Expensify Module - For Employees

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Expensify Module -

For The Employees

Expensify & Escalon Services

Table of Contents

Topic Name Page No.

1. Introduction 3
2. The Employee
2.1 Introduction 3
2.2 Responsibilities of the Employee 3
3. Task performed by the Employee:
3.1 Set up your deposit account 3-5
3.2 Create, Edit and Delete your expense bills on website 6-9
3.3 Merge two expenses 10 - 11
3.4 Split two expenses 11 - 12
3.5 Designating expense as Billable and /or Reimbursable 12 - 13
3.6 Create and Submit reports 14 - 15
3.7 How can you merge reports 15 - 16
3.8 Review reports before submission 16 - 18
3.9 Close a report 18
3.10 Delete a report 18 - 19
3.11 View and Submit reports 19
3.12 Smart Scan your expenses in Expensify 19 – 22
3.13 Attach or Detach a receipt 23

Expensify & Escalon Services


1. Introduction

This module is designed to help employees to understand the Expensify functionalities and to provide
an insight to an employee as a user, so that they can perform the task as per their roles.

2. The Employee

2.1 Introduction:
Welcome to your cloud-based “Expensify” that organizes day-to-day expenses and helps you manage
your expense report.
Now you can streamline and automate your expenses:
• Create, edit and delete expenses
• Merge and split more than two expenses
• Create and submit expense report for approval

2.2 Responsibilities of the Employee:

Create, review and submit the expense for approval.

3. Task performed by the employee

3.1 Set up a deposit account

 This feature is currently only offered in the U.S.
 Deposit accounts do not need a validation process, but withdrawal accounts do.
 Employee accounts should be added to their own Account Settings > Reimbursement section
and not in the admin's reimbursement section

If you don’t see the option to add a direct deposit account in Account Settings > Reimbursement,
then you are not a current member of your company’s expense policy OR you have not successfully
upgraded to the Team or Corporate policy. Follow the below steps:

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Step 1: Click 'Add Deposit Account'

Step 2: Choose your bank account provider. If your bank is not listed or if you do not want to log in
using your bank's login credentials, click 'Other US Bank' and skip to Step 5.

Step 3: Enter your bank login credentials. If your bank requires an additional security checkpoint, you
will be directed to that after the login details are entered.

Fill details

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Step 4: Choose your account. If you have more than one account under that login, you will be able to
select from them here. Please ensure the account you connect is Direct Deposit/ACH enabled.

Click here

Step 5: (For 'Other US bank' option only): Enter your account information:

Enter account

The deposit account is ready to receive payments once you see this screen!

Expensify & Escalon Services


3.2 Create, Edit and Delete your expense bills on website:

Follow the below steps to create your expense manually:

1. To add a Cash or Mileage expense click the "New Expense" button on the Expenses page or in
any dialog where you are viewing expenses

2. Add individual expense. If there’s just one purchase that needs to be recorded in detail, use the
“Expense” tab seen below to add a merchant, categorize the expense, attach a receipt and
append any necessary comments. When all of the details are added, click “Save”.

Click here

Note: Ensure that you are selecting the appropriate GL code and classes before saving the expense
in Expensify.

Follow the below steps to edit your expense manually:

Editing an expense will allow you to change its name and any other details of the purchase. For
example, sometimes the transactions we import directly from a credit card have too

Expensify & Escalon Services


much information and you may want to remove the extra information. Editing expenses is also
helpful when you need to split the expense. Follow the steps to edit the expense.

3.11 Edit the expense details in-line or, hover an expense and select the edit icon to bring up the
expense editor.


3.12 The expense editor allows you to change all aspects of your expense. Whether it’s setting the
date, changing the currency, adding a tag, or providing a comment, this is where you do it. The
expense editor is also where you will go when you need to split an expense.

Expensify & Escalon Services


3.13 Once the expense is edited, click save.

Follow the below steps to delete your expense manually:

1. Simply go to the expenses section and select the expenses that you want to delete. You will then
see a red trash which will pop up at the top of the screen, which you can click to delete.

Expensify & Escalon Services


a) You cannot delete expenses that have been placed on a submitted or closed report. These are
“locked in”. In this case, you will need to either retract/reopen the report or have it rejected back
to you from your approver in order to remove the expense.
b) You also cannot delete expenses from a corporate card that has been assigned to you by a
company admin.

Follow the below steps to undelete your expense manually:

Deleting an expense will not permanently delete it from your account, and it will exist in the "deleted
expenses" folder. In order to locate deleted expenses, you can use the filters on the left hand side of
the “Expenses” section of the website, as shown.

