Facial Palsy (ask the patient to show their teeth or smile) Score:
Ask the patient to smile or show their teeth.
Does the patient's face look uneven, have sudden drooping or numbness F F Both sides of the face move equally or not at all 0
One side of the face droops or is clearly asymmetric 1
on one side?
Arm Weakness (with eyes closed, ask patient to hold arms out with
their palms up and hold them there for 10 seconds) Score:
Ask the patient to raise and extend both arms with their palms up.
Both arms remain up for > seconds or slowly move down equally 0
Does one arm drift downward?
Does the patient have sudden numbness or weakness of the arm on one
A A Patient can raise arms but one arm drifts down in < 10 seconds 1
One or both arms fall rapidly, can't be lifted, or no movement occurs 2
side of the body?
at all
Speech Changes
Expressive Aphasia - ask the patient to name 3 common items Score:
Speech Names 2 to 3 items correctly 0
Ask the patient to say, "You can't teach an old dog new tricks". S S Names 0 to 1 item correctly 1
Does the patient have slurred speech, trouble speaking, understanding or Receptive Aphasia - ask the patient to perform a simple command
seem confused? (Example: "show me two fingers")
Normal - patient can follow the simple command 0
Unable to follow the simple command 1
Time Time
What time did the symptoms start?
What time was the patient last known well (last appear normal)?
T T What time did the symptoms start?
What time was the patient last known well (last appear normal)?
Allergies: ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Medications: _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________