Chi Nei Tsang 1 - Chi Massage For Internal Organs 46p PDF
Chi Nei Tsang 1 - Chi Massage For Internal Organs 46p PDF
Chi Nei Tsang 1 - Chi Massage For Internal Organs 46p PDF
The Taoist sages of ancient China observed that humans often experience energy blockages in the internal organs that cause
knots and tangles in the abdomen. These blockages occur at the center of the body's vital functions and restrict the flow of Chi
energy, our life force. Negative emotions, such as fear, anger, anxiety, depression and worry, are the most damaging. Overwork,
stress, accidents, surgery, drugs, toxins, poor diet and poor posture also cause problems.
Through meditation exercises, the wise men learned to look within themselves. They discovered that the internal organs are
connected to the Five Forces of the Universe and that they are a link between the human microcosm and the universal
macrocosm. The organs contain the essences of the spiritual force of the human being. They also provide the lines of physical
force that hold the body together and give it its structure.
When clogged, internal organs accumulate harmful energies that can flood other body systems and manifest in the form of
negative emotions and illness. These negative emotions and toxic energies, always looking for an outlet, create a perpetual cycle
of negative energy and stress (Figure 1). If negative emotions cannot find an outlet, they become inflamed in the organs or move
to the abdomen, the "garbage dump" of the body. The abdomen processes some emotional garbage, but usually more slowly.
The body's energy center located in the navel becomes congested and isolated from the rest of the body.
Figure 1: The negative energy cycle causes knots and tangles in the abdomen
Chi, life energy, flows through the body's internal channels, nervous system, blood vessels, and lymph glands. These systems
are concentrated and interwoven in the abdomen, which acts as your control center.
The tensions, worries and pressures of the day, month or year build up there and rarely dissipate. These alterations cause
physical entanglement of nerves, blood vessels, and lymph nodes. The result is gradual obstruction of energy circulation.
The ancient Taoists understood that negative emotions cause serious damage to our health, as they impair physical and spiritual
functions. They understood that each human emotion is a manifestation of energy and that certain emotions could indicate the
negative energy that causes various physical illnesses. Likewise, they identified a specific cycle of relationships between
emotions and organs. For example, the experience of a "knot" in the stomach indicated worry, the negative emotion that
accumulates in the stomach and spleen.
The Taoists discovered that it was possible to cure most diseases once the toxins and negative forces that cause them were
removed from the body. They perfected the art of Chi Nei Tsang to recycle and transform negative energies that clog the
internal organs and cause knots in the abdomen. Chi Nei Tsang eliminates toxins, harmful emotions, and excessive heat, or lack
of heat, that causes organ malfunction (Figure 2).
Figure 2: Ancient Taoists massaged the abdomen and organs to stay healthy.
As an art and science, Chi Nei Tsang is a complement to reflexology, psychology, reiki, shiatsu, Swedish massage and similar
therapies (Figure 3).
However, unlike most practices that use indirect methods to communicate with the internal organs, Chi Nei Tsang directly
massages the internal organs. Chi Nei Tsang is also the most complete approach to energizing, strengthening and detoxifying the
internal system. It eliminates negative influences and is especially useful in relieving intestinal obstructions, cramps, knots,
lumps, scars, headaches, menstrual cramps, poor blood circulation, back pain, infertility, impotence and many other problems.
Chi Nei Tsang, along with other disciplines, rules out the need to resort to surgery.
There are other Healing Tao exercises that are useful for maintaining personal energy. Meditations such as the Inner Smile,
Microcosmic Orbit, and Five Element Fusion open the channels and allow the flow of Chi energy to activate and cleanse the
organs. Exercises such as the Six Healing Sounds prevent overheating and help compensate the internal system. (For a review of
these meditations, consult the following books on the Healing Tao. Awaken the Healing Light, Taoist Ways to Transform Stress
into Vitality, and Fusion of the Five Elements.) In fact, the most notable difference between a practitioner of Chi Nei Tsang and
those of other healing arts is the daily practice of Healing Tao meditations. . Meditations offer maximum physical and spiritual
protection to both instructors and their disciples.
Societies and religions of all ages have programmed people to give rather than receive. Therefore, common sense is disdained
and the ego is pleased with renunciation outside reasonable limits. Since the practitioner's primary interest should always be
one's own health, some guidelines are offered below.
Practitioners of Chi Nei Tsang not only employ techniques but can generate and direct essential life force through the bodies of
others. However, the main function of the Chi Nei Tsang practitioner is that of an educator and not a healer. The philosophy and
main purpose of Chi Nei Tsang is to teach people how to heal themselves by providing them with insights into the immense
healing powers within themselves. Therefore, Chi Nei Tsang practitioners never refer to their disciples as "patients" or "clients."
The disciple who has awakened his own healing energy can continue this process by practicing at home and teaching family and
It should not be forgotten that the most important healing energy comes from oneself.
This book is full of brilliant and wonderful techniques that have the potential to significantly change the essential way we care
for ourselves and each other. While the techniques are effective and can alleviate chronic illnesses, they will not work unless
they are activated and animated by love and compassion given sincerely and abundantly from the heart (Figure 4) . Your hands
and fingers can only become healing hands if they are filled with good intentions.
When you touch others, do so with all the love, care and compassion you can find within yourself. Connect with the forces of
the Universe, the Cosmic Particle or Human Plane and the Earth and become a physical channel of these forces. Use your hands
with the tenderness of a mother caressing her child. If by touching another person you connect your heart with theirs, it will
open like the petals of a flower in the morning sun. Every form of life and body has a self-healing mechanism that you can help
awaken. Once the umbilical center is activated and released and the organs are detoxified, his disciples can finish the healing
process with their knowledge.
Over time, you will learn to feel and "see" into another. People will come to you because they are uncomfortable with their spirit
and their body. You should try to help them find inner peace and tranquility.
In the following pages you will be introduced to several ancient healing gifts from the East, born from the wisdom of the Taoists
and perfected over many centuries. In time he will become a great teacher and healer. Others will look to you for guidance.
Never forget the origin of your true power. The secret touch gave its warmth to bodies, spirits and homes of all latitudes in all
times. When you give yourself freely to another, you heal from the heart. You will discover that loving touch has enormous
power to heal and renew lives and spirits.
The ancient Taoists were convinced that the body and spirit of man could live forever. These venerable men and women
expressed this wisdom in the gentle poems, personal stories, social critiques, and secret formulas that comprise the five thousand
volumes of Taoist history known as the "Taoist Dogma." Still mostly untranslated, these books—bundles of rice paper printed
with wooden blocks—now call us to explore a genius culture of unsurpassed sagacity and astonishing work of man.
The stories reveal that the ancient Taoists acquired and expressed this confidence only after centuries of testing and
experimenting with the body's malleable energy systems in the turbulent energy environment that surrounded them. Based solely
on their experiences and observations, these skillful and spiritual empiricists discovered the arrangement of the body's primary
and secondary energy systems, its sources of power, its "turbines" and "transformers."
On the other hand, they knew where to get the right kind of energy to fuel and compensate for those systems so that the body
functioned in a kind of continuous motion. If that energy was not within their reach, these agile adepts, having mastered the
universal and earthly laws of matter and energy, could cultivate and harvest the necessary energy. Gathering the necessary
energy sometimes meant sitting in a certain meditation posture; Other times, drink a filtered infusion of a pulpy mass of roots,
bark and assorted bitter-tasting herbs. For the most experienced Taoists, finding a powerful restorative often meant gathering all
the energies and essences and launching themselves out of their prosaic bodies on an exciting journey of searching through the
depths of space to the edge of the Cosmos, to a place where they might extract the perfect mix.
It didn't matter what they did or where they went; The reward - a state of mental strength - consisted of keeping the organs free
of tensions and toxins from the environment and preserving a continuous and abundant flow of acquired and balanced energies
throughout the body. This was the secret to good health and longevity, gifts that you can practice and master in the art of Chi
Nei Tsang (often referred to as "CNT").
