Api Acr1252u A1 1.07
Api Acr1252u A1 1.07
Api Acr1252u A1 1.07
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List of Figures
Figure 1 : ACR1252U-A1 Architecture ................................................................................................... 7
Figure 2 : ACR1252U-A1 APDU Flow .................................................................................................... 9
Figure 3 : ACR1252U-A1 Escape Command Flow .............................................................................. 10
Figure 4 : Peer-to-Peer Flow for Initiator Mode .................................................................................... 53
Figure 5 : Peer-to-Peer Flow for Target Mode ..................................................................................... 60
List of Tables
Table 1 : Acronyms and Abbreviations ................................................................................................... 6
Table 2 : MIFARE® Classic 1K Memory Map ...................................................................................... 31
Table 3 : MIFARE® Classic 4K Memory Map ...................................................................................... 31
Table 4 : MIFARE® Ultralight® Memory Map ...................................................................................... 32
Table 5 : MIFARE® Ultralight® Memory Map (52 bytes) ..................................................................... 71
Table 6 : FeliCa Memory Map (160 bytes) ........................................................................................... 72
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PCSC Layer
SAM (Socket)
(Built-in Antenna)
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5.1.1. SCardEstablishContext
The SCardEstablishContext function establishes the resource manager context within which database
operations are performed.
Refer to: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/aa379479%28v=vs.85%29.aspx
5.1.2. SCardListReaders
The SCardListReaders function provides the list of readers within a set of named reader groups,
eliminating duplicates.
The caller supplies a list of reader groups, and receives the list of readers within the named groups.
Unrecognized group names are ignored. This function only returns readers within the named groups
that are currently attached to the system and available for use.
Refer to: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/aa379793%28v=vs.85%29.aspx
5.1.3. SCardConnect
The SCardConnect function establishes a connection (using a specific resource manager context)
between the calling application and a smart card contained by a specific reader. If no card exists in
the specified reader, an error is returned.
Refer to: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/aa379473%28v=vs.85%29.aspx
5.1.4. SCardControl
The SCardControl function gives you direct control of the reader. You can call it any time after a
successful call to SCardConnect and before a successful call to SCardDisconnect. The effect on the
state of the reader depends on the control code.
Refer to: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/aa379474%28v=vs.85%29.aspx
Note: Commands from Section 5.8 – Peripherals Control are using this API for sending.
5.1.5. ScardTransmit
The SCardTransmit function sends a service request to the smart card and expects to receive data
back from the card.
Refer to: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/aa379804%28v=vs.85%29.aspx
Note: APDU Commands (i.e. the commands sent to connected card and Section 5.3 - PICC
Commands) are using this API for sending.
5.1.6. ScardDisconnect
The SCardDisconnect function terminates a connection previously opened between the calling
application and a smart card in the target reader.
Refer to: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/aa379475%28v=vs.85%29.aspx
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ATR for MIFARE Classic 1K = {3B 8F 80 01 80 4F 0C A0 00 00 03 06 03 00 01 00 00 00 00 6Ah}
Length (YY) = 0Ch
RID = {A0 00 00 03 06h} (PC/SC Workgroup)
Standard (SS) = 03h (ISO 14443A, Part 3)
Card Name (C0 .. C1) = {00 01h} (MIFARE Classic 1K)
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ISO 14443-A:
The historical bytes from ATS response. Refer to
the ISO14443-4 specification.
ISO 14443-B:
XX Byte1-4 Byte5-7 Byte8
3+N Application Protocol Info Higher
XX Data from Byte from nibble=MBLI
Lower nibble
Example 1:
ATR for MIFARE® DESFire® = { 3B 81 80 01 80 80h} // 6 bytes of ATR
Note: Use the APDU “FF CA 01 00 00h” to distinguish the ISO 14443A-4 and ISO 14443B-4 PICCs,
and retrieve the full ATS if available. ISO 14443A-3 or ISO 14443B-3/4 PICCs do have ATS returned.
