ME-Research Methodology Notes

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Research: Research comprises defining and redefining problems, formulating hypothesis or
suggested solution; collecting, organizing and evaluating data, making deductions and reaching
conclusions and carefully testing the conclusions to determine whether they fit the f ormulating
hypothesis. The manipulation of things, concepts or symbols for the purpose of generalizing to
extend , correct or verify knowledge, whether that knowledge aids in construction of theory or in
the practice of an art.
Research in simple terms refers to search for knowledge. It is a scientific and systematic
search for information on a particular topic or issue. It is also known as the art of scientific
investigation. Several social scientists have defined research in different ways.

In the Encyclopedia of Social Sciences, D. Slesinger and M. Stephension (1930) defined

research as “the manipulation of things, concepts or symbols for the purpose of generalizing to
extend, correct or verify knowledge, whether that knowledge aids in the construction of theory or
in the practice of an art”.

Research Methods Vs Methodology:

Research methods include all those techniques/methods that are adopted for conducting research.
Thus, research techniques or methods are the methods that the researchers adopt for conducting
the research studies. On the other hand, research methodology is the way in which research
problems are solved systematically. It is a science of studying how research is conducted
scientifically. Under it, the researcher acquaints himself/herself with the various steps generally
adopted to study a research problem, along with the underlying logic behind them. Hence, itis
not only important for the researcher to know the research techniques/ methods, but also the
scientific approach called methodology.

What is the definition of research methodology?

The process used to collect information and data for the purpose of making business decisions.
The methodology may include publication research, interviews, surveys and other research
techniques, and could include both present and historical information.


Research methodology is a term that basically means the science of how research is done
scientifically. It is a way to systematically and logically solve a problem, help us understand the
process not just the product of research, and analyzes methods in addition to the information
obtained by them.
What are the types of research methodology?
 Basic research
 Applied Research
 Problem oriented research
 Problem solving
 Quantitative Research
 Qualitative Research

Research Problem: A research problem is a statement about an area of concern, a condition to

be improved, a difficulty to be eliminated, or a troubling question that exists in scholarly
literature, in theory, or in practice that points to the need for meaningful understanding and
deliberate investigation.
What is research problem statement?
A problem statement is the description of an issue currently existing which needs to be
addressed. It provides the context for the research study and generates the questions which the
research aims to answer. The statement of the problem is the focal point of any research.
How do you identify the problem?
Here are seven-steps for an effective problem-solving process.
1. Identify the issues. Be clear about what the problem is.
2. Understand everyone's interests.
3. List the possible solutions (options).
4. Evaluate the options.
5. Select an option or options.
6. Document the agreement(s).
7. Agree on contingencies, monitoring, and evaluation.


Necessity of Defining a Research Problem:
The problem to be researched needs to be described unambiguously as that will help you to
discriminate useful data from the unrelated ones. A proper formulation of research problem
will allow the investigator to be on the track in contrast to an ill-defined problem may possibly
create difficulties.
Questions like: What data are to be gathered? What attributes of data are appropriate and need to
be analyzed? What relations should be investigated. What methods should be employed for the
purpose? as well as other questions turn up in the head of the investigator who can well plan his
strategy and find solutions to these kinds of questions only when the research problem has been
well defined. Therefore, defining the problem accurately is a necessity for any research and is a
step of the highest value.
In fact, formulation of a problem is often vital than its solution. It is only on thoroughly
describing the problem that we can work out the research design and can efficiently proceed all
the consequential steps needed while doing research.
Important Points to Keep in Mind while Defining the Research Problem
1. The correct question needs to be addressed if research is to help decision makers. A right
answer to the wrong question leads either to bad advice or to no advice.
2. Usually in problem we have an inclination to rationalize and defend our actions once we
have started upon a specific research plan. The perfect time to examine and think about
alternative techniques is in the planning stage. If it is completed unnecessary expense of
false start and redoing work may be prevented.
3. An excellent beginning in problem definition is to ask what the decision maker want to
know if the requested information can be gathered without error and without expense.
4. Another excellent rule to follow is “Never settle on a specific strategy” without
developing and taking into consideration at least one alternate option”.
5. The problem definition stage of research is the determination and structuring of the
decision maker’s question. It should be the decision maker’s question and not the
researcher’s question.
6. What decision do you face? Unless you have decision to make, there isn’t any research


7. What are the alternatives? In case there are no options to choose, once again there is
absolutely no research problem.
8. What are the factors for selecting the best alternative? Unless you have criteria for
evaluation, again there’s no problem.
9. The researcher should stay away from the acceptance of the superficial and the obvious.
Frequently we all hear that a problem clearly expressed is a problem half solved. This statement
indicates the necessity of defining a research problem in research methodology . This
actually also results in a smoother progress on all the following steps which are needed for
finishing a research project.

Types of Research:
There are different types of research. The basic ones are as follows.
Descriptive Versus Analytical:
Descriptive research consists of surveys and fact-finding enquiries of different types. The main
objective of descriptive research is describing the state of affairs as it prevails at the time of
study. The term ‘ex post facto research’ is quite often used for descriptive research studies in
social sciences and business research. The most distinguishing feature of this method is that the
researcher has no control over the variables here. He/she has to only report what is happening or
what has happened. Majority of the ex post facto research projects are used for descriptive studies
in which the researcher attempts to examine phenomena, such as the consumers’ preferences,
frequency of purchases, shopping, etc. Despite the inability of the researchers to control the
variables, ex post facto studies may also comprise attempts by them to discover the causes of the
selected problem. The methods of research adopted in conducting descriptive research are survey
methods of all kinds, including correlational and comparative methods.
Meanwhile in the Analytical research, the researcher has to use the already available facts or
information, and analyze themto make a critical evaluation of the subject.
Applied Versus Fundamental: Research can also be applied or fundamental in nature. An
attempt to find a solution to an immediate problem encountered by a firm, an industry, a business
organization, or the society is known as applied research. Researchers engaged in such
researches aim at drawing certain conclusions confronting a concrete social or business problem.


On the other hand, fundamental research mainly concerns generalizations and formulation of a
theory. In other words, “Gathering knowledge for knowledge’s sake is termed ‘pure’ or ‘basic’
research” (Young in Kothari, 1988). Researches relating to pure mathematics or concerning
some natural phenomenon are instances of Fundamental Research. Likewise, studies focusing on
human behaviour also fall under the category of fundamental research.
Thus, while the principal objective of applied research is to find a solution to some pressing
practical problem, the objective of basic research is to find information with a broad base of
application and add to the already existing organized body of scientific knowledge.