This book addresses how to maintain the body's systems for a full, healthy, and long life. The Taoists were above all adept at
knowing how to stay healthy. Whether or not you believe in your ideas about immortality, you will discover that because the
Taoists worked hard to find it, you are the one who now benefits. They passed on to us a treasure trove of several wonderful
techniques to extend life. His abilities are the result of his understanding of energy and the discovery that all energy is part of an
indivisible system. Once they understood how the body was programmed and how
the system worked, it was easy for them to merge or become that program. They discovered that the body was a continuous
process of energy becoming matter and matter dissolving to become energy.
Having perceived this ebb and flow, they were able to examine their health and make the necessary changes. There is no doubt
that you can learn to do it too.
Henry Maspero, a French scholar, was one of the first men in the West to analyze and write about Taoism. His insight into the
Taoist concept of energy, body, spirit and immortality from "Taoism in Chinese Religion" deserves consideration.
“And if the Taoists, in their search for longevity, conceived it not as a spiritual immortality but as a material immortality of the
body itself, it is not a deliberate choice between the various possible solutions to the problem of immortality in the other world,
but for them this was the only possible solution. In the Greco-Roman world, the habit of opposing Spirit to Matter was accepted
from the beginning and in religious beliefs it was translated into an opposition between a single spiritual soul and a material
body. For the Chinese, the world is a continuum that passes without interruption from the void to material objects; The soul did
not adopt this role of invisible and spiritual complement to the visible and material body" (p. 266).
Applied to one's own health, it means that it is important to acquire the appropriate knowledge and techniques for the proper
physical care of the body and vital organs, as well as the spiritual or invisible energies included.
Maspero's perceptivity should be interpreted as follows: if you want to stay healthy, you must learn to treat the "Spirit and
Matter" of the body as they form one. Learning, using and teaching these skills are the foundation of Chi Nei Tsang.
Taoists believe that one day, with enough faith in the teaching and myth and practical experience with these techniques for inner
energy systems, billions of men and women will once again discover that they have the ability to live for a long time. The most
evolved men may choose to live in their physical form for centuries or until the Tao calls them to serve on a different plane of
Figura 1.1 Massaging the abdomen is a healthy exercise that anyone can do.
It is encouraging to aspire to these brave physical and spiritual works, not so much for the sake of ancient legends and fantasies
as for actual achievements. These achievements are achieved using the initial and advanced energy techniques that were used
and transmitted a long time ago. By starting with the most fundamental techniques, you can begin to feel better and have more
positive energy. Learn to start each day smiling inwardly at your vital organs, and thanking them for keeping you alive. By
transforming your meditations and techniques into more complex alchemical methods, you will find that they result; then you
will be assured that if you follow the processes so carefully passed down from one generation of Taoists to the next, they will do
what the ancients said they would do.
This kind of inner work involves careful attention to all body/spirit systems. In addition to still and moving meditations, such as
Iron Shirt Chi Kung and Tai Chi Chi Kung, it is advisable to learn Chi Nei Tsang. You will be able to more accurately
determine the extent of your spirit body system and learn to play with it to make it "sing." You will also be able to learn a highly
effective method to keep your system in good condition for a long time. Chi Nei Tsang is the best maintenance system known
and the only one "that uses hands."
It remains to be seen whether any of us will live as long as the legendary elders. Many people would rather like to know how to
feel better right now, next day, or next month. They would like to live their assigned average lifespan (60-80 years) in good
health. So when preparing and meditating for a long life, our own experience and that of the disciples allow us to easily handle
such an everyday concern and receive the same advice from 5,000 years ago. If you want to feel better, massaging your
abdomen is a healthy exercise that anyone can do (Figure 1.1). If you stopped reading here, this advice would be enough to keep
it in good condition for a long time. Now you can begin the journey to the umbilical center.
Figura 1.2 The microcosm and the macrocosm: the inner universe and the outer universe
Taoists always tried to understand what was happening inside the body by comparing it to what was happening outside in
nature. They always managed to find exact equivalents. The laws of Nature were identical at all levels and in every situation.
When they found an exact affinity between the body's internal system and a system in the universe, they had a union of energy
they could depend on.
The paired parts of these systems were known as the macrocosm (large, the universe) and microcosm (small, the human being).
In fact, they deduced the following: "Everything is big out there and small in here. I will bring it here where my consciousness
is, I will make it small, I will dominate it in miniature and then I will project it outwards." To understand the beginning of the
universe and one's existence, Taoists decided to examine their individual birth and the proximity of the birth process to the
umbilical center. Then they made the comparisons.
They stated that the beginning of human life must be similar to the beginning of the life of the universe. If you understand your
body, you will understand the entire universe. Why should they be wrong? The birth of a human being is no less spectacular or
important than the birth of the universe. A birth is a birth. The laws of Nature are the same for everyone; births and conceptions.
The microcosm is the reflection of the macrocosm. The inner universe is equal to the outer universe (Figure 1.2)
The One is the supreme unity, the primordial energy of the Cosmos. The famous Tai Chi symbol represents this force in which
Yin and Yang are in perfect balance, still united. It is possible to imagine it about to explode and create the entire world. The
Yin and Yang separated and became Two. Yin and Yang created three elemental forces called the Three Pure Ones. The Three
Pure Ones created the Five Elemental Energy Phases of the Universe. These Five Forces (often called the Five Elements) were
powerful enough to give rise to "all the thousands of beings", that is, all known forms of Nature and the Universe, including
you. (Figure 1.3). The energy born from Wu Chi created the main energy forces that sustain the life of man. They are. the
Universal Energy, the Human Plane or Energy of the Cosmic Particle and the Earthly Energy. These forces act together in
harmony to sustain all existence (Figure 1.4)
Figure 1.3 The creation of Tai Chi, the Five Phases of Energy and the Solar System
The first force of nature is the Universal Force, which is also called Celestial Energy. It manifests as the energy of stars, planets
and galaxies. This immense, all-pervading force nourishes the mind, soul and spirit of each individual and everything in the
universe. The organs of the human body are the essence of the energies of the stars and planets and also the meeting points of
the microcosm with the macrocosm (Figure 1.5).
The Universal Force is concentrated on our planet due to the unique relationship between the Earth and its satellite, the Moon.
The combined forces of the Earth and the Moon create a very strong magnetic power that attracts the energy of the stars in our
galaxy. This force spirals down and imparts energy to your body/mind/spirit (Figure 1.6).
Although many people found it difficult to accept the concept that the stars and planets influence our energy systems, we are all
aware of the power of the sun. If the Sun became extinct, life on Earth would cease.
If you disdain your strength, you are likely to have a very bad sunburn at the end of the day. The Sun is a star, the personal star
of our planetary system. Many human beings, especially women, also perceive the influence of the Moon. Since the other stars
and planets are so far away, most men are not aware that they also project their vital energy towards us. Much of Taoist science
and technique is concerned with accessing and cultivating these additional radiated energies.
Figure 1.4: The Energy born from Wu Chi created the Universal Energy, the Energy of the Human Plane (Cosmic Particle) and the Earthly
They sustain everything that exists.
The Energy of the Human Plane or Cosmic Particle is the second force of nature. Cosmic particles are part of the Original
Energy that circulates in space. The smallest particles are those of light. Other particles are remains of stars that have exploded
and reached the end of their life cycle and float in space in the form of very tiny particles. As the incredible magnetic power
created by the Earth and the Moon attracts many of these particles, they float in the Earth's atmosphere like dust and eventually
become mulch.
One of the Taoist beliefs is that human flesh is formed by falling cosmic dust from the universe. As a sublime manifestation of
the Force of the Cosmic Particle, human beings aspire its energy to nourish their organs, glands and senses. During meditation
you can collect this force easily.
Figure 1.5: The organs are the essence of planetary and stellar energies and the meeting points of the microcosm with the macrocosm.
Earthly Energy is the third force of nature. This Yin energy spirals up from the Earth (Figure 1.6) and mixes with the Universal
Yang Energy. The Earthly and Cosmic Particle Forces form the body structure and the Universal Force, the soul and spirit that
impart energy to the physical body.
