La Tomate

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employing skilled and certified practitioners to

ensure the best possible outcomes for our clients.

La Tomate (Natural SPA Salt Scrub)

Our leadership team brings together a wealth of

experience in product development, marketing,
and business management. Their expertise and
vision will drive the company's success and
ensure a strong foundation for future expansion.
In summary, Spa Salt Scrub is poised to become
a leader in the spa industry by providing
exceptional services, personalized experiences,
and a commitment to holistic well-being. We are
confident that our unique approach and
dedication to excellence will set us apart and lead
Executive Summary: to long-term success in the thriving wellness

Spa Salt Scrub is a premium spa business

dedicated to providing high-quality wellness and Product Description
relaxation services to our clients. Our spa offers a La Tomate
wide range of services including massages,
facials, body treatments, and holistic wellness Spa Salt Scrub
therapies. We are committed to creating a serene
10x soft and moisturizing skin
and rejuvenating environment where our clients
can escape the stresses of everyday life and Part of the skin care essentials is to maintain a
focus on their well-being. Spa salt scrub is moisturizing and healthy skin. The consumer
located in a serene and peaceful environment, acquires products that is effective and is made
away from the hustle and bustle of city life, from natural and organic ingredients to avoid
specifically at Burauen Community College. The irritation from different chemical components. At
location is often chosen to provide a sense of the same time, they wanted an affordable yet,
tranquility and relaxation for the clients. The effective products that will satisfy their needs.
exterior of our spa may feature gardens, water Some of the products can only be seen in
features, and calming outdoor spaces to enhance pharmacies or in boutiques. The business
the overall experience. Internally, the spa is formulates a product for the consumer that is
designed to create a soothing ambiance with soft healthy and affordable. This product is a spa salt
lighting, calming colors, and comfortable scrub namely, La Tomate.
furnishings. The layout is often organized to offer
privacy and a sense of escape from everyday La Tomate Spa Salt is a natural salt scrub infused
stresses. with Vitamin C and E. It is made from tomato and
premium micro salt that leaves a soothing and
Our mission is to provide a relaxing and refreshing moisturize skin. This body scrub is
rejuvenating experience for our clients. This good for exfoliation in removing dry dead skin
includes promoting wellness, stress relief, and cells and dirt deposits. It is suitable for all skin
self-care through various spa services such as types and it is advisable to use twice a week for a
massages, facials, body treatments, and other clearer and smoother skin. The business will
holistic therapies. Additionally, we aim to create a supply this organic manufactured product to the
tranquil and serene environment that promotes local stores in Burauen and will distribute to other
physical and mental well-being. Ultimately, our places once it is promoted.
mission is to help clients unwind, de-stress, and
improve their overall health and wellness. Product/Services