Quantitative Versus Qualitative:

Quantitative research relates to aspects that can be quantified or can be expressed in terms of
quantity. It involves the measurement of quantity or amount. Various available statistical and
econometric methods are adopted for analysis in such research. Which includes correlation,
regressions and time series analysis etc,.
On the other hand, Qualitative research is concerned with qualitative phenomena, or more
specifically, the aspects related to or involving quality or kind. For example, an important type of
qualitative research is ‘Motivation Research’, which investigates into the reasons for certain
human behaviour. The main aim of this type of research is discovering the underlying motives
and desires of human beings by usingin-depth interviews. The other techniques employed in such
research are story completion tests, sentence completion tests, word association tests, and other
similar projective methods. Qualitative research is particularly significant in the context of
behavioural sciences, which aim at discovering the underlying motives of human behaviour.
Such research helps to analyse the various factors that motivate human beings to behave in a
certain manner, besides contributing to an understanding of what makes individuals like or
dislike a particular thing. However, it is worth noting that conducting qualitative resea rch in
practice is considerably a difficult task. Hence, while undertaking such research, seeking
guidance from experienced expert researchers is important.

Conceptual Versus Empirical:

The research related to some abstract idea or theory is known as Conceptual Research.
Generally, philosophers and thinkers use it for developing new concepts or for reinterpreting the


existing ones. Empirical Research, on the other hand, exclusively relies on the observation or
experience with hardly any regard for theory and system. Such research is data based, which
often comes up with conclusions that can be verified through experiments or observation.
Empirical research is also known as experimental type of research, in which it is important to
first collect the facts and their sources, and actively take steps to stimulate the production of
desired information. In this type of research, the researcher first formulates a working
hypothesis, and then gathers sufficient facts to prove or disprove the stated hypothesis. He/she
formulates the experimental design, which according to him/her would manipulate the variables,
so as to obtain the desired information. This type of research is thus characterized by th e
researcher’s control over the variables under study. In simple term, empirical research is most
appropriate when an attempt is made to prove that certain variables influence the other variables
in some way. Therefore, the results obtained by using the experimental or empirical studies are
considered to be the most powerful evidences for a given hypothesis.
Other Types of Research:
The remaining types of research are variations of one or more type of research. They vary in
terms of the purposeof research, or the time required to complete it, or may be based on some
other similar factor. On the basis of time, research may either be in the nature of one -time or
longitudinal time series research. While the research is restricted to a single time-period in the
former case, it is conducted over several time-periods in the latter case. Depending upon the
environment in which the research is to be conducted, it can also be laboratory research or f ield -
setting research, or simulation research, besides being diagnostic or clinical in nature. Under such
research, in-depth approaches or case study method may be employed to analyse the basic causal
relations. These studies usually undertake a detailed in-depth analysis of the causes of certain
events of interest, and use very small samples and sharp data collection methods. The research
may also be explanatory in nature. Formalized research studies consist of substantial structure
and specific hypotheses to be verified. As regards to historical research, sources like historical
documents, remains, etc. Are utilized to study past events or ideas. It also includes philosophy of
persons and groups of the past or any remote point of time.
Research has also been classified into decision-oriented and conclusion-oriented categories. The
decision-oriented research is always carried out as per the need of a decision maker and hence,
the researcher has no freedom to conduct the research according to his/her own desires. On the


other hand, in the case of Conclusion-oriented research, the researcher is free to choose the
problem, redesign the enquiry as it progresses and even change conceptualization as he/she
wishes to. An operation research is a kind of decision-oriented research, where in scientific
method is used in providing the departments, a quantitative basis for decision -making with
respect to the activities under their purview.

Steps in Research Process

Research process contains a series of closely related activities which has to carry out by a
researcher. Research process requires patients. There is no measure that shows your research is
the best. It is an art rather than a science. Following are the main steps in social or business
research process.
1. Selection of Research Problem
2. Extensive Literature Survey
3. Making Hypothesis
4. Preparing the Research Design
5. Sampling
6. Data collection
7. Data Analysis
8. Hypothesis Testing
9. Generalization and Interpretation
10. Preparation of Report
Selection of Research Problem
The selection of topic for research is a difficult job. When we select a title or research statement,
then other activities would be easy to perform. So, for the understanding thoroughly the problem
it must have to discuss with colleagues, friend, experts and teachers. The research topic or
problem should be practical, relatively important, feasible, ethically and politically acceptable.
Literature Review or Extensive Literature Survey
After the selection of research problem, the second step is that of literatu re mostly connected
with the topics. The availability of the literature may bring ease in the research. For this purpose
academic journals, conference and govt. reports and library must be studied.


Making Hypothesis
The development of hypothesis is a technical work depends on the researcher experience. The
hypothesis is to draw the positive & negative cause and effect aspects of a problem. Hypothesis
narrows down the area of a research and keep a researcher on the right path.
Preparing the Research Design
After the formulation of the problem and creating hypothesis for it, research Design is to prepare
by the researcher. It may draw the conceptual structure of the problem. Any type of research
design may be made, depend on the nature and purpose of the study. Daring R. Design the
information about sources, skill, time and finance is taken into consideration.
The researcher must design a sample. It is a plan for taking its respondents from a specific areas
or universe. The sample may be of two types:
1. Probability Sampling
2. Non-probability Sampling
Data collection
Data collection is the most important work, is researcher. The collection of information must be
containing on facts which is from the following two types of researcher.
Primary Data Collection: Primary data may be from the following.
1. Experiment
2. Questionnaire
3. Observation
4. Interview
Secondary data collection: it has the following categories:
1. Review of literature
2. Official and non-official reports
3. Library approach
Data Analysis
When data is collected, it is forwarded for analysis which is the most technical job. Data analysis
may be divided into two main categories.
Data Processing: it is sub-divided into the following.


Data editing, Data coding, Data classification, Data tabulation, Data presentation, Data
Data Exposition: Date Exposition has the following sub-categories.
Description, Explanation, Narration, Conclusion/Findings, Recommendations/Suggestions
Hypothesis Testing
Research data is then forwarded to test the hypothesis. Do the hypothesis are related to the f acts
or not? To find the answer the process of testing hypothesis is undertaken which may result in
accepting or rejecting the hypothesis.
Generalization and Interpretation
The acceptable hypothesis is possible for researcher to arrival at the process of generalization or
to make & theory. Some types of research has no hypothesis for which researcher depends upon
on theory which is known as interpretation.
Preparation of Report
A researcher should prepare a report for which he has done is his work. He must keep in his
mind the following points:
Report Design in Primary Stages
The report should carry a title, brief introduction of the problem and background followed by
acknowledgement. There should be a table of contents, grapes and charts.
Main Text of the Report
It should contain objectives, hypothesis, explanations and methodology of the research. It must
be divided into chapters and every chapter explains separate title in which summary of the
findings should be enlisted. The last section would be clearly of conclusions to show the main
theme of the R-study.
Closing the Report
After the preparation of report, the last step in business research process contains of
bibliography, references, appendices, index and maps or charts for illustration. For this purpose
the information should more clearer.