To undelete the expense, check the box next to it and click "Undelete". This will bring the expense
back into the Unreported Expenses.

Expensify & Escalon Services

3.3 Merge two expense bills on website:
The merge expense function allows you to merge two expenses into one. This feature is typically
used when the same expense is accidentally entered more than once. The merge expense function
does not add two expenses together, but rather combines various components of two expenses into
one new expense. While you can merge a cash expense and a credit card expense, two expenses that
are imported from a credit card cannot be merged with each other. Initiating a merge expense on the

1. First check the box next to the two expenses you wish to merge, then click the merge button.

2. To merge expenses from within a report, click the pencil-shaped edit expenses icon. Then check
the boxes next to the expenses you would like to merge and click "merge".

Expensify & Escalon Services


3. Merge expense dialogue. Within the merge expense dialogue you'll be able to choose which
aspect of each of the two expenses you would like to be used on the resulting expense. This
includes the receipt, card, merchant, category, and more.

4. Click save to complete expense merge.

3.4 Split imported or manually created expense bills on website:

Splitting an expense will allow you to create multiple expenses from one transaction/receipt. Each
split can be categorized and tagged individually. The same receipt will be attached to each split. For
example, if a given hotel expense on your credit card is made up of the hotel cost, room service, and
laundry service, you can split the expense into multiple pieces in order to categorize accordingly.

1. The split expense dialogue can be opened both from the Expenses page and from the expense
editor within an individual expense.

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2. Using the Split Expense Dialogue. Within the split expense dialogue you can choose how many
pieces you would like to split the expense into. The total of each piece must add up to the
original expense amount. Each split can be categorized and tagged individually.

3.5 Designating expense as Billable and /or Reimbursable.

Click “Billable” or “Reimbursable” while creating an expense in the system.

Default all expenses as “Billable”.

If you want all of your expenses to default as Billable, go to Account Settings > Expense Rules >
create an Expense Rule > put a period “.” in the When the Merchant name contains box. Then,
choose “Yes” for Billable. If you want this to apply to all past expenses as well, check the box for
“apply to matching past expenses”.

Expensify & Escalon Services


Default all expenses as “Reimbursable”.

1. In order to default expenses from a specific credit card or bank as Reimbursable, go
to Account Settings > Credit Cards > click “Settings” next to the card in question.

2. Check the box for “Reimbursable”, then click "Update.

Expensify & Escalon Services


3.6 Create and Submit reports in Expensify

Follow the below steps to create report in Expensify:
1. Get started on a new report by clicking the “New Report” button on the Reports page.

2. Tap the green Add Expenses icon to the right in order to add expenses from your expenses page.

3. To bulk add expenses to a report, you can also navigate to the Expenses screen and then check all
expenses you'd like to add to a report. Then either select a current report or create a new one
from the list that appears on the left side of the screen:

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4. When you are ready to submit the report, make sure to check out any violations or notes that
might hold up the report. Guided Review, explained below, will help you through this!

5. When you're all set, click "submit", verify the approver, and then "submit" again. You're done!

3.7 How can you merge reports in Expensify

There is not a way to merge two reports. You will want to delete the expenses from one report and
then add them to the report you'd like to submit.
 Make sure the reports are in an Open state as these will not be editable in any other state. (This
may mean reopening, retracting, or rejecting the report.)
 Click into the report you do not want. To the left of the expenses, click the "X" to delete them
from the report. (This will return the expenses back to the Expenses list and will not delete the
expense entirely.)

Expensify & Escalon Services


 Back on the Expenses page, select the check box next to these expenses. Select an existing report
from the left hand side of the screen that appears that you'd like to add the expenses to.

3.8 Review reports before submission

Can't tell what needs fixing on a report before you submit it? Never fear, Guided Review is here! This
ever so helpful feature will walk you through all items that need to be addressed in order for your
report to submit with no issues.

Step 1: Click Begin Review and the system will walk you through the entire report

Click here

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Step 2: Click View to look at the expense in more detail or to resolve any violations. Click Next to
move onto the next item.

Click here

Step 3: Click the Finish button if you are done reviewing, or view the last item to finish the review

Click here

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Step 4: You now have one perfect report ready for submission!

Click here

3.9 Close a report

If you create an expense report that you don’t need approved by anyone, you can either submit the
report to yourself (if you want a copy of the report emailed to you) or you can "Mark as Closed." The
report will then be in "Closed" status. If you need to modify the report after it has been closed, open
the report and click "Reopen." It will return to an "Open" state and allow any necessary corrections.

