• It indicates how they started agriculture which made life secure and settled.
Pleistocene (most
recent) – lasted
between 200,0000
to 10,000 years.
(present) – began
about 10,000
years ago.
• Crude chipping – the chipped stone tools and the chopped pebbles were
used for hunting, cutting and other purposes – in this period, the many
barely managed to gather his good and lived on hunting.
• Locations – Adamgarh
(Madhya Pradesh),
Bhimbetka (Madhya
Pradesh), Bagor
• – Microlithic tools, blades and arrows.
• Locations – Ahaar
(Rajasthan), Malwa
(M.P), Jorwe
• Geographical Extent:
o Dimabad in South.
Features of IVC
• Town Planning and Structures:
Great Bath
• Comprising a tank, which
is situated in the citadel
mound (11.88 x 7.01m x
2.43m deep).
• Water was drawn from a large well in an adjacent room, and an outlet from
the corner of the Bath led to a drain.
• In Mohenjo-Daro, the
largest building is Granary
– 45.7 m long and
15.23m wide.
• The use of burnt bricks in the Harappan cities is remarkable – because in the
contemporary buildings in the Egypt only ordinary dry bricks were used –
though, we find use of baked bricks in Mesopotamia.
Drainage System
• In almost all cities, every house, big
or small had its own courtyard and
• At Lothal for example, while houses were built of mud bricks, drains were
made of burnt bricks.
• Every house had bathroom paved with bricks which was connected through
the wall to the street drains.
• Many houses had wells which were reachable from outside for the use of
• At burials in Harappan sites the dead
were generally laid in pits.
• Probably cereals were received as taxes and stored in granaries and paid as
wages as well as used during any emergencies.
• The Indus people were the earliest people to produce cotton – because it
was first produced in the Indus areas, the Greeks called it Sindon.
Domestication of Animals
• Although the Harappans practiced
agriculture, animals were kept on a
large scale – oxen, buffalo, goats,
sheep and pigs were domesticated –
the humped bulls were favored by the
• They didn’t seem to be using horses –
and was not horse centered – it was
perhaps later brought by the Aryans.
o Potter’s wheel was in full use and the Harappans produced their own
characteristic pottery - glossy and shinning – mainly Red-and-Black
(red background, black to paint).
o Stones like carnelian (of a beautiful red color), jasper, crystal, quartz
and steatite.
• They had very well-developed system of both, internal and external trade.
• Presence of numerous seals, uniform script and regulated weights and
measures in a wide area.
• They didn’t use metal money – most likely carried on trade through barter
• They had commercial links with Mesopotamia, Afghanistan, and Iran / Gulf –
used them to trade with C Asia.
• The ancient Mesopotamian records from about 2500 BC mention two
intermediate trading stations – Dilmun (Bahrain) and Makan (Oman), which
lay between Mesopotamia and Meluha (old name for Indus valley).
• Excavated by R. D Banerjee
• Great Bath
• Bronze statue of a Dancing girl - This shows that use of Bronze (an alloy)
was known to the people thus this age is also known as Bronze Age.
• The Great Granary Was used to store excess grains. This also proves the
existence of a civic administration which collected surplus grains and
distributed it later .There was possibly a taxation system.
• Bronze buffalo.
• Located in Sahiwal District,
Punjab in the banks of Ravi
• Various types of cemeteries were also discovered proving the fact that the
people practiced different religions and were of different ethnicities, Coffin
burials (Only founded in Harappa)
• It was situated on the banks of
river Ghagger
• Evidence of earthquake
• Camel’s bone
• Chess-playing
o Barley.
o Toy plough.
• Exclusive water management.
• Dams.
• Embankments.
• Stadium.
End of IVC
• The exact cause of the decline of the Harappan civilization is not yet fully
ascertained – flooding, excessive rainfall, tectonics (seems to be the most
plausible reason – leading to shifting of river courses, particularly river
Saraswati – leading to non-availability of water) leading to shifting of river
courses etc. etc.
Vedic Age
Advent of Aryans
Original Home and Identity:
The exact origin of
the Aryans is quite
disputed, but they
seem to have lived
in the steppes,
somewhere from
southern Russia to
Central Asia.
They were
distinguished by
their common
language – they
spoke the Indo-
European languages, which are currently used (in changed form) all over
the Europe, Iran and greater parts of the Indian subcontinent.
Their earliest life seems to have been mainly pastoral, agriculture being a
secondary occupation.
On their way to India, they first appeared in Iran – we know about Aryan first
from the Rig Veda, Avesta (which is the oldest text of the Iranian language).
A little earlier than 1500 BC, the Aryans appear in India, but we don’t have a
clear archaeological trace of their advent to the subcontinent.
The earliest Aryans lived in the geographical areas now covered by eastern
Afghanistan, NWFP, Punjab and fringes of western UP.
The whole region in which the Aryan first settled is called as the Land of the
Seven Rivers (around and including Indus).
The Aryans came
to Indian in
several waves,
with the first wave
in about 1500 BC
– they got into
conflict with the
inhabitants called
as the dasas,
dasyus etc. – soft
towards dasas,
but strongly
hostile to the
The Aryans
everywhere, because they had chariots driven by the horses, and
introduced them for the first time into W Asia and India – the Aryan soldiers
were probably equipped with coats of mail (Varman) and better arms.
A number of tribes were hostile to Bharat clan and the Battle of Ten Kings
was fought between them and 10 other tribes (5 Aryans and the rest 5 non-
Aryans) – fought on the river Ravi/Parushni – the most important among the
defeated were the Purus – but eventually, the Bharats and Purus joined
hand and founded the Kuru dynasty – the Kurus joined hands with the
Panchals and together established their rule in the upper Gangetic basin.
The Aryan were
divided into five
tribes called the
panchajana and
fought among
sometime with
support of non-
Tribal Polity
• The king (rajan) of the tribe was assisted by
Senani (military commander), Purohit (Priest),
Gramini (king Maker)
• The most important were the Sabha and samiti and the king was always
eager to win their support. Any decision by them was binding on king.
• The king didn’t maintain a regular standing army, but mustered a militia at
the times of war – by different tribal groups called vrata, gana, grama,
• The officer who enjoyed authority over a large land or pasture ground is
called vrajapati. The gramini was the head of a small fighting unit –
eventually he became the head of the village and similar to vrajapati.
Social Division
• The Rig Veda shows some consciousness
of the physical appearance of the people
in the NW India in about 1500 – 1000 BC –
Varna was the term used for color – seems
like the Aryan language speakers were fair
and the indigenous habitants darker in
• Unequal distribution of the spoils of the war created social inequalities – and
this helped the rise of princes and priests at the cost of the common tribal
Rig Veda
• It is a text, offering prayers to the gods.
• Also, the female divinities – Usha and Aditi – represented the appearance of
the dawn(light) – but not that prominent in the time of the Rig Veda – the
male god appear to be far more important than the female gods
• The dominant mode of worship was through the recitation of prayers and
offering of sacrifices - without any significant rituals, sacrificial formulae or
assistance of priests
• They worshipped gods not for spiritual upliftment or for ending miseries of
life, but asked mainly for praja (children), pashu (cattle) food, wealth, health
• The Rig Veda Samhita is the oldest Vedic text, on the basis of which Vedic
period is described
• For the purpose of recitation, the prayers of the Rig Veda were set to tune,
and this modified collection was known as Sam Veda Samhita (Sama
• Yajur Veda Samhita – contains not only hymns, but also rituals which have to
accompany their recitation
• Atharva Veda contains charms and spells to ward off evils and diseases (a
mixture of Aryan and Tribal cultures)
• The texts show that the Aryans expanded from Punjab over the whole of
western UP – covered by the Ganga-Yamuna doab.
• The Bharatas and Purus, the two major tribes, combined to form Kurus –
gradually they coalesced with people called the Panchals, who occupied the
middle portion of the Ganga-Yamuna doab – set up their capital at
Hastinapur (Meerut).
• The great war of Mahabharta is supposed to have been fought around 950
BC - no evidence of such an elaborate city has been found till date.
• Agriculture supported with iron implements was the chief means of livelihood
of the later Vedic population – ploughing was done with the wooden
• Enough bullocks were not available because of cattle slaughter in rituals and
sacrifices – therefore agriculture was primitive.
• Wheat and rice became their chief crops during this period.
• Agriculture and various crafts enabled the later Vedic people to lead a settled
• Although the term nagara is mentioned in the later Vedic texts, but only faint
beginning of towns towards the end of later Vedic period.
• On the whole, the later Vedic period registered a great advance in the
material life of the people.
• Agriculture became the primary source of livelihood, and life became settled
• The texts
show that
over the
whole of
UP –
by the Ganga-Yamuna doab
• The Bharatas and Purus, the two major tribes, combined to form Kurus –
gradually they coalesced with people called the Panchals, who occupied the
middle portion of the Ganga-Yamuna doab – set up their capital at
Hastinapur (Meerut).
• The great war of Mahabharata is supposed to have been fought around 950
BC - no evidence of such an elaborate city has been found till date.