Ethics in Business Research

Ethics are norms or standards of behavior that guide moral choices about our behavior and our
relationship with others.


As in other aspects of business, all parties in research should exhibit ethical behavior.
The goal of ethics in research is to ensure that no one is harmed or suffered adverse
consequences from research activities.
However, unethical activities are pervasive and include violating non-disclosure agreement,
breaking respondent confidentiality, misrepresenting results, deceiving people, invoicing
irregularities, avoiding legal liability, and more.
⚫ As research is designed, several ethical considerations must be balanced:
⚫ Protect the rights of the participant or subject.
⚫ Ensure the sponsor receives ethically conducted and reported research
⚫ Follow ethical standards when designing research
⚫ Protect the safety of the researcher and team
⚫ In general, research must be designed so a respondent does not suffer physical harm,
discomfort, pain, embarrassment, or loss of privacy. Begin data collection by explaining
to respondent the benefits expected from the research.
⚫ Explain that their rights and well-being will be adequately protected and say how that
will be done. Be certain that interviewers obtain in the inform consent of the respondent.
The use of deception is questionable; when it is used, debrief any respondent who has
been deceived.
Limitations of Social Science Research
⚫ The question of objectivity has been central to the methodological debates of the social
sciences from the beginning. It means the willingness and ability to examine evidence
dispassionately. It is the first condition of research.
Limits of social science
a) Social scientist is part of human society and their judgments are subjective and coloured by
researchers own experience.
b) The subject matter of social science research is too complex. All propositions are limited
particular social groups and contexts.
c) All members of the society have different values, social researcher will unconsciously
influenced by their values.


d) Social scientist fails to achieve objectivity because the respondents are human beings have
certain human problems. e.g. refusal of respondent, improper understanding, reluctance etc,. All
these problems cause biases and invalidate the research findings and conclusions.


Unit-III: Data Collection Methods and Tools

Data collection is a process of collecting information from all the relevant sources to find
answers to the research problem, test the hypothesis and evaluate the outcomes.
Data collection methods can be divided into two categories: primary methods of data
collection. And secondary methods of data collection

Primary Data Collection Methods

Primary data collection methods can be divided into two groups: quantitative and qualitative.
Quantitative are based in mathematical calculations in various formats. Methods of quan titative
data collection and analysis include questionnaires with closed-ended questions, methods of
correlation and regression, mean, mode and median and others.
⚫ Qualitative, on the contrary, do not involve numbers or mathematical calculations.
Qualitative research is closely associated with words, sounds, feeling, emotions, colors
and other elements that are non-quantifiable.
⚫ Qualitative studies aim to ensure greater level of depth of understanding and qualitative
data collection methods include interviews, questionnaires with open-ended questions,
focus groups, observation, game or role-playing, case studies etc.

Step 1: Identify issues and/or

opportunities for collecting

Step 2: Select issue(s) and/or opportunities and set

Step 3: Plan an approach and methods

Step 4: Collect data

Step 5: Act on results

Data Collection Techniques


Information you gather can come from a range of sources. Likewise, there are a variety of
techniques to use when gathering primary data. Listed below are some of the most common data
collection techniques.
⚫ Interviews
⚫ Questionnaires and Surveys
⚫ Observations
⚫ Focus Groups
⚫ Documents and Records

Over View of Data Collection Techniques

Technique Key Facts Example

• Interviews can be conducted in person

or over the telephone
• Interviews can be done formally
One-on-one conversation
(structured), semi-structured, or
with parent of at-risk youth
Interviews informally
who can help you understand
• Questions should be focused, clear, and
the issue
encourage open-ended responses
• Interviews are mainly qualitative in
• Responses can be analyzed with
quantitative methods by assigning
numerical values to Likert-type scales
Questionnaires Results of a satisfaction
• Results are generally easier (than
and Surveys survey or opinion survey
qualitative techniques) to analyze
• Pretest/Posttest can be compared and
• Consists of examining existing data in
the form of databases, meeting minutes, To understand the primary
Documents and reports, attendance logs, financial reasons students miss school,
Records records, newsletters, etc. records on student absences
• This can be an inexpensive way to are collected and analyzed
gather information but may be an


incomplete data source

Designing questionnaire and schedule of questions

Questionnaire: A questionnaire refers to a device for securing answers to
questions by using a form which the respondent fills in by himself/herself. It consists of some
questions printed or typed in a definite order.
People quite commonly use questionnaire and schedule interchangeably, due to much
resemblance in their nature; however, there are many differences between these two.

While a questionnaire is filled by the informants themselves, enumerators fill schedule

on behalf of the respondent.

Definition of Schedule
The schedule is a proforma which contains a list of questions filled by the research
workers or enumerators, specially appointed for the purpose of data collection.
Enumerators go to the informants with the schedule, and ask them the questions from the
set, in the sequence and record the replies in the space provided.
There are certain situations, where the schedule is distributed to the respondents, and the
enumerators assist them in answering the questions.

Key Differences Between Questionnaire and Schedule

⚫ Questionnaire refers to a technique of data collection which consist of a series of written
questions along with alternative answers. The schedule is a formalized set of questions,
statements, and spaces for answers, provided to the enumerators who ask questions to the
respondents and note down the answers.
⚫ Questionnaires are delivered to the informants by post or mail and answered as specif ied
in the cover letter. On the other hand, schedules are filled by the research workers, who
interpret the questions to the respondents if necessary.


