CT3 Ak Set C
CT3 Ak Set C
CT3 Ak Set C
1 CO1 3 - - 3 - - - - - - - - - - -
2 CO2 3 3 - 2 - - - - - - - - - - -
3 CO3 3 2 2 3 - - - - - - - - - 2 -
4 CO4 3 3 - 3 - - - - - - - - - 2 -
5 CO5 3 3 - 2 - - - - - - - - - - -
Part – A
(10 x 1 = 10 Marks)
Instructions: Answer all
Q. Question Marks BL CO PO PI
No Code
1 Mutex are like 1 L1 4 1 1.6.1
a) Status code
b) Binary Semaphores
c) Threads
d) Address Space.
2 What are characteristics of process migration? 1 L1 4 1 1.6.1
a) Transfer data by entire file or immediate portion
b) Transfer the computation rather than the data
c) Execute an entire process or parts of it at different
d) None of the mentioned
3 When a process wants to start up a child process, it goes 1 L2 4 1 1.6.1
around and checks out who is currently offering the
service that it needs.
a) Heuristic Algorithm.
b) Bidding Algorithm.
c) Hierarchical Algorithm.
d) Centralized Algorithm.
4 Transient faults occur 1 L1 4 1 1.6.1
a) Once then disappears
b) twice then disappears
c) Thrice and then disappears
d) does not occur at all.
5 ________represents solution to the static scheduling 1 L2 4 1 1.6.1
problem that requires a reasonable amount of time and
other resources to perform its function.
a) Approximate solution
b) Heuristics solution
c) Optimal solution
d) Suboptimal solution
6 To connect n-CPUs and n-Memory modules. 1 L2 5 1 1.6.1
a) n2 Crosspoint switches required.
b) n Crosspoint switches required.
c) 2n Crosspoint switches required.
d) 2n2 Crosspoint switches required.
7 An Example of NUMA machine 1 L1 5 1 1.6.1
a) Linda Orca
b) Ivy Mirage
c) DEC Firefly
d) BBN Butterfly
8 Splitting the cache into separate instruction and data 1 L2 5 1 1.6.1
caches or by using a set of buffers, usually called
a) Cache Buffer
b) Data Buffer
c) Instruction Buffer
d) Register Buffer
9 …………………also need to invalidate pages when a 1 L1 5 1 1.6.1
new writer suddenly appears
a) DSM and LRU
b) Dash and Memnet
c) Page table
d) Page manager
10 The capability of a system to adapt the increased service 1 L1 5 1 1.6.1
load is called ___________
a) scalability
b) tolerance
c) capacity
d) none of the mentioned
SRM Institute of Science and Technology
1 CO1 3 - - 3 - - - - - - - - - - -
2 CO2 3 3 - 2 - - - - - - - - - - -
3 CO3 3 2 2 3 - - - - - - - - - 2 -
4 CO4 3 3 - 3 - - - - - - - - - 2 -
5 CO5 3 3 - 2 - - - - - - - - - - -
Part B
(5x2 = 10 Marks)
11 Explain the Several states of threads. 2 L2 4 1 1.6.1
running, blocked, ready, or terminated.
12 State and Explain why do we need diskless workstations. 2 L4 4 2 2.6.2
If the workstations are diskless, the file system
must be implemented by one or more remote file
servers. Diskless workstations are cheaper.
Ease of maintenance: installing new release of
program on several servers than on hundreds of
machines. Backup and hardware maintenance are
also simpler.
Diskless does not have fans and noises.
13 List the drawbacks of A Centralized Algorithm. 2 L4 4 2 2.6.2
• Do not scale well to large systems.
• The central node soon becomes a bottleneck, not to
mention a single point of failure.
14 State the desirable properties of scheduling algorithm. 2 L3 5 1 1.6.1
Utilization of CPU
Response Time
Turnaround time
Waiting time
15 Summarize the advantages of object-based distributed 2 L5 5 1 1.6.1
shared memory.
It is more modular than the other techniques.
The implementation is more flexible because
accesses are controlled.
Synchronization and access can be integrated
together cleanly.
Part – C (4*5=20 Marks)
Answer any 4 out of 6 questions
16 Explain the following. 5 L4 4 2 2.6.4
❑ Single-threshold policy
❑ double-threshold policy
Single threshold policy
❑ Single-threshold policy may lead to unstable
algorithm because underloaded node could turn to
be overloaded right after a process migration
❑ To reduce instability double-threshold policy has
been proposed which is also known as high-low
Double threshold policy
❑ When node is in overloaded region new
local processes are sent to run remotely,
requests to accept remote processes are
❑ When node is in normal region new local
processes run locally, requests to accept
remote processes are rejected
❑ When node is in underloaded region new
local processes run locally, requests to
accept remote processes are accepted.
17 Illustrate the steps to run the process remotely? 5 L4 4 2 2.6.2
To start with, it needs the same view of the file
system, the same working directory, and the same
environment variables.
Some system calls can be done remotely but some
For example, read from keyboard and write to the
screen can never be carried out on remote machine.
(All system calls that query the state of machine)
Some must be done remotely, such as the UNIX
system calls SBRK (adjust the size of the data
segment), NICE (set CPU scheduling priority), and
PROFIL (enable profiling of the program counter).
18 State the basic idea of load sharing policy and explain the 5 L3 4 2 2.6.2
disadvantages of it.
❑ Basic ideas for Load-sharing approach
❑ It is necessary and sufficient to prevent
nodes from being idle while some other
nodes have more than two processes
❑ Load-sharing is much simpler than load-
balancing since it only attempts to ensure
that no node is idle when heavily node
❑ Priority assignment policy and migration
limiting policy are the same as that
for the load-balancing algorithms
❑ Drawbacks of Load-balancing approach
❑ Load balancing technique with attempting
equalizing the workload on all the nodes is
not an appropriate object since big
overhead is generated by gathering exact
state information
❑ Load balancing is not achievable since
number of processes in a node is always
fluctuating and temporal unbalance among
the nodes exists every moment
Causal Consistency
For a memory to be considered causally consistent,
it is necessary that the memory obey the following
Writes that are potentially causally related must be
seen by all processes in the same order. Concurrent
writes may be seen in a different order on different
The causal consistency model represents a
consistency that it makes a distinction between
events that are potentially causally related and those
that are not.