Flow-Induced Vibrations of Single and Multiple Hea
Flow-Induced Vibrations of Single and Multiple Hea
Flow-Induced Vibrations of Single and Multiple Hea
1 Department of Mechanical Engineering, Khalifa University of Science and Technology, Abu Dhabi 127788,
United Arab Emirates; 100057735@ku.ac.ae (U.A.); isam.janajreh@ku.ac.ae (I.J.); yap.fatt@ku.ac.ae (Y.F.)
2 Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Engineering and Technology, Lahore 54890, Pakistan
3 Center for Turbulence Control, Harbin Institute of Technology (Shenzhen), Shenzhen 518055, China;
* Correspondence: didarul.islam@ku.ac.ae
Abstract: This study is an effort to encapsulate the fundamentals and major findings in the area of
fluid-solid interaction, particularly the flow-induced vibrations (FIV). Periodic flow separation and
vortex shedding stretching downstream induce dynamic fluid forces on the bluff body and results
in oscillatory motion of the body. The motion is generally referred to as flow-induced vibrations.
FIV is a dynamic phenomenon as the motion, or the vibration of the body is subjected to the contin-
uously changing fluid forces. Sometimes FIV is modeled as forced vibrations to mimic the vibration
response due to the fluid forces. FIV is a deep concern of engineers for the design of modern heat
exchangers, particularly the shell-and-tube type, as it is the major cause for the tube failures. Effect
of important parameters such as Reynolds number, spacing ratio, damping coefficient, mass ratio
and reduced velocity on the vibration characteristics (such as Strouhal number, vortex shedding,
vibration frequency and amplitude, etc.) is summarized. Flow over a bluff body with wakes devel-
oped has been studied widely in the past decades. Several review articles are available in the litera-
ture on the area of vortex shedding and FIV. None of them, however, discusses the cases of FIV with
Citation: Ali, U.; Islam, M.; Janajreh, heat transfer. In particular systems, FIV is often coupled to heat transfer, e.g., in nuclear power
I.; Fatt, Y.; Alam, M. Flow-Induced
plants, FIV causes wear and tear to heat exchangers, which can eventually lead to catastrophic fail-
Vibrations of Single and Multiple
ure. As the circular shape is the most common shape for tubes and pipes encountered in practice,
Heated Circular Cylinders: A
this review will only focus on the FIV of circular cylinders. In this attempt, FIV of single and multi-
Review. Energies 2021, 14, 8496.
ple cylinders in staggered arrangement, including tandem and side-by-side arrangement is sum-
marized for heated and unheated cylinder(s) in the one- and two-degree of freedom. The review
Academic Editor: Dmitri Eskin also synthesizes the effect of fouling on heat transfer and flow characteristics. Finally, research pro-
spects for heated circular cylinders are also stated.
Received: 11 November 2021
Accepted: 13 December 2021 Keywords: flow-induced vibrations; vortex-induced vibration; wake-induced vibration; heated cyl-
Published: 16 December 2021 inders; tandem; side-by-side; staggered; fouling; surface roughness
been widely studied especially in the past decades. Based on the nature of excitation, FIV
is classified into two main types: vortex-induced vibrations (VIV), and wake-induced vi-
brations (WIV). FIV of a single cylinder is mainly due to the vortices generated from the
structure. This vortex shedding induces periodic forcing on the cylinder and causes the
cylinder vibration, hence it is referred to as vortex-induced vibration (VIV). For the case
of multiple cylinders, FIV comprises of both, VIV and WIV. In addition to VIV, which is
comparable to the single cylinder case, the wake interactions between the cylinders give
rise to WIV resulting in more severe vibrations. Sarpkaya [2] defined VIV as “an inher-
ently nonlinear, self-governed or self-regulated, multi-degree-of-freedom phenomenon. It
presents unsteady flow characteristics manifested by the existence of two unsteady shear
The two types of flow-induced vibrations encountered in practice, with respect to the
direction of motion, are streamwise (parallel or in-line to the flow direction) and trans-
verse (normal to the flow direction). External flow over a circular cylinder result in peri-
odic vortex shedding for Reynolds number (Re) greater than 47, and the natural vortex
shedding frequency depends on Re [3–5]. The repeating array of vortices is identified as
Karman vortex street. The flow remains 2D until Reynolds number of 190 [4,6,7].
When the cylinder vibration occurs at a frequency that is near to its natural vortex
shedding frequency, the shedding of vortices harmonizes with the cylinder oscillation,
and this condition is known as the lock-in phenomenon [8]. FIV studies have been done
experimentally using wind tunnel or water channel with digital particle image veloci-
metry (PIV), and computationally using numerical techniques such as direct numerical
simulations (DNS), Reynolds-averaged Navier–Stokes equations (RANS), large eddy sim-
ulations (LES), detached eddy simulations (DES), and several blends of these methods. In
the DNS approach, the Navier–Stokes equations are directly solved without the use of any
modeling assumption. It solves the extensive range of spatial and temporal scales, as fine
as the Kolmogorov length scales. Therefore, the mesh resolution and the time step size
need to be very fine. This is the reason DNS technique is computationally very expensive.
RANS is the most computationally friendly technique in which only the large scales are
resolved and the rest of the flow with small scale flow structures is modeled using the
ensemble average technique. If the flow is unsteady, then this technique is called un-
steady-RANS or simply URANS. For the LES approach the mesh is more refine than
RANS and only the smallest scales are filtered out through the mesh and modeled while
the rest are resolved. LES is more accurate than RANS but also more computationally
expensive. Mesh needs to be very fine near the surface of the body in LES, however if this
criterion is relaxed and RANS is used near the wall while LES away from the wall, then
this technique is called DES. It is a good compromise between solution accuracy and com-
putational time. DNS and LES provide good information about the wake-boundary layer
interaction as compared to RANS.
A particular complicated issue with FIV in tube bundles is that a small change in flow
rate or mechanical design can lead to a catastrophic failure of the unit. FIVs are of key
interest in the design of shell-and-tube heat exchangers and of immense practical im-
portance. Cylindrical structures are commonly found in industrial and engineering appli-
cations such as the tubes in heat exchangers of nuclear power plants, transmission lines,
drilling and production risers in petroleum production, chimney stacks, cable-stayed
bridges, mooring cables, thermowells, towed cables, marine cables, and in other applica-
tions [2].
FIV is of grave significance in nuclear power plants, particularly because of its fre-
quent occurrence and large amplitude which can be of catastrophic nature. The vibration
of fuel tubes stimulated by the coolant flow in the crossflow direction was initially de-
tected in a high flux nuclear reactor in 1948, USA. Similar event has been noted in other
countries as well, including Germany, Japan, Belgium, China, Denmark, UK, Australia,
and France. The world’s first nuclear reactor to generate electricity, the American reactor
at EBR-I (Experimental Breeder Reactor I), suffered a partial meltdown in 1955 during a
Energies 2021, 14, 8496 3 of 50
coolant flow test. FIV in heat exchangers is a serious issue as discussed above and is also
reported in several studies. It has resulted in tube bundle fracture in a nuclear power
plant’s heat exchanger, leaks in nuclear power plant’s steam generator, and caused abra-
sive wear in recuperator [9,10]. These and other examples resulted in either shutdown of
the facilities or permanent damage of the equipment. Given its importance, both designers
and operators are required to have a good understanding of the engineering issues asso-
ciated with FIV.
Coupling between the flow and other parameters such as heat transfer, fluid forces,
and structure elasticity and reactions can be of great importance to understand FIV mech-
anism and mitigate consequent damages. Heat transfer is the most common natural phe-
nomenon. Similarly to the fact that human beings transfer heat to the surroundings in
order to regulate the body temperature, most of the industrial systems and devices also
need to transfer heat to the environment for their efficient performance. Heat can be trans-
ferred passively or actively. Heat exchangers are incorporated where active heat transfer
is needed or where a high heat transfer rate is required. The most common examples of
the use of heat exchangers are the radiator of a car, boiler of a power plant, condenser,
evaporator of an air-conditioning unit, etc. FIV is commonly experienced in heated cylin-
ders. Generally, a single heat exchanger tube can be modeled as a heated cylinder sub-
jected to freestream fluid flow. Pin fins in electronic devices, nuclear reactor control rods,
and heat exchanger tubes can all be viewed in a simplified way as a system with fluid
flow over a heated cylinder, i.e., non-isothermal flow. Heat exchangers are of many types,
including but not limited to, shell-and-tube type heat exchangers, plate heat exchangers,
double-pipe heat exchangers, pin fin heat exchangers, etc. These types are further subdi-
vided into several categories depending upon the type of flow, i.e., counter flow, parallel
flow, or cross flow. This study will mainly focus on the shell-and-tube type heat exchang-
ers with cross flow arrangement, as a single tube of shell-and-tube type heat exchanger
can be modeled as circular cylinder subjected to crossflow. The most common type of heat
exchangers are the shell-and-tube type heat exchangers, and these are widely used in in-
dustries, such as manufacturing industries, gas and steam turbine power plants, nuclear
power plants, etc. Efficient working of the heat exchanger is necessary for the optimal
operation of the system. Any fault in the heat exchanger is harmful not only for the system,
but also for the personnel working in the vicinity of the plant. In severe cases it becomes
hazardous not only for the human life but also for the environment and the neighborhood
especially in the case of a nuclear power plant disaster, as observed in the incidents of
Chernobyl in 1986 and Fukushima in 2011.
