Administration of The Nursery Services

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26 DE MARZO DE 2023


Administración y docencia

Norma Leticia Coronado Ponce

[Company name]
[Company address]

Introduction ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 4

Unit l

1.1 Hospital ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… .


1.1.1 Concept………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ….. 5

1.1.2 Objectives ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

….. 5

1.1.3 Functions………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …. 6

1.1.4 Classification……………………………………………………………………………………………………………….……… ..

1.1.5 Hospital departmentalization ………………………………………………………………………………….……….. 9

1.2 Services with which the nursing department is related ………………………………………. 13

1.2.1 Concept………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …13

1.2.2 Objective ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

….. 14

1.2.3 Internal organization ……………………………………………………………………………………………………. 15

1.2.4 General functions ………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 17

1.2.5 Characteristics……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 18

1.2.6 Functions of nursing staff by category ………………………………………………….……… 19

Unit II

2.1 General stages of personnel administration …………………………………………………………….……… 23

2.2 Calculation and distribution of nursing staff ………………………………………………………….……. 27

2.3 Data and distribution of nursing personnel …………………………………………………………………….….. 29

2.4 Nurse-patient index ………………………………………………………………………………………………..…. 31

2.5 material calculation ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..


2.5.1 Definition………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… .. 35

2.5.2 Determination of material indices to perform a cure ………………………………… 35

2.5.3 Procedure for calculating material ………………………………………………………………………… 40

2.6 Calculation of bedding ………………………………………………………………………………………………………..….

2.7 Manuals………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. …43

2.7.1 Concept………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… .. 43

2.7.2 Due to its scope ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………


2.7.3 Due to its content………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 47

2.7.4 General requirements of a manual ………………………………………………………………………………….. 48

2.7.5 Advantages of manuals ……………………………………………………………………………………………………….


2.7.6 Phases to prepare a manual ………………………………………………………………………………………… 49

Unit lll

3.1 Human resources …………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 52

3.1.1 Concept………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 52

3.1.2 Characteristics of human resources ………………………………………………………………………… 52

3.2 Techniques applied in personnel management ……………………………………………………………………….


3.3 Job analysis ………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 58

3.4 Job description ……………………………………………………………………………………………………… 59

3.5 General stages of personnel admission …………………………………………………………………….. 60

3.6 Recruitment …………………………………………………………………………………………….………………….. 61

3.7 Selection ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. .62

3.8 Hiring ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………... 64

3.8.1 Training and development ………………………………………………………………………………………….... 65

lV unit

4.1 Concept, characteristics and principles of supervision ……………………………………………………… 68

4.2 Supervision requirements ……………………………………………………………………………………………….. 70

4.3 Characteristics of a good supervisor ………………………………………………………………………………….... 72

4.4 Supervision techniques …………………………………………………………………………………………......... 73

4.5 Methods and means of supervision

……………………………………………………………………………………………. 73

4.6 Consulting ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

4.6.1 Types of advice ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 76

4.6.2 Characteristics, functions and advisory process ……………………………………………………………… 77

4.7 Difference between advice and supervision ……………………………………………………………………………….


4.8 Staff evaluation ……………………………………………………………………………………………..………. 79

4.8.1 Concept, characteristics and principles of evaluation ……………………………………………….….…... 79

4.9 Evaluation criteria ………………………………………………………………………………………………..……. 80

4.10 Advantages of evaluation ……………………………………………………………………………………………….. 81

4.11 Continuing education …………………………………………………………………………………………………… 82

conclusion ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 83

Bibliography …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 84


At first glance it might seem that administration and nursing are not disciplines that
have anything in common, and it might even be thought that once the work of the
nursing assistant is defined, nursing administration is unnecessary, but none of
these extremes are valid because although the Nursing is a profession that is
clearly defined in terms of its objectives and way of executing it, certainly the
administration cannot be separated from it, because with the application of a
minimum of administrative precepts the work of the nursing professional can be
made even more effective. Nursing.

When organizational models are proposed for an institution of the public national
health system, it is pertinent to start from the knowledge and particular
characteristics of both hospitals and primary care centers so that, before modifying
a management model and proposing alternative models, can carry out an
evaluation of the prevailing model that, for some political, social or quality issue,
does not have the expected results.

Service quality is measured based on the degree of conformity of the service

provided with the established quality standard. To evaluate, analyze and improve
the quality of the service, it is necessary to define the different stages that a client
goes through during the provision of the service, define their expectations and
translate them into quality standards, try to predict and prevent possible failures
and have the necessary resources that have been established as necessary


1.1 Hospital

1.1.1 Concept

Hospitals are currently health centers intended for the prevention (through
vaccination campaigns), diagnosis, treatment and, if possible, cure of physical
and/or mental illnesses, including the performance of surgical practices, also
including dental care. They have places of care in offices for outpatients and others
intended for hospitalization, either in general wards for patients who are not
serious, or in intensive care for those more risky cases. Intermediate therapy is a
previous step to enter the general ward, for that patient who was in intensive care,
and is recovering.

They can be public or state, as a service provided by the State financed by the
treasury coffers of each country, free of charge; or private and non-free capital.

1.1.2 Objectives

Establish a database capable of providing an integrated medical record of care

data to provide to patients and that is accessible to all duly authorized medical and
health professionals.

Possibility of communicating patient data from all administrative and clinical

services of the hospital.

Support all healthcare provider functions, including order entry, procedure
reporting, etc., and communicate individual patient data to healthcare

Establish and maintain files for hospital administrative and digestion functions,
including personnel applications, resources, programs, registration, etc.

Helps in quality assessment, accreditation and regulatory requirements, support for

educational research.

Among the main objectives in a hospital are:


1. Produce efficient and effective health services that meet the quality standards
established for this purpose.

2. Provide the health services that the population requires and can offer according
to its development and available resources.

3. Guarantee social and financial profitability through adequate management


4. Offer Health Promotion Entities and other natural or legal persons that demand
them, services and service packages at competitive rates in the market.

5. Satisfy the requirements of the environment, continually adapting its services

and operation.

6. Guarantee the citizen and community participation mechanisms established by

the Law and regulations.

1.1.3 Functions

The hospital, as a health organization, directs its actions to sick people. It also
includes health promotion and protection activities.

The dictionary defines hospital as: “center for shelter and treatment of the sick.”
According to the WHO, a hospital is an “integral part of an organization.” medical
and social institution, whose mission is to provide the population with medical and
health care, both curative and preventive.

Hospital actions were not always directed toward medical care; At first they were
lodging centers for travelers; During the colonial era in Mexico, they also served as

Hospital functions . The main ones are: prevention, cure, rehabilitation, teaching
and research. They are explained immediately.

-Prevention. It covers disease detection, early diagnosis, timely treatment and

disease-specific protection. Programs for health control, environmental sanitation,
monitoring of child and adolescent growth, disease control, nutrition, prevention of
physical disability, health education and occupational hygiene are included.

-Healing. It consists of providing medical treatment and the provision of a

healthcare service if necessary. It basically consists of early diagnosis, timely
treatment and emergency care.

-Rehabilitation. It seeks to reintegrate the patient into their family and social
environment, limiting as much as possible the damage and consequences caused
by their illness.

-Teaching. The hospital is the ideal means of confrontation between theory and
practice in the area of health, which is why it facilitates the training of professionals
in various disciplines} It includes health education for patients, the staff themselves
and, according to specific programs , projects educational actions to the
community in its areas of influence.

-Investigation. It consists of developing innovative and creative thinking, based on

scientific methodology. The aim is to increase medical knowledge in the provision
of quality service.

1.1.4 Classification

Hospital classification

These health establishments are formed to meet public needs efficiently. Likewise,
doctors, nurses, and specialists, among others, are present according to the need
and complexity of the hospital complex.

This classification is according to the resources and care capacity of a hospital:

First level hospital

At this level, the population is served for the prevention of diseases, general
medicine, in addition to having less complex devices.

Generally, they are called sanatoriums, dispensaries or outpatient clinics, and they
serve needs such as dentistry, general consultations, gynecology, medium-sized
emergency care, laboratories, as well as non-complex births.

Likewise, it is in charge of the prevention of diseases, as well as the education of

the population to prevent them, therefore, it is in charge of the comprehensive
health of the population and its recovery.

In a first-level hospital, the presence is necessary for its correct functioning:

-A healing room.

-General medicine doctors.

-Some specialists.

Second level hospital

The level of complexity is medium, some will be specialists and are prepared to
attend to any specific emergency, such as cesarean sections of medium
complexity, among other not so serious complications that require non-complex

It should be noted that this second level is also in charge of responding to natural
disasters with the necessary promptness.

tertiary hospital

At this level, referrals from other levels for some type of rehabilitation are received,
or referrals from other institutions where it cannot be attended due to its high
complexity or lack of instruments necessary for the patient's recovery. Extremely
prompt and attentive surgical interventions may be necessary.

It should be considered that this third level is also in charge of oncological units, x-
rays, echo sonography, tumor lesions, mammograms, among other serious
pathologies, for emergency care or long and rigorous treatments of extreme
importance for public health. .

Regarding the aforementioned, the hospital, being a refuge for the sick who need
to be treated to prevent diseases or cure them, whether they are emergencies or
not, are categorized depending on how large their structure is or the number of
specialists that a hospital has, likewise. It is important that hospital institutions are
also categorized not only by their staff but also by the equipment necessary for the
special care that every patient needs, whether emergency or preventive.

1.1.5 Hospital departmentalization

Hospital departmentalization is a consequence of the division of tasks and

horizontal specialization so that the departments of the sections located at the
same hierarchical level are responsibilities for their own specific activity.

Once positions have been divided by job specialization, they need to be grouped
so that common tasks are coordinated. The basis for grouping positions is called

One of the most popular ways to group activities is by the functions performed. A
manufacturing manager may want to organize a plant by separating engineering,
accounting, manufacturing, personnel, and supply professionals into common

Departmentalization by functions seeks to achieve economies of scale by placing
personnel with common skills and orientations in common units.