• On the whole, the later Vedic period registered a great advance in the
material life of the people. The pastoral and semi-nomadic forms were
relegated to the background. Agriculture became the primary source of
livelihood, and life became settled and sedentary. Equipped with diverse arts
& crafts, the Vedic people now settled down permanently in the upper
Gangetic plans. They produced enough to sustain themselves and could
also spare a marginal portion for their chiefs, princes and priests
Political Organisation:
• In later Vedic times, the popular assemblies lost importance, and royal power
increased at their cost – the vidhata completely disappeared, Sabha and
samiti continued to hold their ground, but their character changed – they
came to be dominated by chiefs and rich nobles, women were no longer
permitted to sit on the Sabha, and it was dominated by the nobles and the
• The formation of bigger kingdoms, made the chief or the king a lot more
powerful – the term rashtra, which indicate territory first appeared in this
• Even in later Vedic period, the king still didn't possess a standing army – but
instead, tribal units were mustard in times of war.
• In the discharge of his duties, the king was assisted by the priest, the
commander, the chief queen and a few other functionaries.
Social Organisation:
• The later Vedic society
came to be divided into
4 varnas and the growing
cult of sacrifices
enormously added to the
position of the
Brahmans – in the
beginning the Brahmans
were one of the 16
classes of priests, but
slowly they managed to
outsmart the others and emerged as the most important priestly class – the
rise of Brahmans is a peculiar development, which is not found anywhere
else in the Aryan societies.
• The Brahmans concluded sacrifices for their client and also for themselves
and also officiated at the festivals associated with agricultural operations.
Sometimes they came into conflict with the rajayans / nobles.
• The Vaishya constituted the common people and they were assigned to do
the producing functions – agriculture, cattle-breeding etc. Towards the end
of Vedic period, they also started to engage in trade and commerce. Both
the Brahmans and the Kshatriyas lived on the tributes from the Vaishyas.
• The institution of gotra appeared in the later Vedic period – people began to
practice gotra exogamy.
• Ashramas or four stages of life were not well established in the Vedic times,
but in the post-Vedic times, the four ashrams came into existence – but, in
the post-Vedic time only the stage of the householder was commonly
practiced by all the varnas.
Religious Practices
• The outstanding gods, Indra
and Agni lost their importance
and on the other hand,
Prajapati (the creator) came to
occupy the supreme position.
Rudra, the god of animals
became prominent and Vishnu
came to be conceived as the
preserver. Also, some objects
began to be worshipped to be as symbols of divinity – signs of idolatry appear
in the later Vedic times.
• sacrifices became far more important and assumed both domestic and
character – public sacrifices involved the king and the whole of the
community – sacrifices involved killing of animals on a large scale and
especially the destruction of cattle wealth (the guest was known as goghana
– the one who was fed on cattle)
Upanishads / Vedantas
• Upanishads were compiled – these
philosophical texts criticized the rituals and laid
stress on the value of right belief and
knowledge – they emphasized that the
knowledge of the self or atman should be
acquired. They are sources of Indian
philosophy. They are last chapter of Vedas.
6 Philosophical Systems
2. Yoga:
3. Nyaya:
4. Vaisheshika:
5. Mimamsa:
6. Vedanta/UttraMimansa
• Denotes the end of the Vedas - Souls are eternal and indestructible
Reasons for their rise (Jainism/Buddhism)
• Strong reaction from the Kshatriya's against the dominance of
the ritualistic Brahman class.
• The Shudras, women and Vaishays didn't enjoy a dignified life in the
Brahmanical scheme of society, and thus, an alternative, such as Jainism
and Buddhism appealed to them enormously.
• According to the Jains the
origin of Jainism dates back
to start of orderly social life
in human kind
• Main reason for less numbers of Jain followers was extreme non-violence
Doctrine of Jainism
• Do not commit violence
• Do not lie
• Do not steal
• It didn't really condemn the Varna system, as the Buddhism did - according
to Mahavira, a person being born in high or lower Varna is due to the
consequence of the sins or virtues acquired by him in the previous birth -
according to him, through pure and meritorious life, the members of the
lower castes can attain liberation - due to these reasons, it didn't really
appeal the masses, as the Buddhism did
o Right knowledge
o Right faith
o Right action
• All though Jainism didn't win as much state patronage as Buddhism and did
not spread very far and fast in the early times, it still retains its hold in the
areas where it spread (India - Rajasthan, Gujarat, Maharashtra, Karnataka
Jain Councils
• Patliputra- presided by Sthulabhu- Jainis divided into swetambars and
• Gautama Buddha (563 - 483 BC)
Siddhartha was a contemporary of
Mahavira - born in a Shakya Kshatriya
family in Lumbini at Kapilvastu - his
father seems to have been the elected
ruler of Kapilvastu.
• His was married at the age of 16 to Yashodhara and had a son called Rahul
• Four sights of Buddha were – An old man, a sick man, a dead corpse and a
• At the age of 35 he sat under a Pipal tree near the river Niranjana (modern
day Phalgu River) at Bodhgaya.
• It is believed that Buddha meditated at this place for 7 weeks (49 days) and
by 49th day he attained supreme knowledge and was called “the enlightened
• Buddha gave his first sermon at Sarnath in Varanasi which was known as
Dharma Chakra Pravartan.
• 4. To follow eight-fold path is the solution for getting rid of sorrow which is
popularly known as Ashtangika Marg – It is also known as the middle path
(avoiding extremes of both materialistic life and austere life) Buddha gave a
balance between material life and austere life which was previously very
difficult to attain.
• The concept of God was not well defined which led to the belief that
Buddhism is an atheist religion
Buddhist Sangha
• Members of Sangh were called Bhikshus or Bhikshunis.
• Rules for living in the Viharas were given in a book called Vinaya Pitaka
compiled under the leadership of Monk Upali.
• A strict dress code was to be followed which was generally deep red and the
Bhikshus were supposed to have only one meal a day and that meal had to
be begged for.
o Monk Mahakasyapa
presided the council
o It was held at
Sattapanni caves
Rajgriha (now Rajgir).
o For the first time Buddhism was divided into two sects –
Mahasamghika and Sthaviravada
• It spread from India to various countries including China and South East
Asian nations.
• Mahayana believed in universal liberation from suffering for all beings (hence
the “Great Vehicle”). Ultimate aim of Mahayana is “spiritual upliftment.
• Asceticism and penance are required to free oneself from the cycle of karma.
This can be achieved only by renouncing the world; therefore, monastic
existence is a necessary condition of salvation
• Jaina monks and nuns took five vows: ffTo abstain from killing
• To observe celibacy
• One of the most influential teachers of the time was the Buddha.
• Over the centuries, his message spread across the subcontinent and beyond –
through Central Asia to China,
• Korea and Japan, and through Sri Lanka, across the seas to Myanmar,
Thailand and Indonesia
• Buddha was named Siddhartha at birth and was the son of the chief of Sakya
• He undertook a journey into a city which was a turning point in his life.
• He was deeply anguished when he saw an old man, a sick man and a corpse.
• It was at the moment that he realized that decay of human body was
• He saw a mendicant who had come to terms with old age and disease and
death and found peace.
• He abandoned the extreme path and meditated for several days and finally
attained enlightenment and came to be known as Buddha or the enlightened
• For the rest of his life he taught dhamma or the path of righteous living.
Teachings of the Buddha
• Sources: Sutta Pitaka contains the teachings of Buddha in the form of stories
• In the early forms of Buddhism whether or not God existed was irrelevant.
• The Buddha emphasized individual agency and righteous action as the means
to escape from the cycle of rebirth and attain self-realization and nibbana,
literally the extinguishing of the ego and desire – and thus end the cycle of
suffering for those who renounced the world.
• According to Buddhist tradition, his last words to his followers were: “Be
lamps unto yourselves as all of you must work out your own liberation.”
• These monks lead a simple life possessing only the essential requisites for
survival, such as a bowl to receive food once a day from the laity.
• Initially, only men were allowed into the sangha, but later women also came
to be admitted. The Buddha’s foster mother, Mahaprajapati Gotami was the
first woman to be included as bhikkuni.
• Many women who entered the sangha became teachers of dhamma and went
on to become theirs, or respected women who had attained liberation.
• The Buddha’s followers came from many social groups. They included kings,
wealthy men and gahapatis, and also humbler folk; workers, slaves and crafts
• From earliest times, people tended to regard certain places as sacred. These
included sites with special trees or unique rocks, or sites of awe-inspiring
natural beauty. These sites, with small shrines attached to them, were
sometimes described as chaityas
• This was because relics of the Buddha such as his bodily remains or objects
used by him were buried there. These were mounds known as stupas
• Some donations were made by kings such as the Satavahanas; others were
made by guilds, such as that of the ivory workers who financed part of one of
the gateways at Sanchi
• Above the anda was the harmika, a balcony like structure that represented the
abode of the gods. Arising from the harmika was the mast called the yashti
surrounded by a chhatri or an umbrella.
Stories in Stone
• The sculptures at Sanchi are scrolls of stories which depict scenes from
• There were stories of Vessantara Jataka where the prince gives up everything
to the Brahmana and goes to live in forest with his wife and children.
• Symbols of Worship
Event - Symbol
Buddha’s Birth - Lotus & Bull
The Great Departure - Horse
Enlightment (Nirvana ) - Bodhi Tree
First Sermon (Dhammachakraparivartan) - Wheel
Death (Parinirvana) - Stupa
Rise of the Mahajanpadas (6th – 5th century BC):
Use of iron in eastern UP and western Bihar.
Use of iron implements allowed overproduction, leading to excess and thus
settled life and maintenance of large armies and an organized tax system –
key ingredients for empire building.