Due to the no slip condition at the surface of the cylinder, the first layer of fluid sticks
to the surface and its velocity goes to zero and boundary layer develops. At Re > 47 vorti-
ces start to shed past the cylinder and as the shear layers get detached from the surface of
the cylinder, they pull the cylinder towards them, and this results in vibrations of the cyl-
inder. For the heated cylinder, thermal boundary also develops along with viscous bound-
ary layer. The key to enhance heat transfer is to disrupt the thermal boundary layer. At
the stagnation point of the cylinder the thermal boundary layer is the thinnest and it in-
creases away from the stagnation point. FIV causes the position of the stagnation point to
change and the point of separation of shear layers also changes on the surface of the cyl-
inder. Both these factors disturb the thermal boundary layer and so does the thermal re-
sistance and therefore FIV results in increase in the heat transfer. Yang et al. [11] pointed
out that at the separation point thermal resistance is maximum and the local Nusselt num-
ber is minimum. Some of the studies discussing the boundary layer are [12–15]. The reader
can view the work of Schlichting and Gersten [16] which is marvel in this field.
Due to the immense importance in the engineering applications FIV cannot be ig-
nored and has been thoroughly studied especially in the past few years. A considerable
volume of the literature has been made on FIV and its mitigation. In comparison to the
previous reviews, this work attempts to summarize various studies and presents the im-
portant parameters affecting the FIV, focusing on the recent developments in the field.
Energies 2021, 14, 8496 4 of 50
Although FIV is mostly considered hazardous, in a more recent trend, FIV can be utilized
to harness energy. The ultimate objective of studying FIV is to understand, predict, and
prevent FIV. Research, on the other hand, has been done to harvest energy from FIV where
FIV is not suppressed but energy is harvested from it. The reader may refer to the works
of Yanfang et al. [17], Wang et al. [18], Li et al. [19], and other authors to get an idea of
energy harnessing using FIV, as this topic is not discussed in this work. A number of au-
thors have summarized the FIV phenomenon and presented design guidelines. Reviews
on the FIV of a single cylinder were done by Derakhshandeh and Alam [20], Gabbai and
Benaroya [21], Sarpkaya [2], Bearman [22], and Williamson and Govardhan [23]. Addi-
tionally, reviews on the flow over two cylinders subject to cross-flow were done by
Sumner [24] and Zhou and Alam [15]. Weaver and Fitzpatrick [25] continued the work of
Pa’idoussis [26] and reviewed FIV in tube arrays thoroughly. The authors of these reviews
and other articles have done an excellent work, as summarized in the Table 1.
Table 1. Review papers on flow-induced vibrations and wake structures for circular cylinders.
Cylinders of various shapes and sizes are found in practice depending on their ap-
plication. The most common type is, however, the circular cylinder, where oscillating flow
separation might occur over a section of the surface of cylinder. However, for cylinder
with an edge, such as a triangular, square, or rectangular cylinder, the point of separation
is fixed at the edge. Alam et al. [32] worked on the effect of cylinder cross-sectional shape
on the wake characteristics. They analyzed the circular and square shapes and the shapes
in-between these two, i.e., with rounded edges. The effect of the corner and the rounded
edge on the flow characteristics, especially how it affects the separation point and the
wake bubble, was presented. Derakhshandeh and Alam [20] have reviewed different
shapes of bluff body wakes which include circular, square, triangular, and rectangular
shapes. They summarized the effect of cross-sectional shape of the cylinder on the flow
topology in each Re regime (i.e., laminar, subcritical, critical, and supercritical). Their work
provides essential information for engineers to design the pipelines depending on the Re
and the application. This paper, however, only focuses on the circular cylinders as these
are most commonly found in industrial processes. This review is not a collection of all the
scientific/engineering advances in FIV, but one that tries to summarize the fundamentals
and the major findings. Therefore, the readers are recommended to read the cited papers
as well as other sources.
Energies 2021, 14, 8496 5 of 50
The initial flow conditions, such as Reynolds number, surface roughness, and turbu-
lent intensity of the incoming flow, affect the attributes of the flow especially for a cylinder
with circular cross-section, due to the dynamic nature of the flow separation. At low Reyn-
olds number, i.e., less than 47.5, the flow is laminar and steady with symmetrical vortices
behind the cylinder. It starts to get interesting when the Reynolds number increases from
47–190 (still laminar) where vortices of opposite rotations start to shed from the bottom
and top side of the cylinder alternately and Karman vortex street emerges. In this range
of Re, the Strouhal number increases with increasing Re. The cylinder wake evolves to
three-dimensional (3D) from two-dimensional (2D) in the range of Reynolds number from
190–260 [7,33].
Although there is a lot of work done in this area and many review papers are availa-
ble, new techniques have emerged which have not been discussed in detail in the previous
review articles, such as two degrees of freedom (2DOF) motion of cylinder(s), effect of
surface roughness on FIV and wake structures, FIV of heated cylinder(s), etc. This paper
summarizes the recent trends in the FIV field of study. Considering the impact of FIV on
vast number of applications, there is a dire need to understand the mechanism fully in
order to avoid its occurrence and the related tube failure. Research must be done to iden-
tify the specific flow conditions where the FIV is most hazardous and to provide general
engineering guidelines that can be applied to each application. Therefore, there needs to
be more experimental and numerical research conducted in a more realistic way in order
to mimic the actual flow conditions. Such as, considering single and multiple cylinders
with heating to simulate the heat exchanger tubes and allowing the tubes to vibrate in
2DOF and taking into account their surface roughness.
Before we jump into the technical aspect of FIV, some technical terms are defined
Excitation frequency (fex): vibration frequency of a (self-excited or forced) bluff body
Strouhal frequency (fst): the frequency of vortex shedding for a body at rest
Vortex shedding frequency (fvs): frequency of vortex shedding for a body in motion
(self-excited or forced)
Natural frequency (fn): cylinder natural frequency in vacuum
The frequency value at which the vortices are shed is called vortex shedding fre-
quency. It is nondimensionalized with the diameter of the cylinder and free steam velocity
and is referred to as Strouhal number (St):
St = fstD/U (1)
Re = ρUD/µ, (2)
Ur = U/fnD (3)
where D (m) is the cylinder diameter, U (m/s) is the freestream velocity, and μ (N s/m2)
and ρ (kg/m3) represent the dynamic viscosity and density of the fluid, respectively.
The remainder of the manuscript is organized as follows. The following section dis-
cusses the wake structures behind the cylinder and how they vary depending upon the
Reynolds number. The St-Re relation is also presented in this section, along with the de-
pendence of oblique shedding angle on the Re. The wall effect for the 3D cylinder and
parallel and oblique shedding is discussed in the next section. Governing equations for
cylinder undergoing 1DOF and 2DOF motion are presented, followed by the parameters
affecting FIV, added mass, mass and structural damping, forced vibrations, the lock-in
phenomenon, and the vortex shedding modes. The later sections present the various stud-
ied covering flow over unheated and heated single and multiple cylinders in tandem,
Energies 2021, 14, 8496 6 of 50
side-by-side, and staggered arrangement. The sections at the end of the manuscript pre-
sent the effect of 2DOF motion and surface roughness on the wake characteristics. Lastly,
conclusions and future prospects for the research in the area of flow over circular cylinders
and the related FIV is presented.
2. Wake Structures
In order to understand FIV, it is vital to understand the wake structure behind the
cylinder which gives rise to the vibrations. The behavior of the flow around a cylinder
strongly depends on the Re and a number of authors have classified various flow regimes
based on Re. Roshko [34] defined four flow regimes: subcritical (1 × 103 < Re < 2 × 105),
critical (2 × 105 < Re < 5 × 105), supercritical (5 × 105 < Re < 2 × 106), and hypercritical (Re >
2 × 106). In subcritical regime, the vortex shedding frequency remains constant and tran-
sition to turbulence occurs in the separated shear layers. In critical regime, a decrease in
the drag coefficient is experienced due to transition to turbulence with an unstable bound-
ary layer. In supercritical regime, fluctuating vortex shedding is experienced with loss in
periodicity. In hypercritical regime, fully turbulent separation of the shear layers is expe-
rienced which results in wider wake and the drag coefficient also increases. Coutanceau
and Defaye [35] classified the flow over a single cylinder into ten regimes depending on
the flow structures based on their visual observation (Table 2). The transition from one
regime to another affects the vorticity, vortex size, separation point, and lift and drag
forces [36–38]. The Re is the predominant factor, affecting the flow structures. More re-
cently, Derakhshandeh and Alam [20] classified the flow over a circular cylinder into three
major regimes based on the results of Zdravkovich [39] depending upon Re, i.e., 𝑅𝑅𝑅𝑅 < 300
(laminar); 300 ≤ 𝑅𝑅𝑅𝑅 < 1.4 × 105 (subcritical); and 𝑅𝑅𝑅𝑅 ≥ 1.4 × 105 (critical and supercritical).
One of the reasons behind this classification is that the fluctuating lift coefficient (CLf) acts
differently in these three regions, as shown in Figure 1. So does the transition in the shear
and boundary layers [39,40].
Figure 1. Flow classification based on fluctuating lift coefficient. Reprinted with permission from Ref. [20]. Copyright 2019,
Figure 2a,b represents the effect of increasing Re on St for flow over a cylinder. It is
observed that vortex shedding starts at Re of about 47. As Re increases, St increases with
a decreasing rate, until it reaches a constant value of 0.2 at Re of 300 (laminar regime) and
stays constant in the sub-critical range from Re = 300 to 1.4 × 105. The vortices are three-
dimensional in subcritical flow. A discontinuity is seen at Re of 180 [41–44]. In the critical
regime St jumps abruptly from 0.2 to around 0.5 at Re of 1.5 × 105, after which it decreases
slightly and has random values at Re > 6 × 105.
Many numerical studies are simplified as 2D studies, however in the 3D studies and
in the experimental work, the effect of spanwise length of the cylinder is captured. The
third dimension affects the wake of the cylinder. Williamson [6] in his work reviewed the
shift to three-dimensionality of the flow characteristics in the near wake of a circular cyl-
inder. The discontinuities seen in Figure 2a are the result of the 3D effects. More detail can
be found in [33,45].