Positions are also departmentalized according to the type of product the

organization produces. The main advantage of this type of grouping is greater
responsibility for product performance, since all activities related to a specific item
are under the direction of a single manager. If an organization's activities were
related services rather than related products, each service would be grouped

Main types of departmentalization

By functions: It consists of the grouping of activities and tasks according to the

main functions developed within the company.

By products or services: All activities required to supply a product or service (even

if they are different) must be grouped in the same department.

By geographic location: Requires differentiation and grouping of activities

according to the location where the work will be performed, or with a market area
to be served by the company.

By clientele: involves the differentiation and grouping of activities according to the

type of people or persons for whom the work is performed. The characteristics of
the clients (such as sex, age, socioeconomic level, blood type, etc.).

By projects: It is a strategy used in large companies that produce products that

involve a great concentration of resources and a long time for their production.

The hierarchy of a hospital center

Each medical institution must be organized according to quality, efficiency and user
satisfaction, through management formulas and planning that it deems most

In Mexico, the regime that regulates the infrastructure, personnel and, in general,
the management of a hospital center changes depending on whether it is private or

public, or if it belongs to a state Ministry of Health or one of the social security
institutions. (such as the IMSS or the ISSSTE).

The above causes the organization charts to vary greatly depending on the type of
center, but in general the hierarchy is established as follows:

Managing Director

The director of Hospitals is the figure at the head of the structure and represents
the highest authority of the hospital. He is responsible for the harmonious
functioning of the institution and must induce all staff members to voluntarily give
their best.

The question of who should fill this position, whether a doctor or a business
administrator, has been widely debated without reaching universal agreement. The
important factor is that this person needs to be perfectly versed in hospital
management and for this it is important that they have a Master's Degree in Health
Management and Administration.

Tasks of the Hospital Director:

-Be responsible for all hospitals.

-Supervise each department to ensure the highest quality of care is provided to


-Ensure compliance with federal and state regulations.

-Make sustainable financial decisions in relation to general policies and strategies.

-Prepare annual reports on the activities carried out.

Medical address

Among the functions it performs are:

Supervise medical, nursing, case management, pharmacy and quality functions of

central health services.

Work with hospital team leaders to plan, implement and manage clinical

Develop population health management strategies and new strategic clinical


This division is, in turn, made up of all the medical specialties and services
provided by the institution: neonatology, maternity, nephrology, cardiology,
pediatrics, laboratory, pharmacy, radiology, etc.

Nursing Directorate

The Nursing Directorate is under the supervision of a director, who is responsible


Coordinate the work of the unit and the personnel that comprise it.

Evaluate the quality of the care tasks of the nursing staff.

Directorate of Management and General Services

This unit, also called the Administration Directorate, has to assume functions such

Direct and evaluate the performance of personnel and the activities they carry out
in this unit.

Provide all other divisions with the necessary administrative and technical support,
as well as the general services required to meet the objectives.

Areas such as:

-General Administrative Management.

-Human Resources.

-Management of the Economy, Budget and Financing of the Organization.

-Works and Maintenance.


-Internal Order.


In addition, depending on the affiliation and regulations of the hospital, some

management units may also be developed that report directly to the general
management, such as:

-Teaching and Training.


-Quality Monitoring and Evaluation.

-Consultive advice.

In the case of private hospitals, the concept is the same except for some very
specific points at the top, since the director responds to a board or to different

1.2 Services with which the nursing department is related

1.2.1 Concept

The concept of health service must understand what the wishes and needs of the
patients are, that is, put the needs of the patients at the center. By itself, a medical
diagnosis does not determine the health service to be provided because this
diagnosis exactly indicates a need for cure, improvement or rehabilitation.

In itself, this vision is not wrong, but it lacks different perspectives that are
necessary to obtain true success in our purpose. These other perspectives that
must be incorporated constitute different ways of relating to patients and induce the
incorporation of greater added value to the health-disease process. It is necessary,
therefore, to understand the concept of service since only then will we understand
what is demanded of us and what the strategic intentions that the healthcare
organization must adopt should be.

1.2.2 Objective

It is classified into two branches, general objective and specific objectives.

General objective:

Know the historical evolution, the functional field as well as the general
competencies of the case manager and/or liaison nurse in the field of primary care
and specialized care, including the competencies of the family nurse and that all of
this serves us well. guidance in the future practice of our nursing profession.

Specific objectives:

Assess the interaction of factors that put the health of the individual, family and
community at risk in specific sectors to design comprehensive programs aimed at
improving health.

Provide nursing care to the individual, family and social groups of low, medium and
high risk, based on human needs and responses, in the areas where the person
lives and goes to care for their health.

Design, execute and evaluate health education programs, aimed at individuals and
social groups, through learning strategies that promote the modification of habits
and lifestyles for health conservation and self-care.

Apply the nursing process based on the discipline's own theories.

Exercise leadership in decision-making in the field of nursing and, in coordination

with interdisciplinary work groups, participate in the planning of health services.

Use nursing research methodology as a knowledge tool to describe and explain

phenomena related to health care in the human life cycle.

In coordination with health and community institutions, promote social service

programs in which interns develop a practice committed to vulnerable groups.

Support nursing practice on ethical and philosophical principles, as well as the

legal bases of the profession. Increase the culture of nursing through personal
improvement and professional updating.

1.2.3 Internal organization

For the organizational phase to be meaningful for individuals, it must incorporate

verifiable objectives that give a clear idea of the functions and duties, with a line of
authority that guides compliance and clearly knows what must be done. The
structure of the nursing organization is designed and well defined to specify the
positions, obligations and responsibility of each member; This allows eliminating
obstacles, confusion and uncertainty in decision-making and communication that
support the objectives of the Institution and the nursing service itself.

Within the nursing organization, there are criteria to determine the positions and
positions that each medical unit needs, based on the specific functions performed,
the specialties of the services, the activities in a certain process of patient care,
and the type. of equipment or patient who is treated with it.

These aspects have been determining the complexity and continued permanence
of the services that must respond to the current needs of the population to be

To solve these requirements, the nursing service takes on a significant and

different characteristic, since to provide uninterrupted patient care, a considerable
number of workers are required to make up the staff; Due to its magnitude,
hierarchical levels need to be established within the nursing structure itself; in order
to provide the means for the control of these personnel at their different levels,
categories and shifts.

Emergencies or
Operating room
External and recovery

Special or
programs Equipment and
Pediatric adult
discharge room Intensive care rooms

Specialized Infectious-
services contagious
Hemodialysis patient units
Dialysis care units








The head of a nursing department is responsible for the care that the nurse
provides to patients, as well as for planning, organizing, integrating, directing and
evaluating the human and material resources assigned to fulfill their duties. For
this, it must use the organization and the hierarchical levels that jointly and
grouped include all the people who supervise the services, and in whose execution
it includes the participation of all the workers assigned to the service itself.

The graphic representation of a nursing service, in general, has a universal

character, and the specific characteristics are given for each country and in turn for
each institution; This is determined by a series of aspects that include the technical

structuring of the relationships that must exist between individual and departmental
hierarchies, functions and obligations.

1.2.4 General functions

Nursing functions or roles are those actions that can be performed in the workplace
thanks to the scientific method. The training of nurses is based on 4 functions.

These functions together achieve optimal performance of health services in the

nursing area, in addition to allowing staff to function in the area that best suits



− Participate in medical-surgical treatments and care for patients in specific cases.

− Receive and comply with medical instructions, as well as the administration of


− Perform and teach hygienic-dietary habits to patients and/or family members.

− Perform occupational, recreational and rehabilitative therapy for patients.

− Caring for patients according to established nursing procedures, according to the

assessment of the patient's general conditions.

− Participate in the transfer of patients to the service to which they are referred.

− Take and record vital signs and somatometry.

− Provide general care to the patient such as: changing bed linen, bathing,

auxiliary in food intake.

− Assist the doctor in the physical examination and different procedures.

− Perform shrouds and postmortem care.

− Care and management of electro-medical equipment.

− Care and handling of laboratory samples and/or specimens.

1.2.5 Features

Nursing encompasses autonomous and collaborative care provided to people of all

ages, families, groups and communities, sick or well, in all contexts, and includes
health promotion, disease prevention , and the care of the sick, disabled, and dying
people, in its curative and palliative aspect.


Provide service 365 days a year

Concentrate the personnel that represents the majority of the total.

Due to their functions, more nurses are required than any other type of health

Integrate actions to be provided to the patient.

1.2.6 Functions of nursing staff by categories

Nursing functions or roles are those actions that can be performed in the workplace
thanks to the scientific method. The training of nurses is based on 4 functions.

These functions together achieve optimal performance of health services in the

nursing area, in addition to allowing staff to function in the area that best suits

Nursing care function

Assistance activities are carried out in:

-In Primary Care

-In Specialized Care

-In the Emergency Services

-In extra-hospital/community care

These activities are among others:

-Be part of the multidisciplinary and intersectoral team that participates in the
comprehensive care of people, families and communities.

-Take care of the individual's health in a personalized, comprehensive and

continuous way, respecting their values, customs and beliefs.

-Participate in the preparation, analysis and discussion of the health situation of

their population, detecting vulnerable groups, risk factors and implementing actions
aimed at their reduction and/or elimination.

-Execute actions that provide solutions to health problems, identified in the Health
Situation Analysis.

-Participate in the epidemiological surveillance programs established by the SNS.

-Execute actions included in health programs that provide solutions to the

problems of your community.

-Carry out and control the Nursing Care process, as a scientific method of the

-Record in the medical history all available information about the problems
identified in individuals, the family and the community.

-Assess the information collected to carry out nursing actions, recording them in
the HC.

-Evaluate the responses of the individual, family or community to treatment and

nursing care, record them in the HC.

-Execute health promotion and promotion activities for individuals,

family and community.

-Train the individual and the family to assume responsible behaviors in caring for
their health.

-Act as an advisor and consultant on the health of individuals, families and

-Execute disease prevention and protection activities for individuals, families and
the community.

-Execute healing and palliative care activities for the individual.

-Execute rehabilitation and social reintegration activities for individuals and


-Execute nursing techniques and procedures within the scope of their competence.