Chi energy (sometimes written Qi, Ki or Ch'i) is the life force, cosmic breath or invisible essential force that permeates and
nourishes everything under the Sun, as well as the Sun itself. It is possible to conceive it as an electromagnetic force. In human
beings this energy cannot be seen in its smallest unit, but it can be felt; Its influence on the body is perceptible. Chi energy flows
within the human body through interconnected conduits called channels and activates all bodily functions. In general, Chi
energy is collected through the prenatal energy of the parents, breathing and eating. (Food is also transformed into this invisible
force.) Those who have learned the practices of the Healing Tao know that they can concentrate to draw Chi energy into their
eyes, hair, the tips of their fingers, toes, perineum and the entire surface of the skin.
The characteristics of Chi energy continually transform from a wave force to a particle force; They go from having a frequency
to being matter. Chi energy is matter and energy that rotates, condenses and expands endlessly.
Figure 1.6: The Universal Force descends from the heavens and the Earthly Force ascends from the Earth
Among many other things, Chi energy governs thought and intention. He does whatever I ask him to and goes wherever I want.
Its purpose is, above all, to be available to help engender life and love. As a CNT practitioner you must know how to produce
and circulate Chi energy through the body. You help ensure that your circulation is powerful and smooth.
If Chi energy is not regulated and balanced, it loses control and therefore causes bodily harm. If Chi energy cannot circulate and
becomes clogged or becomes too hot, too cold, or too weak, a person can become seriously ill.
The practice of CNT allows Chi energy to flow and find its balance. Healthy Chi energy is that which flows properly.
Detrimental Chi energy is that which is stagnant. Life is movement; death, inactivity. Life is change and spontaneity; death,
immobility and rigidity.
In a state of full health and harmony, the body can examine and regulate Chi energy on its own. CNT tries to adapt the body and
Chi energy to any circumstance.
Like gold and diamonds, Chi energy has various kinds, from the unique and ethereal to the common; This is transformed into
matter. Another type of Chi energy flows out of the body's channels throughout its surface to defend it from disease. The
subtlest Chi energy nourishes both the most delicate bodily systems and the spirit. The body is made up of a thick mixture of
Universal Chi energy (Yang) and Earthly Chi energy (Yin).
Figure 1.7: The human being is the balance of the Universal and Earthly Forces
There are several manifestations of Chi energy. The most valuable is the Chi energy that accumulates during pregnancy inside
the uterus. This is the Original, Prenatal Chi or Ching energy that is inherited from the parents. All Healing Tao exercises
encourage the conservation of this type of Chi energy because it is so nutritious. It is the Original Force.
Taoists believe that when a woman and a man come together to produce a child, all the essences of their bodies are condensed
into the sperm (Yang) and the egg (yin). The orgasmic forces generated during the sexual union of the sperm and the egg have
the power to attract and unite the Earthly, Universal and Human Plane Energies (Cosmic Particle). Taoists refer to this process
as the Meeting of Heaven and Earth.
When united, these forces attract higher forces. These forces create the amorphous Prenatal Force that resembles the Tao. Every
new life begins with a "dropper" full of Prenatal Tao Energy. All these forces come together to form the first part of the Original
Chi energy of the embryo. The formation of the human body is a reflection of the creation of the Universe. At first there is
nothing; Then, the human being begins to grow from the union of a cell from the mother and a cell from the father. This is an
image of Tai Chi, the Great Primordial Origin. This cell generates two main forces, Yin and Yang, which in turn generate three
energy centers.
These three energy centers form the Five Phases of Chi energy and the five pairs of organ systems whose energies extend
throughout the body and create all the thousands of parts (Figure 1.8).
From conception to the beginning of life at birth, Original Chi energy remains the vital impetus. As a primary force, it continues
to be a dynamo generating Yin and Yang energy in harmony. If carefully preserved and cultivated, Taoists maintain that it
confers eternal power over oneself.
The Umbilical Center of the body constitutes the core of the Original Chi energy. All functions of the body/mind/spirit revolve
around the Umbilical Energy Center. It is the power generator, the "battery" or "power supply". Stores and transforms the most
powerful energy. Taoists know this region by several names, including Ocean of Chi Energy, Sea of Energy, Cauldron, Lower
Tan Tien, and Umbilical Center. The Umbilical Center is the center of operations of the body and spirit, the main region that
will be first concerned and cared for in Chi Nei Tsang. Later he will take care of other centers.
Although the exact position of the Umbilical Center may vary for each person, in general it is located in a central area behind
the navel and in front of the point between the second and third lumbar vertebrae. Sometimes it may be about two or three
centimeters below the navel. If a physical body were dissected, the Tan Tien would not be found. It is in what Taoists call the
etheric body, so the location in the physical body is approximate.
Figure 1.9: Energy enters the human fetus through the navel and circulates in the Microcosmic Orbit and harmonizes the Yin and Yang energies.
The Tan Tien is considered to be the center of the body. It is the place where Chi energy is generated and stored. It is also
known as the "Medicinal Field", as it has the healing power of the Original Chi energy or Prenatal Energy accumulated there. In
Chi Nei Tsang, the energy generated in this center is used to help the body function normally. For Taoist spiritual practice, the
Tan Tien is the main laboratory and center of inner alchemy.
The Lower Tan Tien is one of the three "cauldrons" (energy centers) of the body that transform energetic frequencies. The
Middle Tan Tien is located in the solar/cardiac plexus and the High Tan Tien in the brain center. The importance of the Tan
Tien or Umbilical Center comes from its role in the growth of the embryo.
After conception the embryo begins to divide immediately and soon attaches to the wall of the uterus. The umbilical cord
through which the fetus is fed grows. The point where the umbilical cord is attached to the baby is the navel. While the fetus is
still in the mother's womb, the energy enters the navel through the umbilical cord. It then circulates through the left kidney, then
through the right kidney, descends to the sexual center and the perineum and ascends the spine to the head. It then goes down
the tongue and returns to the navel. This course of circulation constitutes the Microcosmic Orbit that harmonizes the Yin and
Yang energy of the fetus (Figure 1.9).
The fetus is nourished by umbilical energy and eliminates waste through the navel. After birth, as the child grows, the body
continues to send toxins to the umbilical area. Chi Nei Tsang has several techniques to make toxins leave the umbilical area and
the body. The Umbilical Center balances all forces and is the center of physical gravity. The body moves around this center
when sitting, standing, or practicing Tai Chi.
The Umbilical Center transforms the Earthly, Universal and Human Plane Energies (Cosmic Particle) into vital energy
beneficial for the body. Taoists consider the navel as the place to transform, store and receive external forces. In this region
there should be no congestion or tension so that the energy can circulate in and out without difficulties (Figure 1.10). The
importance of the umbilical region cannot be overstated.
The Umbilical Center is the place where the body, mind and spirit come together. It is the powerful Chi Energy Center of the
body (Figure 1.11). If there are any problems with the energy of the Center, such as tangles, knots, blockages or stagnation, it is
likely that there is not enough energy to fully feed the organs and their energy systems.
All the practices of the Tao, the Microcosmic Orbit, the Tai Chi Kung, the Chi Kung of the Iron Shirt and the advanced
practices, always end up bringing the energy back to the umbilical region. Energy is collected through practices and exercises
and stored in its reservoir, the Original Center. By keeping the body filled with Chi energy and unobstructed, the energy can
flow easily and vigorously, ensuring good health, rejuvenation and longevity.
After having cleansed the toxins and emotional tensions that stagnate and congest the blood and Chi energy, the Chi Nei Tsang
method revitalizes the energy of the Umbilical Center. Knots, tangles, lumps, fibroids, fat, lumps and tumors form, crowd and
accumulate in the abdomen, preventing the free and invigorating circulation of energy from the body's generator. After having
cleansed the area and injected it with Cosmic, Universal and Earthly Energy, nature takes charge of renewing and reviving it.
