CWTS Midterm Reviewer
CWTS Midterm Reviewer
CWTS Midterm Reviewer
Ms. Jenny Rose Palco| 1St Semester | BSAR– 1D S.Y. 2023 – 2024
● A program institutionalized under Sections 38 and 39 of ● INTERNAL SELF-AWARENESS - represents how clearly
the Republic Act No. 7077 designed to provide military we see our own values, passions, aspirations, fit with our
training to tertiary level students in order to motivate, train, environment, reactions (including thoughts, feelings,
organize, and mobilize them for national defense behaviors, strengths, and weaknesses), and impact on
preparedness others
● Basic Reserve Officers’ Training Corps - refers to the ● EXTERNAL SELF-AWARENESS - understanding how
one (1) year ROTC training other people view us, in terms of thoughts, feelings,
● Advance Reserve Officers’ Training Corps - refers to behaviors, strengths, and weaknesses
the two (2) year training program after the basic ROTC
○ Skills developed among cadets: ● Improve your skills
■ military leadership ● Raising your happiness
■ basic combat ● Strengthen your relationship
■ map reading ● Increase your work motivation
■ military intelligence
■ unconventional warfare ● Growth mindset
■ marches and bivouac training ● Optimism
● Self-confidence
● Refers to programs or activities contributory to the general
welfare and the betterment of life for the members of the ● named after the 2 psychologist, Joseph Luft and
community or the enhancement of its facilities, especially Harrington Ingham, by combining their first names
those devoted to improving health education, environment, ● Johari Window - is a model for interpersonal awareness.
entrepreneurship, safety, recreation and morals of the It’s a useful tool for improving self awareness and, through
citizenry. it, our abilities to work with others. It works by helping us
understand the difference between how we see ourselves
LTS and how others see us
● 4 Quadrants:
● A program designed to train students to become capable ○ OPEN (things known by self and others)
non-licensed instructors of functional literacy and ■ Open area or arena - this area or
numeracy skills to school children, out of school youths, pane is called open because the
and other segments of society in need of their service. information about the behavior,
feelings, emotions about the person is
COVERED BY NSTP LAW: known to that person itself as well as
● Incoming 1st year students of any baccalaureate degree the other members in the groups
program or of at least 2 year TVET programs in public and ○ BLIND (things known by others but unknown by
private educational institutions and enterprises shall be self)
required to complete 1 of the NSTP components as a ■ Blindspot is the area in which the
requisite for graduation certain information on your personality
● All higher and technical-vocational institutions, public and is known to others but that information
private, must offer at least one of the program components is not known to you
● State universities and colleges shall offer the ROTC ○ HIDDEN / FACADE (things known by self but
component and at least one other component unknown by others)
● Students enrolled in the 1st semester of their 1st year ■ Hidden area is the information that
shall undergo a common module phase for 25 hours you hide from others
training period ○ UNKNOWN (things not known by either self or
● The PMA, PMMA, PNPA, MAAP, and other SUC’s of others)
similar nature, in view of the special character of these ■ In this area, the information is
institutions, are exempted from the NSTP unknown to you as well as the other.
Generally, certain feelings, talents,
DURATION AND EQUIVALENT COURSE UNIT information, etc fall in this area.
● Each of NSTP program components shall be undertaken
for an academic period of 2 semesters for 54 hours to 90 KEY AREAS OF SELF AWARENESS
training hours per semester
SELF-AWARENESS ○ describes the unique patterns of thoughts,
feelings, and behaviors that distinguish a person
WHAT IS SELF-AWARENESS from others. A product of both biology and
environment, it remains fairly consistent
● is how you see your values, passions, and aspirations throughout life.
● it is how well those standards fit with your environment ● VALUES
and your reactions ○ are qualities that we cherish as reference for our
● means to accept one’s self, one’s strengths and actions and behaviors in particular situations
weaknesses to the extent that one develops a clear ○ the principles that help you to decide what is
picture of own personality right and wrong, and how to act in various
● to reveal oneself to others by investing or tracking risks situations
towards growth; and to express one’s feelings, consonant ● HABITS
and dissonant in a loving concern ○ these are behaviors that we repeat routinely and
often do automatically
SELF - an aspect of human being that reflects the individual’s ● NEEDS
emotional, psychological, spiritual and total personality ○ physiological or psychological requirement for
the well-being of an organism
○ are something we require for survival
○ conscious mental reactions (such as anger or ○ is the most fruitful way to teach peace. It makes
fear) subjectively experienced as strong feelings people realize the importance of peace
usually directed toward a specific object and education.
typically accompanied by physiological and ○ develops comprehensive programmes to teach
behavioral changes in the body people how to interact with people and teach
them to avoid aggression
● Peace
● Truth
● Non-violence ● REPUBLIC ACT NO. 9418 (VOLUNTEER ACT OF 2007)
- Human values give worthiness and respect to life - an act institutionalizing a strategy for rural development,
strengthening volunteerism and for other purposes
based on 1987 Philippine Constitution) VOLUNTEERISM - reflects to an act involving a wide range of
activities, including traditional forms of mutual aid and developmental
● THE MAKA-DIYOS CLUSTER interventions that provides an enabling and empowering
○ Faith in the Almighty God environment both in the part of the beneficiary receiving and the
○ Respect for life volunteer rendering the act, undertaken for reasons arising from
○ Order socio developmental, business or corporate orientation, commitment
○ Work or conviction for the attainment of the public good and where
○ Concern for the family and future generations monetary and other incentives or reward are not the primary
● THE MAKA-TAO CLUSTER motivating factors
○ Love
○ Freedom VOLUNTEER - refers to an individual or group who for reasons
○ Peace arising from their socio developmental, business or corporate
○ Truth orientation, commitment or conviction, contribute time, service and
○ Justice resources whether on full-time or part-time basis to a just and
● THE MAKA-BAYAN CLUSTER essential social development cause, mission or endeavor in the
○ Unity belief that their activity is mutually meaningful and beneficial to
○ Equality public interest as well as to themselves
○ Respect for Law and Government
○ Patriotism VOLUNTEER SERVICE ORGANIZATION - refers to a local or
○ Promotion of Common Good foreign group that recruits, trains, deploys and supports volunteer
● THE MAKA-KALIKASAN CLUSTER workers to programs and projects implemented by them or by other
○ Concern to the Environment and Mother Nature organizations or any group that provides services and resources,
including but not limited to, information, capability building, advocacy
PEACE EDUCATION and networking for the attainment of the common good