Balaji 2012
Balaji 2012
Balaji 2012
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: Typically the value of the magnetostrictive coefficient () observed for bulk magnetic materials such
Received 18 April 2011 as cubic ferrites is 10−6 . However, giant magnetostriction ( ≤ 10−3 ) is only observed in a few bulk
Received in revised form 30 June 2011 intermetallic materials based on alloys of rare earth and iron such as TbFe, TbFe2 , DyFe2 and Terefenol-
Accepted 4 September 2011
D. While giant magnetostriction is known in nanostructured films, we show for the first time, this
Available online 17 September 2011
phenomenon occurs in magnetic nanoparticles. By using in-field small angle X-ray scattering (SAXS)
as a tool, we demonstrate that a 4% relative change in dimension of the particle can be observed
in 5.0 nm Fe3 O4 nanoparticles at room temperature with 1 kG magnetic field. Also, we propose that
Giant magnetostriction
Magnetite nanoparticles
the observed values are due to interaction effects and magnetoelastic coupling of particle magnetic
Magnetoelastic coupling moments and external magnetic field.
SAXS © 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
0921-5107/$ – see front matter © 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
G. Balaji et al. / Materials Science and Engineering B 177 (2012) 14–18 15
Fig. 1. (a: left) TEM micrographs of Fe3 O4 nanoparticles. Inset: HRTEM images showing lattice fringes. (b: right) Particle Size distribution.
from the coupling of particle magnetic moments with external of 0.0066 to 0.164 Å−1 , where Q = 4sin /, is the wavelength
field. of X-rays used and 2 is the scattering angle. The Q calibra-
tion was done using silver behenate, which is known to have a
well-defined structure (d = 58.48 Å). The measurements were per-
2. Experimental formed on powder samples sandwiched between Kapton tapes at
room temperature. The sample is placed at the center between
Magnetite nanoparticles were synthesized as described by two permanent magnets and the distance between the mag-
Wang et al. [15]. Brief procedure for sample preparation is the fol- nets is changed in order to expose the samples to different field
lowing: 0.71 g of iron acetylacetonate was mixed vigorously under strengths. The magnetic field strength was determined by using a
inert atmosphere with 20 mL of phenyl ether containing 2 mL of Gaussmeter. SAXS data were corrected for the Kapton tape back-
oleic acid and 2 mL of oleylamine. 2.58 g of 1,2 hexadecanediol was ground (Kapton tape did not show any structural feature in the
added to the solution. The solution was heated to around 210 ◦ C Q-range measured). The data reduction procedures have been per-
with reflux for 2 h. After cooling to room temperature, ethanol was formed using Irena 2.0 software package [16] running in Igor Pro
added and the black precipitate was separated by centrifugation. 6.0.5.
The black precipitate was then dispersed in hexane. The precipi-
tated product was washed again with ethanol and dried completely
to product in powder form. 3. Results and discussion
TEM analysis was carried out by using a Hitachi H-7600 with a
125 kV accelerating voltage and operated on a JEOL 100CX with X-ray diffraction pattern observed for Fe3 O4 nanoparticles can
80 kV. The samples for TEM were prepared by dropping a hex- be assigned to the peaks corresponding to standard Fe3 O4 mate-
ane solution of Fe3 O4 nanoparticles onto a carbon coated copper rial except that the reflections are broad due to nanosize nature of
grid and evaporating the solvent at room temperature. X-ray pow- the particles. The lattice parameter of 0.89 nm was obtained; which
der diffraction (XRD) patterns were recorded on a Bruker-Siemens is the same as the bulk value. Fig. 1 shows the Transmission Elec-
D5000 automated powder diffractometer using Cu K␣ radiation. tron Microscopy (TEM) images of Fe3 O4 nanoparticles. The mean
The data were collected from 20 to 80◦ in 2 at a scan rate of size is around 5.0 nm and the image shows that the particles have
0.06◦ per step. The magnetic measurements were conducted using a spherical shape. High-resolution TEM (Fig. 1. inset) shows the lat-
Quantum Design MPMS-5S superconducting quantum interference tice fringes indicating that the sample is a collection of many single
device (SQUID) magnetometer by placing the samples (powders), crystals. The particle size distribution obtained with the synthesis
in gel-capsule stuffed with cotton or kim-wipe paper which is employed in this study is displayed in Fig. 1(b).
then placed inside a plastic straw. The magnetization was mea- The magnetic properties of 5.0 nm Fe3 O4 particles were mea-
sured as a function of field and temperature. The temperature sured. At 300 K, the magnetization curve measured as a function
dependence of magnetization was measured in both zero-field- of field did not show any hysteresis and the curve did not saturate
cooled (ZFC) and field-cooled (FC) conditions. The magnetization indicating that Fe3 O4 nanoparticles exhibit superparamagnetism
values are reported based on the mass of Fe3 O4 within the sam- at the measurement temperature. The saturation magnetization
ple which was determined from TGA data. Typical background ( s ) was obtained from 1/H vs M curve and it is determined to be
corrections to the magnetic data have been duly performed. The 39.2 emu/g which is very much less than that of the bulk value
diamagnetic corrections due to the organic part have not been (92 emu/g). At 5 K, the magnetization curve shows both hysteresis
employed. SAXS measurements were carried out at the Center and saturation. The s was measured to be 55.5 emu/g; still consid-
for Advanced Microstructures and Devices with synchrotron radi- erably less than the bulk value. The reasons for such low observed
ation of wavelength, = 1.55 Å. The scattering pattern is imaged value for s are due to the surface spin disorder, cation distribu-
with a Gabriel style multi-wire gas detector with a 200 mm active tion, superparamagnetic fractions and spin canting due to nanosize
diameter and a resolution of 200-250 m FWHM in a 1024 × 1024 nature of the particles [17–19].