Once energy can flow and impart energy through your channels and vessels, the body/spirit is on the path of self-healing.
When you give the body/spirit free space to collect and circulate the three energies, it means that you have taken a great step
towards the development of the immortal body/spirit. The Universal, Terrestrial and Human Plane Energies (Cosmic Particle)
are immortal. They have existed since the beginning of time. The more energies you manage to receive and integrate, the more
you will resemble them.
These energies are sent to the Umbilical Center where they are mixed, "cooked", used to produce an elixir and circulated as
combined energy throughout the body. The natural generation of these energies stimulates the formation of white blood cells
and T leukocytes that constitute the foundation of the immune system. These cells defend the body from diseases and strengthen
its health for a long life.
The mixture of immortal energies has the power to form new cells and tissues and to replace toxic cells and tissues. Although
this type of cellular restitution is possible, it requires constant work because the health of new cells deteriorates all the time. If
practiced regularly, the Healing Tao method will allow you to collect and store enough energy to meet the daily needs of cells
and tissues. You will be able to satisfy your needs and still have energy left over. With these additional energies you can begin
to slowly build a new body/spirit made up of immortal energies.
Figure 1.10: The umbilical center collects and transforms the universal, earthly and human plane Forces (Cosmic Particle) into vital force.
It must be free of emotional and environmental toxins so that energy can circulate in and out.
The channels (often called meridians or courses) form an energy distribution network that connects and integrates all parts of the
body (Figure 1.12). Attached internally to the organs, the channels flow to the surface of the body and connect the limbs with
the sensory organs. Chi energy circulates through the channels. Chi Nei Tsang works to provide adequate energy to the organs
and their systems.
Figure 1.11: The umbilical center is the place where you can unite the body, mind and spirit. Its importance cannot be overstated.
Figure 1.12: The meridians of the torso are part of the network of energy-conducting channels
Figure 1.13: The Functional Channel (black dots – Yin) and the Guiding Channel (flaming balls – Yang) help absorb and circulate all three
fundamental energies .
Figure 1.14: The course of the Left Impulsive Canal
Figure 1.15: The course of the Middle Impulse Channel
Figure 1.17: The three Driving Channels. Chi energy circulates up or down.
Figure 1.18: The Circumambulation Channel surrounds the body and provides Chi energy to the entire surface.
A cross section of the umbilical region shows that the Ring Canal connects all the vertical canals. At the front of the body, the
Circumambulation Channel connects to the Functional Channel. As you move to the left, you connect with the Left Impulsive
Canal. At the back it connects with the Rector Canal. The right wing connects with the Right Impulsive Canal. Returning to the
front, you close the circle (Figures 1.19, 1.20 and 1.21).
The energy flowing through the Ring Canal moves clockwise or counterclockwise. On the other hand, the vertical channels
(Drivers and Microcosmic) are also linked to each other. Chi energy circulates up, down, in circles, left and right, forward or
Figure 1.19: The bypass and impeller channels in the navel. These energy channels extend throughout the body and are
related to each other through energy bridges that allow it to circulate in various directions.
Although Western medicine does not recognize the Triple Warmer, Taoists believe
which has Yang characteristics and consists of three parts. The upper part includes the head, heart and lungs. The central part
includes the digestive system. The lower part encompasses the kidneys, lower intestines and reproductive system (Figure 1.22).
The Chinese believe that the Triple Warmer also has to do with the hypothalamus, the part of the brain that controls fundamental
vital functions including appetite, temperature. body and fluid balance. The CNT "tunes up" the Triple Heater by harmonizing
the three parts and thus keeping it in good condition.
The Triple Heater is the thermostat, air conditioner and body warmer for the energy that circulates through it. When the heart is
overheated, the Triple Warmer carries energy through the Middle Warmer to the lower region of the loin. There, the hot energy
cools and circulates back to the heart where it helps cool it. The descending heat prevents the lower cold energies from
becoming too cold.
All of these channels combined form the body's energy network that is very well connected to send energy where it is needed. It
is very important that the abdominal area is free so that the pure energy of the energy center can circulate at all times without
difficulties (Figure 1.24).
The Umbilical Center is the door between the physical body and the energy body. All energy channels that form and support the
physical body leave this area and return there. You can feel it and experience it. The Tan Tien is the Ocean of the Royal Elixir
(the Original Chi energy, source of bodily virtues). Original Chi energy heals the human body and restores its original integrity.
The water of the cosmic maternal womb that flows into the body through the door of the Umbilical Center restores health and
purity and compensates the cells. If blockages form in the passages, this wonderful energy cannot pass through. The Chi Nei
Tsang massage clears the way to restore your energy.
Figure 1.24: The umbilical center and the energy network. This center provides energy to the body/mind/spirit through the vertical channels and
"The Five Elements are more activities than elements. The sages who invented science recognized five main classes of natural
processes whose interactions somewhat resemble the interactions of wood, fire, earth, metal, and water, although the affinity is
more allegorical than real. They understood that the functioning of nature depends on a system of delicate balances between
processes that can help or hinder each other depending on the relative strength of each in a given situation. Having devoted
much of their time to the serene contemplation of nature, they observed these sometimes opposing forces in action and learned
to predict the outcome of these conflicts or even to manipulate that outcome within certain narrow limits, such as when we
divert the course of water. of a stream. Mastery of the science of the five elements conferred a degree of foreboding equivalent
to divination and the power to divert the course of nature in ways that must often have seemed spectacular to the layman.”
creative, constructive, progressive, conciliatory and willing to work with others.
The negative emotional qualities of the Wood phase are anger, violence or ambitious plans devised without knowing what they
are doing. One tends to be opportunistic, short-tempered, hot-tempered, loud, strict, oppressed, boisterous, stubborn, pedantic,
formalistic, competitive and hostile.
The idea that anger affects the liver is recognized in the English language in the word "liverish" which means irascible, short-
tempered and choleric.
Many of the recovered alcoholics who for years poisoned the liver (since the liver absorbs toxins) manage to understand and are
ashamed, once sober, of how violent and angry they were. They feel grateful and surprised when they discover that when they
stop drinking they are very tender and solicitous of the feelings of others and are often overcome by many spontaneous gestures
of human generosity.
There is a word in the English and French languages that indicates that at some point Westerners were aware of the potential
negative emotional content of the spleen and the damage that its negative qualities could cause: worry and anxiety. The words
are splenetic and spleneitique respectively. Webster's Dictionary defines the word Splenetic as "hot-tempered, irritable, bad-
tempered, spiteful, irascible."
Chi energy from the air is mixed in the lungs with Chi energy from food and Prenatal Chi energy to produce blood and two
types of refined Chi energy: nourishing and defending. These types of Chi energy combine with Prenatal Chi energy stored in
the kidneys.
Nourishing Chi energy is what works in the body most intensely.
It circulates through the blood and channels of the entire system. When you feel that you are full of energy or that you need a
sudden burst of energy, you draw on the reserve of nourishing Chi energy. In abundant amounts, this Chi energy warms the feet
and hands, moisturizes the skin, and grows lush hair.
The lungs also control the skin, pores and perspiration and bring into play the defending Chi energy. This travels from the lungs
to the superficial fascia. It lives in epithelial cells and those found below the surface of the skin. The Taoists, by perfecting the
Iron Shirt and the Golden Bell, two legendary forms of kung fu, managed to master the development of defensive Chi energy.
They were able to crowd the fasciae and concentrate the Chi energy on the surface to become invincible and absorb a punch or
deflect a knife blow.
Maintaining an abundant amount of defensive Chi energy is beneficial for you as it protects you from external germs and viruses
that want to invade the body, for example winds, humidity, flu, tuberculosis and others.
Likewise, in both the East and the West the skin is known as "the third lung", as it helps eliminate carbon dioxide. In the Taoist
Bone Marrow breathing exercises you learn to draw in Chi energy directly through the pores of the skin.
The beneficial Metal Chi energy, like the autumn air, helps to experience calm and fresh sensations and moods.