-Apply techniques and procedures of alternative medicine in the area of their


-Carry out actions aimed at maintaining health surveillance and control of infectious
diseases in the population.

-Execute actions aimed at controlling the environment and achieving a healthy


-Plan and execute nursing actions in emergency and disaster situations.

-Promote intersectoral and multidisciplinary collaboration in the management of

health care for the population.

-Detect educational needs and develop health education programs, in search of

improving the quality of life.

-Train health brigades and volunteer groups for their participation in health

-Take care of the individual's health in a personalized, comprehensive and

continuous way, respecting their values, customs and beliefs.

-Carry out the Nursing Care process, as a scientific method of the profession.

-Record in the medical history all available information about the problems
identified in individuals, family and community.

-Assess the information collected in the HC to carry out nursing actions.

-Evaluate the responses of the individual, family or community to treatment and

nursing care, and also record them in the HC.

-Execute nursing actions in emergency and disaster situations.

-Participate in the epidemiological surveillance programs established by the SNS.

-Be part of the interdisciplinary and intersectoral team participating in the

comprehensive care of people, families and communities.

-Participate in the preparation, analysis and discussion of the health situation of its
population, detecting vulnerable groups, risk factors and implementing actions
aimed at their reduction and/or elimination. Execute actions that provide solutions
to health problems, identified in Analysis of the Health Situation.

-Execute actions included in health programs that provide solutions to the

problems of your community.

-Execute health promotion and promotion activities for individuals, family and

-Train the individual and the family to assume responsible behaviors in caring for
their health.

-Execute disease prevention and protection activities for individuals, families and
the community.

-Execute healing and palliative care activities for the individual.

-Execute rehabilitation and social reintegration activities for individuals and families

-Execute nursing techniques and procedures within the scope of their competence.

-Carry out actions aimed at maintaining health surveillance and control of infectious
diseases in the population.

-Apply techniques and procedures of alternative medicine in the area of their


-Execute actions aimed at controlling the environment and achieving a healthy

-Promote intersectoral and multidisciplinary collaboration in the management of

health care for the population.

-Train health brigades and volunteer groups for their participation in health

Teaching function

The activities of this function may include:

-Design, plan and participate in continuing education programs for nursing staff
and other health professionals.

-Plan, execute and control the teaching-learning process in the

training of nursing staff.

-Advise on educational planning at the municipal, provincial, national and

international level.

-Perform managerial and teaching functions in national and international university

and non-university courses and schools.

-Integrate the courts for granting and ratifying teaching status.

-Perform methodological functions in national and international teaching


-Coordinate courses, stays, internships, diplomas and master's degrees, both

national and international.

-Provide incidental teaching in the workplace.

-Participate in continuing education programs for nursing staff and other health

-Participate in the teaching-learning process in the training of nursing staff.

-Provide incidental teaching in the workplace

-Develop training activities for students located in your service taking into account
the composition of the Nursing Work Team.


Management of human and material resources of the hospital institution

2.1 General stages of personnel administration

Administrative process: Set of successive and interrelated phases or stages,

through which administration is carried out: it constitutes an integral process.

Stages of the administrative process:






Initial stage of the administrative process through which guidelines are established,
strategies are defined and alternatives and courses of action are selected, based
on general economic, social and political objectives and goals, taking into
consideration the availability of real resources and reference necessary to achieve
them. specific programs and actions in time and space.

Plans are specific actions proposed to help organize goals and are the result of the
planning process.

First stage of the administrative process that allows:

A. Determine the results you want to obtain

B. Determine the elements necessary for effective operation

C. Determine future conditions establish risk and minimize it

Types of plans

According to the time established for its completion

- Short term (equal to or less than 1 year)

- Immediate: up to 6 months
- Medium: more than 6 months and up to 1 year
- Medium term: 1 to 3 years
- Length: more than 3 years

Planning stages:

1. mission
2. Investigation
3. Vision
4. Goals
5. Policies
6. Strategies
7. Programs
8. Budgets


It is the establishment of roles, relationships, authorities and responsibility with the

objective of operating with the efficiency and effectiveness required to achieve the

Stages of organization

- Hierarchy
- Departmentalization
- Functions description
- synchrony
- Harmonization
- Interrelationship

Organization techniques

Organization charts: graphic representation of the formal structure of the

organization of the company or social group that shows the hierarchical levels,
interrelationships, obligations and authority within it.

Manuals: documents with detailed, oriented and systematic information on the

organization of the company or social group.

Flowcharts or procedure diagrams: graphic representation that shows the

succession of the steps that make up a procedure.

Work distribution letter: analysis of the positions that make up a department or

section to divide functions and improve the structure of work groups.

Job analysis: detailed classification of the tasks performed in a specific position or

work unit and the requirements that must be satisfied by the personnel who
perform it.


Guiding and supervising subordinates' efforts to achieve organizational goals.

Importance of direction

-Executes plans, influences employee morale and therefore also determines


-It is basic for achieving objectives, for implementing organizational methods and
for the effectiveness of control methods. Management establishes the
communication necessary for the social group to function.

-Determines the most desirable behaviors among members of the organization.

Stages of direction

Decision making: The decision varies in significance or connotation depending on

the situation at hand.

1. Define the problem

2. Analyze it
3. Identify and evaluate alternatives
4. Choose between the alternatives
5. Apply the decision

Interrogation: Interrogation is the function through which the company is provided

with the personnel and material resources suitable for the best development of

Motivation: move, drive, drive to action. Numerous factors or elements intervene in

people's motivation.

Communication: Process of transmitting and receiving information in a social



Verify whether everything occurs in accordance with the adopted plan, with the
instructions issued and with the established principles, in order to identify
weaknesses and errors in order to rectify them and prevent their repetition.

-Relationship with the plan: verify or guarantee the achievement of objectives

-Measurement: measure and quantify what is done, the results.

-Detection of deviations: identify and correct if there are differences between what
was planned and what was executed.

-Establish corrective measures: foresee and correct errors.

2.2 Calculation and distribution of nursing staff

The procedure to calculate the nursing staff needed in the services is carried out
with the following steps:

1.calculate the necessary hours of nursing care required for the service.

a) number of beds (c)

b) b) indicator (I)
c) formula X=CI


X: Hours needed

C: Number of beds

I: Indicator


How many hours of nursing care are necessary for a pediatric service with 20

X: 20, 20 is the number of beds, 5 is the indicator for the pediatric service.

Answer: Hours needed = 100

Calculate the nursing staff necessary for the service, taking into account the
following aspects;

A. Hours required to be covered by nursing staff (H)

B. Work day (J)
C. Formula X = H/J

Distribute the staff for a pediatric service with 20 beds in the different shifts.

-Morning: 40% = 5

-Evening: 30% = 4

-Night 30% = 4

Calculate substitute nursing staff

A. To cover vacations, 1 more for every 10 nurses in the service

B. To cover 6th and 7th days, 1 more nurse for every 6
C. In total 3 for substitutes

How many nurses are required for a pediatric service with 20 beds?

X= H/J

X= 100/8

X= 12.5

Answer= 13 nurses

Calculate personnel according to profile

-Personnel with professional profile

-Non-professional staff

For a pediatric service, 100% must be professional

2.3 data and distribution of nursing personnel

The calculation of nursing personnel is a mathematical operation whose purpose is

to determine the number of nurses required to provide a specific health service
with the human resources essential for its operation.


The 5 categories for nursing care that are accepted and applied for the supply of
personnel are:

1. Minimum care: convalescence, outpatient consultation, home care and clear

recovery. 1 to 2 hours
2. Partial care: hospitalization, not serious or delicate. 3 or 4 hours
3. Direct care: delicate patients, surgery, pediatric and premature patients. 5 to
6 hours
4. Intermediate intensive care: emergency patients, in need of resuscitation,
seriously ill patients, patients with complete treatments and in recovery. 7 to
8 hours

5. Intensive care: seriously ill patients in a complicated phase of treatment,
mid-postoperative patients and patients with tertiary care treatment. 10 to 24

Hospital services represent the types of medical specialty that are taken into
account to calculate nursing staff and the corresponding supply.


- Surgery: 4 hours of care

- Internal medicine and gynecology, as well as obstetrics: 3 hours of care
- Pediatrics: 5 hours of care
- Premature babies: 6 hours of care
- Intensive therapy: 10 hours of care
- Emergencies: 8 hours of attention

Indicators to calculate necessary nursing personnel according to the hospital


For central equipment and sterilization, one scrub nurse and one circulating nurse
are calculated per room.

In the hospital, surgical and expulsion room, one ward manager and eight nursing
assistants are calculated for a 100-bed hospital.

Indicators per working day

We also find indicators to schedule substitutions and breaks, which are indicated

Working day % of nurses in 24 hours

Morning 40
Evening 30
Night 30
Total 100

Substitution indicators

In recent decades, awareness has been raised about the evolution and
development of nursing; currently, the professional nursing service is regulated.

Vacation One more nurse per house 10 if you

have vacations in periods of 10 days
and 2 a year
6th and 7th day One more nurse for every 6 nurses

Indicators by profile and service

To calculate nursing staff in administrative functions, we have the following


Service % according to profile

Surgery, internal medicine, obstetrics 60% professional
and gynecology 40% non-professional
Pediatrics 80% professional
2% non-professional
Premature babies, intensive care, 100% professional
emergencies, chemical unit
Equipment and sterilization center 10% professional
90% unprofessional

Indicators for administrative staff

Position Number
Head of nurses 1
Deputy Chief of Nurses 1 day in hospitals with 100 beds
Supervisor 1 per day in hospitals for every 60 beds
Teaching 1 ppr every 100 beds
Head of services 1 per day and service

2.4 nurse-patient index

The most reliable background on the origin of nurse indicators –

patient who currently operate in the National Health System (SNS)

found in a shadow study carried out in a security institution

social in the 80's, by a group of nursing experts.

The study included the measurement of the time allocated to direct care of the

patients by the nursing staff and to establish the time of care

indirect invested in: shift links, material preparation activities

and equipment, medications, medical visit, updating of medical indications,

attendance at administrative or teaching meetings, among others.