In the subcritical, critical and supercritical regime, when Re > 300, irregular velocity
fluctuations start to occur and the separated shear layers become turbulent. Vortex shed-
ding frequency, however, still stays almost constant [46–48]. The Strouhal number stays
approximately constant at 0.2 [48–51]. In the subcritical flow regime, vortices exhibit 3D
characteristics [33]. Bearman [52] studied the effect of Re on lift and drag forces, pressure
coefficient and Strouhal number for a circular cylinder. He found that at Re = 4.16 × 105 the
mean drag coefficient was minimum where St suddenly jumps to 0.46 from 0.2 (Figure
2b), and the vortex shedding frequency encompasses a wider band at Re = 5.5 × 105.
Energies 2021, 14, 8496 8 of 50
Figure 2. (a): St vs. Re for a circular cylinder in the laminar regime. Reprinted with permission
from Ref. [41]. Copyright 1996, Elsevier. (b): St vs. Re for a circular cylinder in subcritical, critical,
and supercritical regime. Reprinted with permission from Ref. [52]. Copyright 2006, Cambridge
University Press.
In the laminar flow regime (Re < 300), the interaction between the shear layers,
boundary layers, and the wake makes the flow behind the cylinder complex although the
shape of the circular cylinder is very simple. Mostly, the wake of a circular cylinder is
simplified as 2D specially in numerical studies. The wake flow in reality is 3D, much more
Energies 2021, 14, 8496 9 of 50
complex than the simplified 2D wake flow [53]. It is affected by various parameters, such
as aspect ratio (AR) of the cylinder, blockage ratio of the channel, Reynolds number, sur-
face roughness of the cylinder, incoming flow turbulence intensity, etc. Szepessy and
Bearman [54] conducted wind tunnel experiments with a circular cylinder and showed
that CLf depends on Re and aspect ratio of the cylinder.
The oblique shedding angle (θ) for a circular cylinder also depends on Re as shown
in Figure 3 (adapted from Williamson [42]). It is observed that there is an abrupt rise for
θ when Re ≈ 70, which results in irregular, weaker vortices. The oblique shedding angle
increases from 2° to 11° at a decreasing rate from Re of 47 to 65 where a jump occurs, and
the oblique shedding angle attains a maximum value of 20°. Increasing Re further de-
creases the oblique shedding angle and a constant value of 12° is reached at Re > 100. The
sudden jump is due to the shift in the vortex shedding frequency (St). Therefore, it can be
concluded that the oblique shedding angle (θ) and St are highly sensitive to Re.
Figure 3. Oblique shedding angle vs. Reynolds number in the laminar regime. Reprinted with permission from Ref. [42].
Copyright 2006, Cambridge University Press.
Figure 4. (a) Oblique shedding with no-slip wall vs. (b) parallel shedding with slip wall for 3D circular cylinder. Reprinted
with permission from Ref. [55]. Copyright 2014, Elsevier.
Figure 5. CL and CD behaviors for oblique shedding (green color) and parallel shedding (black color). The time averaged
values are shown in red color. Reprinted with permission from Ref. [55]. Copyright 2014, Elsevier.
where m here is the virtual mass of the system which includes the actual mass and the
added mass (Δm).
𝑤𝑤𝑛𝑛 = 2𝜋𝜋𝑓𝑓𝑛𝑛 = � [rad/s] (6)
where fn (Hz) is the natural frequency, k (N/m) is spring constant, m (kg) is the mass of the
body, and c (N-s/m) is the damping coefficient.
Here, ζ is the damping ratio, defined as:
Energies 2021, 14, 8496 11 of 50
𝜁𝜁 = (7)
The fn depends on k and m of the system and can be found by giving an initial dis-
placement of the body. The frequency can be found through fast Fourier transform (FFT)
of the free decay of the displacement or from a similar technique.
More generally, the transverse (y) and streamwise (x) motion of the body can be mod-
eled using the following nondimensional equations, as given in Izadpanah et al. [56] and
Nepali et al. [57]:
𝑌𝑌̈ + 4𝜋𝜋𝐹𝐹𝑛𝑛 𝜁𝜁𝑌𝑌̇ + (2𝜋𝜋𝐹𝐹𝑛𝑛 )2 𝑌𝑌 = (8)
𝑋𝑋̈ + 4𝜋𝜋𝐹𝐹𝑛𝑛 𝜁𝜁𝑋𝑋̇ + (2𝜋𝜋𝐹𝐹𝑛𝑛 )2 𝑋𝑋 = (9)
where X, Ẋ, Ẍ, Y, Ẏ, and Ÿ are the dimensionless displacement, velocity, and acceleration
in streamwise and transverse direction, respectively. Where X = x/D, and Y = y/D.
The nondimensional natural frequency is represented as:
𝐹𝐹𝑛𝑛 = (10)
The lift coefficient CL is given as:
𝐶𝐶𝐿𝐿 = 2 (11)
𝜌𝜌𝑈𝑈∞ 𝐷𝐷
𝐶𝐶𝐷𝐷 = 2 (12)
𝜌𝜌𝑈𝑈∞ 𝐷𝐷
1 𝑘𝑘
𝑓𝑓𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒 = � (13)
2𝜋𝜋 𝑚𝑚 + Δ𝑚𝑚
𝑚𝑚𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠 𝑚𝑚
𝑚𝑚 ∗= = (14)
𝑚𝑚𝑓𝑓𝑓𝑓𝑓𝑓𝑓𝑓𝑓𝑓 𝜌𝜌(𝜋𝜋𝐷𝐷2 /4)𝑙𝑙
where l is the cylinder spanwise length (for 2D cases, l = 1.0). The range of m* is usually
taken as 6–12 when the fluid is water, and its value is much higher, 250–400, when the
fluid is air. The VIV is controlled by the spring constant of the system, mass of the cylinder,
structural damping, fluid density, and the motion of the fluid around the body.
To simulate the vibrations of a cylinder, various techniques have been used by the
researchers available in the literature. Second order Newmark- β method have been used
by [58–60]. Papaioannou et al. [61] and Han et al. [62] also used a numerical technique
Energies 2021, 14, 8496 12 of 50
belonging to the Newmark family. The trapezoidal method which is a second-order im-
plicit technique was used by Chung [63]. Galerkin FEM method was used by [64–67].
Whereas the renowned fourth-order Runge–Kutta algorithm was used by [11,13,68,69].
6. Added Mass
Whenever a body is accelerated in a fluid, there appears to be a change in its mass
and that change is technically termed as the added mass. It can be negative or positive,
subject to the relative direction. The effect of viscosity on the added mass was proved by
Stokes [70]. It can be elaborated that “the added mass is not a concentrated mass attached
to the centroid of the body. It is distributed throughout the fluid set in motion by the body.
Thus, its magnitude and centroid change with time as the intensity and distribution of the
kinetic energy of the fluid change with time” [2]. For cylinder undergoing FIV, added
mass strongly depends on amplitude to diameter ratio (A/D). Added mass is a manifesta-
tion of the added inertia as the body tries to accelerate or decelerate through a fluid. The
FIV is a transient phenomenon and therefore the value of added mass also fluctuates, and
it can be negative or positive, as a result at certain instant the apparent mass of the cylinder
might become zero. The dimensionless added mass coefficient (Ca) is defined as the ratio
of added mass to the mass of the displaced fluid, i.e., Ca = Δm/mf. For the numerical anal-
ysis, the effect of pressure and viscous terms is explicitly incorporated into the Navier–
Stokes equations solutions, therefore one does not need to be concerned about the value
of the added mass. Vikestad et al. [71] described complete experimental procedure and
the related equations to find the value of added mass coefficient for a circular cylinder.
The added mass and the related added mass coefficient can be found by the following
𝑓𝑓𝑛𝑛 2
𝛥𝛥𝛥𝛥 = 𝑚𝑚 �� � − 1� (15)
𝑓𝑓𝑛𝑛 2
𝐶𝐶𝑎𝑎 = 𝑚𝑚∗ �� � − 1� (16)
where fn is the cylinder natural frequency in vacuum, and fex is the vibration frequency.
Cylinders with high mass ratios are less affected by the added mass and its variations,
as the lighter fluids provide less resistance to the motion of the cylinder. Heating the cyl-
inder results in lowered values of added mass as it decreases the fluid density in the vi-
cinity of the cylinder and hence the apparent mass ratio increases. It becomes easier for
the cylinder to accelerate in lower density fluid as compared to high density fluid.
fluid damping. Heating results in lowered fluid damping if the fluid is a liquid as it de-
creases its viscosity, however for gases the viscosity increases with the increase in temper-
ature and so does the fluid damping. For FIV it must be noted that equivalent damping
should be considered for the analysis which represents both, the structural damping as
well as the fluid damping. Koopmann [72] performed experiments on elastically sup-
ported cylinder to find the damping in vacuum and in still air. His results showed that
structural damping was only 15% of the damping in the still air. Sarpkaya [2] suggested
that for VIV in water, the structural damping term is negligible as comparted to the fluid
damping, and for even dense fluids, it can be completely neglected in numerical simula-
tions. Sarpkaya [2] and Alam [73] suggested that m*ζ should not be merged to form a
single parameter, although it has almost become a common practice to blend these pa-
rameters into a single ‘mass-damping’ parameter (m*ζ). They argued very important roles
are played by each m* and ζ in VIV. According to Khalak and Williamson [74], synchro-
nization range is controlled mainly by m* (when m*ζ is constant), however the maximum
amplitude of vibration is regulated mostly by the product of m*ζ in Re = 3.5 × 103 − 1 × 104.
8. Forced Vibrations
For forced vibrations, the vibrations are imposed externally at given values of A and
fex. For transverse forced oscillations:
where Y(t) and X(t) are the time-dependent displacements in the transverse and stream-
wise directions, respectively.
9. Lock-In Phenomenon
One of the most important terms in FIV is the lock-in or synchronization where
“large-amplitude vibrations occur on an elastically mounted cylinder. This phenomenon
occurs at a range of Ur when the vortex shedding frequency synchronizes with the struc-
ture’s natural frequency” [6]. The term lock-on is also synonymously used in the literature.