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Response Codes
To get the serial number of the “connected PICC”:
UINT8 GET_UID[5] = {FF, CA, 00, 00, 00};
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Functions 1 byte.
00h = Manage Session
01h = Transparent Exchange
02h = Switch Protocol
Other = RFU
Response Format
Every command returns SW1 and SW2 together with the response data field (if available). The SW1
SW2 is based on ISO 7816. SW1 SW2 from the C0 data object below should also be used.
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The first value byte indicates the number of the erroneous data object XX, while the last two bytes
indicate the explanation of the error. SW1 SW2 values based on ISO 7816 are allowed.
If there are more than one data object in the C-APDU field and one data object failed, IFD can
process the following data objects if they do not depend on the failed data objects.
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Data Object (1 byte)
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Tag Length (1 byte)
Tag Len Value
FF 6Dh Var TLV_Objects
Tag Length (1 byte)
Tag Len Value
FF 6Eh Var TLV_Objects
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Data Object (1 byte)
Tag Length (1 byte)
bit Description
0 – append CRC in the transmit data
1 – do not append CRC in the transmit data
90h 02h 0 – discard CRC from the received data
1 1 – do not discard CRC from the received data (i.e. no CRC
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Tag Length (1 byte)
bit Description
0-2 Number of valid bits of the last byte (0 means all bits are valid)
91h 01h
3-7 RFU
Transmission bit framing data object shall be together with “transmit” or “transceive” data object only.
If this data object does not exist, it means all bits are valid.
Tag Length (1 byte)
bit Description
0-2 Number of valid bits of the last byte (0 means all bits are valid)
92h 01h
3-7 RFU
If this data object does not exist, it means all bits are valid.
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Tag Length (1 byte) Byte 0
Byte 1
Bit Description
0 – CRC is OK or no checked
1 – CRC check fail If a collision is
0 – no collision detected, these bytes
96h 02h 1 will tell the collision
1 – collision detected position. Otherwise,
0 – no parity error “00h” will be shown.
1 – parity error detected
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4-7 RFU
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Data Object (1 byte)
Tag Length (1 byte)
Byte 0 Byte 1
00h – If no layer separation
00h – ISO/IEC14443 Type A
02h – Switch to Layer 2
01h – ISO/IEC14443 Type B
8Fh 02h 03h – Switch or activate to layer 3
03h – FeliCa
04h – Activate to layer 4
Other – RFU
Other - RFU
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4. Set the PCB to 0Ah and enable the CRC, parity and protocol prologue in the transmit data.
Command: FF C2 00 01 0A 90 02 00 00 FF 6E 03 07 01 0A
Response: C0 03 00 90 00 90 00
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Key Structure 1 byte.
00h = Key is loaded into the reader volatile memory.
Other = Reserved.
Key Number 1 byte.
00h ~ 01h = Volatile memory for storing a temporally key. The key will
disappear once the reader is disconnected from the PC. Two volatile
keys are provided. The volatile key can be used as a session key for
different sessions. Default Value = {FF FF FF FF FF FFh}
Key 6 bytes.
The key value loaded into the reader. e.g., {FF FF FF FF FF FFh}
// Load a key {FF FF FF FF FF FFh} into the volatile memory location 00h.
APDU = {FF 82 00 00 06 FF FF FF FF FF FFh}
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Block Number 1 byte. The memory block to be authenticated.
For MIFARE Classic 1K card, it has a total of 16 sectors and each sector
consists of four consecutive blocks (e.g., Sector 00h consists of blocks
{00h, 01h, 02h and 03h}; sector 01h consists of blocks {04h, 05h, 06h
and 07h}; the last sector 0Fh consists of blocks {3Ch, 3Dh, 3Eh and
3Fh}. Once the authentication is done successfully, there is no need to
do the authentication again provided that the blocks to be accessed are
belonging to the same sector. Please refer to the MIFARE Classic 1K/4K
specification for more details.
