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Color code - Orange is leetcode , green is gfg, cyan is lintcode , re

Dynamic Programming
Day 1 Climbing Stairs
Day 2 Min Cost Climbing Stairs
Day 3 0-1 Knapsack Problem
Day 4 Target Sum
Day 5 Revision
Day 6 Knapsack with Duplicate Items
Day 7 Rod Cutting
Day 8 Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock
Day 9 Jump Game
Day 10 Nth Catalan Number
Day 11 Unique Paths
Day 12 Minimum Falling Path Sum
Day 13 Number of Dice Rolls with Target Sum
Day 14 Longest Common Subsequence
Day 15 Edit Distance

Day 1 Count frequencies of all elements in array
Day 2 Intersection of Two Arrays
Day 3 Check if Array Pairs are divisible by k
Day 4 Count distinct elements in every window
Day 5 Longest Substring without repeating characters
Day 6 Count of substrings having at most k unique charact
Day 7 Equal 0,1 and 2
Day 8 Subarray sums divisible by k
Day 9 Rabbits in Forest

Day 1 Maximum Depth of Binary Tree
Day 2 Binary Tree Pre-order Traversal
Day 3 Merge two binary trees
Day 4 Sum of Root To Leaf Binary Numbers
Day 5 Path Sum
Day 6 Binary Tree Pre-order Traversal
Day 7 Left view of Binary Tree
Day 8 Binary Tree inorder traversal
Day 9 Level order traversal
Day 10 Maximum Depth of Binary Tree
Day 11 Sum of left leaves
Day 12 Cousins in Binary Tree
Day 13 Construct Binary Tree from PreOrder and Inorder Tr
Day 14 Lowest Common Ancestor of a Binary Tree
Day 15 Lowest Common Ancestor of a Binary Tree 3
is gfg, cyan is lintcode , red is codingninja

Min Cost Climbing Stairs

House Robber
Partition Equals Subset Sum
Count number of subsets with

Coin Change

Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock 4

Jump Game 2
Find the number of valid parentheses expression of give
Unique Paths 2
Maximal Square
Palindrome Partitioning 4
Longest Palindromic Subsequence

Count distinct elements in an array

Find Union and Intersection of two unsorted arrays
Largest subarray of 0's and 1's
Count of substring having all unique characters
Count of substring having all unique characters
Longest substring with atmost k distinct characters
Longest subarray with equal 0s,1s and 2s.
Two Sum

Maximum Depth of N-ary tree

N-ary Tree Pre order Traversal
Univalued Binary Tree
Binary Tree Paths
Cousins in Binary Tree
N-ary Tree Pre order Traversal
Bottom view of Binary Tree
All Nodes Distance K in Binary Tree
Binary Tree Level Order Traversal
Univalued Binary Tree
Cousins in Binary Tree
Populating Next Right Pointers in Each Node
Construct Binary Tree from Inorder and Post Order Trave
Lowest Common Ancestor of a Binary Tree IV
Maximum White Tiles Covered by a Carpet
Questions and Topic in Each Video

Fibonacci Number
N-th Tribonacci Number

Delete and Earn

Coin Change 2

Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock with transaction fee

Reach a given score
Unique Binary Search Trees
Unqiue Paths 3
Number of Dice Rolls with Target Sum
Palindrome Partitioning 2
Palindrome Partitioning 2

Largest Subarray with 0 sum

Count distinct elements in every window

Substring with at least k distinct characters

Subarray sum equals k
Find Pair Given Difference

Binary Tree Post order Traversal

Sum of Root To Leaf Binary Numbers
Leaf-Similar Trees
Same Tree
Binary Tree Post order Traversal
Right view of Binary Tree

N-ary Tree Level Order Traversal

Average of levels in binary tree
Populating Next Right Pointers in Each Node
All Nodes Distance K in Binary Tree
Construct Binary Tree from Pre-order and PostOrder Traversal
Diameter of Binary Tree
Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock 3

Minimum Path Sum

Matrix Chain Multiplication

Matrix Chain Multiplication

Subarrays with 0 Sum

Count of substring having all unique char

Subarrays with k different Integers

Longest subarray with sum-k
Valid Anagram

N-ary Tree Post order Traversal

Sum of left leaves

Symmetric Tree
N-ary Tree Post order Traversal
Top View of Binary Tree

Binary Tree Level Order Traversal 2

Binary Tree Tilt
All Nodes Distance K in Binary Tree
Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock 2