Gao et al. [75] defined the lock-in region as: “the VIV amplitudes within the lock-in region
must be larger than half of the maximum amplitude experienced within the whole re-
duced velocity range”. This approach of determining the lock-in zone was also used in a
prior study [76].
The Ur range where lock-in occurs for a low m*ζ is split into two: the initial and lower
branches [77]. Khalak and Williamson [78] studied VIV for a very low m*ζ and divided
the Ur range into four branches: “the initial excitation, upper branch, lower branch, and
desynchronization”, as indicated in Figure 6. The figure displays the data from experi-
ments of [77] (hollow dots) and from [78] (solid dots). The cylinder was only permitted to
vibrate in the transverse direction. The parameters of Feng’s study [77] using air as fluid
were m* = 248, ζ = 0.00103, and m*ζ = 0.255, and those used by Khalak and Williamson [78]
with water as fluid were m* = 10.1, ζ = 0.0013, and m*ζ = 0.013. In the experimental work
for VIV, Ur is varied by changing Re. For forced oscillations, Re is kept constant and fex is
changed, which in turn varies Ur. This figure shows the dependence of A/D on Ur. As Ur
is increased in the initial branch, A/D first increases slowly and then abruptly jumps to the
upper branch where the maximum amplitude is attained. In the lower branch the ampli-
tude decreases until desynchronization is reached where A/D no longer depends on Ur,
attaining a near constant value.
Parkinson [79] stated that “the vibration amplitude in the VIV regime is limited to
less than 1D for a circular cylinder, whereas the galloping vibration amplitude of a square
cylinder can increase manyfold.” In the experimental studies of Carberry [3] and Carberry
Energies 2021, 14, 8496 14 of 50
et al. [80] on vibrating cylinders, the maximum lift coefficient increased by two-folds in Re
= 2300−9100.
Figure 6. Amplitude response comparison for m* = 2.4 (bold dots [78]) and m* = 248 (hollow dots,
[77]). Reprinted with permission from Ref. [78]. Copyright 1997, Elsevier.
In the lock-in region, even if the vortices are weak, cylinder can oscillate at large am-
plitudes because of lock-in. The self-excited and self-sustaining resonant response of the
cylinder occurs at specific amplitudes and frequencies, and it is a complete dynamic phe-
nomenon governed by the interacting shear layers, vortex shedding and the induced
forces on the body. It does not strictly happen at a fixed value of amplitude and frequency
due to the continuous variations in the added-mass and in the response amplitude and
Figure 7 shows the plot between fvs vs. fex normalized by fst. When fvs is close to fst, i.e.,
on the horizontal line at fvs/fst = 1, vortex shedding is not affected by the excitation fre-
quency. However, when fvs is equal to fex, given by the line of the slope of 1, the vortex
shedding becomes synchronized with the excitation frequency and deviates from the
Strouhal frequency. This trend is observed in the range of 0.5 ≤ fex/fst ≤ 1.6.
Energies 2021, 14, 8496 15 of 50
Figure 7. Normalized vortex shedding frequency vs. normalized excitation frequency for a single
cylinder with A/D = 0.05, and Re = 1.5 × 102. Reprinted with permission from Ref. [81]. Copyright
2004, Elsevier.
A more recent data for normalized vortex shedding frequency and normalized exci-
tation frequency at A/D = 0.22 and Re = 1500 is shown in Figure 8.
Figure 8. Normalized vortex shedding frequency vs. normalized excitation frequency for A/D = 0.22
and Re = 1.5 × 102. Reprinted with permission from Ref. [82]. Copyright 2001, Elsevier.
Related to lock-in, Sarpkaya [2] has quoted that “self-excitation without lock-in is
common but self-regulated lock-in without self-excitation is impossible”. Vortex shedding
for a smooth stationary circular cylinder is a dynamic phenomenon and the point of sep-
aration depends on Reynolds number, and amplitude and frequency of the vibration
[83,84]. Generally, for a cylinder with any cross-section, the point of separation depends
on the pressure gradient, the flow conditions, roughness of the cylinder surface, shape of
the cylinder, and geometrical changes across the length of the cylinder.
From Figures 7 and 8 it can be observed that the lock-in can also happen at oscilla-
tions that are super-harmonics of the vortex shedding frequency. Moreover, the lock-in
zones for the odd-number super-harmonics seem to be different from those for the even-
Energies 2021, 14, 8496 16 of 50
number super-harmonics [81,85,86]. This depends on the nature of the vortex shedding.
Moe et al. (1994) noted that oscillations close to harmonic oscillations appear for self-ex-
cited vibrations in the lock-in region.
Figure 9. 2S, 2P and P+S vortex shedding patterns behind a circular cylinder. Reprinted with per-
mission from Ref. [29]. Copyright 2018, Elsevier.
The most common type of vortex shedding mode is 2S for a single cylinder. The 2P
and P+S modes appear when the vibration amplitude is large while C mode emerges for
a high frequency of oscillations. The relationship of these modes with the Re and Ur will
be shown in the following sections.
Wanderley and Soares [90] modeled the VIV of spring-mounted cylinder allowed to
vibrate in the transverse direction only. They carried out numerical solution of unsteady
Reynolds-averaged Navier–Stokes (URANS) equations and used k–ε model to account for
turbulence. Response amplitude, frequency, and lift coefficient were analyzed at 100 < Re
< 1200, and 2 < Ur < 12. They verified that Reynolds number strongly affects VIV (Figure
10). While the synchronization regime is dependent on Re, the maximum response ampli-
tude hovers around 0.55 and is not much sensitive to Re.
Figure 10. Variation in vibration amplitude for different Reynolds numbers. Reprinted with permission from Ref. [90].
Copyright 2015, Elsevier.
the oscillation affected the flow field. For low oscillation frequencies, only one fvs appeared
but as the oscillation frequency increased, a high frequency nonlinear component also ap-
peared in the vortex shedding. Al-Mdallal et al. [102] numerically studied crossflow over
a circular cylinder with streamwise oscillations at Re of 200. To solve the URANS numer-
ically, the implicit Crank–Nicolson and Gauss–Seidel iterative schemes were used. Their
results indicated the presence of symmetric and asymmetric modes of vortex shedding in
the wake of the cylinder. The modes were presented and characterized by the frequency
ratio. Table 3 shows selected studies for fixed and elastically-supported single cylinders.
Table 3. Selected studies for flow over single cylinder showing the type of methodology, cylinder mounting, Reynolds
number (Re), and reduced velocity (Ur). The measurements carried out in each study are also presented, where A/D =
nondimensional vibration amplitude, f = vibration frequency, CL = lift coefficient, CD = drag coefficient, CP = pressure coef-
ficient, St = Strouhal number, FS = flow structure.
In order to understand FIV, first we need to understand the flow over a cylinder and
the developed aerodynamic forces. Various studies have proved that for a single circular
cylinder, the VIV amplitude, vibration frequency, aerodynamic forces, and vortex shed-
ding strongly depends on the Re, Ur, m*, and ζ. It is also widely accepted that FIV is a
complex phenomenon and cannot be accurately represented by 1DOF motion alone.
excitation frequency. However, at low oscillation amplitudes or higher Re, the heat trans-
fer enhancement due to the vibration is not pronounced. Marquart et al. [111] numerically
studied the flow over a cylinder with circular cross-section. They studied the effect of
heating/cooling the surface of the cylinder on the aerodynamic forces. Their flow Re was
1 × 104 and 1 × 105. They observed that heating the cylinder increased the drag coefficient
at both Re. A single cylinder simultaneously undergoing FIV and heating was studied by
Baratchi et al. [116]. They numerically investigated the effect of different natural frequen-
cies on fluid forces, Nusselt number, and vortex shedding. They used the moving overset
grids method to account for the cylinder oscillations and solved URANS to get the numer-
ical solution. The study was conducted at Re = 200. They found that for a range of struc-
tural natural frequencies, the vortex shedding frequency is similar to the structural one
with a slight deviation. This phenomenon is referred to as the soft lock-in. Similar work
was conducted by Izadpanah et al. [56]. They used semi-implicit method for the pressure
linked equations (SIMPLE) technique for pressure-velocity coupling, second order up-
wind scheme to discretize the convection terms in momentum and energy equations, and
first order implicit scheme for discretization in time. They analyzed the effect of flow-
induced vibrations on the convective heat transfer over a single cylinder. Reduced veloc-
ity and damping ratio were varied to study the variation in vortex formation, vibration
amplitude, and Nusselt number. The study was conducted at Re =150, Ur = 3–8, and ζ = 0,
0.01, 0.05, and 0.1. They found that changes in Ur and ζ can affect the heat transfer notice-
ably (Figure 11). It is seen in the figure that as the damping ratio is increased, the average
Nusselt number of the cylinder is decreased. Moreover, for Ur ranges, the Nusselt number
is lower for the elastically mounted cylinder than for the fixed cylinder. Figure 12 shows
the linear relation between average Nusselt number and Re for Re = 100–200.
To calculate the Nusselt number, there are several relations available in the literature,
some of which are represented here:
Knudsen and Katz [117] correlation:
Nu = 0.683Re0.466Pr1/3 (19)
Nu = 0.51Re0.5 (20)
For a single heated cylinder under FIV, Cheng et al. [114] proposed a relationship
between Nu and Re with air as the fluid as:
Figure 11. Variation in vibration amplitude and total average Nusselt number for different damping ratios and reduced
velocities. Reprinted with permission from Ref. [56]. Copyright 2018, Elsevier.
Figure 12. Average Nusselt number vs. Re for a stationary cylinder. Reprinted with permission
from Ref. [116]. Copyright 2016, ASME International.