Two pieces of data resulted from the measurement of these times: the nurse-
patient hour indicators and the constant applied in the formula for calculating
personnel, the latter representing the effective workday time used by the nursing
staff for direct care and the indirect activities carried out, regardless of the
contracted work day.

Medical specialties Standard

From To
Allergology and immunology 3.0 3.4
Cardiology 3.0 3.4
Dermatology 3.0 3.4
Endocrinology 3.0 3.4
Hematology 4.0 4.8
Infectology 4.0 4.8
Internal Medicine 4.0 4.8
Nephrology 3.0 4.8
Pneumology 3.0 3.4
Neurology 3.4 4.8

Oncology 3.4 4.0
psychiatry 3.4 4.0
Rheumatology 3.4 4.0
Gynecology 3.0 3.4
Obstetrics 3.0 3.4
Perinatology 8.9 12.0
Joint accommodation 3.4 4.0

Nurse-patient hours in 24 hours

Surgical specialties Standard

From To
Head and neck surgery 3.0 3.4
Cardiovascular surgery 4.0 4.8
General Surgery 3.4 4.0
Plastic and reconstructive surgery 3.0 3.8
Gastrosurgery 3.4 4.8
Neurosurgery 3.4 4.0
Ophthalmosurgery 3.0 3.4
Otorhinolaryngology 3.0 3.8
Oncosurgery 4.0 4.8
Traumatology and orthopedics 4.0 4.8
Proctology 3.4 4.0
Urology 3.4 4.0
Peripheral vascular (angiology) 3.4 4.0
Gynecology 3.0 3.4
Obstetrics 3.0 3.4
Perinatology 8.0 12.0

Pediatric medical surgical specialties Standard

From To

Cardiology 4.5 4.8
intensive care 8.0 12.0
Physiological nursery 3.0 3.4
Gastroenterology 4.0 4.8
Hematology 4.0 4.8
Infectology 4.0 4.8
Nephrology 4.5 4.8
Neonatology 8.0 12.0
Pneumology 4.0 4.8
Neurology 4.0 4.8
Neurosurgery 4.0 4.8
Ophthalmology 3.4 4.0
Oncology 4.5 4.8
Otorhinolaryngology 3.4 3.8
Pediatrics 4.0 4.8
Premature 5.0 8.0
psychiatry 4.0 4.8
Traumatology and orthopedics 4.0 4.8
Urology 4.0 4.8

Nurse-patient hours by area

Surgical area Standard

Equipment and 1 AE for 40 beds 1 AE for 30 beds
sterilization center 1 EG per 100 beds 1 EG for 80 beds
Ambulatory surgery 1 AE for 6 beds and 1 AE for 6 beds
1 EG for 15 beds 1 EG for 10 beds
Hemodynamics 1 EG per room 2 EG per room
interventional radiology 1 AE per turn 2 AE per turn
Recovery 1 EG for 8 stretchers 1 EG for 6 stretchers

1 EE for 10 stretchers and
1 EE for 8 stretchers
operating room 1 EE and 1 EG per room 2 EE and 1 EG per room
- admission 1 AE per office 1 EG per office
- Work 1 EG for 6 beds and 1 EG for 6 beds and
1 EE for 12 beds 1 EE for 10 beds
- Expulsion 1 EG per room 1 EE per room

- Low risk 1 EG for 10 stretchers 1 EG for 6 stretchers

AE: Nursing assistant

EG: General nurse

EE: Specialist nurse

2.5 material calculation

2.5.1 definition

The calculation of materials is one of the activities that precedes the preparation of
a budget.

In order to calculate materials, it is necessary to previously know their

characteristics, waste factors, their marketing units, depending on the medium, in
addition to the construction processes and everything related to the project that will
be executed.

Every element to be built is made up of the materials that make it up, however, the
most significant elements of the gray work have been selected as illustrative
exercises that show a way to calculate the breakdown of materials.

2.5.2 determination of material indexes to perform a cure

It is the material that will be used in procedures such as:

Healing, removal of bandage and in which everything must be sterile to avoid


They are the items that are prepared at CEYE (sterilization and equipment center)
and are used in cures, they are consumed with use and do not need to be


Before the procedure:

-Carry out the assessment of the person.

-Complement the person's information with the data on the file.

-Carry out wound assessment.

-Explain the procedure to be carried out to the person.

-Prepare the person for the procedure.

1. Hand washing

-Remove rings and watch, leaving your arms bare.

-Perform the hand washing technique with soap and water

2. Collection and preparation of healing elements

The material that will be used in curing must be stored on surfaces

clean, dry, closed with restricted access and exclusive use. It Must be done

a periodic check of sterilization expiration dates.


-Choose the area to leave the items

-Gather the necessary materials

-Check the sterility conditions of the materials

-Place the healing materials on a clean, dry and



-Tray to place the material

-Healing equipment

-Sterile kidney


-Sterile gloves

-Physiological serum

-20cc syringe

-Optional needles for irrigation

-Adhesive tape



-Hydrocolloid or hydrogel dressing (according to the requirement of the


3. Glove Pose

4. Removal of dressings

-Detach the ends of the surgical tape respecting the direction of the


-Remove the dressing and observe if it contains drainage material, assessing

quality and quantity of exudate.

-Dispose of the dressing in the appropriate waste bag or container for the dressing.

disposal of contaminated material.

5. Removal of contaminated gloves

-Remove them by holding them by the palmar aspect at wrist level, with

Be careful not to touch anything other than the glove.

-Pull the first glove completely, so that it is inside out or

rolled from inside to outside.

-Hold the glove that has been removed inside out with the fingers of the hand

remains gloved.

-Put the first two fingers of your ungloved hand inside the glove

which is at wrist height.

-You should not touch the outside of the second dirty glove with your hand.


-Pull the second glove up to the fingers, taking it out backwards, this way,

The first glove is inside the second.

-Dispose of gloves in a waste bag or container

-If I do not use the previous technique to remove the gloves, they must be washed.

hands again.

6. Sterile glove posture (open technique)

-Place the glove pack on a clean, dry surface (The

gloves have an external and internal wrapping).

-Open the outer packaging without contaminating the gloves or packaging


-Open the inner packaging without contaminating the gloves.

-Put the first glove on your dominant hand.

-Hold the glove by the fist, on the palmar side, with the thumb and index finger of
the hand.

non-dominant hand touching only the inside of the fist.

-Insert your dominant hand into the glove and pull it.

-Keep your fist bent.

-Take the other glove with your gloved hand, inserting your fingers

gloved under double the fist.

-Adapt each glove to your hands and unfold the cuffs carefully, so that

which the fingers are inserted under the fold of the fist.

7. Healing

-Wash your hands.

-Put on gloves (open technique)

-Carefully remove the surgical tape following the direction of the hair.

The slower the tape removal, the less damage and

patient discomfort

-Remove the dressing and dispose of it in the receptacle.

-Wash your hands.

-Put on sterile gloves (open technique).

-Receive and order material presented by the collaborator, preserving its


-Sterile kidney that will receive the contents of the wound wash.

-Healing team.

-Physiological serum in kidney from the healing team, the necessary amount.

-Syringe (optional needle).

-Dressings and gauze.

-Prepare healing field and delimit areas.

-Perform the procedure

-Perform mechanical flushing by irrigating with the syringe with physiological


-Receive the kidney washing material that you have arranged for this purpose.

-Debride the tissue that can be removed and according to the degree of

adhesion that is present.

-Wipe with damp gauze from the edges to the center.

-Check cavities for tissue residue that can be removed.

-Place interactive dressing in case of presence of granulatory tissue

that must be preserved, consider the presence of exudate.

-Apply debriding gel if tissue is present. sloughed or

necrotic and place damp SF gauze on it to fix the gel and

favor their action.

-Place absorbent dressing in case of moderate to abundant exudate.

-Place antimicrobial dressing in case of local infection.

-Check edges for integrity and protect from moisture

-Cover with secondary dressing.

-Place surgical tape on clean, dry skin.

2.5.3 Procedure for material calculation

It is the calculation of the needs of equipment, materials and instruments required

to provide medical care in hospitalization services.

Factors to take into account when calculating material:

- Hospital capacity
- Standard consumption curve
- Percentage of occupation
- Hospital type
- Special treatments and frequency
- Predominant age and sex of patients
- Assigned budget
- Material Duration
- Storage type
- Quality and cost of items

Recommendations for material calculation

° Forecast the existence based on realistic calculations

° Ensure the existence of fixed funds in the services

° Maintain the provision and verify stocks

° Conduct periodic research that shows consumption

Material and equipment: these are those that can be moved from place to place
where they are required.

Fixed equipment: is equipment that is installed in a specific location and cannot be

moved for any reason.

Clinical equipment: is the equipment necessary for daily work in medical or nursing

Red team: it is the one used only in emergencies or for resuscitation and there
must be one per service.

2.6 bed linen calculation

The objective of the bed calculation is to determine the necessary amount of

hospital clothing, which ensures its sufficiency and guarantees the continuity of
nursing care.

Indicator development

- Consider census and non-census beds, medical residences.

- In the observations section, write down the particularities of the unit or
problems that arise for conservation and the washing process.

To calculate the provision of bedding, the following indicators are used:

1. One set per bed of those existing in the services

2. One set per existing bed in the laundry room
3. One set per existing bed in stock
4. One set per bed in the service closet
5. One more set for every 10 existing sets in the laundry to cover the washing
and renewal process, which presupposes normal deterioration. This set
must be replaced every six months.

Clothes Calculation in 24 hours Result

1 base sheet 3 (sheets) x 2 (changes 159 clothes in 24 hours
1 clinical sheet in a shift) = 6 clothes
1 standard sheet 6x8 (beds) = 48 clothes
48 + 10% = 52.8 = 52
clothes in one shift.
53 + 53 + 53 (the 3
shifts) = 159 clothes in
24 hours

Clothes Indicators Total Added value Total clothes
10% in 24 hours
Cover for 7*1.5 10.5 1.05 12
adult bed
Hospital bed 7*3.5 2.45 2.45 27

Cushion cover 7*3.5 24.5 1.45 27

Sheet for 7*6.0 42 4.2 46
hospital bed
clinical 7*5.0 35 3.5 39

2.7 Manuals

2.7.1 Concept

A manual is a written medium through which a record of some relevant organized

information is left that must be consulted constantly. Said data must be organized
in a methodical manner in order to make it easier to understand.