⚫ The response rate is low in case of questionnaires as many people do not respond and
often return it without answering all the questions. On the contrary, the response rate is
high, as they are filled by the enumerators, who can get answers to all the question.
⚫ The questionnaires can be distributed a large number of people at the same time, and
even the respondents who are not approachable can also be reached easily. Conversely, in
schedule method, the reach is relatively small, as the enumerators cannot be sent to a
large area.
⚫ Data collection by questionnaire method is comparatively cheaper and economical as the
money is invested only in the preparation and posting of the questionnaire. As against
this, a large amount is spent on the appointment and training of the enumerators and also
on the preparation of schedules.
⚫ In questionnaire method, it is not known that who answers the question whereas, in the
case of schedule, the respondent’s identity is known.
⚫ The success of the questionnaire lies on the quality of the questionnaire while the honesty
and competency of the enumerator determine the success of a schedule.
⚫ The questionnaire is usually employed only when the respondents literate and
cooperative. Unlike schedule which can be used for data collection from all classes of


Construction of Questionnaire

Problem identification

Search for relevant secondary data for problem

Exploratory interviews with subject expertise and review personal experience with colleagues

Writing of specific research objectives

Listing of hypothesis to be tested

Development of questions for questionnaire

Characteristics of a good questionnaire

 Deals with a significant topic
 Seeks only that information which cannot be obtained from other sources such as
census data
 As short as possible, only long enough to get the essential data.
 Attractive in appearance, neatly arranged, and clearly duplicated or printed.
 Directions are clear and complete. Questions are objective, with no leading suggestions
to the desired response
 Questions are presented in good psychological order, proceeding from general to more
specific responses.
 To easy tabulate and interpret.
Guidelines for preparing questionnaire
• Prepared according with study objective
• Concise, precise and brief
• Criticism from faculty and class members
• Trailing the questionnaire with friends


• Respondents selected carefully
• As par as possible open ended questions should be avoided
• Controversial and ambiguous questions should be avoided
• Getting permission in organization before administering questionnaire
• Try to get the aid of sponsorship
• Mailed questionnaire should have introduction, purpose and directions to fill the
• Abrupt ending of the questions and questionnaire should be avoided.

Sampling Methods
Sampling is a process used in statistical analysis in which a predetermined number of
observations are taken from a larger population.
Sampling helps a lot in research. It is one of the most important factors which determines
the accuracy of your research/survey result. If anything goes wrong with your sample then it will
be directly reflected in the final result.
Sample is the subset of the population. The process of selecting a sample is known as
sampling. Number of elements in the sample is the sample size.

There are lot of sampling techniques which are grouped into two categories as
⚫ Probability Sampling
⚫ Non- Probability Sampling



Probability Sampling
⚫ This Sampling technique uses randomization to make sure that every element of the
population gets an equal chance to be part of the selected sample. It’s alternatively known
as random sampling.
⚫ Simple Random Sampling
⚫ Stratified sampling
⚫ Systematic sampling
⚫ Cluster Sampling
Simple Random Sampling: Every element has an equal chance of getting selected to be the part
sample. It is used when we don’t have any kind of prior information about the target population.
⚫ For example: Random selection of 20 students from class of 50 student. Each student
has equal chance of getting selected. Here probability of selection is 1/50


Stratified Sampling

This technique divides the elements of the population into small subgroups (strata) based on the
similarity in such a way that the elements within the group are homogeneous and heterogeneous
among the other subgroups formed. And then the elements are randomly selected f rom each of
these strata. We need to have prior information about the population to create subgroups.

Cluster Sampling
⚫ Our entire population
is divided into clusters
or sections and then the
clusters are randomly selected. All the elements of the cluster are used for sampling.
Clusters are identified using details such as age, sex, location etc.
⚫ Cluster sampling can be done in following ways:

Single Stage Cluster Sampling

⚫ Entire cluster is selected randomly for sampling.

Non-Probability Sampling


It does not rely on randomization. This technique is more reliant on the researcher’s ability to
select elements for a sample. This type of sampling is also known as non-random sampling.
⚫ Convenience Sampling
⚫ Purposive Sampling
⚫ Quota Sampling
⚫ Referral /Snowball Sampling
Convenience Sampling
⚫ Here the samples are selected based on the availability. This method is used when the
availability of sample is rare and also costly. So based on the convenience samples are
For example: Researchers prefer this during the initial stages of survey research, as it’s quick
and easy to deliver results.

Purposive Sampling
⚫ This is based on the intention or the purpose of study. Only those elements will be
selected from the population which suits the best for the purpose of our study.
⚫ For Example: If we want to understand the thought process of the people who are
interested in pursuing master’s degree then the selection criteria would be “Are you
interested for Masters in..?”
All the people who respond with a “No” will be excluded from our sample.
Quota Sampling
⚫ This type of sampling depends of some pre-set standard. It selects the representative
sample from the population. Proportion of characteristics/ trait in sample should be same
as population. Elements are selected until exact proportions of certain types of data is
obtained or sufficient data in different categories is collected.
⚫ For example: If our population has 45% females and 55% males then our sample should
reflect the same percentage of males and females.
Referral /Snowball Sampling
⚫ This technique is used in the situations where the population is completely unknown and


⚫ Therefore we will take the help from the first element which we select for the population
and ask him to recommend other elements who will fit the description of the sample
⚫ So this referral technique goes on, increasing the size of population like a snowball. Eg-
Chronic Diseases

Tabulating is a way of processing information or data by putting it in a table. This doesn't mean
the kind of table you eat off of, though. It refers to a table, or chart, with rows and columns .
When tabulating, you might have to make calculations.
What is simple tabulation?
⚫ The process of placing classified data into tabular form is known as tabulation. A table is
a symmetric arrangement of statistical data in rows and columns. Rows are horizon tal
arrangements whereas columns are vertical arrangements. It may be simple, double or
complex depending upon the type of classification.
Interpretation of Data: Data analysis and interpretation is the process of assigning meaning to
the collected information and determining the conclusions, significance, and implications of the
What is the significance of data interpretation?
⚫ Data interpretation refers to the process of critiquing and determining the significance of
important information, such as survey results, experimental findings, observations or
narrative reports. Interpreting data is an important critical thinking skill that helps you
comprehend text books, graphs and tables.
The varying scales include:


⚫ Nominal Scale: non-numeric categories that cannot be ranked or compared
quantitatively. Variables are exclusive and exhaustive.
⚫ Ordinal Scale: exclusive categories that are exclusive and exhaustive but with a logical
order. Quality ratings and agreement ratings are examples of ordinal scales (i.e., good,
very good, fair, etc., OR agree, strongly agree,
⚫ disagree, etc.).
⚫ Interval: a measurement scale where data is grouped into categories with orderly and
equal distances between the categories. There is always an arbitrary zero point.
⚫ Ratio: contains features of all three.
Qualitative Data Interpretation
⚫ Qualitative data analysis can be summed up in one word – categorical. With qualitative
analysis, data is not described through numerical values or patterns, but through the use
of descriptive context (i.e., text). These techniques include:
⚫ Observations: detailing behavioral patterns that occur within an observation group.
⚫ Documents: much like how patterns of behavior can be observed, different types of
documentation resources can be coded and divided based on the type of material they
⚫ Interviews: one of the best collection methods for narrative data. Enquiry responses can
be grouped by theme, topic or category.
Quantitative Data Interpretation
⚫ More often than not, it involves the use of statistical modeling such as standard
deviation, mean and median. Let’s quickly review the most common statistical terms:
⚫ Mean: a mean represents a numerical average for a set of responses. When dealing with a
data set (or multiple data sets), a mean will represent a central value of a specific set of
⚫ Standard deviation: Standard deviation reveals the distribution of the responses around
the mean. It describes the degree of consistency within the responses;
⚫ Frequency distribution: When using a survey, for example, frequency distribution has
the capability of determining the number of times a specific ordinal scale response
appears (i.e., agree, strongly agree, disagree, etc.). Frequency distribution is extremely
keen in determining the degree of consensus among data points.
What is the meaning of data analysis in research?