Wang and Travnicek [120] experimentally examined the heat transfer between the
heated cylinder and the laminar air flow. Their goal was to find the reference temperature
for computation of kinematic viscosity needed to understand the convective heat transfer
phenomenon. Their work was continued by Baranyi et al. [121] for various temperatures
and Reynolds numbers. Nakamura and Igarashi [122] experimentally studied the un-
steady heat transfer between the flowing air and heated cylinder. In their findings, the
alternating shear layers, that got detached from the cylinder surface, gave rise to the al-
ternating vortices in the wake of the cylinder. Salimipour [123] performed numerical anal-
ysis for flow over a cylinder with convective heat transfer. The second order schemes were
used to discretize the momentum and energy equations and modified strongly implicit
(MSI) procedure (developed by Schneider and Zedan [124]) was used to solve the pressure
equation. He attempted to suppress FIV by weakening vortex shedding and decreasing
drag. Witte et al. [125] numerically studied the effect of heat transfer for a cylinder at sub-
Energies 2021, 14, 8496 21 of 50
critical flow at a Reynolds number of 3900. They used DNS and LES techniques and sim-
ulated 2D flow for pulsating laminar flow at Re = 0.4, 4.0, and 40. Jogee et al. [126] per-
formed LES on a heated circular cylinder at Re of 3900. Large differences in temperature,
25, 100, 200, and 300 °C between the cylinder and the fluid flow, were considered, and the
effect on the flow and thermal characteristics in the wake of the cylinder was studied.
They observed that with the increase in temperature the flow dynamics vary non-linearly.
The effect of temperature was not significant until a temperature difference of 100 °C in
their study. The transverse component was found to be dominant over the streamwise
components of shear stress fluctuations, which caused enhancement in the local mixing
of the fluid and therefore increase in the rate of heat transfer.
Baughn et al. [127] experimentally measured the heat transfer between a hot cylinder
and a cold fluid using a constant heat flux at the cylinder wall. They carried out the anal-
ysis for single cylinder and for tandem cylinders at two values of Reynolds number in the
subcritical range. They highlighted the development of Von Karman vortex street behind
the cylinder and noticed that the strength of the vortices is high in the near wake region
of the cylinder while it decreases slowly in the streamwise direction. Matsumura and An-
tonia [128] and Antonia et al. [129] studied experimentally the change in heat transfer and
momentum due to the vortices and evaluated various parameters in detail: fluctuations
in temperature, velocity relations and the Prandtl number. They indicated that in the far
wake region, the heat transfer by vortices is more significant than that by momentum. The
heat transfer and flow characteristics for different arrangements of tubes were studied
experimentally by Buyruk [130]. His aim was to determine the fluctuations in the pressure
coefficient and the Nusselt number. It was concluded that the unsteady heat transfer in-
fluenced the flow characteristics near the surface of the cylinder. Kumar and Jayavel [131]
examined the flow over a tube bundle and isolated a single cylinder from the tube bundle
for analysis. Their study was carried out at Re of 50–100 with varying transverse pitch
(H/D) in the range of 1.54–5. They considered varying blockage ratios for heat exchanger
with cylindrical tubes and concluded that the heat transfer enhancement only depends on
the frequency of vortex shedding when blockage ratio is over 3.
Ali et al. [132] performed forced streamwise oscillations of a heated circular cylinder
at frequency ratios (fex/fst) of 0.1, 1 and 2. They performed DNS at Re of 100. They found
that the forcing function interacted with the Strouhal frequency of the system, for all val-
ues of forcing frequency. The complex spectrum was observed, where two distinct fre-
quencies appeared corresponding to the sum and the difference between the Strouhal and
the forcing function (Figure 13a). They observed that when the forcing frequency was
twice the Strouhal frequency, lift coefficient increased drastically representing lock-in. In
comparison to the stationary unheated cylinder, heating the cylinder at a temperature 300
K above the incoming flow, lift coefficient decreased by half and natural frequency by
16%, whereas drag showed slight increase. They concluded that heating of cylinder was
equivalent to running the flow at low Re. They also noted that the condition of lock-on at
a frequency ratio of 2 only holds true for isothermal cylinder and not for the heated cylin-
der. Figure 13a shows the emergence of two additional frequencies (sum and difference
of the forcing and Strouhal frequency) for the forced oscillating cylinder. Figure 13b shows
a decrease in the vortex shedding frequency at all the frequency ratios due to the addition
of heat to the cylinder wall. Figure 14a shows the behavior of rms of lift coefficient and
average drag coefficient for isothermal cylinder under influence of forced vibrations.
From the figure, it is observed that increasing the forcing frequency increases both CD and
CL with a huge jump at fex/fvs of 2 which is due to the lock-on phenomena. The effect of
heating the cylinder on the rms of lift coefficient and average drag coefficient is displayed
in Figure 14b. The rms of lift coefficient decreases, whereas the average drag coefficient
increases with the increase in the temperature difference. The abnormal value at temper-
ature difference of 0 K are due to the lock-on condition. Table 4 summarizes the selected
studies conducted for heated circular cylinder.
Energies 2021, 14, 8496 22 of 50
Figure 13. Spectral analysis for (a) isothermal cylinder, and (b) heated cylinder with ΔT = 300 K at frequency ratios of 0,
0.5, 1 and 2. Reprinted with permission from Ref. [132]. Copyright 2021, ASME International.
Figure 14. Behavior of rms of lift coefficient and average drag coefficient along (a) frequency ratios for isothermal cylinder
and (b) temperature difference between the cylinder wall and the incoming fluid. Reprinted with permission from Ref.
[132]. Copyright 2021, ASME International.
Table 4. Selected studies for flow over heated single circular cylinder showing the type of methodology, cylinder mount-
ing, and Reynolds number (Re). The measurements carried out in each study are also presented, where A/D = nondimen-
sional vibration amplitude, CL = lift coefficient, CD = drag coefficient, St = Strouhal number, Nu = Nusselt number, h =
convective heat transfer coefficient, FS = flow structure.
Coupling the heat transfer with VIV shows how one affects the other. It is noted from
the above literature that VIV causes an increase in the heat transfer by increasing local and
average h and Nu, whereas on the other hand, heating the cylinder dampens the VIV re-
sponse of the cylinder as it lowers CL,f, A/D, and fex, while increasing average CD. Heating
the cylinder has a similar effect on the cylinder response as does Ur at low Reynolds num-
ber for unheated cylinder.
Figure 15. Arrangement of circular cylinders in cross-flow: (a) tandem, (b) side-by-side, and (c) staggered. Reprinted with
permission from Ref. [24]. Copyright 2010, Elsevier.
Zdravkovich [136] defined the two types of interference, as shown in Figure 16, de-
pending upon the relative distance between the two cylinders: wake interference, when
downstream cylinder is in the wake of the upstream cylinder, and proximity interference,
when the two cylinders are near to each other, but the downstream cylinder is not in the
wake of the upstream cylinder. In proximity interference, the downstream cylinder is not
directly in the wake of the upstream cylinder but the presence of one cylinder affects the
behavior of the other cylinder and the same is true for side-by-side cylinders.
Energies 2021, 14, 8496 24 of 50
Figure 16. Wake interference and proximity interference boundaries. Reprinted with permission
from Ref. [24]. Copyright 2010, Elsevier.
For cylinders in tandem, Zdravkovich [136] identified three major flow regimes with
the first one being the extended body regime (L* < 1.2–1.8). In the extended body regime,
also called single bluff body behavior, the separated shear layers from upstream cylinder
fully enclose the downstream cylinder without any reattachment and roll up to form vor-
tices behind the downstream cylinder. The gap between the cylinders usually contains
stagnant fluid. The presence of downstream cylinder affects the vortex shedding of up-
stream, however no vortices are shed from the downstream cylinder. Vortex shedding
frequency is higher as compared to single cylinder and wake is narrower [137].
The second regime is the reattachment regime (1.2–1.8 < L* < 3.4–3.8), also called shear
layer reattachment behavior, the separating shear layers from the upstream cylinder reattach
onto the surface of the downstream cylinder and vortices are shed from the downstream cyl-
inder. The presence of upstream cylinder affects the behavior of downstream cylinder as com-
pared to single cylinder. This regime can be sub-divided into two regimes, one where the re-
attachment occurs on the back side of the downstream cylinder and the other where it occurs
on the front face of the downstream cylinder, this depends on the L* as shown in Figure 17.
The third regime is the co-shedding regime (L* > 4), where vortices are shed from
both the cylinders and the vortices shed from upstream cylinder impinge on the surface
of downstream cylinder and affects the behavior of the downstream cylinder. More detail
on these regimes can be found in Sumner [24].
Figure 17. Flow regimes for two tandem cylinders as defined by Zhou and Yiu [138]. Reprinted with permission from Ref.
[24]. Copyright 2010, Elsevier.
Energies 2021, 14, 8496 25 of 50
Igarashi [139] performed experiments and studied the effect of Reynolds number on
the Strouhal number and pressure fluctuations for Re in the range of 8.7 × 103~5.2 × 104 for
tandem cylinders. He introduced a Re vs. L* map for flow behavior for tandem cylinders,
shown in Figure 18, which has great engineering importance and is very helpful in under-
standing flow physics. It can be observed that the boundaries of flow patterns change at
low Re (less than 2 × 104) but remain relatively fixed at higher Re. Alam and Meyer [140]
experimentally studied FIV for two circular cylinders with the gap-spacing ratio (G/D)
varied from 0.1 to 5 and the attack angle α from 0° to 180°. In their analysis, galloping did
not occur for single cylinder but two cylinders in tandem experienced galloping due to
the shear layer-cylinder and boundary layer–cylinder interaction.
Figure 18. Vortex shedding regimes for tandem cylinders as a function of non-dimensional spacing
(L*) and Re. Reprinted with permission from Ref. [15]. Copyright 2016, Elsevier.
Qin et al. [141] experimentally studied FIV for a circular cylinder in the wake of fixed
smaller cylinder using PIV. The ratio of upstream to downstream cylinder diameter was
varied from 0.2 to 1. They measured the cylinder frequency and vibration response, shed-
ding frequency, surface pressure and flow fields. They identified six flow regimes. They
investigated the effect of the ratio of diameters of cylinders on the vibrations, the flow
physics for strong vibrations, and the start of the vibrations.
