205 - Psychological Assessment

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Course Plan for the Academic Year (2023– 2024)
Even Semester (April – August)

Department: PG Department Psychology

Name of the faculty: Mridula Kulkarni

Course Code :205
Course Title : Psychological Assessment
Class : I MSc
Semester :II Semester

TRAINING Psychological Assessments (Part A)

Learning Objectives: Students would learn about different tools to be used for specific
concerns. Paper will give knowledge about the administration, scoring and
interpretation of various tools available. This would help students in utilizing these
skills in future career in the field of assessment and research.

Heading No. of Experiments

Assessment of Cognitive Abilities 02

Assessment of Personality 02

Assessment of Diagnostic Tools 02

Intervention Strategies Ex: Family Focused Psychological

Interventions Dialectic Approach Modelling
Token Economy

Life Skills Training (Part B)

Learning Objectives: Life skills are important for effective functioning. Life skills
include critical and creative thinking, decision making, effective communication,
healthy relationships and maintaining mental health.


∙ Life Skills Training can be executed in Three Phases.

∙ Maximum 4 students in a group.

Phase I: Pre-Training:

● Topics should be selected.

● Developing module based on the topics selected.
● Participant group should be specified.
● Prepare Personal Data Sheet.
● Identifying Institution/Organization to conduct training program.
● Consent should be taken from the Institution/Organization.
● Arrange for materials required to conduct training program.
Phase II: Training:

● The module should be of maximum five sessions and minimum of two

sessions. ● Time limit: Min. 30 for minutes each session.
● Follow the guidelines given to execute the training program
● After completion of sessions suggestions/feedback/opinions/comments should be
taken from each participant.

Phase III: Post Training:

● A detailed report should be written about the training program.

● Guidelines given should be followed to write the report
● Thematic and content analysis method should be used to analyse the content given by
Evaluation: Separate records to be submitted for Part A and Part B. Part B should
include: ● Certificate from the organization/institution
● Certificate from the guide
● Details of the module developed
● Report on the execution of the module
● Evaluation of Part B would be based on the report and viva voce

Week Exp No. Title of the Topics to be covered Teaching Activities/ Outcome
Experimen Methodology
May Orientation and brief on
week 3 the topics for Life Skill
Training. Group
formation, Topic Selection
and finalization
May PART -A Assessme ● Introduction to Introduction to
week 3 01 nt of Cognitive Cognitive
-4 Cognitive abilities in Abilities
● Administration
of Cognitive
Experiment -01
June ● Scoring and Submission of the
week Analysis of Record - Introduction
1-2 Experiment -01 to Cognitive Abilities
● Administration
of Experiment
June ● Scoring and Submission of the
week Analysis of Specific Introduction to
2-3 Experiment -02 Experiment -01 and the
Submission of Specific
Introduction and
analysis of
June PART- B ● Soft copy
week PART- A Phase I: Submission of
3-4 (2) Pre-Training: the Introduction
Proposal of the and ROL with
topic and ROL Proposal Draft.
Week Exp No. Title of the Topics to be covered Teaching Activities/ Outcome
Experimen Methodology
with module to
be presented by
the group.
● Introduction to
June PART -A Assessment Experiment -03 on Administration ● Submission of
week 03 of personality and scoring of Introduction to
3-4 Personality the same Personality.

Jult PART -A Experiment -04 on Administration Submission of

week 04 Personality and Scoring of Specific
1-2 the same Introduction to
Experiment -03
and result
July PART- B
week Phase I:
1-2 Pre-Training:
Presentation before
the Panel
July PART -A Assessme Introduction to Administratio
week 05 nt of Diagnostic tools n of
2-3 Diagnostic Experiment

July Scoring and General

week Analysis of Introduction and
3-4 Experiment -05 Specific
Submission for
Diagnostic Tool
Week Exp No. Title of the Topics to be covered Teaching Activities/ Outcome
Experimen Methodology
and Experiment
Augus PART -A Administration and Submission of the
t week 06 Scoring of Life Skill
1-2 Experiment -06 Training
Module - All
the criteria for
the training

PART -A Interventio Introduction to the Submission of

n Intervention Experiment -06
Strategies strategies
Augus PART- B Phase II: Training Submission of The
t week Intervention
2-3 Strategies.

Augus PART - A Family Focused

t week Psychological
2-3 Interventions
Token Economy
Augus PART- B Phase II: Training
t week
Augus PART- B
t week Phase III: Post
3-4 Training:
mber Submission of
-01 Final Record
Week Exp No. Title of the Topics to be covered Teaching Activities/ Outcome
Experimen Methodology

Pre- finals

Component -01

Internal Assessment: 1:

Description of the Assignment/activity: Record Work

Specific Guidelines: Completion of the record work fulfilling all the expected requirements.

Evaluation Criteria: Record : 10 Marks

Deadline: The week following the completion of the experiment.

Component -02

Internal Assessment 2: Mock Practicals

Description of the Assignment/activity: Pre-Final Examination practicals (10 Marks)

Guidelines: The pattern of Question paper will be the same as final examination

Evaluation Criteria: 70 Marks

Component -03

Internal Assessment 3: Attendance

Description of the Assignment/activity: Regularity and Punctuality

Guidelines: 75% attendance is mandatory for appearing in the University end examination. The
marks for the regularity is a component under the IA.

75% to 80% 1 | 2 marks

81% to 85% 2 | 4 marks
86% to 90% 3 | 6 marks
91% to 95% 4 | 8 marks
96% to 100% 5 | 10 marks

Evaluation Criteria: 5 Marks

General Guidelines for all classes:

1. Students are expected to be regular and punctual to classes.

2. Students arriving late will not be given attendance(for the first hour in the morning a
delay of 5 minutes will be excused)

3. Absentees of one class will have to come prepared for the subsequent classes by
completing the expected work/ learning the portions covered.

4. Extension of deadline for assignment submission will not be permitted.

5. Students are free to contact the teachers to seek clarification of doubts during class
hours, or in person, or through official mail. Only the class representatives are
permitted to contact the teacher over phone to discuss urgent matters if any.

6. Concerns or grievances if any can be brought to the notice of the teacher individually.

7.Assignments would be posted on the google classrooms.

8.Usage of the phones during the class hours without permission is prohibited.
Groups for the PART-B Life Skill Training


1 Vijaylaxmi.B.M 01

2 Merilyn Annie Thomas

3 Masuma Zainab

4 Albin Boban

5 Dipsikha Bhattacharya 02

6 Christa sherin C

7 Priyanka Jasmi. P

8 Sri Raja Sathana. M

9 Joshua Jaya Inigo . J 03

10 Relina Ann Phillips

11 Hitha R

12 Karuturi Bhavana

13 Rani Gopal Ganjve 04

14 Dakshija Trivedi

15 Disha P

16 Sherlin Victoria

17 Swathi. k
Wishing you the very best.

Feel free to contact me for any further clarifications-

Name of the teacher/s and email ids:

Mridula Kulkarni : mridula.kulkarni@stpaulscollege.edu.in

Signature of the faculty member:

Signature of the Coordinator

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