Serious and sober is the energy of fixed gaze and heroic determination. This is the energy we must draw on to make a decision
regarding a contradiction and resolve it. The energy of Metal fills us with courage, purity, righteousness, firmness, desire to
share generosity and forgiveness.
The negative qualities of Metal are hypocrisy, sorrow, sadness, depression, dishonesty, affectation, confusion, instability,
irresponsibility, meanness, jealousy and resentment.
The Five Phases of Energy Chart (Figure 1.26) presents the qualities and relationships of Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal and Water.
Study and refer to it often and learn to distinguish the differences.
NOTE: This is the first part of the book “Chi Nei Tsang”, which we will continue editing in future installments.
Mantak and Maneewan Chia
(Part II)
from the Universe to be effective. This is the time it takes for the Earth to revolve around the Sun (Figure 2.1). However, with
the practice of the Circulation of the Chi energy of the Cosmic Particle and the exercises with the Trees you can accelerate the
process of absorption and transformation of energy without overheating the system or causing a problem of cosmic energy
indigestion; This way you can use it right away.
5. Energy transformation
While it cannot destroy energy, it can transform it. When healing another person, Chi Nei Tsang techniques help you locate the
problem and increase the energy level; That is, it helps that person transform their energy. You light the fire, but it is the disciple
who must maintain it and not allow it to go out. If you teach your disciples the Inner Smile, the Six Healing Sounds, and the
Microcosmic Orbit, these techniques, along with the practice of CNT, will help them transform unhealthy negative energy into
healthy life energy.
Figure 2.1: In general, it takes a person a year to absorb enough Energy from the Universe to be a good healer. Meditation can greatly speed up
the absorption process.
B. Prepare Physically
As you prepare the strong, healthy body needed to practice CNT, keep in mind that energy flows to where it is needed. If your
energy level is lower than that of your disciples, their energy will flow towards you and they will become weaker. When
highlighting physical preparation, it is important to know that tendons, muscles, fascia, channel systems and bones absorb power
that can be channeled to another person.
2. Tai Chi
By practicing Tai Chi you will learn to move your body as a single unit using Chi energy instead of muscles. You will be able to
increase inner strength by circulating energy through the channels, muscles, tendons, bones and 26
fascias. This ability is very important in the CNT to protect, store and channel energy. The Tai Chi Chi Kung of the Healing
Tao, very easy to learn, is a light but effective way to obtain these results.
4. The diet
Whether or not you know cooking according to the theory of the Five Phases of Energy, you will find it very interesting because
it is very new. Culinary artists who incorporate the theory of the Five Phases of Energy (the Five Elements) into their cooking
using the products and foods of their countries or regions are creating exciting trends at a rapid pace.
The Five Elements theory of cooking, which permeates much of the world of Chinese cuisine, is fulfilled in several famous
restaurants. In reality, their culinary rules are part of every Asian culture. Asian cooks compensate food in five ways, separating
food according to five flavors, five colors, heat, cold and PH level. The foods are then combined and prepared exquisitely. The
stomach, spleen, and saliva separate food and distribute it to the organs according to taste and color. Each color and flavor
provides energy to its own set of organs. Each organ accepts only the energy that nature designed for it.
a. A balanced diet
A balanced diet is one that provides each organ with its own kind of energy. The energy of each organ also provides primary
energy to certain body systems. To nourish the various systems of the body you must organize your meals. Thus, a balanced diet
has equal parts of the following five flavors and colors:
The liver and gallbladder like green, acidic foods. This food feeds the nerves.
The heart and small intestine like bitter flavors and red food. This food nourishes the heart and blood vessels.
The spleen , pancreas and stomach like sweet food that feeds the muscles. This does not mean that sugar or sweeteners have to
be added, but rather it refers to sweet foods in their natural state.
The lungs and large intestine like spicy and light-colored foods. This food nourishes the skin.
The kidneys and bladder like dark-colored and salty food.
This food nourishes the bones. This does not mean that salt has to be added, but rather refers to salty foods in their natural state.
Although foods also have thermal properties (hot and cold) and Yin/Yang that are important to know to balance them, many
macrobiotic diets are incomplete as they only compensate for foods according to Yin and Yang without taking into account the
theory of the Five Phases. of Energy.
Figure 2.2: The Energies of the Universe and the Earth combine in saliva.
C. Prepare Yourself Emotionally: Fusion Practices
To practice CNT, in addition to a healthy and strong body, you need to work from a clean emotional base. You can't help anyone
if you are filled with negative emotional energy. You must have balanced emotions if you are going to touch someone,
especially if you hope to help balance that person's emotions. The Five Element Fusion exercises will allow you to cleanse
negative emotional energy and transform it into positive emotional energy. This is a very powerful and effective meditation and
formulation. It is a technique to balance emotions. By practicing the Fusion I exercise you will learn how the Five Phases of
Energies and related organs influence each other. This technique teaches you to build an internal system of turbines,
transformers and vortexes to purify emotions. If you know how to use this system, you can operate it while massaging a person
and any negative or unhealthy energy trying to invade their body can be immediately neutralized. The Fusion II exercise teaches
other methods of harvesting the pure energy of the five organs. This exercise will allow you to increase the amount of positive
energy. If you must transmit positive energy to a disciple, this exercise will provide you with reserves to draw on to recharge
your energy again. Fusion II and III exercises also open and widen channels throughout the body. The idea is, in part, to clear
congestion in your energy passageways so that you can transmit energy to your disciples through these channels.
Figure 2.3: Start the inner smile by imagining a radiantly smiling face in front of you.
4. Smile at all the organs (lungs, liver, pancreas, spleen, kidneys and sexual organs)
Figure 2.5: The Functional and Governing channels and the stations of the Microcosmic Orbit
AND. Perform Healing Hands Meditation
The more awareness you have of your own energy sources, the more energy you will receive from them. According to the
wisdom of the ancient Taoists, the energy that comes from meditation is superior to the energy that comes from food. The
Healing Hands Meditation will help you develop and strengthen the energy of your hands and fingers. Your hands will become
sensitive to the energy of the abdomen and organs of you and your disciples. You will find it to be very useful.
Figure 2.6: Temple the navel and feel the heat diffuse from the body.
Figure 2.7: Absorb the violet light of the North Star, the red light of the Big Dipper, the golden light of the Human Plane, and the blue force of
the Earth.
NOTE: Those who do not know the practice of Fusion of the Healing Tao System can replace this exercise to eliminate
undesirable emotional energy with the Microcosmic Orbit meditation.
c. Circulate the energy through the Microcosmic Orbit faster and faster until it expands outside the body.
d. Feel the energy expanding outward from the navel as you visualize the sun shining in that area. Feel how the energy
permeates the aura with a warm and pleasant sensation (Figure 2.6).
e. Become aware of the North Star and the Big Dipper above you and absorb their respective violet and red lights, the golden
light of the Cosmic Particles, and the blue force of the Earth at the navel (Figure 2.7).
f. When you feel that the aura has expanded, keep a distance of at least sixty square feet from other people. If other people's
auras are stronger than yours at the moment, they are likely to squeeze you and make you feel uncomfortable. After intensely
feeling the external forces, proceed to the next meditation.
Figure 2.8: Fix your eyes on the middle
of the palms.
Figure 2.9: Expand the hand aura with
your mind and eyes.
Figure 2.12: Bring your hands together until the fingertips almost touch and let the energy flow from one hand to the other.
Figure 2.13: Slowly separate your hands while feeling the connection of Chi energy.
You may see a ball of Chi or colored energy between your palms out of the corner of your eyes (Figure 2.10).
c. Become aware of your fingers. Feel how they beat. Absorb the Cosmic Chi energy through the right palm with the mind and
eyes. Bring the Chi energy from the palm and fingers of the right hand to the palm and fingers of the left hand. Repeat this point
nine times (Figure 2.11).
d. Then, bring the fingers of both hands together until they are almost touching: thumb to thumb, index finger to index finger,
etc. You feel something like electrical sparks going from one fingertip to the other (Figure 2.12). Some people experience pain,
swelling, or simply an extension of the buds.
e. Gradually separate your hands but in such a way that the Chi energy connection does not decrease or break (Figure 2.13). If
this occurs, stop moving your hands and send more energy with your mind to reestablish the connection. Spread your hands nine
to eighteen times apart.