These material advantages allowed people to stick to their land and expand
at the cost of the neighbors – people owed strong allegiance to their
Janapadas or the territory to which they belonged and not to the Jana (their
tribe) anymore
The Mahajanpadas
o Vajjis: included 8 clans – most powerful were the Lihchhavis with their
capital at Vaishali
Bimbisara (544 – 492 BC):
o He started the winning conquest which finally ended with the Kalinga
War by Ashoka.
o Bimbisara placed acquired Anga under his son Ajatashatru (1 Buddhist
o The earliest capital of Magadha was Rajgir (Called Girivraja at that
time) - surrounded by 5 hills, the openings in which were closed with
stones on all side - making Rajgir impregnable - one of the key
reasons for success of Magadha.
o All this took place during the time of Mahapadma Nanda – claimed to
be ekrata – sole power
enterprising and
ambitious rulers
such as
Bimbisara, Ajatashatru and Mahapadma Nanda.
Their capitals - both Rajgir and then Patliputra were situated at very strategic
o In the 5th BC, they shifted their capital to Patliputra, which occupied a
pivotal position, commanding communication from all sides - at the
confluence of Ganga, Ghandhak, Son, Ghagra (a true water fort –
jaladurga) – this allowed a hugely advantageous maritime
communication network – the army and trade could move around very
efficiently – following the courses of the rivers.
Age of Mauryans
Chandragupta Maurya
He founded the Maurya dynasty – he took
advantage of the growing weakness of
the Nandas and with the help of
Chanakya, he overthrew the Nandas and
established the Mauryan dynasty – their
machinations are described in details in
Mudraraksha – drama by Vishakhadatta in
the 9th AD.
Imperial Organisation:
Organized a very elaborate system of administration – from the accounts of
Magasthenese (Selucus’s ambassador in the court of Chandragupta; wrote
Indica) and Arthashastra
o Indica is a collection of the Magasthenese work, which has got spread all over
o Arthashastra was compiled a few centuries after the Mauryan rule, it’s
probably one of the most authentic account of the administration and
economic conditions of the times.
The administration of
Patliputra was carried out
by six committees - each
consisting of 5 members
– responsible for sanitation, care of foreigners, registration of birth and
death and regulation of weights and measures etc.
In addition, the central Govt maintained about two dozen departments of the
state, which controlled social and economic activities
State controlled almost every economic activity – new land was brought
under cultivation with the help of cultivators and shudras Labourers.
In the NW part, written in Kharoshthi script and in Afghanistan, they are found
both in Greek and Aramaic scripts/lang.
He is the first king to speak to his people directly through inscriptions, which
actually carry royal orders – throw light on his external and domestic policies,
and the extent of his empire.
He now made an ideological appeal to the tribal people and the frontier
kingdoms to obey king as
their father and repose faith
in him – the officers
appointed by him were
instructed to propagate this
idea among all sections
and people were primarily
told to follow the principles
of dhamma (dharma).
As an enlightened ruler, he
shunned physical
conquests and instead
tried to conquer
ideologically, sent
ambassadors of peace to
the Greek Kingdoms in
West Asia and Greece
The policy of Ashoka to consolidate his empire bore fruit – the Kandhar
inscription speaks of the success of his policy with hunters, fishermen, who
gave up killing and possibly took to a settled agricultural life.
Internal Policy and Buddhism
Ashoka got converted to Buddhism as a result of Kalinga war – became a
monk, made huge gifts to Buddhists and undertook pilgrimages to Buddhist
shrines – dhamma yatras.
3rd Buddhist Council (Sangiti) was held by Ashoka and missionaries were sent
not only S India, but also to Sri Lanka, Burma and other countries – to
convert the people there.
Ashoka set a very high ideal for himself, and this was ideal of paternal
kingship – looked upon his subjects as his children.
Appointed dhamma mahamatras to propagate dharma among various social
groups – including women.
He disapproved of the rituals, forbade killing of certain animals and birds and
completely prohibited animal slaughter in the capital
Most of his edicts are written in Pali and Prakrit in Brahmi script. Some are
written in the Kharoshti and Aramaic scripts also. There are some edicts
written in Greek as well. The language depends on the location of the pillar
Sources of information about Ashoka
There are two main sources: Buddhist sources and Ashoka’s edicts.
James Prinsep, a British antiquary and colonial administrator was the first
person to decipher Ashoka’s edicts.
• In the fourth century BCE, the capital was shifted to Pataliputra, present-day Patna,
commanding routes of communication along the Ganga.
• Chandragupta Maurya, who founded the empire (c. 321 BCE), extended control as far northwest
as Afghanistan and Baluchistan, and his grandson
• Asoka, arguably the most famous ruler of early India, conquered Kalinga (present-day coastal
• The capital Pataliputra and the provincial centres of Taxila, Ujjayini, Tosali and Suvarnagiri, all
mentioned in Ashokan inscriptions
• Taxila and Ujjayini being situated on important long-distance trade routes, while Suvarnagiri
(literally, the golden mountain) was possibly important for tapping the gold mines of Karnataka.
• Communication along both land and riverine routes was vital for the existence of empire
Sub committees
• Megasthenes mentions a committee with six subcommittees for coordinating military activity.
• Kushanas (c. first century BCE first century CE), who ruled over a vast kingdom extending from
Central Asia to northwest India
• Huge Statues of Kushan rulers have been found in U.P and Afghanistan and adopted the title
devaputra, or ‘son of god’.
• By the fourth century there is evidence of larger states, including the Gupta Empire
• The Prayaga Prashasti (also known as the Allahabad Pillar Inscription) composed in Sanskrit by
Harishena, the court poet of Samudragupta, arguably the most powerful of the Gupta rulers
• The first coins bearing the names and images of rulers were issued by the Indo-Greeks
• The first gold coins were issued in first century CE by the Kushans
• Guptas also issued gold coins. These were remarkable for their purity. These coins facilitated
long distance transactions.
• Janapada: The land where a Jana (a people, clan or tribe) sets its foot or settles.
• Girnar Inscription: The inscription mentions the achievements of the Shaka ruler Rudradaman
and Sudarsana Lake
• The Harshacharita: A biography of Harshavardhana, the king of Kanauj composed by his court
poet Banabatta.
• Agrahara land: Land granted to a Brahmana. He was exempted from tax but had the right to
collect tax dues from local people
• Initially, Rajagaha (the Prakrit name for present-day Rajgir in Bihar) was the capital of Magadha
which means “house of the king”. Rajagaha was a fortified settlement, located amongst hills.
• In the fourth century BCE, the capital was shifted to Pataliputra, present-day Patna,
commanding routes of communication along the Ganga.
• The Mahajanpadas:
• Vajjis: included 8 clans – most powerful were the Lihchhavis with their capital at
• Kashi: capitall at Varanasi – intially it appears to be the most powerful state, but
eventually submitted to the power of Koshala
• Koshala: embraced the area occupied by E-UP; capital at Shravasti. Contained Ayodhya
and Shakyas of Kapilvastu (birthplace of Buddha)
• Mallas: touched the boarder of Vajji state. One of the capitals at Kushinara - Guatam
Buddha passed away at Kushinara
• Vatsas: along the bank of Yamuna, capital at Kaushambhi - from the Kuru clan
• Kurus & Panchals: situated in the W-UP, but no longer as important as they were during
the Vedic period
• Avantis: central Malwa and adjoining parts of MP; N part capital @ Ujjain and the S
part capital @ Mahismati – eventually Ujjain became more prominent due to large
scale use of iron and strong fortification
After the decay of the Mauryas around 200 BC, they were succeeded by a
number of smaller kingdoms such as the Shungas, Kanvas and the Satvahans
in the eastern, North and C India. In the W Indian, they were succeeded by a
number of ruling dynasties, the most prominent being the Kushans
First to invade India were the Indo-Greeks or the Bactrian Greeks in the 2nd
Century BC – they managed to push as far as Patliputra and Ayodha (much
larger area than what Alexander could manage to win), but failed to
consolidate their conquests, and eventually settled ruling the NW part of
The most famous ruler was Menander (165-145 BC). Also known as Milinda
The Shakas
Greeks were followed by Shakas – controlled much larger part of India than
the Greeks
o Settled in Afghanistan
In 57-58 BC, an Ujjain king managed to successfully fight them out and
drive them out, giving himself the title of Vikramaditya and called the time as
the ‘Vikram era (58 BC)’ – this led to assumption of the title by some of the
significant kings – a total of 14 times the tile was assumed by various kings
– Chandragupta II was the most famous Vikramaditya.
The most famous ruler was Rudradaman (AD 130 – 150):
Like the Indo-Greeks and Shakas, they also got assimilated into the Indian
The Satavahana rule is believed to have started around the third century BC,
in 235 BC and lasted until the second century AD.
Some experts believe their rule started in the first century BC only.
They were the first native Indian rulers to issue their own coins with the
portraits of the rulers. This practice was started by Gautamiputra Satakarni
who derived the practice from the Western Satraps after defeating them.
The coin legends were in Prakrit language. Some reverse coin legends are in
Telugu, Tamil and Kannada.
They supported both Buddhism and Brahminism although they were Hindus
and claimed Brahminical status.
They successfully defended their territories against foreign invaders and had
many on-going battles with the Sakas (Western Satraps)
Important Rulers (AD 285 – AD 550):
Chandragupta-I (319-334)
Samudragupta’s (335-380)
Chandragupta-I (319-334)
He was the first important king -
Samudragupta’s (335-380)
The most powerful of all and very
aggressive, a conqueror
o Ganga-Yamuna-Doab provinces
o Eastern Himalayan states such as Nepal, Assam, Bengal etc.
o Forest kingdoms of the Vindhya region - known as the Atavika
o 12 rulers of Deccan and South India - down to Kanchi in TN
(even Pallavs in the South recognized their suzerainty).
o Shakas and Kushans some of whom were ruling in Afghanistan.