⚫ The process of evaluating data using analytical and logical reasoning to examine each
component of the data provided. Data from various sources is gathered, reviewed, and
then analyzed to form some sort of finding or conclusion.


Levels of Measurement Scales
The level of measurement refers to the relationship among the values that are assigned to the
attributes, feelings or opinions for a variable.
Typically, there are four levels of measurement scales or methods of assigning numbers:
(a) Nominal scale,
(b) Ordinal scale,
(c) Interval scale, and
(d) Ratio scale.
Nominal Scale is the crudest among all measurement scales but it is also the simplest scale. In
this scale the different scores on a measurement simply indicate different categories. The
nominal scale does not express any values or relationships between variables.
Example: Let’s start with the easiest one to understand. Nominal scales are used for labeling
variables, without any quantitative value. “Nominal” scales could simply be called “labels.”
Here are some examples, below. Notice that all of these scales are mutually exclusive (no
overlap) and none of them have any numerical significance. A good way to remember all of this
is that “nominal” sounds a lot like “name” and nominal scales are kind of like “names” or labels.

Ordinal Scale involves the ranking of items along the continuum of the characteristic being
scaled. In this scale, the items are classified according to whether they have more or less of a
The main characteristic of the ordinal scale is that the categories have a logical or ordered
relationship. This type of scale permits the measurement of degrees of difference,(i.e. ‘more’ or
‘less’) but not the specific amount of differences (i.e. how much ‘more’ or ‘less’).


In comparative scaling, the respondent is asked to compare one object with another. The
comparative scales can further be divided into the following four types of scaling techniques:
(a) Paired Comparison Scale,
(b) Rank Order Scale,
(c) Constant Sum Scale, and
(d) Q-sort Scale.
Paired Comparison Scale: This is a comparative scaling technique in which a respondent is
presented with two objects at a time and asked to select one object according to some criterion.
The data obtained are ordinal in nature.
For example, there are four types of cold drinks -
Coke, Pepsi, Sprite, and Limca. The respondents can prefer Pepsi to Coke or Coke to Sprite, etc.

Rank Order Scale:

This is another type of comparative scaling technique in which respondents are presented with
several items simultaneously and asked to rank them in the order of priority. This is an ordinal
scale that describes the favoured and un favoured objects, but does not reveal the distance
between the objects.
The resultant data in rank order is ordinal data. This yields better results when direct comparison
is required between the given objects.
The major disadvantage of this technique is that only ordinal data can be generated.



Constant Sum Scale: In this scale, the respondents are asked to allocate a constant sum of units
such as points, rupees, or chips among a set of stimulus objects with respect to some criterion.
For example, you may wish to determine how important the attributes of price, fragrance,
packaging, cleaning power, and lather of a detergent are to consumers. Respondents might be
asked to divide a constant sum to indicate the relative importance of the attributes.
The advantage of this technique is saving time. However, main disadvantages are the
respondents may allocate more or fewer points than those specified. The second problem is
respondents might be confused.


Q-Sort Scale:
This is a comparative scale that uses a rank order procedure to sort objects based on similarity
with respect to some criterion. The important characteristic of this methodology is that it is more
important to make comparisons among different responses of a respondent than the responses
between different respondents.
Therefore, it is a comparative method of scaling rather than an absolute rating scale. In this
method the respondent is given statements in a large number for describing the characteristics of
a product or a large number of brands of a product.

In non-comparative scaling respondents need only evaluate a single object. Their evaluation is
independent of the other object which the researcher is studying.
The non-comparative scaling techniques can be further divided into:
(a) Continuous Rating Scale, and
(b) Itemized Rating Scale.



Continuous Rating Scales: It is very simple and highly useful. In continuous rating scale, the
respondent’s rate the objects by placing a mark at the appropriate position on a continuous line
that runs from one extreme of the criterion variable to the other.
Example: Question: How would you rate the TV advertisement as a guide for buying?

Itemized Rating Scales:

Itemized rating scale is a scale having numbers or brief descriptions associated with each
category. The categories are ordered in terms of scale position and the respondents are required
to select one of the limited numbers of categories that best describes the product, brand,
company, or product attribute being rated. Itemized rating scales are widely used in marketing


Itemized rating scales is further divided into three parts, namely

(a) Likert scale,

(b) Semantic Differential Scale, and

(c) Stapel Scale.

The itemized rating scales can be in the form of: (a) graphic, (b) verbal, or (c) numeric as shown
below :



Likert Scale: Likert, is extremely popular for measuring attitudes, because, the method is simple
to administer. With the Likert scale, the respondents indicate their own attitudes by checking
how strongly they agree or disagree with carefully worded statements that range from very
positive to very negative towards the attitudinal
Object. Respondents generally choose from five alternatives (say strongly agree, agree, neither
agree nor disagree, disagree, strongly disagree).
A Likert scale may include a number of items or statements. Disadvantage of Likert Scale is that
it takes longer time to complete than other itemised rating scales because respondents have to
read each statement.
Despite the above disadvantages, this scale has several advantages.
It is easy to construct, administer and use.



Semantic Differential Scale: This is a seven point rating scale with end points associated with
bipolar labels (such as good and bad, complex and simple) that have semantic meaning. It can be
used to find whether a respondent has a positive or negative attitude towards an object. It has
been widely used in comparing brands, products and company images. It has also been used to
develop advertising and promotion strategies and in a new product development study.