This exercise will increase your sensitivity to energy and your ability to heal. Transforming the Forces of the Universe and the
Cosmic Particle for immediate use will prevent your life force from draining away. This energy can be warm and pleasant.
Figure 2.14: Focus on the index finger of your right hand and let the aura grow.
Figure 2.15: Concentrate on the middle finger of the right hand and let the aura grow.
Figure 2.16: Grow the aura of the thumb of the right hand.
c. Then, grow the aura of the big finger, thumb, ring finger and little finger (Figures 2.15, 2.16, 2.17 and 2.18).
d. Choose the main finger(s) to heal by observing and feeling which one(s) best allows you to absorb the energy inside the
body and take it out. To choose, compare the length of each finger's aura based on the intensity of a tingling or any method that
is comfortable for you.
Don't forget the fingers you don't choose; keep practicing with them too.
Figure 2.21: Choose the finger on the left hand with the most powerful energy. Join your thumb with your chosen finger and place your left hand
in your lap. Bend and bring your little finger and ring finger together with the thumb of your right hand. Keep your other fingers extended.
e. Bend the little finger and ring finger of your right hand and press them against the pad of your thumb to form a circle again.
Keep your index and middle fingers straight (Figure 2.21).
f. Form these circles and absorb the external Force of the Cosmic Particle through the fingers of the left hand with the mind and
eyes. Take it up the left hand, the outside of the left arm and shoulder, the back of the left ear to the crown of the head. Unite this
energy with the Universal Force that enters through the crown of the head. Then, bring the combined energy downward starting
from the right ear, right shoulder, outside of the right arm and right hand to the index and middle fingers. Exhale it through these
fingers and absorb it again through the extended fingers of the right hand. Continue this exercise for nine, 18, or 36 cycles
(Figure 2.22).
Figure 2.23: Absorb the energies of Heaven and Earth. Choose a Personal Star and imagine it above your head. Visualize the Energy of the
Moon and Earth beneath your feet. Breathe in the energies and combine them in the Umbilical Center.
c. This union can occur in different places (in the navel, the heart, in the middle of the eyebrow) and at different times
depending on the quality of energy needed for a given task. The navel is the best place for beginners.
d. Then, circulate this combined energy through your Microcosmic Orbit three times (Figure 2.24).
e. Bring the energy into the right arm channel (Figure 2.25).
Keep the loop and flow.
1, Up through the
Microcosmic Orbit
Figure 2.25: Bring the energy from the Microcosmic Orbit to the right arm channel.
T Men collect the energy in the navel and rotate it 36 times clockwise and then 24 times counterclockwise.
8. Women collect the energy in the navel and spin it 36 times counterclockwise and then 24 times counterclockwise.
2. Healing with love from the heart center
When people come to you for healing, you should wish them well with all your heart. Give them your love, generosity and
sincerity and you will feel your heart opening. The healing force of the Universe will pour out on you and other people
Learning Iron Shirt Chi Kung is very important as it is the exercise that will allow you to ground yourself when working with a
It will help you ground your own energy and the unhealthy energy of your disciple.
You will also learn to feel the generosity, softness and sincerity of the Earth Force and to transmit this force to your disciple.
Giving healing energy keeps the heart channels open and both the practitioner and the disciple benefit. Practice the Microcosmic
Orbit circulation and concentrate on the point behind the heart and feel how it connects with the heart center in the anterior part;
so you can open your heart.
Feel how the back and front are connected like a funnel. Once the heart has opened, it will be very easy for you to receive the
energy of the Universe. Opening the Microcosmic Orbit is very important because in this way the energy can circulate, balance,
recycle and transform. The Healing Tao meditation exercises will allow you to connect with the Heavenly Force above and the
Earthly Force below. Combine them into a powerful healing force, a force you can use to heal yourself and others.
1. Exhale the energy through the crown of your head about three meters upward.
2. Circle it down the front.
3. Absorb Cosmic energy.
4. Take it almost a meter into the ground.
5. Absorb the energy of the Earth through the soles of your feet and take it towards the Microcosmic Orbit.
6. Do this exercise 18 or 36 times using the bead.
1. Exhale the energy through the soles of your feet three meters into the earth.
2. Bring it up front from the front.
3. Absorb energy through the eyebrow.
4. Absorb the energy through the crown of your head.
5. Do this exercise 18 to 36 times using the bead.
Figure 2.28: Absorbing Yin energy to compensate for Yang energy. Do the steps in Figure 2.27 in reverse.
Trees and all plants have the ability to absorb light energy and transform it into food; In fact, they depend on light for almost all
of their nutrition while water and soil minerals make up about 30 percent of their nutritional intake. They have a very long life.
a. Absorb Chi Yin energy with your palms to offset Yang energy (Figure 2.29)
The best time of day to practice with a tree is during the morning until noon.
1) Assume a posture. Stand or sit two or three meters in front of the tree.
2) Hug a tree. Relax and focus. Feel your boundaries blur. Allow yourself to be more perceptive and somewhat vulnerable,
ready to communicate with the tree. Feel how your energy field opens like a flower without emitting or absorbing energy, it just
opens and is available (Figure 2.30).
3) Welcome. Extend your arms and expose the palms of your hands to the tree. Extend your energy toward the tree in a friendly
“offering” attitude.
When the tree responds by extending its energy towards you, accept it, breathe in to take it into the body with a "welcome"
attitude. Use your mind and eyes as follows: With the bottom of your eyes, focus on the tip of your nose. With the top of your
eyes, look at the palms and the tree.
Let your intuition guide you as you respond to the tree again with another “offering” gesture. Make several of these exchanges.
Take time and feel what happens.
Absorb the Chi energy with the left palm, mind and the top of the eyes.
Figure 2.29: Practice with a tree to absorb the tree's energy and then return it. Yin Cycle: with the palms and the inside of the arms.
Yang Cycle: with the fingertips and the outside of the arms.
4) Parallel Reading. Remain centered on yourself, neither approaching nor retreating, and notice the subtle relationship
between you and the tree. Use contemplative concentration to become absorbed in your connection to the tree without actively
trying to change or analyze what is happening. Do not try to deepen or diminish the communion. Control your own energy and
observe the tree while it controls its energy and observes you. This is known as Parallel Reading. This neutral state can occur
several times during a session at deep and not so deep levels of intimacy.
5) Attract and stay together. Let the energy field between you and the tree intensify, thicken and contract to bring you closer
and hold you together. There may or may not be physical movement. The feeling is that the two are wrapped in a cocoon of
energy while exposing their hearts more and more to the other. Finally, they embrace each other in an intimate embrace.
This approach often happens spontaneously as the giving and welcoming intensifies into circularity and sharing or as this
circularity and sharing deepens.
6) Guide Chi energy. As with all Healing Tao practices, you need to train your sight and mind to move and guide Chi energy.
This will also help you exercise to recognize and be aware of the quality of the tree's energy. Feel the energy of the tree as it
enters the body. When you send it to the tree, combine it with the Energy of the Human Plane (Cosmic Particle). Feel how the
energy returning to you from the tree has improved: it is fresh and healing. Also note how the power quality changes after nine,
18, 24 and 36 cycles.