Chandragupta-II (380-412):
He further extended the empire - through marriages and alliance
Got himself the title of Vikramaditya - this title was first adopted by an Ujjain
ruler in 57 BC by defeating the Shakas and Kushans.
King was considered equivalent of Vishnu - goddess Lakshmi is presented
invariably on the Gupta coins as the wife of Vishnu
For the first time, civil and criminal laws were clearly demarcated - several
law books were written
Trade with Roman empire declined after 550AD as the Roman's learned the
art of growing silk from the Chinese around that time.
Due to large land grants to the priestly class, emergence of priestly landlords
at the cost of local peasants
Position of Women:
Allowed to listen to Ramayana, the Mahabharta and Puranas.
Buddhism was flourishing, but did not get the royal patronage anymore.
By the 6th century AD, Vishnu became a part of the Trinity (Brahma, Vishnu
and Shiva).
Gupta period is called as the Golden Age of ancient India:
o They cover the 1st-7th century AD, but most of them belong to
the Gupta period.
For the first time, images of Vishnu, Shiva and some other Hindu gods.
Chief god appears in the middle as higher picture and the others as smaller
one - clear social hierarchy and discrimination.
Buddhist university at Nalanda was set-up in the 5th century AD, and its
earliest structures, made of brick, belong to this period.
Remarkable for the
production of secular
Mrichhakatika of the Little
Clay Cart written by Shudraka
- love affair between a poor
Brahmin boy and daughter of
a courtesan
Harshvardhan (AD 606 - 647).
After the fall of the Gupta empire, the North India was dominated by
individual feudal lord.
Harsha, starting with Thanesar in Haryana consolidated his hold over the
feudatories and extended his authority over all the other feudatories.
Bhanbhatt, who wrote Harshacharita - in such a
flattering and ornate way, that this became the
beginning of such writing going forward.
He is believed to have authored three dramas
Priyadarshika, the Ratnavali and the Nagananda.
Their authority extended both southern Andhra and Northern TN - with capital
at Kanchi (modern Kanchipuram) - town of temples and Vedic learning.
In the deep south (around TN) as a reaction to the Brahmanical dominance
and the social order, emerged the Kalabhras - called the evil rulers
They defeated and imprisoned the Chola, the Pandya and Chera kings
They confiscated the land grants given to the Brahmans, and seems like they
had Buddhist persuasions and patronized Buddhist monks
It required the combined might of the Pandayas, the Pallavs and the
Chalukyas to suppress their uprising
The Chalukyas and Pallavas were always at war to establish their supremacy
in the area - particularly the land lying between the Krishna and
The Pallavas, Chalukyas of Badami and their other counterparts were great
champions of Vedic sacrifices.
Pala Empire – dominated the eastern India till middle of 9th CE.
Pratiharas empire – dominated western India and the upper Gangetic valley till the
middle of the 10th CE.
They tried to extend their control to further North and West, but were
repulsed by the Pratiharas, thus for about a hundred years, form 8th CE to
middle of the 9th CE, they dominated East India – attested by an Arab
merchant Sulaiman (visited India in the middle of the 9th CE).
Pala rulers were great patrons of Buddhist learning and religion – Nalanda
University was revived by Dharmapala and 200 villages were set aside for
meeting its expenses.
The Palas built many viharas in which a large number of Buddhist monks
Close contact with Tibet – invited noted Buddhist scholars Santarakshits and
Dipankara (called Atisa), who introduced new form of Buddhism there – as a
result many Tibetan Buddhists flocked to the universities of Nalanda and
The Palas had great trading links with the SE Asia, including the all-powerful
Sailendra dynasty (ruled over Sumatra, Java and Malaya peninsula).
The Pratiharas
They are also called as Gurjar-Pratihars – they were probably local officials
to start with, but gained fame due to their resistance to the Arabs.
Their initial attempts to gain control over the Upper Ganga valley were
thwarted by the Rasthrakutas.
The real founder of the dynasty was Bhoj – later he revived the conflict with
the Rasthrakutas, and in one of the battles on the banks of Narmada, he
managed to retain his control over Malwa, some parts of GJ.
Arab travelers tell us that they had the best cavalry in India and horse trade
with C Asia was a key affair – following the death of Devpala and the
weakening of the Pala empire, Bhoja also extended his empire in the east.
The Pratiharas dominated N India for over a hundred years – from the first
quarter of ninth to middle of 10th CE.
They were great patrons of
learning and literature – the
dramatists Rajasekhara lived in
the court of Mahipal (grandson of
Bhoja) – also built several fine
buildings and temples in Kanauj.
The Rasthrakutas
While the Palas and Pratiharas
were ruling over N India, the
Deccan was being ruled by the
Rasthrakutas – a remarkable
dynasty which produced a
number of warriors and able
Vasal rulers and autonomous chief limited the area under direct
The kings were generally advised by a number of ministers – the kings were
chosen by the kings, generally from the leading families – often hereditary.
The areas consisted of areas directly administered and the areas ruled over
by the vassal chiefs – the latter were autonomous as far as their internal
affairs were concerned – having a general obligation to loyalty, paying a
fixed tribute and supplying a fixed quota of troops to the overlord.
The directly administered territories in the Pala and Pratiharas were divided
into bhukti (provinces) and mandala or visaya (districts) – the governor of a
province was called uparika and the head of a district was called a visapati –
the uparika was expected to collect land revenue and maintain law and
order. During this period, there was an increase in small chieftains –
samants and bhogapatis.
Under the Rasthrakutas, the directly administered areas were divided into
rashtra (provinces), visaya and bhukti (district) – a bit opposite of the Pala
and Pratiharas terminology.
Below these territorial divisions was the village – basic unit of administration
– administered by the village headman and the village accountant – paid by
grants of the rent-free lands.
In general, irrespective of
the personal belief of the
rulers, they were very
tolerant towards the other
religions – they gave
patronage to all the faiths,
and did not persecute
anyone for his or her
religious beliefs – even
Muslims were welcomed
and allowed to preach
their faith by the
Rashtrakuta kings.
This really meant that the politics and religion were in essence kept apart – the
kings were not dominated by the
priesthood, or by the laws
expounded by them.
Rajaraj also invaded Sri Lanka and annexed its northern part to his empire –
also, he conquered Maldives as well – primarily driven by trade incentive.
Rajendra-I carried forward his father’s legacy and completed the annexation
of Sri Lanka – under Cholas for next 50 years; defeated Cheras and
They marked their victories with erection of a number of temples –
Rajarajeshwara/Bridhseshwara Temple at Tanjore (1010 CE) – they followed a
tradition of having long inscriptions of their victories engraved on the temple
walls – resourceful.
The places of the Cholas were taken by the Pandayas and the Hoysalas in
the south and of the later Chalukyas by the Yadav’s and Kakatiya.
Chola Government:
The all-powerful king had a council of ministers to advise him.
Marco Polo who visited Kerala in the 13th CE during the end of Chola period.
Chola empire was divided into mandalams, which in turn were divided into
valandau and nadu – princes of royal families were appointed as the
governors of the provinces.
Trade flourished during their time and there were some gigantic trade guilds
trading with Java and Sumatra.
They also paid attention to irrigation - many tanks for irrigation were built.
The Mahasabha could settle new lands and exercise ownership rights over
them – it could also raise loans for the village and levy taxes.
The self-government enjoyed by these Chola villages was very fine system!
Cultural Life
The extent and resources of the
Chola empire enabled the rulers to
build great capitals, such as Tanjore,
Gangaikondacholapuram, Kanchi
The temples used to get rent-free land – and over course of time, some of
the temples became so rich that they entered business, lent money, and took
part in business enterprises.
Kailashnath temple at Kanchipuram, Gangaikondacholapuram and
Brihadiswara temple at Tanjore – also called as the Rajaraj temple, as the
Cholas were in the habit of installing the images of the kings and queens in
the temples, in addition to the deity.
After the fall of the Cholas, temple building activity continued under the later
Chalukyas (of Kalyani) and Hoysalas – the district of Dharwar and the
Hoysala capital, Helebid had a large number of temples.
Though, younger than Tamil, Kananda also became a literary language – the
Rasthrakutas, Chalukyas, as well as the Hoysalas patronized Kannada and
Telgu – many Jain scholars also contributed to Kannada – Pampa, Ponna
and Ranna are regarded as three gems of Kananda poetry.
Thus, the period 8th-12th CE was not only remarkable for political integration
in S India, but also for cultural development – trade and commerce also
flourished during this period and agriculture expanded, making it one of the
great periods in the history of S India.
Bhakti-Sufi Tradition
Bhakti movements and Tantric
There were conflicts between
those who followed the Vedic
tradition and those who
practiced the Tantric way of
worshipping deities.
Saguna included traditions that focused on the worship of specific deities such as
Shiva, Vishnu and his avatars (incarnations) and forms of the goddess or Devi.
Nirguna bhakti on the other hand was worship of an abstract form of god.
The saint –poets the Alvars and the Nayanars opposed Buddhism and
Chola kings, tried to win the support of these popular saints and often
attempted to claim divine support and proclaim their own power.
Tevaram (initiative to collect and organize singing of Tamil Shaiva hymns into
a text).
The five pillars of faith in Islam. Those who adopted Islam follow five “pillars “of
There is one God, Allah, and Prophet Muhammad is his messenger (shahada).
Ulama (plural of alim, or one who knows) are scholars of Islamic studies.