The way to organize the information recorded in a manual must be through

instructions and steps to follow. In this way, it is guaranteed that the guidelines
presented there are developed as the manual indicates to avoid errors.

2.7.2 for its scope

The procedures manual gives the procedures carried out a formal or official
character for a specific task or set of tasks, in this way it becomes a guiding guide
to achieve an effective and efficient result.

Types of manuals

Manuals can be organized into different types, depending on their content,
objective and audience to which they will be directed. These are:

Organizational or business manual:

It is mainly focused on the guidelines and guidelines that a company must have,
indicating its organizational structure. The above mainly seeks to make known how
the company works, what its areas are and the role its employees play.

Organizational manuals have a very general and summarized form about the
behavior of the company. However, it must be known by all its employees.

Departmental manual:

It is a more specific manual than the organizational one, as it further details the
functioning of each area within an organization. In this, the role of each area, its
composition and its objectives are observed.

Likewise, this manual records the procedures and standards that must be followed
by those who are part of each department, thus guaranteeing its correct

In this type of manuals, there is, for example, a description of each job in the
department, its objectives, relationships with other areas, budgets, human and
material resources, etc.

Policy manual:

This manual focuses primarily on how executives in a particular organization

should perform. That is, it records the instructions so that the company's senior
officials can carry out its objectives.

It should be noted that this type of manual does not refer to the government or
political party field, but rather to the control of senior executives within a company.

Procedures manual:

It is a much more specific manual than the previous ones, as it specifically explains
the steps and ways so that the different areas of the organization can carry out
their tasks in the best way.

In this manual, you can see, for example, process diagrams, general and specific
objectives, communication channels and flow diagrams.

Techniques manual:

It can be said that this is the most detailed and specific manual of all those
mentioned above, as it further details the procedures and processes of the

This manual is a complement to the procedures manual, as it takes these elements

and explains them with much more clarity and precision.

This manual sets out, for example, the specific tasks for each official in a specific
area, their objectives, task diagrams, bibliographical or references as a tool for said
tasks, a glossary of terms, among other aids.

Welcome manual:

This is a simple and general manual whose main objective is to briefly explain how
the organization works to new employees.

This manual not only welcomes new employees, but also mentions the history of
the company, its mission, vision and objectives.

Here you have, for example, a welcome letter written and signed by the president
or manager of the company, a description of the company, data about its history,
objectives, benefits that employees have and their obligations.

Job manual:

It is a short, precise and detailed manual on the specific functions of a particular

employee. Their tasks and responsibilities are specified there.

As an example in said manual, there is the employee name, area name, immediate
boss, people in charge, specific functions, profile, contact information, etc.

Multiple manual:

It could be said that this is a type of manual annexed to the previous ones, since it
is the result of decisions made in member assemblies. They can expose
information that is not included in other manuals and that is important to record.

For example, in these manuals, changes can be seen to processes, functions or

tasks of some executive, which are approved by the assembly and recorded in its

Finance manual:

This manual is focused mainly on the financial part of the organization, involving
the portfolio, treasury or accounting areas. Here, the rules and processes to follow
in these areas for the use of financial resources are proposed.

In this manual you will find, for example, the company's cash flows, income and
expenses, budgets, general balance sheets and income statements.

System manual:

The systems manual specifies the tasks and processes to be developed when a
new system is formed, that is, when the integration of various areas or people from
other departments occurs.

Here you will find, for example, the functions and new roles of each employee
within the new system, their responsibilities, area, process diagrams, among

Quality manual:

This is one of the most important manuals within an organization, as it is the one
that records the organization's quality processes. That is, all the information
necessary to determine the company's productivity, service and quality.

In this manual, there are, for example, quality indicators, indicator monitoring
graphs, flow charts, version of indicators, glossary of terms and productivity

2.7.3 Due to its content


The content of the manual is limited to its purposes and adheres to the information
necessary to achieve the proposed objectives. Must contain:

-index: (scheme, sections of the manual)

-Introduction: (A brief explanation of the following concepts:)

objective of the manual (expresses the purpose of the manual) scope expresses
what the manual covers) how to use the manual (the most important section)
reviews and recommendations (indicate the people to whom collaborators must
inform about changes, corrections or recommendations to the manual )

-Organization chart: (structure) interpretation of the organic structure (describes the

organization system, the structure of areas and departments, levels of authority).

-Graphics: (graphic interpretation of the procedure


-Procedural structure: (procedures)

-Narrative of the procedures:

Narrative and sequential description of the steps to perform an activity, specifying

who does it, when they do it, where they do it, includes the method: its structure:
start with a specific phrase, write in the present tense, simple words.

-Forms: (they collect precise information) forms used: its design is made up of
identification, instructions, introduction, body and conclusion.

2.7.4 General requirements of a manual

Among the requirements for the preparation of a Manuel, it is known:

The main parts of a manual can be the following:

•Table of Contents


•Instructions for the use of the manual

•Manual body

•Flow charts

•Glossary of terms




2.7.5 Advantages of manuals


-They are a permanent source of information about the work to be carried out.

-They help to institutionalize and establish objectives, policies, procedures,

functions, standards, etc.

-Avoid discussions and misunderstandings of operations.

-They ensure the continuity and coherence of procedures over time.

-They increase coordination in carrying out work.

-They allow effective delegation, since when there are written instructions, the
supervisor's monitoring can be limited to control by exception.

2.7.6 Phases to prepare a manual

To prepare an administrative manual, whatever it may be, a series of phases must

be developed. These phases or stages are briefly explained below:
1.- Work Planning.

At this stage, a working group is formed in charge of preparing the manuals. This
can be made up of a representative from each of the administrative units of the
institution or by a group of officials determined by the hierarchy. A coordinator or
person in charge must be appointed who will lead the group's work in order to
maintain homogeneity in the content and presentation of the information.

Also in this phase, the methodological tools that will be used to obtain the
information to prepare the manuals are established, as well as the type of
information that will be required and the schedule of activities to be developed for
the preparation of the manuals.

2.- Search for Information.

Once the work is planned, the necessary information for the preparation of the
manuals begins to be collected, according to the previously established
methodological tools and the selected investigative techniques. Searching for this
information can be done using:

Documentary research: try to search for all those printed or electronic documents
in which relevant information is obtained for the preparation of the respective
manual, whether regulations, technical studies that support an administrative
reorganization process, previous procedure manuals, work reports, manuals of
service, institutional memories, among others.

Monumental investigation: deals with all that information that is not written in a
document and for which interviews, surveys, observations, tests, among others,
must be used to obtain said information from the officials who know it.

3.- Analysis of Information.

Once the information necessary to prepare the manual has been obtained, it must
be organized and analyzed in a way that presents a logical order for the
development of the manual. To guide the process of organizing the information, the
following questions can be used:

What work or activity is done?

Who is responsible for doing it? Or in a certain case, if you do not have the data of
the person responsible, who does it?

What are the means you have to get the job done?

What is the work done for?

How is the work executed or carried out?

When or at what point is it done?

Why is it done?

4.- Preparation of the Manual.

In this phase, the design and presentation that will be used to prepare the
administrative manual is established. To do so, the following must be considered:

The writing of the document, analyzing to whom the manual is directed, to manage
a clear, precise and understandable vocabulary for all its users.

The preparation of diagrams, whether flow diagrams, physical space distribution,

organizational structure, process map, among others.

The format, ensuring that the information presented follows a logical sequence,
that there is uniformity of font, and that its wording is understandable, among other
aspects of form.

5.- Validation of the Manual.

Once the administrative manual has been prepared, it must be presented to the
hierarchy and those responsible for each administrative unit to which the manual
corresponds, so that they can proceed to validate whether the information
presented corresponds with the responsibilities, powers, functions and activities
that It is up to the Institution to do so much; as well as to the administrative unit(s)
to which the manual is directed.

6.- Authorization of the Manual.

When the manual is validated, it must be formalized. At this point, the Institutional
Hierarch or the person responsible for the corresponding administrative unit must
authorize the manual, so that the reproduction, dissemination and distribution of it
can begin at the institutional level in general or at the corresponding administrative

7.- Dissemination and distribution of the Manual.

Once a manual has been validated and authorized, it is very important that it be
distributed among the corresponding administrative units, so that officials have it at
their disposal, know the document, and use it in practice. Likewise, the electronic
version of the document may be incorporated into the Institution's electronic portal,
in order to provide citizens with free access to the institution's organizational

8.- Review and Update of the Manual.

The Manuals are subject to periodic reviews, and therefore, they must be flexible to
the changes that occur in the Institution, to this end, a record of their modifications
and updates must be maintained, in order for them to be maintained. attached to
institutional reality.


3.1 Human resources

3.1.1 Concept

Human resources are the set of people who collaborate in a company in different
areas and departments. Thanks to their functions and skills, organizations can
achieve their business objectives.

When talking about human resources, reference can be made to both the workers
and the homonymous department. As for Human Resources specialists, they are

crucial elements in companies, since they manage all relationships with

3.1.2 characteristics of human resources

1. They are unique

Each company has unique collaborators with singular skills that allow the business
to prosper and meet its objectives. This means that each of the workers contributes
a different value to the company that, when combined with the efforts of the rest of
the staff, can achieve unique results.

Remember that no work team is the same as another. Each organization creates
its own work environment, which entails the formation of a special work personality.

2. They must be persistent

Human resources are people. This means that they have their own objectives,
goals and interests in life that they have to pursue. If a person decides to work with
you, it is because your company contributes to the realization of their dreams, so
you can expect them to fulfill their responsibilities.

Human resources seek continuous improvement to continue strengthening and

increasing skills in favor of the company and their own professional growth.

3. They influence business culture

Being a constitutive part of the life of an organization, human resources can also
influence both positively and negatively in the creation of a work environment and
in the consolidation of a company's culture.

