Ayar Brothers Legend
Ayar Brothers Legend
Ayar Brothers Legend
secondary school has the honor of representing the founding of the Inca Empire.
NARRATOR (Madeline): A long time ago, the God Ticci Viracocha (maker of the world) sent his
most powerful children in search of fertile lands to grow corn, his most precious product so that
he could share c with all men on earth.
Thus, six leagues from Cusco, in the Tambotoco area of Pacaritambo, on a hill called Pumaorqo,
there were three windows or caves. From the central “capac toco” (rich window) came our
ancestors: the four Ayar Brothers. Each of them, like their wives, had special powers and abilities
to begin the great mission.
The first couple was made up of Mama Cora and Ayar Cachi.
AYAR CACHI (Jordan): I am the most dominant and bellicose of Viracocha's children, and I
have the strength of lightning.
MAMA CORA (Hasly): I have the gift of keeping and passing on the secrets of medicinal plants
that my father bequeathed to me.
NARRATOR (Madeline): The second couple was Mama Rahua and Ayar Uchu
AYAR UCHU (Jesus): I am mystical and religious, I can also communicate with Viracocha
through wind, earth, fire and water.
MAMA RAHUA (Ariana): I am a demigoddess, happy and most industrious of the four sisters, I
can make music with my tinya, I knit and I keep the memory and story of my father Viracocha in
each textile.
NARRATOR (Madeline): The third couple was Mama Huaco and Ayar Auca.
AYAR AUCA (Andrés): I am Manco Capac's right arm, and I have a strong connection with the
ancestral spirits.
MAMA HUACO (Katherine): I am a warrior, beautiful and strong; I carry an aybinto (kind of
wave) and with a single blow I can cause large landslides.
NARRATOR (Madeline): Closing the group was the eldest of the Ayars and the one with the
most authority, Ayar Manco and his wife Mama Ocllo.
AYAR MANCO (Juan): I am the most astute, wise and a great strategist. I have with me a falcon
called Indi, whom everyone revered and feared.
MAMA OCLLO (Kiara): I have the tenderness of a mother, at the same time with my gaze I can
captivate any beast. I am in charge of preserving families.
NARRATOR (Madeline): It is said that the God Wiracocha gave a golden rod to Ayar Manco,
which would determine the land where they would grow corn and begin their journey.
The Ayar brothers left Tambotoco carrying their weapons with them. They had Mama Guaco and
Ayar Manco as leaders. After a few hours they arrived at Guanacancha, where they settled for a
time in an attempt to search for fertile land. They also grew some seeds that Mama Ocllo brought
with her from Tambotoco, but that land was not very good for corn and they continued.
The brothers did not take long to get rid of Ayar Cachi, and the following happened:
AYAR CACHI (Jordan): How proud I am of my power and strength, so much so that I can
demolish a hill and form a ravine.
NARRATOR (Madeline): One of the brothers, for fear of his magical powers, because with a
single shot from his sling he could demolish hills or cause ravines to appear. With tricks they
convinced him to return to Pacaritambo.
AYAR AUCA (Andrés): Ayar cachi returns to Pacaritambo (the cave where they were born), and
brought the napa (insignia) of lords, and some gold vessels (Topacusi) that we have forgotten.
NARRATOR (Madeline): They followed him and once Ayar Cachi entered the cave, they closed
it with a stone and he was trapped there forever.
AYAR CACHI (Jordan): Brothers, please get me out of here, Saaaaaqueeeennnnmeeeeeee!
NARRATOR (Madeline): Ayar Cachi's screams were screams so energetic that they managed to
shake the earth, open the mountains and shake the heavens.
The brothers, upon hearing the noise that Ayar Cachi caused with his screams, began to cry and
lament, thinking about whether they had done the right thing. However, they continued with the
They arrived at an area where Guanacauri was located (now Wanakaure Hill). From there you
could see the entire Cusco valley. At the top of this hill there was a huaca that resembled a
person turned into stone.
AYAR UCHU (Jesus) : Brothers, look at the image there, I'm going to go see what it is about (He
runs towards the image), when you are close to the image you say: Brothers, I can't move.
MANCO CAPAC (Juan): Ayar Uchu your feet have turned into stone.
MAMA OCLLO (Kiara): Brother, what's happening to you.
NARRATOR (Madeline): Ayar Uchu was converted into a huaca or sacred stone, where a
temple would be built in honor of that brother. From that moment Guanacauri would be the
Pacarina of Cusco.
The brothers continued on their way, mourning the losses of Ayar Uchu and Ayar Cachi. They
arrived at a place called Matagua (at the foot of Guanacauri). They stayed here for a while, made
some huts and grew some of the seeds.
MAMA HUACO (Katherine): Brothers, I will take two rods and throw them towards the north.
(throws the sticks)
NARRATOR (Madeline): The first stick arrived towards the place called Colcabamba, but it could
not be stuck because it was very hard ground and the second arrived closer to the city of Cusco,
to the sector called Guaynapata, where it was buried gently.
Manco Cápac was able to see from Matagua a stone that delimited the possession of other
towns settled in Cusco, where the Convent of Santo Domingo is currently located.
MANCO CAPAC (Juan): Ayar Auca, brother, go settle the place indicated by the rod
NARRATOR (Madeline): Fulfilling his brother's order, Ayar Auca flew to that place, because he
had grown wings.
AYAR AUCA (Andrés): He runs and runs, extending his arms pretending that he is flying.
NARRATOR (Madeline): But when he stepped on the ground he turned into stone.
AYAR AUCA (Andrés): When you step on the ground you remain motionless like a stone.
NARRATOR (Madeline): According to Andean beliefs, stones were indicators of the way space
was owned. Thus, Ayar Auca, in lithic form, was the first to occupy the chosen site, so long
Although turned into stone, Ayar Auca retained the ability to communicate with his brother and
ordered Ayar Manco to call himself, from then on, Manco Cápac.
AYAR AUCA (Andrés): Ayar Manco, brother, from now on you will be called Manco Cápac.
NARRATOR (Madeline): The brothers decide to continue on their way to Cusco. Arriving at the
Gualla valley (today the Kayra and Guallapampa farm) they saw a group of residents from that
area coming towards them.
Mama Huaco took a haybinto, boleadora, a braided leather weapon with stones at the ends, and
spinning it in the air she wounded one of the guallas, ancient inhabitants of Acamama. Then he
opened his chest and took out his lungs and blew strongly into them. The ferocity of Mama
Huaco terrified the Guallas who abandoned the town, giving way to the Incas.
MAMA HUACO (Katherine): You put together your haybinto and make the gesture that you do
to a gualla, you open his chest and take out his lungs and blow on him.
NARRATOR (Madeline): Mama Huaco was the prototype of a manly and warrior woman, in
opposition to Mama Ocllo, Manco Cápac's second partner; He did the job of a brave captain and
led armies. This masculine characteristic was explained in Aymara with the word huaco, which in
that language represents a manly woman who is not intimidated by the cold or intense work, and
who has a free spirit.
MAMA HUACO (Katherine): You look at the audience and make gestures like a strong woman,
a warrior and a fighter.
NARRATOR (Madeline): The story goes that the Ayar brothers' journey lasted many years and
that they were the ones who founded a great civilization. When they arrived in Cusco they had
good corn seeds and when they were planted they grew. This is how the Inca empire was
It is not interesting to know if the events were true or mythical, the important thing is to analyze
the social structure that the legend suggests. The important thing is to rescue the figure of
women by taking an active part in the conquest of Cusco, fighting alongside men and leading an