Dargah is a Persian term. Its meaning is tomb-shrine. When the sheikh died,
his tomb shrine became the center of devotion for his followers.
Wali (plural Auliya) or friend of God was a Sufi who claimed proximity to
Allah, acquiring His Grace (barakat) to perform miracles (Karamat).
Earliest construction to house the tomb was funded in the late fifteenth
century by Sultan Ghiyasuddin Khalji of Malwa.
Kabir Bijak is preserved by the Kabirpanth
(the path or sect of Kabir) in Varanasi and
in Uttar Pradesh.
The poems of Kabir used words guru and sat guru but do not mention the
name of any specific guru.
Historians pointed out that it is very difficult to establish that Ramananda and
Kabir were contemporaries.
The tenth Guru, Guru Gobind Singh, included the compositions of the ninth
guru; Guru Tegh Bahadur. This scripture was called the Guru GranthaSahib.
AL-Bruni and the Kitab-ul-Hind
Al-Bruni was born in 973, in Khwarizmi
(present day Uzbekistan)
He set off his travel to India in 1332-33 and reached Sind in 1333.
He was able to get the reputation of the Sultan of Delhi, Muhammed bin
The Sultan was impressed by the scholarship of Ibn Battuta and appointed
him as the Qazi or judge of Delhi.
He remained judge for many years. The sultan appointed him as his
ambassador to China.
During his journey to China, he also visited Malabar Coast, Maldives, Bengal,
Assam and Sumatra
Ibn Battuta’s book of travels called Rihla was written in Arabic provides the
social and cultural life in the subcontinent in the 14th century
He described Delhi as a vast city, with a great population, the largest in India
Ibn Battuta noted that the cities obtained its wealth from villages. This was
because of the agricultural production with two crops a year.
Bazaars were not only places of economic transaction but also the hub of
social and cultural activities
Ibn Battuta was amazed by the efficiency of the postal system. The Postal
system was of two kinds.
Once the Portuguese arrived in India in about 1500, a number of them wrote
detailed accounts regarding Indian social customs and religious practices
He was a physician to Prince Dara Shukoh, the eldest son of Emperor Shah
Jahan and intellectual and scientist with Danishmand Khan, an Armenian
noble at the Mughal court
When Ibn Battuta reached Sind, he purchased “horses, camels and slaves”
as gifts for sultan Muhammad bin Tughlaq.
Female slaves were also used to keep a watch on his nobles by the sultan.
The practice of sati, Bernier has provided a detailed description of sati in his
account. He mentioned that while some women seemed to embrace death
cheerfully, others were forced to death. He also noticed the child satin
which a twelve-year-old young widow sacrificed.
Captain William Hawkins 1608 A.D. – 1611 A.D. Captain William Hawkins led
the first expedition of the
English East India Company
to India in 1609.
He visited India during the
reign of Jahangir.
He carried a personal letter
from King James I of
He did not succeed in
getting Jahangir’s
permission to start a
Thomas Roe 1615 A.D. – 1619 A.D. Sir Thomas Roe was an
English diplomat.
He visited India during the
reign of Jahangir in 1615.
He came to seek protection
for an English factory at
His “Journal of the Mission
to the Mughal Empire” is a
treasured contribution to the
history of India.
Gauri Gajni
The Age of Conflict
Mahmud of Ghzani ascended
to the throne (998-1030) at
Ghazni – he is considered as a
hero by medieval Muslim
historians because of his stout
defence against the C Asian
Turkish tribal invaders – the
Ghazni spirit therefore further
increased during his reign.
While Mahmud played an important role in the defence of the Islamic states
against the Turkish tribes and in the Iranian cultural renaissance, in India, his
memory if only that of a plunderer and a destroyer of temples – made 17
raids to India.
He started from the NW Frontier and eventually subdued up to Multan in the
battle of Waihind.
The subsequent raid of Mahmud into India were mainly aimed at plundering
the rich temples and cities of northern Indian in order to continue his struggle
against his enemies in C Asia – for his plundering raids into India, ghazis
came handy to him – he also posed as a great but shikan, or destroyer of
images for the glory of Islam – his most famous raids were on Kanauj in 1018
and Somnath in 1025 – he could do all this with great impunity as no strong
states exited in Indian during this time – his only aim was to plunder and
strengthen his position back home and thus he didn't attempt to annex any of
the Indian territories – died in 1030 at Ghazni.
The style of temple construction which came into prominence was called
• The Parshavnath temple, the Vishvanath temple and Kandarya
Mahadeo temple at Khajurao illustrate this style in most finished and
richest form.
• Most of these temples were built by the Chandella, who ruled the area
from the beginning of the 9th to the end of 13th CE.
Meanwhile, the Chauhan power in the N India had been steadily growing –
they captured Delhi from Tomars around 880 AD.
Battle of Chandawar: Gauri returned and crossed Jamuna, and the battle of
Chandawar with Jaichandra – Jaichandra almost won, but got killed with an
arrow – then he overrun Banaras, ravaged and destroyed a large number of
temples – the Turks established a huge empire extending up to the borders
of Bihar!
Thus, the battle of Tarain and Chandawar led the foundation of the Turkish
rule in N India
Gauri lived up until 1206 and he along with Qutbuddin Aibak continued to
expand his empire – the most successful was the expansion in the east
under the generalship of Bakhtiyar Khalji – he had attacked and destroyed
some of the famous Buddhist monasteries of Bihar, Nalanda and
Delhi Sultanate
The period from 1206 A.D. to 1526 A.D. came to be
known as the Delhi Sultanate period. This period
witnessed many dynasties and various rulers.
Some of the major dynasties and rulers this period witnessed are listed below.
2 Khilji Dynasty
3 Tughluq Dynasty
4 Sayyid Dynasty
5 Lodi Dynasty
(1211–1236) Son-in-law of Qutab-ud-din Aibak
Ruknuddin Feruz
(1236) Son of Iltutmish
(1240–1242) Son of Iltutmish
Muiz ud din
(1287–1290) Grandson of Ghiyasuddin Balban
He Started construction of
the Quwat-ul-Islam
Mosque in Delhi. This is
one of first Islamic
monuments in northern
He was also known as Lakh Bash (Giver of Lakhs) for his generosity.
However, he was also responsible for the destruction and desecration of
many Hindu temples.
He reigned till his death in 1210. He was said to have been trampled to
death by a horse while playing chaugan (polo)
Iltutmish (1210-1236):
In 1221, he stopped an
invasion led by Chengiz
Eventually the nobles realizing that she won’t dance to their tune, managed
to upstage her – she fought valiantly, but was defeated and killed by the
bandits in a forest while she was in flight (Kaithal).
The law-and-order situation in the area around Delhi in the doab had
deteriorated in the Ganga-Jamuna doab and Awadh – the roads were
infested with dacoits and robbers – the Mewatis had become so bold as to
plunder the people up to the outskirts of Delhi – to deal with this, he adopted
a policy of “blood and iron” – merciless suppression of offenders Rajput’s
strongholds was destroyed (some of them also were a part of the problem)
Royal customs-
There has been a good deal of resentment and opposition at the attempt of
the Turkish nobles to monopolize high offices – many non-Turks, such as
Khilji’s, had come to Indian at the time of the Ghurid invasion (overthrow
Ghazni Empire – they had never received sufficient recognition in Delhi, and
had to move to Bengal and Bihar for an opportunity for advancement
For the first time, Muslim armies penetrated as far south as Madurai, and
brought back untold wealth.
Malik Kafur, except for the Tamil armies, managed to defeat others and
make them pay a regular tribute – he plundered as much as he could
including a number of wealthy temples, such as those at Chidambaram
(near Madras), but had to return to Delhi without being able to defeat the
Tamil armies.
Allaudin Khilji 1296–1316 Jalal-ud-din Firoz Khilji’s nephew and the most
powerful ruler of the Khilji period
1316–1320 Son of Allaudin Khilji
Mubarak Shah
He constructed Alai Darwaza, the Palace of a thousand pillars and the Fort
of Siri.
Mahmud Ibn Muhammad
The value of coins dropped; hence he had to withdraw the copper token
• Mohammed-bin-Tughluq’s
domestic policies were
good but due to faulty
implementation measures,
they failed.
Administrative Reforms
He withdrew all Taquavi (agricultural) loans granted by Mohammed-bin-
◦ Jizya-Religious tax
He constructed 150 wells, 100 bridges, and 50 dams, and also dug many
irrigation canals.
Ziauddin Barani and Shams Siraz Atif- wrote two diff books with same title-
Traik- i- Ferozshahi.
Foreign Policy
Firoz Tughlaq surrounded Bengal in 1353 A.D. and 1359A.D.
During his reign, a number of Sanskrit books on medicine, science and arts
were translated into Persian.
Mubarak Khan was greatest, his poet Yahyabin Ahmad Sirhindi wrote Tahrik-
Bahlul/Bahlol 1451–
Founder of the Lodi Dynasty
Lodi 1489
1489– The most prominent ruler of the Lodi Dynasty, founded
Sikander Lodi
1517 Agra city
The Chauhan’s put up a stout fight against the Khilji’s and finally Allaudin
himself had to march against Ranthambhore – the famous poet Amir
Khushrau, who went along with Allaudin, has given a graphic description of
the fort and its investments – also the Jauhar
Then he turned his attention to Chittoor – after a valiant resistance for several
months, he managed to conquer Chittoor.