Move the upper part of the eyes to guide the Chi energy slowly along the inside (Y in side) of the left arm to make it rise
through the left shoulder, the left side of the neck, the left ear to the crown of the head. From here, bring the Chi energy down
the right side to the back of the right ear, the right side of the neck, the right shoulder, the inside of the right arm to the palm of
the right hand. Project Chi energy outward, make it enter the tree trunk. Absorb it once again in a circle (the Yin Energy Circle):
36 cycles for men and 24 cycles for women.
b) As you do this, much of the shared energy will enter your body, so "push back" the tree energy stream to prevent it from
entering, while allowing your human energy to return.
c) Then, when his polarities are reversed, let the energy of the tree return to him but keep his conscious energy within the body.
d) After a few exchanges, the tree will understand your intention and begin to cooperate. In a few minutes you will be
completely back in your body and ready for closure.
e) To get rid of a powerful circulation pattern, gradually focus your attention on the umbilical region, the place where you end
the meditation. As energy builds up there, let any excess energy flow into the tree.
f) If the tree attempts to provide you with energy from another point, reject this flow as described above.
g) Eventually the scheme will cease and you will be able to share the energy with the tree at the chosen point. Now you can
separate the energy that belongs to you from that of the tree, to complete the retreat.
h) When communion with the tree is very intense, you may have to “go too far away” to withdraw all at once. Instead, after
partially breathing in and retaining, continue to circulate and share but not as intensely. Little by little, after repeating these steps
several times, you will completely return to yourself.
9) Closing. Always end with a closing. Closing is a precise and somewhat abrupt gesture that breaks the connection, secures
any healing that has taken place, and imparts a feeling of goodwill, all in a second or two. Closing can be a movement, a sound,
or simply a change in the subtle energy field, such as clapping your hands or nodding your head. A gentle upward arcing fist
movement ending with a slight downward punch is very effective. The "Ah" and "Amen" sounds used to end prayers are also
examples of closing gestures, such as a firm handshake or a small squeeze at the end of a hug.
In addition to these closing gestures, wave goodbye or give the trunk a quick kiss to finish the closing.
Sections 7), 8) and 9) are used to intensify, lighten and finish the exercises explained below and can be used at any time to finish
communication with the chosen tree.
b. Absorb Yang energy with your fingers to offset Yin energy (Figure 2.29 )
1) Stand about two or three meters in front of the tree. Approach the tree slowly and gently. Feel the energy field around you
become thick as honey
2) Stretch your arms toward the tree with your palms facing the trunk and your fingers extended.
3) The closer it is comfortably to the tree, the less "honey" separates it from the bright energies found in its heart.
4) Likewise, its radiance is revealed to the tree.
5) At the same time, the honey-like energy surrounding her acts as a protective cocoon and her awareness of the outside world
6) When he reaches the tree and wraps it in a big hug, the radiant energies of both come together and it is likely that for a few
moments he will lose himself in the bliss of the union.
7) After making contact in this way, you may need to sit still for a while until the other, deeper connections between you and
the tree become stable and simpler. You will soon find yourself in the parallel reading state described above, from which you
will circulate and share energy.
8) Feel the energy of the tree first. When you feel the Chi energy of the tree, focus on the tip of your nose with your mind,
sight, and the bottom of your eyes. The top of the eyes look towards the fingertips and the tree.
9) Absorb the Chi energy with the fingers of the left hand, the mind and the top of the eyes.
10) Gradually move the top of your eyes to guide the Chi energy up the outside (Yang side) of the left arm, left shoulder, left
side of the neck, left ear, and crown of the head. Bring the energy down the right side starting from the back of the right ear, the
right side of the neck, the right shoulder and the outside of the right arm to the palm and fingers of the right hand. Project the
energy outward from the fingers, combine it with the Cosmic Particle Energy and guide it into the trunk. Absorb it again in a
circle. Men repeat the cycle 36 times; women, 24 times (See Figure 2.30).
11) If you wish to end the experience now or later, follow the instructions in section a), points 7), 8) and 9) to intensify, lighten
and finally break your connection with the tree.
The Yang Energy Circle will help you become more sensitive to acute and more superficial pain, as well as the energy of the
Yang organs (small and large intestines, gallbladder, bladder and stomach).
c. Absorb the Chi energy of the tree with your palms: the Yin side
1) Sit or stand about two or three meters in front of a tree.
2) Extend your arms toward the tree with your palms facing the trunk (Figure 2.31).
3) Feel the energy of the tree first. When you feel the Chi energy of the tree, absorb it with your mind, eyes and palms through
the latter.
Bring the Chi energy up the inside (Yin sides) of both arms to the shoulders, both sides of the neck, the left and right ears, and
the crown of the head. From the crown of the head bring the energy down the Functional Channel to the middle of the eyebrow,
the throat, the heart, the solar plexus, the navel and the cauldron behind the navel.
4) Continue bringing the energy down from the cauldron to the perineum, the soles of the feet, and then approximately ten feet
into the ground.
5) Bring the energy up to the roots of the tree, then into the trunk. Feel your energy flowing through the tree, then emerging
from the trunk and entering your palm. Repeat cycle nine, 18, 24 or 36 times.
6) Practice sending your energy down the trunk from the palm of the right hand, through the tree, to the palm of the left hand
and from the left palm, through the tree, to the right palm. Men should practice for 36 cycles ; women for 24. It is very important
that you feel how your energy penetrates the tree.
7) Try to distinguish the different parts of the tree. Start at the top of the trunk. Send your energy into the tree and feel it
Slowly kneel down to practice with your lower torso. Then practice with the roots. Feel and exchange the force with the tree.
Figure 2.31: Absorb the Chi energy of the tree with your palms and send it to the roots about three meters into the earth.
d. Absorb the Chi energy of the tree through the crown of your head
1) Stand about two or three meters in front of a tree with your arms at your sides. Feel the aura of the tree (Figure 2.32). If you
don't feel it, you can get a little closer.
2) When you feel the aura of the tree, absorb the energy through the crown of your head. The balanced energy of the tree is
gentle and has a very powerful healing effect.
3) Absorb the energy of the tree through the crown of your head and let it circulate down the Impulsive Channels or Functional
Channel to the perineum and then to both feet. Exhale the energy through the soles of your feet into the earth.
Bring the energy from the soil to the roots and then up the trunk.
4) Feel how you absorb the Energy of the Earth and that of the tree (Figure 2.33) and how they purify your energy and
eliminate unhealthy or negative energy.
When you feel it welling up from the trunk, absorb the Energy of the Human Plane (Cosmic Particle) and return the energy to
the crown of the head. You will feel the combined energies nourishing the brain, glands and organs. Repeat the process nine, 18
or 36 times.
Figure 2.33: Absorb the Chi energy of the tree and the Energy of the Earth through the crown of the head.
3) During this process you can stand at a certain distance from the tree (between three and ten meters). As you progress in this
practice you will be able to project your energy towards the tree with ease from a greater distance.
Allow the tree to absorb sick or negative energy. The energy that returns to you will be in balance.
4) Allow your energy to flow down the trunk until it reaches the roots and enters the earth (Figure 2.34). Let the Earth Energy
purify your own energy. Absorb this combined energy through the soles of the feet, up to the perineum, and then up through the
Impelling Channels or through the Ruling Channel that runs along the spine. Allow the energy to flow up to the crown of your
head and project it outward once again. Repeat the process nine, eighteen or thirty-six times.
The more times the procedure is repeated, the more the energy will be refined or increased. You will notice that the Drive
Channels and Microcosmic Orbit become clearer and brighter. Once you have established a good connection with the tree, you
can send your sick energy towards the tree from a distance, to refine your own energy or improve your state of health.
Figure 2.34: Absorb Earth Force. Circulate it through the tree after emitting it from the crown.
Figure 2.35: Meditate sitting under a tree. Absorb the energy of the tree through the stations (points) of the Microcosmic Orbit.
Fall season
White color
Emotions: Negative = Grief, Sadness, Depression
Positive = Courage, Moral Fortitude
Sound: SSSSSSSS (the tongue behind the teeth)
1) Position: Sitting with your back straight and the backs of your hands resting on your thighs. Smile into your lungs. Inhale
deeply and raise your arms in front of you. When your hands are at eye level, begin to rotate them, raising them above your head
palms up, pushing outward. The fingers should point towards those of the other hand. Keep your elbows bent to the sides. Don't
stretch your arms.