Work habits, the relationships that exist within the company and even the
personality of the members of a staff can have a strong impact on the image of a
brand, the values it promotes and the objectives it has set. That is why it is so
important to instill the same business culture and ensure that everyone has
common goals.

4. They require knowledge

Each company is made up of committed human resources capable of carrying out

their activities and functions to achieve the established objectives. However, this
would not be possible without a sufficient level of knowledge and experience to
perform their tasks.

It is generally required that when they join a work force, candidates meet a specific
profile and have the skills that the company requires to perform a job.

5. They play a specific role

A worker cannot be part of a company without having an established role. When

you join a company, you are usually assigned a work area or department, as well
as a position within the organizational hierarchy. Regardless of whether you are a
manager, director or plant worker, human resources are hired to perform certain

This means that the employee is responsible for managing specific tasks well and
meeting certain expectations.

6. They have autonomy

As we have seen, the human resources of a company are basically the workforce
in the form of people. This means that each worker is accompanied by a history,
purposes and their own personality.

Unlike machines, human beings have the ability to make decisions autonomously.
This is an important feature that companies should consider about their workforce,
since it involves risks and allows responsibilities to be delegated in the face of
scenarios of success or failure of a strategy.

7. They can adapt

Human beings are highly resilient. This means that we are able to face adverse
situations and adapt to them. The main characteristic of a company's human

resources is that capacity for adaptation, which allows them to leave their comfort
zone and create creative responses to the problems that arise.

On the other hand, adaptation also implies an ability to develop according to your
own needs and those of a company, whether by acquiring new skills, expanding
your knowledge or carrying out activities for which you were not originally intended.

3.2 Techniques applied in personnel management

1. LEAD:

Exercising optimal leadership, although it is not the only predominant factor in

organizations, can differentiate successful companies from those that are not.
There are many types of leadership to work positively that can be adapted to your
personal characteristics.



To empower team members, ordering or controlling should be avoided, as far as

possible, and advice or consent should be adopted. For good motivation, it is
recommended to reward employees for work well done, since it is more effective
than threatening when work does not achieve objectives or is simply poorly done.

It is also important to know how to detect the needs of your workers to obtain better
results. If you want to delve deeper into techniques to motivate your work team, we
advise you to read this Forbes post.


We can affirm that we dedicate between 80% and 85% of our working day to
communication. So it is very significant since the success and progress for the
correct personnel management of our team depends on it.

To ensure that communication within your company and your team is adequate,
verify these actions:

The messages you transmit are correctly perceived, understood and accepted

You use the appropriate channels for each type of information. For example, for
formal communications you use an informative email and for informal team
meetings you use a break room without physical barriers (tables, chairs...)

The language you use is clear, direct and precise. You don't get lost in
technicalities or use fancy or bad words.

You adequately and regularly communicate both team and individual objectives so
that all staff know unequivocally what the company expects of them.


Delegating means involving other people in responsibility for the results, giving
someone else the freedom to make decisions about how to achieve these results.
A leader or boss will grow professionally when he delegates.

Why delegate?

-Increases management capacity.

-Frees you from routine and less critical tasks.

-Reduces delay in decision making.

-Contributes new ideas and approaches.

-Creates a positive climate in the work team.

Although delegation has many advantages, we know that it is more difficult than it
seems and some managers often have difficulty putting it into practice.

How to delegate correctly?

Keep these simple tips in mind that will help you manage your business's

-Select the right person for the job

-Give sufficient information oriented to the results you want to obtain


-Set limits and dates

-Offers guidance and advice, as well as constructive and positive feedback. Don't
focus on what's wrong. Guide your speech toward your employees by working on
“areas of improvement.”


Meetings, most of the time, when they are not well organized can be a cause of
frustration and loss of time. Nothing is further from reality. This technique, correctly
executed, will help you deal with and anticipate future conflicts and erroneous or
inappropriate work strategies. In addition, they can be a cohesive and driving
element of work teams.

To run a meeting correctly, keep these tips in mind:

Plan the meeting and call your employees: make clear the date, place, start and
end time and the objective or agenda

Prepare the session: provide documentation and maintain contact with highly
trusted people to request their collaboration. Do you remember what we told you
about delegating? Put it into practice when preparing your meetings and save your

Present and moderate the session or delegate someone to carry out this last task.
Use positive and motivational language and be open to possible suggestions or
questions (make space in the session for this and avoid unnecessary

Follow up on the meeting. This last point is essential for the meeting to become
useful for attendees. This function can also be delegated to another member of the


Teams are almost always immersed in conflicts and pre-conflicts, and the main
reason is because problems are given more importance than kindness.

How to address a conflict to improve?

If a conflict occurs in a work team, it is always necessary for there to be a person to

act as a referee and direct the session, helping each party to deal with the conflict
situations that have arisen.

One of the skills to create a cooperative climate is to give positive criticism.

Constructive measures are also necessary for the proper functioning of the team.
Constructive criticism aims to reinforce the behavior of the colleague or employee,
improve work habits, indicate that an effort has been made, etc.


Promote positive work relationships and you will notice how in a short time the
work environment of your company will be positively affected. How to carry it out?
Lead by example and put into practice communicative elements that show
assertiveness: active listening, thanking your team for their work, maintaining a
positive attitude by avoiding speaking badly about others, accepting constructive
criticism, and defining respectful limits.

3.3 Job analysis

A correct job analysis allows the recruiter and selector to better understand the
needs of the company. And, consequently, find the ideal candidate.

At the same time, once the professional profile has been described, analyzing the
position our company needs is essential to writing a job offer that truly captures
differential talent.

The skills, competencies and criteria that the organization is looking for can be
included in the curricular screening that our recruitment software allows with the

killer questions, scorecards and specific filters that ensure that the ideal candidates
for our company reach the last phase.

Types of job analysis

There are several types of job analysis, almost as many as there are types of
interviews. In reality, you don't have to choose between one type or another, rather
they complement each other. Although many times it is not possible for a company
to do them all and it does not make sense to spend so much effort for certain jobs.

Task-based job analysis is the oldest of all. This model seeks to define and
establish the tasks, duties and responsibilities associated with the position. Later,
how to carry out this analysis will be developed.

The second type of job analysis is competency-based. It focuses on the skills

necessary to perform the job, especially with regard to the behaviors
(competencies) that the worker needs for that job.

Within job analysis, the strengths-based model is also beginning to be used. This
model is associated with a whole spectrum of new Human Resources techniques.
It would be about looking for behaviors, but those actions that employees enjoy
performing the most, placing special emphasis on the motivations of the position.

Finally, talk about job analysis based on personality. It would be about finding what
traits define a personality as ideal for a position. For example, being an extrovert to
be a sales employee.

3.4 Job description

The job description is a written explanation of the responsibilities and conditions of

a job position, as well as the knowledge and skills that the people who apply for
that job must have. It can also be a means to contemplate the needs of a company
that adjusts to the new market demands.

If done correctly, job descriptions translate into benefits for both the company and
the workers:

-Functions as a guide for the recruitment and selection of personnel.

-Allows salaries and wages to be defined in a more fair and balanced way.

-Allows you to define compensation and incentive plans for employees.

-Provides clarity to the worker regarding the demands of the position.

-The basis for measuring the work performance of employees.

-Facilitates the implementation of succession plans in the company.

-Maximizes worker productivity.

3.5 General stages of personnel admission

The personnel of an organization constitutes the most important resource,

therefore, to have the appropriate personnel, a series of activities must be followed
that allow us to select this personnel.

The general stages for the admission of personnel are as follows:

-Recruit: Makes a strange person a candidate for a certain position.

-Select: It is searching among the candidates, the best for each position that is
required through exams, interviews, submission of application and resume.

-Remuneration: Makes a good candidate a worker.

-Training: Makes a good candidate a good worker.

-Internal Promotion: It consists of filling most of the vacancies with responsible

employees of the same company, who will be trained through on-the-job training,
perhaps with some complementary formal treatment.

3.6 Recruitment

Personnel recruitment refers to the process of identifying, attracting, interviewing,

selecting, hiring and incorporating employees into a company. In other words, it
involves everything from identifying the staffing need to meeting it.

Personnel recruitment refers to the process of identifying, attracting, interviewing,

selecting, hiring and incorporating employees into a company. In other words, it
involves everything from identifying the staffing need to meeting it.

Depending on the size of the organization, recruitment is the responsibility of a

number of workers. Larger organizations may have entire teams of recruiters, while
others have a single recruiter.

In small organizations, the hiring manager may be responsible for hiring.

Additionally, many organizations outsource the hiring process to outside

Companies almost always recruit candidates for new positions through

advertisements, bulletin boards, social networking sites, and more.

Many companies use recruiting software to find the best candidates more
effectively and efficiently. Regardless, recruiting often works in conjunction with or
as part of Human Resources.

HR Recruitment

What is personnel recruitment in Human Resources?

Human Resource Management, also known as HR for short, is the function of

managing people within an organization.

HR function in a company

HR is responsible for facilitating the organization's overall objectives through

effective human capital management, focusing on employees as the company's
most important asset.

HR Recruitment

Recruitment is the first step in building an organization's human capital. At a high
level, the goals are to locate and hire the best candidates, on time and on budget.

What does recruitment entail?

Although the recruiting process is unique to each organization, there are 13

essential steps in the hiring process. You will find them below:

1- Identify the need for hiring

2- Design a recruitment plan

3- Write a job description

4- Announce the position

5- Recruit the position

6- Review the requests

7- Interview by telephone for initial tests

8- Interview formally

9- Evaluate the applicants

10- Check your background

11- Check references

12- Offer a job offer

13- Hire

3.7 Selection

Personnel selection is the process followed to hire an employee in an organization.

It begins when a person applies for a vacancy or when the recruiter has found an
interesting profile and culminates with the hiring of a new co-worker.

Personnel selection: What it is and how to do it correctly

staff pick

The personnel selection process is essential for your organization, since it is the
employees who will help you meet the objectives and goals set.

Within these ways of recruiting employees there is a wide range of background and
it will depend on the objectives of each company, as well as a good dose of

What is personnel selection?