array. The sample and detector chamber were kept under vac- Fig. 2 displays the zero-field cooled (ZFC) and field-cooled (FC)
uum during the measurements to minimize scattering from the curves measured as a function of temperature at 20 Oe. The ZFC
air. Scattering curves were monitored in a wave-factor (Q) range curve exhibits a maximum at 18.1 K and this temperature is the
16 G. Balaji et al. / Materials Science and Engineering B 177 (2012) 14–18
Magnetization (emu/g)
TB (K)
0 1 2 3 4 5
H x 10 (Oe)
0 40 80 120
T (K)
Table 1
Parameters obtained from in SAXS data measured at various indicated fields using unified model.
G Rg B P G Rg B P G Rg B P
0 kG 5.4e−04 25.2 3.2e−07 4 8.8e−03 132 4.3e−08 2.52 0.4 306 1.7e−10 4
0.38 kG 5.0e−04 27.4 2.7e−07 4 0.05 172 6.9e−08 2.68 0.7 321 5.9e−11 4
0.51 kG 8.7e−04 26.3 4.1e−07 4 0.01 126 5.6e−08 2.54 0.6 295 1.9e−10 4
0.70 kG 5.1e−04 25.2 3.0e−07 4 6.3e−03 146 3.1e−08 2.43 0.4 305 1.7e−10 4
1.06 kG 1.1e−03 25.5 5.7e−07 4 12.9e−03 144 2.0e−07 2.08 0.9 316 4.2e−10 4
1.63 kG 7.7e−04 26.5 4.3e−07 4 54.4e−03 172 2.2e−07 2.38 0.8 323 1.1e−10 4
= 534; pack = 2.0.
particles. The poor fit at high Q (Fig. 3 inset) shows that the inter- relative change in dimension () which we found to be reversible,
action is stronger. Therefore, the peak was modelled using the is about 4% at 1.0 kG; which is one of the larger values reported so
Percus-Yevick approximation for hard sphere fluids (dark lines in far. At higher magnetic field strength (>1.0 kG), the nanoparticles
Fig. 3) whose structure factor is respond to the external field in an expected manner as confirmed
by low temperature magnetic studies. We propose that these
S(Q ) = observations are the result of magnetoelastic coupling between
1 + 24 G(2QRHS , )/2QRHS particle moments in the presence of an externally applied field.
G is a trignometric function, RHS is the hard-sphere radius and However, more experiments are needed to determine the role of
is the volume fraction of the hard spheres. The hard-sphere radius inter-particle interactions (in low external fields) on the magne-
which we found to be approximately 5.2 nm is not sensitive to the tostriction at surface thereby separating the effects of interaction
magnetic field. Two parameters from the fit, interaction radius - the field strength and external field strength. The consequences of
distance between the ‘spherical’ particles, and the volume fraction these processes needed to be taken into account in order to under-
of the hard spheres (Fig. 4) are sensitive to the applied magnetic stand the static and dynamic properties of magnetic nanoparticles.
field. The interaction radius varies as much as 8% from the zero- More detailed studies that could throw light on our present under-
field values. The change in the interaction radius imply a change in standing of the role of the core part of nanoparticle and whether
the size of the aggregates i.e. a 4% change in distance between the giant magnetostriction can be observed in macroscopic scale are in
nanoparticles with external applied magnetic field. progress.
As mentioned earlier, the interparticle interaction effects con-
trol the magnetic properties of nanoparticles in a major way Acknowledgements
including the existence of spin-glass type ordering. At low field
strengths, the interaction effect dominate over external mag- We thank Louisiana Board of Regents for an equipment grant
netic field leading to a magnetoelastic coupling between particle to purchase SQUID magnetometer (LEQSF (2008-10)-ENH-TR-07).
moments. As a result, the ligand coated aggregates of nanoparti- FM thanks CAMD for the opportunity to carry out his thesis work in
cles respond to a magnetostrictive effect resulting in a change in CAMD’s nanomaterials and nanofabrication facility. Partial funding
the size of the aggregates and the interaction distance between the for this work, utilized for synthesis and characterization of iron
particles. In turn, this results in the increase of interparticle interac- oxide nanoparticles, from DOE Energy Frontier Research Center
tion energy and this was the reason for increase of TB (Fig. 2 inset) (Grant no. DE-SC0001058) is gratefully acknowledged.
below 1.0 kG based on Eq. (1) and thus far not accounted in the
literature. Above 1.0 kG, the effect of external field may dominate References
resulting in decrease of TB (inset of Fig. 2). However, the restoration
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