Kim et al. [142,143] experimentally investigated FIV on tandem cylinders. They stud-
ied the effect of varying gap spacing ratio and reduced velocity on the vibration response
of the system. The experiments were conducted at 4365 < Re < 74200, reduced velocity 1.5
< Ur < 26, and spacing ratios 0.1 < L* < 3.2. Five different vibration regimes were identified.
Xu et al. [144] conducted multiple tests in a water channel with two tandem cylinders
studying flow-induced vibrations. The experiments were conducted at 28,600 < Re <
114,000, spacing ratios L* = 1.57, 2.57, 3.57, 4.57 and low mass damping parameter m*ζ =
0.0269. Maximum vibrational response amplitudes of the upstream and downstream cyl-
inders were found to be 1.41D and 1.71D, respectively. Sun et al. [145] studied flow-in-
duced vibrations experimentally in a water channel with two tandem cylinders. The ex-
periments were conducted at 30,000 < Re < 120,000, spacing ratios L* = 1.57, 2.0, and 2.57,
spring stiffness 400 < k < 1200, and damping ratio 0.02 < ζ < 0.26. Huera-Huarte and Jimé-
nez-González [146] experimentally studied FIV on two tandem cylinders with different
Energies 2021, 14, 8496 26 of 50
diameters. The experiments were conducted at 7000 < Re < 28,000, reduced velocity 4 < Ur
< 14, spacing ratio L* = 1.3, diameter ratio d/D = 0.12, 0.2, 0.32, 0.4, 0.5, 1 where d and D
represented the downstream and upstream cylinder diameters, respectively. The study
focused on the effect of different diameter ratios on the forces and flow. They found that
the vibration amplitude is reduced especially for d/D > 0.2 compared to the isolated cylin-
der case. Another case of tandem cylinders with different diameters is conducted by Zhao
et al. [67]. They used Petrov–Galerkin finite element technique (PG-FEM), developed by
Zhao et al. [147], to solve for URANS equations. They studied both the streamwise and
transverse vibrations of an elastically mounted small cylinder located in the wake of larger
fixed cylinder. Spacing ratios and reduced velocities were varied and their effect on re-
sponse amplitude, response frequency, and wake interactions was studied. The study was
conducted at Re = 200 (based on larger diameter D), diameter ratio d/D = 0.5, reduced
velocity 2 < Ur < 30, spacing ratio L* = 1.5, 2, 3. They identified four different regimes de-
pending on the spacing ratio and reduced velocity. The vibration amplitudes trends were
greatly differed as the reduced velocity was increased.
Alam et al. [148] investigated the flow over two fixed tandem cylinders at Re = 6.5 ×
104, and spacing ratio 1 < L* < 8. They found that the fluctuating forces on the downstream
cylinder strongly depend on the spacing ratio between the cylinders. The values of the
fluctuating lift and drag coefficients were found to be 2 and 2.8 times more, respectively,
compared to the isolated cylinder at L* = 1.4. Assi et al. [149] studied the FIV interference
between two tandem cylinders experimentally. The experiment was conducted at 3000 <
Re < 13,000, and spacing ratios 2 < L* < 5.6. The galloping phenomenon was observed for
the spacing range of 3 < L* < 5.6, which is characterized by increasing vibration response
continuously with increasing reduced velocity. Borazjani and Sotiropoulos [150] numeri-
cally investigated the FIV for two cylinders in tandem arrangement. The study was con-
ducted at Re = 200, and spacing ratios 3 < L* < 14. It was established that larger vibration
responses occur for the tandem configuration where the synchronization regime occurs at
a wider range. Brika and Laneville [151] experimentally investigated the FIV of a fixed
upstream cylinder and elastically mounted downstream cylinder. The study was con-
ducted at 5000 < Re < 27,000, and spacing ratios 7 < L* < 25. This study established that the
reduced velocity at which lock-in occurs was higher for the tandem arrangement com-
pared to a single isolated cylinder. In addition, the lock-in region happens for a wider
range of reduced velocities compared to the isolated cylinder case. Gao et al. [152] exper-
imentally studied the flow structures between an elastically mounted smaller cylinder in
the wake of a larger fixed cylinder. The study was conducted at Re = 7200, and spacing
ratios L* = 0.5, 2, 3,5. It was found that the vibration response and the downstream cylin-
der’s vortex shedding frequency were both reduced due to the presence of the larger up-
stream cylinder. However, as the gap spacing ratio was increased, both vibration response
and vortex shedding increased for the downstream cylinder. Papaioannou et al. [61] nu-
merically modeled the VIV of two elastically mounted cylinders in tandem. The Arbitrary
Lagrangian–Eulerian (ALE) formulation was used to solve for incompressible URANS
equations. Their study was conducted at Re = 160, and spacing ratios L* = 2.5, 3.5, 5. They
found that the range of reduced velocities where synchronization occurs for the upstream
cylinder increased as the spacing between the cylinders was decreased. They also found
that the upstream cylinder was unaffected by the presence of the downstream cylinder
for L* = 5. Kitagawa and Ohta [153] numerically modeled the flow over two fixed tandem
cylinders. They used the LES with the Smagorinsky subgrid-scale model. The study was
conducted at Re = 2.2 × 104, and spacing ratios 2 < L* < 5. The critical spacing ratio in this
study was found to be L* = 3.25. Below this critical spacing ratio, vortices were shed from
the downstream cylinder only. While for ratios greater than the critical, vortices were also
shed from the upstream cylinder. This observation on the critical spacing ratio agreed
with the results of [154]. The latter numerically modeled the flow over to fixed tandem
cylinders and found that the fluid forces on the downstream cylinder changed noticeably
at a critical spacing ratio of L* > 3.5−4. They used third-order upwind finite element
Energies 2021, 14, 8496 27 of 50
scheme to solve the Navier–Stokes equations. This change can be attributed to the shed
vortices from the upstream cylinder at that spacing ratio. Carmo et al. [155] numerically
modeled the flow over two tandem cylinders, where the upstream cylinder was fixed, and
the downstream cylinder was free to vibrate. They used spectral/hp element technique to
discretize the flow equations, and to solve the dynamics of the cylinder simple Newmark
integration method was used. The study was conducted at 100 < Re < 645, and spacing
ratio L* = 4. Their results validated that the existence of wake upstream of the cylinder
(WIV) leads to larger oscillation amplitudes compared to the VIV case. Table 5 summa-
rizes some of the work in the literature done on cylinders in tandem, side-by-side, or stag-
gered arrangement to study the flow characteristics and FIV.
Table 5. Selected studies for tandem, side-by-side, and staggered cylinders showing the type of methodology, cylinder
mounting, Reynolds number (Re), and cylinder spacing (L*, T*, or P*). The measurements carried out in each study are
also presented, where A/D = nondimensional vibration amplitude, f = vibration frequency, CL = lift coefficient, CD = drag
coefficient, CP = pressure coefficient, St = Strouhal number, FS = flow structure, VF = velocity field, and TF = temperature
Wake induced vibrations are quite different form vortex induced vibrations as pre-
sented in the above studies. WIV depends on the all the parameters as the VIV and addi-
tionally on L*, T*, P*, and α. In two cylinders, “wake induced vibration” term can only be
used for downstream cylinder as it is affected by the wake of the upstream cylinder, how-
ever various studies have shown that the presence of downstream cylinder also affects the
behavior of upstream cylinder as compared to the single cylinder.
Energies 2021, 14, 8496 30 of 50
Figure 19. The local Nusselt number distribution on (a) the upstream, and (b) downstream cylinder for L* = 3, Re = 100.
Reprinted with permission from Ref. [215]. Copyright 2008, Elsevier.
Dhiman et al. [216] numerically simulated the fluid flow over two fixed tandem cyl-
inders with convective heat transfer. Finite volume method and implicit techniques were
used to solve the URANS and energy equations. To account for turbulence, k-kl-ω model
was used. Pressure coefficients, drag forces, lift forces, Strouhal number and Nusselt num-
ber were studied in relation to gap spacing ratio. The study was conducted at 11,000 < Re
< 41,000, and spacing ratios 1.2 < L* < 4. By observing the flow field and heat transfer they
found L* = 2.2 as the critical spacing ratio where the maximum heat transfer rate occurred.
They developed a correlation to calculate average Nu as:
Harimi and Saghafian [217] numerically simulated the flow over tandem cylinders
with convective heat transfer. The numerical simulations were performed using finite vol-
ume scheme and the overset grid method. The study was conducted at Re = 100 and 200,
and spacing ratios 𝐿𝐿/𝐷𝐷 = 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 10. They found that the flow periodicity was shattered
for 𝐿𝐿* > 5. They presented two correlations to calculate the Nusselt number from upstream
and downstream cylinder:
Energies 2021, 14, 8496 31 of 50
0.0542 + 70𝐿𝐿 ∗
𝑁𝑁𝑢𝑢𝑢𝑢𝑢𝑢𝑢𝑢𝑢𝑢𝑢𝑢𝑢𝑢𝑢𝑢𝑢𝑢 = 0.1248 𝑅𝑅𝑅𝑅 0.48 𝑃𝑃𝑃𝑃 0.363 �−0.1055𝐿𝐿 ∗ + � (24)
15.7855𝐿𝐿 ∗0.8612
−1.621 + 70𝐿𝐿 ∗
𝑁𝑁𝑢𝑢𝑑𝑑𝑑𝑑𝑑𝑑𝑑𝑑𝑑𝑑𝑑𝑑𝑑𝑑𝑑𝑑𝑑𝑑𝑑𝑑 = 0.073 𝑅𝑅𝑅𝑅 0.595 𝑃𝑃𝑃𝑃 0.407 �−3.886𝐿𝐿 ∗ + � (25)
13.256𝐿𝐿 ∗0.0953
Both these relations are valid for L* ≤ 10, 100 ≤ Re ≤ 200, and 0.7 ≤ Pr ≤ 7. Table 6 enlists
some of the studies conducted on heated cylinders.
