Chapter 1
Chapter 1
Chapter 1
Hailegiorgis Biramo,Ph.D.
To Acquaint students with:
Concepts of research
Objectives of research
Motivation in research
Reasons to conduct research
Research Methods and methodology
Uniqueness of Business research
Objectives continued,…
Deductive and inductive reasoning
Qualities of good research
Types of research
Modes of knowledge
Research messy and human element
Related literature review
Ethics in research
Quality of good researcher
Lecturing (power point slides)
students from illiterate families cheat more often than students from
literate families.
Notice that the research is not done to reduce cheating or help
people who cheat or any other “applied” aspect, but to increase the
Types of research continued,…
2. Applied Research
Applied research is mainly related with solving practical problems rather than
focusing on knowledge expansion.
It is mainly used to find solutions to problems which occur on a daily basis
and develop new innovative technologies.
The main aim of applied research is to provide better technologies for
humans to enhance their standard of living.
Example: Investigating which treatment approach is the most effective for
treating cancer patients whereas researching which strategies work best to
motivate workers.
Types of research continued,…
3. Quantitative Research
Quantitative research is generally related with the positivist
It usually involves collecting and converting data into numerical
form so that statistical calculations can be made and conclusions
Objectivity is very vital in quantitative research.
Types of research continued,
4. Qualitative Research
Qualitative research is the approach usually related with the
social constructivist concept which emphasizes the socially
constructed nature of reality.
6. Exploratory Research
Exploratory research is carried out for a problem that has not been
clearly defined.
The main aim of this research is to gather initial information
which helps to define problems and recommend hypothesis.
Exploratory research helps to settle on the best research design,
data collection method and selection of subjects.
Types of research continued,
Exploratory research often relies on secondary research such as
reviewing available literature, or qualitative approaches such as informal
discussions with consumers, employees, management or competitors,
and more formal approaches through in- depth interviews, focus groups,
projective methods, case studies or pilot studies.
Exploratory research can mainly be conducted when researchers lack
clear idea of the problem.
The results of exploratory research are not generally useful for decision-
making, but they can provide major insight into a given situation.
Types of research continued,…
7. Historical Research
It is defined as the type of research that examines past events or
combinations of events to arrive at an account of what has happened
in the past.
Historical research is carried out to discover the unknown; answer
questions, recognize the relationship that the past has to the present;
record and assess activities of individuals, agencies, or institutions;
and assist in understanding the culture in which we live.
Types of research continued,…
Historical research can exhibit patterns that occurred in the past
and over time which can facilitate us to see where we came from
and what kinds of solutions we have used in the past.
We usually will notice that what we do today is expressly rooted
in the past. Historical research involves the process of collecting
and reading the research material collected, and writing the
document from the data collected.
Types of research continued,…
8. Experimental Research
It is commonly used in sciences such as sociology and
psychology, physics, chemistry, biology, medicine, etc.
It is a collection of research designs which use manipulation and
controlled testing to understand fundamental processes.
Usually, one or more variables are manipulated to establish their
effect on a dependent variable.
Types of research continued,…
Experimental Research is mainly used when: there is time
priority in a causal relationship (cause precedes effect) or there
is uniformity in a causal relationship (a cause will always lead
to the same effect) or the magnitude of the correlation is great.
Experimental research is important to society as it helps us to
improve our daily lives.
1.10. Modes of
• Gibson et al (1994) provided two modes of knowledge
that is created through business research;
– “Mode 1 knowledge” is a knowledge created by an
academics for an academic purpose to further and add to
what is known- it has to do with basic research e.g. the
concept of economies of scale
– “Mode 2 knowledge” is practical applied knowledge and
comes from collaborating with practitioners or policy
– “Mode 3 knowledge” as suggested by Huff & Huff (2001) is
a knowledge that is neither produced specifically for
academic purpose nor for direct application to practical
need but for understanding the bigger picture in relation to
society’s survival and the common good
1.11. Issue we need to understand in
research method
• Research is messy activity
• Regarding the logical progression in research
• Formulating the research topic & critically reviewing
relevant literature (when should they be done)
2. Business research