Personnel selection is the process followed to hire an employee in an organization.

It begins when a person applies for a vacancy or when the recruiter has found an
interesting profile and culminates with the hiring of a new co-worker.

The goal of the process is to choose the most valuable candidate for the
organization. However, everything that happens between point A and point B can
vary from company to company, as each has its own internal policies and ways of

To fill the vacancy, the qualities, knowledge, skills or experience are evaluated to
fill the vacancy demanded by the organization.

The personnel selection process is the tool that the Human Resources area and
management apply to differentiate between candidates who are qualified and those
who are not through the use of different techniques.

Importance of the personnel selection process

The success of any organization depends on the quality of personnel that is

selected for the job. Therefore, the selection procedure is one of the most
important functions of the human resources department for the management of an

Some of the reasons why this process must be carried out in the best possible way

Getting qualified workers: Recruitment helps hire only desirable candidates.

Reduce training cost: Thanks to a good process, qualified candidates will be hired
who will be good at understanding work techniques.

Personnel problems can be resolved: Proper personnel selection means that

workers will be satisfied with their jobs and therefore, personnel turnover problems
in the organization can be reduced.

3.8 Hiring

The hiring or recruiting process includes making the decision to hire a new
employee, deciding what skills and experience are needed, recruiting for the
position, selecting the right candidate, onboarding and training them.

Documents for hiring a new employee:

-Birth certificate.

-Curriculum and/or application prepared.

-Voting lisense.

-Unique Population Registry Code (CURP).

-Social Security number.

-Proof of studies.

-Proof of address.

-Letter of recommendation.

-Federal Taxpayer Registry (RFC).

Train your new employee.

Once new employees have been shown the basics through the orientation and
onboarding process, it is time to train them on any job-related tasks they will be
responsible for, as well as show them the programs and processes that are used.

What you need to calculate payroll for new employees:

-Register the discharge.

Calculate ordinary and extraordinary earnings (gross salary, vacations, bonuses,

commissions, overtime, etc.).

Calculate ordinary and extraordinary deductions (IMSS, ISR, INFONAVIT, savings

fund, absences, disabilities, loans and alimony).

Verify the RFCs of new employees.

Define the payment method (Transfer and Payment System, bank, check or cash).

Stamp the payroll.

Send payroll receipts.

Calculate and pay taxes.

Consider the annual profits and the bonus.

3.8.1 Training and development

Training Plan within the Company itself

The simplest (and often cheapest) form of training in a company is for your
employees to train each other. It makes perfect sense: all your employees have
different skills, so why not encourage them to share them with others?

The advantage of the in-house training program is that it is easy to organize and
involves zero or minimal cost. It can also have benefits, not only for the people
being trained, but also for the people offering the business training, who may feel
more important and gain confidence, improve their presentation skills and other

The main disadvantage is that you are not implanting new skills or knowledge to
the company. You're just ensuring that people's knowledge is widely shared. There

may be other skills and perspectives that you can only gain from outside sources.
And while some employees feel more important for the opportunity to train people,
another may see it as a burden. You have to be careful how to handle this

Job training in your own company can take several forms:

-Informal/One-on-one Training: One employee sits down with another and explains
how to use software or complete a certain business process.

-Presentations/Lunch Meetings: Or if an employee has skills that could benefit a

large number of people, you could organize a training event with one person
teaching others. This could be a formal presentation or an informal lunch or coffee

Mentoring: A mentoring training plan is about much more than just training, but
there is often an element of job training. A mentor will often pass on important
skills, advice, and suggestions to the people being coached.

-Online Personnel Training

There are many options for online business training. In fact, you're visiting one of
them right now on Envato Tuts+, as well as a wide range of business tutorials
covering everything from JavaScript to logo design. So you can encourage your
employees to learn new skills online, either with free tutorials or pay a subscription
to allow them to view video courses as well as e-books.

The good thing about online business training is that it is often very low cost, and
you can access a wide range of coaching and training on various topics. It's also
flexible, so employees can easily fit it in alongside their other work or do it in their
free time. You don't have the problem of everyone leaving the office at the same
time to attend a scheduled staff training event.

-Join Industry Associations

Although this might not seem like a staff training option at first, many industry
associations provide coaching and training to their members, as well as offering

periodicals, e-books, and other resources that can help your staff develop new

-Send Employees to External Job Training

There are opportunities to train staff in many places: seminars, conferences,

specially designed training programs, etc.

These can be great for your employees, because they are often high-quality events
taught by professional trainers, and provide the opportunity to network with others
in the industry. Making this kind of investment can also show your team that you
really value their personal and professional development.

The main disadvantage is the cost. These programs can be very expensive and
there is also the expense of travel, accommodation and other costs. Big companies
pay for this all the time, but a small company might not have the budget. Also, you
would lose that team member and their productivity for the duration of the training.
Even so, I still feel like a good option if you are wondering how to train staff.

-Hire Job Training Companies

A related option is to hire a company to come to your workplace and provide

business training to employees at your headquarters. This way, you avoid travel
expenses, but it is still an expensive option. And you lose some of the benefits
such as networking, getting out of the office, among others.

On the other hand, you get personalized, face-to-face training with experienced
professionals. If your budget can be adjusted, this can be a great option.

-University or Formal Preparation

Some employers pay their staff to pursue formal education, such as a business
degree or accounting certification. This is a great incentive to offer, although the
costs can add up quickly. To stay within your budget, consider only contributing a
certain amount and having the employee pay the rest, or limiting it to shorter, less
expensive programs.


4.1 Concept, characteristics and principles of supervision

Supervision is the process in which a person with capacity and authority, called a
supervisor, directs and evaluates the work of other people, with the aim of
achieving organizational objectives. This process includes activities such as goal
setting, results evaluation, feedback, training, and conflict resolution.

supervision characteristics

It has among its peculiarities the following:

-Be part of the administrative dynamics of business management.

-Verify whether the processes and activities are being carried out as originally
planned and ordered.

-Help improve productivity.

-Offer quality.

-It is a function that is immediate to control and is simultaneous to execution.

-Guarantee the optimization of quality, time, cost, industrial safety and

environmental protection.

-For its development, a supervisor is generally needed.

-Based on the above, it is easy to see that it is considered an important and

essential element in every company.


-Considered functionally, management and supervision cannot be separated or

established apart from each other. They are coordinated, complementary and
mutually shared functions in the functioning of any organization.

-Management deals with general conditions; usually. Supervision is concerned with
improving a particular job or task.

-Supervision must be sensitive to changes, must always be impregnated with an

experimental condition and must be continually dedicated to reevaluating
objectives and evaluating materials, policies and methods.

-Supervision must respect individual idiosyncrasies and differences, and will seek
to provide opportunities for the best creative expression of each personality.

-Oversight should provide full opportunities for the joint formation of policies and
plans by welcoming and utilizing the free expression and input of all stakeholders.

-Supervision should stimulate executive capacity, self-confidence, responsibility of

each person and performance of their duties.

-Supervision should be based on the assumption that workers can improve. You
will have to accept idiosyncrasies, reluctance to collaborate, and antagonism as
human characteristics, in exactly the same way you accept what is reasonable:
cooperation and synergistic activity. The latter are positive contributions.

-Supervision must replace the leading-guiding function with authority, which must
be recognized as derived from the facts of the situation. Personal authority, if
necessary, must be derived from group planning.

-Supervision must be based on action and on conviction and agreement.

-Supervision must use scientific methods and attitudes applicable to the work, the
worker and the work processes. Not in vain, all actions derived from production
relations have a scientific basis, both from an economic point of view and from the
principles of production engineering.

4.2 Supervision requirements

The fine points on which we must place greater emphasis when exercising
supervisory functions are the following:

1. Effectively delegate work

Knowing how to delegate means an adequate distribution of the activities carried

out by the work team. It is quite a science to know how much, to whom and how to
delegate work, since there are activities that must be distributed according to the
skills and experience of each of the collaborators.

2. Train and train

Whoever does adequate supervisory work will also be contributing to the training of
future leaders within the organization, because it is a position that allows talent to
be detected and taken advantage of in order to later be placed at other levels
within the company.

3. Don't be a taskmaster

Believe it or not, there are still supervisors who think that they have slaves and
non-collaborators as a work team and they insist on harassing them and treating
them as if they were machines. Those who carry out effective supervision place
great value on team members, seeking to understand and understand the
problems they face, helping them complete tasks and focusing more on achieving
objectives than on the pressure methods they will use. to ensure that assigned
tasks are completed.

4. Maintain team control and discipline

The act of supervising implies maintaining control over the group, in this instance
we must define the type of leadership control that we want to exercise over the
group; We must evaluate the possibility of applying rigorous discipline under
traditional methods or giving them a maximum of freedom and exercising control
with a minimum of discipline, but we must be careful with this last method, because
sometimes team members misunderstand this situation and the quiet party can
turn into congal.

5. Congruence between what is said and what is practiced

The people responsible for supervision in a company cannot be contradictory with
their actions; on the contrary, they must be an example for the team members to

6. Giving is in the way of asking

Treating and requesting tasks with staff should always be respectful, because
being stressed or working under intense pressure does not give us the right to treat
people badly, to yell at them and demand that they deliver their information on
time, to insult them, to show them off in front of the other teammates and that later
all this will become a great emotional pressure and frustration for the team
members and they will surely abandon ship early.

7. Employee- and goal-oriented supervision

Supervision must have a balance, since we must be concerned both with the
fulfillment of objectives that favor the growth of the company, and with the human
aspect that will generate loyalty among team members, demonstrating concern at
all times for their satisfaction within the company. organization.

4.3 Characteristics of a good supervisor

The main characteristics of a supervisor, within the workplace, are the following:

-You must know properly and in depth the activities that are your responsibility, this
being the best way to have the respect and recognition of your workers.

-He does not carry out the tasks directly, but rather makes others carry out the
work that must be carried out, so it will be essential that he has management skills.

-Must be highly motivated, as much or more than those supervised, to achieve

efficient and successful performance in the group.