Note: Once the block is authenticated successfully, all the blocks
belonging to the same sector are accessible.
Key Type 1 byte.
60h = Key is used as a TYPE A key for authentication.
61h = Key is used as a TYPE B key for authentication.
Key Number 1 byte.
00 ~ 01h = Volatile memory for storing keys. The keys will disappear
when the reader is disconnected from the PC. Two volatile keys are
provided. The volatile key can be used as a session key for different
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Data Blocks
(Total 16 sectors. Each sector Trailer Block
(3 blocks, 16 bytes per
consists of 4 consecutive (1 block, 16 bytes)
Sector 0 00h – 02h 03h
Sector 1 04h – 06h 07h
.. .. ..
1 KB
.. .. ..
Sector 14 38h – 0Ah 3Bh
Sector 15 3Ch – 3Eh 3Fh
Data Blocks
(Total 32 sectors. Each Trailer Block
(3 blocks, 16 bytes per
sector consists of 4 (1 block, 16 bytes)
consecutive blocks)
Sector 0 00h ~ 02h 03h
Sector 1 04h ~ 06h 07h
2 KB
Sector 30 78h ~ 7Ah 7Bh
Sector 31 7Ch ~ 7Eh 7Fh
Data Blocks
(Total 8 sectors. Each Trailer Block
(15 blocks, 16 bytes
sector consists of 16 (1 block, 16 bytes)
per block)
consecutive blocks)
Sector 32 80h ~ 8Eh 8Fh
Sector 33 90h ~ 9Eh 9Fh
.. 2 KB
Sector 38 E0h ~ EEh EFh
Sector 39 F0h ~ FEh FFh
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// To authenticate the Block 04h with a {TYPE A, key number 00h}. PC/SC V2.01, Obsolete
APDU = {FF 88 00 04 60 00h};
// To authenticate the Block 04h with a {TYPE A, key number 00h}. PC/SC V2.07
APDU = {FF 86 00 00 05 01 00 04 60 00h}
Note: MIFARE Ultralight does not need to do any authentication. The memory is free to access.
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Block Number 1 byte.
The starting block.
Number of Bytes to Read 1 byte.
Multiple of 16 bytes for MIFARE Classic 1K/4K or Multiple of
4 bytes for MIFARE Ultralight.
Maximum of 16 bytes for MIFARE Ultralight.
Maximum of 48 bytes for MIFARE Classic 1K (Multiple
Blocks Mode; 3 consecutive blocks).
Maximum of 240 bytes for MIFARE Classic 4K (Multiple
Blocks Mode; 15 consecutive blocks).
Example 1: 10h (16 bytes). The starting block only (Single Block Mode).
Example 2: 40h (64 bytes). From the starting block to starting block+3 (Multiple Blocks
Note: For security reasons, the Multiple Block Mode is used for accessing Data Blocks only.
The Trailer Block is not supposed to be accessed in Multiple Blocks Mode. Please use Single
Block Mode to access the Trailer Block.
// Read 16 bytes from the binary block 04h (MIFARE Classic 1K or 4K)
APDU = FF B0 00 04 10h
// Read 240 bytes starting from the binary block 80h (MIFARE Classic 4K)
// Block 80h to Block 8Eh (15 blocks)
APDU = FF B0 00 80 F0h
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Block Number 1 byte. The starting block to be updated.
Number of bytes to update 1 byte.
• Multiple of 16 bytes for MIFARE Classic 1K/4K or 4 bytes
for MIFARE Ultralight.
• Maximum 48 bytes for MIFARE Classic 1K (Multiple
Blocks Mode; 3 consecutive blocks).
• Maximum 240 bytes for MIFARE 4K (Multiple Blocks
Mode; 15 consecutive blocks).
Block Data Multiple of 16 bytes, or 4 bytes. The data to be written into
the binary block/blocks.
