Review-Vortex Shedding Lock-On and Flow Control in Bluff Body Wakes
Review-Vortex Shedding Lock-On and Flow Control in Bluff Body Wakes
Review-Vortex Shedding Lock-On and Flow Control in Bluff Body Wakes
Vortex streets are formed in the wakes of bluff, or un- quency which is near one of the characteristic frequencies of
streamlined, bodies over a wide range of Reynolds numbers, the structures (Bishop and Hassan, 1964; Koopmann, 1967).
from approximately 50 to 106 and even higher. The physics of Extensive recent reviews of vortex shedding from bluff bodies
vortex street formation and the near-wake flow have been the and vortex-induced oscillations have been given by Sarpkaya
focal point for many past experimental studies, e.g., Roshko (1979) and Bearman (1984). This coincidence or resonance of
(1954, 1955), Gerrard (1966), Bearman (1965, 1967), Griffin the vortex and vibration frequencies is commonly termed lock-
and Ramberg (1974) and, most recently, Unal and Rockwell on. The term phase-locking also has been used in the literature
(1988a, b), Ongoren and Rockwell (1988a, b), and Williamson (Rockwell, 1990). Lock-on or resonance occurs when the body
and Roshko (1988). One reason for this interest has been the is oscillated in-line with the incident flow (Griffin and Ram-
importance of knowing how the mean and fluctuating fluid berg, 1976; Ongoren and Rockwell, 1988b), and the lock-on
forces are generated on the body due to vortex shedding. An- resonance also is induced when a cylinder is forced to oscillate
other reason is the perceived connection of the near-wake flow normal to the flow over the appropriate range of imposed
to the eventual evolution of the overall middle and far-wake frequencies and amplitudes. Two recent studies (Tokomaru
vortex patterns (Cimbala et al., 1988; Browne et al., 1989). and Dimotakis, 1991; Filler et al., 1991) have shown that ro-
One of the most cogent descriptions of the physics of vortex tational oscillations of a circular cylinder can cause lock-on.
streets and bluff body wakes was given by Morkovin (1964) The recent computations of Karniadakis and Triantafyllou
as "a kaleidoscope of challenging fluid phenomena." This show that a lock-on state can be reached when a small spatially
description is in many ways still true today. Modern high- and temporally varying periodic disturbance is introduced into
speed computers and direct and large-eddy numerical simu- the near-wake of the cylinder. The disturbance is analogous
lation techniques now allow and, in the future, will further to a vibrating wire with the appropriate frequency and am-
allow the vortex formation and wake modification and control plitude.
processes to be studied computationally at high resolution Vortex resonance, or lock-on, has been observed also when
(Karniadakis and Triantafyllou, 1989, 1990; Grinstein et al., the incident mean flow has a sufficiently large periodic com-
1990, 1991). ponent superimposed upon it (Barbi et al., 1986; Armstrong
If a bluff cylinder is flexible and lightly damped, or rigid et al., 1986, 1987). In this case the cylinder remains stationary,
and flexibly mounted, then resonant oscillations can be excited but the vortex lock-on resulting from the inflow perturbation
by the incident flow. As a consequence of this flow-induced modifies the character of the near-wake flow. There is a com-
resonance, the body and wake oscillations have the same fre- plete equivalence between this case and in-line oscillations of
the cylinder when the acoustic wavelength is long compared
Contributed by the Fluids Engineering Division for publication in the JOURNAL to the cylinder's diameter. The introduction of an appropriate
OF FLUIDS ENGINEERING. Manuscript received by the Fluids Engineering Division sound field also can cause lock-on to occur (Blevins, 1985).
March 19, 1991. All of these external disturbances represent potential means
' I I I ! i I i | i
-f\ -
Frequency, fd/U 0.50
Fig. 5 A typical power spectrum of the flow velocity, at Re = 200, for \ \\ t -
the location (x = 2d, y = 2 d ) and the forcing conditions given in Fig. 4.
\ \ \ •\ \ 1
0.40 - (
Only the locked-on shedding frequency, /=1.1 fso, the perturbation fre-
quency, f=2.2fso, and their harmonics are dominant in the spectrum.
0.30 \ \ ''
oscillation and vortex frequencies are phase-locked, but under - \\\ / -
B. \ °/
other nonresonant conditions there was competition between
the symmetric and asymmetric modes. Under these conditions,
0.20 \\ //
\ \\ LOCK-ON AS.
the lock-on persists in one mode over a specified number of V - -di?/-
i// -
cycles and then switches to the other mode. The mode com- 0.10
petition also is influenced by the upstream feedback of dis- DISPLACEMENT
turbances from the near-wake of the cylinder. Complex patterns 0 i I i 1 i 1
of three vortices such as these also were photographed by 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3
Griffin and Ramberg (1976) at similar frequencies during their
wind tunnel experiments. Fig. 7 Limits of the lock-on regime as a function of amplitude and
frequency for cross-flow oscillations; from Koopmann (1967)
Numerical simulation provides yet another method of ex-
amining the effects of inflow perturbations and cylinder os-
cillations on the wake. This consists of superimposing an so that lock-on does occur and the results are in keeping with
oscillatory component on the inflow boundary condition for those shown in Fig. 1.
a domain such as that shown by the spectral element grid in After an initial period of time corresponding to the quasi-
Fig. 4. The example given here was computed at NRL using steady stage in the forced perturbed flow calculation, the re-
a computer code similar to one employed extensively by Kar- sulting streamwise velocity history at a point in the near wake
niadakis and Triantafyllou (1989, 1990). The grid consists of is periodic. The corresponding power spectrum in Fig. 5 con-
56 spectral elements, each of order iV=6. Results of the com- tains primary peaks a t / = l . l and 2.2 fso as expected, and
putation are shown in Figs. 4, 5, and 6, in which the lowest secondary peaks at superharmonics of these values. No ad-
dominant frequency of the resulting vortex wake is near half ditional peaks appear in the spectrum. The phase plane plot
the perturbation frequency when a boundary condition of the corresponding to this case is shown in Fig. 6, and with the
form power spectrum gives evidence of lock-on in the fully developed
M=1.0 + (0.8)sin(4.4ir/OT t) flow. Streamlines corresponding to this case are also shown
in Fig. 4. The vortex spacing here is approximately X = 4.66rf,
y = 0.
representing a decrease of seven percent over the unforced
is enforced at the inflow. This also represents an in-line os- value of X = 5d. The normalized frequency \/d(f/nfso) = 5.13
cillation, and is thus expected to result in a shedding frequency for this case. These values compare well with the results of
near / = 1.1 fso if lock-on occurs at one-half the perturbation experiments which are discussed later in the paRer. A more
frequency. The amplitude of the oscillatory component can be extensive discussion of the spectral element computations of
expressed as the perturbed flow cylinder lock-on is given by Hall and Griffin
a = 0.8 = 7.037r/M, (1991).
l / 1.2
0.8 +
Fig.8(a) 0.7
1.0 2.8
Fig. 9 The measured dependence between the initial circulation K of
the vortices and the ratio of the formation region length If and the wake
width d' at formation. The Reynolds number is Re == 144; lrom Griffin
and Ramberg (1974).