3.10 Delete a report

Reports can be deleted only if they are in an “Open” state, and only by the person who created the
report. To delete a report, just click the “delete” button in the Report. The expenses in the report
will not be deleted. They will be returned to the "unreported expenses" list.

If you are an admin and don't wish to view certain reports (since you aren't able to delete or archive
them), the best option is to clean up that list is to use the filters on the left hand side of the screen to
choose precisely what is shown in this view.

Expensify & Escalon Services


3.11 View and Submit reports

In addition to employees being able to submit reports themselves, policy admins can submit expense
reports (and company card reports) on behalf of their employees. As a policy admin, if you click on
the Reports tab > All Reports and then select the “Open” filter, you will see all employee reports that
have yet to be submitted on your policies. Policy admins are free to submit these reports on behalf of
employees, and start the approval process.

This is an ideal way to make sure that company card charges are submitted on time. Often, we find
that employees don’t have much of an incentive to submit company card charges within the necessary
timeframe, and Admin Submit can speed up the processing time. And with automatic statement
reporting, company card reports will auto-create and populate with company card charges. All you
have to do as the policy admin is hit the “Submit” button.

3.12 Smart Scan your expenses in Expensify

This function allows you to take a picture of your receipt and have the app automatically fill in the
merchant name and amount of the purchase for you. Follow the below steps to scan your receipts.

Step 1: Take your receipt out and make sure the values are readable. Remove any wrinkles or smudges
that may affect the visibility of the texts on the receipt.

Expensify & Escalon Services

Step 2: Tap on the Expensify app icon to launch the app. Once launched, you should have a screen with
4 square buttons labelled “SmartScan,” “Add Expense,” “Track Time,” and “Track Distance.”

Step 3: Tap the “SmartScan” button. This is the top-left button. Your smartphone’s camera app should
open automatically.

Step 4: Align the receipt you want to scan with your phone’s camera. Make sure your receipt is on a
solid surface, preferably a darkly coloured one to get the best picture. Also, ensure the receipt is flat
and has as few wrinkles in it as possible.

Step 5: Take a picture of your receipt. Centre your receipt in the camera view, and hold steady as your
camera focuses on the receipt.

Expensify & Escalon Services


 Once the camera is focused, tap the shutter icon to take a picture of the receipt. The picture should
come up in the next screen, with “Cancel” and “Use Photo” options at the bottom of the screen.
 If the photo is clear and usable, tap “Use Photo,” and the next SmartScan window will appear.

Step 6: Once you take the picture of receipt, add a comment. You can choose to add a comment to
your receipt by tapping in the Comment field below the picture of the receipt.

Step 7: Add the receipt to a report. Below the Comment field, you can tap “Report” to add the receipt
to an existing report.
 If you don’t have an existing report, tap the plus (+) sign in the top-right corner, and the “Create
Report” window will appear. Give the report a name by tapping “New Report” to bring up the
keyboard, erasing the text, and typing in your own text. Then tap “Create” in the top right
corner, and Expensify will create a new report and assign your receipt to that report.

Expensify & Escalon Services


Step 8: Tap “Category” to bring up a list of categories. Choose the appropriate category from the list.
Select if the receipt is a billable expense. Next, move the toggle switch to the right if this is a billable
expense. If it is not billable, move the toggle switch to the left. Choose if the receipt is
reimbursable. Move the toggle switch to the right if this expense is reimbursable. If it isn’t
reimbursable, move the toggle switch to the left.

Step 9: Save your receipt. Do this by tapping “Save.” In a few minutes, your receipt should be fully
scanned and show the merchant name and amount of purchase, unless the receipt was illegible.

Expensify & Escalon Services


3.13 Attach or Detach a receipt in Expensify

Once your receipts have been uploaded to Expensify, you are be able to go in your Expenses Page or
Reports Page and view a similar page as the one depicted below:

Step 1: By clicking the you are be able to add a receipt to an expense that has no receipt associated
with it.

Step 2: By clicking the you are then be allowed to attach a receipt, replacing the eReceipt.

Step 3: By clicking the you are be able to detach a receipt if it is linked to the incorrect expense, and
thus be allowed to attach the correct receipt.

Step 4: By clicking the or you will also have the option to split an expense by date, merchant,
category, tag, or amount; and the original receipt will be associated with all the split expenses. This
also takes you to where you are able to edit an expense.

Else you could use SmartScan to attach the receipt.

Expensify & Escalon Services

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