Example 1: 10h (16 bytes). The starting block only (Single Block Mode).
Example 2: 30h (48 bytes). From the starting block to starting block +2 (Multiple Blocks
Note: For safety reasons, the Multiple Block Mode is used for accessing data blocks only.
The Trailer Block is not supposed to be accessed in Multiple Blocks Mode. Please use Single
Block Mode to access the Trailer Block.
// Update the binary block 04h of MIFARE Classic 1K/4K with Data {00 01 .. 0Fh}
APDU = {FF D6 00 04 10 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 0A 0B 0C 0D 0E 0Fh}
// Update the binary block 04h of MIFARE Ultralight with Data {00 01 02 03h}
APDU = {FF D6 00 04 04 00 01 02 03h}
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Block Number 1 byte. The value block to be manipulated.
VB_OP 1 byte.
00h = Store the VB_Value into the block. The block will then be
converted to a value block.
01h = Increment the value of the value block by the VB_Value. This
command is only valid for value block.
02h = Decrement the value of the value block by the VB_Value. This
command is only valid for value block.
VB_Value 4 bytes. The value used for value manipulation. The value is a signed
long integer (4 bytes).
00h 00h 00h 01h
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Block Number 1 byte. The value block to be accessed.
Value 4 bytes. The value returned from the card. The value is a signed long integer (4
00h 00h 00h 01h
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Source Block Number 1 byte. The value of the source value block will be copied to the
target value block.
Target Block Number 1 byte. The value block to be restored. The source and target
value blocks must be in the same sector.
// Store a value “1” into block 05h
APDU = {FF D7 00 05 05 00 00 00 00 01h}
// Read the value block 05h
APDU = {FF B1 00 05 04h}
// Copy the value from value block 05h to value block 06h
APDU = {FF D7 00 05 02 03 06h}
// Increment the value block 05h by “5”
APDU = {FF D7 00 05 05 01 00 00 00 05h}
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To do this:
1. Connect the tag.
The ATR of the tag is 3B 88 80 01 00 00 00 00 33 81 81 00 3Ah.
In which,
The Application Data of ATQB = 00 00 00 00, protocol information of ATQB = 33 81 81. It is
an ISO 14443-4 Type B tag.
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Class = 80h
INS = B2h
P1 = 80h
P2 = 00h
Lc = None
Data In = None
Le = 08h
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Response = E1 00 00 00 0F 41 43 52 31 32 35 32 55 5F 56 31 30 30 2E 31
Firmware Version (HEX) = 41 43 52 31 32 35 32 55 5F 56 31 30 30 2E 31
Firmware Version (ASCII) = “ACR1252U_V100.1”
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Buzzer On Duration 1 byte.
00h = Turn OFF
01 to FFh = Duration (unit: 10 ms)
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Behavior (1 byte)
Set LED and Buzzer Status Indicator Behaviors for PICC Interface Response Format (6 bytes)
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Read LED and Buzzer Status Indicator Behavior Format for PICC Interface (5 bytes)
Read LED and Buzzer Status Indicator Behavior Response Format for PICC Interface (6 bytes)
Behavior (1 byte)
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Mode Description
Bit 0 Auto PICC Polling 1 = Enable; 0 =Disable
Turn off Antenna Field if no
Bit 1 1 = Enable; 0 =Disable
PICC is found.
Turn off Antenna Field if the
Bit 2 1 = Enable; 0 =Disable
PICC is inactive.
Activate the PICC when
Bit 3 1 = Enable; 0 =Disable
<Bit 5 – Bit 4>
<0 – 0> = 250 ms
Bit 5 .. 4 PICC Poll Interval for PICC <0 – 1> = 500 ms
<1 – 0> = 1000 ms
<1 – 1> = 2500 ms
Bit 6 RFU
Bit 7 Enforce ISO 14443-A Part 4 1= Enable; 0= Disable.