Almost all the other major states were forced to submit to him – however he
didn’t try to establish
his direct rule over
the Rajput’s – the
Rajput’s rulers were
allowed to rule, but
had to pay regular
tribute – Muslim
garrisons were
posted in some of
the important towns,
such as Ajmer,
Nagpur etc. –
Rajasthan was
thoroughly subdued!
Unlike Rajasthan,
Malwa was brought
under direct control
and a governor was
appointed to look
after it.
Between 1309-
1311, Malik Kafur
took two campaigns
in South India – the first one against Warangal and the other one against
Dwar Samudra (KN) and then TN
By the time Allaudin Khalji came to the throne, the position of the Delhi
Sultanate was fairly well consolidated in the central portion of the empire –
which emboldened the sultans to undertake a series of internal reforms and
experiments, aimed at improving the administration, strengthening the army,
to gear up the machinery of land revenue, and to take steps to expand and
improve cultivation – some failed on account of lack of experience or
because they were not well conceived, or on account of vested opposition
Realization of land revenue in cash, allowed him to pay his soldiers in cash –
he was the first sultan in the sultanate to do so.
After his death, some of his measures continued by his successors, and
later provided a basis for the agrarian reforms of Sher Shah and Akbar
He was deeply read in religion and philosophy and had an open mind – he
conversed not only with the Muslim mystics, but also with the Hindu yogis
and Jain saints. He was also prepared to accept religious concepts as a
matter of faith – and give high offices on the basis of merit, irrespective of
whether they belonged to noble families or not.
Unfortunately, he was inclined to be hasty and impatient – that’s why many
of his experiments have been dubbed as ’ill-starred idealist’ – his father dies
when a hastily ordered (but well intentioned) stage collapsed during a
reception (after winning Bengal) for father Ghiyasuddin Tughlaq.
The most controversial was the shifting of capital to Deogir from Delhi – the
attempts to bring S Indian under direct control had led to serious
administrative difficulties and to address the sultan wanted to make Deogir a
second capital so that he might be able to control S India better – he
ordered many of his able men, including Sufi saints to Deogir, which he
renamed as Daultabad – no attempt was made to shift the rest of the
population from Delhi and Delhi remained a large and populous city in
absence of Sultan.
Daultabad was more than 1500 km away- many people died due to rigors of
journey and heat, many felt homesick – leading to a good deal of discontent
– after a couple of years, he abandoned the idea as he soon realized that
now, he couldn't’t control North from South.
Another step was the introduction of the ‘Token Currency’ – there was a
shortage of silver in the world in the 14th CE, and also a number of rulers in
other parts of the world have already successfully experimented with Token
Currency, he introduced ‘bronze coin’ which was to have same value as the
silver tanka – people started forging the new coins, which the administration
failed to control – the idea failed, and Tughlaq withdrew the idea!
The Moroccan traveler, Ibn Battuta, who came to Delhi in 1333, couldn’t see
any harmful after-effects of these experiments
During the latter half of the Muhammad Tughlaq’s reign, there were repeated
rebellions in different parts of the empire – he didn’t trust anyone, and he
dashed from one part of the country to the other to suppress the rebellions
and worse out his armies
Soon after his returns from South, there was a rebellion led by two brother
Hari Har and Bukka – they set-up the Vijayanagar Empire, which gradually
embraced the entire South.
While still in Sindh (trying to put down a rebellion) he died and was
succeeded by his cousin, Firuz Tughlaq
The Sultan
• His office was the most important of all – responsible for almost everything,
including law and justice – appointed judges to discharge justice – sultan
acted as a court of appeal form the judges– a direct appeal could be made
to him against the high-headedness of any of the officials
• Like of Balban, delivered justice in a fair manner – not even sparing the high
and mighty – Mohammad Tughlaq extended this to even the religious classes
(ulama), which had previously been exempted from harsh punishments
• Even though Islamic rules advocated election as the rule of succession, but
there was not clear doctrine of succession – and whoever managed to
muster the military strength, managed to claim the throne
Central Administration:
• A definite system of administration developed towards the end of the 13th
• Of all the Delhi rulers, Allaudin Khalji had the largest standing
army – he was also the first sultan to pay the soldiers fully in
cash – earlier, the Turkish rulers had assigned a number of
villages for payment of the salary – the efficiency of Allaudin’s
army was the main factor in his ability to contain the Mongol
invasions while conquering the Deccan at the same time.
• Diwan-i-risalat:
• Dealt with the religious matters.
Local Administration:
• Iqtas – tracts of lands, which were parceled among the leading Turkish
nobles – holders of these were called the muqtis or walis – it was these
tracts, which later became Subas:
• They were semi-independent – they were expected to maintain law and order
in their tracts and collect the land-revenue due to the Govt – out of the
money collected, they were expected to meet the salaries of the soldieries
and keep the balance
• But, as the Sultans started to become strong, they started to exercise a
closer control over the muqtis and start to expect them to remit the rest of
the amount
• Below the Iqtas, were the shiqs and below them were the parganas – the
parganas were headed by amil
• The most important people in the village were the khut (landowners) – we
also hear of the patwari
• He says that the soil was so fertile that the peasants could produce two
crops every year.
Trade, Industry and the Merchants:
• Ib Battutah called Delhi as the largest city in the eastern part of the Islamic
• Some of the important crafts introduced by the Turks were the
manufacturing of paper – paper manufacturing was discovered by the
Chinese in the 2nd CE, got known to the Arabs by the 5th CE, and travelled to
Europe only during the 14th CE.
• During this period fine Indian textiles were introduced to China as well, where
it was valued more than silk.
• Indian imported high-grade textiles (satin etc.) from W Asia, glassware and
of course horses – imported raw silk and porcelain from China.
• India’s foreign trade both overland and overseas was truly an international
enterprise – although the Arabs were the dominant partners in the Indian
Ocean trade, they had by no means ousted the Indian traders.
• In those time, travel was always a risky affair due to robbers and dacoits and
various marauding tribes, but the royal roads were kept in good shape and
there were many Sarais on the way for the comfort and safety of the
• Introduction of new crafts such as iron stirrup, large scale use of armor,
cavalry etc. led to the growth of the metallurgical industry, and metal crafts.
Period Examples
So, in 1526 he defeated the Sultan of Delhi, Ibrahim Lodi and his Afghan
supporters, at (First) Panipat (War) and captured Delhi and Agra.
Most of the soldiers and officers of Daulat Khan Lodhi joined the ranks of
recorded in his diary that the Indian soldiers knew how to die and not how
to fight.
In 1528, Babur captured Chanderi from another Rajput ruler Medini Rai.
after this success Humayun besieged Chunar then held by the able Afghan
chief named Sher Khan
Humayun defeated Bahadur Shah (Guj) but could not retain his conquest as
he was soon recalled to the east to meet the revolt of Sher Khan.
In the Battle of Chausa (A.D. 1539) Humayun was completely defeated by
Sher Khan.
In 1540 Humayun had one more encounter with Sher Shah at Bilgram near
Kanauj but again met with a crushing defeat and was compelled to leave
Humayun yielded to the necessity and conquered Kabul and Kandhar from
his brother Kamran, with the help of Persian troops.
Humayun defeated the Afghan forces of Sikandar Sur in battle of Sirhind and
occupied Agra and Delhi (A.D. 1555).
Purana Qila in Delhi and his own Tomb in Sasaram- middle of lake.
Akbar Conquests
Banned forced
Ibatkhana at
Fatehpur Sikri for
discourses- invited
father Monserrate
and father Aquinois
on Christianity, Pt.
Purshotam on
Jainsena, Raza on
In 1579- Decree of
Infallibility called
Mahazir or
Akbar became Mir-
i-Adil (Chief
interpreter of
1582- Din-i-illahi
meaning universal
Jahangir [1605-1627]
Sheikhu Baba
Aurangzeb [1658-1707]
Abolished kalimas. Mohitisib, royal censor
officer was entrusted with responsibility of
enforcing Koran.
Jats under leadership of Gokul and then under Churamal and Badan Singh
and Est. Independent Bharatpur.
9th Sikh guru was executed Guru Teg Bhahdur. Therefore, Sikh revolted
(Sheesh Ganj)
Mughal Administration
Ain-i-Akbari by Abul Fazal on Akbar Admin.
Iqbalnamah Jahangiri on
Jah Admin
Padshahnamah written by
Abdul Hamid Lahori on
Shahjahan admin.
Muntakab-ul- Lubab by
Khafi Khan on Admin of
Diwan- FM
Mir-i-Dakchowki (post
Empire divided into Subas, headed by Subedar from times of Akbar, Qazi for
Judicial, Paraganahwas was group of villages.
Mansabdari system
Indo Islamic Architecture
Qutbuddin Aibak- Quwat-ul-Islam
mosque, first pure Islamic, Adhai-
din ka Jhopra, laid foundation of
Qutub Minar dedicated to Bakhtiyar
Kaki (to commemorate victory of
Ghiazuddin Tuglaq-Tughlaqabad,
Firoz Hauz Khas, Firoz Shah Kotla.
Mughal Arch.
Babur- Aram Bagh in Agra, His tomb
in Kabul.
Fatehpur Sikri- Akbar- Sheikh Salim Chisti, Buland Darwaza (mark victory on
Gujrat), Jodha Bai Palace, Mariam Mahal, Panch Mahal.