Staple Scale: The Stapel scale was originally developed to measure the direction and intensity of
an attitude simultaneously. Modern versions of the Stapel scale place a single adjective as a
substitute for the Semantic differential when it is difficult to create pairs of bipolar adjectives.
The modified Stapel scale places a single adjective in the centre of an even number of numerical




Sources of Error in Measurement
Measurement should be precise and unambiguous in an ideal research study. This objective,
however, is often not met with in entirety. As such the researcher must be aware about the
sources of error in measurement. The following are the possible sources of error in measurement.
Respondent: At times the respondent may be reluctant to express strong negative feelings or it is
just possible that he may have very little knowledge but may not admit his ignorance. All this
reluctance is likely to result in an interview of ‘guesses.’ Transient factors like fatigue, boredom,
anxiety, etc. may limit the ability of the respondent to respond accurately and fully.
Situation: Situational factors may also come in the way of correct measurement. Any condition
which places a strain on interview can have serious effects on the interviewer-respondent
rapport. For instance, if someone else is present, he can distort responses by joining in or merely
by being present. If the respondent feels that anonymity is not assured, he may be reluctant to
express certain feelings.
Measurer: The interviewer can distort responses by rewording or reordering questions. His
behavior, style and looks may encourage or discourage certain replies from respondents. Careless
mechanical processing may distort the findings. Errors may also creep in because of incorrect
coding, faulty tabulation and/or statistical calculations, particularly in the data-analysis stage.
Instrument: Error may arise because of the defective measuring instrument. The use of complex
words, beyond the comprehension of the respondent, ambiguous meanings, poor printing,
inadequate space for replies, response choice omissions, etc. are a few things that make the
measuring instrument defective and may result in measurement errors. Another type of
instrument deficiency is the poor sampling of the universe of items of concern. Researcher must
know that correct measurement depends on successfully meeting all of the problems listed
above. He must, to the extent possible, try to eliminate, neutralize or otherwise deal with all the
possible sources of error so that the final results may not be contaminated.


A number of issues decide the choice of scaling technique. Some significant issues are:
1) Problem Definition and Statistical Analysis,
2) The Choice between Comparative and Non-comparative Scales,
3) Type of Category Labels,


4) Number of Categories,
5) Balanced versus Unbalanced Scale, and
6) Forced versus Non-forced Categories



Research Design: The most important step after defining the research problem is pre paring the
design of the research project, which is popularly known as the ‘research design’. A research
design helps to decide upon issues like what, when, where, how much, by what means etc. With
regard to an enquiry or a research study a research design is the arrangement of conditions f or
collection and analysis of data in a manner that aims to combine relevance to the research
purpose with economy in procedure. In fact, research design is the conceptual structure wit hin
which research is conducted; it constitutes the blueprint for the collection, measurement and
analysis of data (Selltiz et al, 1962). Thus, research design provides an outline of what the
researcher is going to do in terms of framing the hypothesis, its operational implications and the
final data analysis. Specifically, the research design highlights decisions which include:
 The nature of the study
 The purpose of the study
 The location where the study would be conducted
 The nature of data required
 From where the required data can be collected
 What time period the study would cover
 The type of sample design that would be used
 The techniques of data collection that would be used
 The methods of data analysis that would be adopted and
 The manner in which the report would be prepared
What is Research Design?
 A framework or blueprint for conducting the Major research project.
 Specifies the details of the procedures necessary for obtaining information needed to
structure or solve the Major research problem.
 A research design lays the foundation for conducting the research.
 Task of defining the research problem is the preparation of the research project, popularly
known as the “research design".


 Decisions regarding what, where, when, how much, by what means concerning an
inquiry or a research study constitute a research design.
Meaning of research design-
A research design is the arrangement of conditions for collection and analysis of data in a
manner that aims to combine relevance to the research purpose with economy in procedure.
Research design has following parts:

 Sampling design
 Observational design
 Statistical design
 Operational design
Sampling design: Which deals with the methods of selecting items to be observed for the study.
Observational design: Which relates to the condition under which the observation are to be
Statistical design: Which concern the question of the of How the information and data gathered
are to be analyzed ?
Operational design: Which deals with techniques by which the procedures satisfied in sampling

Features of a good research design

 A research design appropriate for a particular research problem, usually involves the
following features.
 The mean of obtaining information.
 The availability and skills of the researcher and his staff, if any.
 The objective of the problem to be studied. The nature of the problem to be studied.
 The availability of time and money for the research work.

Components of Research Design

 Design the exploratory, descriptive & or causal phases of the research.
 Define the information needed.
 Specify the measurement &scaling procedures.
 Construct & pretest a questionnaire for data collection.
 Specify the sampling process & sample size.
 Develop a plan of data analysis.

Qualitative Research Vs Quantitative Research

Qualitative Research Quantitative Research

Qualitative Research is primarily exploratory Quantitative Research is used to quantify the

research. It is used to gain an understanding problem by way of generating numerical data or
of underlying reasons, opinions, and data that can be transformed into usable
motivations. statistics.

It provides insights into the problem or helps It is used to quantify attitudes, opinions,
to develop ideas or hypotheses for potential behaviors, and other defined variables – and
quantitative research. generalize results from a larger sample

Qualitative Research is also used to uncover Quantitative Research uses measurable data to
trends in thought and opinions, and dive formulate facts and uncover patterns in research.
deeper into the problem. Qualitative data
collection methods vary using unstructured
or semi-structured techniques.

Some common methods include focus Quantitative data collection methods are much
groups (group discussions), individual more structured than Qualitative data collection
interviews, and participation/observations. methods.

The sample size is typically small, and Quantitative data collection methods include
respondents are selected to fulfill a given various forms of surveys – online surveys, paper
quota. surveys, mobile surveys and kiosk surveys, face-
to-face interviews, telephone interviews,
longitudinal studies, website interceptors, online
polls, and systematic observations.


Types of Research Design
There are different types of research designs. They may be broadly
categorized as:
 Exploratory Research Design;
 Descriptive and Diagnostic Research Design; and
 Hypothesis-Testing Research Design.

Exploratory Research Design:

The Exploratory Research Design is known as formulative research design. The main
objective of using such a research design is to formulate a research problem for an in -depth or
more precise investigation, or for developing a working hypothesis from an ope rational aspect.
The major purpose of such studies is the discovery of ideas and insights. Therefore, such a
research design suitable for such a study should be flexible enough to provide opportunity for
considering different dimensions of the problemunder study. The in-built flexibility in research
design is required as the initial research problem would be transformed into a more precise one in
the exploratory study, which in turn may necessitate changes in the research procedure for
collecting relevant data. Usually, the following three methods are considered in the context of a
research design for such studies. They are (a) a survey of related literature; (b) experience survey;
and (c) analysis of ‘insight-stimulating’ instances.
2. Descriptive and Diagnostic Research Design:
A Descriptive Research Design is concerned with describing the characteristics of a particular
individual or a group. Meanwhile, a diagnostic research design determines the frequency with
which a variable occurs or its relationship with another variable. In other words, the study
analyzing whether a certain variable is associated with another comprises a diagnostic research
study. On the other hand, a study that is concerned with specific predictions or with the narration
of facts and characteristics related to an individual, group or situation, are instances of
descriptive research studies. Generally, most of the social research design falls under this
category. As a research design, both the descriptive and diagnostic studies share c ommon
requirements, hence they are grouped together. However, the procedure to be used and the
research design need to planned carefully. The research design must also make appropriate
provision for protection against bias and thus maximize reliability, with due regard to the