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Mode Description
Bit 0 Auto PICC Polling 1 = Enable; 0 =Disable
Turn off Antenna Field if no
Bit 1 1 = Enable; 0 =Disable
PICC is found.
Turn off Antenna Field if the
Bit 2 1 = Enable; 0 =Disable
PICC is inactive.
Activate the PICC when
Bit 3 1 = Enable; 0 =Disable
<Bit 5 – Bit 4>
<0 – 0> = 250 ms
Bit 5 .. 4 PICC Poll Interval for PICC <0 – 1> = 500 ms
<1 – 0> = 1000 ms
<1 – 1> = 2500 ms
Bit 6 RFU
Bit 7 Enforce ISO 14443-A Part 4 1= Enable; 0= Disable.
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Parameter Description Option
1 = Detect
Bit 0 ISO 14443 Type A
0 = Skip
1 = Detect
Bit 1 ISO 14443 Type B
0 = Skip
The Tag Types to be detected during 1 = Detect
Bit 2 FeliCa 212 Kbps
PICC Polling. 0 = Skip
1 = Detect
Bit 3 FeliCa 424 Kbps
0 = Skip
1 = Detect
Bit 4 Topaz
0 = Skip
Bit 5 - 7 RFU RFU RFU
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Parameter Description Option
1 = Detect
Bit 0 ISO 14443 Type A
0 = Skip
1 = Detect
Bit 1 ISO 14443 Type B
0 = Skip
The Tag Types to be detected during 1 = Detect
Bit 2 FeliCa 212 Kbps
PICC polling. 0 = Skip
1 = Detect
Bit 3 FeliCa 424 Kbps
0 = Skip
1 = Detect
Bit 4 Topaz
0 = Skip
Bit 5 - 7 RFU RFU RFU
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Note: Unit = 10 ms, default value of Initiator Mode Timeout = 00 64h (100 * 10 ms = 1000 ms).
Timeout 2 bytes. Timeout for Initiator Mode (unit = 10 ms).
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NFCMode 1 byte. NFC Device Mode.
01h = MIFARE Ultralight Card Emulation Mode
03h = FeliCa Card Emulation Mode
08h = Peer-to-Peer Initiator Mode
00h = Card Read/Write Mode
OpMode 1 byte. Active Mode/Passive Mode.
01h = Active Mode
02h = Passive Mode
Speed 1 byte. Communication Speed.
01h = 106 Kbps
02h = 212 Kbps
03h = 424 Kbps
After executing Enter Initiator Mode command, the reader will wait for the NFC device, which in Target
Mode, will present and send out the pre-set SNEP Message to it. The reader will stop all other tasks
until the SNEP Message is sent successfully.
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Data In
BS BR PP LLCP Parameter
(1 byte) (1 byte) (1 byte) GiLen (1 byte) Gi (GiLen bytes)
Mode 1 byte. Operation Mode.
01h = Active
02h = Passive
Speed 1 byte. Communication Speed.
01h = 106 Kbps
02h = 212 Kbps
03h = 424 Kbps
NFCID 10 bytes. Initiator device’s NFCID.
DID 1 byte. Initiator device’s Device Identification.
BS 1 byte. Initiator device’s support send-bit rates.
BR 1 byte. Initiator device’s support bit rates.
PP 1 byte. Initiator device’s optional parameters.
Gi N bytes. LLCP parameter.
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PFB 1 byte. Control the data transmission and error recovery.
DepLen 1 byte. DEP message length.
Dep N bytes. DEP message for peer-to-peer communication.
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DID 1 byte. Device Identification.
Return Code
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DID 1 byte. Device Identification.
Return Code
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Note: Unit = 100 µs, default value of Target Timeout = 00 C8h (200 * 100 µs = 20 ms).
Timeout 2 bytes. Timeout for Target Mode (unit =100 µs).