-Must be aware of the policies, internal regulations and culture of the organization,
as well as its level of authority and relationships with other operational units.

-As important as directing your staff is to adequately train your people at work,
making the work activities carried out enriching and always seeking continuous

4.4 Supervision techniques

Supervision methods or techniques are specific ways of doing something, that is,
they are instruments with which results are achieved.

They include planning, organization, decision making, evaluation, job classification,

disciplinary sanctions, training, security and countless other similar activities.

The 5 basic aspects of Effective Supervision are:





-Social skills

These aspects lead towards effective supervision in a summarized and simple

way. You must evaluate your attitude as a supervisor: if you think that the workers
are not doing their job, possibly you are not doing your job as a supervisor well.
Therefore, any negative beliefs you may have about employees should be
eliminated, and the focus should be on positive results.

In the same way, it must be ensured that the supervisor's behavior does not hinder
his management. You should avoid being controlling, obsessive, and focus on
being analytical, becoming a support for the group and a guide to carry out tasks.

4.5 Methods and means of supervision


First of all, it is important to remember that supervision is management and that its
main interest is the supervised person, so this supervision can be carried out in two

DIRECT SUPERVISION: It is the method in which there is direct contact with the
supervised and supervisory personnel; It is done through different techniques and
procedures, such as: Communication:

It is transmitting and exchanging information, ideas, attitudes, feelings and

thoughts, which is why it is also part of personal relationships.


The process of carefully examining conditions or activities to collect descriptive and

quantitative data.


Visits to hospital units to inspect and evaluate the quality of services provided to
patients and employee performance.


Conversation between two or more people with the purpose of obtaining desirable
effects for improving productivity, identifying needs and advising on problem


It is a way to supervise and at the same time ensure a positive result. Teaching is
used to help the worker, it can be incidental or planned. Advisory:

It is a personal contact with the employee, promoting understanding and self-

control; which provides the opportunity to offer advice and confidence.


Means used by the supervisor to group employees with the purpose of obtaining
proactive participation in situations presented in hospital services.


It is the method in which there is no personal contact with the supervisee; It is

carried out through instruments, such as:

-Document Analysis:

It consists of the review of documents to extract information from nursing records

and their analysis, with the aim of monitoring the activities carried out by the
nursing staff.


It is the supervisor's responsibility to write reports on the activities carried out,

these can be statistical and informative.


Administrative tools that allow the supervisor to observe the group's activity
compared to that described in the manual; to guide the employee's actions.
Example: Rules, Procedures and Functions Manuals. Regulations:

Legal standards of behavior that guide the employee's conduct within the
institution. Internal regulations, Code of Ethics, Health Code, Civil Service Law,
Social Security Law, Law on the Nursing Profession Supervisory Board, Collective
Contract, Duties and Rights of Patients.

-Supervision Plan:

Document that allows for timely actions to be taken to achieve objectives more

-Usual Nursing Records:

Clinical record, Care plan, anecdotal record, daily patient census, work plans,
monthly agenda, etc.

-Check list:

It is the means by which a person evaluates or determines the effectiveness of the

development of a technique or procedure.

The supervisor must imagine reality, based on methods of free association or

discussion of topics, recordings and possibly some exercises on experiences, such
as role-playing or simulations to help the supervisee.

4.6 Consulting

The word advice originated from the Latin word “assidere” in the sense of assisting
or helping. Advice is a service that is provided so that whoever requests it obtains
the necessary information on a specific issue. The place where advice or
information is given is often also called Consulting and the person who provides
the service is called advisor and must have complete knowledge about the topics
being consulted, since it will depend on him whether the consulting third party is
well advised.

4.6.1 Types of advice

Financial: financial advice is one of the most popular since many people need, at
some point, to keep their accounts. The financial advisor is in charge of keeping
business accounts, proposing new paths, and helping to optimize resources.

Accountant: This deals with everything that has to do with how to keep the
accounting of a company. He takes care of the general ledger, the balance sheets,
the income statements.

Labor: the labor advisor takes care of everything that has to do with the hiring of
employees or their dismissals. It can also act as a human resources department.

Administrative: this type of advice is responsible for putting order, prioritizing, and
filing all the paperwork that an entrepreneur must sometimes handle. They must
also plan the procedures with what they have to comply with.

Tax: the tax advisor is responsible for helping the company comply with its tax
obligations; That is, to pay your taxes in a timely manner.

IT: with the importance that new technologies have gained, there are consultancies
that are responsible for advising companies to obtain the maximum performance
from their equipment and be more efficient.

Legal: legal advisors are the experts who resolve all legal issues, which are
essential when we encounter any problem of this type.

4.6.2 Characteristics, functions and advisory process


-They are absolutely confidential

-Helping teachers develop new strategies and skills to develop a curricular plan
that integrates activities and projects that make use of technology through:

-Design of lessons that serve as examples

-Individualized or small group counseling

-Observation of teachers in their practice


One of the most important functions of consultancies is to accompany and advise

to explain all the doubts that a businessman may have about his business while
taking responsibility for the accounting, financial or other management that he has
contracted. Only some will remember the shopkeeper or the clerk at the
neighborhood store carefully writing down in a notebook the entries and exits, their
expenses and their cash. They made their predictions (we will talk about all this in

another post) and came out successful in their business adventure despite not
having studies in most cases.


Consulting is a process, participants identify who to work with, determine the goals
to achieve together with teachers and help them plan and implement lessons.

The advisory cycle consists of five stages:

-To diagnose

-Determine objectives




4.7 Difference between advice and supervision

Consulting and supervision are two different processes. Consulting is the training
process developed by school supervision or other educational agents, to improve
teaching and management practices; It involves learning from experience through
the identification of difficulties, observation, recording and analysis of practices,
systematic dialogue, as well as the formulation, development and monitoring of
improvement proposals.

On the other hand, the primary function of supervision is to apply standards,

instruments, processes and procedures at the levels and modalities of the
educational system to control, monitor, guarantee and evaluate management in
educational zones, school districts, and the sector.

4.8 Personnel evaluation

Personnel evaluation is a human resource management tool that follows the
professional development of an organization's employees.

In most companies, the evaluation takes the form of an annual interview, during
which an evaluation questionnaire is filled out.

4.8.1 Concept, characteristics and evaluation principles.

There are many criteria that can be taken into account to evaluate personnel.
However, these are the five most common:

-Productivity: the effectiveness with which activities are carried out.

-Quality of work: achieve a previously established quality standard level.

-Initiative: the ability to act without the help of a third party.

-Teamwork: the effort to collaborate with colleagues with the aim of achieving a
common goal.

-Problem resolution: finding a way to overcome an adverse circumstance.

A performance management system allows personalized monitoring of each team


We invite you to discover different methodologies to evaluate and accompany your

company's workers in their professional development.

Individual or unidirectional evaluation

The Management is responsible for preparing and filling out the evaluation table
itself and then presents it during the interview to the employee ⋅ a, to know their
point of view.

Self-assessment or co-assessment

In this, both parties participate, previously filling out a table and then exchanging
opinions during the interview.

360 degree evaluation

Employees, including Management, are evaluated by their colleagues. The

peculiarity is that third parties such as clients, suppliers and partners also intervene
during the evaluation process.

Horizontal evaluation

This is carried out between colleagues who have the same position or who carry
out similar activities, based on numerical or text values.

4.9 Evaluation criteria

The evaluation criteria must meet the following characteristics:

-They have to be precise, concrete, measurable and, above all, observable.

-They need to aim for objectivity as much as possible.

-They must allow the acquisition of basic skills.

-It should help there be an improvement not only in student learning, but also in the
teacher's practice.

In this way, you can understand that the evaluation criteria can leave room for
improvement not only for the students, but also for you as a teacher. This is
because at the end of each course you can self-evaluate your unit or teaching
program and based on this, reach certain conclusions about performance.

An example of this is the criterion that you can use in the Language subject. In this
subject, you will assess such relevant concepts as understanding, description,
summary and critical analysis of different texts and materials.

4.10 Evaluation advantages

Performance evaluation is a system that allows measuring how a person's work is
performed in a specific period.

Its result facilitates the implementation of some actions such as remuneration,

salary increase, change of position, change of role within the team, corrective
measures and training plans.

The performance evaluation can be very beneficial for your company due to the
possibilities it offers both for the employee and for the organization itself.

For the worker

Some of the benefits of performance evaluation for the worker are:

-Increases your motivation.

-Boost your safety by knowing the aspects of behavior and performance most
valued by the company.

-Improves communication with superiors, subordinates and colleagues.

-Detects errors in job design and interaction in the team with other professionals.

-Encourages self-criticism and self-evaluation.

-The results obtained in these evaluations help you draw up a plan of actions and
training programs to manage talent.

For the company

As we have told you, the advantages of performance evaluations for the company
are numerous:

-They limit subjectivity.

-Improve the productivity and effectiveness of the teams.

-They help plan and organize work better.

-They detect competencies and abilities that may have gone unnoticed.

-They provide support in the design and execution of the talent retention strategy.

-They promote decision-making about promotions, remuneration, etc.

-They allow establishing professional career plans.

-Entering performance evaluations in your organization also improves the image of

your company by promoting talent acquisition.

4.11 Continuing education

Continuing education keeps students updated through a teaching and learning

system designed by specialists to encourage professional updating in each

It allows exploring new areas of knowledge, which complement the training of

students and is aided by technological tools and platforms, concentrating on the
development of new competencies, knowledge and skills.

It is an extension of the formal spaces and meets the needs of updating and
specialization. Continuing education is constituted as an educational option outside
the formal system. However, it provides high academic quality and flexibility
according to the needs of people who are generally already inserted in the


As a nursing staff, I recognize that it is necessary to have knowledge regarding the

administration of nursing services. With administration, you can plan, organize,
direct and evaluate the services provided to patients and apply improvements,
solving problems that without administration could not be detected in time.

There are many benefits that result from nursing administration because in addition
to allowing better use of the resources available, it allows the organization that this
results to mean an improvement in the quality of service and productivity, which It
encourages the performance of the nursing professional, staying motivated and
allowing the patient to receive the service they expect and deserve.



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