Our target market includes individuals seeking 1. Description: Natural spa salt business focuses
relaxation and rejuvenation, as well as those on providing salt therapy or halotherapy to
interested in holistic wellness practices. We aim customers. This therapy involves inhaling or
to differentiate ourselves by offering personalized absorbing small particles of salt, which are
experiences tailored to each client's specific believed to have healing properties and offer
needs and preferences. Additionally, we will focus numerous health benefits. The salt can be
on using high-quality, natural products and dispersed into the air or used in treatments like
salt scrubs, salt baths, and salt caves.
2. Pricing: The pricing of our natural spa salt Tailored Experience: Through customizable
business can vary depending on factors such as options, we empower customers to personalize
location, services offered, and operational costs. their scrub by selecting preferred scents, textures,
and additional ingredients, delivering a bespoke
3. Lifespan: The lifespan of a natural spa salt indulgence tailored to individual preferences.
business can be long-term if managed effectively.
With the growing popularity of wellness Fit within the Industry:
experiences and the increasing demand for
natural therapies, there is a potential for Strengths:
sustainable growth and profitability in this Formulation Expertise: Our dedication to using
industry. top-quality, natural ingredients underscores our
4. Benefits: Salt therapy has been associated with commitment to delivering skincare solutions that
various benefits, including improved respiratory are both efficacious and gentle on the skin,
health, stress reduction, relaxation, enhanced positioning us as a trusted authority in the
mood, and immune system support. The negative industry.
ions released by salt are believed to have a Omni-Channel Presence: Leveraging a robust
positive impact on overall well-being. Additionally, distribution network spanning brick-and-mortar
salt treatments can help with skin conditions, retailers, online platforms, and direct-to-consumer
muscle pain, and exfoliation. channels, we ensure broad accessibility, reaching
5. Similar Products and Competitors: In the discerning consumers wherever they shop.
natural spa salt business, there may be Holistic Brand Identity: Our brand ethos, centered
competitors offering similar services and around sustainability, wellness, and self-care,
products. Some competitors include other salt resonates deeply with today's conscientious
therapy spas, wellness centers, and beauty consumers, fostering strong emotional
clinics. connections and brand loyalty.
Market Analysis Brand Awareness: While we boast a dedicated
Competition and Differentiation following, our brand may lack the widespread
recognition enjoyed by industry giants,
Competitors Analysis: The market for spa salt necessitating targeted marketing initiatives to
body scrubs is dynamic, with a mix of established increase visibility and market share.
brands like Lush and The Body Shop alongside
emerging players focusing on niche markets and Cost Structure: Balancing the desire for premium
unique formulations. Each competitor brings its ingredients with competitive pricing presents an
own blend of ingredients, scents, packaging, and ongoing challenge, requiring meticulous cost
marketing strategies to attract consumers. optimization without compromising product quality
or integrity.
Differentiation Strategy: Our product
differentiation strategy revolves around several Target Market and Consumer Demand:
key pillars: Target Market Segmentation:
Ingredients Excellence: We prioritize premium- Demographics: Our primary audience comprises
grade, organic, and sustainably sourced sophisticated women aged 25-45, characterized
ingredients, ensuring our product is free from by their discerning taste, discretionary spending
harsh chemicals and additives commonly found in power, and proactive approach to self-care and
mainstream skincare. personal wellness.
Aromatherapy Fusion: Our spa salt scrubs boast Psychographics: These consumers exhibit a
an array of meticulously curated scents, expertly strong preference for natural, ethically sourced
blended to evoke specific moods and provide products that align with their values of
therapeutic benefits, elevating the at-home spa authenticity, sustainability, and holistic well-being.
Consumer Demand
Eco-Luxury Packaging: We invest in eco-friendly
packaging solutions, marrying sustainability with Rise of Self-Care Culture: Against the backdrop
luxury, thereby appealing to environmentally of increasingly hectic lifestyles and mounting
conscious consumers who seek both efficacy and stressors, consumers are embracing self-care
ethics in their skincare choices. rituals as non-negotiable aspects of their daily
routines, fueling demand for indulgent, sensorial
experiences like at-home spa treatments.
Clean Beauty Movement: The burgeoning clean Brick-and-Mortar Retailers: Partner with select
beauty movement underscores a paradigm shift brick-and-mortar retailers that align with our brand
towards transparency, safety, and sustainability in ethos and target demographic to expand our
skincare, driving demand for products that reach and accessibility to offline customers.
eschew harmful chemicals in favor of pure, plant- Provide retailers with attractive point-of-sale
based formulations. materials and product displays to drive in-store
visibility and sales.
Convenience without Compromise: Our spa salt
body scrub caters to the modern consumer's
desire for convenience without sacrificing efficacy
or ethics, offering a luxurious escape from the Advertising and Marketing Strategies:
everyday hustle and bustle within the confines of Influencer Collaborations: Partner with influencers
their own homes. and beauty bloggers to create sponsored content,
product reviews, and tutorials showcasing the
benefits and usage of our spa salt body scrub.
By meticulously analyzing market dynamics, Leverage their influence and engaged audience
consumer behaviors, and competitive to increase brand awareness and drive sales.
landscapes, we are poised to strategically
position our spa salt body scrub as the User-Generated Content Campaigns: Encourage
quintessential embodiment of indulgent self-care, customers to share their experiences with our
delivering unparalleled quality, efficacy, and product on social media using branded hashtags.
sustainability to a discerning audience seeking a Curate and repost user-generated content on our
harmonious balance of luxury and conscience in social media channels to foster a sense of
their skincare regimen. community and authenticity.