completion of the research study in an economical manner. The research design in such studies
should be rigid and not flexible. Besides, it must also focus attention on the following:
 Formulation of the objectives of the study,
 Proper designing of the methods of data collection,
 Sample selection,
 Data collection,
 Processing and analysis of the collected data, and
 Reporting the findings
3. Hypothesis-Testing Research Design:Hypothesis-Testing Research Designs are those in
which the researcher tests the hypothesis of causal relationship between two or more variables.
These studies require procedures that would not only decrease bias and enhance reliability, but
also facilitate deriving inferences about the causality. Generally, experiments satisfy such
requirements. Hence, when research design is discussed in such studies, it often refers to the
design of experiments.

Validity in Research Design.Validity is used to determine whether research measures what it

intended to measure and to approximate the truthfulness of the results. Researchers often use
their own definition when it comes to what is considered valid.
Conclusions drawn from analyzing survey data are only acceptable to the degree t o which they
are determined valid. Validity is used to determine whether research measures what it intended
to measure and to approximate the truthfulness of the results. Researchers often use their own
definition when it comes to what is considered valid. In quantitative research testing for validity
and reliability is a given. However some qualitative researchers have gone so far as to suggest
that validity does not apply to their research even as they acknowledge the need for some
qualifying checks or measures in their work. This is wrong.
To disregard validity is to put the trustworthiness of your work in question and to call into
question others confidence in its results. Even when qualitative measures are used in research
they need to be looked at using measures of reliability and validity in order to sustain the
trustworthiness of the results. Validity and reliability make the difference between “ good” and
“bad” research reports. Quality research depends on a commitment to testing and increasing the
validity as well as the reliability of your research results.


Any research worth its weight is concerned with whether what is being measured is what is
intended to be measured and considers the ways in which observations are influenced by the
circumstances in which they are made. The basis of how our conclusions are made play an
important role in addressing the broader substantive issues of any given study. For this reason we
are going to look at various validity types that have been formulated as a part of legitimate
research methodology.
Face Validity
This is the least scientific method of validity as it is not quantified using statistical methods.
This is not validity in a technical sense of the term. It is concerned with whether it seems like we
measure what we claim. Here we look at how valid a measure appears on the surface and make
subjective judgments based off of that. For example, if you give a survey that appears to be valid
to the respondent and the questions are selected because they look valid to the administer. The
administer asks a group of random people, untrained observers, if the questions appear valid to
them. In research it’s never sufficient to rely on face judgments alone and more quantifiable
methods of validity are necessary in order to draw acceptable conclusions. There are many
instruments of measurement to consider so face validity is useful in cases where you need to
distinguish one approach over another. Face validity should never be trusted on its own merits.
Content Validity
This is also a subjective measure but unlike face validity we ask whether the content of a
measure covers the full domain of the content. If a researcher wanted to measure introversion
they would have to first decide what constitutes a relevant domain of content for that trait. This is
considered a subjective form of measurement because it still relies on people’s perception f or
measuring constructs that would otherwise be difficult to measure. Where it distinguishes itself is
through its use of experts in the field or individuals belonging to a target population. This study
can be made more objective through the use of rigorous statistical tests. For example you could
have a content validity study that informs researchers how items used in a survey represent their
content domain, how clear they are, and the extent to which they maintain the theoretical f actor
structure assessed by the factor analysis.
Construct Validity
A construct represents a collection of behaviors that are associated in a meaningful way to create
an image or an idea invented for a research purpose. Depression is a construct that represents a


personality trait which manifests itself in behaviors such as over sleeping, loss of appetite,
difficulty concentrating, etc. The existence of a construct is manifest by observing the collection
of related indicators. Any one sign may be associated with several constructs. A person with
difficulty concentrating may have A.D.D. but not depression. Construct validity is the degree to
which inferences can be made from operationalization’s(connecting concepts to observations) in
your study to the constructs on which those operationalizations are based. To establish construct
validity you must first provide evidence that your data supports the theoretical structure. You
must also show that you control the operationalization of the construct, in other words, show that
your theory has some correspondence with reality.
 Convergent Validity – the degree to which an operation is similar to other operations it
should theoretically be similar to.
 Discriminative Validity – if a scale adequately differentiates itself or does not
differentiate between groups that should differ or not differ based on theoretical reasons
or previous research.
 Nomo logical Network – representation of the constructs of interest in a study, their
observable manifestations, and the interrelationships among and between these.
According to Cronbach and Meehl, a nomological network has to be developed for a
measure in order for it to have construct validity
 Multitrait-Multimethod Matrix – six major considerations when examining Construct
Validity according to Campbell and Fiske. This includes evaluations of the convergent
validity and discriminative validity. The others are trait method unit, multi-method/trait,
truley different methodology, and trait characteristics.

Internal Validity
This refers to the extent to which the independent variable can accurately be stated to produce
the observed effect. If the effect of the dependent variable is only due to the independent
variable(s) then internal validity is achieved. This is the degree to which a result can be
Statistical Conclusion Validity
A determination of whether a relationship or co-variation exists between cause and effect
variables. Requires ensuring adequate sampling procedures, appropriate statistical tests, and


reliable measurement procedures. This is the degree to which a conclusion is credible or
External Validity
This refers to the extent to which the results of a study can be generalized beyond the sample.
Which is to say that you can apply your findings to other people and settings. Think of this as
the degree to which a result can be generalized.
Criterion-Related Validity
Can alternately be referred to as Instrumental Validity. The accuracy of a measure is
demonstrated by comparing it with a measure that has been demonstrated to be valid. In other
words, correlations with other measures that have known validity. For this to work you must
know that the criterion has been measured well. And be aware that appropriate criteria do not
always exist. What you are doing is checking the performance of your operationalization against
a criteria. The criteria you use as a standard of judgment accounts for the different approaches
you would use:
 Predictive Validity – operationalization’s ability to predict what it is theoretically able
to predict. The extent to which a measure predicts expected outcomes.
 Concurrent Validity – operationalization’s ability to distinguish between groups it
theoretically should be able to. This is where a test correlates well with a measure that
has been previously validated.
When we look at validity in survey data we are asking whether the data represents what we think
it should represent. We depend on the respondent’s mind set and attitude in order to give us
valid data. In other words we depend on them to answer all questions honestly and
conscientiously. We also depend on whether they are able to answer the questions that we ask.
When questions are asked that the respondent cannot comprehend or understand then the data
does not tell us what we think it does.