Table 6. Selected studies for heated cylinders in tandem, side-by-side, and staggered arrangement showing the type of
methodology, cylinder mounting, Reynolds number (Re), and cylinder spacing (L*, T*, or P*). The measurements carried
out in each study are also presented, where f = vibration frequency, CL = lift coefficient, CD = drag coefficient, CP = pressure
coefficient, St = Strouhal number, Nu = Nusselt number, h = convective heat transfer coefficient, FS = flow structure, VF =
velocity field, and TF = temperature field.
To the best of our knowledge very little work has been done for multiple heated cyl-
inders undergoing FIV. Most of the studies for heated cylinders are done on fixed cylin-
ders whereas the FIV analysis is done on unheated cylinders, or single heated cylinder.
There is a huge research gap in this area as FIV of multiple cylinders is usually accompa-
nied by the heat transfer as can be seen in the applications of nuclear fuel rods, power
plants tubes, and heat exchangers.
For circular cylinder free to vibrate in two axes, the cylinder traces a characteristic
pattern of figure “8” [222–224]. Zdravkovich [225] stated that “the two-degree-of-freedom
response is the interaction of the streamwise synchronization at Ur = 2.5 with the trans-
verse synchronization at Ur = 5”. Sarpkaya [226] identified the range of reduced velocity
1.7 < Ur < 2.3 as the initial instability zone where vibrations occur in the streamwise direc-
tion along with symmetric vortex shedding, and the range of 2.8 < Ur < 3.2 as the second
zone of instability with alternating vortex shedding. In the experimental work of Chen
and Jendrzejczyk [227], beating mode at Ur = 4.53 was observed. It must be noted that
these findings only occur in the case of 2-DOF cases and not in 1-DOF work.
Figure 20. Cylinders free to oscillate in 2DOF. Reprinted with permission from Ref. [63]. Copy-
right 2017, Elsevier.
Chen et al. [59] carried out numerical simulations and immersed boundary method
(IBM) was used to solve for fluid–solid interaction. They studied the 2DOF FIV for two
side-by-side cylinders and classified the response of both the cylinders into four branches
depending upon T* as shown in Figure 21. They observed that soft lock-in dominated the
initial branch (2.8 ≤ Ur ≤ 3.7) whereas lock-in dominated the lower branch (3.7 ≤ Ur < 7.3),
whereas lock-in was not observed in stationary branch (0 ≤ Ur ≤ 2.8) and desynchronized
branch (7.3 ≤ Ur ≤ 10). They defined soft lock-in as “when the vibration frequency lies
between the vortex shedding frequency of the stationary case and the natural frequency
of the cylinder”. They observed that the amplitude of vibration abruptly increased in ini-
tial branch and had maximum value in the lower branch due to the lock-in. They also
observed that with the increase in reduced velocity, the frequency of vibration decreased.
The vortex shedding mode in the stationary branch was found to be same as that of the
single cylinder. They found that due to the 2DOF motion of the cylinders, at certain con-
ditions the cylinders attained staggered arrangement.
Energies 2021, 14, 8496 33 of 50
Figure 21. (a) Nondimensional oscillation amplitudes, (b) vibration frequencies, and (c) shifts in the
equilibrium position due to VIV of two side-by-side cylinders at L* = 2. SB: stationary branch, IB:
initial branch, LB: lower branch, DB: desynchronization branch. Reprinted with permission from
Ref. [59]. Copyright 2019, Elsevier.
Chung [63] in his numerical study noted that at all the conditions, the downstream
cylinder experienced larger streamwise vibration as compared to the upstream cylinder
and stated that “the assumption of 1-DOF (transverse only) motion for 2-DOF VIV is either
oversimplified or even incorrect”. They observed that the cylinders repel and attract each
other for all non-tandem and for most of the tandem configuration. Assi [228] found that
for tandem arrangement, upstream cylinder sheds vortices as a single cylinder, at L* > 4.
For downstream cylinder, both streamwise and crossflow amplitudes increased with in-
creasing Ur. Prasanth and Mittal [229,230] studied VIV of two circular cylinders in tandem
and staggered arrangement at low Re. Their numerical simulations involved solution of
incompressible URANS equations. They observed that at higher Reynolds number, in tan-
dem arrangement, the downstream cylinder experienced much larger vibration ampli-
tude as compared to the single cylinder case, and in staggered configuration, large stream-
wise amplitude occurred for downstream cylinder. They found that the downstream cyl-
inder experienced an orbital motion for most Ur and a figure-eight motion at some Ur, in
staggered configuration, whereas for tandem arrangement only figure-eight motion was
observed. Gao et al. [75] numerically simulated the flow over three tandem cylinders at
Re of 150, with varying spacing ratio L* from 2–5 and reduced velocity Ur from 3–14. The
solution of URANS equations was numerically sought using fourth order Runge–Kutta
method, and k−ω turbulence model was used. In their study of FIV, they observed that
the middle cylinder and downstream cylinder both had large response amplitudes at all
Energies 2021, 14, 8496 34 of 50
values of L*. They identified the mechanism behind the large amplitudes as the gap flow
in proximity regime, and WIV in the co-shedding regime. They found that in comparison
with the single cylinder, for the upstream cylinder in tandem arrangement both the
streamwise and transverse response amplitudes increased greatly in the lock-in regime.
Wang et al. [65] used ALE scheme to numerically study WIV of downstream cylinder
in tandem configuration with stationary upstream cylinder and observed that the domi-
nant wake pattern was 2S for Reynolds number of 50 and 100, while increasing it to 150
and 200, P+S vortex shedding pattern was seen at lower Ur. They developed a map for
shedding pattern comparing 1DOF with 2DOF as shown in Figure 22. They also high-
lighted the need for 3D simulation for 2DOF cases.
Figure 22. Map of vortex shedding pattern for (a) 1DOF, (b) 2DOF, motion for cylinders. Reprinted
with permission from Ref. [65]. Copyright 2014, Elsevier.
Tu et al. [58] investigated 2DOF WIV of a circular cylinder downstream of the square
cylinder, numerically using semi-implicit characteristics-based split (CBS) finite element
algorithm. They observed 2S, 2P and 2T modes as shown in Figure 23. Vortex shedding
patterns are shown for different values of the ratio length of square cylinder to diameter
of circular cylinder (d/D) and reduced velocity (Ur). Figure 24 shows the map for vortex
shedding modes from their results.
Energies 2021, 14, 8496 35 of 50
Figure 23. Different vortex shedding modes. Reprinted with permission from Ref. [58]. Copyright
2017, JVE International.
Figure 24. Map of vortex shedding as developed by Tu et al. [58]. □ = 2S, ◇ = 2S-8, Δ = 2P, ○ = 2T,
solid and hollow figures denote steady and wake in the gap between cylinders, respectively. Re-
printed with permission from Ref. [58]. Copyright 2017, JVE International.
Yang et al. [11] numerically studied 2DOF FIV of a single heated cylinder at Re of 100.
They used coupled implicit solver for pressure-velocity coupling, second order scheme
for momentum and energy equations, and fourth-order Runge–Kutta scheme for cylinder
motion equations. They observed that the maximum heat transfer occurred at Ur = 6, and
found that the average Nu increased by 5.73% when compared to that of stationary cylin-
der, and by 2.46% as compared to cylinder moving in transverse direction only (1DOF).
They highlighted the importance of studying FIV in 2DOF. Table 7 shows some of the
work done on FIV of cylinder(s) considering 2DOF.
Energies 2021, 14, 8496 36 of 50
Table 7. Flow over circular cylinder with 2DOF motion showing the type of methodology, number of cylinders, cylinder
arrangement, Reynolds number (Re), reduced velocity (Ur), cylinder spacing (L*, T*, or P*), angle of incidence (α), mass
ratio (m*), and damping ratio (ζ).
The above studies have shown that FIV is a very complex phenomena and cannot be
fully studied by considering 1DOF only, therefore the need for allowing the cylinder(s) to
move in 2DOF. The added degree of freedom affects the behavior of cylinders and also
the heat transfer characteristics as presented by the above literature.
With more advanced experimental and numerical techniques, study can be done in
a more realistic way rather than simplifying the problem. Recently, more work is being
done to study the effect of surface roughness on the flow behavior. In laboratory, rough-
ness can be created on the surface of the cylinder to mimic the effect of fouling [231]. Add-
ing roughness on the surface of the cylinder affects the FIV. PTC (passive turbulence con-
trol)-to-FIV Map [92,232–235] was used to enhance and suppress FIV of two cylinders in
tandem [236,237]. Figure 25 shows how the surface roughness can be added in experi-
mental and numerical studies. For studies related to rough surfaces, Ks is the roughness
parameter and technically it defined as the height of the irregular surface.
Figure 25. Creating roughness on the surface of cylinder: (a) netting, (b) dimples. Reprinted with permission from Ref.
[238]. Copyright 2015, Elsevier. (c) numerically creating small beads on the surface. Reprinted with permission from Ref.
[75]. Copyright 2020, Elsevier.
Chang et al. [239] investigated the influence of Re and surface roughness on VIV of a
circular cylinder. They observed that the roughness strip altered the dynamic behavior of
the cylinder by suppressing VIV for Ur < 10, while induced galloping for Ur > 10. Gao et
al. [75,240] highlighted the need for 3D study as fouling on the surface of the cylinder is
not uniform and varies spanwise across the length of the cylinder. Figure 26 shows the
dimensionless amplitudes in in-line (Ax/D) and transverse (Ay/D) direction along with the
normalized vibration frequency (fs/fn) for smooth and rough cylinder, where fs is the vi-
bration frequency and fn is the natural frequency. They observed that the lock-in phenom-
enon occurred for all surface roughnesses, but the lock-in region was not very sensitive to
the variation of the surface roughness. The respective vibration modes which show the
cylinder trajectory at each value of reduce velocity is also drawn in Figure 26. This shows
that how the vibration behavior of the cylinder varies depending upon the flow condi-
tions. Some of the observed modes are the “figure-eight”, “distorted figure-eight”, “elon-
gated loop”, and the “vertical line”. The characteristic figure-eight pattern appears when
the streamwise vibration frequency is twice of the transverse vibration frequency.