Khas Mehal, Shees Mahal, Angoori Bagh, Machei Mahal, Mausambari and
Moti Masjid in Agra red Fort. Taj Mahal 1631-1653, till them Mumtaz burials
kept at Berhampur. Estimated cost of 3 crore Dams. Usha Isa khan- Chief
Bahadur Shah:
Bahadur Shah I (1707-12) was the first and the last of the later Mughal
rulers to exercise real authority
Abolished Jizya
was a weak ruler and came to the throne chiefly – with the help of Zulfikar
Khan, the powerful noble who as a reward was made the
wazir (prime minister).
In 1715, Banda Bahadur, last Sikh ruler was executed. He preserved Mughal
Paintings at Red Fort.
Nadir Shah attacked Delhi in 1739 and took away Kohinoor Diamond and
Peacock Throne to Persia.
In 1765, Allahabad treaty and grant Diwani rights to EIC in Bengal, Bihar and
Akbar II (1806-1837)
Ali Gauhar, the son of Alamgir II became the Mughal emperor in 1759 and
took up the title of Shah Alam II
Nominal head of 1857 mutiny, Mirza Galib was patronized by him. Deported
to Burma
Vijayanagar Empire
The Vijayanagar Empire was founded by Harihara and Bukka and the reign
was from 1336 A.D to 1646 A.D.
Harihara and Bukka are the founders of the Vijayanagar City in 1336 A.D. on
the southern banks of Tungabhadra
Harihara I
In 1336 A.D. Harihara I became the ruler of Sangama
His Contributions
An able administrator.
He developed the naval power understanding the vital role of overseas trade.
It was during his period the Vijayanagar Empire reached its zenith of glory.
Ashtadiggajas: A group of eight scholars adorned his court and they were:
o Madayagari Mallana
o Dhurjati
o Pingali Surana
o Tenali Ramakrishna
The provinces were divided into districts and the districts were further divided
into smaller units namely villages.
The Army
Revenue Administration
The land was carefully surveyed and taxes were collected based on the
fertility of the soil.
Major importance was given to agriculture and in building dams and canals.
Judicial Administration
Severe punishments
were given for the
Position of Women
Women occupied a
high position and took
an active part in the
political, social and
literary life of the
Nuniz writes that the kings had women astrologers, clerks, accountants,
guards and wrestlers.
Social life
Economic conditions
The Hazara Ramasami temple and Vittalaswamy temple was built during this
The bronze
image of
Raya is a
Sanskrit, Tamil,
Telugu and
literature were
Sayana wrote
on Vedas.
wrote Amuktamalyada in Telugu and Usha Parinayam and Jambavathi
Kalyanam in Sanskrit.
(Typical style of Dravidian Architecture)
His kingdom stretched from the Arabian Sea to the Bay of Bengal, included
the whole of Deccan up to the river Krishna with its capital at Gulbarga.
He died in 1435A.D.
o Bijapur
o Ahmednagar
o Bera
o Golconda
o Bidar
Tarafs – The kingdom was divided into many provinces called Tarafs
Tarafdar or Amir – Governor who controlled the Tarafs.
Contribution to Education
➢ Portuguese
➢ Dutch
➢ English
➢ Danes
➢ French
❑ In 1502 A.D., the Portuguese established their settlements at Cochin, Calicut and Cannanore.
Portuguese Governors
❑ Fransisco de Almada- He was the first Portuguese Governor and founder of Blue Water Policy.
❑ Nino de Cunha shifted the capital city from Cochin to Goa in 1530.
❑ St. Xavier, the popular Jesuit father visited India during the tenure of Alfanso de D’souza.
❑ On the West Coast, the Portugese had settlements at -Ormuz, Dabool, Cambay, Surat, Goa, Daman and Diu,
Salsette, Bassein, Kalyan.
❑ The East Coast settlements were-Santhome near Chennai and Hugli in Bengal.
❑ On the Malabar Coast Portugese settlements were -Cochin, Calicut and Cannanore.
❑ In 1612, Captain Best of the English defeated the Portuguese in the Battle of Swalley and they’ lost Surat to
the English.
❑ In 1668, Mumbai was given away as dowry to Prince Charles II of Enginad who married the Portuguese
Princess Catherine of Briganza.
❑ They were only left with Goa, Daman and Diu upto 1961.
❑ Dutch East India Company was founded in Machilipatnam (in Andhra Pradesh) in 1605
❑ Batavia in Indonesia was the main centre for entire Dutch trade in Asia and hence the Dutch trade was
called Batavian Trade.
❑ Anglo-Dutch Rivalry In 1622, 23 English merchants were killed by the Dutch at a place called Ambayano in
Indonesia (Ambayao Massacre).
❑ In retaliation, the English defeated the Dutch in the Battle of Bedara in 1759
❑ The Dutch surrendered all their settlements in India in return for all English settlements in Indonesia
❑ John Mindan Hall was the first English to visit India in 1599, the court of Akbar in Agra.
❑ In December 1600, East India Company was founded as a Joint Stock Company of shareholders.
❑ It was given a Charter with monopoly rights for 15 years by Queen Elizabeth.
❑ They founded their first settlement/factory at Machilipatnam in 1611 A.D. with the permission of Md. Quti
Qutub Shah of Golconda through a Golden Farmana. Surat in 1612.
❑ In 1690, Job Charnock fortified three villages: Sutanuti,Gobindapur and Kalikatta, founded the city of
❑ In 1667, Bombay became the main centre of English trade on the West coast.
❑ English trade- Their maximum trade was in printed textiles called ‘Calicoes
❑ Captain Hawkins, Captain Edwards and Sir Thomas Roe were the English ambassadors to visit the court of
❑ In 1690, Aurangzeb defeated the English but permitted them to trade on the condition that they would pay
Rs.3000 per annum.
❑ In 1717, Mughal Emperor Fraukh Siyar conferred Golden Farmana exempting the English from customs
duties in Deccan and Gujarat.
❑ Danish East India Company was founded in 1616 A.D. Their two settlements in India were
❑ Of all Europeans, the Danes were the formost promoters of Chistianity in India.
❑ The French East India Company was founded in 1664 A.D. at the instance of Jean Coulburt, the Finance
Minister of Louis XIV who was called the ‘Financial Wizard of Europe’.
❑ The French founded their first settlement at Surat in 1666 at the instance of Francois Karan.
❑ Their other settlements were Machillipatnam, Pondicherry, Yanam, Mahe, Karaikal, and Chandernagore.
❑ Dupleix, the French Governor was the founder of the idea ‘French Empire in India’.
❑ The First Carnatic War started with Austrian War of Succession between England and France in Europe.
❑ Dupleix defeated the English and captured Fort St. George (Madras).
❑ The Nawab of Carnatic, Anwaruddin sent armies in support of the English. Dupleix defeated the armies of
Anwaruddin in the Battle of Santhome (1747 A.D.) near Adyar (Chennai).
❑ It was the first Battle in modern India between native and foreign armies and it exposed the weaknesses that
marred the Indian army. The war ended with Aixla Chapelle Treaty / Paris Treaty signed in 1748 A.D.
❑ In the Civil war that started at Hyderabad after death of Asaf Jhah Zizam ul Mulk , the French supported
Muzaffar Jung and English supported Nasir Jung.
❑ Dupleix defeated the English armies in the Battle of Ambur (1749), However, Muzaflar Jung was killed by
the Nawabs of Kurnool and Cuddapah. Rench Declare Salabat Jung as Nawab of Hyderabad
❑ Salabat Jung gave Coastal districts (Northen Circars) to french. Chanda Sahib was Killed in battle of Arini
❑ In 1751, Salabat Jung gave away Northern Circars (Coastal Andhra districts) to the French.
❑ Robert Clive, an accountant in the East India Company captured Arcot which was the capital city of Carnatic
and held the fort for 53 days, following which Dupleix was suspended.
1907 Surat Rash Behari Ghosh Party splits into extremists and
1911 Calcutta Bishan Narayan Dar ‘Jana Gana Mana’ sung for the first
1916 Lucknow Ambica Charan Mazumdar Lucknow Pact – joint session with
the Muslim League
1918 Bombay And Syed Hasan Imam (bombay) And Two sessions were held. First in
Delhi Madan Mohan Malaviya (delhi) Bombay in August/September
Second in Delhi in December
1930 No Session – –
Constitutional Reforms & Policies
1773 Regulating Act ;The First Constitutional Reform provided for —
A Court of Directors for the East India company (60 members).
The Governor of Bengal was made the Governor General of Fort Williams.
A Legislative Body called Governor General -in -Council with 4 members was created.
The Supreme Court of Calcutta was provided with 2 Judges and a Chief Justice (Eliza
Imphey became the first Chief Justice).
The company servants were barred from accepting bribes and presents.
Pitts’ India Act, 1784 —
It was passed to rectify the drawbacks of the Regulating Act. It was also the first
attempt on the part of the Parliament to control the company indirectly. The Act
provided for-
Board of Control with 6 members called Commissioners and a President to monitor
the functioning of Court of Directors. The President was answerable to the
The Governors of Bombay and Madras were put under effective control of the
Governor General of Fort Williams.
The membership of the Legislative Body was reduced from four to three.
The Supreme Court of Calcutta was meant only for English subjects.
The Act authorised the Court of Directors to make all the recruitments in India.
Charter Act, 1813 –
Started Free Trade Policy, ending the monopoly on all items except Tea and Opium.
The Act made training compulsory for all Civil Servants before joining the Service.
It provided Rs 1 Lac for promoting education in British India.
Charter Act, 1833 —-
Completely ended the monopoly on all the items of trade including Tea and Opium
(Complete Free Trade Policy).
Centralisation of Legislation started. The laws made by Governor General –in-council
in Calcutta were applicable to Bombay and Madras Presidencies also.