Types of Design:
There are four main types of quantitative research designs: descriptive, correlational, quasi-
experimental and experimental. The differences between the four types primarily relates to the
degree the researcher designs for control of the variables in the experiment. Following is a brief


description of each type of quantitative research design, as well as chart comparing and
contrasting the approaches.
A Descriptive Design seeks to describe the current status of a variable or phenomenon. The
researcher does not begin with a hypothesis, but typically develops one after the data is collected.
Data collection is mostly observational in nature.
A Correlational Design explores the relationship between variables using statistical analyses.
However, it does not look for cause and effect and therefore, is also mostly observational in
terms of data collection.
A Quasi-Experimental Design (often referred to as Causal-Comparative) seeks to establish a
cause-effect relationship between two or more variables. The researcher does not assign groups
and does not manipulate the independent variable. Control groups are identified and exposed to
the variable. Results are compared with results from groups not exposed to the variable.
Experimental Designs, often called true experimentation, use the scientific method to establish
cause-effect relationship among a group of variables in a research study. Researchers make an
effort to control for all variables except the one being manipulated (the independent variable).
The effects of the independent variable on the dependent variable are collected and analyzed f or
a relationship.




There are two main types of reports:
 Informational
 Analytical

Both of these reports require analytical thinking and writing, as well as a

descriptive overview or background of the topic.

An Analytical Report:
 Provides information
 Analyses information
 Draws conclusions from the information
 Recommends action on the basis of the information.

An Informational Report:
 Provides information
 Does not analyse information
 Does not recommend action.
For general topics, such as the impacts of privatization of the media, it is likely that you will
write analytical reports. For lab reports you would more likely write an informational report
on the findings of an experiment you have conducted.
The typical structure of a report includes most, if not all, of the following sections.
Refer to your unit outline and your tutor for clarification on what sections you will need
to include in your report.
A typical report will include:
 A Title Page
 An Abstract
 A Table of Contents (this must be included
if the report is longer than 10 pages)
 Acknowledgements (if required)


 An Introduction
 The Discussion, or body, of the report (the content)
 Your Conclusion
 Any Recommendations
 An Appendix or Appendices
 And your Reference list.

Title Page:
The title page will contain:
• The report title, which clearly states the topic of the report
• Full details of the person or persons for whom the report is intended
• Full details of the person or persons who prepared the report
• Date of the presentation of the report (or the date submitted if you are not presenting it).

The abstract is one of the most important components of the report. It will be read by vastly
more people than those who will read the whole report, and needs to provide enough
information to invite the audience to read on.
Although the audience will read this first, you should leave the writing of your abstract as the
last step. This will allow you to summarise the content of your report in a concise and clear
Depending on the length of your report, an abstract is usually no longer than 10% of the
paper, or 100-200 words.
An abstract aims to:
 Provide a brief overview of the whole report
 Give concise, complete, specific and self -sufficient information that can be easily
 Offer recommendations for executives and managers to base their decisions on.
Your introduction will:
 Provide background information on the topic
 State the purpose of the report
 Indicate the scope, including limitations
 Outline the methods used to gather information
 Clarify key terms
 Inform the reader of what your report will cover
 Give the reader a preview of how the information will be presented.
It will also include your literature review of any publications you have used for your report.
For tips on how to write a literature review, follow the link below this slide to Grammarly's
post on How to Write a Literature Review.
The content of your report will depend on its purpose.
Your report should contain primary sources if possible (such as observations and
interviews), as well as secondary sources to provide explanations of theory and
You should further detail the methods of your investigation, including what you did and
why, and any issues encountered in the process.
In the body content you will explain the findings gathered from your research, and discuss the
implications they hold.
Remember to separate your key ideas and concepts into clear headings and subheadings, so
that you break up your report into digestible pieces of information for the reader.

Your conclusion will be a summary of the key points you have raised in your discussion.
In this, you will need to:
 Contextualise your observations, findings, and analyses
 Remind the reader what you have informed them in the body content (i.e. what you
researched, what you discovered, what implications or problems this raises)
 Do NOT include new information here
Think of this as an action plan for how to resolve or improve the issue.
Try to make your recommendations as realistic as possible, and identif y


clear paths of how these recommendations could be achieved by the
responsible parties.
 This is a section where you can include further information that is relevant to your
topic but did not fit in the body of your report
This can include (but is not limited to) graphs, tables, and raw data collected as part of your

Writing a Research Report

Section Content

Cover page Student name and assignment details.

Table of contents List of main sections and sub-sections, with page numbers,
including tables, illustrations, reference list, and appendices.
Abstract A one-paragraph overview of aims, methods, results, and
conclusions. OR One or more pages divided into the same sections as
the report.
Introduction Research aims and objectives, including any hypothesis.
Rationale for the study, i.e., why the issues for investigation were
important or significant. Might define technical or specialist terms.
Outlines scope of the report. Briefly states how report is organised.
Background to study: Survey of key literature: summary of major themes, concepts and/or
Literature Review trends. Situates current research in relation to existing literature;
How your study fits e.g., how it will add to current knowledge, or address existing
in gap.
Methods: Gives precise details of methods and procedures, e.g.,
How the study study's participants, and how they were chosen;
was carried out; data collection methods (e.g. surveys, interviews,
how data was questionnaires, personal observation, case study);
analysed process of ethical consent if applicable.
data analysis methods.
Results* Presents results objectively, without discussion.
Can include explanatory or supporting data (e.g., extracts from
interviews). Include illustrations, figures or tables.
Discussion* Evaluation and discussion of results.
Comments on significant findings, and
(*Results and implications. Might also include:
Discussion might • whether any initial hypothesis was supported;
be combined) • whether or not the findings met the aims of the study;
• a comparison of your findings with other research;
• limitations, flaws or problems in study design or methods.


Conclusion Clearly and concise conclusion to study.
Briefly re-states how well the study design met the study's aims.
Emphasises major findings and implications of findings as
addressed in discussion section.
Briefly re-caps any faults or limitations covered in full in the
discussion section.
If applicable, suggests future research directions.
Recommendations Summarises and lists in order of
(if applicable) importance. Might also be numbered.
References Alphabetical list of references. Start on new page, attach to end
of report, before appendices.
Appendices Relevant and necessary material not included elsewhere,
e.g., copy of questionnaires or survey forms; participant consent
form; large tables referred to but not included in the body of
report; raw data. Start each appendix on a new page.


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