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Speed 1 byte. Communication Speed.
01h = 106 Kbps
02h = 212 Kbps
03h = 424 Kbps
OpMode 1 byte. Active Mode/Passive Mode.
01h = Active Mode
02h = Passive Mode
After executing Enter Target Mode, the reader will wait for the NFC device, which in Initiator Mode,
will present and receive the SNEP message. The reader will stop all other tasks until the SNEP
Message is exchanged successfully.
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LLCP Parameter N bytes. ATR response’s General Byte.
Return Code
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PFB 1 byte. Control the data transmission and error recovery.
DEP Message N bytes. DEP response.
Return Code
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Return Code
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Return Code
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BRS 1 byte. BRS Parameter.
FSL 1 byte. FSL Parameter.
Return Code
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Return Code
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SNEP Message Len 1 byte. Length of the received SNEP Message.
SNEP Message Received SNEP message from Initiator devices.
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NFCMode 1 byte. NFC Device Mode.
01h = MIFARE Ultralight Card Emulation Mode
03h = FeliCa Card Emulation Mode
06h = Peer-to-Peer Initiator Mode
Other = Card Read/Write Mode
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Default SN[0-6] {04h, 96h, 50h, 01h, F4h, 02h, 80h}
Default Data[0-3] {E1h, 10h, 06h, 00h} //NFC Type2Tag
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Default: Block 0 data: {10h, 01h, 01h, 00h, 09h, 00h, 00h,
00h, 00h, 00h, 01h, 00h, 00h, 00h, 00h, 1Ch}
Default Block 0 data NFC Type3 Tag Attribute Information Block
1. FeliCa card emulation support Read/Write without Encryption
2. FeliCa Card Identification Number in IDm is user programmable while Manufacturer Code is
fixed at (03 88).
NFCMode 1 byte. NFC Device Mode.
01h = MIFARE Ultralight Card Emulation Mode
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NfcMode 1 byte. NFC Device Mode.
01h = MIFARE Ultralight Card Emulation Mode
03h = FeliCa Card Emulation Mode
StartOffset 1 byte. Address start to read.
Length 1 byte. Number of bytes to write.
Data to Write The binary data to write.
Set Card Emulation MIFARE Ultralight UID Command Format (12 bytes)
UID 7 bytes. 7 bytes MIFARE UID.
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Set Card Emulation FeliCa Card Identification number Command Format (11 bytes)
Set Card Emulation FeliCa Card Identification number Response Format (11 bytes)
IDm 6 bytes.
Lock 1 byte. Protect the data from being overwritten via NFC.
Lock Parameter
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Byte 3 Link to Buzzer. Control the buzzer state during the LED Blinking.
00h = The buzzer will not turn on.
01h = The buzzer will turn on during the T1 Duration.
02h = The buzzer will turn on during the T2 Duration.
03h = The buzzer will turn on during the T1 and T2 Duration.
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1. The LED State operation will be performed after the LED Blinking operation is completed.
2. The LED will not change if the corresponding LED Mask is not enabled.
3. The LED will not blink if the corresponding LED Blinking Mask is not enabled. Also, the
number of repetition must be greater than zero.
4. T1 and T2 duration parameters are used for controlling the duty cycle of LED blinking and
Buzzer Turn-On duration. For example, if T1=1 and T2=1, the duty cycle = 50%.
Note: Duty Cycle = T1 / (T1 + T2).
5. To control the buzzer only, just set the P2 “LED State Control” to zero.
6. To make the buzzer operate, the “number of repetition” must greater than zero.
7. To control the LED only, just set the parameter “Link to Buzzer” to zero.
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Response = 41 43 52 31 32 35 32 55 5F 56 31 30 30 2E 31h = ACR1252U_V100.1 (ASCII)
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SNEP Message = {D1 02 0F 53 70 D1 01 0B 55 01 61 63 73 2E 63 6F 6D 2E 68 6Bh}
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