Marketing Strategy Paid Social Media Advertising: Allocate budget for

targeted advertising campaigns on Facebook and
Attracting and Retaining Customers: Instagram to reach specific demographics and
interests relevant to our target market. Utilize
Targeted Social Media Campaigns: Utilize mobile carousel ads, video ads, and retargeting
marketing applications such as TikTok Shop and campaigns to maximize engagement and
Shopee to showcase engaging content featuring conversions.
our spa salt body scrub. Collaborate with
influencers and content creators within the beauty Media Utilization:
and wellness niche to reach a wider audience and
drive product visibility. TikTok Shop: Create short, visually appealing
videos showcasing the application and benefits of
Facebook Page and Instagram Presence: our spa salt body scrub. Collaborate with TikTok
Maintain an active presence on Facebook and influencers to create viral challenges or duets
Instagram by regularly posting visually appealing featuring our product, driving user-generated
content, including product photos, customer content and brand engagement.
testimonials, and behind-the-scenes footage.
Utilize Instagram Stories and IGTV to provide Facebook and Instagram: Utilize Facebook Ads
tutorials, skincare tips, and interactive Q&A Manager and Instagram Ads to create highly
sessions to engage with followers. targeted ad campaigns tailored to different
audience segments. Experiment with different ad
Exclusive Offers and Promotions: Offer exclusive formats, such as photo ads, video ads, and
discounts, promotions, and bundle deals to carousel ads, to optimize performance and ROI.
incentivize purchases and encourage repeat
business. Implement loyalty programs or referral Step-by-Step Process:
rewards to foster customer loyalty and word-of- 1.Comprehensive Market Research and Audience
mouth marketing. Analysis
Distribution Channel: - Conduct in-depth market research to identify
E-Commerce Platforms: Leverage e-commerce consumer preferences, emerging trends, and
platforms such as Shopee to facilitate seamless competitor strategies within the skincare and
online transactions and reach a broader customer wellness industry.
base. Optimize product listings with compelling - Utilize analytics tools to gain insights into
descriptions, high-quality images, and customer audience demographics, behaviors, and
reviews to enhance visibility and conversion rates. psychographics across various platforms.
2. Strategic Social Media Content Planning:
- Develop a comprehensive content strategy - Encourage user participation through contests,
tailored to each platform, including TikTok Shop, giveaways, and interactive content, leveraging
Shopee, Facebook, and Instagram, ensuring user-generated content as social proof to build
consistency in messaging and brand voice. trust and credibility.
- Plan a diverse mix of content formats, 8.Continuous Performance Monitoring and
including product demonstrations, educational Optimization:
videos, user testimonials, interactive polls, and
influencer collaborations. - Implement robust analytics and tracking
systems to monitor key performance indicators
(KPIs), including website traffic, conversion rates,
customer acquisition cost (CAC), and return on
3. Strategic Influencer Partnerships: ad spend (ROAS).
- Identify and forge partnerships with influencers - Regularly analyze data insights to identify
whose audience demographics align with our trends, refine targeting strategies, and optimize
target market, prioritizing authenticity and ad spend allocation for maximum ROI.
engagement over follower count.
By implementing this enhanced marketing
- Collaborate closely with influencers to develop strategy, we can effectively position our spa salt
compelling content that showcases the benefits body scrub as a premium skincare solution,
and usage of our spa salt body scrub, leveraging attract and retain a loyal customer base, and
their creativity and expertise. drive sustained growth and success in the
4. Optimized E-Commerce Presence: competitive beauty and wellness market.

- Optimize product listings on e-commerce Financials and Budget

platforms such as Shopee with keyword-rich Sources of Funding
descriptions, visually appealing images, and
persuasive copywriting to enhance discoverability Personal investments and equally team
and conversion rates. contribution capital needed for the business.
- Implement data-driven pricing strategies, MEMBERS AMOUNT
promotional offers, and bundling options to drive Abrillo, Alexes 50,000
sales and encourage repeat purchases. Bacu, Sheena 50,000
5. Strategic Brick-and-Mortar Partnerships: Leones, Jerick 50,000
Monte, Roselle 50,000
- Identify strategic brick-and-mortar retailers Tondo, Airish 50,000
with a strong presence in key markets and a Total 250,000
shared commitment to sustainability and
The following are the expenditures of the
- Negotiate favorable placement and company.
promotional opportunities within retail stores to
maximize visibility and drive foot traffic. Expenditures
6. Targeted Paid Advertising Campaigns: Manufacturing / Production Cost
- Develop targeted advertising campaigns on ITEM QUANTITY PRICE AMOUNT
Facebook and Instagram utilizing advanced Packaging 1,000pcs 20 20,000
audience targeting features, including
Printing 1pc 10,000 10,000
demographics, interests, behaviors, and lookalike
Tomato 100 60 6,000
- Experiment with different ad formats, including 60/kl
carousel ads, video ads, and dynamic product Sodium 20 250 5,000
ads, to identify the most effective messaging and Chloride
creative elements. 2,000g
Kaolin 20 380 7,600
7. Engagement-driven Community Building: 500g
- Foster a vibrant and engaged community on Allantoin 20 280 5,600
social media platforms by actively responding to 100g
comments, messages, and user-generated Fragrance 20 800 16,000
content. 500ml
Whey 20 1,150 23,000
Vitamin E 1,000pcs 5 5,000
Vitamin C 20 170 3,400
Total 101,600

(5) Managers/Workers 50,000
Total 50,000

Selling & Advertising Cost

Marketing 20,000
Miscellaneous 10,000
Total 30,000

Manufacturing/Product Cost 101,600

Personnel 50,000
Selling & Advertising 30,000
Total Expenditures 181,600

The initial targets and estimates for the first few

months of the operations are the following:

Estimated Revenue
Month Sales (Sales*Price)
500g 350g 500g 350g
(P (P (P 250) (P 150)
250) 150)
April 30 30 7,500 4,500
May 35 30 8,750 4,500
June 35 30 8,750 4,500
July 40 45 10,000 6,750
August 50 50 12,500 7,500
September 40 50 10,000 7,500
October 50 45 12,500 6,750
November 100 90 25,000 13,500
December 150 100 37,500 15,000
Total 530 470 132,500 70,500

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