Governor General of Fort Williams was made Governor General of British India.
William Bentick became the first Governor General of British India.
A law member was appointed for the first time in Governor General - in - Couneil.T-B.
Macaulay was the first Law member.
The Act for the first time recommended the appointment of Indians into the Civil
Charter Act, 1853 —
Relieved the Governor General from the of responsibility of chair of Governor of
Bengal (Lord Dalhousie became the first Governor General without the additional
responsibility of being the Governor of Bengal). A Lt. Governor was appointed for
Bengal (Andrew Fraser).
The recruitment and recalling rights were transferred from the Court of Directors to
Board of Control. Written Competitive Exams started from 1854.
Indian Councils Act, 1861-
Provided for the Legislative Councils in Bombay, Madras and Calcutta for the
nomination of Indian members called the Non-official members.
Under the Act, Lord Canning introduced the ‘Portfolio System’. Under this allocation
of departments took place for the first time.
Indian Councils Act, 1892-
Provided for the first time the platform for indirect elections.
Indian members were permitted to ask the questions but were not given the right to
Minto — Morley Reforms, 1909 / Government of India Act, 1909 —
Separate communal electorates were granted to the Muslims.
For the first time, Indians were allowed to be appointed in the Viceroy’; Executive
Council (Lord S.P.Sinha became the first Indian to be appointed to Viceroy’s
Executive Council and was given the Law portfolio)
For the first time, the official majority was removed at the provincial level (Indian
members became majority in Provinces).
Montage — Chelmsford Reforms / Government of India Act, 1919 —
Dyarchy was established at the provincial level. Under dyarchy, the subjects of
power were divided into reserved and transferred lists. Under reserved subjects-
Finance, Internal Order, Jails, Revenue were administrated by Governor and his
Executive Council. The transferred subjects like Education, Public Health, Sanitation,
Municipal Administration, Irrigation and Industries were to be administrated by
Governor and his Council of Ministers.
The Act provided for the first time- general (direct) elections. The elected
Government at the provincial level would administer the transferred subjects.
Bicameral Legislatures (Council of States i.e. the Upper House and Central Legislative
Assembly i.e. the Lower House)were Introduced at the central level.
Devolution of powers was for the first time, dividing the powers into Central and
The office of the Indian High commission was created for the first time in London to
promote cultural, trade and commercial links between England and India.
Government of India Act 1935
The last constitutional reform of the British provided for —
A Federal government With British India and Princely States but federation never
materialized as Princely states never joined the Federation.
Dyarchy was abolished
Elected /Responsible Governments at the provinces were given all the subjects of
power under the Provincial list.
Division of power took place for the first time dividing the powers into
Central,Provincial and Concurrent (Residuary)lists.
Bicameral Legislatures were introduced in 6 provinces (Madras, Bombay, Bihar, UP,
Assam and Bengal)
Separate communal electorates were given to Sikhs, Anglo — Indians and Parsis.
A Federal Court of Justice with six Judges and one Chief Justice was provided which
became later the Supreme Court of India (The Federal Court was founded in 1937).
Federal Reserve Bank and Federal Service Commission were all provided
The Governor General at the Centre and Governors in provinces were given absolute
Veto powers.
Important Cases & Trials
The First Case: Chapekar Brothers (1897)
Brothers Damodar, Balkrishna and Vasudeo Chapekar shot at WC Rand, ICS, Chairman of
the Special Plague Committee in 1897.
Rand’s military escort Lieutenant Ayerst died on the spot whereas Rand died a few days
later due to wounds.
The brothers were against the atrocities committed by the British authorities under
Rand during the plague epidemic in Pune.
The government in order to curb the spread of the epidemic ended up harassing Indians
and employing extreme measures.
All the three brothers were hanged for the assassination.
Alipore Bomb Conspiracy Case (1908)(Overthrow British rule)
Also called Muraripukur conspiracy or Manicktolla bomb conspiracy.
Douglas Kingsford was an unpopular British Chief Magistrate who was the target of the
bomb thrown at Muzaffarpur (Northern Bihar).
Unfortunately, the carriage at which the bomb was targeted contained two English
ladies and not Kingsford. The two women died in the attack.
Revolutionaries who threw the bomb were Prafulla Chaki and Khudiram Bose.
Chaki committed suicide while Bose, then only 18 years of age, was caught and
sentenced to death by hanging.
The other people who were tried in the case were Aurobindo Ghosh and his brother
Barin Ghosh, Kanailal Dutt, Satyendranath Bose and more than 30 others.
They were all members of the Anushilan Samiti in Calcutta.
Aurobindo Ghosh was acquitted due to lack of evidence and others served varying
in prison.
Curzon Wyllie's Assassination (1909)
The India House was an organisation in London involved in the freedom struggle of India
mainly engaging Indian students in the UK as its participants.
Patrons of this organisation included Shyamji Krishna Varma and Bhikaiji Cama.
India House became the centre of revolutionary activities for Indian independence
outside India.
The organisation was liquidated after the assassination of an army officer Curzon Wyllie
by its member Madan Lal Dhingra in 1909.
Howrah Gang Case (1910)
Also known as Howrah-Sibpur Conspiracy case.
In this case, 47 revolutionaries associated with the Anushilan Samiti were arrested and
tried for the murder of Inspector Shamsul Alam.
Alam was investigating the revolutionary activities of the Samiti and was trying to link
and consolidate the murders and robberies into a single case.
The case brought to light the work of revolutionary Jatindranath Mukherjee.
Despite attempts, the case could not establish the links, mainly due to the decentralised
nature of the Samiti.
Of all the accused, only Jatindranath Mukherjee and Narendranath Bhattacharjee were
sentenced to one year imprisonment.
Delhi-Lahore Conspiracy Case (1912)
Also known as the Delhi Conspiracy Case.
This was an assassination attempt on Lord Hardinge, the then Viceroy of India.
The revolutionaries were led by Rashbehari Bose.
A homemade bomb was thrown into the viceroy’s howdah (elephant-carriage) during a
ceremonial procession in Delhi. The occasion was the transfer of the British capital from
Calcutta to Delhi.
Lord Hardinge was injured while an Indian attendant was killed.
Bose escaped being caught whereas a few others were convicted for their roles in the
Kakori Conspiracy (1925)
This was a case of a train robbery that occurred near Kakori in Uttar Pradesh.
The attack was led by the youth of the Hindustan Republican Association (later renamed
Hindustan Socialist Republican Association) including Ram Prasad Bismil, Ashfaqulla
Khan, Chandrashekhar Azad, Rajendra Lahiri, Thakur Roshan Singh and others.
It was believed that the train carried money bags belonging to the British government.
One person was killed during the robbery.
The revolutionaries were arrested and tried in court.
Bismil, Khan, Lahiri and Roshan Singh were sentenced to death. Others were sentenced
to deportation or imprisonment.
Chittagong Armoury Raid (1930)
Also known as Chittagong Uprising.
This was an attempt by revolutionaries to raid the police armoury and the auxiliary
forces armoury from Chittagong (now in Bangladesh).
They were led by Surya Sen. Others involved were Ganesh Ghosh, Lokenath Bal, Pritilata
Waddedar, Kalpana Dutta, Ambika Chakraborty, Subodh Roy, etc.
The raiders were not able to locate any arms but were able to cut telephone and
telegraph wires.
After the raid, Sen hoisted the Indian flag at the police armoury.
Many of the revolutionaries involved escaped but some were caught and tried.
The government came down heavily on the revolutionaries. Many were sentenced to
imprisonment, deported to the Andaman, and Surya Sen was sentenced to death by
hanging. Sen was brutally tortured by the police before he was hanged.
Central Assembly Bomb Case (1929) & Lahore Conspiracy Case (1931)
Revolutionaries Bhagat Singh and Batukeshwar Dutt sought to draw attention to their
revolution by throwing a bomb along with leaflets in the Assembly House at Delhi.
They did not attempt to escape and were arrested and jailed for the act.
Their intention was not to hurt anyone but to popularise their revolutionary activities
and philosophy.
Bhagat Singh was re-arrested in connection with the murder of a British police officer, JP
Saunders. This case was called the Lahore Conspiracy Case.
Saunders was killed mistakenly as the real target was another police officer, James
Scott, who was responsible for the lathi charge that killed Lala Lajpat Rai.
Others involved in this killing were Sukhdev, Rajguru and Chandrashekhar Azad.
They were all members of the Hindustan Socialist Republican Association.
While in prison, Bhagat Singh, Rajguru and Sukhdev along with other political prisoners
went on a hunger strike to demand better conditions of prisoners in the jails.
After the trial, all three were sentenced and executed by hanging in March 1931. Azad
was martyred the same year in February in a gun battle with the police in a park in
Journals And Newspaper & Famous Statements
Year Name Newspaper/ Journal Founder
Aaram Haraam Hai (Cast off your laziness) Jawahar Lal Nehru(Not authentic)
Jai jawan jai Kisan Lal Bahadur Shastri (during India-Pakistan War of
Famous Quotes and Slogan Name
Tum Mujhe Khoon Do, main Tumhe Ajadi Doonga”. Subhash Chandra Bose
(Give me blood and I will give you freedom)
A blow to the sticks on my head will prove to be the Lala Lajpat Rai
nail of the casket of the British rule
Muslims were foolish, they demanded protection Abul kalam azad
and Hindus were also foolish, they rejected that
Satyameva Jayate” (Truth alone will win) Pandit Madan Mohan Malaviya