2) Sound: Close your jaws so that your teeth gently touch and separate your lips slightly. Inhale looking up, eyes wide open,
and push your palms upward while exhaling slowly through your teeth making the sound "SSSSSSSS." At first you can produce
the Lung Sound out loud, but gradually you should practice it sub vocally (vocalizing it so quietly that only you can hear its
sound). Feel and imagine the excessive heat, sick energy, sadness, grief, depression and pain expelled as the membranes
surrounding the lungs compress. Exhale gently and completely.
3) Rest and Focus: Resting is very important because during rest you can communicate with your inner self and your inner
system. When you have exhaled all the air, slowly turn your palms down with your shoulders, and return them to your lap,
palms up. Close your eyes and pay attention to your lungs.
Smile at them and imagine that atm is producing the Sound of the Lungs. Breathe normally and visualize your lungs turning
bright white. This will strengthen your lungs and attract the Universal Energy related to them. With each inhalation try to feel
the exchange of fresh and renewed energy replacing excessively hot energy.
Repeat it six, nine, twelve or twenty-four times. Practice it more frequently to relieve sadness, depression, colds, flu, toothaches,
asthma and emphysema.
1) Position: Sit with legs together, knees and ankles in contact. Pay attention to your kidneys and smile at them. Take a deep
breath, lean forward, and firmly interlace your fingers around your knees. Stretch your arms wide from the lower back. (This
will allow your back to protrude into the kidney area.)
Simultaneously tilt your head up with your gaze straight ahead and maintain the tension that your arms exert on your lower
back. Feel your spine tense.
2) Sound: Round your lips and gently exhale the sound "UUUUUUUUUUUUUU" as if blowing a fire. At the same time
contract the abdomen, pushing it towards the kidneys. Imagine that excess heat, fear, and damp, sickly energies are pressed and
expelled from the surrounding fascia.
3) Rest and focus: After you have exhaled deeply, sit up straight with your legs apart and place your hands on your thighs with
your palms facing up. Close your eyes, breathe in, and be aware of them. Imagine the bright blue color of kidneys. Smile at them
while imagining that you are still making the Kidney Sound. Repeat the above steps three, six, twelve or twenty-four times.
Practice it more frequently to relieve fear, fatigue, dizziness, blocked ears, or back pain.
1) Position: Sit in a comfortable, upright position. Become aware of your liver and smile at it. When you feel that you have
made contact with the liver, extend your arms out to your sides with your palms facing up. Inhale deeply as you raise your arms
to your sides above your head, following this movement with your eyes. Interlace your fingers and turn your joined hands so
that your palms are facing the ceiling.
Extend your wrists and arms outward from your shoulders. Lean slightly to the left, putting gentle pressure on the liver.
2) Sound: Open your eyes wide, as they are the openings of the liver. Exhale subvocally, very gently, the sound
Visualize excess heat and anger being expelled from the liver as the membranes surrounding it are compressed.
3) Rest and concentrate. After you have exhaled deeply, separate your hands, turning your palms downward, and slowly lower
your arms to your sides, guiding them with the back of your hand. Rest your hands on your thighs with your palms facing up.
Smile at your liver. Close your eyes, breathe into the liver and imagine that you are still making the Liver Sound. Repeat three,
six, twelve or twenty-four times. Practice it more frequently to relieve anger, red or irritated eyes, to eliminate sour or bitter
tastes and to detoxify the liver.
1) Position: Pay attention to the heart and smile at it. Inhale deeply and assume the same position as for the Liver Sound.
However, unlike the other exercise, you will need to lean slightly to the right to lightly pull against your heart, which is located
exactly to the left of the center of your chest. Focus your attention on the heart and feel the connection of the tongue with it.
2) Sound: Open your mouth, round your lips and slowly exhale the sound "HAAAAAAAAA" in a sub vocal form. Imagine the
cavity around your heart expelling heat, impatience, haste, arrogance, and cruelty.
3) Rest and focus: After you have exhaled, smile at your heart and imagine its bright red color. Repeat the above steps three to
twenty-four times. Practice it more frequently to relieve sore throat, swollen gums or tongue, irritability, bad mood, and heart
1) Position: Pay attention to the spleen and smile at it. Inhale deeply while placing the fingers of both hands just under the
breastbone on the left side. Press with your fingertips while pushing out with your belly.
2) Sound: Direct your gaze upward and press lightly with the tips of your fingers on the left area of the solar plexus, while
exhaling sub-vocally the sound "GUUUUUUUUUUU". It is a more guttural sound, from the back of the throat, than the Kidney
Sound. Unlike when we blow on a fire, this sound originates from deep in the throat, not in the mouth. You can perceive how
the Sound of the Spleen makes the vocal cords vibrate. How your worries fade away as equanimity and honesty emerge.
3) Rest and focus: After you have exhaled deeply, close your eyes, place your hands on your thighs with your palms facing up,
and focus the energy of your smile on your spleen, pancreas, and stomach. Inhale into these organs while visualizing the bright
yellow color they have.
Repeat the mentioned steps between three and twenty-four times. Practice it more frequently to eliminate indigestion, nausea or
1) Position: Lie on your back with your arms relaxed at your sides with your palms facing up and keep your eyes closed. Inhale
deeply into the other cavities: the chest, solar plexus and lower abdomen.
2) Sound: Exhale the "HIIIIIIIIII" sub vowel sound, first depressing the chest, then the solar plexus and finally the lower
abdomen. Imagine a large roller pressing outward on your aura as it moves from your head to your genital area.
3) Rest and focus: After you have exhaled deeply, focus on your entire body. Repeat the mentioned steps three to six times.
Practice it more frequently to relieve insomnia or stress.
Ways to Transform Stress into Vitality.
1. Aeration
Because tension causes high unhealthy and emotionally negative energies to condense in the chest, the heart often becomes
clogged. Some believe that prolonged negative emotions, such as hatred, impatience and arrogance, directly affect heart
conditions, or may be one of the main causes of heart attacks. To protect yourself, you can activate your heart. This procedure
will push negative feelings towards the heart and
unhealthy energy, and from there you must aerate or aerate this energy, eliminating it from the heart and body.
Figure 2.36: Airing Unhealthy Energy and Negative Emotions from the Heart to the Soles of the Feet.
2. Ventilation
a. The purpose of ventilation
When negative emotions are causing discomfort in the organs, Ventilation is another possible practice to remove unwanted
energy. For example, fear located in the kidneys can be vented to change the color of its energy from misty blue to bright blue.
Anger produces a hazy hue in the color of the liver that can be transformed from misty green to bright light green.
2) Place your feet parallel to each other and raise your toes pointing upward. Focus your attention on the area about 10
centimeters surrounding the big toes. Feel the tips of the big toes and then the tips of all the other toes.
Figure 2.38: Ventilating unhealthy energy from the organs to the lower abdomen and toes.
3) If you have unhealthy energy that is affecting an organ, study Figure 2.37 to determine which fingers or toes correspond to
the organ where the unhealthy energy is located to extract and eliminate that energy from the body. For example, if you have a
heart problem, you can Focus on the little fingers. Feel the gray, hazy energy coming out through those fingers.
4) Practice the Triple Warmer Sound (HIIIIIIIII) descending toward the navel, perineum, and toes (Figures 2.38 and 2.39).
With the sound "HIIIIIIIIII" perceive the sound vibration in the tips of the fingers and toes leaving the body.
5) Feel how gradually unhealthy emotional energy, a dark, misty, cold or icy vaporous emanation, emerges from your fingers
and toes.
6) Visualize it becoming clearer and brighter. Continue to gaze at the point between your big toes, watching as more unhealthy
energy and negative emotions emerge.
7) Focus your awareness on the liver and watch it turn bright green.
8) Focus your awareness on the gallbladder and pancreas and see them glow bright yellow.
9) Focus your perception on the lungs and see them radiating with white light.
10) Focus your awareness on the heart and see it open bright red.
11) Focus your awareness on the kidneys, watching them radiate a bright blue light.