Whereas the “vertical line” shows that the cylinder vibrates only in transverse direction.
They also observed that with increasing surface roughness Strouhal number increased,
and average drag coefficient decreased (Figures 26 and 27).
Energies 2021, 14, 8496 38 of 50
Figure 26. Nondimensional transverse and streamwise amplitude and frequency response for (a) smooth and (b) rough
cylinder. Reprinted with permission from Ref. [75]. Copyright 2020, Elsevier.
Figure 27. Strouhal and mean drag coefficient for smooth and rough cylinders at various reduced velocities. Reprinted
with permission from Ref. [75]. Copyright 2020, Elsevier.
Dierich and Nikrityuk [241] numerically studied the effect of surface roughness on
the Nusselt number and found that the Nusselt number decreases rapidly as the degree
of roughness increases. Finite volume method was used to discretize the Navier–Stokes
and energy equations. IBM technique was used to simulate heat and fluid flow over the
rough cylinder. In their study for Re in the range of 10–200, they found that in the dimples
Energies 2021, 14, 8496 39 of 50
the air became stagnant and acted as an insulator which increased the boundary layer
thickness thereby decreasing the convective heat transfer and therefore Nu. They called
the stagnation of air as the “isolation effect”. Table 8 shows selected studies for flow over
circular cylinder with specific surface roughness.
Table 8. Various studies considering flow over rough cylinder(s) showing the type of methodology, number of cylinders,
Reynolds number (Re), reduced velocity (Ur), cylinder spacing (L*, T*, or P*), spring constant (k), mass ratio (m*), damping
ratio (ζ), nondimensional gap from the wall (e/D), and the nondimensional surface roughness (Ks/D). The measurements
carried out in each study are also presented, where A/D = nondimensional vibration amplitude, fex = vibration frequency,
CL = lift coefficient, CD = drag coefficient, St = Strouhal number, Nu = Nusselt number, FS = flow structure.
Number of Geometric
Researchers Methodology Re Ur Roughness Measurements
Cylinders Parameters
m* = 2.6
ζ = 0.0036 0, 0.005, 0.01, St, A/D, fex, FS,
Gao et al. [75] Numerical 1 5000 1–14
Gap from wall 0.02 vorticity
(e/D) = 2
L* = 1.57, 2, 2.57
30,000– m*=1.34
Sun et al. [145] Experimental 2 (Tandem) 2.92–15.33 0.0095 A/D, fex, vorticity
120,000 k = 400, 1200
ζ = 0.02–0.26
Zhou et al. 6000– Fixed
Experimental 1 - 0.0028–0.025 CD, CL
[238] 80,000 cylinder
m* = 2.6
ζ = 0.0036 St, A/D, fex, CD, CL,
Gao et al. [240] Numerical 1 5000 1–14 0.01, 0.02
Gap from wall FS, vorticity
(e/D) = 0.8, 2
Dierich and
Numerical 1 10–200 - cylinder 0.01–0.5 CD, Nu
Nikrityuk [241]
Fouling affects the flow behavior, FIV response and heat transfer characteristics for
cylinder(s). Fouling can be replicated in laboratory or modeled numerically by applying
roughness on the surface of the cylinder. In order to study the effect of fouling, more ac-
curate roughness models are needed to precisely mimic it. Using 2D models also oversim-
plifies the problem as fouling is not constant and can vary spanwise across the length of
the cylinder. Usually roughness suppresses FIV, however in certain conditions it might
aggravate FIV. More research is required in this field to fully understand the effect of
fouling on the heat transfer and FIV response of the cylinder.
damping coefficient, mass ratio and reduced velocity. Changing each of these parameters
affects the behavior of the cylinder in terms of its Strouhal number, vortex shedding, vi-
bration frequency and response amplitude. This work differs from other review articles
available in the literature on FIV in a way that previous works did not consider the FIV of
heated or rough cylinders, while most of the reviews considered only one degree of free-
dom motion of the cylinder. In this work all these aspects are considered along with the
flow over single and multiple heated and unheated cylinders. Additionally, the effect of
surface roughness and the two-degree of freedom motion is considered.
After extensively reviewing the work on FIV of circular cylinders, it is noted that
despite a huge literature available, still FIV phenomena is not fully understood. No work
has been done with multiple cylinders heated at different levels of temperature. As this
occurs physically in heat exchangers, this study needs to be carried out for more accurate
analysis of the heat exchangers. Only a few researchers have coupled heat transfer with
the fluid flow. VIV causes an increase in the heat transfer characteristics by increasing
local and average heat transfer coefficient and Nusselt number, whereas heating the cyl-
inder dampens the VIV response of the cylinder as it lowers fluctuating lift coefficient,
vibration frequency and amplitude, and increases the drag. Heating the cylinder is anal-
ogous to running the flow at low Reynolds numbers for unheated cylinder. There is a
huge research gap in studying the FIV coupled with heat transfer although it is commonly
experienced in practice, e.g., nuclear fuel rods, power plants tubes, and heat exchangers.
The need is to carry out the experiments that mimic the actual cylinder surface- and the
flow-conditions. Recent developments in the experimental techniques using wind tunnel
with PIV and vibrometer has proved to be quite useful. Care must be given to study the
flow over the cylinder(s) as 3D and not simplifying it as 2D. As for the numerical methods,
with the emergence of supercomputers, attempt must be made to carryout DNS for the
3D cylinder(s) to fully resolve the flow without modeling it.
For multiple cylinders, WIV depends on the distance between the cylinders, and the
inclination angle. WIV response for both the downstream and upstream cylinders is dif-
ferent from the VIV response of a single isolated cylinder even if all the conditions are the
identical. Moreover, FIV cannot be accurately studied by restricting the cylinder motion
only in one direction. It is a complex phenomenon, and the two-degree of freedom re-
sponse is different from the one degree of freedom response of the cylinder. Therefore,
more work needs to be done considering FIV in transverse and streamwise directions sim-
ultaneously. Lastly, as the cylinders are exposed to the external environment, their surface
is modified due to the fouling which affects the heat transfer and flow characteristics. The
effect of fouling is studied using roughness models and simplified in two-dimensions;
however, fouling is a 3D phenomenon. In order to study FIV in a more practical way, the
effect of heat and roughness along with two-degree of freedom motion needs to be inves-
Despite the extensive literature on the FIV and the flow over the cylinder(s), no at-
tempt has been made to provide the general engineering guidelines that can be applied to
each application. Attempt should be made to first provide the guidelines for a specific
application, such as marine risers or heat exchanger tubes, and then generalizing them so
that they can be applied to any engineering application with slight modifications. This
will have a great impact on the field as it will ease the work of engineers. Furthermore,
more research needs to be done on different shapes of cylinders as circular cross-section
is not the only shape for cylinders in practice.
Author Contributions: Conceptualization, U.A. and M.I.; investigation, U.A.; data curation, U.A.;
writing—original draft preparation, U.A.; writing—review and editing, M.M.A. and M.I.; visuali-
zation, U.A. and I.J.; supervision, I.J., M.I. and Y.F.; project administration, M.I. and I.J.; funding
acquisition, M.I. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.
Funding: This research and APC was funded by Khalifa University of Science and Technology,
UAE, through grant number CIRA-2020-057.
Energies 2021, 14, 8496 41 of 50
Symbol Unit Definition
Re - Reynolds number
St - Strouhal number
Nu - Nusselt number
Ur - Reduced velocity
fex Hz frequency of vibration of a body
fst Hz vortex shedding frequency of a body at rest
fvs Hz vortex shedding frequency of a body in motion
D m dimeter of the cylinder
l m length of the cylinder
U m/s freestream velocity
ρ kg/m3 density of the fluid
µ N s/m2 dynamic viscosity of the fluid
CLf - fluctuating lift coefficient
2D - two-dimensional
3D - three-dimensional
AR - aspect ratio
CL - lift coefficient
CD - drag coefficient
CP - pressure coefficient
m kg mass of cylinder
k N/m spring constant
k m2/s2 turbulent kinetic energy
ε m2/s3 rate of dissipation of turbulent kinetic energy
kl m2/s2 laminar kinetic energy
ω m2/s3 specific dissipation rate
c N-s/m damping coefficient
x m streamwise displacement
ẋ m/s streamwise velocity
ẍ m/s2 streamwise acceleration
F N force
y m transverse displacement
ẏ m/s transverse velocity
ÿ m/s2 transverse acceleration
Fl N lift force
ζ - damping ratio
fn Hz structural natural frequency
wn rad/s circular natural frequency
Fn - dimensionless structural natural frequency
X - dimensionless streamwise displacement
Ẋ - dimensionless streamwise velocity
Ẍ - dimensionless streamwise acceleration
Y - dimensionless transverse displacement
Ẏ - dimensionless transverse velocity
Ÿ - dimensionless transverse acceleration
m* - mass ratio
Energies 2021, 14, 8496 42 of 50
A m amplitude of oscillation
A/D - amplitude to diameter ratio
t s time
𝐺𝐺 - gap ratio
FP - flow pattern
FS - flow structures
VF - velocity field
TF - temperature field
H/D - dimensionless transverse pitch
rms - root mean square
h W/m2K convective heat transfer coefficient
dimensionless streamwise center-to-center dis-
L* -
tance between cylinders
dimensionless transverse center-to-center dis-
T* -
tance between cylinders
P - pitch for staggered cylinders
P* - dimensionless pitch
α deg incidence angle for staggered cylinders
Ks m height of irregular surface
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