Maximum decimal value path in a binary matrix

Dungeon Game

Longest substring without repeating characters

Longest K unique character substring

Longest subarray with sum divisible by K

Binary Tree Inorder Travsersal

Leaf-similar trees
Invert Binary Tree
Binary Tree Inorder Travsersal

Same Tree
Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock with cooldown

Minimum Falling Path Sum Minimum Path Sum

Palindrome Partitioning 4

Count of substrings having all distinct characters

Inorder traversal of n ary tree

Day 16 Diagonal Traversal of Binary Tree

Binary Search Trees

Day 1 Search in a Binary Search Tree
Day 2 Delete Node in a BST
Day 3 Array to BST
Day 4 Largest BST (in a binary tree)

Recursion and Backtracking

Day 0 Subsets
Day 1 Combination Sum
Day 2 Sudoku Solver
Day 3 N Queens
Day 4 Generate Parentheses
Day 5 Palindrome Partitioning

Day 1 DFS of a Graph
Day 2 Number of Provinces
Day 3 Number of Closed Islands
Day 4 Detect cycle in a directed graph
Day 5 Detect cycle in an undirected graph
Day 6 Course Schedule 2
Day 7 Implementing Djikstra Algorithm
Day 8 Flyod Warshal Algorithm
Day 9 Bellman-Ford Algorithm
Day 10 is Graph Bipartite ?
Day 11 Prims MST | Greedy Algo 5 (Article)
Day 12 Critical Connections in a Network
Day 13 Kruskals Mininmum Spanning Tree
Day 14 Number of Provinces

Binary Search
Day 1 Binary Search
Day 2 Search Insert Position
Day 3 Search in Rotated Sorted Array
Day 4 Allocate minimum number of pages
Day 5 Search in Rotated Sorted Array 2
Diameter of N-ary Tree

Insert into a Binary Search Tree

Inorder Successor (
Balance a Binary Search Tree
Largest BST Subtree

Subsets 2
Combination Sum 2
N Queens II
The Knight's Tour Problem
Power of 2

BFS of a Graph
Number of Islands
Word Search
Detect cycle in an undirected graph
Topological Sorting
Course Schedule
Network Delay Time
Floyd Warshal
Negative weight Cycle
Possible Bipartition
Minimum Spanning Tree
Tarjan's Algorithm to find Stro
Minimum Spanning Tree
The Celebrity Problem

Search an element in a reverse sorted array

Sqrt X
Find Minimum in Rotated Sorted Array
The Painter's Partition Problem - II
Delete Node in a BST
Inorder Predecessor BST (
Construct Binary Search Tree from Preorder Traversal

Sum of digit of a number using recursion

Rat in a Maze Problem 1

Letter combinations of a phone number

Print all possible paths from top

Find the Town Judge

Number of Closed Islands
Word Search II

Topological Sort
Topological Sort
Cheapest Flights Within K Stops
Find the city with the smallest number of neighbours at a threshold distance
Cheapest Flights Within K Stops
Cheapest Flights Within K Stops
Min Cost to Connect all points

Alien Dictionary

Number of Occurences
Guess number higher or lower
Search a 2d Matrix
Koko eating bananas
Validate Binary Search Tree
Binary Tree Inorder Traversal

Power of 2

Binary Watch
Knights tour official

Number of Provinces
Flood fill

Alien Dictionary
Find maximum
t a threshold distance

Partition to K Equal Sum Subsets

Implementing Dijkstra Algorithm

Find first and last position in sorted array

Guess number higher or lower 2
Find Peak Element
Number of people aware of a secret
Lowest Common Ancestor of a Binary Search Tree
Replace every element with the least greater element on its right

Power of 3

Maximum width of binary tree

Applications of Graph Data Structure (Article)

Loud and Rich

4. Single So

Combination Sum 4
Why prims and kruskal (GFG Article)

Floor in a Sorted Array

Ceiling in a sorted array (Coding Ninjas)
Find K Closest Elements
Kth Smallest Element in a BST Two Sum IV - Input is a BST
r element on its right

Power of 4

Merge two BSTs with Booking concert tickets in groups

Find the city with the smallest

Cheapest flights within k stops Alien Dictionary

First Bad Version Find target Indices after sorting array

Find Peak Element Search in Rotated Sorted Array
Kth Largest element in a BST

ets in groups

ter sorting array

Find Minimum in Rotated Sorted Array Search a 2d Matrix Koko eating bananas

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