28 43) I is an isotope of Iodine that P decays to an isotope of

years is: (Given that Avogadro’s number is 6.02 × 1023 ) Xenon with a half - life of 8 days. A small amount of
[4] a serum labelled with 131 I is injected into the blood of a
person. The activity of the amount of 131 I injected was 2.4
a) 5.24× 109 dps
× 105 Becquerel (Bq). It is known that the injected serum
b) 5.24× 108 dps
will get distributed uniformly in the blood stream in less
c) 5.24× 1010 dps
than half an hour. After 11.5 h, 2.5 ml of blood is drawn
d) 5.24× 1011 dps
from the person’s body, and gives an activity of 115 Bq.
39) A radioactive element X has atomic number Z and atomic The total volume of blood in the person’s body, in litres is
mass number A. It emits an alpha particle and a gamma ray. approximately (you may use e2 ≈ 1 + x for |x| « 1 and ln
The new element is: [4] 2 ≈ 0.7). [4]
a) A+1 44) The activity of a freshly prepared radioactive sample is 1010
b) A+4 disintegrations per second, whose mean life is 109 s. The
Z+2 Y
mass of an atom of this radioisotope is 10 - 25 kg. The mass
c) A−4
Z−2 Y (in mg) of the radioactive sample is [4]
d) A−2
Z−1 Y 45) A freshly prepared sample of a radioisotope of half - life
40) Of the following particles the one which is unstable in free 1386s has activity 103 disintegrations per second. Given that
space is: [4] In 2 = 0.693, the fraction of the initial number of nuclei
a) Electron b) Alpha particle (expressed in nearest integer percentage) that will decay in
c) Proton d) Neutron the first 80 s after preparation of the sample is [4]

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